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Egypt planned to covertly send 40,000 rockets to Russia: report
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4 23:31 Skidmark [22] 
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2 11:26 Slavising Unineting5672 [17] 
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2 09:33 Tarzan Grolump8219 [11] 
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3 23:34 Skidmark [21]
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3 21:14 Ulusomble Jones4961 [27]
2 11:17 lord garth [22]
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1 22:22 DooDahMan [24]
2 19:13 Deacon Blues [16]
7 23:37 Skidmark [17]
5 16:26 Otto Hupoth7972 [15]
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9 22:13 Frank G [26]
2 11:40 Nero [15]
5 15:50 magpie [20]
6 15:41 jpal [15]
6 13:30 swksvolFF [8]
13 22:12 Frank G [13]
11 12:35 NN2N1 [21]
5 16:18 M. Murcek [11]
4 16:19 SteveS [11]
7 13:04 Deacon Blues [12]
9 13:38 Abu Uluque [11]
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2 06:13 Super Hose [9]
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1 14:16 Frank G [16]
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2 07:47 NN2N1 [15]
3 08:00 Skidmark [15]
8 09:44 M. Murcek [17]
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7 18:23 Glomose Platypus9858 [24]
7 21:18 trailing wife [34]
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4 16:47 badanov [18]
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1 06:32 MikeKozlowski [7]
17 22:24 DooDahMan [20]
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4 18:26 DooDahMan [30]
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3 12:34 Tom [9]
7 17:42 AlanC [19]
5 18:03 swksvolFF [16]
10 17:59 Rupert Gleck2911 [14]
4 12:35 Tom [19]
Good Morning

Fifth victim dies in Louisville bank massacre: Mom-of-two, 57, passes away after multiple surgeries following 25-year-old shooter's rampage - as bank says it has been left 'devastated'
Tuesday April 11th, 2023

Korean restaurant sues Seattle after
suffering losses during deadly 2020 CHAZ occupation
Swedish crossbow. Stockholm
court overturns ban on burning Koran
Video message from Amirkhan Gurazhev's
mother to her son has been published
Residents of Shabwah find undetonated
explosive devices near road
Mohammed al-Houthi warns against
trutsting unconfirmed leaks on peace talks
At Least 134 Benue State Residents
Killed By Armed Invaders In Five Days
Bombshell Docs Show Biden White House
Directly Coordinated With FBI to Set up Trump Raid

Posted by: Fred || 04/11/2023 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Call me Mr. Curious but when and why did bangs go out of style?
Posted by: jpal || 04/11/2023 15:46 Comments || Top||

#2  In every decade since the sleek flapper styles of the 1920s there have been styles with bangs, jpal, and always bobs, pageboys, and pixie cuts. It’s just that at some points the styles themselves have been distorted (deconstructed?). And bangs themselves can be sleek as shown above, jagged, swept to the side, long a lá Farah Fawcett, Vidal Sassoon’s severe geometric shapes...
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/11/2023 19:40 Comments || Top||

#3  I still love some Betty Page, Agent 99, ....
Posted by: Frank G || 04/11/2023 20:06 Comments || Top||

#4  When did a lady with a knife go out of style?
Posted by: Skidmark || 04/11/2023 23:31 Comments || Top||

Daily Evacuation Brief April 11, 2023
[AfghanDigest] LAST 24 HOURS
  • SOURCES WITHIN THE NATIONAL RESISTANCE FRONT SAY LEADERSHIP CHANGES ARE COMING – Several sources have hinted at dissatisfaction in the ranks and some rivalries among existing NRF leaders. Apparently, operations have been largely paused while the senior leadership works out a new organizational structure and makes some lateral moves among Commanders and political officers. While some rumors have suggested that a crisis exists at the top, those voices seem to be in a distinct minority. Announcements are expected in the next two weeks and will likely coincide with operational activity.

  • 2 HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVISTS RELEASED BY TALIBAN – Nargis Sadat and Zakaria Osuli, both human rights activists were released on Monday after being detained for over two months. UNAMA officials hailed the actions but doubled down on criticism of the Taliban for arbitrary arrests of other activists. It is not yet clear why the two were arrested and held or, why they were released.

