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Saif al-Arab Gadhafi Reported Titzup
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Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 04/30/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Hey! I've been seeing a lot of hats recently. This is the first one that makes any sense at all.
Posted by: gorb || 04/30/2011 1:22 Comments || Top||

#2  Birthday/Daily Gam Shot

Corinne Calvet aka Colette in "On the Riviera" aka Corinne Calvet, herself in "Sailor Beware" aka Charmaine in "What Price Glory?" aka Renee Vallon in "The Far Country" aka Suzzane Sorrel in "So This Is Paris" (Died in 2001 at age 76)

Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 04/30/2011 1:32 Comments || Top||

#3  This was the time for hats. Several women in their 90's still were wearing stylish hats in the late eighties. I kinda like'm. We still have the Red Hat women in my area. Then at around this time you had some of the most unusual gifted people;

Posted by: Dale || 04/30/2011 22:37 Comments || Top||

Africa Horn
Three Mombasa mosques accused of recruiting militias
[The Nation (Nairobi)] At least three Mombasa mosques have been identified as recruiting points for al-Shabaab
... Harakat ash-Shabaab al-Mujahidin aka the Mujahideen Youth Movement. It was originally the youth movement of the Islamic Courts, now pretty much all of what's left of it. They are aligned with al-Qaeda but operate more like the Afghan or Pakistani Taliban. The organization's current leader is Ibrahim Haji Jama Mee'aad, also known as Ibrahim al-Afghani. Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, a Kenyan al-Qaeda member, is considered the group's military leader...
militia in Coast Province.

Top of the list is Masjid Musa in Majengo where darasas (religious classes) are held every Tuesday with the aim of recruiting youths as soldiers for the militia group.

In a press briefing during an anti-drugs workshop in Mombasa organised by the Council of Imams and Preachers of Kenya, council treasurer Sheikh Hassan Omar said though informed of the happenings, the government was yet to take any measures to stop the recruitment.

Efforts to get comments from Masjid Musa leaders were unsuccessful. The imam declined to speak, but the chairman promised to issue a statement after consulting the committee.

"It is the government's duty to protect its citizens but it is sad that to date, although we have informed several security officials of the happenings, no action has been taken.

"The government should take all measures possible to save our youths by arresting those responsible for the recruitment and severe action taken against anybody else involved in this exercise," said Sheikh Omar.
To him, government laxity had encouraged more mosques to start recruiting al-Shabaab members.

The holy man said the youths were lured with false religious persuasion and money which is paid out in two instalments; Sh40,000 given to the youths while still in Kenya and another Sh40,000 on arrival in Somalia.
"It is sad that our youths are dropping out of school in Form Two to join the militia group and a large number of them die in the battle field although such information is normally hidden from us," he said.

Sheikh Omar said the council could confirm up to 10 youths dead, but the number could be as high as 50 with those returning alive posing a security threat to the country.

The youths, he said, were taught weapon assembly and usage. They were told that they were fighting a holy war yet "the war in Somalia is not jihad as it involves Mohammedans fighting against other Mohammedans."

Sheikh Omar restated that Kwale and Mombasa were the main recruiting points. On Thursday, police released the photograph of a Somalia-trained terrorist identified as Abdullahi believed to have sneaked back into the country to launch an attack in Nairobi.
Posted by: Fred || 04/30/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab

#1  "It is sad that our youths are dropping out of school in Form Two to join the militia group and a large number of them die in the battle field"

Just doing the work that ordinary surviving Somalians won't do.
Posted by: Pappy || 04/30/2011 12:24 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Saif al-Arab Gadhafi Reported Titzup
hat tip to Weasel Zippers: he's toast
Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi survived a NATO missile strike Saturday that killed his youngest son and three grandchildren and wounded friends and relatives, Libya's spokesman said.
curly-toed slippers don't fails me now!
Gadhafi and his wife were in the Tripoli house of his 29-year-old son, Saif al-Arab Gadhafi, when it was hit by at least one missile fired by a NATO warplane, according to Libyan spokesman Moussa Ibrahim.
knock knock! NATO America calling.
Posted by: Frank G || 04/30/2011 19:56 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  If you really want to hurt someone, kill off his children, until he's the only one left.
Posted by: Glenmore || 04/30/2011 20:48 Comments || Top||

#2  Trouble is, it might not bother this a$$hole.

Posted by: Mike Kozlowski || 04/30/2011 21:05 Comments || Top||

#3  I have no use for the worthless bastard, but I have even less use for assassination attempts and the killing of his son and grandchildren.
Posted by: Besoeker || 04/30/2011 21:51 Comments || Top||

#4  I spotted him several times in the streets of Munich where he raced his roaring loud Ferrari without bothering for any rules.
Munich police impounded his car several times but then "diplomacy" kicked in. He was also known to beat up people in discotheques. Claims were discretely settled.

Good riddance. Sorry for the children though. I bet he was using them as human shields. Ugly Coward.

I try to see him in that scene of the movie Ghost. He's arising dead in midst of the ruins of his house and has a moment to realize that what's coming for him are not 72 virgins, but the shadowy demons who drag him away screaming into the darkness.
Posted by: European Conservative || 04/30/2011 21:56 Comments || Top||

#5  "has a moment to realize that what's coming for him are not 72 virgins, but the shadowy demons who drag him away screaming into the darkness"

Heart. Warm. Cockles.

Thanks, EC. :-D
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 04/30/2011 22:01 Comments || Top||

#6  Besoeker, I disagree. Killing a head of state is always permitted in war, even in 'legal war' theories. Gaddafi is a head of state and appears in public in uniform. He's a legitimate target. Saif had military rank -- ditto.

This means that our C-in-C is a legitimate target as well under the laws of war, something our past presidents, such as Roosevelt in WWII, understood very well.
Posted by: Steve White || 04/30/2011 22:04 Comments || Top||

#7  And that was my nicer version, Barbara :-)
Posted by: European Conservative || 04/30/2011 22:04 Comments || Top||

#8  #6 Besoeker, I disagree. Killing a head of state is always permitted in war,

Really? I suppose it depends upon the outcomes.

Historical Footnote: Booth was shot in a burning barn. Mary Surratt, Lewis Powell, George Atzerodt, and David Herold, were all executed by hanging. Samuel Arnold, Dr. Samuel Mudd and Michael O'Laughlen were sentenced to hard labor for life.

