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Kazakh court sends 47 men to prison for terrorism
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7 22:08 Barbara [27] 
4 02:55 JosephMendiola [12] 
1 10:38 GolfBravoUSMC [15] 
2 19:00 Barbara [15] 
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1 01:46 tipper [18] 
1 00:24 JosephMendiola [19] 
0 [16] 
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1 18:22 Whomoting Threaling4890 [17] 
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5 21:29 Pappy [25] 
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1 18:24 Phusolet Flaising3772 [14] 
Page 2: WoT Background
4 14:52 Anguper Hupomosing9418 [19]
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2 22:26 JosephMendiola [24]
9 00:11 JosephMendiola [22]
0 [14]
2 18:55 Frank G [22]
1 01:11 JosephMendiola [17]
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7 15:57 Steve White [15]
0 [18]
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1 22:13 USN, Ret. [34]
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2 10:17 Besoeker [10]
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5 18:31 Barbara [19]
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2 02:28 g(r)omgoru [25]
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5 22:38 gorb [16]
1 01:17 JosephMendiola [14]
1 22:30 JosephMendiola [23]
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2 23:43 Alaska Paul [24]
14 22:04 crosspatch [27]
2 21:41 JosephMendiola [29]
0 [18]
4 22:32 john frum [28]
1 09:32 Besoeker [16]
6 15:11 tipper [12]
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1 23:57 JosephMendiola [25]
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2 20:36 Anguper Hupomosing9418 [20]
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8 17:14 Clolung the Anonymous2926 [17]
Page 6: Politix
15 23:21 junkiron [27]
4 09:38 AlanC [14]
4 21:56 junkiron [23]
Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 04/23/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Birthday/Daily Gam Shot

Janet Blair aka Eileen Sherwood in "My Sister Eileen (1942)" aka Judy Kane in "Tonight and Every Night (1945)" aka Jane Howard in "The Fabulous Dorseys (1947)" aka Patricia Dare in "Two Yanks in Trinidad (1942)" aka Ann Elliot in "The Fuller Brush Man (1948)" aka Tansy Taylor in "Burn, Witch, Burn (1962)" aka Marge Drayton in "Boys' Night Out (1962)" aka Katie Bower in "The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band (1968)" (Died in 2007 at age 85)

Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 04/23/2012 10:38 Comments || Top||

Africa Horn
South Sudan completes withdrawal from flashpoint oil field
[Daily Nation (Kenya)] South Sudan's army said Sunday that its troops faced fresh aerial bombardments from Sudan as they completed their pullout from the flashpoint Heglig oil field.

Juba seized the oil hub on April 10, claiming that Khartoum was using Heglig as a base to attack the South's oil-producing Unity State. Although South Sudan disputes it, Heglig is internationally regarded as part of Sudan.

The South's occupation met widespread criticism, including from UN chief the ephemeral Ban Ki-moon
... of whom it can be said to his credit that he is not Kofi Annan...
, who called it illegal.

South Sudan's President Salva Kiir on Friday announced his forces would carry out "an orderly withdrawal" from the area. On Sunday, a Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) front man said all southern troops had left.

The SPLA "completed its withdrawal from Heglig yesterday" front man Philip Aguer told AFP.

But, he charged, as the withdrawal was ongoing, Khartoum's air force "continued bombing on the night of the (Friday April) 20th and in the morning of the 21st".

The two sides have offered contradictory explanations for recent developments in Heglig.

On Friday, Sudan said its soldiers had "liberated" the oil field by force, despite, despite Kiir's earlier announcement of a withdrawal.

The South Sudanese UN Ambassador Agnes Oswaha has said Juba decided to withdraw "because it does not wish to see a return to war."
Posted by: Fred || 04/23/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Sudan

Spanish navy rescues Sri Lankan fishermen held by Somali pirates
(Sh.M.Network) -- Six Sri Lankan fishermen held by Somali pirates for ransom for more than eight months have been rescued by a Spanish battleship, an official said on Friday.

A bigwig from the External Affairs Ministry said that the fishermen were rescued by Spanish battleship "Infanta Elena" in the coastal belt 50 kilometers off Tanzania.

