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Zarq claims Abu Ghraib attack
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Soddies kill 3 hard boyz
Saudi security forces killed three suspected militants holed up in a house in northern Saudi Arabia on Sunday, state television said.

Al-Ikhbariyah television quoted local governor Prince Faisal bin Bandar bin Abdul-Aziz as saying another two wanted men were wounded in fierce fighting around the house in the town of al-Ras, 180 miles northwest of Riyadh.

"They were asked to surrender, but those people are known not to listen," Prince Faisal told the television station. He described the gunmen as "terrorists," but did not say which organization they belonged to.

A security source earlier said one security officer was killed and medical sources said at least 20 others were wounded in the siege, which began early on Sunday morning and dragged on into the night. An Interior Ministry official said he was not aware of fatalities or serious injuries among security forces.

Witnesses also said they saw at least three people being carried away from the house on Sunday morning but it was not clear whether they were wounded or dead.

An Interior Ministry source said the gunmen hurled grenades during the battle. Several security vehicles were damaged.

Officials say at least 90 civilians and 39 members of the security forces have been killed in the last two years, and militant attacks have caused at least 1 billion riyals ($270 million) worth of damage.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/03/2005 4:11:47 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Yemen seeks dialogue with Shia rebels
Yemeni authorities ordered officials in the northern city of Saada to initiate dialogue with followers of a slain rebel cleric after a week of fierce clashes that have killed scores. "The political leadership has issued orders to security and local officials as well as tribal leaders in Saada to convince the followers of Husain Badr al-Din al-Hawthi to cease fire, to protect the souls of the innocent residents of the region," said a local official speaking on customary condition of anonymity.

Earlier Yemeni army tanks and helicopters pounded Shia strongholds in the north, killing at least 36 people, officials and fighters' sources have said. Fighting broke out late on Friday in the northern area of Nishur after fighters tried to attack an army camp. Ten soldiers and six fighters died in the battle, an official said. Clashes spread close to Saada province on Saturday, killing at least 20 fighters, fighters' sources said. It was the latest in a series of clashes between government forces and followers of slain al-Hawthi. Local sources said the government was using tribal leaders to mediate the fighters' surrender.

Al-Hawthi, an al-Zaidi Shia Muslim leader who founded a group called Believing Youth, was killed last September after two months of clashes with security forces in which at least 200 fighters and state troops had died. Yemeni security sources have blamed al-Hawthi's father, Shaikh Badr al-Din, for the new round of violence which has killed at least 54 state troops and fighters since it broke out in late March in the northern Saada province and surrounding areas of Nishur, al-Shafaah and al-Rizamat. Yemen says al-Hawthi's armed group is allied to Iran and is trying to overthrow the government, install a Shia religious rule, and is preaching violence against the United States and Israel at mosques. The group is not linked to al-Qaida. The authorities have detained about 800 suspected followers and have closed many religious schools run by al-Huthi's followers, saying they were illegal.
Posted by: Fred || 04/03/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Abkhazia's prime minister escapes assassination bid
MOSCOW: The prime minister of Georgia's breakaway region of Abkhazia was targeted by an assassination attempt late Friday but escaped unscathed, Russian news agencies reported, quoting Abkhazian police. One person from his entourage was wounded in the attack, in which unidentified gunmen opened fire on Alexander Ankvab's motorcade as it left the Abkhazian capital Sukhumi. "I was not hurt, but one person from an accompanying car was wounded as he received two or three bullets in his leg," Ankvab told the Interfax news agency. Abkhazia's deputy prime minister Leonid Lakerba a was also in Ankvab's motorcade when the attack occurred, ITAR-TASS news agency reported. Ankvab had been targeted in a similar assassination attempt at the same place a month ago. Friday's attack occurred "at the same place where (gunmen) opened fire on our motorcade one month ago," he told Interfax.
Posted by: Fred || 04/03/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Down Under
Australian Bomb Squad Investigates Unit Blast
The bomb squad has been called in to help investigate the cause of a massive explosion at a block of units in Perth. The condition of the casualties was not immediately known, but the blast at 6.25am (WST) today all but destroyed the unit block in Raymond Street at suburban Yokine. The tenants of the 24 units, many of whom were elderly people, were shaken and shocked by the incident, which was felt by residents at least 500 metres away. "It's like a war zone. It's really quite incredible," a spokesman for the Fire and Emergency Services Authority (FESA) said. "The central units where the explosion originated from are totally destroyed."

