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Biden says Israel has agreed to 'enduring' Gaza ceasefire proposal
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5 23:26 trailing wife [107] 
1 01:48 Grom the Reflective [62] 
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Good Morning

Retired Four Star Admiral Arrested for Bridery: From 2020 to 2022, Robert Burke, 62, was a four-star Admiral who oversaw Naval operations in Europe, Russia, and most of Africa
Sunday 06/02/2024

Fifth Column
Police break up anti-Israel protest
encampment, arrest 80 at UC Santa Cruz
Africa North
Egypt extends crackdown on
Gaza activism with student arrests
120,000 claimed to rally in Tel Aviv to demand hostage deal, denounce gov%u2019t, thank President Biden; 5,000 claimed protest to thank President Biden in J%u2019lem
Fifth Column
U of Chicago students walk out of graduation
after diplomas withheld for anti-Israel camp
Iranian authorities have arrested 35
people in a raid on a 'satanist network gathering'
Hezbollah-affiliated medical organization says 16 children have been wounded in an Israeli airstrike
27 People Shot in Ohio, One Dead, Suspect At Large

Posted by: Fred || 06/02/2024 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [72 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Fang Fang V0.0
Posted by: Frank G || 06/02/2024 13:19 Comments || Top||

Posted by: NoMoreBS || 06/02/2024 16:27 Comments || Top||

Africa Horn
Three ISIS members killed in US airstrike in Somalia's Puntland
[SHABELLEMEDIA] In coordination with the Federal Government of Somalia, U.S. Africa Command conducted an Arclight airstrike
in Somalia targeting ISIS murderous Moslems, on May 31, 2024.

The airstrike occurred in a remote area in the vicinity of Dhaardaar, approximately 81 km southeast of Bosaso, Somalia.

An initial assessment of the strike is that three ISIS murderous Moslems were killed, with no civilian casualties.

U.S. Africa Command takes great measures to prevent civilian casualties. Protecting innocent civilians remains a vital part of the command’s operations to promote a more secure and stable Africa.

ISIS has conducted numerous attacks globally, including terrorist attacks in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, all while continuing to plot against the U.S. homeland and personnel and interests around the world, as well as regional partners, and others globally.

U.S. Africa Command, alongside its partners, continues to take action to prevent this terrorist group from planning and conducting attacks, that disproportionately harms civilians.

Somalia remains central to the security environment in East Africa. U.S. Africa Command’s forces will continue training, advising, and equipping partner forces to degrade ISIS.

U.S. Africa Command, headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, with partners, counters malign actors and international threats, responds to crises, and strengthens security forces in order to advance U.S. national interests and promote regional security, stability, and prosperity.

Posted by: Fred || 06/02/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [59 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Clashes reignite in El-Fasher, Killing 11 Civilians
[SUDANTRIBUNE] Fierce festivities erupted again in El-Fasher, the capital of North Darfur State, on Saturday, June 1st, as fighting between the Sudan
...a Moslem country located in the Horn of Africa. It is noted for its affinity for rule by ex- or current generals, its holy men, and for the oppression of the native Afro population by its Arab conquerors. South Sudan, populated mostly by the natives, split off from Sudan proper, which left North and South Darfur to be oppressed by the guys with turbans...
ese Armed Forces (SAF), allied gangs, and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) intensified. The renewed violence resulted in the deaths of approximately 11 civilians and left dozens injured.

El-Fasher, the historical capital of the Darfur region, has been a battleground since May 10th, witnessing fierce festivities between the SAF, backed by allied militias, and the RSF. The ongoing conflict has inflicted a heavy toll on civilians, causing numerous casualties and displacing thousands from their homes.

A fragile calm had recently settled over the city as direct confrontations between the warring factions subsided, except for heavy artillery shelling by the RSF on populated areas. However,
Caliphornia hasn't yet slid into the ocean, no matter how hard it's tried...
this was shattered on Saturday by heavy artillery shelling of residential areas by the RSF and Arclight airstrike
s by SAF warplanes on various locations in the region.

Eyewitnesses told Sudan Tribune that "bloody festivities" reignited between the RSF and the joint forces’ forward positions in the southern and eastern parts of El-Fasher, involving a wide array of weaponry.
Posted by: Fred || 06/02/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Sudan

Africa North
Egypt extends crackdown on Gaza activism with student arrests
[IsraelTimes] Despite growing official criticism of Israel, Cairo remains unwilling to allow pro-Palestinian demonstrations, fearing unrest could fuel domestic political dissent

Egypt has detained several students who were trying to promote pro-Paleostinian boycotts and solidarity campaigns, the latest sign that it does not want to leave space for activism over the war in Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
despite growing official criticism of Israel.

The students are among dozens of people held in connection with protests against Israel’s military campaign, some of them detained in October when state-sanctioned rallies spilled over to unauthorized sites, including Cairo’s Tahrir Square.

Analysts say Egyptian authorities fear that demonstrations over the Israeli-Paleostinian conflict could fuel domestic political dissent, which has been suppressed in a broad crackdown lasting more than a decade.

According to the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR), an independent Cairo-based group, at least 125 people have been arrested since the Gaza war began in October, 95 of whom are still being held in pre-trial detention on charges including membership of a banned group or spreading false news.

Three students were arrested earlier this month over their attempt to create a group called Students for Paleostine, according to Nabeh El Ganadi, a human rights
...which are usually entirely different from personal liberty...
lawyer who represents two of the students. They include Ziad Bassiouny, a 22-year-old student at an arts institute in Giza.

