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ISIS says it's behind Iraq blasts that killed over 90
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3 22:45 Spoluger Black9349 [38] 
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4 21:49 Charles [34]
3 15:58 Tarzan Slailet2796 [17]
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15 21:54 newc [38]
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1 07:48 Dale [18]
10 22:37 Thavirt Phase4890 [37]
5 13:54 CrazyFool [18]
1 03:19 g(r)omgoru [38]
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1 22:25 Anguper Hupomosing9418 [31]
4 22:35 Phaque Glish8284 [32]
17 22:30 Pearl Jones3061 [37]
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14 23:02 3dc [73]
Page 6: Politix
2 22:42 Goober Sheter4426 [39]
4 15:25 rjschwarz [24]
13 22:20 newc [40]
1 00:39 Raj [22]
3 22:44 Large the Obscure4625 [32]
8 16:45 NoMoreBS [18]
1 12:35 AlanC [22]
4 10:48 AlanC [16]
Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

Taliban finance official arrested with 2 cheques of 40m Pakistani rupees
[Khaama (Afghanistan)] The Afghan National Police (ANP) forces have incarcerated
Yez got nuttin' on me, coppers! Nuttin'!
a finance official of the Talibs group during an operation in eastern Nangarhar
The unfortunate Afghan province located adjacent to Mohmand, Kurram, and Khyber Agencies. The capital is Jalalabad. The province was the fief of Younus Khalis after the Soviets departed and one of his sons is the current provincial Taliban commander. Nangarhar is Haqqani country..
province of Afghanistan.
Who cut the checks? What bank were they drawn on? Who was the payee?
The Ministry of Interior (MoI) said Mir Azam was arrested during an operation in Pichegeram district of Nangarhar.

A statement by MoI said Mir Azam is originally a resident of eastern Kunar province
... which is right down the road from Chitral. Kunar is Haqqani country.....
of Afghanistan and was arrested as he was apparently arranging funds for the group by carrying two cheques of 10 million and 30 million Pak rupees.

The statement further added tha the ANP forces have also confiscated a Pak ID card, some propaganda material, 2 Pak sim cards, and a Islamic Emirate ID.

The Talibs group has not commented regarding the report so far which comes as the group is busy in attempting to coordinate its spring offensive.

the hip bone's connected to the leg bone...
the Afghan officials have said the group’s spring offensive launched under the name of Omari Operations last month has been successfully repulsed as the hard boyz of the group have suffered heavy casualties in the battle ground.

The group announced its spring offensive despite efforts by the Afghan government to end the violence in the country through reconciliation efforts.

Posted by: Fred || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  So what's 40 million rupees in real money, like $12?
Posted by: Raj || 05/12/2016 0:16 Comments || Top||

#2  Hope the Afghans disclosed this after the checks cleared.
Posted by: Eohippus Snore8229 || 05/12/2016 0:32 Comments || Top||

17 Taliban insurgents killed in air and ground raids in north of Afghanistan
At least 17 Taliban hard boyz were killed in separate air and ground raids of the Afghan National Security Forces in north of Afghanistan.

The Ministry of Defense (MoD) said at least 6 bully boyz were killed and 14 others were maimed during an Arclight airstrike in Chashme Sherin in the capital of Sar-e-Pul province.

A statement by MoD said at least 4 others were during a separate operation in Gorkab village at Soma Qala district of Sar-e-Pul province.

The statement further added that 6 others were also maimed and 2 cycle of violences of the bully boyz were totally damaged along with 4 bunkers.

MoD said at least 7 bully boyz were killed during a shootout between the Afghan cops and Taliban hard boyz in Koshinde district of Balkh province.

At least 4 bully boyz were killed and their bunker was destroyed during an Arclight airstrike in Darqad district of northeastern Takhar province, MoD said.

According to MoD, the Afghan forces also discovered and defused a landmine along with an Improvised Explosive planted by the Talibs in Aqcha district of Jawzjan province.

The Talibs group has not commented regarding the report so far.

Posted by: Fred || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Afghan police seize 9700 kgs of explosives from Pakistani fresh fruits truck
[Khaama (Afghanistan)] The Afghan police forces seized at least 9,700 kgs of explosives as the bully boyz were looking to use the explosives for attacks in Afghanistan.

"Yesterday evening, Afghan National Border Police (ANBP) confiscated 9700 kilos of Ammonium Nitrate, a key component used to make Improvised Explosive Devices," a statement by Ministry of Interior (MoI) said.

The statement further added that "The Ammonium Nitrate was placed in a Pak truck transporting fresh fruits to Afghanistan."

"The police searched the truck and found the Ammonium Nitrate hidden under the fruits in the Torkham port," the statement said, adding that "Two suspects were incarcerated
... anything you say can and will be used against you, whether you say it or not...
on accusation of this case."

The Taliban bandidos krazed killers and bully boyz belonging to the other krazed killer groups are frequently using Improvised Explosive Device (IED) as the weapon of their choice to target the security forces.

The IEDs are the main contributors to the casualties of the Afghan cops but are also considered as a key factor in growing civilian casualties.

At least 600 non-combatants were killed and 1,343 others were maimed in the first quarter of 2016, the United Nations
...aka the Oyster Bay Chowder and Marching Society...
Assistance Mission in Afghanistan said in its latest report.

