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3 booms at Egyptian resort town
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Save Darfur!
There will be a rally in DC on Sunday. Come if you can. See below for more info.

Posted by: liberalhawk || 04/24/2006 10:50 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Somebody please clarify: Is this a muslim on muslim conflict, or not? Not sure yet if I can get behind this.
Posted by: BH || 04/24/2006 15:06 Comments || Top||

#2  Does the U.N. knoe about that there'e trouble in Dafur?
Posted by: Mike N. || 04/24/2006 15:19 Comments || Top||

#3  What's a Darfur?
Posted by: U.N. || 04/24/2006 15:21 Comments || Top||

#4  B.H. The website confirms your suspicion. This is taken from the "History" section of the sight.

"The war, which risks inflicting irreparable damage on a delicate ethnic balance of seven million people who are uniformly Muslim"
Posted by: Mike N. || 04/24/2006 15:43 Comments || Top||

#5  1. Yes, the govt is muslim, and the victims are muslims. Not sure why that should matter. Look at the site - sponsoring groups include a ranger of Jewish orgs, including Orthodox.

2. Yeah, the UN knows. Jan Egland (?) the UN rep over there, was stopped by the Sudan govt from going to Darfur. What the UN can do, in the way of sanctions, is limited by the Chinese veto. Right now theres an african union force there, but its too small, too poorly supported, and has too little authority. Proposal to create a UN force, opposed by Sudan. Not clear if China will veto that, but my guess is they will. A NATO force will be an alternative.
Posted by: liberalhawk || 04/24/2006 15:43 Comments || Top||

#6  Osama bin Laden seems to think supporting the Khartoum govt is important, despite Darfuris being muslims. Darfuris are not arabs, and are of lesser "value" than Arabs. Much as Kurds and Berbers are.
Posted by: liberalhawk || 04/24/2006 15:45 Comments || Top||

#7  The part about the U.N. was a wisecrack. Just picking on how limp theyt are in these matters.
They just might actually be more limp in the Sudan than they where in Rowanda. If that's even possible.
What's with the Chinese veto? Would they by chance be arming one or more side of ths conflict.
Posted by: Mike N. || 04/24/2006 15:48 Comments || Top||

#8  China imports most of Sudans oil, and yes, sells weapons to the govt of Sudan. Nick Kristoff of the NYT did a column the other day on Chinese involvement.
Posted by: liberalhawk || 04/24/2006 15:50 Comments || Top||

#9  The site links to the Kristoff column, under "latest news"
Posted by: liberalhawk || 04/24/2006 15:51 Comments || Top||

#10  That explains it perfectly. Now that I know the Chinese are against it, then I am all for intervention in the Sudan.
It's things like the Chinese interest that a person doesn't hear about unless they check out places like the 'Burg, and get he scoop from someone like the Hawk.
Posted by: Mike N. || 04/24/2006 15:56 Comments || Top||

#11  Yes, the govt is muslim, and the victims are muslims. Not sure why that should matter.

It matters a great deal to me, so I want to make sure I understand the situation correctly.
Posted by: BH || 04/24/2006 16:00 Comments || Top||

#12  I'll have a piece in the Weekly Standard on this and Osama's rant's relationship to it tomorrow.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/24/2006 16:03 Comments || Top||

#13  Save Rhodesia!
Posted by: Besoeker || 04/24/2006 16:04 Comments || Top||

#14  Thankyewverymuch. Just a little late, though.
Posted by: Ian Smith || 04/24/2006 16:18 Comments || Top||

#15  Liberalhawk, I was under the impression that not only do they sell arms to the government, but that they have boots on the ground in the SE part of the country.
Posted by: Phil || 04/24/2006 16:39 Comments || Top||

#16  havent heard that Phil.
Posted by: liberalhawk || 04/24/2006 16:40 Comments || Top||

#17  It's not in the Darfur region but according to the reports I've heard they're in the oil-producing region, and moved in during the negotiations for the cease-fire there.

Let me see if I can check the search function.
Posted by: Phil || 04/24/2006 16:47 Comments || Top||

#18  There's a couple hundred attached to a UN peacekeeping force in the area around where the Sudan was having its last civil war (see strategypage here and supposedly enforcing the peace agreement between the SPLA and the government.

There is reportedly a separate contingent that's mainly there to protect a chinese-government-owned pipeline.

There are more exaggerated and alarmist figures running around the net, but I doubt them.
Posted by: Phil || 04/24/2006 17:00 Comments || Top||

#19  Sudan -- ultimately the creation of Egyptian slave raiders -- should be at least trisected. Country One: Northern and Central Nile Valley (Arab and Muslim). Country Two: Darfur (Muslim and non-Arab, mostly Fur). Country Three: The South (Christian and Animist, non-Arab, Nuer and Dinka). But what about the Nuba Hills of Kordofan, also bitterly exploited (Muslim majority, but many Christians and animists, 50 separate languages)? And the Red Sea Coast (Muslim, Beja-speaking, occasionally in rebellion)?

Right now, Sudan is an Arab empire. Time to decline and fall.
Posted by: pagan infidel || 04/24/2006 17:00 Comments || Top||

#20  Phil, is this a typical U.N. peacekeeping force? The kind that aren't allowed to protect anybody.
Posted by: Mike N. || 04/24/2006 17:04 Comments || Top||

#21  And I have to go now; I've been looking further for actual figures, and I found something interesting on what I consider to be a dishonest site here (ask me later when I have a couple days on why I htink the peak oil people are dishonest) but I have too much work to do getting my oil production quota done to mess with it further today.

The spice must flow!
Posted by: Phil || 04/24/2006 17:04 Comments || Top||

#22  NATO has already negated the possibility of taking over from the [useless] African Union troops. China will veto anything the UN Security Council comes up with -- they prefer the government of Sudan in turmoil beholden to them, to ensure their oil supply. The Sudanese ("Arab"/Muslim) government is not interested in interference by a competent military as they proceed to drive off/murder the Black/Muslim citizenry, stealing land, cattle and slaves in the process, as is their natural right as Uebermenschen. At one point the figure 10,000 deaths per month was bandied about, the direct result of government-sponsored activities by the Janjaweed militias. After all, Sudan's Arab/Muslims had to turn their excess energy to another little Lebensraum project after the world interfered in their attempted erasure of the Black/non-Muslim citizens in the south of the country.

I'm afraid I don't see what this rally will accomplish -- given that the major parties have already taken positions on the matter -- except to bring the situation to the attention of America and, if the number of participants is large enough, to goose some politicians into doing something (perhaps allowing the Black/Muslim refugees to come here in some numbers? or, in view of Bin Laden's latest statement, to send in some Special Forces types to help the Black/Muslims to set up a suitable defence against the government "Janjaweed" aggressors?).
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/24/2006 17:20 Comments || Top||

#23  There are several thousand Chinese 'engineers' in Sudan mostly working in the oil industry. I believe they have their own security teams, which could well be PLA or other government agency.
Posted by: phil_b || 04/24/2006 17:24 Comments || Top||

#24  TW

I havent given up on a NATO force. I can assure you, however, that something will only be done if there is pressure for it to be done.
Posted by: liberalhawk || 04/24/2006 17:31 Comments || Top||

#25  I find it a bit distrubing that when they Kartoum Govt was killing the Christians in the South, nobody said a word. Now that is muzzi on muzzi we hold rallies. I agree that it will do no good.
Posted by: 49 Pan || 04/24/2006 17:54 Comments || Top||

#26  liberalhawk, I really don't think NATO is going to budge. They resent having been forced into actual activity in Afghanistan (even as the various Special Forces units revel in the opportunity to use their skills). However, I think sendng in some Rangers (or Green Berets or something) to train the locals in self-defence would be better in the long run. Teach a man to fish, and all that. I just would have been more pleased, and think it would have increased the likelihood of having an impact, had the rally taken place a year or two ago, before how many hundreds of thousands been driven out, enslaved or killed.

But I do wish y'all good luck with the rally -- pleasant weather and lots of people.

And I cant' wait to read Dan Darling's article tomorrow.
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/24/2006 18:03 Comments || Top||

#27  I'm back.

Re: the Chinese troops... earlier, I was looking through Google, and according to some sites some of the ones not attached to the peacekeeping group may have been more like security guards than an armed force.

Also, regarding Darfur itself: there may be opportunities to work with Chad on the situation, especially if they're at war with Sudan to begin with. Which will give you a decent slogan right there.
Posted by: Phil || 04/24/2006 18:44 Comments || Top||

#28  what TW said Dan!
Posted by: RD || 04/24/2006 23:44 Comments || Top||

#29  What TW said!! What 49 Pan said.

Once again, LH - you stand with your party instead of being right.
Posted by: 2b || 04/24/2006 23:58 Comments || Top||

3 Taliban, 2 Afghans killed
Fierce fighting across southern Afghanistan killed at least three Taliban militants and two security personnel on Sunday, as Britain’s defence secretary said military offensives must continue to prevent Al Qaeda and Taliban troops regaining power here.

Afghan police and soldiers surrounded Taliban militants hiding in a village in the volatile Gelan district of Ghazni province before launching a gunfight at about 1:30 pm, said provincial Governor Haji Sher Alam.

Both sides used AK-47 assault rifles in the ongoing battle, about 125 kilometres southwest of the capital Kabul, which left three Taliban fighters and one policeman dead, Alam said.

Earlier on Sunday, Taliban militants attacked a US-backed Afghan construction company on the Uruzgan-Kandahar highway near a southern Kandahar village where a day earlier four Canadian soldiers died in a suspected Taliban roadside bombing.

A group of heavily armed militants launched a two-hour gun battle against the headquarters of the Thavazoo company in Shah Wali Kot district, about 40 kilometres north of Kandahar city, said Haji Mohammed Youssef, the company’s director.

One guard was killed and two wounded before the remaining security personnel fled, Youssef said. The Taliban fighters then entered the compound, burned 14 trucks and bulldozers and stole equipment before escaping.

Youssef said coalition forces gave him a contract to build a 40-kilometre stretch of road, 25 kilometres of which had been completed.

“Coalition forces are giving us money to help rebuild our country, but the enemies of Afghanistan don’t want us to succeed,” he said.

Coalition troops must maintain the offensive against Taliban and Al Qaeda militants in Afghanistan to prevent their return to power, Britain’s visiting defence secretary said on Sunday.

John Reid also suggested that British troops would remain in Afghanistan for at least three more years, including in the volatile Helmand province, which he described as one of this country’s most dangerous regions. “We would be perfectly happy to leave in three years time without firing one shot because our mission is the reconstruction (of Afghanistan),” Reid said during a press conference in Kabul.

“The greatest danger of all for the people of Afghanistan and the people of the United Kingdom would be if Afghanistan ever again came under the rule of a Taliban regime prepared to protect Al Qaeda or terrorist groups,” Reid said.

“I think it is no secret that Helmand province is a more difficult area than either the north or the west,” he said. “We have known that for some time, which is why there is such a strong force (there).”

Rising violence is a growing concern for nations contributing troops to a force operating under a NATO mandate in Afghanistan. The force is to rise from its current 10,000 soldiers to about 21,000 by November as it gradually assumes command of all international troops in the country. Some 6,000 mainly British, Canadian and Dutch soldiers have started deploying in the south, which abuts the mountainous frontier with Pakistan.

US and Afghan soldiers also arrested 16 Taliban members in two raids Saturday in the southern Zabul province, which neighbours Kandahar, local Afghan army commander Gen Rahmattalluh Roufi said on Sunday. “The Americans are questioning them now to see if they are important Taliban members or not,” Roufi said.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/24/2006 04:17 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  More good news our TSM (Terrorist Supporting Media) will not cover. It's not anti-American and no USA troops were killed by porKoranimals.

