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33 civilians killed in Burkina Faso attack
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4 17:17 jpal [31] 
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3 15:45 Angalet Ebbavique4787 [27] 
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2 10:53 Skidmark [27] 
2 16:24 Angalet Ebbavique4787 [22] 
1 11:30 Skidmark [35] 
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Page 2: WoT Background
2 11:17 Abu Uluque [22]
1 11:39 Skidmark [22]
1 11:39 Skidmark [21]
2 21:41 trailing wife [31]
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1 02:20 Skidmark [26]
1 09:44 Skidmark [21]
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1 15:16 Skidmark [14]
7 18:47 Angalet Ebbavique4787 [24]
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3 10:02 Skidmark [25]
7 20:33 ACA JOE [28]
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6 12:37 mossomo [15]
4 14:44 lord garth [16]
3 12:06 trailing wife [23]
Page 4: Opinion
1 16:35 Besoeker [24]
2 16:29 ed in texas [22]
13 13:04 Besoeker [13]
5 21:27 Slavising Unineting5672 [34]
8 17:22 Raj [22]
1 04:52 Super Hose [14]
3 07:27 Besoeker [17]
3 11:06 Skidmark [14]
0 [21]
3 10:57 Skidmark [15]
1 21:48 trailing wife [20]
Page 5: Russia-Former Soviet Union
4 11:57 badanov [19]
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1 18:22 Flater Forkbeard8651 [22]
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1 12:48 mossomo [15]
0 [13]
Page 6: Politix
12 21:51 DooDahMan [27]
6 19:02 Super Hose [34]
5 15:35 Skidmark [20]
10 17:06 Besoeker [28]
4 12:29 NoMoreBS [16]
6 16:19 Clusorong Trotsky5960 [21]
4 11:36 Abu Uluque [24]
2 16:12 Graiter Snineger8445 [24]
9 16:41 ed in texas [31]
Good Morning

Mayorkas claims migrant encounters down
Monday May 15th, 2023

Israel reopens Gaza crossings, shut
since launch of Operation Shield and Arrow
%u2018We made no promises%u2019: FM Cohen
says Israel offered PIJ nothing beyond ceasefire
Gunmen Kill Two Brothers For Allegedly
Giving Police Information In Aba, Southeast Nigeria
Iraqi Prime Minister Pledges Action
to Save 600 Yazidi Captives in Syria's al-Hol Camp
Iraqi Security Forces Apprehend
ISIS-Affiliated Physician in Baghdad Ambush
Gun fight breaks out in Anantnag
Charleston County, S.C. Sheriff's Office releases video from deputy-involved shooting (Police video)

Posted by: Fred || 05/15/2023 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under:

#1  My vote for the most beautiful woman ever, except for the one that married me 47 years ago! Duh!
Posted by: NoMoreBS || 05/15/2023 12:33 Comments || Top||

#2  Right there with you, NoMore.
Posted by: Mullah Richard || 05/15/2023 15:52 Comments || Top||

#3  For Grace, and MY wife.

Phew, caught myself.
Posted by: Mullah Richard || 05/15/2023 15:54 Comments || Top||

#4  Sadly she and Princes Diana both died at the hands of piss poor drivers.
Posted by: jpal || 05/15/2023 17:17 Comments || Top||

-Lurid Crime Tales-
Duo arrested when drugs fall out of suspect’s fake pregnant belly

[NYPOST] Two people were recently accused of trafficking more than 1,500 grams of cocaine through South Carolina after the drugs fell out of a fake pregnancy belly being worn by one of the alleged dealers.

The Anderson County Sheriff’s Office said deputies first pulled over Anthony Miller and Cemeka Mitchem during a “proactive patrol” on Interstate 85.

Police said red flags were then raised when the officers asked about the apparent pregnant woman’s due date and the two suspects provided “conflicting information.”

Deputies said that as they grew more suspicious, Mitchem realized the officers’ weren’t buying their story and immediately took off from the car.

The drugs Mitchem was hiding inside her fake rubber stomach fell out when she sprinted away, with officers catching her and the contraband.

The sheriff’s office estimated that the couple was hiding more than 1,500 grams of cocaine during the traffic stop.

