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2 killed, 18 injured in explosion at major Cairo tourist bazaar
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12 00:00 Phil Fraering [31] 
1 00:00 Frank G [21] 
7 00:00 Robert Crawford [27] 
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4 00:00 Frank G [20] 
0 [15] 
8 00:00 Fred [12] 
6 00:00 Bomb-a-rama [19] 
2 00:00 Sock Puppet 0’ Doom [24] 
1 00:00 DO [21] 
6 00:00 Pappy [35] 
3 00:00 Remoteman [21] 
2 00:00 Xbalanke [12] 
3 00:00 Seafarious [38] 
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5 00:00 Jackal [20] 
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3 00:00 Sock Puppet 0’ Doom [39]
4 00:00 Sock Puppet 0’ Doom [20]
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5 00:00 Janos Hunyadi [14]
1 00:00 Frank G [23]
1 00:00 CrazyFool [41]
6 00:00 Mrs. Davis [15]
0 [17]
3 00:00 JosephMendiola [21]
21 00:00 Doc8404 [24]
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1 00:00 gromgoru [24]
1 00:00 .com [12]
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13 00:00 Darth VAda [14]
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1 00:00 con spirito [18]
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2 00:00 Frank G [32]
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3 00:00 Frank G [14]
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4 00:00 Frank G [15]
7 00:00 Barbara Skolaut [20]
1 00:00 JosephMendiola [10]
6 00:00 Frank G [16]
5 00:00 TomAnon [14]
10 00:00 Mike [17]
2 00:00 Sock Puppet 0’ Doom [18]
9 00:00 Robert Crawford [19]
2 00:00 phil_b [14]
1 00:00 Anonymoose [19]
2 00:00 phil_b [13]
17 00:00 Darth VAda [36]
9 00:00 JosephMendiola [17]
45 00:00 OldSpook [53]
6 00:00 BigEd [16]
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2 00:00 .com [28]
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2 00:00 mojo [31]
Tech warning...
We'll be going down in about an hour for 30-45 minutes for server swap. When we come back up we'll be slower and probably bug-ridden for a week or so until I get the good box redone. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Posted by: Fred || 04/08/2005 2:30:19 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Thanks for the warning, Fred, and thanks for all your hard work. Hope your PayPal button still works...
Posted by: Seafarious || 04/08/2005 14:42 Comments || Top||

#2  Fred you are the man!
Thankx for the hard work.
Posted by: Sock Puppet 0’ Doom || 04/08/2005 15:28 Comments || Top||

#3  Hokay. Better stock up on my Hornitos Tequila (for the shakes, snakebites, and such)
Posted by: Frank G || 04/08/2005 15:28 Comments || Top||

#4  Comments are fixed.

Gawd, I hate this machine...
Posted by: Fred || 04/08/2005 18:53 Comments || Top||

#5  Fred, I would hate world if I had to rely on windoze.
Posted by: Sobiesky || 04/08/2005 19:14 Comments || Top||

#6  no slow down's as I can see, thx Fred
Posted by: Frank G || 04/08/2005 19:19 Comments || Top||

#7  Fred, I tried to post a news link and got the following

Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in C:web
antburgwwwlPosterHolder.php on line 8
Unable to connect!
Posted by: phil_b || 04/08/2005 19:43 Comments || Top||

#8  Should be fixed now.
Posted by: Fred || 04/08/2005 22:02 Comments || Top||

Africa North
14 killed at fake roadblock
ISLAMIC militants killed 14 people and burned their bodies after stopping their vehicles at a bogus roadblock in Algeria, local authorities said today.

The killings took place near the town of Larba, 25km south of Algiers.
Army troops were today hunting the attackers, with the al-Qaeda-aligned Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC) heading the list of suspects.

"The gunmen stopped two cars and one truck at a fake roadblock, pulled 14 people from their cars and then shot them dead before burning their bodies," one official said.

A truck driver escaped and told the authorities the attackers numbered about 10 men, the official added.

The GSPC is Algeria's main rebel group still fighting authorities after 13 years of an Islamic holy war or "Jihad".

Security experts say hardline members have stepped up attacks to try to sabotage a general amnesty expected to be offered this year to rebels and members of the armed forces.

Authorities say 150,000 people have died since militants took up arms in 1992 after legislative elections, which a hardline Islamic party was poised to win, were cancelled.

Violence has fallen sharply in recent years, bringing back much needed investment. The Government has repeatedly said its war on militants has been won, with only a few pockets of resistance left in some areas.

Posted by: God Save The World || 04/08/2005 6:45:21 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Islamic Heroes/Lions of the Desert™!

their courage and bravery in the face of unarmed civilians knows no bounds
Posted by: Frank G || 04/08/2005 22:09 Comments || Top||

Terror Groups Dealt a Blow, Says Naif
Still teasing on those names, is he?
Life returned to normal to the town of Al-Rass, 300 kilometers north of Riyadh, where security forces fought a pitched battle with terrorists killing 14 and arresting a number of them in a standoff that lasted nearly three days. Power and other services were restored to the neighborhood where the fighting took place and debris removed from the surroundings. Police were looking for unexploded shells they think may have been left over from the fighting but in general the area has been cleared of debris, said Al-Rass Vice Governor Khaled Al-Assaf. Five wounded militants were captured while a sixth surrendered. Fourteen security personnel were wounded

Interior Minister Prince Naif said the terrorist group has been dealt a blow but cautioned that more attacks may be carried out by the deviant group. Over the past four days 16 militants have been killed, including three on the Ministry of Interior's list of 26 most wanted terrorists. One of those killed was the Moroccan Abdul Kareem Al-Majati who was suspected of masterminding Al-Qaeda bombings in Casablanca two years ago. Only three militants on the list of 26 remain at large. Prince Naif said he cannot say the battle against militants was over. "I cannot say operations have ended, although members of the deviant group have been weakened. They may still surprise us anywhere in the Kingdom. We will continue to fight them," he said in statements after visiting the site of the fighting in Al-Rass in Qasim region.
This article starring:
ABDUL KARIM AL MAJATIal-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
Al-Rass Vice Governor Khaled Al-Assaf
Interior Minister Prince Naif
Posted by: Fred || 04/08/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Down Under
Address poverty, overcome terror
WESTERN nations can overcome Islamic extremism if they address the root causes of terrorism — poverty, anger and frustration — and discard their prejudice against Muslims, Malaysia's prime minister has declared.

Abdullah Badawi told a conference in Sydney tonight that some Western countries needed to reassess their foreign policies, while urging Muslim countries to embrace "reform and renewal".
He condemned the killing of innocent people and said it was sad that terrorists had murdered civilians in the name of Allah.

Mr Abdullah cited Malaysian experience in dealing with extremists as evidence the war on terrorism could not be won with tanks and bullets alone.

He said his Government had implemented reforms to bring about greater openness and to deliver economic prosperity, particularly to the needy and those in predominantly Muslim rural areas.

