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Yemen cops killed in shootout with Islamists
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Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 03/29/2009 09:21 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Yikes! I sure that wasn't her version of a "Come Hither" look! I had to re-heat my coffee after just looking at that picture!
Posted by: Justrand || 03/29/2009 10:11 Comments || Top||

#2  That's her "come hither and I'll do verrrry interesting things to you" look, Justrand. :-D

(things that interest her, not you)
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 03/29/2009 10:15 Comments || Top||

#3  I think GBMC hasn't replied with his usual pics yet because he can't FIND any ...
Posted by: Steve White || 03/29/2009 10:17 Comments || Top||

#4  Be afraid, be very afraid!
Posted by: 49 Pan || 03/29/2009 12:04 Comments || Top||

#5  wall-eye.....good peripheral vision
Posted by: Frank G || 03/29/2009 12:49 Comments || Top||

#6  I think she was scaring Abbott and Costello with that look.
Posted by: Fred || 03/29/2009 13:10 Comments || Top||

Truck With 3 Tons of Explosives Impounded In Afghanistan
Security officials in Afghanistan's Khost Province have impounded a truck loaded with more than three tons of explosives, RFE/RL's Radio Free Afghanistan (RFA) reports.

The chief of the Khost City Security Department, Abdulqayum Baqizoy, told RFA that the truck crossed the Afghan-Pakistani border during the night of March 26. He said terrorists planned to use the truck for an attack against a local government building on March 27. He said the truck driver and his accomplices escaped with our thanks, however.
Posted by: Fred || 03/29/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Karzai asks UN to remove Taliban from blacklist
Afghan President Hamid Karzai called here on Saturday on the United Nations to remove from its blacklist the names of Taliban leaders, who are not part of al-Qaeda, as a first step towards peace talks.
"I mean, what are a few heads among friends, anyway?"
Karzai hailed Washington's new strategy for the "war on terror" in Afghanistan and Pakistan, including its mention of reconciliation with certain militants. "While we are speaking about the peace process with the Taliban, we must also make sure to provide the right environment for such a peace process," Karzai said. "Right environment means first of all looking at the list that is with the United Nations and removing names that are not part of al-Qaeda, that are not part of the terrorist networks," he said. "Those names must be removed from the list."

Karzai, however, dodged questions about whether he wanted Taliban supreme leader Mulla Omar, among those scratched from the list.
Posted by: Fred || 03/29/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  Wouldn't killing them remove their names from the list?

just thinking.
Posted by: mhw || 03/29/2009 0:08 Comments || Top||

#2  Time to get rid of Hamid.
Posted by: Parabellum || 03/29/2009 9:16 Comments || Top||

#3  don't woory the Taliban will lop off Hmids head sooner or later
Posted by: rabid whitetail || 03/29/2009 10:15 Comments || Top||

#4  He's probably looking ahead to the day when Uncle Sam won't be there to keep him safe and figures sooner or later he will have to make some accommodation with them...what with all this talk of exit strategies and all. Yeah, I know O'bambi just issued his long range strategy for Afghanistan but, nonetheless, if I was Hamid I'd be stashing some of that opium money in a Swiss bank and buying myself a nice Swiss chalet just in case.
Posted by: Abu Uluque || 03/29/2009 14:47 Comments || Top||

Africa Horn
Ransom 'paid to pirates'
A ransom has allegedly been paid to free a German-owned gas tanker seized by Somali pirates in the Gulf of Aden in January, an environment watchdog that also monitors piracy said yesterday. An unknown sum of money was delivered by aircraft on Friday afternoon and the MV Longchamp, captured on January 29, was set to be released afterwards, Ecoterra International said in a statement.

Meanwhile, pirates were taking two European-owned tankers to Somali coastal havens yesterday and are likely to demand ransoms soon, with gangs striking further afield to avoid patrolling warships, maritime groups said.
Posted by: Fred || 03/29/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Pirates

#1  Someone should really set up a website detailing who has a history of paying ransoms, so those who won't don't get pestered, and the pirates/other hostage takers don't waste their precious time. Perhaps German-owned ships should be obliged to paint "Will Pay Ransoms" in large letters along the hull.
Posted by: Bulldog || 03/29/2009 6:28 Comments || Top||

Yemen police killed in shootout with Islamists
Four Yemeni policemen were killed Saturday in clashes with Islamist fighters during a major government offensive against wanted militants in the south of the country, witnesses told AFP.

