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Karachi bus bomb kills 11 Frenchies, three Paks
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Airstrip One discusses the proposed Euroflag. Finish your coffee before you read it, though.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 12:52 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  National slogan of the United States: E Pluribus Unum. Proposed EU national slogan to go with the new flag: There Is Nothing Wrong With Your Television Set.
Posted by: Christopher Johnson || 05/08/2002 14:11 Comments || Top||

Amir Taheri on cannon fodder...
Justin Sodano points to Amir Taheri in the Wall Street Journal on how Muslim nations are warping language to justify terrorism (registration required, so no link...
'Some, like Iran's president, Muhammad Khatami, present suicide bombings as acts of individual desperation. This is disingeuous. One of the girls who blew herself up, along with almost a dozen Israelis, had been recruited at 14 and brainwashed for two years. Mounting a suicide operation needs planning, logistics, surveillance, equipment, money, and post-operation publicity -- in short, an organization.

But then, the recruiters never use their own children. No one related by blood to the leaders of Hamas or Islamic Jihad has died in suicide-bombings. Arafat's wife, Suha, says she would offer her son for suicide attacks. Mrs. Arafat, however, has no son, only a daughter, living with her in Paris. It is always someone else's child who must die.'
Is there an echo in here? It's always nice to find someone else with the same opinion. The po' folks explode and their survivors are tipped by the Soddis or Iraq, and meanwhile the Bigs make a nice living.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 09:02 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Brit Marine commander indulges in over-confidence...
The commander of British marine commandos in Afghanistan said on Wednesday that the military campaign against al Qaeda and Taliban guerrillas in the country was "all but won." Brigadier Roger Lane told reporters he expected offensive operations, such as the British-led "Snipe" mission under way in the mountains of eastern Afghanistan, would end in a matter of weeks rather than months. "We believe we're on the right way, that the fight against AQT (al Qaeda and Taliban) in Afghanistan is all but won, that they're not showing a predisposition to reorganize and regroup to mount offensive operations against us," Lane said.
Oh, cheeze. He said it. Now every turban on two continents is gonna come boiling out of the hinterlands, waving guns and howling "jihad!" He oughta know better!
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 12:22 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Axis of Evil
Iranian right hand denies what left hand is doing...
The head of Iran's parliamentary foreign affairs committee has said Iran, contrary to official denials, has been holding secret talks with the United States, the official IRNA news agency said Wednesday. Many Iranian reformists have called for negotiations with Washington to ward off possible U.S. action against the Islamic Republic, which President Bush has called part of an "axis of evil."
They didn't like watching Mullah Omar ride off into the sunset on a motorcycle, taking his Islamic emirate with him...
"About the behind-the-scenes negotiations with American officials, contrary to what Iran's Foreign Ministry has announced, I have information that these negotiations were carried out," the agency quoted Mohsen Mirdamadi as saying. Mirdamadi, a leading reformist parliamentarian allied to President Mohammad Khatami and himself a former U.S. hostage-taker, said a consensus should be reached on Iran's stance on negotiations if Tehran were not to lose out.
Yup. Get it while the gettin's good. Or possible...
The claim came in direct contradiction of a Foreign Ministry denial this week of persistent rumors in Iranian political circles that Tehran officials had been holding secret talks with U.S. counterparts in Switzerland and Cyprus. Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, last week ruled out talks with the United States. "No, negotiations will not solve any problem," he told a meeting of teachers.
That's right, dammit. Only guns solve problems. And bombs. Wielded by pious men wearing turbans.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 12:44 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Home Front
Beavis Mailbox Boy in court today. Huh huh.
21-year-old college student Luke Helder is set to be arraigned in Reno, Nevada, today in connection with a series of pipe bombings from Illinois to Texas, after a night on suicide watch at the Washoe County Jail.

Stewart Gross, 21, lived on the third floor of a dormitory with Helder during their freshman and sophomore years. "I got a weird vibe from him every time I saw him," he said. He kept to himself and played guitar loudly in his room, which angered neighbors, he said.
Y'mean he's a jerk? We guessed that when things started exploding...
Two songs were posted on the band's Web site, "Conformity" and "Back and Black," but the lyrics were unintelligible.

