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Sacked Yemen Air Force Commander Quits Post
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18 23:41 JosephMendiola [23] 
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2 21:16 tipover [27] 
2 03:08 Besoeker [19] 
2 11:20 swksvolFF [14] 
1 17:16 Fake Avery Johannsen [27] 
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6 10:11 DarthVader [13]
1 03:21 Besoeker [22]
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4 20:42 Pappy [23]
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3 23:56 JosephMendiola [15]
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2 22:12 Procopius2k [22]
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7 16:49 OldSpook [15]
13 18:13 CrazyFool [31]
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27 21:48 swksvolFF [23]
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3 18:08 DarthVader [26]
1 07:20 Eric Jablow [14]
Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 04/25/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Happy Birthday/Daily Gam Shot

Renee Zellweger aka Bridget Jones (AW Best Actress) in "Bridget Jones's Diary (2001)" aka Roxie Hart (Nominated AW) in "Chicago (2002)" aka Ruby Thewes (AW Best Supporting) in "Cold Mountain (2003)" aka Dorothy Boyd in "Jerry Maguire (1996)" aka Mae Braddock in "Cinderella Man (2005)" (age 44)

Sorry Gorb, this will have to do for now.
Posted by: Best || 04/25/2012 1:56 Comments || Top||

#2  "Every piece of this is man's bullshit. They call this war a cloud over the land, but they made the weather and then they stand in the rain and say, "Shit! Its rainin'!"

Ruby Thewes (Renee Zellweger) 'Cold Mountain.'
Posted by: Besoeker || 04/25/2012 3:08 Comments || Top||

Africa Horn
Al shabab beheads a businessman in southern Somalia
(Sh.M.Networl)- Armed men belonging to Al-Shabaab
... Harakat ash-Shabaab al-Mujahidin aka the Mujahideen Youth Movement. It was originally the youth movement of the Islamic Courts, now pretty much all of what's left of it. They are aligned with al-Qaeda but operate more like the Afghan or Pakistani Taliban...
, the radical Islamist movement in Somalia beheaded a businessman living in Eel Adde, about 90 km southwest of Mogadishu, relatives confirmed on Tuesday.

The beheaded body whose identity has not been released so far was found on Tuesday morning with headless on the outskirts of Eel Adde town, a stronghold of Al shabab in Middle Shabelle region, south Somalia.

Residents in Eel Adde district informed Shabelle media by phone that the gunnies have pulled the man out of a car traveling from Jowhar to his home town El-Adde overnight and then his body was found lying at the town this morning.

Al shabab accused the man of being a spySomaliagovernment in the town- an allegation that locals denied and said the guy was a well-known livestock trader in the entire region.
Posted by: Fred || 04/25/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab

#1  And politicians like Kieth Ellison want to make it easier for Somali-Americans to wire money back home that will almost certainly end up in the pockets of al-Shabaab.

What could go wrong?
Posted by: American Delight || 04/25/2012 6:55 Comments || Top||

#2  Probably one of those direct threats to islam, the dreaded soccer jersey vendor.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 04/25/2012 11:20 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Tuaregs release kidnapped Swiss woman
TIMBUKTU, Mali: Gunmen in Mali's rebel-held north released on Tuesday a Swiss woman who had been abducted in the desert town of Timbuktu on April 15, witnesses and the Swiss government said.

The woman, Beatrice Stockly, was released some seven km north of Timbuktu by members of Ansar Dine, the witnesses said.
So, how much did the Swiss pay?
"She was wearing a black veil and made no statement when she was released," one of the witnesses, Cherif Moulaye, told Reuters by telephone.
The story of Rachel and Leah comes to mind. Did they check the veiled one's face before accepting delivery?
He said she was put into a helicopter containing the head of Burkina Faso's armed forces, Brig. Gen. Gilbert Dindere.

The Swiss foreign ministry issued a statement confirming a woman kidnapped on April 15 in Timbuktu had been released, adding she was now in a safe place and in good health.

Residents said Stockly was a missionary who had lived in Timbuktu, and old Sahara trading town and a seat of Islamic learning, for a number of years and spoke several local languages.

A mix of Tuareg separatists and rebels captured Timbuktu on April 1 in the final leg of their lightning advance southwards through Mali's desert north, as government forces retreated in the aftermath of a coup in the capital.
Posted by: Steve White || 04/25/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under:

#1  OK. Take a minute to reflect on all the times that we've been told that Westerners are kidnapped for retaliation for some policy of the Western government (Israel, the invasion of Iraq, etc).

But Switzerland is neutral. And its people still are kidnapped.

It's about Islam.
Posted by: American Delight || 04/25/2012 6:53 Comments || Top||

#2  And Ransom....
Posted by: tipover || 04/25/2012 21:16 Comments || Top||

Senior Al-Qaeda leader killed in Marib
[Yemen Post] A senior Al-Qaeda leader was killed on Tuesday in an intelligence operation in an area located between governorates of Marib and Al-Jawaf.

The Yemeni News Agency(Saba) said that Muqbil Al-Omda who was the financial official of al-Qaea and the fourth-most wanted man was killed.

The source did not mention the time of the operation, but it said that the security intelligence made a progress in killing most leaders of Al-Qaeda.

A US drone had raided on Sunday a car convey in Wadi Abidah of Marib, 20 kilometers away of the city of Marib, leaving three persons killed.