Posted by: Angavitch Uneretch8855 || 04/24/2006 17:19 Comments || Top||

Three Taliban among five killed in Afghanistan
Fierce fighting across southern Afghanistan killed at least three Taliban militants and two security personnel on Sunday, as Britain’s defence secretary said military offensives must continue to prevent Al Qaeda and Taliban troops regaining power here.
Didn't take long to realize they weren't just going to be peacekeepers, did it?
Afghan police and soldiers surrounded Taliban militants hiding in a village in the volatile Gelan district of Ghazni province before launching a gunfight at about 1:30 pm, said provincial Governor Haji Sher Alam. Both sides used AK-47 assault rifles in the ongoing battle, about 125 kilometres southwest of the capital Kabul, which left three Taliban fighters and one policeman dead, Alam said.
3 to 1's not bad. I'll bet the cops cheated, though: they aimed their AK-47s...
Earlier on Sunday, Taliban militants attacked a US-backed Afghan construction company on the Uruzgan-Kandahar highway near a southern Kandahar village where a day earlier four Canadian soldiers died in a suspected Taliban roadside bombing. A group of heavily armed Pakistanis militants launched a two-hour gun battle against the headquarters of the Thavazoo company in Shah Wali Kot district, about 40 kilometres north of Kandahar city, said Haji Mohammed Youssef, the company’s director. One guard was killed and two wounded before the remaining security personnel fled, Youssef said. The Taliban fighters then entered the compound, burned 14 trucks and bulldozers and stole equipment before escaping.
Posted by: Fred || 04/24/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Africa Horn
Another Floating Commando Base
April 24, 2006: The U.S. Navy recently sent the Trenton Expeditionary Strike Group (amphibious carrier USS Trenton and her escorts) off to the Indian Ocean, without the normal complement of marines. Since these ships are believed to be supporting counter-terror operations, sending a ship like the LPD Trenton to sea without its normal complement of marines indicates that the ship may be used as a floating base for UAVs and SOF (special operations forces).

A similar task was assigned a navy carrier in 2002, to support SOF operations in Afghanistan. The Trenton, and her two escorts (a destroyer and a cruiser, and possibly a nuclear sub as well), could support SOF operations ashore in Somalia, or Iran.
It's a little early for SOF Ops in Iran, more likely Somalia, Yemen or the Sudan

Posted by: Steve || 04/24/2006 10:14 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Working the SeaBase theory in live fire.
Posted by: 6 || 04/24/2006 13:21 Comments || Top||

#2  Lots of interesting things happening in East Africa.
Posted by: RWV || 04/24/2006 13:22 Comments || Top||

#3  No, I'll bet your first born they are in Iran right now. Let the fun begin.
Posted by: Spolump Chavitch5462 || 04/24/2006 16:57 Comments || Top||

#4  I wish these reporters would get their act together. The Trenton (LPD-14) is not an "amphibious carrier"; those are LHAs and LHDs. The Trenton has a flight deck, but can only operate one or two helecopters at a time. What it does have is lots of berthing for troops and command and control spaces as well as landing craft and vehicle/equipment storage space. Also, recent rumor had it that the Indian Navy was interested in buying the Trenton. Its possible that we might let the Indians "try before buy" at some point during the cruise.
Posted by: 74 || 04/24/2006 19:11 Comments || Top||

#5  Rantburg U strikes again! Thanks, 74. Oh, and you've an interesting website, too. :-)
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/24/2006 19:30 Comments || Top||

#6  Agree wid Steve - with the Spetzlamists striking all along the world's vital trade and oil routes, it behooves Dubya & Company to secure the accesses to and from the Persian Gulf and support routes. Don't think its INDIA becuz such ops is still too advanced for its Navy yet - they're still getting used to having both modern + reliable equipment.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 04/24/2006 21:27 Comments || Top||

Africa North
3 booms at Egyptian resort town - hotels, restaurant targeted
Three explosions rocked the Egyptian resort city of Dahab at the height of the tourist season Monday night, killing at least 17 people and wounding more than 150 at just one hotel, according to the doctor who runs Egypt's Sinai Peninsula rescue squad. Dr. Said Essa said he was headed to the scene of the blasts and that his casualty figures were for victims at the el-Khaleeg Hotel only. He said there were casualties from the other explosions but he had no details. Al-Jazeera television said one of the blasts hit a restaurant, and authorities said more than 20 ambulances and police cars were rushing to the el-Masbat section of the city. This is high tourist season in the region, and hotels all along the Egyptian coasts could be expected to be at near capacity. Dahab is located on the Gulf of Aqaba on the eastern side of the Sinai Peninsula.

UPDATE DEBKA: At least 22 killed, 170 injured in three big blasts at Dahab on eastern Sinai coast Monday night. Egyptian officials reporting this claim the explosions caused by devices activated by timers – not suicide bombers.

Most tourists were Europeans on Easter break. No word of Israeli casualties. One explosion at the Gazala hotel said to have left 17 dead, 150 injured. Two other blasts struck a small supermarket and a bridge. Egyptian police seal access and exit to and from Dahab and closes the Taba border terminal. Israeli Magen David medical aid has gone on high emergency and sent ambulances with paramedics and blood supply to Taba. Israeli defense minister offers Egypt medical aid. Many private cars are helping ambulances evacuate casualties. The blasts hit the resort one day after Osama bin Laden released audiotape threatening the "crusader Zionists."

A year ago, 88 people, many of them tourists, were killed in a triple blast at Sharm el-Sheikh to the south of Dahab. Two years ago, many Israelis died in multiple al Qaeda attacks in Sinai.

DEBKAfile's counter-terror sources add: This year, Israelis joined the stream of foreign tourists to Sinai after Egypt informed Israel and the United States that its security forces had cleared the al Qaeda cells out of their sanctuaries in the central Sinai Hilal mountain range and the Bedouin tribes and the peninsula resorts were now safe. For the first time in three years, Jerusalem did not issue a warning to Israeli travelers to stay clear of Sina for the Passover holiday which ended last week.

Haaretz: Three explosions rocked Egypt's Sinai resort town of Dahab on Monday night, leaving at least 30 people dead and 160 wounded. One blast hit a hotel, a second a restaurant and the third explosion rocked the resort town's market area about 7:15 p.m. local time (1715 GMT). Egyptian authorities said the blasts were likely not caused by suicide bombers but rather bombs that had been planted. There was no immediate claim of responsibility.

Dr. Said Essa, head of the Egyptian rescue forces in the region, said at least 17 people were killed at the el-Khaleeg Hotel alone. An official with the local ambulance service said many of the dead appeared to be foreigners but there were no immediate reports of any Israeli casualties.

Rescue forces in the southern Israeli city of Eilat are on highest alert and are prepared for an evacuation of wounded Israelis back north across the border. Magen David Adom emergency medical services said is has about 20 ambulances were standing by at the Taba border crossing between Israel and Egypt if needed. MDA offered rescue assistance to its Egyptian counterpart through the International Red Cross and the Egyptian Red Crescent but has not received a reply, the service said in a statement. Eilat's hospital is calling on people to donate blood.

Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz ordered the Israel Defense Forces to offer rescue and medical assistance to Egypt. There was no immediate response to the offer. The IDF moved into a higher state of alert and rescue and medical units in the Homefront Command increased their level or readiness. Channel 10 TV reported the IDF had closed the Taba crossing, preventing vehicles from entering Sinai. It said a stream of Israeli vehicles were leaving Egypt. "We don't know of Israelis" who were hurt, Israel's ambassador to Egypt, Shalom Cohen, told Channel 10, though some Israelis were known to be in Dahab. This is high tourist season - part of a five-day Egyptian holiday - and hotels all along the Egyptian coasts could be expected to be at near capacity.

"There is smoke coming from the area and there are people running everywhere," said a witness, who did not want to be named. Body parts and debris were seen in the streets after an explosion in a tourist restaurant, other residents said. One visitor said cars and buses leaving the resort were being stopped by police. "There were body parts and debris in the street ... There are ambulances and cars taking people to hospital," said another resident who also did not want to be named. Dahab is located on on the Gulf of Aqaba on the eastern side of the Sinai Peninsula. Monday is part of a five-day spring holiday in Egypt.

Cohen said the best thing Israeli tourists in Sinai could do now would be to "go home." Cohen said there have been repeated warnings from the Israeli government against visiting the Sinai Desert, where Israelis have been targeted in attacks in the past. "Unfortunately, the warnings came true," he said.

There have been a string of attacks in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula over the past 18 months, including deadly Al-Qaida-style bombings in the Egyptian resorts of Taba and Ras Shitan in October 2004 and in Sharm el-Sheikh in July. Groups claiming links to Al-Qaida took responsibility for those attacks, and Egyptian authorities say new Islamic militant groups have arisen in the peninsula - but they are still trying to determine if they have any real connection to al-Qaida or other international terrorists.
Posted by: Seafarious || 04/24/2006 14:25 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Why do people vacation in Egypt?
Posted by: 3dc || 04/24/2006 14:48 Comments || Top||

#2  big Pharoah (a pro democracy blogger in Egypt) went on vacation to the Red Sea

he has posted pictures of some of the resorts there and they look pretty nice

see: http://www.bigpharaoh.com/
Posted by: mhw || 04/24/2006 14:57 Comments || Top||

#3  Is this a response to Bin Laden's call over the weekend to attack Egyptians? Or just same old same old?
Posted by: Glenmore || 04/24/2006 15:02 Comments || Top||

#4  I hope they didn't get any Israelis this time. Peace be upon those murdered, and a speedy recovery for the wounded innocents.
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/24/2006 15:16 Comments || Top||

#5  Not sure I can muster a lot of sympathy for visitors to Egypt. You knew what they were when you bought yer ticket.
Posted by: BH || 04/24/2006 15:20 Comments || Top||

#6  I figure unhappy coincident Glenmore.
Posted by: 6 || 04/24/2006 15:24 Comments || Top||

#7  I think these types of ops are planned well in advance...but perhaps they released Binny's statement as the go signal.
Posted by: Seafarious || 04/24/2006 15:31 Comments || Top||

#8  Damn, we can't seem to get to any western targets. Better blow up somethin. How bout those mooslims over there?

Posted by: Osamabinhidin || 04/24/2006 15:39 Comments || Top||

#9  I was there when it was still under Israeli control (called Di Zahav) in 1981. Its beautiful, beaches, coral, Sinai mountains in the distance, Saudi mountains on the other side of the Red Sea. Back in those days it was an Israeli-Euro hippie scene. Beduin young men coming to stare at topless Scandinavians, while Israelis played guitars and sold felafel and hung out (and aged beduin women came to sell pita that looked like theyd been making it the same way for 4000 years). Egyptians have built fancy hotels, IIUC.
Posted by: liberalhawk || 04/24/2006 15:48 Comments || Top||

#10  Looks to me like Richard Clarke's claim that Binny was reduced to commentator status is full of it, IMO. These were no doubt planned in advance, but that tape was almost certainly the "go" signal.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/24/2006 16:02 Comments || Top||

#11  Egyptians have built fancy hotels, IIUC.

On lands the Bedouin claim. And the Egyptians have been pushing the Bedouin hard RE land since Israel gave back the Sinai. Hence al-Qaeda finding receptive ears amongst the Bedouin.
Posted by: Colt || 04/24/2006 17:05 Comments || Top||

#12  Michael unMoored, "there is not terrorist threat". Right.

More of the same from the peaceful religion of puss.
Posted by: Whainter Elmeanter2751 || 04/24/2006 17:14 Comments || Top||

#13  Most tourists were Europeans on Easter break.

It's Orthodox Easter, so the vacations will be a lot of Russians, Southern and Eastern Europeans and Egyptian Copts.
Posted by: ed || 04/24/2006 19:04 Comments || Top||

#14  PBR interviewed a Swede who was near the bridge when a bomb went off and reported 2 Egyptians dead, several tourists injured by flying glass.

Posted by: Frozen Al || 04/24/2006 19:37 Comments || Top||

#15  The end result of us entering Iraq will be increased terrorist attacks across the globe.
Posted by: Mark Lerner || 04/24/2006 22:21 Comments || Top||

#16  gee Mark? Think that up all by yourself?
Posted by: Frank G || 04/24/2006 22:25 Comments || Top||

#17  Big Pharoah was not at the scene of the blast, and is OK.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 04/24/2006 22:30 Comments || Top||

GSPC massacres 7, amnesty offer flops
Suspected Algerian Islamist militants killed seven people and wounded eight on Sunday at a fake road block near the eastern town of Skikda, 700 km (430 miles) east of Algiers, a local resident said.

The resident, who asked not to be identified, said the 1000 GMT attack was carried out by members of the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC), an Islamist guerrilla group on a U.S. list of terrorist organisations. The attackers set up a fake police road block and opened fire at an approaching truck as it slowed down. The truck was carrying mostly communal guards -- security forces recruited from the local community who work under the authority of the interior ministry. Five communal guards and two civilians were killed.

The GSPC has said it endorses the aims of al Qaeda and Western and Algerian officials believe it has links to senior members of the global al Qaeda network.

This attack happened two weeks after Islamic rebels shouting "God is Greatest" killed 13 customs agents in the north African oil producer's southern desert. The government said army troops killed some of those attackers in subsequent reprisals.

