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Aoun Returns From Exile
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Yemenis capture Houthi's kid
Yemeni troops yesterday captured a son of the rebel leader who was involved in the recent fighting in the northwestern mountains. Soldiers detained Amiruddin Al-Houthi, son of Badruddin Al-Houthi, in Saada province, a local government official said. Amiruddin, who took part in the rebellion started by his slain brother Hussein and continued by his father, was arrested in Majz, some 50 km north of Saada town, as government forces continued to comb the area to track down the rebels, the official said.

Authorities announced last month that they had put down the uprising which left some 280 people dead in two weeks, but that leaders of the "sedition" were still on the run. Badruddin Al-Houthi tops the list of wanted fugitives, in addition to another son, Abdul Malak, and two field commanders — Abdullah Ayedh Al-Razami and Yussef Al-Madani. Authorities said Thursday they had arrested 11 rebels, including a woman, suspected of carrying out attacks in the capital as part of the uprising.
Posted by: Fred || 05/08/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Five Soldiers Wounded in Yemen Grenade Attack
Five people were injured in the Yemeni capital Sanaa yesterday after a man lobbed a hand grenade into a military bus, eyewitnesses said. The attack occurred around midday in the Hail commercial district of the city. Three Iraqi experts who teach at the air defense academy were among the five military personnel wounded in the attack, said a Yemeni official requesting anonymity.

Witnesses said the assailant was driving a pick-up vehicle when he hurled the grenade at the bus carrying air force officers and soldiers. He managed to flee the scene. The wounded were taken to the military hospital in Sanaa. Some had serious injuries, the witnesses and medical sources said. Police sources said they believed the attacker might be one of the supporters of the outlawed "Believing Youth" militant group, whose followers fought army forces in northern Yemen for two weeks last month.

Yesterday's incident was the latest in a series of attacks on military vehicles in Sanaa. In a similar attack on April 9, an assailant threw hand grenade into a military car, injuring two men and badly damaging the vehicle. On April 25, a passer-by was killed and several others injured when an assailant hurled a hand grenade at troops in the city. Police officials have linked the first two attacks to the Believing Youth group.
Posted by: Fred || 05/08/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Egyptian Islamic Jihad leader killed in Chechnya
Posted by: Dan Darling || 05/08/2005 00:53 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under:

#1  good. Makes me feel all sunshiney
Posted by: Frank G || 05/08/2005 19:09 Comments || Top||

#2  Is there some reason why this article is shifted over to the right? Centered?
Posted by: Jackal || 05/08/2005 22:21 Comments || Top||

Amanat member arrested
Federal Security Service (FSB) operatives and those of the Chechen republican interior ministry arrested Ruslan Arsanukayev and his accomplices, who wanted to stage a terrorist act against top Chechen leaders. This was disclosed to RIA Novosti today at the regional command center for supervising the North Caucasian counter-terrorist operation.

Arsanukayev, a native of the republic's Grozny district, was arrested in Staraya Sunzha. According to the regional command center, Arsanukayev is a member of the Amanat (Silence) terrorist cell, which wanted to blow up the republican-government building in Grozny on May 9.

Arsanukayev was ordered to perpetrate this terrorist act by Elmuradov, who coordinates and finances terrorist activity. Elmuradov himself reports to Saidullayev, the so-called successor to Aslan Maskhadov.

Talking to RIA Novosti, Maj.-Gen. Ilya Shabalkin, spokesman for the afore-said regional command center, noted that Arsanukayev had confessed. According to Shabalkin, his testimony will also interest some foreign secret services. Several other members of the Amanat terrorist cell were also arrested, Shabalkin added. Shabalkin declined to specify their number in the interests of investigation. FSB operatives are now questioning them.
This article starring:
Maj.-Gen. Ilya Shabalkin
Posted by: Dan Darling || 05/08/2005 00:37 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Would-be boomer babe killed in Grozny
A female suicide bomber who was trying to blow up police headquarters in Grozny, the Chechen capital, was killed Friday night.

"The woman suicide bomber found and destroyed by servicemen from the Akhmed Kadyrov special task regiment, had planned to blow up the police headquarters in the Staropromyslovsky district of Grozny," Itar-Tass quoting police said today.

"In the first hours of the investigation, we found out that the woman suicide bomber carrying a so-called Shahid's belt planned to enter the police headquarters and blow herself up," police said adding that the search for the woman's accomplices was going on in Grozny.

Before killing the woman, police had asked her to surrender and remove the belt with explosives from her body, but she refused and threatened to blow herself up, after which she was killed. No one however, was injured in the explosion.

This was the third woman suicide bomber killed in Chechnya in the last two days.

On Thursday, police killed two women suicide bombers and two field commanders in the village of Sernovoskoye. They were supposed to drive a Kamaz truck carrying more than 1.2 tons of explosives. Police, however, seized the truck.

The spokesman for the counter-terrorist operation, in the North Caucasus, Major-General Ilya Shabalkin, said that the two bandits were acting under the direct orders of Chechen warlord Doka Umarov.

They were planning terrorist acts in Grozny during the Victory Day celebrations.

Last year, militants killed Chechen President Akhmed Kadyrov in an explosion in a stadium in Grozny, during Victory Day parade, on May 9.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 05/08/2005 00:36 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  no 72 raisins (or pawing teenage virgin boyz) for this dipshit
Posted by: Frank G || 05/08/2005 9:32 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Robert Spenser in Front Page Magazine: Texas City Refinery Explosion Terrorism?
This is probably nothing that hasn't crossed the minds of everyone here before. I am excerpting the bits relevant to the refinery explosion below; there's more incidents described at the article.

...Similarly, when explosions killed fifteen people and injured over 100 at an oil refinery in Texas City, Texas on March 23, 2005, the FBI quickly ruled out terrorism as a possible cause.[2] When a group calling itself Qaeda al-Jihad and another Islamic group both claimed responsibility, the FBI was still dismissive.[3] But then it came to light that investigators did not even visit the blast site until eight days after the explosions — and eight days after they ruled out terrorism as a possibility. One more independent-minded investigator asked, "How do you rule out one possibility when you don't have any idea what the cause is?"[4] Still later came the revelation that initial reports of a single blast were inaccurate: there were as many as five different explosions at the refinery.[5]

It may still be possible that these blasts were accidental, and that five distinct things went wrong at the refinery to cause five separate explosions at around the same time. And maybe there was no terrorist involvement. But how did the FBI know that before even investigating?

There's more at the link, including a description of a possible attempt to make bombs out of airbags and an illegal drivers' license ring. And his footnotes.
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 05/08/2005 12:31 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [32 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The FBI said it was Richard Jewel.
Posted by: John J. Simmins || 05/08/2005 19:49 Comments || Top||

#2  "Dr. Stephen Hatfill - can you account for your whereabouts....."
Posted by: Frank G || 05/08/2005 20:17 Comments || Top||

#3  Fumbling Bunch of Idiots.
Posted by: Efrem Zimbalist Jr || 05/08/2005 21:10 Comments || Top||

UN bans LeT for al-Qaeda links
Pakistan-based Lashker-e-Taiba, which is among the outfits responsible for terrorist activities in northern Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, has been banned by the United Nations for its links with Al Qaeda.

The organisation, along with its aliases, has been banned under un resolution 1267 under which all states are obliged to freeze the assets and prevent the outfit's members" entry into or transit through their territories.