The United States launches from time to time strikes against Yemeni areas, and it says that it raids strongholds of Al-Qaeda in Yemen.

According to Yemen's Defense Ministry, most veteran leaders of Al-Qaeda were killed and some others could escape outside the governorate of Abyan
...a governorate of Yemen. The region was a base to the Aden-Abyan Islamic Army terrorist group until it dropped the name and joined al-Qaeda. Its capital is Zinjibar. In March 2011, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula declared the governate an Islamic Emirate after seizing control of the region. The New York Times fastidiously reported that those in control, while Islamic hard boyz, are not in fact al-Qaeda, but something else that looks, tastes, smells, and acts the same. Yemeni government forces launched an effort to re-establish control of the region when President-for-Life Saleh was tossed and the carnage continues...

Local sources affirmed that the Yemeni army could control on the southeast of the town and could reach to the hear of the town after air-fighters launched strikes on the town.

The Defense Ministry affirmed that it will expand it operations to purge Abyan of Al-Qaeda, ensure the return of the displaced persons, and resume security and stability to the city.

Gerald Feierstein, the U.S. ambassador to Yemen, during a presser at the embassy on Sunday attributed the army's progress to changes made by President Abdurabu Mansur Hadi in the military's leadership.

...back at the sandwich shop, Caroline was experimenting with ingredients of increasing volatility...
Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations Ropert Muleler arrived in Sana'a on Tuesday and discussed with Yemen's president efforts of counterterrorism, in particular fighting against Al-Qaeda.
Posted by: Fred || 04/25/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Arabia

#1  Watch : Planes And Fly High : Everywhere : Afghan And Iraq
Posted by: Fake Avery Johannsen || 04/25/2012 17:16 Comments || Top||

Yemen Troops Advance on Qaida Stronghold
[An Nahar] Yemeni troops, backed by armed civilians, are advancing on southern Abyan's
...a governorate of Yemen. The region was a base to the Aden-Abyan Islamic Army terrorist group until it dropped the name and joined al-Qaeda. Its capital is Zinjibar. In March 2011, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula declared the governate an Islamic Emirate after seizing control of the region. The New York Times fastidiously reported that those in control, while Islamic hard boyz, are not in fact al-Qaeda, but something else that looks, tastes, smells, and acts the same. Yemeni government forces launched an effort to re-establish control of the region when President-for-Life Saleh was tossed and the carnage continues...
capital Zinjibar, under al-Qaeda control since last May, security officials and the interior ministry said on Tuesday.

"The army is advancing towards the center of the city," a military official told Agence La Belle France Presse on condition of anonymity, adding that both sides have suffered casualties in fierce battles on the eastern and southern outskirts of Zinjibar that have raged since early Tuesday morning.

The official said the army has so far managed to take back several government buildings, including the post office, adding that reinforcements from the capital Sanaa "were on the way."

Yemen's interior ministry confirmed in a statement on Tuesday that the army has "dealt a heavy blow to al-Qaeda and has tightened the noose around them."

It added that at least 52 "terrorists" have been killed in Abyan and nearby Shabwa province in the last two days, without specifying how many soldiers have been killed in the fighting.

This is the second time in a week the Yemeni army claims to have made advances on Zinjibar.

The interior ministry said on Friday that troops had "made a major advance towards Zinjibar, driving out the terrorist al-Qaeda elements from several positions they held."

In Loder meanwhile, a key Abyan city which has been under attack by Islamist Islamic fascisti in recent weeks, a military official said government authority had been restored.

Al-Qaeda in Yemen and its local affiliates, the self-proclaimed Partisans of Sharia (Islamic law), have expanded their control of Yemen's mostly lawless southern and eastern provinces, taking advantage of a weakened central government in Sanaa and months of Arab Spring-style political upheaval.

The unrest eventually led to the ouster of veteran leader President-for-Life Ali Abdullah Saleh
... Saleh initially took power as a strongman of North Yemen in 1977, when disco was in flower, but he didn't invite Donna Summer to the inauguration and Blondie couldn't make it...
. His replacement, former Vice President Abdrabuh Mansour Hadi, elected to the presidency for an interim two-year term in a single candidate vote in late February, has pledged to rid Yemen of the Death Eater group.

Battles have since raged in Abyan's towns and cities, and spread to neighboring Shabwa and Bayda provinces, as troops and Islamic fascisti fight for control of the region.
Posted by: Fred || 04/25/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Arabia

Sacked Yemen Air Force Commander Quits Post
[An Nahar] Yemen's sacked air force commander, who has refused to quit for weeks, on Tuesday left the post he has held for nearly three decades, the United Nations
...a formerly good idea gone bad...
envoy to Yemen said.

"General Mohammed Saleh al-Ahmar has handed his duties over to his successor," Jamal Benomar told Agence La Belle France Presse. "I personally attended the handover ceremony."

On April 6, President Abdrabuh Mansour Hadi issued a decree in which he sacked Ahmar, a half-brother of deposed president President-for-Life Ali Abdullah Saleh
... Saleh initially took power as a strongman of North Yemen in 1977, when disco was in flower, but he didn't invite Donna Summer to the inauguration and Blondie couldn't make it...
, as well as the ex-leader's nephew General Tariq Mohammed Abdullah Saleh, who heads the presidential guard.

Both generals had refused to quit, and Ahmar's loyalists even surrounded Sanaa's airport and threatened to shoot down planes, forcing its closure for one day.