The deadly shootout erupted in Jaar, northeast of the port city of Aden, where police had been hunting for wanted members of jihadist groups. "This campaign comes after dissident elements attacked members of the security forces and government interests, and disrupted peace and security over the past few weeks," a Jaar security official told AFP.

A passerby and seven policemen were also wounded in the fighting, with two in a critical condition, a local hospital source said.

Residents of Jaar told AFP that security forces cordoned off the city early in the morning and searched a number of houses in their hunt for the militants. Residents said sounds of gunfire and explosions echoed across the city as gunmen battled troops and police in sporadic firefights. Sources close to the Islamic Jihad group told AFP that four people were arrested by security forces.

The impoverished Arabian Peninsula country has seen a spate of attacks on foreign and government targets, most recently suicide bombings against South Korean tourists. A suicide bomber blew himself up in the historic eastern city of Shibam on March 15, killing four South Korean tourists and their Yemeni guide. Three days later, a similar attack targeted a South Korean delegation in the capital Sanaa, but there were no casualties.

Al-Qaeda's branch in Yemen claimed responsibility for the attacks that killed the four tourists, the SITE Intelligence Group said on Friday.
Posted by: Fred || 03/29/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Yemen

Bangla: Bhola kids given lessons of jihad
Maulana Mohammad Russell of Green Crescent Madrasa used to motivate his students to take part in jihad, which investigators believe he did to raise them as militants in the future. "Our huzur [teacher] Russell often told us that Allah has created us to establish the Almighty's rule through jihad," one of three madrasa students told investigators who visited their homes yesterday.

"The sermon was given after Asr prayers," an investigator of the discovery of a mini arms factory at the madrasa told reporters. Wishing anonymity, the investigator said the students aged between seven and eight were given such preaching to turn them religiously blind and involve them in militant activities.

The madrasa students had to recite the Quran after Fazr prayers and then participate in free hand exercise under Maulana Russell who is now on a 10-day remand for interrogation at the Taskforce for Interrogation cell in Dhaka. Investigators are quizzing Russell to find out others involved with the militant den at Ram Keshab village in Borhanuddin upazila of Bhola. The Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) busted the madrasa on Tuesday and recovered huge firearms, ammunition and explosives.

Three other suspected militants--Abul Kalam, Abdul Halim and Jasim--are also on a 10-day remand for interrogation by a six-member team led by ASM Azimul Huq, assistant superintendent of police for Lalmohan circle.

Sources said police collected the addresses of five orphans in different villages in the upazila yesterday and took statements from three of them, reports our Barisal correspondent. Eleven children of the orphanage are now under the custody of their relatives and local government representatives.

Meanwhile, officials investigating the incident said apart from the 11 names mentioned in the first information report, they have detected several other people who used to visit the Green Crescent Madrasa. The investigators however refused to divulge their names. They also said accused Saifuddin Badal, who has been absconding, was tasked with drawing funds from the madrasa's bank account and spent those. "Once we can arrest Badal, we may make important breakthrough into the investigation," said an investigator.

Meanwhile, law enforcers continued drives to hunt down the seven accused mentioned in the FIR. They are Maulana Mufti Mohiuddin, Saifuddin Badal, Humayun Ahmed, Abul Kalam, Hasan Saifuddin, Yunus Sharif and Mizanur Rahman.
Posted by: Fred || 03/29/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under: Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh

LeT targeted Madhavan, Kasturirangan
KOZHIKODE: Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) had plans to assassinate senior scientists in India, including ISRO chairman G Madhavan Nair and former chairman Kasturirangan.

This was disclosed by international terrorist Sarfaraz Nawaz during the interrogation by the Karnataka police. Nawaz told the interrogators that Jasim alias Tahsin, an LeT terrorist from Pakistan, had mentioned targeting these scientists during a conversation while he was in Muscat.

Jasim mentioned the names of 'Alex, Sajivnath, Suresh Kumar and a female Muslim scientist from Uttar Pradesh (a lady scientist working in Agni missile project). Jasim also mentioned that film star Govinda was also on LeT target list.' LeT had carried out an attack at the IISc, Bangalore. Nawaz's statement has detailed accounts of how the terrorists in Kerala operated as per instructions from their leaders in Pakistan and in the Gulf.

