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Suicide Bomber Kills 16 Passengers on Bus
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Home Front
Justice Department to Propose New Visa Regulations
The Justice Department this afternoon will propose a regulation requiring a new "special registration" of people visiting the United States from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya and Sudan, according to congressional officials. Visa holders temporarily entering the United States from the five countries would be required to be fingerprinted and photographed and to provide contacts in the United States and in their home countries. After 30 days, the visa holders would have to report to the Immigration and Naturalization Service about their activities, and again after each year in the United States and when leaving. Violators would be barred from re-entering the United States.
More of a start than a measure, but the Politically Correct will howl with anguish...
The officials said a similar arrangement already exists for all of the five countries except for Syria. Notably, the new list excluded Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Yemen, North Korea and Cuba. However, those entering the United States from virtually any country could be directed to meet the same requirements if the INS determines them to be of a "higher security risk." The Justice officials who briefed lawmakers today did not say what the criteria would be to label a visitor a higher security risk.
They'll be serious about it when the Soddis and Paks are on the list. Sudan will probably be off, as they're tiny potatoes in the international terrorism game. Yemen produces the occasional lunatic and lots of blushing brides for the al-Qaeda swains. North Korea and Cuba are both negligable threats to this country at the moment.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/05/2002 12:09 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  This is no more than an American is required to do when visiting their countries. When I visited India last year, return ticket, local sponsor, local address, proof of immunization, proof of HIV test, checking in with immigration every 2 weeks etc. were all required. You can only get a 28 day visa in Qatar. We have to jump through all sorts of hoops when visiting their countries. So, sock it to 'em.
Posted by: bob || 06/05/2002 14:12 Comments || Top||

Pakistan Rejects India Proposal for Joint Patrols
Pakistan on Wednesday rejected an Indian proposal for joint patrols along the disputed Kashmir border to stem the infiltration of militants, saying it was nothing new and "unlikely to work."
Guess we'll never know, will we?
Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee told a news conference in Almaty, Kazakhstan, that India could consider joint patrols along the tense Kashmir frontier if Pakistan stopped cross-border infiltrations by Pakistani-based militants.
Figger the odds on that one, Atal...
"If Pakistan decides it will not support infiltration, then both countries can work on a mechanism for joint patrolling," he said.
Yeah. If they all become Baptists they can eat ham sandwiches, too. This is actually just a political gesture to shine light on the Paks' lies with regard to Kashmir. They're habitual, they're not even very plausible. And we already know it...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/05/2002 12:46 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Russia Fails to Persuade Pakistan, India to Budge
Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, tried unsuccessfully to bridge the divide today by meeting separately with Musharraf and Vajpayee for hours after the main summit session. Putin proposed that the two leaders join him in Moscow to continue the search for peace, Musharraf said afterward. But Vajpayee, maintaining India's long-standing policy, rejected international mediation of the Kashmir issue, and aides said he had no intention of visiting the Russian capital this year. Putin sought to put the best face on the situation. "Conditions for organizing meetings are understood differently, but there is a desire to maintain such contacts," he told reporters before leaving town. "Both the Indian and Pakistani leaders stressed that they have no intention of using force to resolve their problems."
Pak has used force to create the problem, and India in reaction to the problem. A resolution would involve Kashmir going with one state or the other or becoming independent, and neither would stand for two out of three of the possible results. Since Kashmir is one of the Islamists' causes, Musharraf wouldn't last if he lost it, and the next set of festivities would begin immediately to get it back into the Islamic fold.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/05/2002 12:57 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

