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At least six killed in Karachi mosque attack
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Al Qaeda suspect in Yemen claims was tortured
The suspected ringleader of an Al Qaeda cell on trial in Yemen for allegedly plotting attacks on Western targets in Gulf states on Monday retracted past confessions which he said were obtained by torture. His claims came as the trial reconvened of the eight suspected Al Qaeda militants, accused of being members of an organisation named Katab al-Tawhid and also charged with seeking to assassinate senior Yemeni officials. "I was forced under pressure and torture by political security (intelligence) to confess statements that were presented in previous hearings," 22-year-old Iraqi defendant Anwar al-Jilani told the court. But his request to be interrogated again was rejected by the court. State prosecutors presented evidence against the defendants that included explosives, as well as grenades, an automatic rifle, a personal computer and a camera. But Jilani, and the other suspects, including two Syrians, rejected the evidence. "I have nothing to do with all documents extracted from my personal computer as evidence," Jilani said.
"Yeah! Just because it's my computer don't mean it's my stuff! An' how do youse know those're my hand grenades?"
The representative of the state prosecution had claimed in the previous hearing that the allegations were based on documents found in the personal computer of Jilani. The other suspects are Mohammad Abdelwahhab Bakri, a 24-year-old Syrian, and his brother Ahmad, 22, as well as five Yemenis: Khaled al-Batati, 23, Salah Othman, 33, Omran al-Faqih, 31, Abderrahman Basira, 25, and Majed Mizan, 21. The trial, which opened March 28, was adjourned until June 6.
This article starring:
AHMED BAKRIKatab al-Tawhid
ANWAR AL JILANIKatab al-Tawhid
MAJED MIZANKatab al-Tawhid
OMRAN AL FAQIHKatab al-Tawhid
SALAH OTHMANKatab al-Tawhid
Katab al-Tawhid
Posted by: Fred || 05/31/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Mass grave (graves?) near Andijon
From RFE/RL:
...But inhabitants of Andijon claim the existence of mass graves on city's outskirts. RFE/RL visited one such site on 27 May, and was shown what appeared to be 37 gravesites. The following day, it was reported that the individual who had led RFE/RL to the site had since been stabbed to death.
He was cleaning his dagger when it accidentally went off. -- Rex "The cookie monster" Rufus
Posted by: Jort Snaiter9204 || 05/31/2005 01:48 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Well it's to be expected as we sit by and let this country slide into the Islamist sphere. The "leadership" of the country has lot it's mind. This seems to be common to the death spirals of similar dictatorships.
Posted by: Sock Puppet 0’ Doom || 05/31/2005 14:46 Comments || Top||

Iraqi on trial in Germany denies links to Ansar al-Islam group
MUNICH - An Iraqi man on trial in Germany denied on Tuesday he was a member of the Kurdish guerrilla group Ansar al-Islam which is believed to have links with Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Iraq's most wanted man.
Lokman Amin Mohammed, 31, is accused of being the mastermind of the group's cell in the southern German city of Munich and a key part of its European network.
It is the first time a suspect has been tried in Germany on charges of belonging to a terrorist group which is active abroad. The German penal code was changed to include the charge in 2002 following the September 11 attacks on the United States the previous year.
Mohammed admitted he had helped Iraqis to enter Germany in 2002 but said he wanted to help them escape persecution by Saddam Hussein's regime. One of his defence lawyers said the Iraqis in question were mainly women and children, but federal prosecutors maintain that Mohammed was a member of Ansar al-Islam until November 2002 and say that the Iraqis he brought into Germany were Kurdish fighters who were planning to carry out attacks in Europe. He is also accused of helping to evacuate a badly injured high-ranking Ansar al-Islam explosives expert from Iraq and arranging for him to have medical treatment in Britain.
Based in northern Iraq, Ansar al-Islam ran a network of fundamental Muslim guerrillas until their bases were destroyed by Kurdish and US forces during the US-led invasion. US commanders believe they are still active in the Iraqi insurgency and have links to Zarqawi, Al Qaeda's leader in Iraq.
Mohammed came to Germany in 2000, had valid residency papers, and led a seemingly normal life, working on the production line of carmaker BMW.
He was arrested in Munich in December 2003 on a people smuggling charge before the investigation deepened. His trial opened in April but was immediately adjourned after new evidence came to light from telephone taps.
This article starring:
Ansar al-Islam
Posted by: Steve || 05/31/2005 12:10 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Home Front: WoT
Court Papers Detail Charges Against Alleged Terror Backers
NEW YORK (AP) - Two U.S. citizens accused of being al-Qaida loyalists were each ordered held without bail Tuesday as they appeared in federal courtrooms in New York and Florida. Tarik Shah, 42, of New York, waved and smiled at supporters and appeared relaxed at his preliminary hearing in U.S. District Court in Manhattan before Magistrate Judge Theodore Katz.
In Fort Pierce, Fla., Dr. Rafiq Abdus Sabir, 50, told U.S. District Judge James Hopkins that he had yet to hire an attorney, and the judge set the next hearing in his case for June 6.
Neither defendant had entered a plea on the single charge of conspiring to provide material support to al-Qaida. Prosecutors say the two men swore a formal oath of loyalty to al-Qaida as they conspired to use their skills in martial arts and medicine to aid international terrorism.
The men were arrested Friday following a sting operation that the government said started in 2003. If convicted, each could face a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000.
A lawyer for Shah, Anthony Ricco, said outside court that the case was a "desperate prosecution by our government." He described Shah as a world renowned jazz musician, a father and a family man. "They are prosecutions based upon religious beliefs," said Ricco, a veteran terrorism defense lawyer. Melanie Dyre, who described herself as a fellow musician, described Shah as "a beautiful person and a wonderful musician."
Musician? Now, wasn't there a report last year about a group of arab "musicians" acting "funny" on a flight here in the US?
A spokesman for the Islamic Center of Boca Raton, Dan McBride, defended Sabir outside court in Florida as a man who traveled between the United States and Saudi Arabia to earn enough money to support his wife and their two sons.
"He has no money," McBride said. "He works over there, then comes back and lives over here."
Prosecutors said Sabir, an Ivy League-educated doctor, agreed to treat jihadists, or holy warriors, in Saudi Arabia. Shah, a jazz musician and a self-described martial arts expert, allegedly agreed to train them in hand-to-hand combat. The complaint unsealed Monday described Shah's zeal to train "brothers" for urban warfare. It alleged both men pledged their allegiance to al-Qaida during a May 20 meeting in the Bronx.
Shah went with an informant to a Long Island warehouse to see if it would be adequate as a training site, unaware FBI agents were videotaping the visit, the papers said. He also discussed a desire to open a machine shop to make weapons, the complaint said.
"Shah indicated that his 'greatest cover has been' his career as a 'professional' jazz musician," FBI agent Brian Murphy wrote in the complaint.
Uh huh

At one point, the informant told Shah he was going to take him to Plattsburgh, N.Y., to introduce him to a recruiter from the Middle East, who actually was an undercover FBI agent, the complaint said.
Murphy said Shah was eager to introduce Sabir - a "very, very, very close friend" he had known for more than 20 years - to the recruiter.
Shah also discussed a desire to start a martial arts school only for Muslims and said he hoped to be trained in chemicals, explosives, firearms, AK-47 assault rifles and hand grenades, the complaint said.
Posted by: Steve || 05/31/2005 14:15 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Al-Qaida captives told to claim torture
WASHINGTON, May 31 (UPI) -- Al-Qaida training manuals instruct anyone who is captured to claim they were tortured during interrogation as part of a disinformation campaign. "There have been allegations made by detainees," White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters. "We know that members of al-Qaida are trained to mislead and to provide false reports."
In a raid on an al-Qaida cell in Manchester, British officials obtained al-Qaida's most extensive manual for how to wage war, the Washington Times said Tuesday. A directive lists one mission as "spreading rumors and writing statements that instigate people against the enemy."
If captured, the manual states, "At the beginning of the trial ... the brothers must insist on proving that torture was inflicted on them by state security before the judge. Complain of mistreatment while in prison."
Meanwhile, one U.S. investigator, Brig. Gen. Jay Hood, said last week the most explosive charge -- that guards at Guantanamo flushed the Koran, Islam's holy book, down a toilet -- is not true.
Posted by: Steve || 05/31/2005 14:03 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I think they also count on using short attention span as a weapon. We've been snagging these manuals since at least 2001, and I'd be surprised if we hadn't had at least one copy long before 9-11. Yet the MSM is still consistently surprised at the thought that these goobers might lie through their teeth as a matter of policy.
Posted by: Fred || 05/31/2005 15:00 Comments || Top||

#2  Might I suggest a new logo for these claims: the comfy chair.
Posted by: DMFD || 05/31/2005 21:27 Comments || Top||

#3  This is supposed to be it, translated into English.
Posted by: eLarson || 05/31/2005 21:55 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
MILF Agree to Hunt Down Militants
Muslim separatist rebels in the southern Philippines opened their main training camp yesterday to foreign diplomats and vowed to hunt down militants on a government wanted-list as a sign of goodwill ahead of peace talks with Manila. Tens of thousands of Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) myrmidons guerrillas and their supporters gathered around an elaborately decorated stage shouting "Allah is Great" and raised their fists in a show of force. MILF chief Ebrahim Murad welcomed diplomats from Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) countries, World Bank officials and Philippine government representatives as they were escorted along a muddy trail into Camp Darapanan on the outskirts of Cotabato City on the island of Mindanao.

A sea of colorful tents and umbrellas shielded Muslim men and women in colourful traditional attire as they squatted to listen to Murad speak. "Today is the day we can tell the Bangsamoro (Muslim) people and all peace loving people or our homeland that just, honorable and lasting peace is partly at hand," Murad told the gathering, the biggest public showing of the rebel group since government forces routed their main base in 2000. He said it was possible to "solve seemingly irreconcilable issues as long as negotiating parties approach the table with an open mind and sincerity". While MILF fighters were prepared to die for their cause, Murad said his group was "very much opposed to any form of terrorism" which he said was "incompatible" with the group's struggle to bring economic and political development to the poor areas of Mindanao.

Murad's statement came after MILF spokesman Eid "Lipless Eddie" Kabalu said the MILF had agreed to hunt down 53 militants as part of an agreement in 2002 to interdict or arrest terrorist elements in their areas. "We have a list of criminal elements the government has submitted to us to be apprehended," he told reporters late Sunday. MILF officials were now "validating" the list, which includes the names of renegade Muslim rebels with possible links to Jemaah Islamiya (JI) as well as Khadaffy Janjalani, leader of the Abu Sayyaf.
Posted by: Fred || 05/31/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Heh, I've always thought MILFs were pretty hot... and now they're coming in from the cold. Well, today, anyway.
Posted by: .com || 05/31/2005 0:36 Comments || Top||

#2  Ol lipless must be running short of cash, or maybe Janjalani forgot to pay his rent. lipless will never give up KJ unless there's money in it for him. But then since KJ is staying on his land he always could have given him up if he wanted. And his cries for peace is just a delay tactic until he can regroup his forces and attack again. My guess is good press - no action.
Posted by: 49 pan || 05/31/2005 18:24 Comments || Top||

Sri Lanka
Senior Sri Lankan army man killed
A senior member of the Sri Lankan intelligence services has been shot dead in the capital, Colombo. Maj Nizam Muthalif was shot while travelling in his chauffeur-driven car. Defence Ministry spokesman Brig Daya Ratnayake said the attack had been carried out by Tamil Tiger rebels: "It was a well planned operation." There has been no comment from the Tamil Tigers on the attack. Sri Lanka's three-year-old ceasefire has been under growing strain in recent months.

