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Chicago group with 'machine guns' open fire, killing 14-year-old and wounding 3
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7 23:59 Big Cheque3446 [27] 
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3 21:29 ed in texas [36]
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5 21:00 Goober Johnson8951 [33]
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1 12:50 Super Hose [32]
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1 21:36 49 Pan [19]
5 13:12 M. Murcek [19]
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2 08:50 lord garth [32]
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5 12:07 NoMoreBS [17]
9 15:26 Enver Slager8035 [26]
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20 22:22 Silentbrick [23]
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5 13:41 Raj [22]
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10 14:47 Super Hose [38]
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23 20:49 Airandee [29]
8 17:06 Enver Slager8035 [19]
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1 10:44 Enver Slager8035 [19]
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4 11:48 Flater Forkbeard8651 [19]
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6 20:07 Frank G [31]
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6 12:53 Super Hose [19]
Good Morning

CNN's Bakari Sellers calls Nikki
Haley 'white governor' after town hall
Tuesday June 6th, 2023

Stylish ladies of the 60's
Palestinian gets two life sentences
for murdering Israeli man in 2015 terror attack
Islamic State-linked Australians
held in Syria launch repatriation bid
Egyptian cop who killed IDF troops
is named, said to have griped about border duty
UN nuclear chief rebuffs Israeli criticism
on Iran, says agency 'very fair but firm'
Three charged with West Bank arms smuggling ring
Drug trade in south Syria used
for Assad gov't extortion, financial gain
Chicago group with 'machine guns'
open fire, killing 14-year-old and wounding 3

Posted by: Fred || 06/06/2023 11:34 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Inspiration for Mario Bros?
Posted by: Frank G || 06/06/2023 11:38 Comments || Top||

#2  Jill wants to know where she can get one for Joe.
Posted by: Enver Slager8035 || 06/06/2023 11:39 Comments || Top||

Posted by: M. Murcek || 06/06/2023 11:52 Comments || Top||

#5  Perhaps Brandon invented the polka-dot headgear in the 60s.
Posted by: Bobby || 06/06/2023 12:16 Comments || Top||

#6  Looks like some kind of pre-Islamic sun god and moon god religious headgear.
Posted by: jpal || 06/06/2023 16:50 Comments || Top||

#7  Kinda hard to tell which one's riding pillion.
Posted by: Big Cheque3446 || 06/06/2023 23:59 Comments || Top||

Freedom Front Claims: Two Taliban Fighters Slain and Four Injured in Baghlan Province
[8am] The Freedom Front claims that, as a result of an armed attack by its members on Taliban
...Arabic for students...
fighters in Baghlan province, two Taliban fighters have been killed, and four others have been injured.

The media office of the Freedom Front stated that the attack took place on Sunday night, June 4, at around 9:00 PM in the vicinity of Pol-e Khomri, the center of Baghlan.

The Freedom Front has not provided any information regarding its own casualties in this incident.

Local sources in Pol-e Khomri have confirmed the occurrence of this clash.

So far, the Taliban have not shown any reaction to the Freedom Front’s claim.

After several months, this is the first time that the Freedom Front has carried out armed attacks on the Taliban in Baghlan.

Over the past two years, Baghlan, located in the northern part of the country, has consistently witnessed intense festivities between the Taliban and fighters of the Freedom Front.

It is worth mentioning that the Freedom Front’s attacks on Taliban positions have decreased significantly following the deaths of Akmal Amir and Basir Andarabi, prominent commanders of this group in Salang district of Parwan province.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [36 views] Top|| File under: Taliban/IEA

Daily Evacuation Brief June 6, 2023
[AfghanDigest] LAST 24 HOURS
  • PAKISTAN POLICE EVICT AFGHANS FROM CAMP IN ISLAMABAD, SOME ARRESTS REPORTED – A moderately sized refugee camp that has long since been established near a club for Pakistan journalists has been razed by Pakistani police units and the occupants were evicted. The incident occurred during the night and the residents complained that they had nowhere else to go. Other arrests had been reported around the city and several Afghan refugees reported that they had been brought in for questioning and had their documents reviewed. The rumors of arrests came from three-quarters of the Districts although no officials have commented on the arrests. Several human rights and refugee groups have called on the Government to halt further security operations.