The airport was reopened after international and regional powers voiced support for Hadi, who must restructure the army based on a Gulf-brokered deal that Yemen's political parties have agreed upon.

When asked if General Tariq Mohammed Abdullah Saleh had also agreed to quit, Benomar only responded by saying that "all of Hadi's decisions are being implemented."
Posted by: Fred || 04/25/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

Caribbean-Latin America
Bad guys hit cop shop with grenade in Nuevo Laredo

For a map, click here. For a map of Tamaulipas state, click here

By Chris Covert

Violence in Nuevo Laredo started its fourth day Tuesday morning with a grenade attack against a municipal police station, according to Mexican news accounts.

The attack took place at about 0800 hrs near the Nuevo Laredo municipal police station near the intersection of Avenida Avila Camacho and the Anahuac highway. One unidentified civilian was wounded, one car was immolated and another was damaged by the blast. The explosion was heard as far as seven kilometers away.

There are reports that another shootout took place between armed suspects and a Mexican Army unit later that morning in an area in western Nuevo Laredo called Santa Fe.

The Tamaulipas state Fiscalia General del Estado or attorney general told foreign press agencies that the two Monday afternoon shootouts between Mexican Army units and armed suspects killed seven unidentified armed suspects.

Mexican federal government agencies do not release news to the public due to a clampdown on government propaganda as outlined by Article 41 of the Mexican Constitution which forbids dissemination. That ban is expected to be lifted the day after the presidential election on July 1st.

Reports also say that the four international bridges were apparently unaffected by Tuesday's attacks.

Chris Covert writes Mexican Drug War and national political news for Rantburg.com
Posted by: badanov || 04/25/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

The Grand Turk
3 Kurdish Rebels Killed in Southeast Turkey
[An Nahar] Three Kurdish rebels were killed and one Turkish soldier was injured Tuesday in festivities in Turkey's southeast, local security sources said.

The festivities between members of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and Turkish soldiers took place in the Genc district of Bingol province, the sources said.
Posted by: Fred || 04/25/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Home Front: WoT
U.S.-Lebanese Fake-Bomb Suspect Pleads Guilty
[An Nahar] A U.S.-Lebanese man accused of placing a backpack he thought held a bomb near a major Chicago sports field pleaded guilty to weapons charges Monday and could face up to 30 years in federal prison.

Lebanese immigrant Sami Samir Hassoun, 24, admitted he took what he thought was a bomb and dropped it into a trash bin near Wrigley Field with the intent to harm many people.

The fake device was given to him by undercover FBI agents who had been tipped off by an informant.

Hassoun believed an attack would have the ability to "paralyze" Chicago commerce,
An attack, yes. A bomb in a trash can? Not likely, especially not in Chicago. Inbreeding is a real possibility here.
according to the plea deal, which also requires him to cooperate with the government.

When the hearing ended, Hassoun turned and blew a kiss to relatives in the courtroom.

Defense attorneys declined to talk to news hounds after the hearing. They have described Hassoun, a one-time bakery worker, as gullible and prone to boasting but without links to bad turbans.

Hassoun pleaded guilty to one count each of attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction and attempted use of an bomb. The U.S. Attorney's office said it would recommend a prison sentence of 30 years.

Hassoun has been in federal custody since his 2010 arrest and faces at least 20 years in prison when he is sentenced Aug. 15. He had previously pleaded not guilty
"Wudn't me."
and, if convicted at trial, would have faced life in prison.
Posted by: Fred || 04/25/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

IG Sindh police calls for bounty on 34 wanted criminals
[Dawn] Inspector General (IG) Sindh police Mushtaq Shah on Tuesday claimed to have placed in long-term storage several myrmidons from different areas including Lyari
...one of the eighteen constituent towns of the city of Karachi. It is the smallest town by area in the city but also the most densely populated. Lyari has few schools, substandard hospitals, a poor water system, limited infrastructure, and broken roads. It is a stronghold of ruling Pakistan Peoples Party. Ubiquitous gang activity and a thriving narcotics industry make Lyari one of the most disturbed places in Karachi, which is really saying a lot....
in Bloody Karachi
...formerly the capital of Pakistain, now merely its most important port and financial center. It may be the largest city in the world, with a population of 18 million, most of whom hate each other and many of whom are armed and dangerous...
and called for placing bounty on 34 most wanted criminals, DawnNews reported.

Speaking in a presser at Bloody Karachi police head office, Shah said that during the operation in Lyari, 123 suspects including members of "gang war" were placed in long-term storage by the police.

Seven betting dens have also been raided and closed up, he added.

Moreover, the IG Sindh police said that five hit mans and six extortionists have also been placed in long-term storage from various areas of the metropolis.
Posted by: Fred || 04/25/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

Two killed, 58 injured in blast at Lahore Railway Station
[Dawn] Two people were killed and at least 58 others were maimed in a kaboom at the Lahore Railway Station on Tuesday.

The bomb, weighing at least five kilograms, was planted in the waiting lounge of the Business Express located between platforms one and two, CCPO Lahore Aslam Tareen told news hounds at the railway station.

"A porter and a police official are among the dead," Tareen said, adding that the kaboom used in the bomb weighed at least five kilograms.

Tareen said he was satisfied with the security measures in place at the station and said the police were trying to investigate how the bag managed to get through despite so many scanners.

"We have shifted all those injured in the blast to Ganga Ram, Mayo and Services hospitals," Rescue 1122 officials informed DawnNews.