Posted by: Besoeker || 04/30/2011 22:26 Comments || Top||

#9  If I remember well Booth didn't wear a Southern uniform when he sneaked into Lincoln's loge to shoot him from behind.
Posted by: European Conservative || 04/30/2011 22:31 Comments || Top||

#10  Correct EC, both terrorists and cowardly assassins seldom wear uniforms. For that matter, uniforms have sort of gone the way of the Deutsche Mark when it comes to counterinsurgency warfare. Perhaps that says something for the line of work.
Posted by: Besoeker || 04/30/2011 22:41 Comments || Top||

#11  The Deutsche Mark today would probably have reached parity with the dollar by now.

Not necessarily a good thing (except for extended holidays in the U.S.)
Posted by: European Conservative || 04/30/2011 23:20 Comments || Top||


IIUC Uncle Muammar has declared since Italia has killed Libyan = Gaddafi's children? in 2011, he cannot interfere in the right of Libyuhns to strike back violently at such a heinous enemy(s).


* Various Regional States have placed their armed forces on alert in the wake of this attack + Gaddafi's response.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 04/30/2011 23:43 Comments || Top||

Libya offers Misrata rebels amnesty, respects Tunisia
[Jerusalem Post Front Page] The Libyan government said on Friday it had taken control of Misrata's port and warned rebels in the besieged city they faced further bloodshed unless they handed in their weapons in four days and received a pardon.

Libya was coordinating with the Tunisian government to prevent a disaster on the border, government front man Mussa Ibrahim told news hounds. He blamed the rebels for border violations and pledged respect for Tunisia's illusory sovereignty. Ibrahim also urged any imported muscle to leave the country or we will "finish you off."

Earlier on Friday. forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Qadaffy
... a proud Arab institution for 42 years ...
crossed into Tunisia and fought a shootout with Tunisian troops in a frontier town as Libya's conflict spilled beyond its borders.

Pro-Qadaffy forces fired shells into the town of Dehiba, damaging buildings and injuring at least one resident, and a group of them drove into the town in a truck, local people and a Rooters photographer in the town said.

The Libyan government troops were pursuing anti-Qadaffy rebels from the restive Western Mountains region of Libya who decamped into Tunisia in the past few days after Qadaffy forces overran the border post the rebels had earlier seized.

Tunisia's government late on Thursday issued a statement condemning incursions by Libyan forces after shells fired by Qadaffy loyalists fell into the desert near the border.

"Given the gravity of what has happened... the Tunisian authorities have informed the Libyans of their extreme indignation and demand measures to put an immediate stop to these violations," a statement from the foreign ministry said.

Friday's festivities marked the first time that Libyan government ground forces had crossed the border and entered a Tunisian town.

Residents said that a crowd of local people gathered in Dehiba on Friday morning to try to prevent pro-Qadaffy forces from entering the town.

They said the Tunisian military had gun sex to disperse them, and urged the demonstrators to seek shelter from the shelling inside their homes.
Posted by: Fred || 04/30/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Earlier on Friday. forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Qadaffy crossed into Tunisia and fought a shootout with Tunisian troops in a frontier town as Libya's conflict spilled beyond its borders.

What? Crossed the border did they.... in hot pursuit of foreign backed conterinsurgent mooslim terrorists.... yes, counterinsurgent mooslim terrorists, attempting to make their way to the safety of cross-border sancuaries? Did I mention COIN and cross-border enemy sancuaries?

Has Libya learned nothing from our COIN lessons in Afghanistan; our...don't go too close to the border policy; our catch & release program; our highly successful pre-sharia trial detention at Sarpoza Prison? .....Oh WAIT!
Posted by: Besoeker || 04/30/2011 22:06 Comments || Top||

Five municipal guards killed in an attack in Ain Defla
[Ennahar] Five municipal guards were killed and four were maimed by the kaboom of a bomb in the wilaya of Ain Defla, in northern Algeria, said Friday the newspaper El-Watan citing an informed source.

The newspaper provides no indication of the circumstances of the attack which took place in the town of Oued Djemaa, in the extreme southeast of the town of Ain Defla (140 km south-west of Algiers).

On 17 April, five soldiers and a policeman had been killed in similar circumstances in Amal and Bouderbala, east of Algiers.

These attacks, not claimed, are generally attributed to the gunnies who continue to operate in the country. However,
The well-oiled However...
they fell with the national reconciliation policy launched by President Abdelaziz Bouteflika
... 10th president of Algeria. He was elected in 1999 and is currently on his third term, which is probably why Algerians are ready to dump him...
six years ago to the attention of all who lay down their arms.
Posted by: Fred || 04/30/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in North Africa

Gaddafi forces clash with Tunisian military
[Bangla Daily Star] Forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Qadaffy
... a proud Arab institution for 42 years ...
crossed into neighbouring Tunisia and fought a shootout with Tunisian troops in a frontier town yesterday as Libya's conflict spilled beyond its borders.

Pro-Qadaffy forces fired shells into the town of Dehiba, damaging buildings and injuring at least one resident, and a group of them drove into the town in a truck in pursuit of anti-Qadaffy rebels.

The Libyan government troops were chasing rebels from the restive Western Mountains region of Libya who decamped into Tunisia in the past few days after Qadaffy forces overran the border post the rebels had earlier seized.

Government tanks launched a fresh assault on Misrata, rebels said.

"Four tanks attacked the city and one has been destroyed so far," said Ibrahim Ahmed Boushagha, a rebel fighter who accompanied a maimed man back from the front in Misrata.

"They took up positions during the night on the airport road, and tried to enter the city. We've stopped them at the outer limits, at least for now."

He said his group had come under mortar and rocket-propelled grenade fire, and three or four of them were maimed.

AFP journalists reported whistling sounds followed by a volley of detonations from the direction of the airport early afternoon, with an enormous plume of grey smoke rising over the area.

A constant stream of casualties was brought in to the city's main hospital, with several rebels saying the men had been maimed in a counter-attack by regime forces.

Earlier, fierce festivities and continuous kabooms were heard in the suburbs, an AFP journalist said, and at midday the hospital reported a toll of two dead and 16 maimed.

Dr Khalid Abu Falra of the city's medical committee said that a small clinic in the western suburbs also reported at least three deaths.

Western Misrata also came under seemingly indiscriminate mortar and rocket fire yesterday as a NATO
...the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Originally it was a mutual defense pact directed against an expansionist Soviet Union. In later years it evolved into a mechanism for picking the American pocket while criticizing the style of the American pants...
warplane flew overhead, witnesses and medics said.