  • FORMER NDS DIRECTOR SAYS TALIBAN HAVE ACCESS TO INFORMATION FROM NATIONAL CELLULAR NETWORKS – Rahmatullah Nabil, former head of the NDS under the previous regime said he has verified the Taliban has gained access to virtually all communications within and outside of the country. He claimed that Pakistan and China provided technical assistance to give the Taliban the ability to read text messages (via SIM cards) and can also gain access to Twitter, Telegram, Facebook, and WhatsApp programs. It is unclear how accurate this information is and whether the capability exists. We assess the threat from Mr. Nabil’s statement as low for most Afghans as the number of analysts required to effectively scour even several blocks of Kabul would be immense. However, for individuals who may already have attracted the Taliban’s attention, the capability would afford the Taliban to target and build substantive cases against them. That is…if the assertions are true.

  • AFGHANISTAN RANKED 4TH GLOBALLY FOR WORST CRIME IN 2022 – The World Population Review released its index of nation-states with high rates of criminality and Afghanistan came in at #4 for 2022. Only Venezuela, New Guinea, and South Africa had higher crime rates. The report stipulated the opium trade, corruption, assassinations, kidnapping, and money laundering factored into the country’s rankings. The Taliban said the report is inaccurate and said that crime has dropped since they took the reigns of power.

  • 4.1 MAGNITUDE EARTHQUAKE STRIKES BADAKHSHAN – The epicenter of the earthquake was approximately 90 km from the capital, Fayzabad. No casualties or damages have been reported as of yet.

Nangarhar: Taliban security forces and opium growers in Spin Ghar clashed during an attempt to eradicate several hectares of poppy plants. Casualties were reported, but it is not clear how many and which side they were on.

MORE FLOODING PREDICTED FOR CENTRAL AND NORTHEAST AFGHANISTAN – Heavy rains have been falling in parts of Badakhshan, Takhar, Samangan, Baghlan, Parwan, Panjshir, and Nuristan. Several roads have been closed for fear of flooding. Snow has also been falling at higher elevations and could exacerbate the flooding. At-risk Afghans planning travel in these areas are encouraged to find out road conditions before embarking on their journeys.

Posted by: trailing wife || 04/11/2023 01:03 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Taliban/IEA

Africa Horn
Somalia: Al-Shabaab attack kills two guards at minister's home in Mogadishu
[Garowe] A government minister's house was targeted by suspected al-Shabaab
...... the personification of Somali state failure...
holy warriors on Sunday evening, in an attack that comes amid increased surveillance in Mogadishu, as the country prepares for the second and final phase of operations against al-Shabaab.

The mortar attack on Sunday evening, police said, targeted Abdirizak Omar Mohammed, the Minister of Petroleum, whose home is located within the presidential palace in the capital Mogadishu. His two bodyguards died on spot and two others were critically injured, eyewitnesses said.

Mogadishu has been fairly safe in recent weeks but the al-Shabaab holy warriors usually carry out sporadic retaliatory attacks, mostly targeting members of the public, senior government officials, and members of the Somali National Army and other military affiliates.

Ahmed Fiqi, the interior security, over the weekend said security within the capital had improved while congratulating Banadir Regional Police for working with the military to improve security within the capital. al-Shabaab usually operates within vast areas across the country but has recently been on the receiving end.

The attack coincided with the Somali government's announcement of a disarmament campaign in Mogadishu, aimed at collecting various types of weapons. The government has also looked for backup from members of Troops Contributing Countries who will be adding reinforcement to the national army.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud reached out to Kenya, Æthiopia, and Djibouti for military support with Addis Ababa becoming the first country to dispatch non-ATMIS troops who have already arrived in the country. Kenya and Djibouti also pledged the same support.
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/11/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab (AQ)

Africa North
2 dead, 20 missing as migrant boat sinks off Tunisia
[AlAhram] At least two migrants colonists have died and about 20 others are missing after their boat sank over the weekend in the Mediterranean Sea between Tunisia and Italia, German aid group ResQship said on Monday.

ResQship said its rescuers reached the area of the wreck on Saturday and found about 25 people in the water, who said they had been there for two hours.

"Our crew was able to recover 22 survivors and 2 deceased," the aid group tweeted, adding that survivors said about 20 people drowned. The group’s ship, the Nadir, took the rescued migrants colonists to the Italian island of Lampedusa.

"We are angry. This is an unspeakable tragedy that could — and should — have been prevented by a humanitarian approach to migration instead of barb-wiring the European borders," ResQship said.

