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One of the eight killed militants in Multan was ‘Al Qaeda country head’
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1 17:03 DarthVader [23] 
6 15:24 gorb [21] 
3 18:24 Angaimble Elminemble1032 [32] 
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10 16:27 trailing wife [31] 
2 07:37 AlanC [21] 
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9 15:14 CrazyFool [15] 
1 17:10 Shipman [24] 
1 00:08 3dc [22] 
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2 17:28 Shipman [25] 
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1 05:23 Besoeker [12]
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4 23:06 Thravimp Lover of the Antelope7006 [27]
4 14:57 Mike Kozlowski [15]
10 11:55 Besoeker [12]
12 18:18 Pappy [28]
8 14:55 Pappy [17]
6 15:19 Frank G [12]
4 12:49 Ebbang Uluque6305 [17]
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1 14:35 trailing wife [16]
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4 12:42 OregonGuy [15]
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11 16:08 g(r)omgoru [13]
1 00:31 Percy McCoy7690 [10]
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8 16:22 Ebbang Uluque6305 [19]
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15 21:43 Capsu78 [24]
Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 05/20/2016 00:07 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Hoping she is keeping her Kodak Memorada up to date.
Posted by: Shipman || 05/20/2016 17:10 Comments || Top||

Top Afghan general dies in IED attack in Kandahar
A top Afghan army general Abdul Basir Sharwan was martyred in an explosion southern Kandahar province, the third senior Afghan general martyred in a span of almost 4 months.

According to the provincial government media office, Gen. Sharwand, the commander of the 1st Brigade of 205th Atal Corps of Afghan National Army, was martyred while he was on his way following a visit of the Afghan army check posts in Shahwali Kot district.

Gen. Sharwan was one of the prominent army generals in the south and was actively involved in training and leadership of the Afghan armed forces.

The Taliban militants group claimed responsibility behind the attack on Gen. Sharwand.

Earlier, a senior Afghan army general lost his life in an attack by the anti-government armed militants in Dand district of Kandahar.

General Khan Aga was the deputy commander of the 205th Corps of the Afghan National Army and was killed in attack late in the month of March.

Meanwhile, another top Afghan army general lost his life in an improvised explosive device attack in southern Helmand province of Afghanistan.

General Ata Mir was serving with the 215th Maiwand Corps of the Afghan National Army and was killed in an attack in Greshk district earlier in February this year.
Posted by: badanov || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Intel by Pakistan ?
Posted by: 3dc || 05/20/2016 0:08 Comments || Top||

8 die in insider attack in Zabul
A policeman has killed eight of his comrades in the latest insider attack in southern Zabul province of Afghanistan, local officials said Thursday.

The incident took place late on Wednesday night in a police check post located on Kabul-Kandahar highway.

A security official confirmed that the policeman carried out the attack with the help of two others who were apparently brought into the check post as guests.

The official further added that assailants including the policeman managed to flee the area and an investigation is underway regarding the attack.

No group including the Taliban militants has so far claimed responsibility behind the incident.

The latest insider attack follows nearly month after a policeman killed three of his comrades in eastern Laghman province of Afghanistan.

Earlier, at least seven policemen were killed in southern Kandahar province of Afghanistan in a similar attack.

There has been a considerable rise in insider attacks mainly among the Afghan police forces during the recent months alarming the security officials to take steps in a bid to reduce such incidents.

Meanwhile, the Afghanistan National Security Council (NSC) approved in principle the strategy to fight the enemy moles, a step that could reduce insider attacks in the country by large extent.
Posted by: badanov || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Taliban score own goal: 10 die in 2 incidents
A commander of the Taliban group Hafiz Saadullah was among ten militants killed after blown up by own explosives in southeastern Ghazni and western Herat provinces.

The Ministry of Defense (MoD) said the militants were killed in three separate incidents in Ab Band and Khogyani districts of Gahzni and Shindand district of Herat.

MoD did not mention in which location exactly the Taliban commander was killed but the statement by MoD said another militant was also seriously wounded in the incident.

This comes as an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) expert of the Taliban group was killed in an explosion in northern Kunduz province of Afghanistan.

The Ministry of Defense (MoD) said the IED expert and three militants were busy in making an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) when the explosion took place.

Earlier, a group of 10 militants were blown up by their own explosives as they were busy making an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) in southeastern Ghazni province.

According to the security officials, the militants were busy making the IED inside a mosque in Andar district when their explosives went off prematurely, leaving all 10 militants dead.

The anti-government armed militant groups including the Taliban insurgents have not commented regarding the report so far.

The Taliban insurgents and militants belonging to the other insurgent groups are frequently using Improvised Explosive Device (IED) as the weapon of their choice to target the security forces.
Posted by: badanov || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  " the militants were busy making the IED inside a mosque in Andar district when their explosives went off prematurely, leaving all 10 militants dead."

emphasis on the word improvised.
Posted by: Bugs Ulusonter6462 || 05/20/2016 8:10 Comments || Top||

#2  I expect it was nothing more complex than a #19 as shown in the 197th Number of Popular Jihad corrections were made in Number 199 the First Number not printed at Cohen,Cohen and the Goy.
Posted by: Shipman || 05/20/2016 17:28 Comments || Top||

Afghan security forces detain 3 al-Qaeda assassins in Helmand
At least three Taliban militants assigned by the group to kill local government officials and tribal elders as well as religious clerics were arrested from southern Helmand province.

The National Directorate of Security (NDS) said the three militants were arrested were assigned by Taliban group leader Mullah Nemat to carry out the assassination of the officials, elders and religious clerics.

A statement by NDS said the militants were planning to carry out the assassinations in Nad-e-Ali district before they were arrested by the security forces.

The intelligence operatives confiscated a pistol with a silencer and 10 hand grenades from the detained militants, NDS said.

NDS said numerous assassination attempts against the local officials, elders and religious clerics were foiled with the arrest of the three militants assigned for the task.

The Taliban militants group has not commented regarding the report so far.

Helmand is among the volatile provinces in southern Afghanistan where anti-government armed militant groups are actively operating and frequently carry out insurgency activities.
Posted by: badanov || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

102 militants killed in Ghazni and Wardak in past 10 days
The Ministry of Defense (MoD) has claimed at least 102 militants were killed during the clearance operations in central Maidan Wardak and southeastern Ghazni provinces during the past 10 days.

According to a statement by MoD, the operations were conducted in Zankhan district of Ghazni and Maidan Wardak provinces as part of ‘Sultan Wrath’ operations.

The statement further added that 64 militants were also wounded and 2 others were arrested during the operations.

The Afghan security forces confiscated various types of weapons, ammunition and explosives, including 20 rifles, 2 rocket launchers, the statement said, adding that various types of vehicles and bikes were also confiscated.

According to MoD, the Afghan forces recovered several containers belonging to the traders which were seized by the militants from the highway in Ghazni.

MoD said at least 52 Improvised Explosive Device were also discovered and defused during the operations besides dismantling a communication establishment of the militants.

The Afghan security forces did not suffer any casualties during the operations, the defense ministry added.

The anti-government armed militant groups including the Taliban insurgents have not commented regarding the report so far.
Posted by: badanov || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

27 die in battles between Taliban and ISIS in Nangarhar
At least 27 militants were killed and 11 others were wounded as a bloody clash erupted among the Taliban fighters and loyalists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

According to the local government officials in Nangarhar, the clash took place in Achin and Khogyani district of Nangarhar.

The officials further added that 15 ISIS loyalists and 3 Taliban militants were killed in Achin district and the remaining were killed in Khogyani.

At least 4 commanders of the Taliban group were also among those killed during the clashes, the officials added.

The latest deadly clash among the two militant groups followed days after the loyalists of ISIS executed three Taliban militants in Achin district.

This comes despite the loyalists of ISIS terror group were hardly suppressed in Afghan and US forces raids.

The raids against the loyalists of the terror group intensified in parts of Nangarhar province amid concerns that they are attempting to expand foothold in the country.

A spokesman for the US-led coalition forces in Afghanistan earlier said the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group has the potential to be an ‘enormous’ threat in Afghanistan.
Posted by: badanov || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Gunmen Attack Kunar Schools
Unknown gunmen torched and blew up buildings at three schools in Kunar province, local officials said Thursday.

According to them, the incident occurred during the night on Wednesday in the Dara-i-Pech district of Kunar province.

The Kunar education director has confirmed the incident and said investigations are underway.

Officials said the gunmen torched a girl's school and two boy's schools.

"They [unknown gunmen] targeted three schools in Dare-i-Pech. and they blew up one school and two classrooms of the school were destroyed and two other classrooms damaged and a primary school was completely destroyed after being torched and one other classroom affected," said Sayed Jamaluddin Hussaini Kunar, an education director.