While the Libyan forces were battling in Dehiba, the rebels who are fighting to end more than four decades of Qadaffy's rule announced they had seized back the border post.

Rebels seized the post a week ago, as it controls the only road link which their comrades in Libya's Western Mountains have with the outside world, making them rely otherwise on rough tracks for supplies of food, fuel and medicine.

After weeks of advances and retreats by rebel and government forces along the Mediterranean coast, fighting has settled into a pattern of festivities and skirmishes.

The fighting for the crossing between Dehiba in Tunisia and Wazin on the Libyan side was typical of the fluid and confused conflict, which broke out in mid-February.

Some of Qadaffy's soldiers were killed and maimed in the fighting in Dehiba. Two residents told Rooters that shells had fallen on the town from pro-Qadaffy positions across the border in Libya.

"Rounds from the bombardment are falling on houses.... A Tunisian woman was injured," one of the residents, called Ali, told Rooters by telephone.

He said later the fighting and shelling had stopped. "The Tunisian army is combing the town. We have no idea about the fate of Qadaffy's forces there because the Tunisian army closed the gates to the town and nobody is allowed to enter."
Posted by: Fred || 04/30/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Uncle Muammar's Boyz = Libyuh have repor apologized to Tunisia for the incident.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 04/30/2011 0:07 Comments || Top||

#2  Tunisian army closed the gates to the town and nobody (including rebels?) is allowed to enter."

Mission accomplished, we can go home now.

What an amazingly novel idea, chasing rebels into neighboring S A N C U A R I E S and K I L L I N G them.
Posted by: Besoeker || 04/30/2011 11:01 Comments || Top||

#3  Western Misrata also came under seemingly indiscriminate mortar and rocket fire yesterday...

It makes no sense why Govt. forces would waste their arms by blasting em off willy-nilly. It must have something to do with the Viagra Susan Rice was talking about the other day.

Posted by: DepotGuy || 04/30/2011 11:11 Comments || Top||

#4  Thats truly an international incident and an act of war with Tunisia. Note how immediately after th incident, Gdaffy duck recanted and made statements and stood on his head and spun around.
Posted by: newc || 04/30/2011 15:02 Comments || Top||

Saudi police injure 5 protesters in Qatif
[Iran Press TV] Soddy Arabian riot police have attacked a peaceful protest rally east of the kingdom, injuring at least five people while attempting to disperse demonstrators by force.

Despite a heavy security presence, hundreds of anti-government protesters erupted into the streets in the city of Qatif on Friday to condemn Riyadh's role in the brutal crackdown on Bahraini protesters.

They also called for human rights
...which often intentionally defined so widely as to be meaningless...
reform, freedom of expression and the release of political prisoners some held without trial for more than 16 years.

Saudi women also held a candle-light vigil in the city of Awamiyah in solidarity with the people of Bahrain.

The latest protest rallies in Qatif came one day after activists announced that at least 30 people, including two bloggers and a writer, were incarcerated in the past few days for taking part in anti-government demonstrations.

According to an activist, those jugged were either called to cop shoppes and incarcerated or were incarcerated during raids by security forces.

Soddy Arabia's east has been the scene of anti-government protests over the past months.

Human Rights Watch says more than 160 dissidents have been incarcerated since February as part of the Saudi government's crackdown on anti-government protesters.

According to the Saudi-based Human Rights First Society (HRFS), the detainees were subject to torture both physically and mentally.
Posted by: Fred || 04/30/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Bahrain shoots protesters, deploys tanks
[Iran Press TV] Saudi-backed Bahraini forces have deployed tanks and armored vehicles in Diraz, shortly after attacking a peaceful protest march in the western village of Karzakan.
Witnesses say regime forces fired live bullets and tear gas at anti-government protesters and that army helicopters have been flying over protesters in Karzakan on Friday. There were no immediate reports of casualties or arrests.
What odds the troops are rented from Pakistan, rather than Bahraini?
Also on Friday, the regime forces besieged the northwestern village of Diraz with tanks and heavy military vehicles.

...back at the Esquimeau village our hero was receiving a quick lesson in aeronautics:...
pro-regime thugs backed by police stormed Dair village.

Despite a martial law and the brutal crackdown on anti-government protests, hundreds of protesters erupted into the streets in several Bahraini cities following the Friday Prayers, demanding an end to the rule of the Al Khalifa dynasty.

They also condemned the Manama regime's violent crackdown on demonstrators.

On Thursday, a military court in Bahrain sentenced four anti-government protesters to death and three years to life in prison for their alleged involvement in the killing of two coppers last month.

Bahrain's Center for Human Rights says the charges brought against the four protesters are politically motivated and rights activists have questioned the trial's legality.

The verdicts have also caused international outrage with the European Union and the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbullies strongly condemning the death sentences, describing them as deplorable.

"Such a judgment is a continuation to the crime committed by the regime in Bahrain against its people," Hezbullies said in a statement.

"The reality of matters shows that these judgments are political and not judicial, the regime's attempt to [show] it is a judicial [matter] will not succeed in hiding the truth of what the Bahrain people are [suffering] from. They are being oppressed because they are demanding their legitimate rights," the statement added.

Dozens of protesters have been killed and scores of others have been injured since the uprising began in Bahrain in mid February.

Many journalists, bloggers, doctors, lawyers and opposition activists have also been placed in durance vile as part of a widespread crackdown on anti-regime protests.

Protesters are demanding an end to the 40-year rule of the Al Khalifa dynasty.

Protesters say they will continue their street demonstrations until their demands for freedom, constitutional monarchy as well as a proportional voice in the government are met.
Posted by: Fred || 04/30/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Hundreds of thousands of Yemenis demand immediate Saleh ouster
[Iran Press TV] Hundreds of thousands of anti-government protesters take to the streets in Yemen to demand the immediate departure of President Ali Abdallah Saleh, instead of the phased handover of power.

In the capital, some 100,000 demonstrators erupted into the streets to mark a "Friday of Loyalty to the Martyrs" after attending the funeral of 12 anti-government protesters who were killed by security forces on Wednesday.

"We will continue our revolution forcefully and we will not back down even if we have to offer a million deaders," a holy man told the crowds.

The protesters also condemned a deal proposed by the [Persian] Gulf Cooperation Council under which Saleh will receive complete immunity from prosecution in return for transferring power to his vice president and submitting his resignation to Parliament within 30 days.

The agreement is due to be signed in Soddy Arabia on Sunday. Many protesters, however, say Saleh cannot be trusted to honor the deal.

