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Beslan Snuffy Guilty of Terrorism
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12 00:00 Matt K. [23] 
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Afghan schoolgirls attacked, several hurt
MAZAR-I-SHARIF, Afghanistan - Suspected Taleban insurgents tossed a crude bomb into an Afghan girls’ classroom, wounding a teacher and five students, a headmaster and police said on Tuesday.
The brave Lions of Islam strike again
Headmaster Gul Mohammad said a small bomb was thrown through a window into a girls’ class at his school, in the Chamtol district of the northern province of Balkh, on Monday. A teacher was seriously wounded and five girls were slightly hurt with burns in the attack, he said.

Another school in the district was burned down early on Tuesday after its guards were beaten up, police said. “The Taleban are behind this,” said district police chief Mohammad Hashim, referring to both attacks.

The level of violence in parts of Afghanistan is the worst it has been since the end of Taleban rule in 2001. More than 500 people have been killed this year. The Taleban regularly attack schools as symbols of the Western-backed government and foreign influence. Seven children were killed when a rocket hit a school in an eastern town last month.

Elsewhere on Tuesday, Taleban raided two police posts near the Pakistani border, killing two policemen and wounding six. A government office in the same area was also attacked and a woman in a nearby house was wounded, a Khost provincial police spokesman said. Security forces later captured 13 suspected Taleban, including some who were burying a body, he said.
Most likely one of their own

In the southern province of Helmand, where British forces are in charge of security, police found the beheaded bodies of two government workers who had gone missing last week.

In Ghazni province, just south of the Kabul, a man had his hands blown off and was blinded when a mine he was planting exploded, police said.
I love a story with a happy ending

A provincial security official said he believed the mine was intended to kill people working on a US-funded road project.
Posted by: Steve || 05/16/2006 10:45 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under:

#1  OK, this week the Taleban Bomb a school of little girls. Last week another school was burned down. Last month several school children were killed from a rocket attack and a couple of govt. workers had their heads sawed off. In all, more than 500 people have been killed this year.
Hey...US State Dept., tell me again why the Taleban aren't considerd terrorists.
Posted by: DepotGuy || 05/16/2006 11:30 Comments || Top||

#2  Back in the time of my youth, when exams came around you could count on somebody pulling the fire alarm. Nobody ever thought of using real bombs to get out of exams. Progress?
Posted by: glenmore || 05/16/2006 12:46 Comments || Top||

#3  The treatment given females is the secondary reason I feel islam must be wiped from the face of the earth. Tribalism as practiced by islamic adherents follows closely behind. There is no place in the world for either. On to step #9 and quickly.
Posted by: SPoD || 05/16/2006 13:34 Comments || Top||

#4  The mission in Afghanistan is slipping away. We are not acting agressively enough to stem the flow of Taliban from their bases in Pakistan and we are not eradicating their source of funding within Afghanistan...ie the opium fields. Until we do these things we are doing nothing but pouring water into a leaky bucket.
Posted by: remoteman || 05/16/2006 13:42 Comments || Top||

#5  DepotGuy-Next thing you know, they'll be called 'insurgents'.
Posted by: Jules || 05/16/2006 21:21 Comments || Top||

#6  I fear remoteman is right. We are not doing some of the commons sense things, such as serious hot pursuit, elevating the pressure on Musharraf to the next level, and very aggressive ROEs in the hinterlands. The Afghan Army seems to be getting some kudos from our troops, which can be a big deal if it's legit and not just political stroking, but it feels like we're dropping the ball there. And that gets our people killed.
Posted by: Unomorong Whereck6576 || 05/16/2006 21:33 Comments || Top||

Canada set for longer Afghan stay
The Canadian government is reportedly planning to extend the mission of its troops in Afghanistan by two years. The 2,300 soldiers were due to leave Afghanistan next February, but Canadian radio said parliament would be asked to approve an extension until 2009. At least 15 Canadian soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan since Canada joined in 2002 the US-led coalition that overthrew the Taleban. Two Canadians were injured by a bomb in Kandahar province on Monday.

Since coming to power in January the conservative government has demonstrated to Canadians its support for the military mission in Afghanistan, says the BBC's Lee Carter in Toronto. Recently both the country's Foreign Minister Peter MacKay and Prime Minister Steven Harper have paid separate visits to the Canadian troops based near Kandahar. At this stage the prime minister has yet to confirm that the government is seeking the extension, but the opposition Liberals say there is all party support for a six-hour debate and a vote on the issue to be held on Wednesday evening in the Canadian parliament.

Most analysts believe that Mr Harper will receive the support he needs but the motion comes at a time when public support for the mission has dropped, according to opinion polls. The polls show that many Canadians, whilst being proud of their soldiers, are uneasy about their direct combat role in Afghanistan helping to flush out Taleban and al-Qaeda fighters. It is a stark contrast to the many peacekeeping missions Canada has been involved in over the past 15 years, our correspondent says.
Posted by: Steve || 05/16/2006 10:12 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Oh, Canada, indeed.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/16/2006 11:43 Comments || Top||

#2  No country relishes losing blood and treasure. The brave ones stand tall in the face of evil so that freedom prevails.
Posted by: Captain America || 05/16/2006 23:47 Comments || Top||

Africa Horn
Mogadishu rival sides regroup for fresh battle
Amid the fighting in north Mogadishu for the past six days that has subsided, there is fear that fresh gun-battle might erupt on the road between Mogadishu and Afgoie district of lower Shabelle region in south Somalia, where militia of warlords had yesterday erected roadblocks to undermine the activities what they called ‘terrorist suspects’ in Somalia. Local radio stations report that Abdi Qeybdid, member of alliance for restoration of peace and counter terrorism and a former police chief in the country's capital, has recently been setting up roadblocks and checking all cars coming into and out of Mogadishu as hundreds of people try to flee the violence. Sources close to Col Qeybdid say the move was an apparent attempt to beef up his forces and sluggish the supply lines of the Islamist militia.

Militia of Islamic courts are reported to have been deployed on the same road where Qeybdid’s militia had set up blockades and fresh fighting are feared to be flared up there. Witnesses told Somalinet both rival parts are regrouping and preparing for fresh battle but this might decrease the hope of ceasefire as local clan elders are now working on ending the conflict, which was the worst and bloodiest for a decade.
Posted by: Fred || 05/16/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Somali peace holds as clan elders deploy fighters
Mogadishu (Rantburg News Service): Somali button men picked through Mogadishu's pock-marked streets retrieving corpses and going through their pockets for loose change on Monday as angry clan elders sent their own muscle to assist with the festivities. Eight days of mindless violence have accounted for 150 dead, the highest corpse count in a decade. Hundreds of terrified civilians fled the capital as gunnies shot up the place using mortars, rockets, heavy machineguns, and other delicacies of the season. Most of the dead and wounded were, as usual, civilians.

The fighting paused on Sunday after the elders demanded a truce between the bloodthirsty Islamists and the mad-dog warlords. The elders said that if either side broke the truce they would rally support for the other. Islamist rod artists and warlord hard boyz could be seen clutching each other for comfort at the very thought. Dozens of fighters deployed by the elders rode on their trademark "technicals" — pickup trucks mounted with heavy machineguns, the very epitome of Islamic masculinity. They made a splendid sight as they drove through the shanty town of Siisii, impressing the remaining rubes and attracting admiring glances from the girlies, who were impressed by the size of their gun barrels.

"The elders have brought in 50 really tough guyz, strong men with fearsome grimaces, who strut their stuff on five technicals," said Siyad Mohammad, a hard boy linked to the Islamic courts. "We are simply dying of envy over here. Nobody makes faces like those guys! Nobody! And their gun barrels! Mamma mia!"

Mohammad said the ceasefire allowed his militiamen to retrieve corpses of civilians who died in their mortared homes, pile them up, and pose for pictures while holding guns. "Most of the dead bodies are badly mutilated, you cannot recognise anything... It's an awful scene," he said. "But what the hell, you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs, can you? We're doing it all for them. They'll thank us for it later, the ones who aren't dead, anyway."

Both sides earlier denied they had signed a formal truce. "Our officials asked us to stop fighting and said any Islamic courts' militiaman who fails to heed the call will be held accountable for his actions," Mohammad said. "That means they'll chop a body part or two off in the grand Islamic manner. Nobody wants that. The girlies ignore you when you're called stumpy."

Hussein Gutale Rage, spokesman for the warlords' alliance, said: "It's all lies. We have not agreed anything with them. They stopped shooting at us and that's why there is calm now. We think they might all be dead now, regardless of what they tell you. If not, soon's we hijack a coupla ammunition ships, we're ready to go again. We'll murderlize 'em! Hrowf!"
Posted by: Fred || 05/16/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Great informative article from Rantburg News Servce, Fred. 3 paragraphs from RBNS is worth a million pages of the MSM. Weather is cold, foggy and windy in Western Alaska. Ugggggggggggg-leee.
Posted by: Alaska Paul in Bethel, Alaska || 05/16/2006 19:26 Comments || Top||

#2  Mogadishu (Rantburg News Service):
in the field our unflappable correspondent Fearless Fred reporting the Deader News to you about fresh Mayhem and bloody Bloodshed!!


Paul, just repeating what you already know:

instruments or not, don't fly in the cold, foggy and windy soup unless you absolutely f'ing have to. there is always mañana, it ain't worth taking a chance.
Posted by: RD || 05/16/2006 20:07 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Bodies of two Islamist rebel leaders among corpses found in Algeria cave
The bodies of two Islamist rebel leaders were among the 26 corpses, mainly those of children, discovered by security forces this weekend inside a cave redoubt in the Algerian maquis, several newspapers reported Monday. Citing local correspondents and "credible sources," the reports said two chieftains of the outlawed Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC) were found in a mountain hideout located near Jijel, some 360 kilometers east of the capital Algiers, along with the bodies of 18 children, three women and three other men. The newspapers differed markedly, however, in their accounts of how the massacre might have taken place.

The two GSPC leaders were identified as 40-year-old Houari Youssef, also known as Mustafa Abu Omeir, and ex-policeman Makhlouf Ammar Abu al-Bara, also 40. Youssef was said to be the GSPC "emir" in charge of the region between the Babors mountains in Kabylie up to the seaside city of Skikda, 500 kilometers east of Algiers. Abu al-Barra, according to newspaper accounts, was responsible for issuing fatwas in the same region.

In the absence of any official government statement on the discovery of the bodies in the cave, only two dailies reported on how the killings occurred, or might have occurred. The Courrier d'Algier said "it was difficult to determine whether the victims - who appeared to have been dead for several days, if not weeks - were killed by the terrorists themselves, or whether they had died for lack of water and food."

Liberte reported that the women and children had been used as "human shields," trussed up with bombs that were exploded from a distance to slow the progress of advancing army troops. Press reports Sunday, quoting police sources, suggested that the women and children - belonging to the families of the Islamic radicals - were executed to prevent them from divulging any information that might compromise the GSPC.
Posted by: Fred || 05/16/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  So we don't know if this was a Jim Jones Kool-Aid kind of thing, or seriously ruthless Algerian Government forces or natural causes? That leaves it pretty wide open.
Posted by: Glenmore || 05/16/2006 7:29 Comments || Top||

#2  Perhaps it was the bird flu, who knows?
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 05/16/2006 7:32 Comments || Top||

Algerian forces capture 12 terrorists
I wonder if they murdered their wives and children before surrendering?
Twelve terrorists were arrested Monday in the city of Telmesan, 600 kilometers West of the capital Algiers, said security sources. The sources mentioned that the terrorists were members of the Salafi Group for Preaching and Combat and added that searches for other members in the province are still conducted. The Algerian army recently managed to kill 10 terrorists in Jeijel 30 kilometers West of the capital and seized large amounts of explosives and ammunitions during the operation.
Posted by: Fred || 05/16/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Saudi Authorities Identify Perpetrator in US Consulate Shooting
An official source at the Saudi Interior Ministry, has revealed the name of the perpetrator of last week's attempted drive by shooting at the US Consulate in Jeddah.

The culprit is Saudi National Mohammed bin Abdel-Raziq Saad Faidi Al-Ghamidi, 32.

According to a report from the Saudi press agency, "forensics has revealed that the culprit had earlier used the same weapon against security men in Taif.

The culprit’s medical report also showed numerous visits to psychiatric clinics.

So far it is not clear for the concerned authorities that the incident is linked with any other party," the official source added.

In December 2004, al Qaeda militants stormed the U.S. consulate compound in the Red Sea port city, killing five non-American consular staff. Four of the five attackers died in the attack and a fifth was wounded and arrested.

Last month, Saudi Arabia said it had arrested five militants linked to a failed al Qaeda attack on a major oil facility in February, and seized 1.5 tonnes of explosives.

Officials say about 150 foreigners and Saudis, including security forces, and 120 militants have died in attacks and clashes with police in the past three years.
Posted by: ryuge || 05/16/2006 02:14 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I knew he would be labled a nutter. It's SOP for SA .
Posted by: SPoD || 05/16/2006 2:21 Comments || Top||

#2  Ghamidi? I've heard that name before.....somewhere....
Posted by: john || 05/16/2006 14:54 Comments || Top||

Authorities foil bid to smuggle large amount of narcotics
Saudi border guards have aborted a bid to smuggle 233 kilograms of narcotics by smugglers who attempted to bring the banned materials in on foot through the southern mountainuous region of Nejran. The prince of the region, Prince Mehsaal Bin Abdel Aziz, said in a press statement on Monday that the authorities would spare no efforts in tracking down smugglers and foiling schemes to smuggle drugs into the country. Major General Abdullah Al-Ghamdi, the commander of the border guards in Nejran, said the border patrols spotted foot prints of a group of people heading from the southern part of the region. After tracking them down, the squad engaged the band in a gunfight, arrested them and seized 233 kg of hashish in their possession.
Posted by: Fred || 05/16/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Somebody's not going to be pleased about having to replace 233 kg of hashish. Good lord -- the donkeys must have been staggering just from the fumes!
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/16/2006 7:05 Comments || Top||

#2  Where did they burn it?
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 05/16/2006 7:34 Comments || Top||

#3  233kg, that's about what I went through during my teens.
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 05/16/2006 7:49 Comments || Top||

#4  Camel dung
Posted by: Captain America || 05/16/2006 23:49 Comments || Top||

#5  ...Some good shit, they say
Posted by: Captain America || 05/16/2006 23:50 Comments || Top||

Crossfire Gazette Roundup
May 15 : At least 41 terrorists belonging to outlawed party were killed in 'encounters' with Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) and police in 35 incidents at different places of Chuadanga district from November 26, 2004 to May 10, this year.
Different times, different places, same script
Of the total, 37 persons were killed in 'crossfire' with police and four killed in 'encounters' with RAB, sources said.
"Crossfire" is when they're "accidently shot" while 'trying to escape". "Encounter" is when they're shot "resisting arrest" or when they use up their crossfire quota, whichever comes first. Your milage may vary.
The dead persons are Shanu of Jiban Nagar, Shamser of Darsana, Azammel Polash of Mehespur, Amirul of Alamdanga, Mizanur of Alamdanga, Feroz of Chuadanga, Jasim of Chuadanga, Atiar of Sadar upazila, Sohel Rana of Sadar upazila, Jhankar of Sadar upazila, Anawarul Zihad of Sadar upazila, Sahar Ali of Alamdanga, Hasibul of Alamdanga, Ekramul of Moheshpur, Edris Ali of Sadar upazila, Sumon of Chuadanga town, Pavel of Alamdanga, Miraz of Alamdanga, Abdul Mannan of Alamdanga, Habibul of Horinakundu, Mabud of Alamdanga, Sentu of Alamdanga, Khairul of Horinakundu, Borhan of Alamdanga, Mosharof of Sadar, Shahidul Islam Kota of Chuadanga town, Sharif Dactar of Mirpur, Rifat of Alamdanga, Kuddus of Damurhuda, Hashem of Alamdanga, Malek of Alamdanga, Khabir of Alamdanga, Uzzal of Alamdanga, Zia of Alamdanga, Arif of Damurhuda, Shaban of Meherpur, Jeneral of Alamdanga, Niamat of Alamdanga, Miraj of Sadar upazila, Robiul of Alamdanga and Shuknal of Alamdanga.
Their mothers miss them.
Posted by: Steve || 05/16/2006 11:28 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Their mothers may miss them, the RAB didn't. Hard to miss at that range, of course.
Only 41 in less than 6 months- I thought there was more. The loving detail in which each exit is celebrated may give that impression, I guess.
Posted by: Grunter || 05/16/2006 16:16 Comments || Top||

#2  That maybe just the Famous 1st RAB. More forming.
Posted by: 6 || 05/16/2006 17:32 Comments || Top||

#3  how long's RAB's practice firing range? 4 Feet? Works for them
Posted by: Frank G || 05/16/2006 18:05 Comments || Top||

Thirteen Islamic militants given life term in Bangladesh
Dhaka - A special court in northern Bangladesh handed down life imprisonment terms to 13 Islamic militants for their involvement in a series of bomb attacks less than a year ago, officials said Monday.