Mario Tornatora said residents from several streets away emerged from their houses wondering what had happened. "It sounded like a bomb going off. It was huge. It shook the bloody house. I actually jumped out of bed," Mr Tornatora said. Another resident Tony Holmes said he was among the first on the scene and saw a man with his head sticking out of the rubble. "There was one old boy trapped with rubble on top of him and he was just moaning very softly," Mr Holmes told ABC radio. "His head was sticking out of the rubble and from where I was you could see a few cuts on him."

Forensic police officers were at the scene trying to determine what had happened. A police spokesman said officers were working to secure the premises and ensure it was safe before further investigations could take place.
Posted by: God Save The World || 04/03/2005 4:27:24 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  gas explosion?
Posted by: Frank G || 04/03/2005 11:26 Comments || Top||

#2  Fire Brigade spokesman on the local news said, it wasn't gas but he didn't know what it was.
Posted by: phil_b || 04/03/2005 16:06 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Deadly blasts rock Thai city
Three apparently coordinated explosions tore through the city of Hat Yai in Thailand's Muslim south Sunday, killing one person and wounding dozens of others, police said.

The first blast occurred at 8:30 p.m. (9:30 a.m. ET), when a bomb hidden inside a suitcase detonated at a check-in counter at Hat Yai International Airport, about 800 km (500 miles) south of the capital city of Bangkok, killing one person and wounding more than 20 others, four seriously, police said. The airport was immediately closed.

Within 30 minutes, two more bombs erupted in commercial centers of the tourist and business center -- one hidden in a box in the Carrefour department store, where more than 20 people were wounded, and the third, also hidden in a box, at the Green World Palace Hotel, police said. No one was hurt in the final blast.

All three of the bombs were activated by cell phones, police said. No immediate claims of responsibility were made, they said.

Posted by: God Save The World || 04/03/2005 4:56:57 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  No immediate claims of responsibility were made, they said.

Militant Budhism?
Posted by: gromgoru || 04/03/2005 19:40 Comments || Top||

Kidnappers linked to Abu Sayyaf
The five gunmen who abducted three crew members of a tugboat near Pulau Mataking on Wednesday belonged to a kidnap gang associated with the Abu Sayyaf terror group.

The Philippines National Police have the identities of the five as well as three other members of the gang and the Abu Sayyaf sub-commander involved.

Tawi Tawi governor Sadikul Sahali said in an interview that the hunt for the gang and its captives was focused on the mountainous jungles of Languyan and Panglima Sugala in the southern Philippine island.

However, Philippine troops and police combing the areas had yet to locate the gunmen and their captives, Bonggaya 91 tugboat skipper Resmiadi, 31, and seamen Erikson Hutagol, 23, and Yamin Labuso, 23.

Meanwhile, Malaysian police are checking whether the gunmen were involved in the shooting of two fishermen near Lahad Datu two weeks ago and in other incidents.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/03/2005 4:32:48 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

South Thailand blasts kill 2
At least two people were killed and several dozen wounded in a series of bomb blasts in Thailand's deep south, including one at the region's main airport, officials said.

Officials said several foreigners were among the wounded.

The three explosions occurred in Songkhla, a province just north of where an Islamic insurgency has been active since early last year, and the bombings raised the possibility that the militants could be expanding their field of operations.

Songkhla Governor Somporn Chaibongyang said two people were killed by an explosion at Hat Yai airport, the main gateway to Thailand's far south.

Another bomb exploded at the Carrefour department store in Hat Yai town, Somporn and other officials said.

