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30 al-Qaeda, Ansar al-Islam captured at Baladruz
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10 00:00 Bomb-a-rama [11]
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11 00:00 Carl in N.H. [14]
12 00:00 Robert Crawford [14]
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22 00:00 Deacon Blues [11]
7 00:00 Deacon Blues [5]
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4 00:00 Desert Blondie [13]
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3 00:00 Anonymoose [12]
4 00:00 liberalhawk [14]
13 00:00 Matt [12]
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10 00:00 True German Ally [21]
7 00:00 badanov [11]
7 00:00 Shipman [13]
5 00:00 Peppah [21]
1 00:00 Desert Blondie [22]
13 00:00 True German Ally [10]
10 00:00 Glitle Craviter4997 [17]
8 00:00 BigEd [11]
5 00:00 Angie Schultz [11]
Page 4: Opinion
30 00:00 True German Ally [17]
3 00:00 Matt [12]
New toy...
I've added Syndicated News in the right hand links box. This has links to a dozen news sites that supply RSS feeds, each with about a dozen headlines. These link to the original article.

Sorry. No AFP.
Posted by: Fred || 03/22/2005 12:46:43 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  first Google, then Fred. Where oh where will I get my anti-American spin...oh, wait, there's always the Beeb. And DNC press releases....
Posted by: Frank G || 03/22/2005 13:56 Comments || Top||

#2  Bon!
Posted by: .AFP || 03/22/2005 16:18 Comments || Top||

#3  Where's Weekly World News?
Posted by: tu3031 || 03/22/2005 18:51 Comments || Top||

#4  Where's Weekly World News?

I'm sure we can find a substitute, like maybe CBS.

OTOH, that's unfair to WWN.
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 03/22/2005 21:17 Comments || Top||

Omani Sentenced to Life Term
The Criminal Court in Muscat has sentenced an Omani man to life imprisonment for trying to kill two Britons, the Royal Oman Police (ROP) said in a statement. Mohammed ibn Ahmed Al-Harthy was also ordered to pay compensation to the victims — 10,000 rials to Peter James Black and 8,000 rials to to A. Timothy. "The court also ordered confiscation of the weapons used in the two cases," said the statement, adding: "The ROP made investigations following reports of the two separate incidents of shooting in the Muscat Governorate. The suspect confessed to his crime during interrogation," the statement said.
Posted by: Fred || 03/22/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Yemen Jails Six Al-Qaeda Suspects
A Yemeni court sentenced six Yemeni Al-Qaeda suspects to two years in jail yesterday for forging travel documents to try to join militants fighting US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. Five other Yemenis arrested in the same case were acquitted. All 11 men were acquitted of another charge of setting up an armed group to carry out attacks in Yemen. "Allahu fubar! God is Greatest," the men shouted after the verdict was read in court.

They were among a group of 14 Al-Qaeda suspects detained for alleged links to militant attacks in Yemen. Three were released due to lack of evidence before the trial began in February. Lawyers said six of the defendants had been handed over to Yemen by Saudi Arabia. The men, aged between 24 and 35, had originally been charged with forming an armed group to carry out attacks in Yemen and abroad. Other charges included forging documents, possession of weapons and explosives. The court's presiding judge, Najeeb Al-Qadri, said there was no evidence to substantiate that the 11 men had plotted attacks either in Yemen or in other countries. Al-Qadri cleared five defendants of all charges and handed down two-year prison terms to each of the remaining six. Defense lawyers have argued that the case was based on "weak charges".

"The prosecution failed to provide evidence that our clients were involved in planning or carrying out any terror acts in Yemen or any other country," defense lawyer Muhammad Al-Ezzani told the court. "The whole case is based on weak and fabricated charges," he said. Prosecutors told the court the defendants had tried to join militants battling US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. All the men pleaded not guilty, saying that they were even not acquainted with each other. The 11 suspects were among a group of 26 men detained for Al-Qaeda links. Fifteen of those suspects were set free due to lack of evidence. Mohammad Al-Kazmi, Ahmad Al-Qardaei, Saddam Hussein Al-Hussami, Abdullah Al-Wadei, Faris Al-Barraq and Shafik Zaid were sentenced to two years in prison each. Faris Al-Nahdi, Abdul Raouf Nassib, Mansur Al-Bijani, Ibrahim Al-Maqri and Mohammad Hatem were acquitted.

The court later began the trial of another batch of suspects charged with plotting to attack Western targets in Sanaa. The prosecution has accused the eight, including a Swiss citizen of Iraqi origin, of plotting to attack the British and Italian embassies and the French cultural center in the Yemeni capital. The eight are Iraqi-born Swiss national Anwar Al-Jilani, 20; Khaled Al-Batati, 23; Salah Othman, 33; Omran Al-Faqih, 31; Abdurrahman Basira, 25, and Majed Mizan, 21, both former residents of Saudi Arabia; and Mohammad Abdulwahab Bakri, a 24-year-old Syrian, and his brother Ahmad, 22. Their trial was adjourned until March 28.
This article starring:
ABDUL RAUF NASIBal-Qaeda in Yemen
ABDULLAH AL WADEIal-Qaeda in Yemen
AHMED AL QARDAEIal-Qaeda in Yemen
ANWAR AL JILANIal-Qaeda in Yemen
FARIS AL BARRAQal-Qaeda in Yemen
FARIS AL NAHDIal-Qaeda in Yemen
IBRAHIM AL MAQRIal-Qaeda in Yemen
KHALED AL BATATIal-Qaeda in Yemen
MAJED MIZANal-Qaeda in Yemen
MANSUR AL BIJANIal-Qaeda in Yemen
MOHAMAD AL KAZMIal-Qaeda in Yemen
MOHAMAD HATEMal-Qaeda in Yemen
OMRAN AL FAQIHal-Qaeda in Yemen
SALAH OTHMANal-Qaeda in Yemen
SHAFIK ZAIDal-Qaeda in Yemen
The court's presiding judge, Najeeb Al-Qadri
defense lawyer Muhammad Al-Ezzani
Posted by: Fred || 03/22/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Yemen: Drop your guns
The ruling Party (GPC) caucus in the parliament voted with majority Saturday in favor of debating the firearms possession control draft law that has been crippled by the tribal figures for more than six years. The draft bill which the Speaker of the Parliament Sheikh Abdullah bin Hussien al-Ahmar has been rejecting was transferred to the Security and Defense committee to discuss and then forward the law for debate and voting. Ammended of this law allows police to confiscate any unlicensed firearms which are commonly carried and spread all over the country.

The last government failed to convince the Parliament in a six-year tenure to endorse the law to regulate arms possession. The bill necessitates the control of arms possession and if endorsed by the parliament, every Yemeni citizen possessing any sort of guns has to get it registered at the Ministry of Interior,else to just leave it at home. Al-Ahmar led a group of MPs from both the Islah party and the GPC rejecting the articles concerning the arms possession control while agreeing that arms carrying should be controlled. Other religious clerics like Shekh Abdulmajeed al-Zindani used to tell the people that they should be armed so that the government or political regimes cannot force non-Islamic laws into their lives. They have claimed that "armed people can defend their religion better than those without arms." Such preachers have encouraged flooding the country with weapons of different colors and hues.

Member of Parliament Sultan al-Barakani, head of GPC caucus in the parliament, said that putting the draft bill on the present agenda of the parliament is a good step towards debating and endorsing the bid. "This draft law provides the police with power to seize and confiscate the unlicensed firearms," al-Barakani said. He earlier said that there are some figures who rejected the draft law. The question of arms possession in Yemen has become a major headache for the government, which believes that there must be a law to regulate and control this issue, as arms have been a main source of violence and terrorism. The government feels it's part of its campaign against terror, as the country has been embroiled into the tumult of tribal revenge and other sorts of disputes, something, which boosted the zest for obtaining weapons for personal protection. It also feels that free-rein on guns is curbing its efforts to achieve security and stability, as well as development. Arms possession is no longer a sign of manhood and a part of the Yemeni culture as tribesmen used to think, but it has rather become a means to kidnapping, theft, and all sorts of crimes.
This article starring:
ABDULMAJID AL ZINDANILearned Elders of Islam
Abdullah bin Hussien al-Ahmar
Sultan al-Barakani
Posted by: Fred || 03/22/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Why shouldn't Yemen have a 2nd Amendment?
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 03/22/2005 8:17 Comments || Top||

#2  Yemen's problem is that the 2nd Amendment's the only one they've got.
Posted by: Fred || 03/22/2005 8:48 Comments || Top||

#3  All the more reason to hold on tight.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 03/22/2005 9:06 Comments || Top||

#4  "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun
registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead." – Adolf Hitler

"The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the subject peoples to
possess arms. So let's not have any talk about native militias." – Adolf Hitler

"All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must
command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party." – Mao Tse Tung

"All we ask for is registration, just like we do for cars." – Charles Shumer, D-Some Yankee State

"When we got organized as a country, [and] wrote a fairly radical Constitution, with a radical Bill of Rights, giving radical amounts of freedom to Americans, it was assumed that Americans who had that freedom would use it responsibly...When personal freedom is being abused, you have to move to limit it." – Alleged former President Bill Clinton

Yemeni tribesmen: stick to your guns. Governments always use these sorts of arguments to disarm their populations because, hey, it makes them easier to control.... or kill off when they become uppity. The Democrats in the United States have used almost exactly the same reasons for gun control as the GPC. for years now.... but their reasons are the ones I have listed above. The same ones the Fuhrer, Stalin, and Chairman Mao had. So, remember peasants, you are only truly free when you give up freedom. You are only truly safe when you give up safety. You are only secure then the govern... er, I mean The People, control all security.

