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Egypt Arrests Senior Muslim Brotherhood Leaders
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Page 1: WoT Operations
6 00:00 Chuck Simmins [16] 
5 00:00 Jackal [25] 
18 00:00 Chuck Simmins [21] 
6 00:00 Frank G [20] 
4 00:00 Shipman [18] 
0 [14] 
0 [13] 
0 [19] 
3 00:00 Frank G [17] 
5 00:00 Shipman [16] 
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2 00:00 Phil Fraering [31] 
1 00:00 Sheik Abu Bin Ali Al-Yahood [20] 
1 00:00 Frank G [20] 
0 [13] 
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3 00:00 Shipman [15] 
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12 00:00 Frank G [11] 
19 00:00 Frank G [19] 
Page 2: WoT Background
11 00:00 Raj [22]
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7 00:00 mmurray821 [22]
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7 00:00 trailing wife [9]
15 00:00 phil_b [13]
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2 00:00 Frank G [20]
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1 00:00 Alaska Paul [11]
0 [16]
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9 00:00 thefflea [12]
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1 00:00 Bulldog [15]
1 00:00 CrazyFool [11]
1 00:00 Charles [16]
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0 [13]
2 00:00 Charles [13]
1 00:00 Shipman [9]
20 00:00 Cyber Sarge [27]
6 00:00 john [14]
7 00:00 Pyotr Spembolov [10]
1 00:00 Captain America [16]
Page 3: Non-WoT
3 00:00 Frank G [15]
1 00:00 Sherry [15]
0 [13]
0 [12]
12 00:00 Jackal [21]
3 00:00 Phil Fraering [12]
4 00:00 phil_b [17]
8 00:00 MacNails [10]
0 [12]
4 00:00 Frank G [10]
Another minor change
Reposted from last night...
I think the new PHP version of the poster is ready to go, so I'm going to change the link and hope for the best. I'm sure you all will let me know about the bugs when they pop up...

I've got it set up so that all posts after 9.30 p.m. (server time) will go into the holding tank and appear the next day. It's been about a week, so cookies should be pretty well sorted out by now...

I'll be doing some more work under the hood today (but not Sunday, which is Mother's Day).
Posted by: Fred || 05/07/2005 12:06:01 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Nice work Fred , debugging sucks :)
Posted by: MacNails || 05/07/2005 10:25 Comments || Top||

#2  Nope, never on Mothering Day Sunday.
Posted by: Shipman || 05/07/2005 15:03 Comments || Top||

#3  Nascar recognizes the sanctity of Mother's Day and Easter - no races. Darlington's moved to tonight
Posted by: Frank G || 05/07/2005 16:31 Comments || Top||

-Short Attention Span Theater-
Captured Al-Qaeda kingpin is case of 'mistaken identity'
Captured Al-Qaeda kingpin is case of 'mistaken identity'

According to European intelligence experts, however, Abu Faraj al-Libbi was not the terrorists' third in command, as claimed, but a middle-ranker derided by one source as "among the flotsam and jetsam" of the organisation.
A former close associate of Bin Laden now living in London laughed: "What I remember of him is he used to make the coffee and do the photocopying."

This article starring:
Posted by: john || 05/07/2005 20:27 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  He is certainly important for the Pakistanis (at least those who back Musharraf)

Posted by: john || 05/07/2005 21:15 Comments || Top||

#2  hmmm apparently that coffee wasn't black?
Posted by: Frank G || 05/07/2005 22:02 Comments || Top||

#3  Europe is talking, it's about all they are doing. They have yet to get out of the "law enforcement mode." European intelligence experts what a laugh. What good is intelligence you are too vain and to act on. Enjoy you status as good little dhimmi and STFU.

Posted by: Sock Puppet 0’ Doom || 05/07/2005 22:52 Comments || Top||

#4  Then the Europeans shouldn't mind that we are going to kill everybody who is in his laptops address book. Oh wait, maybe he made coffee for the Europeans too.
Posted by: RWV || 05/07/2005 23:09 Comments || Top||

#5  He may have been a middle ranker then, but there've been a lot of promotions since then. The number three spot seems to be the "up or out" position in the very dynamic (dynamitic? sorry) A.Q. organization plan. And for some reason the calibre of candidates just doesn't seem to be what it was in those days.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/07/2005 23:30 Comments || Top||

#6  The three saddest words in the al Qaeda lexicon: We're promoting you
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 05/07/2005 23:56 Comments || Top||

Yemen arrests Zaidis accused of attacks in capital
Yemeni authorities said Thursday they have arrested 11 members of the minority Zaidi community suspected of carrying out attacks in the capital as part of an uprising against the government. The 10 men and one woman "are part of a gang which carried out acts of violence and sabotage, including bomb attacks against cars belonging to officials from the Defense Ministry, and in public places, causing death and injury to citizens," the Defense Ministry's September 26 weekly reported. "Several grenades, weapons and pamphlets bearing fatwas (religious decrees) hostile to the regime and inciting violence were found in the apartment where these people lived."

"Those arrested are followers of Badreddine al-Houthi" of the Faithful Youth movement, it said. Badreddine is considered the spiritual leader of rebels who emerged from the extremist Faithful Youth movement of his son, Hussein Badreddine al-Houthi.
Posted by: Fred || 05/07/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

Caribbean-Latin America
U.S. to Let Colombia Question Soldiers
The United States on Friday said Colombian prosecutors could question two U.S. soldiers accused of selling arms to far-right death squads. The U.S. concession came amid growing anger in Colombia over Washington's refusal to allow the suspects to be tried in Colombia. But U.S. Ambassador William Wood said the soldiers will be severely punished if found guilty by a U.S. military court. "Immunity does not mean impunity," he said.