Five of the maimed are in a critical condition in hospital, a health official told Rooters.

Security beefed up

Following the kaboom at Lahore, security was beefed up at the railway stations in all major cities across the country, including Beautiful Downtown Peshawar, Quetta and Bloody Karachi
...formerly the capital of Pakistain, now merely its most important port and financial center. It may be the largest city in the world, with a population of 18 million, most of whom hate each other and many of whom are armed and dangerous...
In Bloody Karachi, the security deployment was increased five-folds and sterner checks were put in place.

"Instead of one of two coppers, at least three officials are now checking the passengers and their luggage with metal detectors, while commandos have also been deployed in passenger trains," SHO Bloody Karachi City Station Habibullah Khan Khattak told PPI.

Rescue official Kiramat Ali described it as a "huge blast" and said 25 maimed had been taken to hospital.

Bomb planted in bag

An AFP photographer at the scene said the blast took place near the lounge for the luxury Business Express train to Bloody Karachi, a service launched two months ago offering first-class travel between Pakistain's two biggest cities.

Senior police officer Ali Ahmad Malik told AFP the bomb was left in a bag and that the Business Express train had left the station and was not the target.

The waiting room was littered with glass and upended furniture, with its windows blown in by the force of the kaboom.

Monetary compensation

"The government has announced compensation for the victims and their families," Minister for Railways Ghulam Ahmed Bilour was quoted as saying by DawnNews.

Five hundred thousand rupees will be given to the families of those who bit the dust, while one hundred thousand to those who were seriously injured as a result of the kaboom, Bilour added.

President Asif Ali President Ten Percent Zardari
... sticky-fingered husband of the late Benazir Bhutto ...
and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani
... Pakistain's erstwhile current prime minister, whose occasional feats of mental gymnastics can be awe-inspiring ...
expressed grief and shock over the attack.
Posted by: Fred || 04/25/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Pakistan

Karachi police claim arresting 'serial killer'
[Dawn] Police were finally able to resolve the mysterious case of human body parts found dumped in different parts of the metropolis, DawnNews reported.

Bloody Karachi
...formerly the capital of Pakistain, now merely its most important port and financial center. It may be the largest city in the world, with a population of 18 million, most of whom hate each other and many of whom are armed and dangerous...
police claim to have jugged a suspected 'serial killer' allegedly involved in the heinous crime.

According to police sources, the suspect, a rickshaw driver and a resident of Bloody Karachi's Patel Para, used to target his women passengers riding alone. He kidnapped the women and killed them after allegedly raping them, cutting up their bodies into pieces and dumping them in different areas.

Rafiq was jugged from the Soldier Bazar area in a joint operation by the police and the Special Investigation Unit (SIU).

During the past few days, cut-up body parts of two women were found dumped in different areas of the city.

Police sources further said that a woman had also been recovered from the suspect, and the criminal was being further interrogated.
Posted by: Fred || 04/25/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

Southeast Asia
Thailand to compensate victims of the southern insurgency
Thailand has approved a $67 million compensation package for victims of a conflict in the deep south that has left thousands dead over the last eight years.

The families of people killed in the conflict will each receive 500,000 baht ($16,130), or 1.5 million baht if government officials were responsible, Justice Minister Pracha Promnog said after the cabinet agreed on the measure. He said, "We hope it will make the situation in the south more peaceful and we hope it will be sufficient because some of them have received compensation before."

The families of more than 4,000 members of the public who were killed and roughly 6,000 who were injured would be eligible, along with those of 1,056 government officials who lost their lives.

Militant suspects who were arrested and jailed but later set free because their cases were dismissed by the courts would also receive money. Pracha said, "We expect to deliver first payment in the next two weeks."

A Muslim leader in Yala province doubted that the compensation offer would end the violence. Ma Samae said, "Remedies are part of the solution but the government has to clearly identify the root of the problem. Personally I think it's hard to end the southern unrest because most residents are Muslim but the leaders are not."
Posted by: ryuge || 04/25/2012 01:13 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Thai Insurgency

Indonesia Probing 'Anthrax' Threat to French Embassy
[An Nahar] Three French embassy staff in the Indonesian capital were kept in isolation overnight after coming into contact with a suspicious package, embassy officials said Tuesday.

Intelligence chief Lieutenant General Marciano Norman later said no harmful material was found in the envelope, which had been labeled "#ANTRAC" and was suspected of possibly containing anthrax.

"It has been confirmed that it's not anthrax. It was just a threat," Marciano said. "It was just the writing, but we will investigate it further."

The embassy earlier confirmed the suspicious package was received.

"Yesterday (Monday) we received a suspicious package and called the police to deal with it," front man Dominique Roubert told Agence La Belle France Presse.

The three staff members were kept at the French embassy in isolation for several hours on Monday night, embassy communications head Jean-Louis Bertrand told AFP, and were released after receiving the negative lab results Tuesday.

"The three staff members were kept in isolation for a few hours and are in good shape. They were confined in line with normal security procedures," Bertrand said.

Police earlier told AFP that two staff members had been sent to hospital, but the embassy confirmed they were only confined on its premises.