According to Nawaz, Wali the LeT leader in the Gulf arranged safe passage to Tadiyantavide Nazeer alias Ummer Haji to Bangladesh after the killing of four Malayalis in Kashmir.

''Meanwhile, Kerala police started arresting the persons involved in the episode and the names of Nazeer, Shafaz, Ibrahim Moulavi and Ayub started appearing in the newspapers. Wali informed me to instruct Ummer Haji and associates to escape. It is not safe to remain in India and suggested them to flee to Bangladesh.'' LeT member Saleem made the arrangements for Nazeer in Bangladesh.

Nazeer escaped to Bangladesh via Maharashtra and Kolkata. Saleem gave Nawaz a number to contact Nazeer who, by the time, had reached Bangladesh.

Nawaz contacted Nazeer many times. The last time he called Nazeer, the latter said he was in Dhaka and that he had kept his family at a safe place in India. Nawaz also revealed that the LeT leaders tried to win over the minds of Indian Muslims by narrating the 'torture' Muslims had undergone in the country.

Demolition of Babri Masjid and Gujarat riots were the two main issues raised by the LeT to convince Indian Muslims that they are being persecuted in India.
This article starring:
Jasim alias Tahsin
Sarfaraz Nawaz
Tadiyantavide Nazeer
Posted by: john frum || 03/29/2009 13:24 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  When you look at all the problems in South Asia, and to a lesser extent elsewhere, Pakistan always comes up sooner or later. There will be problems in that area as long as Pakistan continues to exist and to try to destroy India. India needs to totally destroy Pakistan so it can exist with at least a modicum of peace and stability. Bangladesh is fast becoming an equally thorny problem, and will have to be addressed sooner or later.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 03/29/2009 14:08 Comments || Top||

Baby boomer reportedly enters Rawalpindi
RAWALPINDI: A suicide bomber reportedly enters in sensitive area of Lal Kurti in Rawalpindi on Saturday. According to sources, security organizations warned that a suicide bomber has entered in sensitive area of Lal Kurti in Rawalpindi. Security put on high alert in the area. Reports said a 12 to 13 years old suicide bomber is wearing a uniform and carrying a racket or cricket bat. Security organizations expressed fear that he could target car of any high-ranking official.
Posted by: Fred || 03/29/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Pakistan

Troops kill 26 militants in Mohmand
Security forces on Saturday claimed to have killed 26 militants and destroyed several hideouts of terrorists in the Yakaghund Tehsil of the restive Mohmand Agency.

Independent sources said an official of security forces was killed and four others, including a major, sustained injuries in a clash with militants.

Sources told The News that a convoy of security forces, along with officials of the political administration, was on way to Rawal Kor, Bhai Kor, Qasimkhel and Dadukhel in Michni area of Yakaghund subdivision to conduct a search operation against the militants when attacked.

The militants attacked the convoy in Bakro Sar area, killing Naik Khalid Khan on the spot and injuring Major Alamgir, Haweldar Babu, Naik Ihsan and Sepoy Mumtaz in the ensuing gunfight. The wounded personnel were airlifted to a hospital in Peshawar.

It was learnt that the gunbattle between security forces and militants continued for two hours. Security forces then moved towards Mulla Ghani Baba and Sapri areas where the militants ended resistance and fled.

After the incident, security forces heavily shelled the suspected hideouts of the militants in Sapri, Sahib Cheena, Umar Banda, Kohi Banda and Mulla Ghani Baba with artillery and gunship helicopters.

At least, 26 militants were killed during security forces' action in Sapri area of the Mohmand Agency, said a press release issued by the Frontier Corps Headquarters. It claimed that security forces also secured the area around Sapri. Meanwhile, curfew was imposed from Michni to Pir Qala and Yakaghund, and roads remained closed for all kinds of traffic.
Posted by: Fred || 03/29/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Militants torch 12 Nato supply containers in Peshawar
Suspected militants attacked a containers terminal lodging supplies for Nato forces operating in Afghanistan, damaging at least 12 containers in the wee hours of Saturday, police said.

The attack was made on the day the police recovered 120 kg explosives from a house in Mathra that are believed to be used in suicide attacks.

The militants attacked Farhad Container Terminal on Ring Road in the jurisdiction of Pishtakhara police station around 3:00 am, which spread panic among the local population.

It is learnt that the attackers after breaking into the terminal sprinkled petrol on the parked vehicles and containers and then set it on fire. They also torched office of the terminal management.