The resolution also asks the member countries to prevent the direct or indirect supply, sale and transfer of arms and military equipments with the entities belonging to the Taleban, Osama bin Laden and the Al Qaeda organisation.

Lashker-e-taiba was put on the list on may two this year with all its aliases, including Al-mansoorian, a shadow outfit which has nowadays been active in Jammu and Kashmir.

Pasban-e-Ahle-Hadit, Pasban-e-Ahlehadis, Army of Pure, the Army of Pure and Righteous have also been included in the banned list and all of them are shadow outfits of the Lashker terrorist outfit.

The move to place Lashker on the list comes days after the United States placed the militant outfit along with its aliases in the list of banned organisations.

The US State Department, in its annual report released recently in Washington, had named Al Mansoorian and all other alias" as 'foreign terrorist organisations' (FTOs)

The US had been pushing for a UN ban on the Lashker for quite sometime but it got delayed due to lack of unanimity among the member states of the United Nations.

The report said the elements of Lashker and Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM) combined with other groups to mount attacks in Jammu and Kashmir under the name of the 'Save Kashmir' movement.

Almost all Lashker members are Pakistani, from madrassas across Pakistan, and Afghan war veterans, the report said.

The UN has already banned Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (HUM) and Jaish-e-Mohammed in October 2001.

HUM, whose alias Al Faran also figures in the banned list was responsible for kidnapping of five western tourists from Kashmir valley in 1995.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 05/08/2005 00:01 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Southeast Asia
Indonesia-wide terrorist plan found with terror suspects
An attack on April 24 that cost the lives of six people in predominantly Christian Mamasa regency (district) in West Sulawesi was part of a wider terrorist scheme, this according to General Saleh Saaf, South Sulawesi Police Chief Inspector, after the arrest of Amirrudin, 22, a terror suspect arrested following the Mamasa attack.

General Saaf said that documents in the young man's possession reveal the existence of "plans to carry out terror attacks and bombings across the country".

Currently, police is analysing the confiscated documents to decipher the coded information they contain. During his interrogation Amirrudin admitted he was part of the terrorist commando that carried out the attack against residents of Ranu village in Mamasa in which houses were torched and six people killed. For the past three years West Sulawesi province has been the scene of violent clashes after the government created two new regencies—Mamasa and Polewali Mamasa—out of the existing Polewali Mamasa regency.

The division sparked protests in three predominantly Muslim sub-districts that were included in predominantly Christian Mamasa. The April 24 incident might however be part of a wider terror plan, involving the Poso area and the Maluku Islands (Moluccas). Police are currently investigating possible links between the latest episodes of violence in Mamasa and events in Poso and Ambon, where clashes between Christians and Muslims have been going on for years. "[S]hortly after we nabbed Amiruddin, there have been two bombings in Poso of which one had exploded only 70 metres from Poso Police Chief Residence," General Saaf said.

The Police Chief said that the seized documents contain information about how to make home-made bombs. The search still goes on for four terrorists, friends of Amirrudin, known only by their initials: JM, MH, AS e AH.
This article starring:
General Saleh Saaf, South Sulawesi Police Chief Inspector
Posted by: Dan Darling || 05/08/2005 00:48 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Captured computer, notebook, documents. A good week.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/08/2005 5:17 Comments || Top||

Michel Aoun Returns From Exile
Lebanon's most prominent Christian leader returned to a hero's welcome in Beirut yesterday, ending more than a decade in exile 11 days after the last Syrian soldier withdrew from the country. "Today is a day of joy, a day for jubilation. I'm back," Michel Aoun told reporters at Beirut airport after a chartered plane flew him, his family and top aides from France, landing shortly before 5 p.m. "A black cloud oppressed Lebanon for 15 years. Today the sun of freedom is shining. I'm returning to look to the future and rebuild Lebanon together," he said, flanked by his daughters and grandchildren.

The former general drove to the central Martyrs' Square, scene of anti-Syrian rallies in the past three months, where tens of thousands of supporters waving Lebanese flags gave him a rapturous welcome. Aoun's defeat at the hands of a Syrian-led assault on his powerbase in and around Beirut on Oct. 13, 1990, marked the end of the Lebanese civil war. He sought refuge at the French Embassy before leaving for exile several months later. A court this week suspended an arrest warrant for Aoun after another court dropped charges against him issued in 1990 accusing him of assaulting state security, national unity and the constitution, and embezzling state funds.
Posted by: Fred || 05/08/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under:

Weekend raids sweep southward, net more than 100 alleged Iraqi insurgents
A series of weekend raids stretching from Baghdad to western and southern Iraq have resulted in the killing of six and detention of more than 100 suspected insurgents, U.S. military officials said Sunday. The raids come amid an insurgency striking with renewed vigor as the fledgling Iraqi government takes shape with the appointment of Cabinet-level officials.
Task Force Baghdad, spearheaded by the Army's 3rd Infantry Division, conducted a series of "cordon and search" operations in southern Baghdad early Saturday morning, officials said. The raids, which kicked off around 2:30 a.m., resulted in 33 detentions...
Posted by: Anonymoose || 05/08/2005 17:18 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Let's see -- 100 this time, some 84 the other day, 20 here, 10 there, another 20 here. All this week. I think the count of the number of terrorists killed or rounded up -- just might be more than the bombers took. I'm not sure, but I'm sure the MSM will do the count and let me know.
Posted by: Sherry || 05/08/2005 18:08 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Afghan Tribes Back U.S. Partnership
Hundreds of tribal leaders backed President Hamid Karzai's plan for a "strategic partnership" with the United States on Sunday, a government spokesman said, a pact that could cement a long-term U.S. military presence in Central Asia.

More than 1,000 elders and officials from across Afghanistan met with Karzai in the presidential palace in Kabul on Sunday for consultations on the plan, spokesman Jawed Ludin said. "Our finding from today's discussion was that people are, on the whole, very positive about this," Ludin said at a news conference, adding that only one person had spoken against the plan. Ludin didn't describe the man's objections.

Karzai would likely talk about the partnership, which Afghan officials say must cover economic and political links as well as military aid, in a meeting with President Bush in Washington later this month, the spokesman said. Discussions, begun several months ago, were entering "a more formal phase," Ludin said. About 17,000 American soldiers are in Afghanistan pursuing al-Qaida rebels and militant followers of the ousted Taliban government. A separate NATO-led force has about 8,500 troops in the capital and across the north and west.

American commanders have said they expect to have forces in the country, which borders Iran, nuclear-armed Pakistan and oil-rich Central Asia, for many years to come. But Washington and Kabul have no treaty to govern their stay beyond Operation Enduring Freedom, America's war on terrorism.

Ludin said the government wanted U.S. as well as NATO troops to remain in Afghanistan until Afghan government forces are able to take their place. The new Afghan army, trained mainly by the United States, Britain and France, was expected to reach its full strength of 70,000 in September next year, although Afghan defense officials insist even that is far too small to defend the country. Afghan officials say the United Nations, which has piloted the country's course toward democracy, also should stay on when its mission expires with parliamentary elections in September.

