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Marines uncover bunker complex, Saddam sad.
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6 00:00 Phil Fraering [16] 
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5 00:00 Sock Puppet 0’ Doom [23] 
5 00:00 eLarson [13] 
2 00:00 Glalet Chung9842 [11] 
4 00:00 trailing wife [20] 
1 00:00 Dan Darling [9] 
6 00:00 Phil Fraering [17] 
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1 00:00 trailing wife [14] 
2 00:00 trailing wife [9] 
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3 00:00 Captain America [12]
7 00:00 Unose Whavitle7547 [10]
11 00:00 bigjim-ky [30]
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5 00:00 Alaska Paul [12]
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3 00:00 Jackal [17]
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4 00:00 Unose Whavitle7547 [13]
Opinion page
For some reason I can't seem to get the opinions page to open-up(The page cannot be displayed).Everything else works.
Posted by: raptor || 06/05/2005 09:23 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Should be fixed now.
Posted by: Fred || 06/05/2005 11:14 Comments || Top||

Yemen: Trial uncovers shocking terrorist plots
In its Monday session, the counter-terrorism court tried terrorists involved in plotting terror attacks against western interests in Yemen. During the session, the prosecution presented all the seized tools planned to be used by the armed band in assaulting western interests in Yemen including the British and the Italian embassies and the French Cultural Center. The terrorist plans also included assassination plots against senior government officials. The prosecution presented to the court a computer device, grenades, 30 bullets, video camera and a military uniform as well as a bag containing two daggers.

In the session, top defendant Anwar al-Jailani, an Iraqi with Swiss citizenship and one of the 8 tried suspects, confessed to the possession of the articles seized by the prosecution. The top defendant denied the seized hand grenades were possessed by him and he never used any camera to take photos of the targets (the British and the Italian embassies and the Frech Cultural Center) as the prosecution mentioned. He affirmed that he used the camera for personal purposes. Previous reports of the general prosecution emphasized that Anwar al-Jailani made a confession of the tools seized in the investigation report, and other documents related to plotting western interests were uncovered.

Suspect Ahmad Khaiti, a Syrian national, confessed in the session that the computer never contained any data relevant to terrorist operations. The computer was taken away from his house two months after he was arrested, and therefore he claimed the court to return his computer since it was of no relevance to the plots.

Defendant Abdurrahman Basurrah confessed that he bought a military uniform 5 months before he recognized Anwar al-Jailani, and the purpose of the uniform is to imitate the role of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in one of the student activities.

Suspect Salah Othman stated the cheques presented by the prosecution in the session are real ones carrying the names of beneficiaries in handwriting.

The prosecution responded to appeals of the defense advocate of suspects No. 7 and 8 concerning the illness of suspect Amran al-Faqih and forwarded a medical report stating that the suspect does not suffer from anything though his heart is placed to the right side of his chest. The court granted the suspects a chance to respond to evidences filed against them by the prosecution. It is worth mentioning that trials of the 8 terrorists involved in the formation of an armed band disclosed several shocking facts. The trials uncovered the 8-terrorist band was plotting to carry out offensives on western interests in Yemen.

The band was led by Anwar al-Jailani who was aided by two Syrian brothers and five Yemenis. The suspects were captured in Yemen for being involved in plotting to attack western interests in Yemen including embassies and foreign cultural centers, as well as forging documents carrying unidentified names to facilitate their tasks. Previous court sittings disclosed these terrorists were backed by "al-Tawhid Battalions Organization", which is also believed to have stood behind terrorist operations against western interests in Saudi Arabia, mainly U.S. owned facilities. Trials on terrorists revealed the 8-terrorist band was plotting to assassinate government dignitaries topped by Prime Minister Abdulqader Bajammal, Interior and Defense Ministers, President of the Yemeni Intelligence Organization and a number of the People's General Congress Party leaders.
This article starring:
AHMED KHAITIal-Qaeda in Yemen
AMRAN AL FAQIHal-Qaeda in Yemen
ANWAR AL JAILANIal-Qaeda in Yemen
Abdulqader Bajammal
SALAH OTHMANal-Qaeda in Yemen
al-Tawhid Battalions Organization
Posted by: Fred || 06/05/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Tales from the Bengali Police Blotter (Sunday edition)
No crossfire, but the RAB does play hide-and-seek with a master criminal.
A top criminal of the country, Arman Khan, was remanded for seven days last night after a hide-and-seek drama by the law enforcers since his arrest Friday morning. Rapid Action Battalion (Rab)-4 that arrested Arman and two of his associates from Dhanmondi in the capital filed a case against him under the Arms Act.

A Rab team of about 40 took Arman to Dhanmondi Police Station at 6:30pm yesterday and filed a case for possessing three unauthorised firearms and bullets, seized when he was arrested.