"We have demonstrated that we can roll back the Islamists, not by engaging in a holier-than-thou contest, but by addressing the root causes of anger and frustration," Mr Abdullah told the Asia Society of Australia.

Muslim nations were becoming more open but changes had to coincide with a change in Western foreign policy, he said.

"Some are embracing the initiatives towards good governance and an intellectually more open and vibrant Ummah (Islamic society)," Mr Abdullah said.

"But these steps cannot be taken in isolation. Reforms in the Muslim world must be accompanied by visible and meaningful changes to the foreign policies of key western countries.

"The non-Muslim world, especially the West, must be prepared to discard their prejudices against Islam and be willing to engage in genuine dialogue.

"At the same time, Muslims, too, must be prepared to begin a process or reform and renewal in their respective Muslim countries."

Mr Abdullah said Malaysia was a country of Islam Hadhari — progressive, "civilisational" Islam — and had embraced reform.

"Different countries need different solutions to their problems but I do believe that Malaysia can be a showcase of what it is to be a successful, modern Muslim country," he said.

During his speech, Mr Abdullah also called on Australia to play a greater role in helping to eliminate poverty in the developing world.
Posted by: God Save The World || 04/08/2005 6:50:51 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Except that the root causes of terrorism are not poverty, anger and frustration. They are rotten governments and cultures that create these problems. Terrorism's worst enemies are democracy and freedom, especially freedom from archaic tribal, religious and cultural practices, like socialism.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 04/08/2005 20:45 Comments || Top||

#2  *snort*

Sigh. Abdullah Badawi, et al, need to get their dogma manuals updated. The facts behind terrorism support NONE of the assertions - except the anger. The anger is due to the fact that The World does not automatically embrace their insanity. It is a problem with Muzzies, not The World.

Otherwise, Badawi is utterly and terminally full of shit and should retire to the library to catch up on his reading.

Malaysia appeasing Muzzies is no answer - and Badawi can kiss the Global Foreign Policy change idea goodbye - along with the asses of every Western nation. The Muzzies must discard their absurd demands for The World to accommodate their inbred indoctrinated insanity. They are the problem. They are their own solution. It has zero, zip, zilch, nada to do with the rest of The World. Need a fix? Grab a mirror.

Sheesh, news.com.au is such a clueless apologist enabler wank-o-matic buncha'tards for publishing meme shit they know to be meme shit by apologist meme shit dogmatists.
Posted by: .com || 04/08/2005 20:52 Comments || Top||

#3  Someone should tell Abdullah that Jesse Jackson has worn this racket out. No more shakedowns.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 04/08/2005 21:16 Comments || Top||

#4  WESTERN nations can overcome Islamic extremism if they address the root causes of terrorism – poverty, anger and frustration – and discard their prejudice against Muslims, Malaysia’s prime minister has declared.

A theory shot down more times than Zeros over Midway.
Posted by: Raj || 04/08/2005 21:21 Comments || Top||

#5  Obviously, no one told Badawi that it's not smart to repeat something that's been thoroughly discredited.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 04/08/2005 21:27 Comments || Top||

#6  Keep repeating that lie and some stupid turd will believe again. The fact is that it's just false. Which makes him a lying bastard.
Posted by: Sock Puppet 0’ Doom || 04/08/2005 21:38 Comments || Top||

#7  Anonymoose: Except that the root causes of terrorism are not poverty, anger and frustration.

I don't really care if they're poor, angry or frustrated. So were Genghis Khan's armies. And the Vikings. And the Muslims who swarmed into the traditionally Christian lands of the Middle East over a thousand years ago. If they want to express their frustration at our hard-earned success by killing us, then we must kill every one of these murderous bandits. And anyone who helps them or speaks out for them.
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 04/08/2005 21:41 Comments || Top||

#8  A lot of poverty in Dar is due to their leaders propensity to steal anything not nailed down. Eliminate the leaders, reduce poverty.
Posted by: gromgoru || 04/08/2005 22:30 Comments || Top||

#9  Bzzzt! Wrong answer, thank you for playing. The answer we were looking for is 'What is fanaticism, envy, feelings of inferiority, and REALLY bad government?' Please collect your consolation prize on the way out the door.
Posted by: DMFD || 04/08/2005 23:10 Comments || Top||


Next stupid theory?
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 04/08/2005 23:22 Comments || Top||

#11  hey DMFD! I'm the "Bzzzzt! Wrong answer" guy ...kinda sorta... I hate when someone else does it better

Posted by: Frank G || 04/08/2005 23:30 Comments || Top||

#12  BULLSHIT! Next stupid theory?

How 'bout it's all really caused by the goa'uld?
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 04/08/2005 23:31 Comments || Top||

