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Egypt's ruling party wants fifth term for Mubarak
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Algerian suspected of Yemen rebel links
Yemeni police have arrested an Algerian woman at Sanaa airport on suspicion of links with followers of slain rebel leader Hussein Badreddine al-Houthy. An official source said Thursday, "The authorities banned Badera Aishoush, a 50-year-old Algerian woman, from entering Yemen for security reasons." Police are currently interrogating Aishoush about the reason for her visit to Yemen, although she maintains that she is on a tourist trip.
Yemen being such a tourist hot-spot.

The source said police suspect that one of Aishoush's sons participated in the fighting that pitted government forces against Houthy's followers in the northern province of Saada last year. Aishoush said she came to Yemen as a tourist and did not plan to visit her son, who is being held on charges of fighting with the rebels.
"Aishoush planned to stay in Yemen one and a half months, which raised the authorities' suspicions about the true motives of her visit," the source said.
Probably wanted to bust sonny out of the joint. Being it's Yemen, a 50-year old woman had a good chance of succeeding.
Al-Houthy was killed last September at the end of a three-month rebellion he led in Saada near the Yemeni-Saudi border.
Posted by: Steve || 03/31/2005 9:38:04 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Saudi Arabia begins questioning wanted men handed over by Yemen
Saudi authorities yesterday began intensive questioning of 25 wanted Saudis, a day after the men were handed over to the Kingdom by Yemen under a security agreement signed between the two countries.
"Oooch! Ouch! Ouch! Ooch! I confess!"
Saudi Arabia and Yemen on Monday exchanged 33 "wanted criminals" including 25 Saudis, according to the interior ministry. The ministry said the 25 men handed over to the security agencies were wanted for security-related issues in the Kingdom. In return, eight Yemenis detained in the Kingdom for security reasons were extradited to Sanaa.
"Hi, there, Mahmoud! Welcome home!"
"Ow! Ow! Oooch! Hey! Stop it! You're hurting me!"
Yemeni Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Khalid Al Akwaa delivered a message from the Yemeni Minister of Interior Rashad Al Alami last week addressed to Prince Nayef Bin Abdul Aziz, the Saudi Minister of Interior dealing with the 25 wanted Saudis detained in Yemen, the charges filed against them and the circumstances under which they were arrested. The official did not say whether any of the 33 were on the list of 26 wanted terrorists issued by the ministry in December 2003.
Posted by: Fred || 03/31/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Bomb defused at supermarket
"Faith, Pat! What kind o' symbol of oppression can we boom next?"
"How about a grocery store, Mike?"
"Good idea! Can we machinegun the survivors, too?"
Army bomb experts defused a firebomb at a Northern Ireland shopping centre on Wednesday in what appeared to be the latest incident in an arson campaign by Irish Republican Army dissidents. The firebomb, described by police as a "viable incendiary device", was found at a supermarket in Newtownards, 10 miles east of Belfast. It was the fifth such device planted at stores in the British-ruled province in recent days. Last month Northern Ireland's police chief Hugh Orde blamed the Real IRA, a so-called dissident republican group, for 20 firebomb attacks on shops and business premises since November. The small splinter group opposes the ceasefire called in 1997 by the mainstream IRA in its campaign against British rule. The Real IRA carried out the 1998 Omagh bombing which killed 29 people, but has been unable to mount a sustained campaign.
Posted by: Fred || 03/31/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  We've barricades and gelignite
And gunmen walk the street
We've CS gas imported for the hungry kids to eat
Our town's an old sand castle now
And the waves begin to pound
And I tell you, John, I've oft times longed
to leave old Belfast town.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 03/31/2005 11:15 Comments || Top||

#2  Thugs and fuckwits is all the IRA/Sin Fien can produce . They lost and cant deal with it , boo-fucking-ho. Someone feed these peices of shit into the grinder and let everyone else move on .
Posted by: MacNails || 03/31/2005 11:40 Comments || Top||

#3  Attention, clean up to isle 7,firebomb.
Posted by: Spemble Hupains4886 || 03/31/2005 15:59 Comments || Top||

#4  Duh... took me a second, Spembles are notorious dry wits.
Posted by: Shipman || 03/31/2005 16:40 Comments || Top||

Caribbean-Latin America
6 Iraqis busted at Mexican border
Mexican officials detained six Iraqis at checkpoints near the California border over the past week as they apparently were preparing to enter the United States, Mexico's attorney general's office said Tuesday. There was no evidence that the detained Iraqis had ties to any terrorist groups, Mexican officials said. There is a significant Iraqi Christian community in southern California. Still, the arrests spotlighted fears that terrorists might attempt to enter the United States from Mexico. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice recently raised that concern with U.S. lawmakers and Mexican officials.

Four Iraqis were apprehended at the Mexicali airport on Saturday, said Abraham Sarabia, a spokesman for the attorney general's office in nearby Tijuana. Mexicali is across the border from Calexico, Calif. Traveling with the four Iraqis was an American woman whom Mr. Sarabia identified as Alya Kiryakous Dawood Sako. The four Iraqis currently are in the custody of Mexico's National Migration Institute. Dawood Sako has been returned to the United States. Two other Iraqis were detained March 23 at a highway checkpoint between San Luis Rio Colorado and Mexicali. They also remain in Mexican custody.

A U.S. official speaking on condition of anonymity said the U.S. government was aware of the arrests in Mexico of only three Iraqi nationals traveling with a U.S. citizen. The U.S. official said that initial "unofficial" indications were that the Iraqis were just trying to get into the United States illegally and that there was no connection to terrorism or other suspicious activity. Mexican President Vicente Fox, speaking with reporters on March 16, played down fears of terrorists crossing the border. "We don't have any evidence or indication that terrorists from al-Qaida or from any other part of the world have come to Mexico in order to enter the United States," Fox said.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/31/2005 12:47:37 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  ..wonder if this will get any MSM prime time.

