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2 Pakistanis arrested in Cyprus on al-Qaeda links
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Al-Oufi escaped Soddy seige
The leader of Al Qaida was said to have escaped a dragnet by Saudi security forces.

Saudi security sources said Saleh Al Awfi had not been trapped in the 60-hour siege of an Al Qaida stronghold last week. Two leading Al Qaida operatives died in the battle in the northern town of Al Rass, but Al Awfi was not identified as among the 15 insurgents killed. "Al Awfi is still a fugitive whom the authorities are searching for and continue to track," Interior Ministry spokesman Brig. Gen. Mansour Al Turki said.

Earlier, Saudi opposition and security sources said Al Awfi was one of those killed in the battle. The opposition sources said Al Awfi's body had been found burned in a wheelchair.
This article starring:
Brig. Gen. Mansour Al Turki
SALEH AL AWFIal-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/17/2005 12:50:29 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Dog bites man.

Tap.... nope.
Posted by: Shipman || 04/17/2005 11:15 Comments || Top||

#2  Damn.

Yours too, Ship?
Posted by: Raj || 04/17/2005 11:23 Comments || Top||

#3  so a cripple evades "surrounding"? Saudis are f*&king idiots, or believe everyone else is....huh, Naif?
Posted by: Frank G || 04/17/2005 12:00 Comments || Top||

#4  Yep Raj, and I just bought this one on Chartes last week.
Posted by: Shipman || 04/17/2005 13:21 Comments || Top||

Saleh Vows to Pursue Rebel Chief
Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh yesterday vowed to pursue Badruddin Al-Houthi, whose armed supporters fought government troops for two weeks in country's north. "By the grace of God, the strife was subdued, and all elements involved in fomenting that strife or those who provided them with support should be hunted down and brought to justice," Saleh said, addressing top military and police commanders. In a strongly-worded speech, carried by the Yemen's official news agency, the Yemeni leader dubbed Al-Houthi and his followers "defiant elements holding false ideas and acting against the law, order and constitution".
Posted by: Fred || 04/17/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under:

#1  In a strongly-worded speech,

Saleh, do I have a job for you!
Posted by: Kofi Annan || 04/17/2005 10:53 Comments || Top||

#2  Every time I read about Yemen I am even happier that Mr. Wife didn't take that opportunity. Would have been a great career move, but he was never happier to say, "Wish I could, but ...Jewish wife, y'know." I kept him from being transferred to the Magic Kingdom, too, a very good thing, indeed -- he likes that place even less than .com does.
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/17/2005 14:51 Comments || Top||

#3  Luscky guy,that Mr.Wife.
Posted by: raptor || 04/17/2005 17:32 Comments || Top||

2 Pakistanis arrested in Cyprus on al-Qaeda links
Cyprus police and officers of the Cyprus Immigration Department (CID) have arrested two Asian men on suspicion of being part of a terrorist organization, local press reported Saturday. The two men, whose names have not been identified, were believed to be from Pakistan and affiliated to a terrorist organization with link to Osama Bin Laden's al Qaeda network. Police officers and CID members made the joint arrest after receiving an anonymous tip-off, which took place in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

The two men, who were neither working nor studying in the island country, were being questioned at the main police headquarters in Nicosia, and their apartment was being searched. Almost a year ago, Cyprus police made a similar arrest in Larnaca taking into custody a group of Asian men also suspected of being linked to terrorist organizations. However, the men were released after no evidence was found against them.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/17/2005 12:35:12 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [42 views] Top|| File under:

Home Front: WoT
Mystery flight
It's part of the routine for air travel since 9/11. Fifteen minutes after KLM Flight 685 took off from Amsterdam for Mexico City on April 8, Mexican authorities forwarded the names of all the passengers to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The reason: the flight was scheduled to pass through U.S. airspace after making a long swing over Canada. The information was then passed on to the U.S. National Targeting Center, based at a secret address in the Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C. That's when the routine became extraordinary: by the time the Boeing 747 had finished its three-hour crossing of the Atlantic, Homeland Security screeners were on high alert. The names of two Saudi passengers aboard the KLM flight had begun producing "hits" on the screening center's lists of 70,000 suspect foreigners.

One of these hits—from an FBI database of terror suspects known as TIPOFF—smacked investigators right between the eyes. The two Saudis, the database reported, were brothers and pilots who had attended the same Arizona flight school as 9/11 hijacker Hani Hanjour. Soon the multiplicity of U.S. terror databases started pumping out similar hits. Fearing that Flight 685 might be a 9/11-style plot in the making, U.S. authorities refused the plane overflight rights, and Canada rejected a request to land. Much to the chagrin of its 278 passengers, the KLM jet made an exhausting odyssey back to Amsterdam.

Was it a plot? The KLM 685 incident—which was not widely publicized by the U.S. government—is an illustration of just how hard it has become to tell ordinary guys from bad guys in the war on terror. Washington's concern about the KLM flight seems legitimate: in the past year, U.S. counterterrorism officials have cited intelligence indicating that Al Qaeda might be planning to use foreign-based airliners to launch attacks against the U.S. homeland. One U.S. counterterrorism official told NEWSWEEK that the two passengers were "bad dudes." And a European intelligence official said the two have "extensive but secondary" links to Al Qaeda.

At least one of the two Saudis had previously been deported from the United States, according to Homeland Security sources. A former neighbor in Arizona, who asked to remain anonymous, recalled that federal officials in full body armor rushed the Saudi's empty house several weeks after 9/11 and later arrested him. During FBI questioning, a law-enforcement official told NEWSWEEK, the Saudi acknowledged knowing Hani Hanjour. Upon further questioning, he also conceded that he had known another of the 9/11 hijackers.

Even so, by the end of last week the reasons the Saudi brothers gave for their trip to Mexico appeared to be holding up, U.S. investigators conceded. The men told authorities they were visiting their ill father, a retired Saudi diplomat who is living in Mexico. A Saudi official in Riyadh later told NEWSWEEK that the father was a former "administrative employee" of the Saudi Foreign Ministry, but that he has not worked for the government for 10 years and has a Mexican wife. One counterterrorism official said authorities were aware of the family and had been watching the brothers for some time, adding, "I just don't think this was a plot along the lines of 9/11." Much as some intelligence officials insist that the Saudis have Qaeda links, no Western agency made a move to arrest them. (Because of the ambiguous nature of the case, NEWSWEEK has decided not to publish their names.)

So did the United States overreact? "There are so many people on that watch list that shouldn't be on it," explained a U.S. official privy to the KLM case. "But you have to err on the side of caution in the post-9/11 world. You've got a plane with unknown quantities hurtling towards the U.S. You're going to act first and think later." Unfortunately, some foreign governments now think Washington does too much acting and too little thinking. While the Bush administration has made the case that this is a war without rules, Europeans still tend to see counterterrorism as a law-enforcement problem. That is partly why Dutch and other European authorities, lacking direct proof of a crime or plot, decided not to detain the two Saudis. Yet even the Europeans aren't completely on the same page. Officials with Dutch and U.S. intelligence say that after the two men arrived back in Amsterdam, they flew to London, where they were refused entry. Then they flew back to the Netherlands, where they were under surveillance before returning on their own to Saudi Arabia. British officials were later peeved that Dutch authorities failed to communicate to them the full tale of KLM 685. A Saudi official later told NEWSWEEK the two men had been detained for questioning.