UNAMA further added that consistent with 2015 trends, ground engagements caused the highest number of total civilian casualties, followed by improvised bombs (IEDs), complex and suicide kabooms, as well as assassination'>assassination

Posted by: Fred || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistain Proxies

#1  Mahmoud's Exploding Bananas Company?
Posted by: Raj || 05/12/2016 0:18 Comments || Top||

#2  The weed of crime bears bitter fruit.
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 05/12/2016 0:26 Comments || Top||

#3  Never understood why the Afghans haven't sent out teams the mortar the Paki Ammonium Nitrate factories.
Posted by: Eohippus Snore8229 || 05/12/2016 0:36 Comments || Top||

#4  Obviously under contract with Starburst.
Posted by: Charles || 05/12/2016 1:02 Comments || Top||

#5  Same reason they haven't burned the poppies.
Posted by: Thereth Sheating3675 || 05/12/2016 8:41 Comments || Top||

#6  Holy Shneikies! That's 10.67 Tons

"For personal use, Officer. I have a really large tree stump to remove"
Posted by: Frank G || 05/12/2016 10:28 Comments || Top||

#7  "Fishin, I'm a-goin' fishin."
Posted by: USN, Ret. || 05/12/2016 14:46 Comments || Top||

#8  Poppy fields need fertilizer.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 05/12/2016 16:26 Comments || Top||

Africa Horn
Somalia commandos kill 3 Shaboob commanders
Somali official said the country’s commando unity forces have killed three middle-level Al shabaab commanders during a covert operation in small militant-controlled village in Galgadud region.
Mid-level: regional #3, or local #3?
Speaking to Radio Shabelle via phone, Gal’ad district commissioner Qadar Mohamud Ali said Wednesday the special forces killed 15 militants, including three leaders in the attack on El Timir village.

Heads of finance and intelligence departs of Al shabaab were among the 15 Al shabaab militants killed in the raid which carried out by Somali commandos on Tuesday midnight.

There was no immediate comment on the raid from Al shabaab.
Perhaps the commandos also killed the press secretary?
Al shabaab said on Tuesday they had foiled an attack late on Monday night by Somali commandos and American forces with two helicopters who raided militant-held Toratorow town in Lower Shabelle region.
Posted by: Steve White || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab

Africa North
IS launches another attack on eastern Misrata checkpoint
Tripoli, 11 May 2016:

This evening saw yet another car bomb attack on Misrata’s eastern Sadada gate and subsequent fighting in which one person died and eight others were injured. All were taken to Misrata Central Hospital. The dead man is reported to be a military commander from the city’s port brigade.

The attackers are believed to belong to the so-called Islamic State. In the past week, it has again vowed to destroy Misrata.

Sadada checkpoint, some 90 kilometres south of Misratra and not far from Abu Grain, has been the site of numerous bombings, mainly suicide attacks , by militants, the most recent being last Thursday.
Posted by: badanov || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Houthis deny deal to release all prisoners soon
Yemen's Houthi’s have denied reports that warring parties have reached a preliminary agreement on Tuesday to release all prisoners beginning within 20 days.

Government sources at UN-backed peace talks earlier on Tuesday said an agreement had been struck to release the prisoners.

However, a Houthi delegate, representing the prisoners' committee at the talks, said the session had only considered a proposal, not agreed on it. Naser Baqizqoz said the suggestion was to release half the detainees on either side within 20 days, not all of them.

A tentative UN-backed ceasefire has been in place since last month to give the peace talks in Kuwait a chance at progress.
Posted by: badanov || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Houthis

Top Yemeni commander escapes assassination
[ENGLISH.ALARABIYA.NET] A top Yemeni commander escaped an assassination attempt by a suicide car bomber in southern Yemen on Wednesday, in an attack that also killed three people and injured others, a military statement and security officials said.

The officials say that the bomber targeted Maj. Gen. Abdel-Rahman al-Halili, the commander of the First Army District in the province of Hadramawt.

He was heading to a camp located between the towns of Qatn and Sayoum. They said that he was injured in the head by shrapnel.

No group claimed responsibility for the attack but al-Hilali has been targeted by al-Qaida previously in failed assassination attempts.
Posted by: Fred || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Arabia

Germany Doubles Number Of '€˜Migrants' Suspected Of Being Terrorists
[Daily Caller] German authorities are investigating 40 cases where Islamic militants are suspected of entering the country as refugees.

The BKA, Germany’s federal bureau of investigation, has 369 warnings about possible extremists since the migrant crisis broke out in 2015. A BKA spokeswoman said Wednesday 40 individuals are now under investigation, which represents a doubling from the 18 investigations it conducted in January.

The possibility of terrorists taking advantage of the migrant crisis has been a concern among many Germans after the country decided to let in more than one million refugees in 2015. The BKA has now received credible indications that terrorists are in fact being smuggled into Germany in an organized fashion. (RELATED: Poland Won’t Accept Any More Refugees Over Terror Threat)

"German security officials have indications that members and supporters of terrorist organizations are being smuggled in with refugees in a targeted, organized way in order to launch attacks in Germany," the BKA spokeswoman said.
Posted by: Besoeker || 05/12/2016 00:23 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [38 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Why that's just silly! Why would they attack a country that welcomed them?

Well, it *would* be silly, wouldn't it?
Posted by: Bobby || 05/12/2016 14:28 Comments || Top||

#2  Why count?

If they're Moslem then they are suspect.
Posted by: AlanC || 05/12/2016 14:59 Comments || Top||

#3  Only now do they admit the truth. Reality is harsh to those who ignore it.
Posted by: Spoluger Black9349 || 05/12/2016 22:45 Comments || Top||

Italy arrests Somalis accused of holding migrants hostage
[ENGLISH.ALARABIYA.NET] Italia has tossed in the clink
Drop the heater, Studs, or you're hist'try!
13 Somalis accused of being part of a network which held migrants colonists hostage on their arrival in Sicily to extort money for the trip to northern Europe.

An eight-month investigation in Catania, in the island's south, uncovered a "criminal organization" which scanned reception centers for Somalis who had recently been picked up at sea while crossing from North Africa, police said Wednesday in a statement.

The migrants colonists, many of whom are likely to have faced similar extortion in crisis-torn Libya before attempting the perilous crossing, were held in apartments until relatives or friends abroad paid for their liberation and the rest of their journey in Italia or across Europe.