When contacted, the duty officer at the police station said Sub-Inspector Abdur Rouf of Rab-4 filed the case. She declined to give details, saying, "We have no record. They (Rab) have taken away all records and they will conduct the investigation."
"I know nothing! Nothing! Tell them, Hogan!"
About 40 Rab men in uniform and 10 others in plainclothes produced Arman before the Court of Chief Metropolitan Magistrate at 7:50pm. Our court correspondent said Arman, in lungi and shirt, was wearing a bullet-proof vest.
"Mahmoud! See that he takes that thing off before we take him out early this morning to identify his confederates!"
Rab prayed for a 10-day remand.

Metropolitan Magistrate Shamsul Alam asked Arman if he had any lawyer and if he wanted to say anything but he replied he had nothing to say. The magistrate then placed him on a seven-day remand.

A Rab press release sent to The Daily Star at 8:20 last night said they recovered three firearms, 146 bullets and three mobile phones while arresting Arman. The home ministry tasked Rab-4 with investigating the charges against him, it added. Sources said Rab took Arman to their headquarters after arresting him from House-29 on Road 14/A in Dhanmondi at 8:00am on Friday. Rab later conducted several operations in Moghbazar, Keraniganj, Savar, Ashulia and Nababganj to nab his associates and recover illegal firearms.
And left Arman back at the station. Must be planning a big show trial.
Posted by: Steve White || 06/05/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  This is a good sign that they're getting more creative ...
Posted by: Dan Darling || 06/05/2005 14:08 Comments || Top||

Tales from the Crossfire Gazette (Sunday edition)
Filling in for Steve on the Rantburg Weekend Police Desk ...
Two accused of a robbery case were killed in separate incidents of "crossfire" between police and their gang at city's Bayezid Bostami and Khulshi areas in the early hours yesterday. Robbers Md Khorshed alias Chandu, 23, and Rashed, 28, were accused in the Friday's robbery at East Shamserpara under Chandgaon Police Station, in which Monsoor Alam was shot dead and Abul Bashar was bullet injured.
And you know what's coming next ...
Soon after the robbery, the law enforcers from Chandgaon and Panchlaish police stations in a joint raid in Hamzarbagh and Muradpur areas arrested seven robbers including Khorshed and Rashed. They also recovered three firearms from them.
In the intervening interval that follows, the law enforcers beat extract confessions from our Brave Heroes™.
Sources said a joint team of Chandgaon and Bayezid Bostami police stations took Khorshed on Friday night to different areas of the city to recover arms and looted goods.
Night time arms recovery ... check.
As they reached Fata Pahar near Burma Colony at 3:15am, Khorshed's gang hiding there opened fire on the police team to free Khorshed.
Henchmen bravely open fire to rescue their beloved leader ... check.
Khorshed was seriously injured falling in the line of fire as the police retaliated by firing.
Brave Hero™ hit in the crossfire ... check.
The police took critically injured Khorshed to Chittagong Medical College Hospital (CMCH) ...
Off to the medical college (nuttin' but the best for our Brave Hero™) ... check.
...where the on-duty doctors declared him dead.
Where Jim is told that our Brave Hero™ is dead.
The police recovered an LG, three live cartridges and three rifle bullets from the spot.
And the police pick up some planted evidence ... check.
The other robber Rashed confessed to having more firearms in Khulshi area. Following this statement, a joint team of Khulshi and Panchlaish police took Rashed to RN Steel Mills in North Pahartali under Khulshi at around 2:30am.
"Hey Rashed, youse comin' wit us."
"No way copper, I saw what happened to Khorshed!"
"Khorshed, Smor'shed, git up!"
Accomplices of Rashed who had been waiting there fired at the cops to snatch Rashed. Police also retaliated with eight rounds, one of the bullets hitting the fleeing Rashed.
Only one? Nice shooting, Mukkarjee!
Rashed was rushed to the CMCH but succumbed to his injuries there.
I'm just guessing the medical college isn't a Level I trauma center.
Police recovered two LGs, five rifle bullets, six blank cartridges and one bullet of pistol from the scene.
Is an LG like a shutter gun?
The bodies of Khorshed and Rashed were handed over to their relatives after post mortem yesterday afternoon.
"We're done with them. Here, take out the trash."
Zafar Ahmad, father of Rashed, told journalists at the morgue that his son had been a tempo driver a few years ago and later entered the crime world.
"And let that be a lesson to you, you no-good boy!"
Posted by: Steve White || 06/05/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Two accused of a robbery case were killed in separate incidents of "crossfire" between police and their gang at city's Bayezid Bostami and Khulshi areas in the early hours yesterday.

This was by the POLICE, not our beloved RAB.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Posted by: Ptah || 06/05/2005 6:26 Comments || Top||

#2  I'm starting to wonder if maybe Rantburg isn't a important part of a feedback loop. Could be the Banga web guys notice the US hits on certain stories and look for similar stories to publish to maximize hits.
Posted by: Shipman || 06/05/2005 9:04 Comments || Top||

#3  Ship-
You know, that's not entirely impossible. Consider that since the press and the net over there is either Government controlled or Government friendly, they might think the same thing is the situation here. (We used CNN to great effect like that in GW 1 against Saddam).
Of course, that leads one to the conclusion that they might think that the opinions on Rantburg are US Government policy....heh, heh, heh...