NATO Sees U.S. Military Changing Strategy
U.S. forces stationed in Europe will increasingly shift their stance toward Africa and the former communist countries in eastern Europe as they move to counter terror threats in those areas, the top European commander said.
Marine Gen. James. L. Jones, who serves as NATO supreme commander and the head of the U.S. European Command, outlined changes to transform the 60-year U.S. military presence on the continent during an interview Friday with the Associated Press.
"The difference between the EUCOM of the 20th century — which I regard as the Cold War century — and the EUCOM of the 21st century is the family of threats that it faces, ranging from terrorism to radical fundamentalism to narcoterrorism to illegal trafficking of all sorts," Jones said at EUCOM headquarters in Stuttgart.
European Command, or EUCOM, isn't directly involved in operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, but plans to consolidate forces and shift them further south and east are in direct response to the threats developing from those conflicts.
Many of the changes, like consolidating different Army headquarters under one roof in Wiesbaden, are simply a continuation of post-Cold War cutback that began in the 1990s following the collapse of the Soviet Union.
But deeper changes are on the way, as the U.S. looks less to large, fixed bases like those it has had for decades in Germany, to smaller, more bare-bones installations where troops could be moved quickly for training or to deal with a crisis.
Of the currently 112,000 military personnel stationed in Europe, only about 40 percent are expected to remain on five main bases, most of them in Germany.
The large air bases at Ramstein and Spangdahlem, as well the nearby support community of Kaiserslautern, will remain hubs. The Army will concentrate on existing posts in Wiesbaden and Grafenwoehr. EUCOM headquarters will remain in Stuttgart, while both the Army and Air Force will remain in Aviano, Italy.
But increasingly the focus is shifting toward Africa, seen as a potential haven for Islamic extremists who have been ousted from places like Afghanistan.
Already five such agreements exist with countries in Africa, including the predominantly Muslim nations of Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia.
In Europe, the focus in increasingly turning to the new NATO members of the former Warsaw Pact. A special Eastern Europe Task Force would involve rotating troops on a regular basis for training exercises, including some with local militaries.
Bases in Bulgaria and Romania, both of which hosted the U.S. military during the Iraq war, have been earmarked to host forces, but would differ from those in Germany in that they would offer only skeletal infrastructure and no families would accompany troops there on their tours of duty.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 04/08/2005 6:24:17 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Ex-terror suspect accused of assault
Freelance photographer Oscar Flos has lodged a police report against acquitted terror suspect, Samir Azzouz, who punched him in the head after being released from prison on Wednesday. Flos was hit outside the Nieuwegein prison, fell against a parked car and was allegedly unconscious for a few moments. The incident was captured by a photographer with news agency ANP. Samir Azzouz also allegedly acted in an aggressive manner against a camera crew shortly afterwards. A police spokesman did not rule out the possibility of a second official complaint.
"Did not rule out the possibility...?" How about immediate arrest with extreme prejudice? Punk a** kid. His imam must be very proud.
Police are now investigating the incident based on statements from journalists who witnessed the 18-year-old's release from prison. Television footage is also being studied. If police have sufficient evidence, Azzouz could be re-arrested, newspaper 'Algemeen Dagblad' (AD) reported on Friday. The AD website shows a series of photographs of the incident (registration required, sorry). Due to a lack of evidence, Rotterdam Court acquitted A. on Wednesday of planning terror attacks against the Dutch Parliament and Schiphol Airport. He was released shortly afterwards into the hands of the awaiting Dutch media. Photographer Flos — who said he suffered a severe headache after the punch — returned to work on Thursday and is full of praise for the fast-acting ANP photographer. "He thinks it is excellent the moment was recorded," Flos' son said. The Dutch journalists union NVJ said it was unacceptable that Flos had been hit. "The coldblooded action of Samir A. shows absolutely no respect for our society in which media representatives can perform their work freely and unhindered," NVJ secretary Hans Verploeg said.
Ah, now the media gets it. Hit the World Trade Center and plot to destroy Schiphol and Parliament, no big deal. Hit a journalist, and suddenly it's personal. It's a little late, but welcome to the club. Stop fawning over Samir & friends, and start standing up for what's right!
Meanwhile, political indignation erupted after Azzouz's acquittal. Liberal VVD MP Ayaan Hirsi Ali — who has been threatened with death by suspected terrorists — admitted she was alarmed by his release. Several other politicians have publicly lamented his acquittal. And newspaper 'De Telegraaf' ran a report on Friday claiming that all sections of the population had reacted with unease to A.'s release, claiming it had sparked a flood of telephone calls, emails and faxes to the newspaper. It quoted a several people criticising court judges, urging protests or condemning Samir Azzouz for the violence committed outside the Nieuwegein prison.
Keep it up, Holland. We know you're in there somewhere. You were warriors, once.
Public broadcaster NCRV said 82 percent of respondents to its opinion programme Standpunt.nl were opposed to the teenager's acquittal. Many people said they wanted to take the law into their own hands. A.'s arrest was partly responsible for sparking a terror alert the Dutch government issued in July last year. Security was tightened at key installations, but a Justice Ministry spokesman told Expatica on Friday that these measures have recently been reduced. Nevertheless, the tighter security is still in place, but the spokesman refused to name the locations under closer surveillance. Previous reports indicated that the possible attack targets were in The Hague, Schiphol Airport and the west of the country. Investigations also continue into the alleged terror network Hofstadgroep, which is accused of planning the murder of top Dutch politicians. Azzouz is suspected of having links with the group. Mohammed Boueri, the Dutch-Moroccan man arrested for the murder of Theo van Gogh last year, was also allegedly in contact with the Hofstadgroep.
This article starring:
Oscar Flos
SAMIR AZZUZHofstad Group
Posted by: seafarious || 04/08/2005 1:07:03 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Lot's of canals in Holland. Be a shame if he was found floating face down in one, wouldn't it?
Posted by: tu3031 || 04/08/2005 13:39 Comments || Top||

#2  He should have been arrested on the spot. Europe doesn't get it. It's a simple assult no need to have some lengthy investigation. My friend in Uden is right dutch cops are Assclowns.
Posted by: Sock Puppet 0’ Doom || 04/08/2005 14:25 Comments || Top||

Demonstrations erupt in cities throughout western Iran
Street demonstrations calling for democratic reform are spreading in cities throughout western Iran.
The Iranian opposition has reported clashes between Kurdish pro-democracy forces and authorities in western Iran. The opposition said battles took place in Baneh, Mahabad, Marivan, Piranshahr and Sanandaj.
Several demonstrators were injured and dozens of others were arrested in the demonstrations on April 6, Middle East Newsline reported. Opposition sources said police used rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse the protests.
"In retaliation, many protesters inflicted damages to security patrol cars and public buildings," the SMCCDI opposition group said in a statement.
There was no independent confirmation of the opposition report. Western diplomatic sources, however, have reported an increase in unrest near the Iranian-Iraqi border.
Western Iran has a large Kurdish population and the government has cracked down in an attempt to quell separatism inspired by the autonomous Kurdish region in northern Iraq. Opposition sources said Kurdish nationalists have also joined the pro-democracy rallies. "Armed masked protesters took over several security buildings and were able to disarm some of the security forces," the SMCCDI statement said.
Later, authorities were said to have sent reinforcements from Marivan to restore control of the buildings. The opposition sources said the pro-democracy demonstrations were inspired by elections in Iraq.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 04/08/2005 2:02:36 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Free elections=Kurdish power. A straightforward and simple dream for the Kurds that may become a nightmare for the Iranian mullahs.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 04/08/2005 14:10 Comments || Top||

#2  The Iranian opposition has reported clashes between Kurdish pro-democracy forces and authorities in western Iran .... Western Iran has a large Kurdish population and the government has cracked down in an attempt to quell separatism inspired by the autonomous Kurdish region in northern Iraq. Opposition sources said Kurdish nationalists have also joined the pro-democracy rallies. "Armed masked protesters took over several security buildings and were able to disarm some of the security forces ... inspired by elections in Iraq.

pesh merga - those who face death .... need a job ....
Posted by: anon || 04/08/2005 15:15 Comments || Top||

#3  "need a job"

Cryptic City, there, anon. Got a point you'd like to make?
Posted by: .com || 04/08/2005 15:29 Comments || Top||

#4  .com, 'peshmerga' = 'those who face death'. Anon probably meant that they do not like to sit idle.
Posted by: Sobiesky || 04/08/2005 19:27 Comments || Top||

#5  Sobiesky - I read just fine. It quoted a lot of text - then dribbled off into oblivion. I got what it wrote. I did not get what it meant.

