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70 killed in Orakzai airstrikes
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Women on the frontline
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6
Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 05/24/2010 16:29 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Taliban earn £1,600 bounty for each NATO soldier killed
LAHORE: Taliban earn a bounty of up to Rs 200,000 (£1,660) for each NATO soldier they kill, insurgent commanders informed The Sunday Times on Sunday. The paper said the money was said to come from protection rackets, taxes imposed on opium farmers, donors in the Gulf states who channel money through Dubai and from the senior Taliban leadership in Pakistan.
Interestingly enough, our guys will kill Taliban for nothing ...
Our guys feel strongly enough to do it for free, theirs have to be bribed.
So far this year, 213 NATO soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan, including 41 British troops, bringing the potential rewards for the Taliban to £350,000, The Sunday Times said.

The Taliban commanders told the paper that the bounty had more than doubled since the beginning of last year.

"The insurgents, who employ "hit and run" tactics against foot patrols and convoys, use paid informants, media reports and the local population to confirm the deaths of NATO soldiers," the paper said.

"We can't lie to our commanders: they can check to see if there was a fight in that area. We get money if we capture equipment too. A gun can fetch $1,000 [£690]," a commander from Khost province who controls about 60 fighters told The Sunday Times.
D'you suppose they're getting that information from the New York Times, or directly from NATO press releases?
Posted by: Steve White || 05/24/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Two can play that game!
Posted by: JohnQC || 05/24/2010 9:45 Comments || Top||

#2  So how much if this 'Bounty' is in the form of funds which were freed up by Foreign Aid from the US to Pakistan?
Posted by: CrazyFool || 05/24/2010 11:54 Comments || Top||

#3  Scalp bounty. It's part of our culture.
Posted by: ed || 05/24/2010 11:56 Comments || Top||

#4  A little napalm would put a stop to that in no time. Too bad the "international community" would get its knickers in such a twist if we should ever use it. We need to stop playing the same stupid games we played in Vietnam and really take it to the Taliban, on both sides of the border. A few nukes would shut the Pakis up for good. We need to kill, maim, and mangle as many of these idiots as we can, as quickly as we can. The rest will get tired of fighting FAST if they know they'll lose, and lose big, instead of being hit with feather pillows.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 05/24/2010 12:54 Comments || Top||

#5  First thought: Greeks striking a blow against Jihad>
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 05/24/2010 16:03 Comments || Top||

Africa Horn
Royal Navy destroys 2 pirate boats off coast of East Africa
The crew of warship HMS Chatham's Lynx helicopter spotted a larger vessel towing two smaller attack boats 150 miles off the coast of Tanzania, in the Somali Basin.

A Royal Marine team, travelling in fast-boats, stormed the larger craft and found 10 Somalis and a large amount of fuel on board. The suspected pirates were seen throwing items, including weapons, into the sea.

The two smaller attack boats were fitted with powerful engines and contained a considerable amount of fuel, the Royal Navy said.

The marines separated the smaller boats from the larger craft, before HMS Chatham and the Lynx helicopter used their combined firepower to blow up the smaller boats.

The 10 Somalis were left with only enough fuel in the larger vessel to return to Somalia.
Better than the Russians would have done for them ...
Posted by: lotp || 05/24/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Should've disabled the engines and the radio and let them drift home. Still better for them then the Russky treatment.
Posted by: tu3031 || 05/24/2010 0:27 Comments || Top||

#2  They forgot to plug the very small hole in the fuel tank, though, so they will run out of fuel a few miles of the Somali coast.
Hey, a guy can dream, can't he?
Posted by: Rambler in Virginia || 05/24/2010 1:32 Comments || Top||

#3  "Rules the waves"is back?
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 05/24/2010 2:28 Comments || Top||

#4  Thx Royal Navy!
Posted by: CB || 05/24/2010 11:55 Comments || Top||

#5  Brittania Waives The Rules
Posted by: mojo || 05/24/2010 12:29 Comments || Top||

#6  #5 Brittania Waives The Rules
Posted by: mojo 2010-05-24 12:29

Mojo wins snark of the day!
Posted by: Old Patriot || 05/24/2010 12:56 Comments || Top||

Caribbean-Latin America
Jamaica police storm stronghold of alleged drugs lord
Jamaican security forces have launched an assault in Kingston on the stronghold of alleged drugs lord Christopher "Dudus" Coke.