Some counterterrorism officials worry that the Saudi brothers could be living double lives. One of the Saudis lived in the United States for at least 14 years and took an engineering degree at Arizona State University. A former neighbor of his in Tempe remembers him as "really nice." But another former Arizona neighbor recalls that a day or two after 9/11, the normally self-contained Saudi was behaving oddly. "He was wearing a wide grin. He said, 'Hi, Neighbor, isn't it a great day?' It seemed inappropriate." Other intelligence officials say if the two were indeed part of a Qaeda operation, it is no surprise their destination was Mexico City. U.S. officials fear that Latin America, and more particularly Mexico—with its porous U.S. border—may become a staging ground for Al Qaeda. The big question is, wherever the next threat comes from, will authorities be able to spot it in time? The possibilities for mistaken identity are many, but the room for error is very, very narrow.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/17/2005 12:40:54 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I doubt if KLM's screening is good enough...Amsterdam Airport Schiphol certainly looks like a ticking timebomb...a couple of weeks ago the largest diamond robbery ever( 72 Mio Euro's)took place...2 people dressed in KLM clothing....Then Amsterdam airport employs quite an amount of islamic people all over the airport. Not that that should be a problem but when somebody with an osama style beard is checking your aircraft while you are already in it you start to feel funny. Maybe we must not be to negative and start to think those guys would be sleepers....
Posted by: Dutchgeek || 04/17/2005 9:02 Comments || Top||

#2  I hope the Saudis, who do not have such niceties as "human rights" will get the truth from them. You do not have to torture someone to get the truth. Look how the Paleos start "singing" the moment they are in Israeli custody.

These 2 guys were ideal: They have legitimate reasond to travel to Mexico. Then, it's a no-brainer to commandeer a plane and hit us, or whatever their nefarious plans may be.
Posted by: Glereper Craviter7929 || 04/17/2005 9:16 Comments || Top||

#3  Not one attributed quote. Even the two key questions, "Did we overreact?" and "Can we afford not to?", are not from sources - they are generated by the reporters. Interesting.

The "product" this piece offers is a vague sort of fear, when it could have focused upon giving kudos to the people behind the process. What should have happened is precisely what did happen: they turned away a flight with dangerously suspicious people aboard who have the skills to use it in a 9/11-style attack.

The system seems to have worked. That the individuals in question didn't do anything this time is not the point - John Dillinger didn't rob every bank he ever saw - the point is, IMHO, that the situation was there and our people did their jobs admirably. These two Saudis are interconnected with proven bad guys in ways that should arouse suspicion - and our people didn't fail to see it or act upon it.

Kudos to the folks who do this, day in and day out, and only get noticed when someone in the MSM wants to cast doubts or raise fears. Imagine the story spin had they failed and these MSNBC reporters had found out... Ridicule, if nothing came of it, or vilification, if something did. Thanks, folks - you sure earn your pay.

Good read, Dan - Thx!
Posted by: .com || 04/17/2005 9:28 Comments || Top||

#4  U.S. officials fear that Latin America, and more particularly Mexico—with its porous U.S. border—may become a staging ground for Al Qaeda

Think Beslan, US-style: 10-12 jihadists slaughtering hundreds at a mall, say, with small arms or an aircraft. Child's play for AQ to infiltrate any of the thousands of illegals who cross the border each day. Mexican, Colombian, Honduran etc narco-terrorists will help; narco-politicians may help even more.

When will this country get serious about the threat to the south?
Posted by: thibaud (aka lex) || 04/17/2005 9:49 Comments || Top||

#5  as .com noted, when dead Americans in adequate quantities happen. Then everyone will be a "I've always been for secure closed borders" guy. I say close em now - if we need workers, find a secure way to bring em in, otherwise, shoot anyone that crosses
Posted by: Frank G || 04/17/2005 11:57 Comments || Top||

#6  The KLM 685 incident—which was not widely publicized by the U.S. government

Odd. It "wasn't widely publicized" but I heard about it on the day it happened and heard follow-up details for the following few days.

And the choice of the word "publicized" is odd. Do "reporters" expect everything to be handed to them in a press release? Isn't it their job to go out and dig up information that isn't "publicized"?
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 04/17/2005 12:10 Comments || Top||

#7  RC,

That would require work and plus if they were to "dig up" information, they may be forced to report un-biased news. That would be a tragedy.
Posted by: Poison Reverse || 04/17/2005 12:42 Comments || Top||

#8  I think a Mexican coyote would rather turn-in than help Arabs enter the USA. Think about it. Take $25K from the Arab, then turn him over to the Feds! Talk about your two-fer!
Posted by: Brett || 04/17/2005 12:57 Comments || Top||

#9  So did the US overreact?

I presume that the freakazoid at Newsweak asked this lame question in order to premise this article.

I say we put the bullseye on this guy's behind and then ask him to answer his own question.

Posted by: Captain America || 04/17/2005 13:09 Comments || Top||

#10  Yeah, but it pisses off the others willing to pay $25K, Bret.
Posted by: too true || 04/17/2005 13:11 Comments || Top||

#11  ...Canada rejected a request to land.

I wondered about this. The Canadians have not been exactly overzealous in the execution of anti-terrorism activities (from what I've heard). Were they just really impressed with the threat in this case, or did the US lean on them, or what?
Posted by: Angie Schultz || 04/17/2005 13:51 Comments || Top||

#12  well, they weren't gonna get from Canada to Mexico without going a looooonnngg way around us
Posted by: Frank G || 04/17/2005 14:03 Comments || Top||

#13  well, they weren't gonna get from Canada to Mexico without going a looooonnngg way around us

Longer than the flight back to Amsterdam?

I was thinking more that the Canadians could've held the two Saudis for the next flight back to the Netherlands, and let the rest of the passengers continue to Mexico--on a different plane if necessary. That may have been legally/logistically impossible, of course.
Posted by: Angie Schultz || 04/17/2005 15:18 Comments || Top||

#14  Stop in Gander Newfoundland, then fly due south outside US airspace - maybe an extra 90 minutes flight time.
Posted by: phil_b || 04/17/2005 15:29 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
5 MILF killed in skirmish with Filippino troops
Philippine military and Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) rebel forces engaged in a day-long gunbattle Friday in Talayan, Maguindanao in southern Philippines, reported the Philippines News Agency on Saturday.

At least five rebels were killed while four civilians fleeing the area were reported hurt in the incident, said the report.

MILF spokesman Eid Kabalu said the skirmishes started after government troops encroached their so-called perimeter defense line in Barangay Upper Talayan that forms part of their acknowledged Camp Omar in the area.

"We believe that they were running after Abu Sayyaf and Jemaah Islamiyah elements in the area but the soldiers instead encroached into MILF territory that triggered the firefight," he said.

Kabalu maintained that the military operation was not coordinated with them.

He said they would file a protest before the joint military-MILF Committee on the Cessation of Hostilities over the incident.

For his part, Col. Franklin del Prado of Philippine army's 6th Infantary Division (61D) spokesman, said the particular operation was initiated by the Armed Forces of the Philippines' Southern Command (Southcom) that was carried out in utmost secrecy.

"I cannot give you exact details of the operation because it was an 'upper level'operation. It is through though that our soldiers were running after ASG (Abu Sayyaf Group) elements in thearea under Khadaffy Janjalani," Del Prado told newsmen.

He said the soldiers who participated in the operation came from the Southcom and not from the 61D unit.

"So you see, I cannot give you full details as of this time. If I do, it would be detrimental to 61D unit ," he further explained to the media here.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/17/2005 2:11:57 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under:

#1  These are just the wrong kind of MILF. Kill them faster.
Posted by: Sock Puppet 0’ Doom || 04/17/2005 13:03 Comments || Top||

Ethnoreligious Map of Iran
Debka reports: More than 120 killed in fierce clashes between ethnic Arabs and Iranian security forces in Ahwaz in S. Iranian Khuzestan on Iraqi border. Many protesters arrested.
Three-day outbreak sparked by alleged letter by Iranian former vice president Ali Abtahi calling for relocation of non-Arabs to make them majority in oil-rich region. Abtahi denied he was behind letter.
For future reference. Now that there has been numerous clashes in the Kurd regions of Iran, now happening in the Arab parts, look to the southeast, Baluchistan, next. In 1973 there was a *bitter* conflict of the Baluchis/Pathans against both Pakistan and Iran. By the time the last pitched battle was fought in 1978 5,000 Baluchi fighters and 3,000 Pakistani soldiers had died.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 04/17/2005 7:49:49 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

3 Die as Ethnic Clashes Erupt in Iran
Fighting has flared between ethnic Arabs and Iranian security forces in a province bordering Iraq, media reports said yesterday, with some saying three people had been killed. Iran's official IRNA news agency said clashes erupted on Friday in the Arab-majority oil-rich province of Khuzestan over reported plans to change the ethnic makeup of the area. Qatar-based satellite television Al-Jazeera said three Arabs were killed, many more injured and as many as 250 arrested after banks and police stations were set ablaze. But local police quoted by student news agency ISNA would only confirm that one person had been shot, and not by police, without providing further details or specifying if the individual had been killed.