You're charitable, heh.
Posted by: .com || 04/08/2005 20:30 Comments || Top||

#6  If GWB has been doing his homework, clandestine efforts are under way to fan the flames.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 04/08/2005 21:25 Comments || Top||

Syria Begins Final Pullout
Syria began yesterday the final phase of a troop pullout ending 29 years of military presence in Lebanon where consultations for a new Cabinet to oversee much-awaited legislative elections gathered momentum. As the remaining Syrian forces officially began their final return home, Syrian Information Minister Mahdi Dakhlallah vowed that the troops would complete the pullout well before an April 30 deadline. "The Syrian pullout may take place well before the end of the month, just as it did for the first phase that was due to end at the end of March and actually wrapped up in the middle of the month," Dakhlallah was quoted by the Lebanese press as saying in an interview with US-funded Radio Sawa. A senior Lebanese military official said the final phase had begun for the remaining 8,000 troops in the eastern Bekaa Valley where Syria has pulled back all its remaining forces in Lebanon.
Posted by: Fred || 04/08/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Just get your goofs and goons in the trucks and go, already. Phases and press releases, lol! It's not the Trail of Tears, fer crying out loud. More like the Bail of Fear. Boooo!
Posted by: .com || 04/08/2005 6:55 Comments || Top||

#2  "Get the towel ready, honey..."
Posted by: mojo || 04/08/2005 11:07 Comments || Top||

#3  How many "final" pullouts are these clowns going to conduct?
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 04/08/2005 11:08 Comments || Top||

#4  Bomb-a-rama, seems as many as they can pull. I did not take a count, but this must be at least 26th.
Posted by: Sobiesky || 04/08/2005 11:16 Comments || Top||

#5  This is like the furniture stores that make a business out of going out of business.
Posted by: Jackal || 04/08/2005 13:20 Comments || Top||

Update: Iraqi Camera Man for CBS Detained
An Iraqi cameraman carrying credentials for the United States network CBS is being held on suspicion of rebel activity, the US military in Iraq said. The cameraman suffered minor injuries during a battle in the northern town of Mosul on Tuesday between US soldiers and suspected insurgents, reports say.
Wadda surprise! A little too embedded, huh?And with the wrong side...
The military said he had been standing near a rebel killed in the shootout. The cameraman was detained because he may pose a "threat to coalition forces", according to the military.
He "will be processed as any other security detainee", it said in a statement on Friday.

On Tuesday a CBS journalist(!) in Baghdad told AFP news agency that the network's cameraman in Mosul, named as Abdel Amir Younes Hussein, had been wounded. After the military statement was released on Friday, a CBS spokeswoman said the network was "looking into the situation".

Who predicted "Mohammed"? Close, but no ceeeegar!
Posted by: Frank G || 04/08/2005 7:26:57 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "Mr. Abdel Amir Younes Hussein's pocket litter contained several faded and yellowed copies of President Bush's Air Guard documents which revealed........"
Posted by: Janos Hunyadi || 04/08/2005 20:27 Comments || Top||

#2  Heard on the radio that he had in the camera video of 4 previous attacks. I'm sure a lot of allah akbars followed by oh shit mahmouds were heard on the audio.
Posted by: ed || 04/08/2005 21:05 Comments || Top||

#3  Crazyfool called it in #13 on Wednesday - heh.
Posted by: .com || 04/08/2005 21:55 Comments || Top||

#4  continuing in the "pro-america" bias of Cronkite, Rather, et al?
Posted by: Frank G || 04/08/2005 22:07 Comments || Top||

#5  Gee, it's gone from "CBS cameraman wounded by US troops" to "cameraman carrying CBS credentials held on suspicion of rebel activity ".

(Hussein's name was turned in by Irqi citizens, btw)
Posted by: Pappy || 04/08/2005 23:22 Comments || Top||

#6  "Hussein."

They misspelled "Mapes."
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 04/08/2005 23:24 Comments || Top||

#7  That's her married name.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 04/08/2005 23:59 Comments || Top||

Terror Networks & Islam
Jets Intercept Presidents Plane
A SMALL jet sent to Rome to pick up Macedonian President Branko Crvenkovski after the funeral of Pope John Paul II was intercepted by an Italian fighter plane following reports that it had a bomb on board, the ANSA news agency reported.

No bomb was found on the Learjet, which was orginally headed to Rome's Ciampino airport but escorted to Pratica di Mare military base near the Italian capital, where it was searched.
ANSA earlier quoted Italy's air force chief General Leonardo Tricario as saying intelligence reports indicated that a bomb was on board the aircraft.

The plane later left Pratica di Mare for Ciampino where Mr Crvenkovski and five other people were to embark to return to Skopje.

Unlike Rome's main Fiumicino airport, Ciampino has been closed to commercial traffic amid a security clampdown in and around Rome for world leaders attending the funeral of Pope John Paul II.

A no-flight zone covering a radius of about 120km around Rome, up to an altitude of about 6500 metres, was imposed for the event.
Posted by: God Save The World || 04/08/2005 6:49:04 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under:

Al-Sadr Followers Hold Protest Marches
Gunmen fired on supporters of the radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr on Friday, killing one person and wounding two others as they made their way to protests planned for the second anniversary of Baghdad's fall to U.S.-led troops...
After dark Friday, al-Sadr supporters marched and chanted through the city, hanging anti-U.S. banners on columns surrounding Firdos Square, where a jubilant crowd pulled down a statue of Saddam Hussein on April 9, 2003, as U.S. troops spread through the capital.
Al-Sadr had urged his supporters to gather Saturday at the square, and a group was at the landmark along with police after the 11 p.m. curfew. U.S. and Iraqi officials said they were preparing for Saturday's demonstration.
The cleric had kept out of the limelight since his Mahdi Army militiamen accepted truces last year after failed uprisings in the southern city of Najaf and Baghdad's Sadr City neighborhood. But he has stepped up criticism of the United States in recent weeks, mostly by organizing Saturday's protest.
Sunni Muslim clerics also called demonstrations for Saturday to demand that American and other foreign troops leave Iraq.
Sheik Hassan al-Edhari, an official at al-Sadr's Baghdad office, said al-Sadr's mainly Shiite followers want the new Iraqi government to set a schedule for pulling out foreign troops and for putting Saddam on trial.
During his Friday morning sermon in the capital, the head of an influential Sunni group accused coalition forces of "killing the Iraqi people daily."
"We demand that the occupation troops withdraw from Iraq. We don't want them to do it immediately, but we want them to set a timetable for their withdrawal," said Sheik Harith al-Dahri, whose Association of Muslim Scholars is believed to have ties to Iraq's insurgents.
But at another Sunni mosque in Baghdad, Sheik Ahmad Hasan al-Taha instructed worshippers to refrain from marking the April 9 anniversary. Al-Taha also called for the release of arrested religious figures, claiming there were more than 90 imams in detention.
U.S. military officials said they had nothing planned to mark the anniversary, and refused to comment on security measures. But additional Bradley Fighting Vehicles and Humvees were seen in areas where demonstrations were expected...
Posted by: Anonymoose || 04/08/2005 6:29:35 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I heard on the radio about the Iraqis bumping a couple of them off...
Posted by: Fred || 04/08/2005 18:52 Comments || Top||

#2  so Tater's ready for another whacking (of his fodder, not himself, of course)?
Posted by: Frank G || 04/08/2005 19:19 Comments || Top||

#3  Dunno, Frank, Tater shoulda' been bagged a long time ago, I humbly submit.
Posted by: Sobiesky || 04/08/2005 19:22 Comments || Top||

#4  I agree. He's just asking again for what should've been his fate before: short, painful, martyrdom
Posted by: Frank G || 04/08/2005 19:27 Comments || Top||

Africa: North
Unknown Group Claims Cairo Bombing
A previously unknown Islamist group said it was behind a bombing which killed three people in Cairo, including two Western tourists, according to an Internet posting Friday.