Gun Control = People Control
Posted by: Secret Master || 03/22/2005 13:06 Comments || Top||

#5  Me: I'm with SM: A people with guns can better defend themselves from having sharia law imposed on them...

Shekh Abdulmajeed al-Zindani: "HEY WAITAMINNIT!!!!"
Posted by: Ptah || 03/22/2005 15:12 Comments || Top||

#6  "Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest." Mohandas Ghandi.
"What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms". Thomas Jefferson
"The Second Ammendment shall never be construed by Congress as to deprive law abiding citizens of their arms." Thomas Jefferson.
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun." The Dali Lama
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 03/22/2005 15:33 Comments || Top||

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Toe tag for Abu Muslim Umayev
Ringleader of an armed gang Abu-Muslim Umayev, 30, and his underling Sakhab Vakhayev, 25, were destroyed as a result of a special operation in the district center Achkhoi-Martan, Tass learnt on Monday at the press center of the regional headquarters on the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus. "The gunmen were blockaded at a private house and were destroyed, since they offered an armed resistance," the press service reported.

Federals found a great quantity of firearms and ammunition at the place of the clash as well as note-books with reports on terror acts, committed by the gang against civilians, a diskette with religious extremist recordings as well as blanks to make forged ID cards of law enforcers. Federal troops now conduct pinpoint check-ups in Achkhoi-Martan to expose members of the underground.
This article starring:
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/22/2005 12:21:19 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Gotta check KavKaz to see if they made the special Shaheeds list for the month.
Posted by: Tkat || 03/22/2005 12:51 Comments || Top||

Down Under
'Jihad Jack' unhappy with Al Qaeda methods, court told
A Melbourne court has been told a man accused of working for Al Qaeda did not agree with the terrorist group's methods. Thirty-one-year-old Joseph Terrence Thomas of Werribee, south-west of Melbourne, is facing three charges, including providing support to and receiving funds from the Al Qaeda terrorist network in 2001.

A committal hearing has begun with the Melbourne Magistrates Court hearing Thomas admitted he twice offered to work for Al Qaeda, including obtaining passports for members. The prosecutor told the court Thomas trained at a camp in Afghanistan in 2001 to help Al Qaeda fight the Northern Alliance. He also said Thomas trained to take part in a jihad and knew Al Qaeda's objective was to use force to make America change its ways.

The court also heard Thomas told Australian police that one man's terrorist was another man's freedom fighter and that he was willing to work for Osama Bin Laden in Australia, although he had said he did not agree with Al Qaeda's methods. The hearing is continuing behind closed doors for security reasons and is expected to take three days.
This article starring:
Posted by: God Save The World || 03/22/2005 3:07:25 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Thomas was to inform al-Qaeda
TERROR suspect 'Jihad Jack' Thomas trained with al-Qaeda in Afghanistan before September 11, 2001, and was asked to inform the terrorist network about military bases in Australia, a Melbourne court heard today.

Former taxi driver Joseph Terrence Thomas faced Melbourne Magistrates Court charged with a string of offences under Australia's recently introduced counter-terror laws.
The 31-year-old Muslim convert, who has not been required to enter a plea, has denied charges of receiving financial support from al-Qaeda, providing al-Qaeda with resources or support to carry out a terrorist attack, and having a false passport.

The diminutive and bearded father of two from Werribee sat in the courtroom on the first day of his committal hearing with his parents on either side of him.

The court heard that an al-Qaeda operative asked Thomas between November 2002 and January 2003 to return to Australia from Pakistan to do some work for the terror organisation's chief, Osama bin Laden.

Prosecutor Jeanette Morrish, QC, said Thomas was told "to look at military installations".

When asked why, Thomas replied: "Location. Where are they?" Ms Morrish said.

Thomas had also told police al-Qaeda's objectives were to "make America change its ways" through the use of force, Ms Morrish said.

When asked if al-Qaeda was a terrorist organisation, Thomas had replied: "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."

But Thomas had also said he did not agree with the organisation's methods, Ms Morrish said.

A recent hearing was told that Thomas made several admissions during an interview in March 2003 with Australian Federal Police in Pakistan while he was detained on suspicion of having terrorist connections.

The prosecution alleges Thomas had attended an al-Qaeda training camp at Al Farooq in Afghanistan before September 11, 2001, where he saw Osama bin Laden on a number of occasions.

He then travelled to Pakistan and stayed in several al-Qaeda safe houses where he overheard conversations regarding a plot to bring down a jet carrying a Pakistani president with a rocket launcher and discussed a plan to break a detainee out of US custody at Guantanamo Bay.

It is also alleged that an al-Qaeda associate gave Thomas $3,500 and an airline ticket for Australia and told him to go back to work when he returned to Australia, maintain a cover and then make contact in six to 12 months, the court heard.

His passport was altered to disguise the fact that he had been in Pakistan for an- extended period, it is alleged.

The hearing before Magistrate Lisa Hannan, which has been closed to the public for security reasons, is continuing.

Posted by: God Save The World || 03/22/2005 3:16:17 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Terrorism accused 'a young dreamer'
A Sydney man charged with planning a terrorist attack on a Commonwealth building was a "young dreamer" seeking media attention, his lawyer says. Zeky Mallah, 21, has pleaded not guilty to three terrorism-related charges. He is alleged to have been planning to kill officials from spy agency ASIO or the Department of Foreign Affairs during a suicide attack on a Sydney building. In his opening remarks to the NSW Supreme Court, Mallah's defence counsel, Phillip Boulten SC, said his client had never had any intention of hurting anyone, including himself. He described Mallah as a young man who gained a lot of media attention when he was refused a passport in 2002. Mr Boulten said the actions that the prosecution had claimed were preparations for a terrorist attack were simply Mallah's attempts to sustain his time in the media spotlight. The trial continues.
Posted by: God Save The World || 03/22/2005 3:08:59 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  ...and haven't we all been "young dreamers" at one time or another? Granted, we probably haven't dreamed of planning terrorist attacks, but to each his own I guess. Just a star struck kid...
Posted by: tu3031 || 03/22/2005 8:35 Comments || Top||

#2  Wot about us "old dreamers"...I still buy lotto tickets.
Posted by: Gleremp Glinetch9273 || 03/22/2005 9:16 Comments || Top||

#3  Anybody who thinks islam will prevail is dreaming. This is not a defense, it's a statement of fact.
Posted by: PlanetDan || 03/22/2005 11:06 Comments || Top||

#4  Woke up with JihadiWood™, did he?
Posted by: ZZ Top || 03/22/2005 11:34 Comments || Top||

#5  ima once had a bong or shoulder I say it once had me
Posted by: HalfEmpty || 03/22/2005 17:18 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Wan Min Wan Mat sprung
Malaysia has released from prison a man who allegedly financed the deadly Bali bombings in 2002, as well as five other suspects who trained with weapons and explosives in Afghanistan, officials said Tuesday. None of the six had ever been charged with a crime. All had been imprisoned under laws that allow for indefinite detention without trial. Wan Min Wan Mat, a former university lecturer who was detained in 2002, allegedly provided about US$30,500 to members of the Jemaah Islamiyah terror group to carry out the Bali bombings, which killed 202 people, mostly foreigners. Wan Min was released on Monday "after he had shown remorse over his past actions and militant-like views," a security official told The Associated Press on customary condition of anonymity. He did not elaborate. The official said several restrictions had been put on Wan Min's movements to enable police to monitor him.
"Is that a nail?"
"And... that's a hammer?"
"Where are my shoes?"
The five others, students aged between 18 and 21, were imprisoned in November 2003. They went to Pakistan for religious studies, but while there took a trip to Afghanistan and Kashmir, the official said. The five allegedly underwent weapons and explosives training in Afghanistan and Kashmir, and some allegedly met al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden before the U.S.-led Afghan war started in late 2001, Malaysia police have told AP. Authorities freed the students from a prison camp in northern Malaysia "after they responded well to government efforts to rehabilitate them," the official said.
"We don't stand for that sort of thing in Malaysia! You want to do that sort of thing, go to Thailand!"

This article starring:
WAN MIN WAN MATJemaah Islamiyah
Jemaah Islamiyah
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/22/2005 12:08:31 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Philippines catches a live one
Philippine security forces said on Tuesday they arrested an Indonesian suspected of being a bomb expert for regional Jemaah Islamiah (JI) militants who trained local Muslim rebels for a deadly attack in Manila last month.