  • TALIBAN OFFICIALS CONFIRM SAR-E POL POISONINGS – A spokesman for the Taliban police confirmed that approximately 80 people (primarily young female students) had been poisoned at two schools in the Sancharak District. The spokesperson said that ‘unknown people’ had entered the schools and when the students arrived, they rapidly became sick. The police did not say who might be behind the plot and what agents might have been used but a source in Iran said that water was likely used as the delivery mechanism, since it affected such a broad group. No deaths have been reported since the incident took place and those affected have been receiving treatment in a nearby hospital. Some press outlets have claimed the incident is the first of its kind since the Taliban regained the reigns of power. However, there are those who say that Hazara female students had been poisoned in a similar attack in 2022. The disgusting tactic was employed on occasion during the Taliban’s previous regime in the 1990s. The schools targeted were the Naswan-e-Kabod Aab and Naswan-e-Faizabad primary schools. There are unconfirmed reports that other schools in the area plan to cancel classes until the situation is investigated. For its part, the Taliban seem to be miscalculating the force of international outrage the event has sparked. Sources say only a cursory investigation was launched in response and few expect any of the perpetrators to be brought to justice.

  • GENDER BANS DRIVES DOWN UN AID REQUEST – As a result of the bans on females in both the education and humanitarian relief sectors, the United Nations and other major NGOs have lowered requests for donor states from $4.6 billion to $3.2 billion. The move was attributed directly to the gender discrimination policies enacted by the Taliban’s Supreme Leader as the UN and NGOs in the country relied heavily on women to facilitate the various programs throughout the country.

  • TALIBAN AGREES TO VISIT BY AUSTRALIAN WAR CRIMES INVESTIGATORS – Zabihullah Mujahid, chief spokesman for the Taliban told an Australian news agency that a team of Australian officials has been invited to the country to conduct an investigation over war crimes that are alleged to have been committed by Australian troops. Some are pushing back against the trip, saying it is a precursor to granting recognition. No dates for the team’s visit have yet been announced.

  • SUPREME LEADER MEETS WITH PROVINCIAL EDUCATION DELEGATES – Many had hoped the meeting would signal an end to the ban on women’s education and that the long-awaited curriculum for girls would be approved. However, early reports suggest the meeting was mainly about status updates from the various regions and did not include any substantive discussion about the status of female students. Apparently, the decision to allow females back into the classroom will be made by religious scholars.

Nuristan: A sniper killed 1 Taliban security forces member in an operation targeting a Taliban camp in the Gamdish district. The operation took place at night.
Baghlan: A Taliban security checkpoint in Pul Khomri was attacked early yesterday night by an assault team of the Azadi Front. 2 Taliban were killed and 4 others wounded in the action.

REFUGEE POPULATION ALONG DURAND LINE OUTRAGED OVER PLAN TO RESETTLE THEM IN OTHER PROVINCES – While there is no discernible threat of violence in the next twenty-four hours, we feel it is important to warn at-risk Afghans after thousands of displaced persons living along the Durand Line found out they would be forcibly removed and sent to other parts of Afghanistan. Sources close to the situation say the refugees feel like they have been ‘sold out’ by the Taliban to appease Pakistan and the rumors circulating among many suggest they will be sent to the Northern Provinces in an effort to establish a larger Pashtun presence there. We believe the risk here is real in that, the area is considered to be one of the most heavily armed regions in all of Afghanistan. Many of the refugees in the area are said to have ties to the TTP and the source said that the concern raised by the Ministry of the Interior over possible defections to ISIS-K were waved off by Kandahar. Depending on when the displacement operation is put into effect, it is a near certainty that violence will ensue. Those at-risk Afghans living/working in the area should pay particularly close attention to announcements about the program’s implementation as that could provide a timely warning.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Taliban/IEA

Yazidi migrants rescued days after being stuck on the Turkish-Greek border
[Rudaw] Greece rescued tens of migrants colonists stranded on an islet on the Ottoman Turkish-Greek border over the past two days, after sending a video message across social media asking for help.

On Saturday a video of a group of over 80 Yazidi migrants colonists emerged on social media claiming to be stranded on a small island in the Maritsa (Evros) River between The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the only place on the face of the earth that misses the Ottoman Empire...
and Greece for four days, the migrants colonists were appealing to Greece to admit them into its territory.