The group calling itself the Islamic Pride Brigades in the Land of the Nile said one of its militants carried out Thursday's bombing, which it said was a suicide attack to protest against the "tyranny" of the government of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and U.S. policies in the region.

The authenticity of the message, posted on an Islamist Web site by a user who said he had obtained it elsewhere, could not be verified. "We announce our complete responsibility for the blast in Cairo ... This martyrdom operation was carried out by Abu al-Alaa al-Masri," it said, using what appeared to be a nom de guerre for the bomber. Officials said the bombing in a Cairo bazaar killed a U.S. man, a French woman and a man who was probably the bomber. "The motives for this operation include revenge for the martyrs of tyranny and (Islamist) detainees ... and revenge against America and all colonial forces for acting against Muslims in Iraq, Palestine and elsewhere," the statement said. It said the location of the bombing was chosen because it was popular with tourists, adding it would soon issue a video of the attack.
This article starring:
ABU AL ALAA AL MASRIIslamic Pride Brigades in the Land of the Nile
Islamic Pride Brigades in the Land of the Nile
Posted by: ed || 04/08/2005 11:48:50 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Let's change the U.S. policy of giving Egypt millions of dollars gratis.
Posted by: DO || 04/08/2005 13:07 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Nuggets from the Urdu Press
Pakhtunkhwa not allowed!
According to Nawa-e-Waqt, senator from the NWGP Ilyas Bilour kept naming his province as Pakhtunkhwa during his speech at the Senate. After some time leader of the house Waseem Sajjad got up and remarked that no province of that name existed in Pakistan and if he wanted to talk about another province he should go to the country where it existed. After this there was pandemonium in the house and the session had to be postponed sine die.

An Urdu purple patch
Columnist and Urdu stylist Irfan Siddiqi wrote in Nawa-e-Waqt: 'May your boards creaking under viands meant to regale foreign guests be blessed, but tell me if we are the vanguard of America's crusade and have made sacrifices for it, and have willingly populated the cages of Guantanamo Bay, if Mullah Umar is going from pillar to post because of our loyal swordsmanship, if we have given everything on lease, from our military bases to our faith and spiritual belief, if we have stuck this policy of shame and humiliation on our helmet like a panache, then why are the whiplashes applied to our bare backs? Why are our heroes describes as villains and why are nuclear assets looked at with the eye of suspicion and ill-will? Can these courtier spokespersons of the magic tongue apply the balm of comfort on our lacerated breasts? Will the bud of truth burst forth from the bough of the tongue of anyone?'

India wants Pakistan as 'mandi'
Quoted in Nawa-e-Waqt Baloch Sardar Ataullah Mengal said that that India didn't want Pakistan as its friend, it wanted to convert Pakistan into its mandi. He said Hindu banya was carrying a scale (tarazoo) in his hand while negotiating friendship with Pakistan.

CIA arranged Shehbaz's marriage
Daily Insaf reported that the marriage of Shehbaz Sharif and Tehmina Durrani was organised through intrigue and international spying in 2003 by CIA and Pakistani intelligence agencies. The aim was to separate Shehbaz from the Sharif family and make him available to Musharraf as an ally. Shehbaz himself was increasingly isolated within the Sharif clan and wanted a place in politics for himself. The Sharif family is shaken by the development and is very upset. Those who favoured the marriage could be Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan who was put off by Nawaz Sharif's decision to keep Javed Hashmi as the chief of the party in Pakistan. He wanted the job for himself and was also close to Shehbaz. Shehbaz himself did not get along with other PMLN members: Zulfiqar Khosa, Tahmina Daultana, Saad Rafiq, etc. Tehmina Durrani was a linked to the intelligence agencies and had earlier liaison with Shehbaz Sharif. Nawa-e-Waqt quoted Shehbaz Sharif as saying that his brother Nawaz was his murshid (spiritual leader) and that he wouldplay a role in lowering military dictatorship in its lehed (grave).

More corruption under Musharraf
Secretary Information of PMLN said to Nawa-e-Waqt that contrary to the claim of President Musharraf corruption at the upper levels had increased which included corruption inside NAB. He said railway minister General Javed Ashraf incurred a loss of Rs 26 billion to the railways while references against him were set aside. Nawaz Sharif as prime minister spent Rs 16 crore on the PM House while now the expenditure was Rs 85 crore. He said if were made chief of NAB he would extract Rs 30 billion from former rulers and ministers in three months.

Weapons came from the army depots!
Daily Khabrain quoted Nawab Akbar Bugti as saying that the government should prove that he was receiving Rs 12 crore annually as rent from the Sui lands. He said weapons that were used against the Sui fields were worth 50 crore and were not bought by the Baloch but came from the army depots.

Who killed Prof Azizul Haq?
Writing in Khabrain, Raja Anwar revealed that during a Punjab university election one Barkaat was killed and the responsibility for the killing was wrongly placed on Jamiat and its leader Javed Hashmi. The murder was actually committed by Prof Azizul Haq, an ex-employee of Atomic Energy Commission, who thought he could become the Mao Tse Tung of Pakistan through a violent revolution. He got two members of his Young People's Front, Arif Raja and Javed Ali Khan, to open firing during the counting of the vote. Four months after Barkaat's murder, Prof Aziz was killed by one Saeed for having illicit relations with his wife. According to the writer, Prof Azizul Haq was a jinsi mareez (sexually obsessive) whose death was described as naqabal-e-talafi nuqsaan (irreparable loss) by PPP's Maulana Kausar Niazi.

Who is Imtiaz Sheikh?
According to Khabrain, the Sindh minister Imtiaz Sheikh whom his chief minister Dr Ghulam Raheem fired was the son of a poor farmer of Shikarpur. In 1978 he qualified in the CSS exam and became assistant commissioner in the province. He was transferred to Punjab for some time but was assistant collector Jacobabad in 1989. His quality of life changed and when he became deputy commissioner in Dadu and Nawabshah, he looked positively prosperous. He was later additional secretary in Sindh and in 1990 was secretary to chief minister Jam Sadiq who had betrayed his party, the PPP. He got many papers signed from Jam Sadiq at his deathbed and gave lucrative jobs to his relatives and friends. He acquired 6 kanals of precious land in Karachi. After Jam Sadiq, Imtiaz Sheikh got his promotions and became secretary health of the province. In 1997 he resigned and entered politics. At that time he was known as a billionaire. In 2002 he fought election from his party Democratic Alliance but was defeated in Nawabshah. Then he joined PMLQ and was returned in a by-election in Ghotki and was taken as revenue minister in Sindh cabinet. The chief minister's report against him shows him gaining in wealth at each stage in his career.

