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Attempted Grenade Attack on President Bush?
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-Short Attention Span Theater-
Fatal error
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:web
antburgwwwindex.php on line 394.
I've been getting this for the last couple of days.Is it a problem with my pc,ISP,or RB?
If it's problem on my end how can I fix it?
Posted by: raptor || 05/10/2005 11:16 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  It means the request spent over 30 CPU seconds. Should never happen. Most likely is that your php script entered an infinite loop.
Posted by: JFM || 05/10/2005 11:23 Comments || Top||

#2  Thanks,JFM.But how do I fix the problem?
Posted by: raptor || 05/10/2005 11:25 Comments || Top||

#3  By fixing the bug. :-) Sorry but I cannot be more specific with the data at hand: I do not even know if it is your script or one who came with the softwatre and still leess what is in that script.
Posted by: JFM || 05/10/2005 11:50 Comments || Top||

#4  I ran into that yesterday. It turned out BlogAds had (apparently) gone offline and the system was trying to retrieve data from it. I'll put in a switch to turn off BlogAds, GoogleAds, and Amazon when necessary.
Posted by: Fred || 05/10/2005 11:54 Comments || Top||

Founders of Kuwait Party Could Face 15 Years in Jail
The founders of Kuwait's first political party, who were charged with plotting to overthrow the government, could face a jail term of up to 15 years if convicted, their defense team said yesterday. "The maximum penalty for the charges as stipulated by Kuwait's penal code is a jail term of up to 15 years," Nasser Al-Duwailah, defense lawyer for the Ummah (Nation) Party, told a news conference.

All 15 founders of the party have been questioned by the public prosecution for violating the press and public gatherings laws and for "forming a party to change the government and undermine the country's political and economic orders", the party's Secretary-General Hakem Al-Mutairi said. Mutairi said the founders have been released on bail pending the completion of the case that "could either be sent to court or shelved". Islamists in January took the unprecedented step of launching the Ummah Party, the first of its kind in the Gulf region, saying it intends to promote pluralism and a peaceful rotation of power. Mutairi denied the accusations and insisted the party does not intend to overthrow the government but will "work through peaceful means to achieve the rotation of power ... to eventually establish an elected parliamentary government".
Posted by: Fred || 05/10/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Its my party and I'll cry if I want to... forgive me, up too late.
Posted by: blackhorse || 05/10/2005 22:32 Comments || Top||

Al-Qaeda Suspects Planned Attacks Across Gulf
Eight suspected Al-Qaeda militants on trial in Yemen had planned attacks on Western targets in five of the six Gulf Arab states, the prosecutor said yesterday. The eight defendants, accused of conspiring to attack the British and Italian embassies in the Yemeni capital, also planned attacks in Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, Said Al-Aqal told the court. Targets included "joint venture banks, American restaurants ... US and other expatriate hospital doctors, and managers of foreign companies and international schools," Aqal said, citing documents seized by police.

The eight defendants, who include an Iraqi and two Syrians, went on trial on March 21, the same day that verdicts were delivered in the related trial of 11 Yemeni suspects. The eight stand accused of forming an armed gang, forging passports and other documents, and possessing arms and explosives. At a previous hearing on March 28, Iraqi defendant Anwar Al-Jilani, 20, admitted collecting information on Western targets in Sanaa but denied any role in carrying out attacks.
"No, no! Certainly not!"
Abdul-Aziz Al-Samawi, the defense lawyer of Al-Jilani, rejected the new charges and told the court he wanted to review the documents. "Based on these documents, my client must have been acting like the Pentagon," Al-Samawi told the court. The seven other suspects standing trial are Khaled Al-Batati, 23; Salah Othman, 33; Omran Al-Faqih, 31; Abdurrahman Basira, 25, and Majed Mizan, 21, both former residents of Saudi Arabia; Mohammad Abdulwahab Bakri, a 24-year-old Syrian, and his brother Ahmad, 22. The 11 Yemenis whose related trial concluded on March 21 are currently facing an appeal by prosecutors after five were acquitted and six received two-year jail terms for forging passports and other documents. The appeal court announced it would deliver its verdict on June 18 after a final hearing on Saturday.
This article starring:
ANWAR AL JILANIal-Qaeda in Yemen
KHALED AL BATATIal-Qaeda in Yemen
MAJED MIZANal-Qaeda in Yemen
OMRAN AL FAQIHal-Qaeda in Yemen
SALAH OTHMANal-Qaeda in Yemen
Posted by: Fred || 05/10/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

2 Saudi police wounded in clash with gunmen
RIYADH: Two members of Saudi Arabia's security forces were wounded in an exchange of fire with gunmen at a checkpoint in the east of the capital Riyadh on Monday, a security source said. The clash took place after their car failed to stop at the checkpoint, the source said. Government officials were not immediately available to confirm the shooting. Saudi Arabia has been battling militants loyal to Saudi-born Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaeda network, who have staged several bloody attacks on foreign residents, government sites and energy-industry installations in the last two years.
Posted by: Fred || 05/10/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  No deaths, no captures, but plenty of unaimed guns making noise and spitting bullets -- a good time was clearly had by all.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/10/2005 16:17 Comments || Top||

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Attempted Grenade Attack on President Bush While Speaking in Georgia?
No link as yet; this was just reported on Fox News. According to the report, no one was hurt, and the grenade did not go off.

From AP:
Agents Check Report of Grenade Near Bush
Must not have been too near, if the Secret Service didn't notice it...
The Secret Service was investigating a report Tuesday that a hand grenade was thrown at the stage during President Bush's speech in the former Soviet republic of Georgia. After Bush left Georgia on Tuesday, the Secret Service was informed by Georgian authorities of a report that a device, possibly a hand grenade, had been thrown within 100 feet of the stage during Bush's speech, hit someone in the crowd and fell to the ground, Secret Service spokesman Jonathan Cherry said.
"Within 100 feet" isn't on stage...
According to the report, a Georgian security officer picked up the device and removed it from the area.
Either that's a guy with real guts or it wasn't a grenade...
The Secret Service had not seen the device as of Tuesday evening, Cherry said. It has agents in Tbilisi working with the FBI, State Department and Georgian authorities to investigate the report. Cherry said he couldn't characterize the source of the report. Bush was returning to the United States late Tuesday after a four-country trip that also included stops in Russia, Latvia and the Netherlands. He was the first American president to visit Georgia.
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 05/10/2005 18:55 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under:

#1  OK, have a link now:

Posted by: Phil Fraering || 05/10/2005 19:20 Comments || Top||

#2  Ah, thanks for the update, Fred.