Isn't that cute? He's got his Kurt Cobain tee-shirt on. And he's bawlin'.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 12:00 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Just an odd thought: Has anyone heard from Warbloggerwatch lately?
Posted by: Anonymous || 05/09/2002 1:17 Comments || Top||

#2  Morning Fred! If you think Luke's got a smile on his face-- just wait. Mom and Dad landed in Reno late tonight (Wed.) I got a pics up on my site. They aren't smilin'. Mary Lu
Posted by: Mary Wehmeier || 05/09/2002 5:08 Comments || Top||

#3  Mommy and Daddy have to be hating it that they wasted three years of college tuition on somebody whose future career just became "prison bitch"
Posted by: BarCodeKing || 05/08/2002 12:46 Comments || Top||

#4  Think of all the beer that coulda bought. What a waste...
Posted by: Fred || 05/08/2002 13:20 Comments || Top||

Senseless violence kills 14 in Gujarat
Soldiers and paramilitary forces patrolled flashpoints in India's western Gujarat state Wednesday after at least 14 people were killed and nearly 50 injured in a fresh upsurge of Hindu-Muslim violence. "It's sheer madness ruling the streets," said Sahiteesh Dave, 29, whose store was shut by a three-day-old curfew in Ahmedabad city's mainly Hindu western outskirts. "There's no security in our lives -- nobody can predict what will happen where."
Best government money can buy...
Tuesday, at least 14 people died and 45 were injured in violence triggered when a Muslim teacher was dragged off his scooter on his way to work and burned to death. That sparked revenge attacks by Muslims in which one Hindu cart-puller was stabbed, burned to death and his body dumped in a well. In other clashes, people were stoned or stabbed to death.
Who's keeping them whipped up? And why?
Kanwar Pal Singh Gill, dubbed "Super Cop" for crushing a separatist revolt in the Sikh-majority state of Punjab in the early 1990s, has been sent to Gujarat to help restore order. Gill, appointed security adviser to Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, called for more forces.
Good luck to Super Cop. Bet he showers after every staff meeting with Modi...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 12:21 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Gujarat cabinet thumps Modi...
For the first time since the Godhra massacre and the communal riots that followed, some ministerial colleagues confronted Chief Minister Narendra Modi with embarrassing questions at the weekly Cabinet meeting here on Wednesday morning. Such an open challenge to a chief minister's authority from within his ministry is unprecedented, given the BJP's track record.
They must see an opening there...
Though there was no official briefing about the proceedings at the meeting, it has been learnt that senior ministers questioned Modi's style of functioning and his inability to curb the violence in the state. The tone was set by Industries Minister, and former chief minister, Suresh Mehta, who questioned Modi on the legality of appointing KPS Gill as his security advisor. The Gujarat Government had initially feigned ignorance about the exact purpose of Gill's first visit here, but later Modi had said that he had invited the former Punjab police chief. This had embarrassed the government, Mehta reportedly told Modi.
Guess Gill doesn't have a reputation for being, uh... gentle.
Other ministers told Modi that the continuing violence was not helping the BJP's cause since even the majority community was getting disillusioned with the government because of the disruption of normal life. Small traders, salaried people and the middle class in general — considered to be the BJP's urban support base — were getting disillusioned with the party since the riots had adversely affected their professional activities, these ministers reportedly told Modi. Bigger businessmen and industrialists too were worried about future investments in the state, they said.
Well, exercising power's much more important than that stuff. If there's some sort of political advantage to be gained, then to hell with them. Besides, others are making out like bandits, so it all evens out.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 06:30 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Shiv Sena thugs accused of roughing up Yasin Malik
JKLF chief Yasin Malik, who has been in custody for six weeks, was manhandled and subjected to verbal abuse by Shiv Sena activists when he was taken for a hospital check-up in Jammu, the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) said. "The assault on our leader can have serious repercussions," the JKLF's acting chairman, Javed Mir, said in a statement. The JKLF called a one-day strike for Friday to protest the "assault and continuing state-sponsored terrorism" in Kashmir.
Ummm... Usually I make it a point to disagree with Liberation Fronts, but in this case they're right...
The strike call has been endorsed by All Party Hurriyat Conference. But police in Jammu denied Malik had been physically attacked, saying bodyguards blocked the Shiv Sena activists who had barged into the hospital room hurling abuse.
The fact that the hospital happened to be swarming with brownshirts when Malik arrived suggests to me that the fix was in and that he probably did get thumped. If the coppers had done their job, they wouldn't have been in there. It looks to me like Shiv Sena/VHP/RSS wants to set off a first-class shootin' war, and BJP is lap-dogging it.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 06:57 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