About 40 members of the security forces were deployed to arrest Bassiouny at his apartment in the early hours of May 9, his mother Fayza Hendawy told Rooters.

"They pointed their rifles at us so that none of us could move," she said, describing the overnight raid.

The students "did not call for protests or anything like that", she said. "It’s not a political group, they’re just students calling on Egyptian students to stand with Paleostine and show their support publicly like the rest of the universities globally."
This is what politics is when it’s not about elections, you precious, ignorant fool.
Egypt’s state information service did not respond to a Rooters request for comment, and an interior ministry official could not immediately be reached.

Egyptian officials have publicly stated their support for Paleostinian rights in the context of the war, and have strongly criticized Israel’s military campaign. "What is astonishing is that this is their official position," Hendawy said.

Rights groups say tens of thousands of people from across Egypt’s political spectrum have been arrested for dissent since 2013 when then-army chief Abdel Fattah el-Sisi led the ouster of then-Egyptian president Mohammed Mursi of the Moslem Brüderbund, freely elected the year before after protracted "Arab Spring" unrest.

..the well-beloved offspring of the Moslem Brotherhood,...
, Gaza’s ruling terror group, is an offshoot of the Brotherhood and Egypt helped Israel impose a blockade on Gaza after Hamas seized control of the territory in 2007.

Supporters of Sisi, who has been president since 2014, say the security crackdown has been needed to stabilize Egypt, and that the judiciary is independent. Officials say they have taken steps to protect rights and expand political participation, though critics say the measures are largely cosmetic.

Public demonstrations are generally outlawed.

Nineteen activists were detained in late April as they held a rally outside a United Nations
...boodling on the grand scale...
office in Cairo to show solidarity with women in Gaza and Sudan
...a Moslem country located in the Horn of Africa. It is noted for its affinity for rule by ex- or current generals, its holy men, and for the oppression of the native Afro population by its Arab conquerors. South Sudan, populated mostly by the natives, split off from Sudan proper, which left North and South Darfur to be oppressed by the guys with turbans...
, before being released on bail, according to EIPR. Earlier in the month, security forces detained people at a protest in the center of the capital where slogans criticizing Sisi were chanted.

Ganadi, the human rights lawyer, said the arrests fitted a pattern of authorities trying to block organized movements including professional and student associations.
"No one is doing anything, but they might, so since they might do something and this is something on the table, why shouldn’t we arrest them or hold them accountable?" he said.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/02/2024 2024-06-02 02:08 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [61 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

Africa Subsaharan
Deadly clashes in Malakal raise concerns ahead of Political Rally
[SUDANTRIBUNE] Violent clashes in Malakal, South Sudan, have left several people dead and raised concerns about escalating tensions ahead of a planned high-level political rally by the ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM).

The clashes erupted on Thursday between two camps housing internally displaced people from the Shilluk and Nuer ethnic groups, according to sources from the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and the state government. The violence resulted in deaths and destruction of property.

UNMISS confirmed in a statement that tensions remain high at the UN Protection of Civilians Site adjacent to its base in Malakal. The mission expressed deep concern about the violence and urged state and local authorities and government security forces to maintain stability and order in the area.

“Such violence causes lasting harm to communities and prevents UNMISS from continuing our vital protection and peacebuilding work,” said Nicholas Haysom, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and Head of UNMISS.

The mission called on feuding parties to exercise restraint and engage in dialogue to resolve their differences peacefully. UNMISS is working with the state government, community leaders, and security actors to restore calm.
Posted by: Fred || 06/02/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [47 views] Top|| File under:

Houthis claim to have attacked US aircraft carrier Dwight Eisenhower in the Red Sea
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] The Yemeni Ansar Allah movement (Houthis) attacked the American aircraft carrier Dwight Eisenhower and a US destroyer in the Red Sea, announced the representative of the said association, Yahya Saria.

His statement was quoted by MasirahTV. According to Saria, the Houthis used naval forces, missile units and drones to achieve this. In total they performed six operations.

Continued on Page 49
Posted by: badanov || 06/02/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [79 views] Top|| File under: Houthis

Caribbean-Latin America
Mayoral candidate murdered in Mexico two days before election
[Al Jazeera] A candidate running for local office in Mexico’s central Puebla state has been killed at a political rally two days before the elections, adding to the toll of murdered contenders in what is seen as the country’s most violent mostly peaceful polls on record.

Jorge Huerta Cabrera was rubbed out on Friday in the city of Izucar de Matamoros where he was a candidate, according to the state prosecutor’s office.

The candidate’s wife and one of his colleagues were also maimed in the attack which was captured on video. The footage showed mayhem erupting at the rally after the shots rang out.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Fred || 06/02/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [138 views] Top|| File under: Narcos

#1  Coming to a country near you.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 06/02/2024 7:19 Comments || Top||

#2  Thinning out the political opposition is already here.
Posted by: JohnQC || 06/02/2024 9:44 Comments || Top||

#4  Mexico prepares to elect its first female president
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/02/2024 12:19 Comments || Top||

French police crack down on pro-Palestine protest
[Al Jazeera] Social media video shows Paris riot police deploying tear gas against demonstrators calling for an end to Israel’s war on Gaza. A large crowd had earlier gathered at Place de la Republique in the French capital.
Posted by: Fred || 06/02/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [37 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

Fifth Column
Police break up anti-Israel protest encampment, arrest 80 at UC Santa Cruz
[IsraelTimes] Campuses in Cambridge, Detroit also see clashes, as resurgent anti-Israel encampment at Columbia University criticized by ADL for sharing ‘fawning’ guides to terrorism

Police in riot gear surrounded arm-in-arm protesters Friday at the University of Caliphornia, an impregnable bastion of the Democratic Party,, Santa Cruz,
…where strikes and protests are what they live for, no matter the cause…
to remove an encampment and barricades where pro-Paleostinian, anti-Israel demonstrations have blocked the main entrance to the campus this week. Dozens were arrested, the university said.