Posted by: Mike Kozlowski || 06/05/2005 13:57 Comments || Top||

#4  Mike, if they do think that opinions posted here are indeed government policy, then perhaps they will start to understand the seriousness of the situation they have allowed to develop vis a vis their freedom fighters/mujahedin/jihadis/terrorists. And if they do begin to understand this, then perhaps they will do something to remove the problem before we remove it for them, permanently.

I'm ok with that.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/05/2005 20:41 Comments || Top||

#5  Wait a minute. You mean that some of you don't clear your postings here with the Asst. Dpy. Sec'y of State for International media? I always have been.
Posted by: Jackal || 06/05/2005 21:07 Comments || Top||

#6  My opinions are neither State Department nor Administration policy.

But if you'll donate to the launcher fund for my Orbital Mind Control Laser, my opinions could become official policy. And your opinions as well!
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 06/05/2005 21:48 Comments || Top||

Reputed IRA Vet Arraigned on Murder Charge
A reputed Irish Republican Army veteran was arraigned Saturday on a charge he murdered a Catholic man, a killing that has overshadowed Northern Ireland's peace process and fueled an exceptional public campaign by the victim's sisters. Amid heavy police security, Terence "Jock" Davison, 49, offered no plea as prosecutors accused him of killing Robert McCartney, who was stabbed in the neck and stomach and bludgeoned with iron bars outside a Belfast pub on Jan. 30.

McCartney's five sisters, who led a four-month international campaign highlighting the IRA's alleged destruction of evidence and intimidation of witnesses, sat in the public gallery not far from the family and friends of Davison. One of Davison's alleged IRA accomplices, 36-year-old James McCormick, was charged with the attempted murder of McCartney's friend Brendan Devine. McCormick, who also offered no plea, had been arrested Wednesday in Birmingham in England.

Detective Chief Inspector Kevin Dunwoody testified that both men denied the charges while in custody Friday night. But Dunwoody said he was confident that two witness statements against both men, as well as forensic evidence against McCormick, would help to connect both to the charges. The judge, Harry McKibbin, ordered Davison and McCormick imprisoned without bail until their next scheduled court date, July 1.
Posted by: Fred || 06/05/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  two witness statements against both men

Ouch. Bet those two won't last long. Case adjourned, your Lordship, room-temperature witnesses can't testify.
Posted by: gromky || 06/05/2005 6:26 Comments || Top||

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Car bomb explodes near Russian military base in Chechnya
A car bomb exploded on Saturday near a Russian military base in Chechnya, wounding two people, the Moscow-backed Chechen administration said. The explosion occurred near the Russian military base in Khankala, just outside the Chechen capital, Grozny, the regional branch of Russia's Interior Ministry said. It said the car bomb hit a passing car, wounding two people who were hospitalized with shrapnel injuries. The ITAR-Tass news agency said the car bomb went off when a vehicle belonging Selim Tsuyev, a top military official in Chechnya's Moscow-backed administration, drove by. Tsuyev wasn't in the vehicle, and the explosion wounded his guard and a soldier standing nearby. The Russian state Rossiya television has said earlier that the explosion targeted a military convoy leaving the base. It said the bomb contained 10 kilograms of explosives and sent shrapnel flying for up to 500 meters.
Posted by: Fred || 06/05/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Security of the Dutch state at stake in theft of info
machine translation, rough

Very sensitive information about the security of Europe's largest refinery, Shell Pernis (near Rotterdam), is in the hands of criminals(terrorists?).

According to Dutch news paper De Telegraaf a laptop computer containing the info was stolen from a car from one of Shell's security officials in March this year. Shell has tried to cover up the event. The laptop was stolen from the car on a parking lot near Antwerps in Belgium.

The Belgium police stated the "securitiy of the Dutch state could be at stake" if the info would come in wrong hands. The laptop has still not been found and Royal Dutch Shell does not want to comment on the case. The article also states the action was planned in advance. i.e. wasn't just a laptop theft - they were after that info
Posted by: Flavique Jineper9049 || 06/05/2005 07:37 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Will we still be able to get Wonderful World of Golf?
Posted by: Jimmy Demaret || 06/05/2005 12:18 Comments || Top||

#2  The information cannot be operational, or it would long since be invalid, so it is either their own studies of structural deficiencies; their own plans on how a terrorist attack *could* take place, and how to mitigate it; or it could list security problems that they are unwilling to fix. In any event, the odds of any successful attack *now* drop to about zero, unless they are totally unwilling to improve their security to take the breach into account.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 06/05/2005 14:23 Comments || Top||

#3  Certaintly, course the venue would change to the GoodFear country Club
Posted by: Shipman || 06/05/2005 19:49 Comments || Top||

#4  I wish it were that easy, Moose. It's not hard to think of security problems that could take months to years to remediate. And in the meantime...
Posted by: James || 06/05/2005 20:51 Comments || Top||