11 more gunnies hang it up...
Another 11 militants handed themselves over to the civil and police authorities in Kashmir on Wednesday and surrendered their arms and ammunition, an army spokesman said. The surrender ceremony, the second in five days, was organised by the Indian army in the northern Kashmir district of Kupwara. On Saturday, 21 rebels gave themselves up at a similar function in Kupwara.
Who wants to be the last guy killed in a war you've lost?
The militants are members of the pro-Pakistan militant groups Hizbul Mujahideen, al Barq, Zarb-e-Islam and al Fateh, the spokesman said. In all, they surrendered 11 AK-47 assault rifles, two dozen grenades, a landmine and two grenade launchers, besides other arms and ammunition.
The Hizbul gunnies are suffering internal splits. Al Barq and Fateh are both scheduled to be cannibalized for parts to build the new, improved, longer, lower, leaner, wider Kashmir Resistance Force.
The spokesman said efforts by the army, police, intelligence agencies and the families of the militants all combined to persuade the militants to surrender. "There is a latent groundswell within the public against terrorism which could, sooner rather than later, manifest itself," he said.
More likely their jobs were reorged out of existence and they don't feel like starting over again from the bottom in a flat market.
The army officers present during the surrender ceremony said the militants had expressed a desire to shun violence and lead a normal life instead of as fugitives in the forests. "They were either duped or coerced into joining militancy," said Brigadier B.S. Ghotra. "This action of surrender is likely to give impetus to others to follow suit and thereby bring normalcy to the state."
If the Paks really do cut off the money, there will be quite a few more who just decide to retire, at least until the money and arms start flowing again — which they will.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/05/2002 01:26 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Voices from the trenches: 'This is treason'
An intercept which shows militants feel let down by Pakistan. Station One (S-1) is in PoK, Station Two (S-2) is in the Valley.
S-1: Religious salutations... Tell me, what’s new.
S-2: This is treason. They play with our blood. If I were there (in Pakistan), I would have attacked Musharraf first. He has made a joke of this.
S-1: Come again, your voice was not clear.
S-2: I said these people play cricket with our blood.
S-1: Difficulties keep cropping up, but I hope things will be all right.
S-2: During Kargil, with our movement in its last lap, that bald fool (Nawaz Sharif) set us back to 1987. (Now) we’ve been taken back to 1950.
S-1: We have a meeting tomorrow with the lower rung.
S-2: Sir, they keep talking nonsense.
Dontcha hate it when that happens? But don't worry, guys. It's only temporary.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/05/2002 01:36 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Pak jehadi assembly line still functional
Satellite images sourced by the Hindustan Times shows terrorist camps in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir buzzing with activity. Credible intelligence inputs show terrorist launch pads — the points at which terrorists are briefed by ISI operatives about their missions in India — are also operational. Terrorists are kept in waiting at these points before being sent to army posts on the Line of Control (LoC), from where they cross into India.

Transcripts of a radio intercept convey the impression that Musharraf's current crackdown is temporary. Militants, whose close links with Pakistan are clearly revealed in the transcripts, seem to believe they have to lie low only until international pressure on Pakistan to stop infiltration eases.

The images show, for instance, functional terrorist camps adjacent to the Pakistan Army's Chakothi cantonment close to the LoC. They also show a firing range close to the Jhelum. Another image shows a launch pad on the banks of the Kishenganga. In Almaty, Prime Minister A.B. Vajpayee estimated the number of terrorists waiting in such launch pads at 3,000. "It will take at least four to six weeks for a clear picture to emerge," said a senior military officer. "It is too early for an assessment yet, but there are both positive and negative indicators. For one, levels of violence have gone down over the last few days. Communication to convey operational instructions to militants by their Pakistani mentors too has reduced," the officer said. On the negative side, he said, there was no end to infiltration. "Pakistani cross-border firing too is heavy. It is often a cover for infiltrators," he added.
My guess would be that they have a lot of guys in the chute and it's hard to stop the "machine." ISI and the relevant parts of the military may have the order to stop operations or to scale them back, but they're probably implementing them at a snail's pace, if at all, anticipating another turn-around once the coast is clear. A major blow-up in the Middle East, Afghanistan if they can swing it, or possibly Chechnya will divert attention and allow the infiltration to start up again, accompanied by pious denials and accusations of perfidy against the Indos.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/05/2002 01:47 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Kashmir Korpse Kount
  • Two Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) hard boys have been jugged since Tuesday night, a police spokesman said on Wednesday.
  • SDPO Shopian, Imtiyaz Hussain was attacked by terrorists when he was on his way to Alam Gunj village in Pulwama district of south Kashmir to probe a land dispute on Tuesday. The police officer and his guards retaliated. The gunnies beat it when Army reinforcements reached the scene. No one was hurt in the shootout.
  • Three snuffies of Harkat-ul-Jehad-e-Islami (HUJI) were iced in an encounter with a joint search party of Army and special operations group of local police at Nowgam village of Anantnag district in south Kashmir on Wednesday.
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/05/2002 01:54 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

