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Houthis agree to five-day cease-fire in Yemen
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11 Taliban Insurgents Killed in Nationwide ANSF Operations
[Tolo News] At least 11 bandidos Death Eaters have been killed in a series of coordinated operations over the past 24 hours by the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF), the Ministry of Interior (MoI) said in a statement on Saturday.

In addition, six bandidos Death Eaters were maimed and two others locked away
Drop the heater, Studs, or you're hist'try!
The operations were conducted in Kunar, Kandahar, Zabul, Uruzgan, Pashtun-infested Logar, Ghazni, Paktiya and Herat
...a venerable old Persian-speaking city in western Afghanistan, populated mostly by Tadjiks, which is why it's not as blood-soaked as areas controlled by Pashtuns...
provinces, the statement said.

"During the same 24 hour period, Afghan National Police discovered and defused seven different types of IEDs placed by enemies of Afghanistan for destructive activities in Nangarhar
The unfortunate Afghan province located adjacent to Mohmand, Kurram, and Khyber Agencies. The capital is Jalalabad. The province was the fief of Younus Khalis after the Soviets departed and one of his sons is the current provincial Taliban commander. Nangarhar is Haqqani country..
and Kandahar provinces," it said.

The MoI, however, did not comment on whether any security force members were maimed during the operations.
Posted by: Fred || 05/10/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Taliban Insurgents Attack Military Posts On Busy Highway
[Tolo News] A large number of Taliban Death Eaters attacked military posts on the Herat
...a venerable old Persian-speaking city in western Afghanistan, populated mostly by Tadjiks, which is why it's not as blood-soaked as areas controlled by Pashtuns...
-Kandahar highway in western Farah province early Saturday, local officials said.

The attack took place at about 05:00am after Taliban Death Eaters attacked the military posts. The clash ended when more troops were sent in along with helicopter support, Taj Mohammad Jahid, the commander of the 207th Corps of the Afghan National Army (ANA) in western Afghanistan said.

"Fighting ended about 10:00 am and the Death Eaters fled the area. There were no Afghan military casualties in the attack," he said.

if you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning...
there was no information about Death Eater casualty figures.

...back at the Hubba Hubba Club, Nunzio had his hands full of angry bleached blonde...
an eyewitness said that the Herat and Kandahar highway had been closed due to the attack, but military officials said the highway has been reopened.

"The military forces are checking the area to ensure Death Eaters have not placed any roadside mines," Jahid said.

The Taliban have not yet commented on the attack.

The Death Eaters recently increased their attacks in the province and frequently target the Afghan cops.
Posted by: Fred || 05/10/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Africa Horn
Shebab Militants Kill Somali Lawmaker
[AnNahar] Islamic gunnies have grabbed credit for the liquidation of a member of parliament on Friday in the semi-autonomous northern Somalia state of Puntland
...a region in northeastern Somalia, centered on Garowe in the Nugaal province. Its leaders declared the territory an autonomous state in 1998. Puntland and the equally autonomous Somaliland seem to have avoided the clan rivalries and warlordism that have typified the rest of Somalia, which puts both places high on the list for Islamic subversion...
Lawmaker Said Hussein Nur was rubbed out as he left a mosque after evening prayers.

"The Mujahedeen fighters got rid of an apostate member in the Puntland parliament in northern Galkayo," said a statement from Al-Shabaab
... Somalia's version of the Taliban, functioning as an arm of al-Qaeda...
, Somalia's al-Qaeda aligned krazed killers.

"Such attacks will continue", said the statement, posted on a Shabaab website.

Puntland's vice president, Abdihakin Abdulahi Haji, confirmed the attack.

"A member of the Puntland parliament was assassinated in Galkayo and even though we do not have details about the ongoing investigations, we suspect that the violent elements are responsible for the killing," Haji told news hounds, referring to the Shabaab.

Witnesses in northern Galkayo town described the attack by heavily armed gunnies outside a mosque on Friday evening.

"They opened fire and killed the politician who had come out of the mosque together with his security guard," said Abdulahi Muse, who witnessed the attack.

"The gunnies also hurled a hand grenade into a crowd of people who tried to chase the killers and several people were maimed," he said.

According to officials, the MP addressed a gathering a few hours before he was rubbed out during which he called on Galkayo residents to stand against violence.

Nur is the second Puntland politician to be rubbed out in recent weeks as Shabaab continues its campaign of suicide kabooms and liquidations targeting government figures.

Under pressure from African Union
...a union consisting of 53 African states, most run by dictators of one flavor or another. The only all-African state not in the AU is Morocco. Established in 2002, the AU is the successor to the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), which was even less successful...
and Somali soldiers on the ground and American drones overhead, Shabaab has retreated from most of Somalia's towns since mid-2012 and switched to an asymmetric type of warfare.