Police said that 137 people behind the rioting were arrested while another eight were injured. The unrest, which broke out in three areas of the province's main city Ahvaz, resulted in damage to public buildings and banks. IRNA reported three injured and, quoting an official at the governorate's office, said the area was calm and the police now had the situation under control. IRNA said a forged letter calling for modifications to the area's ethnic composition had started the fighting, which it said was limited to Ahvaz. A local official said the letter was attributed to former Vice President Mohammad Ali Abtahi and dated from when he ran President Mohammad Khatami's office. But Abtahi denied on his website that he was behind the letter, which reportedly said that "Arabs must emigrate, Arab names of towns and villages must become Persian (in Khuzestan)."
Posted by: Fred || 04/17/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under:

#1  An Unjust War

It would pay us all to remember that the war in Iraq was both unjust and illegal. We launched a war of aggression against a country that was not attacking us, did not have the means to attack us, and had never expressed any intention of attacking us.

Thus, America's attack against Iraq is the same as Germany's attack against Poland in 1939. We were the aggressor, pure and simple, and for whatever real reason we attacked Iraq, it was not to save America from any danger, imminent or otherwise.

You can believe the two whitewash jobs blaming everything on intelligence if you wish to do so. I don't believe them. Our intelligence agencies make plenty of mistakes, but I don't believe that the information they provided the Bush administration was as clear-cut as the Bush people claimed. In other words, I think the Bush administration lied to the American people about weapons of mass destruction.

This illegal, unjust and unprovoked war against a sovereign country is what has alienated the rest of the world. This alienation runs deep and will have very long-term implications.

No sane leader of any nation in the world can trust America anymore. We have demonstrated that if we desire to attack a nation, we will fabricate the excuse and attack it, despite international law and international opinion. We have demonstrated that a nation need not provoke us or threaten us to become a victim of our aggression. We have said to the world that the only law we respect is the law of the jungle, and that might makes right. That's why so many people consider us to be a rogue nation and a threat to world peace.

The sad part is that the American people have been so sheeplike. They believed the blarney about weapons of mass destruction, even the stupid parts such as Bush claiming Iraq's tiny little drone airplanes could attack the U.S. When those lies were exposed, they believed that the war was justified by Saddam Hussein's cruelty. We've slept with many bloody dictators, including Saddam. Now they believe that we went there to spread democracy.

That's a bunch of hooey. The present interim government is corrupt to the core. The British Broadcasting Corp. did a lot of interviews with Iraqis, and not one of them mentioned wanting democracy or freedom. They all said they want a strong government that can provide security and end corruption.

Given the world's distrust and alienation, how do you think the Bush administration is going to garner support to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons? Do you think Russia, China, India and other countries love us? Do you think even the Europeans will not try to weaken our global monopoly on the use of force?

There is a great irony here. Imperialism produces exactly the effects that the critics of isolation claim it produces. Imperialism isolates America. An American policy of noninterference and cooperation would produce allies.

I don't intend to blame the Bush administration entirely. Both the Republicans and the Democrats are committed to an imperialistic policy. Nor was the war against Iraq the first instance of unprovoked and illegal acts of aggression. We invaded Grenada and Panama, and launched aerial attacks against Libya and Serbia.

Don't take too much comfort in the fact that we are, at the moment, the 800-pound gorilla. Everybody hates the gorilla and will try to do everything to weaken it. Given the venality and incompetence of our government, the shaky state of our economy, the apathy of our people and the decadence of our culture, I don't think we'll be king of the jungle for very much longer.
Posted by: American sheeplike people || 04/17/2005 5:59 Comments || Top||

#2  Keep your eye on the Azeris who are 20% of Iranians. They are Turkic same as the Azerbaijanis. Cousins of the Azerbaijanis and mostly live in the sector of Iran bordering Azerbaijan. Anyone know if there is oil production there?
Posted by: sea cruise || 04/17/2005 6:44 Comments || Top||

#3  Imperialist, expansionist governments aim to profit from their colonies and subject territories. Witness The Netherlands and their behaviour on the Caribbean islands of Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao, where the population was enslaved, the spice trees cut down entirely -- for the delectation and trade opportunities of the ruling country -- and even now their ecologies have been permanently changed to hot, dry, sparse, thorny scrublands from their erstwhile cooler and lush, rainy, tree-covered environment. The economies are dependent still on the Dutch oil industry, which is very active there, and on tourism, and very little in the way of life's necessities are produced by the islanders, themselves.

Another example of true imperialism would be any of the Hispanic countries of the Americas -- North, Central or South. The countries were originally raped of their valuable resources, particularly gold, and their people enslaved and treated as beasts of burden to be literally worked to death. Millions died at the hands of the Conquistadores and the Royal Administrators who followed on their heels. Hundreds the ships with their holds filled with gold and valuable raw and finished goods sent back in Spanish ships for the profit of the Spanish Crown.

In comparison, America has in general ruled other nations reluctantly, at a great cost to her of her own blood and treasure, and intentionally to benefit the other people by establishing viable democracy, thus enabling those peoples to rule themselves in peace. Japan and Germany, even Puerto Rico spring immediately to mind. Shoot, at least once a decade the Puerto Ricans vote on what status they really want -- free nation, 51st state, or a continuation of the current situation where they have all the rights but none of the responsibilities of either. Each time the PR people have chosen to continue the status quo. For Germany, the Marshall Plan enabled them to re-establish industries destroyed by two world wars and Nazi rapacity. The first ever viable democracy was enacted by American edict, nursed to strength by American governance and revamped education, and remains one of the strongest and most inclusive democracies in Continental Europe today.

As for the world disliking us, the world has long been in that habit... since the New World was discovered in fact. In each generation the reasons have changed, but the dislike and disdain have been unchanged, only deepened as America became the powerhouse economy of the world and the preeminent military power -- not because we prevented them from being so, but because they made choices (again, the destructiveness of two world wars comes to mind) that weakened themselves.

So long as they choose to continue to hold themselves back, America will perforce lead the world -- a situation that, based on the rhetoric coming out of various seats of government, mass media and education, is unfortunately not likely to change for yet another generation.

Sorry, Mr. Sheep.
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/17/2005 7:15 Comments || Top||

#4  Trailing Wife

"The Mission" is a fine movie about Spain's conquest of the New World. The Anglos (English) were much better with "their" Indians because the Spanish were driven by a rapacious gold fever. Silver too.
Posted by: sea cruise || 04/17/2005 7:21 Comments || Top||

#5  The Sheep is starting to SPAM, this is the second iteration of his homily.
Posted by: Shipman || 04/17/2005 8:21 Comments || Top||

#6  Here is one clue for you,Sheep.The attemted assasination of GB Sr. is an act of war.
Posted by: raptor || 04/17/2005 9:08 Comments || Top||

#7  Firing on US aircraft is also an act of war.
Posted by: badanov || 04/17/2005 10:17 Comments || Top||

#8  I'm beginning to see persistent and strong indications that there is a kinky aspect to the political divide. The Hate America crowd seems to have a penchant for punishment - the receiving end. They are, rather obviously, projecting. They want Mistress WhoopAss to discipline them, personally, and have projected that desire for pain onto the entirety of America.