The incident has meanwhile angered tribal elders and religious scholars.

The elders and scholars said that the enemies of Afghanistan want to keep people in the dark by using Islam.

"People do not want their school doors closed and their children to remain illiterate. Those who did this we want them to be questioned," said Haqyar a religious scholar.

Meanwhile Education Minister Asadullah Hanif Balkhi said during his recent visit to Nangarhar province that soon wide reforms will be brought to the education sector in the eastern zone.

"Our delegation has arrived and they will visit cities, districts and village schools one by one and will bring us the figures then it will be clear how many are ghost schools and teachers and after that we will solve the problem," said Balkhi.

Video report at the link
Posted by: badanov || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Africa North
Latest on EgyptAir MS804
Cherry-picked for the new news.
TERRORISTS were last night feared to have overpowered crew in an EgyptAir jet cockpit, causing it to crash into the sea killing all 66 people on board.

Flight MS804 from Paris was about to start its descent into Cairo from 37,000ft when it made “sudden swerves”. A life-or-death struggle between hijackers and the crew as the plane plummeted from the sky was emerging as the most likely cause.

The Airbus A320’s black box flight recorder now holds the key to revealing what happened early yesterday. Technical faults have not been ruled out but an IS terrorist bomb smuggled on board is high on the list of theories.
Surely there would be no struggle if a bomb went off, unless the bomb involved were one of those finicky, hard to light shoe or pantibombs.
The doomed flight was the jet’s fifth of the day. It started in Eritrea — where airport security is a “joke”, according to UK intelligence sources. It also visited Tunisia, which has been rocked by recent terror attacks.
Remind me not to fly EgyptAir; I don't know where their planes have been...
The plane left Charles De Gaulle Airport at 22.09 on Wednesday and crashed into the Mediterranean sea off the Greek island of Warpaths.

Aviation officials in Greece said the pilot was in a “good mood” when air traffic controllers spoke to him as the jet entered their airspace. They tried to contact him again at 01.27, as the plane was set to enter Egyptian airspace, but got no response despite repeated calls. Two minutes later it vanished from radar.

Greek defence minister Panos Kammenos said: “The plane carried out a 90-degree turn to the left and a 360-degree turn to the right, falling from 37,000ft to 15,000ft and the signal was lost at around 10,000ft.”

Officials said no warning was given by the pilot but an automatic distress signal was transmitted at 03.26. This is likely to have been sent by an emergency beacon after impact and not by the plane’s crew, an Egyptian source added.
Posted by: Steve White || 05/20/2016 11:20 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [32 views] Top|| File under:

#1  If it was a terror attack it's interesting that they seem to have chosen to attack Cairo instead of Paris.
Posted by: Ebbang Uluque6305 || 05/20/2016 17:26 Comments || Top||

#2  Morsi's buddies?
Posted by: Ebbang Uluque6305 || 05/20/2016 17:26 Comments || Top||

#3  Morsi's buddies? Would include Obumble.
Posted by: Angaimble Elminemble1032 || 05/20/2016 18:24 Comments || Top||

Egypt army says plane wreckage found near Alexandria
CAIRO (AP) -- Egyptian air and naval forces have found some of the passengers' "personal belongings" and debris of EgyptAir flight 804, which crashed while carrying 66 passengers and crew from Paris to Cairo, the army said Friday.

The debris was found around 180 miles (290 kilometers) north of the port city of Alexandria, Egyptian army spokesman Brig. Gen. Mohammed Samir said in a statement posted on his Facebook page. Egyptian jets and naval vessels continued to search for further debris from the downed Airbus 320, he said.

A team of Egyptian investigators led by Ayman el-Mokadam -- along with French and British investigators and an expert from Airbus -- will inspect what the army has found, Egyptian officials said. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the press.

The plane fell off the radar at 2.45 a.m. local time on Thursday morning while it was crossing the Mediterranean sea. The office of Egypt's president, Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, issued a statement expressing its condolences to the relatives of the 66 killed. It said the presidency "expressed its deep regret and sadness for the victims" of EgyptAir flight 804. "God give great mercy and host them in his heaven," it added.

The statement marked the first official recognition by Egypt's government that the missing plane has crashed. France, Greece, Italy, Cyprus and the UK had all joined the Egyptian search effort, Egypt's defense ministry said. Authorities had been scouring a wide area south of the Greek island of Crete.

It is not yet known what caused the crash.
Not yet listed as War on Terror.
Changing to WoT: pretty obvious what happened. AoS 1010 CT.
Posted by: Besoeker || 05/20/2016 06:53 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

LNA takes control of central oilfields
LNA forces have now secured some 14 oilfields in the Sirte basin that were previously secured by the PFG but then attacked and claimed by IS. These are said to include Waha Oil’s Bahi, Beida, Samah, Dahra and Waha fields, Harouge’s Ghani and Tibesti fields, Zueitina’s Sabah and Zilla fields, Total’s Mabrouk and Sirte Oils’s Zeltan field.

It had been widely suggested that the LNA would not launch its planned assault on Sirte until it had secured the oil fields.

Mahdi Barghathi, the minister of defence in Faiez Serraj’s Government of National Accord (GNA), arrived in Tripoli today to start work there. He flew into Mitiga from Ras Lanuf where yesterday he had further talks with Ibrahim Jadhran, the commander of the Petroleum Facilities’ Guards (PFG) in the central region. The meeting coincided with reports that the Libyan National Army, under the control of Khalifa Hafter, has now taken control of more than a dozen oil fields in the Sirte basin that before the so-called Islamic State started raiding them had been secured by the PFG.

Jadhran, who supports the GNA, is firmly opposed to Hafter who in turn is opposed both to it and to Barghathi being its defence minister.

Arriving at Mitiga he had talks there with UN Special Envoy Martin Kobler as well as with a number of senior army officers there to welcome him.

On Tuesday, it was announced that the Presidency Council had ordered the GNA to start working from Tripoli, although the ministers were informed of this some days earlier.

On the same day, Barghathi left Bengahzi, apparently to Hafter’s annoyance: LNA sources spoke of Barghathi leaving without Hafter’s “permission”. Arriving at Sidra where he inspected PFG forces, he was welcomed by Jadhran who with his forces pledged loyalty to him. For his part, Barghathi warned that the battle to defeat IS could turn into a civil war – referring to the race between the LNA and Presidency Council’s Operations Room to be the first to liberate Sirte.
Posted by: badanov || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

49 fall to ISIS justice in Sirte
The murders, sometime by beheading, of at least 49 individuals by IS terrorists in Sirte are set out in detail in a new report from Human Right’s Watch which UNSMIL chief Martin Kobler today described as “sickening”.

These are the known victims over the year to this February, who were selected because they were alleged to be spies or blasphemers or sorcerers or captured militia opponents. However HRW was told by a Sirte councillor who had fled the town, that dozens of other militia men had disappeared and were presumed to have been killed by the terrorists.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: badanov || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

3 die in artillery attack in Benghazi
Three civilians were killed and nine wounded, three of them critically, when a rocket or mortar smashed into a busy road junction close to the Benghazi Medical Centre at 1 pm today.

One of the injured was a child. Among the dead was a shopkeeper who had been standing outside his store.

The security forces are saying that it unclear from where the shell was fired. Despite being virtually surrounded for months by the Libyan National Army, terrorists are still holding out in Sabri and Suq Al-Hout. The main body of terrorists has been pushed back to Gwarsha and Ganfouda.

At the beginning of the month, five people, including a woman and a child were killed and 40 injured when four mortars landed on a small pro-Hafter demonstration in the city’s Kish Square.

Though one security force member described today’s firing as a random attack, as with the Kish Square salvo, it would seem that there was deliberate ranging involved. The junction is always busy around midday and the BMC nearby also presented an obvious terrorist target.
Posted by: badanov || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

32 killed in fighting with IS, five in new suicide bombing
Thirty-two members of Misratan-led “Al-Bunyan Al-Marous” operation set up by the Presidency Council against the so-called Islamic State were killed in a series of clashes during Wednesday and 50 injured, according to the operation room’s media office. Five were killed in a fresh suicide bomb attack.

In a statement, the media office said that its forces had linked up with those coming from Jufra in the south, meeting them along the Waddan road that joins the coastal highway at Abu Grain. On the Waddan road near the junction, there was fighting with IS forces during which they managed to destroy a suicide vehicle but none of the operation room forces was injured.

All the casualties were on the coastal road to Sirte, at the new front line near Al-Wishka (25 kilometres east of Abu Grain), the statement said. There was fierce fighting during which five members of Al-Bunyan Al-Marous were killed in suicide car attack.