Murad Ismael, the co-founder of the US-based Yazda Foundation, which advocates for the Yazidi population globally, first posted the video demanded for immediate intervention as the immigrants colonists were in dire condition.

Ismael later posted on Sunday that he contacted sources in Greece who reported that the Greek authorities "have taken the Yazidis from the islet to Greece".

A source from Greece’s citizen ministry on Sunday told AFP that they would rescue the stranded migrants colonists after the Ottoman Turkish authorities did not respond to their calls to take them back.

Greece is considered a gateway to Western Europa
...the land mass occupying the space between the English Channel and the Urals, also known as Moslem Lebensraum...
for migrants colonists passing through Turkey, including many Kurds taking dangerous land or sea journeys with the hopes of making better lives for themselves and their families. But with the extensive patrolling on the Aegean Sea, asylum-seekers now opt to use the Maritsa River as a crossing point to the borders of the European Union
...the successor to the Holy Roman Empire, only without the Hapsburgs and the nifty uniforms and the dancing...

In 2016, Turkey and the EU signed a multi-billion euro deal aimed at containing a wave of migration into Europe. Under the deal, Ankara agreed to stop people from travelling irregularly to Europe and to accept failed asylum seekers from Europe. In exchange, Turkey received funds and Ottoman Turkish citizens could travel to Europe visa-free.

a person who gets all wrapped up in himself makes a mighty small package...
Greece says over the past few years, Turkey has not adhered to the terms agreed upon in the 2016 deal.

"Since [March 2020], Ottoman Turkish authorities are not cooperating and they are not accepting people back to their territory," Marios Kaleas, Greece’s director of asylum services, told Rudaw last month.

Athens has been accused by human rights
...which are usually entirely different from personal liberty...
organizations of assaulting migrants colonists and pushing them back across the border into Turkey. In 2022, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Greece had violated the EU’s human rights convention in its practice of forcing boats of asylum seekers back to Turkey.

Greece built a five meters high, 38 kilometers long steel fence across the river to prevent immigrants colonists from entering the country through Turkey, the previous conservative government which is expected to win an election on June 25, has decided to extend the fence by 35 kilometers.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Migrants/Illegal Immigrants

Militant, facilitator involved in Swat shootout in May arrested: KP IG
[Dawn] Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Inspector General (IG) Akhtar Hayat Khan said on Monday that Swat
...a valley and an administrative district in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistain, located 99 mi from Islamabad. It is inhabited mostly by Pashto speakers. The place has gone steadily downhill since the days when Babe Ruth was the Sultan of Swat...
police had arrested a terrorist and a "local controller" involved in a shootout in Swat’s remote area of Banjot last month, during which "some [militants] had managed to flee" an hours-long police operation.

On May 23, residents of the mountainous area in Manglawar union had alerted police after seeing some suspected people.

"Upon receiving the information, police and security forces reached the area. We launched a joint operation against the suspected armed persons, but the area is so complicated and remote that they managed to flee," Swat district’s police officer, Shafiullah Gandapur had told Dawn at the time.

A citizen was killed in the incident.

IG Akhtar said while addressing a presser in Swat today that the counter-terrorism department and police had used all available technical resources to arrest the snuffies who had fled in the incident and as a result, a murderous Moslem, identified as Rafiullah alias Jawad, and a controller, identified as Asmatullah, were arrested.

He said both of them were residents of Charbagh and the group they were associated with had been involved in extortion and murder. This group, the IG added, also had links with the murderous Moslem Saleem Rabbani group.

IG Akhtar further stated that another murderous Moslem associated with the two arrested men, Zakirullah, had joined the Swat chapter of outlawed Tehrik-e-Taliban
...Arabic for students...
Pakistain last year.

"He was also involved in the [Banjot] incident and search for him is under way."

Regarding Rafiullah, the IG said he had moved to Afghanistan along with his family in 2012. He returned to Swat last year and used forged documents to declare himself as the son of a resident in Pakistain, IG Akhtar added.

He further stated that Rafiullah had crossed the Torkham border multiple times using fake documents and was trained in Afghanistan.

Sharing details of other incidents that the arrested men had been involved in, the IG said weapons were seized from them in large quantities.

"They had kept the weapons in very safe, weather-proof containers ... in mountains ... to use them in subsequent operations," he added.

Moreover, he also shared a list of individuals who he said were on the detained men’s target list. Among them, he added, was a constable on Buner police as they were "suspicious that he had been informing about their routes".