Reports about the number of casualties varied, with unconfirmed reports from the state Thai News Agency saying four people had been killed, and from the ITV television network saying five, three of them at Carrefour, part of a French-owned chain.

A third bomb was detonated in front of a hotel in the city of Songkhla, on the coast of the Gulf of Thailand not far from Hat Yai, but the governor said he had no reports of casualties from it.

Television footage showed dazed and bloodied people at Hat Yai airport being treated by paramedics. Witnesses said the blast took place in a part of the terminal that serves both as a greeting point for arriving passengers and check-in area for some smaller airlines.

Dr Pairoj Waratip, deputy director of Hat Yai hospital, told The Associated Press at least one person died and about 54 were injured in the blasts, including an American woman and a French woman, both of whom suffered minor injuries.

According to the police commander for Hat Yai, Colonel Supasin Issarakul na Ayutthaya, the injured also included two Malaysians and two people from Brunei.

Pairoj was unable to give further details of the foreigners' identities and did not explain the discrepancy in the reported number of dead. The casualties are being treated at several different hospitals.

The health ministry's Narenthorn emergency centre also reported just one fatality.

Gen Chaiyasit Shinawatra, the Thai military supreme commander, said the airport bomb had been left in a bag by an unidentified man in the waiting area.

All three explosions took place at about the same time, between 8pm and 8.30pm (2300 AEST and 2330 AEST).

No one claimed responsibility for the blasts, but it seemed likely they would be linked to the sectarian violence in Thailand's Muslim-dominated southernmost provinces, which has claimed almost 800 lives in the past 15 months.

The bombings were the first major attacks to take place outside the provinces of Narathiwat, Yala and Pattani, where shootings or small bombings have been taking place on an almost daily basis since January last year.

Concern that the militants may be escalating their offensive has heightened in the past two months with two other major bombings.

Thai authorities have acknowledged that local insurgents have had contacts with the regional terrorist organisation Jemaah Islamiah, but deny there is significant foreign influence.

General Chaiyasit said security officials had been put on high alert after the blasts because of intelligence reports that a car bomb might be set off.

Details of the explosion at the Carrefour department store were sketchy. Tanapon Tangkananant, a spokesman for the department store company, said the bomb there had been planted in a trash can in front of the store.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/03/2005 4:10:37 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Ex-Abu Sayyaf men claim to be trained by Aijur
Two members of the Abu Sayyaf Group who turned state witnesses said they were trained by Palestinian Fawaz Zi Aijur. He was arrested by authorities for not having a visa as he entered the southern Philippine airport on March 26, a source said When shown photos of Aijur, 39, the two former Abu Sayyaf members said that the foreigner was one of the six trainers who worked with the Abu Sayyaf Group in 2000. He was the one who told Abu Sayyaf leaders to continue their hostage taking activities, to embarrass the government and at the same time gain attention worldwide, the two Abu former bandits said. Sources said the state witnesses who identified Aijur's links in the southern Philippines were Angelo Trinidad, also known as Abu Khalil, and Gappah Balih Bannah, alias Boy Negro.
"Don't even call me 'boy'!"
The former Abu Sayyaf members admitted their participation in the bombing of a bus in Makati City on Valentine's Day this year. "Their testimonies could be used against the arrested Palestinian national," said Southern Command chief Lieutenant General Alberto Braganza.
This article starring:
Lieutenant General Alberto Braganza
Abu Sayyaf
Posted by: Fred || 04/03/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Two women among eight injured in Cotabato grenade attack
Eight people were hurt after a grenade blast in Cotabato on Thursday evening, a regional military spokesperson said. Two women were among the injured as unidentified men lobbed an M26 hand grenade that exploded in front of the Antonio's Carinderia and Refreshments parlour along USM Avenue in Kabacan town of Cotabato, said Col. Franklin del Prado, spokesperson of the Army's 6th infantry division. Those injured were identified as Melba Balasa, Perlie Pajiji, Luner Antonio, Ricardo Olinares, Gilbert Bibad, Arnold Somera, Michael Somera and Gener Rabino. The victims were brought to the USM Hospital and the Kabacan Specialist Hospital for treatment. Authorities are still investigating if the attack was launched by the Abu Sayyaf Group which has turned to bombing activities outside Basilan, Jolo and Tawi-Tawi. "Investigations are still going on," del Prado said.
Posted by: Fred || 04/03/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Al Qaeda Says 7 Suicide Bombers Struck Iraqi Prison
DUBAI (Reuters) - Al Qaeda's wing in Iraq said on Sunday seven suicide bombers spearheaded its brazen overnight raid on Abu Ghraib prison that wounded 44 U.S. soldiers, according to an Internet statement.
In a statement on Saturday's raid on the notorious facility outside Baghdad, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's group said its fighters killed "dozens of Americans," destroyed more than 15 vehicles and shot down an Apache helicopter. It said 57 fighters attacked watchtowers from four sides and "silenced them" as seven suicide bombers detonated vehicles laden with explosives around the facility.