The GSPC's head, Abdelmalek Droudkel, also known as Abou Mossab Abdelouadoud, has rejected President Abdelaziz Bouteflika's amnesty offer for rebels aimed at ending more than a decade of conflict in the OPEC member North African country.

Algeria has freed 2,200 jailed Islamist fighters under the amnesty since February, officials said. Some 800 rebels are still active, the authorities said. Fewer than 100 militants have surrendered in the past few weeks, according to officials.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/24/2006 04:32 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Soddies jug 5
Saudi authorities have arrested five Al Qaida operatives linked to the Feb. 24 attack on the Abqaiq refinery in the eastern portion of the kingdom. This brings to 18 the number of Al Qaida operatives suspected of being involved in the unsuccessful strike.

The Interior Ministry said the latest arrests -- announced last week -- were of those alleged to have prepared the vehicles in the apparent suicide strike on Abqaiq. Two vehicles filled with explosives were detonated before they could strike any major facilities in the refinery compound.

About 1.5 tons of explosives were found in a warehouse outside Riyad, the ministry said. The detainees were not identified.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/24/2006 04:22 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

2 dead in Sanaa grenade attack
Two people were killed and 18 more wounded yesterday when an attacker hurled a grenade into a crowded market in the Yemeni capital Sanaa where people were buying a popular narcotic plant. "Two men became embroiled in a row in the market. One man hit the other in the chest, who responded by throwing a hand grenade into the air," a police official said.
Always starts out like that. You argue over the price of qat, someone sez something that cousin Mahmoud doesn't like, then someone gets uppity, then someone pulls a grenade and BOOM! Everyone gets splattered.
Witnesses said the grenade fell on to a corrugated roof and exploded in the market, where merchants were selling qat, a highly popular mild narcotic leaf that is legal in Yemen. Six of the wounded were in a critical condition, suggesting that the death toll could rise, the police official said. The authorities blamed the incident, in the working class south eastern district of Shumaila, on the widespread use of illegal weapons in Yemen.

Security forces sealed off the area and launched a hunt for the man who fled after throwing the device. Earlier, witnesses and police had reported it was a bomb explosion.

A number of terrorism-related cases involving Islamist militants are currently under way in Yemen, one of the poorest countries on the planet. An official journal said earlier this month that 172 people were awaiting trial in Yemen for suspected links to Al-Qaeda. Many more have already been tried. Yemen is also facing an uprising by members of the minority Zaidi community, which has left hundreds of people dead over the past two years. The Zaidis are an offshoot of Shiite Islam and are dominant in northwestern Yemen, but form a minority in the mainly Sunni country. President Ali Abullah Saleh has accused Zaidi rebels of seeking to overthrow his republican regime. The rebels reject as illegitimate his government, which seized power in a 1962 coup known as the September 26 revolution, overthrowing the Zaidi imamate.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/24/2006 04:06 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

JMB cadre held in Tangail
A cadre of banned Islamist militant outfit Ja'amatul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB), allegedly trained in Afganistan, was arrested by Tangail DB police yesterday. The arrestee has been identified as Khandakar Mohammad Zobaer, 28, son of Khandakar Abdul Khalek of Meer Kumullee village in Delduar upazila in the district.

Police sources said, acting on a tip-off, a team of Tangail DB police raided a house at Meer Kumullee village at around 10 am and arrested JMB cadre Zobaer.
"Youse coming with us, Zobaer."
Nazrul Islam, Officer-in-Charge of Delduar police station, said Zobaer is one of the 30 listed JMB cadres in the upazila, escaping arrest since the August 17 bomb blasts in the district. He was trained in Afganistan on use of arms, he OC said quoting from his confessions.
Is there anyone who didn't train in Afghanistan?
Tangail DB police are quizzing Zobaer at its office under tight security, he said.
"The Number Four truncheon, please. And lower the blinds."
During primary interrogation Zobaer admitted his involvement in the August 17 bomb blasts at Tangail town, DB police sources said.
If he was your average commie cadre member, next step would be a late night trip to look for an "arms cache"
Posted by: Steve || 04/24/2006 10:20 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The rope is a nice touch, Banglacops.
Posted by: Seafarious || 04/24/2006 11:35 Comments || Top||

8 top JMB militants indicted for murder of judges
Apr 23: Top eight militants, including JMB chief Shaikh Abdur Rahman, second-in-command Bangla Bhai, Ataur Rahman Sunny and Abdul Awal, were today (Sunday) indicted for the killing of two judges here in a bomb attack last November.

As Additional District and Sessions Judge Reza Tarique Ahmed asked Shaikh Rahman about his involvement in the killings, he quipped, "The two judges were killed in the district as per instructions of Allah."
Wonder what the sentencing judge will say on your death sentence?
The supreme leader of the banned Islamic outfit—caged in custody along with most members of his family and his top-order lieutenants, vowed to carry on their mission of dismantling the manmade judicial system if they survived. "If we remain alive, killing security forces, judges, lawyers and people who are seeking judgement under the existing law will be continued until establishing Islamic law," said Shaikh Rahman.
Sounds like a confession.
He told the court that they had tried to forewarn the judges against executing the manmade law through distributing leaflets across the country and serial bombings on August 17, 2005. "But they didn’t go to Imams to know about the Islamic law. And that’s why they were killed."
Sounds like more of a confession.
The four other JMB men charged are suicide-squad member Iftekhar Hasan Al Mamun, Khaled Saifullah alias Amjad, Asadul Islam Arif and Sultan Hossain Khan of Krisnakati of Jhalakati. The last one is accused of helping the JMB militants rent a house in this southern coastal district. Khaled Saifullah alias Amjad, one of the seven members of Majlish-e-Shura, JMB’s policymaking body, and Asadul Islam Arif are on the run.

The charge was framed when the eight were produced before the court today (Sunday) morning amid tight security. A total of 175 police and over 100 RAB members were deployed on the court premises. Shaikh Abdur Rahman, Siddiqul Islam Bangla Bhai and Ataur Rahman Sunny were brought to the court from Dhaka under RAB protection today while the rest were brought and kept in the district jail on Saturday for producing them before the court.

The court fixed April 26 for next hearings in the judges’ murder case. Depositions will start from the same date. Ataur Rahman Sunny, Abdul Awal and Iftekhar Hasan Al Mamun admitted to having been involved in the incident, but Bangla Bhai and Sultan Hossain Khan pleaded not guilty.

Senior Assistant Judges Sohel Ahmed and Jagannath Pandey were killed when JMB suicide bomber Iftekhar Hasan Al Mamun allegedly set off a powerful bomb on their vehicle on November 14 last year.
Posted by: Steve White || 04/24/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Safe house destroyed in south Chechnya
A militant base has been destroyed in southern Chechnya. A police patrol on a search mission spotted a group of at least five armed militants outside the village of Avtury in the Shali district on Sunday morning. The gunmen opened fire when ordered to surrender, sources in the Chechen Interior Ministry told Interfax o Sunday Firing back, the armed group retreated to a forest, reportedly suffering losses.

A Kalashnikov rifle, viewing hoods for a shoulder-fired anti-tank grenade launcher and a passport under one of the militants' name, were discovered at the scene, the source said. The gunmen were chased, reached and attacked.

A militant base, protected by mines along its perimeter, was discovered during the operation. It had an arsenal, and a stock of food and medicines. Police did not sustain any losses. The search for illegal armed groups is continuing.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/24/2006 04:28 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  viewing hoods for a shoulder-fired anti-tank grenade launcher
A sight? A blast shield or a black bag?
Posted by: 6 || 04/24/2006 13:23 Comments || Top||

#2  Sir, the smell of camels is coming from that building, should I fire?

Well ya.

So I'm wondering how many of these militants (mooslum terrorist) were from yemen and arabia?
Posted by: Omoluck Angeager9738 || 04/24/2006 17:17 Comments || Top||

Turkish police detain 6 ‘Qaeda militants’
Turkish police have detained six suspected Al Qaeda militants they say were planning an armed attack in Turkey, the Anatolia news agency reported on Sunday. The six - five Turks and a foreign national - were detained in the southeastern city of Gaziantep in a police raid on a house, the agency said. It did not say when the raid took place, but said police had been watching the group for some time. One of the suspected militants, whom Anatolia identified as Fahad Abdurrahman El Cakmak, had travelled to Pakistan and Afghanistan, the report said.
The new hajj. Made his trip to the Promised Land and back...
Police seized several passports and identification cards and were inspecting a computer used by the militant group. Police in Gaziantep.
"We got nuttin' to say."
More than 70 suspected Al Qaeda militants including a Syrian national are on trial in Istanbul for alleged involvement in a series of suicide bombings that killed 58 people in the city in 2003. The Syrian, Loai Mohammad Haj Bakr al-Saqa, was allegedly the president of an informal court that sentenced British engineer Kenneth Bigley to death in Iraq in 2004. Al-Saqa’s lawyer told reporters on Saturday Bigley’s body was buried in a ditch at an entrance to the city of Fallujah in Iraq. The British Foreign Office said it was investigating the claim.
Posted by: Fred || 04/24/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Home Front: WoT
The invasion begins
Posted by: desnc || 04/24/2006 08:28 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Deport them all, IMMEDIATELY!
Posted by: Besoeker || 04/24/2006 10:38 Comments || Top||

#2  Last I checked, incitement to violence was illegal.
Posted by: Angirong Hupavish1490 || 04/24/2006 10:45 Comments || Top||

#3  Right up there in relevance with a march by the American Nazi party. Losers on parade.
Posted by: RWV || 04/24/2006 13:21 Comments || Top||

#4  "Islamic Thinkers Society"

Posted by: Glemble Spins6394 || 04/24/2006 13:44 Comments || Top||

#5  I was thinking maybe this was a future episode of "The Apprentice- Jihaddi edition". I think I saw George and Carolyn go by in a Taxi.
Posted by: Capsu 78 || 04/24/2006 19:40 Comments || Top||

Hizb ul-Mujahideen supremo bitches about peace moves
The commander of Kashmir's largest militant group said on Sunday Pakistan had caused "irreparable damage" to the Kashmiri fighters' cause by pursuing peace without winning more concessions from India.

Sayed Salahuddin, the leader of Hizb-ul-Mujahideen and chairman of the United Jihad Council grouping a dozen Kashmiri militant organisations, staged a protest last month over Pakistan's strategy in the peace process begun in early 2004.

"One-sided pragmatism and confidence building measures, which are not reciprocated by the Indian side, have caused irreparable damage to the ongoing freedom struggle in the (Kashmir) Valley," said Salahuddin in an e-mail response to Reuters.

The burly, bearded veteran of 17-year-old insurgency in Indian Kashmir said Kashmiri fighters were feeling abandoned.

"It has created an impression that Pakistan had now become exhausted in extending support to the Kashmir cause," he said, calling for "substantial support" for the movement to continue.

U.S. President George W. Bush, according to diplomats, is believed to have urged President Pervez Musharraf to do more to halt cross-border militancy in both Afghanistan and Indian-held Kashmir during a visit to Islamabad in early March.

Days after Bush's visit, Salahuddin's aides told Reuters that Pakistan had told the Hizb's leadership to stop cross-border infiltration, which usually picks up with the onset of spring.

According diplomats in Islamabad, Hizb was also told that funding, something Pakistan denies extending, was being cut back.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is clearly more satisfied with Pakistan's efforts, and there is a froth of expectation that the two sides could be close to an agreement to de-militarise the Siachen Glacier, a high-altitude battlefield they have fought over since the mid-1980s.

During a speech on March 24 in the western Indian city of Amritsar, Singh called for a "treaty of peace, security and friendship", and praised Musharraf.

The Indian Interior Ministry, according to reports, reckons security forces killed over 900 militants in 2005. Military officials in Srinagar, the summer capital of Indian Kashmir, estimated that half of them were Hizb and more had been killed in the first few months of 2006.

Salahuddin remained defiant, saying a truce would only be called once India agreed Kashmir was in dispute and had talks with both Paksitan and Kashmiris, returned its troops to their barracks, stopped military operations and released all prisoners.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/24/2006 04:47 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Muslims complaining about peace. Go figure.
Posted by: Whelet Uneang1570 || 04/24/2006 17:15 Comments || Top||

Pashtuns refuse to obey Pakistani edict on weapons
A paramilitary trooper and three tribesmen were killed yesterday in a shoot-out in a restive Pakistani tribal region, as authorities tried to enforce a ban on carrying arms, officials said.