Ludin said delegates at Sunday's meeting put more emphasis on economic support than military aid and expressed concern about the heavy-handed style of U.S.-led operations, which have killed several civilians this year. He said the Afghan government was seeking an agreement that went far beyond long-term foreign military bases. "Afghanistan needs a commitment from the United States. We want them to help in all these sectors until Afghanistan can stand on its own feet," Ludin said. The new parliament would have the final word on any treaties, he said.
Posted by: Uneretch Glaviper6335 || 05/08/2005 15:17 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  sounds like we need the CIA to visit that one guy
Posted by: Frank G || 05/08/2005 19:19 Comments || Top||

Iraq says captures key aide to Zarqawi
Iraq said on Sunday that security forces had captured Amar al-Zubaydi, a key aide to the al Qaeda leader in Iraq, Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

A government statement said Zubaydi, also known as Abu Abbas, was captured three days ago in Baghdad. It said he helped plan attacks on Abu Ghraib prison in April that wounded U.S. troops and several inmates as well as a string of car bomb attacks in Baghdad.
If Zubaydi was the planner of that dumbass frontal attack, he's more valuable to us on the loose, getting his hajis killed in large numbers.
This article starring:
ABU ABASal-Qaeda in Iraq
AMAR AL ZUBAIDIal-Qaeda in Iraq
Posted by: ed || 05/08/2005 15:13 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [40 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Ed, don't underestimate the dumbasseness of other jihadis that may take his place.
Posted by: Sobiesky || 05/08/2005 15:24 Comments || Top||

#2  They going to have to replace him with somebody who doesn't yet have his cunning and brilliance as a strategist.
Posted by: Fred || 05/08/2005 17:50 Comments || Top||

#3  Isn't Zarqawi about out of "Key Aides" by now? It seems to have no effect on the number of car bombings.
Posted by: bartelson || 05/08/2005 19:33 Comments || Top||

#4  Bart, thats why we call 'em, the Asshats of Doom.
Posted by: EZJ || 05/08/2005 21:15 Comments || Top||

Raid on Zarqawi Compound Nabs 54, Kills Six
Coalition forces killed six terrorists in raids targeting the terror network of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi near the Syrian border on Sunday, the U.S. military said. Weapons caches were found during the operations in Qaim city, and 54 terrorists were detained, the military said in a statement.

It also said that Ghassan Muhammad Amin Husayn al-Rawi, a militant in al-Zarqawi's group who was captured on April 26, had provided intelligence that had helped lead to Sunday's raids. The U.S. military has said al-Rawi had helped Al Qaeda in Iraq arrange meetings and move foreign insurgents into Iraq. U.S. forces believe they just missed capturing al-Zarqawi himself during a Feb. 20 raid in Iraq that netted two of his associates and a computer believed to belong to him.
This article starring:
Posted by: Frank G || 05/08/2005 09:55 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Heh. Sweet. Considering how many times we've heard about Al Qaim - and it's always because of foreign asshat infiltration, BS wedding parties, trucks full of jihadis, caches, et al - I'd say wiping Al Qaim off the map or giving it the Fallujah treatment is in order.
Posted by: .com || 05/08/2005 10:41 Comments || Top||

#2  nice going

when the US Military says, "coalition forces" without numbering them, does that mean "a 98% or so American force"?
Posted by: mhw || 05/08/2005 10:43 Comments || Top||

#3  Fox has breaking news : key aide to Z-man caught - Zubaidi
Posted by: Frank G || 05/08/2005 12:04 Comments || Top||

#4  the report is that Zubaidi was caught in Baghdad a few days ago

it could be linked to the raid in Qaim but probably not

Posted by: mhw || 05/08/2005 12:37 Comments || Top||

#5  Its linked to the letter to intercepted going to Zarqawi....in the letter they even mention Abu Al-Abbas.....who was just picked up.
Posted by: Phemble Glinelet8856 || 05/08/2005 12:54 Comments || Top||

#6  I found this in an article on the Washingtom Times web site.

The April 28 raid in Baghdad also netted an undated document listing targeting information and sketch maps for kidnappings and bombings.

U.S. forces captured three people and killed five others during the Baghdad raid. Among the dead is Abu Rayyan, the Saudi leader of a Baghdad-based car-bomb production cell. Abu Rayyan also served as the lieutenant to Abu al-Abbas, who is allegedly responsible for planning the attack on Abu Ghraib in early April, according to the military.

Posted by: Phemble Glinelet8856 || 05/08/2005 12:58 Comments || Top||

Terror Networks & Islam
Train bomb pair get 2775 years' jail
SPAIN'S High Court has sentenced two members of the Basque separatist group ETA to 2775 years each in prison for a plot to plant bombs on a Madrid-bound train on Christmas Eve 2003.

ETA intended to warn authorities of the bombs after the inter-city train would have emptied in Madrid, court documents said.
But the court found the two men guilty of 184 attempted murders for endangering the passengers and crew.

The plot was later cited by officials who wrongly blamed ETA for the Madrid commuter train bombings that killed 191 people on March 11, 2004.

A three-judge panel sentenced ETA suspects Gorka Loran, 36, and Garikoitz Arruarte, 25, to 15 years for each of the 184 attempted murders and additional time for other charges, although they can only serve a maximum of 40 years under Spanish law.

The judges called it a "stroke of luck" that one suitcase bomb did not explode from the weight of other luggage placed on top of it. The timer was set for 4pm, when the train would have been empty in Madrid's Chamartin station.

"Had the explosion happened ... there was a high probability that everyone on the train would have died as well as a large number of (other) people would have been killed ... which the defendants were aware of," the 31-page sentencing report said.

Police arrested Arruarte before he boarded the train at its point of origin in the northern town of Irun with 25kg of dynamite in a suitcase.

That raised the suspicions of police, who stopped and evacuated the train when it arrived in Burgos, northern Spain.

Inside they found a second bag, planted by Loran, with 28kg of dynamite. Loran was detained at his home in the Basque region.

The conservative former government argued that if ETA was capable of planting the Christmas bombs it also could have caused last year's Madrid train bombings.

The Madrid massacre turned out to be the work of Islamist radicals, and the erroneous blaming of ETA helped lead to the Popular Party's defeat in elections three days later.

ETA, which is branded a terrorist organisation by the European Union and the US, has killed more than 800 people in its three-decade campaign for Basque independence.
Posted by: Thineling Flomoper5900 || 05/08/2005 03:01 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Zappy will commute it to 7 yrs. 2775....really *lol*
Posted by: Frank G || 05/08/2005 9:24 Comments || Top||

#2  I was wondering if maybe they'd get parole in 1,000 years because of "good behavior" - but Frank's probably right. :-(
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 05/08/2005 14:06 Comments || Top||

#3  As this is Europe it is doubtful they will serve anything close to the maximium 40 year sentence. More like 7 years. There is no such thing as life in prison in the EU.
Posted by: Sock Puppet 0’ Doom || 05/08/2005 15:08 Comments || Top||

Africa: North
Cairo bombing suspect captured in Libya
Libyan authorities have arrested and handed over to Egypt the brother of the bomber who wounded seven people when he blew himself up with a nail bomb in Cairo about a week ago, an Egyptian newspaper reported.

Al-Ahram, quoting a senior Egyptian security source, reported in Sunday's edition that Mohammed Yousri, the brother of the bomber, had been found hiding with an Egyptian who worked as a cook in a hotel in Libya, Egypt's western neighbor.

"The Libyan authorities handed him over to Egypt," the semi-official newspaper said. "His arrest was aimed at finding out whether he had a role in this case."

The Egyptian cook was also arrested by the Libyan authorities, the newspaper said, adding that the Egyptian authorities had tipped off the Libyans. The cook's brother, another suspect, was arrested inside Egypt, it said.

