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The Ichneumon and the Loonies
Hat tip LGF
The European left has reacted to news that the suspects in the March 3 Madrid train massacre were Moroccans by blaming the United States, representing it as the vengeance of Al Qaeda which Spain brought on itself for helping America in Iraq. It was natural that Osama, who remembers the fall of the Abassid caliphate well, should recall how the Mongols erected a tower of skulls before every city sacked before sending word ahead that any resistance would suffer the same fate. And so the Spanish victims caused their own deaths by being tardy in submission. The Left is now the messenger boy of Islamofacism. They know their place.

In the early 1990s, cadres of the Philippine Communist New People’s Army went to Mindanao to establish a "tactical alliance" with Muslim separatists. They brought their Maoist Red Books and some light machineguns, thinking to overawe the Islamic yokels with worldly wisdom obtained at the University of the Philippines and a few hoary tips from Soviet training manuals. Instead they found a hard core of thousands who had trained in Afghanistan and the Balkans, who scoffed at the rusty Communist machineguns and whose petrodollars made the paltry Euroleft donations seem like chump change. It was a moment of revelation. Dan Darling at Regnum Crucis describes a similar moment during the early meetings between ETA and Hamas. The home team had brought their pathetic assets to the table.
The members of ETA said that although they had left in their sufficient arsenal a few hundred packages of dynamite, stolen a little earlier in two gunpowder magazines from France, they feared that it had begun to spoil. In spite of that, Hamas accepted the offer.
In return they were dazzled by a cave of wonders. The Islamists took ETA members to Afghanistan on forged Belgian passports, where they were trained in the use of MANPADS and given a few weapons via Greek freighters and a pleasure boat. That earnest was obviously convincing because somewhat later, the ETA sent 80 militants to Iraq for further training. The pecking order had been established and the coordination structured accordingly. In practice the relation between militants, even in the European and American Left, is governed by threat and intimidation. It is unnoticeable to the outer fringes of the Movement but grows increasingly more severe as one approaches the "committed" core. Among sympathizers in the media, entertainment and academic industries, obedience is largely enforced by social pressure or economic sanction. Closer in the pretenses are dropped and operational rules prevail. At the Central Committee level, as David Horowitz knows, decisions are enforced under penalty of death. Mercy is shown, within the Marxist IRA, by whether your kneecap is blown out from the front or the back. The arrival of the Islamists in the West, like a new gang arriving in town, has changed the dynamic considerably. They are given a wide berth by the Left, not merely out of a shared hatred for America, but out of fear -- pure operational fear. When the adnan or call to prayer is sounded from the bell tower at the state-funded University of Miami (hat tip: Little Green Footballs) to the approval of Leftist claques, there is a more than mutual admiration involved. People remember Salman Rushdie and the BBC Islamic prayer rooms have a certain preventive quality about them. The moribund Left knows who is boss and is selling the only thing they have remaining: access to media and cultural institutions, which suits the Islamofascists just fine. A division of labor has been established in which the Left provides the paralyzing injection on Western society leaving the jihadis a clear field within which to operate.

Steven Jay Gould, in arguing for the existence of natural evil, could find no better analogy than the ichneumon wasp, after which the monster in Alien was modeled, and which not coincidentally describes Islamofascism and its Leftist helpers.
The ichneumon, like most wasps, generally live freely as adults but pass their larva life as parasites feeding on the bodies of other animals, almost invariably members of their own phylum, the Arthropoda. The most common victims are caterpillars (butterfly and moth larvae), but some ichneumons prefer aphids and other attack spiders. Most host are parasitized as larvae, but some adults are attacked, and many tiny ichneumons inject their brood directly into the eggs of their host.

The free-flying females locate an appropriate host and then convert it into a food factory for their own young. Parasitologists speak of ectoparasitism when the uninvited guest lives on the surface of its host, and endoparasitism when the parasite dwells within. Among endoparasitic ichneumons, adult females pierce the host with their ovipositor and deposit eggs within. (The ovipositor, a thin tube extending backward from the wasp’s rear end, may be many times as long as the body itself.) Usually, the host is not otherwise inconvenienced for the moment, at least until the eggs hatch and the ichneumon larvae begin their grim work of interior excavation.

Among ectoparasites, however, many females lay their eggs directly upon the host’s body. Since an active host would easily dislodge the egg, the ichneumon mother often simultaneously injects a toxin that paralyzes the caterpillar or other victim. The paralyzes may be permanent, and the caterpillar lies, alive but immobile, with the agent of its future destruction secure on its belly. The egg hatches, the helpless caterpillar twitches, the wasp larvae pierces and begins its grisly feast.

Since a dead and decaying caterpillar will do the wasp larvae no good, it eats in a pattern that cannot help but recall, in our inappropriate anthropocentric interpretation, the ancient English penalty for treason — drawing and quartering, with its explicit object of extracting as much torment as possible by keeping the victim alive and sentient. As the king’s executioner drew out and burned his client’s entrails, so does the ichneumon larvae eat fat bodies and digestive organs first, keeping the caterpillar alive by preserving intact the essential heart and central nervous system. Finally, the larvae completes its work and kills its victim, leaving behind the caterpillar’s empty shell. Is it any wonder that ichneumons, not snakes or lions, stood as the paramount challenge to God’s benevolence during the heyday of natural theology?
This thing must never reach the stars.
Posted by: Korora || 03/15/2004 9:53:13 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Good article, even though I can't abide Stephen J Gould, who is a superficially reasonable version of Noam Chomsky.
Posted by: Phil B || 03/15/2004 10:03 Comments || Top||

#2  Phil_B - Gould isn't a bad evolutionary biologist, regardless of his prick quotient. He's a prime example of one of my operational maxims:
Always give credit where due, then kick the shit out of the asshat.

Wretchard the Cat certainly has a style all his own - and the content is always provocative. One of my favorite sites. 8^)
Posted by: .com || 03/15/2004 10:13 Comments || Top||

#3  .com if you are interested in evolutionary biology read Richard Dawkins he is incomparably better than SJG. BTW I am extremely sensitive to ideology mascerading as science which SJG is frequently guilty of. As was K Marx.
Posted by: Phil B || 03/15/2004 10:29 Comments || Top||

#4  Phil_B - Point taken - mixing personal ideology with science = junk science. I'm glad you brought up Dawkins... I thought I knew about him, but after googling him again, I've discovered he's more revolutionary and insightful than I thought! From his bio, it appears he may be The Meme Man, in addition to The Gene Man I thought he was. Cool info:

"But looking at the richness and complexity of life on Earth, Dawkins freely acknowledged that an ethology of the gene alone was simply not robust enough to explain evolution. So he applied a Darwinian view of culture, as well. Dawkins argued for the concept of memes - ideas that are, to use the felicitous phrase of William Burroughs, "viruses of the mind." Memes are to cultural inheritance what genes are to biological heredity. A meme for, say, astrology, could parasitize a mind just as surely as a hookworm could infest someone's bowels. Ideas - like genes - could compete and cooperate, mutate and conserve. They, too, are operated on by natural selection. Human evolution, Dawkins postulates, is a function of a co-evolution between genes and memes.

Even that was not enough. Dawkins's intellectual adventure went well beyond the ethology of genes and memes to explore an even more radical insight into the nature of evolutionary dynamics. This idea, too, was astonishingly simple, but it offers a powerful intellectual framework for a new understanding of life as an information process.

What do genes and memes have in common? Dawkins asked. They are replicators. Through various but distinct coded systems, they reproduce; they effect change in their world so they can propagate, just like viruses in either digital or organic form. Dawkins's most powerful paradigm is that the unit of evolution is not the individual - the gene - or the meme, but the replicator."

Thx for the response!
Posted by: .com || 03/15/2004 11:05 Comments || Top||

#5  The spin on the wasp is bullshit.

my opinion here
Posted by: Ptah || 03/15/2004 18:39 Comments || Top||

#6  Umm. The REAL wasp. Wretchard's comparison of lefties/Islamists to the wasp is right on.
Posted by: Ptah || 03/15/2004 18:40 Comments || Top||

Two Terrorists try Toe Tags in Riyadh
Saudi security forces killed two militants, including one on the kingdom’s most wanted list, in a shootout in the capital of Riyadh on Monday, a security official said. An Interior Ministry statement said the two were killed in the al-Nasseem neighborhood, in eastern Riyadh, in an exchange of fire with security forces on Monday afternoon. The suspects were riding in a vehicle and refused to stop for a spot identification check by members of the security forces. The suspects began shooting at the security forces, who returned fire, killing the two, the statement said. The statement said six hand grenades, two AK-47 assault rifles, three 9mm pistols and $137,000 in cash were found in the vehicle. The security forces took no casualties, according to the statement. A security official said one of the dead was Khaled Haj Ali, who ranks third on the government’s list of 26 most wanted militants.
How's it feel to be dead, Khaled? (Don't bother answering that...)
The 26 are wanted in connection with Riyadh bombings last year that killed 51 people. The deputy Saudi interior minister, Ahmed bin Abdul-Aziz, said last month an unspecified number of those on the list are now in custody. Two militants from the list were killed last year in clashes with the security forces. Only one suspect on the list is known to have surrendered to authorities after it was made public in December. The government is offering a reward of $267,000 for information leading to the arrest of any suspect on the list.
Posted by: Mr. Davis || 03/15/2004 5:41:36 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Amir counsels youth to avoid extremism
His Highness the Amir Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah Sunday advised the country’s youth to devote themselves to knowledge and desist from following extremist paths. The Amir gave this advice at Bayan Palace during a ceremony to honor outstanding students of Kuwait University for the 2002/2003 academic year. The students and their families were accompanied by Minister of Education Dr Rashed Hamad Al-Hamad, Kuwait University Rector Dr Nader Abdullah Al-Jalal and Kuwait University Secretary-General Issam Rubaian.

"The youth are the life and strength of a nation. The educated youth who love their homeland are the shields which protect the honor and glory of their country," said the Amir. "They are the force that builds and preserve human dignity which leads to good and honest life. You, my dear sons and daughters at this blossoming age are capable of contributing with enthusiasm to building this country."

Calling on them to eschew extremist ideas, the Amir said, "I advise you to protect yourselves from extremist paths. Kuwait has a great history of faith and devoutness, making its people a united nation. We are living in the age of knowledge which is measured by progress. Science is not the exclusive preserve for certain societies or individuals but the fruit of continuous efforts. So strive to learn more." The Amir urged the students to renew their knowledge and expertise since they live in the age of expertise because another generation will follow them that will be in need of this expertise.

"Gaining experience is not an easy task. It is a duty to this country. We are all proud to be a part of this country and it is the highest honor to defend it and I have faith that you will know your path to Almighty Allah who is the protector of Kuwait and its people." The students were presented certificates and medals by the Amir while Al-Hamad and Al-Jalal also presented a shield to HH the Amir on behalf of the students.
Posted by: Fred || 03/15/2004 11:47:48 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Narcotic leaf takes heavy toll on Yemen economy
A group of young Yemenis throng outside a small market around midday to buy bushels of the mild narcotic qat for an afternoon of mastication and relaxation. Mohammed Awadi, 20, spends nearly half his monthly salary to indulge in the long chewing sessions, a centuries-old tradition practiced by both ordinary people and top government officials in the poor Arab state. "Qat is relaxing. It takes me out into space," said Awadi who spends at least 15,000 riyals ($83) every month on the branches of bitter green and reddish-brown leaves. Qat lovers seek what they call "kaif", a state of heightened perception and emotion achieved after hours of chewing.

After taking the plastic-wrapped branches from the market sellers, dressed in the traditional shirt and lungi with the jambiya dagger tied at their waists, the men head out for a hearty lunch to bolster themselves for the chewing sessions. They take place in a small room or diwan, scented with incense and kept warm to enhance the effect of the drug. Often a hookah pipe is placed in the middle for those who want to smoke tobacco too. Lounging on low mattresses with the bags of qat next to them, the men pluck the softest leaves and push them into one cheek, where they are ground into a growing wad the juices from which are absorbed into the bloodstream. Bottles of water are placed on small tables to combat the dehydrating effects of qat, which contains chemicals similar in effect to amphetamines, which raise blood pressure and body temperature as well as releasing adrenaline. Despite bulging cheeks, conversation is lively as jokes are shared and the pile of discarded leaves and twigs grows and adrenaline builds in the first few hours. But when "kaif" arrives, the mood becomes introspective and this is the time to play soft, romantic music. "You ponder life and plan your future and when you wake all you are left with is empty talk," said 21-year-old Fouad, who is studying computer science at an American institute. He chews qat daily and spends 20,000 riyals a month or two-thirds of his allowance on the habit. "It helps me study," he said, as other students at the market nodded in agreement.

The gatherings, at which politics and business are discussed and contacts made, are growing in popularity among young people and women despite official efforts to reduce its consumption. Qat is an expensive habit in a country where, according to a World Bank official, per capital income is $500, the poor account for 42 per cent of the 18.5 million population and unemployment is around 11 per cent. There are concerns that qat is reducing productivity with the vast majority of the workforce retreating for a four-hour qat break in the afternoon. There are also fears that the water-intensive crop is depleting scarce water resources. There have been some efforts to curtail its usage. The state banned qat in government offices, the military and the national airline. In 1999, it was announced that President Ali Abdullah Saleh had given up the habit. But the campaign to wean the population off qat has not been very successful. Not only is it a popular pastime, it is also a very lucrative trade.

Ali Al Jaradi, 43, said he makes between 40,000 and 50,000 riyals a day selling qat. The price ranges between 200 and 1,000 riyals a bundle in Sanaa, depending on the quality of the leaves and on rainfall. Shawqi, a taxi driver, manages to bring in only 30,000 riyals each month by working 12 hours a day. The stimulant is also smuggled across the border into Saudi Arabia, where it is illegal. "Qat is a major problem," said Nadir Mohammed, senior economist at the World Bank office in Sanaa. "It is a water-intensive plant which is depleting water resources and national productivity. They dig 700 metres for wells. They are not prepared to do that for any other crop, but qat pays money," he added. According to government statistics, qat uses up as nearly 80 per cent of the water supply in some parts of the country. Experts say the problem requires a major reduction campaign offering farmers an alternative.
Posted by: Fred || 03/15/2004 11:29:10 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Is anyone working on a patch or gum to help Yemenese kick the habit?
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/15/2004 11:43 Comments || Top||

#2  SH: Hope not.
Posted by: BH || 03/15/2004 12:10 Comments || Top||

#3  "It helps me study," he said, as other students at the market nodded in agreement

"Oh these are specialy studying mushrooms, I found 'em the pasture whilst I was hunting bir, snakes!"
Posted by: Shipman || 03/15/2004 12:16 Comments || Top||

#4  Wow, like wow, I mean . . . You know . . . What an amazing revelation when you chew . . . It really, like, can really help show you, like . . . I mean I'm so glad that we have this Qat to . . . like, you know . . . Wow . . .
Posted by: cingold || 03/15/2004 12:46 Comments || Top||

#5  "You ponder life and plan your future ..."
Sorry to tell ya son, but if ya spend all day masticatin', ya don't got no future!
Posted by: Spot || 03/15/2004 13:34 Comments || Top||

#6  If I thought these deliquents would be ambitious enough to deliver papers are do something constructive other than dream about their future, I would open a 7-11 or a Domino's franchise in Sanaa. After chewing grass for several hours, I bet a slurpee would hit the spot.
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/15/2004 14:31 Comments || Top||

#7  "Fat, "kaif-ed", and stupid is no way to go thru life, son"
Posted by: Dean Wormer || 03/15/2004 14:33 Comments || Top||

#8  This is way overblown folks. Chewing kat leads to a mild buzz. It's like drinking 2 beers, that's it. Nothing like smoking pot or using ANY kind of amphetamine.
Posted by: AbuHamza || 03/15/2004 17:04 Comments || Top||

#9  AbuHamza, That's sad, I think if you're going to do something do it right. That includes drugs, school, racing, war, marriage and dreaming.
Posted by: Shipman || 03/15/2004 17:45 Comments || Top||

#10  Shipman, what's really sad is spending half one's income to buy cud laced with Red Bull. Maybe an entrepreneurial Yemeni will combine khat with Chia-pet technology and become wealthy enough to found a library or somehting.
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/15/2004 20:46 Comments || Top||

PM decries irresponsible actions of Bahrainis
Irresponsible actions by individual citizens, who think they can take the law into their own hands, only harm Bahrain’s reputation as a free and open country, the Prime Minister Sheikh Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa said. "The society must shoulder its collective responsibility to safeguard Bahrain’s development achievements by confronting those whose irresponsible actions harm the kingdom’s reputation," Sheikh Khalifa was quoted yesterday as saying during his weekly meeting with senior officials, MPs and citizens. His statement comes in reaction to Thursday night clashes between residents of an old Manama neighborhood and suspected illegal alcohol dealers.
Egad! Bootleggers! Speakeasies! Gun molls!
Bahraini newspapers continued yesterday to criticise the residents’ actions and call upon authorities to uphold individual freedoms.
"Individual freedoms." My breath is taken away. Bahrain's in Arabia...
Those behind Thursday’s incident aim to "abolish the state," said Al Ayam’s leading columnist Sawsan Al Shaer. "We should not keep silent because soon we will all find ourselves living in a lawless state," she wrote.
"First they came for the lushes..."
The editor of Akhbar Al Khaleej, Abdul Munim Ibrahim, stressed that those who attacked their neighbours represented "only a small minority who still live in the past." However, the English language Bahrain Tribune said the "understandable rage" over the Thursday’s clashes should not overwhelm other questions. "How did the people running these unlicensed bars get hold of such large quantity of liquor to run their business?" the newspaper asked. "They must have bought it wholesale. So what were the liquor companies doing selling such huge quantities of liquor to unlicensed (dealers)? Are they going to be questioned and fined?" it added.
Posted by: Fred || 03/15/2004 11:03:24 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Fred, who told these Arab journalists about idividual rights? I thought that was our secret.
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/15/2004 11:28 Comments || Top||

#2  I'm sure that Prime Minister KHALIFA bin Salman Al Khalifa is really pissed cuz he thought that he (and "king" HAMAD bin Isa Al Khalifa) were the only ones who had the right to take the law into their own hands.
Posted by: .com (Abu Sheihk bin RamaLamaDingDong Al Khalifa) || 03/15/2004 11:56 Comments || Top||

#3  .com (Abu Sheihk bin RamaLamaDingDong Al Khalifa):

If you do not shorten up your nom de Rantburg I'm a gonna have to issue one of my snow-covered fatwas and make you do it.

Heh heh.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 03/15/2004 14:22 Comments || Top||

#4  one of my snow-covered fatwas

Hmmmm sounds like an excellent franchise opportunity. Thinkin old photo huts but with menu..
Posted by: Shipman || 03/15/2004 17:49 Comments || Top||

Kuwaiti political activist slams Islamists for fanning radicalism
A leading political activist slammed Islamists in Kuwait, saying they have introduced extremism in the country, the local English daily Arab Times reported. "Islamic groups in Kuwait have drawn level with the Taliban and those donning the religious cloak are not angels, with some guilty of misappropriation of public funds," said Dr Ahmed Al-Munayyes. "Why do these America-haters go to the US to spend their holidays? I even saw a member of hardline Islamists, who raises hackles over music shows, attending a music party with his family in Bahrain."

The government is also not doing much to control the menace of religious extremism, and the threat that these elements might hijack our country cannot be totally ruled out, Al Munayyes said. Even after the post of Crown Prince was separated from the Cabinet, the situation remains the same, he said. The liberals have protected the country from the absurdity of these groups, Al Munayyes emphasised, adding that the liberals formed the Constitution without letting the country slip into the clutches of fundamentalism.

Asked about the US initiative for Middle East reforms and the role of Kuwait as an ally, Al Munayyes said: "We cannot forget that the US has its own interest in this region in its capacity as the sole superpower in the world, however, any reform should not overlook the individual sovereignty and freedom of the countries in the region." Speaking about the history of religious fundamentalism in the region, he said the 1967 defeat of Arabs at the hands of Israel, followed by the oppression of Palestinians and the fall of communism in Russia, all created a conducive atmosphere for the emergence of Islamic fundamentalism. An extremist version of Islam has been projected as the only viable option to challenge the superpower status of America, which led up to 9/11, he said.
Somebody'll be booming his car soon...
Posted by: Fred || 03/15/2004 10:48:24 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Fred, when I was in the Gulf in 89, the Kuwaitis were the fundamentalist kooks. We were quite thankful not to be invited for a port call in their country. They seem to have drawn even with Bahrain with respect to reasonableness. Am I drawing the wrong conclusion? They had our ship pull in to Dubai for relaxation, but that place makes me nervous now.
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/15/2004 11:33 Comments || Top||

#2  GWI bitch-slapped the Kuwaitis. They were run out of their own country and the Arab League offered nothing but talk. You know who stepped in to kick Sammy out, and it wasn't the AL and it wasn't the Soddy holy men. Knowing who your real friends are won't make you change your religious beliefs, but it will change the way you look at them - unless you're nuts, of course.
Posted by: Fred || 03/15/2004 13:18 Comments || Top||

#3  The joke in Saudi - which I heard in '92-'93 but didn't hear in '00-'03 tour - used to be:
The Kuwaitis try to out-Saudi the Saudis.

I think they have changed their spots in that regard, at least, but there's no way anyone would call them "reasonable" outside of the Gulf region! Perspective is the key to these characters - and I think that term fits them well!
Posted by: .com || 03/15/2004 13:36 Comments || Top||

#4  You think math is hard, just try perspective.
Posted by: Barbie || 03/15/2004 17:51 Comments || Top||

Suspicious packages sent to London embassies
Four "suspicious" packages sent to diplomatic premises in London on Monday are being examined, say police. Most, if not all, went to Arab embassies, said BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner. A government source has confirmed none of them were British Government buildings. The Saudi Arabian embassy has confirmed it received an envelope containing white powder on Monday, but tests revealed it was harmless.

Police said the packages were sent to four separate addresses in the capital. A Scotland Yard spokesman said: "Initial tests suggest that the contents are non-hazardous but fuller tests are yet to be completed." It is understood all the packages contained white powder. The one sent to the Saudi embassy was addressed only to the embassy, rather than to an individual member of staff, said Frank Gardner. The Metropolitan police’s diplomatic protection unit was called when the powder was discovered, he said. An emergency response team was sent to carry out tests.

A statement from the Saudi embassy said: "A closed envelope arrived at the embassy this morning containing white powder. "The embassy contacted the British authorities who dealt with the matter on the spot." All the precautionary measures for the protection and safety of its employees had been carried out, it added.
Posted by: Bulldog || 03/15/2004 6:48:08 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Suspicious packages sent to London embassies

Frankly the bags from Publix always looked at me with a little bit more than the average askance. A little to snooty for a regular super market.
Posted by: Shipman || 03/15/2004 20:03 Comments || Top||

#2  And yes I already heard that the Turkish Army has been put on alert. Yes it's a big sucker.
Posted by: Shipman || 03/15/2004 20:04 Comments || Top||

The obligation of inciting religious hatred
Al-Muhajiroun seems to have found a Imam approved use for the internet:
This Saturday’s LIVE talk on Paltalk will discuss one of the greatest forgotten obligations in Islaam - Inciting religious hatred.
I haven’t seen any evidence that they’ve forgotten their duty.
Allaah (swt)orders the believers to hate all other religions, way of lives, creeds, doctrines and beliefs that contradict with Islaam, and one cannot be Muslim without to declare animosity and hatred towards kufr, bid’ah, shirk and nifaaq (Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Democracy, Freedom etc.).
That pretty much covers everyone.
Date and time: 20th of March 2004, from 6pm to 7:30pm GMT
Room: LIVE - Inciting religious hatred
Speaker: Abu Muwahhid
Just download the Paltalk software and listen in. Just don’t tell the infidels, ok? Some of them have laws against this kind of thing, not that those apply to muslims.
Posted by: Steve || 03/15/2004 1:39:39 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  That's pretty much all the justification we need. They "hate" us, their "religion" gives them the "right" to kill and enslave us, and they have no restraint other than our ability to defend ourselves. They are our enemy. As I posted before, Islam is the "cult of excuses". It excuses Muslims from any restraint on their behavior. It's time to show them just what happens to the enemies of freedom-loving Americans and our "gun" culture.

Kill them all, destroy their mosques, invade and capture their countries, and kick anybody that stands in the way squarely in the teeth.

Maybe there's a necessity for this "Empire-building" thing - like survival.

Posted by: Old Patriot || 03/15/2004 14:09 Comments || Top||

#2  We're getting there OP. One bloody boom at a time.
Posted by: whitecollar redneck || 03/15/2004 14:24 Comments || Top||

#3  I posted this on the Spanish PM thread, but it may be more appropriate here. Do unto them before they do unto you. And yeah, this young man is pissed off.

Even though I am disappointed at what I deem the Spanish electorate’s kowtowing, if there is any good to come from this massacre, it is that we move another step toward the time we take our gloves and blinders off. Bloodless, patrician, northeastern liberalism is dying. The future belongs to Messianic Christians of the south and interior. The Muslims have violated our most sacred beliefs. They have attacked us in the most bloody, shameful, and dishonorable manner. They have attacked our religion, and massacred and enslaved our co-religionists around the world.

On Sept 11, 2001, the US dodged a bullet. The Muslims tried to kill 100,000 of us. It is by sheer luck and the skills of the structural engineers of the WTC that the towers did not fall over immediately, and that people had enough time to evacuate the area. Still, I think 7 or 8 other large buildings were so damaged they had to be razed. Two million tons of concrete, steel, glass, and people falling from such a height released the energy of a small nuclear blast.

Eventually the people will see through the lies and propaganda that Islam is a Religion of Peace. We will study the history of Islam, thier conquests, and their enslavement of the infidels. Then a new leader will emerge and America will take the Jihad to the Muslim infidels. Islam will get to know the uncompromising way of war of the people from Texas, Tennesse, Ohio, and Montana. What is the proper response to a religion and peoples who have vowed to kill and enslave all who do not believe as they do? We will destroy their cities, plunder their wealth, and enslave them. Any survivors will forcibly be converted to Christianity. That is the future of the Umma.

The Madrid bombings are just another brick in that wall.
Posted by: ed || 03/15/2004 14:30 Comments || Top||

#4  Jesus... that is just sickening.

I've been having a growing, nagging suspicion that Islam itself is actually evil; that it is little more than a stone-age death cult.

But this clinches is. My God, what is wrong with these people?????
Posted by: Dave D. || 03/15/2004 14:34 Comments || Top||

#5  I'm afraid just bringing empire to the Arabs isn't the answer. I'm afraid the answer can be found in Dresden, Hiroshima, and the fire bombings of Tokyo.
Posted by: whitecollar redneck || 03/15/2004 14:40 Comments || Top||

#6  Tell me again about the Religion of Peace™.
Posted by: Korora || 03/15/2004 15:07 Comments || Top||

#7  whitecollar redneck: I was thinking about German cities too. But not the ones you mention.
Posted by: BH || 03/15/2004 18:51 Comments || Top||

1 in 10 British Muslims back terrorist attacks
More than one in 10 British Muslims back al Qaida-style terror strikes on the United States, a poll has revealed. In the run up to the anniversary of war in Iraq, more condemned the recent Gulf conflict than attacks on America. And almost half said they might consider becoming a suicide bomber if they lived as a Palestinian. An overwhelming 80% say Britain and the US should not have launched the invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein. That is significantly higher than the 73% opposed to terrorist strikes on the US, according to the ICM survey for The Guardian.

Attacks on the US by al Qaida or other groups were viewed as justified by 13% of the 500 British Muslims questioned. Another 15% said they did not know whether the such attacks are wrong or right. Far fewer, 10%, said Prime Minister Tony Blair and US President George Bush were right to go to war.

Liberal Democrat MP Jenny Tonge provoked fury when she said that despite condemning violence living as a Palestinian could have driven her to become a suicide bomber. However, 47% of Muslims agreed compared with just 15% of all of those questioned. Ms Tonge’s comments were rejected by 43% of Muslims and 78% of all voters. Continuing Islamic hostility to the war is costing Mr Blair support at the polls. Backing for Labour among British Muslims has slipped from 75% at the last election to just 38%, the poll showed. However, overall the party remains ahead on 37% despite a fall of one point on last month. Conservatives are up one on 35% while the Liberal Democrats remain on 21%.

The Muslim Council of Britain said the poll shows most British Muslims “abhor” terror attacks. And if a minority believe the US deserves to suffer more such attacks, that shows the US is losing trust. Iqbal Sacranie, general secretary of the council, said the poll results surprised him, particularly the 13% who feel further attacks on the US would be justified. And he stressed most of the people polled were questioned before the terror attacks in Spain. “My gut feeling is that the poll is not right or fair,” added Mr Sacranie. “The 13% reflects emotions are running high. But the percentage of Muslims that would support attacks when they are taking place would be much much lower.” He said: “British Muslims are much more frustrated than the general population with US foreign policy. At the end of the day it’s a Muslim population around the world on the receiving end of trouble and bias in terms of US policy.”

One of Britain’s most radical Muslim leaders said he believed the majority of Muslims in the UK supported al Qaida-style terror attacks on the United States. Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad, who heads the London-based group Al-Muhajiroun, said British Muslims were afraid to voice their real feelings about the coalition war in Iraq. And he claimed that far more were pro-Osama bin Laden than really admitted. “I am sure the real figure who support al Qaida is much higher than one in 10. Since the introduction of the new anti-terrorism laws, Muslims are terrified to speak their minds. I believe it is the majority of Muslims in the West who support al Qaida. This is beyond doubt. The role of the suicide bomber in Palestine is a noble one – to fight for freedom for his people and become a martyr. Why is it strange for Muslims to want to be part of this?”
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/15/2004 12:24:30 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Moral equivalency is fun!
For instance, can we rig these polls the same way AQ rigged the Spanish election?

Wrong answers this time, Abu "Captain Hook" Hamza loses the other hand.

More wrong answers, Tomahawk on the Finsbury Street mosque (RN of course, we wouldn't want to violate British sovereignty).

Gotta know the language, and we're learning fast.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 03/15/2004 1:00 Comments || Top||

#2  And, even for the terminally blind, so rests the Myth of the Moderate Muslim forever.
Posted by: .com || 03/15/2004 1:30 Comments || Top||

#3  The poll results are heart-warming. It is uplifting to know British Muslims are more moderate than American Democrats. Truly there is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel in this war on terrorism.
Posted by: Garrison || 03/15/2004 1:37 Comments || Top||

#4  i say all muslims in the UK are a security risk to great for us to ignore. Basically they all need to be told to get out the country within a few months, if not lock em up.Islam is Nothing but a death cult
Posted by: Jon Shep U.K || 03/15/2004 4:03 Comments || Top||

#5  Time to apply 'The Cricket Test' and chuck out the ones not cheering our team.
Posted by: Howard UK || 03/15/2004 5:21 Comments || Top||

#6  How is the Cricket Test conducted? Is it pass/fail or scored?
Posted by: Shipman || 03/15/2004 7:12 Comments || Top||

#7  Famously UK immigrants from Pak, India, West Indies will cheer on their teams as opposed to England when playing in the UK. A tory politician of the eighties and nineties, Norman Tebbit, claimed that those failing to support the English team should be repatriated to their country of origin... a question of loyalties - 'The Cricket Test'. The fact that the English cricket team are blessed with an abject lack of talent may help to explain this, however.
Posted by: Howard UK || 03/15/2004 7:27 Comments || Top||

#8  It this is the case, half of Los Angeles would be deported to Mexico after the next soccer game.
Posted by: ed || 03/15/2004 8:09 Comments || Top||

#9  Quite.
Posted by: Howard UK || 03/15/2004 8:18 Comments || Top||

#10  Talent or not, well not at all even, I wouldn't expect my next door neighbour to come round my house to watch the cricket and have a beer to suddenly 'turn around' and start cheering for the Paks or Indians, if he did this in my house i'd say oi no you do not cheer for a team thats not your own if you claim to be british. Anyway i seem to recall a load of Paks nearly killing some 'umpire' type guy in a cricket match in the UK a few years ago, they swarmed the pitch like thugs and mauraded round like wild apes hooting and screaming leaping around wildly,there were thousands of them, a sea of Paks swarming the pitch attempting to iradicate anything in thier frenzied path.Poor old guy very nearly died remember and these clowns were said to be British, they may well technically be British but only by a poece of paper called a passport in my book
Posted by: Jon Shep U.K || 03/15/2004 8:54 Comments || Top||

#11  Well, I'd call this fairly unsurprising, and not bad news. An overwhelming majority of British Muslims oppose terrorist acts in the USA. An overwhelming majority of the general population do too. But not all. There was a time when a significant minority of Americans were supportive of IRA terrorism. There's a scummy and/or unthinking element in every community and every sector of society.