BTW F*ck you El Presidente Fox.
Posted by: Lobos || 03/31/2005 3:50 Comments || Top||

#2  Columbus, New Mexico. Remember it. Like the Paleos who always miss a chance to improve their standing, the Mexican government is on the same game plan. One incident like that and no matter what either El Presidentes want, there will be hell to pay to the American people and Mikey Moore, his Hollywood Quislings and the NYT/WaPo/UN will not be able to stop the consequences.
Posted by: Jealet Thereting9222 || 03/31/2005 8:59 Comments || Top||

#3  All is well. Bill O' Reilly is showing with camera's in support of the Minutemen. Rest easy that Bill is showing up.
Posted by: Poison Reverse || 03/31/2005 9:37 Comments || Top||

#4  When an attack finally takes place here by somebody that's crossed the Mexican border, I would not be surprised to see the MSM try to downplay that. If they were to play it up at all it would be to use it against Bush, though if he then took measures to shut down the border for real, the MSM would quickly jump back to defending the "immigrants" "right" to sneak across.
Posted by: Laurence of the Rats || 03/31/2005 9:58 Comments || Top||

#5  Re #2: "VIVA VILLA!"
Posted by: borgboy || 03/31/2005 11:38 Comments || Top||

#6  Obvious indication that Mexican officials have the ability. What is lacking is the motivation.
Posted by: Pappy || 03/31/2005 12:13 Comments || Top||

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Russia acknowledges 3,400 soldiers killed in Chechnya since 1999
Posted by: ed || 03/31/2005 00:45 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Quagmireeee!

They need to train their spetsnaz better.
Posted by: twobyfour || 03/31/2005 12:30 Comments || Top||

Dutch Court states Dutch Al Haramein doesn't support Al- Qaeda
(Translated from Dutch Article)
A Dutch court of "law" has stated that the Al Haramein foundation in The Netherlands doesn't support al qaeda. The existance of the Dutch subsidary of the Saudi organisation is there for not prohibited according to the court. The State prosecutor asked the court to prohibit the existence as the foundation,according to the UN and US, is said to be financialy supporting al qaeda. The court stated that there was not enough evidence to proof this. The financial assets of the foundation will stay frozen as long as the organistion is on the UN sanction list.
Posted by: Dutchgeek || 03/31/2005 3:22:10 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Home Front: WoT
Terror suspect worked in schools
WASHINGTON, March 31 (UPI) -- A former District of Columbia schools official was arrested on charges he conspired to provide support for terror groups and commit violent acts abroad. Kifah W. Jayyousi, 43, was arrested Sunday at an airport in Detroit as he arrived on an international flight, federal officials told The Washington Post. He was ordered held without bond. His attorney told the newspaper Jayyousi had done nothing illegal and planned to plead innocent.
"Lies, all lies!"
An FBI affidavit alleges Jayyousi ran charities that, U.S. officials said, raised money and found volunteers for Muslim causes, such as fighting in Chechnya and Somalia. If convicted of conspiring to commit violent acts abroad, Jayyousi could be sentenced to life in prison. The charge of providing material support to terrorists carries a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison. Jayyousi, hired by District officials from the Detroit school system, worked as chief of facilities for the D.C. school system from 1990 to 2001, overseeing building maintenance. The Post said he had been under surveillance since the mid-1990s but there was no indication school officials had been told of government suspicions about the man.
Posted by: Steve || 03/31/2005 9:33:50 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Akbar attacks his MP escort
A former Fort Campbell soldier accused of killing two officers in a Kuwait grenade attack tried to overpower a guard in an apparent escape attempt today at Fort Bragg, N.C., the Army said. Sgt. Hasan Akbar, who served with an engineering unit of the 101st Airborne Division, tried to overpower one of the military police officers escorting him to a courtroom for a pre-trial motion. Army spokeswoman Ellen A. Hart said Akbar was quickly subdued by other guards.
Guess he thought he was in Atlanta for a moment there...
During the incident, however, Akbar and one of the guards suffered injuries requiring medical attention.
"Aw, shucks, Akbar! Did it hurt?"
"Gimme my teeth back, infidel!"
The hearing was postponed until Friday. Jury selection in the capital case begins on April 6. Akbar will be tried on charges that he killed two officers and wounded several others in a grenade attack that occurred as troops of the 101st were about to enter Iraq in January 2003.
Posted by: Kalle (kafir forever) || 03/31/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Oh. SGT Akbar.

Thought at first you were talking about this guy...

Posted by: OldSpook || 03/31/2005 0:15 Comments || Top||

#2  And for him, I guess... "Its a Trap!"

(hat tip to Fark.com)
Posted by: OldSpook || 03/31/2005 0:17 Comments || Top||

#3  Escape attempt, or trying to kill more non-Moslems?
Posted by: Kalle (kafir forever) || 03/31/2005 0:52 Comments || Top||

#4  Well the link to Admiral Akbar worked when I first posted it...

Whats the secret to posting images in messages? I tried using the img src= stuff and it apparently quit working...
Posted by: OldSpook || 03/31/2005 1:13 Comments || Top||

#5  What, he wasn't guarded by a single 5'0" fiftyish female? Well, why the heck not? More diversity!
Posted by: gromky || 03/31/2005 1:16 Comments || Top||

#6  What a farkin' shame he wasn't fatally wounded during the attempt!
Posted by: Anonymous7001 || 03/31/2005 4:48 Comments || Top||

#7  Agreed. A broken neck in a scuffle would've really pulled hard on my heartstrings - though I might've been disappointed that he did not feel sufficient pain.

If anyone needs proof regards the Muslim First rule, just take a look at this asshole.
Posted by: .com || 03/31/2005 6:42 Comments || Top||

#8  The only reason he did not need extensive time in the hospital is that they did not have him guarded by those with sufficient motivation. Like his old buddies from the 101st. Then we would have seen what 'escape attempts' get those who stab their brothers in the back.
Posted by: Jame Retief || 03/31/2005 6:48 Comments || Top||

#9  What a wasteoid. He gets cut all kinds of slack while Terri is denied all water and condemned to die.
Posted by: sea cruise || 03/31/2005 7:49 Comments || Top||

#10  Perfect opertunity for a "crossfire" incident.
Posted by: Steve || 03/31/2005 8:23 Comments || Top||

#11  get some fem Kentucky MPs to kick his ass - on a regular basis
Posted by: Frank G || 03/31/2005 9:18 Comments || Top||

#12  Howcome the Shore Patrol can't get in on some of this action?
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 03/31/2005 9:37 Comments || Top||

#13  I hope they beat his ass down, traitor! Why the hell did you join the US military??
Posted by: Snoluck Thrusing8442 || 03/31/2005 12:28 Comments || Top||

#14  OK how did someone link in an image like that?
Posted by: OldSpook || 03/31/2005 13:53 Comments || Top||

#15  The HTML is

It works like this:
Posted by: Old Patriot || 03/31/2005 16:13 Comments || Top||

#16  OK, let's try again. This time, I'll put in some spaces, so Fred's nifty algorythm won't automatically convert everything (I hope!!!).
< IMG SRC = "http://www.xxxxx.yyy/" > In reality, there should be no spaces except between IMG and SRC.