The IG said they had admitted to collecting extortion money from former MPAs and and confessed that they planned hand grenade attacks on their houses.

"Their objective behind all this was to create and environment of fear and terror and create and widen a breach ... between the people and institutions," IG Akhtar said.

He said during the investigation, two "shortcoming" were highlighted: the infiltration of snuffies through the border on the basis of false identities and local facilitation.

Both of these would be addressed, he added.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Pak Taliban (TTP)

Soldier martyred during exchange of fire with militants in South Waziristan: ISPR
[Dawn] A soldier was martyred during an exchange of fire between security forces and Lions of Islam in the Ladha area of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa’s South Wazoo district on Monday, according to a statement issued by the military’s media affairs wing.

The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said security personnel "effectively engaged the terrorists’ location" during the gunbattle.

death is not the end. There remains the litigation over the estate...
during "intense" exchange of fire, 30-year-old Lance Naik Muhammad Sabir, a resident of Mansehra
...a city and an eponymous district in eastern Khyber-Pakthunwa, nestled snug up against Pak Kashmir, with Kohistan and Diamir to the north and Abbottabad to the south...
district embraced martyrdom after fighting gallantly, the statement added.

Sanitisation of the area was being carried out to eliminate any other snuffies found in the area, the ISPR said.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [36 views] Top|| File under:

PMF Destroys ISIS Remnants, Iraqi Army Captures High-Profile Terrorist
[Shafaq News] The commander of Anbar Operations in the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), Qassem Musleh, announced on Monday the successful destruction of an ISIS detachment in the western governorate of Anbar. Simultaneously, security forces in Iraq executed a separate operation in which a dangerous terrorist was apprehended south of Baghdad.

Musleh confirmed that the PMF had detected the movements of ISIS remnants in Wadi al-Kara, located in the western region of Anbar. Acting swiftly, a specialized force attacked the terrorists, utilizing mortars and missiles to neutralize the threat.

In a parallel development, a reliable security source revealed that the Iraqi army's division conducted a successful operation leading to arresting a high-profile terrorist south of Baghdad. This operation represents the second successful apprehension in the past two weeks.

"The detained individual ranks among the top 49 most wanted hard boyz associated with the al-Qaeda and ISIS organizations, under Article 4 of the counter-terrorism legislation," the source disclosed to Shafaq News Agency.
So mysterious — who could it possibly be?
The PMF's operation in Anbar and the Iraqi army's operation south of Baghdad signify significant strides in the ongoing efforts to eradicate the remnants of ISIS and ensure the safety and security of the country.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

IDF: 2 soldiers hurt in northern West Bank ramming; assailant detained
[IsraelTimes] Paleostinian driver initially flees scene in Huwara, is caught by troops near entrance to Nablus with knife in his car

Two Israeli soldiers were maimed in a car-ramming attack in the northern West Bank town of Huwara on Monday evening, the military and medical officials said.

The Israel Defense Forces said the Paleostinian driver intentionally rammed his car into the two soldiers in the town. The pair were taken to the Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva, which said they were in moderate and light condition respectively.

The Paleostinian driver initially expeditiously departed at a goodly pace, before being caught by troops close to an entrance to the northern West Bank city of Nablus.

"IDF forces identified the suspicious vehicle after a short while, began a pursuit, and arrested the terrorist. A knife was found in his vehicle," the IDF said.

He was handed over to the Shin Bet security agency for further questioning.

It was the second alleged car-ramming attack to take place in Huwara in recent weeks, after a soldier was moderately hurt under similar circumstances on May 21. The driver turned himself in to security forces two days later.

Huwara has long been a flashpoint in the West Bank, as it is just about the only Paleostinian town that Israelis regularly travel through in order to reach settlements. There are plans to build a bypass road for settlers to avoid having to travel through the town, but the construction work has dragged on for years.

There have been several shooting attacks against Israeli civilians and soldiers in the town in recent months, including the killing of two brothers in February. Also last month, a Paleostinian woman stabbed a soldier in Huwara, before being rubbed out.