#5  Shouldn't that be "stolen from a car from one of Shell's former security officials in March this year"
Posted by: Sock Puppet 0’ Doom || 06/05/2005 23:36 Comments || Top||

France detains alleged extremist expelled from Syria
French police have arrested a suspected radical, expelled on Tuesday from Syria, and placed him under formal judicial investigation, legal sources said Saturday. Boubaker el-Hakim, 21, who is of Tunisian origin and comes from eastern Paris, is the brother of Redouane, 19, who was killed in Iraq in July 2004.
Even better. The revolving door approach doesn't work when you're dead...
He is under investigation for "conspiracy relating to a terrorist enterprise" by anti-terrorist judge Jean-Francois Ricard, in particular in respect of links with Iraq. Police say he knew Farid Benyettou, detained in Paris in January and alleged to be the spritual leader and recruiter of a group of young Parisians seeking to carry out holy war in Iraq. Hakim is known to have visited Syria in 2002 to study Islam and to have returned the following year at the time of the overthrow of Iraqi president Saddam Hussein. In 2004 he made a further visit but was arrested in September while trying to cross into Iraq without a passport. In addition to Hakim's brother, two young Frenchmen who attended a mosque in eastern Paris regularly visited by Hakim are known to have died fighting in Iraq.
And I'm sure we all hope that their exit from this vale of tears was sufficiently spectacular and painful...

This article starring:
BUBAKER EL HAKIMal-Qaeda in Europe
FARID BENYETTUal-Qaeda in Europe
Jean-Francois Ricard
REDUANE EL HAKIMal-Qaeda in Europe
Posted by: Fred || 06/05/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Somehow this doesn't add up. Since when is Syria "expelling" suspected terrorists rather than exporting them or sending them on a mission? And if he is an anti-Syrian he would be crash test dummy for suicide bombers not on state sponsored holiday in France. Unless he was sent there to infiltrate the prisons and do some recruiting. yah think?
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 06/05/2005 12:22 Comments || Top||

#2  Was he part of the group of 1200(?) that Syria blatantly captured at their border with Iraq recently? Quite a few were Saudis as I recall, but that some carried French passports wouldn't be a surprise.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/05/2005 20:45 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Indonesia Police Arrest 17 for Bombings
Indonesian police said Saturday they have arrested 17 suspects in last weekend's bombings in a Christian town that killed 20 people. None of the 17 — including the head of a local prison, three prisoners and an Islamic junior high school master — have been formally charged over the twin blasts at a bustling market in Tentena, Central Sulawesi. Brig. Gen. Aryanto Sutadi, chief of Central Sulawesi police, said two more suspects are being sought. The 17 arrested included the two who carried out the bombings in Tentena, he said. "As of today, we have arrested 17 suspects and now we are still hunting two others," Sutadi said Saturday. "Based on their confessions, the two ... were the executor of the bombings. They are suspected to have planted the bombs at the Tentena market."

Central Sulawesi was the scene of a bloody war between Christians and Muslims in 2001-2002 that killed around 1,000 people from both communities. Saturday's market bombings were the deadliest terror attack in Indonesia since Oct. 12, 2002, when 202 people, most of them foreign tourists, were killed in Bali bomb blasts blamed on the al-Qaida-linked Jemaah Islamiyah terror group. The United States and Australia have warned their citizens to avoid traveling to Indonesia.
Posted by: Fred || 06/05/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Australia says militants planning hotel attacks in Indonesia
Posted by: Fred || 06/05/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Shutting down the tourism industry, he? Now it's Indonesia's move.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 06/05/2005 5:21 Comments || Top||

#2  I would think the Indonesian Government is doing a good enough job on its own to shutdown the tourism industry.
Posted by: Titanic Reform Planning Committee || 06/05/2005 6:08 Comments || Top||

Khamenei Urges High Turnout to 'Defeat the Enemy'
Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei urged Iranians yesterday to participate en masse in June 17 presidential polls to "defeat" Iran's foreign foes, asserting the Islamic republic was a true democracy. "I advise all brothers and sisters to keep the election warm and healthy," he said to thousands gathered to pay homage to revolutionary leader and founder of Islamic Republic Ayatollah Khomeini on the 16th anniversary of his death. "It is a person's divine right and duty to determine their fate," he said while hitting out at the foreign media for "downplaying the election".

"I know the nation will defeat the enemy in this crucial ordeal," he said referring to the United States, adding the elections would define the position of Islamic republic in the world. He said Khomeini had bequeathed an elected Islamic government to Iran and the world. "In our country officials are elected by people's direct or indirect vote, nobody is appointed," he said. However, six of the members of the 12-person hard-line Guardians Council which vets legislation and candidates for public office are appointed by the supreme leader, who also names the heads of judiciary and state television.
And nobody voted for Khamenei. He was annointed by God, which is accepted procedure in divine right monarchies...
Posted by: Fred || 06/05/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Syrian Intel Agents Infiltrate Lebanon
Syrian intelligence agents have been infiltrating Lebanon in an attempt to influence parliamentary elections. Lebanese newspapers said at least five senior Syrian intelligence officers entered Lebanon to help Syria's allies win Lebanese parliamentary seats. They said the officers have targeted the anti-Syrian opposition, which included the son of the late Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