Irish priest who sez Jesus not the son of God resigns
An Irish priest who has repeatedly stated he does not believe Jesus Christ was the son of God has resigned. The resignation of Reverend Andrew Furlong, 54, who was facing a church trial for heresy, was accepted by Church of Ireland Bishop Richard Clarke, church officials said.
Is it just me, or is that stoopid? If you don't play by the rules, why join the club? Go become a Unitarian or an est counsellor instead.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 10:10 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Or an Episcopalian.
Posted by: Anonymous || 05/08/2002 16:08 Comments || Top||

Kofi oozes platitudes about The Children®
Grown-ups have failed the world's children, allowing malnutrition, disease and abuse to ravage young people, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said on Wednesday at the opening of a global forum on children. Addressing the hundreds of children who for the first time will be participants in this U.N. special session, Annan listed basic rights of childhood -- freedom from poverty, hunger and infectious diseases and from abuse and exploitation and access to education -- and said these have been denied to many. "These rights are obvious," Annan said. "Yet we, the grown-ups, have failed you deplorably in upholding many of them ... We, the grown-ups, must reverse this list of failures."
My kids aren't poor, they're not hungry, and have no infectious diseases that I'm aware of. They're not abused or exploited, and each of them has or had access to education. So whaddya mean "We, the grown-ups," Kemo-Sabe? Part of their freedom from such nasty things might have something to do with the fact that they're not allowed around NGOs, especially when the UN's involved. Perhaps Kofi should concentrate first on cleaning up his own house, then on pushing for governmental reforms within those countries that do regard children (and adults) as expendible resources and not bother the civilized nations with his yammering.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 11:57 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Butthead Eco-Activist Charged with Fortuyn Murder
Dutch prosecutors charged an animal rights campaigner Wednesday with the murder of anti-immigrant politician Pim Fortuyn. The shooting of Fortuyn in a car park Monday, barely a week before a general election in which he was expected to perform well, stunned this quiet country and sent shock waves across Europe. Lawyers have named the suspect as Volkert van der Graaf, 32, a vegan environmental activist opposed to factory farming.
I guess I'm just not as smart as they are, despite my 3-digt IQ. How can you be against killing animals or even causing them discomfort and then pop off a perfectly usable, if a bit eccentric, human being? It doesn't make sense to me. Should I say "Duh!" now? Should I wipe my chin? Or are they the ones that're wrong?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 12:06 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Fred,

It makes perfect sense to the ALF crowd. They honestly believe that killing humans to save animals is justifiable. If you're interested in a starting point to learn about these kooks, try http://www.animalrights.net -- the site is NOT pro-vegan, but rather documents their attacks and idiocies.

Posted by: Steve White || 05/08/2002 22:57 Comments || Top||

#2  Before 9-11 and Rantburg, one of my hobbies was the Leftists and Loons site. I noticed I didn't restore it when I switched servers so I'll put the link back up today. ALF and ELF are on there, along with Ramsey Clark and even the ADA. L & L organizes them into Red (commies), Blacks (anarchists), Greens (ALF and ELF are on the list), and Pinks ("radicals," many classic libs, and Gay/Queer/Whatever the hell they are. If I can time, I want to add the Brown(shirts) and split the Pinks into Pinks and Lavendars. They keep expecting me to do stuff at my place of employment, though...
Posted by: Fred || 05/09/2002 7:00 Comments || Top||