Maj Muthalif's car was waiting at traffic lights at about 0830 local time (0230 GMT) in the capital when it came under attack. Reports say two men on a motorbike opened fire before speeding away. The chauffeur drove the major to hospital but he died of his wounds there. "All the indications suggest it was the work of the [Tamil Tigers] Brig Ratnayake told the Associated Press news agency. The Tamil Tigers and the government are both still formally observing a ceasefire declared in February 2002. But both sides accuse the other of killings and other breaches of the agreement. The situation was complicated by a rupture in the Tamil Tigers in March 2004, with the main rebel leadership accusing the government of siding with the breakaway rebels. There has been an increase in violence this year amid a deadlock in negotiations between the Tigers and the government. Peace talks between the two sides have been suspended since April 2003.
Posted by: Steve || 05/31/2005 08:31 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

Debka: The Iranians Were BS'ing About The Shahab-3
DEBKAfile's intelligence sources contradict Iran's claim of successful test of Shehab-3, 2,000-km range ballistic missile. They say all that was tested was a missile engine. Before actually mounting it on a solid fuel-powered missile, Iran has many technical problems to overcome.
I think somebody made a phone call.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 05/31/2005 17:37 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Iran 'tests new missile engine'

Iran's defence minister says it has successfully tested a new missile motor using solid-fuel technology with a range of 2,000km (1,250 miles).
"Using solid fuel would be more durable and increase the range of the missile," Mr Shamkhani was quoted as saying by the Iranian official news agency.

Military experts are quoted as saying that the more complex solid-fuel technology would be necessary if Iran wanted to develop a two-stage rocket that could outrange the Shahab-3.
Posted by: john || 05/31/2005 18:48 Comments || Top||

#2  Damn, those mullahs are clever. Seems the Soviets had been working forever to perfect it for their own missiles.
Posted by: ed || 05/31/2005 19:21 Comments || Top||

#3  expect some interesting test failures in the coming year....
Posted by: Frank G || 05/31/2005 21:10 Comments || Top||

Iran tests 2,000-km Shehab-3
Iran has sccessfully tested 2,000-km range surface missile, says defense minister Shamkhani in Tehran. Shehab-3 is powered by solid fuel. DEBKAfile adds: A Shehab-3 launching base recently built in central Iran to defend nuclear industry against attack. Its launchers are pointed towards US targets in Iraq, Israel and Gulf.

Range Map
Posted by: Anonymoose || 05/31/2005 11:07 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Yeah right... you need a 2,000km missle to defend a site....
Posted by: CrazyFool || 05/31/2005 12:06 Comments || Top||

#2  Does this mean the Iranians essentially provided targetting coordinates?
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/31/2005 13:18 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Australian SAS Triggered Afghan Carnage
AN Australian SAS patrol leader claims his men were part of a bungled operation in Afghanistan that triggered a bloody tribal firefight and ended in 11 civilians being killed.

The SAS sergeant, a 12-year veteran of the elite special forces regiment who has since quit the army, accused his superiors of a "cover-up" over the May 2002 incident.
The SAS patrol, known as Redback Kilo Three, was part of a US-led mission in eastern Afghanistan to flush out Taliban and al-Qaeda forces after the terrorist attacks on the US of September 11, 2001.

The extraordinary claims, to be published in Time magazine today, also include allegations that one of the SAS troopers souvenired the turban and gun of one of the dead Afghan villagers that he had allegedly paraded after the incident.

He had been asked to show cause why he should not be discharged from the army, the report says.

Two other Australian soldiers were also issued show-cause notices.

There were also claims that the Diggers - relying on poor intelligence - thought they were flushing out al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters.

But instead they reignited a shooting war between rival Afghan tribesmen over rights to the area's forests that ended with deadly coalition air strikes. The magazine also publishes for the first time the rules of engagement for the SAS during Operation Slipper, the code name for the Afghanistan mission.

The rules stated that "incidental- collateral damage" - including death or injury to civilians - was acceptable as long as it was not "excessive in relation to direct military advantage anticipated to be gained".

The Defence Department released a statement last night saying special forces operated under strict rules of engagement, which included the specific and discriminatory use of force.

The statement confirmed the SAS patrol had engaged in contact in May 2002, with a larger SAS force coming to its aid after it was fired on.

"The actions were reviewed and determined to be in accordance with the rules of engagement," the statement said. It also said some internal aspects of patrol RK3 had been investigated and appropriate disciplinary action taken.

Time magazine located and interviewed relatives of the dead civilians, who left behind nearly 50 children now reliant on handouts to survive.

Village elders say an Australian officer later apologised and promised compensation, but they have received nothing. When the turban was confiscated, the accused trooper and three other SAS men on the patrol complained to senior officers that the leader had made poor decisions under fire and put men at risk.

The patrol leader denied the claims, but the major in command of Three Squadron, Vance Khan, segregated the patrol and took its members off operational duties. The patrol leader later applied for a discharge.
Posted by: Spavirt Pheng6042 || 05/31/2005 18:43 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  Three year old news. Did the Ozzies fix the problem, punish the guilty, make good their mistake? If the article doesn't answer these questions, it is simple anti-war hatefulness, not productive journalism. I'm feeling too lazy to actually check the link, but I know which way I'd place my bet.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/31/2005 20:27 Comments || Top||

#2  This is just a war aint perfect story. Unlike, say MSM journalism, which never makes mistakes.
Posted by: phil_b || 05/31/2005 21:37 Comments || Top||

Ghastly, demented, incredible barbarism in Gaza
Hat tip: LGF Palestinian children collect body parts of two Palestinian militants of the Al Aqsa Martyrs brigades killed east of Gaza city, Sunday, May 29, 2005. the two militants were killed and three seriously wounded when explosives they were carrying detonated in their car, Palestinians said. (AP Photo/Hatem Moussa)

What kind of deranged subhuman diseased fuck lets children do this? It's been suggested elsewhere that AP has mis-captioned this picture and that is not what the little guys are doing at all. In that case, the deranged sick fucks are at AP (but I think we knew that).
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 05/31/2005 19:13 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  U think this is a case where some Moslems took the Christian tradition of sanctifying the blood and body of Jesus, ascribe their suicide bombers-martyrs as holy and thus figure that the blood and body of their suicide bombers is thus holy.

This practise does not exist I think in lands like Saudi Arabi and the Gulf States because there are no Christians to learn the first part from. And it doesn't exist in Iraq because suicide bombers aren't considered holy men.
Posted by: mhw || 05/31/2005 19:42 Comments || Top||

#2  Is the first part a question?

If so, no, I do not think that. There are few suicide bombers in Saudi Arabia or the Gulf States and Iraq has a sizable and diverse Christian minority, far more so than Gaza where most of these ghastly swarms appear to happen.
Beyond that, the sanctification of Jesus's blood etc. as I understand it, does not involve sending children out to collect the literal material in person.

At one time, Christians did collect and venerate various body parts from saints and holy men but, again, it was not typically done by children. Beyond that, the actual collection usually took place a good long time after the subject had expired and with a fair amount of ritual.

Comparing this to any Christian or other religious practice is grasping at the wilting straws of moral equivalency.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 05/31/2005 19:53 Comments || Top||

#3  Moslems consider it important to bury the bodies of the dead quickly. To leave a body (or parts of a body)lying around unburied is an act of extreme disrespect.
Posted by: Frozen Al || 05/31/2005 20:16 Comments || Top||

#4  I see, Frozen Al. Jews have the same custom, as do most Christian groups, but they typically do not send children to do the work.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 05/31/2005 20:20 Comments || Top||

#5  It's not a car swarm, it's Jihadi Fruit! MMMmmm...
Posted by: Asedwich || 05/31/2005 21:04 Comments || Top||

#6  nice, now the tree's the 5,965th holiest site in Islam
Posted by: Frank G || 05/31/2005 21:14 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
2 terrorists held for Delhi blasts

2 terrorists held for Delhi blasts

In what is being described as the most intensive operation by the Delhi Police, the special cell on Tuesday arrested two men, one of them from Nawanshahar in Punjab, for their involvement in the twin blasts in cinema halls on May 22. The preliminary interrogation of the accused has revealed that the conspiracy behind the attack was hatched in Stuttgart in Germany.

While Balwinder Singh was nabbed from a village in Nawanshahar, the other accused, Jagannath, was arrested from Madipur in Delhi. Balwinder has reportedly told the police that the instructions for the attack came from Stuttgart-based Satnam Singh, son-in-law of chief of Babbar Khalsa International (BKI), Wadhwa Singh Babbar, and was facilitated by Pakistan-based leaders of former Punjab militant outfits. These men apparently arranged for the RDX used in the attack from Jammu. According to the police, the blasts were carried out by four men. ''Two others have been identified as Vikas and Jaspal. We are hopeful that they will be arrested very soon,'' said police commissioner, Dr K K Paul.

Rs 2.94 lakh cash, 1 kg RDX and 2 kg gold was seized from the house in Madipur. According to the two, the instructions for the attack were passed on to them by a man named Shahid in Bangkok.
Posted by: john || 05/31/2005 17:11 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Battle for Baghdad begins
May 30, 2005: The government's promised "ring of steel" around Baghdad began on Sunday, and, as expected, the terrorist groups began trying to get out of town before that. Help! Help! We are being repressed! Thus the weekend saw much violence, with some fifty people, mostly civilians, killed in attacks and fighting concentrated in and around Baghdad. There were several gun battles between gangs of terrorists and the police. Operation Thunder began with loud noises, and Iraqi police and soldiers appearing everywhere in town. Surprise Akmar!

The terrorists are cornered and, increasingly, having their hideouts and workshops discovered and destroyed. While May has seen, so far, over 700 Iraqis (mostly civilians) killed by terrorist attacks, over three hundred terrorist suspects have been killed in May, and over a thousand arrested. This past weekend, over 500 terrorists suspects were taken into custody, and over a dozen terrorist locations raided. Hundreds of weapons, and much bomb making material was seized. A lot of cash is being found. Last week, one raid grabbed six million dollars in American currency. HOLY CRAP! And we will see this in the MSM when? Oh right. Never. The cash is considered as important as the weapons and explosives. Most of the terrorists do it because they are paid. Even the suicide bombers themselves, who are nearly all foreign volunteers, require cash to keep them fed, hidden and attended by paid "minders" who make sure the "martyrs" don't change their minds. Sounds like the political officers of the Soviet Union

The number of tips from civilians is increasing, partly as a result of more Iraqi police and soldiers on the streets. But even American troops are getting more tips, because after two years of operating in Sunni areas, the Americans have built personal relationships with locals, and that has led to information about where roadside bombs are hidden, and who put them there. All that candy I sent over last year put to good use. Excellent. Iraqi cops are getting tips on where the foreign terrorists are hanging out, but these guys often get away before a raid can be conducted. This is because of cops, bribed by the terrorists, to warn of raids. This is one reason for the ring around Baghdad. This gives the terrorists no place to run. The dirty cop tipping off the terrorists will be less effective, and the police SWAT teams are just roaming around, ready to move immediately when a tip comes in, making it more difficult for terrorist spies to compromise the raid. Sounds like what the Feds did to the mob in the 1920s

The government expects the terrorists to be much less capable in June, and for the death rate among Iraqi civilians to be a lot lower. The death rate in May was about three times what it had been for most of the past year. Most of the dead are in central Iraq, where Sunni Arabs working for the government, and Shia Arabs in general, have been attacked. But over a million Sunni Arabs live in northern and southern Iraq, in areas where Shia Arabs or Kurds are the majority. A general uprising against the Sunni Arabs would result in great slaughter among the Sunni Arabs. Most Sunni Arab leaders, aware of this danger, have been offering to cooperate with the government, but there are dozens of Sunni Arab religious leaders who continue to preach support of the terrorism. Some of these preachers are getting assassinated, and the majority of Sunni Arab leaders are not too upset about it. It's suspected that some of these hits were ordered, and carried out by, Sunni Arabs. Cleaning their own house. Gotta love it!