On Sunday night, humanitarian organization Alarm Phone said it received another distress call from a boat with about 400 people who had departed from Tobruk, Libya.

The organization said that, according to the latest update, the migrants colonists managed to continue their journey and have reached the shared search and rescue zone of Malta and Italia.

"They report high waves and strong wind. Still, no rescue is in sight!" Alarm Phone tweeted on Monday.

In the last few days, thousands of migrants colonists have reached tiny Lampedusa, which lies about 150 kilometers (90 miles) from the Tunisian coast.

According to Interior Ministry figures, more than 28,000 migrants colonists have arrived in Italia since the start of the year — almost four times the number over the same period in 2022.

alcohol has never solved anybody's problems. But then, neither has milk...
that's much fewer than the hundreds of thousands who were rescued at sea a few years earlier.

Since it came to power six months ago, Giorgia Meloni’s right-wing coalition government, which includes anti-migrant League leader Matteo Salvini, has cracked down on humanitarian rescue boats operating in the central Mediterranean north of Libya.
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/11/2023 00:44 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Migrants/Illegal Immigrants

Twenty-Year-Old Nigerian Woman Arrested As Security Operatives Bust Prostitution Ring In Libya
[SAHARAREPORTERS] A20-year-old Nigerian woman and three other migrants colonists have been arrested in Libya for allegedly running a prostitution ring in the Hawari area of Benghazi, Libya.

Rob Gowans of the Migrant Rescue Watch, disclosed this in a series of tweets on Sunday, April 9, 2023.

Gowan said the Nigerian woman was being sold by her pimp for $10 per customer.

The arrested suspects have been handed over to the Public Prosecution's office for legal action.

It said, "#Libya 08.04.23 - CID in Benghazi dismantled a prostitution ring and arrested in Hawari area 4 undocumented #migrants colonists incl. woman of Nigerian nationality. The 20-year-old female was being sold by her pimp for 50 LYD (ca. 10 USD) per customer. #migrantcrisis #Frontex.

"All referred to the Public Prosecutor's Office for legal action."

SaharaReporters reported that in October 2022, no fewer than five Nigerian and Ghanaian nationals were arrested by security forces in Libya for allegedly running a brothel in a rented apartment.

The suspects were arrested in Tajoura, a town in north-western Libya, on Monday, October 24, 2022.

Migrant Rescue Watch, which made this known on its verified Twitter handle, noted that during a raid, officers seized 'shine, illicit drugs, fake money and unauthorised wireless radio devices.

Posted by: Fred || 04/11/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under: Human Trafficking

#1  How nasty that must be.
Posted by: Skidmark || 04/11/2023 9:13 Comments || Top||

Africa Subsaharan
One Dead, Three Others Injured As Gunmen Open Fire On Police Patrol Team In Lagos
Posted by: Fred || 04/11/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Banditti

Zamfara Community Releases Names Of 85 Children, Women, Others Abducted By Terrorists
[SAHARAREPORTERS] The Wanzamai community in Zamfara State's Tsafe Local Government Area has compiled a list of the 85 people kidnapped by suspected turbans on Friday.

Although the victims' ages were not specified, it was learnt that they included women and kiddies.

SaharaReproters had reported how the turbans kidnapped at least 80 children on Friday morning during a fresh operation in the Tsafe Local Government Area of Zamfara State.

This was confirmed to BBC Hausa by the parents of the victims who revealed that the children were between the ages of 12 and 17.

They added that the victims were in the bush fetching firewood at about 8:00 a.m. when the turbans rounded them up and marched them away into the forest.

A parent who said her 15-year-old son was kidnapped spoke to the BBC Hausa service about the attack and expressed concern about the children in captivity.

"We are worried because we don’t know the condition of our children in captivity," she said.

A journalist who covers insecurity in Northern Nigeria for foreign media, Yusuf Anka posted on Twitter, "At least 85 people, including teenagers and older men and women, were kidnapped by armed bandidos loyal to Ado Aleru in the communities of Wanzamai, Kucheri, and Yankara in the border areas between Zamfara and Katsina States on thursday.

"This incident comes after the Nigerian military succeeded in killing four bandidos loyal to Aleru who were looking after his herds in Magazu areas."

Posted by: Fred || 04/11/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Boko Haram (ISIS)

At Least 134 Benue State Residents Killed By Armed Invaders In Five Days
[SAHARAREPORTERS] The Benue State governor, Samuel Ortom, has said at least 134 people have been killed by armed invaders within five days in separate attacks on villages in Otukpo, Apa and Guma local government areas of the state.