#3  Leftists and Loons is back on line. Sorry for the hiatus. Getting absent-minded in my old age...
Posted by: Fred || 05/09/2002 8:24 Comments || Top||

#4  Pim Fortuyn was not killed at a car park, but at the Media Park in Hilversum, his driver just came to pick him up. Fortuyn was not an anti-immigrant politician, he was against people who leave their land, because the law in Holland allows anyone to come over here, do nothing and get money. It is highly interesting for each foreigner to intrude in Holland, he was up to destimulate that. He said Islam was a silly, stupid culture? Not at all. He said: it would be silly, stupid if Holland would get back in time, about 1000 years, and become a Islam-nation with Sharia-laws.

Posted by: FraNL || 05/09/2002 8:34 Comments || Top||

Device used in Buenos Aires was not a smart bomb...
A small explosive device designed to scatter pamphlets detonated outside a branch of a foreign-owned bank in Buenos Aires on Wednesday, in the second such attack in as many days. "We don't know what the leaflets said," a police spokesman said of the charred paper remains.
"Ramon, put a bit less explosive in the next one, would you? That's a dear..."
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 12:25 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Paks chat up the Omanis...
Oman and Pakistan are discussing an expansion in military relations. The discussions came during a visit by a Pakistani military delegation to the sultanate. The delegation met Omani Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Khamis Bin Humaid Al Kalbani and other senior commanders. Defense sources said the discussions focused on Pakistani training of Omani military personnel. Other proposals included joint air exercises. "They exchanged views on matters of common concern, particularly in the education and training fields," the official Omani News Agency said.
Perv's guys have a real selling campaign going here. Frenchies building them a sub unless the domestic nuts kill the Frenchies first, training the Saudi Entity in the intricacies of warfare, and now tutoring the Omanis. "Belly intellesting," as Dr Fu Manchu might say...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 06:18 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Middle East
Sharon goes home...
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is returning to Israel to consult his security Cabinet after a suicide bombing that killed 15 people and wounded dozens more at a crowded billiard hall. Sharon, who was on a visit to the United States, vowed that Israel would act to stop Palestinian terror attacks.
He was with Bush at the time of the attack...
"The battle continues and will continue until all those who believe that they can make gains through the use of terrorism will cease to exist -- cease to exist," Sharon said.
That's a pretty good indication he's cheesed. Maybe he should take out the Hamas leadership, starting with Sheikh Yassin, now that he's thumped the PA...
Sharon said Israel would defend itself and that "he who rises up to kill us, we will pre-empt and kill him first."
Yup. He's cheesed. Think "Hamas," Ariel. It's time.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 09:56 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

Yasser condemns pool hall attack...
Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat later issued a statement condemning the attack "in the strongest possible terms."
"Oh, no! Not again!" Wonder if he's had a shower yet?
He said the attack causes "great negative damage" to the Palestinian cause and "gives Sharon the pretext to continue his aggression against Palestinian towns, villages and refugee camps."
Pearl Harbor gave the U.S. a "pretext" to dismantle Japan. 9-11 gave us the "pretext" to dismantle the Talibs.
Arafat's statement said "severe measures" would be taken against those who carried out the attacks "and those who stand behind them."
Does that mean Yasser's gonna have Sheikh Yassin bumped off? Betcha it doesn't. He talks a good bloodcurdle, though.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 10:00 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Still nobody who wants the church snuffies...
Meanwhile, in Bethlehem, negotiators were considering a new proposal to end the month-long standoff at the Church of the Nativity. Palestinian negotiator Antoine Salman proposed disarming 13 accused terrorist leaders holed up in the church but leaving them in the building until a country agrees to host their deportation.
Yeah. Let's put it to a vote. All in favor of hosting crazed Middle Eastern killers who hate our guts and who're liable to explode without warning say "aye"... Still think they should be exported to Brussels, though maybe Chris Patten would be willing to put them up. Why, the "promise of Oslo" could be delivered right to his door, like milk used to be...

Jordan has turned down a request to take in 13 Palestinians who have agreed to go into exile once they leave the besieged Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, the official Petra news agency reported today.
Guess they're not stupid, either. Nobody dropped King Abdullah on his head.