Pak generals and wealth
Writing in Nawa-e-Waqt, historian Dr Safdar Mehmood stated that an American agency has published a report that a Pakistani general was worth Rs 20 crore while a Lt-Gen got Rs 15 crore as personal 'assets'. The writer thought it was too little and therefore insulting. He recalled that in 2004 a former corps commander flew into Lahore from Karachi and sold his plot of land for Rs 3.5 crore and flew back the same day.

Two books two stories
Author and columnist Raja Anwar wrote in Khabrain that two books had recently come into print. Javed Hashmi's Haan main Baghi hun and Tariq Khurshid's Sue-e-Dar. Both were students at Punjab University. Javed Hashmi was a Jamiat leader and a follower of Maulana Maududi while Tariq was associated with the Left. Tariq was sent to Libya by vice-chancellor Islamabad University Kaniz Yusuf after the fall of Bhutto, but when he returned after 8 years he was sent to jail by Zia for the Libya Conspiracy Case. Javed Hashmi was in jail under General Musharraf. After the fall of Bhutto he became a minister in General Zia's cabinet which he now confesses to have been his mistake. In his book he has refrained from attacking anyone but Ghulam Mustafa Khar whom he has flayed alive.

Was Pakistan made to collect transit fee?
Columnist Abdul Qadir Hassan wrote in Jang that some people were saying that opening trade routes with India would give Pakistan the opportunity to collect transit fee but Sardar Mengal was saying that Hindu banya was merely trying to snap up Pakistan as a home market (ghar ki mandi). Was Pakistan created to collect rahdari (transit fees)? There is an honourable way of doing business. Friendship with India would be just like friendship with America, exploitative and coercive and against the interests of Pakistan.

PPP is too tough on MMA
Talking to Nawa-e-Waqt, PMLN MNA Mr Saad Rafiq said that the PPP was not giving a good impression through its contacts with Musharraf. PPP should soften its hard approach towards the MMA, he said. PMLN was not being organised in accordance with the wishes of Nawaz Sharif and that Zulfiqar Khosa's view that Nawaz Sharif had not acted correctly in 1999 by dismissing Musharraf was wrong.

'Pakistanis' in Bangladesh
Reported in Jang magazine, there were 2.37 lakh 'Pakistanis' in Bangladesh in 66 scattered camps who are at times called Biharis because they speak Urdu. They are still loyal to Pakistan and want to be sent to Pakistan although some would like to take Bangladesh nationality and become normal citizens. They say that they were 9 million to begin with but after 1971 half a million fled to India and Pakistan while fully 8 million are unaccounted for. They said that 3 million were massacred and are buried under the monument in Dhaka that says 3 million Bangladeshis killed by Pakistan army were lying underneath. The 'Pakistanis' living in the camps said that money was collected in Pakistan for them but no progress had been made to repatriate them.
Posted by: Fred || 04/08/2005 12:24:09 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [35 views] Top|| File under:

#1  It's hopeless.
Posted by: Shipman || 04/08/2005 12:50 Comments || Top||

#2  Ooohhh Mandi,
you came and you gave without shootin'...
Posted by: Barry Manilow || 04/08/2005 12:55 Comments || Top||

#3  Nobody in Pakistan should be allowed any technology developed since 1850. These people just don't have the collective mindset for a modern world. It is really unfortunate that they are able to get outside of their country. Rather than selling them any F-16's or even any sharp knives we should really be trying to get them to change their education system and throw out the Saudi funded madrassa imams. It is absolutely scary that they have nukes. Mark my words they'll be used someday in our lifetime, I just hope it stays on the sub-continent.
Posted by: DO || 04/08/2005 13:05 Comments || Top||

#4  Better'n Disneyland, isn't it?
Posted by: tu3031 || 04/08/2005 13:05 Comments || Top||

#5  I'll say one thing for their culture. It would be impossible to run a disinformation campaign against them: they have too big a head start!
Posted by: Darth VAda || 04/08/2005 20:17 Comments || Top||

#6  senator from the NWGP Ilyas Bilour kept naming his province as Pakhtunkhwa during his speech at the Senate.

Big deal. We've got a senator that hasn't been able to pronounce 'Massachusetts' for decades.
Posted by: Pappy || 04/08/2005 23:15 Comments || Top||

StrategyPage: Lots of Little Changes That Add Up
More foreign terrorists are entering Iraq, as al Qaeda desperately tries to maintain its level of operations. This effort is faltering. Al Qaeda is having an increasingly difficult time getting Iraqis to participate in attacks that might kill Iraqis. This is apparently behind two recent large scale attacks on American troops. One was an ambush, involving over 40 attackers. Most of the attackers were killed when the American MP escort got into action. One of the MP NCOs who led this counterattack is likely to get a medal for her bravery, and the way she drilled her troops beforehand to prepare them for such an attack. The second major attack, on the Abu Ghraib prison, also failed, and left several dozen attackers dead or wounded. In both cases, the American troops went into action quickly and effectively, even though there had been few attacks like this previously. There aren't likely to be many more. The Iraqi government has been quick to get news, and pictures, of such failed attacks onto television. This works much faster than the rumor network in discouraging others from launching such suicidal attacks on American troops.

The most lethal terrorist weapon against Americans is still the IED (roadside bomb). But IEDs have become very frustrating to use. Some 90 percent of them are found and destroyed. Even if an IED get detonated in the presence of U.S. troops, there's always the risk that nearby Iraqi civilians will get hit as well. Since the Americans are wearing body armor, and usually riding in armored vehicles, the civilians are more likely to get hurt or killed. Uninjured Americans and dead Iraqi civilians are a double negative for the terrorists, and they are having a hard time getting around this problem.

Al Qaeda's alliance with Sunni Arab nationalists appears to be coming apart. Some of the Sunni Arab gangs that once worked with al Qaeda cells, are now gunning for terrorists. Apparently, some of the Sunni Arabs had kin killed by al Qaeda attacks, and family obligation forced them to get some revenge, or become outcasts. In other cases, tribal elders declared the al Qaeda people unsuitable allies, which led to an armed dispute.

American intelligence sources have greatly expanded as cell phone and Internet service became more widespread, and more police are operating in Sunni Arab areas. The many bits of information collected are often not much use by themselves. But taken together, they show patterns which are pretty clear. These include more Baath Party big shots either trying to make deals with the government, or getting out of the country. There is no really safe place to seek exile. Syria was a favorite, but the Iraqi refugees know that the Syrians will give them up if the outside pressure is too great. The Iraqi government is making the most of this to get the least guilty Baath Party activists to turn in those with more blood on their hands. This is proving difficult, because there are several Baath Party groups out there and they tend to operate autonomously. Making a deal with one Baath Party faction doesn't get you a deal with any of the others. Negotiating with the opposition means talking with a lot of people, and having to kill some of them.