By the end of the June, look at the number of people the terrorists have killed and compare it to the nearly 800 killed in May. That will tell you how successful the battle for Baghdad was.
Go Iraq!

Posted by: mmurray821 || 05/31/2005 15:10 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under:

#1  And we will see this in the MSM when

In all fairness to the MSM, we've been hearing reports of cash captured, weapons caches captured, jihadis killed or detained, etc for two years. We still dont really know which resource is the constraining one for the jihadis, or when we'll have gotten enough to effect OUTPUTS like the number of Iraqi civilians killed.

Not that Im not hopeful. We ARE seeing some new things - esp. the increasing effectiveness of Iraqi forces, more tips, etc. And political gains, as Sunni Arab leaders start to accept the inevitability of the Iraqi political process. But whether thats going to turn the tide any time soon is impossible to say. Fewer civilian deaths in June? "Inshallah". But Im not counting on it.
Posted by: liberalhawk || 05/31/2005 15:47 Comments || Top||

#2  It would also be nice to see fewer US troops killed (we will lose over 70 in May 2005 which is not as many as some of the peak months but still a lot).

Another thing to remember is that Op Lightening is the first really big Iraqi coordinated sweep. They are bound to have some screw ups, some holes, some blunders. However, hopefully, they will also learn somethings also. Also, hopefully, there will be some more hometown heros come out of this.
Posted by: mhw || 05/31/2005 16:24 Comments || Top||

#3  I see one of the biggest deterrents beginning shortly, with the hanging of the three terrorists. It was suggested that a lot of the idiots think that if they are arrested on terrorism charges, that they are looking at 3 to 5 in the jug. But when they start to see their fellows dangling from the gibbet at frequent intervals, there is going to be a run on Greyhound Bus tickets back home. In the first year alone, several hundred of these mongrels could productively swing, and that will have a strong effect of the remainder.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 05/31/2005 17:18 Comments || Top||

#4  There are many positive signals here. Seeing terrorists swing will be another very positive factor. Of course it will get the Euro-panties into a bunch, but who cares. As the Iraqis beging to really take over and take it to the terrorists, the good guys will win more and more.
Posted by: remoteman || 05/31/2005 17:28 Comments || Top||

#5  I believe that the money is the key. From my interaction with Saudis and the other Arab states I visited (Bahrain, Qatar, UAE), I see three aspects to it: Jihadi romanticism, the cost of doing bidness - Arab-style, and imam indoctrination.

Uh oh. I'm getting that funny feeling that AllahPundit used to get, methinks...

First, there is a great deal of what we would probably characterize as romanticism in the appeals for jihadis. Arabic is a visual language, as you folks may recall in the early days when analysis of Saddam's speeches was offered. This ties in with their Bedu folklore and qu'uranic teachings, too. Additionally, the demographics add to the appeal - a life of brave derring-do vs. hanging out at Starbucks with the other unemployed young men.

Second, and this may be more powerful, money talks even moreso than in the US. Great status is conferred on those who can afford to take in large chunks of their immediate family. For example, in '92 I lived across the street from a guy who owned and filled an entire 6 story apartment building with relatives and had 2 Suburbans to haul them all around. That he could support 4 wives - about 20 kids (that I saw come out of the place), brothers and their families, and who knows how many others, made him the big guy on the block. If you have few or no prospects to achieve such status, you opt for the alternative status-generators, and there are only 2 I was personally told about: superior piousness (attracting the imam-wannabees and muttawa types) and Arab Hero - jihadi.

Without the cash to get around, buy weapons and goodies, etc, much of the shine wears off - and fast. Trundling off to jihad by camel or beat-up Toyota pickup isn't exactly romantic - and they know it. The global jihadi jetset is what the Arab Hero aspires to - their shiny new Lion of Islam Legend. Mohammed Atta's Frequent Flyer miles. And it takes cash. Oodles of cash, to get the people and matériel smuggled in - or to buy matériel locally once in Iraq. Arabs are nothing, if not hardcore haggling hardballers of commerce. Almost every one of these guys is a mix of True Believer, Mercenary, and Romantic Fool - just varying in degree. Take the money away and the whole thing begins to dry up. This is another aspect to why taking the source of funds, the oil, would work. If you know you will never get another new dime, even if you have millions, will you keep giving it to jihadis who are being ground up in the Big Green Machine to little effect? Unless the terrorists are obviously on the cusp of victory, the answer is NO. Cut off the flow of money, and they tighten up faster than anyone I've ever seen.

Third is the fire in which these Fools are forged - the Imams and their indoctrination. If the Saudis or Paleos or Yemenis were even remotely serious, this is where they'd crack down. Money and power drives these guys, too, but the money sources are either directly or indirectly controlled by the Govts. You'd have to threaten, believably, to make it very painful financially if the support doesn't stop to get any cooperation. We see this in Saudi. Lots of Govt pronouncements and the occasional nabbing of an imam, but the translated screeds keep coming out to prove it's a joke. The indoctrination and exportation of the product, jihadi fodder, continues because none of the Govts are serious about helping in the WoT. They are behind and supporting Terror. Find a way to cut of the money (oil) and it will break the cycle in 2 places. The imams are also a mix of True Believer and Mercenary, surprise, surprise. Cut off the cash, and the number peddling jihad, which they are paid to promote, drops to the fraction who are the pure True Believer.

There's no getting around it: as long as they have the oil money, the jihad game does not stop. Two obvious ways to affect it have been bandied about: reduce dependence and take away the oil sands. China and others will fill the gap in the first instance for a long time to come. the only thing left is to take away the source.

There's this 40km-wide strip of land running along the Eastern coast of the Persian Gulf...

Of course, lacking the stones to do that, we'll have to acquire the stones to wreak great vengeance when it become obvious, after more strikes on the US, that they aren't going to quit. The sad fact is that they can't. Everything they are, everything they believe, and everything that drives them demands our submission or ruin or both. It's all in the qu'uran. It's as clear as glass. Even the once uber-compassionate are talking some tough talk, these days. Why, those who once counseled Bush to make alliances and demonstrate our open-mindedness have come to realize it won't work. They've come along way, but they still have a long way to go, having started to the Left of PCism. Now? Well now it takes a special kind of person not to see it, and an even bigger special kind of person not to do more about it than to continue to offer group hugs and lame let's be buds, dood. It's sad, but they can't hear you if they're the activated variety, and they're too gutless to help you if they're the dormant variety. In the end, they are one and the same. Those who say otherwise are dangerous. The myth has to die. But, sigh, it won't - until we have paid another heavy penalty or two. It just feels too good to the dogmatic do-gooders to give up their fix. Mebbe it's the remnant of a good feeling they had once - like getting laid during a Peace March or something. Who knows - and who cares. It's fucking idiocy. They're going to get more of us killed.

Note that even the shock of limited vengeance, as it has been applied so far (read: Exit Taliban and Exit Saddam), isn't really working other than to distract and occupy them with flypaper. Not very bright are they? And not dissuaded by"message" vengeance - where you try to reason with them by demonstrating that they can't win. Message Foreign Policy ("Let's send them a message!") has been, if you take a good look, favored by those Presidents who FAILED when dealing with idiots. The message doesn't mean much if your opponent is a radicalized Communist (i.e. Johnson - Vietnam) or jihadi (i.e. Clinton - Islam and Norkies), now does it? No. It works only on intelligent people, such as the Japanese. Two shots and they got it. They're anything BUT stupid. What about the Islamists? Two shots and they still haven't a clue, do they? No. They don't.

The "message" gig won't work here. Gonna have to slog it out. So the vengeance I have in mind does more than just disrupt the game and distract them with flypaper - it destroys their ability to wage jihad. It's a mean vicious motherfucker that makes no excuses, doesn't apologize for defending our way of life, doesn't apologize to insane people for imaginary slights, doesn't give a rat-fuck what the timid gutless PC-driven mice have to say, and doesn't compromise. It gives fair warning and then follows up by decapping the terrorist-enabling Govts - and taking the oil away to prevent the follow-on from continuing to be terrorist-enablers.

If the calculation that this will dry up jihad enough for us to live with, to cohabitate on this planet, is wrong, then it accepts the horrible news -- and destroys all traces of the pathogen. We won't even save a sample for Ft Detrick's freezer. It sanitizes and cauterizes the wound. It doesn't say another word, it just fries 'em up.

To the horrified because I'm so bad:
Gosharoonies! Can I say that out loud? Oh me. Oh my. How evil of me! How horrid! I must be eviiil incarnate!

That they can preach this same thing every Friday, yeah, that's okie-dokie. For me to say it is evil. Right. Grasp the handrail before you float away on the pixie dust, wanker. No, wait - just Fuck Off. I believe we are the good guys, even if forced to wipe out the bad guys. Ain't that just a bitch? Lol! Bite me.

But then that's just me. Must be a bad-hair day, I guess.

Just my observations.
Posted by: .com || 05/31/2005 20:59 Comments || Top||

#6  Next time, please don't sugar coat it.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 05/31/2005 21:17 Comments || Top||

#7  Well, Brother Dave D. defined it rather clearly. I recognize that Bush wants to find an alternative, i.e. #4, that will allow for cohabitation. So, whether I believe it will work or not, we'll go along with him for awhile and see. I fear we'll end up with something else, however. They're not proving to be worth warm spit in the effort to save them from themselves.
Posted by: .com || 05/31/2005 21:34 Comments || Top||

#8  We've got to try, .com. Because if it comes to slaughter, we need to know that we tried first.
Posted by: too true || 05/31/2005 21:51 Comments || Top||

#9  I understand, tt - I don't want to go there, either -and sorta said so in #7. But there is a core problem with Islam and no amount of maneuvering and massaging of the facts gets us around the problem: if they are unwilling to quit trying, what do we do? That was my point in the rant. I believe they won't give us the choice - and I am anticipating the eventualities.
Posted by: .com || 05/31/2005 22:00 Comments || Top||

#10  "So, whether I believe it will work or not, we'll go along with [Bush] for awhile and see. I fear we'll end up with something else, however. They're not proving to be worth warm spit in the effort to save them from themselves."

I think that's a fair assessment; I've seen little to encourage me so far. I think most people will reserve judgement on the results of this "Middle East Democracy" experiment until Bush leaves office-- but then the clock will have run out: a solid consensus will emerge that either Islamic/Arab culture can be reformed and de-toxified, or it cannot.