News of the arrest on March 16 came as soldiers and police were on full alert with Filipinos in the mainly Roman Catholic country praying, shopping and travelling in their millions during this week's observance of Easter.

Police have warned of fresh plots to bomb Manila after Abu Sayyaf, a group linked to al Qaeda and JI, vowed revenge for comrades killed by security forces after a prison uprising.

The Indonesian, identified as Jeqi or Zaggi, was arrested on a bombing-related warrant at an army checkpoint in Datu Saudi Ampatuan town on the southern island of Mindanao, the army said.

"He is a big fish," military spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Buenaventura Pascual told Reuters. "He was responsible for training the people involved in the Makati attack."

Pascual said the suspect overheard mobile phone calls by Abu Sayyaf leaders Khaddafy Janjalani and Abu Solaiman ordering blasts in Manila's Makati business district and two southern cities on Feb. 14 that killed 13 people and wounded 150.

Security forces plan to present the Indonesian suspect to the media at about 2 p.m. (0600 GMT) on Tuesday.

Pascual said the suspect trained Abu Sayyaf members in explosives at a JI enclave inside a camp on Mindanao run by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), the largest Muslim rebel group with about 12,000 fighters.

The MILF, which is due to restart peace talks hosted by Malaysia, insists it has cut all ties with foreign militants and has shunned calls from Abu Sayyaf leaders to rejoin the war for an Islamic state in the southern Philippines.

But security analysts say connections between members of JI, Abu Sayyaf and the MILF can be very informal and personal. An Abu Sayyaf spokesman said in a statement last week the group would "bring the war to Manila" in response to an assault by police on a jail where suspected militants were holed up for a day after killing three guards.

Police killed 22 prisoners in the raid, including several suspected Abu Sayyaf commanders.

"This is a real threat," General Efren Abu, the military's chief of staff, said on Monday after police released sketches of suspected rebels sent to stage bombings in Manila over Easter. "This has been done in the past and we're taking it seriously."

The three deadly bombings in shopping malls and transport terminals in mid-February happened during a military offensive against Abu Sayyaf camps on the remote southwestern island of Jolo after the rebels ambushed an army convoy.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/22/2005 12:11:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Explosion rocks area north of Beirut (3 dead)
Posted by: tipper || 03/22/2005 21:04 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Followup--Three carrier groups NOT heading to Gulf (AFAIK)
Hat tip: Murdoc Online. In reference to this article I posted yesterday.
Update: As submitted by Betty J: "My son serves on the USS Theodore Roosevelt, and I know for a fact he is at home. Just thought I'd pass that along. I also read a similar article at Indiadaily.com - somebody didn't verify their info. "

Re: Three Carrier Groups En route To Middle East (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 16 2005 @ 13:51:32 PST
I agree with Betty J. I talked to my son on Monday as he was walking down the afterbrow of the TR.
Who to believe? None of the articles have hard, verifiable sources...
Posted by: Dar || 03/22/2005 10:46:37 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Here's the official word:

Posted by: Anonymoose || 03/22/2005 10:51 Comments || Top||

#2  That site doesn't say anything about what time they are launching the strikes on Damascus and Tehran.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 03/22/2005 10:55 Comments || Top||

#3  Even if they were heading in that direction, what the heck would it mean? This is just an Indian journo getting all worked up about nothing. Remember the windup to Operation Iraqi Freedom - six months of patient maneuvering through the UN for various resolutions before anything materialized. Any action against Iran is going to follow the same pattern. The carriers aren't really needed for a bombing operation against Iran. I expect any bombing operation to involve air superiority fighters to keep the Iranian Air Force out of the picture, and that means F-15's, which aren't part of naval aviation.
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 03/22/2005 10:59 Comments || Top||

#4  we should step up the lies and threats - winding MM and Assad panties in a bunch waiting for the clubbing to begin. You know they'll crack down, causing internal dissension
Posted by: Frank G || 03/22/2005 11:13 Comments || Top||

#5  we should step up the lies..

Can't do that. Some people think that would be stepping over the line in defense of our way of life.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 03/22/2005 12:20 Comments || Top||

#6  FG: we should step up the lies and threats - winding MM and Assad panties in a bunch waiting for the clubbing to begin. You know they'll crack down, causing internal dissension

The threat of foreign attack tends to be unifying. Foreigners and foreign countries tend to be much more nationalistic and parochial than Americans. After 9/11 happened, American liberals saw it as something Uncle Sam deserved for his trangressions. If this kind of attack happened to some other country (outside of Europe), and a group of people blamed that country for the attacks, that group would be denounced as traitors and either physically assaulted or even killed (if they weren't imprisoned by the government for sedition).

The threat of military attack and humiliation may get the Iranian leaders to back down on nukes. But it won't cause dissension in the country. The Iranian government is being entirely rational - once it gets nukes, it is home free with respect to the threat of American invasion. In their place, I'd do the exact same thing. This is why we need to stop pussyfooting around and launch a 10,000-JDAM attack that pretty much flattens every potential nuclear installation in Iran.
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 03/22/2005 12:39 Comments || Top||

#7  American liberals saw it as something Uncle Sam deserved for his trangressions

If you think of Noam Chomsky and Susan Sontag as "liberals" In fact only RADICALS blamed US transgressions - liberals were too busy trying to federalize airport security, G-d bless 'em.
Posted by: liberalhawk || 03/22/2005 12:53 Comments || Top||

#8  ZF - external threats against a hated regime do not necessarily incite nationalism. Broadcasts to the Iranian people invoking images of Iraqis voting, and American troops doing peacekeeping duties will help the image war. Fight externally and internally and allow the Iranian people to string up the turbans with our remote assistance - pledge outright: no invasion, no occupation, except in self-defense of our troops (think hot pursuit)
Posted by: Frank G || 03/22/2005 14:40 Comments || Top||

#9  In fact only RADICALS blamed US transgressions

Lotsa "RADICALS" in the Democrat party, then.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 03/22/2005 14:47 Comments || Top||

#10  Yup, too many. The intellectual leaders like Chomsky wont touch the Dem Party, and vote Green or further left, but lots of the radical masses get caught up in the MSM arguments and vote Dem anyway. The DU types. Plus we got the oddballs like McKinney. They still aint liberals though.
Posted by: liberalhawk || 03/22/2005 14:52 Comments || Top||

#11  If chomsky and Mckinney are liberals, then Kennedy and Pelosi are MODERATEs, Hillary and Bill are moderate conservatives, and Joe Lieberman is plain vanilla conservative. McCain, hes practically a far rightist, by those standards.
Posted by: liberalhawk || 03/22/2005 14:55 Comments || Top||

#12  liberals were too busy trying to federalize airport security, G-d bless 'em.

And we've seen how well that's gone, haven't we?
Posted by: Pappy || 03/22/2005 15:46 Comments || Top||

#13  liberals were too busy trying to federalize airport security, G-d bless 'em. And we've seen how well that's gone, haven't we?

whatever - point is, the rads were the ones who thought it was wrong to HAVE airport security, since that would stop the aggrieved third worlders from engaging in "acts of resistance". Not the libs.
Posted by: liberalhawk || 03/22/2005 16:11 Comments || Top||

#14  "...then Kennedy and Pelosi are MODERATEs, Hillary and Bill are moderate conservatives, and Joe Lieberman is plain vanilla conservative."

And the NYT is a middle-of-the-road paper. (Dan Rather said so.)

And there are lots of people who actually believe that, too. I used to work with one.
Posted by: Jackal || 03/22/2005 16:31 Comments || Top||

#15  FG: ZF - external threats against a hated regime do not necessarily incite nationalism.

If the regime were truly hated, hundreds of thousands of people would be out in the streets and troops would be joining in a revolution, just as they did in toppling the Shah. Nothing like that is happening - indications are that *some* Iranians are dissatisfied with their lot - a sentiment that is amplified by some conservatives who like to think that inside every foreigner, there is an American struggling to get out. The truth is that they really are different - and these differences have nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with accumulated cultural traditions piled up over millennia. This is why your average Iraqi was blase about dead Americans being mutilated but quite emotionally-involved about the possibility that the Abu Ghraib hazings occurred. Their view is that anything their people do to us is justified, whereas our tiniest misstep with respect to them is cause for them to hate us for eternity. That is what I mean by parochialism - different standards for us and them - because (they feel) they are superior beings and can demand more of infidel scum.
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 03/22/2005 17:13 Comments || Top||

#16  ZF: Any action against Iran is going to follow the same pattern. [through the UN]

I seriously doubt that. For one thing, the Euros will not allow another Iraq-style resolution calling for "serious consequences". That's how they got themselves into the UNSC mess in the first place. Secondly, the U.S. will not go through the same bullshit again. Lessons were learned.
Posted by: Elmoting Granter5118 || 03/22/2005 17:21 Comments || Top||

#17  To continue...what will happen, is that the Israelis will come to a point where they will have to act, and the U.S. will step in to assist. At least, I hope they will assist.
Posted by: Elmoting Granter5118 || 03/22/2005 17:24 Comments || Top||

#18  We already have a big carrier in the ME - it's called "Iraq"...