Wood made the comments during a visit to western Tolima state where Warrant Officer Allan N. Tanquary and Sgt. Jesus Hernandez were arrested Tuesday at a luxury estate and accused of plotting to deliver 40,000 rounds of ammunition to a paramilitary militia. They were turned over to U.S. authorities on Thursday despite widespread calls from lawmakers and senior officials for them to face trial in Colombia. The case has deeply embarrassed Washington, coming less than two months after five U.S. service members were detained for allegedly smuggling cocaine aboard a military aircraft to the United States.
Posted by: Fred || 05/07/2005 07:30 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Two blasts hit Russian region ahead of V-day party
MOSCOW: Two small explosions hit a Russian region neighbouring Chechnya just days before world leaders gather in Moscow to mark the 60th anniversary of the Soviet defeat of Nazi Germany, local media reported on Friday. No one was seriously injured in the blasts in Dagestan late on Thursday, the day the FSB security service said it had foiled Chechen rebel plans to attack towns in the north Caucasus region with poison and explosives. Itar-Tass news agency reported the explosions, 15 minutes apart, had been directed at policemen. Russian authorities have launched a tough security operation to guard against possible Chechen rebel attacks ahead of Monday's festivities, drafting thousands of police and troops into the capital and advising Muscovites to stay at home.
Posted by: Fred || 05/07/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Southeast Asia
More Than a Dozen Wounded in Myanmar Blasts
Near simultaneous explosions at two busy supermarkets and a convention center in Myanmar's capital on Saturday wounded more than a dozen people, witnesses said. Several people were seen leaving one of the supermarkets, a City Mart in northwestern Yangon, with blood on their faces after the explosion around 3 p.m., a witness said on condition of anonymity. The exterior of that store was severely damaged.

Authorities blocked off main roads in the area, while riot police with batons and shields stood guard, telling residents to leave because of the threat of further explosions. "We managed to escape, but some of my friends were hurt," said a sales girl who was crying.

Residents said more than a dozen people injured in the blast were taken to a hospital. An explosion at another City Mart store in northern Yangon wounded several people and caused similar damage, another witness said. Smoke poured out of the ground-floor supermarket and soldiers moved in to guard the area. The third explosion outside a convention center where a Thai trade fair was being held blew out windows as high as the second floor and wounded many people, according to a witness attending the function who asked not to be identified.
Posted by: Fred || 05/07/2005 07:47 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Bomb kills one in Lebanese Christian port
A bomb exploded in a Christian port town north of the Lebanese capital on Friday, killing one Sri Lankan woman, wounding six people and damaging shops and houses, a security source said. The explosion, the fifth to target the country's Christian heartland in two months, came on the eve of the return of anti-Syrian opposition leader Michel Aoun to Lebanon from 15 years of exile.

The source said the bomb was placed inside an old abandoned house in the port city of Jounieh, causing a small fire and shattering windows of nearby buildings. The blast was also near an abandoned church and a radio station. Four bombs have killed three people and wounded around 40 in Christian areas since the February 14 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Al Hariri. Lebanese elections are set for May 29 and, in a significant move since Syria ended its 29-year military presence, a court this week suspended an arrest warrant for Maronite Christian Aoun, paving the way for his return on Saturday.
Posted by: Fred || 05/07/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

Gaza lull shaky as Palestinians fire rocket at school bus
EFL, news. HT to Capt Ed
Palestinians on Friday morning fired an anti-tank rocket on Friday morning at school bus carrying children outside the southern Gaza Strip settlement of Kfar Darom, shaking the fragile lull in violence. The rocket failed to hit the bus.

A mortar shell also hit a Gush Katif settlement. No damage or casualties were reported in either case.

Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip fired four Qassam rockets at the southern Israeli town of Sderot predawn Friday. The Magen David Adom ambulance service said that several people had been treated for shock.


Three of the rockets landed in an open field. One hit a building in the center of the Negev town, which was empty at the time due to renovation works.

The "Red Dawn" early warning system apparently did not work. Sderot residents last night talked of the return of fear to their lives.

Sderot resident Moshe Shachor told Army Radio that even after Mahmoud Abbas was elected Palestinian Authority Chairman, Sderot residents did not believe to the promises of quite.

"Clearly, the solution for living in Sderot is [the Israel Defense Forces] sitting in the Gaza Strip," Shachor said.

Since the de facto ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, a number of Qassam rockets have been fired at Sderot causing no damage or injury.

David Baker, an official in the Prime Minister's Office, charged that the Palestinian Authority is freeing suspects and "allowing them to perpetrate additional acts of terror. This has to stop."

Palestinian security officials promised to investigate.

But vowed not to disarm the militants...wotta joke

Posted by: Frank G || 05/07/2005 17:03 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

#1  End the Arab occupation of Israel! Drive all Muslims out of Gaza! End the siege of Sderot! Liberation!
Posted by: Sheik Abu Bin Ali Al-Yahood || 05/07/2005 19:08 Comments || Top||

#2  Palestinians on Friday morning fired an anti-tank rocket on Friday morning at school bus carrying children outside the..

I wonder: have any of the Paleo population made any kind of effort to condemn this display of a lack of class? (that's putting it mildly, to be sure)

Since the de facto ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, a number of Qassam rockets have been fired at Sderot causing no damage or injury.

Sounds like there isn't really a ceasefire, or at least the Paleos don't seem to think so.

Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 05/07/2005 19:44 Comments || Top||

#3  If the Paleo population's done anything, it's a discouraged "next time" shrug....bastards
Posted by: Frank G || 05/07/2005 19:46 Comments || Top||

#4  Palestinians on Friday morning fired an anti-tank rocket on Friday morning at school bus carrying children outside the southern Gaza Strip settlement

I'm sure the MSM will be all over it (To cover for the farking cowards....).
Posted by: CrazyFool || 05/07/2005 20:42 Comments || Top||

#5  BaR:
It's still a "cease-fire" as long as Israel doesn't fire back. If/when they do, they are then guilty of "breaking the cease-fire." Pretty simple, really. As long as you are a lying murderer.
Posted by: Jackal || 05/07/2005 23:23 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Senior Al Qaeda Leader's Notebook Seized
U.S. officials are working feverishly to decipher numbers and apparent codes in a notebook retrieved from suspected al Qaeda leader Abu Faraj al-Libbi, ABC News has learned. Al-Libbi -- believed to be third in command of al Qaeda leader after Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri -- was arrested by Pakistani authorities on Monday. He is suspected of leading two failed assassination attempts on the life of Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf.