The more details I see, the more I wonder if they might have been trying to kill people in the crowd... IF this was a real event.
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 05/10/2005 19:22 Comments || Top||

#3  Either or both. We tend to forget what a target Bush is, not just for the Islamists, but also for all the leftwing (and probably rightwing) nut jobs out there.
Posted by: Fred || 05/10/2005 19:24 Comments || Top||

#4  If it was in fact a grenade, the throwing style makes me think Kashmir training.
Posted by: Fred || 05/10/2005 19:27 Comments || Top||

#5  Hekz boyz: "Throw Like A Little Girl" Handgrenade Academy?
Posted by: Frank G || 05/10/2005 19:29 Comments || Top||

#6  As per the Report from TV.. Within 100 feet. Dud?
Posted by: Sock Puppet 0’ Doom || 05/10/2005 19:37 Comments || Top||

#7  Thankfully for the spectators, it was a dud...
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 05/10/2005 19:38 Comments || Top||

#8  One final note before I go to eat and go home... Fred, I put this on Page 2 because I wasn't sure at the time how "real" it was. Now, I'm still not. The authorities in Georgia apparently didn't even mention the incident until Bush was already in transit BACK to the U.S.

It would be a neat feature if we could assign a "credibility rating" to an article... with the poster of the article (and the editor) getting two "votes," and everyone else getting one...
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 05/10/2005 20:00 Comments || Top||

Down Under
Letter Says Cattle Disease Released in New Zealand
WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - Agriculture authorities and police rushed to a small island near New Zealand's most populous city Tuesday after Prime Minister Helen Clark received a letter claiming foot-and-mouth disease had been spread among the island's thousands of livestock. Senior Agriculture Ministry official Barry O'Neil said the letter was "probably a hoax, but is being taken very seriously." An outbreak of the livestock disease in New Zealand could devastate the country's agriculture-dependent economy.
A threatening letter delivered to Prime Minister Helen Clark's office Tuesday said a vial of foot-and-mouth disease was released Monday among stock on Waiheke Island, a small farming community near the northern city of Auckland. Police said a ransom demand was included in the letter along with a demand for a change in the nation's taxation policy. One of New Zealand's most senior police officers, Assistant Commissioner Peter Marshall, also said it was likely a hoax, "based on the nature of the letter." He declined to elaborate. He said the letter also threatened to release the disease at another location in New Zealand. He did not disclose the location.

New Zealand has never had a confirmed case of foot and mouth, but if the disease were to reach this country it would be a devastating blow to the economy. Foot-and-mouth disease is a highly contagious viral disease and affects cloven-hoofed animals like cattle, sheep and pigs. It causes sores, blisters and fever. It is deadly for livestock but harmless to people.
Posted by: Steve || 05/10/2005 9:08:33 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Why do bad things happen to good Socialists?
Posted by: eLarson || 05/10/2005 14:50 Comments || Top||

#2  Foot-in-mouth disease, now, that's a different story...
Posted by: mojo || 05/10/2005 15:15 Comments || Top||

#3  They got the letter Monday? Have they enacted the tax on it yet?
Posted by: tu3031 || 05/10/2005 15:41 Comments || Top||

Testimony continues in Spain terror trial
A suspect in the mass trial of 24 men accused of being part of Al-Qaeda's Spanish cell allegedly told interrogators two members of the group competed for its leadership. Abdulla Khayata Kattan, who is known as ' Abu Ibrahim ', was seen on a video telling interrogators in February 2004 that a Syrian known as ' Abu Dahdah ' and Ousama Darra vied to head the group. He also allegedly said the group sent recruits to fight as mujahedin in a holy Islamic war. A video recording of Abu Ibrahim being questioned by investigating judge Baltasar Garzon was played to the trial in Madrid. The judge had ordered this after Abu Ibrahim last week changed his story and told the trial Garzon had "put words into his mouth".
"There goes the judge trying to humiliate me again. We were talking about...our internal struggle. Kinda like when you really want ice cream but go for the rice cakes instead. You know, diet jihad."
Garzon alleges that Darra is one of the "heads of a second Islamic extremist cell" in Spain. This group was said to rival that led by Abu Dahdah. Darra broke away from Abu Dahdah's cell when he went to live in Jordan with his Spanish wife and their three children in 1997. But Darra was said to have also clashed with another suspect, Jassem Mahboule, according to Abu Ibrahim. He told Garzon the two squabbled "like children".
Squabbling? By the Lions of Islam™? Color me shocked.
Ousama Darra and Jassem Mahboule are due to give evidence to the court later. Twenty-four suspects are accused of forming part of an Al-Qaeda cell in Spain. Three of these, including Abu Dahdah, are accused of playing a role in the 9/11 attacks in the US. All deny the charges. The trial continues.
This article starring:
ABU DAHDAHal-Qaeda in Europe
ABU IBRAHIMal-Qaeda in Europe
Baltasar Garzon
JASEM MAHBULEal-Qaeda in Europe
OSAMA DARRAal-Qaeda in Europe
Posted by: seafarious || 05/10/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Ousama Darra admitted he received faxes from people asking him for help for Islamic Groups but affirmed he didn't read them and didn't give them much importance/thought.

"The moment for the fight against the Jews have arrived. The young men are prepared" Ousama Darra aka Abu Thabet admitted he received faxes with this or other similar contents, but didn't pay attention to them. When answering his lawyer's questions, he said he "didn't read them and didn't utilize them". The public prosecutor has asked 12 years in jail for him.

Public Prosecutor Pedro Rubira read excerpts from some of these faxes which the accused received at the store he managed together with Mohamed Needl Acaid, "Decomisos Mardini".

Although when the prosecutor was reading the excerpts he kept repeating "yes, yes", when his lawyer asked him specific questions he said he remembered he received this kind of faxes but didn't read or act on them.
"Many of them were not even for me, they were for some of the clients"

One of the faxes stated: "I have all kinds of weapons, but there aren't enough Palestinian youngsters to sacrifice for us". "I beg you to inform all the brothers that are interested in this subject to let them know we've formed a group with the best young Palestinians from Lebanon, and, as any other group, it needs support"

Syrian Osama Darra is, according to accusation, a former mujahideen who was a member of an Al Qaeda cell and, more specifically, was part of a second cell - formed by Abdullah Khayata Kattan - together with Jasem Mahboule and Mohamed Needl Acaid. This cell supported mujahideens who had been fighting in Bosnia or Afghanistan.

Darra admitted he traveled to Bosnia and to Yemen (when according to Pedro Rubira he coincided with Abu Dahdah) - he justified the first trip for humanitarian reasons and the second one for business reasons.

"At that time everybody was talking about Bosnia and I wanted to help." However, he said, he had been there for a few days only because it was very difficult to enter that country, he had problems with an expired visa and he could only be there long enough to distribute a few clothing items.

The police suspects that "Decomisos Mardini" and also the also shop he had together with Mohamed Needl Acaid were just "covers".

Back in Spain, in 1996, Darra and Acaid made several money transfers to mujahideens.

According to document written by the Prosecutor, on May 10th 1996 he transferred 3,200 dollars for Moummar Abdullah Awani [Abdullah al Alwami aka Ibn Al Shahid] which was cashed in Sanaa, Yemen; and another for 1,046 dollars for "Kamal Hadid" (identity used at the time by Sheikh Salah, the founder of the Spanish cell which would be led by Abu Dahdah).