Of the Muslims I know, none would condone terrorism, and not because, according to Sheikh Nutjob, they are "terrified to speak their minds". A vastly disproportionate number are medical doctors, one's a teacher, one's an agricultural research consultant. Two have served in the Territorial Army. When I go to a Muslim wedding in a month's time, I won't be telling other guests and relatives that they should think about moving out of the country any time soon.

Besides, as far as I'm concerned, dynamic is more important than a snapshot of opinions like this. How well are Muslims integrating with society, with time? Do the younger generation socialise with non-Muslims? Yes. Drink? Yes. Too much, sometimes? Yes. Intermarry? Act as bridesmaids at Anglo-Jewish Church of England wedding ceremonies?! Yes. Take the Koran less seriously than their parents? Yes. My own, personal, experiences of Muslims living in the UK leads me to believe that integration and assimilation is going pretty well. The size of the fanatical and anti-Western element should not be overstated.

Of course the Muslim community is almost as varied as the national community, and attitudes and outlook vary from one group to the next. Assimilation will be a multi-speed process. My own experiences are admittedly subject to selection bias. Howard's right to point out that it isn't only Muslims who would fail the cricket test. Personally, the day people are collectively expatriated from the UK simply on the basis of their religion, race or parental place of origin, is the day that I would leave too, of my own volition.
Posted by: Bulldog || 03/15/2004 9:12 Comments || Top||

#12  Hear hear.. quite agree. Whilst the majority of my Muslim friends and colleagues are perfectly well adjusted people as defined above, it seems some have mighty dubious views about 9/11 though, and we certainly should irradicate scum like Hamza and Bhakri Mohamed (Al-Muj) overnight. Things will get better in time I am sure, but there could be a bomb next week...
Posted by: Howard UK || 03/15/2004 9:41 Comments || Top||

#13  Having said that, when they discovered the ready-to-blow suicide bomber in Gloucester, it seemed that the entire Pak community there came out to protest about police racism. Very misguided behaviour methinks. No wonder your average Brit is paranoid wheen you see them so vociferously protesting their right to have high explosives around the home!
Posted by: Howard UK || 03/15/2004 10:08 Comments || Top||

#14  hey its not just the homes of the Paks thier allowed to keep thier explosives, you forgot Mosques too,watch out for the 'scud' shaped minarete (tower thing) on it. :)
Posted by: Jon Shep U.K || 03/15/2004 10:28 Comments || Top||

#15  And we all know what was found when they raided Finsbury Park Mosque. All the necessaries for the Mulsim sacraments - fake credit cards & passports, CS gas, baseball bats etc etc..
Get rid of the extremists and we may achieve true assimilation.
Posted by: Howard UK || 03/15/2004 10:36 Comments || Top||

#16  It this is the case, half of Los Angeles would be deported to Mexico after the next soccer game.

Half? How about 5/8? Or 3/4?
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 03/15/2004 11:09 Comments || Top||

#17  half of Los Angeles would be deported to Mexico after the next soccer game.
Ed, you say that as if it were a bad thing...
Posted by: Old Patriot || 03/15/2004 15:03 Comments || Top||

#18  Only 1 in 10? Damn, I'm impressed! I would have guessed 9 in 10.
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 03/15/2004 18:21 Comments || Top||

#19  Bulldog, homogenous rooting for the home team makes for a dull match, anyway. No Red Sox home game would be complete without 5,000 plus Yankees fans.
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/15/2004 20:54 Comments || Top||

Caribbean-Latin America
8 Venezuelan Police Officers Await Trial
I think this trial will be the be the final catalyst for the coming Latin American inferno. I am curious to see whether Cuba ignites along the way.

CARACAS, Venezuela -- Police officer Hector Rovain remembers the bullets slamming into his armored water cannon. He remembers praying for his life while fighting back with nothing but water and tear gas. When he started choking on the gas, he opened the truck door, fired his revolver into the air and gasped for air. Rovain was in the middle of a melee that erupted when gunmen opened fire during an opposition march at the presidential palace on April 11, 2002. Nineteen people were killed that day, hundreds were wounded and President Hugo Chavez was ousted briefly from office.

Almost two years later, no one has been convicted in the shootings. But Rovain and seven fellow officers from a city police department seen by Chavez as part of the opposition are now being prosecuted on charges of killing two people and wounding 35 others. No trial date has been set, but the case promises to reopen old wounds over unresolved deaths on both sides even as tensions remain high over Chavez’s leadership.

In the 2002 police case, the opposition considers the officers heroes who risked their lives to protect peaceful marchers. Chavez supporters see them as assassins who gunned down civilians trying to protect their president. Rovain and the seven others have shared a cell at Caracas police headquarters for 10 months. In December, a court ordered them to stand trial in the deaths of two Chavez sympathizers, Erasmo Sanchez and Rudy Urbano, the attempted murder of a third, and the wounding of 35 other people.

Defense attorney Juan Carlos Gutierrez insists there is no evidence against the eight. Ballistics tests couldn’t trace the bullets that killed Sanchez or Urbano to any of the officers’ guns, Gutierrez said. A bullet could only be extracted from one of the 35 who were wounded, and it couldn’t traced to the officers’ weapons, either. Federal prosecutor Danilo Anderson acknowledged in an interview that there is no conclusive ballistics evidence.

His case is based on a Venezuelan law that allows a group of people to be prosecuted for participating in an attack, even if it can’t be determined who caused deaths or injuries. Anderson said the prosecution has videotape and photographs of the eight firing the same type of bullets -- 5.56-caliber -- that killed Sanchez and Urbano and wounded the 35. "If it’s presumed that a group of people participated in someone’s death or injury, but we don’t know exactly who caused the death, then we accuse them all," Anderson said. If convicted, the officers likely would get less than the 30-year maximum sentence for homicide, he added.

Chavez supporters claim the Caracas police department, which is controlled by opposition Mayor Alfredo Pena, was part of a conspiracy to provoke bloodshed and justify the president’s ouster. Those who marched against the president remember things differently. They say pro-Chavez gunmen and National Guard troops ambushed their march, and the police did all they could to stay alive while keeping the two sides apart. Opposition leaders were infuriated when a judge absolved four Chavez supporters who allegedly were caught on film shooting from a bridge at the march. Federal police are still searching for four other Chavez sympathizers accused of firing guns that day.
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/15/2004 9:10:47 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

We will appease them on the beeches
New European policy

Parody of Churchill’s June 4, 1940 speech

I have, myself, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves once again able to grovel in our home, to ride out the storm of war, and to live peacefully with tyranny, possibly for years, until we are killed.
At any rate, that is what we are going to try to do. That is the resolve of our Government and every person. That is the will of legislature and empowered elite and thus the nation.
The nation, linked together in our cause with the like minded, will ignore the defense of our native soil, aiding each other like good comrades to the utmost in our weakness.
Even though large tracts of the world and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Islamofascists and all the odious apparatus of their rule, we shall not flag or fail.
We shall go on to the end, we shall appease in the EU, we shall appease on the seas and oceans, we shall appease with growing confidence and growing weakness in the air, we shall defend almost nothing, especially if it costs lives or treasure, we shall appease on the beaches, we shall appease on the landing grounds, we shall appease in the fields and in the streets, we shall appease in the hills; we shall quickly surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe will happen for a few years at least, this land or a large part of it were subjugated and in dhimmitude, then our forces beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the Americans, would refuse to carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, they too would cease the rescue and the liberation of we old ones.

I may post this again tomorrow.
Posted by: mhw || 03/15/2004 7:19:36 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Good job. I'd be LMAO if it weren't so close to the truth.

I hope the title of Manchester's biography (The Last Lion) doesn't prove prophetic. I'm beginning to have some inkling of how frustrating the '30's must have been for Churchill and the few people who supported him.
Posted by: Matt || 03/15/2004 20:25 Comments || Top||

#2  What Matt said.

It's a shame people don't learn history; if they did maybe they wouldn't keep repeating it.
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 03/15/2004 20:40 Comments || Top||

#3  Wasn't it Churchill's line about how appeasement is feeding the crocodile in the hope that it eats you last? Here's a stock tip for you all: buy Ralston-Purina. I have a feeling the export sales of Purina Crocodile Chow will be going thru the roof.
Posted by: SteveS || 03/15/2004 20:59 Comments || Top||

#4  Bravo! Excellent choice and brilliant execution! Far too close to the truth for comfort, as Matt pointed out, but a great job! 8-)
Posted by: .com || 03/15/2004 21:53 Comments || Top||

#5  Why is it that ALLwestern socialists are such pussies? Are they going to just wait and let the Islamo-murders come in and rape their daughters and mothers, and kill their babies?
Posted by: anymouse || 03/15/2004 23:21 Comments || Top||

#6  Excellent!
As the Great One said at Hansard on May 13, 1940:

"What is our policy? ... to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime."

The European appeasers, and our own soul-dead mediatarian conformists, cannot even imagine the kind of resolve that lies behind a statement like this.
If the Islamofascists still do not match Hitler, and Stalin it is not for the lack of trying, nor, especially, for the lack of intent.
Stalin and Hitler would have sold their souls for the kind of fifth column the Islamofascists have in the west.
Even so, not everyone is deceived; millions retain human values and reasoning power. The spirit of Churchill is not dead, nor is the spirit of Thermopylae.
The present-day Axis cannot destroy Israel, let alone the United States.
Even if the Paleo-savages and their demon-left apologists in the west can gain control of the land, and deport or massacre the Jews; they and their supporters will still face a global war of revenge and redemption that will dwarf anything seen in the past.

This will end not only with the Islamofascists destroyed, but with the entire media/academic axis crushed, its influence gone forever.

In 100 years, people will no more base their views on sound-bites and emotional imagery than they would on the pronouncements of a tribal shaman or the divined entrails of a slaughtered bird.
The media culture has cast its lot with the Islamofascists, and it will pay the price.

Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 03/16/2004 1:10 Comments || Top||

Turkey Pledges to Help with Treatment of Injured Arabs and Kurds in Syria
Numerous Arabs and Kurds died and many were injured in incidents that began during a soccer match between Al Jihad and Al Futuhe on the previous day in Qamisli, Syria. Turkey conveyed to Syrian officials that it would provide help in the treatment of the injured. Mardin Governor, Temel Kocaklar, Brigadier Selahattin Kisacik and Nusaybin Dsitrict Administrator Omer Ulu visited Kamisli Border Command Colonel Ismail Hasan yesterday and told him that Turkey is ready to help with the treatment of the injured at Mardin and Nusaybin public hospitals. Kamisli and Kocaklar wished the Syrians a speedy recovery. Hasan said the incidents in Kamisli, Amude, Derbisiye and Dark have been surpassed and that the injured are receiving treatment at Haseki and Kamisli hospitals. Ismail added: "We thank the Turkish state and people for their concerns. I believe the incidents will end soon." Syria temporarily closed the Kamisli-Nusaybin border gate to control the incidents in Kamisli. Reportedly, 66 people died in the skirmishes. Turkish people with relatives in Syria are concerned that so many people lost their lives in the incidents. Many Turkish residents rushed to public phones to contact their relatives in Syria.
Posted by: Fred || 03/15/2004 6:49:19 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  And in related news, um, stammer...

(whisper off camera: psst, the page, it's blank... oh, I see...)

...Ladies and Gentlemen, evidently there isn't any related news...
Posted by: Hyper || 03/15/2004 21:14 Comments || Top||

EU Calls Emergency Meetings on Terrorism
Yes. That’s the best way to deal with it. Call a meeting.
The European Union will hold high-level security talks on Friday to assess what additional anti-terrorism measures to take in the wake of the bombings in Madrid, the Irish prime minister announced Monday. Prime Minister Bertie Ahern said proposals would include a "solidarity clause" committing nations to help each other in response to terror attacks, the appointment of a special EU official to coordinate counterterrorism operations in Europe, improved intelligence sharing and closer cooperation with non-EU nations to combat terrorism at a global level. "The callous and cowardly attacks on 11 March served as a terrible reminder of the threat posed by terrorism to our society," Ahern said in a statement. "We condemn utterly those who planted the bombs that wrought such destruction and cost so many lives last Thursday.
"But we won’t hunt them down and kill them like the dogs they are because, ummm... Well, those guys are dead now. And most of them weren’t anybody any of us know, were they? And even if they were, did we really like them that much?"
"The attacks in Madrid were an attack against the very values on which the Union is founded." EU justice and interior ministers will discuss the proposals Friday. The EU foreign ministers will continue the debate the following Monday, before the packages goes to an EU summit, scheduled for March 25-26. All the meetings will be at EU headquarters in Brussels.
Posted by: Fred || 03/15/2004 2:50:10 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "The attacks in Madrid were an attack against the very values on which the Union is founded."

Sorry to disagree with you, Bertie, but no French bureaucrats were killed in the attack, nor was Chirac's bank account diminished.

You're Irish, Bertie, for gosh sakes. Just form your fingers into a fist and let your instincts take it from there. Don't form a committee. It's a war we're in.
Posted by: Matt || 03/15/2004 15:26 Comments || Top||

#2  Let me guess. This is
a). A search for a backbone transplant?
b). An effort to further inflate the EU bureaucracy?

The events of 3/11/04 require prompt and decisive action against the perpetrators. Appeasement is not a valid option.
Posted by: GK || 03/15/2004 16:09 Comments || Top||

#3  Like I said in my other comment in RB: the immediate effect of the boom is Parkenson's Law---Have Meetings, form Committees (elect officers?). Al's Quakin' in his boots....
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 03/15/2004 16:13 Comments || Top||

#4  You depress me sometimes AP.
Posted by: Shipman || 03/15/2004 18:14 Comments || Top||

#5  Yup, and that whole NATO thing - man, what an appeasing organization it was, with its solidarity clauses. Instead of understanding that we were in a war and immediately launching an attack against Moscow.
Posted by: Aris Katsaris || 03/15/2004 19:52 Comments || Top||

#6  A Eurocrat Guide to Problem Solving

Step 1) Identify problem
Step 2) Form committee
Step 3) Committee meets, and after several months of expensive dining exhaustive study issues report
Step 4) Ignore report

Ignored problem gets worse - go to Step 1
Posted by: A Jackson || 03/15/2004 19:55 Comments || Top||

#7  NATO is a relic. Darkness is falling, Aris. I hope you are prepared because we'll be too busy to help.
Posted by: whitecollar redneck || 03/15/2004 19:56 Comments || Top||

#8  Aris,

Too bad Spain and Greece are directly in line of the Muslim advance into Europe again.
Posted by: ed || 03/15/2004 20:01 Comments || Top||

Moroccan Suspect in Madrid Bombing Is Tied to Sept. 11 Suspect
Authorities are investigating whether the terrorist bombings in Madrid last week and in Casablanca last year may be linked, focusing on a Moroccan who was arrested in Spain over the weekend, Moroccan and Spanish officials told The Associated Press on Monday. The suspect, Jamal Zougam, left Morocco just before the May 16, 2003, suicide attacks that killed 45 people in Casablanca, officials said.
Skipped town before blast, sounds like a controller.
"There is a possible link between the network that committed the Casablanca attacks and the one that committed the Madrid attacks," a highly placed Moroccan official who spoke on condition of anonymity told the AP in Rabat. Spanish Interior Minister spokesman Richard Ibanez said Spain also believes a link is possible and authorities have traveled to Morocco seeking information on three Moroccans arrested in connection with the Madrid bombings.
Spanish radio station Cadena Ser said police have located a witness who saw Zougam on one of four rush-hour Madrid trains that were bombed Thursday, killing 200 people. Spanish officials declined comment. The witness said he saw Zougam on the train headed for Madrid’s Atocha station, leaning against a door, the radio said, quoting unidentified police sources. The witness, a Spanish man, was not injured in the bombing, the radio said. Both Cadena Ser and the newspaper El Pais reported that police believe Zougam actually left bombs on the train, but Ibanez said there is no proof of this. Some investigators suspect Zougam played that role but it is not the official line of investigation, Ibanez said.
More likely he was keeping an eye on the people placing the bombs. Unless they were working shorthanded, he’d be to important to handle live explosives.
El Pais said police have concluded the Madrid bombers belonged to the same network of Islamic groups responsible for the Casablanca attacks.
Begins with letter "A".
Meanwhile, a Bush administration official said U.S. authorities believe evidence suggests an al-Qaida tie to the Madrid bombings. "I’m satisfied there are connections to al-Qaida," Asa Hutchinson, undersecretary of homeland security, told ABC’s "Good Morning America." "The depth of that connection and the total level of responsibility has not yet been determined."
"It clearly shows that increased ability on their part and certainly it is going to cause the international community to even take it more seriously than in the past," Hutchinson said.
Or to shove their heads further up their asses.
Zougam, two other Moroccans and two Indians are being questioned in Thursday’s attack.
Traced the phone card from the un-exploded bomb to them.
Zougam was one of thousands of Moroccans put under surveillance by authorities after the Casablanca bombings, the Moroccan official said. In a Spanish indictment issued last September, Zougam also was described as a "follower" of Imad Yarkas, the alleged leader of Spain’s al-Qaida cell who was jailed for allegedly helping plan the Sept. 11. 2001, attacks. It was the latest suggestion that Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaida terrorist group may have been involved in the bombings. Yarkas, whose alias is Abu Dahdah, is in Spanish custody.
Since the bombing worked so well, I’d expect a kidnapping or a bomb threat to spring him from jail.
Zougam’s alleged associations to terror suspects date back more than a decade, when he was introduced to Abdelaziz Benyaich in 1993, Moroccan authorities said. Benyaich, a French-Moroccan national, was arrested in Spain in 2003 in connection with the Casablanca bombings. Morocco is seeking Benyaich’s extradition and claims he has had contact with Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian militant whom German authorities have reportedly said they believe was appointed by al-Qaida’s leadership to arrange attacks in Europe. Moroccan officials also believe Zarqawi ordered the attacks in Casablanca.
And maybe Spain?
One of Benyaich’s brothers was convicted in the Casablanca attacks and another was killed in November 2001 in eastern Afghanistan. Moroccan officials also said Zougam had repeated contacts in Tangiers with Pierre Robert, a French convert to Islam who was convicted in 2003 and sentenced to life in prison on charges of trying to organize an uprising in the North African nation. The Casablanca bombings were blamed on Salafia Jihadia, a secretive, radical Islamic group suspected of links to al-Qaida.
Zougam also is familiar to French anti-terrorism officials. He allegedly had links to David Courtailler, who is standing trial on Wednesday in Paris on charges of criminal association in connection with a terrorist group that recruited fighters for Afghanistan through the mid-1990s. David Courtailler is the brother of Jerome Courtailler, a Frenchman who was acquitted in 2002 of plotting an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Paris. He was acquitted on procedural errors by Dutch police and a lack of evidence.
Another family affair.
Jerome Courtailler once lived in Paris with Sept. 11 suspect Zacharias Moussaoui and was friends with Tunisian Nizar Trabelsi, who has admitted plotting to attack U.S. targets in Belgium.
That would be the Kleine Brogel nuke base.
According to French court documents, Zougam and David Courtailler met at a mosque in Madrid in 1998. Spanish officials found radical Islamic writings and documents, including a statement from a radical group in Tajikistan, at Zougam’s residence. The September 2003 indictment in Madrid targeted Yarkas and 34 others, including bin Laden, for terrorist activities connected to al-Qaida. Zougam was not indicted.
The indictment showed police had searched Zougam’s home at least once, turning up a video of mujaheddin fighters in Dagestan, Russia, and phone numbers of three members of the Madrid al-Qaida cell allegedly led by Yarkas. The five suspects in the Madrid bombings were arrested after a cell phone and prepaid card were found in an explosives-filled gym bag on one of the bombed trains. Officials said the phones were apparently used as detonators on the 10 bombs that tore through the trains.
El Pais, citing the interior ministry, reported all three Moroccans have links to Yarkas. Authorities in Morocco said they could not comment on the report. Authorities have been tracking Islamic extremist activity in Spain since the mid-1990s and say it was an important staging ground, along with Germany, for the Sept. 11 attacks.
European intelligence agencies were also working trying to identify a purported al-Qaida operative who claimed in a videotape that the terror group bombed trains in Madrid to punish Spain’s backing of the U.S.-led war in Iraq. The tape was discovered in a trash bin near Madrid’s largest mosque on Saturday. An Arabic-speaking man called a Madrid TV station to say the tape was there, Spain’s Interior Ministry said. The man said the taped claim of responsibility for the train bombings came from "the military spokesman for al-Qaida in Europe, Abu Dujan al Afghani." The Interior Ministry released details about its contents, and intelligence agents were trying to identify the man, verify his claims and establish Abu Dujan al Afghani’s identity.
Posted by: Steve || 03/15/2004 2:23:58 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Benyaich, a French-Moroccan national, was arrested in Spain in 2003 in connection with the Casablanca bombings. Morocco is seeking Benyaich’s extradition

So extradite him already.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester || 03/15/2004 21:43 Comments || Top||

Basque bombs we didn't hear about
Police in southwestern France said Monday they had uncovered two explosive devices at the weekend at a restaurant under renovation that is partly owned by award-winning French chef Alain Ducasse. It was the second time in six months that such devices had been found at the construction site in the town of Bidarray, near France's border with Spain. On Sunday, firefighters - tipped off by an anonymous phone call - found two devices, each made up of a gas bottle filled with explosives, at the site. Bomb experts were quickly called in to defuse them. According to preliminary evidence, the bombs had detonators that could be activated by an alarm clock, but which malfunctioned. A similar bomb, which also failed to explode, was found at the Bidarray site last November.

No one has claimed responsibility for planting the devices. Management at Ducasse's group declined to comment on the incident. In November, following the discovery of the first device, investigators said they were following two leads. One pinned the blame on Segi, a Basque youth movement responsible for activity targetting real estate speculation in the Basque country. Spain's top anti-terrorism judge Baltasar Garzon has said that Segi has the same goals as the armed Basque separatist movement ETA. The second lead focused on Iparretarrak, a disbanded Basque separatist movement that once operated in France.
Posted by: anon || 03/15/2004 14:05 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Victor Davis Hanson says, "Blame Whom?"
Long -- didn’t make sense to cut it....

Let me get this straight. Two-and-a-half years after September 11, on a similar eleventh day of the month, 911 days following 9-11, and on the eve of Spanish elections, Al Qaeda or its epigones blows up 200 and wounds 1,400 Spaniards. This horrific attack follows chaotic months when Turks were similarly butchered (who opposed the Iraq War), Saudis were targeted (who opposed the Iraqi war), Moroccans were blown apart (who opposed the Iraqi war) and French periodically threatened (who opposed the Iraqi War).

And the response? If we were looking for Churchill to step from the rubble, we got instead Daladier. The Spanish electorate immediately and overwhelmingly connected the horror with its present conservative government’s support for Operation Iraqi Freedom. If the United States went to Afghanistan in 26 days following the murder of 3,000 of its citizens to hunt down their killers and remove the fascists who sponsored them, Spaniards took to the streets with Paz placards and about 48 hours later voted in record numbers to appease the terrorists.

By a wide margin the citizenry elected a Socialist cabinet that had previously promised to distance itself from the United States and its Iraqi operations. The terrorists, although they had childishly cited Spanish culpability from the Crusades to the Reconquista, vowed to keep striking until the Spanish people did in fact what they just did. Indeed the appeasement almost anticipated the formal terrorist communiqué itself, in what must have made even the ghost of Neville Chamberlain rise up from his grave. Since most interviewed on the street expressed greater anger with the United States than they did with Islamic terrorists, let us hope that their pique extends to asking American air and naval forces to leave their shores as well—but then so far that has not been one of the mass murderers’ demands.

At about the same time, the Greek government, after receiving various terrorist threats and finding a bomb at a Citibank office, assured potential Olympic visitors that NATO will, after all, participate in ensuring its security. This is Orwellian. Both the government and the citizenry since September 11 have displayed nothing but opposition to American and NATO efforts in Afghanistan (no need to mention Iraq), and expressed real venom toward the United States itself—part of the ongoing fallout for its NATO-led operations against fellow Orthodox Slobodan Milosevic and his reign of terror in Bosnia and Serbia.

What do these two diverse developments have in common? Inasmuch as the Spanish, like the Greeks, do not want any visible relationship with the Americans lest it bring them to the attention of terrorists, and inasmuch as neither country seems to wish the Americans off their shores or to leave an American-led NATO alliance in their hours of crises, we can only conclude that Americans are good for only one thing: providing unquestioned military support and assistance to those who otherwise wish nothing to do with them.

These are serious developments. Apart from the shameful spectacle of appeasement, our allies are not really allies and are sealing the fate of NATO, an organization that has almost no public support here at home, and stations plentiful troops largely where there is no danger and no need of their use, while deploying few if any where they could make a real difference in facing danger.

I can sympathize with the administration diplomats when they insist that we are not alone in Iraq. But they are only right to a degree. We, with the exceptions of some English-speaking allies and eastern Europeans, are in fact absolutely alone in our larger struggle for Western civilization and have been all along well before Iraq, which was merely the latest excuse for ongoing European appeasement. The Spanish will never go after the killers of their own citizens, much less the countries who provided them support and succor, just as the Western Europeans did nothing to stop Mr. Milosevic, just as they sent a token force to Afghanistan, and hardly any to Iraq, and just as the Greeks will do nothing if their Olympics are destroyed by waves of Islamic terrorists.

We should not like all this, but we also should not deny that it is so.
Posted by: Sherry || 03/15/2004 1:51:56 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  At about the same time, the Greek government, after receiving various terrorist threats and finding a bomb at a Citibank office, assured potential Olympic visitors that NATO will, after all, participate in ensuring its security. This is Orwellian. Both the government and the citizenry since September 11 have displayed nothing but opposition to American and NATO efforts in Afghanistan (no need to mention Iraq), and expressed real venom toward the United States itself?part of the ongoing fallout for its NATO-led operations against fellow Orthodox Slobodan Milosevic and his reign of terror in Bosnia and Serbia.

...Actually, IMHO the reason the Greeks are so eager to bring NATO in on the security is because when something hits the fan, they'll have a scapegoat...

Posted by: Mike Kozlowski || 03/15/2004 14:07 Comments || Top||

#2  Screw the Olympics, screw Old Europe... let's move the UN HQ to Paris already and get this thing over with. "No American blood for wine, cheese, chocalate or fast cars!" sez I.

I'm pissed, as all VRWCers should be today. We should all be well-nigh fed up with taking hits from so-called friends when they get the crap beat outta them by the neighborhood bully.

Isolationism, as inherently stupid as it is, begins to sound a little more palatable. I hope that feeling passes quickly.
Posted by: geezer || 03/15/2004 14:15 Comments || Top||

#3  With everything we've seen over the last couple of years, you really do have to wonder how long NATO would have held together if 2,000 Russian tanks had come charging through the Fulda Gap, say in 1980 before Reagan's military buildup.
Posted by: Matt || 03/15/2004 14:18 Comments || Top||

#4  Matt - why would they have needed tanks?
Posted by: B || 03/15/2004 14:24 Comments || Top||

#5  It is high time that NATO be left to wither on the vine. The original purpose of the organization was to stop soviet expansion. Done!
Even when the threat to west europe was at it hieghtest the eurotrash didn't try to provide for thier own defense. The american cowboy was always there. Let them pay for thier own defense and still try and keep thier bloated social programs. Or they can just appease and pay tribute.
Collective security???I say bullshit - only when it suits the eurotrash. The implementation of article 5 after 9-11 was a joke. Take our forces out of europe and put them where they will do some good in our war terror. Let the chamberlin's of europe appease these islamo fascists (eruope does have a long history of appeasing and tolerating tryants and facists) deal with it. They are dillusional if they think that terror attacks are related to supporting the US. The West is hated for larger reasons and in the islamo fascist view europe is just as guilty. So let them go on thier own and suffer the consquences. The United States needs to be just a little more isolationists and more self reliant.
Posted by: Dan || 03/15/2004 14:31 Comments || Top||

#6  geez, isolationism in itself isn't really stupid; it's how one executes or implements it that makes it stupid or not. I'd advocate global markets, commerce and trade while stepping back from "foreign military entanglements".
Posted by: Jarhead || 03/15/2004 14:32 Comments || Top||

#7  Boy, noone gives it to you straight like VDH.
You just know he's right, even though what he says is like getting a wet mop in the face.
The US is basically in this alone, which is OK--we can handle it if we'll just stay united and keep our resolve.
But after all we've done for Europe--my God!--at great expense, for decades and with very little thanks.
Screw NATO and I, for one, would like to see the U.S. pull out of the Olympics for starters.
(They were kind of a UN-style circle jerk anyway.)
Posted by: Jennie Taliaferro || 03/15/2004 15:07 Comments || Top||

Jarhead: I dunno. The longer this goes on, the more we carry the war with only lip service from Europe, the more I'm thinking in terms of procurators and praetors and such. It's a pretty good racket if you can pull out of a war against civilization and still expect the benefits. You get to make faces and call names at the stoopid Americans, secure in the knowledge that for their own good they won't let the Islamists quite overthrow your country. When I was stationed in Germany, I can remember one fellow who had an 18-year-old son, who told me fondly that for every American in Germany that was a German who didn't have to get drafted. So now, after June, for every American who gets killed in Iraq, that's a Spaniard who potentially doesn't.

B: They'd have needed tanks because 3rd Armored Division and 11th Cav and 8th ID and 1st Armored were there, among others, exercising scenarios that involved companies taking on (and destroying) battalions. Which, by the way, actually happened when many of the same units fought GWI. I don't think most of us really, truly believed at the time that it was going to work.
Posted by: Fred || 03/15/2004 15:08 Comments || Top||

#9  Fred: Would the Germans have fought? I assume we could have counted on the Brits. Any other likely company in the foxhole? (In my Fulda Gap hypo, that is.)
Posted by: Matt || 03/15/2004 15:15 Comments || Top||

#10  "The US is basically in this alone, which is OK--we can handle it if we'll just stay united and keep our resolve."

Uh, Jennie... seems to me we're staying anything BUT united, thanks to a Democratic Party which considers George W. Bush more of an enemy than the terrorists.

And resolve? The number of Americans who have anything like "resolve" is dwindling fast.
Posted by: Dave D. || 03/15/2004 15:15 Comments || Top||

#11  Dave - I disagree on the resolve part. If Bush had called for a million volunteers the week after 9/11 he would have gotten them. It's just that the people who would have volunteered never get quoted by the New York Times.
Posted by: Matt || 03/15/2004 15:19 Comments || Top||

#12  As much as I dislike Nato, we have to stay in it. If we were to leave it, France would take it over and assert its will. The same goes for the UN - we have to stay in it if for no other reason then not letting someone else take it over. The only out for both would be to dissolve them completely. That won't happen. We are stuck dealing with our own success at creating both - just like social security here at home.
Posted by: Yosemite Sam || 03/15/2004 15:25 Comments || Top||

#13  I'll never go for a UN hq in France! Well, maybe if you put it Paris that would work.

Lame jokes aside. US troops need to be out of western Europe. The Euros are bad ass enough to take care of themselves.
Posted by: Lucky || 03/15/2004 15:26 Comments || Top||

#14  Let them have Nato and try to finance it, they can't even finance their own pathetic militaries.
Posted by: Jarhead || 03/15/2004 16:30 Comments || Top||

#15  Fred, you kind of made my point. Let them do their own chores. I'd pull the hell out of Europe as well as S.Kor. Shit, let the islamonuts take europe, if the continental euros are too emasculated and impotent to handle themselves then let them fall - that's survival of the fittest imo - we'll have to smash the islamonuts sooner or later anyhow, might be easier just to pull them into europe to do it.
Posted by: Jarhead || 03/15/2004 16:35 Comments || Top||

#16  Take heart. One year ago, Pres. Bush changed the history of the 21st century. All of the hand wringers and appeasers cannot change that. All of the politicos with their ostrich like avoidance of the Islamists war against the West cannot change that.

Iraq was the one country whose leader wanted to be King of the Arab Nation. All the programs of WMD and his encroachments on Iran and Kuwait were ends towards that. If he ever attained the "Arab Bomb" he would in effect be the leader of the Arabs. And the AQ types and the fifth column of mullahs all over the world would have been waving green banners in his honor. George Bush put a stop to that scenario. Saddam and his sons are gone. Done.