Any mention - anywhere - of the three airbases in western Iraq since the reports of their capture at the start of the war?
Posted by: mojo || 03/22/2005 17:40 Comments || Top||

#19  EG5118: Secondly, the U.S. will not go through the same bullshit again. Lessons were learned.

I think a big part of the reason for going to the UN was to mollify the European countries sufficiently that we would have continued access to our European assets during Operation Iraqi Freedom. If we want to retain that access, we'll have to go to the UN again. Any European denial of access could lead to the fracturing of NATO. The question is whether we want to go there. My take is that we're not ready, psychologically or militarily, to take that step. (Militarily because our forces are configured so that they move out of Europe for any major operations - the alternative would be to base them in North America).
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 03/22/2005 17:47 Comments || Top||

#20  ZF - I'll respectfully (hopefully?) disagree with you about the Iranian pop's readiness for overthrow. Given that it is in question, however, Rumsfeld et al would be wise to have contingency plans should the Iranian street not arise ;-)
Posted by: Frank G || 03/22/2005 17:58 Comments || Top||

#21  To continue...what will happen, is that the Israelis will come to a point where they will have to act, and the U.S. will step in to assist.

Almost pointless. I seriously doubt we can indefinitely prevent the acquisition of nuclear weapons by any state with the requisite knowledge, will, & money to pursue them. We can slow the MMs down a bit but actually stopping fanatical Islamist regimes from eventually acquiring nuclear weapons would take not only regular destruction of infrastructure but an eternal campaign to hunt down and assaninate thousands upon thousands of scientists and engineers who will routinely advance the ability of Islamist states in the relevant areas of science & technology.
Posted by: AzCat || 03/22/2005 19:50 Comments || Top||

#22  When did the Jooooos blast the Iraqi reactor? Like, 20 years ago? And in 2003, Saddam still didn't have a bomb? Or have we just been lucky, so far?
Posted by: Bobby || 03/22/2005 22:13 Comments || Top||

#23  Bobby: When did the Jooooos blast the Iraqi reactor? Like, 20 years ago? And in 2003, Saddam still didn't have a bomb? Or have we just been lucky, so far?

The Iran-Iraq War was kind of like Hitler fighting Stalin. It was great - kept both countries down both during and after the war because it was so costly in terms of lives and money. It was also why both countries' nuclear programs proceeded so gradually - the money just wasn't there.
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 03/22/2005 22:29 Comments || Top||

#24  Reportedly Iran has something Saddam didn't have access to: step-by-step instructions & detailed information obtained from AQ Kahn that are nearly the equivalent of a turnkey nuclear weapons program. That *greatly* reduces the required overhead, experimentation, and in turn infrastructure by guaranteeing success if one can but follow the directions. It's the propagation of this *information* we must stop in order to halt Islamist nuclear ambitions but that's an impossible task.

A regional power like Iran could machine centrifuge parts in Indonesia, operate an enrichment program in North Africa, secure required high-tech components from China, train personnell throughout the Muslim world, and only at the last minute return the necessary materials to assemble the weapon(s) to locations within their own borders. If I were the MMs I'd have such a secondary nuclear program subcontracted throughout the Muslim world as a backstop to my own internal program. We or the Israelis might strike Iran's program but it's unlikely we'd strike all of the tentacles of a decentralized effort.
Posted by: AzCat || 03/22/2005 23:10 Comments || Top||

MEK members going home
Clutching flowers, chewing fingernails, and nervously holding their faces in their hands, 31 Iranian families awaited a reunion they thought would never come. They were reuniting with sons who had joined anti-Iran militants, officially tagged "terrorists" by both the US and Iran.

The journey of one of those sons, Hamid Khalkali, is typical: He went to Turkey five years ago for work, but ended up at a military training camp in Saddam Hussein's Iraq. He was recruited by the Mujahideen-e Khalq, the "People's Holy Warriors," or MKO, Iran's largest opposition group, which aims to overthrow the government. It was supported for two decades by Mr. Hussein.

But now Mr. Khalkali is being officially welcomed home. He's one of more than 250 former combatants who have returned home since December - among the first to test Iran's offer of amnesty. Even as hawks in Washington debate tapping the group to help engineer regime change in Iran, a growing disillusionment within the MKO, coupled with a new Shiite- dominated government in Iraq that has little sympathy for it, has thinned the ranks of this once-feared militant group.

Hamid's mother, Mahin Amouie, thought her son was dead. But her grief turned to cautious joy last week when the telephone rang. Giving little information, the caller said: "We want to give you good news - come and get your son."

Until Ms. Amouie arrived at a small amphitheater in Tehran, bearing flowers and talking to other disbelieving families, she says she had no idea that Hamid had joined the MKO. Climbing onto the stage when her name was called, her emotional dam burst when Hamid strode into view. Tears streaming, Amouie collapsed into her son's arms, a scene repeated again and again.

"Oh Lord, I sacrifice myself for you!" Amouie sobbed to Hamid, crushing the armful of flowers as she wrapped herself tight around his neck. "Where have you been? Where have you been?"

While some hawks in Washington wanting to enlist their services, the MKO is designated a "terrorist" group by the US State Department, with some 3,500 members still in Iraq. Hussein used the group as footsoldiers in his war against Iran in the 1980s and later to help put down antiregime uprisings in Iraq. Quoting US government sources, Newsweek last month reported that the Bush administration is "seeking to cull useful [MKO] members as operatives for use against Tehran," to be trained as spies and sent back to Iran to gather intelligence. Currently, remaining members are under what the US calls "protective custody" at Camp Ashraf, north of Baghdad.

Some 232 crossed from Iraq in two groups earlier this month, under the auspices of the International Committee of the Red Cross. "For us, it's a humanitarian file. We do it for the families," says Loukas Petridis, a Red Cross spokesman in Tehran. "The message the Iranian authorities want to pass to Camp Ashraf is that more than 250 people have come back, and are free - and so far, that is how it has been." The Red Cross first received guarantees of safe treatment from Iran before agreeing to help.

With Marxist roots, Mao-style political indoctrination, and self-criticism sessions that prompt former members to brand the MKO a cult, the group's history includes killing several Americans in the 1970s, supporting the 1979 Islamic Revolution, and seizing of the US Embassy. Losing out in the post-revolution power struggle, the MKO turned against the regime and launched a string of bomb attacks that killed hundreds in the early 1980s. Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, survived an MKO attack in 1981 that paralyzed one arm.

For years the MKO leadership has warned members that they faced certain death or imprisonment if they returned to Iran. In its 2005 annual report, New York-based Human Rights Watch said that, despite specific new directives in Iran to stop such practices in 2004, "torture and ill-treatment ... are used routinely to punish [internal] dissidents."

Reporting from inside Camp Ashraf last weekend, The Los Angeles Times said the MKO dismisses the defectors as "quitters," and that those remaining "show no interest" in going back.

Most of those now repatriating to Iran have been with the MKO just a few years, and say they were "deceived" with promises of cash and a job when recruited in Turkey.

"It is 100 percent stress, but after four years I want to see my family," says Binyamin Espandani, a young former militant as he waits to join his family. "I went there for an objective - I wanted my country to stay independent.... But after the US came, the mujahideen were asking Americans for help to topple the government of my country."

A semiofficial agency that helps former militants reintegrate addressed the waiting families. "Maybe you expect your sons to [be unchanged from] five years ago, but it won't be the same - some were told [by the MKO] to cut themselves off from you," said Shahin Rabiee, of Anjoman Nejat, or "Rescue Association."

But there were warnings, too, for families that signed a form stating that they received their son "safe and sound," and were now "responsible for him."

"They are not completely innocent. They could have escaped [from Iraq] easily during the American attack; they had weapons in their hands," psychologist Dr. Sami Ani told them. "So we have to accept that your children were doing something against the security of the country. But they are forgiven.... They ... were brainwashed."

The happiness of homecoming set aside all other concerns. Former militant Hamid Sahapour held his mother's hand and stroked her face while his brother Davoud tearfully leaned on him from the right. "I can't express my joy - there are no words," says Mr. Sahapour. "Before the Americans came, if I said I wanted to leave, they would have sent 20 people to beat me."

This time Hamid's mother, Delaram Vatanha, vows never to let him out of her grasp: "I will not let him go again."
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/22/2005 12:31:04 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Lebanon's opposition says Syria behind car bomb
Lebanon's political opposition accused Syria of the car bomb blast which rocked the eastern suburbs of Beirut in the early hours of Saturday morning. The explosion, which wounded 11 people and took place in the Christian area of New Jdeide, has been followed by the discovery of a series of fake bombs and has revived fears of widespread sectarian violence re-emerging in Lebanon. Commenting on the blast, opposition leader Walid Jumblatt warned that there would be more attacks and political assassinations if the heads of the intelligence services and President Emile Lahoud, are not sacked. He added: "We warn Syria not to let these midgets carry out security actions in the country."