Sources said officials believe al-Libbi's seized notebook contains "hot" contact information. They said officials are hopeful the notebook contains useful information because al-Libbi was stunned when he was captured. One senior official described al-Libbi as "shocked" and enraged. "He thought he was invincible," the source said. "He was caught with his pants down. This was not the time and place of his choosing." Al-Libbi was trying to destroy the notebook when he was apprehended, multiple sources said.
Posted by: Fred || 05/07/2005 09:37 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Does this guy look like Paul Begala or am I imaging that?
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 05/07/2005 10:23 Comments || Top||

#2  reminds me of a cross between hitler and saddam , with a bit of pavarotti thrown in .
Posted by: MacNails || 05/07/2005 10:26 Comments || Top||

#3  ooohh and i bet he's singing like pavorotti too :p
Posted by: MacNails || 05/07/2005 10:40 Comments || Top||

#4  Or Johnny Mathis... The Tracks of my Tears...
Posted by: .com || 05/07/2005 10:58 Comments || Top||

#5  same lightbulb forehead, beady eyes...yep, Begalaoid
Posted by: Frank G || 05/07/2005 11:15 Comments || Top||

#6  Paul Begala...yeah....except better looking.
Posted by: anymouse || 05/07/2005 14:11 Comments || Top||

#7  What's up with that pink skin?
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 05/07/2005 14:18 Comments || Top||

#8  B-a-R - the mark of the Beast?
Posted by: Hupiting Crereng3731 || 05/07/2005 14:59 Comments || Top||

#9  Could be.
Posted by: Spemble667 Across the Street || 05/07/2005 15:05 Comments || Top||

#10  ." Al-Libbi was trying to destroy the notebook when he was apprehended, multiple sources said.

Al Qaeda No3 can't destroy a notebook.....mmm TNT springs to mind.
Posted by: Shistos Shistadogloo || 05/07/2005 16:16 Comments || Top||

#11  or some matches...
Posted by: Shistos Shistadogloo || 05/07/2005 16:20 Comments || Top||

#12  prolly a Richard Reid shoe bomb to destro the notebook....doesn't light well with shaking wet hands
Posted by: Frank G || 05/07/2005 16:35 Comments || Top||

#13  If we really seized a notebook that is this valuable, why are we letting this info out? The capture and decoding of the Enigma in WW2 was so effective for the fact that is was kept secret. Someone screwed up realeasing this info IMO.
Posted by: Charles || 05/07/2005 17:12 Comments || Top||

#14  Pak ISI warning their compadres?
Posted by: Frank G || 05/07/2005 17:27 Comments || Top||

#15  Didn't he play 'third alien' in an episode of Star Trek.
Posted by: DMFD || 05/07/2005 18:10 Comments || Top||

#16  with a bit of pavarotti thrown in

Depends on whether or not he's singing.
Posted by: Captain America || 05/07/2005 22:30 Comments || Top||

#17  Just another pinto with big-assed lips...
Posted by: Fred || 05/07/2005 22:51 Comments || Top||

#18  Scrawled on the cover:

Faraj loves Osama

Mrs. Faraj bin Laden
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 05/07/2005 23:58 Comments || Top||

PA Rules Out Disarming Insurgency Groups
The Palestinian Authority has ruled out the prospect that it would disarm insurgency groups in the West Bank or Gaza Strip. The PA assertion came in wake of a May 2 clash between Hamas and security forces in which Egypt obtained the release of detained insurgents. Officials said Hamas and other insurgency groups demanded a pledge that the PA would not seek their arrest or weapons. "We have no intention of withdrawing weapons of resistance," Col. Rashid Abu Shbak, the director of the Preventive Security Apparatus in the Gaza Strip, said. At a news conference on Wednesday, Abu Shbak rejected Israeli calls for disarming insurgents before the handover of West Bank cities to the PA. Three West Bank cities remain under Israeli security control.
This article starring:
RASHID ABU SHBAKPalestinian Authority
Palestinian Authority
Posted by: Fred || 05/07/2005 08:48 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "instead, we'll do the Hokey Pokey..."
Posted by: Frank G || 05/07/2005 9:32 Comments || Top||

#2  "PA Rules Out Disarming Insurgency Groups"

That's OK; you can continue to rot forever in the little Hell you've created, then. Sheesh... it gets harder with each passing day to consider these people human beings.
Posted by: Dave D. || 05/07/2005 11:05 Comments || Top||

#3  I thought disarming militants was step one on the roadkill roadmap thingy that they're always yammering on about?
Posted by: Sheik Abu Bin Ali Al-Yahood || 05/07/2005 14:07 Comments || Top||

#4  "Insurgency groups"?? I don't think so.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 05/07/2005 14:15 Comments || Top||

#5  The fact is that Abbas doesn't have the moxy to do it. So they "rule it out" instead of admitting that he is to weak to disarm them.
Posted by: Sock Puppet 0’ Doom || 05/07/2005 19:15 Comments || Top||

#6  then you aren't in charge - either you control the country and it's relationships with it's neighbors or you don't. Anything else is "Paleostinian" (or f*cking around on the EU plain) by definition
Posted by: Frank G || 05/07/2005 19:48 Comments || Top||

Africa: North
Westerners Urged To Avoid Tourists Sites In Cairo
Amid increasing unrest and Islamic insurgency attacks, Western countries have warned their nationals to stay away from Egypt. Britain and the United States have warned their citizens against traveling to Egypt or visiting certain areas. The two countries said Westerners could remain the target of Islamic insurgents. "American citizens should maintain a heightened awareness of their surroundings and should not linger amid groups of tourists in public areas," the State Department said. On April 30, an Islamic insurgency cell staged separate attacks near the Egyptian Museum and the Citadel. Seven people were injured and the attackers were killed.
Posted by: Fred || 05/07/2005 08:39 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Cannot have it both ways, Mubarrak. Unless you take out your Islamic terrorists, you tourist business is gonna tank, as well as a lot of other businesses.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 05/07/2005 12:28 Comments || Top||