There's just too much Good News these days for these twisted sisters (used generically, lol) so out of the woodwork they crawl - craving some serious flagellation and humiliation. Hell, we ought to accommodate them. I'd support a program for PEST and BDS sufferers to receive subsidized visits to domination dungeons, humiliation houses, and pain parlors - presuming the practitioners are dedicated professionals using the real deal - none of that fake shit like a Nerf cat-o-nine-tails. I want the visits to be mother-loving effective doses of hardcore pain... to ease their emotional angst, of course.

As for the clintoonian catch-phrases, we "feel your pain" and "share the pain", yeah right, PudPuller. Fuck that noise. Secular and Socialist ideologies leave a sizable vacuum in the psyche where religion and common sense used to reside. These sick witless wonders want some deep humiliation - to assuage the screwed-up contradictory nonsense with which they've filled that vacuum, thanks to New Age idiocy, self-help nonsense, Hollyweird, et al - and I say let's give it to them.

It's the kind, caring, brotherly / sisterly thing to do.

Applications for facility inspection, licensing, and quality control are now being accepted.
Posted by: .com || 04/17/2005 10:53 Comments || Top||

#9  and had never expressed any intention of attacking us.

Didn't Saddam threaten Saudi Arabia back in 1991, and didn't the U.S. have troops there at the time?

Nice try, troll-boy...
Posted by: Raj || 04/17/2005 11:03 Comments || Top||

#10  despite international law and international opinion.

Seventeen U.N. resolutions against Iraq, and Iraq violating most of them, don't mean squat to you? Is your memory, um... selective?

Never mind, I know the answer.
Posted by: Raj || 04/17/2005 11:06 Comments || Top||

#11  Dear American Sheeplike People,

Thank you very much for your assistance in our propaganda campaign. As my thanks, I have set up a website dedicated to idiots such as yourself (http://usefulidiots4osama.blogspot.com/)to help me destroy the infidels. We are after all, a religion of peace and we mean no harm to anyone, except christians, jewzzz, homosexuals, and other infidel non muslims.

Please assist me with my website by sending me a picture so that i can post it. Furthermore, I request that you talk to that fatmouth infidel "Michael Moore" and have him make more movies demonizing America. Tell him to hurry because many of my underlings are being whacked one by one. (and living in a cave sucks)

Your friend, Uncle Bin L. O'Sammy

'Whom would Allah Bomb' (besides churches, busses, jews, christians, children, women, civilians, tall office buildings, embassies, ships, schools, and any other thing that infidels touch)
Posted by: cantGOanywhere || 04/17/2005 14:17 Comments || Top||

#12  :-) sorry binny - we'll get right on it
Posted by: Frank G || 04/17/2005 14:26 Comments || Top||

#13  This illegal, unjust and unprovoked war against a sovereign country is what has alienated the rest of the world. This alienation runs deep and will have very long-term implications.

Seventeen UN resolutions, including going back to the UN one more time to get backing.

France, Germany and Russia all having sizeable interests, outstanding loans, etc., vote no. Wotta surprise.

Funny how few of you clowns had a problem with moving into Haiti, Somalia, Bosnia, and Kosovo. WTF happened to 'national sovereignty' there? (Somalia, though a failed state, is still considered 'sovereign'.)

Everybody hates the gorilla and will try to do everything to weaken it.

As to other nations not liking, trusting, or trying to weaken us: well, welcome to F*cking Reality. It's been that way for centuries. Here's a clue: bending over and grabbing your ankles doesn't make it all go away.

Yeah, the "American people" are sheep, but only because they don't subscribe to your college-hothouse, self-hating, we-should-be-lemmings view of life. Go peddle your papers elsewhere.
Posted by: Pappy || 04/17/2005 14:51 Comments || Top||

#14  "The Mission" is a fine movie about Spain's conquest of the New World. Thanks, sea cruise. I'll add it to my list.

Seventeen U.N. resolutions against Iraq, and Iraq violating most of them I would have said all instead of most, Raj, because each time Saddam was required to demonstrate that he'd actually done the required, and he never, ever did.

Mr. Sheep is a paid-up member of the "Speak out and prove your ignorance," crowd. And this is the wrong place to be one of those.
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/17/2005 15:36 Comments || Top||

#15  sea cruise: "The Mission" is a fine movie about Spain's conquest of the New World.

I saw this when I was in my radical phase and nodded along with the rest of the crowd. The question is whether you can believe any of this stuff. I am seriously starting to doubt *anything* I hear about supposed Western perfidy. Understand that the Aztecs used to dissect and eat their victims while they were still alive, but nobody talks about that today. Indians used to carve out the back muscles of the early settlers, while they were still alive, for bowstrings and rape and kill the women and female children of the settlers, but no one talks about that today. Spanish and Portuguese settlers colonized big chunks of East Asia, and you never hear about the kinds of things portrayed in "The Mission". Further, the idea that the natives were a bunch of contented cud-chewers at peace in Xanadu with each other is a bunch of rot. They warred against each other incessantly, and were pretty genocidal in their approach to war in the manner of the pre-modern era.
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 04/17/2005 22:43 Comments || Top||

CNN: C BS stringer a splody dope
I should have just posted the link to see how many would go through the BS to get to the pony. But it’s Sunday, so here it is:

The U.S. military reported Saturday that the CBS stringer detained after a gunbattle between U.S. forces and insurgents earlier this month has "tested positive for explosive residue." Just some first hand reporting. Nothing to see here. Move on. - D. Rather

"Multinational forces continue to investigate I hope that means the Iraqis are using Iraqi interogation protocols potential collaboration between the stringer and terrorists, and allegations the stringer had knowledge of future terrorist attacks," said Sgt. John Franzen of Task Force Freedom in Mosul.

Officials are looking into the stringer’s previous activities and alleged support of insurgency activities.

The case stems from an April 5 incident in which the stringer, who was working as a photographer, was wounded in the clash. He was standing next to an insurgent who was killed.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 04/17/2005 9:41:28 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The guy is an enemy combatant.

Cuba is nice this time of year.
Posted by: badanov || 04/17/2005 21:52 Comments || Top||

#2  The tip of the MSM jihadi symp 'berg...

Put him on the Iraqi TV show to explain to them why he was helping asshats blow up Iraqi citizens. He can explain the "logic" of the jihadis and then he should be allowed to meet his adoring public so they can properly thank him.
Posted by: .com || 04/17/2005 22:02 Comments || Top||

#3  My question is: Did CBS know of this person's activities before they took him on?

In short did CBS knowingly hire a terrorist? And was that a job requirement?
Posted by: CrazyFool || 04/17/2005 22:23 Comments || Top||

#4  They may have hired him because he had 'connections', but they likely didn't 'care' about anything beyond that.

It's probably not the first time that the MSM has hired somebody based on those type of qualifications. It's just that it was finally reported.
Posted by: Pappy || 04/17/2005 22:34 Comments || Top||

File Under "Irony"...
Elsewhere in Iraq on Sunday, insurgents killed eight Iraqis in attacks across the country. The U.S. military said three American soldiers had been killed and seven wounded as insurgents fired mortar rounds late Saturday at a U.S. Marine base near Ramadi, 70 miles west of Baghdad. Late Sunday, loud explosions were heard again from the direction of the base, but the military had no immediate information on what was happening.

The assault raised to 24 the number of people who died in Iraq Saturday, including an American civilian, an Iraqi and another foreigner who died in a car bombing in the capital.

The U.S. Embassy identified the American civilian victim as Marla Ruzicka, the 28-year-old founder of the Washington-based Campaign for Innocent Victims In Conflict. CIVIC began conducting a door-to-door survey trying to determine the number of civilian casualties in Iraq soon after the war ended.

Posted by: || 04/17/2005 6:28:06 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I imagine that we'll be seeing the kid on a beheading video once he knocks on the wrong door.
Posted by: Super Hose || 04/17/2005 19:30 Comments || Top||

#2  SH - Is that really you?

Missed ya, bro.
Posted by: .com || 04/17/2005 19:36 Comments || Top||

#3  It is I. I missed the community badly.
Posted by: Super Hose || 04/17/2005 20:04 Comments || Top||

#4  I hope you're back for good -- you are, right?