    US can force Pak to end terror, says Advani
    Ahead of the visit of two top American officials to India and Pakistan, Home Minister L K Advani has said the international community must force Pakistan to end cross-border terrorism for good. Advani said the international community still had the power to avert a military conflict. "If Washington decides to force Pakistan, it will do it."
    That's about a damned dumbass statement. The U.S. can no more "force" Pakistan to do something than it can "force" India to do something. The best it could do, assuming the will to do so, is make Pak wish it had.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/05/2002 02:39 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

    #1  Advani's wife is the smart one in that couple. Advani himself is usually a watt or two short of a dim bulb.
    Posted by: Tom Roberts || 06/06/2002 6:40 Comments || Top||

    #2  Pakistan relies heavily on US support. We can definitely see 'multiple standards' being followed in the 'War against terrorism'. Remember the quote: 'Those harboring terrorists are as bad as being terrorists'?
    Afghanistan is bombed, Pakistan is given lots of aid, and a few warnings.
    Posted by: K Olsen || 06/06/2002 7:00 Comments || Top||

    Middle East
    Suicide Bomber Kills 16 Passengers on Bus
    A suicide bomber rammed an explosive-armed car into a public bus today, blew the vehicle into flaming pieces, and killed 16 passengers on board. The assault marked a departure from the suicide bombings that have rocked Israel for several months. Previously, bombers who targeted buses mostly tried to carry explosives directly on board. This time, the attack came from without, and the blast was much more powerful than the kind produced by explosive belts worn by most of the bombers. Police said the assailant detonated several pounds of explosives.
    Guess there was something going on in Washington...
    Israel's army quickly retaliated by sending attack helicopters and tanks into the nearby West Bank city of Jenin. The bomber hailed from Jenin, said Islamic Jihad, which claimed it organized the bus bombing.
    They need a good strong assault on Gaza to whip up EU opinion...
    Israeli commentators wondered whether this Megiddo bombing would be the "Big One" that would prod Sharon into expelling Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and formally reoccupying all of the West Bank.
    It would make sense, but it's doubtful international opinion would stand for it...
    "Following this attack, there will be no sanctuary and no safe haven for any terrorist," warned Sharon's spokesman Ranaan Gissin. By day's end, Israeli troops were in total control of three West Bank towns: Jenin, Hebron, and Nablus, where soldiers have been hunting for Palestinian militants and terrorist suspects for a week. One Palestinian died when hit by a tank shell in Nablus, Palestinian hospital officials said.
    Ow. That hadda hurt. But since the idea was "no sanctuary and no safe haven for any terrorist" before, what's gonna change?
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/05/2002 12:01 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [36 views] Top|| File under:

    #1  "International opinion" won't stand for anything Israel does. I say go for it.
    Posted by: Chris || 06/05/2002 12:03 Comments || Top||

    #2  As long as the US doesn't step in militarily to stop Israel (which won't happen), the Israeli have little downside in squashing the autoboomer factories.

    The worst the EU would do is to put on an economic embargo, which is unlikely to happen,either. The EUnuchs are all talk and little action.
    Posted by: Mark Byron || 06/05/2002 15:08 Comments || Top||

    PA announces crackdown on militants
    The Palestinian Authority on Wednesday announced it would crack down on militants in the West bank. According to the report, PA Chairman Yasser Arafat gave direct orders to the authority's security services to arrest members of Islamic Jihad, the organization that has claimed responsiboility for Wednesday's terror attack in Wadi Ara. However, an Islamic Jihad source, speaking with Army Radio, said no arrests were made thus far.
    They'll get around to it. Weather's kind of bad today. Maybe tomorrow...
    IDF troops remained inside Jenin Wednesday night, after entering the city hours after the car bomb attack in Megiddo. While military officials dubbed the operation "routine," Palestinians reported that over 20 tanks rumbled into the city accompanied by soldiers, as Apache helicopters flew overhead. It was the third time forces entered the city since the conclusion of Operation Defensive Shield.
    So it's getting to be routine, right?
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/05/2002 07:45 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