In the port city of Hudaydah, plainclothes gunnies attacked anti-government protesters, wounding at least 10 demonstrators.

"Two of them were seriously injured, and they were kidnapped by what we think were plainclothes secret police and put in a car. There was nothing we could do," AFP quoted Abdulhafez al-Hatami, a political activist in Hudaydah as saying.

Similar huge anti-Saleh protest rallies were also held in the cities of Ibb and Bayda.

According to local sources, since the beginning of anti-Saleh demonstrations across Yemen in late January, at least 300 protesters have been killed and many others injured during festivities with riot police and armed forces loyal to the unpopular Yemeni president.
Posted by: Fred || 04/30/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Yemen's Saleh Accuses Qatar of 'Conspiracy', Threatens to Quit Transition Deal
[An Nahar] Embattled President President-for-Life Ali Abdullah Saleh
... Saleh initially took power as a strongman of North Yemen in 1977, when disco was in flower, after serving as a lieutenant colonel in the army. He had been part of the conspiracy that bumped off his predecessor, Ibrahim al-Hamdi, in the usual tiresome military coup, and he has maintained power by keeping Yemen's many tribes fighting with each other, rather than uniting to string him up. ...
has accused Qatar of a "conspiracy" and threatened to pull out of a Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) transition deal to end the violence in Yemen.

"Contacts are under way for the signing of the agreement on Monday in Riyadh, but we have reservations about some mediators involved in a conspiracy," Saleh said in an interview with the Russia Today television channel.

He singled out Qatar among the six-nation GCC and accused it of causing unrest in Yemen where more than 145 people have been killed in the past three months as protesters demanding the immediate ouster of Saleh.

"The state of Qatar is funding chaos in Yemen and in Egypt and Syria and throughout the Arab world," he charged.

"We reserve the right not to sign if the representatives of Qatar are present" at the ceremony, Saleh warned.

The foreign ministers of the GCC -- Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Soddy Arabia and the United Arab Emirates -- are to meet in Riyadh on Sunday to finalize the Yemen transition deal before presenting it to the parties for ratification.

The plan proposes the formation in Sanaa of a government of national unity, Saleh transferring power to his vice president and an end to the deadly protests rocking the impoverished Arabian Peninsula nation since late January.

The president would submit his resignation to parliament within 30 days, to be followed two months later by a presidential election.

The well-oiled However...
a defiant Saleh, who has been in power for 32 years, has publicly insisted on sticking to the constitution in any transfer of power, even though his ruling General People's Congress party has said it accepts the GCC plan.
Posted by: Fred || 04/30/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Yemeni Government confirms Zayyani arrival on Saturday
[Yemen Post] According to Abdu Ganadi, a governmental spokesperson, the GCC general secretary will arrive to Sanaa on Saturday to officially hand over the GCC invitation to sign the transfer of power proposal. Ganadi said that the signing will take place on Monday in Riyadh.

A GCC official in Sana'a confirmed that that GCC general secretary Abdul Latif Zayyani will arrive on Sana'a on Saturday.

Sate media in Yemen has been repeating over the last 24 hours that Zayyani will arrive on Saturday and a government delagtion will go to Riyadh to sign the agreement on Monday.
Posted by: Fred || 04/30/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Rab 'shootout' kills Purbo Banglar
[Bangla Daily Star] A leader of Janajuddha faction
of outlawed Purbo Banglar Communist Party (PBCP-ML) was killed in a 'shootout' between his cohorts and Rab at Goashbari village under Ataikula Police Station in Pabna
Presumably somewhere on the map...but it sounds too small to see without one of Old Patriot's special maps and a stronger pair of glasses.
early yesterday.

Ziarul Rahman, 28, alias Bomaru Zia,
A good alias, to be sure.
son of Mofiz Uddin of the village, was operational commander of the outlawed party.

Habibul Islam,
Golly. With a name like that, one might begin to suspect he's probably not a Lutheran .
officer-in-charge of the cop shoppe, said a patrol team of Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) challenged a gang of outlaws near Goashbari High School at about 3:00am as they were roaming there suspiciously.
Everyone knows only the most hardened of miscreants hang out at high schools.
Spider senses tingling at the proximity of the elite force, the outlaws opened fire on the law enforcers forcing them to fire back.
It's like getting an engraved invitation from the queen, you see. No real choice about how to respond.
Ziarul was caught in the line of fire while trying to flee the scene.
He somehow managed to flee in exactly the right way to acquire one bullet behind each ear. Quite clever, if you think about it.
His body was sent to Pabna Medical College Hospital morgue for his appointment with Doctor Quincy.
"He's dead, Jim."
"Your perspicacity continues to amaze, Dr. Quincy. (Perspicacity is the word for today on my "Word of the Day" calendar)."
Police seized a shutter gun, a pistol, two magazines, one cartridge and five bullets from the spot.
Subsequently cleaned by the newest Rab recruit, polished to a gleam, and stored in their individual velvet bags until next they will be needed.
Ziarul was wanted in several cases including seven for murder, police said.
An old-fashioned badman. The modern ones all go in for ISI-sponsored jihad.
Posted by: Fred || 04/30/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I'm still waiting for the local residents to capture one of these bad guys and their cohorts, and string them up in the town square. That will do far more to put a stop to murder and mayhem than anything RAB can do. Of course, if they ALSO happened to capture the group's ISI controller, that would be something requiring a spectacular effort - perhaps fireworks in the victim's clothinghonor or something.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 04/30/2011 12:10 Comments || Top||

#2  Fred puts the lynchings on Page 3.
Posted by: Gloria || 04/30/2011 16:43 Comments || Top||

Caribbean-Latin America
Mexican Army Bags 8 Bad Guys in Tamaulipas
For a map, click here. For a map of Tamaulipas, click here.
The Mexican Army intervened in an intergang fire fight near the Tamaulipas-Nuevo Leon border, killing six suspects according to Mexican press accounts.

A Mexican Army unit of the 8th Military Zone late Wednesday night entered an area near Miguel Aleman, Tamaulipas, dispatched after reports of an intergang firefight were received. Entering the area just past midnight it immediately came under grenade and small arms fire. The ensuing firefight lasted almost six hours killing six armed suspects.

Seized in the aftermath were assault rifles, ammunition and weapons magazines, as well as three vehicles.