Opposition Christian MP Ayman Choucair added: "There is only one party responsible, the intelligence services." Following the explosion, Lahoud's office announced he would not attend the two-day Arab summit starting Tuesday in Algiers because of what it called "the exceptional circumstances in the country." The blast has led to concerns among many Lebanese that pro-Syrian elements are resorting to violence in order to provide a need for a continued presence by Syrian forces. Christian opposition member Pierre Gemayel, who visited the blast site, said: "This has been the message to the Lebanese people for a while to sow fear and terror among Lebanese citizens if there is a Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon, look what Lebanon will face."
Posted by: Fred || 03/22/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

Shoppers 3, Terrorists 0

Baghdad Residents Kill Three Militants

58 minutes ago Middle East - AP

By TRACI CARL, Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Shopkeepers and residents on one of Baghdad's main streets pulled out their own guns Tuesday and killed three insurgents when hooded men began shooting at passers-by, giving a rare victory to civilians increasingly frustrated by the violence bleeding Iraq (news - web sites).

The clash in the capital's southern Doura neighborhood erupted when militants in three cars sprayed bullets at shoppers. Three people — a man, a woman and a child — were wounded.

The motive was unclear, but there have been previous attacks in the ethnically mixed neighborhood. With no evidence at all, this off-hand comment suggests that the lefty catch-all "ethnic tension" may be responsible and that Iraqis may not be fed up with insurgent vermin after all. To MSM droids the world is a movie and terrorists, like other criminals, have the James Dean role. Earlier in the day, gunmen in the same quarter killed a policeman as he drove to work, police Lt. Col. Hafidh Al-Ghrayri said.

A forceful citizen response is rare, but not unheard of in a country where conflict has become commonplace and the law allows each home to have a weapon. Early this month, police said townsmen in Wihda, 25 miles south of Baghdad, attacked a group of militants believed planning to raid the town and killed seven.

Tuesday's gunbattle came as seven-member U.S. congressional delegation paid a one-day visit to Baghdad, and the man expected to serve as the next prime minister, Shiite politician Ibrahim al-Jaafari, reportedly told the group he is in no hurry for U.S. troops to leave Iraq.

Sen. Barbara Boxer (news, bio, voting record), a Democrat from California who strongly opposed the war, said al-Jaafari didn't seem as "upbeat as our people, who seem to be very excited about the quality of the Iraqi police force."

Don't tell Box-o-rocks about the dead terrorists, she'll make a speech labeling them as "children" and deploring their deaths at the hands of gun-crazed shopper-vigilantes.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 03/22/2005 5:54:43 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Fundamentally, Democracy is about the power of The People. This is a rather direct expression of what that really means.

This bodes rather ill for the Jihadis.
Posted by: Dishman || 03/22/2005 19:26 Comments || Top||

#2  It bodes equally well for Iraq and has been long in coming. Faster please.
Posted by: AzCat || 03/22/2005 19:51 Comments || Top||

#3  Wonder how many drive-bys happened in old California while Ms. Boxer was wasting everyone's time visiting?
These may have been insurgents. These may also have been the local version of the Bloods and Crips. The insurgency has lost so much energy [and attention] that the ability to separate the two may be upon us.
Posted by: Hupising Cliting6229 || 03/22/2005 21:17 Comments || Top||

30 al-Qaeda, Ansar al-Islam captured at Baladruz
IRAQI police have seized 30 men linked to terror groups and involved in three beheadings, the rape and murder of three women, and the separate murders of 40 other people, General Adel Molan said today. Some of the men belonged to al-Qaeda and some to its sister group Ansar al-Islam and were caught in Baladruz, 60km north-east of Baghdad, the general said. He said police had divided the detainees into three groups: the first was wanted for beheading three people; and the second for the separate murders of 40 people, including some Diyala provincial council members and Iraqi security forces. The third group raped and then murdered three women, Gen Molan said.

On the other side of the Iraqi divide, army General Mohsen Hazaa Bayram al-Bayati, a Turkman who was seriously wounded on Sunday in the northern city of Kirkuk, died of his wounds today, medical sources said. "He died of his wounds around 11am (7pm AEDT). They had cut out his kidney and he suffered complications in his digestive tract," said Khaled Abdel Wahad, a doctor at Kirkuk general hospital. The general was shot as he entered his home in the second such attack in less than a week. A Christian general working at the interior ministry was shot dead on March 16 in Kirkuk.

In more violence, an Iraqi truck driver died in a bomb blast near the town of Shurgat in Saddam Hussein's home province of Salahaddin, said police Lieutenant Colonel Fares Mehdi. The driver, Mohamed Sadun Zaidun, was in a convoy guarded by US and Iraqi forces, Lt Col Mehdi added. The corpses of five Iraqi soldiers were found in Kut, south-east of Baghdad, a defence ministry source said. In another attack today, Husam Hussein, the driver of an interior ministry official, was gunned down in the southern district of Doura as he went to work, security sources said.
This article starring:
General Adel Molan
General Mohsen Hazaa Bayram al-Bayati
Husam Hussein
Lieutenant Colonel Fares Mehdi
Mohamed Sadun Zaidun
Ansar al-Islam
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/22/2005 3:08:53 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Wow, the Iraqis seem to be really stepping up to their duties recently.
Posted by: Damn_Proud_American || 03/22/2005 15:51 Comments || Top||

#2  There's more: In the latest indication of the Wild West atmosphere still predominent in large swathes of central Iraq, a full-scale shootout erupted on Tuesday in Baghdad's Dura district.
Shopkeepers in the neighbourhood grabbed their guns and returned fire on three cars from which gunmen were spraying their premises with bullets, defense and interior ministry officials said. Police and Iraqi national guard joined the melee, the sources said. Three gunmen were killed and another three arrested, along with six civilians injured, in the sudden clash near the Shiite Sadr mosque, they added.
Posted by: Steve || 03/22/2005 16:23 Comments || Top||

#3  Awesome.
Posted by: badanov || 03/22/2005 16:31 Comments || Top||

#4  three different groups of disgusting criminal terrorists - sounds like 'sharpened sticks' time in a death cage™ match. The winning group gets life in prison at hard labor. The losers get...well...what they deserved
Posted by: Frank G || 03/22/2005 17:05 Comments || Top||

Tribesmen Change Course
March 22, 2005: Al Qaeda and other Sunni Arab terrorists aren't the only ones out there killing people. Two Shia Arab tribes in southern Iraq, the al Halah and the Garamsha, have been skirmishing recently. The fighting has been going on for the past month, and is pretty low level stuff. A few shots here, a few shots there. The tribes were not able to have their traditional private wars when Saddam was in power. Well, at least not unless it suited Saddam's purposes. But dozens of tribes have long standing feuds with each other, and the post-Saddam press freedom has allowed many Iraqis to say impolitic things about tribal grudges. These comments on radio, or in newspapers, have often escalated, and before you know it, carloads of young men, armed with AK-47s, pistols, RPGs and grenades, are driving off to settle matters.

Tribal warfare, even with the introduction of automatic weapons, tends to involve much more noise than blood. The object of these tribal wars is usually to make a big display of power, and hope that one side will realize they are out-matched, and back down. The tribal antagonisms have been growing over the last two years, and gotten deadlier. Some of the tribesmen have obtained military training, as part of their work guarding oil facilities and other important installations, or by joining the army or police. The tribesmen have also learned how to move about, heavily armed, without arousing the suspicion of the British, or other coalition troops, that work in the south. The new Iraqi government has treated the tribes with respect, since many tribal chiefs can get their people to vote as a block. And then there's all those armed young men in each tribe. The tribes are not eager for all out civil war. Even the angry young men know that another round of violence will benefit no one. Most Iraqis are beginning to realize that it's other Iraqis who are responsible for all the violence, not the coalition troops. But tribal justice has long been the only kind most people could depend on. The new justice system has been slow to establish itself, although the police are making progress in replacing tribal gunmen as peacekeepers.

The tribes are also kept in check by the obvious combat superiority of the coalition troops, and the growing competence of the Iraqi troops and police. The government has made a point of sending camera crews along on raids conducted by the army or police. Most Iraqis now regularly see Iraqi police conducting raids and arresting gangsters and terrorists responsible for kidnappings, robberies and suicide bombings. It's taken for granted that the American troops are near-invincible. Another example of that occurred on the 20th, when about Sunni Arabs staged an unusually large attack on passing U.S. Army vehicles. Nearly fifty men opened up with assault rifles, RPGs and machine-guns. But within minutes, 26 of the attackers were dead, and seven captured (all but one of those wounded). In a nearby village, that the gang had been using as a hideout, a stockpile of four dozen hand grenades, six rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) launchers, 16 RPG rockets, 13 machine-guns, 22 AK-47 assault rifles, and nearly 3,000 rounds of ammo for the AK-47s and machine-guns. The American troops they attacked were better trained, and backed by a quick-reaction force that was soon on the scene to help. The Iraqis didn't have much of a chance, and many Iraqis in the area saw the demonstration.