"Three martyrs were ... (killed) while infiltrating the infidels' fortresses, and seven other martyrdom seekers went to heaven after they blew up the enemy...," said the statement posted on a Web site used by Islamists.

The U.S. military said dozens of insurgents carried out the attack, detonating two car bombs and firing rocket-propelled grenades at U.S. forces before the assault was repelled. "Your brothers in the al Qaeda Organization (for Holy War) in Iraq launched a well-planned attack on Abu Ghraib prison, where Muslim women and men are held," the group said in another statement. It said the battle, which also involved missile strikes, lasted most of the night.

"Columns of smoke were seen rising from the crusaders' bases," the statement said. "This battle is part of a series of raids ... which began yesterday across the land of Mesopotamia." The group said it would provide a film of the attack soon. Besides the 44 U.S. troops wounded, 12 detainees were hurt, one seriously. The U.S. military said at least one insurgent was killed.

It was believed to be the largest and most determined attack on Abu Ghraib, a prison where more than 3,000 suspected insurgents are held in U.S. detention and which was at the center of a prisoner abuse scandal last year.
Posted by: phil_b || 04/03/2005 5:38:00 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "...attacked watchtowers... and silenced them"

this could be a reference to the demand for dhimmis to be publically silent or to some other reference in the Quran or Hadiths; if not, it is a pretty pitiful accomplishment... it would be silly to brag about it
Posted by: Cleamp Jaish9216 || 04/03/2005 20:55 Comments || Top||

#2  Shame for them is that they got lost in all the news about the Pope's death.

Pay attention and read between the lines. How any Homocide bombers were there? How many got thru? How many prisoners did they hurt? How many of THEM died versus *zero* US/Iraqi deaths?

PR is what they are after, and they got damned little of it out of this ineffective attack.
Posted by: OldSpook || 04/03/2005 21:06 Comments || Top||

#3  A full frontal assault is a pretty rare thing - I would love to hear more details from a reliable source (sorry, Al Qaeda) about exactly what happened. This could be a sign of desperation or last gasp on their part, or not. More info needed.
Posted by: Captain Pedantic || 04/03/2005 21:32 Comments || Top||

#4  Sounds to me like a breakout attempt.
Posted by: phil_b || 04/03/2005 23:35 Comments || Top||

#5  Shame for them is that they got lost in all the news about the Pope's death.

Pay attention and read between the lines. How any Homocide bombers were there? How many got thru? How many prisoners did they hurt? How many of THEM died versus *zero* US/Iraqi deaths?

PR is what they are after, and they got damned little of it out of this ineffective attack.
Posted by: OldSpook || 04/03/2005 21:06 Comments || Top||

#6  Shame for them is that they got lost in all the news about the Pope's death.

Pay attention and read between the lines. How any Homocide bombers were there? How many got thru? How many prisoners did they hurt? How many of THEM died versus *zero* US/Iraqi deaths?

PR is what they are after, and they got damned little of it out of this ineffective attack.
Posted by: OldSpook || 04/03/2005 21:06 Comments || Top||

Zarqawi group claims Abu Ghraib attack:
The Al Qaeda-linked group of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has claimed responsibility for a massive assault on Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

"Your brothers in the organisation of Al Qaeda in the land of two rivers attacked Abu Ghraib prison where Muslim men and women are detained," a statement on an Islamist website said.