Somali government and United Nations
...an organization which on balance has done more bad than good, with the good not done well and the bad done thoroughly...
officials say that the group has split, moving northwards into Puntland, and southwards into the Jubba valley.

Last month Shabaab grabbed credit for a suicide attack on a UN minibus in the Puntland town of Garowe that left seven people dead, including four foreign aid workers from the children's agency UNICEF.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/10/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab

Africa North
Policeman, 3 'Brotherhood members' killed in raid near Egypt's Damietta
[AlAhram] Four killed during the second police raid on Basarta village in a week

A policeman and three suspected supporters of the banned Moslem Brüderbund died early Saturday after a police raid to arrest individuals wanted on criminal charges, Al-Ahram Arabic news website reported.

Clashes erupted between alleged Brotherhood members and security forces as soon as police personnel entered Basarta village, near the Egyptian city of Damietta.

The head of Damietta's Security Directorate, Hassan El-Bardissy, told Aswat Masriya that as soon as coppers arrived in the village they were shot at by the alleged Brotherhood members.

The police fired back, El-Bardissy said, and the resulting festivities left four people dead.

A policeman was killed and six people were maimed in another police raid on Wednesday in the same village.

Basarta is considered to be a hotspot of Moslem Brüderbund support, with many marches in support of the group starting in the village before heading into Damietta.

The Brotherhood was declared a terrorist group by the government in 2013, and membership or support for the group criminalised.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/10/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: Muslim Brotherhood

Three policemen injured in drive-by shooting in Egypt's North Sinai
[AlAhram] Three coppers were maimed in Egypt's restive North Sinai late Friday in a drive-by shooting, Rooters' Aswat Masriya reported.

Security forces said the assailants used a car they hijacked in North Sinai's Al-Arish in the attack against security personnel.

AP and AFP reported that two coppers died from injuries sustained in the attack and that a third policeman was injured.

we can't all be heroes. Somebody has to sit on the curb and applaud when they go by...
Egyptian authorities have not yet commented on the reported incident.

The Sinai-based holy warrior, Islamist group Ansar Beit Al-Maqdis had claimed most attacks against army and police personnel in the past two years.
The situation is still a bit foggy, as An Nahar reports the following:
Militants rubbed out three Egyptian policeman and a retired officer in separate attacks in the capital of North Sinai, security officials said on Saturday.

Gunmen, suspected of belonging to the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
group's affiliate in Egypt, rubbed out two coppers in the town of El-Arish overnight Friday before fleeing in a vehicle, the officials said.

They bumped off a policeman outside a school in the town and the retired officer at a market place hours later, the officials said.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/10/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis

Egyptian army says 725 'terrorists' killed in North Sinai over last 6 months
[AlAhram] Military releases a report detailing their campaign against turbans in North Sinai

The Egyptian army released on Saturday a semi-annual report detailing the security forces' campaign against Islamist turbans in North Sinai in which they said they had killed 725 turbans in the governorate.

The report, which spans the period from 25 October last year to 30 April of this year, was published on the army front man's official Facebook page.

The highest number of "terrorists" killed took place in February, with 173 killed. In January, the lowest numbers of killings was reported, at 44 dead.

The report also stated that 1,873 suspects were jugged
You have the right to remain silent...
; the most were reported in November at 575, and the least in January at 158.

Aside from the suspects arrested, the report stated that 206 other wanted individuals were apprehended.

In addition, 591 vehicles with no licence plates were confiscated and destroyed, along with 1,447 cycle of violences.

Previous army statements reveal that most assailants attacking police and army personnel use cars and cycle of violences without licence plates.

The report also stated that 1,823 terrorist hideouts were destroyed, including underground bunkers, trenches, shacks, tents, and abandoned houses.

The majority of these incidents took place in November, with a total of 1,023 hideouts destroyed.

The report also lists numbers and types of weaponry confiscated, including 80,927 bullets of various sizes.

Egypt's army is currently fighting a campaign against a decade-long bad boy insurgency in North Sinai.

Militants have killed hundreds of police and army personnel in the past year and a half in North Sina, while the authorities have announced that hundreds of turbans have been killed in military campaigns in the governorate.

The Islamist group Ansar Beit Al-Maqdis has grabbed credit for most attacks against the security forces in Sinai.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/10/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis

Houthis agree to five-day cease-fire in Yemen
[AMERICA.ALJAZEERA] Yemen's dominant Houthi
...a Zaidi Shia insurgent group operating in Yemen. They have also been referred to as the Believing Youth. Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi is said to be the spiritual leader of the group and most of the military leaders are his relatives. The Yemeni government has accused the Houthis of having ties to the Iranian government, which wouldn't suprise most of us. The group has managed to gain control over all of Saada Governorate and parts of Amran, Al Jawf and Hajjah Governorates. Its slogan is God is Great, Death to America™, Death to Israel, a curse on the Jews ...
rebel group and its allies in the country's splintered armed forces said Sunday they would accept a five-day humanitarian cease-fire to allow aid to reach civilians after more than a month of daily Arclight airstrikes from a Saudi-led military coalition.