Heavy gunfire erupted as they moved in to the Tivoli Gardens district and a number of casualties have been reported. Two officers have been killed in the unrest and six others wounded.

Supporters of Mr Coke are fighting to stop his extradition to the US on drug and gun running charges.

There are reports of bodies lying in the streets in the latest operation, the BBC's Nick Davis in Kingston says.

The Jamaican Observer reported that at least two soldiers had been shot, one in the chest, and had been taken to hospital.
Posted by: john frum || 05/24/2010 18:03 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Mexican Terrorism: Mexican Political Candidates Request Protection
Rinsed through babelfish, then edited for clarity...
At least three candidates for mayoral seats and some political hopefuls for counselers, have asked for protection from the Chihuahua Secretaría de Seguridad Pública ( SSP), because of death threats they have received from organized crime.

The candidates requesting protection represent the parties Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), National Action Party (BREAD) and Partido Verde Ecologista de México (PVEM).

Concerns were raised last week when two poll workers of the PRI candidate for governor of Chihauhua, César Duarte, were murdered by the Mafia.

In seven highland municipalities in Chihuahua, primary candidates of the Partido de la Revolución Democrätica (PRD) decided in the end not to participate in the election process because of the threats of violence.

The president of Instituto Estatal Electoral (IEE), Fernando Herrera Martinez, said that the insecure climate that has registered in the state has forced the candidates to avoid to undergoing some aggressive campaigning in some areas.

He mentioned that to guarantee the security of the aspirants, by agreement of the General Council of the IEE, from the beginning asked for the support from the Chihuahua Secretaría de Seguridad Pública de Estado(SSPE).

The candidates from the PRI in the electoral district 21 and 17, Liz Aguilera and Pablo Villalobos, respectively, requested protection, whom already have been assigned two police elements.

Also the candidates of the Ecological Green Party of Mexico (PVEM) for district 14, Berta Villalobos, requested to the IEE protection.

Ironically, one of the candidates who counts on bodyguards is the PRI candidate for governor of Chihuahua, César Duarte, who has been assigned at least two bodyguards.

The president of the State Committee of the PRD, Miguel Vargas, recognized that because of the insecure atmosphere in the state generated in seven municipalities, candidates have not appeared during the next election.

Two candidates in the Valle del Rosario for mayor have received death threats by people who told them to resign their candidacy in exchange for not assassinating them.

The deputy PRD member, Victor Quintana Silveyra, noticed that the phenomenon of the insecurity will repel in the electoral non-participation derived from the fear of the citizens whom they have to go to vote the day of election.
Posted by: badanov || 05/24/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

More Mexican Mayhem
Ten Die in Northern Mexico

Ten people lost their lives in organized crime violence in northern Mexican states, which included an armed attack on Mexican federal agents in Juarez, according to Mexican news reports. The death toll includes two kidnapped Mexican federal agents found near China, Nuevo Leon today.
  • Two Mexican federal agents reported missing early Friday morning were found dead today near China, Nuevo Leon, say Mexican press reports.

    The agents were reported missing during a late night time patrol on the freeway leading to Reynosa, Nuevo Leon, and then were suspected as having been kidnapped by an armed group of men riding in vehicles in the area.

    Investigators at the scene did not provide any further details.

  • Thee unidentified men were found executed near Juarez Saturday night, according to Mexican news reports. The victims were found on a highway near Juarez at a location known as Curvas del Perico.

    Last reports indicate they were shot to death. Mexican police authorities are still investigating.

  • An unidentified suspected kidnapper was killed, a Mexican federal agent was wounded and a kidnap victim was freed in a Juarez Municipal Police operation Saturday evening, according to Mexican news accounts.

    The unnamed kidnapped victim was the son of a local politician. The victim was abducted, but the police managed to follow the suspects to a location in the Bravo Guadalupe district of Juarez. The suspects tried to hide inside a residence after they discovered they had been followed, but a police truck with a reinforced front bumper demolished the door, and subsequently collapsed the house.

    Witnesses at the scene said the ensuing gun battle last an hour. Mexican federal police reinforced their efforts with armored cars and a helicopter. The Mexican federal agent was airlifted to a local hospital for treatment.