Campus, local and state police swarmed the protesters, and video from local news stations showed officers telling people to leave, then taking away signs and part of a barricade. There appeared to be some pushing and shoving between police and protesters. Officers carried zip ties and appeared to detain a few people.

"For weeks, encampment participants were given repeated, clear direction to remove the encampment and cease blocking access to numerous campus resources and to the campus itself," Scott Hernandez-Jason, a spokesperson for the university, said in a statement Friday.

"They were notified that their actions were unlawful and unsafe. And this morning they were also given multiple warnings by law enforcement to leave the area and disperse to avoid arrest. Unfortunately, many refused to follow this directive and many individuals are being arrested," Hernandez-Jason said.

Approximately 80 demonstrators were arrested, said university spokesperson Abby Butler. UC Santa Cruz Chancellor Cynthia Larive said in a letter to the community Friday that some demonstrators remained at the entrance.

She said that the road blockades, "with fortified and chained barricades made of pallets and other materials, and other unlawful actions, disrupted campus operations and threatened safety, including delaying access of emergency vehicles."

It was unclear if anyone was injured. The university was holding classes remotely Friday.

Graduate student workers at UC Santa Cruz continued a strike that began last week over the university system’s treatment of pro-Paleostinian protesters. The strike will expand to three more campuses next week, their union said Friday. The strikes began May 20 at UC Santa Cruz, and then extended to UCLA and UC Davis. Members at UC Santa Barbara and UC San Diego will walk out on June 3 and at UC Irvine on June 5, said the student workers’ union, UAW Local 4811.

The union’s members include graduate teaching assistants, researchers and other academic employees.
…all of whom are easily replaced — sorry, guys. If the administration were serious about stopping this nonsense, they would have done to the protesters what President Reagan did to the air traffic controllers.
The UC president’s office said the union was violating its contract’s no-strike clause and disrupting students’ critical year-end activities.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/02/2024 2024-06-02 02:19 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [174 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  Oh mighty Banana Slugs, you've lost my respect.
Posted by: Mullah Richard || 06/02/2024 5:14 Comments || Top||

#2  Members at UC Santa Barbara and UC San Diego will walk out on June 3 and at UC Irvine on June 5, said the student workers’ union, UAW Local 4811

Violating a no-strike clause. Book em and toss em
Posted by: Frank G || 06/02/2024 6:30 Comments || Top||

#3  Send these uninformed malcontents over to the Gaza Strip to get their minds right.
Posted by: JohnQC || 06/02/2024 9:21 Comments || Top||

#4  Ayn Rand said "Seeing is believing."

Leftists specialize in being the blind who will not see.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 06/02/2024 9:27 Comments || Top||

#5  Maldives moves to ban Israelis from entering island amid Gaza war
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/02/2024 14:58 Comments || Top||

Posted by: ACA JOE || 06/02/2024 14:59 Comments || Top||

#7  Joe, Joe, Joe.....please.
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/02/2024 15:06 Comments || Top||

U of Chicago students walk out of graduation after diplomas withheld for anti-Israel camp
[IsraelTimes] Shouts, boos, calls to ‘Stop Genocide’ briefly disrupt rainy two-hour outdoor ceremony; dozens of students walk out between speeches; demonstration follows official ceremony

Dozens of anti-Israel student protesters walked out of the University of reliably Democrat Chicago, aka The Windy City or Mobtown
...home of Al Capone, the Chicago Black Sox, a succession of Daleys, Barak Obama, and Rahm Emmanuel...
’s commencement Saturday as the school withheld the diplomas of four seniors over their involvement with a pro-Paleostinian encampment. The disruption to the rainy two-hour outdoor ceremony was brief, with shouts, boos and calls to "Stop Genocide." A crowd of students walked out between speeches, and a demonstration followed the official ceremony. Some chanted as they held Paleostinian flags, while others donned, keffiyeh scarves, a Paleostinian symbol often used in pro-Paleostinian and anti-Israel protests, over their robes.

Four graduating seniors, including Youssef Haweh, were informed by email in recent days that their degrees would be withheld pending a disciplinary process related to complaints about the encampment, according to student group UChicago United for Paleostine.

"My diploma doesn’t matter when there are people in Paleostine and in Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
that will never walk a stage again, who will never receive a diploma. What about them? Who’s going to fight for them?" Haweh said in a Saturday statement.
Fair enough. You go on to your chosen profession as a paid political agitator with a side order of mostly peaceful Black Bloc/Antifa violence, for which no education is necessary, merely bloody-minded viciousness and the ability to shout slogans while beating up whichever target you’re pointed at.
University officials acknowledged the walkout, saying the school is "committed to upholding the rights of students to express a wide range of views," according to a statement.

Students have walked out of commencements at Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and others as protest camps have sprung up across the US and in Europa
...the land mass occupying the space between the English Channel and the Urals, also known as Moslem Lebensraum...
in recent weeks. Students have demanded their universities stop doing business with Israel or companies they say support its war in Gaza.