The corpse count of Wednesday’s attack on Umogidi village in Otukpo LGA rose to 52 from the initial 46 recorded on the spot. Three people had been killed in the same village a day before the massacre.

Also, the corpse count from the Friday night attack on Ngban IDP camp in Guma LGA rose from 36 to 38 as of Sunday while other parts of the local government recorded unspecified numbers of deaths caused by the gunnies within the five days.

Similarly, in Apa LGA, 47 people were reportedly killed on April 3 in different villages, including the Ikobi community, where a traditional ruler was killed along with some of his subjects.

Daily Trust reports that Ortom, who spoke to journalists when he visited over 36 injured victims, mainly women and kiddies, of Ngban attack at the Benue State University Teaching Hospital (BSUTH), described the attacks as, "heinous and cowardly."

He, however, appealed to the community and its leaders to continue to be law abiding and be vigilant at all times so as to be able to wade off the assailants.

The governor reiterated his call on President Muhammadu Buhari to match words with action by deploying more troops to halt the senseless killings.

Earlier, the Mue Ter Ihyarev, who also spoke on behalf of Ter Guma, HRH Dennis Shemberga, expressed deep shock over the unprovoked killing of his subjects by the armed invaders.

He appealed to the president to send more troops in the troubled spots to end the killings.

...back at the alley, Bugs Moroni was holding Slats from behind while his brother Greasy Thumb was pounding his face into paste ...
the Myetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria (MACBAN) in Benue has condemned the killings in the state.

The state secretary of MACBAN, Ibrahim Galma, who spoke on behalf of the association, said the killings were perpetrated by bad elements that were bent on destabilising the peace of the state.

He called on President Muhammadu to ensure that security agents apprehend the killers of Benue people so that the victims would get justice.

Galma said, "We condemn the attacks in totality. We, the MACBAN are working hard together with All Farmers Association of Nigeria (AFAN) in the state as well as security agencies to make sure that there is peace and harmony restored in the state. But, the bad element are still causing problem in the state.

"We condole with the government of Benue State, Governor Samuel Ortom, all stakeholders in the state and families of the victims. We feel pained. We feel pain like they feel and we mourn with them.

He added, "At whatever cost, the security should do their best to find the perpetrators so that the world will know the truth.

"We are not in support of the killings. We are for peace and we hope to give the new administration in the state maximum support so that peace will return to the state."

Posted by: Fred || 04/11/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Fulani Herdsmen (Boko Haram)

Residents of Shabwah find undetonated explosive devices near road
[HODHODYEMENNEWS.NET] Local residents in Mayfa’a district, Shabwah governorate, eastern Yemen, found new improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

This comes amid ongoing tension between the Saudi-led coalition factions in the oil-rich province.

Residents reported that they found the IEDs planted inside the flood ferries on the main road in the Malbouja area.

According to residents, the IEDs were set to target a military convoy belonging to the Emirati factions, which is constantly using that road.

This comes in light of the escalation of conflicts between the coalition factions, as the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) accused Saudi Arabia of coordinating between the Islah factions and al-Qaeda to fight a joint battle against the STC factions throughout the southern governorates.

Posted by: Fred || 04/11/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Houthis

Caribbean-Latin America
Al-Shabaab commander's son arrested in Costa Rica
[Garowe] Authorities in Costa Rica have arrested the son of a senior commander of Somalia, a terror group that controls large swathes of rural central and southern Somalia.

Lutrnan Warsame Farah, the eldest son of the high-ranking big shot of al-Shabaab
...... the personification of Somali state failure...
, a Somali terrorist group, was arrested and detained in Costa Rica, where he had been staying in hotels using false identities and a Swedish passport belonging to someone else, reports indicate.
All those Swedes look alike, after all.
According to reports, Farah was traced and deported to Guatemala by the National Intelligence and Security Agency [DIS] but was sent back to Costa Rica. Already, the Federal Bureau of Investigations [FBI] had warned that al-Shabaab could be having a presence in Costa Rica following the screening.

Investigations show Farah made entry into Costa Rica on January 4, 2023, using a Swedish passport which was identified as Luqman Abdl Aziz. He stayed in the country for a month before leaving through an irregular border crossing to Nicaragua.