  • Three Mexican federal agents were ambushed and critically wounded in an assault in front of a hospital Saturday afternoon, according to Mexican news accounts.

    The unidentified agents were sitting in an official truck parked in front of the Hospital Municipal on Avenida Lopez Mateos when armed men aboard two vehicles opened fire on the agents. During the attack, two agents attempted to seek refuge in the hospital while one returned fire using shubbery as cover. Witnesses say AK-47s were used in the attack.

    After the attackers fled the scene, Mexican reinforcements arrived and rushed the agents to another hospital. Reports say more than 40 spent rifle casings were found at the scene.

  • An unidentified man was shot to death in front of a liquor store Saturday evening in Chihuahua, Chihuahua, according to Mexican news reports.

    The attack took place at Arcanos and Ignacio Rodriguez streets in the Diego Lucero district of Chihuahua. The man was shot by an group of heavily armed men travelling in a compact car, according to witnesses. Investigators found 16 spent cartridge casings of various calibers at the scene.

  • An unidentified 25 year old man was found tortured and beaten to death in south Monterrey, Tamaulipas, Saturday morning, according to Mexican news reports. Investigators said at the scene at the intersection of Serafín Peña and Lago de Pätzcuaro, in the Independencia ditrict of Monterrey, the man died from a blow to the head.

  • Two unidentified men were found executed Sunday morning in far northern Juarez, according to Mexican news reports. Investigators at the scene in the Los Arcos district near Juarez say the two were beaten severely before they were shot.

  • Two unidentified men were found executed midday Sunday in the Los Arroyos district north of Chihuahua, Chihuahua, according to Mexican news reports. The men were found blindfolded, with their hands bound and with several shots to the head, which is a signature act for organized crime.

  • An unidentified man was found executed underneath a bridge near Chihuahua, say Mexican press accounts.

    Police received reports Saturday night of shots fired, but didn't find anything until 2130 hrs. The man was found beneath the Jesus Maria bridge on the freeway that leads to Juarez. Police think the victim was kidnapped hours before, but just after he made purchases at a Chihuahua Oxxo convenience store.

    Earlier police also received a report of two men and a woman in a Jeep Cherokee who may be the suspects in the abduction and murder. The victim may have been shot with an AK-47 assault rifle.
Posted by: badanov || 05/24/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

N. Korean woman arrested on spying charge
SEOUL, May 23 (Yonhap) -- A North Korean woman has been arrested on suspicion of posing as a defector and spying for North Korea, prosecutors and the local spy agency said Sunday.

The 36-year-old woman, identified only by her surname Kim, was accused of collecting information on a Seoul subway and the names of South Korean public servants for the North, said officials at the Seoul Central Prosecutors' Office and the National Intelligence Services.

Kim slipped into South Korea in September last year, disguising herself as a North Korean defector, they said. She left for China from her homeland in February 2006 and operated a cosmetics store and a travel agency in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province.

Kim obtained the information by chatting with South Koreans she met while operating a travel agency in China, they said. Among the South Koreans who contacted with her was a 52-year-old man identified only by his surname Oh. He was suspected of directly delivering key information about the Seoul subway where he worked to Kim in October 2007, the officials said.

The officials said that the information on the Seoul subway could be used for terror attacks.
Posted by: Steve White || 05/24/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Those Kim's at it again.
Posted by: Bugs Spealing3182 || 05/24/2010 2:55 Comments || Top||

Trade unionist shot dead in Held Kashmir
SRINAGAR: Unidentified gunmen on Sunday shot dead a trade union leader who was affiliated to the ruling party in Indian-held Kashmir (IHK), the police said.

Ghulam Nabi Khan was killed in Sopore, north of Srinagar, a police statement said. Hundreds of mourners later joined Khan's funeral and chanted slogans.

Khan was the head of the traders' federation in Sopore and a local leader of IHK's ruling National Conference party.

Security officials have warned of a possible escalation in violence during the summer months after reports that a number of insurgents were poised to cross into IHK from Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK).
Posted by: Steve White || 05/24/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Elements from FATA, Swat behind Karachi target killings
LAHORE/KARACHI: Terror elements from FATA and Swat are behind the recent wave of target killings in Karachi, a private TV channel quoted Interior Minister Senator Rehman Malik as saying on Sunday.