Ihab Yousri Yassin wounded four foreigners and three Egyptians when he blew himself up on April 30 in Cairo near the Egyptian museum, a major draw for tourists vital to the economy.

Police detained 200 people for questioning after that and said they were hunting for Yassin's brother Mohammed, who they said was present when Yassin's wife and sister opened fire on a tourist bus in another part of Cairo on the same day.

Prior to the April 30 blast, Yassin was being hunted because police said he was part of a group that was behind an April 7 bombing which killed three tourists in a Cairo bazaar.

Al-Ahram daily said two members of that group, Ashraf Said Youssef and Gamal Ahmed Abdel-Aal, had confessed to helping Mohammed escape to Libya with the help of the cook's brother.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 05/08/2005 00:54 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Car Boomers kill 22, including 2 Americans
Two suicide car bombers plowed into a foreign security company convoy in the heart of Baghdad on Saturday, killing at least 22 people — including two Americans — in an attack that left a busy traffic circle strewn with burning vehicles, mutilated bodies and bloodied school children.

Nearly 300 people have been killed in insurgent violence since
Iraq's democratically elected government was sworn in 10 days ago. Seven government posts remained undecided until Saturday when Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari said he would submit nominations for six of them to the National Assembly for a vote Sunday.

A Sunni military man who fled into exile more than 20 years ago and only returned after the ouster of
Saddam Hussein was selected for the defense ministry, members of al-Jaafari's Shiite-dominated alliance said. The U.S. military is working to train Iraqi forces to take over the battled against the insurgency with an eye to reducing and, eventually, removing the American troop presence.

The U.S. military said the two suicide attackers crashed their explosives-packed cars into a three-vehicle convoy in Tahrir Square, known for its shops and a large statue of Iraqi soldiers breaking through chains to freedom.

At least 22 people were killed, including the two Americans, who were employees of the company that owned the targeted SUVs, the U.S. Embassy said without identifying the company. Three other American civilians were injured in the attack, the embassy said. Hospital officials said at least 36 Iraqis were wounded.

Rescue workers lifted injured school girls onto stretchers, including one with bandages wrapped around her neck and blood streaming down her legs. Firefighters fought the blaze, which sent thick black smoke billowing into the sky.

Iman Norman rushed to al-Kindi Hospital to be with her 12-year-old daughter, Lana, one of several girls injured aboard a minibus. Iman said the students climbed out of the bus' windows in their bloodied uniforms after the bomb damaged its doors. Lana's injury wasn't serious, but one student lost an eye, Norman said.

Elsewhere, a U.S. Marine was killed by a bomb in Karmah, 50 miles west of Baghdad, the military said. As of Friday, at least 1,592 members of the U.S. military had died since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count.

U.S. and Iraqi forces have hit back at insurgents with a series of major raids across the country in recent months.

In a statement issued Saturday, the U.S. command said an April 26 raid netted a suspect described by the U.S. military as a key associate of Iraq's most wanted militant, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Ghassan Muhammad Amin Husayn al-Rawi had helped al-Zarqawi's al-Qaida in Iraq group arrange meetings and move foreign insurgents into the country.

Friday night, Iraqi soldiers fought suspected insurgents in Tal Afar, 90 miles east of the Syrian border, said Iraqi police Brig. Gen. Mohammed Abdul Qadir. He provided no details, but said 25 militants were killed. Witnesses claimed Iraqi soldiers also suffered casualties, but Qadir could not confirm that.

Al-Jaafari had hoped to curb support for the militants by including in his government members of the disaffected Sunni Arab minority, who dominated under Saddam and are thought to make up the bulk of the insurgency. But Shiite leaders have repeatedly rejected candidates advanced by Sunni hard-liners because of ties to Saddam's regime, which brutally repressed Shiites and Kurds.

So far, al-Jaafari's Cabinet includes just four Sunni ministers, but alliance lawmakers said Saturday the Sunnis would get three more ministries and a deputy prime minister's slot.

They include the key defense ministry, which will go to Saadoun al-Duleimi, said alliance lawmaker Nassar al-Rubaie.

Al-Duleimi is a former army lieutenant colonel who left Iraq in 1984 and lived in exile in Saudi Arabia until the fall of Saddam in April 2003. He is reputed to be a moderate with family ties to Anbar province, the homeland of the insurgency.

Abid Mutlag al-Jubouri, a former major general in Saddam's army who rose to prominence during the 1980-1988
Iran-Iraq war, is slotted as the Sunni deputy prime minister.

The cabinet already includes a Shiite and a Kurdish deputy premier, and al-Jaafari said he hopes to nominate a woman in the fourth position.

The oil ministry will go to Ibrahim Bahr al-Uloum, a Shiite who held the post in the former U.S.-appointed Governing Council, Shiite lawmakers said. Mihsin Shlash, an independent Shiite lawmaker, is expected to be electricity minister.

Al-Jaafari declined to confirm any of the names, but said they have already been approved by President Jalal Talabani and his two vice presidents.

Meanwhile, Iraqi police continued to dig up bodies at a garbage dump on the northeastern outskirts of Baghdad. A dozen corpses were recovered Friday, some of them blindfolded and shot in the head, police said. At least four more were unearthed Saturday, according to an Associated Press photographer at the scene.

Abdul Razzaq Mutlak, brother of one of the victims, said they were all Sunni farmers who had come to Baghdad to sell their produce. Mutlak was with his brother early Thursday, he said, when men wearing police uniforms detained the farmers and took them away in three vehicles. He did not explain how he avoided being detained. Police officials said they were still investigating what had happened to the men.

Madain is at the tip of the insurgent stronghold known as the Triangle of Death, which has seen frequent retaliatory kidnappings and killings between Shiite and Sunni groups.

Last month, scores of bodies were pulled from the Tigris River near Madain, and Talabani claimed they were evidence of mass kidnappings and killings of Shiites. But when Iraqi security forces raided the town, no hostages were found.

Two more bodies were found dumped on a sidewalk Saturday in Ramadi, 70 miles west of Baghdad. An AP photographer showed the victims with their hands tied behind their backs and their throats apparently slit.

Talabani on Saturday visited Jordan on his first foreign trip since becoming president last month. He and Jordan's King Abdullah II vowed to fight terrorists targeting Iraq.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 05/08/2005 00:44 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Africa: Horn
Fresh fighting in Somalia as PM visits to ease tensions
Fresh clashes erupted in Somalia's southern port of Kismayo, forcing the prime minister to cancel a planned tour of the town, officials said on Saturday.

Disagreements among rival militia groups from Marehan clan triggered the fighting, with some sharply opposed to Prime Minister Ali Gedi's visit to Kismayo while others supported it, officials said.

"There have been clashes in Kismayo engineered by those opposed to the prime minister's visit. We have no idea of casualties but the place is unstable," said an official at the prime minister's office in the Kenyan capital Nairobi.

Officials said militias supporting the chairman of the Jubba Valley Alliance Barre Aden Shire wanted Gedi to visit Kismayo but his opponents were against it.

Other officials said Shire's house was attacked on Friday. A spokesman for the Juba Valley Alliance Abdulahi Sheikh said the attack was carried out by a group of militias who were unhappy because they had not been paid their salaries and had nothing to do with the prime minister's visit.

Officials said Gedi had decided not to go Kismayo as planned and would return to Nairobi later on Saturday.

The clashes are the latest to hit Gedi's first visit to Somalia since taking office last year. At least 14 people died on Tuesday after a blast rocked a Mogadishu football stadium moments after the Somali prime minister spoke to supporters.