They also transferred money through Arab Bank for 2,000 and 500 dollars, both cashed in Lebanon, these transfers, according to Rubira, were to finance the activities of Ibn Al Chahid [Shahid] who, together with another mujahideen, had traveled from that country to Yemen, staying at the Palestinian camp Ain el Hekwaeh [Ein el Helweh].
During his cross-examination, Darra admitted such operations. He said he didn't remember the exact days and amounts but said he had businesses with Abdullah Awani's brother and made payments for clothes and tapes they sent him.

Darra said the communique from the Islamic Combat Group GIA that was found during the searches in his house belonged to his deceased brother, as well as many paramilitay training books also found there - he affirmed he doesn't know their content.

Posted by: jurisesq || 05/10/2005 12:00 Comments || Top||

#2  The gentleman in question is wonderfully obliging to near-strangers and has an amazingly fallible memory for a member of the petit bourgousie. Thanks for the info, jurisesq.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/10/2005 21:08 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Feds Seize 1,000 Fake Badges
A man has been charged with possessing an illegal cache of about 1,000 counterfeit law enforcement badges, authorities said Tuesday.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents arrested Sergio Khorosh on Monday at his Bronx home after he accepted delivery of about 100 fake U.S. Marshals Service shields. The delivery was being monitored by the agents, who had first intercepted the badges last month in a shipment from Taiwan to San Francisco.

During a search of Khorosh's home, agents discovered about 1,000 more badges, some resembling those of the FBI, Drug Enforcement Administration and New York Police Department, court papers said. Also found were six firearms, including semiautomatic pistols.

Authorities were investigating whether Khorosh was supplying police impersonators. snip

Khorosh faces charges of illegal transport of counterfeit badges and weapons possession. He was ordered held on $50,000 bail.snip
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/10/2005 19:48 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Khorosh... Russian mafia? Sergio is kinda odd, maybe Sergei?
Posted by: Sobiesky || 05/10/2005 20:03 Comments || Top||

#2  Badges? We don't need no stinking badges!

(I had to be the first.)
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 05/10/2005 20:04 Comments || Top||

#3  It appears Mr. Khorosh was buying them over the Net.
Posted by: rkb || 05/10/2005 20:08 Comments || Top||

#4  Here's what might have led to it all.
Posted by: Pappy || 05/10/2005 20:13 Comments || Top||

#5  Nevermind. rkb beat me to it...
Posted by: Pappy || 05/10/2005 20:14 Comments || Top||

#6  Great minds, same channel Pappy. ;-)
Posted by: rkb || 05/10/2005 20:16 Comments || Top||

#7  hmmm - it's been lonely around my place, so I emailed Sergio via the link to offer more for sale. Think I'll have visitors?
Posted by: Frank G || 05/10/2005 20:21 Comments || Top||

#8  You like to live dangerously, Frank??
Posted by: rkb || 05/10/2005 20:28 Comments || Top||

#9  whoops! LOL
Posted by: Frank G || 05/10/2005 20:32 Comments || Top||

#10  Actually, there may be more to this than meets the eye. Police badge collectors can be extreme about their collections, paying premium prices for them. I met one so off-the-wall that he kept his collection behind bulletproof glass and heavily alarmed.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 05/10/2005 21:01 Comments || Top||

#11  all 1000, huh?
Posted by: Frank G || 05/10/2005 21:03 Comments || Top||

Minutemen Prepare to Head North to Vermont Border

"We're reviving the civil defense movement in this country. It's our duty as U.S. citizens to participate in securing our nation," said organizer Chris Simcox.

"You have Canada being a sanctuary country. They allow refugee status to people that we might not necessarily give the same protection to," Simcox said.

U.S. customs and border protection officials would not talk to FOX News about the matter, but the former special agent in charge of Washington state's border said Americans have reason for concern about individuals entering the country from Canada.

"Every terrorist organization in the world has a representation there in the Vancouver area. It is an easy jump-off point to come across the border here into the United States and go anywhere," said former agent Carey James.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/10/2005 19:48 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  isn't it too late when they'll elect a socialist?
Posted by: Frank G || 05/10/2005 20:52 Comments || Top||

#2  Would that be Vermont's border with Canada or Vermont's border with Massachusetts? ;)
Posted by: Tom || 05/10/2005 21:07 Comments || Top||

#3  I'm joining up once they decide to deploy to Maui.
Posted by: Penguin || 05/10/2005 21:31 Comments || Top||

#4  Update from across the border: I didn't realize that the Minutemen will patrol across the border from Quebec Province. The article also mentions that the Minutemen have issued plans to patrol Canadian borders at four state lines - Idaho, Michigan and North Dakota in additon to Vermont.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/10/2005 21:54 Comments || Top||

#5  OK, three of those should be no problem, but I really wonder about Michigan. Where exactly are they going to be? On the Ambassador bridge in Detroit? On whatever bridge goes from Port Huron to Sarnia? In boats on the St. Claire River? Up at Sault Ste. Marie in the locks?

Ranting minds want to know.
Posted by: Jackal || 05/10/2005 22:18 Comments || Top||

#6  This summer I will join the Minutemen, my station will be somewhere on a beach on the west shore of Michigan, to repel any Canuck invaders who slip through the Straits of Mackinac.
Posted by: Whutch Threth6418 || 05/10/2005 23:34 Comments || Top||

Iran to Resume Uranium Enrichment
Comes as a surprise, huh?
Posted by: Fred || 05/10/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  So iff the UNIAEA reportedly claims that the Norkies already have up to six nukes despite just restarting their own enrichment progs, how many do the Mad Mullahs have while proclaiming not to have!?
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 05/10/2005 3:58 Comments || Top||

#2  As Saddam learned, it really doesn't matter what you actually have, hidden or otherwise. What matters is your attitude. The Mad Mullahs had better start digging their spider holes.
Posted by: Tom || 05/10/2005 8:46 Comments || Top||

#3  And according to Hillary the Norkies made all those nukes AFTER the Evil Bush invaded Iraq. And she wants to be President.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 05/10/2005 8:56 Comments || Top||

#4  The fair response to Hillary would be to let her win the election and then nuke North Korea one minute before she takes the oath of office.
Posted by: Tom || 05/10/2005 9:02 Comments || Top||

#5  Does anyone really think they stopped?
Posted by: CrazyFool || 05/10/2005 9:09 Comments || Top||

#6  Waddaya mean "resume"? :-(
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 05/10/2005 12:17 Comments || Top||

From Debka (with a few shakes of salt) - Show me the money!!
Posted by: anymouse || 05/10/2005 14:38 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Wouldn't surprise me if the American contractors were rubbed out by corrupt Iraqi government officials. If anti-government forces know where the good guys are, government officials certainly have the same information. In an ideal world, Iraqi officials would be as clean as the driven snow. However, this is the Middle East we're talking about here. An honest Middle Eastern government official is almost a contraction in terms.
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 05/10/2005 15:19 Comments || Top||