All the convicted men are members of the banned Islamic militant group, Jamiatul Mujahideen, which has been blamed for orchestrated blasts across the country on August 17, 2005.

Meanwhile in Rajshahi, northern Bangladesh, judge Aminul Islam acquitted 14 others for their role in explosions that killed at least six people dead and injured scores owing to lack of evidence in a verdict announced late Sunday.

Four of the convicted were sentenced to life imprisonment in absentia, public prosecutor Ketab Uddin said.

The simultaneous terrorist attacks were staged in more than 400 locations across Bangladesh and in Dhaka.

The top leaders of the Jamiatul Mujahideen, including its founder and spiritual chief Shaekh Abdur Rahman, and several hundred militant activists were jailed for sedition and the killing of civilians - offences that carry the death penalty in Bangladesh.

The militant outfit vowed to set up a hardline Islamic state in predominantly Muslim Bangladesh.

In a related development, security forces in the western frontier town of Jhenidah arrested four suspected Mujahideen activists and seized about seven kilogrammes of chemicals used for making bombs, the daily Ittefaq reported Monday.

Police said a huge cache of printed publicity material was also seized, the report quoted them as saying.
Posted by: ryuge || 05/16/2006 01:54 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  They'll be out on the next Big Poobah's birthday. "Get out of jail free" cards seem a dime a dozen.
Posted by: Thinemp Whimble2412 || 05/16/2006 18:36 Comments || Top||

Jihadists issue threat to UK
A new message appearing on a number of jihadi websites in the UK has warned the British government that "it is playing with a dangerous fire."

"Verily this Government needs to think carefully about the consequences of their action because they are playing with a dangerous fire, and the fire when played with will burn you or will give you a shock!" the message said. The warning was first posted on the al-Ghurabaa website, and later reproduced on the Saved Sect website. Both sites were created by followers of the Beirut-based cleric Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad, who was banned from Britain shortly after the London suicide bomb attacks, and who declared that Britain was a "land of war" a number of months before the attacks.

The most recent message accused the British government of carrying on a "crusade" against Islam, and cited the recent arrest of Anjem Choudary, an outspoken deputy of Omar Bakri. Choudary was arrested after being accused of organizing demonstrations in February in London against cartoons depicting Islam's prophet, Muhammad. During the protests, signs were held threatening terrorist attacks and murder. One sign held by a masked protester read: "Europe you will pay, Bin Laden is on his way."

"Following the recent provocation and animosity towards the Muslims, and in particular the arrests of Anjem Choudary and Abdul Muhid at Stansted airport on May 5 and then the attempted distortion and accusations against them by certain sections of the media, it has become crystal clear that the British government is continuing in her crusade against Islam and Muslims and is working tirelessly to silence the voice of any sincere Muslim," the online warning stated.

The authors of the message lamented what they described as a clampdown on Islamic scholars, and claimed that the UK government pursued a policy whereby "any Muslim scholar who teaches Islam will be deported, arrested or threatened with that in order to silence the voice of Islam from being heard!"

The al-Ghurabaa website contains another section entitled "The crimes of the British government," where it accuses Britain of "terrorist acts and crimes against Islam," including being "the main cause of the destruction of the Islamic State." The section also states that Britain "granted Palestine to the Jews by their Balfour Declaration… conspired against Muslims in the Balkans region… and fully support the barbaric killing of the civilian population of Iraq."
Posted by: Steve || 05/16/2006 13:51 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I would welcome a site documenting the terrorist acts toward Muslims by Radical Islam. For now, Matt 7:20 will suffice: "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."
Posted by: doc || 05/16/2006 14:07 Comments || Top||

#2  "Verily..."

Makes it sound like it was written by some Goth kid.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 05/16/2006 14:07 Comments || Top||

#3  They forgot the "I say unto you" bit.
Posted by: Xbalanke || 05/16/2006 14:29 Comments || Top||

#4  I got an idea, why don't you Brits f*ck around with these animals for a few more years. By then they will have some Sarin or Anthrax, maybe even a suitcase nuke.
Posted by: Ebbavising Anganter2423 || 05/16/2006 15:59 Comments || Top||

#5  Big fires-a-comin'!!! I suggest all Brits take it upon themselves as patriotic duty to drink your pints then go find some Mooselimb to piss on. Piss on them until the great fire danger passes. To save time, just kill them as fast as you can.
Posted by: SOP35/Rat || 05/16/2006 19:23 Comments || Top||

#6  the fire when played with will burn you or will give you a shock!

Is that Moslem Physics?
Posted by: gromgoru || 05/16/2006 20:52 Comments || Top||

#7  Be a helluva shame if Anjem was found hanging in his jail cell and Bakri floating face down in the Med. A helluva shame...
Posted by: tu3031 || 05/16/2006 20:57 Comments || Top||

#8  Sounds like the SAS needs to do some live-fire exercises in a few British mosques, preferably on Friday night.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 05/16/2006 23:31 Comments || Top||

#9  "Be a helluva shame if Anjem was found hanging in his jail cell and Bakri floating face down in the Med. A helluva shame..."

The only shame is , it wont be us doing it . More like some other crazy ,jealous ,power mad ,inbred wannabe jihadi (maybe paid by us though *grin*)

As for the SAS , OP .. Plenty of action about at the moment , me thinks . Send in these

They scare me plenty!
Posted by: MacNails || 05/16/2006 23:47 Comments || Top||

#10  Rule Number One: Nobody talks about Knitting Club.
Posted by: Seafarious || 05/16/2006 23:55 Comments || Top||

Caribbean-Latin America
Venezuela Weighs Selling U.S. Jets to Iran
Venezuela is considering selling its fleet of U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets to another country, perhaps Iran, in response to a U.S. ban on arms sales to President Hugo Chavez's government, a military official said Tuesday.

Gen. Alberto Muller, a senior adviser to Chavez, told The Associated Press he had recommended to the defense minister that Venezuela consider selling the 21 jets to another country. Muller said he thought it was worthwhile to consider "the feasibility of a negotiation with Iran for the sale of those planes." Even before the U.S. announced the ban on arms sales Monday, Washington had stopped selling Venezuela sensitive upgrades for the F-16s.

Chavez has previously warned he could share the U.S. jets with Cuba if Washington does not supply parts for the planes. He also has said he may look into buying fighter jets from Russia or China instead.
Posted by: TMH || 05/16/2006 13:28 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The jets would have to be sent on a SHIP wouldnt they? Ships sometimes sink.
Posted by: Ebbavising Anganter2423 || 05/16/2006 14:18 Comments || Top||

#2  Go ahead. Without parts, they won't be good for very long and they will take their place next to the F-14s that Iran has, rusting in the desert.
Oh, and go ahead and by the Russian and Chinese pieces of crap. They are easier to shoot down anyway.
Posted by: DarthVader || 05/16/2006 14:22 Comments || Top||

#3  Could Iran use the Venezuelan jets for the spare parts they need for theirs?
Posted by: TMH || 05/16/2006 14:34 Comments || Top||

#4  For a while.
Posted by: Rob Crawford || 05/16/2006 14:47 Comments || Top||

#5  Was there a "no onsale" agreement when Venezuela bought them?
Posted by: Grunter || 05/16/2006 15:00 Comments || Top||

#6  Iran has no F-16s.
Posted by: Thresing Uleregum2529 || 05/16/2006 15:05 Comments || Top||

#7  better to destroy them on the ground in Venezuela to humiliate the little jefe. Cruise missile attack? Seals?
Posted by: Frank G || 05/16/2006 15:07 Comments || Top||

#8  F-16s are maintenance intensive airplanes. Many of the countries that bought them have trouble keeping them flying even with US logistics support. Since Venezuela is unlikely to be able to get spares and tech support from the US with Chavez in charge, they are just scrap iron to Venezuela. He might as well sell them to someone else who can't get parts either. This is just another childish attention-grabbing stunt from someone who has been punching above his weight for a long time.
Posted by: RWV || 05/16/2006 15:26 Comments || Top||

#9  Being a fly by wire jet, the computer will be the long pole in the logistics tent. also they have problem flying in thunderstorms. I had about 13 or 14 divert to PAX RIVER from Andrews AFB back in ~92 due to Thunderbumpers in the area. A bit of radiation from a Prowler or JSTARS might be fun to watch.....
Posted by: USN, ret. || 05/16/2006 15:41 Comments || Top||

#10  He also has said he may look into buying fighter jets from Russia or China instead.

Like Mr. Chavez was going to be buying anything American anyway.
Posted by: DoDo || 05/16/2006 15:51 Comments || Top||

#11  Like Mr. Chavez was going to be buying anything American anyway

Ima thinking a good can of American Whoopass© might be purchased by teh tinpot someday
Posted by: Frank G || 05/16/2006 16:21 Comments || Top||

#12  BFD.

Go ahead and sell them to Iran, you moron. They're useless as is and hardly represent a threat in the hands of Ahmadinejad (sp?).

Chavez is such a joke. Too bad he's starting to lose his funny by virture of sheer stupidity.
Posted by: eltoroverde || 05/16/2006 16:23 Comments || Top||

#13  We have was of preventing transfers Hugo hasn't even started to imagine. All those whom might purchase them have however. These planes are destined to rot where they sit.
Posted by: SPoD || 05/16/2006 16:43 Comments || Top||

#14  Don't we deliberately "detune" armaments sold to foreign countries so that, for instance, an F-16 sold to Venezuela isn't quite as good as an F-16 you'd find at your friendly neighborhood Air Force base?
Posted by: Mike || 05/16/2006 17:25 Comments || Top||

#15  De-fanging the only local force that might take a crack at his ass. Airforces are notorious coupe starters.
Posted by: 6 || 05/16/2006 17:36 Comments || Top||

#16  IIRC, when he was deposed in the attempted coup, the personnel at the F-16 base backed him, applying strong pressure for his return.

Wonder how they feel now?

He can afford new toys for them though.. like the Sukhoi-30 MK.

Pakistan will probably be quite interested in these planes, if only to cannabalise for spares.
Posted by: john || 05/16/2006 17:41 Comments || Top||

#17  Don't we deliberately "detune" armaments sold to foreign countries so that, for instance, an F-16 sold to Venezuela isn't quite as good as an F-16 you'd find at your friendly neighborhood Air Force base?

Both the US and Russia export equipment that is less capable then the versions in their arsenals.

Posted by: john || 05/16/2006 17:42 Comments || Top||

#18  Chavez is a total idiot. Yeah, lets sell the jets we have because we can't buy anymore...Huh???...This is great for 3 reasons. One, Venezuala will be sans jets. Two, they will go to a new home where it's very likely they will soon be destroyed. And Three, thats a few more jets off the world market for us to have to replace in future years when we're all friends again. Good for the economy.
Posted by: Intrinsicpilot || 05/16/2006 18:03 Comments || Top||

#19  Chavez can also afford the French Rafale or the Eurofighter
Posted by: john || 05/16/2006 18:09 Comments || Top||

#20  Pakistan is the only logical recipient of these precisely for the spare parts. But they would basically destroy their official relationship with the US if they were to buy them. Either way only a percentage of the parts would likely be compatible, but I'm not sure about the versions each country received. Iran would have absolutely no use at all for these planes without the spares and logistic support. Of course the press does not know any of these things so they report this crap breathlessly. Idiots.
Posted by: remoteman || 05/16/2006 18:14 Comments || Top||

#21  Here is an idea: The day they are be delivered, we circumvent with 21 F-16's of our own. We should have clear sailing straight into Tehran. Don't forget to put the "Venezuela" tail stickers on!
Posted by: airandee || 05/16/2006 18:21 Comments || Top||

#22  chevez must be really hurting for funds

these F-16s were a prestige purchase... I wouldn't be surprized if chevez wants Iran to take care of delivering oil to countries that chevez made big promises to

wonder if the mullahs will take the deal or whether they realize they have an 'friend' who is worse than useless
Posted by: mhw || 05/16/2006 18:36 Comments || Top||

#23  Chavez is being silly. Uncle Sam will sell him all the parts he wants if he makes nice again. Just what is it with this guy's ego trip?
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 05/16/2006 18:57 Comments || Top||

#24  could Iran want them for evaluation purposes? I don't think they'd be worth much as spare parts since Iran doesn't have any F-16s in its inventory.

Posted by: Frozen Al || 05/16/2006 19:02 Comments || Top||

#25  If they are flyable, they are invaluable as manned supersonic cruise missiles (jihadi kamakazi).
Question is: Are allied recipients of export F16's provided with IFF tech? and Were these?
Yes, Virginia...ships sometimes 'sink for no reason'...
Posted by: JR869 || 05/16/2006 20:34 Comments || Top||

70 killed in Brazilian fighting
More than 70 people have been killed in clashes between police and gang members in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo. The First Capital Command (PCC) crime gang has attacked police officers, police stations, public transport and banks. Officials admit this latest wave of attacks by the PCC has "struck at the spinal cord" of the state's security but insist police will not be intimidated.

The trigger for the violence was the transfer of more than 700 prisoners to a maximum security jail. The move was designed to counter a series of large-scale PCC-organised prison revolts.

But since then, both on and off-duty police officers have been targeted with grenades and machine guns, buses and banks have been set alight and there have been more than 40 prison revolts, many of which are ongoing. Police suspect the attacks are being orchestrated by PCC leaders from their jail cells and have moved to shut down mobile phone towers near affected prisons.

Justice Minister Marcio Thomaz Bastos says he will go to Sao Paulo to reaffirm an offer to send federal troops made at the weekend by President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. "This crisis has to be choked," he said. Sao Paulo state Governor Claudio Lembo declined the offer on Sunday, saying that the violence could be controlled.