Posted by: ted || 03/15/2004 16:53 Comments || Top||

#17  "I don't think most of us really, truly believed at the time that it was going to work." No, we didn't, but we were going to do it anyway. We used to joke about the prospect of such a "target rich environment"; black humor at its finest. FWIW, I think the German's would have fought, and fought well. Just my 2 cents worth.
Posted by: Whiskey Mike || 03/15/2004 17:38 Comments || Top||

#18  Steven den Beste has a great quote at USS Clueless:

"(Captain's log): The people of Spain marched in the streets on Friday.

"Then they crawled on their knees into their voting booths on Sunday."
Posted by: Tibor || 03/15/2004 18:32 Comments || Top||

#19  That also was Steven's entire post.

Gotta be a record...
Posted by: Ptah || 03/15/2004 19:04 Comments || Top||

Group claims responsibility for Athens bomb
A little known domestic guerrilla group has claimed responsibility for planting a bomb outside a Citibank branch, Greece’s official Athens News Agency (ANA) reported on Monday. Police discovered and blew up the bomb, made of two sticks of dynamite, a clock and a detonator left outside the bank in an Athens suburb after an anonymous caller tipped the Eleftherotypia newspaper. Two hours after the controlled explosion, an unidentified caller phoned the same newspaper and claimed responsibility on behalf of the Revolutionary Struggle group, ANA said. The Revolutionary Struggle group’s only previously claim of responsibility was last September for two bombs in an Athens court complex where one policeman was injured.

Security is a top priority for Greece ahead of this summer’s Olympic Games and amid widespread concern in Europe after bomb blasts on Madrid trains killed 200 people on Thursday. Despite dismantling the biggest domestic security threat, radical leftist group November 17, two years ago, bomb squads are regularly called in to defuse home-made explosive devices, left by fringe groups in protest at the Olympic Games in August.
Posted by: Fred || 03/15/2004 12:13:20 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Feint testing defences.
Posted by: Mr. Davis || 03/15/2004 12:29 Comments || Top||

#2  The Athens games have the makings of BIG disaster. First off the Greeks won’t let anybody help them with regards to security or with construction. If anybody wants to know what a good socialists government can do just look at this. They had seven plus years to prepare for this and now they might not be ready? This is what happens when you allow too much government into a project. Now I know why the Greeks kicked out the socialists. So here is the score: Socialists get a win in Spain but lose in Greece. But then Spain was sliding to the left for a while now.
Posted by: Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter) || 03/15/2004 13:54 Comments || Top||

#3  This may not come out sounding quite right, but I find it amazing that they are willing, or at least pretending, to want to put security measures in place, but are perfectly content to ignore the reason why such security measures are necessary in the first place.

Am I missing something?
Posted by: Michael || 03/15/2004 14:36 Comments || Top||

#4  I hate to come out and say it, since I loved living in Greece in the 1980ies, and am still in contact with friends there... but I know only too well what a hash that Greek law enforcement made of such an elementary challenge as traffic control and driver training and safety. It made the Keystone cops look like Scotland Yard! I have absolutely zilch faith in their ability security-wise for the Olympics, and with sorrow, I advise Americans to stay the hell away, and watch it on TV, it's gonna be worse than a big disaster.
Posted by: Sgt. Mom || 03/15/2004 14:47 Comments || Top||

#5  Sgt Mom, were you at Helinikon? I was stationed on Iraklion 83-84. Best kept secret in the Air Force. My wife and I had a beach house and rented it for $100 a month. We had no kids and boy were those good times! I would not want to be within a 1000 miles from the olympic games for security reasons.
Posted by: Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter) || 03/15/2004 15:24 Comments || Top||

#6  Hellenikon AB from March '83 to September '85. I rented a flat in Ano Glyphada, on the corner of Knossou and Delphon Streets with a view of Aegina and the Saronic Gulf. I wanted to stay longer, but AF needs dragged me away, kicking and screaming.
Posted by: Sgt. Mom || 03/15/2004 16:16 Comments || Top||

#7  Amen Mom I loved it in Greece but Iraklion was a bit isolated for my tastes. It was cheap and we drank a LOT while we were there. But after a couple of years we were ready to go home. They (AF) still operate a detachment at NAMFI, on the west coast of Crete. The islands used to be much safer then the mainland because the local didn’t like people messing with their livelihood (touristas).
Posted by: Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter) || 03/15/2004 16:44 Comments || Top||

Zapatero: I solemnly swear to reward al-Qaeda.
Can you say "Maeglin"?
MADRID, Spain - The leader of Spain’s victorious Socialists said Monday he will bring Spanish troops home from Iraq by June 30, fulfilling a campaign pledge a day after his party’s win in elections overshadowed by terrorist bombings.
"We have overpopulated here in Spain!"
"It’s evident that I considered the participation ... of our country an error," Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said at a news conference.
Then his lips fell off.
"I think the military intervention was a political error for the international order, for the search for cooperation, for the defense of the United States.... I maintain the idea was an error," he said. Zapatero said during his campaign that Spain’s 1,300 troops, sent in the aftermath of last year’s U.S.-led invasion, might stay if the United Nations assumed control of the peacekeeping operation.
"Iraq needs tyrants and bloodshed!"
Asked Monday to specify a date or condition for withdrawal, he said, "I don’t want to provide a date. I have expressed that June 30 is the limit ... established by the government of our country," he said, adding a date would be set after he formally takes over as prime minister, some weeks from now.
"We'll just pencil in 'ASAP' for now..."
In Sunday’s election the Socialists defeated the ruling Popular Party, jumping from 125 seats to 164 in the 350-member Congress of Deputies. The conservatives fell from 183 to 148. The election followed last Thursday’s train bombings, reportedly claimed by al-Qaida, that killed 200 people. On Monday, 243 people remained hospitalized, 11 in critical condition. The conservatives’ defeat was unexpected. Pre-election polls had projected the Popular Party, led by Mariano Rajoy, would win comfortably, and even some exit polls Sunday showed it might win. But when the ballots were tallied, the Socialists netted 10.9 million to the PP’s 9.6 million. Turnout was 77 percent. "Zapatero defeats Rajoy in an unprecedented election turnaround," Spain’s biggest daily newspaper El Pais stated Monday in a banner front-page headline.

Millions of people across Spain took to the streets following the attacks. The government of Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar was accused of misleading voters by insisting that armed Basque separatists were the prime suspects even as evidence mounted of an Islamic link. The Popular Party’s loss marks the first time a government that backed the U.S.-led Iraq war has been voted out of office. A vast majority of Spaniards opposed the war. Zapatero said Monday he would attempt to form a purely Socialist government, not a coalition with other parties.
Ahhh, yes. Managing the economy! That's the important thing! Forget that WoT stuff. There's no money in that...
The Spanish Socialist Workers Party ruled from 1982 to 1996 but was plagued by corruption scandals and lost power to Aznar’s Popular Party in 1996.
But now they're back for another dip into the till...
Posted by: Korora || 03/15/2004 10:10:35 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Alluha Akbar! to Mullana Zapatero (PBUH) and the Socialist Umma. Al Andalusia and the Cordoba Caliphate will rise again.
Posted by: ed || 03/15/2004 10:21 Comments || Top||

#2  Perhaps Zapatero will encourage more "anti-terrorism rallies" to really bring Al-Quaeda to their knees.
Posted by: Yosemite Sam || 03/15/2004 10:25 Comments || Top||

#3  don't forget his harsh words of warfare too, expect loads of 'we will crush them' 'spain will fight terror' etc etc, binny and his chums must be fuckin lovin this greasy spaniard.Threat to spain from AQ = 100%, Threat to AQ from Spain = 0%.
Posted by: Jon Shep U.K || 03/15/2004 10:32 Comments || Top||

#4  AQ has proven that the USA is not the only one capable of implementing "regime change" to bring into power governments more friendly to its war aims. A dangerous day for us all.
Posted by: gromky || 03/15/2004 10:34 Comments || Top||

#5  ETA's gotta be encouraged...all they need do is up the ante in their attacks and they can get whatever they want.
Posted by: Frank G || 03/15/2004 10:37 Comments || Top||

#6  I expect AQ to try and influence our election in November by booming something here.
Posted by: JerseyMike || 03/15/2004 10:39 Comments || Top||

#7  JM - I sadly concur
Posted by: Frank G || 03/15/2004 10:42 Comments || Top||

#8  I'd expect a boom here as well. Although, Bush will be in office no matter what until Jan. We'd unleash a lot of hell on anyone remotely connected in the interim if a boom occured here.
Posted by: Jarhead || 03/15/2004 10:49 Comments || Top||

#9  But... but... where's the part where he says he's going to shut off Muslim immigration??? Didn't Mike S. PROMISE us they'd do that??

Oh, dear...
Posted by: Dave D. || 03/15/2004 10:50 Comments || Top||

#10  Well, kiss the Spaniards goodbye for now, I guess. I hope they figure out how they were used pretty soon, but don't hold your breath for the Socialistas to go away. It'll probably take a few years for them to tank the Spanish economy again.
Posted by: mojo || 03/15/2004 11:02 Comments || Top||

#11  Not just a boom here... a boom in every western democracy before elections will now become the norm.

The Spanish are appeasing cowards. Their actions will and should be an embarrasment to them from this day forth. History will always record that the Spanish chose appeasement over victory and honor.
Posted by: Damn_Proud_American || 03/15/2004 11:09 Comments || Top||

#12  How does "Peace in our time" translate into Spanish?
Posted by: Dar || 03/15/2004 11:30 Comments || Top||

#13  Evacuate Rota. Let's find some more steadfast friends.
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/15/2004 11:55 Comments || Top||

#14  Cowards! They will regret voting for someone who had no clear plan for the country except to defeat Anzar, sound familiar?! The Socialist party left Spain in economic ruin 8 years ago and Anzar brought prosperity to Spain. That's exactly what the LEFT is doing here, "short term satisfaction" voting to help their egos and "feel safe" by appeasement.
Posted by: CobraCommander || 03/15/2004 11:55 Comments || Top||

#15  Way to go Spain! So, now the Spanish don't control their own destiny, they have decided to let AQ call the shots for them. How long ago was it that the Muslims ruled Spain? Shouldn't be much longer until they are back in power.
Posted by: AllahHateMe || 03/15/2004 11:57 Comments || Top||

#16  Even though I am disappointed at what I deem the Spanish electorate’s kowtowing, if there is any good to come from this massacre, it is that we move another step toward the time we take our gloves and blinders off. Bloodless, patrician, northeastern liberalism is dying. The future belongs to Messianic Christians of the south and interior. The Muslims have violated our most sacred beliefs. They have attacked us in the most bloody, shameful, and dishonorable manner. They have attacked our religion, and massacred and enslaved our co-religionists around the world.

On Sept 11, 2001, the US dodged a bullet. The Muslims tried to kill 100,000 of us. It is by sheer luck and the skills of the structural engineers of the WTC that the towers did not fall over immediately, and that people had enough time to evacuate the area. Still, I think 7 or 8 other large buildings were so damaged they had to be razed. Two million tons of concrete, steel, glass, and people falling from such a height released the energy of a small nuclear blast.

Eventually the people will see through the lies and propaganda that Islam is a Religion of Peace. We will study the history of Islam, thier conquests, and their enslavement of the infidels. Then a new leader will emerge and America will take the Jihad to the Muslim infidels. Islam will get to know the uncompromising way of war of the people from Texas, Tennesse, Ohio, and Montana. What is the proper response to a religion and peoples who have vowed to kill and enslave all who do not believe as they do? We will destroy their cities, plunder their wealth, and enslave them. Any survivors will forcibly be converted to Christianity. That is the future of the Umma.

The Madrid bombings are just another brick in that wall.
Posted by: ed || 03/15/2004 12:09 Comments || Top||

#17  Bastards. Just insert 'Nationalist' between 'Spanish' and 'Socialist'.
Posted by: Rex Mundi || 03/15/2004 12:18 Comments || Top||

#18  "Zapatero said Monday he would attempt to form a purely Socialist government, not a coalition with other parties."

. . . A purely Socialist government . . . NOT a coalition with other parties . . . Hey, but I thought SOCIALISTS were such "nice" people--all for sharing wealth and power and everything, for building bridges between people with differences, for making the world better and more "progressive" and safer, and more, more fun and stuff. . . . Are you listening, antiwar?
Posted by: ex-lib || 03/15/2004 12:22 Comments || Top||

#19  The long term bright side may be that al-Q may now gravitate to anti-US, anti-WoT friendly countries like Spain, therefore somewhat centralizing the terrorists, as happened in Afghanistan. Of course, that sets up several delicious future scenarios where the WoT, versus sticking-your-head-in-the-sand appeasment, is proven to be the only legitimate course of action.

Sadly, as I've stated before, all this will take a long time to pan out (and longer with the emergence of appeasment governments), and cost the lives of many innocents throught the cowardice and near sightedness of the Spanish electorate.

Spain: enjoy your "peace dividend" while you can.
Posted by: Hyper || 03/15/2004 12:29 Comments || Top||

#20  I think it's time to start hinting that the United States will pull out of NATO in the coming months. We can use those troops more effectively elsewhere. We will only maintain military and economic cooperation on a state-by-state basis, such as with the United Kingdom. It's time Europe had to face the responsibility of defending itself, instead of depending on the United States in a one-way relationship.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 03/15/2004 13:52 Comments || Top||

#21  Old Patriot, pulling out of NATO is a bad idea. Pulling out of Europe is a great idea though. There is no reason for a single american troop to be on the European continent. We should also pull out of South Korea, though remain in Japan.
Posted by: Damn_Proud_American || 03/15/2004 13:57 Comments || Top||

#22  DPA - NATO was supposed to be a mutual defense treaty. Spain, France, Germany, and Belgium have now all decried it's only a defense of THEM, not us. It's money down the toilet. End the farce, pull out (we're 80% of the effective force, Britain's 15%, Italy and Turkey make up most of the rest) and force Europe to defend itself, if it has the willpower. We made it too easy on Europe, and now they're sliding into the same pile of slime they were in 1905 and 1935. It's time to end the farce. Europe can only be safe if Europe develops the cojones to defend itself. Right now, they have no incentive to do it - they expect us to do it all. Tell them to go piss up a rope.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 03/15/2004 15:18 Comments || Top||

#23  If only Bush would articulate this type of thing. Then there could be a debate. Americans will vote to leave EU, bam like that.
Posted by: Lucky || 03/15/2004 15:35 Comments || Top||

#24  "Messianic Christianity". Hmmm. Have to think about that term for a while...

However, I have to disagree with you, ed, about this:

What is the proper response to a religion and peoples who have vowed to kill and enslave all who do not believe as they do? We will destroy their cities, plunder their wealth, and enslave them. Any survivors will forcibly be converted to Christianity. That is the future of the Umma.

*Shakes head* Forced conversions to Christianity only contaminates the religion with hypocrites (those who say one thing, but act and believe otherwise.) As if we didn't have enough of THOSE.

No, the best way would be to do something so plainly and so obviously not Allah's will, that actually doing it disproves that Allah is not a viable god. Unfortunately, the only thing that comes to mind would be to nuke Mecca.

During the Haj.

Several times.
Posted by: Ptah || 03/15/2004 18:07 Comments || Top||

#25  Old Patriot> "Right now, they have no incentive to do it - they expect us to do it all.Right now, they have no incentive to do it - they expect us to do it all."

Then why is it that all European defense agreements have been obstructed by American (and British) opposition to them, because it will supposedly duplicate or conflict with NATO?

Ofcourse I believe that Europe should go ahead and have its Euroarmy and EU Defense pact, regardless of what Americans and Brits think about it -- but alas, you will then obviously consider it a "betrayal".

Depend on Nato - we are weaklings. Depends on ourselves - we are stabbing you on the back.

Can't win this one I'm afraid.
Posted by: Aris Katsaris || 03/15/2004 20:04 Comments || Top||

#26  Ptah> Judaism survived the destruction of Jerusalem and Solomon's temple -- I don't see any reason why Islam wouldn't survive the destruction of Mecca.
Posted by: Aris Katsaris || 03/15/2004 20:08 Comments || Top||

#27  Aris, Americans want to leave EU/NATO, pretty much sick of the wimpering. What you refer to is people who are upset about losing their power.

What do you think Spain will do about the bombings? I don't think they'll do anything other than try to find the mules and maybe upset some cell. But other than cacooning, what? They're not going to go after anything.
Posted by: Lucky || 03/15/2004 22:27 Comments || Top||

Istanbul Governor: No Connection Of Terrorist Organization So Far
Istanbul Governor Muammer Guler has said that security forces investigating Tuesday’s suicide attack on the Free and Accepted Masons Grand Lodge Association in Kartal district of Istanbul, could not find out any connection of a terrorist organization with the attack so far.
Still checking.
After attending a panel discussion organized by the Istanbul Bar on ’’Rule of Law and Judicial Reform’’, Guler said, ’’it was proven that one of the guns found in the scene of the attack had been used in murder of dentist Yasef Kahya last year. We have concentrated on this event.’’
Don’t know yet if the attackers had been involved in killing the dentist or just shared the gun.
Recalling that more than 10 people were detained in connection with the bomb attack, Guler noted, ’’security forces could not find out any connection of a terrorist organization with the attack so far. However, the investigation has been continuing.’’
They have detained 15 at latest count.Two of them had received military training abroad, and they had been in Afghanistan for a while.
Upon a question, Guler said, ’’it was revealed that those who staged the attack, had been in Chechnya once. After their return to Turkey, they were questioned by security forces.’’
And let go, it seems.
Posted by: Steve || 03/15/2004 9:50:53 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Ankara Governor Gur: No Security Gap
Ankara Governor Yahya Gur said on Friday that there was not any security gap in Ankara.
Just between your ears.
Gur and Ankara Police Chief Ercument Yilmaz visited the court house after a resonant bomb exploded on the fifth floor of the building.
I’ve never found a good definition of just what a "resonant" bomb is. Since resonant normally is used in reference to sound, is it a big noise maker?
Following their meeting with Chief Prosecutor Huseyin Boyrazoglu, Gur told reporters that windows shattered as the bomb left under a bench in the corridor of the fifth floor of the court house exploded around 5.05 p.m. Gur said that nobody was injured in the blast and noted that experts investigated the type of the bomb. Ankara Governor Gur said that nobody had claimed responsibility for the blast yet.
Give it time.
Noting that some people with wicked intentions chose the court house as their target, Gur said that Ankara had no security gap.
"Maybe a yawning yoid, but not a gap."
Meanwhile, security officials said that according to preliminary investigation, the resonant bomb which exploded in the court house was similar to that exploded in the Justice Ministry’s Center of Education for Trainee Judges and Prosecutors in August 2003 which wounded 17 security officials. A bomb had exploded in the garden of the Justice Ministry’s Center of Education for Trainee Judges and Prosecutors on August 1, 2003 when policemen were examining a suspicious bag. Seventeen policemen had been injured in the blast.
Memo to Turkish police, when investigating a suspicious bag, let one guy do it and keep your distance.
Posted by: Steve || 03/15/2004 9:42:35 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Spanish Government Sees Possibility of ETA’s Indirect Collaboration
Spanish officials have not yet ruled out the possibility of indirect ETA involvement in the Madrid bombings, perhaps through the supply of explosives to Islamic militants. Officials said they were also re-examining an alleged sale of explosives by ETA to the Islamic Resistance Movement, the radical Palestinian group known as Hamas, several years ago in an effort to identify Basque ties to Islamic extremists. ... Yusuf Galan, a Spanish national who was charged in Madrid in November 2001 with involvement with al Qaeda, was a former ETA member who had converted to Islam.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester || 03/15/2004 8:20:35 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  When PM Asnar is proven correct in his assertion ETA was involved in the terror bombing of Madrid, will his party be permitted to demand and get a new election....
Posted by: Garrison || 03/15/2004 9:01 Comments || Top||

#2  Indigenous terrorist groups like the ETA have an extensive infrastructure that can be utilized by fellow travelers. Local punks must be eviscerated along with international terrorist groups. The border area between Brazil, Venezuela and Columbia needs immediate attention.
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/15/2004 11:41 Comments || Top||

#3  There's lots of Basque bombing going on under the radar of the media: http://www.expatica.com/source/site_article.asp?subchannel_id=25&story_id=5633
Posted by: anon || 03/15/2004 14:06 Comments || Top||

#4  Garrison, here are two articles from the archives that may back up your theory -

from 3/2 Third arrest in ETA bomb plot (demonstrates that ETA was targetting Madrid with a truckload of explosives.)

Also from 1/28 Secret meeting with Eta hits Socialist poll hopes (demonstrates active negotiations between the socialists and ETA/)
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/15/2004 14:17 Comments || Top||

#5  What bomb? If there was a bomb it was a bomb of a Spanish nature. You wouldn't understand. I, myself are leaving and going to Key West. Forget what I said about the bulls. I hate most people.
Posted by: HuminWay || 03/15/2004 18:35 Comments || Top||

Spain’s elections show why radical Islam can win
Radical Islam has scored its first unambiguous victory against the West, and it should have been visible at a long distance (Why radical Islam might defeat the West, July 8, 2003). Winston Churchill’s quip that the appeaser hopes the crocodile will eat him last does not apply when the prospective victim expects to be in another world before the crocodile comes around.

Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero’s Socialist Party crushed Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar’s Popular Party in Spanish elections on Sunday. US commentators expressed consternation that Spanish voters would reject America’s ally in the Iraq war after al-Qaeda’s apparent act of retaliation last Thursday, March 11.

Spain’s death-knell sounded long before the train bombings in Madrid, however. No country in the world is more determined to disappear. The country~{!/~}s fertility rate of 1.12 live births per female is the lowest in the world. As recently as 1975, at the death of strongman Francisco Franco, the fertility rate stood at 3 births per female in 1976. By 2050 Spain will have lost a quarter of its population. Germany and Italy, whose fertility rates fell earlier than Spain’s, will lose a third, according to economist Anthony Scholefield.

Half a millennium after the Reconquista, when Spanish Catholicism expelled the country’s Muslims and Jews, Spain has no choice but to ask the Muslims to return and take possession of its land by stages.

Every Spanish worker in 2050 will support one pensioner, which is to say that the pension system will be bankrupt. According to one academic study, 5 million additional immmigrants must be working in Spain in 2050 to save the pension system, out of a projected population of 37 million - and that assumes an immediate recovery in the fertility rate to 1.5. At this point, it hardly matters what future fertility rate Spanish demographers might project. The demographic catastrophe of the past 30 years puts the pension system on a crash course toward bankruptcy, unless Spain attracts an army of immigrants.

Except for a trickle of immigrants from Latin America, North Africa provides most of Spain’s immigrants at present. Two hundred thousand Muslims now reside in Spain, and they have built 100 new mosques in the past 10 years. Unless Spain were, most improbably, to attempt a recolonization from Latin America, it cannot do without more Muslims.

Socialist voters may not have worked out the arithmetic; Jose Zapatero’s supporter in the street simply does not want to be burdened with America’s distant wars, especially if they draw fire at home. It all amounts to the same thing. Countries too lazy to produce their next generation will not fight. Who will lay down his life for future generations when the future generations simply will not be there?

Like other former strongholds of Catholicism, Spain has made an abrupt and terrible shift away from traditional family life toward egregious hedonism. Alone among Europe’s great powers, Spain nipped Protestantism in the bud, avoiding the terrible religious wars that ravaged France during the 16th century, and killed off perhaps half the German population during the 17th century. By expelling its Jews, its Inquisition cut off access to the Hebrew language and Bible translation. By burning several thousand heretics in public, it offered a terrible object lesson to prospective dissenters. Not until 1936, when Catholic generals rose to overthrow the communist-tinged republic, did Spain finally have its religious war, with half a million deaths, of which one-quarter were from executions.

The victorious General Francisco Franco kept Spain firmly in the Catholic fold until his death in 1975, after which Catholicism shriveled in Spain like a vampire exposed to the light of day. Along with church attendance, the birthrate fell from one of the highest to one of the lowest in the world. That already has been the fate of other Catholic strongholds, such as Canada’s province of Quebec. There the fertility rate dropped from 4.95 children per woman in 1961 to 1.57 in 1996.

Old Europe’s people, religion, culture and fighting mettle have imploded together. The Europeans are not so much defeatist as resigned to extinction.

Posted by: tipper || 03/15/2004 7:44:14 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

The sky is falling! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
Posted by: Mike Sylwester || 03/15/2004 8:12 Comments || Top||

#2  In the aftermath of a war, survivors tend to procreate like rabbits. Perhaps the 1800 Spaniards returned from Iraq will do their manly duty producing the next generation.
Posted by: Garrison || 03/15/2004 8:56 Comments || Top||

#3  I know a flamenco dancer from Cordoba. I feel it might be time to volunteer to do my bit to improve the prospects for Spanish demography.
Posted by: Bulldog || 03/15/2004 9:40 Comments || Top||

#4  "Except for a trickle of immigrants from Latin America,"

Millions of them available, if Spain wants to take them in. All Spanish speaking, all Catholic.
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 03/15/2004 10:19 Comments || Top||

#5  Appeasement (n.) - The policy of granting concessions to potential enemies to maintain peace.

Synonyms: acquiescence, assent, backdown, bowing, capitulation, cringing, defeatism, deference, docility, giving in, humbleness, humility, malleability, meekness, nonresistance, obedience, passivism, passivity, pliability, prostration, recreancy, resignation, servility, subjection, submissiveness, submitting, surrender, tractability, unassertiveness, yielding
Posted by: Gromky || 03/15/2004 10:44 Comments || Top||

#6  The sky IS falling, Mike! In fact, it's raining crocodiles wearing little green headbands inscribed in Arabic! I suggest that all Yanks who know how to make croc skin boots sharpen their knives. Liberalhawk--great idea. Many Latinos would love to go to Spain, and they tend to procreate a little faster than the Spaniards, right? Even a very small monetary incentive could turn the tide on that one. But I don't think Spain is the least interested. Bulldog--Cordoba awaits. Garrison--you're dreamin' I think. If they don't see the writing on the wall now, they're not gonna UNLESS the tour of duty in Iraq DID change their minds "enmasse." Even if all 1800 produced four clear-thinking little Spaniards, that's not even 8000--a drop in the bucket compared to the 200,000+ Islamic invaders (over)populating their lands. But . . . (sigh) . . . I sure hope you're right. Everybody--WHY, after WWII is Europe so weak? Didn't they learn from their own experience what tyrants are capable of? What IS the deal on this? Someone? Anyone?
Posted by: ex-lib || 03/15/2004 11:01 Comments || Top||

#7  Bulldog: I know a great little cave house in Granada. Let's find TWO flamenco dancers...
Posted by: mojo || 03/15/2004 11:05 Comments || Top||

#8  "WHY, after WWII is Europe so weak? Didn't they learn from their own experience what tyrants are capable of? What IS the deal on this? Someone? Anyone?"

Ex-lib, my best swag (scientific wild-ass guess)- aside from some of the Euro-rantburgers on this site like Shep, Bulldog, JFM & TGA - it seems that a lot of the best and brightest from Europe died in WWII fighting Nazism & Facism, what was left were many who capitulated to the Nazis, or would rather surrender then see gay-Paris burn. Same fucks who let the jews be carted off without a second thought. Some euros are too young to remember the face of evil or what it takes (truly) to defeat it. Others fled to the U.S. & U.K. and know the deal. The rest just want to be left alone or maintain their own status quo so will do and say anything to save their own ass i.e. the spanish vote (I also see this coming to fruition in the U.S. w/our own LLL pussies) Although that vote was the last thing that should've happened after the train boom.
Posted by: Jarhead || 03/15/2004 12:25 Comments || Top||

#9  "Everybody--WHY, after WWII is Europe so weak? Didn't they learn from their own experience what tyrants are capable of? What IS the deal on this? Someone? Anyone?"

All right, I'll have a go at it...

My own theory is that Europe is paralysed by the memory of its own capacity for violence, its inability to come to terms with whatever caused that violence, and an inchoate fear that whatever caused it--knock on wood--is still there, waiting to be unleashed.

For much of the century and a half since the French Revolution, and particularly in the first half of the 20th century, continental Europe was the scene of carnage of a magnitude far, far beyond any seen before in the history of humankind. In WWII alone, some sixty million perished. And in the death camps of Socialism, in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, many millions more met a violent end.

Europe's twentieth-century paroxysm of mass slaughter has left them with the firm conviction that ALL wars are bad; ALL "-isms" are bad; ALL religion is bad; and that there is nothing, absolutely NOTHING, worth fighting for anymore. It has left them exhausted, timid and afraid.

Their experience of war is very different from ours; with the exception of one brief period of colonialist interventionism in the early twentieth century, nearly every war we've fought has been fought to right some wrong. We wage wars to FIX things, not to break them. We wage war to set people free, not enslave them. And we wage war to enrich people, not to impoverish them--precisely our strategic objective in Iraq, which is to make them prosperous and thereby placid and content.

I think Europe's history in the last century prevents them from seeing this; the concept of a war worth fighting is utterly alien to them, because they have no memory of such a thing and are loathe to even make the effort of understanding the notion.

That's my take.
Posted by: Dave D. || 03/15/2004 13:07 Comments || Top||

#10  Dave D., great points. I'll have to revise my own thinking on that subject during my afternoon run.
Posted by: Jarhead || 03/15/2004 13:14 Comments || Top||

#11  I wouldn't be so hard on our European friends. Our own populace has shown many of the same weaknesses. I don't know where you live, but where I live, I constantly hear people talking about Bush being a terrorist or that Sharon is a blood sucking murderer. They believe Bush lied and people died. They think the UN would have freed the Iraqi people, rather than acknowledge that, given the opportunity, the UN would have cut holes in Iraqi children's neck and sucked every last ounce of blood out of them, in the hopes of finding cheap oil.

NO...you need look no further than your neighbors house to understand how this can happen. And if people like you and me don't start speaking up and sending in money to Bush..God help us all.
Posted by: B || 03/15/2004 14:13 Comments || Top||

#12  Jarhead, Dave D., and B:
Many thanks to you for taking the time to answer my post! It's because of people like you that I ever was able to revise my once pathetic, outspoken, liberal nonsense-thinking self (still in process).

I think you all have very valid and legitimate points on why the Euros lean toward peace at any price: 1) best of them killed off--the same is true, I think, of some of the native American leaders/people killed off here about a hundred years ago, 2) the years of aggressive, colonialist wars soured the Euros on the concept of a just war--that, coupled with the fear that they have of themselves and their own potential for evil, especially following WWI & WWII, and 3) the universal and inherent issue of human weakness, laziness, and suspiciousness, here and everywhere, fomented by misinformation from pseudo-legitimate sources in media, education, and government/wanna-be government sources.

And I was hoping it was just a summer thing! Oh well.

P.S. I think it's interesting that the West, in general, is concerned with being morally right about war, while the Islamofacists just want to win. Peace at any price + victory at any price = ? ?? (Yikes!) Also--I could've understood the election results a little better if it was the French or the Belgians that had caved. But the Spaniards? It freaked me out a bit. Anyone have any opinons on what the Italians would have done? Or the Germans? And I agree with B (posted elsewhere) that we better not underestimate ultra-lib Kerry's chances of winning. People don't like what they perceive to be "murky" waters regarding Iraq, and Kerry is in the position of simply pretending to know what to do. People could easily go with that and (supposedly) end the uneasy ambiguity they live with right now.
Posted by: ex-lib || 03/15/2004 14:56 Comments || Top||

#13  Fellow RB'rs, the symptom is in this country as well - I see it first hand daily. Every time I go back to metro-Detroit on leave I see "the sickness," - people fat, complacent, lazy, rude, only care about the instant gratification, no long term planning or investment in the country, just want it now or think the gov't owes them. I see the same in politics from both parties, one out sources jobs/manufacturing and could give a shit about the environment the other has no concept of national defense and wants to raise taxes to support the indigent. Neither wants to shut down the border and systemically actually fix the damn immigration problem. Different sides of the same damn coin imho. Bunch of sell outs - Follow the money trail I always say. Being a true patriot is not just flying the flag when its convenient, it means sometimes biting the fucking bullet for the country so things are better for our kids and their kids down the line. That's why I'm in the Corps and will be until they throw my sorry white ass out. I am so sick of what I call the American Moron running around whining about gas prices, their mortgage, and Bush. Basically, if it doesn't affect their little world they could give a shit about the state of affairs, but as soon as their little existence is affected then they go play chicken little. Always stay vigilant, the onus is on everyone of us no matter our lot in life to take care of this country and ensure its survival.
Posted by: Jarhead || 03/15/2004 16:54 Comments || Top||

#14  "Jarhead, Dave D., and B: Many thanks to you for taking the time to answer my post! It's because of people like you that I ever was able to revise my once pathetic, outspoken, liberal nonsense-thinking self (still in process)."