#2  Avoid tourist sites? Um. Why else would anyone go there?
Posted by: Slaviting Slolutle4367 || 05/07/2005 16:54 Comments || Top||

#3  attend Copt funerals?
Posted by: Frank G || 05/07/2005 17:02 Comments || Top||

#4  Heee. jeee!!
Posted by: Shipman || 05/07/2005 18:51 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Indian forces brace for summer violence in Kashmir
Indian security forces are braced for increased violence by Muslim rebels in strife-torn Kashmir, fearing many rebel groups are becoming more desperate after suffering recent setbacks, an intelligence official said. "Summer is not going to be very peaceful. Whenever you see the desperation (among militants), it has to be transformed into some action, violence," K. Srinivasan, chief of intelligence of the Border Security Force (BSF), told Reuters late on Friday. Paramilitary forces have weakened many of the rebel groups fighting Indian rule in the disputed Himalayan region since armed insurgency began over 15 years ago, he said. However, the BSF had reports that up to 40 rebels had slipped into Indian Kashmir in the first three months of this year and over 500 were waiting to cross over, Srinivasan said.

"We have interceptions that all the tanzeems (militant groups) have been asked by the ISI to unite," he said, referring to Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence. "We are not allowing them to regroup," New Delhi accuses Islamabad of arming, training and sending the rebels across the border, a charge denied by Pakistan, which says it only provides moral support to the struggle.

At least 140 militants, including 36 rebel commanders, have been killed in gun battles with soldiers across the region in the past month. Over a dozen members of frontline rebel group Hizbul Mujahideen were killed in a gun battle with soldiers on Thursday, the highest toll in a single incident in recent months. "Jaish (-e-Mohammed) is now an army without generals, HM (Hizbul Mujahideen) is having no heads and LET (Lashkar-e-Tiaba) does not know where to go ... They have lost a lot of arms and ammunition and are left with little finance," Srinivasan said.
Posted by: Paul Moloney || 05/07/2005 05:37 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Africa: Subsaharan
LRA rebels kill many in Uganda
Ugandan rebels have shot and hacked to death 19 people in the north of the country as they intensified their campaign of attacks on civilians, according to aid workers and the military. Violence has worsened since talks to end a 19-year-old war in northern Uganda stalled earlier this year, prompting warnings that attacks are likely to increase unless the government takes urgent action to revive the negotiations. In the first Lords Resistance Army (LRA) raid on Thursday, rebels wielding axes and guns killed 16 people and seriously wounded several others at the Koch-Goma camp near Gulu. Six of them died in hospital.
We haven't heard from the LRA in awhile now. It's good to occasionally be reminded that not all terrorists are Islamists and not all nutbags are Muslims.
Residents at the camp about 10km southwest of the main northern town of Gulu said the rebels struck early in the morning as their victims tended crops near their huts, changing their usual tactic of attacking at night. Regular statement "The rebels know they are losing, so they are trying to show the world they exist by desperately attacking innocent civilians," army spokesman Lieutenant Tabaro Kiconco said.
Yeah, yeah. They've been losing and losing and losing, and somehow the fearsome Ugandan army hasn't managed to wipe them out.
Posted by: Fred || 05/07/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Josheph Kony became a muslim convert a few years ago. I guess he was favorably impressed with his Sudanese sponsors.
Posted by: ed || 05/07/2005 0:31 Comments || Top||

#2  I hadn't heard that.

There goes my theory that not all terrs are Islamists and not all nutbags are Moose limbs.
Posted by: Fred || 05/07/2005 1:02 Comments || Top||

#3  Sad. I feel your pain, Fred. Slowly, but surely in the case of Islam, our best hopes, intentions, and innocence is stripped away, crushed, beheaded, and turned to ash. Sigh.

Okay, so can we fry 'em up, now?
Posted by: .com || 05/07/2005 1:07 Comments || Top||

#4  Fred that pic is a dated publicity photo of Sly Stone
Posted by: sea cruise || 05/07/2005 4:18 Comments || Top||

#5  Dated pictures on RantBurg? Could it be?
Posted by: Shipman || 05/07/2005 8:49 Comments || Top||

Africa: North
Senior Brotherhood leaders arrested
One demonstrator was killed and two injured Friday when Egyptian police used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse a pro-reform rally in the Nile Delta city of Mansoura, the Muslim Brotherhood said. The casualties came hours after security forces detained four senior Brotherhood leaders in the latest of a wave of arrests that the opposition group says has netted more than 1,500 of its members in the past few days.

Tariq Mahdi Ghannam, a 40-year-old teacher, "suffocated after inhaling tear gas fired by security forces," said Abdel-Moneim Mahmoud, a Brotherhood member who took part in Friday's rally. Interior Ministry sources confirmed the death but said the man had died of a heart attack. Witnesses said Ghannam died in a mosque to which he had been taken after security forces intervened to break up the demonstration of some 5,000 Brotherhood members in Mansoura. Two demonstrators were also injured by police rubber bullets, Mahmoud said.

Mahmoud said the authorities arrested, Issam Aryane, the leader of the movement, which has been banned since 1954 but still ranks as Egypt's leading opposition force and has stepped up its demands for reforms ahead of presidential and legislative polls. Aryane is also the official spokesman of the movement's supreme guide Mohammad Mehdi Akef.

Police also arrested Omar Darrag, president of Cairo University's lecturers' club, teacher Hamdi Shahin and Yasser Abdou, all of whom are Brotherhood leaders, said Mahmoud. The detained men stand accused of "preparing to hold banned demonstrations," he said, adding that police had been told about demonstrations to be held at several mosques in the capital Friday to show support for Palestinians.