You always post from a different POV and with a level head - and that's the magic of the Interactive News. We need you, bro!
Posted by: .com || 04/17/2005 20:10 Comments || Top||

#5  While most news outlets are terming her an 'activist', the NYT is calling her an 'aid worker'.
Posted by: phil_b || 04/17/2005 22:08 Comments || Top||

#6  "Marla Ruzicka"

The terrorist requiem has started at the infamous
(Raed in the Middle blog)

The usual 'It's Americas fault' BS.
Posted by: Chinese Unoque7533 || 04/17/2005 22:48 Comments || Top||

#7  CIVIC began conducting a door-to-door survey trying to determine the number of civilian casualties in Iraq soon after the war ended.

car door to car door?
Posted by: Frank G || 04/17/2005 22:49 Comments || Top||

Iraqi Troops Find No Hostages
Posted by: legolas || 04/17/2005 16:39 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The irony of NYT decrying the fantasy story of the Shi'ite hostages, then fanasizing about Iraq the Quagmire - the real point and punch of the story, is beyond hysterical.

That the fabrication has made it this far, caused a such a hue & cry, and put the Iraqi admin on a military course to solve it is, lol, the MSM in action. How was it discovered to be a fake story? By the MSM? An NYT scoop? No, of course not! It was the military, come to the rescue, who discovered the hoax.

The MSM. The clueless and the malfeasant. The sympathizers and the collaborators. MSM, foreign and domestic. Puff merchants and jihadi fluffers.

That the NYT pretends to be above it, is a new record in hypocrisy. Absolutely too much - of the usual NYT added value - nothing.
Posted by: .com || 04/17/2005 17:55 Comments || Top||

#2  Just the comment I'd have liked to have made if I could type more than 3 words a minute!
Posted by: SwissTex || 04/17/2005 18:12 Comments || Top||

#3  .com = Mallei malfeasantorum! LOL

Oddly enough, there are reports that 15 families have been rescued and 5 hostage-takers detained.
So, something was going on. Perhaps it was somewhat hyped up by the media quackmire machine.
Posted by: Sobiesky || 04/17/2005 18:13 Comments || Top||

#4  There's a sort of perfect storm on C-Span right now: On C-Span 1 Barbara Boxer is addressing the American Society of Newspaper Editors, and on C-Span-2 Jane Fonda is addressing the National Press Club. Boxer is using her formidable intellect to opine that we shouldn't have any permanent bases in Iraq, and Hanoi is using her profound understanding of history to attack the Swift Boat Vets. I fear for the republic.
Posted by: Matt || 04/17/2005 19:44 Comments || Top||

#5  Wow - Fear and Loathing in DC...

Fonda's Fear.

Boxer's Loathing.

Posted by: .com || 04/17/2005 19:46 Comments || Top||

#6  LOL, exactly right. Both of them appear to be mildly retarded. I'm not a big Ann Coulter fan, but I'd pay money to see her "debate" either one of them.
Posted by: Matt || 04/17/2005 20:02 Comments || Top||

#7  I just peeked in - I only get 1 C-SPAN channel - and it's their Q&A segment... so I can't listen in, but your comment created a visual that was overwhelming, no wait, make that nauseating, lol!

Coulter goes to the extreme just to get a rise out of the Moonbats, I'd wager. She's like a nasty outdoor cat that plays with the mouse before eviscerating it, lol! Looks like the indoor model, but fights like an alley vet. ;-)
Posted by: .com || 04/17/2005 20:08 Comments || Top||

#8  I just saw the LGF post that Ann's going to be on the cover of Time.
Posted by: Matt || 04/17/2005 20:26 Comments || Top||

#9  Is Jane or her cooter being interviewed?
Posted by: Frank G || 04/17/2005 22:37 Comments || Top||

#10  Back to the story. AFP via CNA say its still going on and there will be an all out assault Monday morning. I can only conclude the NYT reporter went to the wrong town.

CNA/AFP - Al-Madain, some 30 kilometres south of Baghdad

NYT - Madaen, 10 miles south of Baghdad
Posted by: phil_b || 04/17/2005 22:41 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Hizbul Mujahideen loses South Kashmir arm
Indian Kashmiri SOG (Police Special Operations Group) and Rashtriya Rifles (Paramilitary Forces) exterminate two more Jihadi terrorist commanders.

This islamist newspaper has a rather hilarious report on the SOG action. Apparently the jihadists were much loved: women showered the body with sweets and young boys 'swooned' on sight of his carcass.

A pall of gloom descended on the entire native hamlet of the militant as soon the news about his death spread. The inhabitants of Badoora and adjoining villages were seen waiting in the lanes and by lanes of the village for the body of commander to arrive. As soon as the body of Shabir reached his native village here at 5 pm, the villagers comprising of men women and children numbering in thousands marched towards the local police station to receive Shabir's body.

From the police station his body mounted on the stretcher was brought in a procession. The people were raising pro freedom and anti Indian slogans. All along the way women were wailing and showering sweets on the body of slain militant commander. Thousands of the people attended his Nimaz-e-Jinazah his body was laid to rest at a local graveyard. Emotional scenes were witnessed as half a dozen people, mostly boys, swooned and fell on the ground as his body was being carried towards his house. An old woman in her seventies with tears rolling down her wrinkled face shouted at the group of womenfolk, "go and touch his sacred body of your martyr brother to seek Allah's grace."
Posted by: john || 04/17/2005 4:07:49 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "...boys, swooned and fell on the ground"
What are these girllie-boys?swooned lollollol.
Posted by: raptor || 04/17/2005 17:51 Comments || Top||

#2  I'm thinking there is a sudden global rise in swooning. There might even be a looming swoon gap that Congress should investigate, forthwith.
Posted by: .com || 04/17/2005 17:57 Comments || Top||

#3  Doose the body in Brute by Faberge to curtail the swooning phenom - Frankincense is pricey.
Posted by: Super Hose || 04/17/2005 19:39 Comments || Top||

3 East Jerusalem men held in plot to kill Shas' Spiritual Leader
The Shin Bet security service has arrested three residents of East Jerusalem in connection with a suspected plot to assassinate Shas spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, according to information released Sunday.
East Jerusalem huh? Dissident Jews? Naahhhhh
One of the three has already been charged and the other two are still undergoing questioning by Shin Bet agents.
PliErs and panties...
The three - French citizen Salah Hamuri, Mutsan Mohammed Yavsha and Moussa Mohammed Darweesh - are members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The cell belongs to the same East Jerusalem faction of the PFLP as those behind the murder of cabinet minister Rehavam Ze'evi in a Jerusalem hotel in October 2001.
Nope....not Jews
Ze'evi's killers, jailed in Jericho, had apparently given their blessing to the attack on the rabbi.

The group had carried out surveillance of Yosef's Jerusalem residence in the Har Nof area of the capital and decided that it would be easier to carry out their attack as he was setting out from his house.

The Shin Bet investigation revealed that after his release from jail last year, Hamuri made contract with members of the PFLP military wing and together they established their activities in East Jerusalem.

The cell also maintained contact with senior PFLP members in Jerusalem and in the Jericho jail. In recent months, they began to gather weapons and ammunition and planned to carry out attacks in the streets of Jerusalem.

Shin Bet agents also learned that Darweesh was the one who suggested to Hamuri that they target Rabbi Yosef. Darweesh apparently knew the location of the Shas spiritual leader's home from his time as a delivery boy for a grocery store in the Givat Shaul neighborhood of the capital.