#2  Salt or not, debka seems to right much more than they are wrong.
Posted by: legolas || 05/10/2005 15:32 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Tales from the Crossfire Gazette
2 killed in RAB crossfire in Barisal, Pabna
Two more suspected leaders of underground parties were killed in shootouts between their associates and the Rapid Action Battalion in Barisal and Pabna on Monday, tallying the total death figure in ‘crossfire’ and ‘encounter’ to 294 from June 2004. In Barisal, Jalal Bepari, 40, an alleged regional leader of the Kamrul group of the underground Sarbahara Party, was killed in ‘crossfire’ of the battalion and his associates at Babuganj early Monday. In Pabna, Alamgir alias Tiger Alam alias Bangal Alam, another suspected underground party leader, was killed in an ‘encounter’ of the battalion and his associates at Iswardi on Monday. Jalal was wanted in a dozen criminal cases including murder, extortion, and rape, claimed the battalion. The battalion arrested Jalal Bepari at Goalpara Khal of Babuganj Sunday morning.
"Morning, Jal. How ya doing?"
Based on his statement, a battalion team started for Brahmandia at Agarpur in the Babuganj police area early Monday.
No doubt looking for arms, cohorts, etc...
As they reached Goalpara Khal at about 4:15am, Jalal’s associates fired on the battalion, which fired back.
as scheduled...
Jalal was killed in the ‘crossfire’ as he tried to get away.
The team recovered a pipe gun with three bullets.
Never fired, dropped many times.
Earlier at noon on Sunday, Jalal denied all allegations against him including any of his involvement with Sarbaharas while he was talking to the press at the Barisal battalion camp. He claimed that there was no case against him except a case of cutting trees from a disputed piece of land. He said he was a campaigner for Golam Kibria Tipu, a local Jatiya Party candidate in the past general elections.
"I'm just an innocent tree-chopper."
The Pabna battalion claimed they went to Khairdair village at Iswardi at about 11:00am on a tip-off that a gang of robbers gathered there for a meeting. ‘When the battalion reached the place, the bandits opened fire on them forcing them to fire back,’ said an official statement of the battalion. Alam was hit by bullets during the ‘encounter’ and died on the spot.
"Remember, class. If the perp is under arrest at the time of the incident, it's a "crossfire". If he's gunned down during the arrest, you check the "encounter" block on Form 14b. Any questions?"
The battalion recovered a rifle, a pipe gun, two cartridges and two sharp knives from the place. Alam had been in hiding after being sentenced to life-term imprisonment in a highway robbery case. He was also wanted in a dozen of other cases, including two murders.

Alleged criminal injured in shotout
An alleged criminal was injured in a shootout between police and the accomplices of the criminal at Khilgaon in the small hours of yesterday. Earlier, acting on a secret information, a team of Khilgaon Thana police arrested Miah alias Majnu (36) who was accused in a murder case in front of Monwara Hospital under Ramna police station. According to police, following the confessional statement of Majnu, police raided a rickshaw garage at 218/1, Maradia under Khilgaon police station and recovered two revolvers and ten rounds of bullet at around 2.30am yesterday. As the police personnel along with Majnu reached Sadat Building at Maradia under Khilgaon police station the accomplices of the criminal open fire on the policemen in a bid to snatch away Majnu. The policemen instantly fired back. As a result, Majnu received bullet injuries.
"Ouch, ouch...hey, I'm not dead!"
Bullet hit Manju is undergoing treatment at the Emergency Department of Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH).
"He's not dead, Jim"
A case was filed with Khilgaon police station in this connection.

25 bullet-hit as fleeing robbers open fire
Twenty-five people were shot yesterday when robbers fleeing a burglary opened fire on locals at Fatullah in Narayanganj. About 14 armed robbers snuck into the house of Shahjahan Mian at Sastapur at 3:30am, tying up guard Mizan.
That's a pretty big gang
When Shahjahan's family, becoming aware of the robbers, raised an alarm, locals rushed to the house and cordoned it off.
"They're robbing Mian's place! Sound the alarm! Git your rope!"
The robbers then fled, but the locals chased them for about 2 kilometres, braving a hail of bullets as the gang opened fire on them.
That's brave. Stupid, but brave.
Masum, Jewel and Afzal sustained serious injuries and were rushed to Dhaka. Among the other injured, Yasin, Soleman, Golap, Joynal, Momen, Aman, Hridoy, Jasim, Misir Ali, Badal, Jamal, Sajib, Babul, Mannan, Ambar Ali, Arif, Johnny, Taslima and Sohel were admitted to a local clinic. The incident set off a panic among locals.
Although a case has been filed with the Fatulla Police Station, no one was arrested as of yesterday afternoon. Three months ago, robbers looted Tk 10 lakh and gold ornaments weighing about 25 tolas from the flat of Shahjahan's brother, Shahjalal, in the same building. Locals alleged that police are inactive despite repeated incidents of robbery in the area.
This is why they put up with the RAB wacking the bad guys.

Alleged mugger killed in police firing
A suspected snatcher was shot dead by police near Bijoy Saroni in the city on Sunday night. The dead was identified as Md Shohel (25), son of Shamsul Huq. He hailed from Patabogh under Sreenagar police station in Munsiganj district. According to police sources, a gang of muggers numbering five stopped rickshaws near Bijoy Saroni Road under Kafrul police station at around 9.30 pm on Sunday and tried to snatch valuables from the passengers of the rickshaws.
"Stick um up! We be highwaymen!"
As the patrol police challenged the muggers they hurled several cocktails at police personnel.
"It's da coppers! Let em have it!"
Police had to fire upon the criminals.
As a result, Shohel was hit by several bullets in different part of his body.
But the rest of the criminals managed to flee.
"Run away!"
Police recovered three cocktails and a knife from the spot, police sources said. The bullet-hit Shohel was rushed to the Emergency Department of Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) in critical condition where he succumbed to his injuries.
"He's finally dead, Jim"
Talking to the newsmen at DMCH morgue one Shafiqul Islam said that Shohel was working in his business house and also living in his 17/E, Manipuripara residence under Mirpur police station adding that on Sunday at around 3.30 pm he sent Shohel along with his driver Shaheen to BRTA office. After finishing the work Shohel went to his cousin’s house at Mirpur, he said. As Shohel became under attack of muggers police shot at him presuming him as snatcher, he added.
"That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!"
Shamsul Huq, father of the victim, claimed his son innocent. Shohel had a one and half years old daughter. A case was filed with Kafrul police station in this regard.
Posted by: Steve || 05/10/2005 9:22:37 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  With the article below, I guess the RAB is trying to get as many crossfires in as it can.
Posted by: Jackal || 05/10/2005 12:00 Comments || Top||

#2  Coulda been a classic, but Incomplete.

"I'm just an innocent tree-chopper."
You left off ....altho well armed.
Posted by: Shipman || 05/10/2005 12:07 Comments || Top||

As the patrol police challenged the muggers they hurled several cocktails at police personnel.