Spain is willing to accept some or all of the 13 Palestinian militants, military sources said Wednesday evening.
That's a pretty dumbass thing to do. Wonder what tit was given for that tat?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 09:49 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Yasser sez for PA thugs to crack down on thugs...
President Yasser Arafat, under pressure to crack down on militants following a suicide bombing, Wednesday ordered Palestinian security forces to foil any attempt to attack Israeli civilians. "I have given orders to Palestinian security forces to confront and prevent any terrorist operations against Israeli civilians by any Palestinian party, parallel to confronting any aggression on Palestinian civilians from the Israeli army and Jewish settlers which we all condemn," Arafat said in a statement.
As well he might. He stands a pretty good chance of getting killed next time.
"As head of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority, I reiterate my commitment and participation with the United States and the international community in their war on terrorism," Arafat said.
I'll bet he does. Why, he's about as critical to the alliance as... as... uh... as Mullah Omar is.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 11:43 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

IDF rounds up more murderous bastards at Tulkarm
Hamas Tulkarm commander Abbas el-Sayed and another senior operative in the organization, Mansour Shrem, were captured by Israeli forces this afternoon. The two are responsible for a number of terror attacks against Israeli civilian targets, including the Pessah eve attack in Netanya's Park Hotel that killed 29 people. Ten other Palestinians Israel suspects of involvement in terror-related activities were also arrested in the IDF raid.
Jug 'em and move on to the next bunch.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 05:15 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Palestinian economy close to total collapse
The Palestinian economy is close to total collapse because of Israel's blockade and incursions. 70 percent of Palestinians are out of work, 150,000 of them because they are barred from traveling to old employers in Israel. "But the concept of unemployment has become insignificant" because even people who do have jobs in Palestinian areas often cannot travel to work because of Israeli army checkpoints, International Labor Organization's director for the region, Friedrich Buttler, said.
That's okay. They still have their "Arab dignity." And their guns, bombs, and plenty of cheap cannon fodder.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 05:26 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Yasser to become a figurehead?
There is no reason to conduct negotiations with the Palestinian Authority until Chairman Yasser Arafat is himself "neutralized" or otherwise removed from power, according to a senior source on Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's return flight from the United States. According to the source, the US and Israel are in complete agreement on this point. Arafat must be relegated to a strictly symbolic role in the Palestinian leadership, the source told Army Radio.
I'd guess that Bush got The Potentate Currently Known as Prince's agreement to this when he was in Crawford, and probably King Abdullah's as well. They couldn't drive the old thug nutz, and couldn't find anywhere to exile him to. There was too much Europressure and Arab pressure for them to kill him. This is the next best thing. It's also better for all parties, as Yasser's becoming more incoherent all the time and his gibberings will soon embarrass even the Fatah thugs.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 05:50 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

Megiddo suicide bomber survives blast
A suspected suicide bomber detonated a explosive device earlier today at the Megiddo junction, near Hadera. The bomber was walking along a bus stop at the Megiddo Junction when the blast went off, possibly prematurely. It was initially reported that the bomber was killed in the explosion, but police are now saying that the bomber was severely wounded. He was brought to Afula hospital and is currently undergoing surgery.
Whatever for? Sometimes there's a fine line between being civilized and being stupid. Or maybe I'm not civilized, 'cause I'da told him to hang on and gone out for a beer...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 05:56 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  At last, the mythical Veteran Suicide Bomber emerges.
Posted by: Mark Byron || 05/08/2002 20:51 Comments || Top||

#2  There's a really cool photo over in Ha'aretz where the moron is being held down by a bomb squad robot. We need more robots.
Posted by: Tripartite || 05/08/2002 21:07 Comments || Top||

#3  Well, parts of him, anyway...
Posted by: Fred || 05/08/2002 21:09 Comments || Top||

Pool hall boomer came from Gaza
Police believe that the pool hall bomber came from the Gaza Strip, Israel Radio reported. The Gaza Strip was left out of Israel's military actions over the past month.
Thought that might be the case. Wonder what's gonna happen next? Wonder if Sheikh Yassin's life insurance is paid up? And Rantissi's and Shanab's and Zahar's?