There have also been a handful of instances of settler violence targeting the Paleostinian residents of Huwara, including a deadly rampage that unfolded hours after the February attack in which the two Israeli brothers were rubbed out. A 37-year-old Paleostinian man was killed, some three hundred were maimed — four seriously — and dozens of buildings and vehicles were torched.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under:

Three charged with West Bank arms smuggling ring
[IsraelTimes] Two Bedouin Israelis and a Paleostinian from the West Bank have been indicted over an arms smuggling plot, the Shin Bet security agency and Justice Ministry say in a joint statement.

According to the indictments, Imad and Abdullah Abu Kaf — an uncle and nephew — residents of the southern village of Umm Batin, sold and purchased dozens of firearms and weapon parts over the past year and a half with Adham Atrash, an arms dealer in Hebron.
...one of many Hamas strongholds in the West Bank...
The trio, arrested in recent months, are charged with various weapons offenses.

The joint statement says security forces "view with severity the involvement of Israeli citizens in the criminal activity of illegal arms trade [with the West Bank], an activity which has real potential to cause serious harm to the security of the state.

"The prosecution has requested the three men be held until the end of legal proceedings.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [43 views] Top|| File under:

Palestinian gets two life sentences for murdering Israeli man in 2015 terror attack
[IsraelTimes] Maad Hamed was arrested by Israel last year after escaping PA custody; is also ordered to pay family of Malachy Rosenfeld, killed in drive-by shooting that Hamed orchestrated

A military court handed down two life sentences on Sunday to a Paleostinian terrorist who carried out a deadly shooting attack in the West Bank in 2015.

Maad Hamed was part of a Hamas, a regional Iranian catspaw, cell that killed Malachy Rosenfeld, 25, and maimed three others in a drive-by shooting attack near the West Bank settlement of Shvut Rachel, north of Ramallah, on June 29, 2015.

Hamed was convicted in December 2022 of intentionally causing Rosenfeld’s death. The charge is equivalent to murder in Israel’s West Bank military court system. He was additionally convicted of attempted murder, several other security offenses, and various charges over a separate shooting attack that caused no injuries, also in June 2015.

In addition to the two life sentences, Hamed was also ordered to pay a total of NIS 1,090,000 ($290,000) to the Rosenfeld family and other victims maimed in the attack.

An indictment filed last year said Hamed had established a terror cell on behalf of Hamas "with the aim of carrying out attacks against Israeli targets, and planned, together with other members of the unit, to carry out a shooting attack."

It added that he had shot at the vehicle with the other cell members, killing Rosenfeld.

Hamed was arrested by the Paleostinian Authority in July 2015, not long after the attack, and remained in PA custody until April 2022, when he escaped, according to the Shin Bet security agency.
Or should it be “escaped”?
He was quickly arrested by Israeli security forces in the West Bank town of Silwad, considered a Hamas stronghold.

Hamed had been previously convicted and nabbed
You have the right to remain silent...
for a year over his connection to a 2012 shooting attack. And in 2014, he was in administrative detention — a controversial measure enabling Israel to hold him without charge — for several months over his affiliation with the terror group.

Rosenfeld’s three friends, who were with him in the car, were maimed in the attack. The Hamas hard boyz opened fire on their car near Shvut Rachel as they returned home from a basketball game. The four, all of whom lived in the West Bank settlement of Kochav Hashahar, had been driving near Route 60, the main north-south artery running through the West Bank, when they were attacked.

In July 2015, security forces detained four members of a seven-strong Hamas cell behind the attack, the Shin Bet said at the time.

Two others — including Hamed — were held by the Paleostinian Authority, and the ringleader was said to be in Jordan.

Three members of the cell have already been given life sentences for the attack.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [36 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

SNA faction injures 2 people in Syria’s Raqqa
[NPASyria] Two people were maimed on Sunday at night by Ottoman Turkish-backed armed opposition factions, aka Syrian National Army (SNA), while storming the village of Ain al-Arous, south of Tel Abyad, in the northern countryside of Raqqa Governorate, northern Syria.

A security source told North Press that a group of Levant Front (Jabha al-Shamiya), affiliated with the SNA, raided four houses in Ain al-Arous, south of Tel Abyad, and opened fire while raiding a house, injuring Yasser and Khaled al-Ammar.

On October 9, 2019, The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the occupiers of Greek Asia Minor...
launched an invasion against the cities of Sere Kaniye (Ras al-Ain) and Tel Abyad. It resulted in the Ottoman Turkish occupation of the region and in the displacement of over 300.000 of the region’s inhabitants.