The interior minister made these remarks while chairing a meeting to review the security situation after the incidents of target killings in Karachi. Malik vowed that he would not tolerate the elements who were tying to destroy the law and order of Karachi and said that any attempts to harm the peace of the city would be foiled. The interior minister said that the unrest in Karachi was part of a grand plan to destabilise Pakistan.

Separately, Malik held meetings with Sindh Governor Dr Ishrat-ul-Ebad and Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah to discuss the security situation in Karachi.
Posted by: Steve White || 05/24/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Security forces kill 3 Taliban in Lower Dir
LAHORE: At least three Taliban were killed and others injured during a clash with security forces in Lower Dir, a private TV channel reported on Sunday. The clash between the security forces and the Taliban was reported in Gangro and Gambat areas of Maidan tehsil of the district. The security forces also demolished two houses belonging to the Taliban in a search operation in the area. Another channel reported that the houses belonged to Maqbool Khan and Bacha Muneer, two militant commanders of the area.

The forces have been engaged in fighting with the Taliban, who took refuge in the area after being driven out of South Waziristan.
Posted by: Steve White || 05/24/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

3 Taliban commanders among 70 killed in Orakzai airstrikes
HANGU/MINGORA: At least 70 Taliban, including three key commanders, were killed and more than 50 injured in security forces' airstrikes on Sunday.

Sources told Daily Times that helicopter gunships and fighter jets pounded Taliban hideouts in Dabori, Khadizai and Mamozai areas of Upper Orakzai. A training facility and six Taliban hideouts were destroyed. The sources said three key Taliban commanders were also killed in the airstrikes. However, Taliban did not confirm the deaths of their leaders.

Meanwhile, security officials released a list of eight wanted Taliban in Aligram area of Swat district's Kabal tehsil and asked them to surrender without further delay, warning them of strict action, APP reported. The list was put up at various prominent places asking the Taliban to immediately surrender or prepare themselves for dire consequences. The wanted terrorists include Naimatullah, Noor Muhammad, Khair Muhammad, Shakirullah, Mian Mubarak Shah, Ziaur Rehman and Faridoon.

Earlier on Friday, a local jirga expelled 25 families of absconding Taliban after the expiry of the deadline given to the on-the-run Taliban expired on Thursday. Nipki Khel Qaumi Jirga had asked the terrorists to surrender by May 20, which resulted in the surrender of 115 absconding men.
Posted by: Steve White || 05/24/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Pakistani soldier killed in LoC firing
ISLAMABAD: Indian forces fired across the Line of Control (LoC) killing a soldier in the latest flare-up between the nuclear-armed rivals, the Pakistan Army said on Sunday.

An Indian Army spokesman said Indian forces had been fired at first.

The Pakistan Army said Indian forces opened "unprovoked" fire across the LoC in the Battal sector of Rawalakot district, killing one soldier. "Intermittent firing is continuing in the sector," the army said in a statement.

A strong protest has been lodged with India and an immediate meeting of commanders in the area has been demanded.

Indian Army spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Biplab Nath said there had been no casualties on the Indian side. "We were fired on and our troops retaliated. The exchange of fire continued for some time," he said.

Nath said it was not clear if militants had begun the firing, which took place in the same area where two Indian soldiers were killed on May 18 by cross-border fire.
Posted by: Steve White || 05/24/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Rangers, police given shoot on sight powers in Karachi
KARACHI - The Sindh government has given Rangers and police powers to shoot on sight miscreants involved in target killings in the province. The government also extended to three months the period given to law enforces to continue their raid, search and arrest operations under the Anti-Terror Act (ATA).

A decision on extending these powers to the law enforcement agencies was taken late on Saturday at a meeting between Sindh government officials and Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik, following last week's shooting incidents that left 40 people dead and hundreds injured.

During the meeting, the city police force came under severe criticism over its inefficiency in combating target killings that left the provincial government with no other option but to engage Rangers to overpower criminals.