The cease-fire, scheduled to begin Tuesday, would help ease the suffering of civilians in the Arab world's poorest country who increasingly lack food, fuel and medicine since the bombing campaign began March 26.

Backed by the United States, a Saudi-led coalition has been conducting Arclight airstrikes against the Houthis and army units loyal to former President President-for-Life Ali Abdullah Saleh
... Saleh initially took power as a strongman of North Yemen in 1977, when disco was in flower, but he didn't invite Donna Summer to the inauguration and Blondie couldn't make it...
with the aim of restoring the government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

The Houthis say their campaign is aimed at defeating Al-Qaeda gunnies based in Yemen, and accuse Hadi's forces of supporting the group.

those who apply themselves too closely to little things often become incapable of great things...
all sides in a conflict that's seen the exile of Saudi- and Western-backed Hadi have warned they'll retaliate if the cease-fire is broken.

A foreign affairs front man for the Houthis wrote on social media that the rebels would accept the truce if it was "real and serious." On Sunday, state news agency SABA, which is under the control of the Houthis, quoted Col. Sharaf Ghalib Luqman as saying the group agreed with the cease-fire, warning against any violation of the truce.

On Saturday, Brig. Gen. Ahmed Ali Asiri, the Saudi-led coalition's front man, also warned that the cease-fire will be cancelled if the Houthis violate it.

...back at the desert island, Bert was realizing to his horror that he'd had only one bottle for one message, and he'd forgotten to include a return address...
Saudi-led strikes have continued in Yemen, with a residence of former President-for-Life Saleh
... exemplifying the Arab's propensity to combine brutality with incompetence...
in the capital, Sanaa, reportedly hit. Social media accounts later posted pictures of what appeared to be Saleh speaking in front of his ruined home after the strike. Saleh and his forces back the Houthis, who are also backed by Iran.

Saleh appeared unscathed and seemed to taunt Soddy Arabia
...a kingdom taking up the bulk of the Arabian peninsula. Its primary economic activity involves exporting oil and soaking Islamic rubes on the annual hajj pilgrimage. The country supports a large number of princes in whatcha might call princely splendor. When the oil runs out the rest of the world is going to kick sand in the Soddy national face...
in remarks televised by his TV channel, YemenToday. "It isn't just me who is being targeted but every citizen .... This aggression is cowardly. Go ahead and come by land, we'll make a welcome for you," Saleh said from behind a pair of sunglasses.

Arab air strikes also hit weapons caches at a military base and a presidential palace in the southern city of Aden, the epicenter of fighting for more than six weeks, and southern fighters questioned the proposed pause.

The raging conflict in Yemen
...an area of the Arabian Peninsula sometimes mistaken for a country. It is populated by more antagonistic tribes and factions than you can keep track of. Except for a tiny handfull of Jews everthing there is very Islamic...
has killed more than 1,400 people -- many of them civilians -- since March 19, according to the United Nations
...a lucrative dumping ground for the relatives of dictators and party hacks...

International concern about the humanitarian situation has grown as the strikes sent locals fleeing from their homes and destroyed infrastructure, leading to shortages of food, medicine and fuel.

Iranian news agency Tasnim said an aid ship would set sail for the Houthi-controlled Red Sea port of Hodaida on Sunday, in a move that will likely be blocked by the Saudi-led coalition.
Posted by: Fred || 05/10/2015 12:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under: Houthis

#1  Hudna!
Posted by: Frank G || 05/10/2015 15:17 Comments || Top||

#2  It's a quagmire, I tell yuh, a quagmire.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 05/10/2015 15:23 Comments || Top||

Houthi terror hub hit
[ARABNEWS] The coalition Arclight airstrikes, led by Soddy Arabia
...a kingdom taking up the bulk of the Arabian peninsula. Its primary economic activity involves exporting oil and soaking Islamic rubes on the annual hajj pilgrimage. The country supports a large number of princes in whatcha might call princely splendor. When the oil runs out the rest of the world is going to kick sand in the Soddy national face...
, targeted the key areas held by Houthi
...a Zaidi Shia insurgent group operating in Yemen. They have also been referred to as the Believing Youth. Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi is said to be the spiritual leader of the group and most of the military leaders are his relatives. The Yemeni government has accused the Houthis of having ties to the Iranian government, which wouldn't suprise most of us. The group has managed to gain control over all of Saada Governorate and parts of Amran, Al Jawf and Hajjah Governorates. Its slogan is God is Great, Death to America™, Death to Israel, a curse on the Jews ...
rebels at Sadaa in Yemen
...an area of the Arabian Peninsula sometimes mistaken for a country. It is populated by more antagonistic tribes and factions than you can keep track of. Except for a tiny handfull of Jews everthing there is very Islamic...
in the past 24 hours, destroying a communication facility, rebel headquarters and places where arms and ammunition were stored.