Five people were arrested on charges of dealing with Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), according to the source.

The storm is the second of its kind during two weeks under the pretext of pursuing terrorist cells, the source added.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Ottoman Proxies

3 soldiers killed, officer wounded in northern Daraa
[NPASyria] Three soldiers of the Syrian government forces were killed and an was injured on Monday as a military vehicle after their military vehicle was targeted by an bomb in the countryside of Daraa, south Syria.

A local source told North Press, "Three soldiers were killed and an officer, holding the rank of lieutenant, was injured as a military vehicle, tasked with distributing food to checkpoints, was targeted in the northern countryside of Daraa."

The source added that the vehicle was targeted by an bomb planted by person or persons unknown on the road connecting the towns of al-Mal and Kafr Nasij in northern Daraa.

The source said that one of the nearby military units at the site of the attack dispatched around 20 soldiers in vehicles carrying anti-aircraft machine guns. They spread out in the area to search for the perpetrators.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

Russian-Turkish joint patrol roams Syria’s Kobani
[NPASyria] Russian Military Police (MP) conducted on Monday a joint patrol with the Ottoman Turkish forces in the western countryside of Kobani in northern Syria.

This is the 140th joint patrol between the two forces in the region since the signing of the Russian-Ottoman Turkish ceasefire agreement in northeast Syria.

In October 2019, following the so-called Ottoman Turkish military operation "Peace Spring" in areas of northeast Syria which resulted in the occupation of Tel Abyad, north of Raqqa, and Sere Kaniye (Ras al-Ain) north of Hasakah, the Ottoman Turkish president signed two ceasefire agreements, one with Russia and the other with the US.

The ceasefire agreements stipulating halt of all hostilities there and the withdrawal of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) 30 kilometers in depth away from the Ottoman Turkish border in addition to conducting joint patrols with Russia in order to monitor the implementation of the agreements.

The patrol, which consisted of eight Russian and Ottoman Turkish military vehicles accompanied by two Russian helicopters, set off from the village of Ashma, 20 km west of Kobani.

The patrol passed the villages of Charqli Fouqani, Qeran, Dikmadash, Khorkhoy, Boban, Gul Bey, reaching to Tel Shair, four kilometers west of Kobani.

Then, it turned back and passed through the villages of Sousan, Qola, Qaraqoy Tahtani, Binder, Mishko, Jebneh, Charqli Fouqani, reaching to its starting point in the village of Ashma.

The Ottoman Turkish military vehicles returned to The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the occupiers of Greek Asia Minor...
through the gate near Ashma, while the Russian military vehicles returned to their position near the town of Sirrin south of Kobani.

On May 2, the Russian and Ottoman Turkish forces conducted the 139th joint patrol in the eastern countryside of Kobani.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

HTS claims killing of government soldiers in Syria’s Idlib, Aleppo
[NPASyria] Sources in al-Fateh al-Mubin Operations Room, a formation including extreme factions and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, formerly al-Nusra, before that it was called something else
...al-Qaeda's Syrian affiliate, from which sprang the Islamic State...
(HTS, formerly al-Nusra
...formally Jabhat an-Nusrah li-Ahli al-Sham (Support Front for the People of the Levant), also known as al-Qaeda in the Levant. They aim to establish a pan-Arab caliphate. Not the same one as the Islamic State, though .. ...
Front) in Idlib, northwest Syria, said on Sunday that HTS killed government soldiers including a first lieutenant officer.

The sources told North Press that five government soldiers were killed and two others were maimed by a sniping brigade of the HTS in Milaja in Zawiya Mountain, south of Idlib, and Basrton and Base 46 west of Aleppo.

They added that the factions managed to destroy a government site where weapons were stored in the town of Hazarin south of Idlib after targeting the site with a mortar.

Other military sources told North Press that the government forces also escalated their artillery and missile shelling of areas south of Idlib in al-Bara, al-Fatterah, Kafr Oweid, Sfuhen, Kansafra, Benin, and al-Ruweiha.

The mutual shelling coincided with intensive flight by Russia reconnaissance aircrafts over the countryside of Idlib, Aleppo and Hama, recording no Arclight airstrike

Although the de-escalation zone in northwest Syria is subject to a Russian-Ottoman Turkish ceasefire agreement, signed in March 2020, the area witnesses frequent mutual shelling between the government forces and opposition factions, as well as Russian jet flights.