Take heart, ex-lib: until about this time last year, I was a Democrat; and I had been one for 31 years. Too bad it took radical Islam to cure me of it, though...
Posted by: Dave D. || 03/15/2004 17:52 Comments || Top||

#15  P.S. I think it's interesting that the West, in general, is concerned with being morally right about war, while the Islamofacists just want to win.
You just don't understand. It's cool too loose.
I've made a fortune with that theory.

In A.N.S.W.E.R.to your question no. But he dreams about me.
Posted by: HuminWay || 03/15/2004 18:39 Comments || Top||

#16  I see the same in politics from both parties, one out sources jobs/manufacturing and could give a shit about the environment the other has no concept of national defense and wants to raise taxes to support the indigent.

That's not a true statement. Bush has, according to the experts, done more to support fuel cell technology than Clinton ever did. And I'm not so sure that the Democrats do more than provide lip service to the outsourcing issue.
Posted by: anon || 03/15/2004 20:17 Comments || Top||

#17  Interesting statement by David Gergen just now on Fox. He said that the response of an attack in the US just prior to our elections would be a serious miscalculation - the US public response would most likely be exactly the opposite of the Spanish.

I believe that this would be true of all Americans who are not paid political consultants of the Jackass Party. They would, of course, suddenly start speaking Spanish.
Posted by: .com || 03/15/2004 22:20 Comments || Top||

Brave Spain (The Sun: Tabloid of Champions)
The Sun Says...
THERE seems little doubt that al-Qaeda carried out the Madrid massacre. But did the terrorists strike because Spain backed America and Britain in the war on terror? No. They murdered 200 innocent people because they are bent on destroying everything Western. If, in their hours of grief, Spanish voters have exacted revenge on their Government then that would be a sad mistake. Muslim fanatics were at war with the West long before September 11 forced countries like America, Britain and Spain to stand up and be counted. The latest bloodshed has nothing to do with with our ousting of Saddam. Because France and Germany sat on their hands, does that mean they are not a target?
To paraphrase the great Churchill: The Battle of Spain is over, the Battle of France is about to begin.
No country can afford to do nothing. This is a war on the world — and we have to fight back. You can’t appease terrorists. That just makes you a soft target.
Simple, blunt, and true.
The Sun is Garlic to Al Mirror’s Vampire. It was The Sun who called out the Guardian/Independent/Mirror Axis on their original Guantanamo horror stories a couple of years ago, with a half page banner headline declaring "LIES!" Just before the Iraq War, Sun minions rented a boat and bombarded a visiting French warship with white feathers (symbols of cowardice in Britain).
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 03/15/2004 6:16:40 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

Professor Bunyip
Just felt like posting this
Neither, however, entirely explains the absence from the bloghead. The reason for that, sadly, is Spain. When news of the bombs reached these quarters, dismay at the latest Islamic horror was worsened by the sure suspicion that things were going to get worse, which the election results from Madrid have now confirmed. Depression and withdrawal were the responses, hence, with the other excuses, the lack of posts.

It is folly to elect socialists anywhere and at any time, as the peace-loving voters who swung the election will no doubt discover when their economy comes down with the inevitable chills. But to do so now, to indulge stupidity and pretend that craven expedience will do just as well as courage in a moment of crisis, well, it verges on the criminally negligent -- and like most criminal acts, it will hurt the perpetrators as much as the victim, which in this case, ironically, is nothing less than democracy itself.

Do the voters who swung their support behind the appeasers really believe that the bombers will now leave them alone? Do they imagine that the timely renunciation of resolve can placate an implacable foe? As sure as eggs, the Wahabi scum will be back to demand more concessions. The highest moral station to which Spain can now aspire -- and it is a miserable ambition -- will be to make Greece its model. Greece, where authorities made a point not to apprehend Palestinian terrorists, and if they did, if the offence was so egregious that there was no alternative but to slap on the cuffs, where the accused were gently treated, mildly sentenced, and then set free as quietly and quickly as possible. Now the Greeks are preparing to host the Olympics and living in dread of a terrorist assault. Fat lot of good being so pliable did them.

"Usurpers in Andalucia," the correspondence will go, "to avoid our further wrath, dwell not on the cells of our agents who have made their base in your country. If you value your trains, turn a blind eye." And because the Socialist Workers Party won power on a platform of cowardice, there will be no going back, for to do so would repudiate the very source and origin of what passes for its authority. If the current suspects from the mosques are indeed the ones responsible for the train bombings, how can the incoming government reject the inevitable request that the culprits be set free? The short answer is that it won’t -- and if it does, if it tries to draws a line in the sand, it can expect more violence. Why should the Islamisists restrain themselves. In Spain they now know massacres work wonders.

Many Spanish voters will no doubt now be kidding themselves that they have bought peace. They haven’t, as Orwell could have told them. In "Spilling the Spanish Beans", he writes at one point of the bargains and truces of the moment that formed and shifted in the war against Franco, and which doomed that cause to defeat: peasant allied with the bourgeois in league with Stalin’s manipulators. The players have changed, obviously, but Orwell’s observation that a government built on such feckless betrayals of principle could never hope to stand, let alone triumph, remains just as true today, when Spanish voters have surrendered their first and greatest weapon against the new fascists: the will to resist them.

The anti-Franco coallition, wrote Orwell, "is a combination with about as much vitality, as much right to exist, as a pig with two heads or some other Barnum and Bailey monstrosity." Just such a monster is the new Spanish government -- a democratic assembly risen to office on a promise to appease those whose who hold democracy itself in contempt. Like all freakshows, there is something depressing about the spectacle. Spanish memories must be short if so many have forgotten how the nation’s last round of squalid compromises brought Franco to power, and how very long the country had to live with him as a consequence.

It is a depressing thought that any nation of free people would sell its honour so cheaply.
Posted by: tipper || 03/15/2004 4:06:07 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Many years ago, 1974 to be exact, I was in college in Texas listening to an LLL prof hold forth on the evils of the Spanish Conquistadores.

He detailed their atrocities, their arrogance, their treachery.
He declared that they were guilty of one of the "worst acts of naked aggression in human history."
(It is just possible that the Aztecs' subject peoples, thousands of whom were skinned alive or had their hearts ripped out every year in the overlords' human sacrifice rituals, would not have agreed, but I digress)

The Spaniard-demonizer then asked if anyone had anything good to say about Cortez, Pizarro and company.

A big character in jeans and a western shirt put his hand up from the back of the room and was duly recognized.
He drawled, "Well, sir, you say 600 of 'em conquered millions o' Aztecs and less than that whupped the Incas?"
"'fewer than that' but yes, that's approximately correct."
"Well then, they was some of the toughest sons-of-bitches that ever lived."

Indeed they were, and their valor, daring and martial skill were the direct legacy of the long, bitter centuries it took to expel the Mohammedans from Spain.
They must be spinning in their graves today.

Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 03/15/2004 4:43 Comments || Top||

#2  meh as I recall they didn exactly do it solo, correct me if I'm wrong.. buh they took advantage of local politics and religion, they had locals fighting on their side.. funny what people will do if they think yer their white god
Posted by: Dcreeper || 03/15/2004 5:40 Comments || Top||

#3  Indeed, Dc, that's what the reference to the Aztecs' subject peoples was about, they were the ones who joined the Spanish.
The white god scam didn't last long, but the non-Aztecs continued to see the Spanish as heaven-sent deliverers.
You can get people on your side in a hurry if you aren't tearing their hearts out and your enemies are.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 03/15/2004 5:52 Comments || Top||

#4  good point :-p
Posted by: Dcreeper || 03/15/2004 5:59 Comments || Top||

#5  A few points on the conquest of Mexico.

1) Even at that time it was clear in Spain that forced conversions were invalid and should not be tried. However nobody told conquistadores to tolerate religions who endorsed human sacrifice and canibalism: their natural reaction was to destroy them

2) No matter the firepower you cannot control a territory the size of Mexico with 1 thousand men so Cortez needed local allies but Tlaxcatecls had never been able or even close to conquer the Aztecs. Even if decisevely defeated (a thing who didn't happen) the Aztecs would just withdraw to the lake of Mexico and from there raid the rearguard of a besieging army. In addition the tribes of Mexico didn't knew the wheel or beasts of burden so a besieging army had an enormous logistical inferiority over the Aztecs and their fleet of canoes. It was the Spaniards who broke
the invulnearbility of Tenochtitlan.

3) Even if the Spaniards needed local allies it is evident when considering Otumba and other battles that it was them who provided the main fighting power of the combined army.

4) Cortez had to battle expeditions from Spanish rivals, quell revolts instigated by those rivals alll while battling the Aztecs

5) So great was the hate aginst the Aztecs than Cortez had to disciplinate Tlaxcaltecls who wanted to kill and eat prisoners/non combatants. The fact is that Aztecs were universally hated and the only people who admire them are the a...s of the LLL and the people of "La Raza"

PS: One of the LLL wrote a book "Aztec" where the hero mentions that Aztec priests never washed in their lives, add the stench of old dried blood. However he doesn't mention their odor: he talks of the poor hygiene and the repellent odor of the Spaniards not about the priests.
Posted by: JFM || 03/15/2004 8:42 Comments || Top||

Socialist victory may bolster al-Qaeda: analysts
In American politics, it’s called the October Surprise: a dramatic, last-minute event that swings the election into the hands of the incumbent president. In Spain, that surprise came seven months early, a terrorist attack that turned a near-certain win for a pro-U.S. government into a stunning defeat with potentially ominous repercussions.

On both sides of the Atlantic on Sunday, analysts were suggesting that the turnabout in Spain raises troubling questions for the global war on terrorism and future support for the war in Iraq, questions that eventually could reverberate back into the American political scene.

Europe’s citizenry never bought President Bush’s argument that Iraq was a terrorist nation. Leaders such as Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar dared to support Bush and buck that opposition — in Spain’s case up to 90%.

Now many inevitably will wonder whether events in Spain send a signal: that world leaders back Bush at their political peril or at the peril of their citizens.

"This event rivals 9/11 in terms of a victory for al-Qaeda," says homeland security consultant Randall Larsen. "They just influenced an election. That’s a frightening development because it’s only going to encourage them."

"It’s not that we’ll lose political support for a war that’s already pretty unpopular," adds Michael O’Hanlon, foreign policy and defense expert at the Brookings Institution, a Washington think tank. "What’s truly troubling is that this may be seen as a model by al-Qaeda and they may try to test it to see other countries’ resolve."

Robin Niblett, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, says the results must be analyzed carefully.

"Three days ago it looked as if the (Popular Party) would win but it was always pretty tight. My sense is that historically over past four to five years people have grudgingly supported the Popular Party," he said. With the economy strong, "people were willing to overlook the war in Iraq even though there was huge public opposition to it."

The terrorist attacks "very possibly turned the swing vote against the Popular Party. In which case you can make the argument that that influenced the election. Whether that was deliberate or not is hard to tell."

The Socialists, he says, will be "far more skeptical of the United States. And this swings a balance in Europe. It makes (Britain’s) Tony Blair look weaker."

Political analysts said it appeared that pro-Socialist voters who sat out the election four years ago were inspired by the bombing to cast ballots.

"The Spanish government’s decision immediately to blame ETA signaled a defensiveness about its support for the war in Iraq," said Lee Feinstein, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations who served in President Clinton’s State Department leadership. "It’s different from the picture in the United States, where when there’s a crisis, there’s ... generally support for the incumbent."

Many voters said they were angry that the incumbents were too quick to blame Basque separatists for the attacks.

Ernesto Sanchez-Gey, 48, who voted in Barcelona, said, "I wasn’t planning to vote, but I am here today because the Popular Party is responsible for murders here and in Iraq."

Another voter, Paloma Galve, 50, a secretary at an engineering firm, said she narrowly missed being on one the trains and sees the bombings as fallout from Spain’s military alliances with Bush.

"We suffered the consequences of the ambitions of Mr. Aznar," she said.

The impact of Spain’s traumatic events could be slow to unfold on the U.S. political scene.

It could make it even more difficult for the administration to convince European allies to contribute more troops and money to the war and reconstruction in Iraq. The Spanish Socialists have promised to pull out Spain’s contingent of about 1,300 soldiers in July.

But Bush has not based his foreign policy on working closely with allies.

Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., appearing on CNN’s Late Edition, called the attack in Madrid very sophisticated, coming as it did right before the election. "And it just so happens that the Socialist Party candidate for the prime ministership indicated he would simply withdraw all the Spanish support in regards to Iraq. So I think it’s very politically sensitive."

Sen. Joe Lieberman, D-Conn., appearing on the same program, warned the Europeans to remember history.

"Anyone who thinks that if ... a nation’s troops stay out of a particular military conflict that they’ll be somehow protected from the fanatical Islamic terrorists, is just wrong," he said. "That’s the same kind of logic that led Neville Chamberlain in Munich to try to pacify Hitler in the late ’30s. And obviously that didn’t work," he said.

One immediate consequence of the bombings was fear of more attacks in Europe. Some terrorism experts say the pumped-up security in the USA after Sept. 11 makes Europe an easier and more attractive target.

• In Italy, which supported the U.S.-led war in Iraq, officials enlisted another 4,000 military personnel to guard potential targets.

• In Britain, America’s closest ally in the war, additional plainclothes policemen were ordered onto trains and aboard London’s heavily traveled subway system.

• Poland, which also has sent troops to Iraq, ratcheted up protection at airports and train stations.

But even nations that have resisted joining the U.S.-led war and occupation of Iraq heightened security. French President Jacques Chirac, the leading critic of the U.S.-led war in Iraq, put his country on high alert and increased surveillance at transport centers.

Border controls and patrols in public areas were expanded in Germany. German officials on Sunday called for an emergency meeting of European nations to reassess security. Others called for Europe-wide action to centralize anti-terror strategy, akin to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

"Europeans have always intellectually known they were a likely target, but emotionally they never felt the same sense of being at war with Islamic terrorism as you do in the United States. This could change that," says Dana Allin, a European security specialist at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, in London.

"Not since 9/11 has the war on terror felt so close to home," wrote the Sunday Times of London. "After Madrid? The Eternal City will be hit," Il Messaggero said Sunday, warning that Rome could be the next logical target for Islamic terrorists.

The concern over a new wave of attacks could prod the European Union to enact a continent-wide counterterrorism policy, as many experts have urged since Sept. 11.

Critics say that individual intelligence and security agencies within each European country make fighting terrorism a logistical nightmare. That’s especially the case as the European Union becomes increasingly "borderless." At the same time, however, countries remain reluctant to share intelligence and other crucial data, such as on immigration.

Some experts say action may be needed akin to the Patriot Act in the United States. One sign that the Madrid bombings may serve as a wake-up call for a Europe-wide policy: France immediately allowed Spanish investigators into France, where ETA terrorists sometimes operate.

"The European Union will need a homeland security policy," says Rafael Bardaji, a defense analyst at the Real Elcano Institute in Madrid. "If it is al-Qaeda, we have to start doing things instead of saying things."
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/15/2004 12:09:57 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under:

The Socialists long campaigned on a promise to withdraw Spanish troops from Iraq and so now they may do so without apology, with full political integrity. The Socialists' argument that Spain has no business involving itself in Iraq is reasonable and apparently has won the majority's agreement.

I expect that the new Socialist government will respond strongly and effectively to the terrorist bombing. The obvious main responses will be to drastically restrict immigration from Moslem countries into Spain, to deport illegal Moslems out of Spain, and to much more energetically spy on activities on Moslems who remain in Spain. With the Socialists in power and implementing these measures, there will be little political opposition to these measures.

In the long run, Spain might do more for the War on Terrorism by resisting Moslem immigration and criminality in Europe than it might by continuing to help the USA in Iraq.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester || 03/15/2004 1:07 Comments || Top||

#2  Don't agree Mike. The way to do more for the War on Terrorism is good offense, not just playing defense.
Posted by: Tokyo Taro || 03/15/2004 1:39 Comments || Top||

#3  EUropeon left-wingers restricting immigration for Muslim countries, expelling illegal immigrant Muslims and spying on Muslim citizens in good standing? That would make Spain's Socialists RIGHT-WING EXTREMISTS. The EU would refuse to recognize the Spanish Socialists cum RIGHT-WING EXTREMISTS as a legitimate political entity. The question is: IF the carnage of Bloody Thursday is traced to indigenous left-wing terrorists who set of the bombs to influence the election on behalf of the Socialists, will the Spaniards demand an immediate re-do of the election?
Posted by: Garrison || 03/15/2004 1:48 Comments || Top||

#4  Mike S--

Wutchu smokin' dude? 'Cuz whatever it is, I want some of it! 'Cuz me, I'm still way bummed out by the spinach election, and I think you have to smokin' sumpin pretty heavy to hallucinate that the socialists-- the socialists???-- are gonna crack down hard on their izzies.

It is just not in the multi-culti "let's all sit down and talk our differences out" nature of the beast.

Face facts, Mike: Spain has capitulated, and we and the Spaniards (plus many others) are gonna be picking up the bloody pieces for some time to come.

Posted by: WUZZALIB || 03/15/2004 2:31 Comments || Top||

#5  There is no other way to interpret the swing in Spain's vote than as a regime change perpetrated by Al Qaeda.
Posted by: Karma || 03/15/2004 4:33 Comments || Top||

#6  agreed totally Karma, every other country involved in the fight against AQ is gonna get big booms right before elections now thanks to the fucking gutless spaniards,i say we fuckin nuke em for it, that way they won't be appeasing AQ again in a hurry,infact a 99% population reduction there would be a big help to us now
Posted by: Jon Shep U.K || 03/15/2004 4:39 Comments || Top||

#7  Dammit, guys, this election in Spain is going to hurt us all. Europe, and lets include Tony, who will feel the pressure from his weaker folks to throw in the towell like Spain has done. They'll all want to sit around and tongue each other with multiculti harmony. Ahem, except the radical islama boys who are laughing up their sleeve. This is terrible news to me. I felt compassion for the Spaniards until today when I read the news. It stopped immediately. Damn, this is a bad break for President Bush and the rest of us Yanks. Time will tell. TW
Posted by: Anonymous || 03/15/2004 4:51 Comments || Top||

#8  I'm in an apocalyptic mood today. A week ago I thought we would win the WoT even if it took one or two generations like the Cold War but we could do so by lots of small victories.

Today I think we will have to face up to traditional allies capitulating to terror as AQ now have tactic that manifestly works and I don't doubt that they will use it for years. Maybe it wont always work but it will work enough times to keep it in the arsenal for many years to come.

Yesterday was a bad day and I fear we will have much worse to come, until we reach a point that dramatic and violent lessons are required.

Someone here speaks of 'going medieval on them'. A week ago I thought that would never be required. Today I think it will be required within a couple of years.
Posted by: Phil B || 03/15/2004 6:10 Comments || Top||

#9  With the next series of bombs in Spain (and there will be more eventually) the population may start to catch on.
Posted by: Shipman || 03/15/2004 7:17 Comments || Top||

Re: #2 The way to do more for the War on Terrorism is good offense, not just playing defense.

I agree, and I have written so in Rantburg. And I wish the Aznar government had been re-elected, because I appreciate that Aznar supported President Bush's offensive strategy in the War on Terrorism. Spain's support in Iraq was good while it lasted.

Let's not blame the socialists or the Spanish voters. They acted in a democratic manner and voted, among other long-debated issues, to withdraw Spanish soldiers from Iraq. They did not vote to submit to terrorists.

I am saying, let's look at this glass as half-full. I expect that the new Socialist government will couple the withdraw from Iraq with new, effective measures against Moslem terrorism inside Spain. I think there is now broad political support for such measures. If the Socialists had remained the opposition party, they would be tempted to resist such measures. Now that the Socialists lead the government, though, they will want to show that they can and will respond effectively to Moslem terrorism and to lawless Moslem immigration.

Posted by: Mike Sylwester || 03/15/2004 7:33 Comments || Top||

#11  Tokyo taro, Mike and Phil B,
It is now clear that only the US, UK, Australia and the Israel are now left as western democracies who believe in the necessity of actively initiating an offensive against islamo- terrorism.
Politically and morally, the results of the Spanish elections are a blow to the efforts of GWB to enroll other European allies into the WoT.
I realy truely hope that the American voters now sober up and understand that voting for the fuzzy Democrat agenda is going to slide the US into a slippery slope of apologetic multicultural doom.
If Americans cannot read history clearly now, they will (together with the rest of Judeo-Christian Scientifically based civilization) experience a great decline.
While many in Old Europe were never very appreciative of their freedom, It may still be fresh in Americans' memory how hard they worked to gain and maintain their's.
May we all be united in protecting our common values.
Posted by: Elder of Zion || 03/15/2004 8:10 Comments || Top||

#12  I would be very surprised if the American Left doesn't latch onto this leftward swing in Spanish politics as an illustrative example for US elections.

The leftists will be hoping even harder for a terrorist attack on US soil before November...
Posted by: mjh || 03/15/2004 8:38 Comments || Top||

the US, UK, Australia and the Israel are now left as western democracies who believe in the necessity of actively initiating an offensive

That might be so, EZ, but there is a big area for many defensive measures between the two extremes of 1) an offensive strategy and 2) abject surrender.

I would be happiest if Spain continued to support our active strategy in Iraq and also expelled its Moslem immigrants. When the Aznar government ruled, Spain did the former but not the latter. When the Socialist government takes over, Spain will not do the former but might really do the latter.

From where we stand in the War on Terrorism right now, we need Spain to resist Moslem immigration in Spain much more than we need Spain to help us guard sites in Iraq.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester || 03/15/2004 8:39 Comments || Top||

#14  Mike S I just listened to Spain's new socialist PM. He is an old fashioned tranzi socialist. Statements like 'We will give immigrants the same rights as (Spanish) citizens'. No chance of expelling muslim immigrants IMHO.

EoZ please drop the handle if you want me to take you seriously.
Posted by: Phil B || 03/15/2004 8:47 Comments || Top||

#15  "we need Spain to resist Moslem immigration in Spain much more than we need Spain to help us guard sites in Iraq."

Actually, what we really needed Spain to do was think before voting.

It doesn't matter what message the voters were trying to send, nor to whom. The message al-Qaeda will take from yesterday's fuckup is precisely the message they'd most like to hear: democracies can be made to run and hide if you bomb them right before an election. Intimidation works! Allah Akhbar!

Way to go, shitheads.
Posted by: Dave D. || 03/15/2004 8:50 Comments || Top||

democracies can be made to run and hide if you bomb them right before an election

That's why Spain has to stop Moslem immigration, deport Moslem illegal immigrants, and spy on the remaining Moslems.

We all are clear that al-Qaeda communicated to all Moslems that bombs can be effective weapons against modern democracies. We all are clear that this attack will encourage other Moslems to plan similar attacks.

We should also be clear, though, that Europe observed the same message and will react to defend itself. Europe won't send troops to help us in Iraq, but Europe certainly will take other measures to defend itself against Moslem terrorists.

This will not be a good time for Moslems who are trying to immigrate to Europe or who are trying to preach Moslem fundamentalist terror in Europe. Some European policies are going to change very drastically.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester || 03/15/2004 9:02 Comments || Top||

#17  Phil B,
By All means take me seriously cuz I'm desperately
serious (EoZ)
Posted by: Colton L. || 03/15/2004 9:08 Comments || Top||

#18  This will not be a good time for Moslems who are trying to immigrate to Europe or who are trying to preach Moslem fundamentalist terror in Europe. Some European policies are going to change very drastically.

In Many countries what we should worry about is not stopping the moslem immigrants but coping with the 5-8 percent existing moslem immigrants that are already there.
At least in France it looks like a non-solvable problem because an 8 percent that multiply like rabbits are going to take over the country in 20-30 years. Belgium and the Netherlands are not in a much better position nowadays.
Making it tough for the arabs who are already there without socially assimilating them is not going to solve the problem (they probably do not want to assimilate anyhow).
It seems that sooner or later something is going to happen there.... I surely don't want to be in Europe when this situation blows in their faces.
Posted by: Colton L. || 03/15/2004 9:23 Comments || Top||

#19  Colton L, Sorry but I am concerned that RB (doesnt) become a magnet for loony racists and we have had a spate the last few days. I don't know why they come here. Maybe they think cos we are right wing, we are therefore racists. Whereas nothing could be further from the truth.
Posted by: Phil B || 03/15/2004 9:25 Comments || Top||

#20  CL I agree. Growing non-assimilated muslim minorities are a huge problem in Europe. They are waking up to the problem, but they are nowhere near a solution. BTW I've read that in the working age population moslems are between 10% and 12% of the total.
Posted by: Phil B || 03/15/2004 9:31 Comments || Top||

#21  Mike S: That's why Spain has to stop Moslem immigration, deport Moslem illegal immigrants, and spy on the remaining Moslems.

From the Socialist standpoint, this makes no sense as an electoral strategy. The Muslims are probably providing them with their margin of victory. Why would they want to inhibit the arrival of more Muslims?
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 03/15/2004 9:44 Comments || Top||

#18 and #20:
Europe can't solve the problem immediately but will increase its resistance. Stopping Moslem immigration is better than not stopping it. Deporting Moslem illegal immigrants is better than not deporting them. Spying on Moslems is better than not spying on them.

The USA hasn't solved its problem either, but the actions we did take after Sep 11 -- restricting visas, mass arrests and deportations of illegal immigrants, and aggressive domestic intelligence -- have made a big difference. Similar measures in Europe will make a big difference there too.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester || 03/15/2004 9:44 Comments || Top||

#23  Mark S and others are right: now that the Islamonazis have successfully swung an election, watch out USA - election year - and Australia - election year!

It was pathetic watching the UN jump all over the ETA theory with no proof. God help them if it's actually true that Islamonazis are the next fascist threat - they may have to stop pretending when it's Europe that's under attack.

Meanwhile China can sit back and relax while the Anglophone world wastes it's money and precious blood fighting fascism once again. It knows it can rule the survivor just by floating the Yuan.

I am afraid some days that the hate-America left is going to get it's chance to have a short-lived gloat over the downfall of the only barrier between us and Islamofascism. It's gonna end with a nuke (maybe more) and I just hope Pakistan haven't sold any to the Soddies as it's they are the mothership of Islamonazism.

Recommend: all citizens in allied countries undertake a first-aid course immediately - you may need to use it on your countrymen. I've done mine now you do yours.

If you are able and willing, join the army reserves to get basic training: you will need it one day.

If you are able, join a volunteer emergency organisation that trains in search and rescue. It's free it only costs time and a little effort. You may need these skills one day. If you don't have volunteer emergency services, join a group that provides similar skills: or start one!

It's up to US to keep our countries strong, each and every one of us. It's our responsibility too, to fight this war by being strong and smart and skilled.
Posted by: Anon1 || 03/15/2004 9:49 Comments || Top||

The Muslims are probably providing them with their margin of victory.
The Socialists' main support are Spanish workers, who feel threatened by cheap immigrant labor and by immigrant criminals who live near their homes. When the Socialists propose anti-immigrant measures, nobody will oppose them.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester || 03/15/2004 9:49 Comments || Top||

#25  Phil B
Dont worry about Loony racists, I was using the handle to make it clear that I am Jewish (and an Israeli) and as a way of having fun with Paleo trolls.
You are absolutely right about the percentage of moslems in the working age population in France. The problem is, they give them only the shitty menial jobs and most of them cannot find any high skill well paying jobs either because they don't have the qualifications or simply becuase the native French discriminate against them.
Either way, on the long term its a total disater.
Frankly, I would be surprised if this is resolved
in a non-violent way.
Posted by: Colton L. || 03/15/2004 9:54 Comments || Top||

#26  Mike - you would be right if he would do anything to stop immigration - but what gives you reason to believe that he will do so? They have no more ability to get a handle in their immigration problems than we do here. Socialists here have pushed for granting illegal immigrants the ability to vote as well as access to all $erviceS that our country provides. How do you think that Spainish socialists will perform the miracle of funding bankrupt pensions and nanny state programs? It would be nice, but it isn't going to happen any time soon. Would you be willing to give up YOUR pension for a better tomorrow? I doubt it. I don't see any reason for your optimism in this regard.

I don't see any silver lining in these election results. The way I see it is that Europe is up the creek and just threw away one of its few remaining paddles.
Posted by: B || 03/15/2004 10:12 Comments || Top||

but what gives you reason to believe that he will do so [stop immigration]?
Because immigrants blew up four trains a few days ago. The situation has changed.
On September 10, 2001, the Bush administration was doing little to arrest and deport Moslem illegal immigrants. During the following months, hundreds were arrested and deported.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester || 03/15/2004 10:20 Comments || Top||

#28  ZF the irony is that moslems in Spain represent a smaller proportion of the population than any other western european country and it is in the best position to stop the rot.
Posted by: Phil B || 03/15/2004 10:20 Comments || Top||

#29  ah, the sky is falling, the sky is falling!

The election result was a bad thing. Losing Spanish troops in Iraq (it should be recalled that they wont go till June 30 - the new PM says they will if stay if the UN takes charge of the international forces - he hasnt said what happens in the more likely eventuality that NATO takes charge) will be missed, and this will make the coalition of the willing look narrower, hurting Iraq hawks in the US and Britain. And the precedent of AQ determining a European election with an act of terror is awful, and we can expect them to try it elsewhere.

BUT - Spain will STILL participate in the WOT, defensively at home, in the war on terror cells, on finances, the intell war, etc. Spain was always the weak spot in the coalition of the willing - of UK, Italy, Poland, Australia, Spain, it was Spain that had the highest poll numbers against the war in Iraq - Spain where the govt had gone out furthest ahead of the people. That Spain is giving up, after losses in Iraq, and a terror act on this scale, is hardly surprising. Im not sure AQ can pull off that many more of these, in Italy, Poland, the UK etc. Especially not if Spain and the EU again crack down on terror networks.

And im not sure this will matter that much in Iraq, if that is AQ's goal. At this point we're getting close to turnover there - what happens in Iraqi politics is more important now than multilateral support for the US. Reports indicate that some Shia leaders are opposing UN participation in Iraq - because UN rep was TOO PRO-US!!!!! The real political situation in Iraq has moved well beyond the pre-war debate. If AQ cant see that, they will waster their resouces on essentially fruitless attacks.
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 03/15/2004 10:41 Comments || Top||

#30  LH cracking down can not solve the problem. The numbers just dont work. I cite as an example the IRA. The catholic population of N. Ireland at the start of the troubles in the late sixties was between 6 and 7 hundred thousand people. Lets assume the population from which the IRA recruits is males between 18 and 40 which means about a hundred thousand people. The British government arrayed against them police and security forces of at least 50 thousand and probably closer to a hundred thousand. The IRA had no problem planting bombs often 5 or 6 six in one day for many years. Plus shooting at security forces often dozen of times a day. I know I was there.

I repeat the numbers do not work. You have to put a policeman or soldier on the streets for every potential terrorist - not actual terrorist -potential terrorist. You can not defeat organized terrorists who have community support using police type actions, even if you do what the brits did - indefinite detention without trial, a large part of your army patrolling the streets and special forces assinating prime suspects. The numbers do not work!

This is a psychological war. A war of perceptions. The ONLY way to win it is to be resolute and not to flinch and to project complete confidence of victory. Yesterday was a huge loss because it showed where the vulnerability was and that vulnerability will now be ruthlessly exploited.
Posted by: Phil B || 03/15/2004 11:31 Comments || Top||

#31  "What’s truly troubling is that this may be seen as a model by al-Qaeda and they may try to test it to see other countries’ resolve."

DUH!!! The Islamonazis have nothing better to do than test their boundaries in prep for their next incursion. And at one time the Moslems feared the "Great Crusader Satan" Spain, so this victory must’ve been especially sweet for them.

“Many voters said they were angry that the incumbents were too quick to blame Basque separatists for the attacks.”

So, the Spaniards dig their own graves in “retaliation”? What a way to use a vote. How stupid! I wonder if the Socialists and their supporters really know what they're in for, now that they have emboldened the Islamos.