A police official said 12 vehicles and containers were set on fire that was extinguished after hours of hectic efforts.

Another official said that two cranes and trucks and a few containers were either destroyed or partially damaged in the attack.

The attack was the first of its kind in which a part of the building was also set ablaze.

Around 450 containers and vehicles have been torched in over a dozen attacks on container terminals in the city since December last, but adequate security measures are yet to be taken to protect valuable military supplies of Nato forces deployed in Afghanistan.

It is also still a question mark as to why the police have so far failed in busting any of the gangs involved in such attacks.

"We have arrested some suspects, who are being interrogated regarding attacks on Nato terminals," SSP (Investigation) Ghulam Muhammad told newsmen. He disclosed that police have also foiled a major sabotage bid by recovering an explosives and arms cache in Mathra.

The official added that police while acting on a tip-off recovered 120 kg explosives during a raid on the house of Noor Muhammad in Shagai Hindkyan area in the jurisdiction Mathra police station. An official said the explosives were stored in the house for a major terrorist attack.
Posted by: Fred || 03/29/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: TTP

#1  every convoy should have one container bomb with cams in it. When the cams observe the mooks up to something - the container with thousands of pounds of High Explosive in it should just commit suicide.
Posted by: 3dc || 03/29/2009 0:48 Comments || Top||

Sons of Iraq leader Adel Mashadani arrested in Baghdad
Clashes break out after Mashadani is detained. The Sons of Iraq, considered a Sunni militia by Baghdad, helped the U.S. turn the tide against Al Qaeda in Iraq, but recently has been marginalized.

Reporting from Baghdad -- Iraqi forces arrested a Sunni paramilitary leader Saturday in Baghdad, security officials said, in the latest sign of the marginalizing of the movement of former insurgents who helped turn the tide against Al Qaeda in Iraq.

Adel Mashadani, the head of the Sons of Iraq paramilitary group in the east Baghdad neighborhood of Fadhil, was detained by Iraqi military forces on suspicion of involvement in sectarian killings, police said.

Soon after his arrest, Mashadani's supporters clashed with Iraqi security forces, and one policeman and three civilians were killed, police said. Mashadani's supporters also abducted an Iraqi lieutenant colonel and five Iraqi soldiers and promised to release them in exchange for their leader, the police said.

The U.S. military did not respond to requests for comment about the arrest.

Mashadani is a controversial figure who has often made inflammatory remarks about the Shiite-led Iraqi government, accusing its officials of having links to Iran. But his arrest could mean the silencing of another significant Sunni fighter and could poison his supporters' relations with the Americans, who had relied on them to control the poverty-stricken area of narrow streets and alleys where extremists once held sway.

"Those Americans betrayed us after we fought Al Qaeda," said Khalid Qaisi, one of Mashadani's deputies in Fadhil. "We warn the Americans that they should release Adel al Mashadani -- if they don't, Baghdad . . . will not like the situation."

The Sons of Iraq movement has been hobbled by assassinations, arrests and the flight abroad of those fearing arrest.

Iraqi officials have moved to disband the group, which they viewed as a Sunni militia hostile to the country's Shiite majority. The government has pledged to place the nearly 100,000 fighters in the security forces and other positions, but progress has been slow.

"If the process of integrating . . . members into the state security services and other institutions is frustrated, as it looks very much it will be, then this will leave a huge opportunity for Al Qaeda in Iraq, which has been down but never out, to get back into the game," said Joost Hiltermann, deputy director of the Middle East program at the International Crisis Group think tank.

The Iraqi government took over the paramilitary group's payroll from the Americans in November, but for the last month it has failed to pay the fighters in Baghdad. The U.S. military has described the payroll failure as a bureaucratic glitch that the Iraqi government is fixing.

Although his government has gone after some Sunni fighters, Prime Minister Nouri Maliki has also reached out to other Sons of Iraq leaders. At least one prominent leader has begun advising the prime minister in an informal capacity, and others endorsed some of Maliki's candidates in the January provincial council elections.

Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 03/29/2009 02:19 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  And so it starts.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 03/29/2009 4:02 Comments || Top||

#2  Now that there is no fighting, can they have peace? Noooooooo...they're just not freaking happy unless those OTHER people are miserable.
Posted by: gromky || 03/29/2009 13:01 Comments || Top||

Israel used drones in Sudan
The Israel Air Force used unmanned drones to attack convoys in Sudan trying to smuggle weapons to the Palestinian organizations in Gaza, the London-based Sunday Times newspaper reported, quoting Israeli security officials. The defense sources also said that the trucks were carrying missiles with the range to strike the central city of Tel Aviv.
Ev-v-v-v-vil Zionist drones, Bhwa-ha-ha!
The strike was revealed three days ago on American television network CBS. According to the report, 17 trucks were bombed in January. State and army officials said in response that Israel would not comment on such reports.
"We will say no more! Especially to YOU guys!"
According to the Sunday Times, Hermes 450 drones attacked two convoys, killing at least 50 smugglers and their Iranian escorts.

One source claimed they were accompanied by giant Eitan UAVs, which have a 110ft wingspan, similar to that of a Boeing 737. The drones, controlled via satellite, can hover over a target for 24 hours, the report said.

The defense sources said that the main reason for choosing the drones was that a convoy forms a "slippery" target. "When you attack a fixed target, especially a big one, you are better off using jet aircraft. But with a moving target with no definite time for the move UAVs are best, as they can hover extremely high and remain unseen until the target is on the move," one of the sources said.

According to the Sunday Times, the convoys were carrying Fajr-3 rockets, which have a range of more than 40 miles, and were split into sections so they could be smuggled through tunnels into Gaza from Egypt.

"They built the Fajr in parts so it would be easy to smuggle them into Gaza, then reassemble them with Hamas experts who learnt the job in Syria and Iran," said a source.
Ah yes, expert Hamas rocket technicians. What could possibly go wrong?
The report also stated that the Iranian Revolutionary Guards had masterminded the smuggling operation. "The Iranians arrived in Port Sudan and liaised with local smugglers," said a source. The convoy was heading for the Egyptian border where, for a fat fee, local smugglers would take over.

On Saturday, American ABC network reported that Israel had struck in Sunday three times since January, and not twice as reported earlier. Israeli officials are remaining vague on the issue, excluding a remark made by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, but official sources in the United States have confirmed that the raid was carried out by Israeli warplanes.
Sure it wasn't the Ruritanians? Or the Lutherans?
Posted by: phil_b || 03/29/2009 05:48 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  If Israel can reach Sudan they can reach Iran.
Posted by: BrerRabbit || 03/29/2009 7:05 Comments || Top||

#2  Heron Eitan
Posted by: phil_b || 03/29/2009 7:14 Comments || Top||

#3  possibly both drones and fighter-bombers were used

also, I think the fajr-3 has about 40 km range, not 40 mi
Posted by: mhw || 03/29/2009 8:12 Comments || Top||

#4  Wow, I never knew airplanes could hover.

yes, I know about Harriers
Posted by: Parabellum || 03/29/2009 9:09 Comments || Top||

#5  Hover, loiter- same thing to a journalist.
Posted by: Grunter || 03/29/2009 11:16 Comments || Top||

#6  Wonder if this was a test run in preparation for an Iranian strike...
Posted by: Old Patriot || 03/29/2009 12:51 Comments || Top||

#7  I'm sure the Iranians think so.
Posted by: Frozen Al || 03/29/2009 13:31 Comments || Top||

#8  where is the Iranian outrage though?
Posted by: rabid whitetail || 03/29/2009 14:27 Comments || Top||

#9  Drones are only effective in regions where you have at least air superiority and preferably air supremacy. I don't think that either of those situations would apply in an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities.
Posted by: rwv || 03/29/2009 14:58 Comments || Top||

Hamas arrests leaders from rival Fatah in Gaza
Hamas in the Gaza Strip on Saturday arrested three leaders from the rival Fatah faction of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Fatah officials said. The arrests could cloud a new round of Egyptian-brokered unity talks set to begin on April 1 aimed at reconciling the rival factions. Among those held was Abdel-Rahman Hamad, a former minister in the Palestinian Authority, who had been meeting fellow Fatah members in the city of Gaza, Fatah officials said. The Hamas-run Interior Ministry in the Gaza Strip said the Fatah men were detained for questioning after holding an "illegal factional meeting".
Posted by: Fred || 03/29/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  Popcorn.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 03/29/2009 3:44 Comments || Top||

#2  smells like Unity
Posted by: Frank G || 03/29/2009 7:23 Comments || Top||

U.S. Court Orders Iran to Pay Family of Nachshon Waxman $25 Million
(IsraelNN.com) A United States federal court issued a verdict on Friday ordering Iran to pay $25 million to the family of Nachshon Waxman, the IDF soldier who Hamas terrorists kidnapped and executed while the entire country of Israel united to say Psalms for his rescue.