Posted by: Fred || 05/15/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under: Narcos

#1  I've seen better-looking mules.
Posted by: DooDahMan || 05/15/2023 10:27 Comments || Top||

#2  Not cocaine pellets.

Should have gone with the 'tummy-tuck' Mexicans.
Posted by: Skidmark || 05/15/2023 10:53 Comments || Top||

Daily Evacuation Brief May 15, 2023
[AfghanDigest] LAST 24 HOURS
  • PAKISTAN ROUNDS UP AFGHANS AT TORKHAM – As many as 22 Afghanistan nationals were reportedly arrested in a security sweep by Pakistani police on Saturday in and around Torkham pass. A Police spokesman cautioned the raids were conducted to break up a reputed criminal network that had been stealing goods from the many transport trucks for many months. The raids were not intended to target legitimate refugees. All 22 of the people arrested reportedly lacked any official documents justifying their presence in Pakistan and will be arraigned today in court on charges of criminality.

  • AFGHANISTAN DIPLOMATIC WOES IN INDIA – A diplomatic drama is playing out in New Delhi as the Afghan Embassy is dealing with simultaneous charges of corruption and a mutiny among the Embassy staff who refuse to recognize the Taliban’s appointed envoy to the country. The Embassy has been administered by personnel who were appointed prior to the fall of the previous regime. Charges of corruption stem from rumors that the Ambassador and select other senior officers of the diplomatic post have rented facilities to Indian companies in order to line their own pockets. The Taliban have appointed their own envoy (chosen from among the existing staff) and have issued a letter to the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs informing them of their decision. The staff have expressed reservations about the Taliban’s choice to lead the Embassy and have refused to recognize him as the Charge d’Affaires. The government of India has yet to make an announcement about the situation but is likely to follow the examples of other nations and will recognize the Taliban’s choice. The drama is playing out as the serving Afghan Ambassador is in London.

  • KHAN STIRS UP TROUBLE WITH SERIES OF TWEETS – The former Prime Minister took to Twitter to claim that a Pakistani Army plot to arrest his wife was in the works and that both he and his wife may soon be arrested again on charges of sedition. He went on to say that he had reliable information suggesting the Pakistani Army intended to ban the PTI soon.

  • PAKISTAN’S PASHTUNS CONSIDERING OPTION TO PROTEST ARMY OCCUPATION OF THEIR LANDS IN SOUTH WAZIRISTAN – The head of the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement, Manzoor Pashteen, has stated that a meeting with heads of Pashtun communities across Western Pakistan has resulted in a plan to launch demonstrations to protest the occupation of their ancestral land. According to a news outlet that reportedly attended the meetings, the Pashtun organization intended to block roads in and around the towns and cities in the Province until their demands for the Pakistani Army to leave the areas are met.

Nimroz: A clash took place between Iranian and Taliban border forces that may have involved human smugglers on Sunday. 1 Iranian border guard and 1 adult non-combatant (presumed to be Afghan) were killed and 1 child (also presumed to be Afghan) was injured in the fighting that took place. No additional violence had been reported as of Sunday night.

PRIME MINISTER KHAN DUE BACK IN COURT – The former PM is due in court in Lahore today and a consortium of political parties led by the Pakistan Democratic Movement announced they would protest outside of the Supreme Court over favoritism shown by the court to the ousted leader. The group represents the largest bloc of coalition partners for the government and many are critical that they will receive similar treatment from the Army and Police as the PTI protestors did last week. The current regime has asked the organizers to choose another venue and is loathe to show support for the protests for fear of being labeled hypocrites. If the former PM and/or his spouse are arrested today, PTI followers may take to the streets again. Based on a discussion with several sources in Islamabad, we do not assess a significant threat of violence from the planned Red Zone protests downtown exists. Regardless, at-risk Afghans should continue to conduct their affairs with the knowledge that the situation could rapidly change.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/15/2023 01:18 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under: Taliban/IEA

Africa Horn
President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud commissions the Gantaal Brigade of the national army ahead of the second phase of the operation against Al-Shabaab
Posted by: Fred || 05/15/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab (AQ)

Sana'a evacuates more Yemenis from Sudan, after Saudi authorities refused to evacuate them
[HODHODYEMENNEWS.NET] As many as 180 Yemen
...an area of the Arabian Peninsula sometimes mistaken for a country. It is populated by more antagonistic tribes and factions than you can keep track of...
i citizens, who were stranded in Sudan, have arrived in the Sana’a international airport on Sunday

"This batch is the first and other batches will follow," deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Sana’a government, Hussein al-Ezzi, said on Twitter. "The Sana’a government will continue to follow up until the arrival of all Yemenis stranded in Sudan."