“Paloma Galve, 50, a secretary at an engineering firm, said she narrowly missed being on one the trains and sees the bombings as fallout from Spain’s military alliances with Bush. "We suffered the consequences of the ambitions of Mr. Aznar," she said.”

The “ambitions” of Aznar? Fighting terrorists is too “ambitious” for the Spaniards? Maybe they’d like SERVING their victors better. I know--how 'bout they trade places with the Sudanese Christians whom the Moslems have succeeded in enslaving?--all in the name of PEACE, (when there is no peace), of course. Or think of all the money to be made selling burkas to the women of Spain. A new industry for the Moslem immigrants. Maybe they'll get so busy with that, that they won't even want to blow things up. And the Moslems could hire a lot of working-class Spaniards to help them, and everything would just be so multi-cultural and lovely . . . it's a small world after all . . . (Garrison--I think you better hurry up.)

“Sen. Joe Lieberman, D-Conn. . . . warned the Europeans to remember history. "Anyone who thinks that if ... a nation’s troops stay out of a particular military conflict that they’ll be somehow protected from the fanatical Islamic terrorists, is just wrong," he said. "That’s the same kind of logic that led Neville Chamberlain in Munich to try to pacify Hitler in the late ’30s. And obviously that didn’t work," he said.

Wow. See, there IS hope for antiwar! And to think I actually have Joe to thank for keeping this from being a totally bum day. Will wonders never cease . . .
Posted by: ex-lib || 03/15/2004 11:59 Comments || Top||

#32  phil B

Do not mistake me - I am NOT suggesting a war on terror fought on homeground alone, and if EVERY western state were to devote all resources to that, i would be troubled.

Im merely saying that we can afford the loss of Spain on the mideast transformation project, especially if they still contribute in other ways.

I would suggest that this war is fundamentally different from the war in Ulster. The IRA had the sympathy of the majority of the Catholic population in Ulster. I do not think AQ has the support of the majority of the muslim population in most areas.
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 03/15/2004 12:15 Comments || Top||

#33  Phil B is right. Cracking down domestically is not going to win the WoT. I don't think they will just up and forget the WoT, but the best defense is a good offense in this war. As far as the Spanish troops go, let's be realistic, not to belittle the Spanish troops, but they were there more for moral support than anything. Their loss from a military standpoint is insignificant. What is significant is the precedent that the Spanish people just set for AQ. Democracies are going to be boomed and boomed hard before every election for the foreseeable future. October and November are going to be bloody.
Posted by: AllahHateMe || 03/15/2004 12:16 Comments || Top||

#34  The majority of the electorate in Italy and Poland are against deployment of troops n Iraq also. Bombs there could provoke a parlimentary crisis (easy to do in Italy, I understand), a vote of no confidence, and a less agressive stance in the WoT. Remember that it was through terror-proxies that Middle Eastern governments were able to reduce European support for Israel in the late 1960's, leading directly to the 1973 Arab-Israeli War. The bombers in Spain have once again proven that these tactics work against the European electorate. Obviously the mullahs, Saudis, and secular leaders like Assad have taken note.

Europe saddens me. The statistics don't lie. Europe from Gibraltar to Moscow is simply failing to reproduce. At the same time they are cutting military expenditures and inviting in millions of immigrants to do their menial chores (we share this latter defect). With the exception of England, most of these immigrants lack paths to upward mobility. I don't see Muslim names in the European business press. I don't see Muslim names as MPs or ministers.

I have become convinced that Europe is the strategic decisive point, the Schwerpunkt, in this war, just as it was in the Cold War and WWII. If we can win there, we will win the war. If we lose, then we lose Africa, Central Asia, Oceania, and maybe even India. We need to defeat second international socialism and its attendant dependency. We need yeomen, not entitlement takers. I haven't figured out how to reach that goal yet, but I'm thinking awfully hard.
Posted by: 11A5S || 03/15/2004 12:40 Comments || Top||

#35  Great thread, fun reads. Sylvester is right on.

Like I wrote yesterday, don't forget that this election just shows that Spain, like all EU, is divided. The PP was close to victory and aren't going to go away but the ABBA crowed was energized, the starz were bright Fernandor. Spain doesn't want to be known as the place Moh killed the dragon. Pacifists are energized is all.

The war moves to a new middle game. Certain positions have changed but the dynamics remain. No end game in sight yet. Funny but I would have thought that the bombings would have had an opposite effect.

We all know that this enemy has many heads. Until we start going after those heads, brutally like they do then we wait, defensively, for the next attack. Currently we are attacking in Afgn. But we need to hit the SA brains and deny it.

We need to have a plan(?) about Iran. Don't know why, but I think Pakland has a chance to solve it's problem.
Posted by: Lucky || 03/15/2004 13:34 Comments || Top||

#36  Has anyone tried to remind the people of Spain that, in the minds of Islamists, their land -- al-Andalus -- has to be reclaimed for Dar al-Islam? It is the same for countries as with individuals: once in Islam, you can't opt out. Or do the Spaniards even care?
Posted by: closet neo-con || 03/15/2004 14:33 Comments || Top||

Zapatero Becomes Spanish Leader
MADRID, Spain (AP) - Before the deaths of 200 people in Madrid's terror bombings, few expected mild-mannered lawyer Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero to become Spain's next prime minister. His Socialist Party had trailed the ruling conservatives throughout the campaign. Opponents called him inexperienced; others said he lacked flash. But everything changed after bombs tore through rush-hour trains on Thursday.

Zapatero never sought to exploit the bombings - but as the candidate who had consistently criticized Spain's decision to send 1,300 troops to Iraq, he benefited when voters opted to punish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar's support for the U.S.-led war. Many believe that Aznar's support made Spain a target for terrorists. Under Aznar, Spain had eight years of economic growth and unemployment fell to 11 percent, still the highest in the European Union. Many felt sure those successes would be enough to hand victory to Aznar's hand-picked candidate to succeed him, Mariano Rajoy. Zapatero, meanwhile, had been criticized by some as inexperienced and lacking in charisma. The first time Zapatero met Aznar, as the Socialist Party's new leader in 2000, he nervously tripped over a paving stone outside the prime minister's office.

Zapatero's quiet and consensual style has been credited for a revival in the Socialists' fortunes. But he has also never served in Spain's Cabinet, leading some to question whether he is ready for the role. He was the Socialists' youngest lawmaker when first elected in 1986 at age 26. He shone sufficiently in local politics in the northern city of Leon, where he grew up, for the Socialists to turn to him after their disastrous 2000 election campaign, when Aznar won a second term.

The execution of Zapatero's grandfather, a captain in the Republican Army, by dictator Gen. Francisco Franco's Nationalist forces, strongly shaped Zapatero leftist ideals. He studied law but his passion was politics after he attended a political rally when he was 16. The speaker was Felipe Gonzalez, a charismatic Socialist leader who guided Spain's return to democracy in the 1980s after decades of dictatorship. He still keeps a portrait of Gonzalez in his office.

Zapatero has pledged to order Spain's 1,300 soldiers in Iraq home when their tour in Iraq ends in July - but he will also be under intense pressure to strengthen Spain's domestic security. "My most immediate priority will be to fight terrorism," Zapatero said shortly after his win.
Okay, sure. But pulling the troops from Iraq will let al-Q think they've beaten you.
Posted by: Steve White || 03/15/2004 11:52:20 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Zapatero? Terrorism Tough Guy? Ya righ. Talk. You never know what you're made of until a real life or death moment arrives. For the time being, methinks they've misspelled Chamberlain. Even if he's got stones, he got the job because the Spanish have revealed themselves to be a gutless flock of sheep. Their chosen path leads to dhimmitude and an obviously appropriate return to historical insignificance.

Aznar is most certainly welcome in the US - at least until our homegrown Gutless Turd, Prez Skeery, takes office.
Posted by: .com || 03/15/2004 1:48 Comments || Top||

#2  Zapatero kept his mouth shut publicly as required in part by law and in part by the period of national mourning. Other Socialist Party members fully and completely in a vile and sickening display demagogued the bombing to Zapatero's obvious advantage. To this American, it appeared as though the Socialist Party was "pre-PREPARED" to exploit the day of carnage. I admit, appearances can be deceiving. If it turns out the bombings were committed by indigenous left-wingers hoping to influence the election to Socialist Party advantage, one hopes Spaniards will demand a new election.
Posted by: Garrison || 03/15/2004 1:59 Comments || Top||

#3  Prez Skeery...Haha....
Posted by: Garrison || 03/15/2004 2:16 Comments || Top||

#4  fuckin gutless greasy AQ appeasing euro cunts spaniards, thanks to these dumb cunt spaniards were gonna be in for booms before elections, thanks again you greasy fuck nozles. If i ever see a spaniard on holiday in my town i shall ask him who he voted for, wrong answer will get him a swift serious of vicious blows in his greasy face. I now hate them more then the french and so should you
Posted by: Jon Shep U.K || 03/15/2004 4:00 Comments || Top||

#5  Fnuckers. I say we invade!
Posted by: Howard UK || 03/15/2004 7:41 Comments || Top||

#6  If Spain pulls out of Iraq, will ETA conclude that if you just hit the Spanish people with a big enough atrocity, they'll cut and run?

For Spain's sake, I hope not.
Posted by: Mike || 03/15/2004 9:05 Comments || Top||

#7  I hope they do.

Spineless bastardos.
Posted by: Howard UK || 03/15/2004 10:46 Comments || Top||

#8  Mike, apparently that's the deal. The only Spaniards w/any nuts are in Iraq serving. I believe that when one negotiates or votes from a postiion of fear (in this case), one is doomed to be victimized at will by their oppressor. This attack was pretty sophisticated, prolly more so then what Basque separatists could do, I'd swag it as prolly Al Q.
Posted by: Jarhead || 03/15/2004 10:46 Comments || Top||

#9  It's nice to see how grateful you are about Spain sending its sons in Iraq, just because they are your allies, in a war that the Spanish people really had no interest in, but partook only on blind faith as example of loyalty.

You are *so* grateful, that (as I've often seen done by conservatives) you now take this offer of lives as granted and are angered when it's withdrawn - to the point that people are seriously saying they will beat Spaniards up. And why? Because they voted for a person you don't like and will no longer help you in your war.

Hmm, if I asked the American government to invade Turkey, and they said "no", would I be allowed to beat up everyone who voted for said government? Would I be allowed to kill them? Would I be allowed to to drive planes into their skyscrapers?

Jon Shep, like several other people here has the soul of a terrorist.

What's the last thing America did anything good for Spain, btw? Why should they support an unpopular war?

You fucking idiots, you thought it amusing when the idiot Rumsfeld and his gang turned the whole of the European continent against them -- "We can do it alone, we don't need no Europeans" you said and laughed and mocked and you didn't see that every bit of mockery made America a little bit more isolated and thus a little bit *weaker*. Idiots. Idiots. So, now you've won Iraq and lost Europe -- was the bargain worth it?

You never understood the meaning of soft power. You should have never even *asked* for troops to come from countries where the popular opinion opposed the war. You can't win a war where your own public disagrees with it.

Up to now, Spain disagreed with war, but didn't care about it. With the bombings (not financed by Saddam Hussein, because he's rotting in a jail somewhere) it still disagrees with the war, but *does* care about it.

Because no European thinks that the war on Iraq helped defeat Al Qaeda one bit. You should have used troops only coming from countries who did believe Iraq was part of the War on Terror.

You idiots.
Posted by: Aris Katsaris || 03/15/2004 12:24 Comments || Top||

#10  School yard rules. Once spain gives into al-q, they are gonna be hit again and again.

Aris - if the spanish dont want to be there, then we dont want them there. We dont need and fair weather friends.
Posted by: flash91 || 03/15/2004 12:45 Comments || Top||

#11  Aris, I am grateful to the Spanish who have served or are serving in Iraq. I think the Spanish vote was disagreeable to me but I agree w/you totaly that advocating the hurting of any Spaniard is dead wrong and not in line w/my ethics at all.

If Spain pulls her troops out, that's fine w/me, I will not blame their Soldiers who have been great warriors, I will sit back and be amused by the actions of their government, yes, their democratic process as Mike S said worked as it was supposed to - they had a clean vote and the more popular opinion won out - such is life; I pray for them it doesn't come back to bite them in the ass.

As for the rest of your comments, "You should have used troops only coming from countries who did believe Iraq was part of the War on Terror." I'd say the onus was on them and their gov't not us, if they did not take frances route then that's on them to reckon.

Maybe our politics don't meet *your* morally superior euro-sensibilities, though I think in the long run, europe will return as usual. Sometimes the U.S. needs a clintonesque politician and sometimes it takes a cowboy; these days we're in need of a cowboy. Europe will be pissed at us for a while no doubt, however, some years from now me thinks things will get back in synch. Finally, I would rather be an idiot then a pussy who has abdicated the defense of their nation to the UN.
Posted by: Jarhead || 03/15/2004 12:58 Comments || Top||

#12  Aris: All Europeans aren't against the war in Iraq. Opinion polls have shown levels of support varying from 10% to 50% depending on the time and country. If Sunday's vote in Spain is to be regarded as a referendum, then it seems that a large minority of Spaniards still support the American stance on the WoT.

How well did "soft power" work in 1949? If it hadn't been for James Van Fleet, would we be having this conversation right now, or would you be too busy digging yourself out of the ruble (I'm not being literal here) of the People's Democratic Republic of Greece? You're always talking about how we screwed you guys over by supporting the Colonels. (And I mostly agree with you.) What do you think about us saving you from the Commies?
Posted by: 11A5S || 03/15/2004 13:21 Comments || Top||

#13  Hmm, if I asked the American government to invade Turkey

Glady Aris. We'll send 1800 soldiers to support our valuable ally Greece. Hell, we may go wild and even send up to 2000 Marines. So go ahead and do it, you proud sons of Sparta. Us Merkins will be along in a few weeks.
Posted by: ed || 03/15/2004 13:25 Comments || Top||

#14  Aris - you asked: "now you've won Iraq and lost Europe -- was the bargain worth it?"
It's too early to tell, but likely yes. The potential gain from a free Iraq is much greater than the potential loss from a pissy Europe. Look at the WMD and their proliferation we have uncovered so far: Libya (chemical, potential nuclear hidden from the UN), Iran (potential nuclear largely hidden from the UN, and Pakistan (nuclear profileration hidden from UN).
As the situation in Iraq stabilizes the potential to transform other Muslim countries will increase. Given that Greece was once part of the Muslim world, how will you feel when they get around to you? It's just a matter of time.
Posted by: Spot || 03/15/2004 13:49 Comments || Top||

#15  Aris, the comments advocating violence against Spaniards are disgusting and do not reflect the opinions or the wishes of most 'conservatives' who frequent this blog. You know that so stop being disingenuous, and get off your high moral rocking horse.

You should have never even *asked* for troops to come from countries where the popular opinion opposed the war.

Funny how the Greek Government has no problem with asking the Americans and the British to come to Greece's aid and help try to prevent al Qaeda crashing your Olympic party this summer. Becuase by your logic, having not participated in the attack on Iraq, you really shouldn't have anything to fear. Right?
Posted by: Bulldog || 03/15/2004 14:07 Comments || Top||

#16  ...I know preparations for the Games aren't going too well, but having to ensure security to people you think are f!cking idiots isn't reassuring. Are all the moronic tw@ts otherwise engaged building the athletes' village? The w@nking retards busy on promotion and advertising?

OT: Wonder if Murat still intends to attend?
Posted by: Bulldog || 03/15/2004 14:34 Comments || Top||

#17  AK – You never fail to disappoint and your screech is spoken like a true Socialist ideologue.

Typically, you sprinkle a few distortions in with a fat load of opinion – and then, with the patented *eyes sparkling* look of the True Believer - you assume there is no refutation possible. That you are convinced your are right is obvious. That what you said is irrefutable is the classic self-delusion of an idiotarian.

It is certainly understandable that, when an ally turns tail and runs at the first real challenge, those left in the lurch would be unhappy and characterize the act as cowardice. That is what it is, no matter how you wish to paint it. Equivocation: If it turns out to be ETA, then X. If it turns out to be Al Q, then Y. Difference between the two? ETA is a known quantity – the enemy they understand. Al Qaeda is one they don’t understand – or didn’t until the Madrid attack. A collaboration between the two appears most likely, now. But what did the Spanish voting public do when challenged by a foe that is, by any factual characterization, totally dedicated to the fall of civilization rather than a group dedicated to claiming a slice of land for the Basques? They blamed Aznar and the US and fell to their knees in abject appeasement. 90% of what has been written about this on RB is accurate: they will most certainly regret their actions. Beyond Spain, everyone else will pay a price as well, in some measure, for the cowardice of the Spanish vote. It doesn’t matter if you agree – this will be plainly shown to be the case over the next few years. You can bitch THEN if I’m wrong.

As for: “You fucking idiots, you thought it amusing when the idiot Rumsfeld and his gang turned the whole of the European continent against them -- "We can do it alone, we don't need no Europeans" you said and laughed and mocked and you didn't see that every bit of mockery made America a little bit more isolated and thus a little bit *weaker*. Idiots. Idiots. So, now you've won Iraq and lost Europe -- was the bargain worth it?”

As usual, you are dead wrong. Timeline, Aris, you can’t discard the event sequence just because it suits your Socialist feelings. The “old Europe” politicians created the split between the US and Europe – well before the Iraq War and long before Rumsfeld’s comments. A few European politicians made an adversarial relationship the core of their political campaigns in a classic disingenuous appeal to nationalism. A society which has systemic problems (economic or whatever) and is led by a government of self-serving assholes is quick to grasp the excuse of an external culprit. Works well – as history has shown repeatedly, from classic fascism to Nazism. So Shroeder, Chirac, et al combined their desire to acquire some measure of lost international relevancy with the old standby – the politically popular notion that what ails their societies can’t possibly be rooted in the policies of their government or the failing of their electorate – it must be the evil external bogeyman. America served well for both arguments because it was successful, powerful, and convenient. The “gap” was created in Europe by European politicians. That the abuse heaped upon us pissed off the US public and generated some outrage is natural. The eventual outbreak of boycotts against Phrench (in particular) products was not orchestrated by the government – Americans often do this sort of thing independently, or aren’t you aware that we DO decide such things individually? I know that’s a shocker for you but it’s true. That you can’t recall this OBVIOUS timeline and how the enmity developed refutes your characterization and shows you’re a demagogue.

To say we won Iraq and lost Europe – ignores at least 2 facts and confirms 1 fact:
1) Europe didn’t march lockstep with Chirac and Shroeder
2) You are blinded by your own *personal* hatred – you are not the touchstone of European opinion, any more than I speak for all Americans
3) Things are, indeed, going well in Iraq – given the short timeline, thus far

Your assertion regards Al Qaeda is typically myopic. As many here in RB have said, terror isn’t solely the province of AlQ. There are many insane mercenaries in the world, acting under many different guises and calling themselves by many different names. That they (and some regimes) cooperate here and there is not as novel as you seem to presume. Abu Abbas (recent demised) and Ansar Al Islam are obvious cases in point. Iraq was undertaken for a number of reasons – and AlQ has been shown to be affiliated with both Saddam’s secular regime as well as Ansar Al Islam. Capturing and killing the morons, both hardcore terrorists and wannabee terrorists, in Iraq has at least two obvious benefits: it takes them out of circulation (unavailable for escapades elsewhere) and makes all funds expended on their behalf null. Flypaper strategy. Why don’t you acquaint yourself with the idea? The simple fact that AlQ operations have been extremely limited since Iraq moved to the front burner should tell you something… but you do have to be paying attention to everything, not just those facts which fit into your ideology. What you know versus what you pretend to know or wish to be true seem to be rather widely separated. You’ve reduced your influence yet again with such inane statements.

You say we know nothing about soft power – how, um, presumptuous. Stop the presses: Aris Katsaris is now instructing the US Government. Quiet. Hey, there, Rumsfeld! You, too, Wolfowitz! Sit up straight. Pay attention! Class in session. Puhleeze. The day *you* begin to demonstrate you can support your positions with facts instead of flights of fancy and flawed reasoning, we’ll take a look at what you have to say.

Posted by: .com || 03/15/2004 14:59 Comments || Top||

#18  .com, I think I just jizzed on my screen; good stuff.
Posted by: Jarhead || 03/15/2004 16:10 Comments || Top||

#19  Ed, please don't send us to back up the Greeks, we'd be bailing their sorry asses out after their first exchange of fire w/the Turks (then we'd have the greeks behind us - God forbid and no pun intended). I've trained w/both sides, pound for pound, murat's boys would put a butt slamming to aris' compadres (though I think deep down they're not really opposed to the idea). Both sides really have no concept of combined arms, maneuver warfare, standards, or marksmanship other then what we can show them during a two week training evolution. I could go into details but let's just say that if you've ever seen Capt Correlis' mandolin, substitute the greeks for the italians and your pretty close to the ineptitude. Turks are not much better.

I guess it would be a kin to two fat old ugly drunk chicks flailing around in a mud wrestling contest. Of course, both sides could always combine and we could send in the 2nd Marine Division to clean house on them - I'd doubt the turko/greek cluster fuck would last a week from the shit I've seen them do during live exercises.
Posted by: Jarhead || 03/15/2004 16:20 Comments || Top||

#20  .com. Well said!
Posted by: 11A5S || 03/15/2004 16:23 Comments || Top||

#21  It's so refreshing when Anus Kat's-anus lets his mask of civility slip and his true nature show.
Posted by: docob || 03/15/2004 16:54 Comments || Top||

#22  Tanx (and lots of them, please!) - please jump in and fill all the gaps I missed! I assume everyone knows the feeling - 2 seconds after you hit submit you realize there are 5 more things you forgot to say! Shit! Please cover if you're inclined to waste 30 minutes on our resident Ameriphobe. ;-)
Posted by: .com || 03/15/2004 17:07 Comments || Top||

#23  Jarhead sir,

I figured the few week delay would be enough time for the Marines to get a nice sunny Med cruise. By then Aris and his boys would be in their preferred place, bent over and "under" the Turks.
Posted by: ed || 03/15/2004 17:09 Comments || Top||

#24  Bulldog> the comments advocating violence against Spaniards are disgusting and do not reflect the opinions or the wishes of most 'conservatives' who frequent this blog. You know that so stop being disingenuous

No, I *don't* know that. Perhaps you do, but I don't. When half the people advocate, violence, invasion, nuking or just calling the Spanish people "cunts", and the other half people don't object, then I very much *don't* know that these opinions don't reflect the opinions of most conservatives in this forum.

Jarhead> Yeah, but we beat Turkey where democracy and freedom is concerned, which is tons more important.

.com> "It is certainly understandable that, when an ally turns tail and runs at the first real challenge, those left in the lurch would be unhappy and characterize the act as cowardice"

Except that the Spanish people never "turned tail and run" because they never supported you in Iraq. 90% of them were consistently opposed.

So how did they "turn tail and run", when they never changed their minds, just forced their elected government to do the people's bidding?

"The “old Europe” politicians created the split between the US and Europe "

Certain European politicians made a split on policy - you made a split based on *nature*. Some European politicians attacked Bush. SOme American politicians attacked whole nations.

Thinking past the narrow-minded, one-eyed view of history where the history of the War on Terror will begin and end with Bush's administration, which of two attitudes do you think will be less easy to heal? The attacks on a particular administration, or the attacks on *nations* throughout an entire continent?

"1) Europe didn’t march lockstep with Chirac and Shroeder "

No, but it opposed the war on Iraq, and Europe's majority (even among the conservatives) thinks Rumsfeld's America overbearingly arrogant.

"2) You are blinded by your own *personal* hatred – you are not the touchstone of European opinion, any more than I speak for all Americans"

Indeed no, most Europeans were more opposed to the War on Iraq, than I was.

"Your assertion regards Al Qaeda is typically myopic. As many here in RB have said, terror isn’t solely the province of AlQ. "

True but in this war we cared about Islamofascism, not some petty secular tyrant. With it's center at Iran, with its chief battlefield and cause in Israel/Palestine, as supported by Syria.

"Affilliated" Pfft! Yeah, Al Qaeda is "affiliated" throughout the Muslim world, that doesn't mean each country is an equally important target. Spain was "affiliated" with the Nazis, but if US had invaded Spain during WW2 that would have been just as dumb as the invasion of Iraq.

11A5s> What I tend to think about that is "Repaid in Korea".

Jarhead> I'd say the onus was on them and their gov't not us

That's why they voted said government out, isn't it?

Point remains that you didn't convince and sometimes I think that you didn't even care to convince. Then you act annoyed that your allies, unsatisfied about the purpose and/or effeciveness of the war, will eventually have to go with the wishes of the electorate.

Posted by: Aris Katsaris || 03/15/2004 17:38 Comments || Top||

#25  Aris: You hammered out a pretty good deal then. One infantry battalion and one air transport battalion for your freedom. Remind me to never bargain with a Greek.

Jarhead: The last time the Greeks and Turks really tangled was in the 1920's. The Greeks decided to invade Asia Minor and "liberate" the Greek minorities in the Turkish coastal cities. They called this the "Great Idea." Ataturk sucked them into the Anatolian heartland, counterattacked and kicked the Greek army and the Greek minority out of Turkey. The Greek Army ran like scalded apes. They didn't even bother to stand and fight for the Greek coastal cities. They just loaded the freighters and sailed away. The Turks marched right into the towns and started massacre'ing Greeks while the Greek Army was safe, warm and dry back in ol' Hellas. The Greeks treated their refugee brethren like red-headed step children. The tensions lasted for decades. Oops, sorry Aris. I know how you Greeks don't like to talk about this little imperialist misadventure and its unfortunate aftermath.

All: If you are ever getting harangued by a Greek for all our faults, just mention the "Great Idea." It shuts them up almost every time.
Posted by: 11A5S || 03/15/2004 18:09 Comments || Top||

#26  11A5S> Not for our freedom, 11A5s -- as shown by the colonels, just for lack of Communist tyranny -- other forms of tyrannies were just as welcome. And don't tell me that you were just being good allies in "saving us from the Communists", and you would have nothing to lose if Greece passed to communist rule.

And depends on what you mean "really tangled" - 1970s could also be considered "really tangled" I believe. That's when the Greek Dictatorship tried to pull a coup at Cyprus, and Turkey found the opportunity to invade and ethnically clease the island.

Not that I understand why any of the above is important to the discussion. Point remains that a country can't expect other countries to lend troops without being first convinced of the necessity and justice of the war in question.

You failed to convince and you failed to even care to combat the rise of Antiamericanism in the continent. Now Spain has magically transformed into an "Old Europe" nation it seems (since the definition of "Old Europe" is "countries you dislike".)
Posted by: Aris Katsaris || 03/15/2004 20:35 Comments || Top||

#27  Aris, what will be Greece's response to mass murder by AQ types before the Olympics (it's coming and your helpless to stop it, the bombs are already there). Will they treat it like a crime or as an attack on Greece or an attack on western civilisation?

I'll tell you this. Not many Americans will be there. It will EU's as the cannon fodder.
You'll be looking like not only fucking idiots but whimpering fucking idiots. And guess what. You'll do nothing but point fingers at the CIA and whimper. Greece will do NOTHING.
Posted by: Lucky || 03/15/2004 23:13 Comments || Top||

#28  Aris, your country does beat Turkey where democracy and freedom is concerned - I totally agree. Unfortunately those great ideals and ways of life must be protected by rough men armed and ready to do so, I wonder if your country or more specifically your gov't has this will. By the training I've seen your armed forces conduct, I'd say they do not. Plus, It's hard to speak of freedom when you are not willing to fight for your own or for that of others. As for voting said government out in Spain, I'd venture a guess by looking at the polls up to a week before the bombing that Aznar's party would have stayed in power if not for the attack. I believe the Spanish became afraid and voted for the socialists, thus the surprising upset. Like I said before - the Spanish majority vote has been acknowledged and there will be a new leadership, I'm not particularly happy w/it but such is life.
Posted by: Jarhead || 03/15/2004 23:39 Comments || Top||

Al-Qaeda cell likely carried out Madrid bombings
Investigators believe the train bombings that killed 200 people here last week were the work of a multinational cell of al Qaeda loyalists, some of whom entered Spain specifically to carry out the attacks and who are now the target of an international effort to identify and capture them, according to European and Arab intelligence officials.

The officials said the preliminary investigation and interrogation of five arrested suspects -- three Moroccans and two Indian Muslims -- as well as other evidence indicated that the Thursday morning rush-hour bombings were carried out by the al Qaeda network, marking the first time the group has struck in Europe.
Not true - the GIA had a bombing campaign in France during the mid-1990s and even tried to hit Paris with a hijacked airliner.
For European leaders, the al Qaeda link is a chilling development, and security services across the continent are now scrambling to assess the likelihood of further attacks in Europe. Analysts said the method of the Madrid attacks -- synchronized bombings apparently carried out by remote control rather than by suicide bombers -- suggested that Islamic extremists had become more adaptable and, therefore, even more of a threat.

Spanish officials, who initially insisted on attributing the attacks to the Basque separatist group, ETA, have contacted security services across Europe and in the Arab world -- including in Morocco and Saudi Arabia -- in an attempt to understand how the plot was devised and executed without even a general warning from intelligence services that Islamic militants were about to strike in Spain.

Officials said they believed the group that carried out the bombing was composed of Islamic radicals, possibly including Saudi nationals, as well as other North Africans besides the arrested Moroccans. The operation included residents of Spain as well as operatives who entered the country specifically for the attacks, said officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
The Soddy in question was likely the ringleader, it’s one of the perks of being a member of the Master Race.
Spain’s interior minister, Angel Acebes, identified the five detainees at a news conference Sunday. Investigators said they tied the men to the bomb plot following the discovery of a cell phone in a gym bag filled with undetonated explosives. One of the detained Moroccans, 30-year-old Jamal Zougam, had been listed as an al Qaeda operative in a Spanish judge’s 700-page indictment last fall of Osama bin Laden and others for the terrorist attacks on Washington and New York on Sept. 11, 2001, officials said. Zougam was not indicted in that case.
A situation that will likely soon be remedied ...
Acebes told reporters that the three Moroccans -- Zougam, Mohamed Bekkali, 31 , and Mohamed Chaoui, 34 -- were known to authorities because of past criminal records in Spain and that at least one may have been involved in a homicide. The Moroccan suspects have provided limited information under interrogation and have asked repeatedly for copies of the Koran, the officials said.

A high-level Moroccan official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the Associated Press that Zougam had been under surveillance since terrorist bombings in the coastal city of Casablanca last May.

Investigators and analysts said Spain was an inviting target because of President Jose Maria Aznar’s support for the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and because the country is easily accessible to Moroccans and other North Africans. "Almost every European country has some al Qaeda presence, but Spain is the bridge between North Africa and Europe and it may be the most vulnerable to this kind of infiltration and attack," said Yonah Alexander, a terrorism expert at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies in Arlington.

Spanish officials have not yet ruled out the possibility of indirect ETA involvement in the Madrid bombings, perhaps through the supply of explosives to Islamic militants. Officials said they were also re-examining an alleged sale of explosives by ETA to the radical Palestinian group Hamas several years ago in an effort to identify Basque ties to Islamic extremists. Alexander said Yusuf Galan, a Spanish national who was charged in Madrid in November 2001 with involvement with al Qaeda, was a former ETA member who had converted to Islam.

Despite these lines of inquiry into a possible ETA role, investigators appear increasingly certain that al Qaeda was behind last week’s attacks, and some intelligence officials Sunday described the pursuit of ETA as a dead end.

Instead, they pointed to al Qaeda’s use of Spain as a staging ground since the months before the Sept. 11 attacks. The indictment of bin Laden said Spain had served "as a place or base for resting, preparation, indoctrinating, support and financing" for the attacks and other terrorist operations.

The prospect of an al Qaeda campaign in Europe led to meetings across the continent Sunday, including in Germany, where Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder convened his national security council.

"If it is confirmed that the Madrid attacks have an Islamic background, it means that Islamic terrorism in Europe has taken on a new quality," said Germany’s interior minister, Otto Schily, after the meeting. Germany called for an emergency meeting of European Union security ministers as countries tightened security, particularly on transportation systems.

"If someone can walk on a train in Madrid and kill this many people, then what’s to stop them doing the same thing in London or Rome?" asked Mustafa Alani, a terrorism analyst at the Royal United Services Institute in London. He added: "This is a major change and a very dangerous one. It shows how flexible al Qaeda has become. They change their activities according to the environment they operate in."