The tribes are a fact of life in Iraq, but the tribes have always been practical, at least the ones that still survive. Fewer tribes are interested in supporting a Sunni Arab effort to regain control of the country, and more want to make a deal with the new government. Those deals basically mean tribesmen are shooting at government forces less, and at each other, criminals and terrorists, more.
Posted by: Steve || 03/22/2005 10:43:23 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

Those deals basically mean tribesmen are shooting at government forces less, and at each other, criminals and terrorists, more.
Works for me.
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 03/22/2005 11:28 Comments || Top||

Iraqi coppers snuff 17 hard boyz in Mosul
Militants in the northern city of Mosul targeted a U.S. patrol with a roadside bomb Tuesday that killed four civilians, and Baghdad shopkeepers and residents traded gunfire with masked insurgents, killing three of them along a main thoroughfare. Gunbattles erupted in the streets of the southern Baghdad neighborhood of Doura, where militants wearing black hoods and riding in three cars opened fire on people shopping on a main street. Shopkeepers and residents returned fire, killing three assailants. A man, woman and child were injured and taken to a hospital. Dr. Iyad Yass of al-Yarmouk hospital said four victims were admitted to the hospital with gunshot wounds. "Two of them are risky. One of them was admitted to the operative theatre," he said. Earlier, gunmen in the same quarter killed a policeman as he drove to work, said police Lt. Col. Hafidh Al-Ghrayri.
Sounds like the Great Northfield, Minnesota, Raid...
In the south, officials found the corpses of six Iraqi soldiers, their hands bound and their bodies riddled with bullets. The U.S. patrol was hit by a homemade bomb in a northwestern neighborhood of Mosul, damaging a Humvee as it crossed a bridge, hospital officials said, citing witnesses. Four civilians in a car near the blast were killed, the officials said. It was unclear whether any American troops were hurt, and U.S. military officials were not immediately available for comment.
Posted by: liberalhawk || 03/22/2005 10:30 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "Late Monday, attackers in Mosul, 225 miles northwest of Baghdad, ambushed a convoy carrying security forces officials, including top police chief Brig. Gen. Abu Al-Waled, sparking a gunbattle in front of a main mosque. Police killed 17 militants and captured 14, said Col. Wathiq Ali, deputy police commander.

Ali said no security forces were injured in the clash, which saw guerillas carrying mortar launchers, rocket-propelled grenades and Kalashnikov rifles. "

Posted by: liberalhawk || 03/22/2005 10:32 Comments || Top||

#2  B-team needs work, Z-man

Posted by: Frank G || 03/22/2005 10:51 Comments || Top||

#3  These guys really aren't that hot with pattern recognition, huh? Losing almost a company of men in two days with nothing to show for it is not what I would call effective tactics.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 03/22/2005 10:56 Comments || Top||

#4  "tactics? tactics? We don't need no steenking tactics! Allah will protect us!"

perhaps a couple tic-tacs though.....
Posted by: Frank G || 03/22/2005 11:14 Comments || Top||

#5  I maintain that this is evidence the insurgents are running out of resources for IEDs (meaning either they lack the ammo or they lack the knowledge).
Posted by: Kalle (kafir forever) || 03/22/2005 13:00 Comments || Top||

#6  Interesteing observation Kalle, hopefully a correct one
Posted by: domingo || 03/22/2005 13:17 Comments || Top||

#7  The missing resource may be leadership. If these reports are even just mostly true, the insurgents are incredibly stupid. Darwin trumps the insurgency.
Posted by: Tom || 03/22/2005 13:28 Comments || Top||

#8  first the hard boys are slaughtered by the Kentucky National Guard (whos the Colonel, I wonder?) Then by a bunch of Iraqi Police. And THEN by some well armed Iraqi shopkeepers - I'll leave it to one of you gun nut types to post THAT:)
Posted by: liberalhawk || 03/22/2005 14:37 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Return of the "Crossfire" Gazette
4 terrorists killed in "crossfire" with police
Four terrorists, including three outlaws were killed in encounter with police in Naogaon, Kushtia and Patuakhali districts yesterday. Two leaders of an outlawed party were killed and five police injured in an encounter between police and extremists in Balomkuri Premtali area under Raninagar upazila of Naogaon Monday. Police Super Jamil Ahmed said regional leader of Purba Banglar Communist Party (ML-Lal Pataka) Abdul Mazid alias Jihad, 27, and Rafiqul Islam alias Tinu, 26, were arrested from Simla village in Nandigram upazila of Bogra district Sunday evening. Following their confessional statements, Raninagar police took the two to Premtali area to recover arms at about 5:00 am.
Confession + arms recovery + O-dark-500 = "shootout"
"As the policemen reached the spot, their accomplices opened fire on the law-enforcers in a bid to snatch them away, triggering an encounter," says a police version of the shootout
....which is up for a Hugo Award
Jihad and Tinu were struck by bullets in the crossfire and died on the spot, it added.
just like it was planned, or scripted...
Five police personnel, including officer-in-charge of the thana Syed Mohsinul Haque, were reported wounded by bullets in the gunfight. The other injured police personnel are SI Khairul Alam, SI Haider Ali, Constable Rustam Ali and Farid Uddin. SI Khairul Alam was under treatment in Naogaon Sadar Hospital where his condition was stated "critical". After the shootout, police recovered one shutter-gun, 15 rounds of bullet and some sharp weapons from the scene.
Wonder how many times that shutter-gun has been "recovered"?
Police said Jihad, son of Afsar Ali Pramanik, and Tinu of Simla village were wanted in five murder cases and "listed extremist cadres". They were hiding. The bodies were sent to the General Hospital morgue for autopsy.

Bashiruddin gets his
A listed terrorist and leader of an outlawed party was killed in a shootout between police and his accomplices at Sultanpur in Kumarkhali upazila of Kushtia early Monday. The dead was identified as Bashiruddin, regional chief of the underground New Biplobi Communist Party. He was wanted in five murder cases. Police arrested Bashir from Kumarkhali station area on Saturday. On the basis of his confession, they took him to Sultanpur to nab his cohorts and recover hidden arms.
SEE: Confession +.....
But, when they reached near Sultanpur bridge at about 4am, the accomplices of Bashir opened fire, forcing police to fire back.
"It's the Cohorts of Bashir, open fire!"
Bashir was caught in the encounter while he tried to escape from police custody.
But the Cohorts got away without leaving a trace
He was later rushed to the Kushtia General Hospital where doctors declared him dead.
"He's dead, Jim!"
An ASI and a constable were also injured in the armed encounter. Police recovered five firearms, 11 cartridges and 47 rounds of bullet from the spot.

Uzzal leaves wedding party, meets virgins
A terrorist was killed in a crossfire at Palpara in Patuakhali Sadar upazila early Monday. Police said they arrested the terrorist Uzzal, 30, from a wedding party at Jainkathi in Sadar upazila on Sunday noon.
"Hi Uzzal, finish your drink and kiss the bride goodbye. You're coming with us."
Following his statement, police took him to Palpara Bridge at 4.30am and recovered one revolver and three bullets from there.
Now where have I heard this one before?
Police along with Uzzal while coming back from the scene were attacked by the sidekicks of Uzzal, forcing them to retaliate. Uzzal was caught in the encounter and sustained a 9mm headache serious injuries. He was rushed to the Patuakhali General Hospital where doctors pronounced him dead. Uzzal was wanted in eight criminal cases, police said.

Terrorists reappear with withdrawal of RAB from Kushtia
KUSHTIA, Mar 21:—Identified terrorists reappeared from hideouts have celebrated withdrawal of RAB camp from Daulatpur by firing gunshots and slaughtering goats of poor farmers, reports UNB. Informed sources said notorious Faisal Bahini picked up goats of Latif, Atahar, Jamir, Keyamat and Moyez of village Munshiganj in Daulatpur upazila on Sunday. They slaughtered the animals and feasted for two days in celebration of withdrawal of RAB camp on Wednesday.
"Huzzah! Goat for everyone!"
Local UP chairman Kudrat-e-Khuda said that about 25 terrorists led by two brothers Faisal and Famid looted the goats at gunpoint. They slaughtered the animals at adjacent Jamalpur village and feasted for two days. The villagers did not dare protest the looting. Kushtia, Daulatpur in particular, is heavily infested by underground terrorists where four or five people had been killed daily and extortion, forcible occupation of land and looting were rampant before setting up of RAB camp eight months ago. Informed sources said on deployment of RAB at Daulatpur the terrorists went into hiding, mostly to safe sanctuaries across the border.
RAB to reappear in 5..4..3..
Police officer of Daulatpur thana Abdul Hye pleaded ignorance of reappearance of Faisal Bahini and feasting out of looted goats.
"Goat? What goat?"

Three people arrested by RAB in city
RAB members held three people along with 73 packets of hemp from the city's Karwan Bazar Railway slum area on Monday, says UNB.
"Wow, groovy hemp, man!"
Acting on a tip-off, RAB-1 team raided the area and arrested the three men—Marjina, 30, Lohi, 28 and Kulsum, 26. A case was filed with Tejgaon thana in this connection.