And if we end up deciding that they are incorrigible, God have mercy on them if they pull off another mass-casualty attack on American soil. Because we won't.
Posted by: Dave D. || 05/31/2005 22:17 Comments || Top||

#11  .com I think you hit the nail right on the head. It may take a couple more 9/11's before the idea sinks into some peoples minds that they are all out to kill us or make us their slaves. Some will simply never get it and will continue crying 'Impeach Bush' and 'Can't we all just get along' until the very end.

Its been spelled out in the Koran for over a thousand years -- written there by an insane pedophile murderer and rapist every bit as bad - even worse - then Hitler ever was. The only difference is that nobody stopped deranged Mo before his special kind of sickness grew to what it is today.

I think we will have to try to treat this particular cancer for a while more before we go get the knife. Some cancers have to be cut out.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 05/31/2005 22:41 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Guantanamo Detainees Say Arabs, Muslims Sold for U.S. Bounties
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) - They fed them well. The Pakistani tribesmen slaughtered a sheep in honor of their guests, Arabs and Chinese Muslims famished from fleeing U.S. bombing in the Afghan mountains. But their hosts had ulterior motives: to sell them to the Americans, said the men who are now prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.
Bounties ranged from $3,000 to $25,000, the detainees testified during military tribunals, according to transcripts the U.S. government gave The Associated Press to comply with a Freedom of Information lawsuit.

A former CIA intelligence officer who helped lead the search for Osama bin Laden told AP the accounts sounded legitimate because U.S. allies regularly got money to help catch Taliban and al-Qaida fighters. Gary Schroen said he took a suitcase of $3 million in cash into Afghanistan himself to help supply and win over warlords to fight for U.S. Special Forces. "It wouldn't surprise me if we paid rewards," said Schroen, who retired after 32 years in the CIA soon after the fall of Kabul in late 2001. He recently published the book "First In: An Insider's Account of How the CIA Spearheaded the War on Terror in Afghanistan." Schroen said Afghan warlords like Gen. Rashid Dostum were among those who received bundles of notes. "It may be that we were giving rewards to people like Dostum because his guys were capturing a lot of Taliban and al-Qaida," he said.

Pakistan has handed hundreds of suspects to the Americans, but Information Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed told the AP, "No one has taken any money."
"No, certainly not!"
The U.S. departments of Defense, Justice and State and the Central Intelligence Agency also said they were unaware of bounty payments being made for random prisoners. The U.S. Rewards for Justice program pays only for information that leads to the capture of suspected terrorists identified by name, said Steve Pike, a State Department spokesman. Some $57 million has been paid under the program, according to its Web site. It offers rewards up to $25 million for information leading to the capture of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden and Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. But a wide variety of detainees at the U.S. lockup at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, alleged they were sold into capture. Their names and other identifying information were blacked out in the transcripts from the tribunals, which were held to determine whether prisoners were correctly classified as enemy combatants.

One detainee who said he was an Afghan refugee in Pakistan accused the country's intelligence service of trumping up evidence against him to get bounty money from the U.S. "When I was in jail, they said I needed to pay them money and if I didn't pay them, they'd make up wrong accusations about me and sell me to the Americans and I'd definitely go to Cuba," he told the tribunal. "After that I was held for two months and 20 days in their detention, so they could make wrong accusations about me and my (censored), so they could sell us to you."
Another prisoner said he was on his way to Germany in 2001 when he was captured and sold for "a briefcase full of money" then flown to Afghanistan before being sent to Guantanamo. "It's obvious. They knew Americans were looking for Arabs, so they captured Arabs and sold them - just like someone catches a fish and sells it," he said. The detainee said he was seized by "mafia" operatives somewhere in Europe and sold to Americans because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time - an Arab in a foreign country.
A detainee who said he was a Saudi businessman claimed, "The Pakistani police sold me for money to the Americans." "This was part of a roundup of all foreigners and Arabs in that area," of Pakistan near the Afghan border, he said, telling the tribunal he went to Pakistan in November 2001 to help Afghan refugees.
Right. Sure. Whatever.
The military-appointed representative for one detainee - who said he was a Taliban fighter - said the prisoner told him he and his fellow fighters "were tricked into surrendering to Rashid Dostum's forces. Their agreement was that they would give up their arms and return home. But Dostum's forces sold them for money to the U.S."
Several detainees who appeared to be ethnic Chinese Muslims - known as Uighurs - described being betrayed by Pakistani tribesmen along with about 100 Arabs. They said they went to Afghanistan for military training to fight for independence from China. When U.S. warplanes started bombing near their camp, they fled into the mountains near Tora Bora and hid for weeks, starving. One detainee said they finally followed a group of Arabs, apparently fighters, being guided by an Afghan to the Pakistani border. "We crossed into Pakistan and there were tribal people there, and they took us to their houses and they killed a sheep and cooked the meat and we ate," he said. That night, they were taken to a mosque, where about 100 Arabs also sheltered. After being fed bread and tea, they were told to leave in groups of 10, taken to a truck, and driven to a Pakistani prison. From there, they were handed to Americans and flown to Guantanamo. "When we went to Pakistan the local people treated us like brothers and gave us good food and meat," said another detainee. But soon, he said, they were in prison in Pakistan where "we heard they sold us to the Pakistani authorities for $5,000 per person."
Following a very old native custom, you ain't local, you ain't shit. But you can be turned for a profit.
There have been reports of Arabs being sold to the Americans after the U.S.-led offensive in Afghanistan, but the testimonies offer the most detail from prisoners themselves.
In March 2002, the AP reported that Afghan intelligence offered rewards for the capture of al-Qaida fighters - the day after a five-hour meeting with U.S. Special Forces. Intelligence officers refused to say if the two events were linked and if the United States was paying the offered reward of 150 million Afghanis, then equivalent to $4,000 a head. That day, leaflets and loudspeaker announcements promised "the big prize" to those who turned in al-Qaida fighters. Said one leaflet: "You can receive millions of dollars. ... This is enough to take care of your family, your village, your tribe for the rest of your life - pay for livestock and doctors and school books and housing for all your people."
"You may be a winner! Call now!"
Helicopters broadcast similar announcements over the Afghan mountains, enticing people to "Hand over the Arabs and feed your families for a lifetime," said Najeeb al-Nauimi, a former Qatar justice minister and leader of a group of Arab lawyers representing nearly 100 detainees.
"Don't hand over the Arabs and have a very short lifetime"
Al-Nauimi said a consortium of wealthy Arabs, including Saudis, told him they also bought back fellow citizens who had been captured by Pakistanis.
Money quote, cannon fodder wouldn't have anyone who could outbid the US. Connected Saudi jihadis would call someone who would.
Khalid al-Odha, who started a group fighting to free 12 Kuwaiti detainees, said his imprisoned son, Fawzi, wrote him a letter from Guantanamo Bay about Kuwaitis being sold to the Americans in Afghanistan. One Kuwaiti who was released, 26-year-old Nasser al-Mutairi, told al-Odha that interrogators said Dostum's forces sold them to the Pakistanis for $5,000 each, and the Pakistanis in turn sold them to the Americans. "I also heard that Saudis were sold to the Saudi government by the Pakistanis," al-Odha said. "If I had known that, I would have gone and bought my son back."
Saudis get first bid, that's where the important connected guys go.
Posted by: Steve || 05/31/2005 14:23 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [34 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Said one leaflet: "You can receive millions of dollars. ... This is enough to take care of your family, your village, your tribe for the rest of your life - pay for livestock and doctors and school books and housing for all your people."

Curse you, Ed McMahon!
Posted by: BH || 05/31/2005 14:59 Comments || Top||

#2  Money talks and you don't walk.
Boohoohoo, boys.
Posted by: tu3031 || 05/31/2005 15:14 Comments || Top||

#3  "How much for the women?..."
Posted by: mojo || 05/31/2005 15:17 Comments || Top||

#4  This works for us either way...gets real terrorists off line or serves as a deterrent
against foreign Jehadis traveling to Pak or Afganistan.
Posted by: Mohamed Me || 05/31/2005 15:24 Comments || Top||

#5  Guantanamo Detainees Say Arabs, Muslims Sold for U.S. Bounties

Bounty. The quicker picker upper. Paper towels are a premium in the Paki Hills.
Posted by: Penguin || 05/31/2005 16:12 Comments || Top||

#6  LOL! Cheap Flightless avian, yet funny.
Posted by: Shipman || 05/31/2005 16:24 Comments || Top||

#7  Foolish jihadis.

They should have realised the danger they were in when the sheep were slaughtered.

Now, if it was a goat being killed, they would be safe...

Posted by: john || 05/31/2005 18:01 Comments || Top||

#8  $3.25 for a dozen, and thats my final offer.
Posted by: JackAssFestival || 05/31/2005 18:13 Comments || Top||

#9  Does that offer come with a flushable Kuran?
Posted by: Captain America || 05/31/2005 18:16 Comments || Top||

#10  how much is that Jihadi in the window?

The one with the long smelly beard....

How much is that Jihadi in the window?....
Posted by: CrazyFool || 05/31/2005 22:20 Comments || Top||

Pakistan to hand over al-Libbi
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) - Senior al-Qaida militant Abu Faraj al-Libbi will be handed over to the United States for prosecution, President Gen. Pervez Musharraf said Tuesday, ending speculation the military ruler would seek to try the Libyan-born terror suspect here for two assassination attempts. "We are obviously going to deport him," Musharraf told a CNN conference in Atlanta, speaking via video hookup from Islamabad. "We don't want him in Pakistan," Musharraf said of al-Libbi.
He said al-Libbi, believed to be a close confidant of Osama bin Laden and described by U.S. officials as the terror network's No. 3 operative, did not provide any leads on bin Laden's whereabouts during his interrogation. "No, he did not provide useful information about Osama bin Laden," Musharraf said. "He says he is not in contact with Osama bin Laden." He added, "We deport al-Qaida suspects to the United States for further interrogations." It was not clear when al-Libbi would be turned over or where he is being held now.
Al-Libbi was arrested May 2 along with another foreigner after a firefight on the outskirts of Mardan, a town 30 miles north of Peshawar, capital of the deeply conservative North West Frontier Province, officials said. Al-Libbi, who's thought to use at least five aliases, is believed responsible for planning attacks in the United States, a U.S. counterterrorism official said after his arrest.
However, he did not appear on the FBI list of the world's most-wanted terrorists, and his exact role in al-Qaida is not clear. It is not known what charges he might face in the United States or if he has been indicted by any U.S. court.
In Pakistan, al-Libbi was wanted for allegedly masterminding two attempts in December 2003 on Musharraf's life. The president was unhurt, but 17 people died in the second attack, on Christmas Day.
The assassination attempts carry the death penalty in Pakistan.
Posted by: Steve || 05/31/2005 14:08 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "It's a long flight. We'll have to stop for refueling somewhere along the way...for several weeks..."
Posted by: PBMcL || 05/31/2005 17:41 Comments || Top||

#2  "We're done with him and he's still breathing. Better let the Americans have him."
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 05/31/2005 21:13 Comments || Top||

#3  DG for him, no Guantanamo lawyers
Posted by: Frank G || 05/31/2005 21:39 Comments || Top||