Al-Shabaab has been fighting to overthrow the fragile UN-backed federal government of Somalia for 15 years but efforts by the Somali National Army [SNA], US Africa Command, African Union
...a union consisting of 53 African states, most run by dictators of one flavor or another. The only all-African state not in the AU is Morocco. Established in 2002, the AU is the successor to the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), which was even less successful...
Transition Mission in Somalia [ATMIS] and local militia have seen the group lose territories in recent weeks.

Farah’s father is linked to facilitating an al-Shabaab terrorist attack in Sweden in 2011.
I can't seem to find anything about that, either in our archives or on the internet, so clearly I’m missing something.
al-Shabaab group has also been waging attacks in neighboring countries like Kenya, which is also among the Troops Contributing Countries, leading to the deaths of thousands of people across the region.

Hans Sequeira, DIS Director, explained that international regulations require Farah to be returned to the country where he entered legally, so he will be sent to Somalia. The arrest and deportation of Farah highlight the ongoing threat of terrorism and the need for international cooperation in combating the group.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has waged the second phase of operations against al-Shabaab, with the first face seeing the elimination of about 3,000 bad boys. Also, the government says at least 3,700 murderous Moslems were maimed, but there was no independent verification of this claim.
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/11/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab (AQ)

4 dead, 22 injured in separate blasts targeting police in Quetta
[Dawn] Two separate blasts in Quetta on Monday claimed the lives of four people — including two police personnel — and injured 22 people, officials said.

Both the attacks were targeting the police.

The first blast occurred near a police vehicle parked next to Qandahari Bazaar on Shahrah-i-Iqbal, according to Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Operations Captain (retd) Zohaib Mohsin, who also confirmed the deaths of the two police officers in the attack.

“The explosives were planted in a motorcycle,” he said, adding that the injured also included women and children.

“According to initial information, three to four kilogrammes of explosives were used in the blast,” the police official said. “Due to the blast, two vehicles, including the police van, were damaged.”

Quetta Civil Hospital spokesperson Dr Wasim Baig confirmed the number of victims in the first blast to Dawn.com as four dead and 18 injured, saying that the deceased also included a minor girl.

TV footage showed a damaged police automobile surrounded by a number of personnel. Several ambulances were also seen leaving the site of the explosion.

The responsibility for the attack was claimed by the banned Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), which is an armed insurgent group carrying out militant activities against the state of Pakistan. Among its agenda is secession for Balochistan.

Separately, Baig confirmed that four people were injured in a second attack at Munir Mengal Road.

SSP Mohsin said Sariab Station House Officer (SHO) Ehsanullah Marwat’s vehicle was targeted at Munir Mengal Road near Sariab Phatak.

He said two passers-by were injured in the blast from an improvised explosive device and were taken to Civil Hospital for treatment. Mohsin said that the SHO and other police personnel with him were inspecting officers stationed at Munir Mengal Road on their duties and were not present in the vehicle during the time of the blast.

The SSP added that the bomb disposal squad and a heavy police contingent reached the scene and were collecting evidence.

He said that initial findings showed that the blast was carried out through remote-controlled detonation with 1.5-2kgs of explosive material used.

A day earlier, two cops were martyred and one was injured in an attack by unknown assailants in the Killi Spine area of the Kuchlak district.

The policemen, who belon­ged to the Eagle Squad, were patrolling on a motorcycle when the assailants opened indiscriminate fire, leaving three injured. Quetta DIG Ghulam Azfar Maheser had confirmed that the cops were targeted by terrorists.
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/11/2023 01:21 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: Pak Taliban (TTP)

Popular Mobilization Forces Secure Major ‘Security Basin’ Northeast of Baquba after 15-Year Struggle

The PMF leader, Muhammad Salam al-Tamimi, told Shafaq News Agency that the success of the fortifications and deployment plans that began at the beginning of this year was part of an integrated plan under the supervision of the security ministries to secure the hot spots basin between the districts of al-Abara and Abi Saida, 25 km northeast of Baquba.

The fortification included more than 20 villages and over 30,000 dunams of agricultural land and orchards, with plans including the deployment of combat forces, the closure of security gaps, and the opening of safe passages of farm villages. He explained.

The Waqf Basin, including al-Abbara, Abi Saida, and their villages, has been the site of attacks and security incidents, including those by ISIS, clan conflicts, and organized crimes, which have occurred for several years due to its rugged geographical nature and vast area.
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/11/2023 00:11 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran Proxies

Unexploded drone found near Duhok dam
[Rudaw] A villager on Monday told Rudaw that he had found an unwent kaboom! explosive-laden drone near Duhok dam and handed it over to security forces to investigate.

