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Chief of Khalistan Commando Force (KCF), has been assassinated
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1 06:26 Slavising Unineting5672 [25] 
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1 06:30 Slavising Unineting5672 [24] 
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2 15:45 Airandee [9]
2 12:22 Super Hose [17]
1 12:19 Super Hose [9]
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1 12:14 Super Hose [10]
1 06:38 Slavising Unineting5672 [23]
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5 15:34 Skidmark [11]
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5 15:38 Skidmark [19]
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3 12:39 M. Murcek [15]
1 09:29 Mullah Richard [11]
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7 12:17 Abu Uluque [11]
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6 19:37 Silentbrick [14]
4 17:45 Snurt Jick5924 [19]
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2 07:55 Enver Slager8035 [9]
2 09:31 Ebbimp Lover of the Trolls5787 [10]
1 00:29 Skidmark [13]
1 16:49 Flater Forkbeard8651 [18]
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2 07:36 Enver Slager8035 [7]
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3 16:38 Sluse Grealet9429 [17]
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8 23:16 JohnQC [16]
4 14:23 trailing wife [27]
14 23:30 JohnQC [26]
Good Morning

'My son has done nothing wrong': Joe Biden DEFENDS scandal-ridden son Hunter saying 'I trust him, I have faith in him' - as federal prosecutors close in on the First Son over tax and firearms violations
Saturday May 6th, 2023

Coalition in Syria began to activate
guidance systems for Russian aircraft
Relatives of women convicted in Iraq
achieved the reaction of the Ombudsman of Dagestan
2 indicted for aiding Palestinian
terrorist who killed Yaniv brothers
Netanyahu says Israel has %u2018eliminated%u2019
100 terrorists in recent months
Belgium detains Iraqi accused of al-Qaeda 'war crimes'
Somali prez sez Al-Shabaab attacks down 70%
Arizona lawmaker expelled over
drug cartel claims loses bid to reclaim seat

Posted by: Fred || 05/06/2023 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  That writer blown up in Russia coined the "Z" for Putin.
Posted by: 3dc || 05/06/2023 11:22 Comments || Top||

#2  The Nazis used the 'Z' symbol (Wolfsangel) too, so nothing new.
Posted by: Mullah Richard || 05/06/2023 15:17 Comments || Top||

#3  How long you think they spent putting that much makeup on her and still had to put Vaseline on the lens for the final shot.
Posted by: jpal || 05/06/2023 17:08 Comments || Top||

Over 170 Retribution Verdicts Issued in Afghanistan: IEA Supreme Court
[KhaamaPress] Taliban
...Arabic for students...
’s supreme court officials said they have issued more than 170 retribution verdicts all over Afghanistan since the group’s return to power in August 2021.

Abdul Malik Haqqani, the Administrative Deputy of the Islamic Emirate’s supreme court, said on Thursday, May 4, via a video call that Taliban leadership is committed to carrying on the execution of the sentence of retribution in Afghanistan.

"Taliban courts have issued 175 retribution cases, 79 floggings, and 37 Stoning thus far throughout the country," the official in a video call said.

He further added, Taliban courts have implemented Sharia limits on 103 people and has considered punishment for 1562 other people allegedly accused of different crimes.

Certain verdicts have already been implemented and others will be executed in the coming future, the court official stated.

...back at the shattered spaceship, Fffflirgoll the Arcturan slithered stealthily toward the control room, where the humans had barricaded themselves...
the sentence of retribution was implemented for the first time after the return of the Islamic Emirate to Afghanistan last year on a person in Farah province.