The air raids, which began on Friday evening, also successfully targeted rebel camps and gatherings, the Coalition Command said.

It urged civilians to stay away from Houthi gatherings and their military sites.

"We have kept two options open -- military support to Operation Restoring Hope and, at the same time, a fitting response to those who carried out attacks on the cities of Najran and Jazan," defense front man Brig. Gen. Ahmed Al-Assiri told news hounds at the Riyadh airbase on Saturday.

The coalition forces carried out 130 Arclight airstrikes targeting 100 sites in Sadaa, Maran, Albiqaa and the borders between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Yemen, he said.

"The air raids focused on the headquarters and command and control of the Houthi leaders. Currently, the aim of the operation now is to prevent the movement of the rebels, protection of Yemeni citizens and facilitation of relief and humanitarian work in the country," Al-Assiri added.

The Coalition Command stressed that the Arclight airstrikes achieved its objective in Sadaa through destroying the headquarters of the Houthi leadership, including that of Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi in Duhayan, Jabal Al-Tyes and the Directorate of Majaz.

The Coalition Command said the air raids also targeted the headquarters of Mohammed Hassan Qabali in Bani Moaz in Sadaa, Ahmed Nasser Almaran in Bani Moaz in Saada, Hamid Alsmad, the official front man of the Houthi militia Mohammed Abdulsalam in Sohar Directorate, Houthi political office director Saleh Habra in Saada, Ahmed Saleh Hendi in Mzab, member of the Houthi Cultural Office Saleh Alsmad Abu Fadel, Abdulkarim Alhouthi in Dhyan, director of the Houthi militia office in Altalh Mehdi Al-Mashat and two headquarters of the Houthi militia military leaders (Dgsan and Abu Salem) in Saada, in addition to destruction of the headquarters of the leader of Yusef Al-Fishi.
Posted by: Fred || 05/10/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Houthis

Saudi-led coalition launches wave of air strikes on Yemen
[EN.ZAMANALWSL.NET] The Saudi-led coalition said on Saturday it had hit Yemen
...an area of the Arabian Peninsula sometimes mistaken for a country. It is populated by more antagonistic tribes and factions than you can keep track of. Except for a tiny handfull of Jews everthing there is very Islamic...
with 130 air strikes over the previous 24 hours, and a senior UN official said some attacks violated international law.

The coalition of Arab states had called on civilians to evacuate Saada, the city in northern Yemen where support for Houthi
...a Zaidi Shia insurgent group operating in Yemen. They have also been referred to as the Believing Youth. Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi is said to be the spiritual leader of the group and most of the military leaders are his relatives. The Yemeni government has accused the Houthis of having ties to the Iranian government, which wouldn't suprise most of us. The group has managed to gain control over all of Saada Governorate and parts of Amran, Al Jawf and Hajjah Governorates. Its slogan is God is Great, Death to America™, Death to Israel, a curse on the Jews ...
rebels is strongest, before the bombing but it was unclear how they could leave.

"The indiscriminate bombing of populated areas, with or without prior warning, is in contravention of international humanitarian law," the U.N. Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen Johannes van der Klaauw said in a statement later in the day.

"Many civilians are effectively trapped in Saada as they are unable to access transport because of the fuel shortage. The targeting of an entire governorate will put countless civilians at risk."

A coalition front man said the latest wave of aerial bombing, on about 100 locations, was in response to the shelling of Saudi border areas by Houthi forces this week.

The air strikes targeted bases of Houthi leaders across Saada and Hajja provinces, said Brigadier General Ahmed Asseri, as well as hitting tanks and other military vehicles.

Other strikes targeted Sanaa airport's runway, a Yemeni official there said, and Houthi targets in the al-Sadda district of Ibb in central Yemen, residents there said.

In the southern port city of Aden, festivities continued on Friday and Saturday in the central Crater, Khor Maksar and Mualla districts as the Houthis and forces loyal to former president President-for-Life Ali Abdullah Saleh
... Saleh initially took power as a strongman of North Yemen in 1977, when disco was in flower, but he didn't invite Donna Summer to the inauguration and Blondie couldn't make it...
shelled local militias trying to oust them from the city.

a clean conscience makes a soft pillow...
the Houthis were pushed back from parts of Dar al-Saad in the city's north into restive Lahj
... a Yemeni governate located in the southwestern corner of the Arabian Peninsula. It is the stomping grounds on the southern secessionist al-Harak movement
Province, local militias said, and faced fighting in al-Dhala Province.

In Shabwa province, east of Aden, four men including a suspected al Qaeda leader were killed in a drone strike, local officials said.