Security sources told Israel Radio that PFLP militants are looking for every opportunity to harm Israeli public figures. The dominant presence of the organization in East Jerusalem and the fact that East Jerusalem residents can easily access targets in the western part of the city imporve dramatically the organization's capabilities and increase its motivation to carry out such attacks, the sources said.
This article starring:
MUSA MOHAMED DARWISHPopular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
MUTSAN MOHAMED YAVSHAPopular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef
Rehavam Zeevi
SALAH HAMURIPopular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Posted by: Saddam Hussein || 04/17/2005 1:59:17 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  oops - that was me...I'm such a Spemble
Posted by: Frank G || 04/17/2005 14:51 Comments || Top||

#2  What's with this Spemble word people keep throwing around?
Posted by: raptor || 04/17/2005 17:52 Comments || Top||

#3  They are often sages, sometimes forgetful, but always readable commenters. Ship cottoned to the special nature of Spembles first, IIRC. Fred, with his awesome and amazing name generator, not to mention his prescient ability to recognize via random number generation when the cookieless commenter would be of Spemble quality, invented them, of course, and this alone is worth hitting the tip jar.

Spemble Power. A Force of Nature. ;-)
Posted by: .com || 04/17/2005 18:02 Comments || Top||

#4  Raptor, is is not 'word', it is, in a sense, a titulature!
Posted by: Spembleton || 04/17/2005 18:17 Comments || Top||

#5  Fred's name generator parses all the favorites, links after 1988 and Word Star documents to derive the perfect name. Beyond that, of course, I can say no more.
Posted by: Shipman || 04/17/2005 19:20 Comments || Top||

#6  "titulature"

I'll have you know Mr. Shipman, I don't resemble that remark!
Posted by: Spemble || 04/17/2005 23:08 Comments || Top||

Gunmen threaten to kill Palestinian MPs
JPost - Reg Req'd - EFNews
Palestinian gunmen shut down a government building on Sunday and threatened to kill members of the Palestinian parliament, demanding the Palestinian Authority provide jobs to former prisoners and to relatives of people killed during nearly five years of fighting.
give us jobs or we'll kill you? Think those jobs involve work, or just distribution of EU cash as before?
Led by Zakariye Zubeydi, the head of Jenin's branch of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, about 40 militants gathered in Jenin's main intersection, firing into the air as several hundred sympathizers encouraged them. "gun sex!"
Zubeydi told the crowd he was ready to march on the offices of local parliamentarians. "In half an hour, if we find any of them in their offices there will be blood and then our only language will be the ballot bullet," he said.

Meanwhlie, members of the armed wing of Hamas, Izzadin Kassam, have expressed their readiness to join the Palestinian Authority's security forces, Palestinian legislator Abdel Fattah Hamayel revealed over the weekend.
"We want 'jobs' too!"
This is the first time the PA has declared its intention to recruit Hamas activists to its security forces.
Trying to subvert Hamas's rise?
Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders warned that their groups would resume their attacks on Israel unless all security prisoners were released. The threats were issued during demonstrations in the Gaza Strip in support of Palestinian prisoners.

Hamayel, who heads a committee entrusted with negotiating with Palestinian gunmen wanted by Israel for their role in terror attacks, said several Hamas fugitives in the West Bank and Gaza Strip were prepared to lay down their weapons and join various branches of the security forces. "Some of the Hamas members have already filled out the relevant forms to join the security forces," he said. "The Palestinian Authority is prepared to absorb all of them." He noted, however, that other Hamas fugitives had rejected the offer to serve as security officers, saying they wanted more time to think about it.

Last week, the PA began recruiting dozens of wanted gunmen to its security forces as part of a plan designed to resolve the problem of the fugitives. At least 80 out of a total of 530 gunmen, most of them belonging to Fatah's armed wing, the Aksa Martyrs Brigades, were incorporated into the security forces after signing a document in which they pledged to abide by the law. Hamayel said the PA was not dealing with the gunmen on the basis of their political affiliation, but as fugitives whose lives were at stake. "Our goal is to provide these men and their families with a dignified and safe life," he explained.
The gunmen who have already joined the security forces are now under the direct jurisdiction of the Interior Ministry and the paramilitary National Security Force, Hamayel said, adding that most of the Fatah gunmen had already agreed to serve as policemen. He said that although Israel had handed the PA a list with the names of some 500 fugitives, the real number of gunmen wanted by Israel is over 1,200.

Hamayel accused Israel of violating the understandings reached with the PA on the issue of the fugitives by killing a Fatah gunman in the Balata refugee camp near Nablus last week. "This is a flagrant violation of the understandings and the hudna," he charged. "According to the understandings we reached at the Sharm e-Sheikh summit [earlier this year], Israel is supposed to inform the Palestinian Authority in advance about any Palestinian who is planning to carry out an attack so that our security forces can verify the information."

In Gaza City, Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri denied that the movement's gunmen were planning to join the PA security forces.
This article starring:
Palestinian legislator Abdel Fattah Hamayel
ZAKARIYE ZUBEYDIAl Aqsa Martyrs Brigades
Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades
Posted by: Frank G || 04/17/2005 2:15:21 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Hamayel said, adding that most of the Fatah gunmen had already agreed to serve as policemen.

Reminds me, I haven't read 'A Clockwork Orange' in a while.
Posted by: Pappy || 04/17/2005 20:32 Comments || Top||

#2  Popcorn?
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/17/2005 20:34 Comments || Top||

#3  TW, just grab it! Need you ask? ;-)
Posted by: Sobiesky || 04/17/2005 20:53 Comments || Top||

Izzat-Ibrahim Al-Dhouri's Nephew Jugged
EFL - News(?)
Iraq security forces have captured a senior insurgent leader related to Izzat Ibrahim, one of the most wanted men in the country, the government has said. Hashim Hussein Radhan al-Jabouri, a nephew of Ibrahim's, was captured north of Baghdad on March 7. He is believed to have commanded a militant cell in the Zaab river region of northeastern Iraq.
March 7th?? Been talking, Al-Jabouri?
Jabouri, a former officer in Saddam Hussein's intelligence services, received funding from Ibrahim to set up his network and carry out insurgent operations, according to the statement. Ibrahim, one of Saddam's top aides, is the most senior member of the former regime still at large. He is number six on the U.S. military's list of the 55 most-wanted Iraqis, with a $10 million reward offered for his capture.
This article starring:
IZZAT IBRAHIMIraqi Insurgency
Posted by: Frank G || 04/17/2005 1:02:11 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  should've HT'd Captain Ed, who notes:

Ibrahim reportedly works under the protection of the Syrian army, or at least he did until recently. The Syrians have backpedaled away from their open assistance to ex-Ba'athist remnants as the American army gets closer to disengaging its mission for internal Iraqi security. Having 135,000 troops on Iraq's western border with lots of spare time will convince Bashar Assad to eventually cut all ties with the obvious losers of the Iraq War. Ibrahim may well get expelled then, or even before, if necessary to curry favor with the US or the new Iraqi government.

Even without an amnesty program, though, the new Iraqi government and its security forces look increasingly more effective at rooting out the insurgents and their leadership. Small wonder the native insurgents are looking for the exit strategies once demanded by American politicians of President Bush.
Posted by: Frank G || 04/17/2005 13:16 Comments || Top||

#2  The now trained up native security forces know who these bozos are and who they hang with. It's natural for them to have success at catching them. It also shows the populace that they are the ones incharge now. A double plus goodness. They have been imbued with some of the can do attitude of our military to add to their own pride in showing the world they are up to the task.

If Iraq asked to leave tomorrow most of these guys would carry on and force everyone else to get their shit together I am starting to think. They know they have lots of work to do going after the bad guys.
Posted by: Sock Puppet 0’ Doom || 04/17/2005 13:36 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Tanzanian al-Qaeda suspects to be deported
Two Tanzanian nationals will be deported to their country after a three-year prison term on suspicion of having links to the Al Qaeda network, a Red Cross spokesman said on Friday.

Twenty-seven-years-old Moso Muhammad and 28-years-old Yalha Talyan were arrested by security agencies from a Peshawar hotel for suspected links to Osama bin Laden's terror network. "They will be deported on April 27 ," the spokesman told Daily Times.

A former Pakistani lawmaker had challenged their detention in the Peshawar High Court and had subsequently won the case. "I am glad the court has ordered their deportation and they must be glad to reunite with their families," Javed Ibrahim Paracha, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz leader, told Daily Times.