Afghanistan’s de facto authorities have implemented strict Islamic Sharia laws including public execution, flogging, and stoning in different parts of the country. The move prompted widespread condemnations from the international community and human rights
One man's rights are another man's existential threat.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Taliban/IEA

Daily Evacuation Brief May 6, 2023
[AfghanDigest] LAST 24 HOURS
  • UNITED NATIONS ‘WORK FROM HOME’ PROGRAM EXTENDED – The UN’s ‘work from home’ program was set to expire yesterday but a UN spokesman has stated the program will continue until a new strategy can be developed and put in place. Many critics of the United Nations' engagement with the Taliban pounced on the announcement as proof it had accepted the Taliban’s bans and would continue to implement programs without women. We assess that such claims are irresponsible and go against all stakeholders’ clearly espoused efforts to repeal the ignorant bans on work and education. It will likely take some time to figure out a way forward and we believe that Islamic organizations such as the OIC will be asked to take a more direct role.

  • MINISTERS OF DEFENSE AND INTERIOR REPORTEDLY PERTURBED OVER NEW APPOINTMENTS – Sources in Kabul say that many of the mid-level and senior leaders in both ministries have been grumbling about the Supreme Leader’s new appointments in the military and across several Provinces. The perception is that Hibatullah is attempting to insulate himself from Yaqoob and Haqqani with those loyal to him. Other sources downplayed the appointments and said they were based on merit alone and were widely supported by the Taliban. Haqqani, in remarks made at the introduction ceremony for the new Governor of Kandahar, seemed to issue more remonstrations against autocratic power and implied that the Supreme Leader draws his power from the people and warned that failing to take them into account would only arouse suspicions. It seems that the Minister of the Interior is likely to continue his criticism of Kandaharian policy.

  • INDIAN TROOPS BATTLE MILITANTS IN JAMMU & KASHMIR, 2 DEAD – In one of the first counter-terrorism operations to take place since the deadly Poonch terror bombings, the Indian Army targeted several reputed terrorist hideouts in the Kandi Forest. An Army spokesman said that terrorists succeeded in detonating a large IED that killed 2 Indian soldiers and wounded 4 others. There was no information about casualties among the suspected terrorists. Army units operating in Jammu & Kashmir have been ordered to converge on the site of yesterday’s clash and several hundred troops are said to be in the immediate area. Late reporting suggests the casualties taken by the Indian forces may be higher. Further information is required.

  • REVERED TRIBAL ELDER MURDERED IN BALKH PROVINCE – Mohammad Hussain Ehsani was killed by unidentified men in Mazar-i-Sharif yesterday. Ehsani was a respected Hazara leader and a motive for his killing was not provided. Some have contended he was targeted by a Taliban assassination team while others say that a long-standing family grudge was to blame. No further information was available.

Kabul: Taliban forces reportedly raided a suspected ISIS-K safe house in Police District 22. Several ISIS-K members were reportedly killed in the engagement, but a firm count was not available.

ISLAMABAD POLICE RECEIVE MULTIPLE WARNINGS OF A POTENTIAL TTP THREAT TO THE TRILATERAL CONFERENCE TODAY – A source in Islamabad said that several threats had been received about a possible bomb plot to target the meeting of emissaries from Afghanistan, Pakistan, and China today. No specifics about the threats were received and the source said police were treating the anonymous tips as hoaxes. Police did not believe the TTP would attempt to target any event attended by the Taliban Foreign Minister or his party. Regardless, police and military activity in downtown Islamabad is significant and there have been a few scattered reports of harassment of civilians at security checkpoints. Further complicating matters, former PM, Imran Khan, has called for rallies today in Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Peshawar. It is not clear how many of his supporters will attend the rallies and the late notice may constrain participation. At-risk Afghans in the capitol are advised to stay away from the security forces or any PTI protests for the next 24-48 hours.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Taliban/IEA

Africa Horn
Somali Army continues operation against Al-Shabaab in Hiran region

The Somali National Army (SNA) have continued its operation against the al-Shabaab
...... Somalia's version of the Taliban, functioning as an arm of al-Qaeda...
bandidos bully boyz where they destroyed one of their hideouts in South Beledweyne area of Hiran region.