Police reported 400 arrests in the past few days across the country with 350 Brothers placed in preventive detention for 15 days for having violated a ban on street protests and allegedly "wounding several officers and soldiers." The Brotherhood said as many as 1,546 of its followers had been arrested during and after its wave of pro-reform demonstrations Wednesday, but without giving details on the number of those placed in preventive detention.
This article starring:
HAMDI SHAHINMuslim Brotherhood
ISAM ARYANEMuslim Brotherhood
MOHAMAD MEHDI AKEFMuslim Brotherhood
OMAR DARRAGMuslim Brotherhood
YASER ABDUMuslim Brotherhood
Muslim Brotherhood
Posted by: Fred || 05/07/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under:

#1  typical Islamics, they want reform....once. If they should get in power, Hosni's reign would look positively enlightened
Posted by: Frank G || 05/07/2005 11:55 Comments || Top||

typical Islamics, they want reform....once. If they should get in power, Hosni's reign would look positively enlightened
Well, I think Mr. Mubarak has some duplicity going on, as do a lot of the other false-friends in the Middle East: they're usually very effective of blocking all political dissent EXCEPT that which is of salafist origin. The governments of such places are funding propaganda operations like Horseman Without A Horse and all the while, saying to the US "You MUST support _ME_, look at what horrible people would come to power if I should fall."

Or as Louis XV put it, "Apres moi, le deluge." A lot of our problems in the ME are of our own making.
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 05/07/2005 18:18 Comments || Top||

Bombers kill 67 Iraqis
Suicide bombers killed 67 Iraqi civilians and police and 14 corpses were found in Baghdad on Friday in escalating violence that has cast doubts over the new government's ability to defeat insurgents. In the deadliest blast of the day, a suicide bomber in a car blew himself up near a vegetable market in a southern Iraqi town, killing at least 58 people and wounding 44. The blast blew market stalls to pieces, as panic reigned amid the carnage and medics tried to treat the most urgent cases next to the mangled wreckage of several vehicles. The attack hit the mostly Shiite town of Souwayra, reinforcing fears that guerrilla violence will spill over into civil war as Iraq's leaders struggle to ease sectarian tensions.
The Shiites are trying to avoid that civil war, but the Sunni bad guyz are already well into their end of it.
In Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit, a suicide bomber blew up his car beside a minibus carrying policemen, killing at least nine and wounding several, local police said. In northern Baghdad, a resident alerted police after he saw bodies being buried. Police found the corpses of 14 men. The victims, blindfolded and hands bound, were executed with a bullet to the back of the head.
Posted by: Fred || 05/07/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I'm amazed at the Shiites' restraint. At this point, as far as I'm concerned every Sunni in Iraq could be slaughtered, and I'd have a hard time giving a damn.
Posted by: Sheik Abu Bin Ali Al-Yahood || 05/07/2005 2:40 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
10 Taliban captured
KANDAHAR: Afghan troops backed by US soldiers captured 10 Taliban rebels in southern Afghanistan, where recent clashes have left scores of fighters dead, an official said Friday.
Posted by: Fred || 05/07/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  10 more dead would be appropriate
Posted by: Frank G || 05/07/2005 0:27 Comments || Top||

Blast destroys 3 music shops in Miranshah
PESHAWAR: A bomb destroyed three music and video shops and partially damaged seven others in the regional headquarters of the North Waziristan Agency days after militants circulated pamphlets warning against selling such goods. The bomb went off in Garhi Mandi at 1:00am on Friday a day after the government had banned the public display of firearms and launched a disarmament drive. No casualties were reported as streets were deserted at the time of the explosion.

"It is too early to point a finger at any group or anybody," the official said. Militants, linked with Al Qaeda and Taliban, distributed hand-written leaflets in Miranshah earlier this week telling hotels and music shops to stop showing television and selling DVD movies within five days or face the consequences. "You (shopkeepers) will be responsible for any damage if our message is not taken seriously," the pamphlets read. Many of damaged shops sold TV sets, audio and videocassettes and rented out music and movie CDs. Former US forces commander in Afghanistan Lt Gen David Barno told reporters in Islamabad that Pakistan would launch a spring offensive in North Waziristan, but Islamabad denied.
Posted by: Fred || 05/07/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Hizb says 14 activists killed by India
Jammu and Kashmir's militant group Hizbul Mujahideen said on Friday 14 of its activists were killed in a fierce battle with Indian troops. The militant death toll from the clash on Wednesday in Bandipora was the biggest in years, said police. An Indian Army spokesman said 10 bodies had been recovered so far from the battle site, where witnesses said soldiers fired rockets and destroyed six houses. In a press release, Hizbul said that our information suggests 14 mujahideen were killed along with a number of security personnel. The militant group usually issues casualty statements to pay homage to its dead. However, the army said only three soldiers were hurt in the clash and that the houses caught fire accidentally.

"On Friday, we found six more militant bodies from the damaged houses, after four were found earlier," said army spokesman Lt Col VK Batra, adding, "We're still going through the rubble to find more bodies." In separate gun battles five more militants were killed overnight, said Batra without giving further details.
Posted by: Fred || 05/07/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  jeebus, India's got a no-hitter going
Posted by: Frank G || 05/07/2005 0:02 Comments || Top||

#2  And we know the cellar-dweller PakiWaki's never have decent pitching. Looks like a long season ahead for Pervy & ISI. Just like every season before.
Posted by: .com || 05/07/2005 0:05 Comments || Top||

#3  Team Paki is Single A all the way.
Posted by: Shipman || 05/07/2005 8:44 Comments || Top||

2 paramilitary officials injured in explosion
Two paramilitary officials were injured when a bomb exploded at Bakhtiarabad village on Friday morning. Other explosions also damaged electricity poles and an intelligence agency office. Village residents said they found the bomb and it exploded as the paramilitary officials were examining it. The officials' condition was reported stable. In another blast at Pir Ghaib, two 132Kv electricity poles were damaged around 3:00am because of an explosion. Police are investigating the incident. Unidentified men also hurled a hand grenade at an intelligence agency office in Dalbandin. There were no casualties reported. The Baloch Liberation Army claimed responsibility for the attack.
Posted by: Fred || 05/07/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

Nuggets from the Urdu press
Sindh in Indian anthem
Columnist Masood Ashar wrote in Jang that a man in India had approached the Indian Supreme Court with the plea that the national anthem of India be changed and reference to Sindh in it be taken out so that India was not seen as laying claim to a territory that belonged to Pakistan and was not its own. The Indian court had asked the government to file a reply which had not yet come. The Indian national anthem was written much before 1947 by Tagore during the politics of the partition of Bengal. Tagore designated all the areas that fell in India then and had no idea that Pakistan would be formed in 1947 and that Sindh would go to Pakistan.