Update: Steven den Beste thinks so, too...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 09:06 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Sharon still thinking of dumping Yasser...
Israeli Minister of Education Limor Livnat said Tuesday night that Israel might expel Palestinian Chairman Yasser Arafat because of the attack. Livnat is escorting Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who blamed Arafat and cut short his trip after meeting with President George W. Bush. "It could be that in the end there will be no choice and we will have to expel Arafat," she told Israel Army Radio. She said she had no indication that Sharon had already made such a decision.
But he's thinking about it... I doubt that'll happen, though, because of the hangwringing from the Euros and the squalling from the Arabs. I think the objective at the moment is to try and ease Yasser into a Terrorist Emeritus position and eventually into a nursing home where he can get full-time care.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 06:08 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Yasser sez they've nabbed 14 with boomer links
Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat's security forces have arrested some 14 people suspected of links to Tuesday night's suicide bombing in Rishon Letzion, the European Union's envoy Middle East envoy, Miguel Angel Moratinos said Wednesday.
Bet those fry are pretty small...
"[Arafat] said that he has arrested 14 Palestinians in Gaza, and that his security services will continue their investigation in order to arrest all those involved" in the attack, said Moratinos after meeting with Arafat in the West Bank city of Ramallah.
Oooh. In Gaza, is it? Well, maybe nobody should invade there for awhile...
Moratinos indicated that hoped that Israel’s response to the attack would not further inflame the situation in the region.
Killing Sheikh Yassin would probably do that. Then again, it might do something to stop the boomers, too...
An adviser to Arafat, Mamduh Nupal, said that in his opinion "Arafat and the PA are preparing to take every possible step in order to lessen the expected [Israeli military] response."
Bet they are. They don't want Gaza thumped, even though it's Hamas country.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 09:15 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

IDF getting ready to thump Gaza
The IDF began massing forces on the border with the Gaza Strip late Wednesday night, in preparation for a retaliatory operation following the suicide bomb attack in Rishon Letzion which killed 15 people.
We knew that...
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who cut short his trip to the United States after hearing of the attack, arrived back in Israel Wednesday evening and immediately convened his extended security cabinet at Lod military airport. The security cabinet gave the green light in the early hours of Thursday morning for operations against "terrorist targets." A government statement gave no details of what operations had been approved but said the security cabinet had empowered Sharon and Defense Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer to decide what action to take.
It's not like they didn't know it was gonna happen...
Only Finance Minister Silvan Shalom raised the idea of exiling Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat, but the issue was not taken to a vote.
Because Sharon and Bush have already decided to make him a figurehead.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 09:22 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