In March 2020, Russia and The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the occupiers of Greek Asia Minor...
reached an agreement in Moscow that stipulated a ceasefire, the establishment of a safe corridor, and the conduct of joint patrols on the M4/Aleppo-Latakia Highway.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under: Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (al-Nusra)

Turkish-occupied Afrin: Old woman killed, man wounded in SNA faction crossfire, SNA cuts down more olive trees
[NPASyria] On Saturday, an old woman from the city of Afrin north of Aleppo, northwest Syria, was rubbed out and a man was maimed during a quarrel in which machineguns were used.

Local sources in Afrin told North Press that at about 08:00 pm yesterday the 70-year-old Qadriya Abdurrahman, a resident of Afrin, lost her life after being shot at while she was standing in front of her son’s house in Maarate neighborhood in Afrin.

The sources added that Abdurrahman succumbed to injuries she sustained before arriving at al-Shefaa Hospital.

Social media activists said that the old woman was directly shot at by unknown people, while others denied the news and said that she was hit with stray bullets.

Hours before the incident, a man, who hails from Deir ez-Zor, was maimed during a quarrel between individuals, some of them operated for Hamza Division and some operated for Jaish al- Sharqiyah, Ottoman Turkish-backed factions of the Syrian National Army (SNA), in Ashrafiyeh neighborhood.

The clashing individuals used light machineguns, spreading panic and terror among residents of the neighborhood.

Afrin has been under the occupation of the Ottoman Turkish forces and their affiliated Syrian opposition factions, also known as the Syrian National Army (SNA) since March 2018 following the so-called "Olive Branch" military operation to push away the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) under the pretext of protecting "Ottoman Turkish national security."

The operation caused the displacement of about 300,000 of the original inhabitants of the Kurds of Afrin who have been taking shelter in 42 villages and five camps in Aleppo northern countryside, locally known as Shahba region, since then.

Afrin and its countryside continue to undergo security chaos, killing and wounding dozens of people, in addition to the increasing numbers of human rights
...which often include carefully measured allowances of freedom at the convenience of the state...
violations against civilians.

Turkish-backed SNA faction cuts 30 olive trees in Syria’s Afrin

[NPASyria] Militants of a Turkish-backed faction of the Syrian National Army (SNA) cut a number of olive trees that are situated close to a checkpoint in Rajo region in the countryside of Afrin, northwest Syria.

Local sources in the region told North Press that militants of Sultan Murad faction cut down about 30 olive trees in the vicinity of one of their checkpoints on a route links between the village of Haj Khalil and Rajo in northwestern Afrin.

The sources added that the militants justified their practice that they wanted to expand the checkpoint, and this is the third time they cut trees near the checkpoint under the same pretext.

In May, Sultan Suleiman Shah Division (Amshat) of the SNA cut down 50 olive trees from three fields north and northwestern the village of Mestkan affiliated with Sheikh al-Hadidi, which is the division’s stronghold.

Militants of the division also cut down three long-lived nut trees, and when residents of the village expressed anger and rejection, the militants expelled them by force, threatening them with killing.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under: Ottoman Proxies

Syria’s Suwayda witnesses 10 kidnappings, arrests in May
[NPASyria] Ten residents of the city of Suwayda, south Syria, were kidnapped and arrested last month by a number of parties.

A civilian activist from Suwayda told North Press that, "government security bodies arrested four individuals in the city center of Suwayda under the pretext of evading the military compulsory service."

The activist, who preferred to be anonymous for security reasons, added, "Unknown gunnies kidnapped three people for ransoms, and they are still holding them."

He noted that "the kidnapping took place on May 18. The kidnapped are Basel Saab, Thamer al-Aflaq, and Nidal Mdalal, and they were kidnapped on Damascus-Suwayda Highway, near the village of Buraq."

He went further saying that "armed factions kidnapped three people over financial disputes, and they released one only."

The activist said gunnies of local groups kidnapped on May 3 Amjad Muhsen in Suwayda over a financial dispute, and he was released a week later after the issue was settled.

The gunnies kidnapped the 15-year-old Safwan Rafif Abu Traba while on his way home from school. The reason for the kidnapping was a financial dispute with his father, who turned himself in to the kidnappers in turn for freeing his son, according to the activist. He stressed that the father is still being held by the gunnies.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [33 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

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