The authenticity of the statement could not be verified.

At least 44 US soldiers and 12 prisoners were wounded in a concerted insurgent attack on Abu Ghraib prison, west of Baghdad, on Sunday.

Posted by: God Save The World || 04/03/2005 5:05:34 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [34 views] Top|| File under:

#1  never saw the body count.
Posted by: anymouse || 04/03/2005 18:19 Comments || Top||

Africa: North
6 dead in GSPC attack
At least four soldiers and two Muslim gunmen were killed in separate incidents in Algeria during the past two days, reports said Saturday.

French-language daily Le Soir D'Algerie said army troops and gunmen clashed Thursday in the province of Boumedras in eastern Algeria, while the army conducted a combing operation in the area when Muslim fighters are active.

One gunman was killed and two other injured in the incident, while the remaining insurgents managed to flee.

In another incident, a group of 40 gunmen ambushed an army convoy in the province of Tizi Ouzou, 75 miles (120 kilometers) east of Algiers, killing three soldiers and wounding two others.

The army launched a large-scale combing operation in the area following the attack, and destroyed several suspected hideouts used by the gunmen.

In a third incident, a gunman and a soldier were killed in western Algeria when Islamists attacked an army patrol.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/03/2005 4:37:15 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

GSPC steps up attacks, kills 3 farmers
hree Algerian farmers were killed on Sunday and two paramilitary policemen wounded in a bomb attack by the country's main Islamic militant group with suspected ties to al Qaeda, a security source said.

The Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC) detonated a home-made bomb on a highway in the Boumerdes province, some 60 km (40 miles) east of the capital, when a police convoy transporting prisoners and farmers passed by. The inmates, destined for a court in Dellys, did not escape, a security source told Reuters.

The authorities were not immediately available for comment.

But Algeria has seen an escalation in violence in recent days, with more than a dozen soldiers and civilians killed in attacks blamed on the GSPC.

Analysts say a much-weakened GSPC is trying to fight back as the army steps up an offensive against rebel strongholds in the west and east of the oil-rich North African country and authorities prepare for a general amnesty.

Several rebels have also died in recent clashes.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/03/2005 4:35:44 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Afghanistan/South Asia
Taliban attacks on the rise with the end of the winter
The U.S. military said Saturday that insurgents in Afghanistan are becoming more active now that the winter months are over. The assessment came a day after attacks killed five people and wounded five others around the country.

Two people were killed and five wounded on Friday when a bomb exploded on a tractor-trailer in the northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif, local officials reported.

Also on Friday, three drivers bringing fuel from Pakistan for U.S. forces in Afghanistan were killed when they were ambushed by suspected Taliban members on the road from the border town of Spinbaldak.

Two of the drivers were Pakistanis and one was Afghan, said the deputy police chief of Kandahar, Gen. Salim Khan.

The U.S. military said it had been expecting an increase in attacks as the warm spring weather made it easier for militants to operate.

``The number and severity of attacks against Afghan and coalition forces has increased compared to the winter,'' a spokeswoman, Lt. Cindy Moore, said in a statement Saturday.

Coalition forces had found a number of improvised explosive devices in the past few days, she said.

``This shows that some in the Taliban or other antigovernment insurgents will continue to try to destabilize Afghanistan through violent acts,'' she added.

She appealed to the public to be vigilant and to report anything suspicious.

The U.S. military says the 3-year-old insurgency waged by remnants of the Taliban government and other militants is on the decline overall. Maj. Gen. Eric Olson said in a recent interview that the insurgents were no longer capable of large-scale or coordinated attacks.

The main reason, military officials have said, is the lack of popular support the militants have now in Afghanistan.