Posted by: Old Patriot || 03/31/2005 16:16 Comments || Top||

#17  Hey A Big Boy! Mo train pictures!
Posted by: Shipman || 03/31/2005 16:42 Comments || Top||

#18  But don't put in any width or height statements or to the ummm.... it won't work.
Posted by: Shipman || 03/31/2005 16:43 Comments || Top||

#19  Me like um UP Big Boy. Now get the cab-forward articulated SP 4294 and life will be good.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 03/31/2005 17:26 Comments || Top||

#20  Oh. SGT Akbar.

Thought at first you were talking about this guy...

Posted by: OldSpook || 03/31/2005 0:15 Comments || Top||

#21  And for him, I guess... "Its a Trap!"

(hat tip to Fark.com)
Posted by: OldSpook || 03/31/2005 0:17 Comments || Top||

#22  Well the link to Admiral Akbar worked when I first posted it...

Whats the secret to posting images in messages? I tried using the img src= stuff and it apparently quit working...
Posted by: OldSpook || 03/31/2005 1:13 Comments || Top||

#23  OK how did someone link in an image like that?
Posted by: OldSpook || 03/31/2005 13:53 Comments || Top||

#24  Oh. SGT Akbar.

Thought at first you were talking about this guy...

Posted by: OldSpook || 03/31/2005 0:15 Comments || Top||

#25  And for him, I guess... "Its a Trap!"

(hat tip to Fark.com)
Posted by: OldSpook || 03/31/2005 0:17 Comments || Top||

#26  Well the link to Admiral Akbar worked when I first posted it...

Whats the secret to posting images in messages? I tried using the img src= stuff and it apparently quit working...
Posted by: OldSpook || 03/31/2005 1:13 Comments || Top||

#27  OK how did someone link in an image like that?
Posted by: OldSpook || 03/31/2005 13:53 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Philippines Arrests Terror Trainer Suspect
Philippine authorities have arrested a Palestinian man who allegedly has trained al-Qaida-linked Abu Sayyaf guerrillas and returned to the Philippines for a possible terror mission, officials said Thursday. Fawaz Zi Ajjur, whom security officials suspect may be an al-Qaida operative, was arrested Saturday in the southern city of Zamboanga after a circuitous journey that took him to Russia, Thailand, Malaysia and before arriving in the Philippines, the officials said. Ajjur did not have a visa and was taken into custody by immigration agents at the Zamboanga airport, Immigration Commissioner Alipio Fernandez Jr. said. He was later allegedly identified by two captured Abu Sayyaf guerrillas as one of the foreign militants who trained them in bomb-making near Patikul town on the southern island of Jolo island a few years ago, a security official said on condition of anonymity. Ajjur strongly denied the allegation and any terrorism links, the official said.

President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, who was present as Ajjur was shown to the media at an air base in Zamboanga, congratulated officials for the arrest. "This is a very important blow against terrorism," Arroyo said, shaking the hands of military and police officials. Regional Police Director Vidal Querol said Ajjur was allegedly involved in unspecified terror plots. As Querol spoke, Ajjur's eyes widened in apparent surprise over the allegations against him, then smiled. Security officials said they suspect Ajjur returned to the Philippines to further train local insurgents or to take part in an attack. Ajjur's route on the way here confused investigators. He started in Russia, flew to Thailand and took a train to Malaysia, where he shuttled between two areas before boarding a plane to Zamboanga, officials said.
The Russian connection is interesting. Perhaps he was training some Chechens, or they were assisting him as part of a terrorist Lend-Lease-Explode program.
Philippine authorities have been on the alert for the possible entry of foreign Islamic militants who could join Abu Sayyaf bombing plots. The notoriously brutal group has threatened attacks to avenge the deaths of commanders killed in a botched jailbreak two weeks ago.
Intelligence officials say one plan by the Abu Sayyaf, together with the Southeast Asian militant group Jemaah Islamiyah and local Muslim converts, was to stage two separate car bomb attacks during the recent Easter holidays. Troops seized nearly 1,300 pounds of explosives last week from a suburban Manila home based on information from a recently captured suspected Filipino militant.
The Abu Sayyaf, which is on a U.S. terror list, has been blamed for kidnappings for ransom and other deadly attacks, including a ferry bombing that killed 116 people last year in the country's worst-ever terror attack. Its ranks have been gutted by U.S.-backed offensives, but it has reportedly bolstered its loose alliance with Jemaah Islamiyah and local armed groups to widen its reach.
This article starring:
Immigration Commissioner Alipio Fernandez Jr.
Posted by: Steve || 03/31/2005 9:15:07 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under:

#1  They are slowly whittling away at them these days, good for the Philippino Intellegence Community
Posted by: bk || 03/31/2005 15:53 Comments || Top||

Hizbollah Challenges U.S. to Take Away Its Weapons
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A defiant Hizbollah leader challenged the United States Thursday to send troops to Lebanon to carry out its call to disarm the Shi'ite Muslim guerrilla group. "We tell America and all those who want to disarm the resistance in Lebanon and the resistance in Palestine to safeguard Israel: ... This is forbidden. It is not possible," Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah told a rally in Beirut. "What is left for them is that the Americans come themselves to disarm the resistance and the (Palestinian refugee) camps in Lebanon. I wish they would come, I wish they would come," he said to applause.
Be careful what you wish for.
Washington lists Hizbollah as a "terrorist group" and has called for it to lay down its arms. A U.S.-backed U.N. Security Council resolution calls for the disarming of Hizbollah and Palestinian groups in refugee camps in Lebanon. "All of us will protect the resistance, protect its role and its duty," Nasrallah said.
Posted by: Steve || 03/31/2005 2:42:53 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  This is nowhere close to a double dog dare.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 03/31/2005 15:30 Comments || Top||

#2  Not wise. If the US has to disarm you, they're going to f*cking DISARM you. As in, they'll be picking up the pieces from both sides of the road.
Posted by: BH || 03/31/2005 15:35 Comments || Top||

#3  Oohh....don't tempt me asswhipe. Me and some friends will plant a size 10 boot up your ass.
Posted by: mmurray821 || 03/31/2005 15:39 Comments || Top||

#4  In case you haven't noticed Nazzy we have not cut and run out of Iraq and we've grown accustom to your suicide tactics as a result Lebanon o5' will end a lot different than 83'.