Alleged robber lynched in city
An alleged mugger was killed and two others suffered injuries in a mob beating as they were trying to commit robbery in a house at Kazipara in Kafrul in the city yesterday. The dead was identified as Sohel alias Galkata Sohel (22), son of Khalil Bepari, a resident of Kazipara at Kafrul. He hailed from Pirojpur district. The injured were identified as Sagor (20), son of Sohrab, a resident of Pallabi and Din Islam (21), a resident of Senpara Parbata. According to police and hospital sources, a gang of alleged dacoits assembled in front of a house no 407, North Kazipara at Kuttamara Lane in the area with a motive for committing robbery. Locals challenged the muggers, as they were moving suspiciously in front of that house at about 9am yesterday. The locals caught the miscreants as they were trying to flee from the spot and gave them a mass beating. Police recovered two bombs and two sharp Machetes from the spot, police sources said. On receipt of information, a team of Kafrul police station rushed to the spot and rescued the alleged robbers and took them to the Emergency Department of Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) where the attending doctor declared Sohel dead. Sagor and Din Islam were taken into police custody after being given first aid.

Bank guard found dead with his throat slit
Gulshan Thana police recovered the body of a security guard of Islami Bank, Mahakhali Branch, from its office yesterday. The dead was identified as Shah Abdul Awal (50), son of Shah Abdul Malek, hailing from Jakipur under Nagla police station in Sherpur district. Locals believe the security guard of Islami Bank was murdered, but police said it may have been a case of suicide. On receipt of information, a team of Gulshan police station went to the spot at about 9.30 am yesterday and recovered the body with its throat slit.
Yeah, sounds like suicide to me
The body was sent to the morgue of Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) for autopsy. Police found a razor blade at the spot, police sources said. A team of finger print experts of CID also went to the spot and took the finger print of Abdul Awal for confirming whether it was a case of murder or suicide, police sources said. Zafar Ullah, vice-president of Islami Bank, filled an Unnatural Death (UD) case with Gulshan police station in this connection, police said.
Any money missing from the bank, maybe he stole it before he slit his throat?

Terrorist held at Ctg
Mar 21: Police arrested a top terrorist of the Chittagong from Majir Ghat area of the port city last night. The arrested person is identified as Md Shahajan (28), son of Hashem alias Finger Cut Hashem of Ice Factory road in the city.
Brother of Hang Nail Hashem..
Sources said, acting on a secret information, a team of police raided Majir Ghat area last night and arrested Md Shahajan from there. Police said the arrested criminal is accused in 14 cases including one muder case, 5 cases of terrorism, one arms case.
Soon to be starring in a crossfire near you
Posted by: Steve || 03/22/2005 9:17:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  This edition of the Crossfire Gazette needed a beverage alert...and now I'm jonesing for a juicy goat kabob.
Posted by: Seafarious || 03/22/2005 11:13 Comments || Top||

#2  LOL Steve bin savin up.
Posted by: Shipman || 03/22/2005 14:00 Comments || Top||

Ambushed U.S. GIs Kill 26 Iraq Militants
Good stuff at the beginning of the article. Nice fighting back!!! This is what happens when 1st world armies flex their muscles at riff-raff insurgents from 3rd world, despite the romantic notion of "guerilleros" being invincible.
By TRACI CARL, Associated Press Writer
BAGHDAD, Iraq - U.S. soldiers, ambushed by dozens of Iraqi militants near the infamous "Triangle of Death," responded by killing 26 guerrillas in the largest single insurgent death toll since last fall's battle for Fallujah, the U.S. military said Monday.

The high number of deaths in Sunday's daylight battle south of Baghdad was attributed to the large number of attackers, unusual in a country where most clashes are carried out by small bands of gunmen or suicide bombers.

"I was surprised at the numbers," said Staff Sgt. Timothy Nein, a squad leader for the 617th Military Police Company of Richmond, Ky., and a native of Henryville, Ind., involved in the firefight. "Usually we can usually expect seven to 10."

As the U.S. military reported that and other successes against the insurgency, attackers struck several times Monday, killing seven civilians and three Iraqi soldiers. A roadside bomb in Aziziyah, 35 miles southeast of Baghdad, killed four women and three children, police said.

Reporting on Sunday's big firefight, the U.S. military said MPs and artillery units from the Kentucky National Guard were traveling along a road 20 miles southeast of Baghdad around noon when 40 to 50 militants emerged from a grove of trees and a roadside canal firing automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades.

The soldiers returned fire, killing or wounding all the insurgents in a field and driving away those attacking from the canal. Seven Americans were reported wounded, but no details were given on their conditions. Commanders said seven wounded insurgents and one unwounded attacker were captured.

The guerrilla death toll — 26 — was the highest in a single clash in Iraq (news - web sites) since U.S. forces took control of the formerly insurgent-held city of Fallujah west of the capital.

In late December, an attack on a U.S. military outpost in Mosul resulted in the deaths of 25 insurgents and one U.S. soldier.

Military officials said the road where Sunday's attack occurred has seen a surge in violence against coalition forces, including an ambush Friday in nearly the same spot that killed a foreign driver. They blame a nearby village believed to be an insurgent hideout.

After the battle, U.S. troops recovered six rocket-propelled grenade launchers, 16 rockets, 13 machine guns, 22 assault rifles, more than 2,900 bullets and 40 hand grenades.

It was one of several blows to the insurgency that were reported Monday.

A pre-dawn raid Monday by U.S. and Iraqi forces in Kirkuk captured 13 people believed tied to a fatal attack on a local police officer and the bombing of his funeral procession that killed three more officers. Thirty other suspects were detained Friday in Karbala.

U.S. officials also said two suspects were arrested in the suicide bombing Sunday that killed the anti-corruption director in the northern city of Mosul, Walid Kashmoula.

In addition, they said 10 men captured by Iraqi soldiers last week had confessed to staging a March 9 suicide bombing in Baghdad using a garbage truck near the Agricultural Ministry and a hotel favored by Westerners. At least four people, including the attackers and a guard, were killed in that attack.

Officials also said two insurgents were killed and two wounded in two separate incidents when they were found digging roadside holes for homemade bombs in Salaheddin province north of Baghdad.

In violence Monday:

_A U.S. Marine assigned to the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force was killed in Anbar province in western Iraq, the U.S. military said Tuesday.
_An Iraqi solider died and four were wounded when their vehicle was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade in western Baghdad. Also in the capital, gunmen in two speeding cars fired at an Iraq army foot patrol, killing one soldier and wounding one.
_Another Iraqi soldier was killed in Sherqat, 160 miles north of Baghdad, when a mortar shell struck his army camp.
_The head of the police force in Baghdad's Kazimiyah neighborhood, Col. Mou'yad Farhan, escaped unhurt when gunmen shot at his car but his driver suffered serious injuries.
_In Samarra, a pickup truck driven by a suicide bomber exploded prematurely near a hospital, wounding about a dozen civilians and damaging homes.

On the diplomatic front, Jordan's King Abdullah II on Monday ordered his top envoy in Iraq to return to his post, just one day after recalling him over Iraqi claims that Jordan was allowing insurgents to slip across the border, Jordan's official Petra news agency said. Iraq also withdrew its envoy from Jordan in the tit-for-tat withdrawals by the two neighbors.

Political negotiations to form a coalition government remained snagged in a disagreement between Shiite Arabs and Kurds.

The spiritual leader of Iraq's Shiite clergy, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, was expected to meet Wednesday with Jalal Talabani, the Kurdish leader likely to become Iraq's next president.

The 140 seats won by the Shiite alliance in the Jan. 30 elections is the biggest bloc of seats in the new National Assembly, but it needs the support of the Kurds' 75 deputies to have enough votes to form a government.

The Kurds want the oil-rich northern city of Kirkuk to be returned to the autonomous Kurd region as soon as the government convenes, but an official from al-Sistani's office said he wants the issue handled in the constitution to be drafted by the National Assembly.

Former dictator Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) drove Kurds from their homes in Kirkuk and the surrounding region and replaced them with Iraqi Arabs.

A senior member of the Shiite-dominated United Iraqi Alliance, Ahmad Chalabi, told Al-Arabiya television that the Kurds also wanted the powerful ministry of oil position in the new Cabinet.

Shiites make up about 60 percent of Iraq's 26 million people, while Sunni Arabs account for about 20 percent. Kurds, who are Sunni Muslims but mostly secular, are 15 percent to 20 percent.
Posted by: Anonymous5089 || 03/22/2005 3:33:23 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  What happened to the al jazzy & BBC interviews with the bereaved families of all the innocent women and children slaughtered by the evil/reckless Americans? I'm certain this wasn't an ambush by terrorists, but just a wedding party that was broken up.
Posted by: glenmore || 03/22/2005 7:26 Comments || Top||

#2  Glenmore - check today's, March 22nd, Day by Day cartoon.