The Taliban failed to do significant damage during elections in October and made few attacks through the exceptionally cold winter, yet al-Qaeda was still supporting them. Operatives were still capable of mounting small-scale ambushes and bomb blasts, Olson said.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 04/03/2005 4:16:16 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Operatives were still capable of mounting small-scale ambushes and bomb blasts, Olson said.

Sounds like Peace Time in the Hemis.
Things still gonna blow.
Posted by: Shipman || 04/03/2005 17:12 Comments || Top||

#2  Economists have been using the concept of "corrected of seasonal variations" in order to get a clear reading of the situation (sales of bathing-suits will of course be higher in summer than in winter). It would be time for military to apply the same concepts.
Posted by: JFM || 04/03/2005 17:56 Comments || Top||

The Taliban failed to do significant damage during elections in October and made few attacks through the exceptionally cold winter
AHA! The Brutal Afghan Winter® did materialize after all!

I'm sure the Loony Left will claim vindication in 5,4,3....
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 04/03/2005 22:27 Comments || Top||

Police have info about Najafi's killers: SP
LAHORE: Police have received a tip about the killers of Ghulam Hussain Najafi, vice-principal of the Jamia al-Muntazir, and they will be arrested soon, Model Town SP Investigation Rana Munawar said on Saturday.

The SP told Daily Times that raids were being conducted to arrest the assassins. He said six suspects had been arrested so far. The police have information about the whereabouts of the street vendor who blocked the Shia cleric's vehicle in Q-Block Model Town by placing his cart in front of the car, he said. Three unidentified men gunned down Najafi when he was on his way to Friday prayers at the Jamia Muntazir. Minutes before the attack, he had delivered a lecture on "Sakina Bint-e-Hussain". His daughter Mariam and another female student were also wounded in the attack. Two motorcyclists fired more than a dozen bullets at his car. Najafi had been attacked twice, in Nawab Shah, Sindh, and in R-Block Model Town, Lahore. He had written over a dozen books and had been receiving death threats for a long-time. He did not have any bodyguards.
Posted by: Fred || 04/03/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

15 arrested in Gilgit
GILGIT: Helped by the army, Gilgit Scouts, Punjab Rangers and the police, the Northern Areas (NAs) administration began a disarmament drive late on Friday, a source told Daily Times on Saturday. The source said that at least 15 people were arrested and a large quantity of weapons was seized during the operation. He said the drive aimed to crack down on sectarian violence in the area which started after the murder of Shia leader Agha Ziauddin on January 8. The attack led to violent reprisals by Shias against Sunnis and both sects fought pitched battles. The source cited the murder of a former inspector general of police and four of his bodyguards on March 23 as another reason for the campaign. He said the government had planned the campaign for a long time, adding that a large contingent of the army, 800 Punjab Rangers personnel, 1,000 Scouts and about 1,000 police personnel were participating in the campaign.
Posted by: Fred || 04/03/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Seven PONM activists remanded in police custody
KARACHI: Justice Amir Hani Muslim of the Sindh High Court, who is also the administrative judge for the anti-terrorism courts of Karachi region, remanded seven activists of the Pakistan Oppressed Nations Movement (PONM) in police custody on Saturday. Faizullah, Almagir, Waris, Anwer, Mohammad Ashraf, Amir Khan and Basher had been booked by the Nazimabad police for setting ablaze a vehicle of the Karachi Electric Supply Corporation on Sharah-e-Noorjahan in Block 3 of North Nazimabad during the strike called by PONM. The judge, after going through the case file and remand papers, allowed only two days' remand with the directive to the police that the accused be produced before the court again on April 4 with case progress.
This article starring:
ALMAGIRPakistan Oppressed Nations Movement
AMIR KHANPakistan Oppressed Nations Movement
ANWERPakistan Oppressed Nations Movement
BASHERPakistan Oppressed Nations Movement
FAIZULLAHPakistan Oppressed Nations Movement
MOHAMAD ASHRAFPakistan Oppressed Nations Movement
WARISPakistan Oppressed Nations Movement
Pakistan Oppressed Nations Movement
Posted by: Fred || 04/03/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Militants again warn Kashmir bus passengers
Four militant groups on Saturday issued new death threats to people planning to travel on the buses that will soon resume service between both Kashmirs. The bus route, set to start open April 7, will connect Srinagar and Muzaffarabad. "We once again warn those people who are riding the Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus that they should desist from it because they have no right to mock the blood of the martyrs and should not play with their own lives for the sake of frolic," said a statement signed by the commanders of the four militant groups and faxed to The Associated Press' Srinagar office.