In nearby Ciudad Mier, Tamaulipas on Wednesday, a Mexican Army unit on patrol in the area fought a gunfight with armed suspects killing two. Seized following the operation were 15 rifles, 9,132 rounds of ammunition, 187 weapons magazines, three vehicles, and military gear.
Posted by: badanov || 04/30/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Badanov: It needs to be said more often -- thank you for all your work in finding and putting out these articles on the "secret" war in Mexico. At least, "secret" as far as the utter lack of coverage in the US MSM.

Strange as it may seem, this puts you on nearly the same, exclusive level as Michael Yon. Less actually getting shot at, of course.

William Randolf Hearst must be rolling over in his grave, thinking of all the newspapers he could sell with an honest to god war in Mexico. Yet these MSM boogers couldn't care less.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 04/30/2011 14:59 Comments || Top||

Death in Durango: Toll in Mass Graves Rises to 102 -- UPDATED
For a map, click here. For a map of Durango, click here. To see the last Rantburg report on the Durango city mass graves click here. Updated to include remarks by Durango state Secretaria de Gobierno, Héctor Vela Valenzuela.
The death toll in the Durango, Durango mass graves rose to 102 Thursday as an additional six individuals were found, and two Durango state police commanders were shot to death in two shootouts in Durango city Thursday, according to Mexican news accounts.

Although a late news report by the Mexican news daily Milenio quoted sources saying a third gravesite exists west of Durango city which contained as many as 40 victims, the death toll includes only those found in the original two sites.

The exhumations began three weeks ago as Mexican Federal agents acting on a phoned in tip found four dead buried in the Providencia colony of Durango city. Information developed from arrests revealed a second site nearby near a radiator shop in La Fuentes colony.

The latest reports in Milenio continue to suggest a third site exists between the city limits of Durango and El Salto in the Pueblo Nuevo municipality. Sources on the report are anonymous and the facts are unconfirmed.

In an interview published early this morning in Milenio Secretaria de Gobierno, Héctor Vela Valenzuela said that many of the corpses were as few a six months to as many as four years old. Vela Valenzuela pointed out comparisons by saying the oldest corpse found in Tamaulipas is no more than eight months old.

Vela Valenzuela said that 14 individuals have so far submitted DNA samples in connection with the Durango graves. Last reports were that more than 200 individuals had submitted DNA samples in the San Fernando, Tamaulipas cases.

In related news, two Durango state police agents were killed in shootouts and pursuits in Durango city.

A patrol of the Durango state Policia Estatal Preventiva was fired on on Bulevar Francisco Villa at about 1740 hrs Thursday by armed suspects killing state police agent Raul Segura Antuna and wounding two others.

Security forces responding to the subsequent Code Red entered several colonies in Durango inclduing El Eden, Granja Graciela, Fidel Velasquez and Domingo Arrieta colonies in search of armed suspects involved in the shooting on Bulevar Francisco Villa.

During the sweep a police commander Sergio Hernandez Escobedo, was shot and killed while travelling on Bulevar Politecnico. A few meters away a third shootout took place near Durango state government offices on Bulevar Domingo Arrieta, where one armed suspects and a number of weapons were seized.
Posted by: badanov || 04/30/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under:

#1  However, just do it to hundreds of females in Juarez and the authorities really didn't, still don't care. Guess it wasn't a direct threat to the authorities incomes or lives.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 04/30/2011 9:09 Comments || Top||

#2  Women are murdered in Juarez because they are part of organized crime, they know or are related to someone in organized crime, or they are victims of organized crime. There's no middle ground here.

And while it is certainly bad women are getting killed, men are killed by a number several factors higher than women.

I think it is bad politics and worse policy when a factor in pointing out just how bad things are in Juarez, you have to point out women are being killed.

It is subtly bad idea that women somehow have greater value than men when the fact is that organized crime shooters who target their victims often go out of their way to avoid shooting those who are not related to the reasons the target is selected, men, women or children. Ipso facto, they will concentrate their weapons fire on those who are, men, women or children.

The problem in Juarez, as elsewhere, isn't women are getting killed; it is the pervasiveness of organized crime in Mexican national life, and that can get everyone killed.
Posted by: badanov || 04/30/2011 10:56 Comments || Top||

#3  Tough. The same problem happened on a smaller scale in Albuquerque. Google Albuquerque serial killer. Killed the same profile of victim. The police didn't care and couldn't be bothered to put two and two together. It's not me elevating a definable groups status, it's the authorities who downgrade 'human beings' as unworthy of attention.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 04/30/2011 12:03 Comments || Top||

#4  The issue of murdered women in Juarez is not directly related to the Cartel's. Women were being killed there at a horrendous rate for the last 20 years. Check P2k's link.
Posted by: tipover || 04/30/2011 12:14 Comments || Top||

More Mexican Mayhem
16 Die in Northern Mexico

A total of 16 individuals were murdered on drug andand related violence in northern Mexico including a Mexican Federal agent shot to death in Juarez last Wednesday.

  • Two unidentified woman were found shot to death Tuesday morning in Juarez. The victims had been shot the night before, according to residents of the area. The victims were found near the intersection of calles Plan de Ayala and Vicente Suarez in the Barrio Azul. They had been tortured and then shot. Several 9mm spent shell casings were found at the scene.

  • An unidentified Juarez municipal motorcycle police officer was shot to death in an area south of Juarez. The officer was shot on the Kilometer 20 area of the Panamericana and Casas Grandes highways.

  • Two unidentified men were shot to death in two separate incidents including a Juarez municipal traffic police officer in Juarez Tuesday, according to the Mexican news daily La Polaka.
    • A Juarez traffic police officer was shot to death in Juarez only a few minutes after another officer was murdered. Hector Trevino was aboard his official vehicle near the intersection of Juan Gabriel and Barranco Azul when he was shot.

    • An unidentified man was shot to death between calles Santos Dumont and Eje Juan Gabriel.

  • An unidentified man was shot to death and three passengers in his car were wounded late Tuesday night in Juarez. The shooting took place near the intersection of calles Puertos de Palos and Puerto Altamir in the Tierra Nueva colony where the four men were in a Dodge Neon when they were fired on by armed suspects.

  • An unidentified man was shot to death in Juarez Wednrsday. The victim had been pursued for several blocks by armed suspects when he was shot near the intersection of Avenida Juärez and Calle Colon in front of a pharmacy. The victim was hit as he was seeking shelter from the attack. Several 9mm spent shell casings were found at the scene.

  • An unidentified man was found dismembered on a college campus in Chihuahua, Chihuahua Wednesday. The victim had been carved up into several different parts and deposited in front of a monument on the Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua. A message was left with the remains, but its contents were unrevealed in news reports.