Further details would be gathered by Sri Lankan missions inLa Belle France, the official said.

Media reports quoted the Spanish navy as saying that seven others who were suspected to be Somali pirates had been occupying the vessel along with the six Sri Lankan fishermen.

The pirates had asked for a ransom of 6 million U. S. dollars to release the fishermen and threatened to kill the fishermen unless the money was given.

In January last year, Somali pirates killed two Sri Lankan fishermen and took another three as hostages after their vessel got lost in the Indian Ocean.
Posted by: Fred || 04/23/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Pirates

#1  Bravo!
Posted by: American Delight || 04/23/2012 6:29 Comments || Top||

#2  Spain has battleships?
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 04/23/2012 14:56 Comments || Top||

#3  You men they can afford to put fuel in it?
Posted by: mojo || 04/23/2012 15:27 Comments || Top||

#4  Practice for Argentina!
Posted by: Glineck Protector of the Brontosaurs4611 || 04/23/2012 17:40 Comments || Top||

#5  Practice for Argentina!

Don't drink and post, Kids.
Posted by: Pappy || 04/23/2012 21:29 Comments || Top||

Militants Threaten To Execute Yemeni Soldiers Amid Raging Battles In South
[Yemen Post] Al-Qaeda has threatened to execute seventy soldiers its members tossed in the clink during raids on military bases in Abyan
...a governorate of Yemen. The region was a base to the Aden-Abyan Islamic Army terrorist group until it dropped the name and joined al-Qaeda. Its capital is Zinjibar. In March 2011, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula declared the governate an Islamic Emirate after seizing control of the region. The New York Times fastidiously reported that those in control, while Islamic hard boyz, are not in fact al-Qaeda, but something else that looks, tastes, smells, and acts the same. Yemeni government forces launched an effort to re-establish control of the region when President-for-Life Saleh was tossed and the carnage continues...
province in early March.

The gunnies overwhelmed the military bases in the Doufas district killing and taking as hostage scores of soldiers as well as looting military equipment.

Early this month, fifteen soldiers were held and rubbed out by al-Qaeda members after battles with the forces in Lahj province.

HOOD and al-Karama organizations said the Sharia Supporters, one of the bully boy groups in the south, intends to execute ten soldiers a week if the government continues to ignore their demands including the release of gunnies held inside the political security jails.

In a statement, the two organizations appealed to the Sharia Supporters to protect the soldiers and avoid extrajudicial executions. They also appealed to the government, the Yemeni holy mans, the Yemeni tribes' coalition and human rights
One man's rights are another man's existential threat.
agencies to help take action to prevent the execution of the soldiers.

On March 22, the two organizations sent an activist team to the Jaar city held by al-Qaeda and the team was allowed to meet more than 70 soldiers held by bully boys.

The team inspected the health conditions of the soldiers and how they were held. The soldiers said they were being treated in a good way, adding al-Qaeda set conditions including the release its members held inside the political security prisons in return for their release.

With direct support from the US, the Yemeni forces have been fighting AQAP, the al-Qaeda branch in Yemen since it was founded in 2009. In mid-2011, al-Qaeda seized some towns in Abyan province including the capital Zinjibar and recently it has tried to occupy more towns to expand its presence.

The forces in association with popular fighters have thwarted terrorist plans and have waged battles killing and injuring hundreds of gunnies in the Lawder city.
Posted by: Fred || 04/23/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Arabia