Iraq to move 3,100 Iranian Kurds to safe area: UN
GENEVA - Iraq has agreed to move 3,100 Iranian Kurd refugees, who have been stuck in harsh and dangerous conditions near Ramadi, to a safer area in the north, the United Nations said on Tuesday. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) welcomed the "breakthrough", as Al Tash camp has been virtually cut off from aid since the US-led invasion in 2003 of Iraq due to insecurity, spokeswoman Jennifer Pagonis said.
Another 3,200 refugees who fled Al Tash camp last November after militants attacked its police station have already moved to the Sulaimaniya area in Iraq's northern Kurdish region.
Which the Turks will view with alarm in 4..3..2..
"We have just been informed that the Iraqi Prime Minister's office has approved a proposed plan to relocate Al Tash camp's remaining population -- some 3,100 people -- to a much safer location near Sulaimaniya in Southern Kurdistan northern Iraq," Pagonis told a news briefing.
Al Tash, set up more than 20 years ago, is 60 km (37 miles) from Falluja and 12 km (7.5 miles) from Ramadi, both Sunni cities in central Iraq where US-led forces have been battling an insurgency. UNCHR says most of the Iranians fled their homeland during Iran-Iraq war of 1980s, and some also fled during the Gulf War. Refugees have endured chronic insecurity and cuts in electricity, water supplies and medical care, UNHCR says. Its local staff have been only able to make sporadic visits.
"Hopefully they will be moved fairly soon now that the agreement has been made. We are keen to get going because they have been stuck a long time in a dangerous limbo," UNHCR spokesman Rupert Colville told Reuters.
Separately, 743 refugees, mainly Iranian Kurds who have been living in a "no man's land" camp between Jordan and Iraq for up to two years, moved on Sunday to Ruweished camp, some 60 km (37 miles) inside Jordan, according to UNHCR. Conditions will be "distinctly better" as the camp in no man's land was extremely difficult to reach and was not under any state's jurisdiction, it said. UNHCR was increasing its efforts to persuade states in the region or elsewhere to take in the 743 Iranians and 127 other refugees, mostly Palestinians, who were already at Ruweished.
Posted by: Steve || 05/31/2005 12:15 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [34 views] Top|| File under:

#1  yeah, I'm real concerned about what Turkey thinks
Posted by: Frank G || 05/31/2005 22:25 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Afghanistan "destroys country's biggest drugs bazaar"
KABUL - Afghanistan said on Tuesday it has completely destroyed the country's largest so-called drugs bazaar in a special three day operation, along with nearly six tonnes of narcotics and related substances. The crackdown on the Bahram Shah Bazaar at Garmser, in southern Helmand province some 650 kilometers (406 miles) south of Kabul, was carried out by Afghanistan's new US and British-trained counter-narcotics force, officials said.
"Two-and-a-half tonnes of poppy, 250 kilograms of heroin and 3.5 tonnes of chemicals were seized and were destroyed in the operation," General Mohammed Daud, the Afghan deputy interior minister, told a press conference on Tuesday. However, no one was arrested or killed in the operation in Bahram Shah, which is around 100 metres (yards) from the rugged, poorly defined Afghan-Pakistani border. "When the operation started most of the smugglers and traffickers managed to escape across the Pakistani border," Daud said as he displayed a video clip of the operation showing the Afghan Special Narcotics Force troops approaching and burning the drugs.
The operation follows President Hamid Karzai's recent visit to Washington, where he predicted that opium cultivation would drop by 30 percent in 2005 after leaked US documents accused him of being too soft in the war on drugs.
Posted by: Steve || 05/31/2005 12:08 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  And they did it their very own selves. This is a good first step.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/31/2005 13:06 Comments || Top||

Announcement: Rantapalooza version 2.0 -- Washington DC Saturday July 9

Happy summer to all! Your humble Rantburg editorial staff would like to once again invite you to step away from the keyboard and raise a glass with us.

We had a great time in January and can "almost" guarantee a snow-free weekend.

The particulars so far:

Saturday, July 9
3 p.m.
Washington DC
Venue to be announced later

Leave a note in comments and send me an email (seafarious -at- yahoo.com) to let me know that you plan to attend.
Posted by: seafarious || 05/31/2005 10:50:14 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I missed the last one, but will surely be there this time around! I humbly offer my intimate knowledge of some of the finer drinking establishments in the DC area for use in venue determination.
Posted by: mjh || 05/31/2005 10:55 Comments || Top||

#2  Buffalo Billards?
Posted by: Cog || 05/31/2005 17:48 Comments || Top||

#3  Buffalo is on the list...but I have another place in mind. One factor is the number of peeps attending, so let me know! Otherwise me and mjh will have to drink all the beer ourselves...
Posted by: Seafarious || 05/31/2005 17:57 Comments || Top||

#4  I don't get any?
Posted by: Fred || 05/31/2005 19:59 Comments || Top||

#5  If there's any left over, sure, have a brew! ;-)
Posted by: Seafarious || 05/31/2005 20:20 Comments || Top||

Africa: Horn
Second aid worker held for rape report
KHARTOUM, Sudan (Reuters) -- Sudan arrested a second aid worker from the Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) aid agency on Tuesday over a report on hundreds of rapes in the troubled Darfur region, the agency said. Vince Hoedt, Darfur coordinator for MSF Holland, said he was under arrest and police were escorting him to Khartoum. It was not clear if he was charged with the same offenses as the country director who was arrested and released on bail on Monday.
"I have been officially arrested but there are no official charges as yet," he told Reuters from Darfur. He was at the airport waiting to be transported to Khartoum, where he would meet the authorities. An MSF spokesman in the Netherlands told Reuters Hoedt saw his arrest warrant but could not read it because it was in Arabic.
MSF Holland country director Paul Foreman, who reported to authorities on Tuesday, is charged with spying, publishing false reports and undermining Sudanese society, MSF said in a statement.
The attorney-general told Reuters the maximum penalty for the charges was three years in prison followed by permanent expulsion from the country.
MSF Holland published a report in March detailing about 500 cases of rape during a period of 4 1/2 months in Darfur, where a rebellion has raged for more than 2 years. The violence has killed tens of thousands and forced more than 2 million from their homes.
The report contained anonymous accounts by victims of their ordeals, including being held and raped repeatedly for several days, beaten and even arrested. Pregnancy out of wedlock is illegal in Sudan, where Islamic sharia law is in force.
Rights group Human Rights Watch said in a statement on Tuesday the Sudanese government should be arresting war criminals in Darfur, not aid workers. "This is a perfect illustration of how far the Sudanese government is prepared to go to silence criticism and deny its own responsibility for massive atrocities in Darfur," said Peter Takirambudde, Africa director for Human Rights Watch. "
A U.N.-appointed commission of inquiry found evidence of mass rape during the rebellion in Darfur. The documents are with the International Criminal Court, which has been instructed by the U.N. Security Council to investigate alleged crimes against humanity in the remote west of Sudan, the first such referral. U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour in Geneva called on Sudan to ensure human rights monitors and aid workers were "permitted to work freely and without fear of retaliation".
Targeting aid workers will do a disservice to the people of Darfur and "draw attention away from the real criminals, those who continue to rape, kill and pillage with impunity", she said. The top U.N. envoy in Sudan Jan Pronk told reporters in Khartoum he deplored the arrests. He said MSF was the most essential Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) working in Darfur.
But he said he did not think the government was targeting aid agencies: "There are forces, military forces, police forces, intelligence forces who are hitting at some specific NGOs for some specific issues, but I do not see an overall trend of the government against the NGOs," he said. Human Rights Watch said at least 20 aid workers have been arbitrarily arrested in Darfur during the past six months.
Posted by: Steve || 05/31/2005 09:47 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Doctors without boundaries, indeed.
Posted by: BH || 05/31/2005 10:07 Comments || Top||

#2  The Sudan government targeting those who report such things, not the perpretrators, BH.
Posted by: Pappy || 05/31/2005 10:53 Comments || Top||

#3  Yep, MSF actually sent money back to donors hummm... last month?
Posted by: Shipman || 05/31/2005 13:09 Comments || Top||

#4  I read the title the same way BH did, and was relieved to read in the article that the good doctor was arrested for blackening the reputation of Sudanese gov't (arab muslim) forces by documenting the systemic rape of their black muslim subjects.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/31/2005 13:12 Comments || Top||

#5  I'm guessing Amnesty International will be all over this issue.

In the rapist's favor, of course.
Posted by: gromky || 05/31/2005 16:00 Comments || Top||

#6  Any doctor, after helping the poor, sick, and infested people of Dafur, would never even go near them, let alone rape them. Even the Eurotrash and French would know better. The raping of Sudan is better left to the Khartoum government and its soldiers.
Posted by: 49 pan || 05/31/2005 19:15 Comments || Top||

Al-Qaeda In Iraq Reports On Progress In "Abdul Rahman Al-Basry Expedition"
From our "Know what the enemy is saying" department:By Ubaidah Al-Saif; Translation © Jihad Unspun 2005

With "Operation Lightening", a 40,000 strong offensive by the US and their Iraqi collaborators now in complete disarray, al-Qaeda in the Land of the Two Rivers has issued a statement reporting on the progress in their counter offensive 'the "Abdul Rahman Al-Basry Expedition".
Operation Lightening for the most part was not able to get off the ground. Their most notable action was the wrongful arrest a Iraq's most notable Sunni leader that casued a great deal of embarassament for the US and their Iraqi counterparts. Furthermore, in their initial ground offensive, they were met with stiff resistance by the Mujahideen, something they had obviously had not anticipated. The Mujahideen were who were well prepared for their engagement, subsequently carried out several attacks that resulted in dozens of casualties for the occupiers and their collaborators before "Operation Lightening" was able to get fully underway. Now, al-Qaeda in the Land of the Two Rivers has issued a report on the results to date of the Al-Basry Expedition. Here is their statement, uncut and uncensored as translated by JUS.
We remind our viewers that the statements, opinions and points of view expressed in this article are those of the author and shall not be deemed to mean that they are necessarily those of Jihad Unspun, the publisher, editor, writers, contributors or staff. So please don't arrest us!

Al-Qaeda Organization Discloses Results Of The "Al-Basry Expedition"

In The Name Of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

O Allah! Make our shots hit their intended targets, and fasten our feet firmly to the ground.
Praise be to Allah, it is He who glorified his soldiers and He alone defeated the confederates. Peace and prayer be upon our prophet, Muhammad, his family, and his companions.

{Those to whom men said: "A great army is gathering against you, so fear them": but it (only) increased their faith: they said: "For us Allah suffices and He is the best Guardian."} 2:173

From the various failed security measures taken by the cross worshippers and the apostate Iraqi government, one can conclude that the Kuffar (unbelievers) and the apostates in the land of the Two Rivers have dug themselves a hole that they are not able to get out of it. The only thing left is empty and meaningless titles such as operation "Iron Fist", operation "Iron Hammer", and operations before and after, disclosed or undisclosed. Now the apostate government of the traitor Al-Ja'afary, came up with "Operation Lightening". The fate of this new operation will be no different from the fate of its sister operations before, defeat, and disgrace, by the Grace of Allah.

{The Unbelievers spend their wealth to hinder (men) from the path of Allah, and so will they continue to spend; but in the end they will have (only) regrets and sighs; At length they will be overcome: and the unbelievers will be gathered together to Hell.} 8:36

Muslim brothers and sisters, here is a brief account of what your Mujahideen brothers have accomplished over two days in the blessed Al-Basry Expedition:

•Mujahideen engaged the cross worshippers and their collaborators in the "Police Tunnel", west of Baghdad. The cross worshippers withdrew after losing two vehicles.

•Three martyrdom operations in Amriah as cross worshippers were passing by.

•A martyrdom operation in Ghazaliah resulted in the destruction of a police vehicle and killing all on board.