Police intervened several times during the probe to free those being held in Catania or the surrounding area, including minors.

According to the UN's refugee agency Somalis account for nine percent of the 31,000 migrants colonists who have landed in Italia so far this year.

Like Eritrea
...is run by the People's Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ), with about the amounts of democracy and justice you'd expect from a party with that name. National elections have been periodically scheduled and cancelled; none have ever been held in the country. The president, Isaias Afewerki, has been in office since independence in 1993 and will probably die there of old age...
n and Sudanese migrants colonists, they rarely file for asylum in Italia and the majority hope to reach northern Europe.
Posted by: Fred || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

The Grand Turk
Turkish air strikes kill 11 Kurdish militants
[ENGLISH.ALARABIYA.NET] Turkish air strikes in the southeastern province of Hakkari and in northern Iraq killed 11 Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) fighters on Tuesday, the armed forces said in a statement on Wednesday.

It also said security operations in southeast Turkey killed three PKK fighters in Nusaybin and four in Sirnak on Tuesday, bringing the militant death toll in the two towns to around 700 during the operations of recent months.
Posted by: Fred || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

Home Front: WoT
Syrian national extradited, charged with hacking for Assad
[ENGLISH.ALARABIYA.NET] A Syrian national extradited to the US made an initial court appearance Tuesday on charges he helped hack and extort American targets perceived to be enemies of Syrian Hereditary President-for-Life Bashir Pencilneck al-Assad.
Horror of Homs...

Peter Romar, 36, was extradited from Germany, where he had been living in Waltershausen. A magistrate ordered him held pending a detention hearing Thursday.

He is accused of violating Syrian sanctions, conspiring to hack computers and extort money, and other charges.

Prosecutors say he joined other hackers from the pro-Assad Syrian Electronic Army who harassed and sought to extort victims including Harvard University and Human Rights Watch
... During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2011, HRW received a pledge from the Foundation to Promote Open Society, of which George Soros is Chairman, for general support totaling $100,000,000. The grant is being paid in installments of $10,000,000 over ten years.Through June 30, 2013, HRW had received $30,000,000 towards the fulfillment of the pledge....
A public defender who had just been appointed to represent Romar after Tuesday’s hearing declined comment.

Romar, dressed in a T-shirt and jeans, said little during Tuesday’s hearing. But he asked through an Arabic interpreter to be allowed to call his wife in Germany, whom he said was in a German hospital dying of cancer. A magistrate responded that he was unsure of the ability to place international calls from jail but suggested he speak to his attorney to see what could be facilitated.

Two other members of the Syrian Electronic Army -- Firas Dardar and Ahmad Umar Agha, who used the names "the Shadow" and "the Pro," respectively -- also face federal charges and remain on the lam.

According to an FBI affidavit, the Syrian Electronic Army in 2011 targeted entities including Harvard University, The Washington Post, the White House, Rooters, Human Rights Watch, National Public Radio, The News Agency that Dare Not be Named, CNN, the Onion, NBC Universal Inc., USA Today, the New York Post, NASA and Microsoft.

In April 2013, they allegedly sent a tweet from The News Agency that Dare Not be Named account on Twitter falsely claiming a bomb had went kaboom! at the White House and injured the president. The message caused the stock market to dip significantly before the tweet was quickly determined to be a hoax.

The affidavit states that Romar wanted to join the Syrian Electronic Army and reached out to Agha, who put Romar in touch with Dardar. Romar was particularly useful in the conspiracy because his German address made it easier to collect money extorted from various hacking victims, according to the affidavit.
Posted by: Fred || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

3 protesters killed in shooting in Parachinar
PESHAWAR: At least three people were killed and 11 others injured, including five Levies personnel, during an alleged exchange of fire between security officials and protesters in in Parachinar area of Kurram Agency on Wednesday, it has been learnt.

Clash occurred when the security officials tried to disperse the protesters who had blocked main Parachinar highway against the political administration's decision of not allowing entry to two scholars for attending a religious gathering.

Allama Ejaz Behashti and Pir Muqaddas Kazmi where were invited by a local religious group to attend the seminar on Tuesday. However, local administration barred their entry in Kurram Agency citing security concerns, sources said.

This move enraged the local people and they staged a protest against Kurram Agency's political administration and blocked the main highway.

Frontier Corps commander Lt Col Yasir Bashir said that security forces along with local police tried to disperse the mob peacefully but the situation turned violent when people in the mob opened fire on security officials injuring five Levies personnel.

In the exchange of fire three people were also killed, he added. "We are investigating the matter and have so far arrested 47 suspects," the FC commander said.

The local administration while confirming the death toll and casualties, maintained that the protesters resorted to violence and opened fire upon the law enforcers, which compelled them to use force against the protesters.

Sources in the local administration added that the cleric's entry was banned keeping in view past incidents of sectarian violence in the area during such programmes.

Kurram is the only part of Pakistan's border region that has a significant Shia population and has a history of sectarian violence.
Posted by: badanov || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

Two Al Qaeda militants held
[DAWN] LAHORE: The Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) locked away
... anything you say can and will be used against you, whether you say it or not...
on Tuesday two Lions of Islam linked to the banned Al Qaeda’s sub-continent outfit.

"The suspects were planning an attack on a vital government building," a spokesperson for the CTD said. He however, neither specified the government building, nor did give the detail of the suspects. They were identified as Muhammad Yasir and Touseef Ahmed.

He said a CTD police team received information about the presence of Al-Qaeda Lions of Islam who were planning to attack government building.

He said the team raided a house near Bhatti Chowk, arrested two persons and recovered 800 gram explosives and four feet prima cord with two electric wires from them. The suspects were later shifted to some undisclosed location.
Posted by: Fred || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent

IED explodes in Hyderabad
[DAWN] HYDERABAD: An improvised bomb (IED) fitted to a carrier of an abandoned bicycle went kaboom! off main Jamshoro Road near Jamshoro Wapda Colony on Tuesday, police said.