The two Tanzanians couldn't be deported earlier because they had no money for air tickets or travel documents. "Their families sent their travel documents through Red Cross messaging," the spokesman explained.
This article starring:
Javed Ibrahim Paracha, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz leader
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/17/2005 12:37:44 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  hope the Tanzanian gov't has a reception waiting for them that makes 3 yrs in a Paki jug look like R&R
Posted by: Frank G || 04/17/2005 13:10 Comments || Top||

#2  Summary execution on the concret of the runway on landing would be a good idea.
Posted by: Sock Puppet 0’ Doom || 04/17/2005 13:22 Comments || Top||

Peaceful efforts to free Shi'ite hostages fail
Peaceful efforts to secure the release of up to 60 Shia Muslim hostages threatened with death in a town near Baghdad have failed and Iraqi authorities are considering military action, officials said on Saturday.

"Attempts to win their freedom through negotiations have not led to any results. The government is considering military intervention to end the standoff," an official in a leading Shia party told Reuters.

The official, who declined to be named, said an increasing number of families are fleeing the town of Madaen.

Sunni Muslim insurgents moved into Madaen with rocket-propelled grenades and AK-47 assault rifles on Friday night.

In other violence, seven people, including three policemen, were killed and five others injured in a lunchtime explosion at a restaurant in Baquba. And the capital itself was the scene of another suicide car bombing, the fourth in three days, when a suicide bomber rammed into a US military-guarded civilian convoy in western Baghdad killing one Iraqi and wounding three, said an interior ministry source.

The new unrest flared as talks continued among different political factions on forming a new government with representation across Iraq's religious and ethnic spectrum, more than 10 weeks after the landmark January elections.

A US soldier, travelling in a convoy, was killed on Saturday by an explosion near Taji, north of Baghdad, the US military said.

Insurgents killed three members of Iraq's security forces on Saturday, firing from speeding vehicles on army soldiers and policemen in a northern city, officials said.

A Turkish trucker was killed early on Saturday when a roadside bomb exploded near the northern oil-refining town of Baiji setting his truck on fire, said Iraqi police. In another incident, two Filipinos — Francisco C Luz III, 26, and Shirlylyn Fortanilla, 29 — were slightly hurt when armed insurgents in three cars fired as they boarded a minibus in central Baghdad.

Two more US soldiers died in separate attacks in Iraq, the US military said on Saturday. The Iraqi army meanwhile said it had killed in an ambush on Friday two leaders of Ansar Al Sunna, an Al Qaeda-linked network.

Eleven Iraqis detained at a US prison in southern Iraq escaped on Saturday, but 10 were quickly recaptured, US officials said.

The men broke out at around 1.30am after cutting a man-sized hole in the perimeter fence of Camp Bucca, a US-run facility near the town of Umm Qasr, where around 6,500 detainees are held.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/17/2005 12:45:35 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Iraqi troops rescue Shiite hostages in besieged town
Update on the situation with some interesting background. BAGHDAD : Iraqi troops rescued several Shiite hostages after they battled their way into a town where Sunni extremists abducted dozens of people and threatened to kill the town's Shiite residents.

The hostage-taking in Al-Madain south of Baghdad has sparked fears of wider sectarian strife between Iraq's Shiite majority and the Sunnis at a time when leaders from both communities seek agreement on the make-up of a government. Parliament was meeting Sunday, but a new government was not expected to be announced before the end of the week.

"Police forces, backed by coalition forces, entered the town at 9:00 am (05H00 GMT) and encountered severe resistance from the terrorists", a defence ministry official told AFP.

Government forces have recaptured half of the town and freed 10 to 15 families held hostage by the gunmen, he said, adding that the clashes were continuing. Officials have suggested the number of Shiite hostages in town could be as high as 80. National Security Advisor Qassem Daoud told the Al-Arabiya satellite news channel: "Iraqi security forces have the situation under control and are dealing with the hostage takers in a serious manner."

Iraqi army special forces on Saturday surrounded the town, home to Shiites and Sunnis, in hopes of averting a sectarian bloodbath that could badly damage Iraq's ethnic and religious ties. On Saturday afternoon, gunmen blew up the building housing the Husseiniyat al-Rasul al-Adham mosque in Madain, a town 30 kilometres (18 miles) south of Baghdad built on the ruins of the ancient city of Ctesiphon, said a source at the interior ministry, adding that it was empty at the time.

The same source said events in Madain may be a tit-for-tat kidnapping of Shiites after the abduction of Sunnis from the powerful Dulaimi tribe, who have a presence in the area. A spokesman for radical Shiite cleric Moqtada Sadr, Abdul Hadi al-Darraji also suggested the incident may be part of a settling of scores among some families in the community.

"They have detained more than 80 people, including women and children, and they are threatening to kill them unless Shiites leave", one of the refugees, Captain Haitham Mohammed of the Iraqi army, told AFP on Friday.

The road linking Baghdad with Kut, 200 kilometres (120 miles) to the south, is among the most dangerous in the country where several beheaded bodies have surfaced in recent months. The area around Madain and neighbouring Salman Pak is home to several Sunni Arab tribes who follow the radical Wahabi brand of Islam that dominates Saudi Arabia and recent reports suggested that Shiites have set up vigilante groups for protection.

Daoud's fellow National Security Advisor Muwaffaq al-Rubaie blamed the rising wave of Islamic extremism around Madain on Saddam's policy of settling Sunni extremists in the stretch of towns just south of Baghdad after the 1991 Shiite uprising against the old regime. "Saddam started a policy of 'colonies' whereby he allowed and encouraged some of the Sunni extremists to live at the southern Baghdad borders ... basically to put a human barrier between Baghdad and the (Shiite) south and stop any future uprising in the south from reaching Baghdad."

Rubaie urged Iraq's 15-million-strong Shiite majority not to carry out reprisals against the country's Sunnis, dominant under Saddam Hussein and believed to form the backbone of the current insurgency. "We have called for people not to take the law into their own hands," Rubaie said. "In killing innocent Sunnis, this is what the extremist Salafists want. They want to draw the Shiites into a sectarian conflict. This is a fatal mistake."

The latest incident in Madain came as the Shiites have been trying to woo the Sunnis, who largely boycotted the January 30 elections, to join the political process. "The more this process drags on, the more terrorist attacks and instability we'll see," said outgoing Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari told AFP.

In the latest insurgency attack, an Iraqi officer of the Wolf Brigade, who have taken a leading role in the fight against militants, was gunned down in Baghdad's al-Iskan neighbourhood on Saturday evening, an interior ministry official said. Two senior Iraqi police officers were also shot dead by insurgents Sunday morning and Saturday evening in the northern town of Mosul and in the capital, Baghdad, police and hospital sources said.
Posted by: phil_b || 04/17/2005 5:37:10 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  This is really good news.
Posted by: anymouse || 04/17/2005 14:49 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Nuggets from the Urdu press
Terrorists in Waziristan uncircumcised!
Talking to Khabrain magazine corps commander Peshawar General Safdar Hussain stated that the terrorists in Waziristan were Uzbek and many of them were found to be not even circumcised as Muslims. Those captured knew nothing about Islam beyond the kalima. He said 600 terrorists had been captured in South Waziristan while 150 were killed.

Seven years in jail for insulting Quran
According to Khabrain a Christian in Chishtian in Punjab was sentenced by a civil judge to seven years rigorous imprisonment for insulting the Quran. (In prison, he could be killed by other Muslim prisoners). The Christian was in the business of doing taviz-ganda (magic cure) and was supposed to have insulted the Quran.

Girls in shorts is no big deal
Daily Insaf quoted President Pervez Musharraf as saying that it was no offence if the Pakistani girls wore nacker (shorts). He said Qazi Hussain Ahmad and his family went to the United States where the gori (white) girls wore shorts. They obviously did not mind that otherwise they would not have gone to the US. Why then was it objectionable to see Pakistani girls in shorts? Nawa-e-Waqt quoted Musharraf as saying that those who didn't like seeing girls clad in shorts should keep their eyes closed.