•A martyrdom operation against cross worshippers in Zionah, one humvee was destroyed and all on board were killed.

•An attack on a formation of Iraqi guards in Al-Yousifiah. 18 guards were killed.

•Shelling a police station on Diali bridge area. The station took a direct hit and it was destroyed.

•An attack on Iraqi national Guards center in Al-Madaen, the center was destroyed but human casualties are unknown at this time.

• An attack on Iraqi national Guards center in Al-Madaen. The center was hit and casualties are unknown at the present time.

• A martyrdom operation against the Oil Ministry on Palestine street. The front portion of the building was destroyed and unknown number of apostates were killed.

• An attack on an American convoy at Al-Amriah crossing. Three humvees were completely destroyed and all soldiers on board were killed.

Therefore, we call on you, brothers in Islam! Answer the call of your Lord:

{Go you forth (whether equipped) lightly or heavily, and strive and struggle, with your goods and your persons, in the cause of Allah. That is best for you, if you (but knew).} 9:41

We are calling on all youths of this Ummah to stand up and come and defend their religion. O you Muslim youths! Come and take part in implementing the verdict of Allah on the cross worshippers. We swear by Allah that if He wills this apostate Shia government to take hold, they will not stop before they take over every Muslim land, and no one will be safe.

O you Muslim! The Jihad mandate is calling on you, will you answer?

Allahu Akbar...Allahu Akbar...Allahu Akbar.
Glory is to Allah, His Messenger, and to the Mujahideen

Al-Qaida In The Land Of The Two Rivers
Monday, 22 Rabie Al-Thani, 1426
May 30, 2005

*English Translation Copyright © Jihad Unspun 2005. No portion of this translation, in part or in full, may be reprinted without the expressed permission of the publisher. All rights are reserved.
Posted by: Steve || 05/31/2005 09:30 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "Furthermore, in their initial ground offensive, they were met with stiff resistance by the Mujahideen, something they had obviously had not anticipated. "

this is confirmed by John Burns, of the NYT (definitely one of the best and fairest at NYT, who debunked a lot of loony stories on how happy Iraqis were with Saddam), so I think there is a definite seed of truth here - Op. Lighting WAS signaled in advance, and the jihadis DID have time to prepare, and there HAS been considerable resistance. And Im sure the Iraqi forces have been taking casualties. Of course its also certain that the Jihadis are taking heavy casualties too, as they do whenever they stand and fight. And whats more important, is that in the face of well prepared jihadi resistance, the Iraqi forces are, AFAICT, continuing to fight, and moving forward EVEN as they take casualties. IE they are far more effective than any Iraqi forces were 12 months ago. And in this operation they are learning, gaining experience, and being toughened up.
Posted by: liberalhawk || 05/31/2005 10:02 Comments || Top||

#2  They keep saying "cross worshippers".

Isn't it as accurate to call them "Koran worshippers"? Their treatment of the Koran is infinitely more idolatrous than any Christian's treatment of the cross.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 05/31/2005 10:32 Comments || Top||

#3  Yeah, yeah. Whatever.

Big talk from a soon-to-be-dead man...
Posted by: mojo || 05/31/2005 11:16 Comments || Top||

#4  No portion of this translation, in part or in full, may be reprinted without the expressed permission of the publisher.

So, Rantburg applied for and received appropriate permission before reposting here?
Posted by: gromky || 05/31/2005 16:07 Comments || Top||

#5  Yeah, what about that? I'm JUS get's permission from The Boston Globe before printing Derrick Z. Jackson's columns right?
Posted by: tu3031 || 05/31/2005 16:15 Comments || Top||

#6  ...although today we have a feature article in there by none other then Al Gore. Anybody want to ask Al what he thinks about JUS publishing his stuff? Think he's proud of that?
Posted by: tu3031 || 05/31/2005 16:20 Comments || Top||

Jihad Unspun: Tape To Bin Laden Indicates New Battle Plans Are Forthcoming
A new 20 minute audio tape was released yesterday by the leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, Sheikh Abu Musab al-Zarqawi to Sheikh Osama Bin Laden, informing the head of al-Qaeda's global operations of several important issues. The message indicates that the audio tape has been sent directly from one of the many battlefields inside Iraq.

In this latest message, Zarqawi confirms that plans to break the back of the cross worshippers are going well and the enemies are dong exactly what the Mujahideen want them to do. He further refers to a report that has been sent to Shiekh bin Laden and advises they are waiting further instructions, indicating that something major may be in the works, clarifies his battlefield injuries and advises his Amir that he continues to direct engagements inside Iraq on the front lines.

Zarqawi begins his statement by saying addressing Sheikh Osama bin Laden;

"From a soldier standing at the front line to his Amir (commander)"

He then goes on to dispel the myth that he has suffered serious injuries or has been killed, that even now some mainstream new agencies continue to report .

"My beloved Amir, various news agencies have been spreading false rumors about my being seriously wounded and receiving treatment at Ramadi hospital. The truth is what our media department announced; I was lightly wounded. However, I am well and I continue to direct all of our operations from the front lines from many locations in the land of the two rivers."

Zarqawi confirms that the battles are going according to plans are going well and states he is awaiting instructions from Shiekh bin laden, indicating that a plan is in the works.

"My beloved Amir, things could not have been better, the enemies of Allah are doing exactly what we want them to do. Things are going according to plans. I trust that details of our operations are either in your hand by now or on their way to you. My beloved Amir, your young soldier here (Zarqawi) awaits your orders."

Zarqawi also enjoins the success of the Battle of Qaim in this new tape, where US soldiers and their collaborators paid a hefty price and were eventually forced to retreat.

"My beloved Amir, the US Marines have suffered the most disgraceful defeat at the hands of your soldiers, the soldiers of Allah, in Al-Qaim. The 10 day Battle of Qaim will go into history as one of the greatest Islamic battles. After ten days of fierce fighting, the US marines had to abandon their equipment, their dead, and had to withdraw from the battlefield, licking their wounds in total disgrace.

My beloved Amir, the American commander of US forces in Qaim, General Drink Wine (a slight on the pagan General) had arrogantly said "We will defeat them (Mujahideen) even if Muhammad and Muhammad's God were both with them". We were pleased to hear him saying that because we knew that Allah will disgrace him and will give us victory over him.

General Drink Wine could not stand the intense fire power of the Mujahideen on the ground, so he took to the skies in a helicopter thinking that he would be safe, but Allah guided the shots from one Mujahid that hit the General's helicopter. The aircraft went down in flames, and so did he. "

What is most notable in this new tape is that Zarqawi speaking with a new level of assurance about the progress being made against the Iraqi occupiers. While the true number of American casualties continue to be swept under the carpet, it appears by all counts, including daily reports, that the Mujahideen now united under Zarqawi's central command are gaining significant ground, progressing exactly as planned and that a further strategies are in the works. We are endeavoring to bring you the complete translation of this tape within the next few days, inshaAllah. For our Arabic viewers, the complete uncensored audio tape is available under our uncensored news section.
*Copyright © Jihad Unspun 2005. No portion of this report, in part or in full, may be reprinted without the expressed permission of the publisher. All rights are reserved.
Looks like Jihad Unspun is back on-line again.
Posted by: Steve || 05/31/2005 09:17 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I am surprised these guys dont do us or euros much more damage: I flew from Rome to NY yesterday: There was almost no security: My boots on my feet, my lap-top in my briefcase, and when I I wanted to take my belt off, because I thought it probably caused the alarm to go off - I was told the alarm did not ring. That alarm kept ringing on practically everyone. I traveled from Milan to NY a couple of yrs ago, and security was not better either!
Posted by: Glereper Craviter7929 || 05/31/2005 9:57 Comments || Top||

#2  Well, the old plans aren't working so well.

Wile E Coyote?

Hey, Glereper, you know you can use a different moniker if you want.
Posted by: anonymous2u || 05/31/2005 11:39 Comments || Top||

#3  Hi, Shieky! I'm sooooooooooooooo glad your purty mouth seems fine! I miss you!
Posted by: Mahmoud Al-Jailbirdi || 05/31/2005 12:02 Comments || Top||

#4  New Battle Plans Are Forthcoming

Is run like hell and screaming like a little girl a battle plan?
Posted by: mmurray821 || 05/31/2005 15:38 Comments || Top||

#5  Is run like hell and screaming like a little girl a battle plan?

It is to the French.
Posted by: Steve || 05/31/2005 16:44 Comments || Top||

#6  new plans forthcoming via Sharp Fax Machine - the Official Plain-Paper Fax of the Jihad for Two Rivers™
Posted by: Frank G || 05/31/2005 17:30 Comments || Top||

#7  “My beloved Amir, the US Marines have suffered the most disgraceful defeat at the hands of your soldiers, the soldiers of Allah, in Al-Qaim. The 10 day Battle of Qaim will go into history as one of the greatest Islamic battles. After ten days of fierce fighting, the US marines had to abandon their equipment, their dead, and had to withdraw from the battlefield, licking their wounds in total disgrace."

Tell that to the Marines.

Posted by: Mike Kozlowski || 05/31/2005 21:10 Comments || Top||

#8  It can only mean the strategic/LR objective of Socialism and Anti-Americanism, etc.becoming entrenched as policy within the Amer national political establishment, NOT the field battles, present and future, ags US milfors per se. The Failed Left and America's enemies want Americans to believe they are seemingly "winning" when in reality when they are "losing" the fight ags the entrenchment of Socialism. When the time is right, the head of the US Rightism and aligned will be PC cut off - once free America is suborned, the Lefties and Socies will NOT give it up WITHOUT WAR, I.E. CIVIL WAR AND WORLD WAR! Whatever the costs, Americans must kill Communism and Leftism-Socialism once and forever, NOW, unless we are willing to tolerate the milyuhns and zilyuhns of casualties that will be incurred later on [post-Clintons]. Never mind what the Left thinks - they'll be for youse and against youse at any moment in time no matter the merits, they'll never blame themselves,even for their own actions, and the burden will always be on the Right anyways. Leftism is about selfish, self-centered power, dependencies-tribute, and getting everything for nothing or at little risk, with someone else, anyone else, getting the liabilities, not about democracy, diversity or responsibility, i.e. being an all-around, macro-sellout, traitor, andor PC Mafiacrat.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 06/01/2005 0:05 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Six KFC workers burned to death in Karachi violence
Six employees of American fast-food franchise KFC were burned to death in Karachi during a riot that followed a suicide attack on a mosque in the southern Pakistani city, rescue workers said on Tuesday. Angry Shi'ites set fire to the restaurant after the mosque attack in which five people died on Monday night, but the bodies of those burned were only found on Tuesday morning, said Rizwan Edhi of the Edhi Foundation, a private emergency service. "We recovered the bodies of the six people from the debris of the KFC early this morning. All the dead were employees of KFC," he said.

Shi'ite mobs often target symbols of U.S. influence after sectarian attacks as they accuse the government of failing to act to prevent religious violence. The attack on the KFC outlet came just minutes after attack on the Karachi mosque. Mobs of angry Shi'ite youths also attacked a hospital, two petrol stations and burned more than a dozen vehicles. Shi'ites make up about 15 percent of Pakistan's mostly Sunni population of more than 150 million.
Posted by: Paul Moloney || 05/31/2005 04:09 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "Shi'ite mobs often target symbols of U.S. influence after sectarian attacks..."