The PCC is the largest criminal gang in Sao Paulo state and has a massive base in prisons. It first emerged in prisons in the 1990s and was responsible for uprisings in 20 prisons in February 2001. In November 2003, they launched attacks on security forces that left 11 officers and seven gang members dead.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 05/16/2006 03:30 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  shut down mobile phone towers near affected prisons.

About bloody time!
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/16/2006 7:08 Comments || Top||

#2  They better get serious with these guys the way we did with the gangsters in the 20's and 30's or they are going to have a long hard road ahead of them. You can't fight gangs that have machine guns and grenades with cops who face an inquiry and possible prosecution every time they fire of a single round.
Posted by: bigjim-ky || 05/16/2006 8:27 Comments || Top||

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Beslan School Siege Suspect Found Guilty of Terrorism
A Russian judge said on Tuesday the only surviving member of the group that seized a school and 1,300 hostages in the town of Beslan in 2004 had committed an act of terrorism, as he began reading his verdict in the trial, the Reuters news agency reported. Prosecutors have requested the death penalty for Chechen Nurpashi Kulayev, born in 1980, although an official moratorium on capital punishment would lead to such a sentence being changed to one of life imprisonment.

The Interfax news agency quoted the court’s ruling as saying Kulayev had taken hostages in an attempt to force the state to change its policy. Kulayev has said that he was forced to take part in the raid, which killed 331 police and hostages — more than half of them children — and all the rest of the rebel group, against his will but the judge rejected his argument.

The court is yet to pronounce whether it will find the young Chechen guilty of other crimes he is charged with, and the summing up will take several days.
Posted by: Steve || 05/16/2006 10:25 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [33 views] Top|| File under:

#1  no-no-no-no-no...

They were 'hostage takers' - Mainstram Media

They were 'gangsters' - Putin

They were 'freedom fighters' - Mike Al-Moore and Cindy Sheehan
Posted by: CrazyFool || 05/16/2006 10:35 Comments || Top||

#2  Given the docs I've seen about russian prisons, I'm pretty confident a life sentence in one of thoses mob-run hellholes would probably amount to a death sentence, even with the weight of the chechens in organized crime.
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 05/16/2006 10:44 Comments || Top||

#3  Too bad they can't execute him 331 times.
Posted by: Zenster || 05/16/2006 15:43 Comments || Top||

#4  let the Beslan relatives have at him with dull spoons
Posted by: Frank G || 05/16/2006 16:22 Comments || Top||

Fighting breaks out in Makhachkala
Security forces battled two gunmen holed up in an apartment building in southern Russia’s Dagestan region on Tuesday, and four police and a civilian were injured in the latest violence in the restive North Caucasus, The Associated Press reported citing local law enforcement officials.

Police laid siege to the five-story building in the town of Kizilyurt, and exchanged gunfire with the men — suspected militants believed to have been involved in fighting earlier this month that killed a police officer, regional Interior Ministry spokeswoman Anzhela Martirosova said.

Four riot police were injured in the fighting, which began at night and continued past dawn, Martirosova said. Residents were evacuated from the building in the town 40 kilometers (25 miles) north of Dagestan’s capital Makhachkala, but a civilian was injured, she said.

UPDATE: A policeman and two rebels were killed on Tuesday in a gun battle in the southern Russian region of Dagestan, police told the Reuters news agency. At least nine other people including a civilian were injured, they said.

The rebels had blockaded themselves in an apartment in Kizilyurt, a town northwest of the local capital, Makhachkala. Special forces surrounded the block of flats and stormed the building. The rebels had planned to seize a school in the town of Kizilyurt, Dagestan’s Interior Minister Agilgirei Magomedtagirov has told Itar-Tass. “A sheet of paper with the layout of a school building had been found in the pocket of one of the killed militants,” he said.

Both killed men that are on the federal list of wanted criminals for a number of terrorism-related crimes. On May 6 they managed to escape, when a special operation was held in the Buinaksk district of Dagestan.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 05/16/2006 03:20 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

"I'm leaving but I will continue my work", Hirsi Ali vows
AMSTERDAM — MP Ayaan Hirsi Ali told an emotional press conference on Tuesday that the decision by Dutch Immigration Minister Rita Verdonk she is not entitled to Dutch citizenship is a "disproportionate sanction". The lawmaker called the press conference to announce she is leaving the Netherlands, where she has built up a reputation as a critic of Islam and a defender of women's rights.

A native of Somalia, Hirsi Ali gave a false name and date of birth when she sought asylum in the Netherlands in 1992 from an arranged marriage. She became a naturalised Dutch citizen in 1997. Although Hirsi Ali has been open about the lies since she joined the Dutch Liberal Party (VVD) in 2002, Verdonk ruled on Monday that the lies invalidated Hirsi Ali's asylum status and subsequent naturalisation. This means Hirsi Ali was never a Dutch citizen and should not have been a member of parliament for the VVD since 2003. Hirsi Ali told the press conference she is fighting the Minister's decision.

Her voice sounding deeper than usual, Hirsi Ali said: "I came to Holland in the summer of 1992 because I wanted to be able to determine my own future. I didn’t want to be forced into a destiny that other people had chosen for me, so I opted for the protection of the rule of law. Here in Holland, I found freedom and opportunities, and I took those opportunities to speak out against religious terror."

She became an MP in January 2003. "First of all I wanted to put the oppression of immigrant women - especially Muslim women – squarely on the Dutch political agenda. Second, I wanted Holland to pay attention to the specific cultural and religious issues that were holding back many ethnic minorities, instead of always taking a one-sided approach that focused only on their socio-economic circumstances. Lastly, I wanted politicians to grasp the fact that major aspects of Islamic doctrine and tradition, as practised today, are incompatible with the open society."

She said she had stumbled often in her political career and it had sometimes been frustrating and slow. "However, I am completely certain that I have, in my own way, succeeded in contributing to the debate."

"Meanwhile, the ideas which I espouse have begun spreading to other countries. In recent years I have given speeches and attended debates in many European countries and in the United States. For months now, I have felt that I needed to make a decision: should I go on in Dutch politics, or should I now transfer my ideas to an international forum?"

Describing the Minister's decision on her naturalisation as disproportional, Hirsi Ali explained there were associated reasons for her leaving.

"It is common knowledge that threats against my life began building up ever since I first talked about Islam publicly, in the spring of 2002. Months before I even entered politics, my freedom of movement was greatly curtailed, and that became worse after Theo van Gogh was murdered in 2004. I have been obliged to move house so many times I have lost count. The direct cause for the ending of my membership in parliament is that on April 27 of this year, a Dutch court ruled that I must once again leave my home, because my neighbours filed a complaint that they could not feel safe living next to me."

The Dutch government is appealing this court decision. However, she said, that appeal did not alter her situation. "I have to leave my apartment by the end of August."

Concluding her statement, Hirsi Ali said: "Ladies and Gentlemen, as of today, I resign from Parliament. I regret that I will be leaving the Netherlands, the country which has given me so many opportunities and enriched my life, but I am glad that I will be able to continue my work. I will go on."
Memo to Oprah, book her ASAP
Posted by: Steve || 05/16/2006 12:45 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I doubt seriously that the women's movement in the US will welcome her with open arms,,,they're more partisan than concerned about women...this woman could teach them a thing or two about true discrimination
Posted by: Whising Unutch9256 || 05/16/2006 14:08 Comments || Top||

#2  I'm consistently amazed at the expertise gathered here, so what's the deal on Rita Verdonk - a consistent stickler in such matters or trying to rid the country of a perceived troublemaker?
Posted by: Close Grinetle4980 || 05/16/2006 14:19 Comments || Top||

#3  CG, as I understand it, recently the Verdonk ruled that a Turkish asylum seeker had lied on her application, and ordered her out of the country. The case became a cause for the left, and they were horribly pissed over the case.

So, a left-wing TV station re-hashed what was already known about Hirsi Ali's past -- that she had used a different name, and that she had tried to seek asylum in other countries -- and tossed in a tear-jerker interview with the fellow she was being forced to marry. They treated it all as new information, a shocking expose'.

So the left started screaming for her to be "treated the same way". Verdonk was apparently cornered and rather than try to explain the differences, caved.
Posted by: Rob Crawford || 05/16/2006 14:46 Comments || Top||

#4  Wow - what a woman!
Posted by: GORT || 05/16/2006 14:56 Comments || Top||

#5  Welcome home Babe!
Posted by: 6 || 05/16/2006 17:37 Comments || Top||

#6  Where's she going?
Posted by: ex-lib || 05/16/2006 19:51 Comments || Top||

#7  Verdonk also gets rid of competition in the party.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 05/16/2006 19:56 Comments || Top||

#8  She's Coming to America, ex-lib.

Fascinating that Verdonk & Friends will even consider this action against Ali - which was common knowledge - quibbling like the pathetic green eye-shade bankers they are - yet do little or nothing about the real enemies in their midst.

Disgusting cowards.
Posted by: Unomorong Whereck6576 || 05/16/2006 19:57 Comments || Top||

#9  America?! Fantastic! Rantburgians should throw her a party!

Idiot Dutch. We saw United 93 and there was this Dutch or German guy who really messed things up by trying to "go along" with the terrorists--it was archtypal.
Posted by: ex-lib || 05/16/2006 21:59 Comments || Top||

#10  Archtypal of the way the treny Euros are approaching the terrorism thing and the soon-to-be destruction of life as they know it.
Posted by: ex-lib || 05/16/2006 22:00 Comments || Top||

#11  trendy, that is

this antibiotic has taken most of my brain with it . . . and I had precious little to spare in the first place.
Posted by: ex-lib || 05/16/2006 22:01 Comments || Top||

#12  Well - I guess there's no reason to celebrate:


No further comments - you may kindly come to your own conclusions...
Posted by: Matt K. || 05/16/2006 23:56 Comments || Top||

Jihad Watch : Europe persecutes another critic of jihad
Now that Europe has rid itself of the troublesome Cassandra voice of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Eurodhimmis have decided that Paul Belien of the Brussels Journal is next.

After a Belgian teenager went on a murder spree and killed a Turkish woman, a Flemish toddler and her black nanny, Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt and others are blaming Belien -- for creating an atmosphere of "racial hatred."

This is unconscionably irresponsible and dastardly on the part of Verhofstadt and those who have echoed his charges. Belien has written strongly and fearlessly about the threat to European civilization posed by unrestricted Muslim immigration. As I have pointed out countless times here and elsewhere, this threat is not constituted by race but by ideology. Those who are trying to resist the jihad are not racists, but people who see the implications of the Sharia for the equality of rights for women and religious minorities -- the Sharia that all too many of those Muslim immigrants want ultimately to impose upon European societies.

It seems that in Belien's case, as in Hirsi Ali's, that not only are Europeans not willing to face that threat -- they are bound and determined to hound and persecute anyone who challenges them to face it. They are like the drug addict or alcoholic who rails at anyone who tries to bring him to face just how serious his situation has become -- and they will meet the same fate.

Here, here, and here are three accounts by Belien that give more details.

Mr. Belien, I'll say the same thing to you that I said to Ayaan: come to America. I know you have had disagreements with her in the past, but I refuse to side with either one of you against the other: I am ready to work with anyone to resist the jihad, and we'll sort out our differences later. Come to the United States, and may the darkness that is so rapidly descending over Europe become for America an occasion for a rebirth of light, truth, and clarity, so that we can fight on with renewed energy against the jihadists who would destroy our civilization.
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 05/16/2006 10:51 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Shit. The problem is, Mr. Belien's wife is a member of the Belgian Parliament, for the Vlaams Belang party. It's going to get ugly.

I hope the Belgian Jews, the Israelis, and the Indians leave the Antwerp diamond district before it's too late.

Posted by: trailing wife || 05/16/2006 11:40 Comments || Top||

Turkish security forces kill capture two terrorists in Istanbul
Two terrorist were killed Monday after they attacked police forces in the city of Istanbul, Security sources told Anadolu News Agency. The sources added the terrorists tried to escape from the police after they fired at them in the area of Gazi Othman Bashaa in Istanbul. The terrorists abandoned their getaway vehicle and the police opened fire at them after numerous attempts to convinces them to surrender, the statement went on. The police are investigating the identities of the terrorist and their affiliation to any other terrorist group in the time being.

UPDATE: ISTANBUL - Three policemen and their two assailants were wounded in a gun battle Monday on a street in a working-class Istanbul district after an attack on a motorcycle patrol, officials said. The two attackers were initially reported dead, but Istanbul police chief Celalettin Cerrah said they were hospitalized with injuries.
"They're just wishing they were dead"
"Three police officers were also wounded, one of them seriously in the head," he was quoted by the Anatolia news agency as telling reporters.

The two motorcycle policemen were fired on when they tried to stop a suspicious car in the Gaziosmanpasa district on Istanbul's European side, Cerrah said.
The gunmen sped away, but were quickly cornered by pursuing security forces in nearby Eyup, where a gun battle erupted, leaving the two assailants and an officer injured. No details were immediately available about the gunmen.
Posted by: Fred || 05/16/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under:

Home Front: WoT
Mexico Threatens Suits Over Guard Patrols
Excellent! No Doubt in who this favors? - way to encourage a backlash assholes!
Write your Congresscritters and senators and tell them you want to remain Americans, rather than an overrun country

Mexico said Tuesday that it would file lawsuits in U.S. courts if National Guard troops on the border become directly involved in detaining migrants.

Mexican border officials also said they worried that sending troops to heavily trafficked regions would push illegal migrants into more perilous areas of the U.S.-Mexican border to avoid detection.

President Bush announced Monday that he would send 6,000 National Guard troops to the 2,000-mile border, but they would provide intelligence and surveillance support to Border Patrol agents, not catch and detain illegal immigrants.

"If there is a real wave of rights abuses, if we see the National Guard starting to directly participate in detaining people ... we would immediately start filing lawsuits through our consulates," Foreign Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez told a Mexico City radio station. He did not offer further details.

Mexican officials worry the crackdown will lead to more deaths. Since Washington toughened security in Texas and California in 1994, migrants have flooded Arizona's hard-to-patrol desert and deaths have spiked. Migrant groups estimate 500 people died trying to cross the border in 2005. The Border Patrol reported 473 deaths in the fiscal year ending Sept. 30.

In Ciudad Juarez, Julieta Nunez Gonzalez, local representative of the Mexican government's National Immigration Institute, said Tuesday she will ask the government to send its migrant protection force, known as Grupo Beta, to more remote sections of the border.

Sending the National Guard "will not stop the flow of migrants, to the contrary, it will probably go up," as people try to get into the U.S. in the hope that they could benefit from a possible amnesty program, Nunez said.

Juan Canche, 36, traveled more than 1,200 miles to the border from the southern town of Izamal and said nothing would stop him from trying to cross.

"Even with a lot of guards and soldiers in place, we have to jump that puddle," said Canche, referring to the drought-stricken Rio Grande dividing Ciudad Juarez and El Paso, Texas. "My family is hungry and there is no work in my land. I have to risk it."

Some Mexican newspapers criticized President Vicente Fox for not taking a stronger stand against the measure, even though Fox called Bush to express his concerns.

A political cartoon in the Mexico City newspaper Reforma depicted Bush as a gorilla carrying a club with a flattened Fox stuck to it.