  • An unidentified Mexican Federal agent was shot to death and another was wounded in an attack in Juarez Wednesday. The shooting took place near the corner of Avenida Vallarta and Calle Sicomoro in the Granjas colony where the agents were aboard a Volkswagen Jetta when armed suspects travelling in a convoy fired on them. Cesar Javier Olvera Mitre was identified as the agent who survived the attack. A few minutes following the attack two vehicles said to have been part of the attack were found blocks away damaged by fire. Reports say AK-47 assault rifle spent shell casings were found at the scene.

  • Three unidentified men were shot to death in two separate incidents in Juarez Thursday, according to the Mexican news daily La Polaka.
    • Two men were shot near the intersection of Barbados and Durango in the Guadalajara Izquierda colony. Reports say the victims were alleged drug dealers.

    • An unidentified man was shot to death near at a residence in Jurez. The victim was in the kitchen of a home on Calle Joaquin Terrazas in the Fancisco Sarabia colony when he was shot.

  • An unidentified man was found dismembered in Chihuahua, Chihuahua Thursday night. The victim was left at a monument on Avenida Miguel de Cervantes, wrapped in several black plastic bags and articles of clothing. A message was left with the remains.

  • An unidentified woman was shot to death and her male companion was wounded in a shooting in Juarez early Friday morning. The couple were parked outside a residence aboard a Ford Ranger pickup truck near the intersection of calles De los Laureles and 56th in the Granjas Cerro Grande colony when armed suspects fired on them. Guadalupe Romero Molina died at the scene.

  • An unidentified man was found dead in Chihuahua, Chihuahua Friday morning. The victim was naked from the waist down, and was found near the intersection of Calle Decima and Avenida Juarez. Reports say the victim died of an overdose.

  • An unidentified carjacker was shot to death in the commission of a crime in Juarez Friday. The suspect attempted to carjack a vehicle parked in front of a Del Rio convenience store near the intersection of calles Valentin Fuentes and Mecatepec. An undercover agent fired on the suspect killing him.

  • Two men were shot and wounded in a shootout in Altar, Sonora Thursday. Ernesto Medano Meraz, 34, and Víctor Manuel Olivas Mancina, 28, both from Sinaloa, were at a residence on Callejón Vasconcelos when a fight broke out that led to the shooting. Reports say the victims were both alleged to be coyotes, engaged in smuggling immigrants into the US.
Posted by: badanov || 04/30/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

Mexican drug lord extradited to US
[Iran Press TV] Mexican prosecutors say they have extradited the leader of the Tijuana narco mob, Benjamin Arellano Felix, to the United States to stand trial.

Felix who was handed over on Friday, is one of the highest-profile cartel members extradited since President Felipe Calderon took office in 2006, AP reported.

Felix will face charges of conspiracy, money laundering, controlled drug trafficking, aiding and abetting, and operating a criminal organization.

In October 2008, Mexican security forces captured Felix after a three-hour shootout with more than 100 coppers and soldiers in the border city of Tijuana.

More than 5,000 people have been reported missing in Mexico, and many are presumed to be victims of the drug war, according to According to Mexico's National Human Rights Commission.

Mexico says more than 34,200 people have been killed in violence and bloody wars between narco mobs since December 2006. Attorney General Arturo Chavez says criminal gangs and narco mobs killed more than 15,000 people in 2010, making it the deadliest year ever.

The spike in drug-related violence comes despite a crackdown launched by President Felipe Calderon against narco mobs. He has ordered the deployment of about 50,000 troops across Mexico to combat narco gangs. President Calderon has announced that four additional battalions would be deployed to the northeast of the country.

The Mexican president has successfully pushed the United States to acknowledge its own responsibility in the violence in Mexico since it is the American market that fuels drug-trafficking and American guns smuggled into Mexico that are used by narco gangs.

"Our insatiable demand for illegal drugs fuels the drug trade. Our inability to prevent weapons from being illegally smuggled across the border to arm these criminals causes the death of coppers, soldiers and civilians," US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
... sometimes described as the Smartest Woman in the World and at other times as Mrs. Bill, never as Another Tallyrand ...
said in 2009.
Posted by: Fred || 04/30/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Narcos

#1  "Our insatiable demand for illegal drugs fuels the drug trade."

A stopped clock is right ....

"Our inability to prevent weapons from being illegally smuggled across the border to arm these criminals"

Inability? Or unwillingness? And how can one make a border a one-way membrane to smuggling (keep things from moving south, while allowing illegals to move north?)
Posted by: Glenmore || 04/30/2011 9:44 Comments || Top||

#2  "Our inability to prevent weapons from being illegally smuggled across the border to arm these criminals"

I seem to recall that the Department of Justice deliberately let those weapons through to the narco gangs despite the expressed concerns of the gun sellers, some of which were used to kill two Border Patrol agents in Mexico. It is the job of the secretary of state to announce the president's position on a given subject, but when the plot and the perpetrators have been publicly revealed, she really ought to display a bit of principle and spine.
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/30/2011 11:18 Comments || Top||

#3  "Our inability to prevent weapons from being illegally smuggled across the border to arm these criminals causes the death of coppers, soldiers and civilians," US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton."

How much longer did her nose grow when she said that?

Tell the truth, Hill - your only concern is your inability to cover up that the Administration YOU serve sent the weapons south on purpose.

Hmmm. Wonder if there's any way to check if any of Bambi's "donations" came from the Mex cartels? I'd at least check the bank accounts of the higher-ups in the ATF.

/conspiracy theory
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 04/30/2011 14:20 Comments || Top||

#4  The entire administration is a joke.
Posted by: newc || 04/30/2011 14:55 Comments || Top||

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Russia Kills Five Radical Islamists in Caucasus
[An Nahar] Russian security forces killed five Orcs and similar vermin in a special operation in its violence-torn Northern Caucasus region, Agence La Belle France Presse reported on Friday.

The Interfax news agency quoted Sherlocks as saying that the Orcs and similar vermin were killed in the village of Progress on the administrative border between the Stavropol region and the largely Mohammedan region of Karbadino Balkaria.

It said that that the group was killed at around 3:00 am (2300 GMT) by security forces seeking radical Islamists in the village.

"They opened fire on the security forces who returned fire, destroying five people," it said.

It said that two leading Orcs and similar vermin -- named as Shameev and Khamurzov -- were among those killed.