    Southeast Asia
    Indonesians upset at Lee's remarks
    Seizing on recent comments by Singapore Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew about Muslim militancy in the region, including in Indonesia, Indonesian politicians, Muslim clerics, and even a minister launched a fresh barrage of criticism against him for what they say is interference in their domestic affairs.
    A bit touchy, are they?
    Mr Lee, opening a regional security conference last Friday, spoke, among other things, of terrorist Islamic groups in the area and the challenges faced by Indonesia.
    And since they're right next door, by Singapore and Malaysia as well...
    Justice and Human Rights Minister Yusril Ihza Mahendra dismissed as 'laughable' concerns that the government felt threatened by Islamic militant groups. Speaking to the Media Indonesia newspaper, he said the government could overcome any problems which such groups posed. 'I think Lee Kuan Yew has talked about this issue one too many times - we don't feel any threats from any militant group,' he told the newspaper in remarks carried on Monday.
    "Nope. Us pious Muslims don't feel any threat at all. Wanna see my turban?"
    Others said Mr Lee was again meddling in Indonesia's affairs by suggesting it was not doing enough to rein in militant movements and that politicians were cosying up to militant groups to garner political support ahead of the 2004 presidential election.
    Yeah. Noticing what's going on the other side of the fence is meddling. Just... Just... Just don't look!
    Said Mr Syafii Maarif, head of Muhammadiyah, the second-largest Muslim organisation: 'Lee should be warned that he is interfering with our affairs, but the government has been reluctant to signal him that we were unhappy with his statements on us.'
    Ummm... And sponsoring, aiding and abetting subversive organizations in his country isn't interference in his internal affairs? And he has nothing to be unhappy about?
    Political analyst Azyumardi Azra said Mr Lee was only thinking of Singapore's interests without considering that his statements often hurt Indonesia's feelings.
    There'll be a lot more than feelings hurt when Jemaah Islamiyah and Lashkar Jihad are cutting people's heads off for not being Wahhabis.
    And as Mr Solahuddin Wahid, deputy chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama, the largest Muslim group, saw it: 'Lee is either paranoid or wants to please the United States in its international campaign against terrorism.'
    Or correct. He could be correct, you know...
    Two men identified as leaders of Jemaah Islamiah - the terrorist network based in Indonesia and which spans Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore - are Indonesians. One of them, Abu Bakar Bashir, remains in Indonesia and was recently visited by Vice-President Hamzah Haz. The other, Hambali, is on the run.
    Isn't that some sort of an indication that Indonesia's got some sort of, y'know, significance in all that mess?
    The Indonesians who commented on Mr Lee's remarks, conceded that radical groups exist here. But they said these received little support from the country's mostly moderate Muslims population. They doubted that such groups had the capability of achieving the goal of establishing an Islamic state of Indonesia - and even warned that any unjustified crackdown on them could backfire on Singapore.
    Loosely translated, that means they're not taking the threat seriously. "I mean, what cheek! These guys call themselves bol'sheviks, but they don't have anywhere close to a majority..."
    Said former foreign minister Alwi Shihab: 'This kind of things do not need to be said in public. Even if there are indications that he was right, it should be communicated through diplomatic means.'
    Oh. Very fastidious. Ineffectual, but fastidious.
    Mr Lee's remarks did not, however, generate as much response in the media - unlike earlier comments he made that terrorist leaders were still in Indonesia. The Media Indonesia daily was the only newspaper of note which responded. In an editorial headlined 'Seniority Syndrome', it said that as one of the region's most senior leaders, 'Mr Lee seems to suffer not only from paranoia but also seniority syndrome, which makes him feel as if he is entitled to interfere in other country's affairs'. It said this could radicalise anti-Singapore sentiments in Indonesia.
    Either that, or he's been around long enough to recognize a serious threat at first glance. Want to be which it is?
    As for his call for Washington to start working with the armed forces again, the newspaper said such as move could end up pitting Islam against the Indonesian military.
    I thought they ran to orangs and such. I never knew Indonesia had ostriches.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/05/2002 05:17 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

    #1  It is always interesting how the perpetrators of domestic bad policys always try to find external villains once the chickens come home to roost. Singapore has about as much to fear from Indonesia today as Austria does have to fear Russia. Indonesia's military couldn't even put down a half dozen separatist rebellions over a decade. Meanwhile these Islamic radicals act like they are framing national foreign policy. The whole situation is a joke, with Megawatti acting like the Queen of Hearts controlling her courtiers.
    Posted by: Tom Roberts || 06/06/2002 6:48 Comments || Top||