The cause of the explosion was not clear but Gedi, who was not hurt, initially said the blast appeared to be accidental. Security officials working with the government are investigating. No one has claimed responsibility.

Gedi flew to Somalia on April 29 in an effort to heal a rift in his fledgling government over where it should first make its home when it returns to Somalia from Kenya.

The interim Somali government, the 14th attempt at government in as many years, has been based in the Kenyan capital Nairobi since its formation last year after peace talks.

But foreign donors and governments are pressuring the Somali administration to go home and establish its legitimacy, a task complicated by the lack of security there.

Gedi and MPs aligned with him would prefer to base themselves in the safer cities of Baidoa and Jowhar and move to Mogadishu once its multitude of militiamen are disarmed and security re-established.

Other MPs insist Mogadishu -- Somalia's most dangerous place -- must be the capital as stipulated in the transitional constitution.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 05/08/2005 00:39 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  That worked well, didn't it.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/08/2005 15:35 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Kabul blast kills 2
A bomb exploded at an Internet cafe in the Afghan capital, Kabul, on Saturday killing two Afghans and wounding five, police said.

The cafe is at the front of a guest house used by Westerners in the heart of the city.

"Two people have been killed and five wounded by the bomb blast," Kabul police chief Akram Khakrizwal told Reuters.

Speaking to reporters in front of the damaged cafe, he later described the blast as an act of terrorism.

Police were trying to determine if the explosive had been carried by a suicide attacker or placed in the cafe, he said.

No one had claimed responsibility for Saturday's explosion and it was too early to say who may have been behind it, another police official said. No arrests had been made, he said.

Most bomb attacks in Afghanistan have been blamed on Taliban insurgents, who have been fighting the U.S.-backed government and U.S.-led forces since their ouster, or allied Islamic militants, such as members of Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda.

A Taliban spokesman, Abdul Latif Hakimi, who often claims responsibility for attacks on behalf of the Taliban, said by telephone from an undisclosed location he did not know if Taliban guerrillas had carried it the attack.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 05/08/2005 00:24 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [33 views] Top|| File under:

#1  A Long Time Ago (yesterday) in a Galaxy, well, country, not too far away

Our beloved Chancellor Palpatine demonstrates that either he is the sublime Sith master, using Jedi mind tricks to stifle irony, or he is as obtuse as a SovInformBuro apparatchik in the '30s.

"Stable, prosperous democracies are good neighbors, trading in freedom and posing no threat to anyone."

The president pointedly said, "The United States has free and peaceful nations to the north and south of us" and "we do not consider ourselves to be encircled."

"All free and successful countries have some common characteristics - freedom of worship, freedom of the press, economic liberty, the rule of law and the limitation of power through checks and balances," Mr. Bush said.

"The idea of countries helping others become free, I hope that would be viewed as not revolutionary, but rational foreign policy, as decent foreign policy, as humane foreign policy," Mr. Bush said.

Hello Jedi mind fuck.

OK, riddle me this, Batman: Is he saying that the United States is NOT a "stable, prosperous democracy"? What did he really mean by "trading in freedom"? Was it, trading freely? Or was it more like Steve McQueen said in "The Magnificent Seven"---"We deal in lead, friend." America really poses no threat to anyone? You just can't make this shit up.
Posted by: Shineter Themble3331 || 05/08/2005 11:32 Comments || Top||

#2  Shi-T 3331:
What in the world are you talking about? Go read Mead or someone and look up the Wilsonian tradition of our foreign policy (which predated Wilson by decades). Have the librarian help you with any big words. Then see how GWB's policies fit in. Then come back to Rantburg.
Posted by: Jackal || 05/08/2005 11:54 Comments || Top||

#3  Aww, poor pathetic little thing! Can't quite bring himself to believe that Bush is the better man by liberating Afghanistan and Iraq. Why, exactly, did you think you're being helpful by supporting dictators and opposing their toppling? Especially when condemning American support of Dictators in years past was oh-so-fashionable out of "principle". Apparently, your principles went out the window the moment your politicians were booted out by the voters.
Posted by: Ptah || 05/08/2005 13:56 Comments || Top||

#4  Was that the modern version of a Trekkie? You know, no social skills, thinks that what he saw on the screen is more real than real life, and that because he's memorized the scripts of all the episodes and caught the contradictions therein, therefore he is smart enough to demonstrate to his elders and betters -- in his snottiest tone -- how their world falls short of his fantasy?
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/08/2005 15:33 Comments || Top||

#5  Are Thembles still into that 17 year old sci-fi crap?
Posted by: Shipman || 05/08/2005 17:08 Comments || Top||

#6  What happens when you stand in line too long for a movie.
Posted by: john || 05/08/2005 19:40 Comments || Top||

#7  What did he really mean by "trading in freedom"?

Freedom as a condition, not a commodity. Though, with Clinton and his dealings with China, it certainly seemed to be the latter...
Posted by: Pappy || 05/08/2005 20:29 Comments || Top||

#8  Spembles would never talk like that.
Posted by: Spaiter Uneaper7688 || 05/08/2005 20:48 Comments || Top||

#9  with irony, maybe...you know how Spembles are...
Posted by: Frank G || 05/08/2005 21:04 Comments || Top||

Pakistan foils new plot to kill Perv
Pakistani intelligence agents have foiled a new plot by Al-Qaeda members to assassinate President Pervez Musharraf, security officials told AFP yesterday.

Seven conspirators were arrested in a number of raids in central Punjab province in late April, one week before the capture of alleged Al-Qaeda No. 3 Abu Faraj Al-Libbi in a northwestern region, the officials said.

The group included Mushtaq Ahmed, a junior air force official who escaped from jail late last year after being convicted of a key role in a 2003 attempt to eliminate Musharraf, and who was recaptured last week.

"First we smashed the gang plotting a new attack on Musharraf and then a week later we netted two Arabs including Al-Libbi," a top intelligence official said.

Military leader Musharraf, who has angered some Pakistanis with his support for the US war on terror, publicly accused Libyan national Al-Libbi of masterminding two previous failed attempts to assassinate him.

Officials said the plotters in the latest bid were headed by a Pakistani Al-Qaeda member named Mohammad Arshad, who is an associate of Al-Libbi.

"The group was planning a new attack on President Musharraf in Rawalpindi or Islamabad. They had assembled the explosive devices and they were to use them adopting a new method," the intelligence official said.

He did not specify exactly how or when they planned to carry out the assassination attempt.

"Mushtaq Ahmed was an important part of the group and we understand that the group's leader was in contact with Al-Libbi," the official added. "On their information explosives and all those things that they were to be used in the attempt were recovered."

Officials said Thursday they had recaptured 26-year-old Ahmed, who was condemned to death in November for his role in the bombing of a bridge which collapsed moments after Musharraf's convoy passed through in December 2003.

Musharraf survived a second attack in the same area about two weeks later on Christmas Day, when two suicide bombers rammed explosive-laden vehicles into the presidential motorcade, killing 15 people.

Ahmed escaped from Chakala airbase near Islamabad soon after his conviction but was arrested on a tip-off last week on a bus at a motorway exit point at Salam, 160 kilometers south of Islamabad.

He had changed his appearance by shaving off his beard, officials said.

A security official said it was possible the arrest of Al-Libbi on Monday in Mardan town in North West Frontier Province was based on intelligence gleaned from those arrested in Punjab.