Waxman, a U.S. citizen who was born in Jerusalem, was 19 years old when terrorists kidnapped him. The terrorists disguised themselves as orthodox Jews in order to lure the soldier into their vehicle while he was hitchhiking near Ben Gurion Airport.

The Waxman family charged that Iran was an accessory to the murder because of its funding of the terrorist organization. The judgment against Tehran was issued after the country refused to respond to the lawsuit. "The financial support, tactical training and political direction that Iran provided to Hamas proximately caused the abduction and execution of Nachshon," U.S. District Judge Ricardo Urbina concluded.

The plaintiffs include the dead soldier's mother, who was awarded $5 million, and six brothers, each of whom were granted $2.5 million. Judge Urbina also ruled that an additional $5 million be paid into the Waxman's estate for potential earnings and for the pain he endured during his six days of captivity before his captors killed him.

Previous rulings against terrorist organizations often have resulted in non-payment, but the court has the option of seizing Iranian assets in the U.S. to cover the penalty.

The kidnapping shocked the country after Hamas released a videotape of the soldier saying that if the terrorists' demands were not met, "They will kill me." Their demands included the release of a Hamas leader and 200 terrorists and prisoners.

IDF special forces located the house where he was being held and raided the building as the terrorists killed Waxman before being eliminated by the commando unit. One soldier also died in the maneuver.

Then-Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin temporarily halted negotiations with the Palestinian Authority, headed by Yasser Arafat, following the kidnap-murder.

Esther Waxman, mother of the victim, recently wrote outgoing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to state she supported freeing Hamas terrorists in return for kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit. "After I saw what happened to Gilad Shalit, I was actually happy that my tragic story ended quickly."

Posted by: Fred || 03/29/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

#1  "the court has the option of seizing Iranian assets in the U.S. to cover the penalty"

Iran has assets in the U.S.?

(Other than Bambi, I mean....)
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 03/29/2009 0:20 Comments || Top||

#2  Bambi is not an asset, Mrs Skolaut. His economics gonna hurt the whole world---and that'll destroy the oil tics.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 03/29/2009 3:47 Comments || Top||

#3  He's sure as hell not a asset to us or to you all, grom, but I think the MM and Imadinnerjacket think he is to them. :-(
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 03/29/2009 10:10 Comments || Top||

#4  isn't Iran considered a terorist state? if so how do they have assets in the US legally?
Posted by: rabid whitetail || 03/29/2009 10:14 Comments || Top||

#5  Iranian assets, primarily financial, in the US were frozen during the embassy takeover in 79.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 03/29/2009 10:22 Comments || Top||

#6  We can wage lawfare as well as they... and our lawyers are smarter.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/29/2009 13:59 Comments || Top||

Israeli Court: PA Terrorist Must Pay $15 Million for Murders in Samaria
(IsraelNN.com) An Israeli court has ordered a Palestinian Authority terrorist to pay NIS 60 million ($15 million) to the surviving relatives of terror victims Rachel Shabu and three of her children who were killed in an attack in the community of Itamar in Samaria in 2002.

The ruling follows several other court decisions in the United States and Israel the past year, amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars and shekels in damages against the PA, Hamas and Iran.

Jerusalem District Court Judge Rafi Carmel ruled that the Itamar attack, organized by Kamil Sayid Hassan Khanish, is one of many that "bring about tragic results that justify compensation."

Khanish, who was head of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in Samaria, was sentenced in 2005 to nine terms of life imprisonment for several attacks. He was also convicted for organizing a suicide bombing attack in Netanya in May 2002, which left three Israelis dead and 59 others wounded.

One month after the Netanya bombing, he arranged the attack in Itamar, where an armed terrorist burst into the Shabu family home and opened fire in all directions, killing the mother and three of her children: 15-year-old Neria, 12-year-old Tzvi and five-year-old Avishai. Two other children were wounded. A community first response team member also was killed by the terrorist.

The family sued Khanish and Mohammed Dahlan, senior aide to former Palestinian Authority leader Yasser Arafat and currently a senior aide to PA Chairman and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas. Both men were responsible for ordering hundreds of terrorist attacks throughout Israel.