The firefight broke out near Miranshah, the main town in North Waziristan, where close to 300 people have died in clashes between security forces and pro-Taleban tribal militants since early March. Tribesmen in a minibus opened fire after being ordered to hand over weapons at a checkpoint near a cemetery on the outskirts of the town. “Four men were killed, including three attackers and one Frontier Corps trooper, in an exchange of fire at the cemetery checkpost,” an intelligence official said.

He described the attackers as militants, and said two others had been arrested.

The fiercely independent Pashtun tribes of the area regard a display of weapons as part of their cultural identity, and Kalashnikovs and bandoliers are commonly referred to as “Pashtun jewellery”.
I want to snark that, I really do, but how?
After the clash, shopkeepers pulled down shutters in the main bazaar and helicopter gunships hovered overhead.

Hours earlier, militants distributed leaflets through the town urging tribesmen not to surrender weapons. The leaflets urged paramilitary troops, who are drawn from the tribes, to desert and fight against “Zionism and Christianity” instead of taking sides with “infidels”. “Don’t spoil your faith for a few rupees. You must quit the ranks of infidels in the war between America and Islam,” read a leaflet.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/24/2006 04:18 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  when kalishnikovs and bandoliers are outlawed, only Pashtuns will have Kalishnovs and bandoliers.
Posted by: liberalhawk || 04/24/2006 14:24 Comments || Top||

#2  "guns dont kill, tribal lashkars do"
Posted by: liberalhawk || 04/24/2006 14:24 Comments || Top||

#3  Taliban...
Posted by: SPoD || 04/24/2006 14:49 Comments || Top||

#4  to desert and fight against “Zionism and Christianity”

No jihad against the Hindoos?
Posted by: john || 04/24/2006 18:50 Comments || Top||

Pakistani soldier, 3 hard boyz killed
A Pakistani soldier and three miscreants were killed and several injured in a shoot-out in Pakistan's tribal region lying near the border with Afghanistan on Sunday, officials and witnesses said. The clash took place near a checkpost on the main road between Miranshah, the headquarters of North Waziristan, and Bannu, a major city near the tribal region, at around 10 am, they said.

Witnesses said that that a group of paramilitary soldiers signaled a van to stop but the driver did not stop his vehicle and the soldiers opened fire on it. They said that three armed tribesmen in the van returned fire, killing a soldier. Three tribesmen were killed in the firing by security forces.

Local officials said that two of the armed men were militants but witnesses said they were local citizens.

Sporadic firing started in parts of the city after the shooting and shopkeepers closed their shops. The people also stayed in their homes.

Correspondents said that the authorities called in helicopter gunships in view of the tense situation. Helicopters started flying but did not fire. A large number of paramilitary troops and several armored vehicles were deployed around the fort of the local militia to check any reaction.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/24/2006 04:07 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Maoist rebels storm Nepalese town
Rebels have launched an attack on the Nepalese town of Chautara, about 100km (60 miles) east of Kathmandu, sparking a battle with security forces. Hundreds of Maoists stormed the town and fought for six hours, attacking government offices and a prison, an official told Reuters news agency. Communications were cut and information on casualties was not available.

Kathmandu, the capital, is imposing a new curfew though the next big protest rally is not due until Tuesday. The measure is in force on Monday from 1100 (0515 GMT) until 1800.

The Chautara attack appeared to be "pretty big", the official told Reuters, declining to be named. District authorities, he added, had requested helicopter support and reinforcements were being rushed to the area. The area is said to be a stronghold for the rebels who control large swathes of the Nepalese countryside.

More than 13,000 people have died in the 10-year Maoist insurgency aimed at replacing the monarchy with a communist republic. Violence has escalated since the rebels ended a truce in January although they declared a cease-fire in Kathmandu this month as street protests began against King Gyanendra's absolutist rule.
Posted by: john || 04/24/2006 00:08 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  About a year ago I heard an NPR lady explain that the Maoist Rebels in Nepal were mainly women upset with their treatment by men.

So, to prove or disprove her thesis, were the stormers mainly women?

Posted by: 3dc || 04/24/2006 13:58 Comments || Top||

Three wounded in bomb explosion in Southwest Pakistan
At least three people were wounded in a bomb explosion at a bus stand in southwestern Pakistani province of Baluchistan on Sunday, said police. Some unknown terrorists had planted a time-bomb in a plastic bag near a bus stand on Circular road of Quetta, the provincial capital, police sources told KUNA. They said the explosion wounded at least three including a woman and also badly damaged a bus standing nearby. No group immediately claimed responsibility but police pointed finger at shadowy banned outfit, Baluch Liberation Army (BLA).
Posted by: Fred || 04/24/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Scrap explosions in Pakistan kill 1, wound 9
One man was killed and nine others including six children and a woman were wounded in two different explosions in metal scarps in Pakistan, said police. A dud rocket went off at a scrap-metal house in Bajaur agency, bordering Afghanistan, an official at local political administration told KUNA. The official said that explosion wounded six children and a woman of a same family and also caused property damage. In a related incident, a dud rocket exploded at a metal-scrap shop in eastern Lahore city of eastern Punjab province, said police. According to local police official, Nawaz Akram, the explosion took place in a congested Misrishah town. He said the explosion killed guard of the shop and wounded two others.
"Dang it, Mahmoud! I can't get the fuse off this here dud rocket. Hand me that claw hammer, wouldja?"
Posted by: Fred || 04/24/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "Hammer's busted...lemme fire up the oxy cutter."
Posted by: Grunter || 04/24/2006 8:04 Comments || Top||

Qaeda operative Suri was Syrian
A senior Al Qaeda operative killed in a restive tribal area bordering Afghanistan was a Syrian national, a senior minister said on Sunday.
I'll bet that was why he went by "al-Suri."
The Al Qaeda militant known as Abu Marwan al Suri was killed in a gunbattle with Pakistani soldiers on Thursday.
If he'd been an Egyptian, like they first said, he'd have called himself "Abu Marwan al-Masri," I'll betcha...
"I can confirm that he (al-Suri) was a Syrian national and an important member of the Al-Qaeda network," Interior Minister Aftab Sherpao told AFP. "His death is a big achievement because he was also an explosives expert," Sherpao said, adding that al-Suri regularly provided cash handouts to families of senior Al Qaeda operatives.
An explosives expert and a money man. He was positively ambidextrous...
He was obviously a real go-to guy. Here's hoping he was irreplaceable.
Security officials said the insurgent was killed near Khar, the main town in the Bajaur tribal district on Thursday after he was stopped at a checkpoint. "They called him for a body search and questioning. He came out of the vehicle then all of a sudden started firing at the paramilitary forces. They returned fire," one official said. One source said al-Suri may have killed himself to avoid capture. Al Suri was one of the targets of a US airstrike in January on the Damadola village in Bajaur, which killed 18 civilians and a handful of Al Qaeda suspects.
Posted by: Fred || 04/24/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I thought that Syrians took "al-Shams"

Suri is the seaweed they wrap round California rolls in Yo-sushi isnt it?
Posted by: Admiral Allan Ackbar || 04/24/2006 8:34 Comments || Top||

#2  Tom and Katie named their daughter "The Syrian"????
Posted by: Seafarious || 04/24/2006 8:43 Comments || Top||

#3  Dear, dear Tom is known for his face, not his brains, Seafarious. And most 'specially not for his skill with foreign languages.
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/24/2006 11:58 Comments || Top||

#4  Given Osama's recent rantings and demands for everyone to send him money and arms - Al Suri is sorely missed.
Posted by: Thinemp Whimble2412 || 04/24/2006 12:18 Comments || Top||

#5  Ambidextrious, I thought it made him amphibious!!
Posted by: Charles Shackelford || 04/24/2006 12:44 Comments || Top||

3 injured in blast, pipeline blown up
A bomb exploded at a local bus-stand here on Sunday evening injuring three people, said Quetta's Senior Superintendent of Police Ghulam Muhammad Dogar. An Afghan man had been carrying the explosives for "sabotage purposes", he said. Tribal militants blew up a pipeline supplying a major gas distribution plant on Sunday, said Dera Bugti District Coordination Officer Abdul Samad Lasi. The pipeline supplied gas to the plant in Dera Bugti from the Loti gas field, he added.
Posted by: Fred || 04/24/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Would a Bugti explode or die at the sight of a refinery?
Posted by: 6 || 04/24/2006 13:25 Comments || Top||

Leaflet attack in Miranshah
Anti-government pamphlets were distributed in Miranshah on Saturday night urging tribesmen not to surrender their arms. The pamphlets, bearing the name of an organisation called Mujahideen of North Waziristan, urged militias and khasadars to quit and join the fight against "infidel America". "Stay in your homes ... or wage jihad with mujahideen," one of the leaflets said. Another pamphlet said "Jews and Christians and their agents" wanted to enslave tribal people. "We are fighting with Jews and Christians, if you stop our path then be ready to meet your end."
Miranshah is, of course, swarming with Jews and Christians, who spend all their time oppressing the local Wazoos.
"Down with Christians! Up the Wazoo!"
Posted by: Fred || 04/24/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  So that's where OBL is! Pamphlets take the words right out of his mouth. "How can we wage jihad without weapons?"
Posted by: Thinemp Whimble2412 || 04/24/2006 12:29 Comments || Top||

#2  Yep that's even better than being "high on life"
Posted by: 6 || 04/24/2006 13:27 Comments || Top||

Four killed after tribesmen refuse to surrender arms in Waziristan
MIRANSHAH: Three local tribesmen and a Frontier Constabulary (FC) jawan were killed in a shootout on Sunday after the tribesmen refused to surrender their weapons at the Cemetery Army Checkpost, close to Miranshah in North Waziristan Agency.

The incident occurred at around 10:00am when FC jawans searched a passenger van coming from Mirali to Miranshah. The jawans asked the passengers to surrender their weapons to them, but the tribesmen refused and an angry argument was followed by firing. One FC jawan was killed and one injured when the passengers opened fire. The FC jawans returned fire and shot dead three passengers and injured three others.

Soon after the incident, helicopter gunships hovered over the area and shopkeepers closed their stores in Miranshah Bazaar.
Posted by: Fred || 04/24/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "I don't understand - we offered 'em the steak knives as compensation!"
Posted by: mojo || 04/24/2006 1:11 Comments || Top||

U.S. Prepares 'Super Base' in Iraq
Posted by: BrerRabbit || 04/24/2006 15:01 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Man......now Osamma knows
Posted by: kelly || 04/24/2006 15:57 Comments || Top||

#2  Ok, I'll say it...

All your base are belong to us!!

I feel better.
Posted by: DarthVader || 04/24/2006 16:11 Comments || Top||

#3  A very well placed super base. Convenient for air travel to such destinations as Syria and Iran. No cheap seats.
Posted by: Captain America || 04/24/2006 16:21 Comments || Top||

#4  There were lots of old Russian aircraft in various stages of decay still lying about a few years back as I recall. An interesting place for aviation enthusiasts.
Posted by: Besoeker || 04/24/2006 17:01 Comments || Top||

#5  What I don't get is why didn't they build it out in the country side, in an open area safe from mortar attacks. This one doesn't make sense to me.
Posted by: Greaque Glagum3242 || 04/24/2006 17:12 Comments || Top||

#6  We have had this planned for two years now. That is why we set up the Middle East Command (as of yet unnamed), which will be distinct from the Iraq Command, headed by a 3-star. I expect its area of interest to include the entire ME, central Asia, eastern and northeastern Africa.

This is a strategic re-org and goes far beyond Iraq. Ironically, while it is used as the C&C for the region, I expect its civilian-political twin will be the mengasso US embassy in Baghdad.

It will definitely be to our advantage to try and stimulate the ME to become like the European Common Market, giving economic stability to go along with military and political stability.

Give or take Iran, this could take another 50 years.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 04/24/2006 17:15 Comments || Top||

#7  That is why we set up the Middle East Command (as of yet unnamed)

Posted by: Robert Crawford || 04/24/2006 17:54 Comments || Top||

#8  "What I don't get is why didn't they build it out in the country side, in an open area safe from mortar attacks."

43 miles north of Baghdad places it on the Tigris River roughly halfway between Al Khalis and Balad. To me it looks enough like "countryside" to do the job...

Posted by: Dave D. || 04/24/2006 18:06 Comments || Top||

#9  SandCOM

Posted by: Dave D. || 04/24/2006 18:07 Comments || Top||

#10  Sat Photo of Balad.

Fairly high res. Zoom in and take a look around. You might find some interesting stuff...