There were no casualties, police added.

According to Bomb Disposal Squad official Mohammad Ramzan, an IED fitted to a carrier of an abandoned bicycle blew up through an electric device at around 12:30pm. The device carried 100 grams of home-made explosives. There was a loud noise which panicked residents of the locality. The blast did not cause any damage to the ground however the bicycle broke into two pieces, the official added.

Jamshoro DSP Khalid Iqbal said there was no one present when the blast occurred off main Jamshoro Road near Jamshoro Wapda Colony. They did not find any kind of pamphlet on the site of the blast and the police were investigating the case further, he added.
Posted by: Fred || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under:

Five Rangers men held in custodial death case
[DAWN] KARACHI: The Pakistain Rangers, Sindh, on Tuesday said it had suspended and tossed in the clink
Please don't kill me!
five paramilitary soldiers a week after Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif
..Pak chief of army staff, meaning he pulls the strings on the Nawaz Sharif puppet to make it dance and sing and not do much at all....
had ordered an inquiry into the custodial death of Muttahida Qaumi Movement
...English: United National Movement, generally known as MQM, is the 3rd largest political party and the largest secular political party in Pakistain with particular strength in Sindh. From 1992 to 1999, the MQM was the target of the Pak Army's Operation Cleanup leaving thousands of urdu speaking civilians dead...
worker Aftab Ahmed.

Earlier, the Rangers only mentioned suspension of unspecified number of paramilitary soldiers "possibly involved in the incident" and formed a probe body.

"Among the five personnel, two are [officials] in charge and three are soldiers," said Rangers director general Major General Bilal Akbar while talking to a TV channel.

"They all have been suspended and arrested. We are determined to meet every requirement of justice and we would move forward in line with the defined laws and rules. Our investigation in this regard will definitely meet the logical end."

Amid growing controversy and criticism over the death of Mr Ahmed in the Rangers custody, the army chief had ordered the inquiry. Initial findings of his autopsy confirmed the MQM allegations that his body had "multiple bruises" and "clotted blood spots".

The party, which welcomed the army chief move and Rangers DG directives, on Tuesday criticised the Sindh government for asking Mr Ahmed’s family to lodge a case against the paramilitary force instead of pursing the case on their own.
Posted by: Fred || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

Quetta blast leaves two policemen dead
[DAWN] Two coppers were killed and eight other people injured in a kaboom here on Tuesday.

The kaboom, which took place on Sariab Road in front of Balochistan
...the Pak province bordering Kandahar and Uruzgun provinces in Afghanistan and Sistan Baluchistan in Iran. Its native Baloch propulation is being displaced by Pashtuns and Punjabis and they aren't happy about it...
University, also injured a five-year-old child and three police personnel. University students remained safe.

"The target of the blast was a police post located in front of the main gate of the university," Police Inspector Mushtaq Ahmed said, adding that an improvised bomb was used in the blast.

Police sources said that the IED was planted when coppers deployed at the post had gone for lunch.

"Two coppers, who were on duty at the post, bit the dust and three others suffered injuries in the blast," Inspector Ahmed said.

According to the bomb disposal squad, "around 2kg exp­losive was used in the IED". The dear departed coppers were identified as Muhammad Arshad and Tanveer Ahmed.
Posted by: Fred || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: Baloch Liberation Army

Soldier killed, massive searches continue in Rajwar forests
[Daily Excelsior] An Army jawan slipped to death in Handwara area of North Kashmire’s Kupwara district during a shootout with bully boyz as massive searches continued for second day against a Lion of Islam group that was intercepted by security forces yesterday.

The Army man, Om Veer Singh of 21-Rashtriya Rifles (RR), fell from a ridge in Rajwar forests after a brief exchange of gunfire with bully boyz of Lashkar-e-Taiba
...the Army of the Pure, an Ahl-e-Hadith terror organization founded by Hafiz Saeed. LeT masquerades behind the Jamaat-ud-Dawa facade within Pakistain and periodically blows things up and kills people in India. Despite the fact that it is banned, always an interesting concept in Pakistain, the organization remains an blatant tool and perhaps an arm of the ISI...
(LeT) last night.

Sources said that as the Army and Police launched searches at Bawan Watsar area of Rajwar forests in Handwara last night, bully boyz fired upon them. They said that the since bully boyz were wearing the night vision devices, they spotted the Army party and fired at them leading to a fierce shootout. He said that the shootout last for 20 minutes but bully boyz managed to escape under the cover of darkness and firing.

A top security official said that more troops belonging to 30 RR and 6 RR were rushed to the spot and more area was cordoned off last night to prevent bully boyz from fleeing the forest area. The searches were again started this morning and were continuing till last reports came in.

A top security official said that they spotted six members of a 10 member Lashkar-e-Taiba Lion of Islam group against whom they had launched searches two weeks ago after they received information about their presence in the forest area.

Army launched a massive operation in North Kashmire’s Kupwara forests against this group after reports that 10 bully boyz infiltrated into the forest area from Pakistain Indian Kashmiree (PoK) last month.

These bully boyz infiltrated into the forests of Budnambal during the intervening night of April 18 and 19 from PoK. Army’s 19-Maratha initially launched operation against them. However,
corruption finds a dozen alibis for its evil deeds...
after they failed to trace out the group, another operation was launched by Army’s 28-RR, 18-RR and Special Operations Group (SOG) of Police, Kupwara, in Patushai, Kantpora and Shumbreyal forest areas.

Army had already inputs that the bully boyz may try to sneak into Kashmire in large numbers this year into Kashmire and they have intensified patrolling along the LoC.