According to observers, the conduct of flights to evacuate Yemenis stranded in Sudan to Sana’a came after Soddy Arabia
...a kingdom taking up the bulk of the Arabian peninsula. Its primary economic activity involves exporting oil and soaking Islamic rubes on the annual hajj pilgrimage. The country supports a large number of princes in whatcha might call princely splendor. When the oil runs out the rest of the world is going to kick sand in the Soddy national face...
announced that the evacuation operations carried out by its royal warships were completed, while about 1,900 Yemenis, including women and kiddies, remained stranded in Port Sudan, and Saudi Arabia had previously refused to evacuate them.

Earlier, the Ministry o foreign affairs had threatened to take action against the diplomatic mission of the pro-coalition government in Sudan for abandoning its role in evacuating the stranded.As many as 180 Yemeni citizens, who were stranded in Sudan, have arrived in the Sana’a international airport on Sunday

"This batch is the first and other batches will follow," deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Sana’a government, Hussein al-Ezzi, said on Twitter. "The Sana’a government will continue to follow up until the arrival of all Yemenis stranded in Sudan."

According to observers, the conduct of flights to evacuate Yemenis stranded in Sudan to Sana’a came after Saudi Arabia announced that the evacuation operations carried out by its royal warships were completed, while about 1,900 Yemenis, including women and kiddies, remained stranded in Port Sudan, and Saudi Arabia had previously refused to evacuate them.

Earlier, the Ministry o foreign affairs had threatened to take action against the diplomatic mission of the pro-coalition government in Sudan for abandoning its role in evacuating the stranded.

Posted by: Fred || 05/15/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Sudan

Africa Subsaharan
33 civilians killed in Burkina Faso attack
[The Nation (Pak)] Armed attackers killed at least 33 people when they opened fire on vegetable farmers in Burkina Faso
...The country in west Africa that they put where Upper Volta used to be. Its capital is Oogadooga, or something like that. Its president is currently Blaise Compaoré, who took office in 1987 and will leave office feet first, one way or the other...
, the governor of the Boucle du Mouhoun region said on Saturday. Much of the country, including parts of western Boucle du Mouhoun region, has been under a state of emergency since March as the government seeks to combat Death Eater attacks.

"On the evening of Thursday, May 11 at around 5:00 pm (1700 GMT), the village of Youlou in the department of Cheriba, Mouhoun province suffered a cowardly and barbaric terrorist attack," Governor Babo Pierre Bassinga said in a statement.

"The button men targeted peaceful civilians" who were farming along the river, he said, adding the "provisional corpse count" was 33 people killed. Local sources confirmed the presence of heavily armed assailants on cycle of violences who fired indiscriminately.

The victims were buried on Friday. In Cheriba, people also said three others were maimed in the attack, and that the perpetrators had burned property before shooting.
Posted by: Fred || 05/15/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [35 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Two Nigerian Businessmen Excrete 193 Cocaine Pellets Weighing Over 4Kg After Arrest At Abuja Airport
Ewwww! Yuck!
Posted by: Fred || 05/15/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under: Narcos

#1  Note the size of the bagged 'pellets' in the picture.
Posted by: Skidmark || 05/15/2023 9:35 Comments || Top||

#2  Holy shit!
Posted by: mossomo || 05/15/2023 12:33 Comments || Top||

#3  Not that odd coincidences aren't everywhere these days between Patrick O'Brian, Rantburg, and the world in general, but damned if the last thing I read before coming here didn't involve Our Hero being dragged from a drugged sleep to address a swallowed four-pound round of grape (which, however, came out as it went in).
Posted by: Angalet Ebbavique4787 || 05/15/2023 15:45 Comments || Top||