On a related note, we also have three big airbases in Iraq's western desert.
Posted by: Parabellum || 04/24/2006 18:39 Comments || Top||

#11  Damn that is one hugh ass base.
Posted by: djohn66 || 04/24/2006 19:12 Comments || Top||

#12  I would point out that the amount of information coming from those three airfields is zero. Take a look through goole and you'll see that they appear quite well equipped.

That's a very interesting pic of stuff, too.

BTW. what has four engines and a wing span of over 200 ft.? It's parked on a taxi way north of your "stuff".
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 04/24/2006 20:53 Comments || Top||

#13  Post-Saigon unfied Vietnam said it best - the D*** Soviets are just "Americans without money", whilst the Chicoms were penniless Vietnamese with no pennies or less-than-a-penny. Once western democratic governments with local characteristics is securely installed, more often than not the new local Govts. ask Americans to stay to boost the economy.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 04/24/2006 21:20 Comments || Top||

#14  Chuck - the C-5 Galaxy military cargo plane. Wingspan of about 220 feet, 4 engines.

If need be, it can transport a couple tanks. The M-1s weigh 60-69 tons (120,000 - 138,000 lbs) each. The C-5 can lift 270,000 lbs max cargo. So depending on the model it can lift one or two M-1s ... not the ideal way to ship a tank, but it can do it.
Posted by: lotp || 04/24/2006 21:22 Comments || Top||

#15  Thanks, Parabellum for the pic link. Runway 14-32 is a big assed runway, all right. Hell I could take off from there fully loaded on a hot day. Also some interesting planes around the hanger areas.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 04/24/2006 22:20 Comments || Top||

Three US soldiers killed in bomb attack in Baghdad
Three US soldiers were killed Sunday in a bomb attack northwest the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, the US army said. It added in a statement the three troops were killed when a bomb went off near their vehicle. The statement gave no further details nor about the exact location of the attack.

Meanwhile, an unknown armed group destroyed a police building in southern Baghdad. A statement by the Iraqi cabinet said a "terrorist group" bomb the building, currently under construction, in the Yousefia area. The statement did not say if the attack caused human casualties.
Posted by: Fred || 04/24/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  God bless them and their families.

Posted by: 49 Pan || 04/24/2006 9:21 Comments || Top||

British Paras In US Uniforms Protect SAS Ops In Baghdad
British paratroopers secretly operating in support of the SAS in Iraq are using American uniforms, weapons and vehicles as part of their cover, The Daily Telegraph has learned.

Although John Reid, the Defence Secretary, only announced this week that the Special Forces Support Group (SFSG) had become operational, a company of more than 100 paratroopers has been working for six months in Baghdad. They have reportedly become so successful that American special forces have called on their help.

The SFSG was formed mainly because it was found that small groups of highly trained SAS troopers did not have enough firepower to take on large groups of Iraqi and Afghan terrorists. The unit has already seen a substantial amount of action in Baghdad.

Whenever the SAS goes on raids to apprehend terrorists in highly dangerous areas of Baghdad, the Paras are used to provide perimeter security.

Arriving in US Humvees, dressed in American army fatigues and armed with C7 Diemaco guns - a Canadian made version of the M16, the men have fought several battles with insurgents while protecting SAS colleagues.

"The SAS are doing the smash and grab but all the contacts are happening on the perimeter and there are a serious amount of rounds going down the range," a Parachute Regiment source said.

"They are making a really good name for themselves with the Hereford blokes and the Americans. If the shit hits the fan and the SAS need them, the boys are there as a quick reaction force."

The troops were also believed to have been used to provide a security cordon as part of Task Force Maroon when the SAS rescued the peace campaigner Norman Kember and two other hostages.

The troops deployed to Baghdad at the end of last year after undergoing specialist training at the SAS headquarters in Hereford, including the use of American weapons and equipment.

"They wear US uniforms so they can blend in in Baghdad where a British paratrooper would stick out and draw unwanted attention," an intelligence source said.

"But they don't have their hair cuts 'high and tight', don't strut around like Americans and are certainly not trying to speak with American accents. They are loving it with all the American kit, and you can't keep them out of the PX shop [US military duty-free shops]."

The SFSG is mainly based on the 500 men of the 1 Bn The Parachute Regiment supplemented by a company of about 100 Royal Marines and a similar number of men from the RAF Regiment.

The group is based at St Athan, near Cardiff.
Good lads!
Posted by: Anonymoose || 04/24/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  For full effect, LAH uniforms including cuff titles will be used on next raid... :))
Posted by: borgboy || 04/24/2006 2:32 Comments || Top||

#2  Played Rugby against the Cardiff crew they may not strut like Americans but they hit like trucks.

Happy hunting boyz and thanks for the support.
Posted by: Rightwing || 04/24/2006 8:53 Comments || Top||

#3  Someone in an earlier post said these guys were the SAS' second string: seems like being #2 leads them to try harder. Congrats, enjoy the toys, watch yer head, and shoot to kill...
Posted by: Ptah || 04/24/2006 11:14 Comments || Top||

#4  You honour both uniforms, lads. Have fun! (And we yanks don't mind if you strut a bit, so long as you've earnt it ;->)
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/24/2006 12:09 Comments || Top||

#5  What means "to strut?"
Posted by: JFM || 04/24/2006 13:49 Comments || Top||

#6  strut Audio pronunciation of "strut" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (strt)
v. strut·ted, strut·ting, struts
v. intr.

To walk with pompous bearing; swagger.

v. tr.

1. To display in order to impress others. Sometimes used with out: Don't strut out your resume until you have more accomplishments to list.


1. A pompous, self-important gait.

strut (one's) stuff Slang

To behave or perform in an ostentatious manner; show off.
Posted by: DarthVader || 04/24/2006 13:53 Comments || Top||

#7  Think General DeGaulle.
Posted by: 6 || 04/24/2006 15:40 Comments || Top||

#8  Is it possible that they have confused "strut" with standing tall? Most any U.S. military personnel walks with thier head up and thier shoulders back a bit. Just the way a person should.
Better said would have been, "Unlike the Americans, they slouch."
Posted by: Mike N. || 04/24/2006 16:29 Comments || Top||

Blaming Israel for Egyptian Bombing
That didn't take long. Hat tip LGF.

Egyptian analyst: Can't rule out that Mossad was involved in attack

Retired General Salah al-Din Salim, an Egyptian researcher at the Strategic Studies Institute in Cairo, said that it could not be ruled out that the Israeli Mossad was involved in the terror attack in Dahab.

"The Mossad's ability to penetrate the Bedouins in Sinai is known," Salim said in an interview with al-Jazeera. (Roee Nahmias)

It's just reflexive, isn't it?

Hey, General dipshit, didn't you hear your hero's latest call for moslem jihad around the world? That includes against YOU. Idiot.
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 04/24/2006 18:45 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Hamas clashes with Gaza gunmen
Dozens of Hamas militants Sunday rushed to the aid of a Cabinet minister confronted by angry gunmen, sparking a shootout that wounded three people in the latest explosion of infighting in the Gaza Strip.

The incident showed how the new Hamas-led government is turning to its private army to impose order as it battles the rival Fatah movement for control of Palestinian security forces.

The power struggle has grown increasingly contentious in recent days since Hamas announced it would form a security agency headed by a militant wanted by Israel. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah vetoed the plan, leading to clashes and protests.

The two sides agreed early Sunday to work to end the tensions, but the pledge quickly degenerated into new violence. Thousands of Fatah activists joined anti-Hamas protests in the West Bank, hours before the shootout at the Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza.

The shootout came a day after Health Minister Bassem Naim, a top Hamas official, said he was cutting $2 million from the monthly health budget to help alleviate a government financial crisis by halting payments for patients seeking treatment abroad. Gaza's health care system is poor, and Palestinians routinely travel to Israel and other countries for treatment.

On Sunday, a group of men, some armed, burst into Naim's office and demanded he authorize a medical-care trip for a relative, Health Ministry spokesman Khaled Radi said.

Naim's bodyguards — Hamas militants — called for backup from their colleagues, and a brief shootout wounded three people, witnesses and Palestinian security officials said.

After a 45-minute standoff, masked Hamas militants, joined by Palestinian police, retook the building, arresting gunmen. Naim left surrounded by 10 militants.

The minister's reliance on Hamas gunmen — not the Fatah-dominated security services — illustrated the deep distrust between the sides.

Abbas, a political moderate has been trying to use his already considerable powers to marginalize Hamas, which formed a Cabinet after winning January elections. Abbas favors peace talks with Israel, while Hamas calls for the destruction of the Jewish state and is listed as a terror organization by the United States and the European Union.

After Abbas tried to take control of all Palestinian security forces, Hamas responded last week with a plan to form its own shadow army made up of militants and headed by a top militant wanted by Israel.

Abbas promptly vetoed that plan, and Hamas' exiled political chief, Khaled Mashaal, accused him of cooperating with Israel and the United States and "plotting against us."

Mashaal's comments sparked angry demonstrations and exchanges of fire in the West Bank and Gaza on Saturday. Mashaal he was misinterpreted.

In a meeting Sunday, Hamas and Fatah officials said they would take steps to end the fighting. But there was no agreement on the flashpoint issue of control of the security forces, participants said. Outside the meeting, mediated by Egyptian security officials, thousands of Fatah supporters shouted anti-Hamas slogans.

The protests continued Sunday. In the West Bank town of Jenin, more than 4,000 marchers chanted anti-Mashaal slogans. In Nablus, dozens of Fatah-affiliated gunmen briefly stormed the municipal building and tried to shut down the offices.

Interior Minister Said Siyam said Saturday that he would pursue his plans to create the new force — despite Abbas' veto — and would meet with its designated head, fugitive Jamal Abu Samhadana, to discuss when he would take charge. Samhadana leads the militant Popular Resistance Committees, suspected of carrying out a 2003 bombing that killed three Marine guards in a U.S. Embassy convoy in Gaza.

In an interview with the London-based Sunday Telegraph, Abu Samhadana said the force would form the "nucleus of the future Palestinian army."

"We have one enemy," Abu Samhadana said. "They are Jews ... I will continue to carry the rifle and pull the trigger whenever required to defend my people."

With Hamas in power, many Western nations froze vital financial aid to the Palestinian government. The government is nearly three weeks late paying March salaries to its 165,000 employees, and Hamas officials say they do not know when they will have the money.

In an audiotape broadcast Sunday, Osama bin Laden issued new threats, saying the West's decision to cut funds to the Palestinians proved that the United States and Europe were conducting "a Zionist crusader war on Islam."

A Hamas spokesman said the militant group's ideology is vastly different from al-Qaeda's but noted that sanctions could anger some Muslims.

"It's natural that this tension is going to create an impression that there is a Western-Israeli alliance working against the Palestinians," Sami Abu Zuhri said, adding that Hamas wants good relations with the West.

Still, the Hamas-led government was further isolated after Hamas defended an Islamic Jihad suicide bombing in Tel Aviv last week that killed nine people.

Israeli interim Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told his Cabinet Sunday that the attack completed "the transformation of the Palestinian Authority to a terrorist authority."

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is planning a meeting between Olmert and Abbas in a fresh bid to relaunch stalled Middle East peace talks, Egyptian Foreign Minister Aboul Gheit said Sunday. He said the meeting would occur in the coming days after formation of the new Israeli government.