A small demonstration after the commencement, where protesters tried to access a closed street, resulted in the arrest of one person not affiliated with the school, university officials said in a statement.

The University of Chicago encampment was cleared on May 7. Administrators had initially adopted a permissive approach, but later said the protest had crossed a line and caused growing concerns about safety. One group temporarily took over a building on the school’s campus.

University officials have said the demonstrations prompted formal complaints including for "disruptive conduct," and would require further review. The students were still able to participate in graduation, and can receive their degrees if they are later cleared after the university inquiry into alleged violations of campus policy. The university didn’t have comment Saturday about the diplomas.

Thousands of students and faculty members have signed a petition calling for the university to grant the degrees, while more than a dozen Chicago City Council members have penned a letter asking for the same.
”Why are you being so mean? Students have been rioting through the streets about whatever catches their whim since universities first formed in Paris in the Middle Ages. How dare you ruin the lives of our precious darlings by punishing them!”

Posted by: trailing wife || 06/02/2024 2024-06-02 01:35 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [112 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  While reading this don't forget the O'Biden Regime, using our TAXPAYER $$$$$$,
pay off their educational loans & stay.

Thus, as US Taxpayers, we have unwillingly semi-funded their physically violent protest and related property damages also.

Because their physically violent damaging actions violated even the relax liberal University Of Chicago's College Student Protesting rules and they were held semi-responsible for violating University Statute 21.

BTW: The fact that any University has such a detail Student Protest, and Proper Protest Etiquette Guideline Manual in itself is strange.

Added Thought: looking at the UoC Tuition fees at the yearly flat rate (US$) each of those students just tossed about $80++K of your TAX $$$$'s to the wind.

Posted by: NN2N1 || 06/02/2024 3:58 Comments || Top||

#2  ^!0 years from now most of these Taliban (means student in Pashto) will be working for NGOs - and some for US DOS.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/02/2024 4:07 Comments || Top||

#3  ^^"!0" ---> ten
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/02/2024 4:08 Comments || Top||

Thirty-four people arrested after pro-Palestine protest in Brooklyn
Follow up to this story from yesterday.
[Al Jazeera] New York City police say 34 people are being held in jug following a pro-Paleostinian protest at the Brooklyn Museum in New York City on Friday. They reported damage to some artwork and harassment of security staff by demonstrators.

During Friday’s demonstration, pro-Paleostine demonstrators set up tents in the lobby and unfurled a "Free Paleostine" banner from the building’s roof before police moved in to make arrests.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Fred || 06/02/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [94 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  One hoped for a larger catch but the Arab street seems well kind of quiescent even in Brooklyn.. so sad!
Posted by: Alpha2c || 06/02/2024 0:09 Comments || Top||


Where is the enforcement of New York Penal Law Section 485.05 Hate crimes Laws. Because these students are looking at a possible 10 to 20 year, hefty prison sentence.
Posted by: NN2N1 || 06/02/2024 4:04 Comments || Top||

#3  ...nah, they didn't beat Hillary in 2016, so they'll be out on the street by tomorrow.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 06/02/2024 14:00 Comments || Top||

120,000 claimed to rally in Tel Aviv to demand hostage deal, denounce gov’t, thank President Biden; 5,000 claimed protest to thank President Biden in J’lem
[IsraelTimes] Demos urging early elections, Gaza ceasefire-hostage deal estimated to be largest since Oct. 7; arrests reported; activist says anti-Netanyahu movement to escalate tactics

Tens of thousands
…which isn’t even close to 120,000…
Update after a stroll through the archives: back in the day when the same people were protesting every weekend about Bibi’s proposed judicial overhaul, the professional crowd estimators said 60,000 were protesting, the police said 100,000, and the protest spokepeople claimed 200,000. So today’s real number could well be 30,000…
of anti-government protesters demonstrated in Tel Aviv on Saturday, calling on the government to advance a deal to release hostages held by bandidos bully boyz in Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
since October 7, and for the dismissal of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and early elections.

Attendees of Saturday’s protest said that it was the largest since Hamas
..one of the armed feet of the Moslem Brüderbund millipede,...
’s October 7 massacre, with protest organizers estimating that some 120,000 demonstrators attended the Tel Aviv rally.

Similar demonstrations were held at numerous locations around the country.

In Democracy Square after the end of the official rally, protesters continued chanting for the release of hostages. Some activists lit a bonfire on the square, and videos posted to social media showed skirmishes between police and protesters.

According to Haaretz, two protesters were arrested, and police used a sound cannon to disperse protesters.

Ynet also reported that 14 coppers including Chief Superintendent Avi Ofer, the deputy commander of the Tel Aviv Police Department, were maimed during festivities with protesters. Ofer sustained injuries that required medical treatment, according to the report.

Protests at the intersection of Begin and Kaplan Street, dubbed Democracy Square, have been held every Saturday night since the anti-judicial overhaul movement began in January of last year, except for a few-months-long hiatus following the Hamas terror onslaught on October 7.

One video posted to social media showed Labor MK Gilad Kariv, a frequent attendee of the anti-government protests, in a heated argument with Chief Superintendent Ofer.

The first speaker at the demonstration was Shaul Meridor, the former head of the Finance Ministry’s budget department, who entered the public eye in 2020 for resigning in protest of then-finance minister Israel Katz’s budgetary conduct.