Shaken or stirred? Although I guess it doesn't matter once you throw it.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 05/10/2005 12:33 Comments || Top||

Italy May Keeps Troops in Iraq Longer
ROME (AP) - Italy's foreign minister said Tuesday that Italian troops will stay in Iraq through that country's scheduled elections in December, suggesting they may stay longer than the Italian premier had previously indicated. Asked by reporters when Italy's 3,000-member contingent would return, Foreign Minister Gianfranco Fini said the pullout could coincide with the final element of a U.N. resolution setting elections in December, but could also go a month or two later.
"The Iraqis tell us that security must be guaranteed at 100 percent," he said. "Security is the central concept from which decisions are made."
Posted by: Steve || 05/10/2005 8:58:19 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  And that's Berlusconi's apology for the Sgrena kerfuffle.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/10/2005 11:42 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Hek, Mullah Cyclops to be offered amnesty
The head of Afghanistan's peace and reconciliation commission offered an amnesty on Monday for all rebels fighting American and government forces, and even extended the offer to two of the most wanted Afghan terrorism suspects: the Taliban leader Mullah Muhammad Omar and the renegade warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. However, an American military spokesman seemed to suggest that the two suspects could not be included in the program.

The Afghan official, Sebaghatullah Mojadeddi, said that even though government policy had formerly excluded people like Mullah Omar and Mr. Hekmatyar, he had been granted complete independence to act as he saw fit on the matter.

"This peace that we want is for all, there is no exception," Mr. Mojadeddi said. "Those who are armed, they should lay down their weapons when they come, accept the Constitution, and obey the government. We will accept them with an open heart."

Mr. Mojadeddi said that while he did not know how or where to contact Mullah Omar or Mr. Hekmatyar, the offer stood for them as well. "We are announcing it today. Let us give them time to discuss and think about it, and let's see what is God's favor."

He said the program was also open to inmates of the American prison camp at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and for detainees at military bases at Bagram and Kandahar, and had the agreement of American officials.

However, a United States military spokesman in Kabul, Col. James Yonts, seemed to cast doubt on Mr. Mojadeddi's offer to Mullah Omar and Mr. Hekmatyar, though he did not mention the two specifically. He said that while the military supported the reconciliation program and would offer assistance, all those guilty of terrorism or other serious crimes would not be allowed to join. All candidates would be screened by the National Security Council and intelligence officers, he said.

The announcement came as the American military reported further high casualties in fighting with suspected Taliban members in eastern Afghanistan. Two marines were killed when they searched a cave where militants had hidden Sunday evening after a fierce battle. Other marines called in air support, and the military said 23 insurgents were killed in the subsequent fighting.

American forces have fought heavy battles in two areas in southern Afghanistan in the past few days.

Afghan officials and American commanders have said that they see the reconciliation process as an important step in getting Taliban supporters and other militants to give up fighting, especially in remote parts of southern and eastern Afghanistan.

Mr. Mojadeddi said 50 to 60 people had already approached the government and joined the reconciliation program, including the former Taliban foreign minister, Mullah Wakil Ahmed Muttawakil, who has been under house arrest in Kabul for more than a year after American forces released him from custody. Another Taliban commander, Abdul Waheed Baghrani, gave himself up and joined the program recently, he said.

He said 40 to 50 commanders and council members of Mr. Hekmatyar's party, the Islamic Party, had also pledged allegiance to the government of President Hamid Karzai and had come home in the past year and a half.

Mr. Karzai's government has always insisted that 100 to 150 members of the Taliban government and other antigovernment rebels who have committed crimes would be excluded from the reconciliation program. American military officials have also talked of a "blacklist" of the most wanted members of the former government that harbored Osama bin Laden and operatives of Al Qaeda for five years until October 2001. Mr. Hekmatyar is also wanted in connection with terrorist attacks against United States forces, American commanders have said.

But Mr. Mojadeddi, an influential religious and jihadi leader who led the first post-communist government in 1992, expressed a readiness to overlook accusations of war crimes against returning Taliban. When a journalist raised the issue, he answered: "Brother, don't discuss war criminals, because there are lots of other war criminals. Which one of them should we put on trial first?"
Posted by: Dan Darling || 05/10/2005 01:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Africa: Horn
Al-Qaeda running terror ops out of Somalia
Security agents have linked last week's Somali bombing to two terror gangs closely associated with the al-Qaeda network and the gangs' operation bases are believed to be in Kenya and Somalia, local newspaper The People Daily reported Monday.

The report said that America's Federal Bureau of Investigations(FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Kenya's National Security Intelligence Service (NSIS) are currently following leads linking the two terror groups to the blast at a stadium in Mogadishu that claimed eight lives.

According to informed sources, the terror units -- al-Ittihad al-Islam and al-Takfir W'al Hijra -- are responsible for the suicide bombing attempt on Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Ali Gedi.

Detectives are piecing together information relating to the two terror gangs whose activities are linked to one of the world's most wanted terrorists Musab al Zarqawi.

Zarqawi, a close ally of Saudi Arabia fugitive and al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, is said to be in the process of establishing new terror cells in Somalia and Kenya.

The revelations come only a day after the Somali government played down the explosion, which killed eight people and injured 28 others at the Mogadishu stadium.

Gedi said the blast which cut short a successful political rally convened for him at the stadium did not target him.

"The blast was purely accidental and not directed at me. I am very sorry for what happened and pray for those injured and the families of those killed," Gedi said.

The fresh details also came in the wake of a week-long visit by a group of experts from the United Nations to review Kenya's ability to fight terrorism.

Kenya is the second country to undergo such an on-site review by the UN Counter Terrorism Committee's Executive Directorate. Thegroup visited Morocco in mid-March.

It is learnt that the agents of al-Ittihad al-Islam and al-Takfir W'al Hijra have established sanctuaries at the Kenyan coastal strip and North Eastern province.

Sources said pockets of the terror units' first established bases in Lamu and Ras Kiamboni -- along Kenya-Somalia border in 1996. However, the terror groups became inactive immediately afterthe 1998 bombing in Kenya and Tanzania that claimed over 200 lives.

In Somalia, the terror groups have bases in Puntland, Kismayu, Mogadishu, Bossassu while in Ethiopia they operate from Ogadiena and Gedo.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 05/10/2005 00:57 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Marines surprised by insurgent's preparation for attack
The Marines who swept into the Euphrates River town of Ubaydi confronted an enemy they had not expected to find - and one that attacked in surprising ways.

As they pushed from house to house in early fighting, trying to flush out the insurgents who had attacked their column with mortar fire, they ran into sandbagged emplacements behind garden walls. They found a house where insurgents were crouching in the basement, firing upwards through slits hacked at ankle height in the ground-floor walls, aiming at spots that the Marines' body armor did not cover.

The shock was that the enemy was not supposed to be in this town at all. Instead, American intelligence indicated that the insurgency had massed on the other side of the river. Marine commanders expressed surprise Monday not only at the insurgents' presence but also the extent of their preparations, as if they expected the Marines to come.

"That is the great question," said Col. Stephen Davis, commander of Marine Regimental Combat Team 2, responsible for this rugged corner of Anbar province near the Syrian border. American officials describe the region, known as the Jazirah Desert, as a haven for foreign fighters who shuttle across the porous Syrian border, using the broken terrain for cover.