"Almost a week later a separate raid was conducted in Mardan where security forces got hold of two Arabs, one of them Al-Libbi," the official told AFP.

The official said the identity of the other Arab had not been established but he appeared to be a mid-level operator. "In follow-up raids security agencies picked up 10 Afghans but none of them is a big target," he said.

Meanwhile, President Musharraf yesterday once again demanded the United Nations relocate all Afghan refugees residing in Pakistan to their homeland.

"Rather than the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) maintaining refugee camps in Pakistan, along the border areas, these should be relocated within Afghanistan," Musharraf said during his meeting with Hollywood star Angelina Jolie, UNHCR's goodwill ambassador in Islamabad.

Currently about 3 million Afghans are residing in Pakistan.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 05/08/2005 00:22 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I hope these assholes keep it up (though I certainly hope they're not successful).

Whatever we would do to them is mild compared to what a pissed-off dictator will do. :-D

They keep trying to kill Perv, he'll off Al-Q singlehandedly.
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 05/08/2005 1:24 Comments || Top||

#2  Pakistanis that want to kill Musharraf:

7 down
14,999,993 to go
Posted by: DO || 05/08/2005 12:13 Comments || Top||

Zarqawi minion captured
Iraqi security forces have captured an aide to Jordanian militant Abu Musab Al Zarqawi, the Al Qaeda leader in Iraq, the government said yesterday.

A government statement said Iraqi forces arrested Ghassan Al Rawi, identified as the militant leader of the western town of Rawa, on April 28. It identified Rawi as a Zarqawi lieutenant in the western town who facilitated Zarqawi's movements in the region and organised the infiltration of foreigners into Iraq. It said two of his assistants were also seized.

Iraqi and US officials say they are closing in on Zarqawi, whose group has claimed some of the deadliest bombings in Iraq. The Iraqi government statement said Rawi confessed to meeting Zarqawi once in January and facilitated his stay with an associate for five days. The government said Rawi had kidnapped civilians and demanded ransoms and that security forces found weapons and cars being prepared for bombings when they detained him.
This article starring:
GHASAN AL RAWIal-Qaeda in Iraq
Posted by: Dan Darling || 05/08/2005 00:17 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  ...Okay, somebody clue me in - what's the difference between a minion and a henchman?

Posted by: Mike Kozlowski || 05/08/2005 1:57 Comments || Top||

#2  A minion is a rat and a henchman is a dirty rat.
Posted by: Art || 05/08/2005 2:07 Comments || Top||

#3  Art, Zarqawi minion or henchman, no diff, same kind of dirty rat. The difference is in the degree of activity. inactive=minion, active murder=henchman.
Posted by: Sobiesky || 05/08/2005 4:43 Comments || Top||

#4  Neither is the #3 man in the organization. ;-)
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/08/2005 5:19 Comments || Top||

#5  A minion has a clear implication of a person in an inferior position to another - subordinate to a boss - an underling. Whereas a henchman implies a more equal relationship - peers, where one defers to another by choice rather than by the nature of their position as a minion would.
Posted by: phil_b || 05/08/2005 5:23 Comments || Top||

#6  Evil Henchman's Guide.
Posted by: gromky || 05/08/2005 11:25 Comments || Top||

#7  Webster: Henchman: "loyal or trusted floower or servant." Minion: person in inferior position or sycophant. So a henchman is the bad guy's rght hand man; a minion is a hanger-on, not as close, and there are usually more of them.
Posted by: mom || 05/08/2005 11:55 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Hunt begins for al-Qaeda supporters in the Pakistani army
With the capture in Pakistan of Libyan Abu Farraj Al Libbi of Al Qaeda, wanted in connection with two assassination attempts against President Pervez Musharraf in 2003, Pakistani authorities are stepping up investigations into Al Qaeda's investment in the Pakistan Army, Asia Times Online reported on Saturday.

It reported that information gleaned from well-connected military analysts suggested that army officials connected with the Afghan cell during the Taliban period in Afghanistan (1996-2001) were likely to be in the firing line and that action was expected soon against several serving and retired army personnel. "Abu Farraj is expected to be handed over to the US soon and is likely to be kept in a US detention centre in Jordan or Morocco. Abu Faeraj was deeply connected with Al Qaeda's North African cells before becoming involved in Pakistan a few years ago. The North African cells are Al Qaeda's most preserved, and are believed to be key to any future strikes on the US," it reported. Asia Times Online reported that Abu Farraj was a trainer at al-Farooq camp in Afghanistan during Taliban rule and rose in prominence and became popular among the trainees as well as with the Inter-Services Intelligence's (ISI) Afghan cell. "Abu Farraj's interaction with Pakistanis, whether they were private militants or military men, was deep," it added.

It said Abu Farraj had been used as a facilitator between Al Qaeda's cells in North Africa and their support system in the UK and that his first field operation was the assignment to kill President Musharraf, which was delegated to him because of his proven abilities and his connections among Pakistani jihadis and members of the armed forces, some of whom participated in the two attempts on President Musharraf's life.

"Al Qaeda had invested in Pakistan well before the US invasion of Afghanistan in late 2001, anticipating the consequences of the September 11 attack, that is, that they would be driven out of Afghanistan. It was that goodwill among military men and jihadis that Abu Farraj tapped into to carry out his attacks on President Musharraf," Asia Times Online reported.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 05/08/2005 00:09 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  This should be interesting.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/08/2005 5:10 Comments || Top||

#2  Interesting, yet somehow unfullfilling.
Posted by: Shipman || 05/08/2005 17:09 Comments || Top||

#3  '...investigations into Al Qaeda’s investment in the Pakistan Army..."

Shouldn't that be the other way around? The ISI and Pakistan Army invested in Al Qaeda and the Talaban. As far as I can tell they are still funding and protecting. This is from the highest levels.
Posted by: Sock Puppet 0’ Doom || 05/08/2005 22:05 Comments || Top||

Jihadis destroy music shops in Miranshah
Just days after militants in Pakistan's NWFP's North Waziristan Agency distributed leaflets warning the local populace of closing down their music and video shops, a bomb destroyed three music and video shops in Miranshah.

The explosion also partially damaged seven other shops in the vicinity, which sold TV sets, audio and videocassettes and rented out music and movie CDs.

Officials in Miranshah said that the incident took place at 1:00 am on Friday, a day after the provincial government banned the public display of firearms and launched a disarmament drive.

However, no casualties were reported as the streets were deserted at the time of the explosion, the Daily Times reported.

Officials further said that it would be too early to accuse any particular group or person over the incident, though it is believed that militants having links to the Al Qaeda and the Taliban distributed the hand-written leaflets earlier this week asking hotels and music shops to stop showing television and selling DVD movies within five days or face the consequences.

"It is too early to point a finger at any group or anybody," an official was quoted as saying.

"You shopkeepers will be responsible for any damage if our message is not taken seriously," the handwritten leaflet distributed by the militants read.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 05/08/2005 00:06 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The action arm of the RIA?
Posted by: Shipman || 05/08/2005 10:29 Comments || Top||

#2  just cause: they were distributing Barbra Streisand CD's and DVD's
Posted by: Frank G || 05/08/2005 12:03 Comments || Top||

#3  In that case, where's the detonator?
Posted by: Shipman || 05/08/2005 17:10 Comments || Top||

Terror Networks & Islam
Taking down a top al-Qaeda plotter
Over the past year, intelligence officials had been hearing more and more about a shadowy al Qaeda figure who was supposed to be the terrorist group's new chief operational planner. Abu Farraj al-Libbi, a longtime associate of Osama bin Laden's, quickly became one of the group's most wanted. Late last year, CIA officials received a tip that placed al-Libbi in the remote tribal areas of Pakistan. "So we got hot after him," says one intelligence official.