Haval Boti from Botya village in Zawita subdistrict told Rudaw on Monday that he found a drone with three unwent kaboom! bombs near the Duhok dam three days ago.

He added that he informed local security forces who have launched an investigation into the incident.

The area is known for being one of the hotspots of conflict between The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the only place on the face of the earth that misses the Ottoman Empire...
and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), but it is unclear if Monday’s incident is linked.

A security source familiar with the case told Rudaw on the condition of anonymity that this is not the first time such incidents take place in the province.

"We have launched an investigation but we have not concluded which country or party the drone belongs to," added the source.

Rudaw has learned that this is the sixth time drones have landed in the province since last month.

The dam is one of the largest in the Kurdistan Region and it is not clear if it was the target of the drone attack near Botya village.

Drone warfare has become a common occurrence in the Kurdistan Region, as well as Iraq, with most incidents being attributed to Turkey, Iran, and pro-Iran
...a theocratic Shiite state divided among the Medes, the Persians, and the (Arab) Elamites. Formerly a fairly civilized nation ruled by a Shah, it became a victim of Islamic revolution in 1979. The nation is today noted for spontaneously taking over other countries' embassies, maintaining whorehouses run by clergymen, involvement in international drug trafficking, and financing sock puppet militias to extend the regime's influence. The word Iran is a cognate form of Aryan. The abbreviation IRGC is the same idea as Stürmabteilung (or SA). The term Supreme Guide is a the modern version form of either Duce or Führer or maybe both. They hate Jews Zionists Jews. Their economy is based on the production of oil and vitriol...
Iraqi militia groups.
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/11/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran Proxies

#1  Hard to imagine it is a Turkish drone. If so, Turkey is playing with fire given the existence of its own dams on the Tigris and Euphrates. Its Atatürk Dam is the third largest dam in the world. It is a rock-fill with a central core and is located on the Euphrates River in Southeastern Anatolia.
Posted by: Tarzan Grolump8219 || 04/11/2023 9:26 Comments || Top||

#2  Backgrounder: The Washington Post on 13 July 2013 published an article by C. Whitlock entitled “US drone surveillance expands to other hot spots…” Whitlock’s report was general and offered little new to interested parties who have followed the use of American drones employed in anti-terrorist activity in Somalia, Mali and Yemen. However, we learn that some 40 Americans – both military and civilian – are administering “flight services” in suport of a secret drone program that operates from a small enclave within the base at Incirlik, Turkey. What the team is up to, and how the presence of US drones at a Turkish airbase benefits the government of Recep Erdogan and/or the American intelligence community can only be guessed. Would Turkey allow the U.S. to unilaterally operate drones from Turk territory? Would their be dual-use of drones? Would the United States lease Predator or Reaper drones to the Turkish military forces for their own use? Certainly there must exist a quid pro quo. No mention was made of the fact that in 2012 Turkey ended an arrangement with Israel which had previously provided it with drone aircraft. The Turkish government of Prime Erdogan then announced that in 2013 it would begin to produce the ANKA, an indigenous surveillance drone.
Posted by: Slavising Unineting5672 || 04/11/2023 11:26 Comments || Top||

Iraqi parliament delegation denounces Turkey's attack on Sulaymaniyah International Airport
Posted by: Fred || 04/11/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

#1  AlJazeera: Iraq demands Turkey apologise over attack on Sulaimaniyah airport. SDF commander Mazloum Abdi says he was in a convoy with US troops at the Sulaimaniyah airport at time of attack. Published On 9 Apr 2023
The Iraqi government has called on Turkey to apologise for an attack on an airport in the country’s northern Kurdish region, while a US official confirmed there had been an attack on a convoy with US military personnel in the area but said there were no casualties.
The Iraqi demand on Saturday came as a Turkish Defense Ministry official told the Reuters news agency that no Turkish Armed Forces operation had taken place in that region in recent days.