Posted by: Thans Anginetch3773 || 03/22/2005 8:50 Comments || Top||

#3  And there is more where that came from too, Ahmad!
Posted by: mmurray821 || 03/22/2005 10:11 Comments || Top||

#4  "They had us surrounded, the poor bastards."
Posted by: Matt || 03/22/2005 10:27 Comments || Top||

#5  Or, as my old LTC used to say, "Don't think of it as being outnumbered. Think of it as a target rich environment."
Posted by: mmurray821 || 03/22/2005 11:57 Comments || Top||

#6  "They blame a nearby village believed to be an insurgent hideout. "

That village is probably occupying an excellent location to dig a canal.
Posted by: Carl in N.H. || 03/22/2005 12:16 Comments || Top||

#7  Look for the new signs, "Welcome to Lake Nearby Village".
Posted by: tu3031 || 03/22/2005 12:25 Comments || Top||

#8  Hang em up and put a basket of shoes underneath.
Posted by: anonymous2u || 03/22/2005 15:13 Comments || Top||

10 dead in Iraqi violence
Insurgent attacks across Iraq on Monday left seven civilians and three Iraqi soldiers dead, a day after U.S. troops killed 26 militants in a clash -- the highest single-incident insurgent death toll reported in four months, the U.S. military said.

In the deadliest attack Monday on civilians, a roadside bomb killed four women and three children in Aziziyah, 35 miles southeast of Baghdad, police Capt. Falah al-Muhmadawi said.

An Iraqi soldier was killed in Sherqat, 160 miles north of Baghdad, when a mortar shell landed on his camp, while another soldier died and four others were wounded when an Iraqi army vehicle was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade in western Baghdad, a Defense Ministry official said.

In Baghdad's Amiriyah neighborhood, gunmen in two speeding cars fired on an Iraq army foot patrol, killing another soldier and wounding a third, police Capt. Talib Thamir said.

Nearby, the head of the Kazimiyah neighborhood police force, Col. Mou'yad Farhan, escaped unhurt when gunmen opened fire on his car, police said. His driver, however, was seriously injured and hospitalized.

In Samarra, an explosives-laden pickup truck driven by a suicide bomber went off prematurely near a hospital, wounding about a dozen civilians and damaging homes, police 1st Lt. Qassem Mohammed said.

Police also said the director of the Iraqi army's legal department in northern Kirkuk, Lt. Col. Hawas al-Bayati, was shot and critically injured late Sunday outside his home. Further south, troops killed two suspected terrorists and detained two others after they discovered the men digging holes along the road for hiding homemade bombs.

Late Sunday, an American convoy was attacked with gunfire and rocket-propelled grenades, sparking the clash that killed 26 militants.

Between 40 and 50 militants opened fire on military police and artillery units from the Kentucky National Guard as the Americans traveled along a road 20 miles southeast of Baghdad that has seen a recent increase in violence.

Six soldiers and seven militants were wounded, and one person was arrested. It was one of the largest battles since the Jan. 30 election.

The higher death toll was attributed to the unusually large number of attackers, who often travel in smaller bands or employ hidden explosives. U.S. military officials said it was the largest number of insurgents killed in a clash since the November assault on the former rebel-held city of Fallujah.

After Sunday's attack, troops recovered six RPG launchers, 16 rockets, 13 machine guns, 22 assault weapons, more than 2,900 rounds of ammunition, and 40 hand grenades from the insurgents.

The U.S. military reported the death of a soldier, who was killed Sunday during action in restive Anbar province, which contains the flashpoint cities of Fallujah and Ramadi.

It also said 10 men captured by Iraqi soldiers last week had confessed to staging a March 9 Baghdad car-bomb attack near the Agricultural Ministry and a hotel favored by Westerners. At least four people, including the attackers and a guard, were killed.

The Iraqi troops who carried out the March 18 raid seized two vehicles being rigged for detonation as well as four rockets and launchers, light weaponry, blank Iraqi passports and thousands of dollars in cash, the military said.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/22/2005 12:09:50 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "In Samarra, an explosives-laden pickup truck driven by a suicide bomber went off prematurely near a hospital, wounding about a dozen civilians and damaging homes, police 1st Lt. Qassem Mohammed said." >>Good PR.

"It also said 10 men captured by Iraqi soldiers last week had confessed.."

Honoring ME traditions, why not start public punishment for these AssHats..I'd watch W/popcorn!

Posted by: Gentle Criter4999 || 03/22/2005 9:30 Comments || Top||

#2  Ah ha! There you are!
Posted by: HalfEmpty || 03/22/2005 17:19 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Former Mumbai copper appears in court
Mumbai, March 21 : Former Mumbai police commissioner M.N. Singh Monday appeared before a special court hearing a case against a man who allegedly planned 9/11 type attacks on Britain. Singh was summoned after Mohammad Afroz, accused of learning to fly planes to target major installations in Britain, made a plea to call in the former police officer. But Singh could not depose as the prosecution sought time. Designated Judge A.P. Bhangale of the special court adjourned the case to March 28. Afroz was arrested Dec 3, 2001 by the Mumbai police. He was alleged to be a member of Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda. Police said he planned to target Britain's House of Commons and the Indian Parliament. They even claimed to have got evidence against him after a trip to Britain.
This article starring:
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/22/2005 12:18:40 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

18 Hindus Killed in Dera Bugti Fighting
Eighteen minority Hindus were killed when their temple was hit by rockets during fighting between tribesmen and security forces in a restive tribal town in southwestern Pakistan last week, a government official said yesterday. Five children and three women were among the victims of last Thursday's firefights in the flashpoint town of Dera Bugti, said Basant Lal Gulshan, a legislator from the ruling Muslim League party. Another 30 were injured, Gulshan said. The bodies of 17 were cremated Saturday while a child was buried in line with the Hindu faith, he added.

Full details of the battles have been slow to emerge and it was unclear whether the weapons were fired by the clansmen or by the Pakistani paramilitary forces. Abdul Samad Lasi, the top government administrator in the area, said yesterday that several homes of Hindus near the temple in Dera Bugti also were damaged by rockets in the fighting. "This is true that some 18 Hindus were killed and their temple was severely damaged," Lasi said. "Both sides were shooting at each other. It is difficult to say whose fire destroyed the temple," Lasi said from inside a base at Dera Bugti where government officials and paramilitary troops are surrounded by armed tribesmen.
Posted by: Fred || 03/22/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  It is difficult to say whose fire destroyed the temple
Hmmmm. Probably both, since they were likely aiming at the infidel temple.
Posted by: Spot || 03/22/2005 8:12 Comments || Top||

'70% Afghan narcotics move through Pakistan'
Posted by: Fred || 03/22/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  ...that much dope/cash crop will corrupt absolutely.
Posted by: Phomock Whigum3964 || 03/22/2005 0:16 Comments || Top||

Blast damages mosque in Balochistan
A bomb blast damaged a mosque and a madrassa in Saleem Colony near Usta Mohammed in Balochistan on Monday.
Well, I guess some good's coming out of the festivities...
One of the four men was slightly injured in the accident at a residential compound which also shattered windows at a nearby mosque, said Shahbaz Khan, a local police official. Khan said he didn't think the four were linked to the Fatehpur bombing but that the facts would only be known after the investigation is complete. The police arrested three brothers, Abdul Basit, Mohammed Akram and Abdul Hadi, sons of Hazar Khan Mastoi, residents of Usta Mohammed, and members of a banned religious organisation.
That'd be Lashkar e-Jhangvi, of course...
Abdul Haleem Jakhro, resident of Jacobabad, also was arrested. Police sources said the arrested men were members of a banned religious organisation and were also allegedly involved in other bomb blasts in Balochistan and Kandhkot. The police said the bomb was locally made. "Initial investigation shows that they were making a bomb and wanted to attack an organisation of their opponents," Khan said. Investigators suspected rebel tribesmen might be involved in the shine bombing, police said.
This article starring:
ABDUL BASITLashkar e-Jhangvi
ABDUL HADILashkar e-Jhangvi
MOHAMED AKRAMLashkar e-Jhangvi
Shahbaz Khan, a local police official
Posted by: Fred || 03/22/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Tribesmen entrenched on road to FC fort
Bugti tribesmen have joined forces with the Marri tribe and are digging trenches along the road leading to the FC fort, where 300 troops, government officials and their families have been besieged, a Frontier Constabulary spokesman claimed on Monday. The spokesman said that more than 50 armed tribesmen had taken positions in the trenches and the FC, through the government, had conveyed a message to them that such confrontation would lead to more damage, Online reported. The FC also warned them against taking law into their hands, he said. The spokesman said that FC was using helicopters to provide supplies to their people and was avoiding the road. The tribesmen are apparently preparing for more battles, he added.

Aziz Sanghur from Karachi adds: Aga Shahid Bugti, the secretary general of the Jamhoori Watan Party, said on Monday that the government's claim that tribesmen had surrounded its 300 personnel was false. Talking to Daily Times, the JWP official said that appeals by the Balochistan governor and other government officials to the tribesmen to lift the siege were aimed at misguiding the people. He said the federal government had decided to launch a massive army operation in Dera Bugti and around 130 trucks of regular troops entered Sui on Monday morning.
Posted by: Fred || 03/22/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Armored bulldozers and trenches are just icky.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 03/22/2005 13:27 Comments || Top||

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