While the level of violence has declined a lot in the last three months, there are still thousands of hostile Sunni Arabs out there, armed and especially dangerous to foreigners and government employees. A trade show was recently held for foreign companies offering goods and services for rebuilding Iraq. The "Rebuilding Iraq Expo 2005" had to be held in Jordan because of the high crime rate in Baghdad. A lot of that crime is terrorism by political and religious fanatics. Although assassinations of officials is still a problem, the number of attempts and the number of killings seems to have been falling, while the visibility of the victims has been declining as well. In recent weeks it's been unusual for even middle-level government, police, or military officials to be killed by the anti-government thugs. Victims have mostly been at lower levels, village mayors, local judges, local police officers, and so forth. This may reflect increasing security for higher level officials, a decreasing pool of skilled assassins, a shift in priorities, or some combination of all three.

Not all of the religious fanatics are Sunnis, there are still some Shia fanatics running around. These unpleasant men recently attacked some students holding a picnic, beating people for "un-Islamic" activities. This attacks caused a big backlash from Shia Arab political and religious leaders. This made it clear that most Shia Arab Iraqis do not want the kind of religious Puritanism found in Iran. Part of this "anti-Iran" attitude comes from Iraqis fearing that Iran wants to dominate Iraq via religion. Iran has been dominating and bullying Iraq for thousands of years, and that long history has not been forgotten. Recently some Shia leaders have even been critical of Iran. This seems to have several roots. One is the lack of enthusiasm by Iranian leadership for the new government in Iraq. Another is seems to be resentment by the Iraqi Shia over the Iranian clergy's view of itself as the final authority in religious matters, and, by implication, an assertion of Iran's authority over Iraq.

While Baghdad is not safe, especially for foreigners. Most of Iraq is. And in many Sunni Arab areas, each week more streets, and neighborhoods, become safe for Iraqis, and foreigners. This is how peace comes to Iraq. One street or neighborhood at a time.
Posted by: ed || 04/08/2005 11:36:48 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  We had thousands of people killed in Germany in the Spring of 1945, yet victory was certain. It's a shame that anyone will have to die this year in Iraq, but we've got that rock just about at the top of the hill.
Posted by: Jackal || 04/08/2005 13:18 Comments || Top||

#2  And in many Sunni Arab areas, each week more streets, and neighborhoods, become safe for Iraqis, and foreigners. This is how peace comes to Iraq. One street or neighborhood at a time.
and factual reanalysis is, I hope, how the world will see the truth here -- one blog and one newspaper at a time-- if my recollection is correct, strategypage was initially prowar, then got soft and pessimistic and is now optimistic again.
Posted by: mhw || 04/08/2005 14:07 Comments || Top||

#3  Making a deal with one Baath Party faction doesn’t get you a deal with any of the others. Negotiating with the opposition means talking with a lot of people, and having to kill some of them.

Posted by: Remoteman || 04/08/2005 14:36 Comments || Top||

Detained mother, sister rendered to local sheik
Two women detained by Iraqi Police and Task Force Baghdad Soldiers were rendered into the control of a local sheik at 4 p.m. April 7 after being held for questioning in connection with Anti-Iraqi Forces. Acting on credible intelligence, Iraqi Police and Task Force Baghdad Soldiers took a mother and her daughter into custody April 2 as terror suspects during a cordon and search of the house in the Taji area.

"We strongly believed they had both direct and indirect knowledge of the planning and coordination of attacks against Iraqi Security Forces and coalition forces," said Lt. Col. Clifford Kent, Task Force Baghdad spokesperson. "Sources told us the women were present during meetings to plan attacks against coalition forces and that they had knowledge of terror cell leaders and the location of weapons caches in the area." Contrary to allegations published in news reports, the two women were the focus of the search and were detained.

Task Force Baghdad Soldiers are interested in the male relatives of Arkan Mukhlif al-Batawi, the women's brother and son.
"US forces do not take hostages, nor do we participate in blackmail activities," Kent said. "The women were simply detained on the basis of their own merits according to the intelligence we had at the time." During the time they were being questioned, the women said they were not mistreated or harmed by Task Force Baghdad Soldiers. "We were treated better by the American Soldiers than a brother treats his own sister," said the daughter.

The women were eventually turned over into the custody of Sheik Sae'ed Jasin, tribal leader of Taramia area, and Sheik Cheralaha Abas of the Taramia City Counsel who thanked the US military for their cooperation in the matter.

News organizations had published photographs allegedly showing US Soldiers conducting the raid on the Taji home, however Kent said those photos were not in any way connected to the incident, nor do they depict Soldiers from the 3rd Infantry Division or Task Force Baghdad. "The individuals in the photographs are not wearing our authorized uniforms nor are they adhering to our strict uniform standards," he said.

An investigation in AIF activities of this family continue, as well as the allegations of misconduct by any coalition members, Kent noted.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 04/08/2005 10:04:39 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  This story is just the International MSM acting as the mouthpiece socialist international. That group desires to destroy the USA and has allied it's self with the terrorists who are disrupting the recovery of Iraq. They should be treated as the useless vermin they are. There were no "hostages." This is the same crap they pull on Isreal.

Leftists and Socialist suck arse. Jew haters can FOAD.
Posted by: Sock Puppet 0’ Doom || 04/08/2005 13:17 Comments || Top||

#2  “We were treated better by the American Soldiers than a brother treats his own sister,”

Based on how how they treat their sisters, is that damning with faint praise?
Posted by: Xbalanke || 04/08/2005 13:22 Comments || Top||

Africa: North
2 killed, 18 injured in explosion at major Cairo tourist bazaar
Update on yesterday's bazaar bombing
A bomb blast hit a tour group shopping in a historic bazaar Thursday, killing at least two people and wounding 18 people - the first attack targeting foreign tourists in the Egyptian capital in more than seven years. The dead included a French woman, and nine Egyptians and nine foreigners were wounded, the Interior Ministry said. Brig.-Gen. Nabil al-Azabi, head of security in Cairo, said the second person killed may have been the bomber.

Many of the injured had severe wounds from nails packed in the bomb, doctors said. Among the wounded foreigners were four Americans, three French and a Turk, the ministry said. It also said an Italian was injured, but Italian diplomats leaving the hospital later said there were no Italians among the casualties and there was no explanation for the discrepancy.
Rest at link
Posted by: ed || 04/08/2005 12:32:38 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [38 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Update: An American citizen died early Friday from wounds sustained in a Cairo bomb blast, taking the death toll to three, a U.S. Embassy spokeswoman said. (same link)
Posted by: ed || 04/08/2005 10:31 Comments || Top||

#2  This one has got me worried, my 15 year old Daughter is taking her Freshman year in Cairo, and we all know how teenagers love to shop. Got word that she's okay, but this is an eye opener for me and her mother. Not to profile her, but she is a caucasian female professional shopper W/O Burka.
Posted by: Bodyguard || 04/08/2005 14:44 Comments || Top||

#3  Oh Bodyguard, I think you're right to be worried...I wish it wasn't so. :(
Posted by: Seafarious || 04/08/2005 14:48 Comments || Top||