The Syrian officers have been operating from both northern and eastern Lebanon. The intelligence officers were said to be helping Syrian allies in such cities as Akkar, Baalbek and Tripoli. "They are helping form pro-Syrian election coalitions to challenge the opposition in northern Lebanon and have held meetings with a number of Syria's allies and with 'key' electoral brokers," Al Mustaqbal daily said.
"Spies! All spies!"
Posted by: Fred || 06/05/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I thought they never left. So why would they need to infiltrate?
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/05/2005 20:49 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Five terrorists killed in Jammu and Kashmir
JAMMU: Indian forces killed at least five terrorists during a raid on their hideout in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir on Sunday, police said. Army and police were searching for another three suspected terrorists believed to be hiding in the forested area near Jamola-Kha, a village 170 kilometres north of Jammu, said VK Singh, deputy inspector-general of police. One army soldier was wounded in the gun battle, Singh told The Associated Press. Clashes between government forces and Pakistani terrorists are almost daily occurrences in Jammu and Kashmir.
Posted by: john || 06/05/2005 20:19 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Taliban kill Afghan election worker
Suspected Taliban militants gunned down an Afghan working on a U.S.-funded electoral project, officials said Sunday in the first killing of a worker linked to landmark legislative polls scheduled for September. Authorities, meanwhile, revealed the names of 2,884 Afghans hoping to contest the parliamentary elections — the country's next key step toward democracy after a quarter-century of war. Among those who have enrolled to participate in the polls are former warlords, at least two leaders of the ousted Taliban regime and President Hamid Karzai's main rival in presidential elections last year, Yunus Qanooni.

In a separate case, security forces arrested two alleged Taliban leaders, while fighting between suspected rebels and Afghan soldiers near the main north-south highway in southern Afghanistan left at least one insurgent dead, officials said Sunday. Six other suspected Taliban rebels were captured in Saturday's fighting in Zabul province, said Afghan army commander Gen. Muslim Amid.

Intelligence officials arrested the two Taliban leaders as they were driving in western Farah province on Saturday, Defense Ministry spokesman Gen. Mohammed Zaher Azimi said. One leader was identified as Mullah Abdul Rahim — a deputy for a key Taliban commander said to be close to the militia's fugitive leader, Mullah Omar, Azimi said. The other is regional Taliban leader Haji Sultan, he said.

The Taliban and other insurgents have stepped up attacks following a winter lull in fighting. Afghan and U.S.-led coalition forces have hit back hard, killing more than 200 rebels since March, according to Afghan and American officials.

Election law permits any Afghan to participate as long as they do not have a criminal record and have severed any ties to armed groups.

The slain election worker was part of a project educating villagers on how to cast their vote in Uruzgan province's Tirin Kot district. He worked for the Afghan Civil Society Forum, said Susanne Schmeidl, an adviser to the national organization. The project is partially funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, agency spokesman Rick Marshall said.

Suspected Taliban rebels surrounded a village in the district Friday and shot the election worker as he came out of a mosque, Schmeidl said. The victim's cousin also was shot, but his condition was not immediately known, she said. Friday's killing was the first of someone working on the September elections, said a spokesman for the election commission, Sultan Ahmad Baheen.

At least 13 election workers were killed ahead of October's presidential polls, and there are fears that the September ballot also could be violent. Beside the candidates registered for the legislative elections, another 3,186 people have signed up to participate in elections for new provincial assemblies, said Richard Atwood, chief of operations for the joint U.N.-Afghan election commission.

Those lists include 588 women, he said. Females were banned from all public life under the hard-line Taliban movement, which was ousted by a U.S.-led invasion in late 2001 for harboring Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda terrorist network. At least a quarter of all seats in the national and provincial assemblies have been reserved for women. Enough have registered for the national legislature, but there is a shortage for the provincial votes and five seats in the assemblies will be left vacant, Atwood said.

The legislative elections were initially scheduled for June last year, but were delayed because of slow preparations and efforts to disarm warlords and militia commanders who the United Nations feared would intimidate voters. Atwood said that lists of candidates have been displayed at election offices around the country and people have until Thursday to formally challenge a candidate's right to run. An independent committee will rule on the challenges and a final list of approved candidates will be published July 12.
This article starring:
Afghan army commander Gen. Muslim Amid
Defense Ministry spokesman Gen. Mohammed Zaher Azimi
Richard Atwood, chief of operations for the joint U.N.-Afghan election commission
Susanne Schmeidl
Yunus Qanooni
a spokesman for the election commission, Sultan Ahmad Baheen
agency spokesman Rick Marshall
Posted by: Dan Darling || 06/05/2005 14:24 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Africa: North
Knights of Change attack Mauritanian army base, kill 18
Eighteen soldiers were killed and at least 20 injured in an attack on an army base in a remote region of Mauritania overrun by armed bandits and smugglers, Mauritanian military sources said on Sunday. The northeastern base close to the borders of Algeria and Mali, manned by about 50 soldiers, was hit by unidentified assailants overnight Thursday, the sources said.