The government also imposed a ban on display of arms, hoisting of political parties flags and banners in public places, on roads and buildings and warned violators of strict punishment. It also announced a reward of Rs10 million for providing information on elements involved in recent target killings in Karachi.
Posted by: Steve White || 05/24/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Pakistani RAB?
Posted by: gromky || 05/24/2010 2:24 Comments || Top||

#2  I think the Rangers are more like a state police force than like the RAB.
Posted by: Steve White || 05/24/2010 9:14 Comments || Top||

Hostage freed, 2 IEDs defused in Baghdad
BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: A federal police force freed a man taken hostage and captured one of his kidnappers and defused two improvised explosive devices in Baghdad and detained two wanted persons in Diala and Diwaniya provinces, according to an interior ministry release on Sunday.

“A police force, acting on intelligence tip-offs, liberated a 20-year-old hostage and arrested one of his kidnappers in New Baghdad in cooperation with the police patrols in the area,' read the release as received by Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

“The bomb squad managed to defuse two IEDs near an outdoor souk (market) in the area of al-Baijiya, al-Mansour neighborhood, western Baghdad,' it added.
Posted by: Steve White || 05/24/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

East Jerusalemites transfer millions to Hamas inmates
It was cleared for publication Monday that seven residents of east Jerusalem, including a lawyer, were arrested on suspicions that they transferred millions of dollars to Hamas and Islamic Jihad security prisoners sitting in Israeli jails. At the end of a Shin Bet, police, and Tax Authority investigation, an indictment was issued against the seven suspects in Jerusalem District Court.

The suspects are Attorney Shirin Issawi, 32, and her brother Madhat Maiswiya, 36, both from east Jerusalem, Samer Abdo, 42, from Beit Hanina, Sofian Zabeda, 40, from Gaza, and Salim Abdel Rahman, 29, from Abu Ghosh.

According to the indictment, the money transfers commenced at the end of last year. Attorney Shirin Asawi received power of attorney from the Palestinian inmates to handle their affairs. The money was transferred from the Hamas and Islamic Jihad command centers in the Gaza Strip. After the manager of the postal bank in east Jerusalem was bribed, he helped transfer the money to the jailed Palestinians, which included a number of senior terrorist operatives. He apparently did so via Zabeda, the coordinator between Israel Postal Service and Gaza's mail service.

As a rule, a Palestinian inmate is entitled to receive NIS 1,300 (about $340) per month. However, in this affair, a number of prisoners received tens of thousands of shekels a month, thus markedly exceeding the permissible funds allowed to prisoners.

The indictment, which was submitted by Attorney Sagi Ofir from the Jerusalem District Prosecution, reveals that Attorney Issawi regularly visited a large number of security prisoners jailed in Israel as part of her work. According to the prosecution, the lawyer, her brother, and three others acted as part of an axis whose purpose is to allow organizations, including the terrorist organizations to which the prisoners belong, to deposit money for the benefit of their jailed members as recompense for the terrorist acts for which they were arrested.

In addition, the indictment reveals that Issawi allegedly abused her position as a lawyer to transfer information between the prisoners and Hamas leadership. In order to carry out their money transfers, the suspects studied up on the Israel Prison Service and Israel Postal Service protocols for making money transfers to prisoner accounts. Postal employees are obligated to allow deposits only in the presence of the depositors and only after verifying their identity. The prosecution claims that the suspects overcame these obstacles by bribing the postal operator at Qalandiya Checkpoint in Jerusalem. They would then recruit random postal bank customers and fraudulently present them as the person making the deposit in the prisoners' accounts.

The indictment claimed that Issawi visited Yehiya Sanwar in jail. Sanwar serves as the head of the supreme committee for Hamas prisoners in Israel. During her visit, Sanwar asked her to deposit money into accounts of prisoners from the Gaza Strip. Issawi allegedly agreed, on condition that she receive 4% commission on any deposit made.