Posted by: Rightwing || 03/31/2005 16:06 Comments || Top||

#5  Boooh!
Posted by: True German Ally || 03/31/2005 16:07 Comments || Top||

#6  hell we could send the minutemen too kick their asses
Posted by: Thraing Hupoluper1864 || 03/31/2005 16:08 Comments || Top||

#7  In Men in Black:

Dirty Peasant: "You can take your my rifle, when you pry it from my cold, dead hands"

Alien: "Proposition accepted". Kills the peasant.
Posted by: JFM || 03/31/2005 16:09 Comments || Top||

#8  Jeez, I wonder who'll probably be the first one on the express bus to Teheran if we take him up on his wish? The heavy lifting part of "The Struggle" is for the little people, right Naz?
Posted by: tu3031 || 03/31/2005 16:15 Comments || Top||

#9  I'd like to see a Moab dropped on a Hizbollah rally. NO warning, no attempt to take credit, just the hammer of A-lah out of nowhere.

If somone blames us we claim it was on its way to Iraq and slipped out the back of the cargo plane. Sorry.
Posted by: rjschwarz || 03/31/2005 16:45 Comments || Top||

Exiles: Iran Seeks to Obtain Nuclear Warheads
PARIS (Reuters) - Iran allocated $2.5 billion to obtain three nuclear warheads last year, an exiled opposition group said Thursday, without saying whether Iran had secured any of the warheads. The group, which has given accurate information in the past on some of Iran's nuclear facilities, also said Iran was speeding up work on a reactor south of Tehran which could produce enough plutonium for an atomic bomb by 2007. Iran says its nuclear program will be used only to generate electricity. But Washington and European countries fear Iran could use its nuclear plants to produce bombs.
The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), an exile group that wants to oust Iran's clerical rulers, said Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei had told the defense minister to take steps to obtain nuclear warheads.
"In mid-2004, Khamenei allocated $2.5 billion to obtain three nuclear warheads," Mohammad Mohaddessin of the NCRI told a news conference in Paris. Mohaddessin said he received the news Thursday morning and had no further information on the project. He did not say whether or how the money had been spent.
The NCRI said last year that Iran obtained a nuclear bomb design from a Pakistani scientist who has acknowledged selling nuclear secrets abroad. The group has also said Iran was working on large-range missiles capable of hitting European cities. The NCRI is a coalition of exiled opposition groups, which is listed by the United States as a terrorist organization.
Mohaddessin said the Iranian regime was speeding up work on a reactor in Arak, 150 miles south of Tehran, which could produce enough plutonium for one atomic bomb per year. "The regime told the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) the reactor would be operational in 2014, but in reality, they want to start it in 2006 or 2007," he said.
A U.S. think-tank said earlier this month that new satellite images showed that a heavy water plant at Arak, intended to supply the research reactor, was nearly complete. Heavy-water reactors can be used to produce significant amounts of bomb-grade plutonium, which can then be extracted from the spent fuel through reprocessing. The NCRI revealed the Arak heavy-water production plant, along with the Natanz uranium enrichment plant, in August 2002, describing it as part of a secret nuclear weapons program. Iran later declared both sites to the IAEA.
According to Mohaddessin, Iran's parliament said in a confidential report in February 2004 that the government had not informed it sufficiently about the two sites. "The legislative branch does not clearly know where the budget for these two projects is coming from," Mohaddessin quoted the report by a parliamentary committee as saying. "It neither knows how the project was started and how it was put into place," the report said, according to the NCRI.
Posted by: Steve || 03/31/2005 9:28:05 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

Afghanistan/South Asia
Have you driven a Ford, lately?
March 31, 2005: The Afghan army is being equipped with some 5,000 Ford F350 SORV (Severe off road vehicle) pickup trucks. These four wheel drive vehicles are based on Fords F 250/350 commercial pick up, which has been the best selling series of pickup trucks in the U.S. for the last 26 years. The Afghan army trucks are being built in a Ford factory in Thailand. The SORV is being provided in five variants, (cargo, emergency response, personnel/tactical and personnel/command trucks, maintenance van). The SORV truck comes with a diesel engines (about 300 horsepower). Costing about $40,000 each, the 4.5 ton vehicle can carry about two tons of personnel and cargo, and tow up to eight tons. It has a 38 gallon fuel tank. Depending on the version, the SORV can seat up to eleven people. Afghans are accustomed to cramming as many people as they can into pickups and SUVs. The Afghans will probably also mount weapons on some of the SORVs, and give these vehicles a workout that Ford engineers never imagined.
Now there's a TV commercial I'd love to see
Many armed forces, especially those on a low budget, use commercial vehicles, particularly the Ford F-250/350. The Irish army uses SORVs for recon units. In Afghanistan, the Ford, and other pickups, are very popular (especially if they are four wheel drive). Equipping the Afghans with the SORVs, instead of hummers, means the Afghans will get familiar vehicles at less than half the price of the hummer.
Posted by: Steve || 03/31/2005 9:46:56 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Thus furthering bushitler's plan to destroy the planet through global warming. We need to be giving them Prii, or better, Segways or bicycles.
Posted by: Jackal || 03/31/2005 11:12 Comments || Top||

#2  Heh, "Prii", I like it !