Gunmen Kill Two Brothers For Allegedly Giving Police Information In Aba, Southeast Nigeria
Posted by: Fred || 05/15/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Banditti

Saudi forces encircle Emirati-backed positions in Aden
[HODHODYEMENNEWS.NET] Saudi forces’ command directed its affiliated factions on Saturday to surround the most vital installations under the control of the UAE-backed factions in the port city of Aden, southern Yemen
...an area of the Arabian Peninsula sometimes mistaken for a country. It is populated by more antagonistic tribes and factions than you can keep track of...
Informed sources in the city confirmed that button men from the Saudi-funded "Dera al-Watan" (Shield of the Nation) faction were deployed on board a number of armored vehicles in the vicinity of the container port in al-Mualla area.

The sources indicated that Soddy Arabia
...a kingdom taking up the bulk of the Arabian peninsula. Its primary economic activity involves exporting oil and soaking Islamic rubes on the annual hajj pilgrimage. The country supports a large number of princes in whatcha might call princely splendor. When the oil runs out the rest of the world is going to kick sand in the Soddy national face...
directed its button men to impose their control over the service facilities following the arrival of the Saudi ambassador to the government loyal to the Saudi-led coalition, Muhammad Al Jaber, to the city at the end of last week, in conjunction with the arrival of military reinforcements to the city, including cycle of violences, coming from the border crossing at al-Wadea.

With this step, Aden has entered a new phase of the struggle over vital facilities between the Saudi and Emirati factions.

It is worth mentioning that Saudi Arabia flew back hundreds of conscripts from Aden last month after they received intensive courses in its camps in the Tabuk region, in the north of the Kingdom, to secure the important vital installations in the city of Aden.

The Dera al-Watan factions tightened their control over the major districts of Aden, "Al-Shaab," after they deployed along the coastal road overlooking Bab al-Mandab, from Madhareba and Ras al-Ara areas in restive Lahj
... a Yemeni governate located in the southwestern corner of the Arabian Peninsula. It is the stomping grounds on the southern secessionist al-Harak movement
province, all the way to al-Buriqa area in Aden at the end of last December.

Posted by: Fred || 05/15/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Saudi Arabia

CTD arrests four alleged terrorists
[The Nation (Pak)] The Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) Punjab
1.) Little Orphan Annie's bodyguard
2.) A province of Pakistain ruled by one of the Sharif brothers
3.) A province of India. It is majority (60 percent) Sikh and Hindoo (37 percent), which means it has relatively few Moslem riots....

arrested four alleged murderous Moslems of banned outfits during intelligence based operations in different areas of the province.

According to a front man, the CTD Punjab conducted 25 intelligence based operations in different districts of the province in which 25 suspects were interrogated and four alleged murderous Moslems were arrested with weapons, explosives and other prohibited materials.

The accused included Tehrik-e-Taliban
...Arabic for students...
Paki­stan and ISIS mem­bers Salman, Malik Israr, Sher Zaman, and Sher Muhammad, he added.

The front man said that explosives 520-grams, one IED bomb, two rock­et shells, seven booster shells RPG, four deto­nators, safety fuse wire 6-feet, two prima cards, one pistol, six rounds, 26 pamphlets, 30 stickers, cell phone and 24,340 rupees were recovered from them.

He said that the murderous Moslems had planned to sabotage across the prov­ince and wanted to target important installations and other religious places.

The police had regis­tered four cases against the alleged murderous Moslems in Rawalpindi, Sargodha, Sahiwal, DG Khan and Gu­jranwala, he added.

The front man added that 248 combing operations were also conducted during the current week with the help of police and security agencies in which 11,528 people were checked and 51 suspects were arrested while 39 FIRs were regis­tered and 15 recoveries were made.

Posted by: Fred || 05/15/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Massive crackdown against PTI protesters launched
[The Nation (Pak)] A massive crackdown against PTI leaders, workers and sup­porters was launched across the country yesterday as a large number of the party’s protest­ers including dozens of leaders were arrested and cases were filed against them for resort­ing to violent mostly peaceful protests, torching public as well as private proper­ties and vehicles especially La­hore Corp Commander’s house.