Posted by: Fred || 05/10/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Houthis

Fighting between Pakistani Tribes Leaves 47 Dead
[AnNahar] A shootout between two Pak tribes over disputed mountain territory close to the Afghan border on Saturday left at least 47 people dead and 25 others injured, officials and local sources said.

A security source told Agence La Belle France Presse that the Mada Khel and Paipali Kabul Khel tribes of North Wazoo had been engaged in intense frighting since Friday to try to capture a mountain, which both groups claim.

"The fight in Laoaara Mandi village in Data Khel area has so far left 47 people dead and 25 others injured," the official said.

He added that the fight for occupation of the mountain is still ongoing.

Locals in the area confirmed the violence and said that the tribes support separate bad boy groups in the region.

Another source, who is close to the political administration in the area, gave a lower toll, saying that 36 people were killed and 15 were maimed.

North Waziristan is one of Pakistain's seven semi autonomous tribal districts where Pak forces have little control and bad boy groups thrive. The U.S. has in past branded these areas the most dangerous in the world, saying they are hubs for Taliban and al-Qaeda-led bad boys.

Tribes in these areas often fight bloody battles to assert their control over the region.

The Mighty Pak Army started an offensive in June last year to clear the region of Talibs and has since claimed significant success in the operation, named Zarb-e-Azb
..the Pak offensive against Qaeda in Pakistain and the Pak Taliban in North Wazoo. The name refers to the sword of the Prophet (PTUI!)...
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/10/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Dozens shot dead in botched Diyala prison break
[Rudaw] Thirty escaped prisoners were rubbed out and another six recaptured Friday after a prison break in Diyala province, the Iraqi Defense Ministry said on Saturday, adding that six coppers were also killed in the fighting.

At least 40 prisoners had escaped a police prison in the town of Khalis, with nine of the escapees described as terrorists,

"Yesterday several prisoners managed to disarm a security officer inside the prison. As a result, some police and people were killed inside the Khalis Police Station," General Saad Maan, defense ministry front man told the press in Baghdad on Saturday.

He added: "In the aftermath of this incident, some 40 prisoners managed to escape from the police, nine of the escapees were terrorists, but later 30 of the escapees were rubbed out by the police, six of them were recaptured and also six police were killed due to the festivities."

"The police are in hot pursuit of those who are not recaptured yet," said the spokesperson.

Khalis is roughly 15km north of Baqubah, capital of Diyala province.
Ynet adds:
Islamic state Lions of Islam staged the prison break in Iraq in which 50 inmates and a dozen coppers were killed, said two Iraqi officials on Saturday.

"ISIS was responsible for the killings and the release of ISIS prisoners," said Oudi Al-Khadran, mayor of the town where the prison, which holds hundreds of people convicted of acts of terrorism, is located.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/10/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iraq

Planes hammer ISIS bases on Mosul, Kirkuk fronts
[Rudaw] ISIS positions in western areas of Kirkuk and djinn-infested Mosul
... the home of a particularly ferocious and hairy djinn...
provinces have been pounded by Arclight airstrikes from the US-led coalition, reportedly killing dozens of the group's krazed killers, Peshmerga officials told Rudaw on Saturday.

"The warplanes hit two ISIS arsenals in the village of Wailea near the Kaske front in western Mosul and Khorbasat village on the Nawaran front in northern Mosul," a Peshmerga official told Rudaw.

The source added: "According to obtained information by the Peshmerga, some 30 ISIS turbans have been killed from the bombardments."

In a separate attack, several ISIS positions on the western Kirkuk front were targeted by coalition warplanes, inflicting heavy casualties, Dr Kamal Kirkuki, a Peshmerga officer on the front said.

"The warplanes intensely shelled ISIS positions in the villages of Ghara and Guba in western Kirkuk,
... a thick stew of Arabs, Turkmen, Kurds, and probably Antarcticans, all of them mutually hostile most of the time...
" Kirkuki added.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/10/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Security forces kill 15 terrorists, dismantle 64 IEDs near al-Karma
[IraqiNews.com] On Saturday, Baghdad Operations Command said, that the security forces managed to kill 15 holy warriors and dismantle 64 IEDs in an area near al-Karma District.

Baghdad Operations Command said in a statement obtained by IraqiNews.com "Today the Iraqi security forces had managed to kill 15 holy warriors and wound others during a security operation in the area of Albu Haswa as part of the operation 'Fajr al-Karma' to liberate the district of al-Karma and its surrounding areas," pointing out that, "The operation also resulted in destroying 2 shelters for the holy warriors and the dismantlement of 64 improvised bombs (IEDs)."
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/10/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iraq

U.S.-led coalition intensifies airstrikes as ISIS transports tons of weapons from Syria to Anbar, says official
[IraqiNews.com] On Thursday, Member of Anbar Provincial Council Farhan Mohammed revealed, that the ISIS forces of Evil had transported tons of weapons from Syria to Anbar Province.