Warplanes strike al-Qaeda hideouts in south Yemen, 18 killed
[Yemen Post] Warplanes continued pounding al-Qaeda whereabouts in the southern Yemeni province of Abyan
...a governorate of Yemen. The region was a base to the Aden-Abyan Islamic Army terrorist group until it dropped the name and joined al-Qaeda. Its capital is Zinjibar. In March 2011, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula declared the governate an Islamic Emirate after seizing control of the region. The New York Times fastidiously reported that those in control, while Islamic hard boyz, are not in fact al-Qaeda, but something else that looks, tastes, and acts the same. Yemeni government forces launched an effort to re-establish control of the region when President-for-Life Saleh was tossed and the carnage continues...
, killing at least 18 bully boyz and wounding dozens others, local security official said on Sunday."Army aircrafts bombed on Sunday the hideouts of Ansar al-Sharia,
...a Yemeni Islamist militia which claims it is not part of al-Qaeda, even though it works about the same and for the same ends...
the al-Qaeda wing in Yemen, in Yasouq Mountain and al-Maniasa area, located in southern Lawdar, and in areas southwestern Lawdar, killing 11 cut-throats and destroying military vehicles claimed by al-Qaeda in their battles with the army troops in the south," the security official were quoted by several local media outlets as saying.

Two bully boyz were also killed when the army planes bombarded their places in areas on the outskirts of Abyan.

Another Local security official told Yemen Portal, a local online newspaper, that the army troops and the tribal committees, who joined the fight against al-Qaeda after the army was outmaneuvered by the terror network for many times, made a significant headway in the ongoing fierce battles against the bully boyz in Zinjubar, the thriving provincial capital of Abyan.Zinjubar has been taken over by al-Qaeda in May of 2011, when the thug group took control of the unrest triggered by the revolution across the country.

The government forces are approaching the governorship building in the city and started combing the area in search for the fundamentalists who have beat a retreat toward Ja'ar town, their old stronghold, according to the unnamed security official. Army troops from the 39th Armored Brigade advanced in the eastern part of Zinjuabar and took control of the Central Prison after they carried out painful strikes against the thugs, added the official."Five bully boyz were killed in the battles with the army troops," the official said, adding that a soldier was killed and other 13 were maimed in the festivities.The maimed soldiers were raced to Basuhib Military Hospital in the port city of Aden.
Posted by: Fred || 04/23/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Arabia

#1  Have they blown up the RICH MUSLIM PEOPLE yet who are bank rolling all of this?
Posted by: Whomoting Threaling4890 || 04/23/2012 18:22 Comments || Top||

Robber killed in 'shootout'
[Bangla Daily Star] An alleged robber
Our intrepid reporter has been influenced by American reporting conventions -- they don't generally presume innocence elsewhere in the world...
was killed and four coppers were maimed
Splinters and stubbed toes all around, the poor, brave darlings.
in a 'shootout' between his cohorts and law enforcers in Moheshkhali upazila of Cox's Bazar district early yesterday.
Someone fetch The Map!
The dear departed Giasuddin, 30, was the ringleader of robbery gang and an accused in three robbery cases filed with Moheshkhali Police Station,
Nowhere near the standard "wanted on twelve systems", and now he has no chance to achieve it.
said Ranjit Kumar Barua, officer-in-charge of the cop shoppe.

Giasuddin, son of Amir Sultan, was a resident of Uttar Muhuri
ghona village in the upazila.
The Map, dammit! Sergeant, we need the map now!
Following a tip-off,
"Mahmoud the Weasel IV here, calling in with your daily tip..."
a team of police raided the house of Giasuddin where a gang of bandidos was holding a secret meeting in the dead of night at about 2:00am for committing robbery in a trawler, the OC said.

Spider senses tingling at the proximity of coppers, the gang opened fire, prompting the law enforcers to retaliate, he said.
It's those finely honed copper instincts -- they just take over.
After around an hour-long shootout, the robbers managed to flee the spot
Marked X and without a trace, as always...
leaving bullet-hit Giasuddin behind. Police at first rushed him to Moheshkhali Upazila Health Complex.

As his condition deteriorated, he was referred to Cox's Bazar Sadar Hospital where he died around 10:30am, the OC said.
"He's dead, Jim. Put him with the others, and tell them if they don't fix the generator I won't be responsible for the results."
Abdur Rahman, an assistant sub-inspector of the cop shoppe, and three police constables Kamruzzaman, Tushar Chowdhury and M Russel sustained bullet wounds during the shootout.
Dr. Quincy can fix that. He can fix anything.
The injured coppers were admitted to the upazila health complex, the OC added.
Posted by: Fred || 04/23/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Kazakh court sends 47 men to prison for terrorism
A closed court in Kazakhstan has sent 47 men to prison for two bomb attacks last year linked to an increasingly prominent Islamic extremist group.