Russia has for years been fighting Islamist Islamic fascisti in its Caucasus regions of Chechnya, Ingushetia and Dagestan but in the last months unrest has also spread to Karbadino Balkaria.
Posted by: Fred || 04/30/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Chechen Republic of Ichkeria

Four killed in Balochistan shootout
[Dawn] Militants ambushed Pak police before dawn on Friday, sparking a shootout that killed two coppers and two faceless myrmidons in the country's troubled southwest, officials said.

One policeman and a jihad boy were also maimed during the shootout in Balochistan province, which borders Afghanistan and Iran, police said.

A group of faceless myrmidons attacked a police vehicle in the town of Mir Hasan, about 360 kilometres southeast of Quetta.

"Police also returned the fire and the faceless myrmidons bravely ran away after the encounter. Two coppers were killed and one was injured," Saadullah Khetran, Naseerabad district police chief told AFP.

Two faceless myrmidons were also killed in the shootout and their bodies taken to a local hospital, Khetran added.

Impoverished Balochistan is wracked by an insurgency waged by ethnic Baloch tribes seeking greater autonomy from the federal government and a greater share of profits from the region's wealth of oil and gas resources.

The region has also been hit by attacks blamed on Talibs, although sabotage of gas pipelines is a trademark of nationalist jihad boys.
Posted by: Fred || 04/30/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Blast in Baladruz leaves 26 casualties
From Thursday.
DIALA / Aswat al-Iraq: A suicide blast that targeted a Shiite mosque in the district of Baladruz left eight people killed and 18 others wounded on Thursday, a senior security official in Diala said.

“A suicide bomber with an explosive belt strapped to his chest blew himself up inside a Shiite mosque in Baladruz, (45 km) southwest of Baaquba city, killing eight persons and injuring 18 others, “ Muthanna al-Temimi, the chairman of the Diala provincial council’s security committee, told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

Baaquba, the capital city of the volatile province of Diala, lies 57 km northeast of Baghdad.
Posted by: Steve White || 04/30/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Baghdad blast leaves 3 dead, 28 wounded
BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: Blasts from improvised explosive devices southeast of Baghdad on Friday left three people, including a police officer, killed and 28 others wounded, a security source said.

“Three IEDs targeted an Iraqi federal police convoy in the village of al-Janabat, al-Zaafaraniya area, southeast of Baghdad, leaving three dead, a police officer and two civilians, and wounding 28 others, including eight policemen,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

Earlier, the source told Aswat al-Iraq that 12 persons, including four policemen, were wounded in blasts from three IEDs that went off near a convoy of police vehicles in al-Janabat.
Posted by: Steve White || 04/30/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Syria: 'Six killed' in Deraa as troops seize key mosque
The army has seized control of a mosque which had become a centre for anti-government protests in the southern Syrian city of Deraa, witnesses say.

Soldiers are now stationed on the roof the Omari mosque in the city centre, after an assault supported by tanks. Activists said six people were killed.

On Friday, they reported that at least 66 protesters were killed across Syria - more than half of them in Deraa.

Officials said the number of dead was far lower, and included four soldiers.

State television said security forces had come under attack by "armed terrorists" in Deraa and Homs, Syria's third city.

Foreign journalists are not being allowed into the country, and the exact picture of what is happening remains unclear.

However, residents of Deraa said the assault on the historic Omari mosque involved troops backed by tanks and heavy gunfire. It took about 90 minutes for the army to gain control, they added.

"The shelling has stopped. There are snipers on the roof of the mosque," one man told the Reuters news agency, adding that forces appeared to be in control of the city's old quarter for the first time.
Posted by: tipper || 04/30/2011 15:44 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under:

#1  good thing it's just Arab-on-Arab violence. If the Juice or Crusaders were involved it would be a war-crime against humanity.
Posted by: Frank G || 04/30/2011 19:11 Comments || Top||

#2  sweeeeet. Our lil' pillow-biting inbred Saoooodi friend shows up, like that occasional bout of herpes, with all the same fanfare! Hellllooooo gay muslims!
Posted by: Frank G || 04/30/2011 22:52 Comments || Top||

#3  Or is that the first word you learnt as a baby?

along with JUSTICE's childhood: "it's cool, we're related. Loosen up!"
Posted by: Frank G || 04/30/2011 22:56 Comments || Top||

#4  The odd thing is, there are Saudis who are charming and interesting, delightful at an intimate dinner party. Then there are those like young JUSTICE, who work hard to ruin the reputation of the entire country.

One day he'll realize to his horror that what he fondly hoped would be his future employer found his little ramblings, and all his father's wasta isn't going to help one bit. As has been well publicized, there is a surplus in his generation of young men with all his skills, and young women with considerably more, and employers will enjoy being picky.
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/30/2011 23:34 Comments || Top||

#5  your website moderator always uses

Rantburg has lots of moderators. The graphic is courtesy of the site's founder.

Frankly, I'm not all that keen on the 'F' word. I prefer it be left at merely "stupid".

With your commentary track-record, it's especially appropriate.
Posted by: Pappy || 04/30/2011 23:45 Comments || Top||

Protests in Damascus
Protests against Assad took place in most major centres around Syria on Friday, in a repeat of pro-democracy rallies that have become the norm after weekly Mohammedan prayers. Activists called on protesters to express solidarity with Deraa, where more than 100 people died a week ago.

Friday brought the largest anti-regime protest in the Syrian capital since the protests began last month. Several thousand protesters demonstrated in the conservative Sunni neighbourhood of Midan, many calling for the toppling of the regime, witnesses told Al Jizz.

After the protesters had dispersed, a small pro-government demonstration took place with demonstrators carrying sticks and chanting: "With our soul and blood, we sacrifice to you Bashar."
"Saddam Bashar, we will defend you with our blood!"
Witnesses told the AP news agency that security forces had fired on around 2,000 protesters chanting "God, Syria and freedom only" in the central Damascus
...The City of Jasmin is the oldest continuously-inhabited city in the world. It has not always been inhabited by the same set of fascisti...
neighbourhood of Midan.

Large demonstrations were also reported in the central city of Homs, the coastal cities of Baniyas and Latakia, the northern cities of Raqqa and Hama, and the northeastern town of Qamishli.

The AFP news agency reported that 10,000 turned out in Banias, shouting "liberty, solidarity with Daraa" and "down with the regime."