According to fresh reports, PTI’s big shots includ­ing Mehmood ur Rashid, Sen­ator Saifullah Niazi and Ham­mad Azhar's secretary Faisal Mehr were arrested during po­lice raids in addition to arrest of hundreds of party workers and supports. Senator Saif Ul­lah Khan Niazi is considered a close aide of former premier Im­ran Khan. The PTI leader was arrested under 16 MPO and was moved to an undisclosed loca­tion by the police.

Mother's Day being commemorated globally
The crackdown has been launched a day after Prime Min­ister Shehbaz Sharif took no­tice of the PTI’s violent mostly peaceful pro­tests across the country against the arrest of their party chair­man Imran Khan
...aka The Great Khan, who who convinced himself that playing cricket qualified him to lead a nuclear-armed nation with severe personality disorders...
from the court premises in the al-Qadir Trust corruption case by Rangers.

PTI’s big shot Mian Mehmood-ul-Rashid was arrest­ed by CIA Iqbal Town from De­fence Lahore. PTI leader Ham­mad Azhar's secretary Faisal Mehr was also arrested from Sa­bzazar during a raid in the wee hours of Sunday.

The police also took PTI leader Firdous Shamim Naqvi into cus­tody in Bloody Karachi
...formerly the capital of Pakistain, now merely its most important port and financial center. It is among the largest cities in the world, with a population of 18 million, most of whom hate each other and many of whom are armed and dangerous...
. The leader was detained while leading a rally from the Pehlwan Goth area.
Posted by: Fred || 05/15/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

Biggest drug haul: NCB seizes drugs worth Rs 15,000 crore in Kochi
[OneIndia] In its biggest recovery ever, Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) seized drugs worth Rs 15,000 crore in a joint operation with Indian Navy. About 2500 kg of drugs has been seized off India's western coast and a suspected Pak national
Ah hah! But is he a member of one of Pakistan’s pet jihadi or other groups out to pollute India’s youth, or your usual narco-gangster feeding a known market?
apprehended, the NCB said on Saturday, calling it the largest seizure of methamphetamine in the country.

The drug cache had started on a mother ship -- a large vessel that distributes narcotics to various boats during its journey -- from the Makran coast around Pakistain and Iran, it said.

As many as 134 sacks of suspected methamphetamine, a Pak national, the intercepted boat and some other items salvaged from the ship were brought to Mattancherry Wharf in Kochi in Kerala and handed over by the Navy to the Narcotics Control Bureau, it said.

''NCB has initiated the seizure procedures and the primary analysis is that all of the packets contain methamphetamine of high purity.

''As the seizure procedures are still underway, the exact quantity of methamphetamine recovered is not clear yet. However,
we can't all be heroes. Somebody has to sit on the curb and applaud when they go by...
from the number of packets recovered, we estimate it to be around 2,500 kg,'' the NCB said
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/15/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Narcos

#1  Rs 15,000

15,000 INR = 182.34 USD at the rate on 2023-05-15.
Posted by: Skidmark || 05/15/2023 11:34 Comments || Top||

#2  There was a he-whore of Lahore
Their holy men used to adore
Who charged 'em ten million
For [cough] "riding pillion,"
Though now he does not, cuz they're poor.
And he perhaps a bit hoary.
Posted by: Angalet Ebbavique4787 || 05/15/2023 16:24 Comments || Top||

Gun fight breaks out in Anantnag

A gun fight was going on between holy warriors and security forces in South Kashmir
...a disputed territory lying between India and Pakistain. After partition, the Paks grabbed half of it and call it Azad (Free) Kashmir. The remainder they refer to as "Indian Occupied Kashmir". They have fought four wars with India over it, the score currently 4-0 in New Delhi's favor. After 72 years of this nonsense, India cut the Gordian knot in 2019, removing the area's special status, breaking off Ladakh as a separate state, and allowing people from other areas to settle (or in the case of the Pandits, to resettle) there....
's Anantnag district, police said on Sunday.