Analysts said the European Union is about to become even more vulnerable because 10 more members are set to join in May, extending the union’s already relatively open borders. Officials have said they are particularly concerned about an attack at the Olympic Games in Athens this summer.

Last December, Europol, the European Union’s police agency, warned that al Qaeda was still active in Europe despite a crackdown by security services in Britain, Italy, France and Spain. "The fact that no Islamic extremist attack has been committed in the European Union . . . should not be considered as a diminution or an absence of threat," stated its report, as cited by the Reuters news agency.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/15/2004 12:04:28 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Supplying Islamic militants TERRORISTS with explosives to carry out a mass casualty event that would benefit Basques would be more than "indirect ETA involvement" in the Matrid carnage.
Posted by: Garrison || 03/15/2004 2:09 Comments || Top||

#2  Well, at least one good thing will come out of all the carnage in Madrid: The EU leaders will have lots more meetings and form committees, a la Parkinson's Law.

/dark humour
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 03/15/2004 9:31 Comments || Top||

#3  #3 In the interest of accuracy, Al-Qaeda broke its support for GIA in the mid-90s and urged its European head, Hassan Hattab to jump to the GSPC. Many GIA types did in fact bolt over. So citing (in the imbedded comment)a GIA attack as an Al-Qaeda attack is not exactly correct.
Posted by: TerrorHunter4Ever || 03/15/2004 12:29 Comments || Top||

#4  The al-Qaeda decision to dump the GIA for the GSPC was made in 1998, while the bombings in France occurred in 1995-1996. So I think the comment stands.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/15/2004 14:44 Comments || Top||

#5  Negative. Al-Qaeda distanced themselves from GIA heads shortly after the slaughter of Muslims in Algeria began in mid-90s. They remained tied to the European wing of GIA however (to include Hattab) until those forces jumped to GSPC...concluding that move in 1998 when they formally announced all ties boken. Sorry, should have been more detailed in my explanation.
Posted by: TerrorHunter4Ever || 03/16/2004 14:17 Comments || Top||

Home Front: Politix
Dean wigs out again.
Hat tip LGF
WASHINGTON (AFP) - Thursday’s bombings in Madrid proved that the overthrow one year ago of the regime in Iraq has not made the world safer, former presidential candidate Howard Dean said, assailing President George W. Bush’s foreign policy.
tap, tap, nope.
"For the president of the United States to assert that we were safer because (former Iraqi tyrant President) Saddam Hussein is in jail is ludicrous, given what happened three days ago in Spain," Dean, a Democrat and former Vermont governor, told NBC’s "Meet the Press." Dean, whose candidacy was fueled largely by outrage by his supporters over the US-led war in Iraq nearly one year ago, led most opinion polls prior to the start of the January’s Democratic caucus and primary elections. He dropped out of the race, however, after Massachusetts Senator John Kerry dominated those nominating contests to choose the candidate to face Republican incumbent George W. Bush in the November 2 presidential election.
Still a snowball’s chance where Uday and Qusay are.
Dean, who is now backing Kerry, said Bush misled the country when he argued that Saddam was an imminent threat, and Kerry would have a more effective policy in Iraq and other foreign hotspots.
More effective for AQ.
"John Kerry is an internationalist," Dean said.
Read: He will subject us to the UNelected bureaucrats.
"We forfeited the moral leadership of this world, a position that we had been in since the end of World War I, when George Bush went into Iraq unilaterally," said Dean.
Then his lips fell off.
"We deserve that moral leadership title back again. I think Kerry will bring it to us."
If you think you’re a bird can you fly?
Posted by: Korora || 03/15/2004 10:05:04 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "President Roosevelt,do you really think the liberation of Paris has made the world safer?It's been three years and the war is still going on."
Posted by: El Id || 03/15/2004 10:13 Comments || Top||

#2  After Spain's results, I don't think we should underestimate the threat of Kerry's chances.
Posted by: B || 03/15/2004 10:23 Comments || Top||

#3  Can you imagine that, 'moral', 'leadership' and 'Kerry' all in the same sentence?
Posted by: GK || 03/15/2004 10:35 Comments || Top||

#4  hopefully Howard will keep popping off and supporting the animatronic brahmin from Masshole
Posted by: Frank G || 03/15/2004 10:38 Comments || Top||

#5  actually Frank G's got it right - statements by Dean on foreign policy are an embarassment for Kerry - though he cant say that.
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 03/15/2004 10:50 Comments || Top||

#6  STFU, Howie. You had your shot.
Posted by: mojo || 03/15/2004 11:13 Comments || Top||

#7  No Mojo. We need these guys to rant loud and often. No one outside the Kool Aid drinkers believes this and just marginalizes them more with every angry outburst. I hope Kusinich and Dean stump early and often for Senator Kerry (D-Pyongyang). This will push the center further to the right and make the next four years that much safer. Maybe the Hollywood crowd will help out too? Remember how effective they were in Iowa for Dean? The Hollywood left was out IN FORCE and Dean lost big time.
Posted by: Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter) || 03/15/2004 11:33 Comments || Top||

#8  Sarge is onto something, the hollywood left makes moderates and conservative dem's nervous, they will push right if all their fruit cakes start doing the drooler dance for Kerry.
Posted by: Jarhead || 03/15/2004 12:11 Comments || Top||

#9  Aren't his 15 minutes up yet?
Posted by: Tibor || 03/15/2004 19:46 Comments || Top||

#10  The election's November second. We need to schedule Howard and a few of his friends for their competency hearings on the 5th, and schedule their hospitalization at Bellevue beginning the sixth...
Posted by: Old Patriot || 03/15/2004 21:23 Comments || Top||

Powell Calls Skeery’s Bluff on Boasts
From Wash Times. EFL / Fair Use
Like some before him, Kerry snared by large boasts
Secretary of State Colin L. Powell yesterday challenged Sen. John Kerry, the likely Democratic nominee, to identify the foreign leaders who he says want to see him elected president.
Oh really?
Mr. Kerry said last week foreign leaders have told him face to face: "You’ve got to win this one. You’ve got to beat this guy." He said the foreign leaders cannot say so publicly for fear of displeasing the Bush administration. "If he feels it is that important an assertion to make, he ought to list some names," Mr. Powell told "Fox News Sunday." "If he can’t list names, then perhaps he should find something else to talk about. I don’t know what foreign leaders Senator Kerry is talking about. It’s an easy charge, an easy assertion to make."
Talks the talk. Then tumbles over tongue & ego. As if this is something to actually brag about...
Mr. Kerry declined yesterday to name any of those leaders, saying private conversations should stay private.
Private enough to cover his ass, he thinks, but not so private that it prevents him from making the claim, however. How, um, convenient! Remember "I invented the Internet!"? Well so do the authors of this article - there’s a laugh riot of previous stupid statements - just like Skeery’s - The Artful Dodger.
Posted by: .com || 03/15/2004 3:15:38 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  And who is that men to challenge Sen. Kerry
Is the same men flip flopping about running as prez ,or is the marron morrron puppet
regurgitating trash for the moron in chief at the UN
Posted by: Anonymous || 03/15/2004 4:03 Comments || Top||

#2  kerry seems to be getting into a habit of Howard Dean like putting his foot in his mouth, Cunt of biblical proportions
Posted by: Jon Shep U.K || 03/15/2004 4:37 Comments || Top||

#3  I seem to have taught Compuserb a new word. Perhaps he thinks it makes him look intelligent. Hint spelling it 3 diferent ways in one attempt at a sentence spoils the effect.

BTW a marron is a small Australian crustacean, which I am reliably informed has a higher IQ than Compuserb.

Posted by: Phil B || 03/15/2004 5:01 Comments || Top||

#4  "...private conversations should stay private." But if you are President Bush we will demand congressional hearings on every meeting you hold.
Posted by: Scott || 03/15/2004 8:34 Comments || Top||

#5  Phil B,
are you sure it's our beloved Compuserb ?
maybe its our dear Eleano(r)(TM)on a misspelling gambol ??
Posted by: Elder of Zion || 03/15/2004 8:48 Comments || Top||

#6  I believe it is Sen. Kerry's duty to the United States to disclose how close his ties are with said Foreign Leaders. For instance, are they going to assist in his campaign financially? Is George Soros one. (In fact, is George Soros properly registered as a foreign agent with the State Department?)

The people have a right to know!

When asked at a town meeting over the weekend, Kerry went into full condescension mode and asked his questioner "Are you a registered Republican? Are you? Answer the question. Did you vote for George Bush?"

Apparently the man at the Town Meeting had, which elicited the predictable boos from the crowd.

"Thank you," said John F Kerry. And that was that.

(He's a New JFK for a New Century, ya know... so sayeth a bumper sticker his campaign has been working on.)
Posted by: eLarson || 03/15/2004 8:51 Comments || Top||

#7  EoZ you might be right but they blur into one for me.
Posted by: Phil B || 03/15/2004 8:52 Comments || Top||

#8  Could the foreign leaders be:

The Mullah's of Iran
Kimmie-Boy of North Korea
Saddam (before his outster)
Osama Bin Laden (not a pres but
a leader of Al-Q)
(any others?)

Remember: 4 out of 5 murdering Dictators endorse Kerry.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 03/15/2004 9:23 Comments || Top||

#9  I'll bet Castro and his new bud Chavez have a rooting interest.
Posted by: eLarson || 03/15/2004 10:47 Comments || Top||

#10  Anyone still think Colin Powell isn't a team player?
Posted by: Mike || 03/15/2004 14:52 Comments || Top||

#11  Sounds like Kerry has told a lie and is skeeered to admit it. Any Dems out here have a take on this. Or is it really just a gaffe to you? Sounds to me like a guy being clumsy propping himself up while putting someone else down. It's kind of a childish thing to me. It shows a character weakness. Pettiness, thats it. Could Kerry actually be a petty pumped up rich kid from the blue side of Mass? Perhaps raised in a very wealthy blue blood family, educated in expensive European schools, married wealthy women. Besides being a liberial Senator, what else has this guy done? I just wish somebody would take this on.

Do you folks think Kerry will resign his Senate seat, ala Dole?

I think the weird dude is a latino, prolly from Mexico via the San Diego gap. Elliano (hard E), his homeies prolly call him Lano. Am I right muchacho. Bush hee de Baquero. Dat que paso de caballos y el toros, ehhh, peasante!?
Posted by: Lucky || 03/15/2004 16:21 Comments || Top||

#12  Lucky - Most excellent to have you back! Good comment!!!

Something that really drives me wild is the LLL gambit, and Skeery is doing it all over the place so far, of posing a phony question or point, as if it came from Bush, and then answering it with some test-market favorite sound byte.

The media covers his speeches and utterances as if he has something to say. What comes out of his mouth is a "bold" refutation of something Bush didn't say (and is invariably something he wouldn't ever say under any circumstances) - and it's picked up and repeated by the lot of the "news" outlets.

Old Joe Average, who doesn't watch much news - and the little he does get comes from those outlets that are wholly owned subsidiaries of the Jackass Party - and he hears this repeated for a coupla days. Then comes another round, a brand new phony statement, test-marketed canned refutation, etc.

Eventually, old Joe's gotta conclude that Bush is spouting some seriously wild-ass shit - when he's actually said nothing of the kind, ever. As a programmer, I hit a "does not compute" loop because I know Bush said no such thing. This is total intellectual dishonesty by the Jackasses and it really chaps me.
Posted by: .com || 03/15/2004 17:00 Comments || Top||

#13  Thx Dot. My cousin stopped by yesterday, He hates Bush, reads Bob Dilan lyrics as poetry. Said he was sick of Bush's negative campaigning. Huh!?

Since you asked(?). Had a piece of colon snipped. About 12". Not like I needed it any more, vile diseased thing. Dr says I'll be fine once I can blow it out my ass again.
Posted by: Lucky || 03/15/2004 22:12 Comments || Top||

#14  LOL! Methinks that was a little too much information - but very glad to have you back!!!

I can quote a ton o' Dylan too - so much of it is timeless... Ask him if he can identify this set of verses:

For them that must obey authority
That they do not respect, in any degree
Who despise their jobs, their destiny
Speak jealously of them that are free
Do what they do just to be
Nothing more than something they invest in

While some, on principles, baptize
Too strict party platform ties
Social clubs in drag disguise
Outsiders they can freely criticize
Tell nothing except who to idolize
And say God bless him

While one who sings with his tongue on fire
Gargles in the rat-race choir
Bent out of shape by society's pliers
Cares not to come up any higher
But, rather, get you down in the hole
That he's in

Can you say LLL? This is their true philosophy.
Posted by: .com || 03/15/2004 23:13 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Ohio Road Shooter Suspect Identified
Authorities identified a suspect Monday in a series of 24 highway shootings that killed a passenger, shattered windshields, dented school buses and unnerved motorists around the city.

More at the link.
Posted by: Doc8404 || 03/15/2004 9:24:12 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  201 killed in Spain is slightly more important.
Posted by: Anonymous || 03/15/2004 21:52 Comments || Top||

#2  201 killed in Spain is slightly more important.
Posted by: Anonymous || 03/15/2004 21:56 Comments || Top||

Terminator Meets Army
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger met with troops from the 81st Division, who have been preparing to go to Iraq. In a meeting at the Army Education Center, the actor, who played the Terminator in the popular movie series, was welcomed by the American troops, who will be providing security and doing humanitarian operations in the biggest rotation of US troops since the Second World War.
Is 81st Division the Cal National Guard? I never heard of it...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 03/15/2004 7:06:27 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Yep its national guard. My favorite line that he said at the gathering from the Stockton Record newspaper was "I play a machine in the movies, but you guys are the REAL terminators." :)
Posted by: Valentine || 03/15/2004 19:22 Comments || Top||

#2  Surely rotations during Vietnam were bigger? The US had four times the troops on the ground...
Posted by: parallel || 03/16/2004 3:33 Comments || Top||

Alleged Ecoterrorist Arrested in Oregon
Bagged another one!
A fugitive radical environmentalist has been arrested by federal officials on charges of setting fire to logging trucks in 2001, the FBI announced Monday. Michael Scarpitti has been on the FBI’s most-wanted list since disappearing two years ago. He is among four activists charged with setting logging trucks on fire in a 2001 protest of a timber sale on the slopes of Mount Hood. Three others were captured after one of them told a girlfriend about the crime, according to arrest papers. The girlfriend’s father is a deputy state fire marshal. Scarpitti, also known as Tre Arrow, has had connections with the Earth Liberation Front, a loose group of activists that the FBI has classified as an eco-terrorist group. The FBI lists the organization as its No. 1 domestic terrorism priority.
Posted by: Frank G || 03/15/2004 4:49:30 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  ELF: Putting the mental in Environmental for 20 years.
Posted by: badanov || 03/15/2004 21:49 Comments || Top||

Selective Service Starts To Get Selective?...
..From the Seattle PI, slightly EFL?d - but the details do sound plausible.
The government is taking the first steps toward a targeted military draft of Americans with special skills in computers and foreign languages. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is adamant that he will not ask Congress to authorize a draft, and officials at the Selective Service System, the independent federal agency that would organize any conscription, stress that the possibility of a so-called "special skills draft" is remote.

Nonetheless, the agency has begun the process of creating the procedures and policies to conduct such a targeted draft in case military officials ask Congress to authorize it and the lawmakers agree to such a request. "Talking to the manpower folks at the Department of Defense and others, what came up was that nobody foresees a need for a large conventional draft such as we had in Vietnam," said Richard Flahavan, a spokesman for the Selective Service System. "But they thought that if we have any kind of a draft, it will probably be a special skills draft." Flahavan said Selective Service planning for a possible draft of linguists and computer experts began last fall after Pentagon personnel officials said the military needed more people with skills in those areas.

A targeted registration and draft "is strictly in the planning stage," he said, adding that "the whole thing is driven by what appears to be the more pressing and relevant need today" -- the deficit in language and computer experts. The spokesman said it could take about two years to "to have all the kinks worked out." The agency already has a special system to register and draft health care personnel ages 20 to 44 in more than 60 specialties if necessary in a crisis. According to Flahavan, the agency will expand this system to be able to rapidly register and draft computer specialists and linguists, should the need ever arise. But he stressed that the agency has received no request from the Pentagon to do so.

Congress, which would have to authorize a draft, has shown no interest in taking such a step. Kathleen Long, a spokeswoman for Sen. Carl Levin, the senior Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said a draft has little support among lawmakers. A spokesman for Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, agreed. "There are massive operations under way to retrain soldiers" for more pressing duties and to recruit specialties in demand such as language experts, said Harald Stavenas, Hunter?s spokesman. About 13.5 million men, ages 18 to 25, are currently registered with the Selective Service.

The military has had particular difficulty attracting and retaining language experts, especially people knowledgeable about Arabic and various Afghan dialects. To address this need, the Army has a new pilot program under way to recruit Arabic speakers into the service's Ready Reserves. The service has signed up about 150 people into the training program. A Pentagon official familiar with personnel issues stressed that the armed forces are against any form of conscription but acknowledged that the groundwork is already under way at the Selective Service System. On Capitol Hill, Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., has introduced a bill that would reinstate the draft. The legislation has minimal support with only 13 House lawmakers signing on as co-sponsors. A corresponding bill in the Senate introduced by Sen. Fritz Hollings, the outgoing South Carolina Democrat, has no co-sponsors.
..A little backstory that may help put this into perspective: I was a USAF recruiter during Desert Storm, when there were daily denials from DOD that a draft was planned, intended, or anticipated. Imagine my surprise one morning when an Army Major walks in and we start going over the Selective Service checklist for my office to be used as an emergency induction center. Based on what he told me then, I'm going to stick my neck out a little bit and say that if the preparatory work and paperwork is being done, somebody fairly high in DOD gave the word, and did it with Rummy's approval, tacit or otherwise.
Posted by: Mike Kozlowski || 03/15/2004 11:20:04 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  This doesn't surprise me. We're in a war for the long haul - perhaps 20 years or more. If the right people can't be found in the service, I could see the US drafting those it needed. I've also heard rumors (no substantiation) that the Pentagon has also developed plans for selective call-up of portions of the Retired Reserve, if necessary. I could even see it happening if we had another massive terrorist attack, or one using WMD. I'd go, even with all my medical problems. I'm sure most other retirees would, too.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 03/15/2004 11:44 Comments || Top||

#2  SHIT,
I was an interrogator for the US Army, and now Im working as a computer security specialist. Thank God my language was russian and not goat-spewing arabic.

Oh well, if the call comes.... Off I go. No complaints. I support Bush and the WOT and Im willing to put my money where my mouth is.
Posted by: JackAssFestival || 03/15/2004 11:56 Comments || Top||

#3  JAF you've outed yourself as a quick-learner with pior experience. I'll be in touch. I'm keeping an eye on M4D since I'm also in the market for disinformation specialists.
Posted by: Unca Sam || 03/15/2004 12:35 Comments || Top||

#4  OP-
Same here sir - ex-USAF Ammo. I can still build an IED with the best of 'em.*S*

Posted by: Mike Kozlowski || 03/15/2004 12:39 Comments || Top||

#5  I went to college while I was on active duty and received my BS in Information Technologies. Prior to gaining my degree and retirement I BEGGED the Air Force to let me cross-train into computers/communications and they refused every time. This is a curse when you are in a ‘chronic critically manned specialty’ and not E1- E4. Since I retired four years ago I have go many letters asking if I would like to come back (enlisted). It would certainly be a kick in the head if they forced me to come back in! Oh the pay cut!
Posted by: Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter) || 03/15/2004 12:54 Comments || Top||

#6  So, any call for computer types with Japanese language who are in their *ahem* "extremely late 30's" ?

Posted by: Carl in N.H || 03/15/2004 12:55 Comments || Top||

#7  Well, if they are after any plumpish, fifty-ish PA/Broadcaster types, they still have three years to come after me as a Retired Reserve resource. I'm afraid it would take Mr. Rumsfeld on my doorstep with my orders in his hand to get me to believe it, though.
Posted by: Sgt. Mom || 03/15/2004 13:30 Comments || Top||

#8  Didn't we see this article yesterday?

Anyway, call me a market idealist, but why not just pay more for these skills?
Posted by: someone || 03/15/2004 14:00 Comments || Top||

#9  Sgt Mom-
I can't say as I blame you, believe me. I'll HAPPILY go if called back, but it better be pretty please with sugar on top. And after some more reflection, now that I have my bachelor's degree, maybe I should hold out for a commission next time?*S*

Posted by: Mike Kozlowski || 03/15/2004 14:04 Comments || Top||

#10  I'm with you Mike. But it better be a direct commission, I already know how to march and salute.
Posted by: Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter) || 03/15/2004 15:07 Comments || Top||

#11  Pretty please with sugar on top AND a direct commission? Works for me, guys!
Posted by: Sgt. Mom || 03/15/2004 16:11 Comments || Top||

#12  I know I could pass as pub hound in the UK. I'd hang around listening for clues.
Posted by: Lucky || 03/15/2004 16:41 Comments || Top||

#13  Good post, Mike.
My own guess is that this is a contingency for the shiite really hitting the fan, nuclear terrorism or post-nuclear recovery in the ME, that sort of thing.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 03/15/2004 17:38 Comments || Top||

#14  Ooooh! Ooooh! *waves frantically* PICK ME! PICK ME!
Posted by: Ptah || 03/15/2004 19:07 Comments || Top||

Turkey TV Reporting "Syrian Border villages on fire"
At this moment, Qamishli and four other Western Kurdish cities are under siege by the Syrian military. Tanks and helicopters surround the cities. Syrian soldiers and janjaweed Arab militias on patrol shoot indiscriminately into the streets. Communication with the outside world has been cut off. Mobile phone contacts report over 50 people killed and hundreds injured by this callous act. Sources in Iraq have confirmed over the past few hours that in the northern city of Kirkuk, news of the uprising has spurred people (Kurds) into random gathering in the streets. Nothing seems to be organized, and certainly not violent. No reports as to how they are recieving information yet. "The latest reports starting from the 12th of March, 2004, claim hundreds of victims of anti-Kurdish attacks carried out by the Baathist gangs and their supporters within the state apparatus of Syria. The unrest began at a soccer match in Kamishli and spread around the whole Kurdish area as the funerals for the first victims took place. Even in the capital Damascus, several hundred riot officers wearing helmets and bearing plastic shields were stationed around Damascus University and in a predominately Kurdish suburb. The Kurdish PEN Centre sees the threat of further escalation of hostilities between the Kurds and their neighbours. The Turkish, Syrian and Iranian authorities are well advised to realise that the Kurds are not going to disappear and therefore they are entitled to cultural and political rights".
Sounds like fighting words to me. History shows us that when the Kurds decide to fight, they will fight... to the bitter end if need be. This is a turning point in the struggle for Syrian liberation from Ba’athist rule
Update: Turkish television reporting great deal of smoke coming from border towns. Kurds in Amsterdam marching in solidarity with Syrian uprising....
Posted by: Frank Martin || 03/15/2004 5:47:30 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Yesterday was Iran, today its Syria. Do you think "someones big plan" is starting?
Posted by: Yosemite Sam || 03/15/2004 18:12 Comments || Top||

#2  Lots of ammo/weapons dumps around that part of Iraq, boys. Grab a gun and some RPG's, and go show Baby Assad what a revolution looks like from the losing side. I mean, obviously we can't guard the WHOLE border, right?

Posted by: mojo || 03/15/2004 18:25 Comments || Top||

#3  Guess we ought to know real soon now whether or not Baby Assface has Saddam's WMDs.
Posted by: BH || 03/15/2004 18:32 Comments || Top||

#4  Dare we hope there is some sinister (this time real and Western)conspiracy? I hate to be an optimist.
Posted by: whitecollar redneck || 03/15/2004 19:16 Comments || Top||

#5  Looks like the balloon may be going up in Syria?
Sooner or later we're gonna need a causus belli to get in there and do our democracy thing...
I'm pleased as punch that the Kurds on our side, not to mention our kick-ass U.S. military!
Baby Assad, Bring it on.
Posted by: Jen || 03/15/2004 19:19 Comments || Top||

#6  "Dare we hope there is some sinister (this time real and Western)conspiracy? "

Let us hope, but myself I am rather pessimistic about the West's capabilities to conspire -- and I think that Iraq is many years away from being capable to exert power in the area without tearing itself apart in the process.
Posted by: Aris Katsaris || 03/15/2004 20:49 Comments || Top||

#7  Tanks and helicopters surrounding cities! Doesn't Assad realize that within days millions of Europeans and Americans will take to the streets to protest this act of fascist oppression? Ahh, maybe not.
Posted by: Matt || 03/15/2004 21:02 Comments || Top||

#8  "The unrest began at a soccer match in Kamishli and spread around the whole Kurdish area"...

It's nice to see them killing for other reasons for a change. I guess even killing for Lallah needs some spicing up once in a while:)
Posted by: Hyper || 03/15/2004 21:20 Comments || Top||

#9  I was thinking this evening that I saw a report just last week that Turkey had started de-mining operations on the syrian/turkey border.

Posted by: Frank Martin || 03/15/2004 23:26 Comments || Top||

Syrian Kurds Rumble
Monday, March 15, 2004
Major media outlet:

Analysis: this story highlights some key points that will be discussed later. First, the signs of concrete American involvement have come to light. American personnel and helicopters landing in northern Syria, no matter who they are or why, is big news. Assad’s dispatch of his brother (Defense Minister) to speak with Kurdish leaders is also a major turning point; signs that the Syrian military can’t control the situation? Or simply fear international backlash by making any critical moves?

Analysis: Syrian Ba’athists are going to take advantage of the relatively sparse media coverage of the crisis that is developing in northern Syria to enact harsh military reprisals against the rebels. The events unfolding have all the trappings of another Hama, where ten thousand people were killed after an uprising there in 1982.

Flame of liberty is lighting up Syria
While they flicker in Spain
"Public buildings still burned Sunday in the northern Syrian city of Qameshli following riots in which at least 14 Kurds were reported killed in clashes with security forces, an AFP reporter saw. Syrian authorities swiftly cracked down on the unrest over the weekend, branding it an attempt to destabilise the country as Washington prepares to impose economic sanctions on Damascus.A tense calm hung over Qameshli, 700 kilometers (640 miles) northeast of Damascus, and Hassake, 100 kilometers to the south, after two days of violence triggered by a football match. In Qameshli, near the Turkish border, firemen were still trying to extinguish flames emerging from the windows of burned and looted grain warehouses.

The three-storey customs offices were burned out, the offices at the central railway station were sacked, the streets strewn with debris and a portrait of Syria’s late president Hafez al-Assad riddled with bullet-holes. Witnesses said the rioters had torn down Syrian flags from the public buildings and hoisted Kurdish flags. A few food shops were open but most stores were shut. An official source said Syrian security chief Hisham Bakhtiar had told Kurdish leaders that "foreign hands were trying to spread sedition and instability in Syria" and called for unity in the name of current President Bashar al-Assad".... More

At this moment, Qamishli and four other Western Kurdish cities are under siege by the Syrian military. Tanks and helicopters surround the cities. Syrian soldiers and Arab militias on patrol shoot indiscriminately into the streets. Communication with the outside world has been cut off. Mobile phone contacts report over 50 people killed and hundreds injured by this callous act.

via The Kurdish National Congress of North America

Sources in Iraq have confirmed over the past few hours that in the northern city of Kirkuk, news of the uprising has spurred people (Kurds) into random gathering in the streets. Nothing seems to be organized, and certainly not violent. No reports as to how they are recieving information yet.

Statement of the Kurdish PEN Centre Bremen

"The latest reports starting from the 12th of March, 2004, claim hundreds of victims of anti-Kurdish attacks carried out by the Baathist gangs and their supporters within the state apparatus of Syria. The unrest began at a soccer match in Kamishli and spread around the whole Kurdish area as the funerals for the first victims took place. Even in the capital Damascus, several hundred riot officers wearing helmets and bearing plastic shields were stationed around Damascus University and in a predominately Kurdish suburb. The Kurdish PEN Centre sees the threat of further escalation of hostilities between the Kurds and their neighbours. The Turkish, Syrian and Iranian authorities are well advised to realise that the Kurds are not going to disappear and therefore they are entitled to cultural and political rights"

Sounds like fighting words to me. History shows us that when the Kurds decide to fight, they will fight... to the bitter end if need be. This is a turning point in the struggle for Syrian liberation from Ba’athist rule

Update: sketchy accounts of PKK turning on their former benefactors-- the Syrian government

Update: Turkish television reporting great deal of smoke coming from border towns.

Kind of neat edgy reporting to me.

Posted by: Lucky || 03/15/2004 5:20:22 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Report: Syria seals off Iraqi border after Kurds threaten violence
Via the Professor
Syria on Monday sealed of its borders with Iraq after Iraqi Kurd fighters threatened to enter the country if violent clashes between security forces and their Syrian brethren were not brought to an end. Disturbances continued throughout the Kurdish regions in the north of the country, as an American delegation was sent in to try to stabilize the situation.
(US Boots on the ground is Syria?, COOL!)
The American team has secretly arrived from Iraq to the Kurd region in northern Syria following several days of riots which came on the heels of a violent soccer game between a Kurdish-backed and a mostly Arab-backed team, Kurdish sources and Syrian exiles in Europe told Haaretz on Monday. The information was also published on Kurdish websites in Europe. The U.S. team, which includes intelligence officers, contacted senior officers in a Syrian delegation sent to the region by President Bashar Assad to negotiate with local leaders. According to the sources, two U.S. helicopters arrived Sunday from Iraq to the city of Qamishli on the Turkish border, where the riots began. The sources believe that the American delegation has warned the Syrian government that if the riots continue, the situation could get out of control and the Syrians will find it difficult to restrain the Kurdish militias in northern Iraq, who want to come to the aid of the Kurds in Syria.
:-) :-)
Earlier Sunday Haaretz quoted Kurdish sources as saying that Assad sent his brother, Colonel Maher, his Defense Minister Mustafa Tlas as well as senior intelligence officials to hold talks with local Kurdish leaders. Kurdish leaders in Syria on Saturday called on Masoud Barazani, one of the Kurdish leaders in Iraq, to help them in what they called "a massacre." According to Kurdish sources, isolated exchanges of gunfire continued overnight Sunday in several towns, but in general, the violence was diminishing. The sources claim that demonstrations continued in the city of Haleb and that two Kurds were killed during the exchanges of fire in the northern town of Hassake. The legal advisor of the Paris-based National Council for Truth, Justice and Reconciliation in Syria, George Sara, said that Syrian security services were conducting mass arrests, claiming that 100 people have been detained in Damascus. Sara claimed he could not determine the exact number of people killed during the riots, but that his organization estimated the number to be between 60 and 100. He expressed disappointment with the lack of coverage of the riots in the western media, but asserted that Kurdish media in Turkey began showing interest on Sunday.

Kurdish sources in Europe claim that in the city of Qamishli on the Turkish border, where the riots began, authorities are stipulating the release of 25 bodies from a hospital with the families conducting quiet funerals that will not again turn into political rallies. Some 60 Kurdish activists took over the Syrian consulate in Geneva on Monday, in what they said was an attempt to raise public awareness in the world to "the massacre of Kurdish civilians being carried out by Syrian army and police forces." The Kurds agreed to leave the consulate after a few hours, with the intervention of Swiss police and a promise that a letter concerning their matter would be sent to the United Nations.
Posted by: Evert Visser || 03/15/2004 5:15:19 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Finally! Syria took forever sealing off the border from terrorists.
Posted by: Charles || 03/15/2004 19:07 Comments || Top||

#2  For the last couple of years we've been hearing how it's impossible for Syria to seal its border with Iraq.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester || 03/15/2004 21:36 Comments || Top||

Kurds Riot in Syria
A fighting at a soccer match in Syria turned into a Kurdish riot.
It’s a soccer match, of course there was a riot.
Incidents started two days ago when pro-Saddam Arabs swore at Kurdish leaders Massoud Barzani and Jalal Talabani during a soccer match at the Kameshli Stadium near Syria’s border with southeastern province of Mardin and they turned into almost a civil war.
"Massoud is a infidel and Jalal wears womens clothing!"
"Saddam surrendered like a Frenchman!"
"We ain’t gonna take that! Go for your guns!"