According to the operations room, its forces were attacked by three IS vehicles, of which one was destroyed and two escaped. That was followed by clashes with IS fighters, said to be on foot. These were forced to retreat, the statement claimed, but the bodies of five of them – four black Africans and an Arab – were later discovered. It was after these clashes that the five Al-Bunyan Al-Marous fighters were killed in the suicide attack.

Because of the fierce fighting with IS, the operations room said that the international community had “to deliver on its promises to support the legitimate forces belonging to the presidential council of the government of national reconciliation [sic]” by allowing to acquire arms “to stand in the face of invincible expansion of militants”.

On Monday in Vienna, 21 nations, including all five UN Security Council permanent members, backed a limited lifting of the UN Libyan weapons ban to Libya to enable it to fight IS.
Posted by: badanov || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Tunisia says one of its 'most dangerous' militants killed
[Al Ahram] Tunisia's military has killed a Death Eater described as "one of the most dangerous terrorist leaders" in the country during a security operation, the defence ministry said Thursday.

Seifeddine Jameli, as known as Abou al-Qaaqaa, belonged to the Tunisian branch of the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
(IS) group, Jund al-Khilafa (the soldiers of the caliphate), the ministry said in a statement.

He was killed overnight by special forces in the central region of Mount Mghilla, it said, adding that weapons were seized during the operation.

Since its 2011 revolution, Tunisia has been hit by an upsurge in Death Eater violence in which dozens of police, soldiers and civilians have been killed.

Two attacks last year claimed by IS on the National Bardo Museum in Tunis and on a hotel near the Mediterranean resort of Sousse killed a total of 60 people, all but one of them foreign tourists.

The beheading of a teenage shepherd by holy warriors as his sheep grazed on Mount Mghilla last November also horrified the country.
Posted by: Fred || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

al-Qaeda arms cache discovered in al-Mukalla
Abu Dhabi- “The campaign launched by the coalition and government forces in Yemen to clear al-Mukalla Governorate has revealed the presence of large amounts of heavy arms and high explosive ammunitions hidden at government headquarters or other places and were used by al-Qaeda militants before they were expelled from the city,” informed sources from the Arab Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen said.

Various types of heavy arms were found at al-Qaeda’s hideouts, the sources told Asharq Al-Awsat. These arms include “T-55” tanks, “Mortar” cannons, “Tochka” and “Katyusha” missiles, explosives, anti-tank mines.

Despite finding this large amount of weapons, Yemeni government and coalition forces have also found two local plants that have been constructed by the terrorist organization; the first is specialized in manufacturing improvised explosive devices, and the second is specialized in booby-trapping cars.

The sources explained that the large amount of arms and equipment manufactured by al-Qaeda terrorist organization before being expelled from the city recently, reveals clearly their expansion schemes and their willingness to establish an emirate in the Arabian Peninsula in order to threaten regional security and peace.

What al-Qaeda did in Yemen, the sources added, is similar to ISIS’s experience in Syria as the latter benefited from the civil war between the Syrian regime and the opposition forces, and it consolidated its presence in the country in order to set up an entire submissive entity.

In addition to the arms, leaflets calling for fighting against coalition and U.S. forces, and warning from working for these forces were found at al-Qaeda’s hideouts.

Notably, al-Mukalla is a main sea port and the capital city of the Hadramaut coastal region in Yemen in the southern part of Arabia on the Gulf of Aden close to the Arabian Sea.

Al Mukalla is the fifth largest city in Yemen with a population of approximately 300,000. The city is served by the nearby Riyan Airport.
Posted by: badanov || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Arabia

Shibir leader accused in RU Prof Rezaul killing dies
[Dhaka Tribune] A Shibir leader, an accused in the Rajshahi University Professor AFM Rezaul Karim Siddique killing case, has died at a hospital in Rajshahi.

Hafizur Rahman, 21, died around 4:30am on Thursday at Rajshahi Medical College Hospital, its Deputy Director Dr Gazi Saiful Alam Chowdhury said.

"He had been battling anaemia," the doctor said. "This led to respiratory problems and cardiac arrest."
In the end it's always cardiac arrest, isn't it?
The Shibir leader, who studied public administration at RU, was admitted to the hospital on May 17 after he had fallen sick in prison.

RMCH authorities said they would hand over the body to his family after a post-mortem examination.

Hafizur, a local Shibir leader, was tossed in the slammer
You have the right to remain silent...
in Bongram on April 23. He had been in prison since his four-day police interrogation last month.

Prof Rezaul was hacked to death near his home in Rajshahi on April 23. His son filed a case without naming anyone. The case was handed over to the detective branch.

Police said members of banned Lion of Islam outfit Jamaa'tul Mujahideen Bangladesh were directly involved in the murder.
Posted by: Fred || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh

Tk18 lakh bounty declared for 6 ABT men

[Dhaka Tribune] Dhaka city police have announced large bounties, Tk18 lakh in total, for the capture of six top Ansarullah operatives.

Dhaka Metro Police announced on their news portal that they have identified these turbans from investigations and confessions of a couple of Ansarullah Bangla Team operatives captured from one of their dens.

These six include operatives who provide military training, recruit and induct new operatives, and provide it training.

Totalling Tk 18 lakhs for the six individuals, the bounty will be given out to information leading to their capture.

The DMP website has further information and details on each individual including all their aliases.
Posted by: Fred || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Ansarullah Bangla Team

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Russia says it cracked group preparing Paris-style attacks
[IsraelTimes] Head of the Federal Security Service
... the successor to the KGB...
says members were preparing to go to Syria after attacks in Russian cities

Russia’s security chief says his agency has tracked down a group working to prepare "Gay Paree-style" attacks in major Russian cities.

Alexander Bortnikov, the head of the Federal Security Service, the top KGB successor agency, said it cracked the group in February in cooperation with Kazakhstan’s security service.

He said Thursday that the group’s members were planning to go to Syria to join the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
group after conducting the terror attacks "under the Gay Paree scenario." Bortnikov didn’t say how many suspects have been locked away
Drop the heater, Studs, or you're hist'try!
or give any further details.

The Nov. 13 attacks in Gay Paree left 130 people dead and hundreds maimed. Most of those killed were hostages in the Bataclan concert hall.

Russia has conducted an air campaign in Syria with the declared goal of fighting Islamic State. The terror group grabbed credit in October for bringing down a Russian passenger plane carrying 224 people as it left the Sinai resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh and headed for St. Petersburg.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/20/2016 01:41 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  It would appear RU intelligence cracked the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombing ring as well, but no one would listen.
Posted by: Besoeker || 05/20/2016 5:17 Comments || Top||

#2  Somehow I think the Russians have a more primitive definition of "cracked" than the current crop of PC betas we have in the west.

Probably more effective that way....
Posted by: AlanC || 05/20/2016 7:37 Comments || Top||

Tajikistan arrests five imams for extremism
[RFE/RL] Authorities in Tajikistan have arrested five imams for promoting extremism and recruiting young people to join militant groups abroad.

Hasan Boboshukurov, the head of the religious affairs department in Konibodom, said that four of the men led prayers and sermons in village mosques in the northern Tajik district until they were arrested last week.

A local law enforcement official said the five imams' activities came to light after a tip from three other imams arrested in the same district last month. Fifteen Muslim clerics have been arrested on extremism charges in the northern Sughd Province between January and April.

Tajik officials say more than 1,000 Tajik nationals have gone to Syria and Iraq in recent years to join the jihad there.
Posted by: ryuge || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Uighur teen handed 20 year sentence
[RFA] A Uighur teen faces a 20-year jail sentence after he was convicted of plotting to join a militant separatist group and conspiring to help some of his friends escape from China.

17-year-old Abduraxman Rozi was sentenced by a court in Akesu prefecture over what officials say was a plan he masterminded to join an East Turkestan separatist group and to help four other people illegally leave China. Four other boys were also detained for attempting to leave the country. A 17-year-old and an 18-year-old were sentenced to nine-year terms, and two others were freed.

While authorities say Abduraxman Rozi was attempting to become an insurgent, his family says he was just looking for work. His father said, "My son may have planned to go abroad when he saw that some Uighurs went abroad, but I don't believe he had any political or religious intent in his plan. He went to Kunming just looking for a job, and that is why he may have been interested in going to another country, just seeking a better life."
Posted by: ryuge || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

The Grand Turk
ISIS militant killed as detonates bomb during Turkish police raid
[ENGLISH.ALARABIYA.NET] An ISIS militant was killed after detonating explosives strapped to their body on Thursday as Turkish police raided a militant cell in a house in the southeastern city of Gaziantep, the Dogan news agency reported.