The convicted men were given prison sentences of between five and 15 years for links to the bomb attacks against government buildings in October in the western oil town of Atyrau, Kazakh media reported, after one of the biggest terrorism trials in Kazakhstan's 20-year post-Soviet history ended on Wednesday.

Last year, a series of attacks linked to Islamic extremists challenged Kazakhstan's reputation for stability and infuriated Nursultan Nazarbayev, its 71-year-old president. Mr Nazarbayev blamed extremist foreign preachers and the internet for spreading banned literature and videos which radicalised young Kazakh men.

In response, Kazakhstan introduced laws which allowed more surveillance of the internet and a cut back on religious freedom.

The main Islamic extremist group to emerge last year was the previously unknown Jund al-Khilafah. The group, which is reportedly based on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border and whose name in Arabic means Soldiers of the Caliphate, claimed a handful of attacks in Kazakhstan against government buildings last year in retaliation for the crackdown on Muslims.

More recently, Jund al-Khilafah said it had trained Mohamed Merah, the French-Algerian killed by police in March after he had shot dead three paratroopers, a rabbi and three Jewish children.
This article starring:
Mohamed Merah
Posted by: Steve White || 04/23/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

Five preachers gunned down in Allai
[Dawn] Five persons were killed and another four suffered critical injuries when a member of Tableeghi Jamaat opened firing on his associates and local residents in Pashto area of Allai on Saturday.

"In this unfortunate incident five members of Tableeghi Jamaat have been killed and another four injured after their colleague opened firing on them," said Ghulam Hussain, the Battagram District Police Officer, while talking to mediapersons.

A group of Tableeghi Jamaat from Tank was on a preaching mission in a mosque in Pashto area when one of its members identified as Rizwanullah opened firing on his colleagues after snatching a Kalashnikov from a local man, killing five of them on the spot and leaving four others injured.The dear departed were identified as Ahmadullah of Bannu, Jahangir and Mir Ali of Lakki Marwat, Fazalur Rehman of Pashto area and Subz Ali of Tank.

The injured included Ibrar, Shahbahan, Wali Mohammad and Sher Baz, who were taken to Allai hospital and then referred to district headquarters hospital in Battagram.

The Battagram DCO said that the assailant had been placed in durance vile and police were investigating the real motive behind the incident. He added that someone had told him that the assailant was insane. "It is a sensitive issue and we would investigate it thoroughly to know the real cause behind the killings." The Allai police after registering FIR against the accused started investigation.
Posted by: Fred || 04/23/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Tablighi Jamaat

#1  someone had told him that the assailant was insane
He probably thought the ones that he killed were crazier than he was.
Probably right too.
A group of ten crazy mullahs undertaking missionary work would be a sight to behold.
Posted by: tipper || 04/23/2012 1:46 Comments || Top||

Militants blow up clinic and two schools in KP
[Dawn] Unknown forces of Evil in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
... formerly NWFP, still Terrorism Central...
blew up two schools and a clinic in separate attacks on Sunday morning, DawnNews reported.
Over there that's why they build 'em.
According to police sources forces of Evil blew up a Government Primary school in Beautiful Downtown Peshawar's Matra area.

One room of the school was damaged by the kaboom. Bomb disposal squad reached the area and diffused another IED planted in the vicinity.

Another school was blown up by forces of Evil in Dera Ismail Khan
... the Pearl of Pashtunistan ...

No loss of life was reported in either incident as schools are closed on Sunday.

A private clinic was blown up by forces of Evil in Budh Bher area of Peshawar.
Posted by: Fred || 04/23/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: TTP


gut nuthin.

Posted by: JosephMendiola || 04/23/2012 0:24 Comments || Top||

Maoists kidnap govt official in central India
[Dawn] Maoist rebels in India have taken a government official hostage and killed his two bodyguards in the central state of Chhattisgarh, police said Sunday, in the latest of a series of kidnappings.