Anthrax is a potentially lethal bacterium which has been used as a biological weapon by terrorists.
Posted by: Fred || 04/25/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

56 Dead in Syria as Troops Kill 9 Activists Who Met U.N. Team
[An Nahar] A car boom on Tuesday rocked central Damascus
...The City of Jasmin is the oldest continuously-inhabited city in the world. It has not always been inhabited by the same set of fascisti...
and 56 people were killed in fresh violence across the country, a day after nearly 60 were killed across Syria despite a hard-won ceasefire and the upcoming deployment of 300 U.N peace monitors.

Three people were maimed when the blast went off in the Marjeh district of the capital, Syrian state television
... and if you can't believe state television who can you believe?
reported, blaming "terrorists", the government term for rebels.

"An armed terrorist group detonated the car boom near the Yelbugha complex in Marjeh, wounding three people and causing damage to nearby buildings," it said.

State news agency SANA said the bomb was placed under the car of an unsuspecting man, who was among those hurt.

The blast came as U.N. observers returned to the city of Hama's Arbaeen neighborhood, which activists said suffered a "massacre" on Monday at the hands of regime troops.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 31 non-combatants were killed in the flashpoint central city, out of a total of 56 people, including five soldiers, killed in violence across the country, despite the tenuous ceasefire.

A Damascus-based rights group said that among those killed in Hama were nine activists "summarily executed" a day after they had met the U.N. observers.

Activist Abu Ghazi al-Hamwi said the U.N. team met "members of the deaders' families. But they did not comply with the families' requests to visit the mass graves where yesterday's dead had been buried."

Video footage posted online by activists showed a street in Arbaeen with large pools of blood and women weeping. Two maidens of tender years were shown in one video crying and holding up the picture of a man.

"This is my father," cries one girl.

The Observatory said two people also died on Tuesday in Damascus and its suburbs, one of them an intelligence officer shot in the neighborhood of Barzeh.

The violence occurred despite the April 12 ceasefire, and the presence of an advance team of U.N. monitors to implement the truce.

The persistent bloodshed has sparked growing criticism from opposition activists of the decampedgling U.N. mission, which now numbers 11 observers out of a planned initial deployment of 30.

The monitors have toured several protest hubs since their arrival in the country earlier this month, including the battered city of Homs, where two of them set up base at the weekend.

During their visits, they have been greeted by thousands of protesters demanding the ouster of Hereditary President-for-Life Bashir Pencilneck al-Assad
The Scourge of Hama...
and the arming of the rebel Free Syrian Army.

Despite skepticism over the U.N. mission, U.N. chief the ephemeral Ban Ki-moon
... of whom it can be said to his credit that he is not Kofi Annan...
on Monday gave the go-ahead for the deployment of 300 ceasefire monitors from next week.

Ban insisted that the Assad government ensure the protection of the unarmed observers and allow them to travel freely throughout the country.

Russia, a staunch ally of the Damascus regime, warned both sides to the conflict against disrupting the work of the U.N. observers which it said was crucial to providing an unbiased picture on the ground.

"The more observers there are, the more information we get that is based on objective facts and that is free from speculation," Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

Critics have said the U.N. mission was simply allowing the regime to buy time as it presses its crackdown against what began as a popular revolt but has turned into an insurgency.

Washington has also expressed reservations, warning it may not back the mission's renewal after 90 days.

On Monday, U.S. President Barack Obama
They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them...
ordered new sanctions on Syria and Iran and the "digital guns for hire" who help them oppress their people with surveillance software and monitoring technology.

Obama announced additions to the pile of U.S. sanctions already faced by the two governments as part of a wider effort to crack down on human rights
...which often intentionally defined so widely as to be meaningless...
abuses, atrocities and genocide.

The measures will hit the two governments but also companies that help create systems that track or monitor their people for killing, torture or other abuses and prevent individuals involved from entering the United States.

Separately, the U.N.'s World Food Program on Tuesday said it was boosting assistance to the Syrian population to reach 500,000 people in the coming weeks.

"As the conflict continues, Syrians in areas affected by the violence are struggling to feed their families and WFP is deeply concerned about the potential for food insecurity," executive director Ertharin Cousin said in a statement.

Even before the revolt broke out in Syria in March 2011, 1.4 million Syrians, out of a population of 23 million, "were struggling to meet their daily food needs," Cousin said.
Posted by: Fred || 04/25/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

Wanted Fatah al-Islam Militants Killed in Syria
[An Nahar] A Fatah al-Islam
A Syrian-incubated al-Qaeda work-alike that they think can be turned off if no longer needed to keep the Leb pot stirred.
Lebanese jihad boy, who was accused of targeting the Lebanese army, was killed in the Syrian city of Qsair after detonating himself accidentally, the Time reported.

According to a fellow fighter, who goes by the nom de guerre of Abu Ali, Abdul Ghani Jawhar had been preparing an bomb to be used against the Syrian army when it went off prematurely, abruptly ejecting him from the gene pool.

"We wanted to send his body back to Leb but we couldn't because it was torn into pieces," Abu Ali told Time.

Instead the rebels were forced to bury what was left of him in a neighboring garden.

But Lebanese media reports said that Jawhar, who is wanted for targeting the army in three bombing attacks in 2008, was killed during festivities with the Syrian military.

According to al-Akhbar daily, Jawhar arrived in Qsair two weeks ago after escaping the southern Paleostinian refugee camp of Ein el-Hellhole.

Al-Jadeed television said that another Lebanese Fatah al-Islam jihad boy identified as Walid Boustani was also killed by the Free Syrian Army.