Well I don't want to ignore the possibility that this is the usual lame, simplistic bullshit "reporting/analysis" from the press, but let's assume for a second that this is true. Doesn't this just sum up everything that is wrong with Pakistan and all the other trouble spots through out the Ummah (the whole thing basically)?!

Al-Qaida or it's affiliates murders Shi'ite Pakistanis but the Shi'ites scapegoat the U.S., destroying businesses and property run and operated by their fellow Pakistanis.

Shouldn't they be getting mad about the symbols of Saudi influence? They ought to burn the Wahabbi Mosques and Maddrassas where that young punk was supplied with explosives, detonator, etc. and indoctrinated, incited, coaxed, cajoled, bribed, egged on, cheered and promised heavenly reward to kill himself and a crowd of innocent (fellow?) Pakistanis.

That's why terrorism is such a plague. Since the terrorists hide and obfuscate, most people just don't know how to react to it (many in our own country too.) That's really the biggest challenge of the War on Terror - channeling people's outrage at the actaul sources of the problems, instead of reflexively burning American flags. If enough people woke up, the war on terrorism could be won in a matter of weeks, instead of decades.
Posted by: Prince Abdullah || 05/31/2005 4:57 Comments || Top||

#2  The KFC outlet was next to the attacked mosque. Angry shi'ites mob burned besides the KFC outlet, a petrol station, residential complex and many cars. Did not allow the Rangers and police to come and rescue the innocent people stuck in the area. Lashkar-i-jahngvi it appears is behind tis act also. One of the attackers has been caught, let us see what comes up.
Posted by: Shahid || 05/31/2005 5:20 Comments || Top||

#3  Some relevent nuggets...
Columnist Ataul Haq Qasimi wrote in “Jang” (5 March 2004) that he was greatly uplifted when I heard the Iraqi Shia saying that 200 of them killed in Iraq on “ashura” was not the work of Muslims (read Sunnis) because no Muslim could do such a thing. The Shia in Iraq instead said that the evil deed was done by someone else (kissi aur ka hath). The columnist then said that the Shia of Pakistan should develop the same kind of thinking about the “ashura” massacre of Quetta which killed nearly 50 Shias.

Famous columnist Abdul Qadir Hassan wrote in “Jang” (5 March 2004) that the “ashura” massacre in Quetta was just like the massacre in Baghdad and Karbala and the Muslims were convinced that it was not done by the Muslims themselves. In present times when America has unleashed its aggression on the Muslims no Muslim group can think of killing another Muslim. In the case of the Quetta massacre another country (read India) can join America in committing this evil deed. Those who investigate the massacre should keep the idea of foreign hand in their mind.

Columnist Irshad Haqqani wrote in “Jang” (5 March 2004) that a foreign office spokesman in Islamabad had stated that the ashura massacre in Quetta had the hand in it of the Indian consulate in Afghanistan. In the Senate the opposition senators thought that it was a conspiracy hatched by a big foreign power.
Posted by: Paul Moloney || 05/31/2005 5:26 Comments || Top||

#4  The normal practice on the part of the stricken Shias has been to blame the Sunni fanatics as well as the Americans, implying that they murdered the Shias at the behest of the Americans. This jibed with the policy handed down from Tehran. But this has not helped Pakistan in removing the curse of sectarianism from the country. The most foolhardy thing is to say that anyone who kills a Shia is not a Muslim and therefore not found in Pakistan because it is the state for the Muslims. The Hazaras of Quetta clearly knew who had killed their men and pointed to some members of the MMA. Why should we tell this hunted community that they should instead blame it on the Americans
Posted by: Paul Moloney || 05/31/2005 5:29 Comments || Top||

#5  I would hope that someone on the board of directors of Yum!, Inc., parent company of KFC, would find it in his heart to purchase the service of some Sikhs-for-hire in the area, to reak some bloody vengeance on these perps. Just for the principal of the thing.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 05/31/2005 9:45 Comments || Top||

#6  Anonymoose,

What type of bloody vengeance would you like..original or crispy?
Posted by: Colonel Harland Sanders || 05/31/2005 13:03 Comments || Top||

#7  No disrespect, but when did KFC start selling crispy critters?
Posted by: Captain America || 05/31/2005 14:41 Comments || Top||

#8  secrete recipes;

that too is a secrete.
Posted by: Colonel Harland Sanders || 05/31/2005 15:33 Comments || Top||

#9  Some Pakistanis See U.S. As Symbol of Woes


"People went mad, they had no idea what they were doing," said Turabi. "People hate America. For many people in Pakistan, KFC is a symbol of America."

"There are perceptions that the United States is anti-Islam," she said. "But what it really is is frustration, a sense of insecurity. They don't know what to do, so anger can turn to attacks on U.S. symbols."

A student who said he was nearby when the KFC was targeted summed up the mood on the street.

"We hate America because Americans are responsible for the miseries of all Muslims in the world," said Nisar Haider, a spokesman for the Immamia Student Organization.

Posted by: john || 05/31/2005 16:11 Comments || Top||

#10  No disrespect, it all started when thousands got vaporised on 911 and no one even bothered to find out the recipe.
Suggest that some respect is neccesary for those whose lives have been criminally cut short any where.
Posted by: General Killjoy || 05/31/2005 17:24 Comments || Top||

#11  I've eaten at KFC. I've been to Karachi. They both deserve to burn.
Posted by: remoteman || 05/31/2005 17:31 Comments || Top||

#12  John, there is either button for links or the code in the post box. If that is beyond your capacity to handle, don't post links. You screw up formatting.
Posted by: Sobiesky || 05/31/2005 17:41 Comments || Top||

#13  Apologies.
Didn't realise how the long link would mess with the page formatting.
Posted by: john || 05/31/2005 17:59 Comments || Top||

#14  Or just get yourself a tiny link at TinyURL.
Posted by: .com || 05/31/2005 19:26 Comments || Top||

#15  Cool

Posted by: john || 05/31/2005 20:19 Comments || Top||

#16  John, it's just that there are so many clever programmers hanging out at Rantburg (something about the analytic mindset, I suppose). This place isn't really set up for end users like us -- Fred has put a lot of thought into it, but they forget sometimes what we duffers don't know -- and the learning curve is pretty steep. If I can get to the point where they only chuckle quietly and sympathetically to themselves, so can anyone. ;-)
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/31/2005 20:37 Comments || Top||

Palestinian journalist Al-Rantissi murdered in Ramallah
Slightly EFClarity.
Linda Foley, Eason Jordan, call your offices.
Palestinian Public Prosecution sources said Monday that Samir Al-Rantissi was killed last night in his house. He was a journalist and media consultant of Yassir Abd Rabbou, a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization. Al-Rantissi was killed when an armed man broke into his house and shot him in front of his family, the sources said. The murder of Al-Rantissi follows a criminal case where the murderer's identity is known and security forces seek his arrest. Al-Rantissi is one of the main Palestinian figures who drafted the controversial Geneva agreement between Israeli and Palestinian figures including Abd Rabbou.
Posted by: Seafarious || 05/31/2005 01:11 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  If he wasn't targeted by US military he wasn't a journalist.
Posted by: Linda Foley & Eason Jordan || 05/31/2005 1:56 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Two Lashkar-i-Jhangvi members arrested in mosque bombing
Police and security personnel have carried out a raid arresting two militants of an outlawed extremist group involved in a Shrine suicide bombing that killed at least 20 people in the Pakistani capital. The forces, after being tipped off, conducted a raid on a guest house "rented hideout" of suspects in the Sargodha city of eastern Punjab province, about 400 kilometers from Islamabad, a district police officer, Naeem Shaikh, told Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) on Monday. He said the two suspects, identified as Mansour Ahmed and Zafar Iqbal, are members of Al-Qaeda linked militant group, Lashkar-i-Jhangvi (LJ). Earlier, a third suspect, Muhammad Saeed, was arrested but was released later. He added that Ahmed, during initial interrogation, has confessed to his involvement in the suicide attack.
"Ow ow ow! I confess! I confess! Stop doing that and I'll name anyone you like!"
At least 20 people were killed and over 100 were wounded in the suicide explosion at Bari Imam Shrine on Friday. The blast took place as thousands of worshippers were gathered at the Shrine to attend a religious festival. The government had released a photo of the suspected suicide attacker and announced reward money of 500,000 rupees (Approx. US8,400) for information that help to locate him. Designated as a terrorist organization by the United States on January 30, 2003, the LIJ is a Sunni-Deobandi Muslim extremist group based primarily in the Punjab region of Pakistan and the port city of Karachi. It has confirmed links with Al-Qaeda and assisted in several high-profile attacks on Westerners in Pakistan, including the January 2002 kidnapping and murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.
This article starring:
MANSUR AHMEDLashkar-e-Jhangvi
MUHAMAD SAIDLashkar-e-Jhangvi
ZAFAR IQBALLashkar-e-Jhangvi
Posted by: Seafarious || 05/31/2005 01:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  LeJ ya say? I could have sworn it was a southern colonel wearing a string tie.
Posted by: ed || 05/31/2005 19:12 Comments || Top||

Wounded Zarqawi to send message to bin Laden
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of al-Qa'eda in Iraq, was wounded recently but is now back in command and will send a message to Osama bin Laden soon, an internet statement has said. The statement, which has not yet been authenticated said that Zarqawi "will be sending his new message to sheikh of the mujahideen, the prince of al-Qa'eda Organisation, Osama bin Laden." The statement was attributed to Abu Maysarah al-Iraqi, the group's spokesman and followed earlier internet postings saying that Zarqawi was in good health after being wounded in Iraq. The American military said recently they thought Zarqawi had been wounded after forces closed in on him.
Posted by: Fred || 05/31/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  One word, Zarqi: rosebud.

And now, back to our editing studio where we'll create this wonder tape.
Posted by: .com || 05/31/2005 0:40 Comments || Top||

#2  Bin Laden is dead and Zarqawi has the next appointment with him in hell?
Posted by: Kalle (kafir forever) || 05/31/2005 1:54 Comments || Top||

#3  I heard this morning (on the radio, so it's more believable than the MSM) that the message said that Z-Man's ready to wage war and is waiting on Binny's guidance/leadership before waging it. Must be runnin' out of $.
Posted by: BA || 05/31/2005 9:00 Comments || Top||

#4  Or AB, BA
Posted by: Shipman || 05/31/2005 16:33 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
At least six killed in Karachi mosque attack
Six people, including three assailants, were killed in a suicide bomb attack on Monday at a minority Shi'ite Muslim mosque in southern Pakistan, the latest in a long string of outrages religious violence to rock the country, officials said. At least 18 other people were wounded, four seriously, in the attack at the Mandinatul Ilm mosque in a middle-class area of the port city of Karachi, hospital officials said. Provincial spokesman Salahuddin Haider said three of the dead were assailants and one was a policeman, while hospital officials said two worshippers died in hospital.

Haider said one of the attackers blew himself up. City police officer Asif Aijaz Shaikh said one attacker snatched a gun from a police guard at the mosque and shot him dead. "When they heard the fire, the two other police guards responded and opened fire on the two assailants standing outside the mosque, killing them. At this point, the assailant inside the mosque blew himself up," Shaikh said. Rizwan Edhi of the Edhi Welfare Trust emergency service said groups of people angered by the blast set fire to a nearby outlet of the American fast food chain KFC and also attacked a hospital.