"A step away from a victory that will never come, we’re surrounded by enemies, the whole world’s against us," Meridor said, referring to Netanyahu’s repeated claims throughout the war that Israel is close to achieving its objectives.

"Last night, we received a reminder of what a real leader looks like, who cares for Israel’s future and not his own. Thank you President Biden," he added, referring to the US president’s speech on Friday in which he outlined Israel’s proposal for a deal leading to a ceasefire and release of hostages, urged the Israeli government to stand behind it and called on Hamas to accept it.
Other speakers were mentioned in the article are Gal Pichovich, an activist and resident of the so-called Gaza Envelope region, and protest leader and entrepreneur Moshe Redman.
After the official portion of the demonstration ended, protesters joined families of some hostages at a demonstration nearby on Begin Street.
Thousands of Israelis marched in Jerusalem on Saturday night, demanding the government secure a hostage deal after US President Joe The Big Guy Biden
...46th president of the U.S. The very model of probity....
unveiled a new Israel-proposed plan on Friday to free the remaining captives in Gaza and reach a ceasefire with Hamas.

“This evening is an evening of hope," said anti-government activist Tova Sheleg from a podium outside the President’s Residence, where protesters wrapped up their march. "There is a real chance for a deal, one that can bring the hostages home."

The march and rally ended peacefully with no arrests or confrontations with police.

The three-phase plan was initially proposed by Israel and approved by the war cabinet comprising Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and minister Benny Gantz, but now that the outline has gone public, many families of the hostages are worried that the premier will try to quash it.

"In the coming hours there will be very strong attempts to torpedo the deal," said the Hostages and Missing Families Forum on Saturday night in a call for mass protests. "We are entering into an immediate and aggressive struggle that demands the State of Israel carry out the deal it proposed itself."

The protests in Jerusalem were planned to revolve around the upcoming Jerusalem Day holiday, which Israelis will mark Tuesday evening through Wednesday, but organizers shifted course in wake of Biden’s speech.

A front man for the anti-government group Safeguarding our Shared Home claimed Saturday night’s rally was the largest Jerusalem protest since October 7, with some 5,000 people in attendance. Organizers noted the distinction between nationwide protests that were held in Jerusalem, which have numbered in the tens of thousands, and those led by organizations actually based in the city.

Biden’s speech appeared to have strengthened pressure from anti-government activists to end the war, as calls for a ceasefire came hand-in-hand with the demand for new elections.

Avi Dabush, an evacuee from Kibbutz Nirim near the Gazoo border, told the crowd that his community had "paid the heaviest prices" after years of abandonment from the government, mentioning two of his friends, Yagev Buchshtav and Nadav Popplewell, who are held captive by Hamas in Gaza and many others who were murdered during the terror group’s October 7 massacre.

"Elections now are necessary but not enough" said Dabush. "I am joining President Biden in calling for a deal now, for a ceasefire that will return us Nadav and Yagev and 123 other hostages."

Ella Dotan, a student activist with the shared society organization Standing Together, spoke after Dabush.

Posted by: trailing wife || 06/02/2024 2024-06-02 02:03 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [231 views] Top|| File under: Antifa/BLM

#1  It's all funded by your tax dollars through NGOs.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/02/2024 3:38 Comments || Top||

#2  Did 'our' embassy staff pass around absentee voter ballots?
Posted by: Procopius2k || 06/02/2024 7:21 Comments || Top||

#3  ^These, anti-Bibi before they were "save the hostages", protests have all the hallmarks of a typical CIA color revolution.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/02/2024 7:59 Comments || Top||

#4  And back in 2015 they called the same screaming mass protests V15 for Victory in 2015 — hoping to whip up enough votes to beat Bibi in that election. They failed.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/02/2024 11:17 Comments || Top||

#5  What's the drone headcount?
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/02/2024 11:50 Comments || Top||

#6  They tanked Biden. All you need to know.
Posted by: Rex Mundi || 06/02/2024 12:55 Comments || Top||

#7  In a Israeli population of about 10M, there are perhaps 1M deep leftists and many seem to believe that Netanyahu is somehow not trying to bring the hostages home.

Seems odd but remember in the US there are perhaps 5-30 million people who believe in Democratic Socialism.

Posted by: Lord Garth || 06/02/2024 16:57 Comments || Top||

#8  Agree to cease fire and relocate all Israeli protestors to Gaza…. Sort of a reeducation program.
Posted by: Airandee || 06/02/2024 17:58 Comments || Top||

#9  seem to believe that Netanyahu is somehow not trying to bring the hostages home.

Even if he did, that wouldn't be good enough. They reject him because he keeps beating their candidates. The poor darlings keep rejecting him, then he wins again and changes the country even more. It’s diabolical.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/02/2024 23:22 Comments || Top||

Quds Brigades claim attack on Israeli soldiers in Rafah
[Al Jazeera] The Al-Quds Brigades – the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement – said that it bombed Israeli soldiers and vehicles with a barrage of heavy mortar shells in the vicinity of Tal Zorob, in the west of Rafah.
Posted by: Fred || 06/02/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [42 views] Top|| File under: Palestinian Islamic Jihad

Israeli forces shell Gaza City
[Al Jazeera] Al Jazeera’s correspondent reports that the Israeli army has carried out violent artillery shelling on the southern areas of the Sabra neighbourhood in Gaza City.
Posted by: Fred || 06/02/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [64 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  Maybe they're helping redistribute the rubble?
Posted by: Frank G || 06/02/2024 0:03 Comments || Top||