The main problem with the Segway, as I see it, is where to mount the 50 cal. I won't seriously consider buying one for that reason.
Posted by: Carl in N.H. || 03/31/2005 12:07 Comments || Top||

#3  I wonder if one of these will take a mount for my 3" Ordinance Rifle.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 03/31/2005 12:18 Comments || Top||

#4  Nice thing about those Segways is the auto-balancing system should handle the .50's recoil pretty well.

Countdown for the media to start howling about the lack of armor... 3...2...1...

"Prii" -- heh!
Posted by: Dar || 03/31/2005 12:38 Comments || Top||

#5  Everyday,and have for the last 20 years.
Caught a snippet the other day(don't remember where)that Segway now has an off-road version.
Posted by: Raptor || 03/31/2005 12:55 Comments || Top||

#6  I want a new Dodge Caravan 4wd with a rear-area sunroof, so I can reload the top-mounted 106s from inside, instead of having to open the side doors.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 03/31/2005 15:41 Comments || Top||

#7  FORD = Found On Road Dead! Just like our poor soldier's!

Andrea Jackson
Posted by: Andrea Jackson || 03/31/2005 20:21 Comments || Top||

#8  Now, Andrea. I could let certain shit get by. I (happily) drive a F-150. You don't know shit, apparently. Sad. Our poor soldiers?
Posted by: Frank G || 03/31/2005 20:51 Comments || Top||

#9  I have never owned a FORD vehicle. I believe in Toyota's, Nissan's and BMW -any model. Beggers can't be choosers**


Frank see my response to Terri dies in Florida Hospice**
Posted by: Andrea Jackson || 03/31/2005 20:57 Comments || Top||

#10  25 and 26? Andrea - when I f*ck up, I certainly don't LINK to it! Jeebus!
Posted by: Frank G || 03/31/2005 22:09 Comments || Top||

#11  I was going to post some Redneck jokes, but compared to living in a Taliban-run society, Redneck would the acme of cultural sophistication.
Posted by: jackal || 03/31/2005 22:33 Comments || Top||

Tales for the Crossfire Gazette
2 cops, bandit leader bullet-hit in gunfight
Two policemen and a ringleader of inter-district bandits were injured in a gunfight at Kala Laxmipur on the Magura-Jhenidah highway on Tuesday, police said. Acting on a tip-off, a police team arrested alleged bandit gang leader Anwar Hossain, 35, of Aryanarayanpur village in Jhenidah Sadar from Amolsar village in Magura district on Monday night.
"Evening, Anwar. You're coming with us."
The police team was returning to Jhenidah Sadar thana along with Anwar, an accused in five cases including some for murder. As they reached Kala-Laxmipur in Jhenidah Sadar upazila, Anwar's accomplices fired on the law enforcers, who also returned shots, said Jhenidah Police Superintendent.
"It's the Accomplices of Anwar, open fire!"
Anwar was bullet-hit and critically injured when he attempted to flee from the police van.
"Feet don't fail...Ouch, ouch..dammit...rosebud, Hey, I'm not dead!"
Havildar Abdus Salam and Constable Mizan were also bullet-hit in the gunfight. Police recovered a shutter-gun and four bullets from the spot. The injured persons including the policemen were admitted to Jhenidah Sadar Hospital.
"He's not dead, Jim"

Madrasa teacher held for torturing 2 boys
The Rajpara thana police arrested a teacher of Al Chaotul Quran Academy Hafezia Madrasa under Rajpara thana on charge of injuring two madrasa boys by beating. The arrested was identified as Muhibullah. Informed sources said a mobile phone set belonging to brother-in-law of Muhibullah was stolen six months ago and the latter held two students of the madrasha Samiul Islam Sabuj (12) and Mahfuzur Rahman Raqib (12) for stealing the phone set and demanded the return of the same.
"Hey punks, where's the damm phone?"
When the students expressed their ignorance about the theft of the phone set, Muhibullah kept the two students in a room of the madrasha on March 27, tied up their hands and legs with ropes and beat them severely with rods. He inflicted the torture on them the whole night.
And I'm sure he enjoyed it
Muhibullah in this way realised confessional statements of the boys about the stealing of the mobile phone set and recorded their statements.
"Scream into the mike"
The recorded statements were communicated to the fathers of the boys, who informed the confinement and torture of their sons of the police.
Oh, real bright, asshole
Police rushed to the spot, rescued the boys and arrested Muhibulllah.

2 dacoits held
Mar 30: Police held two highway dacoits with arms after exchange of gunfire at Majidpur in the early hours of today. Five dacoits in a cab were passing by Pakija at about 2-30am. Police asked to halt the cab when dacoits fired upon them. Police returned the fire in which Tapash Talukder (28) was injured. Tapash and his accomplices Khalilur Rahman (30) were arrested from the spot while others managed to flee. Later they told the police that their accomplices Helal, Paran and Al Amin fled leaving them behind.
"Them bastards left us and saved their own.....Say, you're not thinking of taking us to look for them, are you?"
They are all residents of Sabujbag.

Husband sued for torturing his wife
Mar 30: A case has been filed against a person for torturing a housewife for dowry. Mostari Begum filed the case with Sudharam thana against her husband Zia Uddin on March 26 under Children and Women Repression Act. The case stated that Ziauddin, presidernt of Hatia Upazila Chhatra League married Mostari Begum on December 19, 1999. Some times after the marriage, Zia Uddin pressed Mosari Begum to bring Tk.two lakh as dowry from her father.
"Show me the money!"
Zia Uddin grew infuriated as Mostari Begum expressed her inability to comply with the demand. He at one stage started torturing her in different ways. At one stage, he set fire on Mostari from the cigarette lighter. At the screams of Mostaria, the neighbouring people rushed to the spot and rescued Mostari. Zia Uddin went into hiding after the incident.
Women, can't live with them, can't set them on fire
Posted by: Steve || 03/31/2005 8:29:08 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Gunmen attack Iraqi pilgrims
Gunmen opened fire on more Shiite Muslim pilgrims making their way Wednesday to a major religious festival in southern Iraq, killing one person and fueling fears that insurgents may target the gathering that draws hundreds of thousands of people every year.