Following the attack, the army was placed on full alert and reinforcements and reconnaissance aircraft were rushed to the region. The base is situated in the middle of the desert at Lemgheity, close to the border with Mali. The Malian military said more than 50 soldiers had been killed in the attack. No reliable information was immediately available on the identity of the attackers, and the government declined comment.

But sources close to the government pointed the finger at an opposition movement called the "Knights of Change," which the government says is supported by radical Islamic movements as well as by Libya and Burkino Faso, both of which deny it.

Two leaders of the movement, Abderhamane Ould Mini and Saleh Ould Hennena, were condemned to life imprisonment in February for attempted coups d'etat in 2003 and 2004, and four other members of the group are wanted.

Other sources with official ties said the Algerian Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat could have been linked to the attack because of the arrest since April 25 of about 50 Mauritanians accused of links with the Al Qaeda network.
This article starring:
SALEH ULD HENNENAKnights of Change
Knights of Change
Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat
Posted by: Dan Darling || 06/05/2005 14:11 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under:

Afghanistan/South Asia
Kashmiris isolating foreign fighters
Though militant organisations in Muzaffarabad have refused to meet Hurriyat leaders visiting Pakistan, one of the most important commanders of fighting militias, Syed Salahuddin, is understood to have directed all foreign militants operating in Indian Held Kashmir to stop killing innocent Kashmiris, South Asia Tribune reported.

Salahuddin's directive is being seen as a new development by the Indian security forces, and understandably so, as he heads the Hizbul Mujahideen, the most potent of the fighting forces. Sources said that Salahuddin's message was intercepted in the last few days and in part said: "If any operation is carried out without consent of seniors sitting here, be prepared to face the consequences."

Bashir Butt (name changed on account of security reasons) of Radio Kashmir says, "Indigenous militant organisations still have influence, particularly among the lower classes as they are seen as saviours. But foreign militants have lost their ground and acceptability. They are undisciplined, indulge in un-Islamic activities such as debauchery, sexual orgies and they often kidnap young women from towns and villages. This is the reason why the indigenous organisations like Hizb have taken arms against these elements who are violating the true spirit of jihad."

Butt provided some rough estimates about the incidents of kidnapping by foreign militants that have substantially contributed to the erosion in the acceptability of these elements. "Though we cannot absolve the Indian forces of atrocities against women, the foreign militants are doing the same thing. They are indulging in gang rapes, keeping women in detention and later even killing them," he said.
This article starring:
SYED SALAHUDINHizbul Mujahideen
Hizbul Mujahideen
Posted by: Fred || 06/05/2005 13:35 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Bashir Butt (name changed on account of security reasons).

If my name was Bashir Butt I'd change for something more colorful.
Posted by: Bashir Rump || 06/05/2005 17:02 Comments || Top||

#2  Guffaw! - Bashir Butt!!, perhaps Mustafa might have been a better name ;)

I leave you with ...
Sir Archibald Clark Kerr, UK Ambassador to Moscow 1943
Posted by: Tony (UK) || 06/05/2005 17:18 Comments || Top||

#3  "You dye your beard"
"Bullshit, you're just prematurely gray and you have a chia hat"

Haircolor for Holy Men™
Posted by: Frank G || 06/05/2005 17:53 Comments || Top||

#4  LOL Tony.
Posted by: Shipman || 06/05/2005 19:45 Comments || Top||

#5  That's terrible, Tony.

And I'll condemn it in the strongest possible terms - as soon as I quit laughing. :-D
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 06/05/2005 20:48 Comments || Top||

#6  "You know, Qazi, if you water that, the little alfalfa sprouts will start to grow and you'll be able to put them in a salad one day."
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 06/05/2005 21:51 Comments || Top||

Iraq Police Nab al-Qaida-Linked Militant
Iraqi police have arrested a key aide to the leader of the Mosul branch of the al-Qaeda in Iraq terrorist group, the government said Sunday. Mutlaq Mahmoud Mutlaq Abdullah, also known as Abu Raad, was arrested Saturday. He is considered a key facilitator and financier for a militant identified by the alias Abu Talha, the purported head of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's terror cell in the northern city.
This article starring:
ABU RAADal-Qaeda in Iraq
ABU TALHAal-Qaeda in Iraq
Posted by: Fred || 06/05/2005 12:32 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Afghanistan/South Asia
Afghans arrest Taliban commander
Afghan forces have arrested a senior Taliban commander accused of leading attacks against Afghan and U.S.-led troops based in the west of the country, a defense ministry spokesman said on Sunday. Haji Sultan, a division commander for the Taliban, was arrested with Mullah Mohammad Rahim, another senior Taliban official, in the western province of Farah on Saturday, said the spokesman, Zahir Azimy. "Haji Sultan was on the U.S. military black list and we handed him over to them for investigation," Azimy said. The U.S. military confirmed Sultan's arrest, describing him as a bomb maker, but said he was seized on Thursday. A Taliban commander, Mullah Dadullah, said by telephone from Quetta an undisclosed location Sultan had not been arrested.
Mullah Dadullah then said, "Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes."
Asked if Sultan's arrest might help lead authorities to the fugitive Taliban leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar, Azimy said investigations would try to determine that.
This article starring:
Zahir Azimy
Posted by: ed || 06/05/2005 08:14 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Haji Sultan? Dirka Dirka Jihad
Posted by: Frank G || 06/05/2005 12:16 Comments || Top||