It was not clear if the dead militant was male or female.
Posted by: Fred || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  It was not clear if the dead militant was male or female.

That sounds rather binary.
Posted by: AlanC || 05/20/2016 7:40 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
TSA Chief Says Security Changes May Be Coming at Airports - Video
[ABC] Just two days after EgyptAir flight 804 disappeared over the Mediterranean Sea, TSA Administrator Peter Neffenger suggested the agency could possibly make "changes" in its security posture in response to the crash.

"I think we need to increase the staff size of TSA to meet the demands of the growing travel population -- as well as the potential changes that we might see as we learn more and more about what might have happened to EgyptAir," he said at an event in Chicago today.
Of course he needs more staff. And more administrators to administrate that staff. And more secretaries. And administrators for them. And computers, cell phones, and expense accounts...
Posted by: Besoeker || 05/20/2016 16:39 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "I think we need to increase the staff size of TSA to meet the demands of the growing travel population..."

Typical government hack solutions. Need more money and expand the government and bureaucracy. Repeat.

How about this for an idea? Get rid of your useless agency.
Posted by: DarthVader || 05/20/2016 17:03 Comments || Top||

One of the eight killed militants in Multan was ‘Al Qaeda country head’
[DAWN] MULTAN: Tayyab Nawaz alias Hafiz Abdul Mateen, who was killed along with seven other suspected bandidos gunnies on Wednesday night was the head of Al Qaeda, Pakistain, Dawn learnt on Thursday. According to officials sources, three of the bandidos gunnies who were killed in Nawabpur area in an encounter with a joint team comprising Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) and ISI personnel were from Al-Ahrar group of banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistain (TTP) and the remaining were Al-Qaeda members.

The sources said Tayyab was a resident of Dera Ismail Khan
... the Pearl of Pashtunistan ...
while Muneeb Razaq alias Rehman and Zeeshan alias Abu Dajana were from Wazoo. They said two of the bandidos gunnies -- Ameer Mavia and Sultan -- were from Sargodha district, while Al-Ahrar group members were identified as Imran and Irfan of Rahim Yar Khan and the third was a resident of DG Khan.

They said after the postmortem examination at the Nishtar Hospital, the bad boys’ bodies were shifted to an unidentified location.

After the eight bandidos gunnies were killed, the special branch of Multan region issued a threat alter, saying the TTP could target educational institutes in three cities of Punjab
1.) Little Orphan Annie's bodyguard
2.) A province of Pakistain ruled by one of the Sharif brothers
3.) A province of India. It is majority (60 percent) Sikh and Hindoo (37 percent), which means it has relatively few Moslem riots....

where security needed to be beefed up.

Sources said Muneeb Razaq and Zeeshan were proclaimed offenders in the liquidation case of Brig Fazal Qadri in Sargodha while Tayyab was the criminal mastermind of Rawalpindi Parade Lane bombing on December 4, 2009 in which 36 people, including 17 children, 10 civilian and 9 army personnel were killed. He was also wanted in a case pertaining to murder of an army officer, they added.

Eight ‘Al Qaeda militants’ killed in Multan

[DAWN] LAHORE: The Counter Terrorism Department claimed on Wednesday night to have killed eight members of the outlawed Al Qaeda in an ’encounter’ in Multan’s Nawabpur area.

A CTD front man said that a tip-off came that Al Qaeda commander Muneeb Javaid alias Qandhari and Tayab Nawaz alias Hafiz Abdul Mateen, along with Muneeb Razaq alias Abdul Rehman and Zeeshan alias Abu Dujana, were coming to Multan to hold a meeting with Al Qaeda commander Bilal Lateef alias Yasir Punjabi and other murderous Moslems, including two jacket wallahs.

He said that the suspected forces of Evil had gathered in the suburbs of Multan to plan an attack on a university in the city.

The front man said that on the basis of the tip-off, a joint team of ISI and Multan Counter Terrorism Depart­ment personnel carried out a raid on the meeting point near Nawabpur village.

He said after seeing the police team the Lions of Islam fired RPG rockets and lobbed hand-grenades.

The police team retaliated and when the firing stopped eight Al Qaeda Lions of Islam were found dead.

Some of the dead were identified as Tayyab alias Abdul Mateen, Muneeb Razaq alias Adbul Rehman, Zeeshan alias Abu Dujana. Muneeb Razaq and Zee-shan were proclaimed offenders in the liquidation of Brig Fazal Qadri in Sargodha.

Identity of other dead Lions of Islam was yet to be established.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Bilal Lateef and Muneeb Javaid, along with their five to six associates, escaped.

The front man said one suicide jacket, two AK47 rifles, two pistols and three hand-grenades were recovered from the scene.
Posted by: Fred || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Pakistan

Kop dies in Quetta IED blast
QUETTA: An improvised explosive device (IED) killed one policeman and wounded seven others in a roadside attack in the eastern Bypass area of Quetta Thursday morning, police said.

The injured have been taken to Civil Hospital Quetta, where a state of emergency has been imposed.

The blast also damaged a police mobile van.

There has been no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack yet. Police and Frontier Corps are investigating the attack.

The attack comes a day after two remote-controlled roadside blasts killed one constable and injured at least 17 others in Peshawar.
Posted by: badanov || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Iraq says it retakes western town of Rutba from ISIS
[ENGLISH.ALARABIYA.NET] Iraq’s military said on Thursday it had retaken the remote western town of Rutba from ISIS in an operation launched this week to cut off the bad boys’ supply route to neighboring Syria.

The military’s joint operations command said in a statement the district, 360 km (225 miles) west of Baghdad, had been "completely liberated" without clarifying what that meant. It said Iraqi forces had raised flags above some buildings, without specifying that they controlled the main government complex.

The military has pushed the jihadists out of much of the northern and western territories they seized in 2014, but the group still controls large areas and key cities including djinn-infested Mosul
... the home of a particularly ferocious and hairy djinn...
, which Iraqi authorities have pledged to retake this year as part of a US-backed strategy to defeat the group.

In addition to its linkage to Syria, Rutba was considered an important "support zone" which ISIS was using to stage operations into battle areas further north and east.

Counter-terrorism forces, backed by US-led coalition air strikes, had entered the town from the south on Tuesday and taken control of al-Intisar district.

Major General Hadi Razij, head of Anbar police, said elite commandos had attacked from the south while police, tribal fighters and the Iraqi army pushed from the north.

"We managed to liberate Rutba district, eliminating many jacket wallahs and boom-mobiles," he told state television
... and if you can't believe state television who can you believe?
Razij said troops had also reached Camp Korean Village, a former US military base about 40 km further west towards the border, and continued to clear the international highway.

Coalition front man US Army Col. Steve Warren has said ISIS was believed to maintain up to "several hundred" fighters in Rutba at any given time.

On Thursday, he described resistance there as "moderate to light" but said the Iraqis were still clearing enemy forces. Many of the gunnies likely fled before the offensive began, Warren added, as the advancing forces would have been easy to detect.
Posted by: Fred || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

ISIS intel Top Dawg has a Very Bad Day
DUHOK – Top jihadi leader and head of intelligence in the Islamic State (ISIS) Ali al-Aswad was killed along with two other ISIS members in an airstrike by the US-led coalition northern Iraq, officials reported on Thursday.
Was he a number three?
The operation was carried out in cooperation with the Kurdish security that reportedly provided information about the location of the ISIS top official to the US air force.

“Within the framework of our war against the ISIS terror group, the Kurdish counter-terrorism department has pursued al-Aswad’s movements and provided accurate information to the coalition, enabling the US air force to bomb the confidential location of this high ranking terrorist, killing him along with two other ISIS terrorists,” the Kurdish counter-terrorism office in Erbil said in an official statement on Thursday.

The airstrike hit a building in the village of Tel Azba where al-Aswad was hiding.

Al-Aswad was reportedly in charge of maintaining personal security of the ISIS supreme leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

“The death of al-Aswad comes as a shock to the ISIS leadership. The man was one of the closest ISIS members to al-Baghdadi, which means the alleged caliph himself is within the reach and could be targeted at any moment,” chief of Nineveh media centre Raafat al-Zarari told ARA News.

In Mosul, a coalition airstrike killed Abu Othman al-Afari, a military commander in ISIS ranks.