In Deir Ez-Zor, northeast of the capital, two demonstrators were beaten with batons and electrical cables after 1,000 people emerged from a mosque and were dispersed by security forces, Nawwaf al-Bashir, a human rights
...which often intentionally defined so widely as to be meaningless...
activist, told AFP.

According to the the AFP, some 15,000 people turned out in the majority Kurdish city of Qamishli and the surrounding towns, shouting "national unity" and "with our soul and with our blood we will sacrifice ourselves for Daraa," activists said.

'Death and devastation'
...back at the sandwich shop, Caroline was experimenting with ingredients...
an eyewitness in Deraa, speaking to Al Jizz on Friday from close to the Omari Mosque that has been a focus for the uprising, described a scene of death and devastation.

He confirmed earlier testimony from a separate source of a split in the military forces sent by Assad to lay siege to the city.

The witness said he had collected the names of the dead from different neighbourhoods and counted 25 bodies in his own area.

"Some areas smell really bad due to the bodies rotting in the street. No one can collect them for fear of being shot," he said, the sound of continuous gunfire audible over the phone. Those bodies which have been collected are being stored in refrigerated lorries, he said.

"Deraa is completely surrounded by tanks and armed troops. There are snipers on the roofs of government buildings and tall buildings. They are hiding behind water tanks and some are even hiding in the minarets of mosques."

The Rooters news agency reported on Friday that a human rights campaigner revealed that makeshift morgues in Deraa contain at least 83 corpses, including women and kiddies.

We counted 83 bodies so far, many stored in refrigerator trucks. Most of the bullets went through heads and chests, indicating that snipers most likely had done the shooting,"Tamer al-Jahamani, a prominent lawyer in Deraa, told Rooters.
Posted by: Fred || 04/30/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

Muslim Brotherhood backs Syria protests
[Al Jazeera] Significantly, Friday's demonstrations have the backing of the outlawed Islamist group, the Moslem Brüderbund, which was crushed by the regime in 1982.

It is the first time that the Brotherhood has called directly for protests in Syria since pro-democracy demonstrations against Assad erupted nearly six weeks ago.

A declaration by the Brotherhood, sent to Rooters news agency by its leadership in exile on Thursday, said: "Do not let the regime besiege your compatriots. Chant with one voice for freedom and dignity. Do not allow the tyrant to enslave you. God is great."

So far, the Brotherhood has been trying to keep a low profile, as the government has been trying to link them to protests, Amin said.

The protests have drawn a cross section of Syrian society, which has been under Baath Party rule for the last 48 years. The younger Assad kept intact the autocratic political system he inherited in 2000 from his father, Hafez al-Assad.
Posted by: Fred || 04/30/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Muslim Brotherhood

#1  OOOOOOOO, ya just knew they would!
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 04/30/2011 0:43 Comments || Top||

Scores killed on Syria's 'day of rage'
[Al Jazeera] Dozens of people have been rubbed out by Syrian security forces, activists claim, as tens of thousands took part in anti-government rallies dubbed a "day of rage".

Activists said at least 62 protesters were killed across the country on Friday, although Al Jizz cannot independently verify the corpse count.

At least 15 people were reported killed near Deraa where security forces fired on thousands of protesters trying to enter the besieged southern city, sources told Al Jizz's Rula Amin.

Deraa has been the scene of regular demonstrations since protests against Syrian president Bashir al-Assad's rule began last month, but the city has also borne the brunt of weeks of government repression.

The government claims its forces are battling "extremist and terrorist groups in the town" and said two soldiers were killed on Friday.

"Deraa has been under siege since Monday morning. Residents from the surrounding villages were trying to break the siege as they tried to get supplies," our correspondent said.

"They met with hostile security forces who fired at them and we know that at least 15 people were killed.

"One resident told me that people do not have supplies, no communication, the situation is dire and they wonder what the security forces want from the town," or correspondent said.
Posted by: Fred || 04/30/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

#1  If it's Friday, it must be "Day of Rage"...
Posted by: tu3031 || 04/30/2011 3:04 Comments || Top||

#2  While I harbor no love for Pencil-neck, there is a strong probability that many of the protesters he has had killed are ones we would also want killed. The enemy of my enemy is not always my friend, especially in that part of the world.
Posted by: Glenmore || 04/30/2011 9:49 Comments || Top||

US imposes sanctions on Syria
The United States Friday blocked assets of the powerful brother of Syria's President-for-Life Bashir Pencilneck al-Assad,
One of the last of the old-fashioned hereditary iron-fisted fascist dictators. Before going into the family business Pencilneck was an eye doctor...
several other officials and of the country's intelligence services and Revolutionary Guard.
Posted by: Fred || 04/30/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

#1  The Syrian Accountability Act already forbids any U.S. company or person to do business with Syria. This latest executive order by Pres. Obama is meaningless.
Posted by: American Delight || 04/30/2011 14:26 Comments || Top||

Terror Networks
Those Who Know Will Understand
Excerpt: American leaders make policies that fly in the face of Washington’s advice. The government spends way too much money, and will continue to spend too much money. Look at what is happening today. There are numerous entitlement programs, and government is expected to pay until the system is totally bankrupt. It is therefore foreseeable that the U.S. military will collapse when the U.S. financial system ultimately fails. Even our enemies recognize this, and look forward to it
Posted by: Uncle Phester || 04/30/2011 12:55 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

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Two weeks of WOT
Sat 2011-04-30
  Saif al-Arab Gadhafi Reported Titzup
Fri 2011-04-29
  Blast kills 14 in Marrakesh; suicide bomber suspected
Thu 2011-04-28
  Some Syrian military units appear to be fighting each other.
Wed 2011-04-27
  Yemen's Ruling Party and Opposition To Sign Deal in Riyadh soon
Tue 2011-04-26
  NATO air strike pounds Gaddafi compound
Mon 2011-04-25
   470 inmates escape Kandahar jug
Sun 2011-04-24
  US carries out first drone strike in Libya
Sat 2011-04-23
  Yemen's president agrees to step down
Fri 2011-04-22
  Obama Authorizes Use of Drone Airstrikes in Libya...
Thu 2011-04-21
  Nigeria: Over 200 dead in the post-election riots
Wed 2011-04-20
  Syria government approves lifting state of emergency
Tue 2011-04-19
  Suicide Bomber Attacks Afghan Ministry of Defence
Mon 2011-04-18
  Five Hurt as Regime Agents Disperse Rallies in South Syria
Sun 2011-04-17
  Egypt: Justice orders the dissolution of the former ruling party
Sat 2011-04-16
  Qaddafi bombards Misrata

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