Fox's spokesman, Ruben Aguilar, said Tuesday that Mexico accepted Bush's statement that the sending in the National Guard didn't mean militarizing the area. He also said Mexico remained "optimistic" that the U.S. Senate would approve an immigration reform "in the interests of both countries."

Aguilar noted that Bush expressed support for the legalization of some immigrants and implementation of a guest worker program.

"This is definitely not a militarization," said Aguilar, who also dismissed as "absolutely false" rumors that Mexico would send its own troops to the border in response.

Bush has said sending the National Guard is intended as a stopgap measure while the Border Patrol builds up resources to more effectively secure the border.

In Nuevo Laredo, across from Laredo, Texas, Honduran Antonio Auriel said he would make it into the U.S.

"Soldiers on the border? That won't stop me," he said. "I'll swim the river and jump the wall. I'm going to arrive in the United States."

Posted by: Frank G || 05/16/2006 20:21 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Hey Mexico, Suck it! You want us to storm the halls of Montezuma again? Then shut your fucking piehole!
Posted by: DarthVader || 05/16/2006 20:31 Comments || Top||

#2  Wonder how they'd feel about minefields?
Posted by: tu3031 || 05/16/2006 21:16 Comments || Top||

#3  "if National Guard troops on the border become directly involved in detaining migrants"
Migrants? How about "foreign invaders"? Mexico is not respecting our sovereignty. That should draw a harsh response, even if they don't file their f*@#ing lawsuits. Personally, I think we need to start laying some landmines to get their attention.
Posted by: Darrell || 05/16/2006 21:35 Comments || Top||

#4  You Mexican !@#$ heads, If Bush had a pair he would be sending the freaking 82nd Airborne to the border!.
Posted by: FeralCat || 05/16/2006 21:41 Comments || Top||

#5  The disinformation is certainly flying hot and heavy. So far, it's even unclear if the 6,000 troops will be there to play tiddley-winks and catch up on email skills - or actually do something constructive to stop the flow.
Posted by: Unomorong Whereck6576 || 05/16/2006 21:42 Comments || Top||

#6  The ACLU and the pro-Castro Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) gladly will line up and offer their "legal" services.
Posted by: Lancasters Over Dresden || 05/16/2006 21:48 Comments || Top||

#7  Random sniping along the boarder as official policy.

The flow will dry up in a couple of weeks.
Posted by: Kelly || 05/16/2006 21:51 Comments || Top||

#8  LMAO. No standing. Mexico enforces laws with it's Military. Mexico's Military has been caught on film violating our territory. More incidents have been doccumented.

Mexico better be happy we keep our Military and Police on our side fo the Border unlike them.
Posted by: SPoD || 05/16/2006 22:26 Comments || Top||

#9  Forget about the National Guard. A much cheaper more effective solution. A barb-wire fence with lots of warning signs (in English and Spanish and pictograms) along the border. Another fence one hundred yards away running parallel to the first. In between - land mines.
Posted by: DMFD || 05/16/2006 22:48 Comments || Top||

#10  Force land reform on Mexico. Take it away from the rich families that keep sending the poor to the north by denying them a future and give it to the peasants.. Give them a reason to stay in Mexico.
Posted by: 3dc || 05/16/2006 23:27 Comments || Top||

#11  I think it's about time to start patrolling the border with A-10s with live ammo and "shoot to kill" orders. I'll bet that would put a crimp in both the ACLU and the Mexican Military Mafia.

The ACLU deserve to be targets, and I wouldn't cry a second if any of them were "accidentally" shot between the eyes - the Communist bastards.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 05/16/2006 23:47 Comments || Top||

Teen creates 'disturbance' at Buffalo airport
CHEEKTOWAGA, N.Y. He shouted "It's time to die" before ripping off his backpack and reaching inside it at an upstate airport.
This would be when I'd open fire.

Now, a teenager faces disorderly conduct charges after causing a disturbance at Buffalo Niagara International Airport last night.

Authorities say the 16-year-old boy (Alif Chowdhury) from Garden City, Long Island was with his father (Ehsan Chowdhury) waiting outside a terminal prior to their flight to J-F-K Airport.
Alif, huh? Now there I go, profiling innocent travelers.
Passers-by became suspicious of the youth's behavior and alerted airport police. The teen -- who was dressed in a white robe-like garment -- became agitated while officers questioned his father.
Gee, white robe-like garment, now who wears....dammit, there I go again...
Officials say he said he wasn't afraid to die and tried to pull something out of his backpack.
And was introduced to the taste of concrete
The officers subdued the youth, who was carrying cell phones in the backpack but nothing dangerous. The teen was taken to a Buffalo hospital for a psychiatric evaluation.
Posted by: Steve || 05/16/2006 16:27 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The boy is lucky he is not very dead.
Posted by: djohn66 || 05/16/2006 16:54 Comments || Top||

#2  Check the book in his backpack...it's emitting some sort of mind-bending rays...
Posted by: Seafarious || 05/16/2006 16:55 Comments || Top||

#3  "who was carrying cell phones in the backpack but nothing dangerous"
Multiple phones? Do the officers realize they can be used as detonators?
Posted by: Danielle || 05/16/2006 17:07 Comments || Top||

#4  chowdury sounds like a Hindu name, but I could be wrong
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 05/16/2006 17:12 Comments || Top||

#5  I don't care who it is, or what ethinic group they belong too. Someone starts yelling "It's Time To Die!!" in an airport while reaching for something in a backpack they need filled with lots and lots of lead.
Posted by: DarthVader || 05/16/2006 17:38 Comments || Top||

#6  Cell phoneS? Do you know anyone who carries more than one in their backpack? Agree with Danielle - if those who said "nothing dangerous" are really that stupid then we should be very, very concerned.
Posted by: 2b || 05/16/2006 17:49 Comments || Top||

#7  kick his ass - just for attitude adjustment.
Posted by: Frank G || 05/16/2006 17:50 Comments || Top||

#8  How many cell phones? Just his and his Dad's. Or several dozen?
Posted by: Thinemp Whimble2412 || 05/16/2006 18:09 Comments || Top||

#9  When are we going to stop taking prisoners?
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 05/16/2006 18:42 Comments || Top||

#10  Kick his @ss just to keep security's reflexs at peak performance.
Posted by: Zenster || 05/16/2006 19:11 Comments || Top||

ATS sleuths uncover another Arms Cache
MUMBAI: The Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) of the Maharashtra police has made another big haul of arms, ammunition and explosives, this time at Malegaon in Nashik district, and nabbed five more persons but is still looking for Jameeruddin Ansari, the supposed kingpin of the terrorist module involved in providing the weapons to planners of big strikes.
On Sunday night, the ATS sleuths picked up Shareef Mohammed Shabbir Ahmed, an activist of the banned organisation, the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), who had harboured the second car, an Indica, used by the gunrunners. The first, a Tata Sumo, was captured last Tuesday along with its cache.
Earlier, the police had found the Indica abandoned near Malegaon and had picked up four activists of the SIMI. Their interrogation had led them to Dr. Shareef Ahmed who was contacted by the occupants of the Indica that they would like to leave the car under his care. The car contained weapons, which were later hidden in an electrical shop, and Dr. Ansari used the car for a couple of days. He then abandoned it.
On Sunday night, the police raided the shop in Malegaon and the raid yielded six Ak-47 assault rifles, 1,000 rounds of ammunition, 13 kg of RDX and 10 magazines. The police had also seized the cell phone and diary of the doctor.
Together with the earlier two massive hauls, the total seizure includes 16 Ak-47 rifles, 43 kg of RDX, 3,200 rounds for the rifles, 50 hand grenades and 80 magazines. The number of arrests has gone up to ten, all from Aurangabad and Malegaon.
Posted by: DepotGuy || 05/16/2006 10:48 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Wazooistan clash 'leaves 11 dead'
At least 11 people have died in fresh violence in Pakistan's north-west tribal region, officials say. Eight militants and one soldier are said to have died in a clash with security forces near Miranshah, the main town in North Waziristan.
Earlier, unidentified armed men shot dead two local policemen in the area.

The attacks come days after the end of an 11-day ceasefire called by pro-Taleban militants battling security forces in the restive region.

Suspected militants are said to have ambushed a convoy of Pakistani troops near a check post on the road linking Miranshah with Razak. Officials say the soldiers retaliated, sparking off a gun battle. The Associated Press reports that the military, backed by helicopter gunships, are searching the area. The clash came hours after gunmen killed two policemen on patrol in Miranshah's main market.

Security forces are battling against local militants who call themselves local Taleban aided, the army says, by foreign fighters linked to al-Qaeda.

In March, a group of local Taleban seized control of government buildings in North Waziristan and later attacked the regional headquarters of the paramilitary troops in Miranshah. Since then officials say nearly 200 people have been killed in clashes or armed attacks, including many civilians.

The army says it is winning, but local observers say the Pakistani Taleban have established control over parts of North and South Waziristan, sidelining and sometimes killing pro-government tribal elders. The BBC's Barbara Plett in Islamabad says the government is now trying to restore the political power of tribal leaders by setting up a grand council with representatives from across the tribal belt.
Posted by: Steve || 05/16/2006 10:22 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Musharraf: "Send more troops up the Wazoo immediately!

Aide: "General, that's up TO Wazoo."

Musharraf: "That's what I said, dammit!"
Posted by: mcsegeek1 || 05/16/2006 11:54 Comments || Top||

Mystery Americans on Osama's trail?
This quiet mountain resort, better known for its polo games and mountain treks, has become the latest site of interest in the hunt for Osama bin Laden, much to the outrage and bemusement of its inhabitants.

Chitral is the remotest northwestern territory in the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan, stretching along the Afghan border to the high mountain ranges of the Hindu Kush and the Pamirs, following the Wakhan Corridor, the long finger of Afghanistan that reaches to the Chinese border.

The territory is home to rare falcons and the snow leopard and is cut off by snow from the rest of the country for six months of the year.

It is here, in the largest town, also called Chitral, that four Americans from the U.S. Embassy rented a house last autumn, apparently preparing for a long stay, according to Siraj ul-Mulk, a member of the traditional ruling family here and the owner of the Hindu Kush Heights Hotel overlooking the valley where the four stayed.

But the house remained unoccupied until two weeks ago, when an American arrived with two carloads of furniture and equipment, provoking a local politician to object in Parliament and lead a street protest against the presence of what he termed an American "secret agency."

The American left three days before the demonstration took place, police officials said.

While there is no indication that more than one American came to the house this spring, the member of Parliament, Abdul Akbar Chitrali, insists that there were four and that they were up to no good.

"They were from an American secret agency - the FBI or CIA," he said. They were seen driving toward Chitral in an official consulate vehicle, he said, but switched to unmarked sport utility vehicles in a town called Dir, about 40 kilometers, or 25 miles, south of Chitral.

Officials at the U.S. Consulate in Peshawar declined to comment on the matter.

The registry of the Pamir Riverside Hotel shows that one American, Paul Aurdic, from the consulate in Peshawar, stayed for three nights starting on April 27, along with a Pakistani colleague, Muhammad Iqbal.

Caretakers at the house the Americans rented said the Americans had never stayed there but seemed to be preparing it for occupation. On Saturday, their belongings - fitness machines, furniture and a television satellite dish - could be seen stacked on the terrace, and a pickup truck was parked in the yard.

Maulana Chitrali, a member of the largest Islamist party, Jamaat i Islami, said the Americans were looking for bin Laden.

"They came on the basis of a very fabricated report that some Arabs came down from the mountains in a Jeep and visited the bazaar," he said, "and on that basis they established an office of the FBI because bin Laden might be hiding in that area."

He made clear that he has nothing against Americans, just these Americans. "They have no place coming to Chitral, nor would we allow them to stay there," he said. "We are not against foreigners, but the presence of such elements will destroy the peaceful atmosphere of Chitral Valley." The local deputy police superintendent, Fazal Elahi, said the American told them that he was just preparing a vacation house for himself.

After the fuss, two police guards were posted outside the American's hotel room at night for his protection, and a police vehicle escorted him wherever he went, including on his trip back out of the valley, Maulana Chitrali said. "Chitral is a very peaceful area, but if such activities start, members of the Taliban could come in to attack the Americans and then we would have bomb blasts and such problems," he said.

Chitral is indeed peaceful and has avoided the radicalism and armed militancy so rampant in Pakistan's tribal areas further south. The area was a staging point and weapons route in the 1980s for mujahedeen who were fighting the Soviet occupation, but since then has slipped back into its previous tranquillity.

Yet, according to one Western diplomat in Pakistan, there have been "recurring rumors" that Al Qaeda and foreign fighters have been seen in the Chitral region in the past year, which would justify a "possible step into the region." In a recent interview, an Afghan intelligence official also mentioned the area as a possible hiding place for bin Laden, because well-known areas of the tribal regions, such as Waziristan and Bajaur, have come under intense scrutiny and attack by Pakistani forces and even American missiles.

A Pakistani official, who worked as a deputy political agent in Waziristan last year, recently described an intelligence report from that time of a movement of a large entourage that was protecting an "important leader." The group, which had three rings of security around the leader and bore markings on their clothes so they could identify one another, were dressed as nomads and shepherds and moved from an area near Parachinar, south of Peshawar, northward toward Chitral, the official said. Both officials asked not to be named because they are not authorized to talk to the press.

Chitral officials deny that any outsiders could take up residence in the area without it being widely known.

"They are not present here," said Elahi, the police official.

Maulana Chitrali denied that he forced out the Americans in order to protect someone hiding in the area. "I think Osama is dead and the Americans are keeping him alive for their own reasons," he said.

Yet others thought the American presence, and even the bin Laden tale, might be good for tourism, which is the mainstay of the local economy but declined sharply after 2001.

"We want more tourists here," said Maqsood ul-Haq, 35, who sells jewelry and antique guns in the bazaar.

"The taxi drivers make money, even the cold drinks guys make more money."
Posted by: Dan Darling || 05/16/2006 02:43 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Help! Help! The Americans are trying to kill our cherished terrorists! They are a national treasure, and we must save them!
Posted by: bigjim-ky || 05/16/2006 8:30 Comments || Top||

#2  I can't wait to see their new spread in Budget Travel.
Posted by: doc || 05/16/2006 9:05 Comments || Top||

#3  Pakistan MP's seem.....unhelpful
Posted by: Frank G || 05/16/2006 9:18 Comments || Top||

#4  Obviously, Chitral is the premier Pakistani Baby Duck and Fluffy Bunny Refuge and completely off the radar. Why would anyone go there?
Posted by: Unomorong Whereck6576 || 05/16/2006 9:27 Comments || Top||

#5  the outrage and bemusement of its inhabitants. Snow leopards and rare falcons and unicorns.

We must be getting really close.
Posted by: 2b || 05/16/2006 11:42 Comments || Top||

"They were from an American secret agency - the FBI or CIA,"
If the agencies are so secret how did they mutts find out about them. Got to have the Chief get the Cone of Scilence checked out again.
Posted by: Cheaderhead || 05/16/2006 12:24 Comments || Top||

#7  Maybe Tom Cruise is vacationing in the Hindu Kush. He looks very FBI too.
Posted by: Thinemp Whimble2412 || 05/16/2006 18:34 Comments || Top||

#8  Dang, who blew my cover?
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 05/16/2006 20:20 Comments || Top||

#9  That's Bin Laden's group all right.
Posted by: ex-lib || 05/16/2006 22:06 Comments || Top||

#10  Can't be a secret US operation - it hasn't been in the NY Times.
Posted by: DMFD || 05/16/2006 23:16 Comments || Top||

Four killed in Jammu and Kashmir violence
Srinagar, May 15: Militants killed four persons, including a special police officer, by slitting their throats and injured two CRPF personnel in separate incidents in Jammu and Kashmir today.