Demonstrators which set fire to a number of state buildings also raided the Turkish Border Gate in Kameshli and set fire to the customs buildings. Kurds spread their rioting to other towns. They burned Syrian President’s posters and Syrian flags. Armored vehicles were sent to areas. In the riot which could be seen from the settlements near the border, 52 people were killed and 200 others were injured.
And a fun time was had by all.
Posted by: Steve || 03/15/2004 9:09:42 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "Muslims, killing Muslims, are the haaaaappiest Muslims!"
Posted by: BH || 03/15/2004 10:27 Comments || Top||

#2  And all of that because Berxwedan missed a penalty, soccer vandal!
Posted by: Murat || 03/15/2004 11:18 Comments || Top||

#3  images at free arab forum

It seems that this should have been called a revolt or uprising rather than a riot.
Posted by: mhw || 03/15/2004 11:55 Comments || Top||

#4  haaretz reports Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga threatening to intervene if Syria does not restore order, reports US team on ground IN Kurdish part of Syria to negotiate with Syrian officials. Sounds like somethings up.
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 03/15/2004 15:45 Comments || Top||

#5  haaretz also report Syria has closed the border with Iraq.
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 03/15/2004 15:47 Comments || Top||

Uprising reported in northern Iran
EFL. Hat tip: VodkaPundit.
From Iranvajahan in Persian (story reported on Peykeiran and also Iranchabar.de web sites)

1. Over 5 were killed and many with bullet wounds admitted to the hospital. The regimes forces did open fire on demonstrators.

2. 1 police station was taken over by the people, releasing many of the arrested demonstrators. Half the town was under the control of the people.

3. The erruption occurred as a result of 3 suspicious confiscated ballot boxes that led to the hardline victory in the recent elections in this town, which the people were protesting until the brutal suppression of the regime’s forces. Ironically the hardliner candidate had announced that he did not need the people’s vote to get elected.

4. The number of injured is too high to estimate. Many of the injured are children, because the regime’s forces opened fire at a time when children were walking home from school. Hopsitals in in the town, and adjacent Babol and other cities are full of injured.

5. An eyewitness reports that there were approximately 5 thousand people demonstrating peacefully when the regime’s forces opened fire, prompting the people to take over the police station and assume control of half the town. After numerous failed attempts at negotiations between the representatives of the people and the local governemnt, in frustration the people set fire to the home and office of the local friday prayer leader (a Mullah).
Doesn’t appear to be reported in the major media as of this posting. The posting links off to websites in Persian, which is not one of my languages--though an English translation is available at Iran-Va-Jahan, which seems to be the source of the accompanying photos. It all looks genuine and it’s consistent with other reports of unrest in Iran.
Posted by: Mike || 03/15/2004 6:50:17 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  God speed.
Posted by: whitecollar redneck || 03/15/2004 8:00 Comments || Top||

#2  Ironically the hardliner candidate had announced that he did not need the people’s vote to get elected.

snicker - the guy got a lesson in REAL democracy. You know the REAL kind, where people get out an make their wishes be known. I'd say those Mullahs are in trouble - but then, what do I know?
Posted by: B || 03/15/2004 8:09 Comments || Top||

#3  The site uses the expression 'the regime is being ended by its internal contradictions'.
This is either a Marxist phrasology or someone making fun of Marx.
Posted by: mhw || 03/15/2004 8:57 Comments || Top||

#4  BTW - Don't expect any help from The Media. The all out 48 hour frenzy to influence the Spanish election has proved that they have pulled out all stops now. Seems to me they have bothered to quit pretending anymore. Actually - they've been doing it all along - ignoring anything doesn't support socialist appeasement policies of anti-Israel/American interests - just now they are doing it without any pretense of truthful reporting. If you think of them as one big Al Jazeera, you won't find their actions as confusing.

Just to give you pause, remember, it only took Hitler about 6 weeks to use his propaganda machine turn the entire population of Germany against the Jews.

You'd think at some point the communist/socialists would realize that their greatest threat is from the Islamofascists - but I guess they are getting old and desperate now. It's hard to tell the difference between them anymore. I guess it's the old enemy of my enemy thing.
Posted by: B || 03/15/2004 9:04 Comments || Top||

#5  B good post. I agree!
Posted by: Phil B || 03/15/2004 9:14 Comments || Top||

#6  mhw:

It may also be an accurate description. The "islamic republic" has the outer trappings of a democracy, but the heart and soul of totalitarian Sharia. In other words, you can vote, as long as you vote as the mullahs tell you. If that's not an internal contradiction, I'm not sure what is.
Posted by: Mike || 03/15/2004 9:54 Comments || Top||

#7  'the regime is being ended by its internal contradictions'

or perhaps a hegelian - dont think marx invented the idea of internal contradictions, any more than he invented historical forces, or dialectic. If the contradictions arent economic or related to class relations, then its not a particularly Marxist usage.
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 03/15/2004 10:58 Comments || Top||

#8  Looking at the photos, it looks more like a riot than any kind of real "uprising".
Posted by: Anonymous || 03/15/2004 15:05 Comments || Top||

Arab Official Assassinated in Iraq City of Kirkuk
An Arab member of Kirkuk's city council and his bodyguard were shot dead in a drive-by shooting on Monday, underscoring rising political tensions in the ethnically divided northern Iraq city. Witnesses said a red car pulled up alongside a vehicle carrying Agar al-Tawil, a Shi'ite Arab council member, and his bodyguard and opened fire. The vehicle skidded to a halt and the assailants then got out and fired more shots at the victims. "Two men got out of the red car and went to Tawil's car and just started shooting," witness Haider Mohammed said. Major General Hazim al-Obeidi of the Kirkuk police confirmed the assassination and said an investigation was under way.
An Arab bumped off, a Turkman almost bumped off... Whaddya think they're trying to do?
Posted by: Fred || 03/15/2004 8:09:48 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Africa: Subsaharan
Four Sahara countries unite against armed Islamists
Four Sahara countries have decided to step up cooperation in the fight against an armed Islamic group whose activities have spilled over from Algeria to other countries in the region, a source close to the army of Mali said Saturday. The action by Mali, Niger, Chad and Algeria was aimed at the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat, which has been active since 1998 and was involved in the kidnapping of 32 Western tourists last year -- 14 of whom it handed over for an undisclosed ransom in Mali. The leader of the group, an Algerian named Amari Saifi, otherwise known as Abderrazak the Para, was in Mali until recently, the military source said, but had left the country with his men after marrying an under-age girl.
They're not worth marrying if they're not under-age, are they?
The source said this force had clashed with the Niger and Chad armies recently. The four-nation agreement was aimed at denying sanctuary to the Salafist group or other bands roaming across the porous desert frontiers. The Mali army will now track down gunmen wanted in any of the other countries.
Got a cross-border agreement up front. Good idea.
The agreement also provides for the increasing exchanges of intelligence among the countries. "The danger that haunts the countries in the region is to see the armed Islamists and other terrorists recruiting men among the poor local populations," the source said. He added that the Mali army was receiving aid from the United States, including very sophisticated communications equipment and high-speed vehicles. According to the source, about 30 American instructors have trained some 300 Malian soldiers in counter terrorism techniques since January.
Posted by: Fred || 03/15/2004 8:06:21 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I love this for so many reasons.

Countries uniting regionally, ally with the side that's going to win anyway, take advantage of the USA know how and hardware, and get rid of the local crazies. It’s BEAUTIFUL!

Spain: behold the correct strategy for the future, if you happen to want to minimize the amount of crazy, bloodletting wackiness that’s going on, not just in your pathetic Socialism-voting country, but around the world, for all people.

I only hope that Mohamar jumps on this bandwagon, and really pushes forward in his “enlightenment”. Might be too soon for him to do that, though.
Posted by: Hyper || 03/15/2004 20:52 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Afghan and Pakistani Tribes Clash in Border Region
Armed clashes have broken out between Afghan and Pakistani tribes across the disputed border between those two countries, Peshawar-based Afghan Islamic Press reported on 14 March. The fighting reportedly pits the Tani tribe, on the Afghan side of the so-called Durand Line, with the Madakhayl, Wazir, Zeli Shakh, and Badarkhayl tribes residing in the northern Waziristan region of Pakistan. Both sides have laid claim to the Sutarki region.

The current border between Afghanistan and Pakistan -- known as the "Durand Line" after Sir Henry Mortimer Durand, the British signatory of the 1893 agreement that demarcated the border between Afghanistan and British India -- has never been officially recognized by Afghanistan, and has been at the core of disagreements between Afghanistan and Pakistan since the creation of Pakistan in 1947
Posted by: Mike Sylwester || 03/15/2004 7:07:57 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  There seems to be a lot of Muslem blue-on-blue action today. I should've made popcorn.
Posted by: Scott || 03/15/2004 19:22 Comments || Top||

#2  Sounds like spring training has started. When do they throw out the first pitch for the regular season?
Posted by: Mr. Davis || 03/15/2004 19:33 Comments || Top||

#3  Mr. Davis I believe you are thinking not of the throwing out of the first pitch, but of the ceremonial throwing out of the first boom.
Posted by: Shipman || 03/15/2004 19:46 Comments || Top||

#4  I've got some Crackerjacks...
Posted by: Fred || 03/15/2004 20:05 Comments || Top||

#5  Does this go on all the time and just not get reported? Or could this be an effort by one side or the other to create confusion to cover for some other activity? It is in the area where the hammer and anvil are supposed to meet.
Posted by: GK || 03/15/2004 21:09 Comments || Top||

U.S. Troops May Have Clashed With Iranian Border Guards
U.S. troops may have traded shots with Iranian guards during a March 14 incident near the Iraq border, a senior U.S. official said at a Baghdad news conference today. Army Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, deputy operations director for Combined Joint Task Force 7, told reporters the U.S. 4th Infantry Division reported that one of its border patrols in the northeastern part of Iraq "was, in fact, shot and fired upon by what is believed to be personnel wearing uniforms resembling those worn by Iranian border guards." The American soldiers "took self-defense measures (and) returned fire" against their assailants, Kimmitt reported, noting the exchange soon ended.
Posted by: Karma || 03/15/2004 7:01:16 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I guess it is related to this:
US Soldiers Kill 1 Uniformed Man, Wound 1, On Iraq-Iran Border
Posted by: ed || 03/15/2004 19:08 Comments || Top||

#2  They said in the article that the US troops were questioning suspected fertilizer smugglers. Now THAT'S suspicious! No BS with the 4ID, if you want to live, guys.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 03/15/2004 19:18 Comments || Top||

#3  What, the border guards shot at our soldiers and some of them lived?

More range time for our guys!
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 03/15/2004 23:16 Comments || Top||

#4  fertilizer and fuel oil makes makes a what? anyone....anyone?
Posted by: Frank Martin || 03/15/2004 23:28 Comments || Top||

Turkmen Leader Target of Assassination Attempt
Yesterday morning, an assassination attempt was made against Iraqi Turkmen Front (ITF) Chief, Faruk Abdullah Abdurrahman. While the Turkmen Leader was rescued, two of his guards were injured. The attempt was made using remote controlled bombs as a three-vehicle escort convoy from Baghdad to Kirkuk was traveling from the Halis region to Babuka. Abdurrahman told Zaman, "Our car was saved at the last moment because of its speed. We were able to travel without any guards all the way to Kirkuk. One of the guards under treatment was seriously injured. ITF Representative, Ahmet Muratli, indicated that the assassination attempt was organized by those who would like to violate Iraq's territorial integrity and unity. He said Turkmens believe the attack was performed by the same sources plotting previous attacks in Karbala and Erbil. Muratli added that U.S. troops have started inquiries on the incident.
Posted by: Fred || 03/15/2004 6:55:17 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Prolly those wacky Sunnis! Boy, they just worry a bone to death, doncha think?
Posted by: .com || 03/15/2004 22:13 Comments || Top||

Gunmen kill 3, wound 2
Gunmen opened fire on a vehicle carrying U.S. civilians in the northern city of Mosul on Monday, killing three and wounding two in the latest deadly attack targeting foreigners in Iraq. Witnesses said the victims had been driving through the city, 390 km north of Baghdad, in a civilian vehicle without a military escort when attackers raked their car with AK-47 assault rifles
Posted by: Korora || 03/15/2004 4:50:43 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  One of those killed was Robert Zangas, as mentioned above (MilBlogger).
Posted by: Rafael || 03/15/2004 18:27 Comments || Top||

#2  I've often wondered if their blogging creates a security risk for them. Information is a dangerous thing.

How very sad, God bless him.
Posted by: B || 03/15/2004 19:50 Comments || Top||

Home Front: Culture Wars
To CNN, this is news
More than 60 people gathered Monday in Washington for a march to the White House, calling for an end to U.S. military action in Iraq. The protest, the second day of a two-day demonstration against the Bush administration, drew mostly peace activists, along with a few relatives of U.S. troops, organizers said. Relatives of U.S. troops killed in Iraq gathered Monday outside Walter Reed Army Medical Center for an emotional protest.
From what I could gather, there were maybe 15 people protesting - big deal.
The protesters are marching from the hospital, where many wounded troops are treated, to Lafayette Park across Washington’s Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House -- a nearly six-mile trek.
There were also a few counterprotesters calling the demonstrators "traitors" and yelling, "Stop the left-wing violence."
WTOP said they were Freepers. If so, good for them!
In Iraq, meanwhile, three American civilian workers were killed and two wounded Monday in a drive-by shooting in the northern city of Mosul, coalition military officials said. On Sunday, several hundred protesters took part in a march from Dover, Delaware, to nearby Dover Air Force Base, where remains of U.S. troops first arrive from Iraq. The facility includes the U.S. military’s main mortuary. Some protesters complained about the Bush administration’s policy of refusing the news media access to Dover, saying the White House is trying to hide the horrors of the war. Organizers of the anti-war march told CNN that, in addition to calling for an end to U.S. military efforts in Iraq, they wanted to honor the dead and bring attention to the plight of the nearly 2,800 wounded in action. More than 400 other U.S. soldiers were wounded in non-hostile incidents, according to the Defense Department.
That’s about average for a military group of 125,000 during a a year. We had that many people injured in Germany every year, just in normal traffic accidents, home-related injuries, etc. Another 300-400 were regularly injured in training accidents and incidents. If you train like you’re going to fight, people will get hurt. It’s a part of being in the military.

While CNN is carrying on about these small protests, they completely ignored this.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 03/15/2004 4:48:23 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Dont forget the One Hundrend Thousand to One Million Iraqi's who protested in December against terrorism which CNN (and the other alphabet-soup news organizations) failed to report.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 03/15/2004 17:00 Comments || Top||

#2  Decisions! Decisions! Do we cover the 60 'tards who march and screech our editorial agenda -- or the umpteen thousands who don't... Shhh! Don't bother us... We're thinking!
Posted by: .com || 03/15/2004 17:14 Comments || Top||

#3  .com, why not call it ‘Tards March 2004!’ 60 people? How did they know they were protestors and not simply lost tourists (or some kind of mix)? This is laughable as a story. CNN really must be pained for anti-Bush material if this is what they are covering. I heard a rumor from some one in Europe who knows some one that heard that Bush threw gum on the sidewalk when he was 8. Ok CNN run with that one. Pathetic!
Posted by: Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter) || 03/15/2004 19:11 Comments || Top||

Arab Fighters Say Iraqis Sold Them Out to U.S.
Ahmed Abdel Razzaq went to Iraq to fight the Americans and die a martyr. He ended up in a U.S. prison camp after the Iraqis he went to defend captured and sold him for $100. "I went to be a martyr in God’s name," said Razzaq, from poor north Lebanon, where Sunni Muslim militancy runs deep. "I went to jihad (holy war) for the Iraqis but they are all traitors; the people, the army, the Kurds. They say Saddam was bad, but the Iraqis deserve 10 Saddams."

Motivated by religious zeal or Arab nationalism, busloads of Arab volunteers crossed Syria to go to Iraq before and during the war. Those who got home alive describe being abandoned by Iraqi minders as U.S. forces reached Baghdad, or escaping Iraqis hostile to interference as the Baath government crumbled into chaos. Hundreds more were captured, often by Iraqi Kurds opposed to toppled president Saddam Hussein, and spent months in U.S. custody at Camp Bucca in the desert near the southern port of Umm Qasr. A Syrian who fought in the Kurdish-run north said he walked and hitchhiked over 75 miles to get back to the border after the Iraqi officers in charge of his cell fled with his passport. "We fought Kurds. We looked for Americans but found none," said the fighter, who was of Palestinian origin. "We only knew Baghdad fell when some Arabs told us to lay down our arms because it was over ... One day they were supporting Saddam, the next they were beating their meat his statue with their shoes."

One Jordanian who returned to Amman in January complained "the Americans treated us like animals not like human beings." But they got regular meals, were allowed to worship and exercise and had access to news and basic medical care. Some volunteers said they were taken to vast camps outside Baghdad for training, before being sent to the northern and southern fronts. They complained that the Iraqis armed them poorly, sending them into battle with too little ammunition or faulty guns. Despite injury or incarceration, the volunteers said they would risk their lives again to defend Arabs from attack. "We will help any Arab state that faces assault," said Mohammed. "...They are coming to Syria next. The equipment they have brought is enough to occupy the whole Arab world."
Apparently we don’t need more troops. With jokers like this for friends who needs enemies?
Posted by: Spot || 03/15/2004 3:53:44 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Ha ha.
Posted by: someone || 03/15/2004 16:16 Comments || Top||

#2  Ha HA fuckin ace laugh that one, i even imagined hearing the violin as i read it, it really bought a tear to my eye - of laughter
Posted by: Jon Shep U.K || 03/15/2004 16:21 Comments || Top||

#3  "He ended up in a U.S. prison camp after the Iraqis he went to defend captured and sold him for $100."

-fucking beautiful, LMAO. I guess he thought he was worth at least a g-note. This is some funny poetic justice.

"The equipment they have brought is enough to occupy the whole Arab world."

-makes one wonder what the end game is if W gets re-elected? Iran, Syria, Jordan?
Posted by: Jarhead || 03/15/2004 16:25 Comments || Top||

#4  Rantburg had this a couple of days ago.
Posted by: mojo || 03/15/2004 16:29 Comments || Top||

#5  "I went to Baghdad to be martyred and all I got was this lousy T-shirt."
Posted by: Dar || 03/15/2004 16:29 Comments || Top||

#6  "I went to jihad for the Iraqis but they are all traitors; the people, the army, the Kurds. "

:) Its quotes like this that give me hope.
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 03/15/2004 17:34 Comments || Top||

#7  It's nice: $100.00USD, a glass of wine and a hooker.

Knowing them snooty ayrabs aren't gonna hurt you: priceless.
Posted by: badanov || 03/15/2004 21:38 Comments || Top||

Truck blast kills 3, injures 9
The blast of a landmine has left three servicemen of federal troops dead and 12 injured in Chechnya. An army spokesman told Itar-Tass on Monday that a military truck set off the mine near the village of Alleroi in the Kurchaloi district on Sunday afternoon. The servicemen were returning to their unit. The wounded, one of who was an officer, were taken to a military hospital in Khankala, a main base of federal troops in Chechnya.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/15/2004 12:50:49 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Afghanistan/South Asia
Bin Laden escapes French Dragnet
Osama bin Laden narrowly escaped capture by French troops working against with American forces in Afghanistan, perhaps several times, the head of France’s armed forces said Monday. French soldiers are determined to capture the fugitive head of the al-Qaida network by the end of the year, Gen. Henri Bentegeat said Monday.
but no soon er than November 2
"Our men were not very far," Bentegeat told France’s Europe-1 radio station. "On several occasions, I even think that he slipped out of a net that was well closed except where we were."
Bentegeat did not say when or where the escapes took place
or how many more the French would be involved in
and a Defense Ministry spokeswoman declined to give details. Bin Laden is believed to be hiding in the rugged mountains on the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Bentegeat said that about 200 French troops are working with American forces in Afghanistan in the hunt for holdouts of the ousted Taliban regime and al-Qaida. "In Afghanistan, the terrain is extremely favorable to escapes, there are underground networks everywhere," Bentegeat said.
"It reminds me of the Paris sewers."
On March 7, the U.S. military announced the start of a new sweep for insurgents and terror leaders, including bin Laden and Taliban chief Mullah Mohammed Omar. Bentegeat said bin Laden "symbolizes Sept. 11"
but he is only a symbol, not responsible, non
and that the intricacy of bombings last Thursday in Madrid - when 10 bombs tore through four rush-hour trains just minutes apart - suggested the involvement of al-Qaida. The attack killed 200 people. Bentegeat called al-Qaida a "hydra with several heads.
Thank Chiraq that our French hydra have only one head"
"If we catch one head there will be others," he said.
Sounds like he is hoping to catch a lot of head. I’ll bet he’s the one who talked to Kerry.
But, "for justice, for the innumerable victims of these monstrous attacks, it is indispensable."
Posted by: Mr. Davis || 03/15/2004 12:26:46 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Yeah - it will be the French who claim all the glory, all right.

Posted by: uh huh || 03/15/2004 12:56 Comments || Top||

#2  fuckin french again i see, bet they cut the whole in the net and let binny free,fuckin weasels
Posted by: Jon Shep U.K || 03/15/2004 13:01 Comments || Top||

#3  Didn't AL-Q claim that Binny had been stopped by patrols several times but had not been recognized? This migh tbe why....
Posted by: CrazyFool || 03/15/2004 13:06 Comments || Top||

#4  French soldiers are determined to capture the fugitive head of the al-Qaida network by the end of the year

In order to keep him from the "inhumane" conditions in Gitmo, no doubt.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 03/15/2004 13:37 Comments || Top||

#5  Bentegeat said that about 200 French troops are working with American forces in Afghanistan in the hunt for holdouts of the ousted Taliban regime and al-Qaida.

We're screwed...
Posted by: Ptah || 03/15/2004 14:57 Comments || Top||

#6  There is some truth to this story. The French are helping out in Afghanistan and they may be patrolling that region. Also the U.S. might be using the French as a hunting dog. Flushing Binney into a smaller area where capture will be easy. I hope we get him first becuase we don't want to have to ask the French to extradite him.
Posted by: Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter) || 03/15/2004 15:06 Comments || Top||

#7  Who knows... let's wait and find out the story, there's alway the chance it could be these guys.
Posted by: Shipman || 03/15/2004 17:19 Comments || Top||

#8  Shipman, sounds like it was the Frogs' Inspector Clouseau Platoon and not the FFL.
Posted by: Tibor || 03/15/2004 18:37 Comments || Top||

#9  I thought all the NATO contingent (including French) were guarding Kabul. If they are getting out and going hunting, then Good on Them. It's appreciated.
Posted by: ed || 03/15/2004 18:52 Comments || Top||

#10  "I hope we get him first becuase we don't want to have to ask the French to extradite him."

Cyber Sarge--Remember the hippy cult leader from Philly who chopped up his girlfriend and lived free in France for decades? Or how about Mumia the Cop Killer who was made a 'citizen of Paris'?

The Frogs might whisk Binny back to Europe and make him Ambassador to Spain! And the new Spanish government will recieve him.

(Can ya tell I'm depressed?) Peace be upon Frank for Rantburg!
Posted by: JDB || 03/15/2004 19:42 Comments || Top||

#11  If the French had bin Laden and refused to extradite, I'd march in the streets demanding an invasion of France.
Posted by: Anonymous || 03/15/2004 22:15 Comments || Top||

Africa: Subsaharan
EUCOM Delivers Aid to Chadian Forces
This is very cool.
Answering a request for assistance, units from U.S. European Command responded with two C-130 Hercules delivering more than 19 tons of aid Saturday to Chad. According to Chad officials here, 3 Chadian army soldiers were killed and 16 were injured when they encountered and engaged a group of fighters from the Salafist Group for Call and Combat who had crossed from Niger into Chad between the cities of Zouarke and Wour, 600 kilometers North of here. Officials also said that 40 of the militants were killed and four were taken into custody. “Usually it takes about two days to plan a mission like this,” said Capt. Jeff Menasco, 37th Airlift Squadron instructor pilot and mission commander, from Ramstein Air Base, Germany. “But we were airborne within an hour of being notified of the mission.”

Just a little more than 10 hours after takeoff, the runway on the edge of the desert creeps into sight. Landing on the 7,700-foot runway just outside of Faya-Largeau, the crews taxi the C-130s amid scrub brush and sand. The temperature soars into the 100s at this one-building airport. More than three-dozen armed Chadians, ready to help download the aircraft, greet the crews. With no heavy equipment in sight to unload the aircraft, the crew opts to “combat offload” the nine pallets of food, blankets and medical supplies. “When there’s no equipment available, the combat offload is the quickest way for us to download the aircraft,” said Master Sgt. Larry Lambert, 37th AS chief evaluator loadmaster. A combat offload consists of opening the back of the aircraft and releasing the pallet of cargo from its locks. The loadmasters position and steady the pallet. From here, the pilot stomps on the brakes and throttles up the engines. When the engines reach full speed, the pilot releases the brakes. As the Herk lunges forward, the pallets slip effortlessly off the back of the aircraft.

While the aircrew takes care of getting the aid off the aircraft and to the Chadian forces, members of the 86th Contingency Response Group from Ramstein handle security at the austere airfield where the aid is being delivered. “Our job is to provide security for Air Force resources and people at locations that aren’t secure, so the crew can focus on their job,” said 1st Lt. Mike Jewell, 786th Security Forces Squadron Raven Team Leader. “While we haven’t encounter any problems yet, we’re always on the look out for hostile or suspicious activities.”

Governor Hassane Djangbeï, who governs the Bockou, Emmedi, Tibesti region of Chad, said that the military engagement with the terrorists led to the discovery and subsequent seizure of implicating documents and equipment. “We took five trucks with large machines guns mounted in the back, as well as a large weapons cache of rocket propelled grenades, AK-47s, mortars and ammunition,” said Governor Djangbeï through an interpreter. “We also discovered that the terrorists were well equipped with a handful of GPS units and satellite phones.”

After the cargo is delivered and the aircraft safely back in the air, the crew focuses on returning back home. “Our squadron and wing tactics planning cells did an incredible job to give us the tools we needed for this reactive mission,” said Captain Menasco. “I have to credit the professionalism, experience and competency of the entire crew for the safe completion of this extremely challenging mission. It’s the crew who made this mission happen.”

Chad, located in the North-central region in Africa, has become an important ally in the global war on terrorism with the Pan Sahel Initiative. The Pan Sahel Initiative is a U.S. Department of State Security Assistance Program focusing on four countries in the Sahara region of Africa. The initiative supports U.S. national security interests combating terrorism and enhancing regional peace and security. It directly assists Mali, Niger, Chad and Mauritania in protecting their borders and exploiting opportunities to detect and deter terrorists by providing basic training and equipment. “On behalf of the people of Chad, I’d like to thank the American government and the United States Air Force for the aid you are delivering today,” said Governor Djangbeï. “This aid will help our injured soldiers and it will help us as we try to fight the terrorists in our region.” Richard Boucher, spokesman for the Department of State, in a statement March 12, congratulated the Chadian forces on their successful military action. “It shows that foreign governments can operate successfully against terrorists, and that’s the key to defeating terrorism worldwide,” he said.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 03/15/2004 12:11:14 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Sure they can - but first they have to WANT to. I'm glad at least a tiny country like Chad can step up to the plate - God knows the Euros aren't.

Posted by: anon || 03/15/2004 12:59 Comments || Top||

#2  The C-130 is what God tours in. (He/She/Plasma is allowed in the cockpit. Damn 7,700 feet air temp near 100... WHEE! I wonder what was the altitude of the airfield... pasture..... path was.
Posted by: Shipman || 03/15/2004 17:40 Comments || Top||

10yo Palestinian boy with bomb stopped
Edited for brevity.
Israel Defense Forces soldiers on Monday caught a 10-year-old Palestinian boy trying to get a large bomb through a roadblock in the West Bank city of Nablus. Border Police sappers managed to safely detonate the device. The boy was reportedly with a group of school children. Israel Radio reported that the boy told the soldiers that he had been offered a large sun of money to carry the device through the roadblock. An IDF officer told Army Radio the military believed the device was destined for a terror attack inside Israel. The IDF said that the boy raised the suspicions of a Military Policewoman because he was carrying a heavy bag. The device was connected to a cellular telephone and contained nails and screws for maximum impact.
When the Palestinians love their children more than they hate the Joooos, then we can talk about the ’road map’. But don’t hold your breath.
Posted by: Dar || 03/15/2004 11:35:17 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The Paleo leadership will pay any price, in women and children, to continue their kleptocracy.
Posted by: Scott || 03/15/2004 11:58 Comments || Top||

#2  whats the betting Al Gaurdian in the U.K dosn't report this
Posted by: Jon Shep U.K || 03/15/2004 12:59 Comments || Top||

#3  Just Friggin sad. How can they defend that?
Posted by: Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter) || 03/15/2004 16:45 Comments || Top||

#4  The Paleos have clearly raised hordes of these Children of the Corn jihadis that have no real childhood (Remember the baby bomber from 2002?)
They're either human shields, throwing rocks at the IDF or training to be splodeydopes but they aren't playing jump rope, jacks or Barbies.
Posted by: Jen || 03/15/2004 18:59 Comments || Top||

Fatah: Ashdod Port bombers used tunnels to cross Gaza
JPost Reg Req’d - EFL and news
A Fatah leader said Monday that the two suicide bombers who blew themselves up in the Ashdod Port on Sunday, killing 10 Israelis, used underground tunnels to cross into Israel from the Gaza Strip. The assailants also evaded tight security at the port and used high-grade plastic explosives. Ten Israelis were killed and 16 wounded, one critically, in the Ashdod attack late Sunday afternoon at Ashdod Port, a site considered to be one of the most sensitive, strategic, and supposedly heavily guarded locations in the country. A militant leader in Gaza said the bombers had intended to blow up fuel storage tanks in Ashdod, One Al Aqsa leader in Gaza, who identified himself only as Abu Qusay, said that "this is a message to the Israelis that all their walls and fences cannot prevent us from infiltrating Israel and doing whatever we want." Abu Qusay said the terror groups were trying to carry out more devastating attacks. "We planned this attack to be a major one, to target their infrastructure, to show them that not only can we kill you, but destroy your infrastructure as well, like you destroy ours," he said.

IAF gunships carried out missile strikes against Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip early Monday morning in retaliation for the double suicide bombing. The military confirmed the missile strikes, saying the targets were used to manufacture weapons and Kassam and mortar shell rockets. One of the buildings was located in the Nasser neighborhood and another in the Zeitoun neighborhood, Palestinians reported one person wounded from the attack. Israel will also intensify targeted killings of Palestinians in retaliation for the Ashdod port attack, a senior official said. In the hours after the bombing, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon consulted with his army chief of General Staff over a response to the bombing. Sharon is waiting for the return of Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz from a US trip later Monday to decide on possible larger-scale retaliation, a security official said. Security officials believe the two planned to launch a mega-terrorist attack and blow themselves up near the port’s bromine tanks, or other hazardous materials stored there.