Khanish also was responsible for the 2002 suicide bombing at the Eshel Hotel in Ariel, in Samaria, where 10 people were wounded, and two attacks on IDF posts. Two soldiers were killed in 2003 at an IDF outpost in Samaria, and two more were murdered in an infiltration at a Golani training base two months later.

Khanish was arrested in 2003 during a counterterrorist action in Shechem, located near Itamar.
Posted by: Fred || 03/29/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: PFLP

#1  They thought they've a monopoly on lawfare?
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 03/29/2009 3:49 Comments || Top||

#2  Failure to pay should result in the confiscation of what the Palestinians hold most dear - territory. They should lose 40 hectares (about a hundred acres) for each million dollars. Pretty soon Israel will own all of the West Bank and Gaza, legally. Evict the "squatters", and secure the borders.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 03/29/2009 12:57 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
27 dead in Philippines clashes
TWENTY Muslim separatists and seven soldiers have been killed in fighting in the southern Philippines during a visit to the region by President Gloria Arroyo, a military spokesman said.

About 60 Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) rebels attacked a security patrol Thursday near the town of Mamasapano on the island of Mindanao, about 10 kilometres (six miles) from the provincial capital where Mrs Arroyo was scheduled to visit, said Lieutenant-Colonel Jonathan Ponce.

Mrs Arroyo went ahead with her visit on Friday, as clashes escalated and 20 MILF fighters were killed, he added. Seven soldiers were also killed the same day. Mrs Arroyo was aware of the ongoing fighting nearby during her visit to Maguindanao province, said a provincial official who was part of the welcoming party.

'The president appeared unmindful of her security, anyway the fighting was far away,' the official added.

MILF spokesman Eid Kabalu confirmed the clashes but alleged the military started it when they attacked a community where some of the rebels' families lived. He made no casualty reports.

The military said the attacks were led by Ameril Umbrakato, a hardline MILF leader who is one of the country's most wanted men following a series of deadly attacks on Christian communities in the Mindanao region last year that claimed dozens of lives and displaced about 600,000 people.

Last year's fighting was triggered by a Supreme Court ruling that outlawed a draft peace agreement being offered by Arroyo to end four decades of insurgency in the homeland of the mainly Roman Catholic nation's large Muslim minority.

The accord would have granted the Muslims control over large areas of the south, a region where the Muslims are now outnumbered by Christian settlers.

Colonel Marlou Salazar, commander of an army brigade involved in the fighting, told reporters the rebels continued lobbing mortar shells onto army positions on Friday night and Saturday morning.

Meanwhile the army pursued the rebels who split into smaller groups and fled towards a marshy area, Mr Ponce said.
Posted by: Fred || 03/29/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Moro Islamic Liberation Front

Sri Lanka
26 rebels killed in Sri Lankan conflict
(Xinhua) -- At least 26 Tamil Tiger rebels were killed and over 30 injured in separate fighting with the government troops in the rebels' shrinking territory in the northern Mullaittivu district of Sri Lanka on Friday, the military said on Saturday.

The Ministry of Defense said in a statement that the troops neutralized the attempts of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) to attack the military forward defenses North of Iranapalai and East of Puthukudiyirippu on Friday.

The statement said sporadic fighting and small scale door-to-door operations were continuing in the area targeting LTTE pockets and resistance positions.

It also said the LTTE are continuing shelling artillery barrages and mortar from the government declared no fire zone, which has also increased the number of injuries among those civilians fleeing from LTTE held area.

The statement said the rebels' casualties were caused by the troops 53, 57 and 58 divisions in Mullaittivu, without mentioning whether any government soldier was killed or injured in the fighting.

The military say the LTTE are now cornered in an area of just 21 sq km including 20 sq km safe zone declared by the government in Mullaittivu after the military recorded unprecedented success in the current military campaign started in 2006.
Posted by: Fred || 03/29/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Aren't we getting close to the point where Tiger troops strip down to their undies and try to act like they were really just civilians the whole time?
Posted by: Abu Uluque || 03/29/2009 14:57 Comments || Top||

#2  Yup AU. When you consider that 20 of 21 sq km is the so-called safe zone. I suspect the plan will be that no one leaves that "safe zone" without a strip search and ID (photo, prints, eye scan, dna).
Posted by: tipover || 03/29/2009 21:45 Comments || Top||

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