#2  As opposed to the 'non-violent' variety of artillery shelling? Forget it Jake. It's Al Jazeera.
Posted by: Whiskey Mike || 06/02/2024 1:46 Comments || Top||

Biden says Israel has agreed to 'enduring' Gaza ceasefire proposal
Does Israel say Israel has agreed?
[Al Jazeera] Israel has agreed to a proposal that would lead to a "lasting" ceasefire in the Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
Strip, US President Joe The Big Guy Biden
...46th president of the U.S. We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women created... by the — you know — you know, the thing...
has announced, as he faces mounting pressure and criticism over his support for the Israeli war effort.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Fred || 06/02/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [253 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  enduring

these words are in English, not sure what they correspond to in modern Hebrew or Arabic but it might matter a lot
Posted by: Lord Garth || 06/02/2024 1:01 Comments || Top||

#2  Biden (hold it, hold it, I'm going to shock you) lies.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/02/2024 1:30 Comments || Top||

#3  if it involves the eradication of hamas may be
Posted by: BrerRabbit || 06/02/2024 16:20 Comments || Top||

#4  "Enduring" like the peace of the grave?
Posted by: SteveS || 06/02/2024 16:57 Comments || Top||

#5  Only if his lips are moving or smirching.
Posted by: Spats+B.+Hayes8168 || 06/02/2024 18:22 Comments || Top||

Suspected Turkish drones kill 4, injure 11 in NE Syria
[Rudaw] The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) said that multiple Ottoman Turkish drone attacks in northeast Syria (Rojava) killed four of their members and injured 11 civilians on Friday.

The multi-ethnic SDF said in a statement that Ottoman Turkish drones carried out eight attacks on Hasaka and Qamishli cities, targeting their military base as well as civilian vehicles and houses.

"The Ottoman Turkish occupation aggression resulted in four of our fighters being promoted to the rank of martyrdom and the wounding of 11 civilians," read the statement.

Ankara has not yet commented on the drone attacks.

The attacks came one day after Ottoman Turkish President His Enormity, Sultan Recep Tayyip Erdogan the First
...Turkey's version of Mohammed Morsi but they voted him back in so they deserve him. It's a sin, a shame, and a felony to insult the president of Turkey. In Anatolia did Recep Bey a stately Presidential Palace decree, that has 1100 rooms. That's 968 more than in the White House, 400 more than in Versailles, and 325 more than Buckingham Palace, so you know who's really more important...
signalled a fresh offensive in Rojava if Kurdish authorities go ahead with local elections scheduled for June 11.

Erdogan said on Thursday that Ankara is "closely following the aggressive actions by the terrorist organization against the territorial integrity of our country and of Syria under the pretext of an election," according to The News Agency that Dare Not be Named.

"The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the decaying remnant of the Ottoman Empire...
will never allow the separatist organization to establish (a terror state) just beyond its southern borders in the north of Syria and Iraq," he added.

The Rojava government has responded to Turkey’s concerns and denied that the elections pose a threat.

"These elections do not target any political party, whether internally or externally, its primary goal is to achieve good service for the citizens of NE Syria. Therefore, these elections will enhance stability and peaceful coexistence in the region, and will also play a positive role in developing the comprehensive Syrian solution," the executive council of the Rojava administration said in a statement on Wednesday.

Washington has urged the Syrian Kurds not to proceed with the local polls at this time, citing a lack of fair and free conditions.

Turkey has carried out several major military campaigns against Rojava, claiming that the People’s Protection Units (YPG), the backbone of the SDF, is the Syrian offshoot of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/02/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

Rudaw Round up: SDF vs ISIS in Syria
SDF arrest suspect accused of smuggling ISIS families
[Rudaw] The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on Saturday announced the arrest of an individual accused of smuggling people out of al-Hol camp, which houses families linked to the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....
(ISIS) in northeast Syria (Rojava).

Abdullah Muhammad Ibrahim, known as Abu Hisham, was arrested in the village of Abu Jern in northeastern Hasaka. Ibrahim was "actively smuggling ISIS members and families out of al-Hol camp," the SDF stated.

"The terrorist Ibrahim was involved in smuggling children known as ’Cubs of the Caliphate’ and women affiliated with ISIS. He aimed to transport them to ISIS-controlled areas in the Syrian Badia desert and Ottoman Turkish-occupied territories that harbored the ISIS key leaders," read a statement from the SDF.

The SDF arrested thousands of ISIS fighters along with their wives and children when they took control of the group’s last stronghold in Syria in March 2019. Many of these people have been living in camps for the past five years.

Al-Hol is the largest of these camps. It is located in northeast Syria’s Hasaka province and houses over 50,000 ISIS-linked people. The camp has been branded a breeding ground for terrorism. Residents come from around the world, but the majority are Syrian and Iraqi.

Iraq has brought nearly 9,000 of its nationals back so far, but the repatriations have sparked opposition from tribes unwilling to accept and welcome people associated with the group that committed atrocious human rights
One man's rights are another man's existential threat.
abuses and war crimes from 2014 to 2017, when it controlled vast areas of the country.

SDF, US-led coalition arrest ISIS leader in east Syria: Monitor
The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the United States-led coalition on Friday arrested a suspected leader of the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria’s eastern Deir ez-Zor province, a conflict monitor reported.