The latest ambush, near Mahaweel, about 35 miles south of Baghdad, also wounded two pilgrims, police Capt. Muthana al-Furati said. Attacks on pilgrims Monday killed four people, including two police officers guarding pilgrims.

Roads across Iraq were crowded with Shiites heading to the holy city of Karbala to celebrate the al-Arbaeen festival Thursday. The holiday marks the end of a 40-day mourning period for one of Shiites' most important saints, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad, Imam Hussein, who was killed in a 7th century battle.

Wearing white coffin shrouds signaling their readiness for martyrdom, tens of thousands of supporters of Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, who has led uprisings against the U.S.-led forces in Iraq last year, paraded through the streets of Karbala on the eve of the al-Arbaeen.

"We're the Mahdi Army. We came to you, oh Hussein," they chanted while snaking through the city. Some held photos of al-Sadr and waved swords, and others beat their chests with their fists in a sign of mourning.

Also Wednesday, Al-Jazeera satellite television aired a tape said to show three kidnapped Romanian journalists and a fourth unidentified person, guns pointed at their heads. The station said the four were being held by an unidentified group and no demands were made. The tape's authenticity could not be verified.

The tape appeared a day after Romania's government, which has 800 soldiers in Iraq, said three journalists were abducted near their Baghdad hotel Monday. They were grabbed after interviewing interim Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, officials said.

In northern Mosul, four insurgents opened fire at a U.S. checkpoint Wednesday and were killed by soldiers, police official Ahmed Mohamed Khalaf Al-Jibori said. The gunmen killed six Iraqis, hospital official Essam Abdul Wahed said.

The U.S. military said it had no information on the clash, but said three suspected insurgents were killed in a clash in Mosul after soldiers stopped a taxi that exploded, injuring five soldiers.

Also in Mosul, a gunman attacked a building of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, a leading Kurdish party, and wounded two guards before he was killed, said Abdul Al-Ghani Botani, a party official.

In Baghdad, lawmakers tried to come up with an agreement a day after negotiations to name a parliament speaker broke down amid shouting and finger-pointing.

"We have a political crisis that was obvious yesterday in the National Assembly," said Barham Salih, deputy prime minister in the current interim government.

A group of Sunni Arab leaders proposed legislator Meshaan al-Jubouri for speaker, an attempt to resolve a stalemate that has stalled the work of Iraq's first freely elected parliament in 50 years.

The meeting did not include all Sunni leaders, however, and it was unclear if lawmakers in other coalitions would accept the proposal.

Some officials of the Shiite clergy-led United Iraqi Alliance, which won 140 of the 275 seats in the National Assembly, opposed al-Jubouri. "He's unacceptable," said Ali al-Dabagh. "He does not represent all the Sunnis."

Leaders of the Shiite Arab and Kurd blocs want a Sunni to lead the new parliament, an effort to reach out to the Sunni community that was dominant under former dictator Saddam Hussein. The insurgency is believed dominated by Sunnis, and officials hope a broad-based government will weaken support for the rebels.

Lawmakers are scheduled to meet Sunday to try again to choose a speaker.

The Najaf provincial council issued a statement firing the police chief and putting the governor in charge of security forces until a new chief is named. The decision came after a security force formed by a former governor of the province attacked and overpowered police headquarters overnight, provincial council members said.

A U.S. Marine en route to Qaim in western Iraq died when his vehicle hit a land mine, the U.S. military said. The Marine's identity was not released.

In Baghdad, a car bomb exploded near a U.S. convoy in the Abu Ghraib neighborhood, police Lt. Akram Al-Zawobaie said. U.S. military officials said coalition soldiers were not injured.

Iraqi police announced the capture of Mohammed Abed, a member of the militant group Ansar al-Sunnah Army sought for attacks on security forces. Col. Sarhad Qader said he was caught Tuesday night in a raid near Hawija, 150 miles north of Baghdad.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/31/2005 4:27:23 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Suicide bomber kills 5 in northern Iraq
A suicide car bomber attacked a military checkpoint in northern Iraq on Thursday, killing three Iraqi national guards and two civilians, a captain in the force said. Fourteen people were also wounded in the attack near Suleiman Beik, 60 miles south of the city of Kirkuk, said Captain Hussein Mohammadani. Suleiman Beik is home to a national guard base.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/31/2005 4:25:23 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Afghanistan/South Asia
Waziristan grenade attack injures 15 civilians
Fifteen civilians were hurt when a hand grenade thrown at an army convoy in Pakistan's North Waziristan tribal area missed its target, officials said.
I'd say they throw like girls, but that's unfair to girls.
The grenade was thrown at a convoy travelling to a garrison at Bannu, near the main town of Miran Shah. Government official Mohammed Jamil said at least two of the injured were in serious condition. The grenade reportedly landed on a private vehicle. The attacker escaped, officials said. Attacks on troops in the region are fairly common. On Wednesday, five rockets landed close to an air base at Miran Shah but no one was hurt.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/31/2005 4:22:11 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Hek's boyz obviously have opened up a spring-training camp. Pitchers reported late.....again
Posted by: Frank G || 03/31/2005 9:47 Comments || Top||

Pakistan catches 6 al-Qaeda linked terror suspects
Pakistani security agencies have arrested six suspected Al Qaeda-linked foreigners in a swoop on their hideout near the Afghan border, officials said on Thursday. The men, believed to be Afghans and Central Asians, were seized on Wednesday in an upscale neighbourhood of Peshawar, a major northwestern frontier town, following a tip-off by intelligence sources. The authorities seized two handgrenades, a pistol, computer disks and militant literature, an interior ministry official told AFP. "All the detainees are foreign nationals and they are undergoing interrogation," said the official, without disclosing where they were being held. "The kind of material seized from them suggests links with Al Qaeda." The official said the suspects were "all young people and appear to be of Afghan and central Asian origin".

"When their hideout was raided the suspects were caught by surprise and were unable to offer any resistance. They had been living in a rented house in Peshawar's University Town neighbourhood for a few weeks," he added. Police sources said the latest raid was conducted by an elite Pakistani intelligence group which works in coordination with the US Central Intelligence Agency. "The police just provided security cover and the suspects were not handed to our custody," a senior Peshawar police official told AFP.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/31/2005 4:21:12 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under:

#1  “All the detainees are foreign nationals and they are undergoing interrogation,”

Tivo Time.
Posted by: keepaneyeout || 03/31/2005 11:27 Comments || Top||

#2  Great photo. Dogs just wanna have fun!
Posted by: 3dc || 03/31/2005 13:21 Comments || Top||


Dogs just wanna have fun!
My Ike. Died last year. But this was a nearly deaf white boxer who had more fun in his soul than any othre dog I ever saw.