Member of the provincial council, Farhan Mohammed, stated in an interview for IraqiNews.com "The ISIS forces of Evil had transported tons of weapons, ammunition and equipment from Syria to al-Qa'im," adding that, "Warplanes of the U.S.-led international coalition against ISIS intensified its air strikes to target ISIS ranks that could be transporting weapons to the province in the future."

The city of al-Qa'im is located 350 km west of Ramadi.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/10/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  Killiong off logistics should be possible - its what the Zoomies have been trained to do since WW2
Posted by: OldSpook || 05/10/2015 11:29 Comments || Top||

#2  It's only possible if you can tolerate (accusations of) collateral damage.
Posted by: Glenmore || 05/10/2015 11:36 Comments || Top||

#3  It should be easy to kill off these supplies.

There is no place to hide out on the western desert in Anbar. Not a bush or large rock. They should stick out like sore thumbs on a FLIR and should be sitting ducks.

That is, if we are flying enough missions to do the job and if we have our eyes in the sky tracking them.
Posted by: Bill Clinton || 05/10/2015 12:20 Comments || Top||

#4  And enough lawyers to vet the targets, Bill.
Posted by: Pappy || 05/10/2015 13:18 Comments || Top||

#5  So they have massive amounts of weapons in Syria? they control parts of Damascus? But they never finish Pencil-guy off?

Posted by: Thing From Snowy Mountain || 05/10/2015 13:55 Comments || Top||

#6  @Thing: I daily wonder the same. Seems like Assad is better protected than the (thank G-d former) Fuhrer. How and by whom? Something stinks...
Posted by: borgboy || 05/10/2015 17:12 Comments || Top||

#7  Must mean Andubar.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 05/10/2015 21:36 Comments || Top||

Car bomb blast kills 1, wounds 13 people in central Baghdad
[IraqiNews.com] On Saturday, a source within the police force in Baghdad said, that a kaboom has killed 1 person and injured at least 13 others in the area of al-Karada.

The source told IraqiNews.com "At noon, a bomb that was emplaced inside a car went off near a restaurant in the area of al-Karada, located in central Baghdad," pointing out that, "The kaboom resulted in killing 1 person and injuring at least 13 others in the area of the kaboom."

"A security force blockaded the area of the incident, while ambulances transferred the dead body to the Forensic Medicine Authority and the injured to a near hospital," the source added
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/10/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

ISIS bans shaving beards, blows up west Mosul mosque
[RUDAW.NET] In recent days, the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
, or ISIS, has blown up the biggest mosque in the occupied city of djinn-infested Mosul
... the home of a particularly ferocious and hairy djinn...
's western Badoush neighborhood and reiterated its ban on the shaving of beards, a source inside Mosul and a Kurdish official have told Rudaw.

According to Ismat Rajab, a Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) official based in Mosul but now in Duhok, the jihadists destroyed the Badoush mosque because it reportedly had a grave that went against the ultra-conservative ideology of the Islamic State.

A ban on shaving, issued earlier this year by ISIS holy mans, was stressed again during Friday prayers.

"Yesterday, in all Mosul mosques, preachers threatened men that if they shaves their beards they would be punished because it is against the Islamic Sharia law," a Ruday source inside said.

In early March, it was reported that ISIS bully boyz used explosives to demolish the much-loved 19th century Hamo mosque, deeming it sacrilegious.

Mosul fell in early June after the rapid capitulation by the Iraqi military, whose members reportedly abandoned their posts as the jihadists advanced.
Posted by: Fred || 05/10/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  You were talking to Dr Love again weren't you Noodleman? A Dr who has time and again been named in various and sundry theft of services law suits, a Dr with goats and goatee. It was you who killed The Hamo Mosque! Well wasn't it?

/o hai Paul, I can has sekret note nao?
Posted by: Shipman || 05/10/2015 8:27 Comments || Top||

#2  ISIS blowing up mosques. Wonder what the left thinks of that? The ME is totally insane. With microscopic pockets of sanity here and there.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 05/10/2015 15:22 Comments || Top||

Planes hammer ISIS bases on Mosul, Kirkuk fronts
[RUDAW.NET] ISIS positions in western areas of Kirkuk and djinn-infested Mosul
... the home of a particularly ferocious and hairy djinn...
provinces have been pounded by Arclight airstrikes from the US-led coalition, reportedly killing dozens of the group's bad boys, Peshmerga officials told Rudaw on Saturday.

"The warplanes hit two ISIS arsenals in the village of Wailea near the Kaske front in western Mosul and Khorbasat village on the Nawaran front in northern Mosul," a Peshmerga official told Rudaw.

The source added: "According to obtained information by the Peshmerga, some 30 ISIS forces of Evil have been killed from the bombardments."