According to Farah Gacamey, one of the commanders leading the operation, the army launched attacks against the bandidos bully boyz early Friday in areas between Baardhere and Beerhanno in the Southern part of Beledweyne where they managed to push back remnants of the bully boyz and destroyed their bases.

He added that locals on the area have joined hands with the Army in the operation aimed at the bandidos bully boyz who have been attempting to reorganize themselves and launch attacks against security officers and civilians.

"The citizen in the area do not want to allow the al-Shabaab bandidos bully boyz to retake the area and harass them, they are working closely with the National Army and are playing an intergral role in the ongoing operation," Army officials said.

Most areas in Hiran region have been liberated from the al-Shabaab bandidos bully boyz and the Federal Government of Somalia has vowed to continue its operation to completely wipe out remnant of the terrorists.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab (AQ)

#1  Clearing operation in region adjoining Mogadiscu.
Posted by: Slavising Unineting5672 || 05/06/2023 6:30 Comments || Top||

UK Court Jails Nigerian Senator Ekweremadu, Wife Over Organ-Harvesting Plot
Posted by: Fred || 05/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Belgium detains Iraqi accused of al-Qaeda 'war crimes'
[DW] The suspected Iraqi immigrant is said to have belonged to an al-Qaeda cell which carried out a series of deadly bombings in Baghdad. Belgian prosecutors said the attacks killed at least 376 people.

Belgian police arrested an Iraqi immigrant suspected of belonging to an al-Qaeda cell which had carried out a series of deadly bombings, said prosecutors in a statement on Friday.

The man, identified by his initials O.Y.T, has been accused of "several murders with terrorist intent, participation in the activities of a terrorist group, war crimes and crimes against humanity" read the statement.

A judge on Friday will determine if he will remain in jug or not.

The suspect was detained on Wednesday after the police were ordered by an anti-terrorist judge to raid an address in eastern Belgium.

O.Y.T is believed to have belonged to an al-Qaeda cell which was "partly responsible for several bombings" in Baghdad in 2009 and 2010.

The attacks killed at least 376 people and injured more than 2,300, according to the statement.

Among the targets of the boom-mobileings were Iraqi government buildings.

Prosecutors explained that the Iraqi national had been living as a refugee in Belgium since 2015.

The investigation against him had been launched in 2020.

Two months ago, a 38-year-old Syrian national suspected of carrying out "war crimes" in Syria for the so-called "Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....
" (IS) group had been arrested in Belgium. The Syrian, too, had been given refugee status.
Shafaq adds:
Rooters reported that the suspect, who has been living in Belgium since 2015, is believed to be partially responsible for several bombings targeting the Green Zone in Baghdad in 2009 and 2010. These attacks resulted in the deaths of at least 376 people and injured over 2,300 others.

According to a statement by the Belgian public prosecutor, the attacks were carried out using boom-mobiles targeting various government buildings and other locations.

The statement revealed that the suspect, whose name has not been published, was born in 1979, arrested on May 3rd, and has been charged with involvement in several terrorist murders, participation in the activities of a terrorist group, and involvement in war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda

Chief of Khalistan Commando Force (KCF), has been assassinated
[Twitter & Hindustan Times]

Designated terrorist and Khalistan Commando Force (KCF) chief Paramjit Singh Panjwar alias Malik Sardar Singh was gunned down by two unidentified gunmen in Johar Town, Lahore in Pakistan this morning. He was killed while walking near his house in Sunflower Society in Johar Town around 6 am along with his gunman by two unidentified men on a motorcycle. The gunman was injured in the shootout and shifted to the hospital for treatment.

Following the elimination of Labh Singh at the hands of Indian security forces, Panjwar took charge of KCF in the 1990s and crossed over to Pakistan. High on the list of most wanted terrorists sheltered by Pakistan, Panjwar kept the KCF alive by raising funds through cross-border weapons smuggling and heroin trafficking. Despite denials by the Pakistan government, Panjwar stayed in Lahore while his wife and children relocated to Germany.
Posted by: 3dc || 05/06/2023 08:25 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistain Proxies

8 Teachers Killed In School Shootings in Pakistan
[KhaamaPress] Eight teachers from the same school were killed in two separate instances in Pakistain’s Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province’s Upper Kurram Tehsil.