In recent days, Pakistani officials followed al-Libbi's movements as he passed through some of Pakistan's most lawless territory, but they were reluctant to arrest him there, fearing resistance from local tribes. The chase paid off last week when CIA officers and Pakistani security forces traced al-Libbi to a house in a town where the police were loyal to the national government. Al-Libbi escaped the first raid on a motorbike, along with a colleague disguised as a woman in a burka. After a brief chase, al-Libbi holed up in another house before surrendering to police after they fired tear gas.

he capture was the most significant takedown of a senior al Qaeda official since the March 2003 arrest of al-Libbi's predecessor and mentor, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the chief planner of the September 11 attacks. Al-Libbi is "the most senior operational commander within al Qaeda responsible for global terrorist operations, including operations planned against the U.S. homeland," says a U.S. counterterrorism official, adding that al-Libbi was, in effect, al Qaeda's No. 3 man, under bin Laden and his deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri. Al-Libbi had been around bin Laden since the early 1990s, when he was still in Sudan. Later, al-Libbi ran a training camp, where he tutored suicide bombers and found new recruits.

The successful raid underscores the importance of Pakistan's cooperation, given that some of the most important al Qaeda arrests have taken place there. President Bush quickly praised the Pakistanis for their cooperation in the raid and several subsequent raids that netted additional al Qaeda militants. But other officials remain skeptical that Pakistan is quite as committed to going after al Qaeda militants hiding out in the tribal regions, including perhaps bin Laden himself. "I did say that I think the Pakistanis would not make an effort to get bin Laden," says Gary Schroen, a veteran CIA counterterrorism officer, "because the political blowback would be too awful for them."

For now, al-Libbi remains in Pakistani custody, in part because he is accused of plotting two assassination attempts against Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf. Pakistani intelligence officials believe that al-Libbi had recently been in touch with bin Laden, but one says the "hard nut" has been uncooperative in early interrogations. This official also told U.S. News that al-Libbi had contacted operatives in Britain and the United States before last year's presidential election.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 05/08/2005 00:04 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Al-Qaeda vows Dire Revenge(TM) on US marines
Al-Qaeda's wing in Iraq vowed on Friday to avenge the fatal shooting of a wounded unarmed Iraqi in a Fallujah mosque by a United States Marine last year, after he was cleared by the Marine Corps, according to an Internet posting.

"Oh nation of Islam, do not be surprised (by the ruling to clear the Marine)... as they are crusaders and Jews who have declared war on Islam and Muslims," said a statement from Al-Qaeda Organisation for Holy War in Iraq on an Islamist website.

"We are determined to avenge our brother and we shall not let off or rest until God's law rules the land," said the posting from the group, led by Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Its authenticity could not be verified.

After a five-month investigation, the Marine Corps said it determined that the Marine corporal fired in self-defence and would not face a court martial for the shooting in November, shown in blurry images on a widely aired videotape.

The Iraqi was one of five wounded left in the mosque after the Marines fought their way into the formerly rebel-held city of Fallujah.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 05/08/2005 00:03 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Ha! Go ahead. It worked soooo well last time you turban wearing freaks died by the thousands.

Semper Fi
Posted by: mmurray821 || 05/08/2005 0:16 Comments || Top||

#2  Fallujah mosque = Sunni ammo depot.

"We are determined to avenge our brother..."

Yeah, like you'll succeed.

Semper Fi.
Posted by: Raj || 05/08/2005 0:25 Comments || Top||

#3  ROFL! If this wasn't so pathetic, it would be even funnier.

Nah, this is backasswards. And everyone knows it, on some level.

It's time for US to declare Dire Revenge™ on THEM.

THEY, Islamists, intended to kill double, triple, or more the number that died on 9/11. That they failed is of no consequence in the final analysis. They would stop at nothing to achieve genocide against free men. They have no heart nor soul nor redeeming aspect - regardless of how generous one may choose to be. Not even as the comic relief for being cartoonish misfits and thugs described hereabouts these days. They are the real thing: loose cannons. Insane, barbaric, implacable foes in a bizarre Death Match™ of their own devise. Taking it, and them, seriously is long overdue. They, and all who have fallen under their spell or aid and abet them, deserve to die. Period. Full stop.

They're frequently incompetent villians, but villians all the same. Enough with the Amateur Hour / Gong Show bullshit. Time to show them how it's done.

Time for Professional Dire Revenge™. Fug'em. Hard.
Posted by: .com || 05/08/2005 7:26 Comments || Top||

#4  P.D.R.
Posted by: Shipman || 05/08/2005 7:44 Comments || Top||

#5  Agreed!
Posted by: 3dc || 05/08/2005 13:33 Comments || Top||

#6  Magnificent, .com! I defer to the master.
Posted by: Ptah || 05/08/2005 14:41 Comments || Top||

#7  Pathetic!

These guys need to take a KCNA course in rhetoric.
Posted by: xbalanke || 05/08/2005 17:25 Comments || Top||

#8  History has a long list of people that have tried Dire Revenge(TM) on the Marines. These asshats are in good company and will wind up with the rest in hell

Bad news to F**K with Uncle Sams Marine Corps.
Semper Fi
Posted by: Jack Bross || 05/08/2005 17:59 Comments || Top||

Africa: Horn
Sudan: 4,000 Flee LRA Raids in Southern Sudan
Thousands of villagers have fled their homes to escape attacks by the rebel Lords Resistance Army (LRA) in southern Sudan. In the last one week thousands of sudanese have been forced to cross to Kitgum inside Uganda following stepped up attacks by LRA in different parts of the war ravaged south. The United Nations estimates, "more than 4,000 people have arrived at the refugee transit centre at Palorinya in northern Uganda seeking protection," UN spokeswoman Radhia Achouri said. Many of the refugees said they had seen LRA rebels hacking people to death, cutting their lips off and burning homes, Achouri said.
Posted by: Fred || 05/08/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Murder of Sunnis sparks fear of civil conflict
The murder of 14 Sunni Arabs from the same clan, in an apparent retaliation for a string of anti-Shiite attacks south of Baghdad, has heightened fears that Shiite militias could take up arms and precipitate a civil conflict in Iraq.
The Sunnis are enthusiastically engaging in that very civil conflict, and have been for at least a year. Just ask the Association of Muslim Scholars.
The past few days have seen an unprecedented series of tit for tat attacks between the two communities.
It's also soon some pretty massive body counts...
The latest anti-Shiite attack was a car bomb that targeted a vegetable market in the mixed town of Suwayrah, south of Baghdad, that left 16 people dead and 52 wounded. "The goal is to kill as many Shiites as possible. These were Salafists (Sunni fundamentalists), who live in the nearby village of Khomeirat, and want to spark a civil war," Suwayrah policeman Hussein Khudair told AFP. Extremist Sunni groups with ties to the insurgency have claimed responsibility for many anti-Shiite attacks, but Shiite clerics had so far kept a lid on calls for revenge. But on Friday, the bodies of 12 Sunni farmers, all belonging to the Dulaimi tribe, were discovered buried in a hastily dug pit on the edge of the radical Baghdad Shiite stronghold of Sadr City. According to police, the victims had their hands tied and were blindfolded, with a bullet each to the back of the head. A morgue employee said the bodies of two other people from the same group were brought to him yesterday. Relatives said the farmers, from the town of Madain on a lawless stretch between Baghdad and Suwayrah, had come to the capital to sell their produce
Posted by: Fred || 05/08/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Afghanistan/South Asia
SSP militant arrested
MULTAN: Police has arrested a suspected member of outlawed militant group Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP) wanted in for the 2001 killing of a Shia Muslim leader. Muhammad Gulzar, 30, was arrested late on Friday in Karor Pucca, a town southwest of Islamabad, local police chief Malik Mohammed Iqbal said. Iqbal said Gulzar's arrest was not related to the capture of Al Qaeda number three Abu Farraj Al Libbi.
This article starring:
MUHAMAD GULZARSipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan
local police chief Malik Mohammed Iqbal
Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan
Posted by: Fred || 05/08/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Rawalpindi police foil terrorist act
ISLAMABAD: Rawalpindi police on Saturday foiled an attempt to carry out a terrorist act by arresting a man and seizing explosives including detonators and hand grenades. The elite force of Rawalpindi police, acting on a tip off, arrested Muhammad Imtiaz from a deserted house in Fouji Colony, and found explosive material that had been used in preparing hand grenades. During preliminary investigations, Imtiaz said that he had been instructed to detonate bombs in congested areas of the city, police sources said. He said that a number of miscreants residing in other parts of the country had given him the explosive material to carry out their nefarious designs. In light of investigations, police parties have been sent to various cities to arrest other members of the group, sources said.
Posted by: Fred || 05/08/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