More on the figurehead plan...
Sources in Sharon's entourage to Washington said that U.S. President George Bush had agreed that peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians must wait until internal reforms within the PA have brought about a governing body that "would be headed by a different person or different people" than the current leader, Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat.
Somebody with really good life insurance. And car insurance. And a strong digestive tract. And a bullet-proof vest. And a bomb cellar.
"It was clear that the chief [Arafat] must be moved to a different role within the PA, customarily to a symbolic position and the administrative responsibilities would be transferred to others," the sources said.
Iron-fisted dictator emeritus, y'might say...
Sharon will not present the extended security cabinet with a proposal to expel Arafat. Instead, he is expected to adopt an American plan calling for structural changes that would ultimately sideline Arafat.
And if Yasser refuses to be sidelined, then he can be dumped.
According to the sources, Bush and his advisors have proposed the establishment of a temporary government within the PA until a constitution is drawn up and elections are held.
Ummm... George? Normally it takes a certain amount of force to pull off a coup d'etat. This Gaza thump had better be pretty hard, 'cause the Euros are gonna calve on the spot as soon as the treads roll.
The sources said that Bush also agreed that Israel would not hold talks with the PA until it has completed its internal reforms. The president did demand, however, that once the reforms have been carried out, the two sides must hold talks that would eventually lead to a final settlement.
If the reforms take place, then there'll be somebody to talk to, won't there? The ball will be in the Israeli court.
American officials estimate that moderate Arab nations will support the U.S. proposal, but that Israel would have to sit on the sidelines and not get involved in order for the proposal to fully succeed.
The fix is in with the Soddis and the Jordanians. I'm still not sure it's something the Saudi Entity will allow to happen, though. Sure hope this isn't a best-laid plan.
The Americans understand that without these structural changes "there is no one to talk to within the PA and it is a waste of effort," the sources said.
And that's a fair statement of the obvious. But the Gaza operation's gonna be hard from the diplo standpoint.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 09:46 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Terror Networks
Karachi bus bomb kills 11 Frenchies, three Paks
At least 14 people were killed -- 11 French nationals and three Pakistanis -- when an explosion ripped through a bus outside an upscale Karachi hotel in Pakistan early Wednesday, according to Pakistani and French authorities. At least 23 others, including at least 12 French nationals, were wounded in the blast. Police are investigating whether the French people were the intended targets.
The target was probably just "them furriners..."
Officials from France's Department of Defense said they have not received any threats against French citizens. In Paris, a French Defense Ministry official was asked if France suspected the al Qaeda terrorist organization was linked to the explosion. The official said he would not rule that out, but he added it was too soon to say.
Al-Qaeda, Muttahida Quami Movement, Sipah-e-Sahiba, Jaish-e-Mohammad, take your pick. Or just some guy who wanted to watch a car explode...
Police believe a car bomb detonated in a vehicle parked near the bus outside the Karachi Sheraton Hotel. The bus had picked up a group of French workers at another hotel before stopping at the Sheraton, Karachi Police Inspector Gen. Syed Kamal (Fatty Arbuckle) Shah said. Authorities are also looking into the possibility of a suicide bombing.
We expect to see the usual sterling investigation. Fatty's top-notch, trained by the famed international detective Inspector Camembert...
French President Jacques Chirac condemned the attack and announced he was sending newly appointed Defense Minister Michele Alliot-Marie to Karachi.
"M. Defense Minister, you must go to Karachi."
"What have I done, M. le President?"

Officials in the French Defense Ministry said most of the victims were part of a group of French engineers constructing a submarine for Pakistan as part of a joint naval project.
Not that the boom artists cared a whit about that...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 12:01 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under:

Paisley Attacks Bloody Sunday Inquiry
Hard-line Northern Irish Protestant leader Ian Paisley bowed to an order to appear before the Bloody Sunday inquiry Wednesday but accused the tribunal of "political discrimination" against him. The pro-British firebrand avoided a threatened contempt charge by appearing at Londonderry's Guildhall to answer questions at the judicial inquiry probing the fatal shooting of 13 Roman Catholic civil rights marchers in the city in 1972. Paisley had been called before the inquiry to explain why a counter-demonstration due to take place on the day of the fateful march had been called off. But the Democratic Unionist Party leader told the inquiry he had nothing to do with the counter-demonstration.
See, the nice thing about the death penalty is that, if the Brits had hanged Paisley in, say, 1973, they could be far along the road to dealing with an entirely different problem now. Instead they've got the same thorn in the same side.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 12:31 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Nepal Rebels Attack Security Post
Maoist guerrillas and government forces in Nepal fought a pitched battle that killed scores Wednesday, after a rebel raid. The Maoists attacked a security post in their remote stronghold of Gam in the west, where troops killed up to 400 guerrillas last week in the biggest single offensive of the six-year rebellion. "The raid came about midnight and we seem to have lost heavily," one army officer, who asked not to be named, told Reuters. Communications have been cut and bad weather has prevented rescue helicopters from landing, senior army officers told Reuters, adding reinforcements were on the way. "Fierce fighting between the security forces and the rebels is continuing," a ministry spokesman said in a statement but gave no casualty figures on either side. But army officials said up to 100 rebels, police and soldiers were killed in the fierce firefight, about 450 km west of the capital, Kathmandu.
That's a damned nasty war. It sure would be nice to stay the hell out of it. But I'll bet we don't...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 12:34 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Karachi attack was a suicide bomber
The bus was parked outside the Sheraton Hotel when the bomb went off -- apparently in a second vehicle driven by the bomber, tearing a large crater in the road and destroying nearby vehicles. "We have recovered a charred body from a car," said Sindh provincial police chief Sayed Kamal Shah, referring to the suicide bomber and the bomb-laden vehicle.
Thanx to Bob Ballard...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 01:11 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Two words: Delivery systems.
Posted by: Fred || 05/08/2002 14:50 Comments || Top||

#2  India's got 15. And the Pak Navy has had subs (acquired from the French) for thirty years.