According to the local police, unidentified shooters opened fire on the instructors in the Government High School Tari Mangal’s staff room. All of the teachers were present at the building to carry out their exam-related activities, local media reported.

Simultaneously, in another incident, a teacher from the same school was killed while travelling in his vehicle.

Both incidents occurred in the Parachinar area of Kurram tribal district near the border with Afghanistan, officials said.

The police are searching for the attackers but have been unable to track them down.

Local police said they were gathering more information as they investigated the incidents.

In Pakistain, school shootings are rare. In a gun-and-kaboom at an army school in Beautiful Downtown Peshawar
...capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, administrative and economic hub for the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan. Peshawar is situated near the eastern end of the Khyber Pass, convenient to the Pak-Afghan border. Peshawar has evolved into one of Pakistain's most ethnically and linguistically diverse cities, which means lots of gunfire...
in December 2016, more than 140 people—mostly students—were killed.

In addition, in a separate attack, six Pak soldiers were killed by murderous Moslems in an exchange of fire in the tribal area of the northwestern region bordering Afghanistan.

...back at the laboratory the smoke and fumes had dispersed, to reveal an ominous sight...
three murderous Moslems were also killed in the incident, but the army did not provide further details.

Recently, the bully boy groups have increased their attacks, targeting the army and ordinary people.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under:

Gunfight breaks out in J&K's Rajouri, 5 jawans killed in the encounter

An encounter broke out between bandidos turbans and security forces in Rajouri district of Jammu and Kashmir
...a disputed territory lying between India and Pakistain. After partition, the Paks grabbed half of it and call it Azad (Free) Kashmir. The remainder they refer to as "Indian Occupied Kashmir". They have fought four wars with India over it, the score currently 4-0 in New Delhi's favor. After 72 years of this nonsense, India cut the Gordian knot in 2019, removing the area's special status, breaking off Ladakh as a separate state, and allowing people from other areas to settle (or in the case of the Pandits, to resettle) there....
on Friday morning, officials said.They said that the security forces launched a cordon and search operation in the Kesari area of Kandi Police Station following inputs about the presence of terrorists.

The bandidos turbans hiding in the area opened fire on the security forces who retaliated, leading to a shootout.

A heavy exchange of gunfire was on when this report was being filed.

Further details are awaited.
A subsequent report from One India adds:
Five soldiers have been killed during an encounter with terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir's Rajouri.

An encounter had broken out between two to three terrorists and security forces on Friday morning in the Rajouri district of Jammu and Kashmir. The encounter took place in the Kandi forest, additional director general of police, Jammu Zone, Mukesh Singh confirmed.

Officials said that the terrorists belong to the same group that ambushed the Army truck on April 20 in which five soldiers were killed and one more injured.
That would make them Lashkar-e-Tayiba, as One India spells it, and tools of Pakistan’s ISI.
A cordon and search operation was launched on the basis of specific inputs that the Indian Army had received from the Intelligence agencies. The Intelligence spoke about the specific presence of terrorists in the area.

"On specific information about the presence of terrorists in the Kandi forest in the Rajouri sector, a joint operation was launched. A search team established contact with a group of terrorists well entrenched in a cave. The area is thickly vegetated with rocky and steep cliffs," the Indian Army said in a statement.

As the joint team approached the spot, the terrorists who were hiding fired upon them, which was retaliated, following which the encounter was triggered.

As per reports, terrorists have been trapped in the area. There is a likelihood of casualties in the terrorist group as well. The terrorists are said to have triggered an explosive device in retaliation, which may have led to the casualties on the Army's side, an official also said.