The guerrillas shot the two guards dead when capturing Alex Paul Menon on Saturday as he toured a village in Sukma district, 320 kilometres from the state capital Raipur, police said.

Menon, 32, is Sukma's district collector, a role that makes him the most senior civil servant in the area.

"It is a very unfortunate incident, and the government will do everything to secure the release of the collector," Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh told news hounds.

Menon's kidnapping comes 10 days after Maoists in the neighbouring state of Orissa released an Italian tour guide whom they had held hostage for nearly a month.

A state assembly politician also remains in captivity after being kidnapped in Orissa last month.

The Maoists have in the past kidnapped government officials and coppers to raise ransom payments and negotiate other demands.

Most hostages have been released unharmed, but some have been killed.

Chhattisgarh is one of several states where Maoist guerrillas, who claim to be fighting for the rights of poor tribals and farmers, have waged a decades-long battle to overthrow state and national authorities.

The government describes the Maoist movement, which often targets police and soldiers with deadly roadside mine ambushes, as India's biggest internal security threat.

The insurgency, which began in 1967, feeds off land disputes, police brutality and corruption, and is strongest in the poorest and most deprived areas of India, many of which are rich in natural resources.
Posted by: Fred || 04/23/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Commies

Rocket Fired from Gaza Hits Southern Israel
[An Nahar] Paleostinian snuffies in the Gazoo Strip fired a rocket which hit southern Israel on Sunday, without causing casualties, Israeli police said.

"There was one rocket that was fired into the southern region, it landed in an open area causing no damage and no injuries," police front man Micky Rosenfeld told Agence La Belle France Presse.

Last month, a series of Israeli air strikes and Paleostinian rocket salvoes followed Israel's killing of a Gazoo bully boy leader.

Paleostinians in Gazoo fired more than 310 rockets at Israel whose warplanes carried out dozens of air strikes, killing 25 people, among them 14 members of bully boy group Islamic Jihad
...created after many members of the Egyptian Mohammedan Brotherhood decided the organization was becoming too moderate. Operations were conducted out of Egypt until 1981 when the group was exiled after the liquidation of President Anwar Sadat. They worked out of Gaza until they were exiled to Lebanon in 1987, where they clove tightly to Hezbollah. In 1989 they moved to Damascus, where they remain a subsidiary of Hezbollah...
Posted by: Fred || 04/23/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  At least they hit the right country this time..
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/23/2012 17:01 Comments || Top||

#2  too bad
Posted by: Barbara || 04/23/2012 19:00 Comments || Top||

Commandos Board Ship Allegedly Smuggling Weapons To Gaza
Israel Navy vessels intercept HS Beethoven, detected about 160 miles from Israel flying a Liberian flag; commandos board ship with the captain's consent, search for weapons.

Commandos from the Navy's elite unit Flotilla 13 boarded a vessel, the HS Beethoven, in the Mediterranean Sea on Sunday night that was allegedly trying to smuggle weaponry to the Gazoo Strip.

The ship was detected about 160 miles from Israel flying a Liberian flag and was intercepted by Israel Navy vessels. Commandos boarded the ship with the captain's consent and were searching for weapons.

The IDF stated that the boarding was part of a routine patrol.

The HS Beethoven left Beirut on April 20 and was scheduled to arrive in Alexandria, Egypt on Monday evening. Prior to stopping in Leb, it had stopped in in Limassol, Cyprus.

Last March, the Navy intercepted a ship called Victoria that was carrying about 50 tons of weaponry and was on its way to Egypt. It was also a Liberian-flagged ship and was also headed to Alexandria.