Neither Israeli or Palestinian officials could confirm whether their leaders planned to attend such a summit.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/24/2006 04:13 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  'Zionist crusade'.
That's caveman talk for something beyond caveman control and comprehension. Other caveman words are shoot, kill, bomb, and gimme. With these words, Paleoerectus have begun the process of communications. It's exciting how we can look into the past without digging.
Posted by: wxjames || 04/24/2006 9:44 Comments || Top||

#2  wxjames
Paleos wouldn't survive for a week as cavemen.
Posted by: gromgoru || 04/24/2006 11:04 Comments || Top||

#3  Cavemen were self sufficient. They didn't get welfare, have foreigners to provide them with food, electricity, etc. Palestinians could not remotely be considered as advanced as cavemen.
Posted by: RWV || 04/24/2006 16:40 Comments || Top||

Al-Asqa: Dire Revenge™ Within 48 Hours
Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades commander promises Dire Revenge™ quick, painful response following killing of two group members by Border Guard in Bethlehem; 'upcoming attacks on Tel Aviv, using Grad rockets and other methods, will be beginning of our wave of retaliation,' he says. Abu Udai, an al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades commander, told Ynet on Sunday that his group "will fire a barrage of Grad rockets at Tel Aviv within 48 hours."
"We shall have Dire Revenge™!"
Any minute now, just wait, we're ... umm ... getting it ready an' all that an' ... umm .... scurrying into our cellars and stuff.
The comments were made following the assassination of two al-Aqsa terror suspects in Bethlehem earlier Sunday by a special Border Guard unit. Al-Aqsa, Fatah's military wing, said the assassination would not go unanswered. "The coming hours will show the seriousness of the group's intention and the start of preparations
yup. we've got a committee all formed and Fatima is checking calendars for availability. we've even notified the caterers - this is Serious!!
to attack Tel Aviv with a Grad missile from the West Bank," said Abu Udai, who lives in Bethlehem. "We tell the occupiers, our response will be crushing and the Israelis will regret their crimes."
After which they'll plaster the launch site, so I'd flee run away scoot if I were you.
After the assassination, Abu Udai told Ynet that one of the killed Palestinians, 27-year-old Ahmad Musleh, was among the group's heroes, but that he was not a senior member as Israel was trying to describe him.
nah - the Joooos didn't kill anyone IMPORTANT or anything. Not that the glorious shaheed isn't glorious but ... oh, excuse me - gotta take a call on the other line. (whew)
"Israel is glorifying the brave shahid's (martyr's) status in a bid to justify its crime. Musleh's blood will not be in vain and we will continue to pursue the enemy wherever it is," he said.
"But carefully, 'cause those Apache helicopters are mighty nasty!" he added softly.
Abu Udai added that the Bethlehem operation proves that there is no peace partner on the Israeli side and that all the talks about reaching a dialogue with the Israelis are futile. "The resistance must be the Palestinian people's only opposition in the face of the occupation and its crimes," he said.

Following recent targeted killings of al-Aqsa members, the organization threatened to launch unusual retaliation acts against Israel, which were usually not implemented and remained in the form of a threat.
"We shall have Dire Revenge™ ... next week. We think."
"The Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades are committed to continue the resistance. The upcoming attacks on Tel Aviv – using rockets and other methods – will be the beginning of our wave of retaliation," Abu Udai said.

Earlier Sunday, Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz confirmed during the cabinet meeting that last Friday Palestinian terrorists again attempted to fire a Grad rocket from the Gaza Strip to Israel, as was the case on Election Day. The Palestinian announced the attempted Grad attack on Friday, but the defense establishment only reported the incident Sunday. The launching of the rocket failed due to technical reasons.
Dang it, Mahmoud, you didn't connect the red wire!"
"But Boss, remember what happened to Achmed last time? He connected the red wire and KA-BOOM!"
The Grad rocket launching system has several of barrels, and requires a team of five people to prepare it for operation within a number of minutes. The system is capable of firing 40 rockets within 20 seconds. The Grad's fire range is about 30 kilometers.
As I mentioned before, firing 155mm Howitzers, only eight rounds would almost guarantee that you would nail their firing team and their launching truck. With four guns that would take 30 seconds.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 04/24/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Either there's a typo in that headline or we better watch out for a blue Cessna 172 in a very bad mood.
Posted by: Grunter || 04/24/2006 7:34 Comments || Top||

#2  engineering tempers being what they are...
Posted by: Frank G || 04/24/2006 9:57 Comments || Top||

#3  I'm sure Israel is quaking in their boots too.
Posted by: DarthVader || 04/24/2006 10:06 Comments || Top||

#4  Don't look at me, I'm not combat ready. They took away my rocket pods.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 04/24/2006 10:54 Comments || Top||

#5  Yea, AP, but we can fly over and drop Victoria's Secret catalouges on em. Or lots of women's underwear. Some of it is bound to land on their heads and we all know what happens then. I, as your co-pilot, am ready!
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 04/24/2006 11:22 Comments || Top||

#6  Abu Udai, an al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades commander, told Ynet on Sunday that his group "will fire a barrage of Grad rockets at Tel Aviv within 48 hours."

Two things come to mind:
1) remember what happened to the other "Abu Udai" ("Father of Udai" in arabic) and tremble.
2) Did anybody notice the age of the late
Ahmad Musleh ? Its 27 years.
It seems that the IDF and the Mossad DAP (Darwin Assist Program) operation is actually working. The Paleos are running out of experienced terrorists above the age of thirty which are now populating the Beth Lehem central cemetary.
They are on their way of becoming a protected species (at least in Bethlehem) on its way to extinction.
Posted by: Elder of Zion || 04/24/2006 13:13 Comments || Top||

Israeli special force assassinates second Fatah activist
Israeli special forces dressed in Arab clothes assassinated Sunday in Bethlehem, a second member of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Fatah's military arm. Palestinian sources in Bethlehem said, an Israeli special force unit stormed Bethlehem City and opened fire on a vehicle that had three Fatah activists aboard. The Israeli forces killed in the attack another activist named Daniel Abu Hammami after being arrested by the Israeli special force.
Posted by: Fred || 04/24/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  DERRIDA'S ILLIMITABLE PLAY OF WORDS: activist, militant or terrorist? What does it take to be a terrorist in "Pal" eyes? Eichmann a German "activist" in the eyes of these liars?
Posted by: borgboy || 04/24/2006 2:30 Comments || Top||

#2  dressed in Arab clothes

Thats right, they look just like you, cover their faces with kifaya's, yell, scream Allah Ak'bar, attend funeral parades, speak muzzi, carry Kalashnikovs and everything......
Posted by: Besoeker || 04/24/2006 10:15 Comments || Top||

Fatah, Hamas Men Clash Anew; 4 Hurt
Four people were injured yesterday after Fatah gunmen stormed the Palestinian Health Ministry and fought with Hamas guards. The clashes took place despite pledges by leaders of the two Palestinian factions on Saturday night to avoid armed conflicts.

Hamas guards at the ministry identified the attackers as those belonging to Fatah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, but a Brigades spokesman denied the men were from his faction, saying they were from a Gaza clan affiliated with Fatah.

The guards from Hamas’ Izz El-Deen Al-Qassam Brigades chased off most of the Fatah intruders and captured four of the gunmen, tying them up and putting them into a police car as people in the street cheered.

“The time has passed when our institutions and our police can be attacked. Whoever holds a gun against one of our institutions, or one of our policemen, opens himself for death,” said Khaled Abu Hillel, spokesman for the Interior Ministry. Twenty people were hurt in armed confrontations in Gaza on Saturday between students and militants from the two rival groups. The violence followed the condemnation by exiled Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal of Abbas’ veto of a new Gaza security force formed by the group and headed by a top militant.

The appointment of Jamal Abu Samhadana, head of the Popular Resistance Committees, as leader of the new Gaza police force was widely seen as an attempt by Hamas to strengthen its grip on the Interior Ministry. Abbas canceled the decision, a veto Meshaal said assisted a Western campaign to isolate the Palestinian government.

Meshaal said after Saturday’s violence that Hamas respected Abbas’ authority and called for Palestinian unity.
Posted by: Fred || 04/24/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "The guards from Hamas’ Izz El-Deen Al-Qassam Brigades chased off most of the Fatah intruders and captured four of the gunmen, tying them up and putting them into a police car as people in the street cheered."

Street theatre.
Posted by: Fordesque || 04/24/2006 10:57 Comments || Top||

#2  Where are the fatalities?
Posted by: gromgoru || 04/24/2006 11:09 Comments || Top||

#3  Khaled Abu Hillel, spokesman for the Interior Ministry

What kind of self-respecting Jew-hating Paleo thug would have a moniker like Hillel?
Posted by: Baba Tutu || 04/24/2006 12:39 Comments || Top||

#4  Good catch, Baba Tutu!
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/24/2006 13:52 Comments || Top||

#5  I mis-read the title... I though it said: "4 Hurl"

My bad... guess the popcorn is edible...
Posted by: 3dc || 04/24/2006 14:02 Comments || Top||

Arab aid to Palestinian government blocked
Aid pledged by Arab countries to the cash-starved Palestinian Authority has been held up, a senior Palestinian official said late Saturday, blaming foreign opponents of the Hamas government.

The funds had reached the Arab League, but their transfer to the authority's bank account had been blocked, Nabil Amr, an adviser to Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas, told a press conference.

Amr said that "several parties have warned Palestinian financial establishments against handling sums destined for the government formed by Hamas".

Abbas, the moderate head of the Palestinian Authority who is a member of the mainstream Fatah party, had told all sides that the authority had its own separate bank account, but so far it had not been used, Amr said.

Asked who the "parties" were, Amr accused the United States, other members of the so-called Middle East Quartet also comprising Russia, the European Union and the United Nations, and Israel.

He said they had called for an economic blockade of the Hamas-led government, which he warned "would lead to disasters not only in the daily life of the Palestinians but also for the stability and security of the region in general".
Posted by: Fred || 04/24/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under:

#1  As usual Arab countries aid is promiced but rarely deliveried.

Posted by: Bernardz || 04/24/2006 5:17 Comments || Top||

#2  On the other hand, several Arab League functionaries were observed driving new cars.
Posted by: gromgoru || 04/24/2006 6:59 Comments || Top||

#3  So they can transfer funds to the PA, but haven't. And they can't transfer funds to Hamas. Win for the Arabs - no money going anywhere for Pals.
Posted by: Thinemp Whimble2412 || 04/24/2006 12:15 Comments || Top||

Israeli troops kill militant
BETHLEHEM: One Palestinian militant was shot dead on Sunday and two others were wounded by Israeli special forces in the West Bank town of Bethlehem, Palestinian security and medical sources said. The forces had opened fire at two vehicles near the centre of Bethlehem, the sources said. The dead man, whose identity was not immediately given, was a member of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. The two others who were wounded were arrested by the Israeli forces, the sources added. There was no immediate comment on the incident from the Israeli military.
Posted by: Fred || 04/24/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Southeast Asia
Philippines now claims no more JI/MILF links
The Philippines believes the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, the country's largest Muslim rebel group, has dismantled camps for foreign militants since 2004, when peace talks moved forward, a police official said on Monday. Senior Superintendent Romeo Ricardo, head of the national police anti-terrorism task force, said there were also signs that members of the regional network Jemaah Islamiah (JI) had been forced to work with the smaller homegrown group Abu Sayyaf.

Ricardo said intelligence officials believed one camp called Jabal Quba on the southern island of Mindanao no longer existed, adding that JI members staying there were forced to move by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). "There is no ongoing training at the moment," he told a forum with foreign journalists.
Ricardo said the MILF rebels appeared to be "very sincere" in cooperating with the government in isolating foreign militants, mostly Indonesians, Malaysians and a few Singaporeans.

Informal peace talks between the MILF and the government appear to be in the final stages to try to end a nearly 40-year separatist conflict that has killed more than 120,000 people and hampered development of the resource-rich but impoverished south. The two sides are due to hold another round of talks, hosted by Malaysia, on ancestral rights for minority Muslims in the mainly Roman Catholic Philippines in the first week of May.
Gloria really wants "peace in her time". Wouldn't surprise me if she's after a Nobel Peace Prize.
On Friday, a Singapore-based security analyst said foreign militants continued to train at MILF bases deep in the mountains of Mindanao, disputing claims by the rebels that they had cut ties with al Qaeda and JI. "The MILF has constantly lied that it is not harbouring JI," said Rohan Gunaratna, head of political violence and terrorism centre at Singapore's Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies.

Philippine police, citing intelligence reports, said about 40 suspected JI members remained in the south but there was no proof they were seeking refuge in MILF camps. Ricardo said hundreds of foreign militants, including those from the Middle East, trained from 1994 until 2004 in camps set up by the MILF near its stronghold in central Mindanao. Among suspected al Qaeda operatives who visited the camps were Dhiren Barot, an Indian-born Briton arrested in London in 2004 and French-Algerian Abdusalam Bolanoure, caught in Manila's airport in 1999, Ricardo said.

The Philippines says it has arrested nearly 250 foreign and homegrown militants since 2002, after the MILF agreed to help security forces isolate terrorist cells on Mindanao. Among those arrested were four Indonesians, including the suspected head of Lashkar Jundullah, a group based in eastern Indonesia that has been involved in communal violence.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/24/2006 04:30 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  LOL!!
"There is no ongoing training at the moment," "All our freedom fighters are now in the field planning the fall bombing campaign"
Posted by: 49 Pan || 04/24/2006 9:20 Comments || Top||

#2  Monumental self-delusion.
Posted by: wxjames || 04/24/2006 9:30 Comments || Top||

JI planned to spring Rifki
JEMAAH Islamiyah (JI) operatives are reportedly planning to storm the provincial jail in South Cotabato and rescue suspected Indonesian terrorist Taufek Refke.