Explosion kills four
TANK: Four tribesmen were killed and one was wounded when an unexploded artillery shell they found in a forest exploded in South Waziristan Agency's Sarwakai sub-division on Saturday, residents said. Tribesman Rakhmal Jan found the shell and brought it home to extract the explosives in it. The shell exploded, killing Rakhmal, Zaabta Khan, Mujeebullah and Rakhmal's son instantly, residents told Daily Times. The wounded tribesman, Naval Khan, was taken to Miranshah in serious condition. This incident was the second of its kind involving unexploded artillery shells.
"Hey, Zaabta! Look what I found!"
"An unexploded artillery shell! Keen! What're you gonna do with it?"
"Extract the explosives, of course! Hand me that claw hammer!"
Posted by: Fred || 05/08/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I can just about hear Carl Stalling doing "I've been working on the railroad..." while the Gremlin pounds away at the warhead's fuse...
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 05/08/2005 0:30 Comments || Top||

#2  Yep. Far as I know the Gremlin is the only toon every to get the upperhand on Bugs.
Posted by: Shipman || 05/08/2005 10:31 Comments || Top||

#3  No, dummy! You don't bang on the thing. You wanna kill us?
What you need to do is melt the metal casing. Build a big fire.
Posted by: Jackal || 05/08/2005 12:05 Comments || Top||

Tribesmen blow up gas pipeline
QUETTA: Suspected renegade tribesmen blew up a gas pipeline and an electricity pylon in a remote town in southwestern Pakistan, leaving hundreds of people without gas and power, police said on Saturday. Anjum Nadeem, a senior tribal police official, said the attacks happened 30 minutes apart late on Friday in Sibbi, about 150 kilometres southeast of Quetta. Hours later, a militant group called the Balochistan Liberation Army claimed responsibility, he said. The official said that tribesmen on Saturday elsewhere in Balochistan fired two rockets at a facility belonging to paramilitary forces, but no one was injured.
Posted by: Fred || 05/08/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Bugtis?
Posted by: Shipman || 05/08/2005 6:50 Comments || Top||

#2  where's that Iran - India pipeline going?
Posted by: Frank G || 05/08/2005 9:13 Comments || Top||

#3  Why are they "renegades" and not "insurgents?"
Posted by: Jackal || 05/08/2005 11:57 Comments || Top||

#4  Right after prayers on Friday I bet.
Posted by: Sock Puppet 0’ Doom || 05/08/2005 17:46 Comments || Top||

Blast at Kabul Cafe Kills Two Afghans
An explosion rocked an Internet cafe in the Afghan capital Saturday, killing two Afghans, police said. Officials were investigating whether the blast was caused by a suicide attacker. Five people were injured in the explosion at the Park Net Cafe in Kabul's upscale Shahr-e-Naw district, a hangout also popular with foreigners, said city police chief Gen. Akram Khakrezwal, adding that all the victims were Afghans. "It was an explosion, but we still don't know if it was a suicide attack," Khakrezwal said, declining to elaborate. Nick Downie, head of the Afghan NGO Security Organization, which advises relief groups and sent representatives to the scene, said bloody chest injuries to one dead man suggested a suicide attack. Khakrezwal said police had detained a guard, the owner of the cafe and another manager for questioning.
Posted by: Fred || 05/08/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Iraq Blasts Kill 22, Including 2 Americans
Two suicide car bombers plowed into a foreign security company convoy in the heart of Baghdad on Saturday, killing at least 22 people — including two Americans — in an attack that left a busy traffic circle strewn with burning vehicles, mutilated bodies and bloodied school children. The U.S. military said the two suicide attackers crashed their explosives-packed cars into a three-vehicle convoy in Tahrir Square, known for its shops and a large statue of Iraqi soldiers breaking through chains to freedom. At least 22 people were killed, including the two Americans, who were employees of the company that owned the targeted SUVs, the U.S. Embassy said without identifying the company. Three other American civilians were injured in the attack, the embassy said. Hospital officials said at least 36 Iraqis were wounded.
Posted by: Fred || 05/08/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Afghanistan/South Asia
Militants hang Congress official in Kashmir
SRINAGAR: Suspected militants abducted a ruling party official in held Kashmir and hanged him from an electricity pole on Saturday, police said. Local Congress party official Abdul Rahim, 65, was killed in the northern district of Baramulla. No group claimed the killing. The Congress party is part of the state's ruling coalition. No militant group claimed the killing but militants often target pro-India political workers in the region, where an insurgency against New Delhi's rule has killed tens of thousands of people since 1989. Meanwhile, suspected militants triggered an explosion on a key highway, killing a soldier. Three other people were killed in separate gunbattles, police said.
Posted by: Fred || 05/08/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Hang a mullah.
Posted by: Ptah || 05/08/2005 14:17 Comments || Top||

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Sun 2005-05-08
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Sat 2005-05-07
  Egypt Arrests Senior Muslim Brotherhood Leaders
Fri 2005-05-06
  Marines Land on Somali Coast to Hunt Terrs?
Thu 2005-05-05
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Wed 2005-05-04
  Al-Libbi in Jug!
Tue 2005-05-03
  Iraq: Bloody Battle in the Desert
Mon 2005-05-02
  25 killed in attack on Mosul funeral
Sun 2005-05-01
  Mass Grave With 1,500 Bodies Found in Iraq
Sat 2005-04-30
  Fahd clinically dead?
Fri 2005-04-29
  Sgt. Hasan Akbar sentenced to death
Thu 2005-04-28
  Lebanon Sets May Polls After Syrian Departure
Wed 2005-04-27
  Iraq completes Cabinet proposal
Tue 2005-04-26
  Al-Timimi Convicted
Mon 2005-04-25
  Perv proposes dividing Kashmir into 7 parts
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  Egypt arrests 28 Brotherhood members

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