Throat-slit bodies of SPO Nazir Ahmad Bhat of Handwara and a shopkeeper Mohammad Maqbool War of Soyan were recovered from Batpora-Rafiabad in Baramulla district, police said.

Both the victims were earlier abducted by the militants, they said. Bhat was a former militant and presently assisting security forces in counter insurgency operations.

Police also recovered two more throat-slit bodies from Aragam in Bandipora area of Baramulla, they said adding the victims have been identified as Ghulam Qadir Lone and Mumtaz Ahmad Mir, both residents of Chatti Bandi who had been abducted by militants yesterday.

However, fate of two more abducted persons, constable Mushtaq Ahmad of India Reserve Police and Javed Ahmad, was not known. The two had been abducted by ultras from Chati-Bandi on May 7.

Meanwhile, four persons including two CRPF jawans were injured when militants carried out a grenade attack on a security patrol at Kawdara in Srinagar.

The injured persons were immediately evacuated to hospital and one of them, a civilian, was discharged after first aid.

Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) militant outfit claimed responsibility for the grenade attack.

Meanwhile, two militants of Harkat-Ul-Jehad-e-Islami (HUJI) surrendered alongwith two AK rifles, seven magazines, 140 rounds, a grenade, two wireless sets, a pistol, a magazine, 30 rounds and a .303 rifle to security authorities in Kishtwar area of Doda district yesterday.
Posted by: ryuge || 05/16/2006 01:59 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Kashmiri militants kill 4 'informers'
Suspected Islamist separatist militants have killed four alleged informers in Indian-held Kashmir by slitting their throats, police said on Monday. A spokesman said that the bodies of two militants - Maqbool War and Nazir Ahmed - were recovered in the Rafiabad area of northern Baramulla district early on Monday. "Both were abducted by militants (Sunday) evening and killed this morning," he said. "Militants suspected them of being informers for security forces," he said, adding that Ahmed was a former militant who had left the insurgency to run a shop.

Two other suspected informers - Mumtaz Lone and Ghulam Qadir - were found dead on Monday after having been abducted on Sunday evening from the same district, the spokesman said. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is scheduled to hold roundtable discussions with Kashmiri politicians on May 25 to try to find a solution to the decades-old dispute of Kashmir.
Hezbul Mujaheddin will try to make him wade through blood to do it, though.
Posted by: Fred || 05/16/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Firing, explosion kill police official, destroy power towers, gas pipelines
In two different explosion and firing incidents, suspect nationalist militants destroyed two electricity towers and two gas pipelines and killed a senior police official in troubles Pakistani province of Baluchistan, said officials and police.

Liaqat Ali Cheema was gunned down Sunday night in Dera Murad Jamali town near a hotel, where he was staying with his family members, Abdul Samad Lasi, a local government official told KUNA by telephone. Meanwhile, said police sources, militants Monday blew off two 220KV Electricity transmission lines in Mastung district, suspending power supply to hundreds of consumers.

In a related incident, militants fired over 15 rockets at two main gas fields near Dera Bugti town. There were no casualties but rockets destroyed two main gas pipelines and partially disrupted gas supply to several nearby towns.
Posted by: Fred || 05/16/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  In two different explosion and firing incidents, suspect nationalist militants destroyed two electricity towers and two gas pipelines and killed a senior police official in troubles Pakistani province of Baluchistan, said officials and police.

An unIslamic way of war.
Posted by: gromgoru || 05/16/2006 8:33 Comments || Top||

Iranian Weapons for New Batch of Iraqi Shiite Terrorists
In the past two weeks, Iran has been pumping into Iraq two types of extra-lethal weapons in very large quantities. They have already taken their toll in the shooting down of two military helicopters - one American and one British – and an estimated 19 deaths of US military personnel.

DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources estimate the delivery to Iraqi insurgents as consisting of around 1,000 SA-7 Strela ground-air missiles made in Iran, and a very large quantity of a newly-developed roadside bomb, loaded with compressed gas instead of ball bearings and cartridges, to magnify their blast and explosive power.
There was a another story today about the finding of 50 oxygen tanks in a weapons cache
The supplies have been distributed across Iraq - Basra and Amara in the south, Baghdad and its environs, Haditha in the west, and Mosul in the north.

The new bombs, developed jointly by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and the Lebanese Hizballah, have already gone into service with the Shiite terrorists on the Lebanese border with Israel. Israeli military sources say it is only a matter of time before the deadly roadside bombs, already used in Iraq, will also reach Palestinian areas in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

In Iraq, the new weaponry has had three major effects:
1. The guerrilla-terrorist groups which received the shoulder-carried, highly mobile Strela missiles have scored three hits in fourteen days. On May 6, they fired a missile from one of Basra’s crowded alleys and downed a British military helicopter, killing all four military personnel aboard. Sunday, May 14, Iraqi insurgents shot down an American helicopter, killing its two crewmen over Yussifiya, inside the Triangle of Death south of Baghdad.

2. The number of roadside bomb attacks, their precision and lethality is going up all the time. Sunday, May 14, four US soldiers died in these blasts in the western Anbar province and Baghdad, while 2 British soldiers were killed and another injured at the same time near Basra. In seven days, the British force stationed in southern Iraq lost seven men, a record for that space of time in the three-year war. In the first half of May, US troop losses spiraled to 19, most of them the victims of the new roadside bombs.

3. Together with the new Iranian weapons, a new array of Shiite terrorist groups has sprung up and is hitting American and British troops. The coalition has imposed a blackout on this disturbing development.

Until now, the insurgent forces fighting the coalition consisted mostly of Baathists, Islamist and al Qaeda. The only Shiite enemy was the radical Mogtada Sadr and his Mahdi Army. The appearance of the new Shiite insurgents is a dread milestone in the Iraq war, one which has caught US and UK commanders by surprise and unprepared for the steep rise in troop losses.

DEBKAfile’s Exclusive Iraq sources offer some information on the new groups. One is located north of Baghdad and calls itself Brigades of the Imam Kazim. Another, called Brigades of Imam Ali, claimed the attack on April 27 in Nasiriya in which one of their new roadside bombs killed two Italian troops. In the Rostumiya region south of Baghdad, a Shiite group called Brigades of the Imam Hadi has begun operating. Our sources report that this group has been firing Katyusha rockets at American bases in the region, similar to the mortar attack directed at a British base in Amara Monday, May 15.

After each attack, these unknown quantities issue bulletins describing their actions, some accompanied by video footage from the scene of action.

The blackout was imposed on the new Shiite groups in the absence of American or British intelligence on who they and their commanders are, how they operate and what makes them tick. Research must start from square one to find out whether they are being controlled from Tehran, some Iraqi Shiite faction or elements which chanced to lay hands on the new-fangled weaponry.
Posted by: Steve || 05/16/2006 10:33 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Debka, more often than not, contains at least a grain of truth. The fact that there have been 3 combat helicopters shot down in one month leads me to believe that there is more than a grain of truth. One of the US choppers was apparently supporting TF 145. That Kiowa crew were not rookies, and the chopper had the latest jamming and EW gear.

Now there is evidence from a weapons cache that oxygen tanks were found...further substantiating Debka claims.

I have no idea what the administration is thinking. One of the key failures of the Johnson execution of the Vietnam War were the sanctuaries in Cambodia and Laos, and the safe zones around munitions plants in Hanoi, and the port of Haiphong. I fully realize that there was fear that bombing in these areas could drag the PRC, or even the USSR into the conflict.

However, the bottom line is that by making that decision the Johnson administration doomed 1000s of US soldiers, airmen and marines for no reason. That decision contributed to the malaise in the US forces and the American public...and ultimately doomed the US effort in SE Asia.

There is a loose parallel in the Iran. If we are willing to put up with Iran providing safehaven to terrorists killing US and British troops, providing hi-tech anit-aircraft missles, and enhanced IEDs that will affect our ability to wage war in Iraq.
Posted by: anymouse || 05/16/2006 12:53 Comments || Top||

#2  I say send the weapons back to Iran. The M² are not as secure a they appear. The grip the M² have on Iran is tight but the control is very brittle and requires lots of force, money and repression.

Make the M² pay for their continous acts of war. Drag them into the UNSC over them. Air their dirty acts in the light were everyone even the thickest and ignorant can see them. Prove that any act we carry out is rightous,justified and legal.Get on with it.
Posted by: SPoD || 05/16/2006 13:42 Comments || Top||

#3  A major weak point of Iran is that they only have two or three brigades of loyal Revolutionary Guards. The rest are conscripts who are "unreliable".

For this reason, they are always shuttling those loyal brigades around the country as enforcers. This is why two different airplane crashes both took out a substantial number of RGs.

Therefore, a reasonable alternative would be to increase this attrition rate among their most loyal personnel.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 05/16/2006 14:12 Comments || Top||

7 US troops killed in Iraq
Insurgents shot down a U.S. helicopter during a raid against al Qaeda militants south of Baghdad and killed two soldiers, bringing the weekend death toll of American service members to seven, the U.S. military said Monday.

The military also said American forces killed more than 40 militants, including an al Qaeda operative, in five raids south of Baghdad in an area commonly known as the "Triangle of Death" because of the large number of insurgent attacks.

The U.S. hopes a national unity government that includes Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds will sap the insurgency's strength, but Iraqi politicians struggled against a deadline to form such a government. And with at least 20 Iraqis killed in roadside bombings and drive-by shootings Monday, sectarian violence showed no signs of letting up.

The helicopter was downed after a U.S. operation in Youssifiyah, about 12 miles south of Baghdad. The Mujahedeen Shura Council, a coalition of insurgent groups that includes al Qaeda in Iraq, claimed responsibility in a statement posted on the Internet.

Other Americans killed over the weekend included two U.S. Marines who died Sunday during unspecified "enemy action" in Anbar province, the area of western Iraq that is the heart of the Sunni-led insurgency. Two soldiers died Sunday in a roadside bomb attack in Baghdad, and another died in a roadside bomb in the capital Saturday.

The five U.S. raids south of Baghdad resulted in the killing of an al Qaeda militant blamed for an April 1 attack in the same area that downed a U.S. Apache helicopter and killed two soldiers.

An al Qaeda group had claimed responsibility for downing the Apache and posted a gruesome video on the Internet showing men dragging the burning body of what appeared to be an American soldier across a field as they shouted "Allahu akbar!" or "God is great!"

Also Monday, insurgents fired more than 30 mortar rounds at a British military camp in southern Iraq, wounding four soldiers.

Six British soldiers have been killed and five wounded over the past nine days -- all in southern Iraq, an area that has traditionally been far more peaceful that central and northern Iraq where U.S. forces are based.

Monday's violence came as Iraqi lawmakers alternately -- and with varying degrees of sincerity -- withdrew from the Cabinet negotiations or threatened to do so, and accused each other of greed, sectarianism and self-interest.

Deputies said Prime Minister-designate Nouri al-Maliki could announce a partial Cabinet ahead of a constitutionally mandated May 22 deadline, taking for himself the disputed defense and interior ministry posts. President Jalal Talabani, however, rejected that option.

"The presidency council does not want to see such key ministries excluded," Talabani said after meeting with his Shiite and Sunni Arab vice presidents. "We think the entire Cabinet should be announced."

"The defense and interior ministries are important, and we have previously agreed that they should be taken by independents agreeable to all the main blocs in Iraq," he said.

Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi, a member of the Sunni Arab Accordance Front, said it had reached a deal with the main Shiite United Iraqi Alliance in which the Sunnis would nominate the defense minister. In return, the Shiite bloc would name the interior minister.

Similar deals have unraveled over the past few days.

Shiite lawmaker Ali al-Deeb, a member of al-Maliki's Dawa Party, told the AP that "the Defense Ministry is still a problem."

Former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi's secular Iraqi List, favored to get the defense post, accused the Sunnis of delaying the process and of stoking violence as a pressure tactic.

"The ceiling has been set too high by the Accordance Front who claim they represent the Sunnis. They still insist on the Defense Ministry," Wael Abdul-Latif, the bloc's spokesman, told the AP. "But the bombs are still playing a role in the negotiations."

The violence underscored the pressure al-Maliki faces.

In Balad Ruz, 50 miles northeast of Baghdad, gunmen pulled three teachers -- two brothers and a cousin -- and their driver from a minibus and killed them. The assault prompted a 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. curfew in nearby Baqouba, a mixed city where six Shiite shrines were bombed Saturday.

In addition to the 20 Iraqis killed around Iraq Monday, five corpses were found in western Baghdad.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 05/16/2006 02:38 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  RIP, Warriors of America.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 05/16/2006 2:49 Comments || Top||

#2  They gave their lives to give the Iraqis freedom, and to protect our own. And an honour guard of their enemies preceded them.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/16/2006 7:17 Comments || Top||

US hails raids near Baghdad as Sunnis cry ‘atrocity’
US forces killed over 40 Iraqi rebels in raids and air strikes near Baghdad, the military said on Monday, but leading clerics from the Sunni minority accused the Americans of an "atrocity" that killed two dozen civilians. Two US helicopter crew were killed when their aircraft was shot down during the battles on Sunday in the rural area around Latifiya and Yusufiya, south of the capital, where the military has said Al Qaeda leader Abu Mussab Zarqawi has been active.
That's the Association of Muslim Scholars, providing their usual bitch. We must have gotten some fairly valuable hard boyz for them to squawk so loud.
The US military said its troops killed 41 people over the preceding two days, all of them insurgents, referred to either as "Al Qaeda associates" or "terrorists." In doing so it lost its second helicopter in the area in six weeks. Among those killed, according to a military statement, was a man suspected in the shooting down of a helicopter on April 1.
Here's hoping he died slowly, in a lot of pain.
US military statements said several women and children were "inadvertently wounded by shrapnel" and treated in the site or evacuated, but made no mention of civilians being killed. But the Muslim Clerics Association, which has often been sharply critical of the occupying forces, said 25 civilians were dead in the US action: "We hold the Iraqi government and the occupiers responsible for this brutal atrocity."
Hold and be damned, then.
In recent weeks, US commanders have announced raids on suspected bases around Yusufiya for Sunni Al Qaeda fighters, describing some as staging areas for the sort of bomb attacks on Baghdad that killed more than 30 people on Sunday.
Those weren't "atrocities," y'see. That's "resistance," or maybe "freedom fighting."
US officers have accused Zarqawi of trying to foment civil war and to derail Shiite Prime Minister Nuri Maliki's effort to form a national unity government with Sunnis and Kurds. A series of bloodless bombings of small Shiite shrines northeast of Baghdad on Saturday raised fears of the sort of sectarian backlash provoked by the destruction of a major shine in February that was blamed on Al Qaeda — though it denied it.
Posted by: Fred || 05/16/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  How about a near miss that hits the Association of Muslim Scholars by accident?
Posted by: 3dc || 05/16/2006 0:35 Comments || Top||

#2  Hold it between yer knees for all I care.
Posted by: mojo || 05/16/2006 2:59 Comments || Top||

#3  Communication is a matter of using language the other side understands.
Posted by: gromgoru || 05/16/2006 8:31 Comments || Top||

Teachers bus attacked in Diyala province, four killed
Four teachers were killed Monday when their bus was attacked by gunmen in the province of Diyala, northeast of Baghdad, the Iraqi police said. A police source told KUNA that the unknown gunmen used light weapons in their attacks that took place between the villages of Beldrouz and Kanaan. He said the attackers managed to escape the scene of the crime.
Posted by: Fred || 05/16/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

One killed in Baghdad bomb explosion
One Iraqi was killed and three others were injured in a bomb explosion in the center of Baghdad, Iraqi police said Monday. The roadside bomb blew up near Al-Nahdha passenger station, a Ministry of Interior source said. The injured were taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.
Posted by: Fred || 05/16/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Iraq announces arrest of senior Zarqawi aide in Ramadi
A senior aide to Al-Qaeda's leader in Iraq Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi was arrested in Al-Ramadi in possession of documents and pictures showing him alongside Al-Zarqawi himself, the Iraqi government announced Monday. The relevant Interior Ministry statement said "terrorist Salah Hussein Abdelrazzaq was arrested Sunday evening" in Al-Ramadi and had in his possession a mobile telephone storing photos showing him and Al-Zarqawi.