The militant groups that signed the statement are Al-Nasireen (The Helpers), the Save Kashmir Movement, Al-Arifeen (The Pious) and Farzandan-e-Millat (Sons of the Community). The first two groups are major militant movements, while the others are little known. The groups had issued a similar warning three days earlier. There was no way to independently verify the authenticity of the fax.
Posted by: Fred || 04/03/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Uh, oh... They're gonna be the Buses of Doom™! again.

How dare you ride on the BoD™! Don't you know the Blood of the Martyrs™ was shed and mixed into the mortar used between the bricks that pave the Roads of Doom™ to Kashmir? Martyr Mortar™ is not to be Mocked! And Frolicked upon in the BoD! We are The Helpers™, The Pious™, Sons of the Community™ - we are the Nitwits of Doom™!

Mocking! Frolicking! In BoD™! On the RoD™ made with MM™! The TH™, TP™, SotC™, and NoD™ defy you, you Mocking Makers of Frolic™! Death to MMoF™!

BTW, how do you like our Towels of Doom™? Hmmm? Pretty snazzy! Better than that numnutz who uses Family Size Breeze™, eh? Yes! We get ours from the blasphemers in Madras, extra cheap!, but we get the last laugh - we rip the tags off! Ha!

We will be wearing the ToD™ when we attack the riders of the BoD™ for mocking and frolicking on the RoD™, you will see!
-NoD™ (TH™, TP™, SotC™, et al)
Posted by: .com || 04/03/2005 1:28 Comments || Top||

#2  And soon after, the Kalashnikov of Dire Revenge™.

Sigh. Happy Daylight Savings Time all. I gotta lie down now.
Posted by: Seafarious || 04/03/2005 3:17 Comments || Top||

#3  Sigh, indeed, Em. In the end, PakiWakiLand seems to be something of an experiment, perhaps by those dwelling upon Olympus or perhaps the white mice of the HGG using the Earth as a planetary biological computer, to precisely determine the nature of the lowest human denominator.

As with most biological processes, a catalyst is often used to speed up the process. That is clearly the role Islam plays.

To further the myth of its authenticity, lol, since it seems so apropos on its face to a native English speaker regards PakiWakiLand, I offer the faux Latin phrase:
absurdio ad reductum

Have fun Googling that one, lol!
Posted by: .com || 04/03/2005 6:08 Comments || Top||

#4  These mass murderers are simply modeling their life after that of Muhammad. How do you think Muhammad waged his Jihads and wars?

All Muslims are commanded by Koran to emulate Mohammed's life which the Muhammadans put forth as the most perfect life ever lived and the most worthy model for all mankind
Posted by: sea cruise || 04/03/2005 10:01 Comments || Top||

#5  I wouldn't take the bus, until all these cretins are swept from the Earth. What will it take? A nuclear exchange? I'm thinking the world's collective IQ might go up 15 points if Pakistan vanished
Posted by: Frank G || 04/03/2005 11:09 Comments || Top||

#6  LOL .com! That should be a classic.

Sea cruse - except Mo was a murderer, robber, thief, pedophile, false prophet, liar, etc... You know, now that I think of it they are modeling their life after him...
Posted by: CrazyFool || 04/03/2005 11:49 Comments || Top||

#7  Another one rides the bus
He's gonna sit by you
Another one rides the bus
Posted by: Weird Al Yankovic || 04/03/2005 13:07 Comments || Top||

#8  Passenger out of breath: Do you realize that I had to run over 300 yards to catch this bus????