In the meantime, driver of a police officer was injured in a grenade attack in Anantnag town of South Kashmire today.

The grenade lobbed at old SP office building in Anantnag went kaboom! on the premises, resulting in injuries to SP Vigilance’s driver. Three vehicles were damaged in the blast.

Soon after the attack, security forces cordoned the area to find the attacker, but no arrests were made. This is the second grenade attack in Anantnag town during last two weeks. On April 28, a grenade was thrown at a Sher- Bagh Police Post. There was, however, no injury in the blast.

Posted by: Fred || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Lashkar e-Taiba

Diyala Daily Devastations:: Mortars and motorcars
2 wounded in car bomb in Baqubah

(IraqiNews.com) Diyali – A security source in Diyali province said on Wednesday, that two persons had been injured in a bomb blast that took place northeast of Baqubah.

The source, who requested anonymity, said in a statement received by IraqiNews.com, “In the late hours of yesterday, an explosive device that was emplaced on the road side near the village of al-Jizaniy (32 km northeast of Baqubah) went off while a taxi was passing in [the area], resulting in the injury of two persons that were inside it.”

The source also added, “A security force cordoned off the area of the incident and transferred the injured to a nearby hospital for medical treatment.”

5 wounded in mortar attack near Baqubah

(IraqiNews.com) Diyali – A security source in Diyali province said on Wednesday, that five civilians had been either killed or injured in a mortar shell fall south of Baqubah.

The source said in a statement obtained by IraqiNews.com, “In the late hours of yesterday, five mortar shells fell near residential houses in the vicinity of Bahraz (8 km south of Baqubah), resulting in the death of two civilians and wounding three others.”

The source also added, “The security authorities set up a committee of inquiry to look into the circumstances of the bombing.”
Posted by: badanov || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under:

17 ISIS Bad Guys die in Kirkuk airstrikes
(IraqiNews.com) Kirkuk – Media officials with the Defense Ministry announced on Wednesday the killing of 17 ISIS elements in an aerial bombing by the Iraqi F-16 warplanes in the district of al-Hawija southwest of Kirkuk.

The officials said in a brief statement followed by IraqiNews.com, “Today, Iraqi F-16 warplanes managed to destruct a shelter for ISIS and kill 17 terrorists, including two Arab nationals, in the district of al-Hawija southwest of Kirkuk.”

Earlier today, ISIS elements kidnapped 18 people on charges of cooperating with the security forces in the district of al-Hawija.
Posted by: badanov || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Anbar Antics: 34+ die

ISIS Golden Throat, 9 others die in Fallujah fighting

(IraqiNews.com) Anbar – On Wednesday the leadership of al-Hashed al-Shaabi in Anbar Province announced the killing of ISIS Communication Officer in the city of Fallujah, along with nine of his companions during the cleansing battles of al-karma District in eastern Fallujah (62 km west of Baghdad), while emphasized that the ISIS suspended all of its communications.

The commander of the 1st regiment in Karmat Fallujah brigade, Colonel Mahmoud Mardi Jumaili, said in a press statement followed by IraqiNews.com, “This morning the security forces carried out a military operation targeted ISIS gathering in Subaihat area in the center of al-Karma District, (19 km east of Fallujah), killing the so-called ISIS Communication Officer in the city of Fallujah Moaz Salah, along with nine of his companions.”

Iraqi forces mass forces for new offensive in Anbar

(IraqiNews.com) Anbar – Baghdadi Council in Heet District announced on Wednesday, that the security forces started a military operation to liberate Heet and Baghdadi axes from the ISIS control west of Ramadi (110 km west of Baghdad).

The Head of Baghdadi Council Malullah Barzan al-Obeidi said in a press statement followed by IraqiNews.com, “This morning the security forces launched a large-scale military operation to liberate Heet axes (70 km west of Ramadi) and the remaining areas of Baghdadi from the ISIS control.”

Obeidi added, “More than 14 villages and areas are targeted in the cleansing battles in Heet and al-Baghdadi axes,” noting that, “The next few hours will witness the liberation of new areas, as well as ensuring the safety of the innocent civilians and keeping them away from the clashes.”

Iraqi forces liberate areas near Heet

(IraqiNews.com) Anbar – A source in Anbar Operations Command announced on Wednesday, that the security forces liberated two areas in the district of Heet west of Ramadi (110 km west of Baghdad), while pointed out to the killing of dozens of ISIS members during the operation.

The source said in a statement followed by IraqiNews.com, “The joint security forces were able, at noon today, to liberate al-Wadahiya and al-Rab’I regions in western Heet District (70 km west of Ramadi) during the liberation battles of the western regions of Anbar from the ISIS control,” noting that, “The operation resulted in the killing of dozens of ISIS members.”

The source, who asked anonymity, added, “The security forces destroyed three car bombs during the storming of al-Wadahiya area, as well as bombing a large weapons and rockets cache in al-Rab’i area and seizing large quantities of weapons and mortar shells,” pointing out that, “The cleansing battles are ongoing backed by the international coalition aviation.”

8 ISIS Bad Guys die in airstrikes near Fallujah

(IraqiNews.com) al-Anbar – The commander of Anbar Operations, Army General Ismail al-Mahalawi, announced the killing of eight “terrorists” in an aerial bombardment by the international coalition aviation west of Fallujah.

Mahalawi said in a statement obtained by IraqiNews.com, “The international coalition aviation, in coordination with Anbar Operations, had managed to conduct two air strikes against a gathering for ISIS elements in the areas of al-Halabsa and al-Fallahat west of Fallujah (40 km east of Ramadi),” adding that, “The bombing resulted in the destruction of a booby-trapped vehicle driven by a suicide bomber belonging to the [ISIS], in addition to killing 8 terrorists and wounding 2 others.”