Nilo Sintin, chief of the South Cotabato Provincial Jail, made this disclosure, saying they received an intelligence report on the plan.

"We are on alert to foil their plan. Nevertheless, we treat him like any other prisoners," Sintin said.

As a precaution, he said, they have beefed up security measures in the prison compound by constructing a perimeter fence in an adjacent area recently reclaimed from squatters.

The crowded provincial jail is home to at least 800 convicts and inmates awaiting trials of their respective cases, said Sintin.

Refke, believed to be JI's No. 2 man in the country, was brought to the provincial jail last year after he was charged in the May 2003 Koronadal market blast where nine people were killed and dozens left injured.

The suspect, who is an overstaying alien in the country when he was captured, was arrested in Cotabato City in October 2003 and was later transported to Manila where President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo presented him to the media.

Refke, according to government officials, admitted being the finance and liaison officer of the JI in Mindanao.

Security officials claimed that Refke entered the country in August 1998 to train in Mindanao.

Among his trainers was Fathur Rohman al-Ghozi.

Al-Ghozie was killed in an alleged shootout with authorities in Cotabato province more in 2003, several months after he escaped from detention.

Officials said that around 40 JI members are allegedly in Mindanao to train on terrorism activities.

The JI members are purportedly seeking refuge in Mindanao in the bailiwicks of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, an accusation the Moro rebels vehemently denied.

Authorities have linked the JI to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda terrorist network.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/24/2006 04:26 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka jugs 3 suspected al-Qaeda
Police at Sri Lanka's international airport detained three passengers arriving from the Maldives on suspicion of having links to Al Qaeda, a senior police officer said today.

The passengers were booked to continue to Qatar, but were taken away as they waited at the transit lounge after arriving from Male, the Maldivian capital, said the officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The passengers, one man and two women, were being interrogated by Sri Lanka's Criminal Investigation Department. No other details were available.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/24/2006 04:03 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Syrian, Lebanese generals behind Hariri murder
KUWAIT CITY - A Syrian who testified before a UN inquiry into the killing of five-time Lebanese prime minister Rafiq Hariri insisted in comments published Monday that Syrian commanders and their Lebanese allies were to blame. “Those who assassinated martyr Rafiq Hariri are in detention and the rest are in Syria,” Mohammed Zuhair Al Siddiq told the Kuwaiti daily Al Rai Al Aam, alluding to four former Lebanese security chiefs in custody in Lebanon. “I take full responsibility for this testimony. I conveyed this to the (UN) commission of inquiry with complete credibility and honesty,” he told the daily.

A former intelligence officer with Syrian forces in Lebanon, Siddiq has lived in France since he fled his home country when he spoke out to the UN probe. He rejected comments attributed to him by Lebanese daily Addiyar Sunday in which he was purported to have said he had been forced into giving false testimony to the inquiry.

Two reports by the UN commission have implicated senior Syrian officials in Hariri’s murder in a massive bomb blast on the Beirut seafront early last year and criticised the Syrian government for failing to cooperate more with its investigation. A key powerbroker in Lebanon for some three decades before it pulled out troops and intelligence agents a year ago, Syria has strongly denied any involvement in Hariri’s murder and accused the United Nations of bias.
Posted by: Steve || 04/24/2006 09:39 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Syria has strongly denied any involvement in Hariri’s murder and accused the United Nations of bias.

"you're just against us cuz we's thugs and all"
Posted by: Frank G || 04/24/2006 9:50 Comments || Top||

#2  I am so enlightened by these findings. Say, Damaascus would be a good place to test that 700 ton bomb thingy.
Posted by: wxjames || 04/24/2006 9:52 Comments || Top||

#3  Syrian, Lebanese generals behind Hariri murder

At this point, it's a bit of a duh! is it not??

Posted by: 2b || 04/24/2006 23:59 Comments || Top||

Lebanese sectarian militias mushroom
DEBKAfile Reports: Lebanese sectarian militias mushroom after US and France drop sanctions campaign against Damascus and ouster of president Michel Lahoud
When he visited the White House on April 18, Lebanese prime minister Fouad Siniora was shocked to discover that president George W. Bush had cooled to the campaign he launched with France against the Assad regime in February 2005, after the assassination of the Lebanese politician Rafiq Hariri. He saw that Bashar Assad and his clique were getting away scot-free from being brought to account as suspects in the crime.

Siniora also learned, according to DEBKAfile’s Washington and Middle East sources, that the Americans had abandoned their drive to oust Lahoud, disarm the Hizballah, disband Palestinian militias in Lebanon, and impose on them the implementation of a key UN Security Council resolution. As he left the White House, the Lebanese prime minister remarked: “Lebanon is back to square one. We are left with the ruins of the American-French initiative.”

Our sources in Beirut report that, scenting the new winds blowing from Washington and Paris, all the Lebanese militias, including those linked to al Qaeda, are re-arming and rebuilding their strength.

The picture accompanying this article shows a company of new recruits to the Lebanese Forces (Christian Maronite Phalange). This force had scattered in the face of the UN resolution. Last week, the Maronite force’s former commander Samir Geagea and his wife Astreda started mobilizing the militia anew, to stand up to the Shiite Hizballah. A new Christian military base is open for business in Wadi Qudban, on Mount Lebanon, and training is going forward briskly. Seen on the photo is the new officer, Nadim Jumayel, son the Lebanese Forces most outstanding commander, former president Bashir Jemayel, who was assassinated in 1982.

DEBKAfile’s military sources add that the flurry of militia-building has also overtaken Saad Hariri, the son of the slain politician, who has begun converting his 250-man bodyguard unit into an armed Sunni force called “Hariri’s Fedayeen.” A Saudi donation has paid for 300 fighters to take a crash course in commando and urban guerrilla combat in the United States, under American civilian security contractors. A Hariri Fedayeen base is operating in southern Lebanon east of Sidon on the Awali River, similar to the mountain installation established by the Maronites.

Hizballah’s Shiite rival, Amal, once one of Lebanon’s largest and most important militia before its leader Nabih Berri went into politics, is likewise re-mobilizing and training, loath to leave the Shiite terrain in Hizballah hands. The vacuum left by the withdrawal of the United States and France has sent Lebanon’s Sunnis, Shiites and Christians, running back to their armed militias for protection, while Damascus returns to asserting mastery over its small neighbor.
Perhaps the plan is for Lebanon to handle their own problems? I mean, did Fouad Siniora expect the US and France to land troops and impose a government with him in charge?
Posted by: Steve || 04/24/2006 09:30 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Perhaps the plan is for Lebanon to handle their own problems? I mean, did Fouad Siniora expect the US and France to land troops and impose a government with him in charge?

That's the only way Lebanon can have a goverment.
Posted by: gromgoru || 04/24/2006 10:41 Comments || Top||

#2  Restating the obvious: Maronites blew their chances in 1982. Am I to suppose they can now take on Hizbullah? Best they can hope for is to protect their dhimmi status, and thus avoid assimilation into the Borg/Islamic brotherhood...
Posted by: borgboy || 04/24/2006 12:57 Comments || Top||

Terror Networks
Al-Zawahiri's son-in-law recently killed in Afghanistan
One of Osama bin Laden's most trusted aides was a Palestinian from the West Bank who was recently killed in a US military operation in Afghanistan, Palestinian Authority security sources revealed on Thursday. The sources identified the man as Husam Abu Baker, 32. They said his family, which lives in the village of Ya'bad near Jenin, was notified about his death only this week.

His father, Abdel Latif, said he last saw his son about 10 years ago. The family was then living in Saudi Arabia when Husam left the kingdom to join al-Qaida in Afghanistan. Husam, according to village residents, was married to Fatmeh, the daughter of Ayman Zawahiri, the number-two man in al-Qaida. They said the last time his family heard from him was last week, when he phoned to inform them about the birth of his fourth daughter.

It's not clear what role Abu Baker played in al-Qaida, but the PA security sources said he was among bin Laden's closest confidants. "He was married to Zawahiri's daughter and this already places him among the top brass of al- Qaida," said one source. "We were surprised to learn that a Palestinian was among the top leaders of al-Qaida."
Had to find a job for his son-in-law
It's also not clear how many more Palestinians are involved with al-Qaida in Afghanistan, Pakistan and other Islamic countries.

PA security officials have repeatedly warned that al-Qaida and bin Laden had succeeded in establishing bases in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. According to the officials, several al-Qaida operatives had crossed into the Gaza Strip from Egypt ever since Israel abandoned the Rafah border crossing. Last week a leaflet signed by al-Qaida was distributed in some parts of the Gaza Strip. The leaflet called on Palestinians to step up their attacks on Israel. It was the second leaflet of its kind to be distributed in the area since the beginning of the year.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/24/2006 04:42 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Nice work boys, keep chipping away at that block; at it's core awaits the prize we all seek!!
Posted by: smn || 04/24/2006 6:56 Comments || Top||

#2  Nice job. Now find Fatmeh and the children. I want Zawahiri to die knowing his family line is severed.
Posted by: BH || 04/24/2006 10:02 Comments || Top||

#3  Here's a picture of the likely young lad...
Posted by: Seafarious || 04/24/2006 10:23 Comments || Top||

#4  Nice catch on the photo propaganda, Sea. How could those nasty Israelis harm that sweet teenager terrorist? He looks just like the kid next door.
Posted by: lotp || 04/24/2006 10:27 Comments || Top||

#5  4th daughter .. no sons... best way to accomplish that is a longer swim...
So a sense of inadequacy is a factor leading to terrorism?
Posted by: 3dc || 04/24/2006 11:08 Comments || Top||

#6  I hope he enjoys his 72 rasins, a bunnie droppings.
Posted by: Graviling Slotle3887 || 04/24/2006 16:56 Comments || Top||

#7  Al-Qaida bases in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank you say? Well then, I guess the U.S. Marines better establish thier own bases there also.
Posted by: Mike N. || 04/24/2006 17:01 Comments || Top||

#8  No surprise here - you have to expect Warlordic, dedicated Muslim men such as these to involve close, trusted friends or relatives in their schemes or ventures. Osama is no exception.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 04/24/2006 23:45 Comments || Top||

Full text of Binny's rant
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the world, prayer and peace be upon our prophet Muhammad, his kin and all his companions.

Peace, Allah's mercy and blessing be upon you, as I am directing this speech to all the Islamic Umma, to continue talking and urging them to support our prophet Muhammad, and to punish the perpetrators of the horrible crime committed by some Crusader-journalists and apostates against the master of the predecessors and successors, our prophet Muhammad.

The holy verses of the Quran and the holy prophetic teachings have all clarified the need for according love, respect and obedience to our prophet. Allah, the Almighty, has made it a taboo to offend him, saying in the Quran those who harm Allah and his messenger would be damned and severely punished.

It was also confirmed by an authentic source that prophet Muhammad said no one could be faithful until he loves me more than he loves his parents, his sons and all other people. Therefore, the Umma has reached a consensus that he who offends or degrades the messenger would be killed. Such offence is regarded as kufr (infidelity).

We ask Allah to give his blessings to whoever decried the behaviour of the infidels who have offended the prophet in every part of the world, and blessings to those who have died in the process, while we vow to Allah to avenge for those whose blood have been spilled.

The West is incapable of recognising the rights of others. It will not be able to respect others' beliefs or feelings. The West still believes in ethnic supremacy and looks down on other nations. They categorise human beings into white masters and coloured slaves.

This is why they established institutions and enacted laws to maintain their supremacy by creating the United Nations and the veto power ... . They regard jihad for the sake of God or defending one's self or his country as an act of terror. US and Europe consider jihad groups in Palestine, Chechnya, Iraq and Afghanistan as terrorist groups, so how could we talk or have understanding with them without using weapons?

On their part, the rulers of our region consider the US and Europe as their friends and allies while looking at the jihad groups that fight against the Crusaders in Iraq and Afghanistan as terrorist groups as well. So how can we reach understanding with those rulers who deny us the right to defend ourselves and our religion without carrying arms?

The net result of their thinking is for us to abandon jihad and acquiesce to remaining as their slaves. This is impossible, God willing.

The Palestine question is a manifestation of such injustices when the allied forces of the Crusaders and the Zionists decided to hand over Palestine to the Zionists to establish a state after committing massacres, displaced the indigenous Palestinians and brought Jews from all over the world to settle in Palestine.