    Terror Networks
    Kuwaiti Thug Is Suspected As 9/11 Mastermind
    Investigators believe they have identified a Kuwaiti lieutenant of Osama bin Laden as the likely mastermind of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, designated as one of the FBI's most-wanted terrorists, is at large in Afghanistan or nearby, the law enforcement official said.
    "Nearby" means a cute little cottage outside Quetta or Peshawar, or maybe the cool confines of a madrassah in the same area...
    "There's lots of links that tie him to 9/11," the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. "He's the most significant operational player out there right now." Other bin Laden lieutenants are also believed to have helped put together the attacks, the official said. But evidence is mounting that Mohammed was at the center of the operational planning.
    "Mohammed is known to wear either a full beard or a trimmed beard, or he may be clean shaven. He has been known to wear glasses." Not very helpful. Catch him and there's $25m in it for ya...
    A second U.S. official, also speaking on condition of anonymity, acknowledged that Mohammed played a critical role in planning the attacks but said questions remain about the extent of his leadership. The official said other bin Laden lieutenants, including Abu Zubaydah, now in U.S. custody, are also believed to have played top organizational roles. According to the counterterrorism official, within three months of Sept. 11, the FBI learned that Mohammed had moved money that was used to pay for the attacks and that since then the United States has gathered other significant evidence pointing to him as the key planner. The official declined to go into detail, citing a need to protect intelligence information.
    That's pretty interesting. The Indians claimed back in October that the money came from Pakland, via Ahmed Omar Shiekh, which would be Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, on trial now for killing Daniel Pearl.
    Mohammed is accused of working with Ramzi Yousef in the first bombing of the World Trade Center, which left six dead in 1993. He and Yousef are also accused of plotting in 1995, while hiding in the Philippines, to bomb several trans-Pacific airliners heading for the United States. Yousef, now serving a life sentence in the United States, is believed to have planned to crash a plane into CIA headquarters.
    In late September, Newsweek ran a story saying the 9-11 killers had wired their spare changed to Mustafa Ahmed, believed to be Binny's paymaster, in the UAE. The Mirror carried a parallel story, without naming the "money man:"
    "On September 9 the man, who has not been named by the UAE authorities, received three separate wire transfers from America totalling $15,000. UAE officials said the cash was left over from planning the US atrocities and was returned to finance new attacks."
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/05/2002 12:46 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

    #1  Re funding sources of 911 terror: there is foundation supporting an Iranian connection. Last October a Saudi - Sheik al-Hawali - was named as an al-Qaeda financier. As I write, his extremist works are being distributed freely in Saudi Arabia, even though the Saudis jailed him - with another extremist - Sheik al-Awdah - from 1994-1999. Hawali and Awdah had appeared jointly at Iran's annual "Jihad" conference, just before the arrests. The Afghan' Hizb-e-Islami also were represented at that meeting, which focused on the "destruction of America". In fact, the "Khurasaan Prophecy" (see: www.khurasaan.com) calls for said destruction, after the unification of Islamist armies of Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, etc. Hawali's recent book - "The Wrath" - goes beyond the America's impending demise, and forsees Israel's annihilation in the year "2012". Recently, khurasaan.com has been posting nominal "signs" of the end of "tribulation". They have described "angels" fighting in direct armed combat with American troop, and "trees" speaking to Muslims in Palestine, informing their co-religists of the presence of IDF units. On May 31, the Iman Sahib - Sh. Abd-al-Rahman al-Sudays -of the Holy Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, proclaimed the impending end of "tribulations", praying that "allah" would turn "Jews" into "pigs and monkeys". He proclaimed a state of war against "advocates of credit and worshippers of the Cross". And that alleged human said all of the above, on the "house of saud's" TV1 channel.Where do the Iranian' Shias fit in? During the Taleban regime, they directed their Hizb puppet, Gulodin Hekmatyar, to reconcile with the government. When the second most powerful person in Pakistan - Qazi Hussain Ahmad (Jamaat-i-Islami)-was released from luxurious custody, last Feb 27, his first visitor was: the Ambassador of Iran to Pakistan. And one of Qazi's his first free acts was to form an anti-secularist alliance - the MMA - with the Jamaat-Ulama-Islami movement. The JUL is a signatory member of al-Qaeda's "jihad against Jews and Crusaders". According to the JI website - jamaat.org - Qazi was given American diplomatic privileges in 2001, and attended consultation sessions at the State Department. Qazi also conducted propaganda ("Dawah") sessions with Muzammil Siddiqi, the President of Qazi's American forward base movements, the Islamic Society ("Jamaat") of North America, and the Muslim Students Assn. The JI leadership also once invited bin Laden to attend a convention in Pakistan. There is at least foundation for believing that Mullah Omar's much ridiculed predictions of the "destruction of America", are at least part of a plan to site and use weapons of mass destruction, on American soil, using Islamist elements for infiltration and placement purposes. It is certainly a fact, that somebody with high tech weapons wants Hekmatyar dead in the worst way, and President Bush openly hinted at West Point that Americans can expect proportionate "pre-emptive" strikes, where warranted. Iran's clerics have been commanding "Death to America" chants at Teheran U, for over two decades. If Pakistan's Inter-Service-Intelligence agency handed nuclear technology to Iran, and that terror entity is funding al-Qaeda ul-Jihad, then they would have the means to attempt to take that end to effect. By the way, al-Awdah is currently writing extensive apocalyptic on the "signs of the end of days", while al-Hawali (last seen last October,in the Netherlands) is posting jihad instructions on the Wahabi websites: al-neda and islamicawakening.com. I forsee the toppling of the House of Saud, by August, and that this will be achieved with Jordanian and Yemeni assistance.As for Iran, the Imans are about to enter hell.
    Posted by: RG Fulton || 06/05/2002 18:01 Comments || Top||