"Encounter has started at Andwan Sagam area of #Anantnag. Police and security forces are on the job. Further details shall follow, " Kashmir Zone Police said in a tweet.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/15/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [35 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistain Proxies

#1  2 dead, 5 injured in shooting at Yuma, Arizona, gathering: Police
Posted by: Skidmark || 05/15/2023 11:30 Comments || Top||

Iraqi Security Forces Apprehend ISIS-Affiliated Physician in Baghdad Ambush
[Shafaq News] Iraqi security forces has captured an physician with ties to the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....
(ISIS) holy warrior group in the capital city of Baghdad, a security source reported on Sunday.

The source told Shafaq News Agency that "a security force, via a well-orchestrated ambush in Baghdad's al-Waziriyah, managed to arrest a physician who works at the Forensic Medicine Department."

"The arrestee is wanted by the judiciary on charges of belonging to the terrorist organization ISIS," the source explained.

The source said that the apprehended physician had previously resided in the city of djinn-infested Mosul
... the home of a particularly ferocious and hairy djinn...
and was an ISIS member between 2010 and 2014.

"The individual is now facing prosecution in accordance with Article 4/Terrorism," the source concluded.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/15/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Iranian militias reinforce air defense capabilities in Damascus countryside
[EN.ZAMANALWSL.NET] I ran-backed militias obtained a new air defense system on Saturday in order to enhance their military capabilities in Jemraya village In the northwestern suburbs of Damascus amid repeated Israeli strikes a well-informed military source told Zaman al-Wasl.

The source revealed that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard militia brought yesterday a new air defense system to the vicinity of the scientific research center in Jemraya in the Qudsaya district, indicating that the system was recently brought in from Lebanese territory towards the al-Dimas town, so that the IRG-run militia would transfer it in the morning to the scientific research area.

The source indicated that Iranian and Lebanese military experts supervised the installation and activation of the system and the preparation of its entire program.

He stated that the militia has strengthened its presence inside the scientific research building by establishing a joint operations room with all Iranian and local militias present in the Damascus countryside.

The source confirmed that the move came suddenly without knowing the reasons, as Iranian militias seek to expand their control and influence in the vicinity of the capital, Damascus, especially after the Iranian president's visit to the capital recently.

Jemraya has been subjected to raids by Israeli aircraft several times, as it continues to target sites of Iranian militias in separate areas of Syria.
Posted by: Fred || 05/15/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran Proxies

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1Migrants/Illegal Immigrants
1Mob Rule
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1al-Shabaab (AQ)
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Two weeks of WOT
Mon 2023-05-15
  33 civilians killed in Burkina Faso attack
Sun 2023-05-14
  6 terrorists killed, 7 including soldiers martyred as clearance operation in Balochistan concludes: ISPR
Sat 2023-05-13
  Prigozhin says Russian troops are “fleeing” near Ukraine’s Bakhmut.
Fri 2023-05-12
  Israel kills another militant commander in Gaza as fighting goes on, truce efforts falter, 26 Paleos toes up
Thu 2023-05-11
  Hundreds Of Rockets Fired Into Israel As Tensions In The Area Escalate
Wed 2023-05-10
  Ousted Pakistan PM Imran Khan arrested, sparking protests
Tue 2023-05-09
  Terrorists Attack Nigerian Baptist Church Service In Kaduna, Abduct 40 Worshippers
Mon 2023-05-08
  Renewed clashes erupt between army and paramilitary forces in South Darfur
Sun 2023-05-07
  Organ Harvesting: Nigerian Lawyer Writes British Monarch, King Charles, Seeks Prerogative Of Mercy For Senator Ekweremadu
Sat 2023-05-06
  Chief of Khalistan Commando Force (KCF), has been assassinated
Fri 2023-05-05
  Russia's former president Dmitry Medvedev calls for Volodymyr Zelensky to be killed
Thu 2023-05-04
  Iran’s Revolutionary Guards seize tanker in Strait of Hormuz, for 2nd time in a week
Wed 2023-05-03
  Over 100 rockets fired into Israel from Gaza in under 24 hours
Tue 2023-05-02
  Gaza hunger striker pegs out. rockets fired, threats, vitriol follow
Mon 2023-05-01
  Nigerian Anti-Narcotics Agency Says It Cannot Arrest, Prosecute President-elect For Drugs Offences

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