Egyptian Court Frees Prominent Islamist
Shucks. That's too bad.
Egypt's Supreme Military Court released on Wednesday a top member of the 94 Islamist militants charged with plotting to assassinate top officials and attempting to smuggle weapons to the Palestinian group, Hamas. Sheikh Fawzi Al-Said, a prominent mosque preacher at the eastern Cairo suburb of Nasr City, was a member of a controversial militant group called Al-Waad, or the Promise, which was charged with illegally collecting money to send to Palestinians in support of their year-long uprising, and also to Chechens fighting Russian forces in 2001. The Al-Waad case defendants, who include three foreign nationals from the former Soviet republic of Dagestan and three Egyptians who hold dual nationalities, were also accused of providing military trainings to people in Chechnya and Azerbaijan. After the Sept.11 attacks, however, the charges against Al-Said and other members expanded dramatically to include more serious charges of seeking to topple the government and assassinate top government officials, and the group was referred to a military trial.
This article starring:
FAWZI AL SAIDLearned Elders of Islam
Posted by: Fred || 04/08/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under:

Hizbullah Seeks To Kill Prominent Israelis
Interesting move. Hezbollah wants to keep its arms and paints itself as the country's defense against the Zionist aggressors. No Zionists are aggressing at the moment, and Shebaa Farms is a pretty thin issue. The obvious solution is to cause some Zionist aggression, with the cause being forgotten while everybody's busy dealing with the unpleasant effect.
Hizbullah was said to have financed an effort to kill prominent Israelis. Israeli military sources said authorities have received information that Hizbullah ordered the monitoring and targeting of unidentified Israeli politicians and military commanders. They said the effort has been coordinated with Palestinian operatives sponsored by Hizbullah in the West Bank.
Caught some just the other day, in fact...
The Hizbullah order was part of a strategy to spark tensions between Israel and its Arab neighbors, the sources said. They said Hizbullah was believed to be planning major attacks against Israel prior or during its withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and northern West Bank in the summer of 2005. A Hizbullah-sponsored cell was determined to have targeted a prominent Israeli scheduled to have visited the Nablus area of the West Bank. The sources said the cell, captured on Feb. 25, had been ordered to track the VIP and train operatives for an assassination.
Posted by: Fred || 04/08/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Comming attractions...Booms in the Bekka.
Posted by: unknown || 04/08/2005 0:13 Comments || Top||

#2  Islam, the assassin's cult. That's one side of Islam
Posted by: sea cruise || 04/08/2005 0:55 Comments || Top||

#3  Nah sea cruise , its the 'sexually repressed assasins cult'

insert monty python 'life of brian' script and repeat
Posted by: MacNails || 04/08/2005 4:18 Comments || Top||

#4  Interesting salute they have there. I wonder if the left calls them Nazis or are they just a misunderstood peace-loving political group?
Posted by: Cyber Sarge || 04/08/2005 8:07 Comments || Top||

#5  I couldn't make out whether Hizb allah is bragging that assasination is their strategy or whether they are just doing it.

Hizb allah is, as Fred said, in a rut right now. They need something to brag about so if they aren't bragging about this they must not think they are going to be very successful.
Posted by: mhw || 04/08/2005 14:12 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Pakistanis Taleban Kill Five Afghan Cops, Three 'US Spies'
Suspected Taleban militants killed five policemen in southern Afghanistan, the latest in a spate of attacks, residents and a foreign security source said yesterday. The policemen were killed in a firefight on Wednesday on a main road in the Nawarak area of Zabul province, they said. The raiders, who were believed to be Taleban members, blocked the road for several hours before fleeing, residents said. Zabul police and government officials were not available for comment. An official in neighboring Ghazni province confirmed a clash but did not have details.

Suspected Taleban insurgents also killed at least three Afghans they claimed were spying for the United States, officials and reports said. Jan Mohammad Khan, governor of central Uruzgan province, confirmed that three people were killed in Charchino district on Wednesday. "They were innocent civilians," he told AFP. However the Taleban said it had killed a total of six people and said they were allegedly spying for the US-led coalition in Afghanistan, according to a report by the Pakistan-based Afghan Islamic Press.
Posted by: Fred || 04/08/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Four injured in blast on trans-Kashmir bus route: report
SRINAGAR, India - Four people, including a policemen, were wounded on Thursday by a powerful blast that occurred along the route of the first inter-Kashmir bus minutes after the vehicle had passed, a report said. The improvised explosive device blew up in a closed shop barely 10 minutes after the bus had crossed the main market of Pattan, 27 kilometres from Srinagar, the Press Trust of India said, citing official sources.
These guys remind me of the Indians attacking the canoe containing Hawkeye in Last of the Mohicans. The first Indian mis-times his jump and falls into the water astern of the canoe. This doesn't deter the other Indians, who each jump in turn and fall further astern, one at a time ...
Four militant outfits which had earlier threatened passengers against taking the Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus, claimed responsibility for the attack. A caller introducing himself as Samir Abdullah, spokesman of the four outfits al-Nasireen, al-Arifeen, Save Kashmir Movement and Farzandan-e-Millat telephoned news organisations saying their members hurled a grenade and followed it by firing on the bus, PTI said. Several shots were also heard after the explosion, the sources said, adding that the firing was probably by security personnel dotting the highway to foil plans by militants to target the vehicle.
*Bang* "Owwwww ... curses, foiled again!"
Elsewhere, gunfire was reported minutes after the bus crossed Singpora, 17 kilometres outside Srinagar, Kashmir's summer capital. Police initially said the bus had come under attack from a shoulder-fired grenade and automatic rifle fire but later said the gunfire may have been a result of "accidental firing" by an armed constable guarding the route to the border. None of the 24 passengers was hurt.
This article starring:
SAMIR ABDULLAHFarzandan-e-Millat
SAMIR ABDULLAHSave Kashmir Movement
Save Kashmir Movement
Posted by: Steve White || 04/08/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Flypaper. Giving these idiots a target the can't resist....
Posted by: john || 04/08/2005 7:34 Comments || Top||

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Two weeks of WOT
Fri 2005-04-08
  2 killed, 18 injured in explosion at major Cairo tourist bazaar
Thu 2005-04-07
  Hard Boyz shoot up Srinagar bus station
Wed 2005-04-06
  Final count, 18 dead in al-Ras shoot-out
Tue 2005-04-05
  Turkey Seeks Life For Caliph of Cologne
Mon 2005-04-04
  Saudi raid turns into deadly firefight
Sun 2005-04-03
  Zarq claims Abu Ghraib attack
Sat 2005-04-02
  Pope John Paul II dies
Fri 2005-04-01
  Abbas Orders Crackdown After Gunnies Shoot Up His HQ
Thu 2005-03-31
  Egypt's ruling party wants fifth term for Mubarak
Wed 2005-03-30
  Lebanon military intelligence chief takes "leave of absence"
Tue 2005-03-29
  Hamas ready to join PLO
Mon 2005-03-28
  Massoud's assassination: 4 suspects go on trial in Paris
Sun 2005-03-27
  Bomb explodes in Beirut suburb
Sat 2005-03-26
  Iraqi Forces Seize 131 Suspected Insurgents in Raid
Fri 2005-03-25
  Police in Belarus Disperse Demonstrators

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