“Al-Afari’s convoy was hit by an airstrike in western Mosul on Wednesday midnight, killing him and three of his escorts,” media activist Abdullah al-Malla told ARA News in Mosul. “This was another blow to ISIS in Nineveh province.”
Posted by: badanov || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  When the intel guy can't save himself, it really is a bad day.
Posted by: Besoeker || 05/20/2016 11:57 Comments || Top||

#2  "There's an airstrike due any minute somewhere nearby"
Posted by: Frank G || 05/20/2016 12:00 Comments || Top||

Iraqi Jailhouse Stories: 4 detained
(IraqiNews.com) Kirkuk – Kirkuk Police chief, Brigadier General Sarhad Qadir, said on Thursday, that four wanted men had been arrested on charges of “terrorism” south of the province.

Qadir said in a statement obtained by IraqiNews.com, “Today, a force belonging to Kirkuk Provincial Police conducted a security operation in a village located south of Kirkuk Province, resulting in the arrest of four wanted [individuals] on charges of terrorism,” adding also that, “30 mortar shells were found in an agricultural land for use by the most wanted in carrying out terrorist attacks.”
Posted by: badanov || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

Ninevah Nightmares: 22 die
4 ISIS troops die in airstrikes near Bashiqah

(IraqiNews.com) Nineveh – The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) in Nineveh Province announced on Wednesday, that four ISIS members were killed in an air strike conducted by the international coalition aviation in northern Mosul (405 km north of Baghdad).

The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan spokesman in Mosul Ghyath Alsurja said in a brief statement received by IraqiNews.com, “The international coalition aircraft bombarded a vehicle carrying four ISIS members in Bashiqah vicinity in northern Mosul.”

Alsurja added,” The air strikes resulted in the killing of the four ISIS fighters, as well as destroying their vehicle.”

18 ISIS Bad Guys die in airstrikes near Mosul

(IraqiNews.com) Nineveh – The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) in Nineveh Province announced on Thursday killing 18 ISIS elements in an air strike by the international coalition northwest of Mosul.

The spokesperson for the union, Ghyath al-Surji, said in a statement obtained by IraqiNews.com, “The international coalition aviation bombed an ISIS convoy that was on its way from the village of Batnaya to the district of Tilkaif northwest of Nineveh,” adding that, “The bombardment resulted in killing 18 ISIS elements, in addition to destroying six vehicles belonging to them.”
Posted by: badanov || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

1 Iraqi soldier dies in bomb attack near Baqubah
(IraqiNews.com) Diyala – A local source in Diyala Province announced on Thursday, that a soldier was killed and another one was wounded in a bomb blast targeted their patrol northeast of Baqubah.

The source reported for IraqiNews.com, “This morning, a bomb emplaced on the roadside near al-Aali village (45 km northeast of Baqubah) exploded targeting an army patrol, killing a soldier and wounding another with serious injuries.”

The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, added, “The security services opened an investigation into the incident.”
Posted by: badanov || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Anbar Antics: 20+ die

13 ISIS turbans waxed in Iraqi airstrike near Fallujah

(IraqiNews.com) Anbar – On Thursday, Khalidiya Council in Anbar Province announced, that 13 ISIS members were killed and a laboratory for manufacturing improvised explosive devices was destructed by an air strike in central Fallujah (62 km west of Baghdad).

The Head of Khalidiya Council Ali Dawood said in a statement obtained by IraqiNews.com, “This morning the international coalition aircraft bombed an improvised explosive devices laboratory belonging to ISIS in the industrial neighborhood area in central Fallujah, killing 13 ISIS fighters and destructing the entire laboratory and a number of vehicles.”

Dawood added, “The smoke was rising dramatically in the skies of Fallujah because of the large number of improvised explosive devices that were exploded inside the laboratory,” indicating that, “The movements of ISIS members in the city of Fallujah lessened due to the fear of being targeted by the international coalition aircraft.”

Iraqi forces cut off ISIS supply lines near Qaim

(IraqiNews.com) Anbar – On Thursday, official journalists with the Ministry of Defense announced, that Rutba liberation troops managed to control Akashat area west of Anbar, while cut off ISIS supply lines towards Qaim.

The journalists said in a statement received by IraqiNews.com, “Rutba liberation forces from Federal Police Command, in direct coordination with the Joint Operations Command, managed to control Akashat area on the highway toward Rutba.”

The statement added, “These troops also cut off ISIS supply lines toward Qaim.”

More here and here

7 ISIS Bad Guys turned into a fine, red mist in rocket artillery attack near Barwana

(IraqiNews.com) Anbar – On Thursday, al-Jzeera and Badiya Operations Command in Anbar Province announced killing seven members of the so-called ISIS west of Anbar (110 km west of Baghdad).

The commander of al-Jzeera and al-Badiya Operations in Anbar, Major General Ali Ibrahim Dabon said in a brief statement received by IraqiNews.com, “This morning the security forces from the army, police and al-Jzeera operations’ 7th brigade bombed a gathering of ISIS members in Barwana area northwest of Baghdadi (70 km west of Anbar) with Cornet thermal missiles, killing seven ISIS members.”

Dabon added, “The rocket attacks also resulted in the destruction of a vehicle and a truck carrying weapons and missiles,” indicating that, “The cleansing battles achieved important military results over the past few days.”

"Dozens" of ISIS troops die in Iraqi airstrikes

(IraqiNews.com) al-Anbar – On Thursday, media officials with the Ministry of Defense announced the killing of tens of “terrorists” in an aerial bombing by the the army’s Air Force in Fallujah.

The officials said in a statement followed by IraqiNews.com, “The Air Force, based on intelligence information by the Joint Special Operations Command, conducted an accurate air strike by the F-16 warplanes on ISIS sites, resulting in the death of tens of terrorists in Fallujah.”

Iraq witnesses an extraordinary security situation as military operations continue to expel “ISIS,” while the international coalition aviation carry out air strikes targeting ISIS sites and causing casualties in their ranks.
Posted by: badanov || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Baghdad Bomb and Bullet Bulletin: 4 die

2 die in bomb attack in Taji

(IraqiNews.com) Baghdad – A source in the Iraqi Ministry of Interior announced on Thursday, that seven people had been either killed or wounded in a bomb blast in northern Baghdad.

The source said in a statement received by IraqiNews.com, “This morning, a bomb exploded near the Industrial District in Taji in northern Baghdad, killing two people and wounding five others,” pointing out that, “A security force rushed to the area and evacuated the wounded to a nearby hospital for treatment and the dead bodies to the forensic medicine department.”

The source, who asked anonymity, added, “The security forces cordoned off the area of the incident and barred approaching it.”

2 die in bomb attack in Mahmudiya area

(IraqiNews.com) Baghdad – On Thursday, a source in the Ministry of Interior announced, that ten people had been either killed or wounded in a bomb blast in southern Baghdad.

The source said in a statement obtained by IraqiNews.com, “This evening, a bomb exploded near shops in Mahmudiya area in southern Baghdad, killing two people and wounding eight others.”

The source, who asked anonymity, added, “A security force rushed to the area and transferred the wounded to a nearby hospital to receive treatment and the dead bodies to the forensic medicine department, while opened an investigation to determine the circumstances of the incident.”

3 Iraqi soldiers wounded in bombing at al-Refai

(IraqiNews.com) Baghdad – A source within the police force in Baghdad Province said on Thursday, that three soldiers had been injured in the explosion of a booby-trapped house south of Baghdad.

The source said in a statement obtained by IraqiNews.com, “This evening, a booby-trapped house went off on a force belonging to the Iraqi army in the village of al-Refai in the area of Arab Jabour, south of Baghdad, resulting in the injury of three soldiers,” adding that, “A force belonging to the army’s Seventeenth Division was carrying out an inspection operation in the village,” pointing out that, “The injured were transferred to a nearby hospital for medical treatment.”
Posted by: badanov || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

Police catch 60,000 grenade springs headed to Gaza
[IsraelTimes] Officials arrest 3 Israelis allegedly planning to smuggle the weaponry to the Strip

Israeli police on Wednesday captured a shipment of 60,000 hand-grenade springs on their way to the Gazoo Strip.

The springs were found hidden in a warehouse in the community of Ami’oz on the Gazoo periphery. Officials tossed in the clink
... anything you say can and will be used against you, whether you say it or not...
a man in his twenties at the scene as he was loading the springs onto his vehicle.

The man, a resident of the Bedouin town of Rahat, was believed to be on his way to smuggle the equipment into Gazoo. He is suspected of procuring the springs illegally from an Israeli factory that produces such springs for the Israeli military. Two other people were arrested as well.

Officials said the man planned to transfer the springs over to forces of Evil in Gazoo, and suspect that he eventually planned to smuggle 500,000 such springs into the Paleostinian enclave.