BigEric was taking a nap on the sofa, and got up. Ike immediately takes his place, put his head on a pillow. BigEric covered him up, saying, "Ikie cold!"
Posted by: BigEd || 03/31/2005 15:56 Comments || Top||

#4  BigEd:
I'll bet making him move never even occured to either one of you, right? I know that when Cami chewed the couch during a T-storm, My first thoughts were "oh, you poor thing, scared like that."

My condolences on your loss.
Posted by: jackal || 03/31/2005 22:36 Comments || Top||

Africa: North
Egypt charges 3 in Sinai bombings
Three Egyptians will stand trial for murder over the killing of 34 people in bombings at Egyptian Red Sea tourist resorts in October, the public prosecutor's office in Cairo said on Wednesday. Twelve Israelis were killed in the attacks. Public Prosecutor Maher Abdel Wahed referred Mohamed Sabah and Mohamed Abdullah Rabaa to a state security court for trial for the attacks at the Egyptian Sinai resorts which were popular with Israelis. The third man, Mohamed Ahmed Fulayfel, has not been caught and will stand trial in absentia.

Sabah and Rabaa were arrested two months after attacks on the Taba Hilton hotel, on Egypt's border with Israel, and two beaches further south at Ras al-Satan that are popular with foreign backpackers. All three were charged with murder, attempted murder and possessing automatic weapons. Prosecutor Abdel Wahed said the attacks, which authorities say were planned by a Palestinian, were not linked to a wider militant network. The authorities have said the Palestinian and one of his accomplices died in the Taba blast when their bomb went off early. Two other suspects were killed in gunbattles with police in February when the authorities tried to arrest them.
This article starring:
Mohamed Abdullah Rabaa
Mohamed Ahmed Fulayfel
Mohamed Sabah
Public Prosecutor Maher Abdel Wahed
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/31/2005 4:15:26 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Sounds like an isolated incident.
Posted by: Shipman || 03/31/2005 16:39 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Two Hakart activists acquitted in blast cases
KARACHI: An Anti-Terrorism Court on Wednesday acquitted two activists of the banned Harkatul Mujahideen Al Alami in petrol pump blast cases. ATC Judge Haq Nawaz Baloch exonerating Syed Ahmer Ali Kazmi and Mohammad Naeem Rafi ordered that they be released forthwith if they were not involved in other cases. They were prosecuted on the charge of causing bomb explosions at Shell petrol pumps in Gizri and Saddar areas on May 15, 2003. The court in its order observed that the prosecution has not proved the case against the accused.

The court had earlier reserved the judgment after hearing the closing arguments of defence counsel, M.R Syed, and Special Public Prosecutor Mazhar Qayum. Meanwhile, the same defendants were also found innocent in another blast case. The ATC headed by Judge Feroz Mehmood Bhatti acquitted them of the charges of causing explosion at a petrol pump in Soldier Bazaar area.
This article starring:
ATC Judge Haq Nawaz
Judge Feroz Mehmood Bhatti
MOHAMAD NAIM RAFIHarkatul Mujahideen Al Alami
SYED AHMER ALI KAZMIHarkatul Mujahideen Al Alami
Special Public Prosecutor Mazhar Qayum
defence counsel, M.R Syed
Harkatul Mujahideen Al Alami
Posted by: Fred || 03/31/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

Rockets target Miranshah base
"Did youse guyz shoot off the rockets?"
"Yeah, boss!"
"An' the apostates are slaughtered by the dozens?"
"Ummm... No, boss. But we did hit their vegetable garden!"
"Allan be praised! No cucumbers for the hypocrites!"
Five rockets slammed into open fields near a base housing hundreds of Pakistani soldiers in a restive tribal region, but there were no casualties, an official said on Wednesday. It was not clear who was behind the attack late on Tuesday against troops on the outskirts of Miranshah. The security official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said soldiers had launched a search for the assailants.
Posted by: Fred || 03/31/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

5 Afghan soldiers, suicide bomber killed in attacks
KABUL: Militants attacked a checkpoint in western Afghanistan, killing five Afghan soldiers, an official said on Wednesday, while an apparent car-bomb exploded in an eastern city, killing the driver. The car exploded at about 8:30 am in Jalalabad, 130 kilometres east of Kabul, intelligence chief Bahram Khan told The Associated Press. Khan said investigators suspected the driver was planning a suicide attack, but that the bomb detonated prematurely. No one else was injured. "Only the driver, the suicide attacker, was killed," Khan said. He identified the dead man as an Afghan from neighboring Laghman province called Mansour. Police said he had no criminal record.
That's surprising. Usually they're Paks...
The five Afghan soldiers died when militants assailed a checkpoint in Gulistan district of Farah province, 650 kilometres southwest of Kabul, deputy police chief Mohammed Rasoul said. Rasoul said other soldiers pursued the attackers, who were riding motorbikes, and arrested them.
Posted by: Fred || 03/31/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Sri Lankan official injured in attack
COLOMBO: Suspected Tamil Tiger rebels hurled grenades at a vehicle carrying a senior member of a rival Tamil political group on Wednesday, wounding a police guard in the latest violence in Sri Lanka's volatile east, the military said.
He shoulda gone to Kashmir. He'd be okay, and the innocent bystanders would be in critical care...
The suspected rebels opened fire at the vehicle carrying Ravi, a senior member of the Eelam People's Democratic Party, which bitterly opposes the Tigers, said military spokesman Brig Daya Ratnayake. Police guarding Ravi fired back, but the rebels then threw two grenades, wounding one officer, said Ratnayake. Ravi, who goes by a single name, escaped unhurt. The EPDP blamed the Tigers for the latest attack in Eravur, about 230 kilometres (136 miles) east of the capital, Colombo. The party has accused the Tigers of assassinating dozens of its members.
They're terrorists. What'd you expect them to do?
Posted by: Fred || 03/31/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I can't take the guy on the pic seriously no matter how I try. He looks like Super Mario.
Posted by: twobyfour || 03/31/2005 0:34 Comments || Top||

Africa: North
Brotherhood members ordered detained
"So how about it? Youse guys let us go and we support Hosni for reelection?"
"Howzabout we don't let youse go and Hosni steals the election hisself?"
Egypt's general prosecutor ordered the further detention of 60 Muslim Brotherhood members who were arrested amid anti-government protests this week, security officials said yesterday, part of a new crackdown against the banned Islamic group. The men were among more than 230 members that the Brotherhood says were arrested in connection to Sunday's demonstration against President Hosni Mubarak their first major rally in years which prompted a massive security seal on the centre of Cairo.