The Lebanese army battled an uprising of Fatah al-Islam in the northern Paleostinian refugee camp of Nahr al-Bared in the summer of 2007. The fighting killed some 400 people, including 168 soldiers.
Posted by: Fred || 04/25/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [40 views] Top|| File under: Fatah al-Islam

Annan to Security Council: Syria Violence Still 'Unacceptable'
[An Nahar] Syria is still seeing "unacceptable" levels of violence, international envoy Kofi Annan
...Ghanaian diplomat who served as the seventh and so far the worst Secretary-General of the UN. Annan and the UN were the co-recipients of the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize for something or other that probably sounded good at the time. In December 2004, reports surfaced that Kofi's son Kojo received payments from the Swiss company Cotecna, which had won a lucrative contract under the UN Oil-for-Food Program. Kofi Annan called for an investigation to look into the allegations, which stirred up the expected cesspool but couldn't seem to come up with enough evidence to indict Kofi himself, or even Kojo...
told the U.N. Security Council on Tuesday, after dozens of people were killed across the country despite a ceasefire.

"The situation in Syria continues to be unacceptable," Annan told a closed-door meeting. He spoke after a car boom rocked central Damascus
...Capital of the last overtly fascist regime in the world...
, wounding three people, while nearly 60 people were killed across the country a day earlier ahead of the deployment of 300 U.N. peace observers.

Earlier on Tuesday, Annan's front man said the Syrian government has not yet removed heavy weapons used to quash anti-regime protests as agreed in a U.N. ceasefire.

Spokesman Ahmad Fawzi said the truce was "extremely fragile" and urged Hereditary President-for-Life Bashir Pencilneck al-Assad
Before going into the family business Pencilneck was an eye doctor...
's government to fully implement its end of the deal.

"This means withdrawal of all heavy armory from population centers," he told U.N. broadcaster UNTV.

"They are claiming that this has happened. Satellite imagery however and credible reports show that this has not fully happened, so this is unacceptable."

He said Annan, the U.N. and Arab League
...an organization of Arabic-speaking states with 22 member countries and four observers. The League tries to achieve Arab consensus on issues, which usually leaves them doing nothing but a bit of grimacing and mustache cursing...
envoy for the crisis, planned to denounce the regime's failure to comply with the ceasefire in an address to a closed session of the U.N. Security Council later Tuesday.

He also said U.N. observers on the ground had entered areas like Homs and Hama and found that when they are there "the guns are silent". But when they leave, he said, "credible reports" indicate that fire resumes.

Fawzi's remarks came a day after nearly 60 people were reported killed across Syria despite the cease-fire and the upcoming deployment of 300 U.N. peace monitors.
Posted by: Fred || 04/25/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

#1  I thought the Sternly Worded Letter came next; what gives?
Posted by: Raj || 04/25/2012 9:25 Comments || Top||

#2  Syria is still seeing "unacceptable" levels of violence, international envoy Kofi Annan told the U.N. Security Council on Tuesday,

Perhaps Koffee would characterize 313 per 100k as being "acceptable."

Could be, we seldom hear about them.
Posted by: Besoeker || 04/25/2012 9:50 Comments || Top||

Iran Deploys 'Offensive, Defensive Systems' on Disputed Islands
[An Nahar] Iran has "deployed forces and equipment" in order to "defend" three islands in the Gulf that are claimed by the United Arab Emirates, Iran's state-run radio station quoted a bigwig as saying.

"Various types of offensive and defensive systems, including brigades of IRGC marines, have been deployed in the Iranian islands, especially in Abu Musa, the Lesser Tunb and the Greater Tunb," Commander of IRGC Naval Forces Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi said on Monday, according to the radio station's English-language website.

"Owing to the position of these islands, both in terms of defense and offense, the IRGC navy will allow no enemy to step onto these islands and even enter their territorial waters," Fadavi said, adding, "In case of any hostile move, aggressors will face a strong response."

He further reiterated Iran's "illusory sovereignty over the three islands," the radio station said.

Iran has written to the United Nations
...an idea whose time has gone...
reasserting its claim to illusory sovereignty over the three islands in the face of renewed counterclaims by the UAE, state media reported Friday.

Iran "decisively rejects claims made by the United Arab Emirates and Soddy Arabia, and reiterates that Abu Musa, Greater Tunb and Lesser Tunb are an inseparable part of Iranian soil," the official IRNA news agency and the state television
... and if you can't believe state television who can you believe?
website quoted the letter as saying.

A visit by Iran's diminutive President Mahmoud Short Round Ahmadinejad on April 11 to Abu Musa -- the only one of the islands which is inhabited -- sparked a storm of protest from both the UAE and its Gulf Arab allies.

On April 17, the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council called the visit "a flagrant violation of the illusory sovereignty of the United Arab Emirates over its three islands."

But Iran's letter insisted: "The recent visit to the island of Abu Musa by the president of the Islamic republic is based on right of illusory sovereignty and national integrity."

It said that Iran was ready to have "constructive talks" with the UAE over any "misunderstanding" emanating from "the implementation of documents exchanged in 1971."

The UAE has summoned Iran's ambassador to Abu Dhabi to denounce Ahmadinejad's visit to Abu Musa.

Emirati Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan has warned that if left unresolved, the issue "could jeopardize international security and peace."

This was followed by a warning from Ahmadinejad who said that Iran will respond with force to any threats to its territorial integrity.