Mosque is from 'mosquito'!
Writing in Khabrain Hafiz Sanaullah stated that he had got to know an official at the American consulate named William Spengler who was an expert on Islam and had nearly converted. Spengler told him that Masjid was the right term and English mosque was derived from Spanish and was an insulting term since it meant mosquito. Thus when you say mosque you are implying that a mosque is a place where mosquitoes breed. The columnist was so impressed by the learning of Mr Spengler that he stopped writing mosque in English and took up Masjid as the correct version.

Pakistani intellectual Shirin Tahirkheli
Writing in Khabrain Khalid Minhas stated that Shirin Tahirkheli who had recently become secretary of state Ms Condoleezza Rice's special adviser was actually the daughter of a great Pakistani mathematician, Dr Raziuddin Siddiqi, who had migrated to Pakistan from Hyderabad Deccan and was chancellor of Peshawar University. Shirin was born in Hyderabad Deccan in 1944 and arose as a great scholar in the United States. The columnist said that the Indian lobby was greatly perturbed over Shirin's new appointment.

Eyes and ears closed
Writing in Nawa-e-Waqt Frozuddin Ahmad Faridi expressed shock at Governor State Bank Ishrat Hussain's comment that prices had gone up because of the rise in the buying power of the people. This increase in buying power was supposed to be proof of the government's good economic governance. Faridi stated that in Pakistan the stomachs and pockets of the masses were empty while the ears and eyes of the rulers were closed. This was an excellent condition for good governance. The truth was that the pyramid of foreign exchange reserves of the value of $12 billion was erected by the State Bank by printing money and buying dollars with it on the market. This pyramid was now laying eggs (anday-bhachay) and the masses were under pressure from resultant inflation.

Dr Israr on fundamentalism
Writing in Nawa-e-Waqt Dr Israr Ahmad stated that in today's world fundamentalism was considered bad but a Muslim was in essence a fundamentalist because he believed in the fundamentals of the Quran and the Prophet's tradition. In fact the West condemned fundamentalism because of the Muslims' adherence to the basic tenets of their faith. The Muslims were not free after their pledge to the fundamentals of Islam. On the other hand libertarianism (madar pidar azadi) was passed off by the West as roshan khayali (enlightenment) and moderation and adopted by us as a kind of slavery to the agenda of the United States. Enlightenment and liberalism was against Allah and were ma'anavi kufr (intellectual apostasy).

Kashmir will be decided in 2008
Quoted in daily Pakistan, the astrologers in Lahore predicted that the Kashmir dispute would not be resolved before 2008. In 2006, the PPP would rule at the centre and the PMLN would rule in Punjab. And President Musharraf would be president for a long time. The Muslims had suffered misfortunes because they had strayed from the teaching of the Quran and the Prophet PBUH.

Pious robbers strip a general
According to Sarerahe in Nawa-e-Waqt a gang of robbers entered the house of a retired general in Rawalpindi and made off with his cash and jewellery plus his brand new Honda car. While keeping the family at gunpoint they advised them to say their namaz regularly and give khairat (charity). They had flowing beards and piously refrained from hurting anyone.

Pakistani ulema against woman imam
Quoted in Khabrain Jamaat Islami leader Munawwar Hasan said that by allowing a Muslim woman to lead the prayer in the US the Americans were creating a new edition of Islam for their own purposes. Prof Sajid Mir of Ahle Hadith said that Islam had been deeply insulted by the Americans' plot of getting a woman to lead the namaz. Sarfraz Naeemi of Jamia Naeemia of Lahore said America had attempted to create fitna. Aslam Siddiqi said that Muslims will not say namaz behind a woman but watch her behind. According to daily Pakistan, Qazi Hussain Ahmad's daughter Raheela Qazi said that Islam did not allow a woman to do imamat. Sajid Chaudhry said that the Muslim ulema in America kept quiet because they wanted to retain their green cards.

Americans didn't want Musharraf
Quoted in Jang magazine Tariq Ali said that Americans usually changed governments in Pakistan but when Musharraf came to power they did not want him. Indira Gandhi stopped her generals from attacking West Pakistan in 1971. Tariq Ali was arrested after being suspected of being a body guard of Che Guevara. Gwadar was being built as a second Dubai.
Posted by: Fred || 05/07/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  ..This pyramid was now laying eggs (anday-bhachay) and the masses were under pressure from resultant inflation...

..Ixnay on the anday-bhachay.

Posted by: Mike Kozlowski || 05/07/2005 0:12 Comments || Top||

#2  Do these folks just sit around smoking opium all day? If not, is there ever any hope of them getting in line for some brains?
Posted by: 3dc || 05/07/2005 0:17 Comments || Top||

#3  opium doesn't do this kind of damage. I think an entire culture of ingesting lead paint chips is the suspect
Posted by: Frank G || 05/07/2005 0:24 Comments || Top||

#4  Crack causes this.
Posted by: Sock Puppet 0’ Doom || 05/07/2005 1:32 Comments || Top||

#5  Crack up up in the air 5x per day does this. It's mass group think brainwashing. Step out of line, go apostate, and you're dead meat. Islam is into the body count, the numbers game, the world's fasted growing cult, one billion strong and growing. yada yada yada
Posted by: sea cruise || 05/07/2005 4:23 Comments || Top||

#6  Mosque is from the (Egyptian) arab word masgid, which means, and I know this will shock you, mosque.
Posted by: phil_b || 05/07/2005 8:20 Comments || Top||

#7  The Spanish were correct.
Posted by: Shipman || 05/07/2005 8:47 Comments || Top||

#8  ***bzzzzzzzz***
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 05/07/2005 12:17 Comments || Top||

#9  Mosquitos are superior to what is generally bred in mosques!
Posted by: ryuge || 05/07/2005 16:22 Comments || Top||