The weapons cache seized on the Victoria included a number of sophisticated radar-guided Iranian anti-ship missiles that were supposed to go to Islamic Jihad
...created after many members of the Egyptian Moslem Brotherhood decided the organization was becoming too moderate. Operations were conducted out of Egypt until 1981 when the group was exiled after the liquidation of President Anwar Sadat. They worked out of Gaza until they were exiled to Lebanon in 1987, where they clove tightly to Hezbollah. In 1989 they moved to Damascus, where they remain a subsidiary of Hezbollah...
inside Gazoo.
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/23/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  One should take weapons soak in BACON fat take all firing mechs out etc and return to owners. Have they started the aerial spraying yet in Afghanistan tankers filled with pig blood on all poppy crops screw the dune coons!
Posted by: Phusolet Flaising3772 || 04/23/2012 18:24 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Philippine troops kill 6 communist guerrillas in gun battle
Philippine army troops have killed six communist guerrillas during a gun battle in the country's mountainous north in the latest outbreak of the 43-year-old Marxist insurgency.

Soldiers patrolling near the village of Bayawel were shot at by about 15 New People's Army guerrillas on Saturday. The soldiers returned fire and there was an hourlong clash. Villagers told the soldiers they saw at least six slain rebels, including a woman, being carried by their comrades.
Posted by: ryuge || 04/23/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:






Not Politically, not economically, not domestically, + not vee Foreign Policy.

Posted by: JosephMendiola || 04/23/2012 1:30 Comments || Top||

#2  More from BR ...

* SAME > CHINESE DAILY [Global Times] CALLS FOR "SMALL-SCALE WAR" AGZ PHILIPPINES, + for China to also be ready for any post Sino-Phil COnflict consequences in the UNO andor International stage.

* SAME > CHINA SAYS JAPAN'S UNILATERAL ACTION ON DAOYU ISLANDS ILLEGAL [+ Invalid], wid CHina reserving its right to resort to any measures to protect its sovereign interests.


Fingers are a'twiddling + a'twitchin mightily.



This may NOT end well for Beijing, as Radical Islam is more likely than not to react by rebuilding + funneling new or more Jihadis into China, from Pakistan or elsewhere vee the C.A.R. routes into China.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 04/23/2012 2:11 Comments || Top||

#3  FYI the US has reaffirmed its defence treaty wid the PHIL today.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 04/23/2012 2:15 Comments || Top||



* SAME > NORTH KOREA WARNS OF "SPECIAL ACTIONS" SOON, to wipe out the wily dastardly disrepectful SOKOR Admin of Lee Myeung-Bak.

The issue is TAIWAN + "post-US", World #1 wannabe Rising China's desire for SOVEREIGN, "SOLE" + INTERNATIONALLY "GUARANTEED",
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 04/23/2012 2:55 Comments || Top||

Middle East In Syria, Lebanon's Most Wanted Sunni Terrorist Blows Himself Up
Lebanese terror leader Abdel Ghani Jawhar detonated himself accidentally in Syria, raising questions about the kind of company the rebels are keeping.
And who's supplying the raw materials for the kabooms...
When one of Lebanon's most wanted terrorists kills himself while planting a bomb it is cause for at least some sort of grim celebration. But when the chief bomb-maker of the country's most notorious terror group self detonates while helping rebels fight in Syria, it is cause for concern.
Only if your name is Mahmoud and you supplied the detonator...
TIME has learned that Abdel Ghani Jawhar, one of the leaders of the Sunni fundamentalist terror group Fatah al-Islam, died in the Syrian city of Qsair on Friday night. The founding cleric of Fatah al Islam, Sheikh Osama al Shihabi, confirmed Jawhar's death to TIME with a quote from the Koran: "'We are for God and to him we return.' We as Mujahideen are used to being killed and if God wants to give those killed dignity he gives them martyrdom. This is the path of righteousness."

This article starring:
Abdel Ghani Jawhar
Sheikh Osama al Shihabi
Posted by: tipper || 04/23/2012 13:52 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under:

#1  How in the name of all that's holy does one become accustomed to being killed? Very few people survive the first experience, by definition.
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/23/2012 18:50 Comments || Top||

#2  "'We are for God and to him we return.' We as Mujahideen are used to being killed and if God wants to give those killed dignity he gives them martyrdom. This is the path of righteousness."