    Binny no longer running al-Qaeda?
    Osama bin Laden has ceased actively directing al-Qaeda operations, despite evidence that the terrorist network continues to function around the world, American intelligence agents believe. Bin Laden may have stopped communicating directly with al-Qaeda cells for fear of being tracked down by allied forces, Pentagon officials said. Alternatively, he could be seriously ill.
    Probably both. If he's in end-stage kidney failure, he's a deader unless he can come up with a transplant. Judging from the last video but one, if it was made between January and March, he should be approaching his last legs about now...
    The officials’ comments echoed remarks made by Donald Rumsfeld, the US Defence Secretary, to The Washington Post on the eve of his arrival in London this morning. Mr Rumsfeld will hold talks with Tony Blair and Geoff Hoon, the Defence Secretary, and the Kashmir stand-off will be top of the agenda. But an American Embassy official in London said that Mr Rumsfeld would also be talking about future plans for eliminating the al-Qaeda network around the world and would discuss the latest views on how to deal with Iraq. From London Mr Rumsfeld flies to Brussels for a Nato defence ministers’ meeting in Brussels tomorrow and the first meeting of the NatoRussia Council. Then he will travel on to India and Pakistan to reinforce international efforts to avert a war in South Asia.
    Pretty grueling schedule. I always like to try and get a night's sleep when I travel, so I can stay awake during meetings.
    American officials said that intelligence agents continue to intercept so-called “chatter” from known al-Qaeda cells, indicating that the organisation is intact. The United States is seeking other senior members of the group whom, they believe, are running it on Bin Laden’s behalf. Mr Rumsfeld said: "If he were active we would know it. We would have some visible sense of it, which we haven’t seemed to have had."
    That's because he's going downhill...
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/05/2002 02:09 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

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    Two weeks of WOT
    Wed 2002-06-05
      Suicide Bomber Kills 16 Passengers on Bus
    Tue 2002-06-04
      One-eyed Mullah sighted in Helmand...
    Mon 2002-06-03
      Manzoor Ahmed Ganai is no longer with us. Hurrah!
    Sun 2002-06-02
      Jaish, Lashkar hold meet, discuss strategy
    Sat 2002-06-01
      Jaish threatens to blow Ayodhya temple...
    Fri 2002-05-31
      India set to launch 'small war'
    Thu 2002-05-30
      Indonesian V-P meets cleric probed for terror links
    Wed 2002-05-29
      India tells Pak to knock it off...
    Tue 2002-05-28
      Indian Defense Minister Says Options Narrowing
    Mon 2002-05-27
      'Death to Jews' sign in Moscow was booby trapped...
    Sun 2002-05-26
      Iran confirms it tested ballistic missile
    Sat 2002-05-25
      'Journalist' nabbed with boom belt
    Fri 2002-05-24
      Sami bitches about Hafiz Saeed arrest...
    Thu 2002-05-23
      New Orleans: Loon shoots up airport 'cuz somebody made fun of his turban
    Wed 2002-05-22
      Paks warn India against cross-border action...

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