“In a special operation in the town of al-Busayrah in Deir ez-Zor countryside, the global coalition forces and the SDF arrested a leader of the Islamic State organization who leads a cell in the town to launch attacks and target SDF areas,” said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based war monitor.

Joint operations to pursue ISIS cells on the banks of the Euphrates River are ongoing, the monitor said, two days after the US-led coalition arrested three people in an airdrop operation in Hasaka province, with the support of the SDF.

ISIS attacks in Syria, particularly in the vast expanses of its eastern desert where the group is active amid a security vacuum, have been on the rise in recent months, sparking fears of a possible resurgence.

The commander of American operations in the Middle East, CENTCOM, General Michael Kurilla told Congress in March that if US troops were to leave, as they are under pressure to do in Iraq, “ISIS would reconstitute the ability to seize territory within two years,” according to the Pentagon’s most recent quarterly report on anti-ISIS operation.

Hundreds of US troops stationed in Syria are part of an international coalition that has fought ISIS alongside the SDF.

ISIS attacks oil field in east Syria: Watchdog
Islamic State (ISIS) sleeper cells on Friday attacked an oil field in Syria’s eastern Deir ez-Zor province, setting one of the wells on fire, a conflict monitor reported. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that “ISIS cells attacked one of the oil wells in Al-Sabhan oil field in the northern countryside of Deir Ezzor, where they burned it, before fleeing to an unknown destination.”

ISIS has increased its attacks in Syria in recent weeks, particularly in the vast expanses of desert where the group launches surprise attacks amid a security vacuum.

No casualties have been reported, according to the watchdog.

The Arab-majority province of Deir ez-Zor was where ISIS militants made their last stand in Syria and were territorially defeated. Control of the province, on the Iraqi border, is now split between the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Syrian regime, along with its Iranian backers.

It is also home to many of the country’s key oilfields, such as Omar and Conoco, which the US-led global coalition against ISIS helps the SDF protect.

According to SOHR data, ISIS has conducted 124 operations in the areas controlled by the SDF, killing 63 individuals, including 11 civilians.

SDF arrests senior ISIS member in Raqqa
The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on Saturday announced they had arrested a senior Islamic State (ISIS) member in Raqqa earlier in the week.

On May 21, the Military Operations Teams (MOT) of our SDF forces conducted a precise and special security operation targeting one of the key leaders of ISIS cells in the northern countryside of Raqqa, known as Ayman Abdel Moati, aka Yacoub Al-Hadidi or Osama Al-Qurashi,” the SDF said in a statement.

Moati was the terror group’s “military official in Raqqa and the planner of all terrorist acts in Raqqa and its countryside, including bombings, assassinations, kidnappings, and intimidation of civilians,” according to the SDF.

His personal documents and mobile phones, along with a variety of ammunition, were also seized during the operation.

On Tuesday, the SDF had said it arrested two “dangerous” ISIS leaders in Qamishli and Raqqa.

UK repatriates four ISIS-linked nationals from Rojava
Kurdish authorities in northeast Syria (Rojava) this week handed over a British woman and three children affiliated with the Islamic State (ISIS) to a visiting delegation from the United Kingdom.

A British woman and three children linked with ISIS were handed over to the delegation on Wednesday, the statement added, without identifying the four people or clarifying where they were held before their repatriation. The Associated Press reported that they were last detained at Roj camp.

The British government has yet to comment on the rare repatriation of its nationals from Syria.

Thousands of people from around the world affiliated with ISIS live in camps in Rojava, the largest of which is the sprawling al-Hol camp that has more than 40,000 residents. The camp has been branded a breeding ground for terrorism.

Iraqis and Syrians make up the majority of the ISIS-linked people held at al-Hol. Iraqi National Security Advisor Qasim al-Araji said in March that around 20,000 Iraqis below the age of 18 are still at al-Hol.

Earlier this month, the United States, Canada, the Netherlands and Finland repatriated a total of 22 of their citizens.

Two ‘dangerous’ ISIS leaders captured in Rojava: SDF
The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced on Tuesday the arrest of two “dangerous” Islamic State (ISIS) leaders during security operations in the cities of Qamishli and Raqqa.

“The Military Operations Teams (MOT) of our SDF forces have conducted two precise security operations that resulted in capturing two ISIS leaders in the cities of Qamishlo and Raqqa,” read a statement from the SDF.

The two leaders were identified as Ahmed Mahmoud al-Qurashi, going under the alias of Abu Moaz al-Kurdi, and Ahmed Thamer al-Muhammad. Quashi was arrested in Qamishli, and Muhammad was arrested in Raqqa.

According to the statement, Qurashi was involved in an explosive car attack in the al-Shuhail town in Deir ez-Zor.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/02/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Iranian authorities have arrested 35 people in a raid on a 'satanist network gathering'

Iranian authorities have arrested 35 people in a raid on a "satanist network gathering" in the southwestern province of Khuzestan, local media reported Saturday.

The raid took place after police had "identified the location" of the gathering, which featured "signs and symbols of satanism, alcohol and drugs," ISNA news agency said.

Raids on so-called "satanist" gatherings are not uncommon in the deeply conservative country, often targeting parties or concerts with alcohol consumption, which is largely banned in Iran.

A total of "31 men and four women at the venue" were taken into custody and referred to judicial authorities, ISNA said quoting Ruhollah Yaarizadeh, police chief in Khuzestan’s Dezful city.

In May, police arrested more than 250 people including three Europeans west of the capital Tehran over similar charges.