#10  same pestillential infectious spread...Dr. William Spemble is correct
Posted by: Frank G || 05/07/2005 16:38 Comments || Top||

#11  Typical islamist lies. In Spanish mosquito is spelled the same and pronounced nearly the same than in English except for the second o sounding like in fox instead of like in bow. Mosque is mezquita (pronounced messkeeta, final a like in swann) and has no relationship with mosquito
Posted by: JFM || 05/07/2005 17:23 Comments || Top||

#12  and I like mescal a lot more than I like mosques :-)
Posted by: Frank G || 05/07/2005 17:29 Comments || Top||

Australia Given 72 Hours To Act
A MILITANT group holding Australian engineer Douglas Wood hostage in Iraq has given Canberra 72 hours to start withdrawing troops from the country in another video message released overnight. Mr Wood's family was today said to be shocked and horrified by the latest development. ABC radio said Douglas Wood's brother Malcolm had issued a statement following the broadcast of the tape, which showed Mr Wood with two machineguns being held to his head.

In the video, the 63-year-old engineer called on the Australian Government to pull its troops out of Iraq within 72 hours, but gave no indication of what would happen if the ultimatum was not met. Malcolm Wood said the family were shocked, but did not believe the kidnappers' demands would make any difference to the policies of the Government. The family statement urged his captors to think of Mr Wood as a brother and called on them to release him unharmed. In the video, a shaven-headed Mr Wood was shown sitting on the floor holding up an identity photo that appeared to be his passport.

Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, attending the United Nations in New York, rang Douglas Wood's American wife to offer support after viewing the new tape. "She's being very brave and she is strong and as you can imagine she is obviously tremendously concerned and upset," he told the ABC.Mr Downer said he understood that people would find the new tape upsetting and that it showed Mr Wood was not being well treated by his captors. "I know people will be upset by the tape, but we just need to keep the work going and attempt to get him released," he said. "We have no indication why his head would be shaved. It seems to be an occasional practice by these people." On the Federal Government's response to the kidnappers' demands, he said it was obvious Australia could not give in to them, and that "we just have to be concerned with getting Mr Wood out".
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: God Save The World || 05/07/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Its really time to get MidEvil with the relatives of these terrorists.
Counter offer if he's not released in 72 hours bad things happen.
Posted by: 3dc || 05/07/2005 0:11 Comments || Top||

#2  Looks like he's been hit too. Bastards.

We've captured quite a few terrorists recently haven't we?, kill one terrorist every 6 hours until he's released. If they do kill him, take 10 out, line 'em up against a wall and kill 'em.
Posted by: Tony (UK) || 05/07/2005 4:34 Comments || Top||

#3  Isn't this like against the Geneva convention which the ACLU and CAIR is so insistant is in force?

Where are they now? Have they filed suit aginst the terrorist organization? Against the militant group? How aboout OBL or Zac. I think Douglas has been 'humiliated' and they need to take action .

Hello? Hello?
Posted by: CrazyFool || 05/07/2005 7:14 Comments || Top||

#4  I feel very sorry for Douglas Wood and his family, but also annoyed on a couple of points:

By releasing these hostage snuff flicks, Jihadis hope to create popular pressure from Australian civilians on their Government.

By broadcasting these flicks on western media, we help them achieve their goal. THere should be a blanket ban on the broadcast of hostage footage.

The media, particularly left-biased publications which eagerly seize on every negative scrap of news from Iraq not only help the enemy goal but encourage them to use these tactics more.

It is like cigarette company ads in movies where actors smoke, thus promoting the product. Only the cigarette companies pay. The Jihadis get FREE advertising space by creating a news story to shock the world and decrease support for the US in Iraq.

So why do we play their game over and over?!!! How about printing a positive story about Iraq to balance it? Or minimising it? Or reporting it without publicising what the demands are?

Wake up Western Media and get some standards.

Secondly: If kidnapped in Iraq (and we all know it's a possibility if you go there) WHY WHY WHY co-operate with the Jihadis and say things like ''please remove your troops from Iraq''.

Why not instead wreck their little snuff film and say ''Screw you I'll show you how an Australian dies!'' as death is pretty well inevitable.

Or: ''kill as many of the Islamist jihadi scum as you can for me'' or something like that.

The film would be useless and they'd kill you: which they'd do anyway.

Or just refuse to talk.
Posted by: anon1 || 05/07/2005 8:26 Comments || Top||

#5  By releasing these hostage snuff flicks, Jihadis hope to create popular pressure from Australian civilians on their Government. You are correct, but I see no indication that it is working. While this is splashed across the media, no one, not even the usual leftist shills, is saying the government should change its position or even pay a ransom.
Posted by: phil_b || 05/07/2005 8:52 Comments || Top||

#6  The positive stories from Iraq are often either press-releasish or treacly, which means people tend to skip over them. I don't include stories about personal heroism in that description, by the way.

One thing we have been missing, except here at Rantburg, is any kind of real assessment by the press of what makes up the Bad Guy organization. Even here, for fear of becoming too repetitive, I haven't been diligent in pushing my observation that the Bad Guyz are controlled by a cross between SPECTRE, the Council of Boskone, and The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu. When we were kids -- those of us over a certain age, anyway -- you could tell the bad guys when you went to the movies or watched the teevee. They wore black hats and usually were the uglies. If you grew up reading Dick Tracy comix, you knew Pruneface and Flat-top weren't on the side of truth and goodness. Pirates, as everybody knows, had peg legs and eye patches and made people walk the plank. Even today, if you go to a Star Wars movie, you've got no real doubt as to who the bad guys are.

Yet here we are, fighting a war to the death -- also a point not being pushed -- with an enemy largely consisting of Dick Tracy characters and (in some cases literally) pirates. We've got one-eyed Mullah Omar, peg-leg Basayev, and pruneface al-Libbi. Khalid Sheikh Mohammad looks like Vanessa del Rio's true love, fergawdsake. Nobody's walked the plank lately, but lots of people have had their heads cut off. We seem to have a lot more emotional reaction to the Katyn Forest massacre than the mass graves, still being filled, mind you, in Iraq. And we do have the Bad Guyz own words to dispell any lingering doubts that they're simply misunderstood or that they're somebody we could negotiate with, meet halfway. We've got one such article today, from Pakland. Yet this isn't a picture the media's painting. To me, that's where they're really falling down, and it's the weakest part of the entire war effort. We're fighting against characters who'd make good cartoons, complete with fanatical minions, and we're worried about their "civil rights."