Al-Jizz adds...
A crowd outraged by the attack went on a rampage afterwards, torching cars and shops nearby. Eight people were injured in the violence. The attack occurred during evening prayers at the Madinat al-Ilm Imambargah in eastern Karachi, said Asif Ijaz, a police official. The three attackers stole an automatic weapon from a police guard who was posted outside the mosque and shot him dead, Ijaz said. Other policemen nearby opened fire, killing one of the attackers and injuring another. The guard was also killed in the shootout. The third attacker managed to enter the mosque and detonate a bomb strapped to his body.

One worshipper died and four were seriously injured in the blast. Sixteen others were treated at local hospitals, said Zafar Hussain, an administrator of the mosque. Police, however, said the blast was weak. "It appeared to be a low-intensity bomb because it did not cause major damage," said Mushtaq Shah, chief of police operations in Karachi.

About 1000 outraged members of the Shia community, many beating their chests in mourning, burned about a dozen vehicles, a restaurant, two gas stations and eight shops near the mosque, Ijaz said. Two electricity transformers were also set on fire, plunging the mosque and the neighbourhood into darkness as mobs burned tires.
Posted by: Fred || 05/31/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under:

#1  About 1000 outraged members of the Shia community, many beating their chests in mourning, burned about a dozen vehicles, a restaurant, two gas stations and eight shops near the mosque, Ijaz said. Two electricity transformers were also set on fire, plunging the mosque and the neighbourhood into darkness as mobs burned tires.

Talk about sh*tting in their own nest...
Posted by: Ptah || 05/31/2005 5:52 Comments || Top||

#2  Talk about sh*tting in their own nest...
Sounds like LA after the....., well, take your pick.
Posted by: Steve || 05/31/2005 8:15 Comments || Top||

#3  Who knew they had a KFC in the middle of Karachi? That's what I got out of this article!
Posted by: BA || 05/31/2005 8:58 Comments || Top||

#4  The article only says people in the area were wounded in the post suicide bomb riot but given how close everything is to everything else I'll bet there were fatalities.,
Posted by: mhw || 05/31/2005 10:02 Comments || Top||

#5  I wonder if our blog bud Muck4Doo isa ambivalenter about thisn.
Posted by: Shipman || 05/31/2005 13:06 Comments || Top||

Provincial MMA Leader Killed
In Karachi, unknown assailants killed a provincial leader from the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal Islamic opposition alliance, police said. Aslam Mujahid, deputy chief of Jamaat-e-Islami in Karachi, was kidnapped early in the day and his bullet-riddled body was later found in an abandoned car in the east of the city. Mairaj-ul-Huda, head of Jamaat-e-Islami's Karachi wing, said Mujahid was kidnapped after the funeral of a party member. "Two hours later we received a phone call from the area Nazim that his body has been in a car."

Huda said the party suspected the Muttahida Qaumi Movement, a rival regional party that is a member of the governing national coalition, was behind the killing. "The city has been put on high alert," Rauf Siddiqui, home minister for the southern province of Sindh, of which Karachi is the capital, told Reuters. "We have ordered all police stations to remain on high alert and have asked the police and rangers to increase patrolling. The blast, and the killing of Aslam Mujahid earlier in the day show that all these activities are planned," he said, adding that a reward of 2.5 million rupees ($42,000) had been offered for information about Mujahid's assassins. More than 100 people have been killed in tit-for-tat attacks by majority Sunni and Shi'ite militants in the past year. Most of the attacks have been blamed on Sunni militant groups with links to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network which have been angered by Pakistan's support for Washington's war on terrorism.
This article starring:
MAIRAJ UL HUDAJamaat-e-Islami
Posted by: Fred || 05/31/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

Africa: Horn
Somalia warlords clash in Baidoa
Rival Somali warlords have clashed in Baidoa, killing at least 15 people over plans to relocate the government - now based in Kenya - to the city. The heavy fighting broke out in the early hours of Monday morning, lasting more than six hours, eyewitnesses say. The city remains in hands of Mohamed Habsade, who wants the government to move to the capital, Mogadishu - in defiance of the new president. The Mogadishu warlords want the interim government to set up in their city when it leaves neighbouring Kenya. But President Abudullahi Yusuf, who has little support in the capital, says Mogadishu remains too dangerous and wants to go to Baidoa and Jowhar instead.
"Ummm... Make that just 'Jowhar,' okay?"
Posted by: Fred || 05/31/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Does anyone know how these guys get their money and ordanance? I mean is Somalia rich in resources so that a bunch of Frenchies are bribing all the warlords so they can extract tons of cadium or harvest palm oil? There can't be much left of the country and yet they seem to be completely lawless and culturally stone age.
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 05/31/2005 9:40 Comments || Top||

#2  Take your pick: Yemen, Egypt, The Magic Kingdom, the sizeable Muslim community in Kenya, any number of Islamofacist groups...
Posted by: Pappy || 05/31/2005 11:57 Comments || Top||

#3  How about the Caymans or Aruba? All in favor?
Posted by: Abudullahi Yusuf || 05/31/2005 12:05 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Bomb Injures Seven in Afghanistan
A bicycle bomb targeting a NATO-led vehicle exploded yesterday near Kabul, wounding at least seven Afghans, hours after a rocket was fired at the peacekeeping force's headquarters in the capital, officials said. Taleban militants claimed responsibility for the bombing. The twin attacks, which caused no casualties among members of the 8,300-strong International Security Assistance Force, or ISAF, highlighted the deteriorating security situation in Kabul.

The remote-controlled bomb was set on a bicycle left on the side of the main road from Kabul to eastern Jalalabad city and detonated at about 9:30 a.m., district police chief Mohammed Akbar told AFP. "Seven people were injured, some of them seriously: Four were in a taxi passing by, three were pedestrians," Akbar said. "The taxi driver was seriously injured and was taken to hospital." At the scene, where ISAF patrols pass almost every hour, pieces of metal, the remains of the blown up bicycle and the partially destroyed taxi could be seen. "The target was obviously the ISAF patrols or aimed at creating an atmosphere of violence in the city," Akbar added. Interior Ministry spokesman Lutfullah Mashal confirmed the blast in the Hod Qhail neighborhood east of Kabul targeted an ISAF vehicle. "It was aimed at an ISAF vehicle, but missed it and struck a taxi and pedestrians passing by." The force's spokesman Lt. Karen Tissot van Patot told AFP no peacekeepers were injured in the blast. She said it happened nine kilometers east of the capital but gave no other details.
Posted by: Fred || 05/31/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

Africa: North
Egypt frees 52 opposition activists
Egypt's top prosecutor has ordered the release of 52 student members of the banned Muslim Brotherhood in time for university exams, a prosecution official says. The students, arrested in a government crackdown sparked by a wave of pro-reform demonstrations, were held for more than two weeks, according to the official at the office of Prosecutor-General Maher Abd al-Wahed.

It was not immediately clear if the students had been released already. On Saturday, police said 77 students from the banned opposition group were freed by the prosecutor-general for the same reason. Separately, Muslim Brotherhood leader Muhammad Mahdi Akef sent a petition to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, complaining of "violations" by state security officers against detained members of the group. The Brotherhood alleged that a political science researcher, Khairy Muhammad Omar, was tortured by state security officers before being released.
Posted by: Fred || 05/31/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Just how well can one study for one's exams in an Egyptian prison? This will be yet another humiliation for these students, when they fail miserably, and the cause of nightmares to haunt their sleep for the rest of their lives. An effective and imaginative torture, actually, and Amnesty International can't even protest it.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/31/2005 6:44 Comments || Top||

#2  BTW Fred, we're going to a hologram stamped GOOJFC to cut down on counterfeiting which thanks to blogs like yours is simple and easy. Just last week 49 pewter shoes blew out of the joint on knockoff cards. I fear now the cannons are gettnig wise to the scam.

Posted by: Larry Parker the Elder Parker Brother || 05/31/2005 16:27 Comments || Top||

Aide of ex-Palestinian minister murdered in West Bank
The right-hand man of former Palestinian information minister Yasser Abed Rabbo was murdered overnight by an intruder who shot him as he slept, Palestinian security sources said on Monday. Samir Rantissi, 43, died after being shot several times by a solitary gunman who slipped into his home in the West Bank city of Ramallah, said the sources. The murder was probably not politically motivated, the sources said. A journalist and engineer by training, Rantissi was perhaps best known for his efforts in the Geneva Initiative, an unofficial peace plan drawn up by Israeli and Palestinian intellectuals and politicians in November 2003. Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas has vowed to end the rampant lawlessness that has dogged the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip during the more than four years of the Palestinian uprising.
Posted by: Fred || 05/31/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  when can someone take out Erekat?
Posted by: Frank G || 05/31/2005 21:56 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
16 Pakistanis held, hashish seized off Yemeni coast
KARACHI: A navy ship in the US-led coalition against terrorism seized two tons of hashish from a boat and arrested its 16-member Pakistani crew off the Yemeni coast in the Arabian Sea, an official said on Monday. The suspected drug traffickers were handed over to Pakistani authorities on Monday in Karachi, said Musarrat Jabeen, a senior customs official. The British Drug Liaison Officer in Pakistan was told to contact the coalition forces patrolling in the Arabian Sea and have them seize the fishing boat after Pakistani security forces failed to intercept it, Jabeen said. "We were informed on May 26 that the boat had been captured and was being brought back here," she said. The boat had reportedly set sail from Pasni. The hashish was worth about three million dollars in the international illicit drugs market, she said.
Posted by: Fred || 05/31/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Well done, guys!
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/31/2005 6:39 Comments || Top||

Terrorists fire rocket in Naushki
QUETTA: Unidentified terrorists fired a rocket at a primary school in Naushki around 10:30am on Monday. No casualty was reported. The rocket was fired from a mountain and struck the opposite mountains. Panic spread among schoolchildren and law enforcement agencies rushed to the scene. No arrests were reported.
Posted by: Fred || 05/31/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  O brave, O bold Lions of Islam, who dare to attack yet another group of 6-year olds.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/31/2005 6:41 Comments || Top||

National Party leader shot dead
QALAT: Unidentified assailants shot dead National Party leader Mir Abdul Hai Lango in Mangchar, Qalat, on Monday. Reportedly, Lango was on his way back home from a press conference in Qalat when two armed men on motorcycles fired upon him, killing him instantly. The National Party has condemned the killing and demanded the government to arrest the culprits.
Posted by: Fred || 05/31/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

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Steve White
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Two weeks of WOT
Tue 2005-05-31
  At least six killed in Karachi mosque attack
Mon 2005-05-30
  Doc faces terror charges in Palm Beach
Sun 2005-05-29
Sat 2005-05-28
  King Fahd is dead?
Fri 2005-05-27
  Zark is dead?
Thu 2005-05-26
  Iraqi Officials Confirm Zarqawi Is Wounded
Wed 2005-05-25
  Huge US raid on al-Qaim
Tue 2005-05-24
  Syria ending cooperation with the US
Mon 2005-05-23
  Mulla Omar aide escapes Multan raid
Sun 2005-05-22
  Cairo Blast Suspect Dies in Custody
Sat 2005-05-21
  DHS Arrests 60 Illegals in Sensitive Jobs
Fri 2005-05-20
  UK Quran protests at U.S. Embassy
Thu 2005-05-19
  Uzbek troops retake Korasuv
Wed 2005-05-18
  Uzbek Rebel Leader Wants Islamic State
Tue 2005-05-17
  Chechen VP killed

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