A security official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the 60 men appeared at the prosecutor's office and were ordered held for 15 more days to face further questioning on suspicion of belonging to an illegal organisation. At the end of that period, prosecutors can extend the detention, release them or send them to court for trial.
Posted by: Fred || 03/31/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Eyewitness from Baghdad
Ever wonder what senior military leaders tell their troops about Iraq when the doors are shut? Random Probabilities is pleased to bring you this report by new milblogger Captain Midnight, who will write here from time to time. I can't reveal our correspondent's name, but can vouch for his service in our military and his presence at a recent not-for-attribution briefing by a senior officer who had boots-on-the-ground responsibility in Iraq. I chuckled at the part about the donkey and the manhole 
.. but there is a lot to ponder in what this commander reports.
Posted by: Robin Burk || 03/31/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Drink warning in effect.
Posted by: Ptah || 03/31/2005 5:25 Comments || Top||

#2  Yep, be forewarned.
Posted by: Shipman || 03/31/2005 7:47 Comments || Top||

#3  The donkey disposal infrastructure issue was kinda tough to get my mind around at this hour without benefit of coffee. Bet you never thought about sewers that way.
Posted by: Tkat || 03/31/2005 9:04 Comments || Top||

#4  We promise you a Donkey Dumpster on every corner!
Posted by: Bulldog || 03/31/2005 9:22 Comments || Top||

#5  Why didn't Rumsfeld anticipate the donkey-manhole issue and plan for it? We should have had thousands of properly sized, up-armored manholes ready for installation by the 141st Donkey Disposal Brigade.
Posted by: Matt || 03/31/2005 10:31 Comments || Top||

#6  Could someone please tell me why the hell the 141st Donkey Disposal Brigade aren't in theatre?
Posted by: Bulldog || 03/31/2005 10:49 Comments || Top||

#7  Silly, Call the NYT asap, they'll know.
Posted by: Omerelet Clanter9542 || 03/31/2005 11:04 Comments || Top||

#8  The 141st hasn't been mobilized for years. At the time of their last outing popular culinary perspectives regarding donkeys was markedly different. The tools and tactics of disposal for the 141st in the field were at that time geared toward stripped carcass retrieval rather than full donkey evacuation through the largely unavailable sewer method.
Posted by: ehor(sp) || 03/31/2005 13:17 Comments || Top||

#9  On a slightly related note, a friend who served with an engineering unit in Iraq told us about their experiences. Among the things they built were sanitation facilities: a container remodeled with toilets and showers. Turns out that since Muhammad didn't like to sit, the local Iraqis wouldn't use the toilets, and since they prefer to clean up with water instead of toilet paper--guess what the shower floors looked like?
Posted by: James || 03/31/2005 13:22 Comments || Top||

#10  Misprint James ? Muhammad didn't like to sit ... (shit) .. Hence so much crap came out of his mouth , no ?
Posted by: MacNails || 03/31/2005 13:43 Comments || Top||

#11  That's similar to the Saudi gas station restrooms. Western toilets, but quite a few footprints on the seat.
Posted by: Pappy || 03/31/2005 19:43 Comments || Top||

PA prepared to exchange land for lasting peace with Israel
I'm assuming that's Israeli land for Paleostinian peas...
The Palestinian Authority said Wednesday it is prepared to exchange land for a lasting peace with Israel. "If the 1967 line has to be modified, it will be done under negotiations and in a reciprocal and fair way," Foreign Minister Nasser al-Qidwa said after talks with visiting Chilean Foreign Minister Ignacio Walker. The so-called Green Line marks the border between Israel and Palestinian territories, which Israeli troops have occupied since the 1967 war. "Our position is not new but illegal faits accomplis must not be imposed on the Palestinians by force," Qidwa added. But Qidwa also criticized the U.S. for insisting Israel can keep its largest population zones in the West Bank in any peace treaty with the Palestinians.
Posted by: Fred || 03/31/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  One would hate to see the Israelis keep the land that they won in a------Defensive WAR.
Posted by: Poison Reverse || 03/31/2005 13:46 Comments || Top||

#2  LOL! Who doesn't want "Whirled Peas"?
Posted by: danking70 || 03/31/2005 17:29 Comments || Top||

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Two weeks of WOT
Thu 2005-03-31
  Egypt's ruling party wants fifth term for Mubarak
Wed 2005-03-30
  Lebanon military intelligence chief takes "leave of absence"
Tue 2005-03-29
  Hamas ready to join PLO
Mon 2005-03-28
  Massoud's assassination: 4 suspects go on trial in Paris
Sun 2005-03-27
  Bomb explodes in Beirut suburb
Sat 2005-03-26
  Iraqi Forces Seize 131 Suspected Insurgents in Raid
Fri 2005-03-25
  Police in Belarus Disperse Demonstrators
Thu 2005-03-24
  Akaev resigns
Wed 2005-03-23
  80 hard boyz killed in battle with US, Iraqi troops
Tue 2005-03-22
  30 al-Qaeda, Ansar al-Islam captured at Baladruz
Mon 2005-03-21
  Three American carriers converging on Middle East
Sun 2005-03-20
  Quetta corpse count at 30
Sat 2005-03-19
  Car Bomb at Qatar Theatre
Fri 2005-03-18
  Opposition Reports Coup In Damascus
Thu 2005-03-17
  Al-Oufi throws his support behind Zarqawi

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