The ministry issued another statement which reported arrest of "terrorist Umar Ahmad Saleh, aka Abu Jibreel, a Tawhid and Jihad leader, in western Baghdad Monday morning." The statement added "the terrorist had in his possession weapons including RPG shells and rockets, automatic machineguns, mortars, three barrels of TNT, remote control devices, bullet proof vests, protective masks, and a car laden with explosives." The statement also reported the arrest of two suspects after a raid on a hideout of insurgents in Zeyouna in Baghdad. The raid also resulted in confiscation of 50 oxygen tanks and an electric detonator.
Posted by: Fred || 05/16/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [6 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Pain...lots and lots of pain. For every Marine and soldier that died because of him. Then start with the innocent Iraqi men, women and children that died or were maimed.
Posted by: anymouse || 05/16/2006 1:54 Comments || Top||

#2  arrested in Al-Ramadi in possession of documents and pictures showing him alongside Al-Zarqawi himself

Posted by: trailing wife || 05/16/2006 7:20 Comments || Top||

#3  I wonder if the NSA has the phone records of Iraq, and if so, if it would be ok to 'mine' them to see what numbers connected to the numbers this guy connected to. Might be that the supply of cell phones available for use in IEDs just jumped and the supply available for actual communications fell.
Posted by: glenmore || 05/16/2006 7:35 Comments || Top||

#4  Note also the 50 oxygen tanks. There was a reference to "gas bottles" used as an accelerant, combined with land mines from Iran, the other day.
Posted by: Grunter || 05/16/2006 7:45 Comments || Top||

#5  Well, after debriefing him, he'll go to a Iraqi led prison and surely be tortured and starved to death over a 3 year period. So I think you can write this guy off as DEAD
Posted by: bigjim-ky || 05/16/2006 8:39 Comments || Top||

#6  "in Al-Ramadi and had in his possession a mobile telephone storing photos showing him and Al-Zarqawi."

-yeah, he was prolly the lackey who was clearing the jammed light machinegun for Zarki last week, hahahaha.....
Posted by: Broadhead6 || 05/16/2006 8:49 Comments || Top||

#7  The worst job in the world is apparently being Zark's No. 3.
Posted by: doc || 05/16/2006 9:08 Comments || Top||

#8  For some reason I imagined the two of them sitting together in a booth at a bar, with the photo, signed "All my best - Z", in a frame along with similar pictures of other ME celebrities.

Maybe one of a young Osama getting a lap dance, with a great big grin on his face.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 05/16/2006 10:56 Comments || Top||

#9  Keep up the torture questioning of these asshats and we will get more. Their biggest problem could be their network, and every last part of it being squeezed out of the captives.
Posted by: wxjames || 05/16/2006 12:22 Comments || Top||

Four British soldiers wounded S. Iraq
British Defense Ministry confirmed on Monday that four of its soldiers were wounded in a mortar attack on a military camp in Amarah southern Iraq early in the day. The attack was launched about 4:30 a.m, 180 miles southeast of Baghdad, said a British Defense Ministry's spokeswoman. One of the British soldiers was badly wounded in the leg and had to be taken to a hospital where he underwent a surgery, but the others' injuries were not as serious, said the spokeswoman.

The mortar attack came after two British soldiers were killed and a third injured by a roadside bomb in the southern Iraqi city of Basra on Saturday. The death toll in Iraq hits 111 as roadside bomb killed two soldiers.

British Defense Minister Desmond Browne expressed utter sorrow over the incident. He added Britain will continue supporting the Iraqis until they are able to run their country's affairs without any foreign interference. He stressed on the fact that British forces will stay as long as the Iraqi government wishes them to do so.
Posted by: Fred || 05/16/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Quick healing, then go hunt down some bad guyz!
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/16/2006 11:52 Comments || Top||

More than 30 terrorists detained in Kirkuk, Toz areas
More than 30 suspected terrorists were rounded up in the two districts of Howeija and Toz as gunmen seized an Iraqi civilian in the middle of the northern city of Kirkuk, a source in the Iraqi police said Monday. Speaking to KUNA, the source said the Iraqi civilian, Adel Yunes Mardan, was kidnapped by "gunmen riding two separate cars." The source indicated that the 28 people were rounded up following a raid on the Howeija area during which helicopters were used to track down the terrorists. The source added that seven other terrorists were rounded up in the area of Toz Khormato, south of Kirkuk. The seven hailed from the Selman Bey area. "The detainees confessed that they had taken part in recent terrorist activities in the neighborhood," the source said.

Meanwhile, several explosive devices were found in the Kirkuk area, including one in the Qadisiya area, opposite the Tiba school. Another explosive charge targeted a patrol from the Al-Ourouba police division, which was sent to the scene of the first bomb. A third explosive charge was found by a patrol of the Miqdad police station as its members were driving on the Cornice street between the Fourth bridge and the As-Sa'aa Public Baths. Kirkuk also witnessed the explosion of several bombs, including one near the Martyrs neighborhood. The bomb was tied to a detonating device. Other bombs were placed in several of Kirkuk side streets.
Posted by: Fred || 05/16/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [6 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The Kurds seem to be on top of things in Kirkuk.
Posted by: phil_b || 05/16/2006 0:15 Comments || Top||

Palestinian gunmen kill senior Hamas member
GAZA (Reuters) - Unidentified Palestinian gunmen shot dead a senior Hamas activist in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, Palestinian medics and a security source said, in a further escalation of lawlessness in the coastal strip.
Yummmm, popcorn

They said unknown gunmen shot and killed 25-year old Mohammed Tatar, a senior member of Hamas's military wing, as he was driving near Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh's office in Gaza city. No one claimed responsibility for the attack.

Separately on Tuesday masked gunmen in the Khan Younis area of Gaza shot and critically wounded another senior member of Hamas's military wing and injured a second Hamas member, witnesses said.
There's always infection...

Mounting internal violence in Gaza has been fueled by a power struggle between Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Haniyeh over control of security forces.
Hamas, a militant Islamist group, came to power in March after trouncing Abbas's Fatah group in parliamentary election in January. Last week, three gunmen were killed and a dozen people were wounded in violence between Fatah and Hamas. The two groups agreed to set up a joint committee to defuse tensions.
Posted by: Steve || 05/16/2006 16:52 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under:

#1  hmmmmm for some reason this popcorn is salted, but sweeeeeeeet
Posted by: Frank G || 05/16/2006 17:11 Comments || Top||

#2  Hamas tried to kill Abbas. It is now paying the price.
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 05/16/2006 17:30 Comments || Top||

#3  A 25-year-old is a "senior" member? Attrition can be harsh, terrorist dudes.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 05/16/2006 17:36 Comments || Top||

#4  *kicks back with a beer to watch the fireworks*
Posted by: DarthVader || 05/16/2006 17:45 Comments || Top||

#5  Pocketa, pocketa, bing! Pow, pow, pow, ZIng! Pocketa, pocketa, pocketa, eh ehe eh ehe, pocketa, pocketa pocketa, swooshy twang!
Posted by: abu Walter Mitty || 05/16/2006 17:52 Comments || Top||

Does Noam know this yet?? Maybe somebody can gently break the news to him.
Posted by: macofromoc || 05/16/2006 18:01 Comments || Top||

#7  maybe Noam can visit and endorse one side?
Posted by: Frank G || 05/16/2006 18:03 Comments || Top||

#8  Cue that venerable American statsman, Fats Domino:

Ain't that a shame?
My tears fell like rain
Ain't that a shame?

Posted by: Matt || 05/16/2006 18:14 Comments || Top||

#9  They said unknown gunmen shot and killed 25-year old Mohammed Tatar

Be the season for plantin' tatars.
Posted by: Zenster || 05/16/2006 19:09 Comments || Top||

#10  Civil War!

get yer Pop Corn, get yer Pop Corn, step right up folks and get yer Pop Corn.
Posted by: RD || 05/16/2006 19:38 Comments || Top||

#11  Probably just resented 'im having gasoline to drive a car around.
Posted by: gromgoru || 05/16/2006 20:50 Comments || Top||

#12  Can I get a scorecard and a beer with that popcorn?
Posted by: tu3031 || 05/16/2006 20:53 Comments || Top||

#13  Start of the long-awaited Pal Civil War, or just a warm up to this summer's hit movie season?
Posted by: Lancasters Over Dresden || 05/16/2006 21:26 Comments || Top||

Bastard alert : Florida teen's massacre called 'gift from Allah'
Well, you've got to understand them : correct me, but the arabs/muslims didn't have a single militarry victory against a western army for what, 800 years? So, their only useful way of war is the rezzou, and its modern equivalent of targeting helpless civilians through sneak terror attacks, and thus all they've got are illusions of Grandeur (re the 7/7 bombings called "the conquest of London", which is sickly hilarious if you think about the Blitz) and sheer hatred, as illustrated below... all this while playing the victim card. Nice people.
Terror leaders threaten Americans, hope boy, 16, 'goes directly to hell'

By Aaron Klein
© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com

TEL AVIV – The death yesterday of Daniel Wultz, a Florida teenager critically injured last month in a suicide bombing at an Israeli restaurant, is a "gift from Allah" and revenge against American Jewish support for Israel, Abu Nasser, a leader of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, one of the groups responsible for the deadly blast, told WorldNetDaily.

Abu Amin, a leader of the Islamic Jihad, which also took responsibility for the April 17 bombing in which Wultz was injured, told WND last night his terror group may target Americans in the near future.

Wultz, 16, was one of over 60 people injured in the attack in which a Palestinian suicide bomber blew himself up in a crowded section of Tel Aviv as Israelis celebrated the fifth day of the Passover holiday. The blast ripped through a falafel restaurant just outside the city's old central bus station, killing nine. The same restaurant was hit by a suicide attack in January, wounding 20. A tenth Israeli victim passed away this weekend. Wultz's demise yesterday brought to 11 the total number of deaths from the suicide blast so far.

Wultz was a resident of Weston, Fla. He was on Passover vacation in Israel along with his family. The teenager was seated with his father, Yekutiel, at an outside table of the targeted restaurant when the bomb was detonated.

Described as an avid basketball player, Wultz lost his spleen, a leg and a kidney in the attack. Doctors at Tel Aviv's Ichilov Hospital had reportedly been fighting to save his other leg, which was suffering from severely reduced blood flow. Wultz's father suffered a fractured leg in the attack.

Wultz had been lying in a coma in the intensive care unit since the bombing, though he briefly was aroused last month.

His story had generated extensive international media coverage and had prompted a flurry of e-mails across the Internet asking people worldwide to pray for the young terror victim.

Islamic Jihad and the Al Aqsa Brigades, the declared military wing of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah Party, claimed responsibility for the bombing.

In a WND exclusive interview yesterday, Abu Nasser, a senior leader of the Al Aqsa Brigades in the West Bank, rejoiced in Wultz's death. Abu Nasser is part of the Brigades leadership in the Balata refugee camp suspected of plotting the attack.

"This is a gift from Allah. We wish this young dog will go directly with no transit to hell," Abu Nasser said.

"[Wultz] was part of the American support machine that helps our enemy. All these young American Jews come here to support the occupation, they build and live in the settlements ... . I imagine him as one of these Nazis who live here [in the settlements.] There is no difference between him and them."

Regarding U.S. policy in the Middle East, Abu Nasser commented, "I say to the Americans if you will not change than we wish you more Daniel Wultzes and more pain and sorrow because it seems that this is the only thing you deserve."

Abu Nasser went on to pledge more suicide bombings inside Israel.

"We will hit whenever we will think it is suitable and do not expect that I give details but we can hit everywhere," he said.

Also speaking to WND, Islamic Jihad senior leader in the northern West Bank Abu Amin called Wultz's death a "message from Allah to the unbelievers that he will always be at the side of those who believe and fight for him."

Comparing Wultz to the suicide bomber who killed the Florida teenager, Abu Amin said, "Our hero believed in Allah and died while fighting for Allah but your pig was killed in a restaurant in an area full of prostitution."

He said Wultz's death should demonstrate to Americans "that even if you live in the U.S. the hand of Allah and the sword of the Jihad fighters will reach you and you will find the same end [as Wultz]."

Asked if his group would specifically target Americans in Israel, Abu Amin replied, "Concerning the Americans we do not target them but I will not be surprise if the resistance organizations would reconsider this matter. America is a full partner of the enemy in the siege against our people.

"If we know there are Americans in a place we plan to attack, we will not cancel the operation. On the contrary this would be a sign from Allah that this is a more blessed operation. Killing Americans and Jews in one operation – it can be great."
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 05/16/2006 07:24 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  And tonight on the mnews at six the BBC will have another sob-story from Paleostine...
One imagines that Abu Amin will be getting his own appointment with Allah, courtesy of the IDF, in the not too distant future.
Posted by: Howard UK || 05/16/2006 8:02 Comments || Top||

#2  I never usually post wrt anything having to do w/Israel & Palestine as I never really have a dog in that fight and am apathetic to the whole thing now. The place is like a bad hangover -much akin to how I feel about N.Ireland as an ancestral Ulsterman. This, however, is beyond repungnant. Nasser needs to f*cking die right now, and if our gov't had any grapefruits they'd be either actively helping the IDF track this douchebag down or they'd send our own hunter-killer teams in there to exact the punishment due for killing an American - just a kid at that. I'm so sick of these middle-eastern pussies that I regretfully think it's almost time to advocate going hitler on their asses. Islam has been doomed from the very first sentence that mohammed supposedly scribbled down.
Posted by: Broadhead6 || 05/16/2006 8:20 Comments || Top||

#3  These assholes are two skidmarks on society. When I think of the hundreds of millions we have flushed down the toilet of palestine it makes me feel sick.
We have cut them off the gravy train and there they should stay. Israel should send a Tomahawk missile over the barrier for every kassam rocket or mortar or RPG that comes their way. They should kill a thousand palestinians for every Jew that is killed. Maybe they would understand that.
Posted by: bigjim-ky || 05/16/2006 8:22 Comments || Top||

#4  "We will hit whenever we will think it is suitable and do not expect that I give details but we can hit everywhere."