In a separate attack, several ISIS positions on the western Kirkuk front were targeted by coalition warplanes, inflicting heavy casualties, Dr Kamal Kirkuki, a Peshmerga officer on the front said.

"The warplanes intensely shelled ISIS positions in the villages of Ghara and Guba in western Kirkuk,
... a thick stew of Arabs, Turkmen, Kurds, and probably Antarcticans, all of them mutually hostile most of the time...
" Kirkuki added.
Posted by: Fred || 05/10/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Idlib suffers chlorine attacks
[ARABNEWS] Syrian activists and a doctor reported Thursday of new suspected chemical attacks in the northwestern province of Idlib, leaving several dozens of people suffering from asphyxiation.

Mohammed Tennari, a doctor who testified before the UN Security Council last month after treating a number of victims in Idlib from an earlier chemical attack, said there were at least three separate attacks in the province that injured nearly 80 people.

Tennari, who spoke with The News Agency that Dare Not be Named from near the border with The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the only place on the face of the earth that misses the Ottoman Empire....
, shared field reports from doctors in the three villages that were reportedly hit. The reports said government helicopters dropped barrel bombs containing chlorine on the villages of Janoudieh, Kansafrah, and Kafr Batiekh on Thursday.

Tennari is on his way back from the United States where he reported to the council on a suspected chlorine attack in March that killed three children and their grandmother in the same province. He is the coordinator for the Syrian American Medical Society, which has volunteer medical personnel treating victims and reporting on attacks in Syria.

Also, the Syrian Network for Human Rights, another monitoring group which is based outside the country, reported the three different attacks, sharing on Twitter images it said were from field hospitals where victims were taken. The group reported that 69 people were maimed in the attacks.

The reports could not be independently verified. There has been an increase in reports of suspected chlorine bombs amid intensified fighting in the province where the rebels have made significant advances against government troops in recent weeks. Rebel fighters seized the historic provincial capital and weeks later moved in on a strategic town near the border with Turkey. The government has vowed to restore control.

Tennari said a man in his thirties died Thursday from another suspected chlorine attack in a fourth village in Idlib on May 2. The man's six-month-old baby died in that attack, Tennari said.

Despite condemning such attacks, the United Nations
...boodling on the grand scale...
has been unable to follow through with action or assign blame. The rise in attacks comes as the United States is leading an effort to create a way to attribute blame.

On Thursday, the current council president, Lithuanian Ambassador Raimonda Murmokaite, said a "large majority" of members support the US effort and are ready to move quickly in the next few days. But Syria ally Russia worried whether it will be objective, with Ambassador Vitaly Churkin telling the AP, "They've done their attribution of blame already."

The reports of new attacks came after the International Committee for the Red Thingy director of operations, Dominik Stillhart, warned on Thursday that the humanitarian situation in Syria has tanked sharply amid intensified fighting in several parts of the country between government forces and rebel groups, as well as among rival opposition faction.

Posted by: Fred || 05/10/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

Hizbullah, Syrian Army Take Control of al-Qalamoun's Juba
[AnNahar] Hizbullah
...Party of God, a Leb militia inspired, founded, funded and directed by Iran. Hizbullah refers to itself as The Resistance and purports to defend Leb against Israel, with whom it has started and lost one disastrous war to date, though it did claim victory...
fighters backed by the Syrian Army reportedly took control of new Lion of Islam positions on the outskirts of the Syrian al-Qalamoun town, which borders Leb.

Al-Manar reported that Hizbullah and the Syrian forces completely seized the outskirts of al-Juba town, which compelled Islamists bully boyz to flee the area towards Ras al-Maarah, Fleita and al-Rahwa, along the Lebanese border.

Voice of Leb (93.3) also said that Hizbullah and the Syrian troops took control of al-Mohmadat Hill, which oversees Wadi al-Zaaroura that links the outskirts of Brital with Juba.

Syrian jets also shelled the outskirts of the northeastern border town of Arsal and flew over Leb's Eastern Mountain range.

Later, VDL (93.3) reported that the two allies also captured Wadi al-Kneisseh crossing between al-Juba and Assal al-Wared.

Fighting has intensified in the past week in the mountainous al-Qalamoun region across the border from Leb, where bully boyz from the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
group and the al-Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front are entrenched.

Hizbullah and Syrian government troops took control on Thursday of strategic heights in the Syrian region of al-Qalamoun that abuts Leb's eastern border.

The control of the area on the outskirts of Assal al-Wared came following heavy festivities with al-Nusra
...formally Jabhat an-Nusrah li-Ahli sh-Sham (Support Front for the People of the Levant), also known as al-Qaeda in the Levant. They aim to establish a pan-Arab caliphate. Not the same one as the Islamic State, though .. ...