The ongoing injustice and aggression did not stop in the last nine decades, while all attempts to reclaim our rights and exact justice on the Israeli oppressors, were blocked by the leadership of the Crusaders and Zionists' alliance by using the so-called veto power.

Such attitudes were also reflected by their rejection of the Hamas movement and its victory in the elections ... . Their rejection to Hamas has reaffirmed that they were waging a crusade against Islam.

The US sought to reach southern Sudan, recruited an army of southerners, supported them with weapons and funding and directed them to seek separation from Sudan. Then it exercised pressure against Khartoum government to sign an unjust agreement which permits south Sudan to gain independence from the north within six years.

[Sudanese President Omar] al-Bashir and [US President George] Bush should have been aware that this agreement is not worth the ink by which it was written, and we do not accord the least concern to it. Nobody, whoever he was, has the right to accede an inch of the land of Islam and the south will remain an inseparable part of the land of Isalm, God willing, even if the war continued for decades.

The US was not satisfied by all the sedition and crimes, but went on to incite sedition, the largest of which was the west Sudan sedition by exploiting some disputes between the tribes and sparking a savage war between them that will spare nothing, prior to sending in Crusader troops to occupy the region and steal its oil wealth under the pretext of peacekeeping.

This is a continuous Crusader-Zionist war against Muslims. In this respect I am inviting the mujahidin and their supporters in the Sudan and other countries around, including the Arabian peninsula in particular, to prepare all that is needed for a long-term war against the Crusaders and thieves in western Sudan.

Our objective is obvious, that is defending Islam, the people and the land but not Khartoum government since our differences with them are so enormous, mostly when it backtracked in implementing the Sharia law and abandoned south Sudan.

I urge the mujahidin to get acquainted with Darfur state tribes and land and its surroundings, keeping in mind that the region is about to face the rainy season that hampers means of transport.

This is one of the reasons why the occupation was adjourned for six months. So it is imperative to speed up action and benefit from the time factor by stocking a large amount of landmines and anti-armour grenades such as RPGs [rocket propelled grenades].

What was the aim behind barring arms from the unarmed people in Bosnia and letting the Serb army to massacre Muslims and spill their blood for years under UN cover? It was a Crusader war against Muslims.

What was the aim of the pressure against Indonesia by the Crusaders countries until East Timor, 24 hours after a warning by the UN? A Crusader-Zionist-Hindu war against Muslims.

Meanwhile, a UN resolution passed more than half a century ago gave Muslim Kashmir the liberty of choosing independence from India and Kashmir. George Bush, the leader of the Crusaders' campaign, announced a few days ago that he will order his converted agent [Pakistan President Pervez] Musharraf to shut down the Kashmir mujahidin camps, thus affirming that it is a Zionist-Hindu war against Muslims.

With respect to Pakistan, some Muslims have done a good job by assisting their fellow Muslims, God bless them, but the Pashtun tribes must be aided after the Pakistan army devastated their homes in Waziristan in order to satisfy the US.

What does the silence over Russian atrocities inside Chechnya mean, along with mutilating their bodies by tying them to tanks while the so-called free world gives its blessings and even secretly supports the aggression ? This is a Zionist crusade.

What does the humiliation of Muslims in Somalia and killing 13,000 Muslims mean, along with torching Muslims' bodies? This is a Zionist-Crusaders war.

I will remind Muslims to fear God and to save their brothers in the African Horn from the famine that hit them.

What does the destruction of the infrastructure in Iraq mean and the tragedy that befell them mean? And the use of depleted uranium, besieging Iraq for years, causing the death of more than one million children which amazed all who had visited Iraq, including the Westerners themselves? It is a malicious crusade against Muslims.

What does the reoccupation of Iraq mean by using lies and deception along with murder, destruction, detention, torture and creation of huge military bases to dominate the whole region? It is a Zionist crusade against Muslims.

What about the continuous cultural domination through the setting up of radio stations and TV channels along with the Voice of America, London and others to continue the cultural domination of Muslims, combat our beliefs, change our values, encourage vice and even interfere with school curricula?

How can we explain France's stance on the headscarf and the banning on wearing it at schools, its relentless dealing with the Muslim community and its plan to establish a TV channel in Morocco to combat Islamic awareness there? This is a Zionist-Crusader war.

In conclusion, a war is under way to offend the messenger of Allah, his religion and his Umma (nation). The Muslim preparedness and their jihad should be on a par with these events. The duty of our Muslim nation over this Crusaders' campaign with its different aspects is to focus on supporting the prophet, his religion and the Umma to the best of our ability in all fields.

Despite the numerous Crusader attacks against our Muslim nation in military, economic, cultural and moral aspects, but the gravest of them all is the attack against our religion, our prophet and the our Sharia tenets. The epicentre of these wars is Baghdad, the seat of the khalifate rule. They keep reiterating that success in Baghdad will be success for the US, failure in Iraq the failure of the US.

Their defeat in Iraq will mean defeat in all their wars and a beginning to the receding of their Zionist-Crusader tide against us. Your mujahidin sons and brothers in Iraq have taught the US a hard lesson while in the fourth year of the Crusaders' invasion, they are steadfast and patient and keep killing and wounding enemy soldiers every day.

It is a duty for the Umma with all its categories, men, women and youths, to give away themselves, their money, experiences and all types of material support, enough to establish jihad in the fields of jihad particularly in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, Sudan, Kashmir and Chechnya. Jihad today is an imperative for every Muslim. The Umma will commit sin if it did not provide adequate material support for jihad.

O fellow Muslims, pay no heed for the number of the enemy and their arsenal of arms because victory is a gift of God while the enemy, praise be to God, is experiencing a critical situation.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/24/2006 00:11 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  He seems very upset with the Sudanese government. I wonder, if they are planning something there very soon.

Posted by: Bernardz || 04/24/2006 5:15 Comments || Top||

#2  A Crusader-Zionist-Hindu war against Muslims.

He has spent a bit too much time in Pakistan.. this is the standard "Israel-India-America wants to oppress us rant" the Paks use

Posted by: john || 04/24/2006 7:00 Comments || Top||

#3  After the fun at Bamiyan I'd add Buddhists to that list.
Posted by: Howard UK || 04/24/2006 7:49 Comments || Top||

#4  From an AP story:


[The al-Qaida chieftain, who last issued a message broadcast by Al-Jazeera on Jan. 19, also made a point of trying to justify attacks on civilians. He said citizens of Western countries were equally responsible with their governments for what he termed the "war on Islam."

"I say that this war is the joint responsibility of the people and the governments. While the war continues, the people renew their allegiance to their rulers and politicians and continue to send their sons to our countries to fight us," bin Laden said.

In his last message, bin Laden offered the United States a long-term truce but warned that al-Qaida soon would launch a fresh attack on American soil. But no new attacks on the United States have occurred.]

I don't see this passage in the text here or at Al Jizz but Richard Clarke was smirkingly smug as he discussed this point on 'Good Morning America'.

It was positively chilling to realize that Clarke seems to agree with bin Laden and Michael Moore that the US public deserves death for choosing Bush.

Posted by: JDB || 04/24/2006 8:01 Comments || Top||

#5  This guy is losing it ....
Posted by: legolas || 04/24/2006 8:17 Comments || Top||

#6  JDB - Why not? The media seems to think civilian killings by muslims are a-ok.

Even killing (and raping) of 'black' muslim civilians by the much holier arab muslims are a-ok to the MSM.... (Sudan)
Posted by: CrazyFool || 04/24/2006 8:19 Comments || Top||

#7  They categorise human beings into white masters and coloured slaves.
"We do it in Dafur, but that's cause we are brown, and brown can do it to black"
Posted by: plainslow || 04/24/2006 8:51 Comments || Top||

#8  The West is incapable of recognising the rights of others. It will not be able to respect others' beliefs or feelings. The West still believes in ethnic supremacy and looks down on other nations. They categorise human beings into white masters and coloured slaves.

Better check the rolls at Yale again. I think they have another jihadi attending classes.
Posted by: BH || 04/24/2006 10:32 Comments || Top||

#9  Bernardz, I think the gist of it is here:

Then it exercised pressure against Khartoum government to sign an unjust agreement which permits south Sudan to gain independence from the north within six years.

and here:

Nobody, whoever he was, has the right to accede an inch of the land of Islam and the south will remain an inseparable part of the land of Islam

Seizure of land from the death cult is a no-no.
Posted by: BH || 04/24/2006 10:37 Comments || Top||

#10  Binny sure sounds ticked at successful war on terror lately, but is doesn't sound like he's in the remote tribal regions. He's got access to international news but he sure doesn't understand America. He is blinded by his own arrogance and fails to see the hypocrisy, as he appeals to Muslims everywhere to kill those who offend them, Christians, Jews, westerners:
"The West is incapable of recognising the rights of others. It will not be able to respect others' beliefs or feelings. "
"how could we talk or have understanding with them without using weapons?"

Do I sense an urgency to his appeal to global terrorism? Must be getting claustrophobic.
Posted by: Danielle || 04/24/2006 11:51 Comments || Top||

#11  It took me a while but I finally got an Mullah to translate the tape.—————Bin Laden:

In an attempt to appear more civilized the cult of Islam has organize its traditional religious national pastime, synchronized flogging into a sport. The “beat off” contestants must chant in unison while ripping the flesh from their backs just as the Shiitites of Iran. Satan is expected to release the Ayatollah Khomeini from hell to judge the competition (the Ayatollah’s punishment in hell? He is being made to watch women vote and avoid being beaten by their husbands).

The Floggings will be judged in several categories:

-Depth of wounds on their backs and on the backs of their beaten wives, as called for in the Koran.
-Volume of the self beaters hateful rants and threats about all Democratic countries.
Number of gallons consumed (over 100) of camel-swine beer, to please Allah of course.

Bonus points are given ahead of time for the number of the contestant’s sisters who are married off before the age traditional age of 9.

The Gold Metal winners will be allowed to bleed to death or blow himself up.

Losers in the contest are also rewarded with 72 rasins.

My cave is cold.

That is all.

Posted by: Omomoper Sninelet2650 || 04/24/2006 12:32 Comments || Top||

#12  binny dont like the VOA. Interesting.
Posted by: liberalhawk || 04/24/2006 14:20 Comments || Top||

#13  Five years ago, he was promising a storm of airplanes. Now he's reduced to demanding continued funding for the Hamas government.
Posted by: Mike || 04/24/2006 15:07 Comments || Top||

#14  I bet this speach was a green light for the attacks in Eygpt today.
Posted by: Yosemite Sam || 04/24/2006 16:20 Comments || Top||

#15  If the nations of the West were serious about their continuous Crusader-Zionist war against Muslims, there would be no Muslims left on the face of the earth. Since they are basically non-productive societies, they wouldn't be missed. we could populate much of the now Muslim world with Mexicans to do the work that Muslims wouldn't.
Posted by: RWV || 04/24/2006 16:56 Comments || Top||

#16  #14 I bet this speach was a green light for the attacks in Eygpt today.
Posted by: Yosemite Sam 2006-04-24 16:20

Excellent assessment Sam.
Posted by: Besoeker || 04/24/2006 16:58 Comments || Top||

#17  "Muslims, pay no heed for the number of the enemy and their arsenal of arms because victory is a gift of God"
I think an old long dead western emperor mentioned something about god and big batallions and he never had to hide cowering amougnst his disollusioned isolated umma
Posted by: pihkalbadger || 04/24/2006 17:40 Comments || Top||

#18  I bet this speach was a green light for the attacks in Eygpt today.

Binny's strategery is a marvel to behold. We are really missing a beat by not mocking him in a cartoon show on an Arab satellite TV channel.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 04/24/2006 17:43 Comments || Top||

#19  Interesting that he does not call for jihad in Xinjiang, despite the severe Chinese oppression of muslims...

Posted by: john || 04/24/2006 18:38 Comments || Top||

#20  "Therefore, the Umma has reached a consensus that he who offends or degrades the messenger would be killed."

To moderate Muslims: And what is YOUR vision of the umma? Ok to kill someone who "offends the messenger"? What's that you say? I can't hear you. Could you speak a little louder? Did you say Osama doesn't speak for you as a Muslim? No, you didn't? Sorry, I had heard that moderate Muslims were against killing cartoon artists...

#12LH-I thought so, too. Need more stations.

"With respect to Pakistan, some Muslims have done a good job by assisting their fellow Muslims..."

Damn correct. Enough splitting hairs-is pressure going to be brought to bear, or not?
Posted by: Jules || 04/24/2006 19:44 Comments || Top||

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