Authorities claimed Wednesday’s catch was indicative of a wider problem in which the transfer of merchandise, aid and equipment into Gazoo through Israeli crossings is used to smuggle in weaponry and material used by terrorists.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/20/2016 00:08 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  So that's 500,000 grenades? My arm is getting tired just thinking about it. More to the story? At current rate of usage, it might take, oh, say, a couple of thousand years to use them up.
Not getting this.
Posted by: Richard Aubrey || 05/20/2016 7:04 Comments || Top||

#2  where are the 60,000 pineapples and handles that go with the springs?
Posted by: 3dc || 05/20/2016 9:11 Comments || Top||

#3  The detonator springs will work just fine on a 6" section of cast iron water pipe.
Posted by: Skidmark || 05/20/2016 10:28 Comments || Top||

#4  Ima thinkern 'IED'.
Posted by: Pappy || 05/20/2016 10:41 Comments || Top||

#5  Great for IEDs, suicide vests and rocket ignition triggers.

Pretty much anything that goes boom these could work in.
Posted by: DarthVader || 05/20/2016 10:53 Comments || Top||


"Well now…where you fellas going with all that beer them springs?"

In case the embed didn't work, the link is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iigxaFBTAZ4
Posted by: gorb || 05/20/2016 11:42 Comments || Top||

#7  "He is suspected of procuring the springs illegally from an Israeli factory that produces such springs for the Israeli military." This ought to scare the Hell out of the government. Who else can be bought?
Posted by: Bubba Greresh3462 || 05/20/2016 13:55 Comments || Top||

#8  anything that goes boom

Or something that goes "thunk," like maybe the trapdoor on a gallows for terrorist enablers...
Posted by: M. Murcek || 05/20/2016 15:13 Comments || Top||

#9  That'll put a spring in your step!
Posted by: CrazyFool || 05/20/2016 15:14 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Seven soldiers wounded by Abu Sayyaf grenade
[Zamboanga Today] Suspected Abu Sayyaf militants lobbed a hand grenade at Philippine troops in Sulu province on Wednesday morning, injuring at least seven soldiers.

Military spokesman Filemon Tan Jr. said the soldiers were aboard a truck when a grenade lobbed at them. Tan said, "Initial investigation revealed the soldiers were about to go back to their camp from Jolo port after buying supplies and fetching their companions and upon reaching Plaza Marina, a grenade hurled at their truck and exploded."

The incident, which occurred in Jolo town, comes a few days after the Abu Sayyaf threatened to behead their lone surviving Canadian hostage if their ransom demand is not paid within four weeks.
Posted by: ryuge || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Abu Sayyaf

Russia proposes joint airstrikes with U.S.- led coalition in Syria
[WAPO] MOSCOW -- Russia on Friday proposed conducting joint airstrikes with the U.S.-led coalition in Syria against an al-Qaeda-linked group and other factions, marking a potential new strategy by Moscow toward more coordination with the West and allies in the Syrian conflict.

There was no immediate official response from Washington, whose airstrikes with partners have concentrated on Islamic State strongholds in Syria.
Reportedly the Pentagon sez, no can do.
But such a proposal could face a tough road over Russia’s alliance with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, whose forces were greatly aided last year by the intervention of Russian warplanes and other military assistance.

Several Pentagon officials said they were not immediately aware of any plans to change the current arrangement for separate U.S. and Russian air operations in Syria.
Posted by: Besoeker || 05/20/2016 12:50 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I imagine Vlad can turn this into something to embarrass Champ.
Posted by: Bobby || 05/20/2016 13:47 Comments || Top||

#2  You can't embarrass Champ. Make him look like a chump, yes. Embarrass, no.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 05/20/2016 14:08 Comments || Top||

#3  What could go wrong?
Posted by: Matt || 05/20/2016 14:54 Comments || Top||

#4  Will they agree to stop buzzing our aircraft carriers?
Posted by: Raj || 05/20/2016 15:15 Comments || Top||

#5  You can't compete with champ - on embarassing champ.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 05/20/2016 15:18 Comments || Top||

#6  You can't embarrass Champ.

He always beats everyone else to the punch.
Posted by: gorb || 05/20/2016 15:24 Comments || Top||

106 sentenced to death over clashes with Lebanon army
[ENGLISH.ALARABIYA.NET] A Leb military judge Wednesday sentenced 106 men to death over festivities between the army and faceless myrmidons two years ago in the east of the country, a judicial source said.

Judge Najat Abou Chakra convicted 73 Syrians, 32 Lebanese and one Paleostinian of belonging to "terrorist organizations," attacking the town of Arsal near the Syrian border, and kidnapping and attempting to kill Lebanese soldiers and coppers, the source said.

Seventy-seven of those convicted are in jug but the other 29 remain on the lam.

They include Abu Malek al-Talli, the leader in the cross-border area of Qalamun of Syria’s Al-Qaeda affiliate, Al-Nusra Front.

In August 2014, the Lebanese army clashed with ISIS murderous Moslem group and Al-Nusra in Arsal.

IS and Al-Nusra kidnapped 30 soldiers and coppers as they withdrew.

After lengthy negotiations, 16 of the captured men were released in early December in exchange for Islamist prisoners jugged
Yez got nuttin' on me, coppers! Nuttin'!
in Leb.

Since the start of the five-year conflict in Syria, Leb has become home to more than one million Syrian refugees.

It has also been the scene of deadly bombings, including attacks targeting the Shiite group Hezbollah, a key ally of Syrian Hereditary President-for-Life Bashir Pencilneck al-Assad
Light of the Alawites...
’s regime.
Posted by: Fred || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: al-Nusra

Homs: Regime snipers target bakery, 5 wounded from Al Waer
[EN.ZAMANALWSL.NET] Five people from the besieged al-Waer neighborhood in Homs city were wounded on Wednesday when regime snipers opened fire on a crowd queuing for bread, activists said.

The severe siege pushed tens of al-Waer residents to cross regime's checkpoints to buy bread and basic needs from government-held areas, such a risk has been faced by snipers' bullets, local activists said.

Despite the U.N.-brokered truce reached last December, the Syrian regime has never abide by the ceasefire deal. The last rebel stronghold in Homs city has been under severe siege for the last thee months, activists said.

A man and woman were killed on Monday as 10 more people were wounded in regime mortar fire on the besieged neighborhood of al-Waer in Homs city, residents said.

The regime officials told the neighborhood's negotiation committee to have al-Waer free of rebel presence otherwise siege and shelling ot be continued, sources said.

Regime has agree to free 300 detainees out of 7350. But the the negotiation committee demanded release of 1500 detainees, Such a demanded that was strongly refused.

The truce stated lift of the siege and prisoners release as 300 hundreds of rebels and families evacuated al-Waer heading the northern countryside of Homs.
Posted by: Fred || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

Russia uses Israeli drones in Syria's offensive: source
[EN.ZAMANALWSL.NET] Intensive and strange aircraft movement has been ongoing for a month in Hemeimem military airport, the main Russian forces stronghold in Syria, a source said from the coastal city of Jableh.

The source told Zaman al-Wasl that different civil aircraft, military aircraft and drones including Israeli manufactured ones are flying and landing from the airport and do not carry any sign related to their identity. These aircrafts are not the Russian known ones.

Israeli manufactured drones from Searcher type flies and lands continuously in the airport. They were photographed in Jableh. It is likely that Russia has bought these from Israel during the last period, the source confirmed.
Posted by: Fred || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

#1  There are no signs to verify the identity of these aircrafts although it flies in conjunction with Sukhoi 35 jet fighters before and after Sukkoi flies, the source added.

Which would indicate there is likely no sharing of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Recce (ISR) data in the war on ISIS in Syria between the US and RU. Possibly a 'no kak under the rocking horse' moment, but yet another missed opportunity nonetheless.
Posted by: Besoeker || 05/20/2016 4:34 Comments || Top||

Kurdish militias block fuel convoys entering rebel-held areas
[EN.ZAMANALWSL.NET] Kurdish Peoples’ Protection Units (PYD) militia banned fuel shipments from crossing to opposition-held areas in Idlib province and Aleppo countryside which led to a rocket increase in fuel prices. A barrel of diesel reached 91000 SP while gasoline barrel 155000 SP.

A field leader in Free Syrian Army (FSA) said the PYD ban of entrance of shipments came in conjunction with PYD snipers targeting of civilians on Kastilou road in Aleppo, the only passage between Aleppo city and Aleppo western countryside and Idlib province.

Official of civil administration in western Aleppo countryside Ibrahim Shihab al-Deen told Zaman al-Wasl, the civil administration has alternatives for fuel cut in opposition-held areas including solar energy and other available options.

Shihab al-Deen stressed that cutting the road is not in the interest of both PYD and opposition since the road secures both parties’ needs.