Hyderabad cleric burns Quran
According to Khabrain a pesh imam of Hyderabad collected separated and ragged pages of an old Quran and burnt them to get rid of them. As ill luck would have it, the pages flew up ands fell on the surrounding houses while burning. The entire locality came out in protest, took hold of the cleric and beat him till he was unconscious with grievous injuries. The people did gherao of Masjid Paretabad and sealed it. The cleric was handed over to the police who put him in jail. The town in Hyderabad became endangered with threats of widespread vandalism from the incensed people.

Mira in more 'trubbel'
Quoted in Insaf chief of Jamiya Naeemiya in Lahore Sarfaraz Naeemi condemned actress Mira for taking part in shameless film scenes in India. He said he had seen pictures of her different poses with a Hindu actor, which had greatly offended him. He said Mira should be punished for indulging in un-Islamic activities. Another cleric said that special NOC should be issued by the government to make sure that actors did not take part in shameless activities in India. According to Khabrain, religious leaders like Munawwar Hassan said that Mira was setting a wrong example for Pakistani youth. Engineer Salimullah said she should be banned from returning to Pakistan. Mira's mother said such films as Nazar were being produced in Pakistan all the time. Other film actors turned against Mira and asked for action against her.

Secretary National Assembly harasses air hostess
According to Khabrain, secretary National Assembly Saleem Mahmud accompanied Speaker Chaudhry Amir Hussain when he took a delegation to the UK after an earlier tour of the US. During the tour Mr Saleem Mahmood misbehaved after getting drunk on several occasions. While on a BA flight he harassed an air hostess for which he was arrested upon landing at the Heathrow Airport in London. He was taken to a police station. Mr Saleem Akhtar denied that he had got drunk and misbehaved during the tour or made any mischief with the air hostess.

Sheheryar Khan in 'trubbel'
According to Nawa-e-Waqt the wife of Mr Sheheryar Khan, former foreign secretary of Pakistan and current chief of the Pakistan Cricket Board, was seen embracing Indian foreign minister Natwar Singh and shaking with pleasure (jhoomna). The paper issued a picture from the India newspaper The Tribune to prove the point and said that normalisation with India was at the cost of the nation's honour and self-respect (qaumi hamiyat aur ghairat).

Targeting non-political clerics
According to Khabrain, the police had arrested from Rawalpindi Islamabad area 35 terrorists, out of a total of 90, who had come from the Northern Areas to kill the ulema who would not take sides in the sectarian conflict of the country. These men had confessed to killing the gaddi nashin of Barri Imam (Shia) shrine near Islamabad. The name of the organisation to which the 90 belonged was being kept secret by the intelligence agencies for fear of arousing countrywide passions. The name could be guessed by the fact revealed by the agencies that the gang of 90 had come down to commit violence during the Muharram ashura.

Blaspheming teacher of Sargodha
Reported in daily Insaf Prof Ibnul Hassan of Sargodha University was to take his class in business administration in the evening when he found that the entire class was saying its namaz in the nearby mosque. After the class was missed by students he gave them a dressing down on the return of the pious students. His remarks on their Islamic practice were taken ill by the students who then called upon Islami Jamiat Tulaba to protest. The protest spilled into the city where all the clerics denounced the professor as a blasphemer against the Prophet PBUH and hadith. The professor was apprehended after an FIR.

Girl paraded naked
Reporting from Mianwali Nawa-e-Waqt stated that one Shafi and his gang picked up an innocent girl, raped her and then paraded her naked in the streets of the village Kari Kheor. Shafi was convinced that a brother of the girl was involved in a relationship with his sister and resorted to the honour-based rape.

Is 'dosakh' male or female?
Writing in Jang Ataul Haq Qasimi stated that Mushfiq Khwaja who died recently was a great humourist in his Khama Bagosh columns, which he preferred to write for religious journals. Qasimi asked him whether dosakh (hell) was masculine or feminine. Mushfiq said that in either case it was not good for Muslims. Then he thought and said it was female because the Muslims were helplessly attracted to it. After Qasimi read him a couplet by a Hindu Urdu poet showing hell as masculine, Mushfiq said that for non-Muslims hell must be masculine, but for Muslims it had to be feminine.

Aga Khan Board is Qadiani 'sazish'
Reported by Nawa-e-Waqt Jamaat Islami leader Liaquat Baloch stated that Qadianis were behind the Aga Khan Board which was being imposed on Pakistan to change its ideology. Fatah Mubahala Conference in Chiniot also featured one new Maulana Jhangvi who said that those who removed the mazhabi khana would be removed from the face of the earth.

Dr Safdar Mehmood on Stephen Cohen
Writing in Jang Dr Safdar Mehmood said that Stephen Cohen wrote first on Pakistan army and was greatly welcomed by the ruling circles in Islamabad. His latest book The Idea of Pakistan was full of predictions which were negative. In the past Lawrence Ziring too was in the habit of predicting Pakistan's future. Ziring predicted Pakistan falling to Marxism and a revolution of the Left, but later refused to answer questions when his prediction was proved false. Scholars are supposed to study and analyse and not make predictions.
Posted by: Fred || 04/17/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Reads like a sick version of National Geographic...
Posted by: Pappy || 04/17/2005 11:54 Comments || Top||

Iraqi, U.S. Forces Launch Hostage Rescue Operation
U.S. and Iraqi troops raided a town on Saturday to rescue 150 Shi'ite hostages whom Sunni rebels have threatened to kill in a standoff that raised fears sectarian violence in Iraq could spiral out of control. Interim National Security Minister of State Kassim Daoud said Madaen, near Baghdad and in an area dubbed the "Triangle of Death" because of the frequency of guerrilla attacks, was now under the control of Iraqi and U.S.-led multinational forces. "They are raiding areas where it is suspected that hostages may be," he told Dubai-based al Arabiya television.

Iraq's state-run al Iraqiya television said the guerrillas had threatened to kill the hostages within 24 hours, and a senior Shi'ite official in Baghdad said Iraqi and U.S.-led forces were expected to launch a major overnight rescue bid. "The number of hostages is 150. They include women and children, according to police intelligence officials I have spoken with," said the official, asking not to be named. "Iraqi and Americans forces surrounding the town plan a big raid to rescue them tonight," he said.
"But don't tell nobody. It's a secret!"
Arabiya TV reported the rescue operation had already begun but no independent confirmation was immediately available. Earlier, officials said peaceful efforts to secure the release of the hostages, seized by guerrillas carrying rocket-propelled grenades and AK-47s on Friday, had failed. The guerrillas had vowed to kill the hostages unless all Shi'ites left Madaen, 40 km (25 miles) southeast of Baghdad. The insurgents had entered Madaen in 15 cars and witnesses said there were no police or government forces around at the time.
Posted by: Fred || 04/17/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

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Sun 2005-04-17
  2 Pakistanis arrested in Cyprus on al-Qaeda links
Sat 2005-04-16
  2 Iraq graves may hold remains of 7,000
Fri 2005-04-15
  Basayev nearly busted, fake leg seized
Thu 2005-04-14
  Eleven Paks charged with Spanish terror plot
Wed 2005-04-13
  10 dead in Mosul suicide bombings
Tue 2005-04-12
  3 charged with plot to attack US targets
Mon 2005-04-11
  U.S.-Iraqi Raid Nets 65 Suspected Terrs
Sun 2005-04-10
  Tater thugs protest US presence in Iraq
Sat 2005-04-09
  Scores dead as Yemeni Army seizes rebel outposts
Fri 2005-04-08
  2 killed, 18 injured in explosion at major Cairo tourist bazaar
Thu 2005-04-07
  Hard Boyz shoot up Srinagar bus station
Wed 2005-04-06
  Final count, 18 dead in al-Ras shoot-out
Tue 2005-04-05
  Turkey Seeks Life For Caliph of Cologne
Mon 2005-04-04
  Saudi raid turns into deadly firefight
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  Zarq claims Abu Ghraib attack

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