Like hell. They been trying to inflitrate scores of bombers into Israel and the one in Tel-Aviv is the only success they've had in the last 4 months. Meanwhile, hundreds of these roaches have been picked off by the IDF. Once the fence is completed the trap will be shut and these savages will start killing each other while the Israelis watch at the ringside eating popcorn.
Posted by: Apostate || 05/16/2006 8:40 Comments || Top||

#5  "They should kill a thousand palestinians for every Jew that is killed. Maybe they would understand that."

-jim, that would be the only thing they understand & actually grudgingly respect.
Posted by: Broadhead6 || 05/16/2006 8:41 Comments || Top||

#6  If Israel doesn't have the balls to turn off the water... maybe one of our teams could perm. turn it off?
Posted by: 3dc || 05/16/2006 9:41 Comments || Top||

#7  In the mean time... telling the world that all the joints in the waterpipes to GAZA are sealed with a mixture containing lard from pigs would be a good starting point.
Posted by: 3dc || 05/16/2006 9:42 Comments || Top||

#8  Oh, I'm sorry. Was I supposed to feel sorry for them? Didn't work.
Posted by: DarthVader || 05/16/2006 9:45 Comments || Top||

#9  I agree that it is the height of masochism for the Israelis to not just abide those who wish to exterminate them, but to actively encourage them.

And this is not limited to Paleos. It is a cultural deficiency in Jewish culture that has cost the lives of countless Jews.

It includes the assumption that their enemies must have a "reasonable" point of view, somewhere, and if the Jews can somehow just "understand" where they are coming from, then they can change so that their enemy doesn't hate them anymore.

In other words, it is time for the Jews to become intolerant.

Jerusalem should be singularly Jewish. They should expel all other religions, not just Islam. It should be to them as Mecca is to Islam. With fair remittance to the actual owners of land, it should be eminent domained so that no non-Jew owns any property therein.

Second, the wall should be 100% completed, and no Paleo should be permitted to cross for any reason--including humanitarian medical reasons.

Third, by a date certain, unless the attacks stop, Israel should retake all Gaza and West Bank border crossings. From that point on, any aggression by any Paleo will result in that Paleo, and their entire family, being deported, either to Egypt, Jordan or Lebanon. Unless another country is willing to accept them, then they can go there, too. But permanently expelled. Known troublemakers and their families should be deported immediately.

Alternatively, Paleos who cut up rough in Gaza should be expelled to the West Bank and vise versa. Let the Paleos explain to the world why "internal deportation" from a Paleo area to a Paleo area is inhumane, solely because you might be slaughtered by your fellow Paleos for belonging to the wrong tribe, clan or gang, with no Israeli involvement.

Right now, the Jews have started to encourage Israeli Arabs to emigrate. This should continue, but with added emphasis.

Otherwise, the Israelis are behaving like a small child with an interesting, but dangerous power tool, that repeatedly and seriously injures them, but is so fascinating they cannot help but play with it more.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 05/16/2006 10:46 Comments || Top||

#10  "Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood: their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths." Isa. 59:7
Posted by: mcsegeek1 || 05/16/2006 11:59 Comments || Top||

#11  "I never usually post wrt anything having to do w/Israel & Palestine as I never really have a dog in that fight..."

But you *do* have a dog in that fight. One "dog" has historical ties to the land going back thousands of years, is recognized legally as a nation, is on the cutting edge in regard to science and technology, and employs a uniformed military as a largely defensive measure (going out of its way to avoid civillian casualties).

Meanwhile, the other "dog" abandoned their claim to the real estate they were offerred decades ago, instead believing that their Arab "brethren" would eliminate the other side militarily (fortunately that didn't happen). That "dog" isn't recognized as a nation and history records that there has NEVER been a sovereign nation/state nor a homogenous people carrying their (alleged) name. Further still, in spite of billions of dollars in direct and indirect aid, the other dog has no economy to speak of. Lastly, the other "dog" has explicitly stated that it seeks the annihilation of the other side and regularly *targets* civillians rather than military assets.

We all have a dog in this fight. This is about as close to having to choose between good and evil as we're likely to find.
Posted by: Crusader || 05/16/2006 12:08 Comments || Top||

#12  The main financial support and weapons support comes from Iran. Bomb Iran as retaliation. Bomb them now, bomb them tomorrow, bomb them next week, bomb them next month, and bomb them next year.
Is that clear ?
Posted by: GPatton || 05/16/2006 12:17 Comments || Top||

#13  No Christians or churches in Jerusalem, Moose?
Posted by: Frank G || 05/16/2006 12:50 Comments || Top||

#14  I think the US should retaliate for the death of our citizen by running an ARCLIGHT strike north-south through Gaza. Any survivors can be forcefully deported to Saudi Arabia or Iran. Let the people financing this mess take care of the aftermath. Then tell the Israelis that they can take the Gaza as Israeli territory.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 05/16/2006 14:20 Comments || Top||

#15  Frank G: reasonableness is a two-way street. Several Christian factions in Jerusalem continually squabble over literally square inches that are "their" turf.

They behave like everybody else in the region, childishly. The reason being that they feel they "own" a piece of Jerusalem.

But kicking them out, too, does not mean razing their holy sites, or even denying the practice of their religion on those sites. It just means that they no longer "own" it. Everything is "owned" by the Israelis. Note, I did not say the religion of Judaism. I mean, owned by the secular state of Israel.

Everything that they do there will continue to be done there, by every sect willing to abide by the rules and share. Religious services will still be held, and all manner of pilgrims will be attended to. But no longer will *any* religion have *any* claim to a physical part of Jerusalem.

Except for, of course, Judaism, to its own holy sites. It will be the official state religion, as it is now; but the state will continue to recognize its secular nature to play host to other religions.

Their monks and Priests and other holy personages will live in rental apartments and houses owned by Jews, or leased by the state of Israel on very generous terms. The only thing denied them is the claim of ownership.

The primary goal is to return civility to religious behavior, and the undeniability that Jerusalem is, and will remain, Israeli only.

Of course, the most important religious place that will be owned by Israel is the al-Asqa mosque. By taking away "ownership" of the mosque, it means that mosque management must be approved of by Israel. Think planning and zoning. No digging for Jewish artifacts to destroy, no other construction without engineering approval, limits on crowd size. Islamic factionalism will be prohibited: Shiites should be able to worship there as well as Sunnis, Sufi and Wahabbi, etc. Each may use their own Imams if they choose. But none of them "own" the mosque.

And most of all, limits on behavior. Israel can then set rules so that any misbehavior can be dealt with, mostly by the permanent expulsion from Israel on anyone who misbehaves. If, for example, an Imam preaches hate or violence, he and maybe even his entire sect, could be threatened with expulsion.

If they throw rocks at the Jews below, at the wailing wall, expulsion. If they create a public disturbance anywhere in Jerusalem, it reflects on their sect.

Posted by: Anonymoose || 05/16/2006 14:38 Comments || Top||

#16  Gotta agree with Frank on this one Moose. Mecca is a lousy idea. Replicating an all-Jewish Jerusalem is another one. I was there in January. Seeing the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the tomb of Mary was very significant. Taking that away is not an option.
Posted by: remoteman || 05/16/2006 14:44 Comments || Top||

#17  Sorry writing while you were too. I see the distinction, but it won't fly because the secular Israeli government is not really secular given that there are powerful religous parties in the Knesset.
Posted by: remoteman || 05/16/2006 14:48 Comments || Top||

#18  That argument doesn't fly for the singular reason that those parties have held sway, in past, as the marginal vote between Labor and Likud. They did not demand much of anything from other religions, instead wanting welfare for their sects, and maybe to oppress the secular Jews a little bit.

So all told, nothing would change except official ownership, and that religious sites could no longer be used as dormatories for a given sect.

Actually, it benefits different sects by making entire religious sites available to them, where before they were restricted to just their own little part. So Russian Orthodox get their service from 5-6pm, Greek Orthodox from 7-8pm, and Roman Orthodox from 9-10pm, for example. With four or five times as much room for their different pilgrims.

It doubly applies to the Moslems, as, for example, the Wahabbis hate and want to destroy any and all artwork put up by other sects, and would be forbidden from doing so. They also couldn't lock out the hated Shiites, who they might call heretics, or even get into fights with them, without risk.

No one would really be oppressed here, except if they thought that taking away their right to oppress others was oppressive to them, which most think.

In the latter case, it's like the Mohammed cartoons. Freedom trumps offense. Being offended does not give you the right to decapitate someone.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 05/16/2006 15:09 Comments || Top||

#19  All you ever need to knoe about islam:

Posted by: anymouse || 05/16/2006 15:09 Comments || Top||

#20  Crusader, I respect your opinion, but disagree. Not my fight, not my war, pretty much sick of hearing about it. I dealt w/Israelis via the Corps. They acted as if they had a right to our intel and technology, I respected their military skills but other then that didn't have much use for them. My brother working in the USAF SPO'S for *certain* jets had similar experiences w/them. I believe Israel definitely has a right to exist and defend itself & I am certainly no Paleo sympathizer but overall I'm not going to jump on the next bird to Tel Aviv & stick my neck out for them unless given the order from higher. I'd like to see us stay the hell out of their affairs and let them solve their own issues however they see fit. In the mean time, if certain Paleo groups start targeting Americans then we need to start brutal retaliations by whatever means necessary.
Posted by: Broadhead6 || 05/16/2006 15:40 Comments || Top||

#21  We might as well accept the truth, our government isn´t going to do jack shit about this. There won´t be any bombing campaigns, there won´t be any arrests. We are just left with another devestated family, and alot of angry messages on the internet.

I feel the only way to fight these islamonazis is by targeting innocent muslim civillians, in the US, and abroad. Everytime there is a suicide bombing that targets our civillians (US,UK,Israel,Aus,Etc)we respond by butchering innocent muslims. Then hopefully forcing a worldwide ceasefire, after a few years of tit for tat attacks. Yes that is lowering ourselves, yes that is losing whatever moral high ground we had, but let´s face it..the World doesn´t stand with us, they stand on the sidelines and lecture us on everything we do. They don´t view us having any kind of moral high ground next to Paleos, Iraqis, and the rest of the muslim cult. What if roles reverse and the US had the "groups of thugs" who butcher innocents, and our government could lecture the outraged about how these are responses to Muslim crimes & aggression. What will the World do then? Bitch and moan? Call us evil? Call us a terrorist state? They already do this!

I love my country, I love my people, and it pains me in ways I cannot express when I hear one of our children referred to as a "dog belonging in Hell." Our very same child who was sentenced to death, for eating dinner with his family. When does the cheek turn for the final time? I know killing innocent muslims isn´t going to bring Daniel or anyone else back. It certainly won´t be gaining revenge or dealing justice, but if anything it may convince the mythical moderate muslim to see what it means to actually target civillians for extermination. From that understanding, only then can we bridge the gap that divides us, and find a way to stop this bullshit.
Posted by: Destro in Panama || 05/16/2006 15:43 Comments || Top||

#22  "I imagine him as one of these Nazis who live here [in the settlements.] There is no difference between him and them . . ."

Well, as usual, double-speak. The Paleos and other Arabs admire Hitler and the Nazis, so it's just a PR "insult." My other thought is that aggressive, decisive action against gangster Arab conglomerates would go a long way with the moderates. Some of them would probably be relieved. But if control cannot be achieved it will come to the point where "intolerance" = survival.
Posted by: ex-lib || 05/16/2006 17:19 Comments || Top||

#23  Was last year's earthquake in the northern regions of Pakland, th eone that killed upwards of 80,000 Muslims, also a gift from Alan?
Posted by: Lancasters Over Dresden || 05/16/2006 21:46 Comments || Top||

Sajida pleads ‘not guilty’ in terror trial
Would-be suicide bomber Sajida Rishawi, standing for the November terror attacks, pleaded not guilty to the charges at the State Security Court on Monday. Her court-appointed defence lawyer Hussein Masri asked the tribunal to refer his client to a committee of government physicians for psychiatric evaluation. “My client was misled and did not realise what she was doing,” said Masri.
She thought she was parachute jumping and the detonator was a rip cord.
The attorney also asked the court for a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the attacks and recited verses of Koran.
I'm sure veryone was very impressed with his piety.
The court rejected his request for a psychiatric evaluation of the defendant. “It was evident to the court that the suspect is sane and can stand trial, therefore the court decides to reject the defence’s request and to proceed with the trial,” the presiding judge said.
"So piss off, Mr. Counsel for the Defense!"
"No matter how pious you are!"
Masri told The Jordan Times last week that when he informed Rishawi she might be executed, her reply was: ‘When are they going to deport me to Iraq?' Based on my interview with her, I do not think she is mentally sound. She also told me she has a sister who suffers from a mental condition.”
I'm sure Jordan will be happy to deport her remains to Iraq. Apparently Hizzoner has decided she's not nutz, just stupid.
Rishawi is officially charged by the prosecution with plotting subversive acts resulting in the death of an individual and possessing explosives with illicit intent. Jordanian fugitive Abu Mussab Zarqawi and six other men are being tried in absentia on the same charges.
Not that it makes a difference to them. Zark's already got a couple deaths sentences in Jordan. That's why he spends his time on Tatooine.
Meanwhile, the groom whose wedding was targeted during the Nov. 9 bombings described the night as “bloody and crazy” during an emotional 25-minute testimony. “As I was approaching the wedding hall with my bride and other guests at the Radisson SAS Hotel, I saw a flash and white dust filled the air. A second later I heard an explosion,” Ashraf Daas recounted. Daas, 32, the first prosecution witness to take the stand, described the terror attack as “a crazy second in my life.”

“I saw the ceiling collapse on the wedding guests and I saw my father and father in-law fall and die in front of my eyes,” he told the court. Daas said he entered the wedding hall and saw body parts scattered everywhere and “blood ... turning everything white in the hall to red. I got married on Nov. 9, but today I can really celebrate my wedding after seeing the suspects being tried for their crimes.”
Posted by: Fred || 05/16/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [6 views] Top|| File under:

Israeli air raid injures three Palestinians in Khan Yunis
Three Palestinian militants were injured on Monday after Israeli warplane raided their vehicle in Khan Yunis in Southern Gaza Strip. Eyewitnesses said that an Israeli plane launched missiles at a car and caused serious injuries to the three people who were inside the vehicle. "The gunmen were part of the military wing of the Palestine-based Islamic Jihad's Al-Quds Brigades," added the eyewitnesses. Medical sources in Nasser hospital mentioned "one the injured was in critical condition". Meanwhile, an Israeli Military spokesman said that the Palestinian gunmen were on a military mission to attack Israeli and this operation was precautionary act to defend Israel.
Posted by: Fred || 05/16/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under:

#1  If it rains in the Mojave Desert. that's news, not this.
Posted by: Duh! || 05/16/2006 5:38 Comments || Top||

#2  "...caused serious injuries... "
Somebody get Israel some bigger missiles.
Posted by: glenmore || 05/16/2006 7:37 Comments || Top||

#3  Let them consume some resourses before they die, glenmore.
Posted by: gromgoru || 05/16/2006 8:34 Comments || Top||

Science & Technology
How Gadhafi Lost His Groove
WSJ EFL The author is Judith Miller. Why would she want to give Kappes kudos?