"I myself have been killed three times in April alone"
Posted by: Frank G || 04/23/2012 18:51 Comments || Top||

#3  Inshallah
Posted by: Barbara || 04/23/2012 19:26 Comments || Top||

#4  I lost count of how many times I've been killed.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 04/23/2012 19:29 Comments || Top||

#5  "We wanted to send his body back to Lebanon but we couldn’t because it was torn into pieces.”
I just love a happy ending.
Posted by: Glenmore || 04/23/2012 21:35 Comments || Top||

#6  "all 8,000 in attendance received a relic of his martyred body"
Posted by: Frank G || 04/23/2012 21:40 Comments || Top||

#7  Frank and Glenmore, y'all are just mean.

Keep it up. ;-p
Posted by: Barbara || 04/23/2012 22:08 Comments || Top||

19 Civilians, 4 Troops Killed in Syria despite U.N. Presence
[An Nahar] Syrian forces killed 19 civilians on Sunday across the country, including six in Homs despite the presence of U.N. observers in the rebel province to pave the way for a 300-strong mission approved by the Security Council, monitors said.

Six non-combatants were killed in Idlib, five in rural Damascus
...Capital of the last overtly fascist regime in the world...
, six in Homs and two in Daraa, the Local Coordination Committees, the main activist group spurring anti-regime protests on the ground, said.

Two civilians and four soldiers were killed during an assault on a rebel bastion near Damascus by regime forces, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

The violence came even as U.N.-Arab League
...an organization of Arabic-speaking states with 22 member countries and four observers. The League tries to achieve Arab consensus on issues, which usually leaves them doing nothing but a bit of grimacing and mustache cursing...
envoy Kofi Annan
...Ghanaian diplomat who served as the seventh and so far the worst Secretary-General of the UN. Annan and the UN were the co-recipients of the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize for something or other that probably sounded good at the time. In December 2004, reports surfaced that Kofi's son Kojo received payments from the Swiss company Cotecna, which had won a lucrative contract under the UN Oil-for-Food Program. Kofi Annan called for an investigation to look into the allegations, which stirred up the expected cesspool but couldn't seem to come up with enough evidence to indict Kofi himself, or even Kojo...
singled out the government of Hereditary President-for-Life Bashir Pencilneck al-Assad
The Scourge of Hama...
in an appeal for an end to hostilities by both loyalist forces and rebels seeking to oust him.

"I urge all forces whether governmental, opposition or others to put down their weapons and work with the United Nations
...where theory meets practice and practice loses...
monitors to consolidate the fragile cessation of violence," Annan said in a statement.

"The government in particular must desist from the use of heavy weapons and, as it has committed, withdraw such weapons and armed units from population centers and implement fully its commitments under the six-point plan."

The latest bloodshed came only hours after the U.N. Security Council voted to send 300 unarmed observers to Syria for three months, although Washington warned it may veto a new mandate for the mission.

The Observatory said regime forces rubbed out three civilians in the city of Homs and three others in Talbisseh, another town visited by U.N. observers in restive Homs province.

"Three citizens were killed by security forces fire in the Khaldiyeh, al-Guta and al-Mukayam districts of Homs," the Britannia-based monitoring group said.

Two advance team members set up base in Homs on Sunday, mission member Neeraj Singh said earlier, a day after they made their first visit to the central protest city since arriving in Syria a week ago.

On Saturday "the team drove or walked around the city of Homs and stopped at different locations to talk to the people. Two U.N. military observers have now been stationed at Homs since yesterday evening," Singh told Agence La Belle France Presse.

U.N. observers also toured on Sunday the city of Rastan in Homs province, according to Free Syrian Army front man Colonel Saadeddine Qassem who escorted them through the rebel town.

Troops fired warning shots into the air to disperse a group of residents who surrounded the observers, he added.

Later the observers visited the city of Hama farther north, including a square which witnessed huge anti-regime protests last year, activist Abu Ghazi Hamwi reported from the scene.

The official Syrian news agency
... and if you can't believe the Official Syrian News Agency who can you believe?
SANA said the observers met the governor of Hama during the visit.

On Saturday, the observers went to Baba Amr, a rebel hideout in Homs battered by a month-long army bombardment that monitors say killed hundreds before it was retaken on March 1.