Bus ticket clippie: Yuh better talk to the driver, he gives out the medals.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 04/03/2005 13:23 Comments || Top||

#9  LOL!
Posted by: Shipman || 04/03/2005 17:13 Comments || Top||

Alert extended across West Bank
Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas has placed security services on a 'state of alert' across the West Bank in an effort to halt chaos, a Palestinian security official told AFP. Troops began deploying across main West Bank cities late on Saturday, hours after Abbas ordered similar measures in Ram Allah after an incident on Wednesday in which gunmen opened fire inside his Muqataa headquarters compound.

The order was given at top-level meeting between Abbas and his security chiefs late Saturday, the official said. At the meeting, Abbas also gave the order for all branches of the sprawling Palestinian security services to be relocated outside his Muqataa compound. The order, effective immediately, will see the offices of the national security, military intelligence and police, among others, rehoused on a large tract of land about a kilometre from the Muqataa, an official who attended the meeting told AFP. Only the Praetorian presidential guard, Force 17, will maintain a presence inside the compound.

The move came hours after Abbas sacked West Bank national security chief, General Haj Ismail Jaber, and Ram Allah security chief Yunis al-Has over the shooting incident. Intelligence chief Tawfik Tirawi handed in his resignation, but it was not accepted by the Palestinian leader. The shakeup was provoked after a group of renegade gunmen allied with the dominant Fatah faction opened fire inside Abbas' compound in Ram Allah on Wednesday night. There were no casualties, but the outburst embarrassed Abbas, who repeatedly has pledged to restore security.
Posted by: Fred || 04/03/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Eventually there's going to have to be a pali version of night of the long knives or the whole thing will collapse.

You're right. Forget it, bet on collapse.
Posted by: Shipman || 04/03/2005 12:19 Comments || Top||

#2  The smart money bets on both, Shipman. ;-)
Posted by: trailing wife || 04/03/2005 13:21 Comments || Top||

#3  'State of Alert.' That will really whip things into order. Hah!
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 04/03/2005 14:05 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
MMA men held with explosives
KARACHI: Police arrested nine activists of the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal and Jamaat-e-Islami and seized explosive devices from them in Karachi on Saturday. Deputy Inspector General of Police Operations Mushtaq Shah told reporters that acting on a tip off, a police team raided Idara-e-Noorul Haq's central MMA office in Karachi at 3.30am and arrested nine JI and MMA activists. Police also seized one and a half kilogramme of the explosive material, four pistols and 37 bottles of petrol.
Posted by: Fred || 04/03/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  getting ready for a Bar Mitzvah?
Posted by: Frank G || 04/03/2005 12:38 Comments || Top||

Drivers die in Afghan ambush
Fifteen people have been killed, including two children in three separate incidents in Afghanistan.
This must be that spring offensive Mullah Omar was bragging up...
Suspected Taliban fighters ambushed a convoy of civilian trucks carrying vehicles to the US military in southern Afghanistan, killing eight of the drivers. The armed men attacked the trucks on Friday after they crossed the Pakistani border at Spin Boldak, 90km (55 miles) south of Kandahar city, Spin Boldak District Chief Faz al-Din Agha said. Aljazeera reported eight Pakistani drivers were killed in a hail of gunfire that severely damaged the trucks and two of the military vehicles, Agha said. Another driver escaped and told authorities four armed men had appeared in front of the convoy and opened fire, Agha said.
Posted by: Fred || 04/03/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under:

#1  dead Pakis, huh? Shouldn't bother the ISI, should it?
Posted by: Frank G || 04/03/2005 10:43 Comments || Top||

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  Pope John Paul II dies
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  Abbas Orders Crackdown After Gunnies Shoot Up His HQ
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Mon 2005-03-28
  Massoud's assassination: 4 suspects go on trial in Paris
Sun 2005-03-27
  Bomb explodes in Beirut suburb
Sat 2005-03-26
  Iraqi Forces Seize 131 Suspected Insurgents in Raid
Fri 2005-03-25
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Thu 2005-03-24
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Wed 2005-03-23
  80 hard boyz killed in battle with US, Iraqi troops
Tue 2005-03-22
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