A 2007 raid on an unauthorized rock concert near Tehran saw some 230 people arrested.

Authorities in the Shia Moslem-dominated country have in the past branded rock and heavy metal music concerts as "satanist" gatherings.
Posted by: Fred || 06/02/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [107 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

#1  Mazdaists or simply partying?
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/02/2024 1:44 Comments || Top||

#2  Satanists? Thought that was us and Israel.
A satanist in Iran is anyone they deem a satanist...kind of like the court system in New York.
Posted by: JohnQC || 06/02/2024 9:42 Comments || Top||

#3  So, a GayDay dance?
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/02/2024 11:51 Comments || Top||

#4  'Twas Sunday in Dago, a gray day.
I'm Friday. He's Gannon, my bae. ["Hey!"]
From Hillcrest, a mayday:
"Dude's having a Ray day
And claims that today ain't a gay day!"
"I'm sorry, sir, but your friend is right. Today really is Race Day. [marathoners pass in background] But you can still be as gay as you like."
"Or even moreso, Joe."
"Wow, man, I can?"
"Yes, sir. In fact, without vigilant, responsible citizens [Gannon coughs] like yourself looking out for the ell-mumble-mumble-plus community, the whole fabric of our tolerant society would quickly fall apart like a cotton candy jockstrap in a sauna, now wouldn't it?"
"I guess you're right, fuzz."
"You bet I'm right, mister!"
Posted by: Pancho Poodle8452 || 06/02/2024 23:12 Comments || Top||

#5  Oh my goodness — the things you think of!
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/02/2024 23:26 Comments || Top||

Hezbollah-affiliated medical organization says 16 children have been wounded in an Israeli airstrike

A Hezbollah-affiliated medical organization said 16 children were maimed Saturday in an Israeli Arclight airstrike
on the south Leb
...an Iranian satrapy currently ruled by Hassan Nasrallah situated on the eastern Mediterranean, conveniently adjacent to Israel. Formerly inhabited by hardy Phoenecian traders, its official language is now Arabic, with the usual unpleasant side effects. The Leb civil war, between 1975 and 1990, lasted a little over 145 years and produced 120,000 fatalities. The average length of a ceasefire was measured in seconds. The Lebs maintain a precarious sectarian balance among Shiites, Sunnis, and about a dozen flavors of Christians, plus Armenians, Georgians, and who knows what else? It is the home of the original Hezbollah, which periodically starts a war with the Zionist Entity, gets Beirut pounded to rubble, and then declares victory and has a parade. The Lebs have the curious habit of periodically murdering their heads of state or prime ministers...
town of Siddikine.

Aged between four and 14, the maimed children were taken for treatment in hospitals around the region, a source in the Islamic Health Committee told AFP.

Lebanon’s state-run national News Agency said the strike on the town inland from the coastal city of Tyre was one of several conducted by Israel on Saturday. It reported seven people maimed.

The Israeli military said its fighter jets had struck "significant Hezbollah assets" in several areas of the south in response to rocket fire from the area launches aimed at northern Israel.

..one of the armed feet of the Moslem Brüderbund millipede,...
ally Hezbollah has traded near-daily cross-border fire with Israel since the Paleostinian group’s October 7 attack on southern Israel triggered war in the Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...

The nearly eight months of violence have left almost 450 people dead in Lebanon, mostly fighters but including at least 80 civilians, according to an AFP tally.

On the Israeli side, at least 14 soldiers and 11 civilians have been killed, according to the army.
Posted by: Fred || 06/02/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [62 views] Top|| File under: Hezbollah

#1  Learning from Hamas.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/02/2024 1:48 Comments || Top||

In Syria, the Russian military destroyed two militant bases
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] The Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) in Syria carried out strikes on two gathering places of militants who had left the al-Tanf zone. This was stated to journalists by the deputy head of the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties (CPVS) in this Arab republic, Major General Yuri Popov.

Continued on Page 49
Posted by: badanov || 06/02/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [39 views] Top|| File under:

4 killed as Israel strikes two areas deep in south Lebanon
[An Nahar] Israeli strikes on south Leb
...an Iranian satrapy currently ruled by Hassan Nasrallah situated on the eastern Mediterranean, conveniently adjacent to Israel. Formerly inhabited by hardy Phoenecian traders, its official language is now Arabic, with the usual unpleasant side effects. The Leb civil war, between 1975 and 1990, lasted a little over 145 years and produced 120,000 fatalities. The average length of a ceasefire was measured in seconds. The Lebs maintain a precarious sectarian balance among Shiites, Sunnis, and about a dozen flavors of Christians, plus Armenians, Georgians, and who knows what else? It is the home of the original Hezbollah, which periodically starts a war with the Zionist Entity, gets Beirut pounded to rubble, and then declares victory and has a parade. The Lebs have the curious habit of periodically murdering their heads of state or prime ministers...
have killed four people including a paramedic and a woman, Hezbollah and affiliated rescuers said, with Hezbollah adding it had fired dozens of rockets in retaliation.

Related: The Times of Israel has more here.

Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Fred || 06/02/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [45 views] Top|| File under: Hezbollah

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Two weeks of WOT
Sun 2024-06-02
  Biden says Israel has agreed to 'enduring' Gaza ceasefire proposal
Sat 2024-06-01
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Fri 2024-05-31
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Thu 2024-05-30
  The Houthis say they attacked six commercial ships.
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  Iranian President's Helo Suffers 'Accident' or 'Incident' - Either Way, It Went Down

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