"The armed forces and the army will inflict heavy regret and shame in case of any aggression against Iranian lands and interests," Ahmadinejad said, adding that Iran "is ready to protect its existence and illusory sovereignty."

Iran took control of the islands in 1971, when Britannia granted independence to its Gulf protectorates and withdrew its forces.

Abu Musa was placed under joint administration in a deal with Sharjah, now part of the UAE.
Posted by: Fred || 04/25/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

#1  Again, among other IMO Iran is "shaping the Battlefield" to counter any possible US-led ground invasion from the SoH + Main Gulf.

We already know from various MSM-Net Reports, Perts that none of Iran's Muslim neighbors, even those agz Iran e.g. Turkey + KSA, etc. will NOT allow the US-NATO to use their territories as staging areas for any MilStrikes, Campaigns agz Iran. THIS COULD POTEN CHANGE WID THE UAE ALA ABU MUSA + OTHER DISPUTED ISLANDS, hence Iran's action in deploying these assets.

Iran is also countering on LOCAL "ARAB/MUSLIM
/SHIA SPRINGS" to destabilize the Arabian Peninsula side of the PG, and result in pro-Islamist Govts. that will continue denying access as above to the US-NATO. IRAN ONLY NEEDS THEM TO BE NEUTRAL BUT ALSO ANTI-US, NATO AS PER DENIAL.

That leaves the Sea of Oman + outer Seas where US Nuke Carriers + Amphib Forces can be targeted, damaged or destroyed, by LR Iranian firepower, to include that of NUKE-ARMED MUSLIM NATIONS ALLIED WID IRAN E.G. PAKISTAN. ALso good for Mama Russia since the Mullahs' willingness to detonate Nukes-WMDS [CBRNE(M)...] ON THEIR OWN SOIL TO DEFEAT A US-LED INVASION FORCE RISKS RADIOACTIVE OR CONTAMINATED CLOUDS FORMING VERY CLOSE TO RUSSIA + EX-SSRS.





* WORLD NEWS > THE PENTAGON IS TAKING THE [US]FIGHT AGZ IRAN TO SOUTH AMERICA, in response to intensive Iranian diplomatic + econ overtures there.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 04/25/2012 0:29 Comments || Top||

#2  Outside of the Persian Gulf, SoH, + Sea of Oman, etc. Iran has ...





Besides US Marines coming to Guam, + USDOD-JSDFS on Tinian in CNMI.

CHINA will not like any of these moves by the US-Allies, BUT IRAN WILL.

Yep, Yessirree, You betcha.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 04/25/2012 0:50 Comments || Top||


Indirectly, vee its desire to dev its own Missle Defense = ASMD Sys.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 04/25/2012 0:53 Comments || Top||

Car bomb hits Damascus as more die in 'ceasefire'
Sowing and reaping...
[Dawn] A car boom on Tuesday rocked central Damascus,
...Home to a staggering array of terrorist organizations...
a day after nearly 60 were killed across Syria despite a hard-won ceasefire and the upcoming deployment of 300 UN peace monitors.

Three people were maimed when the blast went off in the Marjeh district of the capital, Syrian state television
... and if you can't believe state television who can you believe?
reported, blaming "terrorists", the government term for rebels.

"An armed terrorist group detonated the car boom near the Yelbugha complex in Marjeh, wounding three people and causing damage to nearby buildings," it said.

State news agency SANA said the bomb was placed under the car of an unsuspecting man, who was among those hurt.
The blast came as the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said violence across the country killed 54 civilians and five soldiers on Monday, despite the tenuous ceasefire.

Thirty-one of the civilians died in a government assault on the Arbaeen neighbourhood in the central city of Hama and 13 others, including women and kiddies, died in a mine blast in the village of Jarjanaz, in northwestern Idlib province.

Video footage posted online by activists showed a street in Arbaeen with large pools of blood and women weeping. Two maidens of tender years were shown in one video crying and holding up the picture of a man.

"This is my father," cries one girl.

The violence occurred despite the April 12 ceasefire, and the presence of an advance team of UN monitors to implement the truce.
Posted by: Fred || 04/25/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

Terror Networks
Senior US State official sez War on Terrorism is over.
Posted by: Besoeker || 04/25/2012 03:34 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Oh my goodness, Foggy Bottom is far foggier on Islam than I thought.

These guys are going to get a lot of us killed.

Embrace Islam? So it can stab us in the back?

Have they ever read the Quran?

Those nutjobs are commanded by their religion to kill all of us that do not convert.

Give a lefty a desk and a pad of paper and you get this crap. The first thing Romney should do is cut the phones and internet, take away their pads and pencils, and send everyone of the people that wrote this to Somalia to embrace Islam first hand.

I need some aspirin, I have a migraine coming on and my nose is starting to bleed.
Posted by: Bill Clinton || 04/25/2012 10:13 Comments || Top||

#2  If I think about this too much, I'll be pissing blood next.
Posted by: Bill Clinton || 04/25/2012 10:13 Comments || Top||

#3  So we can get rid of the TSA now?
Posted by: newc || 04/25/2012 12:03 Comments || Top||

#4  Can't yank everyone out of Afghanistan before you put this figleaf on.
Posted by: rjschwarz || 04/25/2012 14:37 Comments || Top||

#5  Was State ever in the war on terror?
Posted by: Water Modem || 04/25/2012 14:55 Comments || Top||

#6  In the New Jedi Order novels, the galaxy is invaded by the Yuuzhan Vong (who command a fleet of deadly bioships and combine all the worst aspects of the Aztecs, the conquistadores, and the Mad Mullahs, with extra emphasis on pain and suffering). The war was not over merely with the destruction of the Praetorite Vong and the defeat of Shedao Shai. No, the horror was still only beginning, as the suits on Coruscant found out the hard way--although the corrupt Supreme Chancellor did die a hero.
Posted by: Korora || 04/25/2012 15:27 Comments || Top||

#7  Senators, not suits. PIMF.
Posted by: Korora || 04/25/2012 15:36 Comments || Top||

#8  Can we get rid of the DHS and TSA since its over then?
Posted by: Yosemtie Sam || 04/25/2012 16:31 Comments || Top||

#9  "Was State ever in the war on terror?"