Pakistan and India's Navies

The Agostas will give them real offensive capability -- the older boats were more for port defense. But heck, everybody's got submarines! They're not THAT big a deal.
Posted by: lakefxdan || 05/08/2002 19:38 Comments || Top||

#3  I read here http://www.asiadaily.com/p/c9/8f177bfb5f32.html that the frenchmen killed were engineers fitting out a submarine the Paki's had bought from the French. What the hell do they need with a submarine?
Posted by: bob || 05/08/2002 13:45 Comments || Top||

A little dissension in Hizb-ul-Mujahideen?
Saiful Islam, the commander-in-chief of the Hizb-ul-Mujahideen, has threatened action against those who were trying to "encourage dissension" in the organisation.
"Action" in this context involves exploding cars or hot lead...
Islam's warning came a day after Abdul Majid Dar's confidants, Zafar Abdul Fateh and Asad Yazdani, two former divisional commanders who were expelled with Dar, claimed they had the support of a majority of Hizb's commanders and activists and would form a separate group.
Oooh. Are they going to split into competing factions, with recriminations and assassinations?
Islam said those who were thinking of participating in the elections were "traitors" and "Indian stooges." He claimed all the Hizb cadres and commanders had full faith in the leadership of Syed Salahuddin, the supreme commander.
Otherwise he wouldn't be "supreme," would he?
However, Majid Dar's faction got a shot in the arm on Wednesday when Abu Ubaidah, the outfit's commander for north Kashmir who is considered close to Salahuddin, termed Dar's expulsion as a "hasty step". In a statement, he said most field commanders were not taken into confidence before expelling Dar. "I don't know on whose agenda were they acting," Abu Ubaidah said.
My guess would be Salahuddin's. What's yours?
On Tuesday, two commanders of Kupwara, Asgar and Abu Amir, opposed the command council's decision to expel Dar, Yazdani and Fateh. Both claimed that they had the support of 700 militants in the district. Hizb’s Pak-based boss Salahuddin recently expelled Majid Dar, Asad Yazdani and Zafar Abdul Fateh. They are likely to join mainstream politics.
They're gonna become ex-crazed killers? Ain't that interesting. Wonder if it's because they see an opening since Yasin Malik was jugged? The entire strength of the Hizb is estimated at 700, so either they've got the whole shebang behind them, or they've got support from kindred groups as well...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 05/08/2002 06:47 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

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Two weeks of WOT
Wed 2002-05-08
  Karachi bus bomb kills 11 Frenchies, three Paks
Tue 2002-05-07
  Boomer hits Tel Aviv pool hall...
Mon 2002-05-06
  Fortuyn assassinated in Netherlands
Sun 2002-05-05
  IDF blockades Tulkarm camp...
Sat 2002-05-04
  Chechen kebab artist frees hostages, surrenders
Fri 2002-05-03
  Powell announces international conference on Palestine
Thu 2002-05-02
  Twenty wounded in Karachi booms
Wed 2002-05-01
  Perv's in like Flynn for five more years
Tue 2002-04-30
  Head of Islamocharity arrested
Mon 2002-04-29
  Khattab decomposing
Sun 2002-04-28
  Alexander Lebed, RIP
Sat 2002-04-27
  Palestinians fortifying, booby-trapping Gaza
Fri 2002-04-26
  G'bye, INS. You're toast.
Thu 2002-04-25
  Two monks, nine kids, two deaders leave Church of the Nativity
Wed 2002-04-24
  Explosions in Yasser's compound

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