20 Bad Guys die in airstrikes near Heet

(IraqiNews.com) Anbar – On Wednesday, official journalists with the Ministry of Defense announced, that the international coalition aircraft killed 20 terrorists, including a doctor who was medicating the wounded in ISIS, in Heet District in western Anbar.

The journalists said in a statement received by IraqiNews.com, “Today the international coalition aircraft conducted an accurate air strike on al-Bakr neighborhood in Heet District in western Anbar, based on intelligence information.”

The statement added, “The bombardment destroyed a laboratory for manufacturing booby-trapped vehicles and a vehicle carrying an anti-craft cannon,” pointing out that, “The bombardment also resulted in the killing of 20 terrorists in a hideout, including the terrorist doctor Abu al-Yaman and the terrorist Abu Islam.”

Iraqi forces liberate two villages in Baghdadi

(IraqiNews.com) Anbar – On Wednesday, Jazeera Operations Command announced liberating al-Marwaniya and al-Wadahiya villages in northern Baghdadi in Anbar Province.

The command said in a press statement received by IraqiNews.com, “The army’s 7th brigade, commandos brigade and al-Hashd al-Ashae’ri liberated al-Marwaniya and al-Wadahiya villages in al-Jaba area in northern Baghdadi in Anbar Province,” pointing out that, “The security forces raised the Iraqi flag on the villages.”

Earlier today the commander of Jazeera and Badiya Operations Major General Ali Ibrahim Dabon announced, that the security forces started the liberation operations of al-Baghdadi Island from ISIS grip, while pointed out to the participation of the tribal fighters, international coalition aviation and the Iraqi Air Force.

Iraqi forces capture bridge near Baghdadi

(IraqiNews.com) al-Anbar – Member of al-Baghdadi District Council, Abdul-Jabbar al-Obeidi, announced on Wednesday liberating the bridge which links between al-Baghdadi Island and the center of the district.

Obeidi said in a statement followed by IraqiNews.com, “Security forces belonging to the army’s Seventh Division as well as the police and the clan fighters had managed to free the bridge which links between al-Baghdadi Island and the center of the vicinity north of al-Baghdadi vicinity (90 km west of Ramadi),” adding also that, “The security forces and tribal fighters had managed to liberate the village of al-Marowaniya in al-Baghdadi Island and raise the Iraqi flag over one of its buildings.”
Posted by: badanov || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Baghdad Bomb and Bullet Bulletin: 7 die

7 die in bomb attack in western Baghdad city

(IraqiNews.com) Baghdad – A police source revealed on Wednesday, that a booby-trapped vehicle exploded in al-Rabie’ street in western the capital, Baghdad.

The source reported for IraqiNews.com, “Today, a booby-trapped vehicle exploded targeting a checkpoint belonging to the police in al-Rabie’ street in al-Adl neighborhood in western Baghdad.”

The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, added, “A security force and ambulances rushed to the incident area.”

Posted by: badanov || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

ISIS says it's behind Iraq blasts that killed over 90
[CNN] The terror group ISIS says it's behind a series of attacks in Iraq's capital Wednesday that left more than 90 people dead.

At least 64 people were killed when a boom-mobile went off at a market in Baghdad Wednesday morning, according to Iraqi police. Another 87 people were maimed in that attack in the largely Shiite neighborhood of Sadr City.

Pictures of the aftermath of the kaboom showed hundreds gathered near a chaotic scene. Blood marked the street, cars had their windows blown out and nearly an entire sidewalk was left charred.

Later in the day, a jacket wallah wearing an explosive vest detonated in a busy square in the Shiite neighborhood of al-Kadhimiya, killing 17 people and wounding 43 others, two police officials in Baghdad told CNN. A suicide boom-mobileer went kaboom! in the Sunni neighborhood of al-Jamia in western Baghdad, killing 12 people and wounding 31 others.

ISIS grabbed credit for the attacks, according to a message on the Twitter account for Amaq, a media outlet linked to the group.
Posted by: Fred || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [32 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

ISIS bombs T4 airbase, cuts off Syrian army’s main supply route in Homs
[ARA News] HOMS ــ Militant fighters of the Islamic State (ISIS) on Wednesday pounded the regime’s T4 airbase in eastern Homs, central Syria, with heavy artillery shells and rockets, local sources reported.

However, the pro-regime army responded to the group’s bombardment with a number of air raids in the areas of al-Shaer and Hwesis.

In the meantime, Russian warplanes conducted several airstrikes on an ISIS-held military camp near T4 airbase in addition to the areas of Khinefis and the vicinity of Sukhna town to the north of Palmyra city in Homs province.

On Tuesday, ISIS was able to progress towards the highway of Homs–Palmyra, one of the major supply routes for the regime’s army forces stationed inside the city of Homs. On Wednesday, the militant group was able to cut off the regime’s supply lines entirely after taking over key areas near the highway.

Speaking to ARA News in Homs, media activist Tawfiq al-Qadi said: “After taking over a military camp near T4 airbase on Tuesday, ISIS has been focusing on the Homs–Palmyra highway, the only land supply route for the regime’s army forces.”

Al-Qadi pointed out that ISIS has infiltrated into the nearby hills of the highway in order to place bunkers on the road as well as installing heavy machine guns, rocket launchers and anti-tank guns [caliber 57] in the controlled areas.

The hardline group has earlier taken over two checkpoints for the regime’s defense line near the T4 airbase, after the withdrawal of pro-regime forces towards the airport, military sources told ARA News.

Also, ISIS has downed a pro-regime helicopter in Hwesis area to the west of the city of Palmyra after hitting it with a ground-to-air missile.
Posted by: badanov || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Syrian army storms rebel strongholds near Damascus
Translation: Rooshuns pound targets, then Syrian levies show up.
DAMASCUS – Subsequent to fierce clashes with Islamist rebel groups, pro-regime army forces were able to seize control of several areas in Syria’s southern province of Damascus, killing a number of rebels during the fighting, activists reported on Wednesday.