Three Marine companies and supporting armored vehicles crossed to the north side of the Euphrates early Monday, using rafts and a hastily constructed pontoon bridge. From there they were expected to roll west toward the border, raiding isolated villages where insurgents are believed to cache weapons and fighters. The offensive, planned for weeks, is expected to stretch on for several days.

"We're north of the river (and) we're moving everywhere we want to go," Davis said late Monday. "Resistance is predictably low, but I do not expect it to stay that way."

In recent weeks, intelligence suggested that insurgents were using the area to build car bombs that later would be used in attacks in Baghdad and other cities. More than 300 Iraqis have been killed in insurgent attacks in the past two weeks, following the formation of a Shiite-dominated government. A senior military official in Washington told The Associated Press that the Marines were targeting followers of terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who has been linked to many of the most violent attacks on U.S. and Iraqi forces.

The offensive that began Sunday is described as one of the largest involving U.S. troops since the assault on Fallujah last fall. It involves more than 1,000 Marines and Army personnel, backed by helicopters and jet fighters.

With the Marines pressing the assault, new details emerged about the pitched battles that took place Sunday in Ubaydi, a town perched on the tip of a bend in the Euphrates, 9 miles east of the Syrian border. As Army engineers worked to shore up soggy banks and build the bridge, waiting Marines came under mortar fire from a town they had assumed was free of the enemy.

After calling in air strikes from prowling fighter jets and helicopter gunships, the Marines entered the town in armored personnel carriers and light armored vehicles. At times the fighting was door to door as Marines sifted through areas where resistance was stiffest. According to commanders, Marines entered walled-off front yards in a row of white townhouses in the town's southwest corner to find a scene reminiscent of the fighting in Fallujah: sandbagged firing positions next to the front doors. They suspected the area had been used for mortar attacks.

Maj. Steve Lawson of the 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines said his troops had found a house on the north side of town that apparently had been rigged to ambush invading soldiers. Slits cut low in the walls allowed insurgents to fire up at the Marines as they entered. After retreating, Marines in Lawson's company called in artillery and heavy machine guns to rake the house. As sporadic fighting continued Monday morning, they brought in tanks and leveled it, Davis said.

Though military commanders in Baghdad announced that 100 insurgent fighters were killed in the early fighting, along with three Marines, Davis' figures were lower. He said "a couple of dozen" insurgents had been killed in Ubaydi, about 10 at another river crossing near Al Qaim, and several who were killed by air strikes north of the river.

Other commanders said they had recovered few bodies but had seen blood trails that suggested insurgents were dragging away wounded or dead fighters. The number of insurgents in the region is "in the hundreds," Davis said. "How many hundreds is tough to tell." But more surprising, he said, was the insurgents' preparation and tactical prowess, a development that he said reinforced intelligence that many of the insurgents have been trained outside Iraq.

Davis described sophisticated attacks in which the detonation of a roadside bomb would be quickly followed by accurate mortar or rocket fire, then machine-gun fire as Marines raced to the area. "They clearly have trained people," he said. "It looks rehearsed."

Marines who had captured an existing bridge over the Euphrates north of Al Qaim came under attack early Monday by several insurgents, Davis said. An air assault killed about 10 of them, who were wearing flak jackets - which American officials generally take as a sign that the fighters were not local Iraqis.

As the fighting raged Sunday in Ubaydi and other towns along the Euphrates, a platoon of Marines perched on cliffs near the Syrian border, hoping to call in air strikes on any fighters who tried to slip across, commanders said. The commanders reported that the Marines saw truckloads of men speeding toward remote houses in the region, leaping off the trucks and racing inside. They came out carrying armloads of rocket-propelled grenades and assault rifles, loaded them onto their trucks and headed back east, toward the fighting.
Posted by: phil_b || 05/10/2005 00:32 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Buff the whole neighborhood.
Posted by: R || 05/10/2005 2:04 Comments || Top||

#2  flush the toilet.
Posted by: anymouse || 05/10/2005 2:09 Comments || Top||

#3  Deploy Cat D12 pancake makers.
Posted by: twobyfour || 05/10/2005 4:56 Comments || Top||

#4  Ubaydiis a roach motel
Posted by: sea cruise || 05/10/2005 5:29 Comments || Top||

#5  bomb the mf's into oblivion
Posted by: legolas || 05/10/2005 6:09 Comments || Top||

#6  No mention of Iraqi Forces working with the Marines? None I can find. So it's a 100% Marine Op? Hmmm.

So an Op "planned for weeks" but involving no Iraqi forces finds itself effectively lured into firefights where extensive preparations have been made, huh?

Gee, I'm thinking this is rather easy to figure out.
Posted by: .com || 05/10/2005 6:31 Comments || Top||

#7  .com may have hit on something. When they know you're coming because some sunni f*&ker in the army warned them, it behooves you to have sunnis at the tip of the spear, and hopefully that f*&ker that informed. Surprise surprise
Posted by: Frank G || 05/10/2005 8:37 Comments || Top||

#8  great idea
Posted by: legolas || 05/10/2005 8:39 Comments || Top||

#9  It shouldn't have been that surprizing.

The attack is plannned based on intel from the locals. The locals obviously are, to put it mildly, conflicted - they have food extorted from them by the terrorists, etc. but also the terrorist pay them for some things and they all talk about how the Americans did such and such in one village and such and such in another village.
Posted by: mhw || 05/10/2005 9:10 Comments || Top||

#10  MNF Iraq:
Marines, Sailors and Soldiers from Regimental Combat Team-2, 2nd Marine Division, are continuing combat operations in northwestern Al Anbar province.

The offensive is aimed at eliminating terrorist and foreign fighters from the area. The region, a known smuggling route and sanctuary for foreign fighters, is also used as a staging area where foreign fighters receive weapons and equipment for their attacks in the more populated key cities of Baghdad, Ramadi, Fallujah and Mosul.

Soldiers from the Army's 814th Multi-Role Bridge Company constructed a pontoon bridge across the Euphrates River where intelligence reports indicate the enemy is located 9 May. Marines crossed over from the southern banks to the north and are now operating in the northern Jazirah Desert and are in pursuit of the enemy.

Terrorists attempted to launch a counter-attack seven kilometers from Camp Gannon, in Al Qaim May 9. Terrorist attacked a Marine convoy with small arms fire, RPGs, roadside bombs and two suicide car bombers. One car bomb damaged an armored humvee. The second suicide car bomber was destroyed by a Marine M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank. No Marines were killed in the attack. The two car bombers died in the engagement.

Ten terrorists, who surrendered to the Marines, are at a nearby detention center.

Coalition and Marine Corps aircraft are participating in the operation.

Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 05/10/2005 9:13 Comments || Top||

#11  Think "General Sherman's Atlanta Campaign" -- that's the Rx for this little civil war.
Posted by: Tom || 05/10/2005 9:27 Comments || Top||

#12  The headline should be "Marines Adapt, Improvise and Overcome Terrorist Defenses."
Posted by: Matt || 05/10/2005 10:11 Comments || Top||

#13  Great Post Matt
Posted by: legolas || 05/10/2005 10:13 Comments || Top||

#14  Attacked in surprising ways... and still inflicted minimal damage before dying in massive f*ckloads. The MSM really needs to retire the "resourceful insurgents" trope.
Posted by: BH || 05/10/2005 10:14 Comments || Top||

#15  There are no Iraqi forces involved. Read this for a much bleaker picture of the situation. Too few Marines covering too much ground.
Posted by: growler || 05/10/2005 10:22 Comments || Top||

#16  from the LATimes, huh? Now that's not a surprise. Quagmire!
Posted by: Frank G || 05/10/2005 10:29 Comments || Top||

#17  One word: napalm
Posted by: 3dc || 05/10/2005 10:29 Comments || Top||

#18  growler: it's a desert. They don't have to be everywhere, they just have to cover the waterholes, villages, etc. With air superiority and UAV's, it's doable.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 05/10/2005 10:34 Comments || Top||

#19  What struck me about this whole insurgents == resourceful exercise is that for all that supposed resourcefulness, who suffered the greater amount of casualties?
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 05/10/2005 10:49 Comments || Top||

#20  I sorta like whacking them 9 miles from the Syrian border. Makes for a shorter "I was a Jihadist over summer vacation" story.
Posted by: Capsu78 || 05/10/2005 11:17 Comments || Top||

#21  Veni, vidi, vinci
Posted by: SwissTex || 05/10/2005 11:19 Comments || Top||

#22  1) Flatten any house with the fire holes or other resistance measures like sandbagged fighting positions. HE artillery or a pair of 500lb bombs, then a D-9 dozer, then napalm. Dont leave a thing other than ashes. If a "family" shows up later, relocate them to the southern region.

2) Start killing anything that moves in the desert crossing areas that is not at an offiial crossing point. That includes sheep, cattle, camels, and vehicles.

3) Kill every one of those terrorists they find unless there is some intel value to be gained. No quarter. Station Iraqi commandos at the hospitals in the region - they'll know what to do: wounded muj show up, they get a bullet to the head, out back. They dont show up, they get to bleed out or die of infection at home.

4) OPSEC. Learn it. Know it. Live it.

Posted by: OldSpook || 05/10/2005 12:03 Comments || Top||

#23  FYI: Note the Army Of Steve now has a USMC member.

Col. Stephen Davis, commander of Marine Regimental Combat Team 2, responsible for this rugged corner of Anbar province near the Syrian border.

Posted by: OldSpook || 05/10/2005 12:06 Comments || Top||

#24  Belmont Club has a post with maps.

If we're fighting nine miles from Syria when do we go into a "hot pursuit" mode, if we haven't already?
Posted by: Matt || 05/10/2005 12:55 Comments || Top||

#25  Matt, you got a link for Belmont Club? I get a "Service Unavailable" error.
Posted by: BH || 05/10/2005 13:10 Comments || Top||

#26  BH, try this: Belmont Club. I couldn't get the graphics to work, but that's probably my machine.
Posted by: GK || 05/10/2005 13:29 Comments || Top||

#27  "I couldn't get the graphics to work, but that's probably my machine."

Neither could I, using my default brouser. (Firfox 1.0.2). MS Explorer 6.0. SP2 seems to work though.
And thanks for the working link!!!!
Posted by: Dave || 05/10/2005 13:53 Comments || Top||

#28  Thanks for the link. I've missed Wretchard's insight these past few days.
Posted by: BH || 05/10/2005 13:56 Comments || Top||

#29  I really beleive that we will have to resort to Sherman across Georgia" approach for these cockroaches.

Arc-light them. 10,000 of these vermin are not worth one drop of a Marine's blood.
Posted by: anymouse || 05/10/2005 14:46 Comments || Top||

#30  "I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. "
Posted by: Ripley || 05/10/2005 15:04 Comments || Top||

#31  "Fuckin' A!"
Posted by: Hudson || 05/10/2005 15:07 Comments || Top||

#32  ""I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.""

HEY! That's MY line. LOL
Posted by: Cpl. Dwayne Hicks || 05/10/2005 15:21 Comments || Top||

#33  Frank G -- I'll take that sunni sandwich on rye.
Posted by: Captain America || 05/10/2005 16:54 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Crossfire Gazette's days numbered?
The High Court on Monday issued rule upon the government to explain within two weeks why the extra-judicial killing of Enamul Islam Ena of Kushtia should not be properly investigated and the perpetrators should not be brought to justice, reports UNB.
"Well first, yer honor, he's kinda dead since he tried to escape."
A division bench headed by justice MA Matin also directed the respondents to ensure independent inquiry into the killing to be conducted by the district magistrate of Kushtia. The district magistrate has been asked to submit a preliminary report on the matter in two weeks.
"Ya see, he volunteered to help us pinch his gang there in the alley."
The court orders came upon a writ filed by Naimul Islam, brother of the victim, challenging the extra-judicial killing in the name of so-called cross fire by the police.
"It was, oh, 4 am I think it was, yeah, 4 am, and the lighting wasn't too good, see, yer honor, and all of a sudden the gang starts shootin' at us."
Enamul Islam Ena, a part-time journalist and district motor workers union leader, was picked up by detective branch police from Majampur gate area in the town on April 13 without showing any warrant of arrest order. Later he was killed in so-called cross fire on April 16 at Talbaria under Mirpur thana. He was not produced at any magistrate court before he was killed.
"And Enamul, well yer honor, he wasn't the swiftest of foot, and he made a break for it, least we think so, and somehow he got hisself shot. Really his own fault, yer honor."
Barrister Amirul Islam appeared for the petitioner.
Posted by: Steve White || 05/10/2005 12:19:16 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  But, your honor, we did find a ....ummmmmmmmmm...pipe gun. And...ummmmmmmmmmm... three bullet.
Posted by: tu3031 || 05/10/2005 12:17 Comments || Top||

Australian Hostage deadline passes in Iraq
THE deadline set by the Iraqi captors of Australian man Douglas Wood has passed, with no word on his fate. Mr Wood's family held a vigil in Canberra overnight as the deadline for Australia to pull its troops out of Iraq slipped by at 5am this morning. A spokesman for Mr Wood's brother Malcolm today said the family had sat up for much of the night and was today awaiting any news from the group calling itself the Shura Council of the Mujahideen of Iraq. "Last night there was a vigil - not that they sat up all night, but there was that sort of feeling in the air," the spokesman said. "And it's now wait and see."

In footage broadcast on Saturday, the 63-year-old engineer was shown shaven, beaten and pleading for Government help as he relayed his captors' demands for Ausralia's troop withdrawal. Australia was given 72 hours until 5am (AEST) today to begin complying. The nation's most prominent Muslim cleric will land in Iraq today carrying a promise of a "generous donation" from the family of hostage Douglas Wood, in a last-ditch bid to convince insurgents to release the Australian engineer. Egyptian-born Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali left Sydney on his mercy dash yesterday confident of pushing back the 72-hour execution ultimatum. But he will arrive in Baghdad after the overnight deadline laid down by Mr Wood's captors, the Shura Council of the Mujahedeen of Iraq, expires. Sheik Hilali, the Mufti of Australia, is hoping for a two-day extension of a 72-hour deadline.