#2  Is it my imagination, or does it seem like we are sweeping up an unusually high number of the big players in the last few weeks?
Posted by: 2b || 06/05/2005 12:23 Comments || Top||

#3  I hope it's not our imagination...
Posted by: Fred || 06/05/2005 13:28 Comments || Top||

#4  Is that Gaylord Ravenal, of the Tennessee Ravenals?
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 06/05/2005 13:46 Comments || Top||

#5  Are they, perhaps, running out of competent foot soldiers? Perhaps the bigger fish are getting frustrated into a "if you want something done right..." mentality.
Posted by: eLarson || 06/05/2005 16:13 Comments || Top||

Saddam Will Face Only 12 Charges at Trial
Saddam Hussein could face up to 500 charges at a tribunal, but he will be tried on only 12 well documented counts because prosecuting him on all would be a "waste of time," the prime minister's spokesman said Sunday.

Laith Kuba also said Saddam was likely to be tried within the next two months on a range of charges, including alleged crimes committed in Iraqi Kurdistan. "There should be no objection that a trial should take place within that time," Kuba said during a press conference. "It is the government's view that the trial of Saddam should take place as soon as possible."

No date has been set for the trial of Saddam, who has been held in a U.S.-run detention facility in Baghdad since being captured in December 2003. "The number of charges on which he will be tried are 12 and the judges are confidant that he will be convicted of these charges," Kuba said.

Saddam has been accused of ordering the killing of tens of thousands of Shiites and Kurds who rose up against him in 1991 following the Gulf War that liberated Kuwait from Iraqi occupation. He was arraigned July 1 in Baghdad on broad charges including killing rival politicians over 30 years, gassing Kurds in the northern town of Halabja in 1988, invading Kuwait in 1990 and suppressing the Kurdish and Shiite uprising.
Posted by: ed || 06/05/2005 08:11 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  One count and a quick witnessed and televised hanging would satisfy me, but I suppose they need to satisfy the Kurds, Shiites, and Kuwaitis at a minimum.
Posted by: Tom || 06/05/2005 11:31 Comments || Top||

#2  File the following under "Awwwwww"


I understand ECT (electro-convulsive therapy) does wonders for depression
Posted by: Glalet Chung9842 || 06/05/2005 17:46 Comments || Top||

Marines uncover bunker complex, Saddam sad.
LATIFIYAH, Iraq -- U.S. Marines said yesterday they had discovered a massive underground bunker complex with 50 caches of weapons and ammunition and living quarters fitted out with air conditioning, a kitchen and showers.

In the northern city of Mosul, Iraqi forces said they had arrested a key terrorist leader linked to Syrian intelligence, who was responsible for numerous beheadings and car bomb attacks.

The Marines said the bunker complex, discovered over the past four days in Anbar province west of Baghdad, included a recently used "insurgent lair" containing air-conditioned quarters and high-tech military equipment, including night-vision glasses. Fire still warm
The bunker was found cut from a rock quarry in Karmah, 50 miles west of Baghdad. Marines said the facility was 170 yards wide and 275 yards long. Bigger than three football fields. Sounds like Vegas.
In its rooms were "four fully furnished living spaces, a kitchen with fresh food, two shower facilities and a working air conditioner. Other rooms within the complex were filled with weapons and ammunition," the Marines said. So, where were the babes?
The weapons included "numerous types of machine guns, ordnance including mortars, rockets and artillery rounds, black uniforms, ski masks, compasses, log books, night-vision goggles and fully charged cell phones With directories?."

In Mosul, an Iraqi identified as Mullah Mahdi was caught along with his brother, three other Iraqis and a non-Iraqi Arab, Iraqi army Maj. Gen. Khalil Ahmed al-Obeidi said.
Mahdi was affiliated with the Ansar al-Sunnah Army, one of Iraq's most feared terrorist groups, and had links to the Syrian intelligence service, Gen. al-Obeidi said without elaborating.
Iraqi and U.S. officials have accused Syria of facilitating the insurgency by allowing foreign fighters to cross its borders. Damascus denies the charges.
Mahdi was wanted in connection with car bombings, assassinations, "beheadings of Iraqi policemen and soldiers and for launching attacks against multinational forces," in Mosul, Gen. al-Obeidi said.