Syrian army forces recaptured several areas from Islamist rebels [led by al-Qaeda offshoot Nusra Front] in the town of Zibdeen south-east of the Eastern Ghouta in Damascus countryside, according to local sources.

Speaking to ARA News in Damascus, rights activists Wissam al-Sheikh said that the regime’s army, supported by Iranian and Lebanese militias, seized control of several positions and military posts in the town of Zibdeen near Damascus after fierce clashes with Islamist rebels.

“This came amid artillery and missile bombardment by pro-regime forces on the town,” al-Sheikh reported.

The source pointed out that the clashes resulted in the death of four soldiers from the regime’s army, while three rebels fighters were reported dead due to Wednesday’s clashes.

“The rebel factions were able to destroy a BMP vehicle,” he told ARA News.

In the meantime, the pro-regime forces attempted to storm the town of Bala in a bid to distract the opposition factions amid fierce artillery and missile shelling on the area, according to local activists.

However, the armed opposition groups were able to deter the attack led by the regime’s army troops, forcing them to retreat from Bala.

This coincided with the arrival of new military reinforcements, including the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, to the regime’s army forces in the vicinity of the eastern and western Ghouta in order to start a major military operation to regain the region from Islamist rebel groups.
Posted by: badanov || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

Beatings Will Continue, Etc: May 12th
ERBIL – The extremist group of Islamic State (ISIS) has executed an entire family for trying to escape a district under ISIS control west of the oil rich city of Kirkuk in northern Iraq, local sources reported on Wednesday.

ISIS has recently banned civilians from leaving the areas under its control in a bid to use them as human shields, according to eyewitnesses.

Speaking to ARA News in Kirkuk, media activist Yilmaz Mahmoud said that ISIS burned five members of one family, including two children, to death in the Riyadh district west of Kirkuk, after trying to escape from the areas under the group’s control.

“ISIS has brutally committed this crime in order to terrorize the remaining civilians living in the region [controlled by ISIS],” Mahmoud said.

Rights activists reported fears among civilians of being used by ISIS as human shields in areas under the group’s control.

“These barbaric men [ISIS jihadis] have engaged in the most heinous crimes in Syria and Iraq in plain view of the international community,” Mahmoud told ARA News.

These executions come amid ISIS remarkable decline in Iraq as the battle for Mosul is approaching, according to activists.

Last month, the hardline group banned dozens of Christian families from leaving Syria’s northeastern city of Raqqa, especially after the U.S.-led coalition forces intensified their airstrikes on the group’s headquarters in the region, according to local sources.

This is both the first time for the extremist group to burn civilians to death. In February 2015, ISIS burned 45 people to death in the vicinity of the Ain al-Assad military base in the sub-district of Baghdadi in al-Anbar province, in western Iraq, according to local sources.
Posted by: badanov || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

ISIS executes gynecologist in Ghouta
Hey kids! It's an actual War on Wimminzez
DAMASCUS – The only gynecologist in the eastern Ghouta of Syria’s southern province of Damascus was shot dead during battles between several Islamist groups in the region, local sources reported on Wednesday.
No gyne in Ghouta. Take it away Zenobia.
Dr. Nabil Da’as, who was the only gynecologist in eastern Ghouta, was reportedly killed during clashes between Islamist rebel groups.
Don't expect a sympathy card from Code Pink, Human Rights Watch, the Syrian Rights Observatory, or the U.N....
Speaking to ARA News in Duma, media activist Muhammad Dumani said: “While he was at home, Dr. Nabil Da’as was exposed to a gunshot two days ago during clashes between the Islamist rebel groups of the Jaish al-Islam and Jaish al-Fustat in the eastern Ghouta in Damascus countryside.

“The victim remained in the hospital under intensive care until he died on Wednesday,” Dumani reported.

Dr. Da’as was the sole gynecologist in the besieged eastern Ghouta, according to local activists.

Walaa Tarabishi, a resident of Ghouta, told ARA News that Dr. Da’as has helped many women in the area, especially that the majority of doctors fled the region due to the raging conflict.

“Last month, he [Dr. Da’as] visited my neighbor and helped his wife give birth safely,” she said. “This man has provided medical care for dozens of women amid the shortage of medical staff in the war-torn Ghouta region.”

“Hundreds of students and academics have fled Syria, while education centers and institutions are being targeted by the various parties to conflict on a daily basis,” Tarabishi said.

On the other hand, a ceasefire began in the eastern Ghouta after the warring factions decided to hold a truce and agree on some points, including withdrawal of the Jaish al-Islam from the city of Misraba after the latter has imposed full control over the town subsequent to fierce clashes with Faylaq al-Rahman, Jaysh al-Fustat, and Nusra Front.

The regime’s army forces are still mobilizing troops on the outskirts of Bala town south of the Eastern Ghouta in an attempt to break into the town.
Posted by: badanov || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  Mohammedan madam Umm Lili:
"Jihadis who fancy the frilly
May play parts of ladies
Down by the Euphrates
With Gynecological Billy."

Sheesh. Mabye after some sleep.
Posted by: Zenobia Floger6220 || 05/12/2016 2:28 Comments || Top||

#2  "We can't have an unrelated man looking at their ladyparts. Aisha didn't have a Gynocologist. It's unislamic"
Posted by: Frank G || 05/12/2016 14:36 Comments || Top||

Syria army and rebels trade fire in Aleppo
[ENGLISH.ALARABIYA.NET] The Syrian army exchanged fire with rebels in battleground second city Aleppo even before the expiry at midnight on Wednesday of a Russian and US-brokered ceasefire.

Two people were maimed early Wednesday when regime aircraft strafed rebel positions in two eastern neighborhoods of the divided city with heavy machinegun fire, an AFP correspondent reported.