Posted by: Fred || 05/07/2005 9:31 Comments || Top||

#7  Yet this isn't a picture the media's painting. To me, that's where they're really falling down, and it's the weakest part of the entire war effort

I haven't had time to read my news on the net lately and I can say that other than the fact that bombs are going off in Iraq on a daily basis - I get no news about the war. None of the huge and monumental events in Lebanon, Syria, or anywhere else for that matter are known to the average person. Without logging into the net, it's easy to forget there is a war going on. I can tell you what's going on with michael, martha or the latest missing child - but a war? Who knew?

I can tell you with 99% certainty that it will be reported that somewhere a bomb went off today and it will be accompanied with an ambulance swarm video and pictures of bodies. NPR will report it with sound overs of ambulance sirens, babies crying and foreigners shouting orders....as is a requirement in all of their pieces.

None of the big and meaningful NEWS being reported on rantburg will make it to the average ears... they have no clue.
Posted by: 2b || 05/07/2005 10:06 Comments || Top||

#8  Ahead of the curve again Fred.
Posted by: Shipman || 05/07/2005 10:12 Comments || Top||

#9  Great rant Fred. That's why I'm here so much. It's the only place where you get so much of what is going on without a pre-digested slant (we provide that in the comments.) Thanks Fred.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 05/07/2005 11:12 Comments || Top||

#10  Your right Fred.

An excellent example is the media [non] coverage of Beslin - that Russian school. The media, by and large, called the terrorsts/rapist/murders simply 'hostage takers' and did *everything* they [the media] could do to cover for the inhuman scum. Never was the fact that all the 'hostages takers' were islamic extreamist mentioned. Never mentioned were the girls dragged to rooms to be gang raped or the bayonetted babies. Even now, if it is ever mentioned they are simply called 'hostage-takers' as if it was a simple criminal act.

This goes beyond being sensitve to the victims - the MSM has no problem feeding other victims - why now? Personally I think it was deliberate to protect the terrorist and keep people from seeing the truth.

Yes, I have repeated this rant many times. I do not apologise. But I will never forget the looks of terror on the children as they ran away trying to escape. These monsters simply must be stopped - simply pacifying them in one option. Killing them is another.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 05/07/2005 11:36 Comments || Top||

#11  "To me, that's where they're really falling down, and it's the weakest part of the entire war effort."

I'm having more and more trouble thinking of them as falling down on the job, and less and less trouble believing they're simply on the other side, working tirelessly-- and very effectively-- to further the enemy cause.
Posted by: Dave D. || 05/07/2005 12:09 Comments || Top||

#12  Furthering the enemy cause is probably not consciously on the MSM agenda. Their cause is the destruction of President Bush. Any other fallout from their actions is.....just fallout, no big deal. That is, no big deal until some boomer or shooter takes out their MSM HQ. Then it's Mommie Mommie.

It reminds me of the Left during my UC Berkeley days. Leaves a bad taste. More than bad taste, more like total revulsion and disgust.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 05/07/2005 12:25 Comments || Top||

#13  I'm quite confident that if we pull together we're going to make bacon bits out of Libby, Osama, KSM and all their cross-eyed kinfolk. The issue is whether we're all going to pull together, and that's where the MSM comes in.
Posted by: Matt || 05/07/2005 13:01 Comments || Top||

#14  Yes, I feel sorry for the hostage and the families involved. He does NOT stand a chance.
I understand that those employed over there make TOP DOLLAR- but is it worth it? My personal safety/health does not wear a price tag. I would fly home and take an engineer job in the U.S. As a matter of fact I would work for an attorney or McDonald's- which is worse an attorney or Mc D's?

Andrea Jackson
Posted by: Andrea Jackson || 05/07/2005 14:14 Comments || Top||

#15  What's worse is selling snow skis at WalMart to the Kennedy clan.
Posted by: Shipman || 05/07/2005 15:10 Comments || Top||

#16  Saudis alone have over one trillion dollars invested in the US. A great deal of that must be in media stock. "Offshore investors" (Arabs) are a leading source of the high risk venture capital that fuels so many media enterprises. Is it any wonder then, that we see the kind of coverage we do? The facts are not in dispute but the all-important interpretation and presentation is increasingly dictated from Riyadh and other enemy capitals. How would we have done in World War 2 if Goebbels had been running the American media too?
Many of the media lords are traitors in the literal sense, willfully giving aid and comfort to a violent enemy and doing so for personal gain. This is a mortal threat and the most drastic action must be taken to address it.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 05/07/2005 17:24 Comments || Top||

#17  "That is, no big deal until some boomer or shooter takes out their MSM HQ."

Keyboard to God's ears. Speaking of the Big Guy, we should now all say a prayer of thanks for the Ninth Circuit, which in its infinite wisdom has finally recognized our right to say what must be said.
As an academic exercise, how should these media-cleansing boomers and shootists proceed if they are to get the best results? I suggest satellite antenna farms outside local cable operations. There are a lot of these scattered about, they are soft targets, and they could be hit during off-hours when few people are about. The media lords could scarcely ignore their destruction and the message would be obvious. OTOH, assassinating some evil media beast is a bad idea, deserving though they are. Violence against people, even media types, is in a whole different category. The victim would be elevated from shill to martyr overnight and, if all else fails, the media lords and their political hacks could represent the deed as a simple common-law crime. It could be dismissed as the work of the proverbial white male NRA member or perhaps as a completely random shooting by careless gun nuts or even friendly fire by drug dealers.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 05/07/2005 17:35 Comments || Top||

#18  I still want to know who Kenneth was and just why that particular frequency was so damned important.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 05/07/2005 17:38 Comments || Top||

#19  :-)
Posted by: Frank G || 05/07/2005 17:39 Comments || Top||

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