Hizbullah stated on Friday that the number of fighters who were killed in Syria's al-Qalamoun front were only three, denying media reports claiming otherwise.

Some media outlets said that more than 40 of Hizbullah fighters had died in fighting against Islamic bully boyz near the border with Leb this week.

a person who gets all wrapped up in himself makes a mighty small package...
al-Nusra Front said in statement via Twitter: "A large number of Hizbullah and Syrian army members were killed and others maimed in fighting with al-Fatah al-Qalamoun army in Assal al-Wared."

Hizbullah has been fighting alongside Assad's forces against predominantly Sunni rebels and bully boyz seeking to topple him.

On Friday, Hizbullah and the troops of Syrian Hereditary President-for-Life Bashir Pencilneck al-Assad
Despoiler of Deraa...
attacked Lion of Islam posts in al-Qalamoun's Juba area after they compelled them to withdraw from the town of Assal al-Wared, which is near the Lebanese border enclave of Tufail, which is surrounded by Syrian lands to its north, east and south, and by the Lebanese villages of Ham, Maarboun and Brital to its west.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/10/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Hezbollah

Syrian troops battle to free trapped forces
[EN.ZAMANALWSL.NET] Syrian government forces advanced Saturday towards the rebel-held town of Jisr al-Shughur, where around 250 army soldiers and their families are trapped in a hospital building, activists said.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said government troops were now within two kilometers (just over a mile) of where the group has been trapped since rebels seized Jisr al-Shughur in northwestern Idlib province two weeks ago.

"Regime forces and allied fighters are now two kilometers from the hospital and desperately want to save the 250 people besieged inside," said Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman.

He said there was fierce fighting between rebels and army backed by Arclight airstrikes as they sought to approach the hospital on Jisr al-Shughur's southeastern outskirts.

Government forces inside the hospital have been battling rebels to keep them from entering the building.

It remains unclear how much food and ammunition is available to those trapped, and how many of the 250 people inside are civilians.

A group of rebels including Al-Qaeda's Syrian affiliate the Nusra Front seized Jisr al-Shughur on April 25, shortly after capturing the placid provincial capital of Idlib city.

The loss of the town, strategically located near the border with rebel-backer The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the only place on the face of the earth that misses the Ottoman Empire....
and alongside the government stronghold of Latakia province, was a new setback for Damascus.

Since then, the government has also lost one of its remaining military bases in the province.

On Wednesday, Hereditary President-for-Life Bashir Pencilneck al-Assad
Trampler of Homs...
pledged that the army would "arrive soon to these heroes trapped in the Jisr al-Shughur hospital".

The same day, government forces began a counteroffensive in the province.

Elsewhere on Saturday, official news agency SANA said at least five non-combatants were killed and 19 others maimed by rebel shelling in northern Aleppo.

The deaths occurred in the Salaheddin neighborhood of the government-controlled west of the city.

Once Syria's economic powerhouse, Aleppo has been ravaged by the country's war and is divided between government control in the west and rebel control in the east.

Government forces regularly carry out Arclight airstrikes and drop so-called barrel bombs on the rebel side, and opposition fighters often fire rockets into the government side.
Posted by: Fred || 05/10/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

Weapons inspectors find undeclared sarin and VX traces in Syria - diplomats
[EN.ZAMANALWSL.NET] International inspectors have found traces of sarin and VX nerve agent at a military research site in Syria that had not been declared to the global chemical weapons watchdog, diplomatic sources said on Friday.

Samples taken by experts from the Organisation for the Prohibition and Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in December and January tested positive for chemical precursors needed to make the toxic agents, the sources told Rooters on the condition of anonymity because the information is confidential.

"This is a pretty strong indication they have been lying about what they did with sarin," one diplomatic source said. "They have so far been unable to give a satisfactory explanation about this finding."

In 2013, the United States threatened military intervention against Syria's government after sarin gas attacks in August of that year killed hundreds of residents in Ghouta, a rebel-controlled suburb of the Syrian capital Damascus.

But the Damascus government forestalled foreign intervention by agreeing to a U.S.- and Russian-brokered deal under which it joined the OPCW, admitting to having a chemicals weapons program and promising to eliminate it.

The government of Hereditary President-for-Life Bashir Pencilneck al-Assad
Horror of Homs...
last year handed over 1,300 tonnes of chemical arms to a joint U.N.-OPCW mission for destruction. But Damascus has denied using sarin or any chemical weapons in battle during Syria's continuing civil war.

The diplomatic sources said the sarin and VX nerve samples were taken from the Scientific Studies and Research Centre, a government agency where Western intelligence agencies say Syria developed biological and chemical weapons.

Asked about the diplomats' account, OPCW front man Peter Sawczak said: "Obviously we are working to clarify Syria's declaration. I cannot discuss any details of that process, but in due course the assessment team will issue a report."
Posted by: Fred || 05/10/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

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