Late Tuesday, government warplanes struck two other rebel-held neighborhoods, the correspondent added.

Rebel rocket fire hit two government-controlled neighborhoods in the west of the city, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

Rebel sniper fire killed one person late Tuesday, the state SANA news agency reported.

A local truce took effect in Aleppo last Thursday after a surge in fighting in the city killed more than 300 people and threatened to unravel a nationwide ceasefire between government forces and non-jihadist rebels in force since February.

The truce has led to a sharp reduction in the corpse count. Rebel rocket fire on government neighborhoods killed three civilians on Sunday but otherwise it has largely held.

It has been extended twice after 11th-hour diplomatic intervention by the major powers but there was no immediate word of any new extension ahead of Wednesday's expiry time.

Moscow and Washington pledged on Monday to redouble efforts to shore up the nationwide truce and reach a political settlement to the conflict which has killed more than 270,000 people in Syria since 2011.
Posted by: Fred || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

Russian bid to blacklist Syrian rebel groups blocked at UN
[ENGLISH.ALARABIYA.NET] Britannia, La Belle France, the United States and Ukraine on Tuesday blocked a Russian request to add two Syrian rebel groups to a UN terror blacklist and sideline them from the Syrian grinding of the peace processor, diplomats said.

Russia had requested that Jaish al-Islam
...Liwa al-Islam (Brigade of Islam) was established by Zahran Alloush, the son of Saudi-based religious scholar Abdullah Mohammed Alloush, after Syrian authorities released him from prison in mid-2011 where he had been serving time for his Salafist activism. The group claimed responsibility for carrying out the July 2012 Damascus bombing that killed Defense Minister Dawoud Rajiha, Deputy Defense Minister Asef Shawkat, and Assistant Vice President Hassan Turkmani. It was a driving force behind actions in the Damascus region. It cooperated and conducted joint operations with al-Nusra. In Sptember 2013 Saudi Arabia engineered Liwa al-Islam's merger with fifty other more or less Salafist groups as a counterweight to al-Nusra, which the Learned Elders of Islam considered was growing too powereful...
(Army of Islam) and Ahrar al-Sham
...a Syria jihadi group made up of Islamists and salafists, not that there's that much difference, formed into a brigade. They make up the main element of the Islamic Front but they don't profess adoration of al-Qaeda and they've been fighting (mainly for survival) against the Islamic State. Their leadership was wiped out at a single blow by a suicide kaboom at a crowded basement meeting in September, 2014...
be added to the sanctions list for their ties to Al-Qaeda and ISIS.

Adding names to the UN sanctions list requires a consensus decision from the 15-member council and after objections were raised by the four countries, Russia's request was rejected.

"Russia publicly attempting to designate groups that are parties to the cessation of hostilities could have damaging consequences to the cessation just as we are trying to de-escalate the situation on the ground," said a spokesperson for the US mission to the United Nations
...the Oyster Bay money pit...
"Now is not the time to shift course, but rather double-down on our efforts toward a reduction in violence."

Jaish al-Islam is a member of the Higher Negotiations Committee (HNC) that is taking part in negotiations in Geneva to end the five-year war in Syria.

The Saudi-backed rebel group is the most important in Damascus province.

Ahrar al-Sham is among the most powerful Islamist rebel groups in Syria.

Financed by The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the only place on the face of the earth that misses the Ottoman Empire....
and Gulf states, it has fought alongside the Al-Nusra Front, Al-Qaeda's Syria affiliate, around Aleppo and in neighboring Idlib province.

The dispute over the sanctions list came amid word from Moscow Tuesday that the 17-nation International Syria Support Group (ISSG) would meet in Vienna on May 17 to try to get peace efforts back on track.

An attempt last year by the ISSG to come up with a single list of "terrorist" groups in Syria fell apart after scores of names were submitted from all sides.

A Security Council diplomat, who spoke on condition he not be named, said blacklisting the two groups would be "seriously counter-productive, damaging both efforts to maintain the cessation of hostilities and resume peace negotiations in Geneva."

He argued that isolating them from the mainstream opposition would result in a more hardline stance and drive them away from the search for a political settlement.

"It would provide a pretext for yet more moderate areas to come under target," he said.

The Damascus regime has consistently branded all its opponents -- armed or not -- "terrorists" since the outbreak of war in 2011.
Posted by: Fred || 05/12/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Jaish al-Islam (MB)

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2Sublime Porte
1Baloch Liberation Army
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Two weeks of WOT
Thu 2016-05-12
  ISIS says it's behind Iraq blasts that killed over 90
Wed 2016-05-11
  Bangladesh executes top Jamaat leader Motiur Rahman over '1971 war crimes'
Tue 2016-05-10
  US airstrike kills ISIS 'Emir of Anbar Province' in Iraq
Mon 2016-05-09
  78 militants killed in latest air and ground raids of Afghan forces
Sun 2016-05-08
  Suspected bombers die in Soddy security operation
Sat 2016-05-07
  ISIS Big Wig dies in US airstrike
Fri 2016-05-06
  Appropriate: 200 Taliban recruits nabbed from sheep trucks in north of Afghanistan
Thu 2016-05-05
  Somali commandos raid ISIS base,12 fighters killed
Wed 2016-05-04
  IS Kills U.S. Service Member in Northern Iraq Attack
Tue 2016-05-03
  Key Taliban group member Qari Zubair killed in Badakhshan
Mon 2016-05-02
  Drones hit Daesh bomb factory in Syria
Sun 2016-05-01
  Bangla: IS claims second murder in a week
Sat 2016-04-30
  Taliban’s most senior Quetta Council member dies of cancer, reportedly in Pakistan
Fri 2016-04-29
  ISIS crucifies and executes captives in ‘video game killing’
Thu 2016-04-28
  Ninevah Nightmares: 235 die

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