Head of Local Council in Dar Izzeh Marwan al-Hilou told Zaman al-Wasl that Kurdish fighters have retained more than 400 fuel shipments and they are using it to negotiate, oil in exchange of food. This caused a crisis in fuel prices in rebels-held areas.

Al-Hilou pointed out that Kurds demanded from parties in Dar Izzeh formation of a committee to contact decision makers. However, the PYD death parade exhibition of rebel fighters’ corpses in Efrin made them refrain from communications with the Kurds.
In this context, sources revealed to Zaman al-Wasl, a number of civil actors in opposition-held in Dar Izzeh and Atma, near Efrin, with a number of prominent local actors in Efrin are to form a committee of civilians to find solutions for problems facing the locals; however, military actors at both sides are preventing the formation of such a body.

Kurdish militias refuse to deliver 40 FSA and Islamist factions fighters bodies who died during battles in Ayn Danqh near Azaz in northern countryside of Aleppo. Protests came out to demand the fighters’ bodies in addition to a wide resentment by locals in Kurdish opposition-held areas.

A Kurdish official from Efrin who spoke on condition of anonymity attributed the ban of fuel shipment to the blockade implemented by what he described as “extremist factions” on the city. These factions banned entrance of food shipments as well as repeatedly bombed Jandarees town adjacent to Atma on the borders.

Tension between Kurdish PYD and rebel factions increased due to the PYD death parade exhibition of FSA and Islamist faction fighters’ bodies on a truck in Efrin.

This led rebel factions to impose a blockade on Kurdish cities north of Syria and ban food shipments from entering. Also, rebel factions bombed PYD strongholds in Jandarees and Efrin in response to Kurdish militia targeting the civilians in Kastilou road in Aleppo.
Posted by: Fred || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

Aleppo: ISIS retakes 4 villages from rebels on Turkish border
[EN.ZAMANALWSL.NET] Islamic State fighters on Thursday have recaptured 4 villages from moderate rebels in the northern province of Aleppo, local reporter said.

In what seemed hit-and-run battles near the Turkish border, ISIS and rebels have exchanged control of the villages of al-Fairouziya, Jazer, Yahmoul, al-Sheikh Rih and al-Bil.

Dozens of rebel fighters were killed according to Aamaq, ISIS news agency, as well media activist Aymen al-Okda was killed by ISIS on Wednesday, activists said.

Meanwhile, Experts say ISIS gainon the Turkish border is rising Ankara's concerns.

President Tayyip Erdogan said Tuesday Turkey will take it upon itself to deal with attacks on the border town of Kilis if it receives no outside help, in a sign Ankara may be willing to act against ISIS on its own.

"We will overcome the Islamic State. We will solve that issue ourselves if we don't receive help to prevent those rockets from hitting Kilis," Erdogan told an international meeting of ministers in Istanbul.

Kilis, which is just across the border from an ISIS-controlled area of Syria, has come under frequent rocket fire in recent weeks. Turkish officials say Ankara needs more help from the U.S.-led coalition in protecting its border.

On Handarat's battlefront, fierce clashes are underway between rebels and regime forces, rebel source said.

Seizing Handarat Camp has become regime's main target since it overlooks on strategic Castillo road, the only gateway for rebel-held Aleppo.
Posted by: Fred || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Syrian Arrested for 'Supplying Arms, Surveillance Devices to Terror Groups'
[An Nahar] A Syrian man has been locked away
Book 'im, Mahmoud!
on charges of providing terrorist groups with arms, ammunition and surveillance devices, the General Security announced on Thursday.

"As part of its monitoring of the activities of terrorist groups and their sleeper cells, the General Directorate of General Security has arrested the Syrian A. M. for his communication with terrorist groups, following an authorization from the relevant prosecution authorities," the security agency said in a statement.

"During interrogation, he confessed to trading in arms and ammunition on behalf of terrorist groups and that he has obtained and stored surveillance devices with the aim of delivering them to a terrorist group," the statement added.

"The aforementioned electronic devices were seized during a raid on the suspect's residence," General Security said.

The man was referred to the relevant judicial authorities following interrogation and efforts are underway to arrest the rest of those involved, the agency added.
Posted by: Fred || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Syria regime retakes Deir al-Assafir, outside capital
[Al Ahram] Syrian troops backed by fighters from the Lebanese Shia movement Hezbollah retook a key town outside Damascus from rebels on Thursday, a monitor said.

Pro-regime fighters used festivities between rival rebel factions Jaish al-Islam
...Liwa al-Islam (Brigade of Islam) was established by Zahran Alloush, the son of Saudi-based religious scholar Abdullah Mohammed Alloush, after Syrian authorities released him from prison in mid-2011 where he had been serving time for his Salafist activism. The group claimed responsibility for carrying out the July 2012 Damascus bombing that killed Defense Minister Dawoud Rajiha, Deputy Defense Minister Asef Shawkat, and Assistant Vice President Hassan Turkmani. It was a driving force behind actions in the Damascus region. It cooperated and conducted joint operations with al-Nusra. In Sptember 2013 Saudi Arabia engineered Liwa al-Islam's merger with fifty other more or less Salafist groups as a counterweight to al-Nusra, which the Learned Elders of Islam considered was growing too powereful...
and Faylaq al-Rahman as an opportunity to retake Deir al-Assafir, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

As rebels summoned their fighters from Deir al-Assafir to the frontline, regime forces launched "a violent attack and heavy air campaign resulting in them controlling the town," Observatory chief Rami Abdel Rahman said.

Salafist tough guys had controlled Deir al-Assafir, located in the opposition bastion of Eastern Ghouta, since 2012.

In April fighting erupted opposing Jaish al-Islam against Faylaq al-Rahman and another rebel group, Jaish al-Fustat -- both allied to Al-Nusra Front, Syria's Al-Qaeda affiliate.

The regime had been trying to retake Deir al-Assafir since February, Abdel Rahman said, despite the Eastern Ghouta region being included in a fragile nationwide ceasefire between the army and non-jihadist rebels.

The latest advance with Hezbollah's support comes just days after the Iran-backed movement said its top military commander was killed in Syria in an attack it blamed on Islamist holy warriors.

The movement has deployed thousands of fighters in Syria where Mustafa Badreddine had led its intervention in support of Hereditary President-for-Life Bashir Pencilneck al-Assad
Before going into the family business Pencilneck was an eye doctor. If he'd stuck with it he'd have had a good practice by now...
More than 270,000 people have been killed since the conflict erupted in Syria in March 2011.
Posted by: Fred || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Jaish al-Islam (MB)

Kurd wimmin fighting al-Nusra in Aleppo
ALEPPO – Dozens of Kurdish female fighters have joined the battlefront in Syria’s northern Aleppo province, especially in the Sheikh Maqsoud district that has been exposed to fierce attacks by Islamist groups led by Syria’s al-Qaeda affiliate of Nusra Front.

The Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) and the People’s Protection Units (YPG) are the main Kurdish forces in Syria. Both the YPJ and YPG have joined the ranks of the western -backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to combat radical Islamist groups such as ISIS and al-Qaeda.

Erin Judi, 27, is a Kurdish female fighter and member of the YPJ in Aleppo. Along with dozens of her peers they try to secure the Sheikh Maqsoud district against Islamists’ offensives.

“Attacks by those radical groups, led by al-Qaeda’s Nusra Front, have claimed lives of hundreds of innocent civilians. We believe it’s a duty to prevent further bloodshed among innocent people, that’s why I decided to join the battlefront in Sheikh Maqsoud,” she told ARA News.

There are around 30,000 civilians living in Sheikh Maqsoud which is a predominately Kurdish part of Aleppo city.

Eyewitnesses told ARA News that the Islamist rebel groups killed civilians in their houses. According to the YPG, the neighbourhood has been continually bombed since November 2015, killing hundreds of civilians.

“Those radical groups are literally conducting an ethnic cleansing against the Kurds in Aleppo. They have been bombing the Sheikh Maqsoud area for months, putting lives of over 30,000 civilians at risk,” the YPJ member Judi said.

“We are still in a defensive position in Sheikh Maqsoud, but if the attacks continue we’ll attack headquarters of those terrorists and we’ll kill them wherever they are,” she added.

Speaking to ARA News, Simav Khallo, 24, another Kurdish female fighter in Aleppo, said: “Despite the risks, carrying a weapon and defending my people is an honour.”

“When you see that your enemy is actually an enemy to all humanity, you feel proud by fighting them,” she said.

“The Kurdish society in its nature believes in the equality between men and women, so as we participate in politics and social activists we also take part in the military activities with a belief in the objective of this struggle,” Khallo said.