Meanwhile mobile internet services have been suspended in Rajouri, the official also said.
The suspected rebels then triggered an bomb that killed two and injured four other soldiers, it said.

The statement added that two soldiers died in the attack and another three gave up the ghost later in the day.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Lashkar e-Taiba

Security Forces arrest man after arms recovered from his house in Pulwama

One person was arrested by security forces after recovering arms and ammunition from his house during a search operation in Pulwama district, officials said on Friday.

They said that the search operation was carried out in the Lurgam area of Tral on Thursday. "During the searches, an AK rifle, two magazines, and 56 bullets were seized from the house of Bashir Ahmad. He has been arrested," they said.

Police have lodged a case and started investigations.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistain Proxies

Three ISIS members killed in Iraqi airstrike in Kirkuk
[Shafaq News] The Joint Operations Command announced on Friday that three ISIS members were killed in an Arclight airstrike
carried out by Iraqi fighter jets yesterday in Kirkuk.

According to a statement issued by the Operations Command, Iraqi F16 aircraft targeted a terrorist cell in the Wadi al-Shai valley.

The statement indicated that the strikes resulted in the death of a terrorist group and the destruction of several hideouts in the Wadi al-Shai valley. A joint force from the Kirkuk Operations Sector found three bodies of terrorists, including the so-called "Kirkuk Jurist", along with various ammunition, hand grenades, and an amount of cash.

Yesterday, the Operations Command announced that the F16 aircraft had carried out a "successful" airstrike against a terrorist group in the Wadi al-Shai area within the Kirkuk Operations Sector.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

INIS captures high-profile ISIS terrorist, Abu Talha, outside of Iraq
[Shafaq News] In a successful intelligence operation, the Iraqi National Intelligence Service (INIS) reported on Friday that they have captured Mustafa Khaled Muhammad, also known as Abu Talha,
...one of many who chose that nom de guerre...
a high-profile terrorist, outside of Iraq.
Pulling a Mossad, are they?
Abu Talha is a member of ISIS's Diwan al-Jund (Soldiers Department) and the Abu Laith Brigade Ansari in Nineveh state.
Idle hands being the Devil’s workshop, he has kept himself busy.
The operation to track Abu Talha was coordinated with an intelligence agency in another country.
Ooooooohhh — how mysterious!
The Agency did not mention the other country but described it as a "brotherly country to Iraq."
That precludes appears to preclude both Mossad and the CIA.
After his capture, Abu Talha was brought back to Iraq and handed over to the judicial authorities for further investigation and prosecution.
Maybe Syria, Iran, or Syrian Kurdistan? Turkey would have arrested him themselves, then handed him over with great fanfare.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  Too many Abu Talhas (the original a compatriot of Muhammad). They don't last long.
(1) Abu Talha al-Sudani (Tariq Abdullah), born in Sudan. Explosive expert Killed.
(2) Abu Talha Al-Libi. Killed near Sabha in southern Libya.
(3) Abu Talha (Muhammad Khalaf Shakar), Captured Mosul 2005.
I'm sure there are others.
Posted by: Slavising Unineting5672 || 05/06/2023 6:26 Comments || Top||

Turkish Warplanes Strike PKK Targets in Northern Iraq
[Shafaq News] Ottoman Turkish warplanes launched Arclight airstrike
s on Friday on areas in Mount Kara, north of Duhok, targeting sites of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).

According to a military source who spoke with Shafaq News Agency, the bombing was focused on the vicinity of the village of Spindar in Kara Mountain, overlooking the Amadiya district.