Mr Wood's captors called on Australia on Saturday to withdraw its troops from Iraq, with the clear inference that Mr Wood would be put to death this morning if the demand were not met. The Howard Government has made it clear it will not accede to the demand. Mr Wood's brother Malcolm, who met Sheik Hilali on the weekend, said yesterday that the family remained "profoundly concerned for him" and "in distress and deep sorrow".
Posted by: Thineling Flomoper5900 || 05/10/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  thats it! bringen all em troops home now! all us cuntrees surender...


jg an ss an me
Posted by: muck4doo || 05/10/2005 2:14 Comments || Top||

#2  This link was broken: "Shura Council of the Mujahedeen of Iraq"

I'm guessing they don't have an office on Main Street, though. Perhaps they have a PO box (or local equivalent). Find the first guy going to open it and "process" him until he fits in the box for the next guy to find.
Posted by: eLarson || 05/10/2005 14:39 Comments || Top||

#3  The nation's most prominent Muslim cleric will land in Iraq today carrying a promise of a "generous donation" from the family of hostage
Great to see that every country has their own Jesse Jackson, always at the ready to "help"
Posted by: Capsu78 || 05/10/2005 15:15 Comments || Top||

#4  The Iraqi terrs have captured Rodney Dangerfield?
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 05/10/2005 15:40 Comments || Top||

Israel Restricts Access to Aqsa Mosque
Hundreds of Palestinian demonstrators clashed with police yesterday in pitched battles on the streets of occupied East Jerusalem after Israeli authorities limited access to the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound. A police spokesman said seven members of the force, including two who needed hospital treatment, were injured by crowds of stone throwers close to the entrance of the walled Old City. "Hundreds of Muslim demonstrators tried to block traffic around the Old City and we were forced to use stun grenades after our appeals for people to disperse failed," police spokesman Shmulik Ben Ruby told AFP.

Palestinian medical sources said at least 11 of the demonstrators had also been hurt after being beaten by police. The situation had been brought under control, he added, although AFP correspondents at the scene said hundreds of police remained in place. The police had been dispatched as part of efforts to restrict access to the mosque compound inside the walls of the Old City for fear of trouble by a Jewish extremist group which also tried to stage a banned demonstration. Some 5,000 Palestinian and Muslim Arab Israelis gathered in the esplanade, declaring themselves willing to lay down their lives to defend the site against any intrusion by the Jewish ultra-nationalist Revava group, said witnesses.
Posted by: Fred || 05/10/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under:

Afghanistan/South Asia
Three bombs go off in Gwadar
Six explosions were reported around the border area between Sindh and Balochistan on Monday. There were three powerful explosions in Gwadar but no casualties were reported. Official sources said that two small bombs exploded near a police station, in a span of ten minutes. A third bomb also exploded near a government official's home. A powerful explosion also occurred in Quetta on Monday night. Police officials said that a locally made bomb was set off at Arbab Barkat Ali Road. No casualties were reported. House windows around the blast site shattered and it also caused a crater in the road. Nobody claimed responsibility for the blast.

Meanwhile, AFP reported that two bomb blasts occurred near Kashmore Colony railway station and damaged a rail track but caused no casualties, said senior railway police officer Shafi Muhammad Mughal. The small bombs exploded on the rail line near the station, on the border with Balochistan, said Mughal, adding that the bombs were low intensity and locally made but they damaged a small portion of the track. No train was passing on the track when the blasts occurred, he said.
Posted by: Fred || 05/10/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

24 terrorists rounded up in 10 days: Sherpao
Interior Minister Aftab Ahmed Khan Sherpao claimed on Monday that about two-dozen terrorists were arrested in the last 10 days while manhunt was on for more. Sherpao said that 20 terrorist groups had been arrested in various parts of the country while many more, including foreign terrorists, were still operating in the country. The minister said that the arrest of Mushtaq, accused of making attempts on President Pervez Musharraf's life, and several others in Lahore and Bajor had no links with Abu Farraj Al Libbi. "There are various terrorists groups. Abu Farraj had his own," Sherpao said. Asked to comment if Pakistani and United States' intelligence agencies were questioning Abu Farraj together, Sherpao said: "I cannot tell you at this time how the interrogation is going." The minister said that the publication of a derogatory cartoon against Pakistan in the Washington Times was an insult to the whole Pakistani nation. He condemned the alleged desecration of the holy Quran at the Gauntanamo Bay.
Posted by: Fred || 05/10/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

23 insurgents killed in Afghanistan, claims US
United States' Marines tracked down a band of insurgents in eastern Afghanistan and sparked a battle that left 23 militants and two American soldiers dead, said the US military on Monday. American warplanes also joined the five-hour clash with 25 insurgents on Sunday in Laghman. Getting intelligence about the rebels' whereabouts, US Marines "located the insurgents and an engagement ensued," said a US military statement, adding that two Marines were also killed. The deceased's names were withheld pending notification of the next-of-kin.

A second statement said, "Two insurgents were confirmed killed and another 21 were suspected to be dead." There was no word about the wounded from either side. The military said the Marines initially came under attack with small arms and rocket-propelled grenades from insurgents who split into two groups, one of which fled to a village and the other to a cave on a nearby ridge. The two Marines died while clearing the cave after A-10 ground attack planes pounded the militants inside, said the statement. It didn't explain further. Militants opposed to the US-backed government of President Hamid Karzai have made good on pledges to ramp up their three-year-old insurgency after the melt of the winter's snow, carrying out a string of assaults and bombings that have killed dozens of Afghan and US troops and g
Posted by: Fred || 05/10/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

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Tue 2005-05-10
  Attempted Grenade Attack on President Bush?
Mon 2005-05-09
  U.S. Offensive in Western Iraq Kills 75
Sun 2005-05-08
  Aoun Returns From Exile
Sat 2005-05-07
  Egypt Arrests Senior Muslim Brotherhood Leaders
Fri 2005-05-06
  Marines Land on Somali Coast to Hunt Terrs?
Thu 2005-05-05
  20 40 64 Pakistanis Talibs killed
Wed 2005-05-04
  Al-Libbi in Jug!
Tue 2005-05-03
  Iraq: Bloody Battle in the Desert
Mon 2005-05-02
  25 killed in attack on Mosul funeral
Sun 2005-05-01
  Mass Grave With 1,500 Bodies Found in Iraq
Sat 2005-04-30
  Fahd clinically dead?
Fri 2005-04-29
  Sgt. Hasan Akbar sentenced to death
Thu 2005-04-28
  Lebanon Sets May Polls After Syrian Departure
Wed 2005-04-27
  Iraq completes Cabinet proposal
Tue 2005-04-26
  Al-Timimi Convicted

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