“We won’t allow those terrorists and barbarians to take over our land and deprive our people from their basic rights,” she told ARA News. “Today I fight here in Sheikh Maqsoud district, and once we make victory against those terrorists here I’ll join other battlefronts alongside with my comrades.”

The Kurds in Sheikh Maqsoud suffer from the absence of many services as a result of the blockade imposed by Islamist rebel groups on their district, mainly by the Nusra Front (al-Qaeda branch in Syria). “These groups are apparently punishing the people of Sheikh Maqsoud for their support to the YPG and YPJ, who are engaged in fighting with Islamist rebels around the city of Aleppo as well,” Kurdish activist Luqman Ismail told ARA News.

Jinan Osman, 21, is another member of the YPJ. She has been fighting in the ranks of the Kurdish female forces in Afrin before joining the Sheikh Maqsoud battlefront.

“The Kurdish women have proven their bravery by participating in the fight against the most radical groups, such as ISIS and al-Qaeda,” she told ARA News. “We will protect our people and we will eliminate those terrorists since we’re fighting on the right side of history. They try to impose their sick ideologies on the people, while we’re fighting for freedom and coexistence.”
Posted by: badanov || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: al-Nusra

The Beatings Will Continue: Raqqa Edtion
ERBIL – Extremists of the Islamic State (ISIS) on Thursday executed three civilians in Syria’s northeastern Raqqa province on charges of ‘apostasy’, activists and eyewitnesses reported.

The radical group arrested three young men in the town of Tabqa in Raqqa countryside under the pretext that they’ve cooperated with hostile parties. The ISIS-led Sharia Court then ordered their immediate execution on charges of apostasy.

“The three men were brutally executed in a public square in central Tabqa on Thursday,” a local media activist told ARA News, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The victims, identified as Ahmed Ibrahim, Hussar al-Hamoud and Muhammad al-Daher, were dressed in orange when they were shot dead by three masked ISIS jihadis.

ISIS released a footage showing the execution of the three men in Tabqa. A Sharia official read a statement before the execution was carried out, accusing the victims of apostasy for trying to fight against the ISIS self-declared Caliphate.

Raqqa province is considered a de facto capital for the ISIS Caliphate, led by its alleged Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

This comes just three days after ISIS jihadis executed a young Syrian man in the city of Manbij in the northern Aleppo province on charges of communicating with the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF)–that are in conflict with ISIS in northern Syria.

Faisal Abdulrahim al-Dahir, 23, was shot dead then crucified in a main square in central Manbij. “Al-Dahir was accused by ISIS of cooperating with hostile parties,” local media activist Nasir Taljbini told ARA News in Manbij.

“An ISIS Sharia official claimed that al-Dahir has leaked security information about ISIS military movements in Manbij city,” an eyewitness told ARA News, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Posted by: badanov || 05/20/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Terror Networks
Former CIA Director Jim Woolsey warns 'Real Vulnerability' at Airports
BLUF: [PJ Media] At NATO today, Secretary of State John Kerry brushed off questions about Egypt Air because "nothing does more harm to people or countries than to start speculating ahead of time."

Woosley offers 'blinding flash of the obvious.' Current Klingon boss sez nothing. White House sez too soon to tell. TSA lay abouts continue grab arse.
Posted by: Besoeker || 05/20/2016 05:39 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under:

#1  On Fox and Friends this AM the noted new threat is laptops. So, prepare to store your laptop in checked baggage where the TSA can steal or damage it
Posted by: Frank G || 05/20/2016 8:43 Comments || Top||

#2  Solution: Airport issues hospital scrubs or bring your own (everyone scans, no undies - freeball, lift up, pull down, no excuses - no exceptions). Baggage if any, laptops, makeup, arrives via USPS. See the USPS counter over there. Please have correct change, no large bills.

No baggage, no problem. Walmart now has 'Duty Free' store. You bitc* & moan, you're off. Find an uber. Have a fok'n nice flight.
Posted by: Besoeker || 05/20/2016 9:31 Comments || Top||

#3  ...I've been saying this for almost fifteen years and I will keep saying it: WHEN it happens again...

*We will have clear video footage of the perps going through security with no more than a wave and a smile while grandparents and toddlers will have been patted down, and
*Every last one of said perps will have been on some kind of watch list, but all of this will have happened 'unexpectedly'.

Book it.

Posted by: Mike Kozlowski || 05/20/2016 9:38 Comments || Top||

#4  I keep getting stuck on the feeling that given the human capacity for destroying perceived enemies there's no way to prevent mass casualty terrorism in the modern world.
Posted by: jpal || 05/20/2016 10:38 Comments || Top||

#5  TSA was created over the objections of many advisors to the DHS originators as a mistake that would create everything bad about government bureaucracy. Unionized, low skill, low motivation employees with entitlement attitudes and marginal effect. Now at 7 billion a year cost you have 35000 democrat party dues paying folks you can't fire or really discipline. Ever read about any firings after massive failures to find hidden test contraband ? Want to bet the slowdown was to get more money and staff? Wait until they argue for 1811 status.
Posted by: NoMoreBS || 05/20/2016 12:26 Comments || Top||

#6  If validation of #5 is required, I would invite you to visit Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson Airport at your earliest convenience.

With regard to petty theft, food and water, be advised, third world rules apply.
Posted by: Besoeker || 05/20/2016 12:30 Comments || Top||

#7  It sure ain't TWA:
Bend over, grab ankles, obey.
Your shit may go missing
And don't expect kissing.
Hooray for our brave TSA!

Meh. Damned iambics have stole my limerick mojo.
Posted by: Zenobia Floger6220 || 05/20/2016 14:57 Comments || Top||

#8  Be not a slave to iambics
Dey mess widda mojo of antics
If a line gotta be longer
Gird yer loins, ye be stronger
With somewhat random semantics.
Posted by: JHH || 05/20/2016 16:08 Comments || Top||

#9  Aviation Herald Update.
Posted by: Besoeker || 05/20/2016 16:23 Comments || Top||

#10  Zenobia F and JHH -- what a lovely Friday afternoon treat!
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/20/2016 16:27 Comments || Top||

US leads 17 strikes against Islamic State
[Ynet] The United States and its allies staged 17 strikes against Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
in Iraq and Syria on Wednesday in their latest daily attacks against the myrmidon group, the coalition leading the operations said.

In a statement released on Thursday, the Combined Joint Task Force said 14 strikes in Iraq hit targets near nine cities, including djinn-infested Mosul
... the home of a particularly ferocious and hairy djinn...
, Kisik and Falluja, among others.

The strikes hit seven of the myrmidon's tactical units as well as two fighting positions, several fighting positions and weapons caches, the US-led task force said. One strike also damaged an oil tanker used by the group near Tal Afar, it added.

In Syria, three strikes near Manbij hit an Islamic State tactical unit, two fighting positions and a mortar system, according to the statement said.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/20/2016 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Who's in the News
17Islamic State
3Govt of Syria
1Jaish al-Islam (MB)
1Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh
1Jemaah Islamiyah
1Muslim Brotherhood
1Sublime Porte
1al-Qaeda in Arabia
1al-Qaeda in Pakistan
1Abu Sayyaf
1Ansarullah Bangla Team
1Govt of Iraq

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Two weeks of WOT
Fri 2016-05-20
  One of the eight killed militants in Multan was ‘Al Qaeda country head’
Thu 2016-05-19
  EgyptAir Jet Disappears Over Mediterranean Sea
Wed 2016-05-18
  Fighting among Syrian rebels kills more than 50
Tue 2016-05-17
  Pro-Rassoul Faction Declares Jihad On Mansour Clan
Mon 2016-05-16
  ISIS release execution photos of Taliban fighters in Afghanistan
Sun 2016-05-15
  ISIS kill 16 Real Madrid fans in massacre at supporters club headquarters
Sat 2016-05-14
  Rebels kill at least 75 Quds Brigade militants north of Aleppo
Fri 2016-05-13
  Top Hezbollah commander in Syria Mustafa Badreddine killed by Israel, group says
Thu 2016-05-12
  ISIS says it's behind Iraq blasts that killed over 90
Wed 2016-05-11
  Bangladesh executes top Jamaat leader Motiur Rahman over '1971 war crimes'
Tue 2016-05-10
  US airstrike kills ISIS 'Emir of Anbar Province' in Iraq
Mon 2016-05-09
  78 militants killed in latest air and ground raids of Afghan forces
Sun 2016-05-08
  Suspected bombers die in Soddy security operation
Sat 2016-05-07
  ISIS Big Wig dies in US airstrike
Fri 2016-05-06
  Appropriate: 200 Taliban recruits nabbed from sheep trucks in north of Afghanistan

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