The PKK, which has been engaged in a long-running armed conflict with The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the only place on the face of the earth that misses the Ottoman Empire...
, is designated a terrorist organization by Turkey, the United States, and the European Union
...the successor to the Holy Roman Empire, only without the Hapsburgs and the nifty uniforms and the dancing...
The Ottoman Turkish Armed Forces have conducted cross-border military operations against the PKK in Northern Iraq since the 1980s. Since 2019, Turkey has initiated operations codenamed Claw, including Claw Eagle and Tiger in 2020 and Claw-Lighting and Thunderbolt in 2021.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

SDF says two fighters killed by Turkish drone in Hasaka
[Rudaw] The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on Friday announced that two of its fighters, who were guarding a camp hosting people affiliated with the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....
(ISIS) in Hasaka province, were killed by a Ottoman Turkish drone.

The suspected Ottoman Turkish aerial attack took place in Hasaka province’s al-Qayrawan village, targeting "the forces who were guarding al-Hol camp," said the SDF in a statement, referring to the notorious camp hosting over 50,000 people - mostly women and kiddies - majority of whom are accused of having ties to ISIS.

"As a result, two of our fighters were martyred," said the SDF, blaming The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the decaying remnant of the Ottoman Empire...
for similar recent attacks in the area.

Ankara has not immediately commented on the incident.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said three SDF members, including a commander, were killed in the "Ottoman Turkish drone attack."

According to the UK-based war monitor, Turkey has carried out 13 aerial attacks against Kurdish forces in northeast Syria (Rojava) in the last five months, killing 11 fighters and five civilians. The SDF claimed in their statement that the purpose of these attacks is to help ISIS "reorganise" in the area.
To be fair, a good portion of the so-called Syrian National Army — Turkey-supported paramilitaries based on the Syrian side of the Turkish border — are former ISIS and other jihadi gunnies, many of the rest being Turkmen from outside Turkey. Something like this could look to the Turkish idiots like a perfect recruiting opportunity.
Turkey accuses the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), the backbone of the SDF, of being the Syrian wing of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), an gang struggling for Kurdish rights in Turkey and named a terror group by Ankara. The YPG denies the charge.

The SDF is the main ally of the US-led global coalition against ISIS in Rojava and has carried out several raids against the group in recent weeks, arresting several suspects, including big shots.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/06/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

Who's in the News
3Islamic State
3Sublime Porte
2Govt of Pakistain Proxies
2al-Shabaab (AQ)
1Tin Hat Dictators, Presidents for Life,
1Tin Hat Dictators, Presidents for Life, & Kleptocrats
1Govt of Saudi Arabia
1Govt of Sudan
1Lashkar e-Taiba
1Pak Taliban (TTP)

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Two weeks of WOT
Sat 2023-05-06
  Chief of Khalistan Commando Force (KCF), has been assassinated
Fri 2023-05-05
  Russia's former president Dmitry Medvedev calls for Volodymyr Zelensky to be killed
Thu 2023-05-04
  Iran’s Revolutionary Guards seize tanker in Strait of Hormuz, for 2nd time in a week
Wed 2023-05-03
  Over 100 rockets fired into Israel from Gaza in under 24 hours
Tue 2023-05-02
  Gaza hunger striker pegs out. rockets fired, threats, vitriol follow
Mon 2023-05-01
  Nigerian Anti-Narcotics Agency Says It Cannot Arrest, Prosecute President-elect For Drugs Offences
Sun 2023-04-30
  Heavy fighting continues in Sudan despite US-brokered truce
Sat 2023-04-29
  Islamic Police, Hisbah Arrests 12 Boys And Girls In Kebbi Brothel, Northwest Nigeria
Fri 2023-04-28
  Scores injured in a blast near a Nineveh market
Thu 2023-04-27
  Senior member of Iran's Assembly of Experts assassinated
Wed 2023-04-26
  Warring parties agree to a new 72-hour truce in Sudan, gov’t accuses RSF of violating ceasefire after 1/2 hour
Tue 2023-04-25
  Palestinian factions leaders warn Israel against killing them
Mon 2023-04-24
  Wagner Group boss tells mercenaries take no prisoners
Sun 2023-04-23
  U.S. embassy in Khartoum evacuated
Sat 2023-04-22
  No Food, Water, Electricity In Sudan

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