A YouTube video showed the observers meeting activists who begged them to stay.

"Today is the first day since two months, exactly since 5 February... in Homs without shelling... without killing, without fire," one unidentified activist said in the footage.

"Because of that, we want you to stay. Please stay. This is what we want. When you come, shelling stops. When you come, killing stops," he told the observers, who wore blue helmets and bullet-proof vests marked "U.N."

In other violence on Sunday, tank shelling and heavy gunfire were reported in Douma, an outlying rebel suburb of the Syrian capital, activists reported.

"Regime forces backed by tanks stormed Douma under heavy gunfire," said the revolutionary council of Damascus province.

Videos posted online showed towering columns of smoke over Douma, as gunfire crackled and calls of "Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest) were heard.

Council member Mohammed Saeed told AFP the assault was "in retaliation for huge anti-regime protests there and because it's a center of dissent."

The Observatory said four soldiers were killed when a bomb targeted an armored personnel carrier in Douma, where two civilians were also rubbed out.

A third civilian was rubbed out at a checkpoint elsewhere in Damascus province.

In northwest Syria, it group said, soldiers rubbed out three civilians at a village in Jabal al-Zawiya district of Idlib province while an overnight ambush on a patrol in Banias killed one security officer and maimed three.

Under U.N. Resolution 2043, 300 military observers will be sent for an initial 90 days if U.N. chief the ephemeral Ban Ki-moon
... of whom it can be said to his credit that he is not Kofi Annan...
determines it is safe to go.

Saturday's vote was hailed by Syria's political and military opposition but Washington warned it may prevent the mission's renewal after three months, while urging greater international pressure on Assad.

"Our patience is exhausted. No one should assume that the United States will agree to renew this mission after 90 days," U.S. ambassador Susan Rice told the Council.

The U.N. says well over 9,000 Syrians have been killed since democracy protests erupted in March 2011, while monitors put the figure at more than 11,000.

Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Fred || 04/23/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

3 Hurt in Abi Samra Demo, Gunmen Deploy in Bab al-Tabbaneh, Jabal Mohsen
[An Nahar] Three people were maimed on Sunday when a demo against the Syrian regime came under gunfire in the Tripoli
...a confusing city, one end of thich is located in Lebanon and the other end of which is the capital of Libya. Its chief distinction is being mentioned in the Marine Hymn...
neighborhood of Abi Samra.

"Gunmen shot up the demo when it reached al-Shiraa Roundabout, wounding three people who were rushed to hospitals in the area," state-run National News Agency reported.

"At once, Lebanese army troops arrived on the scene and encircled the site to prevent any escalation," NNA said.

Earlier on Sunday, gunnies deployed on the streets of Tripoli's rival Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen districts following a personal dispute between two youths from the two areas, Radio Voice of Leb (93.3) reported.

It said the army intervened and managed to contain the situation after youths from the two areas hurled stones at each other.

In February three people were killed and 23 others maimed in fierce festivities between gunnies from the two rival neighborhoods.

In June 2011, six people were killed in the wake of demonstrations in the area against the Syrian regime.

Predominantly Alawite Bab al-Tabbaneh is loyal to the Hizbullah-led alliance and the Syrian regime, while largely Sunni Bab al-Tabbaneh is loyal to Leb's anti-Syrian opposition.

Syrian Hereditary President-for-Life Bashir Pencilneck al-Assad
Light of the Alawites...
, who is fighting an unprecedented revolt against his regime, is from the Alawite community, an offshoot of Shia Islam.
Posted by: Fred || 04/23/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

'Armed terrorist' group blows up pipeline in Syria, state news says
Syria's state news agency said.
... and if you can't believe the state news agency who can you believe?
that an "armed terrorist" group blew up an oil pipeline in Syria's eastern province of Deir al-Zor, near the border with Iraq, on Saturday.

"An armed terrorist group detonated an improvised bomb on a oil line near Abu Hammam, in the province of Deir al-Zor, which led to a fire," SANA said, giving no more details.
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/23/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

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