It said Ankara had no legal justification to continue “intimidating civilians under the pretext that forces hostile to it are present on Iraqi soil”.

list of 4 items
list 1 of 4
Twenty years after the US invasion, where are Iraq’s antiquities?
list 2 of 4
Turkey closes airspace to Iraq’s Sulaimaniyah, cites PKK presence
list 3 of 4
Iraq war, 20 years on: Visualising the impact of the invasion
list 4 of 4
Iraq’s gov’t signs deal with KRG to resume oil exports
end of list
“In this regard, we call on the Turkish government to take responsibility and present an official apology,” it said.

SDF leader unh
Posted by: Tarzan Grolump8219 || 04/11/2023 9:33 Comments || Top||

#2  I apologize. Finger slipped.
Posted by: Tarzan Grolump8219 || 04/11/2023 9:33 Comments || Top||

Floridian Jews embrace wounded Israeli soldiers
[IS National News] Israel Defense Forces soldiers wounded in recent rounds of battle and terror took part in 10 days of vacation and rehabilitation in sun-drenched Palm Beach and Miami.

Dvir Taman, who was injured in Operation Protective Edge and spent 8 months in the hospital, said, "It’s been ages since I’ve felt so good, so comfortable and safe. It’s more than just fun; it’s oxygen for me."

Born-and-bred Jerusalemite Taman, 29, always knew that he’d one day serve in the IDF. Growing up in the wake of the second intifada, with the daily headlines screaming of stabbings and bus bombings, he was spurred by idealism and fervent desire to protect family and friends. At 19, he enlisted in the IDF and joined a special undercover border police unit working within Jerusalem.

Operation Protective Edge broke out in 2014 following the kidnapping and murder of 3 Israeli teens which resulted in the retaliatory lynching of an Arab teen from Jerusalem’s Arab neighborhood of Shuafat. When Israeli intelligence discovered that a band of terrorists was planning a massive terror attack on the Jerusalem Light Rail which passes through Shuafat, Dvir’s unit and a SWAT team were sent late at night into Shuafat to take down the terrorists.

Ultimately, the terrorists learned that they were coming, and when they entered the neighborhood, they found it in chaos.

"It was literally a war zone with fire and stones fired everywhere. As we were chasing the terrorists through the village, an Arab dropped a cinderblock from a height of four floors onto my head. Luckily, it missed my skull and hit only my back and shoulders, because otherwise, I wouldn’t have made it out of there alive," Dvir recounts his bloodcurdling tale.
Posted by: Besoeker || 04/11/2023 01:50 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

#1  It's so weird seeing people allowed to give aid and comfort to their own ethnicity. If we tried that we'd get roasted by the ADL.
Posted by: Chesney Lover of the Munchkins7879 || 04/11/2023 3:06 Comments || Top||

#2  Great story.
Posted by: Clem Pholuque8480 || 04/11/2023 4:27 Comments || Top||

#3  Who paid for the flight?
Posted by: Skidmark || 04/11/2023 23:32 Comments || Top||

US-led coalition targeted by missile attack in northeastern Syria

The US Central Command confirmed on Monday that the coalition forces were targeted by an "ineffective" missile attack at the Conoco support site in northeastern Syria.

According to a statement by the US Central Command, "at 10:05 am Eastern Standard Time (approximately 5:05 pm local time in Syria), a missile landed near the coalition site, and an additional missile was found at the attack launch point."

The Command also stated that the attack did not result in any injuries or damage to the base or coalition property.

Earlier in the day, the defense of the US-led coalition, based in the Conoco gas field in Deir Ezzor, eastern Syria, shot down a drone believed to be affiliated with Iran-backed factions.

Recent weeks have witnessed mutual targeting between Iran-backed factions and coalition forces in eastern Syria, amidst a state of alert.

Coalition forces shoot down suspected Iranian-affiliated drone in Syria

[Shafaq News] The Coalition forces stationed at a US base in the Koniko gas field in Deir al-Zor, eastern Syria, shot down a suspected drone belonging to Iran-backed factions.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, "a balloon belonging to the Coalition flew over the area, amid the mobilization of forces inside the US base." Recently, there have been mutual attacks between Iranian-backed factions and Coalition forces in eastern Syria, amidst a state of alert.

The Observatory reported violent mostly peaceful explosions in the northern countryside of Deir al-Zor a few days ago, as part of live ammunition military exercises for Coalition forces in the Koniko gas field to increase their combat readiness.
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/11/2023 00:11 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran Proxies

Daraa Governorate, southern Syria, continues to witness security chaos
Posted by: Fred || 04/11/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Islamic Movement of Nigeria (Iran)

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