Sure, WM - on the other side.
Posted by: Barbara || 04/25/2012 16:48 Comments || Top||

#10  Obama cannot claim victory as his personal accomplishment, unless the conflict has ended. Unfortunately he has thusfar been unable to bribe his way out of the conflict with the Taliban or the leadership of Pakistan.
Posted by: Besoeker || 04/25/2012 17:30 Comments || Top||

Posted by: Glunter Sforza3954 || 04/25/2012 17:52 Comments || Top||


The constitutional crime of treason has been rarely enforced (barely 30 cases in 225 years). At English common law, it has traditionally been the one carrying the most stigma, punishable not only by death, but a exceptionally cruel method of death. A treason conviction today still carries the death sentence, but nothing exceptional, and in fact, usually a pardon. The crime of seditious conspiracy (carrying a twenty year sentence) has mostly taken its place where the offenders are commonly referred to as "traitors." The last round of American use involved eight treason indictments following WWII: one for the mistreatment of prisoners; two for spying; and five for making propaganda broadcasts on behalf of the enemy (e.g. Axis Sally and Tokyo Rose). The constitutional basis for the crime of treason comes from Article III, Section 3, Paragraph 1 (codified in USC Section 2381), which reads: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or, in adhering to their Enemies, giving them aid and comfort." The "aid and comfort" clause has been interpreted by the Supreme Court to require proof of four elements where the two-witness rule is considered the hardest to prove.


an intent to betray the United States (which can be inferred from);

an overt act

witnessed by two people

that provides aid and comfort to an enemy of the United States

In practice, the crime of treason consists of two elements based on the two major clauses: adherence to the enemy; and rendering them aid and comfort. Both elements are necessary. It is legal for a citizen to intellectually or emotionally favor the enemy or harbor sympathies toward the enemy or even appear disloyal to their country (in the U.S. at least; other countries have different views of treason). As long as this citizen commits no act of aid and comfort to the enemy, there is no treason. Likewise, a citizen may legally take actions which do aid and comfort the enemy (say making speeches, going on strike, or profiteering in some way), but as long as there is no adherence to the enemy and their mental state betrays no intentional disloyalty, there is no treason. Perhaps someone knows what to do to get our country back and the list goes on!
Posted by: Snaviter Hupineck9849 || 04/25/2012 18:13 Comments || Top||

#13  Muslim Brother Hood at White House Walking with Al Qaeda in Egypt etc. etc. etc. Just go through the code book 7th grade level of reading at best!
Posted by: Snase Poodle6754 || 04/25/2012 18:15 Comments || Top||


Providing direct material support in terms of "resources," "training," or "expert advice and assistance" is illegal if it occurs in proximity to terrorism. Sometimes called "proximity crime," direct material support to a designated terrorist organization is illegal under 18 USC. 2339A and 2339B (the "material support" laws). More indirect material support is illegal under 18 USC 2339 via the Anti-Terrorism Act (18 USC 2333). These laws have been challenged in court and amended by legislatures, but the basic idea stands -- that designation of a group as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) places everyone on notice that even mere (or indirect) support of any such organization is unlawful. Some courts, the 9th Circuit for example, in Humanitarian Law Project v. Reno (2000), have been troubled by the law's overly vague language. "Training" is a worrisome term because it could conceivably sweep in benign academic instruction, and "expert advice and assistance" could very well include free speech advocacy of some cause. The government's official interpretation is that any such training and expertise should be of a technical or scientific nature. This still raises questions about the right of association (i.e., "guilt by association"), and as McCormack (2005) puts it, also raises questions about vagueness and overbreadth as well as issues of due process regarding the methods of designating some organization terrorist in the first place.
Posted by: Omulet Dribble1691 || 04/25/2012 18:17 Comments || Top||

#15  Thugburg Rantburg
19947 records are archived on Thugburg.

Very nice. You know how to use a web form..

Do not dump a database data set in the comments again.
Posted by: Uneager Noodleman7000 || 04/25/2012 18:29 Comments || Top||

#16  Peace in our Time!

Posted by: swksvolFF || 04/25/2012 21:54 Comments || Top||

#17  The Islamic struggle wasn't ended just becuz the Crusaders captured Jerusalem.

PEACE/ARMISTICE is a mere aberration.


Nice to think about, though.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 04/25/2012 23:37 Comments || Top||

Posted by: JosephMendiola || 04/25/2012 23:41 Comments || Top||

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  Afghan capital hit by blasts, gun attack
Sat 2012-04-14
  U.S. drone strike kills 7 al-Qaeda members in Yemen
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  23 Reportedly Dead as Syria Regime, Opposition Trade Charges of Breaking Ceasefire
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