The affair reveals the manner in which terrorist organizations continue to support Palestinian prisoners while they are in jail by funneling funds to them for their benefit, and thus maintaining contact with them, which could in the future ensure that they return to the fold of terrorist activity should they be released.
Posted by: ryuge || 05/24/2010 07:34 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  It sounds like getting caught by the Israelis makes for a jump in salaries. Talk about rewarding failure.
Posted by: ed || 05/24/2010 11:26 Comments || Top||

Islamists torch UN summer camp in Gaza
Masked gunmen from an Islamist group torched a UN-run summer camp for children and teens in Gaza on Sunday, Army Radio reported, the top UN aid official in Gaza said.
The Paleos never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity ...
John Ging says the assailants tied up the guard early Sunday, burned tents and vandalized bathrooms. UN officials say the attackers left behind three bullets and a note threatening to kill Ging and others unless the UN cancels its activities for some 250,000 Gaza children.
Summer camp is un-Islamic, unless the kids are bonking their heads on the ground five times a day and learning how to wire bombs ...
Two days before the incident, the previously unknown "The Free of the Homeland" group issued a statement criticizing the camp's organizer, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), for "teaching schoolgirls fitness, dancing and immorality."
You don't need to be very fit to hide inside a burka ...
UNRWA responded to the destruction, saying Gazan youths suffer from heightened stress, and need opportunities like this summer camp, calling the perpetrators of the act, "people who hate life and children."
Well yeah, that's the point, isn't it ...
Gaza's Hamas rulers have set up rival camps. Some Hamas leaders have also railed against UN camps.
While taking UN money ...
During the past month alone, five Gazans have been executed with formal sanction from the Strip's Hamas rulers, three of them shot to death in front of the families of their victims just last Tuesday. Their bloodied bodies were then unceremoniously dumped at the local Shifa Hospital.
Note that unlike the RAB, the Paleo hard boyz don't even wait for 4 am ...
Hamdi Shakour, of Gaza's harassed Palestinian Center for Human Rights, was quoted in AP as branding the executions "the worst violation of the right to life."
How's that compare to what the evil Juice do, Hamdi? And remember that your life depends on your answer ...
The Jerusalem Post reported today that "immoderately" dressed women are frowned upon in today's Gaza. Strolling with a man or even riding a motorcycle with one's husband can invite questioning. "Modesty patrols" inspect cars to catch unmarried women with men who aren't relatives.

The emergence of Islamic despotism in Gaza has been commented on by Arabic publications, including the London-based dailies Al-Hayat and Al-Quds al-Arabi.
Wonder if the 'moderate Muslims' will actually condemn all this publicly?
Posted by: tipper || 05/24/2010 01:58 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Gaza's Hamas rulers have set up rival camps

no water sports, but jumping through burning hoops is required
Posted by: Frank G || 05/24/2010 10:09 Comments || Top||

#2  Just when I was starting to think that the Paleos didn't have any socially redeeming qualities at all. Any chance we could temporarily import a few of 'em and point 'em at Turle Bay?
Posted by: AzCat || 05/24/2010 16:58 Comments || Top||

Good morning
Posted by: Steve White || 05/24/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Happy Birthday/Daily Gam Shot

Lilli Palmer aka Kathryn Ward in "But Not for Me" (Died in 1986 at age 71)

Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 05/24/2010 1:58 Comments || Top||

#2  Lovely.
Posted by: JohnQC || 05/24/2010 9:09 Comments || Top||

#3  Hope the regular Canadian participants of the Rant are enjoying an awesome Victoria Day.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 05/24/2010 16:26 Comments || Top||

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Meet the Mods
In no particular order...
Steve White
Bright Pebbles
trailing wife
Frank G

Two weeks of WOT
Mon 2010-05-24
  70 killed in Orakzai airstrikes
Sun 2010-05-23
  Fighting in Mog kills 20
Sat 2010-05-22
  Yemen Qaeda figure accidentally blows himself up
Fri 2010-05-21
  Norks Threaten ''All-Out War'' Over Cheonan Report
Thu 2010-05-20
  Afghan forces capture northern shadow governor
Wed 2010-05-19
  Yemen court sentences six Somali pirates to death
Tue 2010-05-18
  Detained militant in Iraq details World Cup plot
Mon 2010-05-17
  Somali fighting kills 24, chaos in parliament
Sun 2010-05-16
  Qaeda in Iraq 'names replacements for slain leaders'
Sat 2010-05-15
  Woman in a veil knifed British MP in the gut
Fri 2010-05-14
  Iraqi and Iranian soldiers trade fire on border
Thu 2010-05-13
  5 killed in Jakarta anti-terror raids
Wed 2010-05-12
  French parliament unanimously bans burka
Tue 2010-05-11
  Russers: Captured Somali pirates ''dead''
Mon 2010-05-10
  At least 99 killed in attacks across Iraq

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