Elsewhere, 19 suspected insurgents -- including a Jordanian and a Syrian -- were arrested in raids in Baghdad's western Abu Ghraib district, Iraqi Lt. Col. Abu Fahad Alkhasali said.
Meanwhile, hundreds of Iraqi and U.S. troops searched fields and farms yesterday for insurgents and their hide-outs in an area south of Baghdad.
A joint U.S.-Iraqi force operating in Latifiyah to the south was backed by American air power and said it had rounded up at least 108 Iraqis, mainly Sunnis, suspected of involvement in the brutal insurgent campaign to topple the Shi'ite-led government.
The raids near Latifiyah were part of Operation Lightning, a week-old assault aimed at rooting out insurgents conducting raids on the capital and sapping militant strength nationwide.
Also yesterday, a suicide car bomber blew himself up at an Iraqi police checkpoint on a main road connecting northern Mosul with the nearby city of Tal Afar, killing two officers and wounding four. Four others were hurt in a roadside bombing as they went to help their fallen colleagues, Mosul police Lt. Zaid Ahmed Shakir said.

In another development, an Iraqi judge trying Saddam Hussein said the former dictator's morale has plummeted as the gravity of the war-crimes charges he faces sinks in.
Judge Raid Juhi told the London-based Asharq al-Awsat newspaper in an interview: "The ousted president has suffered a collapse in his morale because he understands the extent of the charges against him and because he's certain that he will stand trial before an impartial court."
No date has been set for the start of the trial, but Judge Juhi said the former dictator was expected to face the tribunal within two months.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 06/05/2005 05:10 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  In the northern city of Mosul, Iraqi forces said they had arrested a key terrorist leader linked to Syrian intelligence, who was responsible for numerous beheadings and car bomb attacks.

At one time, I was for leaving Syria alone and concentrating on defeating Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Now I must say I advocate cutting Syria up into parts, and the Syrian leadership into even smaller bits.
Posted by: ed || 06/05/2005 7:59 Comments || Top||

#2  Syria might buy its way back into my good graces by expelling Khaled Meshaal and all other Hamas officials from Damascus, preferably into the path of an IAF missile.

I would consider that to be a promising start to negotiations.
Posted by: Seafarious || 06/05/2005 9:49 Comments || Top||

#3  and cutting all support to Hezbollah
Posted by: Frank G || 06/05/2005 11:59 Comments || Top||

#4  And all the other terrorist groups they shelter.

This week would be a good time to take care of it.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/05/2005 20:47 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
2 US Soldiers, 2 Taleban Killed in Afghan Unrest
Two US soldiers were killed in a bomb blast in Afghanistan, the military said yesterday, capping a bloody week in which more than 60 people died in a wave of violence, including a mosque bombing that was the country's worst attack in two years. The two soldiers were killed and a third wounded in insurgency-wracked southeastern Paktika province when an improvised bomb exploded as their vehicle was passing, the US military said in a statement. An Afghan interpreter was also wounded in the blast. The wounded were evacuated to a US military base at Salerno in neighboring Khost province, the statement said.

In a separate attack in southern Zabul province, two Taleban fighters were killed and four wounded during an hour-long gunbattle after they ambushed a police convoy. "During a one-hour battle, two Taleban were killed and four were wounded after the Taleban ambushed a government police unit who were evacuating a local engineer from Mizan to Qalat," Mizan district chief Rahmattullah Khan told AFP. He said no police or government soldiers were wounded. Taleban spokesman Abdul Latif Hakimi claimed responsibility for the ambush and said the Taleban had killed seven policemen, speaking to AFP by telephone from an undisclosed location. Earlier in the day, four people were arrested carrying AK-47 assault rifles, 10 anti-tank mines and bomb making equipment in the same district after police launched a manhunt following the gunfight, Khan told AFP.
Posted by: Fred || 06/05/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  What US Soldiers? Doesn't come up here.
Posted by: Pheregum Spairong2458 || 06/05/2005 8:46 Comments || Top||

#2  It happened Friday or Saturday US time. They will update the casualty list on a weekday.
Posted by: ed || 06/05/2005 8:56 Comments || Top||

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In no particular order...
Steve White
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Two weeks of WOT
Sun 2005-06-05
  Marines uncover bunker complex, Saddam sad.
Sat 2005-06-04
  Iraqi troops nab 'prince of princes'
Fri 2005-06-03
  Virgin Airbus Jet Emitting Hijack Signal Lands In Canada; False Alert
Thu 2005-06-02
  Bomb kills anti-Syria journalist in Beirut
Wed 2005-06-01
  At least 27 dead in Afghanistan mosque suicide blast
Tue 2005-05-31
  At least six killed in Karachi mosque attack
Mon 2005-05-30
  Doc faces terror charges in Palm Beach
Sun 2005-05-29
Sat 2005-05-28
  King Fahd is dead?
Fri 2005-05-27
  Zark is dead?
Thu 2005-05-26
  Iraqi Officials Confirm Zarqawi Is Wounded
Wed 2005-05-25
  Huge US raid on al-Qaim
Tue 2005-05-24
  Syria ending cooperation with the US
Mon 2005-05-23
  Mulla Omar aide escapes Multan raid
Sun 2005-05-22
  Cairo Blast Suspect Dies in Custody

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