Then, in early October 2003, the U.S., the U.K., Germany and Italy interdicted the "BBC China," a German ship destined for Libya that the Americans had been tracking for nearly a year. A U.S. intelligence official informed the Libyans that the five 40-foot containers marked "used machine parts" that were offloaded from the ship contained thousands of centrifuge parts to enrich uranium, manufactured in Malaysia by the A.Q. Khan network. Stunned by the discovery, Libya fast-tracked its long-promised invitation to the British and U.S. experts to tour suspect sites. A 15-person team, headed by Mr. Kappes, then the CIA deputy director of operations, (who declined to be interviewed for this piece) entered Libya on Oct. 19 on a 10-day mission.

While Col. Gadhafi could have claimed, as Iran now does, that the enrichment equipment was for a peaceful energy program, the pretense was shattered in November when U.S. intelligence gave the Libyans a copy of a compact disc that intelligence agencies had intercepted. According to Saif and Libyan officials in Tripoli, the CD contained a recording of a long discussion on Feb. 28, 2002, about Libya's nuclear weapons program, between Ma'atouq Mohamed Ma'atouq, the head of that clandestine effort, and A.Q. Khan. Denial of military intent was no longer an option.

The inspection team returned in December 2003, with even greater access. They were astonished by what they learned during their visits to weapons sites, labs and dual-use and military facilities. Although Libya claimed that it had no biological or germ-weapons-related facilities, and that its chemical capabilities were less than the CIA had feared, U.S. intelligence had underestimated Libya's nuclear progress.

Many analysts no longer doubted that Libya could have made a bomb, eventually, if the program had not been stopped and it had found a way to supplement its limited technical expertise. Though most of the rotors for the centrifuges were initially missing (many turned up months later on a ship near South Africa) experts said that had the centrifuges been properly assembled in cascades--always dicey in a technologically challenged state--Libya could have produced enough fuel to make as many as 10 nuclear warheads a year.

. He said that Libyan experts had advised Col. Gadhafi that the programs no longer served Libyan national interests. "We had discussed many options for securing our state," Mr. Ma'atouq recounted. "I'm an engineer, a practical man. And I said: Let's assume we have these weapons. What would we do with them? Who is the target? Who would we use them against? The U.S.? We had no delivery system. Yes, nuclear weapons are a deterrent, but it's better to have nothing at all than a deterrent without a means of delivery."

Initially, Mr. Ma'atouq said, Libya had tried to seek Russian help in building a complete nuclear-fuel cycle. But although the Soviets in 1981 had sold Libya the reactor at Tajura, Mr. Ma'atouq complained that they kept raising the price of related material. No deal had been made by the time the Soviet Union collapsed, and by 1995, Libya was left with little choice but to try to develop the bomb indigenously. In 1998, he said, it turned to the Khan network to help "speed things up. We wanted to make the supplier a one-stop shop. We used no other suppliers."

The Khan Network

Relying on the Khan network meant he no longer had to worry about the origin of the equipment and material, or haggle with individual suppliers over the price and (often shoddy) quality of goods on the nuclear black market. He said he never knew (nor wanted to know) where Khan was getting most of what he bought for Libya, though international inspectors say it came mainly from Pakistan, Germany and Malaysia. He claimed that he never knew whether the casks filled with uranium hexafluoride for Libya's gas-enrichment program had originated in North Korea, as U.S. intelligence analysts now believe (based on isotope fingerprints of traces found on the containers).

During its second trip in December, the team was taken to sites that U.S. intelligence had not previously spotted and was permitted to photograph and take notes on the astonishing blueprints that few weapons designers had ever seen outside declared nuclear states. The drawings were of a relatively old, crude, but workable design that Pakistan got from China in the early 1960s. The blueprint copies that Khan had provided, as a "sweetener," no less, with their Chinese scribbling still in the margins, had been kept in their original wrappings--a plastic bag from a Pakistani tailor's shop--another bonanza for Western intelligence.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 05/16/2006 07:41 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [5 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The "G-man" had a groove? Who knew? (had to say it;)

Seriously, while not a surprise to RBers, it's stunning what was going on (and likely still is). How can the EUroweenies not take Iran and it's loony-toon leadership seriously? I don't believe they are naive, I think they have so deluded themselves that they actually believe the rest of the world operates with their principles.
Posted by: Spot || 05/16/2006 10:19 Comments || Top||

#2  WSJ EFL The author is Judith Miller. Why would she want to give Kappes kudos?
Judith Miller covert CIA?

It is scary how easily one rogue scientist could potentially single-handedly destroy the world, even operating under the radar of our own government, let alone their's. Other articles about Khan suggested he may also have shared technology with or obtained some from Syria, South Africa, Brazil, and Saudi Arabia. It has been only recently that Chavez caught everyone's attention, and he has been previously rumored to have bought radioactive materials from Spain. I think CIA seriously underestimates what some of these Pakistani tribesmen can replicate, even making exact gun copies the old fashioned way. And the Asians....they can copy anything. I hope container and port security gets as much attention as the Mexican border, but if terrorists could place a missile delivery system south of the border, adding 6,000 Guard to the Mexican border may be too little, too late.
Posted by: Danielle || 05/16/2006 12:20 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
JI attack plot uncovered
A GROUP led Southeast Asia's most wanted terror suspect may have been planning co-ordinated attacks on a weekend summit of Muslim nations on Bali and a Buddhist festival in Central Java, Indonesia's police chief said today.
National police chief Sutanto said the assumption was based on confessions from a terror suspect named Mustaqfirin following a siege of a house used by followers of top Malaysian-born militant Noordin Mohammad Top in Central Java last month.

Mustaqfirin was among two people arrested in the raid, which also killed two of Noordin's top aides, Abdul Hadi and Jabir.

Noordin, believed to be responsible for masterminding a series of deadly terror attacks including the 2002 Bali bombing, frequented the house but was not present during the raid.

Sutanto said Mustaqfirin had prepared 2kg of explosives.

Before his arrest he had also been "actively" surveying the ancient Borobudur temple where the Buddhist festival was to be held.

"Perhaps, quite possibly, (his activities) are directed towards the D-8 (summit), which was held yesterday in Bali and the Vesak activities at Borobudur temple," Sutanto told lawmakers during a parliamentary hearing in Jakarta.

The Developing 8 (D-8) summit of eight large Muslim countries was held for one day on the resort island of Bali on Saturday and attended by several foreign head of states. There was also a series of ministerial-level talks two days before the summit opened.

Thousands of Buddhist from across the country flocked to the night time Vesak festival at Borobudur on Saturday.

According to Sutanto, Mustaqfirin had admitted robbing a phone kiosk and a jewellery store in two Central Java towns together with Abdul Hadi – who died in the raid – to finance their group's cause.

Noordin was believed to have been a top recruiter for the Al-Qaeda-linked Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) regional extremist network but analysts believe both he and his now-dead main accomplice Azahari Husin may have split off to form an even more radical group.

He most recently evaded capture by police last November, days after Azahari was killed in a hail of gunfire by police at his East Java hideout in Batu.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 05/16/2006 03:26 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under:

European Nations May Give Iran a Reactor
Key European nations are considering offering Iran a light-water nuclear reactor as part of incentives meant to persuade Tehran to give up its uranium enrichment program, a senior diplomat said Tuesday.
Hell, why don't you just give them the bomb
But a U.S. official said Washington would likely oppose the plan.
You'd hope

A senior diplomat familiar with international attempts to dissuade Iran from enrichment said the tentative plans still were being discussed among France, Britain and Germany as part of a possible package to be presented Friday to senior representatives of the five permanent U.N. Security Council members.
"It worked in North Korea....oh, wait"
Posted by: Steve || 05/16/2006 11:03 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Well giving a reactor aint giving them the bomb, you need to enrich for the bomb, and this is contingent on them not enriching.

The real arg against is that this is just like the Clinton deal with NKor. And will have the same results. They will shut their open enrichment, take the gift, and then start up an alternative hidden enrichment process.

But there are some other factors to consider. 1. Iran probably wont take the deal anyway, since to publicly climb down from enrichment embarrasses the regime domestically. In which case youve solidified the US-EU alliance, put more pressure on the Russia-Chinese to come around, and made clear to the Iranian people that this is NOT about denying them atomic energy - all for no cost
2. If they DO accept it, its still better than NKor. A. Iran is a more open society than NKor, and secret enrichment will be harder to keep quiet. B. WRT Nkor, the Clinton admin didnt have an alternate parallel strategy. WRT Iran we do - quiet support for internal regime change. C. Kicking the can down the road may be an advantage (assuming that the Iranian alternate enrichment plan is materially slower than their public enrichment process) i. We move towards improvement in Iraq, which frees up troops, for any alternative action ii. We continue to improve the CIA, spec ops, etc iii. We move to a new admin thats not burdened by the current admins unpopularity, and has a freer hand to act. IOW, time is on our side (the counter is that the longer we wait, the stronger China becomes - im not sure)
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 05/16/2006 12:24 Comments || Top||

#2  I vote for giving them centifuges to enrich to fuel grade - but made with specially doped alloys that embrittle at excessive radiation exposure. Ought to be engineerable to fracture and seriously mess up their lab (and techs, alas, casualties of war) if used beyond permitted application.
Posted by: glenmore || 05/16/2006 12:43 Comments || Top||

#3  I agree with LH. To me the key is a degree of transparancy to inspect other sites along with any deal. As long as the deal ends enrichment and allows for inspections it's a loss for the mullahs who have made a big deal about being full fuel cycle. Not sure why we'd oppose the plan given that Bush has more or less backed the Russian plan of a few months ago which was in the same spirit.
Posted by: JAB || 05/16/2006 12:53 Comments || Top||

#4  I vote for being bloodthirsty imperialists storm troopers.
Posted by: 3dc || 05/16/2006 13:22 Comments || Top||

#5  I vote for using "The Force" on them. Send in the Jedi
Posted by: SPoD || 05/16/2006 13:29 Comments || Top||

#6  I wouldn’t sweat it guys. The Iranian president is a freek he wont accept anything short unconditional surrender from the west with full recognition of Iranian dominance.

This is nothing but a ploy we already know the answer from Iran. A reactor would take years to complete construction and in the mean time in the small print for Iran to accept they must stop all current enrichment. That wont happen Iran wont bite or accept this we know this.
Posted by: C-Low || 05/16/2006 13:40 Comments || Top||

#7  Action does NOT seem likely.
Posted by: doc || 05/16/2006 15:18 Comments || Top||

#8  They are beyond trusting, whatever deal we make they will break it and run a secret weapons program.
Posted by: Ebbavising Anganter2423 || 05/16/2006 16:04 Comments || Top||

IRGC gave Zarqawi SAM-7 missiles - report
Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) had provided the insurgent group al-Qaeda in Iraq heavy weapons including anti-aircraft missiles, it emerged on Friday.

The Iraqi daily az-Zaman which is published in London and Baghdad quoted credible Iraqi sources as revealing that the IRGC had given al-Qaeda in Iraq, Strela-type SAM-7 surface-to-air missiles, modern explosives, and a large number of personnel arms including Kalashnikovs and BKC machineguns.

Al-Qaeda in Iraq is believed to be led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who is on the United States’ wanted list.

The report said that representatives of al-Zarqawi’s group met in Beirut with members of the Iran-backed Lebanese group Hezbollah and through them established channels with Tehran.

Three close aides to al-Zarqawi travelled to Iran via a security checkpoint in the Iraqi border province of al-Amara from where they met with Iranian officials, the report added.

The United States and Iraqi officials have accused Iran’s radical Islamic government of sending agents and arms into Iraq to assist the insurgency.

The IRGC was founded in the early days of the Islamic revolution in 1979 as an armed force loyal to Iran’s clerical rulers. Its commanders directly report to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and their mission is to “protect and propagate” the Islamic revolution.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 05/16/2006 02:33 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Strela's could explain the recent downing of the two helicopters in the past week.
Posted by: pihkalbadger || 05/16/2006 7:56 Comments || Top||

#2  see the suprise meters still broken,lol, cant say im reeling in shock at this. Job for Airwolf this.
Posted by: ShepUK || 05/16/2006 8:05 Comments || Top||

#3  When I was in Baghdad two years ago an Army LTC told me that they were "killing more Iranians than Iraqis"
We've been at war with those nutjobs for a while now and we really should call a spade a spade and put it all on the table.
The IRGC has been funding the terrorists in Iraq since the capture of Baghdad and have actively pursued fomenting a civil war.
Its time we did something more in keeping with our status as the only super power in the world and flick these little wannabee world power envy mullahs off our sleeves like a gnat......bomb them. Bomb them all.
I predict that if we don't do something very soon with Iran there is going to be a city somewhere disappear. Paris anyone?
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 05/16/2006 15:26 Comments || Top||

#4  Hum that would mess with my IPS I guess (very, very bad), but otherwise, no prob.
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 05/16/2006 15:30 Comments || Top||

#5  They told us we'd always have Paris, SP, but they could have been wrong.
Posted by: Grunter || 05/16/2006 16:19 Comments || Top||

#6  I love Paris, strolling the left bank in the middle of the night, Chaillot palace and the Eifel Tower.........SIGH.........but the Frogs have been so duplicitous with the Middle East that they are due to reap what they sow......and the Riots last summer are really nothing compared to what the Iranians might do.
Not that I would wish Islamoterrorist Nuke attacks on anyone but I believe that the Iranians will bite the hand that feeds them much as a rapid dog will bite their owner first.
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 05/16/2006 20:19 Comments || Top||

#7  perhaps we could give the IRGC some cruise missiles? clusterbombs? without prior notice?
Posted by: Frank G || 05/16/2006 20:47 Comments || Top||

Syria starts removing sand berms inside Lebanon
BEIRUT - Tractors started on Monday to dismantle sand berms erected by Syrian border guards several kilometers inside Lebanese territory, the head of a municipality in the region told AFP. “Works started this morning in the presence of officials from the two sides, and should take about a week,” said Bassel Hujairi, head of the municipality of Aarsal.

Five tractors of the Syrian and Lebanese armies as well as from Aarsal municipality started to remove the berms, under the supervision of administrative and military officials from the two countries, he said.

The operation came after an agreement between Lebanese and Syrian officials in a meeting held on May 9 in the Syrian resort town of Bludan, near Damascus. “The committee which supervises the works is not entitled to define or draw the borders. The operation is only a solution for the farmers, to allow them to access their lands,” said Hujairi.
Since Syria doesn't think there is a border with Lebanon ...
On May 2, the Lebanese government decided to ask Damascus to dismantle military positions and sand berms which Syrian border guards have erected between 3.5 kilometers (2.2 miles) and five kilometers (3.1 miles) inside Lebanese territory, along an area stretching about 40 kilometers (25 miles).

Syrian authorities had claimed that the berms were laid to curb illicit border smuggling, but Lebanese farmers complained that the berms had cut through their orchards and accused Syrian border guards of harassment.
Sucks to be a colony, doesn't it?
Posted by: Steve White || 05/16/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Houses of two Lebanese MPs attacked
The house of MP Misbah Al-Ahdab in the northern city of Tripoli and the house of MP Abdullah Farhat in Beirut's eastern area of Ashrafiyeh, came under fire, but none of them was injured, said a statement by the March 14 bloc Monday. The statement said two bullets pierced the window of the kitchen in Al-Ahdab's house. The attacks were meant "to destabilize the country," added the statement. Al-Ahdab said he had received threats in the past months but not recently. Lebanon witnessed a wave of assassinations in 2005, the last of which was the killing of MP and prominent media figure Jubran Tweini on December 12.
It wasn't anyone allied with Syria, of course.
Posted by: Fred || 05/16/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

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