Had the terrorists succeeded in blowing up near the bromine tanks, the effects could have been devastating, with poisonous gases spreading to a 1.5-kilometer radius, killing thousands within minutes. "We are not talking about a populated area and haven’t ruled out the possibility that they sought to blow up in an area where the dangerous materials are stored and perpetrate a mega-attack," Southern District police chief Cmdr. Moshe Karadi told reporters. "It could have been an accident that caused them to blow up prematurely," before they reached their intended targets, he added. Hamas and Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack on Hizbullah’s Al-Manar satellite television station and identified the two as Nabil Ibrahim Masoud and Muhammad Zahil Salem, both 18 and residents of the Jabalya refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip.
Posted by: Frank G || 03/15/2004 11:08:24 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The legacy of St Pancake lives on...
Posted by: BH || 03/15/2004 11:13 Comments || Top||

#2  man! where did the spacing between paragraphs get doubled...didn't look like that in preview, sorry Fred
Posted by: Frank G || 03/15/2004 11:22 Comments || Top||

#3  My fault. Still don't know what I did.
Posted by: Fred || 03/15/2004 14:01 Comments || Top||

#4  Fire up the Pancake makers...
Posted by: mojo || 03/15/2004 17:51 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Musharraf Says Libyan From Al-Qaida Was Behind Assassination Attempts
President Gen. Pervez Musharraf said Monday that a Libyan member of al-Qaida was behind two assassination attempts against him in December, and vowed to rid Pakistan’s tribal regions of hundreds of suspected foreign terrorists. Musharraf, who escaped the attacks unhurt, did not name the Libyan suspect, who he said funded Islamic militants to carry out the bombings. "The man who organized the suicide attacks against me was from Libya and a member of al-Qaida," he told a meeting of tribal elders in the northwestern city of Peshawar.
Really? Anybody we’d know?
Musharraf has previously said al-Qaida could have played a part in the attacks, but this was the first time he explicitly identified a suspect. "He gave 1.5-2 million rupees ($26,100-$34,700) to a Pakistani who recruited Islamic militants, Islamic extremists," Musharraf said. The president promised that the government would reveal more details about who was behind the attacks.
"I can say no more, at this time."
He said the suspects would be shown on television. "You will see their interviews," he said, without giving further details.
Still telling them what they are supposed to say.
In his address Monday, Musharraf also made his strongest statement yet about the presence of al-Qaida rebels in Pakistan’s rugged mountains bordering Afghanistan - believed to be a possible hiding place of Osama bin Laden. He acknowledged for the first time that between 500 to 600 foreigners "from different countries" were living in the semiautonomous tribal areas, and vowed to drive them out if they would not surrender.
We’re still waiting.
"You give any name to them, al-Qaida or not, but I will say we will not allow these foreigners to stay in our tribal areas and create problems for us," the president said. "We will not allow them to get training in our tribal areas, store explosives and go back to Afghanistan for killing their Muslim brothers. We will stop this practice," he said.
Still waiting.
In the past two years, Pakistan’s military has deployed 70,000 forces in the tribal areas for the first time since independence, and has launched a series of operations to track down terrorist suspects there. Musharraf’s speech was designed to encourage tribal elders - who often sympathize with the Taliban - to cooperate with the Pakistani government in its counterterrorism efforts.
Too much talking, not enough serious action.
His hard-hitting comments also came ahead of a scheduled visit to Pakistan on Wednesday by U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell.
Which explains the speech.
Musharraf denied persistent rumors that U.S. forces were operating in Pakistan’s tribal regions, although he said that one or two dozen American intelligence and technical experts were helping Pakistan.
Humm, there are 12 people in a "A-team", aren’t there? When I was in school, that was a dozen.
Some 13,500 U.S.-led forces are hunting for Taliban and al-Qaida rebels in southern and eastern Afghanistan, cooperating with Pakistan in what a top U.S. general has described as a "hammer and anvil" strategy to trap fugitives at the border. "American forces do not have permission to cross over to Pakistan from Afghanistan," Musharraf said.
If you do your job right, we don’t have to.
The president said that foreigners in the tribal areas should surrender with their weapons. He offered an amnesty for those who did so. "We will not hand them over to other countries, this is our promise," he said.
Posted by: Steve || 03/15/2004 11:03:06 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

between 500 to 600 foreigners
Allan is busy creating about 40,000 virgins in paradise right now.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester || 03/15/2004 11:36 Comments || Top||

#2  Do they think he is Libyan perhaps because he was prancing about in women's clothing ? Was it the fashionable yet understated hat ?

Posted by: Carl in N.H || 03/15/2004 12:08 Comments || Top||

#3  Ahem... snork... hee hee. Ark.. LOL while not drowning Carl.
Posted by: Shipman || 03/15/2004 17:31 Comments || Top||

#4  Wait! I have a new acronmy... acraname... er abriviation... SOK! Snot on Keyboard.
Am I late? Does this already have Dino Pee on it?
Posted by: Shipman || 03/15/2004 17:33 Comments || Top||

Central Asia
Tajikistan arrests man with plutonium for sale
Tajik authorities have arrested a man with three grams of factory-grade plutonium that he allegedly planned to sell to someone in Afghanistan or Pakistan, officials told AFP today.
Factory-grade? I guess that means it’s less than weapons grade.
"The arrested man confessed that he intended to sell the plutonium to citizens of Afghanistan or Pakistan for 21,000 dollars," said Avaz Yuldashev, spokesman for the drug control agency in the Central Asian country.
Three grams isn’t much, but it would make a little dirty bomb.
Posted by: Steve || 03/15/2004 8:50:32 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Did he have it in a paper bag? I'd love to see the container. In addition to being radioactive, plutonium is quite toxic.
Posted by: Spot || 03/15/2004 9:04 Comments || Top||

#2  Perhaps this was the product sample for review by prospective buyers...
Posted by: Hyper || 03/15/2004 12:43 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
US Kills, Detains mutants Militants in Afghan Cave Raid
Why would you detain people after they have been killed? This is singularly poor construction for the alleged cream of Euro-journalism----or perhaps Al Reuters hopes that it will be construed as detained, then killed; or possibly misread as "kills detained."
U.S. forces swooped down on a cave hideout of Islamic militants in southern Afghanistan, killing three and detaining 13 as part of a new offensive against the Taliban and al Qaeda, the U.S. military said on Monday. U.S. spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Bryan Hilferty told reporters in Kabul that dozens of U.S. troops, including special forces, took part in Saturday’s helicopter-assisted raid on a cave complex southwest of Qalat, capital of Zabul province.
I think John Carter iced some baddies there in one of the Barsoom books.
"We surprised them and we went there and we landed there," he said. "U.S. Special Forces were involved. The people we killed, we engaged them with direct fire with rifles and machineguns."
but did you read them their miranda rights?
Three militants were killed in the resulting firefight and five detained, he said, adding that eight more suspects were detained the following day in the same area in a compound containing propaganda material directed against U.S.-led forces.
(Reuters dispatches? Pilger manuscripts?)
Hilferty did not identify the suspects detained, but on Sunday an Afghan military officer said three Taliban commanders were detained in a joint raid with U.S. forces in Zabul aimed at former Taliban provincial governor, Mullah Abdul Razzaq.
Enough already of "detained." What’s wrong with "captured," "arrested" or, my favorite, "hog-tied, muzzled, and dragged away behind a flatulent donkey."
He identified the three as Mullah Naimatullah, Mullah Saleh Mohammad and Mullah Baluch. A mullah is an Islamic cleric and many senior Taliban members use the title.
A triple play
A senior government commander also said that on Thursday, 12 Taliban fighters were killed in a U.S. air-strike on their truck in Kandahar province. Hilferty said he had no information about the involvement of U.S. forces in such a raid.
(See earlier Rantburg post by Dan Darling)
He said the Zabul raid was part of Operation Mountain Storm, a continuing broad offensive against Al Qaeda and the Taliban launched on March 7 across southern and eastern Afghanistan. Hilferty said the operation was designed to continue to put pressure on leaders of the Taliban and al Qaeda, including the world’s most wanted smear of bone scraps man, Osama bin Laden. The fresh U.S.-led campaign comes after a surge in militant attacks on aid workers and foreigners, as well as against Afghan and U.S.-led forces, raising concerns about security for elections due to held later this year. Pakistan forces say they are sealing the Pakistan side of the mountainous Afghan border
with duct tape, no doubt
aided by some tribal brigands and desperadoes fighters, to stop vermin militants fleeing into Pakistan’s remote, lawless tribal lands.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 03/15/2004 5:33:05 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Score for the good guys.
Posted by: Scott || 03/15/2004 6:49 Comments || Top||

Mileposts of progress
from Wash Times. EFL / Fair Use.
It has been almost exactly a year since Operation Iraqi Freedom began, a good time to assess the progress that has been made and the problems that remain.
Jack Kelly, a syndicated columnist, is a former Marine and Green Beret and a former deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force in the Reagan administration. He is national security writer for the Pittsburgh (Pa.) Post-Gazette.
Another one year wrap-up - a popular topic amongst the columnists. This one recaps fairly well across the board what is, by any account, good news... and the author is a Non-Idiotarian, so it’s honest. Dragon Fly gets the first shot!
Posted by: .com || 03/15/2004 3:30:27 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  It's a good article, but I think that he is just feeding this lie, helping to make it become the truth.

The failure (so far) to find stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq has been a blow to the credibility of the Bush administration, and an embarrassment to the CIA.

By putting truthful information after feeding this lie, he does far more harm than good with this article. Jeesh..don't these people understand that?

Here is the truth - please stop feeding the lie, folks. The war not was not a blow to the credibility of the Bush administration or the CIA. This is one of the greatest military victories in history.

We conquered their country in weeks, - not years - so why should the CIA be embarrassed? Bush rid a country of a brutal dictator who was pursuing WMD's, exposed the underground network of nuke production, exposed the UN corruption and exposed AQ connections to Sadaam. That's hardly and embarrassement or blow to his credibility.

I'm getting sick of the pandering to this lie. This article does far more harm than good by simply accepting this lie as a truth.
Posted by: B || 03/15/2004 9:39 Comments || Top||

#2  B - Hmmm. Let's be completely honest. The fact is that there was a world-wide intelligence failure regards the WMDs, since every major intel service was in agreement that Saddam had them before and must still (at the time of the war), or (possibly) we missed their removal - one supposes to Syria as their sympathetic Ba'ath Party buddies - as was rumored before the end of the war.

That said, I don't much care if other intel orgs agree with the assessments of our agencies - we should have the best intel because we need it, we can afford it, and (if we flush the system of the cowardly politicians inherent in most large orgs) we can think creatively. As for solid Iraq intel, we didn't have it. We DO need better intel. We DO need to recover from the gutting of the CIA and the internal promotion of those who are able to overcome the institutional fear inculcated by the Church Committee witchhunt & purge as well as recruiting new blood - untainted critical thinkers. We DO want to know who, what, when, where, and how -- so we minimize wasted motion.

Press flaps about non-issues they create themselves (e.g. the lie that WMDs were the all and the everything behind the war) so they can then publicly lambast any admin they don't approve of could thus be eliminated -- and eliminate the need for this thread.
Posted by: .com || 03/15/2004 10:34 Comments || Top||

#3  Your point is fair - and unless we hear otherwise from the Bush Administration or Iraqi government, I have to accept that we have not found wmd's v/s believe they remain classified to assist the investigation.

However, I still maintain that the most dangerous lies are built on truths. While I agree with what you say - propaganda is what is going to make or break this war on terror - and right now America is getting their *&^ kicked on this front.

The Bush successes are of biblical proportions, yet this article leads with the premise that his credibility has been damaged. It's only damaged if you choose to accept the false and silly premise that because we didn't find wmd's his credibility is damaged. It's a circular argument. They say it should matter and therefore his credibility is damaged...and just like that, we are supposed to accept it as so.

If you step back, why should we simply accept the premise that his credibility has been damaged? It reminds me of high school, when a jealous rival of the high school queen manages to actually convince half the school's population, that contrary to previous opinion, the prom queen is, in fact, ugly. With enough press and buy in, it becomes true...but only because someone chose to make it so.

Bush's credibility has not suffered a blow - for the reasons I listed above. Yet this lie gets repeated, and repeated and repeated until everyone believes that the war on Iraq damaged his credibility.

I don't think the prom queen is ugly, and if enough of us would point it out, maybe we could prevent the jealous rivals from making it so.
Posted by: B || 03/15/2004 13:47 Comments || Top||

#4  Actually, Kay didn't find WMD, just WMD Programs that were in hiatus pending the lifting of sanctions.

It's like after inspecting the coop, complaining that there are no eggs, but ignoring the fact that the place was stuffed to the rafters with hens...
Posted by: Ptah || 03/15/2004 19:21 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Bomb Found Next to U.S. Consulate in Pakistan
Explosive experts defused a bomb Monday in a small van parked next to the heavily guarded U.S. Consulate in this southern Pakistani city, police said. Security guards at the consulate informed police about the van, which was parked close to a perimeter wall of the building, said Mohammed Irfan, a Karachi police official. Police found a water tank in the van that was filled with explosives. The experts disconnected a timer and detonators attached to the tank. "We saved this place from big destruction," Irfan said. The tank held about 200 gallons of a liquid explosive, and police were investigating to determine the type of material, he said. Hundreds of police officers and paramilitary troops cordoned off the area around the consulate in an upscale neighborhood of Karachi. The consulate was closed at the time.
Posted by: Karma || 03/15/2004 01:18 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Aren't liquid explosives more volatile? Vans don't usually give a very stable ride even in the US; I would think the pothole to pavement ratio would be higher in Pakistan.
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/15/2004 4:50 Comments || Top||

#2  A slurry of amonium nitrate and fuel oil is a very stable compound.
Posted by: Raptor || 03/15/2004 7:29 Comments || Top||

#3  This from Asia Times.
"An attempt to blow up the US consulate in Karachi was cut short Monday morning. What is telling is that it happened just a few days after the US kicked off operation Mountain Storm, a time when there are clear signals that al-Qaeda will attempt to carry out big attacks on US interests as soon as the US and Afghan resistance clashes in Afghanistan.

The work was not carried out by an al-Qaeda or jihadi outfit, instead believed to have been initiated by underworld mercenaries who snatched a van at gun point, loaded it with hydrogen peroxide, and parked it near the US consulate. According to police officials, there was not enough hydrogen peroxide to destroy the consulate, and only partial damage would have resulted. The purpose of the bombing attempt, therefore, was to create a scare. "

Posted by: tipper || 03/15/2004 7:57 Comments || Top||

#4  hydrogen peroxide? Is that a translation error??
Posted by: mjh || 03/15/2004 8:42 Comments || Top||

#5  hydrogen peroxide - As a very active oxidizing agent it has some potential (i.e. rocket fuel) - but without further detail, such as concentration strength and other agent(s) for it to work upon to promote explosive oxidation, it doesn't appear to be much of a threat.
Posted by: .com || 03/15/2004 9:38 Comments || Top||

#6  Jeeezzzz Hydrogen Peroxide? It'll boom in the right concentrations but where in the heck would they get the required purity?
Posted by: Shipman || 03/15/2004 10:28 Comments || Top||

#7  BOLO for blonde arabs
Posted by: Frank G || 03/15/2004 10:43 Comments || Top||

#8  Hydrogen Peroxide has everyhting needed for fire and explosion,very dangerous stuff in the right concentrations.
A peroxide(oxidizer) pushed fire would be hell to put out.
Posted by: Raptor || 03/15/2004 11:58 Comments || Top||

#9  I'd be on the look out for Pricilla of the Desert.

Posted by: Shipman || 03/15/2004 17:35 Comments || Top||

Wanted Waziris refuse to surrender
On a day when the tribal lashkar expressed its helplessness in apprehending tribesmen accused of sheltering al-Qaeda and Taliban suspects in South Waziristan, the most wanted among them said he has no intention of surrendering to the government.
"I ain't comin' in!"
"I and the other wanted tribesmen cannot surrender because we don’t expect justice from the authorities. Besides the government has already condemned and punished us by demolishing our homes," declared Nek Mohammad in a phone call from an undisclosed location.
"Whatever happened to being innocent til proven guilty, anyways?"
"That only applies in civilized countries, Nek."
Nek Mohammad, who belongs to the Yargulkhel clan of the Zalikhel sub-tribe of the Judean Peoples Front Ahmadzai Wazirs, said he had never indulged in anti-state activity. "We haven’t done anything against our homeland and we cannot imagine harming Pakistan. All charges against me and my fellow tribesmen are unsubstantiated and based on hearsay," he stressed.
"Lies! All lies!"
Nek Mohammad, along with Haji Sharif, Maulvi Abbas, Nur Islam and Maulvi Aziz, are on top of the government’s wanted list. As they are all Zalikhels, their sub-tribe came under tremendous pressure from South Waziristan’s political administration to form an armed posse lashkar and string the five men up on the nearest tree force the five men to surrender. The posse lashkar was finally raised on Saturday but a day later it appeared that capturing Nek Mohammad and the others wasn’t going to be easy.
"Yeah, we knocked, but somebody said they wudn't there. So we left."
A 10-member hanging committee that was sent by the lashkar to negotiate with the desparados wanted men to tell 'em that the jig was up and seek their surrender failed to make any progress and sought til sundown more time to hang 'em high accomplish the mission when it met Rahmatullah "Festus" Wazir, assistant marshall political agent, in Dodge Wana town on Sunday. The government may not oblige the committee. The 24-hour deadline given to the lashkar to present the wanted men to the political administration is due to expire Monday morning. The government has already threatened to resume military operations to nab the wanted men in case the tribal jirga and lashkar finds itself unable to do the needful.
Uh-oh, you got Marshall Dillon mad at yas now.
According to the Zalikhel tribal elders, Nek Mohammad and the other wanted tribesmen are out riding the Badlands untraceable. They said the five men have headed for the hills gone underground and could now be hiding across the Rio Grande Durand Line border in Mexico Afghanistan. Nek Mohammad, however, opted to emerge from hiding for some time on Sunday to send a telegram make the phone call to tell his side of the story. "We wanted to negotiate with the government through our mouthpiece elders and tribal MNAs. We sought guarantees of justice but were asked to git our hands up surrender unconditionally," he explained. "Where is the evidence that I or the others gave refuge to them Injuns al-Qaeda and Taliban members? Why don’t they name the likkir agents non-Pakistanis we had sheltered?" he questioned.
"Youse got nuttin' on me, coppers! Nuttin', I tells yez!"
As if to highlight the clumsy handling of the situation by the authorities, Nek Mohammad narrated a hitherto untold story. "You know how the story of the capture of Dr Ayman al-Zawahiri’s son evolved. The Pakistan Army arrested one Ashraf Khan, son of Abdullah Khan, along with other innocent villagers during its latest operation in South Waziristan. As Ashraf is mentally ill, he told his interrogators that he was Khalid al-Zawahiri, son of al-Qaeda leader Dr Ayman al-Zawahiri. And soon the word spread that Dr al-Zawahiri’s son has been captured."
"But it wudn't really Khalid, it was Ashraf. Trust me on that."
Nek Mohammad dismissed the lashkar formed by his Zalikhel sub-tribe and said it cannot succeed because it was raised at the behest of the government. "We enjoy the support of majority of our tribe. There is no real backing for the lashkar or the tribal elders who are pro-government," he maintained. He also said that the government by demolishing their homes had already initiated strong punitive measures against them. "The government has demolished 14 homes in South Waziristan and rendered our families homeless. What else does it want to do punish us?" he asked.
That's obvious -- hang you from the nearest tree.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/15/2004 1:14:24 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I don't buy the helpless of his tribesmen to bring him in. Demolishing his house was a good start, but there must be a step two and three ... to the program of negative reinforcement. When fido repeatedly takes a dump on he carpet, you don't just live with the results after whacking him with the rolled up paper one time.
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/15/2004 4:56 Comments || Top||

#2  "The government may not oblige the committee."

Be interesting to see if the committee members throw their stars on the ground after they shoot Nek Mohammad dead.

Funny as all get out and too true too, if they just weren't so close to nukes.
Posted by: Mr. Davis || 03/15/2004 11:47 Comments || Top||

#3  Sounds like the Waziris need to be given a lesson in modern warfare. One BUFF full of iron bombs, one drop on their valley. Fly the BUFF at max altitude so you don't have any sound or a contrail to indicate there's an aircraft in the area. The only warning is all hell breaking loose where the bombs land. I'm sure even the Waziris aren't immune to several tens of thousands of pounds of high explosives going off in their neighborhood. Things like that have a habit of changing underwearminds.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 03/15/2004 11:53 Comments || Top||

#4  Shoot out at the Al-Qa Corral.

Dan - that was a hilarious read. Thanks.

Posted by: B || 03/15/2004 13:15 Comments || Top||

#5  insite on dr horriday were purdy sharp
Posted by: muck4doo || 03/15/2004 19:53 Comments || Top||

12 Talibs toe tag near Kandahar
At least 12 Taliban fighters have been killed in the week-old offensive in Afghanistan, which the US officials hope will snare al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Twelve Taliban fighters were killed in an air strike on their truck in Kandahar province on Thursday, Afghan army officers said. They were the first reported casualties in Operation "Mountain Storm", which began on March 7 and involves troops from the 13,500-strong US-led force backed by air support.

In a separate battle in the same area, about 60 Taliban fighters armed with rockets and heavy machine guns attacked a government office near the Pakistani border, police said on Sunday. The Taliban attacked the office of the Shorabak district chief, 180 kilometres southeast of Kandahar, on Saturday evening, sparking a gunbattle that left three attackers and one Afghan soldier dead and two soldiers wounded, Kandahar deputy police chief Gen Salim Khan said. The tracks of their vehicles showed they came from Pakistan, and retreated there after the fight, he said, adding that the Coalition forces were not involved in the gunbattle.

Also two rockets hit the capital of eastern Laghman province, killing one civilian, the province’s governor said on Sunday. A rocket tore through the roof of the man’s home late on Saturday in Mehtarlam, Gov Mohammed Ibrahim Babkerkhel said. The second rocket landed in an open field near Babkerkhel’s home, shattering windows there and at several nearby houses. Qari Mahmood, claiming to be a spokesman for the Taliban, said: "We carried out this attack."

Early on Sunday, unidentified attackers fired three rockets into Jalalabad, the capital of eastern Nangarhar province, said Yar Mohammed Khan, a Jalalabad security official. No injuries were reported, but the explosions shattered windows and toppled walls of two homes.

Separately, Gen Abdul Raziq, a senior Afghan border security chief, said an operation near Atghar in Zabul province netted Mullah Baloch, the nephew of a front-line Taliban commander, Mullah Abdul Razaq, as well as Mullah Salah Mohammed and Mullah Naimat. Raziq said US forces were also involved in the multi-day operation, which ended on Thursday, although US Lt-Col Hilferty said on Sunday he had no information about it. Many weapons were seized in the raid, General Fateh Khan, an Afghan army officer based in the southeast of the country, said. It was not clear how powerful the three captured men were.

In Kabul, the house of a United Nations team working to register voters for Afghanistan’s upcoming elections was attacked by the Taliban on Sunday in southeastern province of Paktia but there were no casualties, a UN spokesman said. "We attacked a UN team on Sunday in Chamkani district," a man claiming to be a Taliban spokesman told AFP. "We don’t know if there were any casualties, but several vehicles were destroyed," the man who calls himself Abdul Samad told AFP via telephone from southeastern Afghanistan. United Nations spokesman Manoel de Almeida e Silva confirmed the incident and said that no one had been hurt.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/15/2004 1:12:15 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Nice alliteration.
Posted by: Mr. Davis || 03/15/2004 11:35 Comments || Top||

Africa: Horn
Sudan bombing raid in Darfur kills 6
Sudan’s army has bombed a town in the western Darfur region killing six civilians and injuring 25. A resident of Sherya town, about 70km east of the Southern Darfur state capital Nyala, said Antonov planes began bombarding the town on Friday evening and Arab militias known as "Janjaweed" attacked at the same time. "We left as soon as we heard the Janjaweed coming. They were screaming and shooting into the air so we ran," the man, who declined to be named, said. He added that six women and children were killed by the bombings, including a one-year-old child and 25 people were injured. A spokesman for the rebel Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) said the bombing was continuing sporadically and 15 children were still missing.

Meanwhile, government officials in Khartoum told Sudanese giving food and shelter to more than 2300 Darfurians - who sold the last of their possessions to seek refuge in the capital - to clear the area where they were encamped within two days. Muhammad Musa, a resident in the southern Khartoum suburb of Merowe, said on Saturday that officials from the government’s commission for refugees had come to the camp to help the displaced people return to Darfur. "But when we told them none of them wanted to go back because they did not feel safe there, they told us we had to clear the camp and take the people into our houses," he said. Aid workers say there are 1195 internally displaced people (IDPs) in the makeshift camp of a mosque and a school, and the rest of the IDPs had already been taken into what little space there was in people’s homes. The office of the minister for humanitarian assistance, Ibrahim Mahmud Hamid, said he was not available for comment.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/15/2004 1:08:40 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Chechen banditti detained in Dagestan
Daghestanian police detained a group of armed men from Chechnya near a traffic police post on the Kavkaz federal highway overnight, regional police department sources told Itar-Tass. Six residents of Chechnya’s Nozhai Yurt region were in Niva and UAZ cars without state registration numbers. They were stopped at the Stepnoye-2 traffic police post. When policemen asked to show their documents, one of the people in the cars took out a grenade and threatened to set if off. One of the Niva passengers was killed in the exchange of fire that broke out there. The other five were wounded and taken to hospital in Khasavyurt. Nobody of the policemen was hurt, the Novolaskoye regional police department said. The policemen seized from the group a machine gun, 200 cartridges for it, four submachine guns, 24 magazines filled with cartridges, three pistols, 10 grenades and a Kenwood radio set. The Novolakskoye regional prosecutor’s office has instituted legal proceedings for the attempt on policemen’s life.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/15/2004 1:00:15 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Iraqis Divided Over U.N. Role in Gov't
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - A week after Iraqi leaders put aside their differences and signed an interim constitution, differences have resurfaced. This time it's over what role, if any, the United Nations should play in the search for a government that will take over from the U.S.-led coalition on June 30. Iraqi officials and a source close to the U.S.-sponsored political process said that influential Shiite members of the Governing Council don't want the U.N. team of experts that visited Iraq last month to be invited back to help.
We understand.
They charge that veteran U.N. diplomat Lakhdar Brahimi, the team's Algerian leader, toed the U.S. policy line when he decided that elections by June 30, as demanded by the Shiite Muslim clergy, were not feasible for reasons long cited by Washington - no electoral structure, no reliable census and an untenable security situation.

Brahimi's report was compiled after a weeklong visit to Iraq last month by his team of U.N. election experts. "Lakhdar Brahimi has achieved what the United States wanted from him," charged Hamed al-Bayati, a spokesman for the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, the leading Shiite political party. "I don't recall anything agreed that suggests that the U.N. will be invited back to help. It may be just a common presumption."

Opposition by the Shiites, who have 13 of the council's 25 seats, to a U.N. role is countered by the enthusiasm of their Sunni Arab and Kurdish colleagues - each with five seats on the council. The Sunni Arabs and Kurds see the U.N.'s involvement as essential. Their differences are fast evolving into a new political battle that follows bitter wrangling over parts of the interim constitution.

The United States agrees with them, arguing that U.N. participation will give the process legitimacy and possibly head off any objections from Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Husseini al-Sistani, the Shiites' most powerful cleric. Washington is adamant that the June 30 date be respected. Underlining its resolve, it has sent a senior White House official, Ambassador Robert Blackwill of the president's national security staff, to Baghdad to help push the process forward.

On Wednesday, according to the source involved in the political process, Sunni council member and senior statesman Adnan Pachachi presented the council with a draft letter to U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan thanking United Nations for Brahimi's report and citing a clause in the interim constitution that envisages possible "consultation" with the United Nations in the search for an interim government. However, powerful Shiites on the council opposed the letter, forcing Pachachi to withdraw it, the source said on condition of anonymity.
"Don't call us, we'll call you!"
Shiites opposed to a U.N. role are believed to include Abdel-Aziz al-Hakim, leader of the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq; senior politician Ibrahim al-Jaafari; Ahmad Chalabi, whose strength comes from his close Pentagon connections, and current president Mohammed Bahr al-Ulloum. "I feel that there is coolness from my Shiite colleagues and from his eminence Ayatollah al-Sistani toward the United Nations," said Mahmoud Othman, a Kurdish council member. "They had once been adamant that the U.N. has a role, but it seems that our Shiite brothers feel a sort of disappointment after it said that elections were not feasible before June 30."
Tough luck, Kofi! Now perhaps if you came clean on the Oil-for-Palaces program ...
Posted by: Steve White || 03/15/2004 3:54:37 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Steve, in your opinion (others can chime in as well)do you think enough pressure can be brought to bear to find out the true facts of UN involvement in the UN/Saddam oil scam? This should never be allowed to rest until the truth is found and published. TW
Posted by: Chiner || 03/15/2004 5:32 Comments || Top||

#2  I know ye didn ask for my opinion, buh here it is..

seriously doubt the info will get out any time soon, or if it does, it will get pushed down low, this sorta stuff could be useful when it comes to swinging votes in the un
Posted by: Dcreeper || 03/15/2004 5:47 Comments || Top||

#3  "They charge that veteran U.N. diplomat Lakhdar Brahimi, the team's Algerian leader, toed the U.S. policy line "

and the Kurds want the UN in. Not sure reflexive hostility to the UN makes sense on this one (though i realize that for some hatred of the UN and all it represents is more important than success for US foreign policy)
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 03/15/2004 10:54 Comments || Top||

#4  The UN is not now, nor has it ever been, the "friend" of the Kurds. In fact, in UN forums, the historically recent screwing of the Kurds episodes have received the Official Stamp of Approval, Moral Rectitude, and International Legitimacy.

LH - give up, bro. The UN sucks like I wish my cheap little Hoover could. It is, in a fanciful way, a sort of futures market thugocracy. Mob Rule by the gamut, from Constitutional Republics to Brutal Dictatorships... and there sure are a lot more of the latter than the former. It is fatally structurally flawed - and the inmates have been running the institution for quite awhile, now, don't you agree?

The day you (finally - 'tis inevitable, methinks!) agree and we start designing a replacement that demonstrably "learns" from the failures of the League and the UN, will be a happy day here in RB! You can kick off the festivities any time you like! ;-)
Posted by: .com || 03/15/2004 11:19 Comments || Top||

#5  I'm going to have to lean toward siding with LH on this.

A continuing UN role in the transition has a number of pluses: it mandates more direct assistance from the UN (medicine, ag equipment, etc.), it allows a outside enemy that the various ethnic groups can talk to when things get too hot to talk to each other, it allows a vehicle to convey ideas indirectly, it allows certain govts. a cover to provide some assistance that would be hard to get otherwise and best of all, the continued presense of the UN in the transition makes for pressure on the UN to come clean in the 'oil for palaces' scandel. There are some downsides too but they are far less than the upsides.
Posted by: mhw || 03/15/2004 12:05 Comments || Top||

#6  "I feel that there is coolness from my Shiite colleagues and from his eminence Ayatollah al-Sistani toward the United Nations," said Mahmoud Othman, a Kurdish council member.

Kind of a "where the &#^$ were YOU for thirty friggin' years?" vibe there, maybe?
Posted by: mojo || 03/15/2004 16:31 Comments || Top||

#7  mhw - Cool. Um, how about a refund? Lessee, instead of paying 1/4 of the UN budget, hows about we pay 1/160th or so? That'd be fair. We could still "vote" and "watch" the UN and remain aware of where they intend to fuck things up, but not have to pony up the cash to fund it. Would that work for you? Shit, I'd even give up that preciousssss UNSC chair for a fair deal... but that's just me. ;->
Posted by: .com || 03/15/2004 16:47 Comments || Top||

#8  look dot com. The General assembly sucks - at least on most issues of international politics that i care about (though it doesnt suck as much now as it did 30 years ago - even the GA managed to repeal the Zionism is Racism resolution)

The UNSC is a different matter. Its largely run by the 5 great powers. ANY meaningful replacement would have to take into account the views of the great powers. Could I imagine a better, more geopolitically realistic UNSC - with less weight for France (but probably also less weight for Britain) and with Germany and Japan on it - sure - but that wouldnt materially change what the UNSC does and has done. Would i like a greater weight for the US - sure, but even that wouldnt get the UNSC that you want. Now given that do i think we give the UNSC a veto over our FP - NO I DO NOT. I DID NOT AND DO NOT think it was a mistake to defy the UNSC on Iraq. OTOH I also DONT think its a waste of effort to try to work with the UNSC.

And I would suggest that Kofi Annan is NOT always unresponsive to the US - he responds the UNSC perm5, but he also knows who pays the bills, and also responds to the institution needs of the UN. And i would look at the work of a Lashkar Brahimi, or Serge De Valeira, on its own - not EVERY UN official represents all UN officials, or the UN GA, or Libya and Myanmar.

I would like YOU to focus on how the UN actually works as an institution. Im certainly open to UN reform - Im not sure that any plan YOU would like to see could get support from any great powers other than the US.

Posted by: Liberalhawk || 03/15/2004 17:44 Comments || Top||

#9  And in related news, neighbors debate welcoming child molester back into the neighborhood...
Posted by: Hyper || 03/15/2004 20:36 Comments || Top||

#10  I will crawl away to my deep dark den and lick my wounds... *whimper*

C'mon. It just does not work. The objections you raise to trying to replace it with something that does work are unconvincing as no one has tried it yet. You pull US funding - let the Saudis or someone else pick up the slack - and pull the "teeth" the US provides the UNSC and what is the UN? The nicest thing I can think of is pointless debating society.

Formulate something sensible that can work - a semi-permanent coalition. Put your money and muscle behind it. Per a new set of standards for membership, complete with the means of adding / upgrading / downgrading / removing a member state based upon objective criteria, offer membership to those who actually qualify. If nobody fitting the criteria wants to join, fine - we go it alone or build ad hoc coalitions where interests coincide. I suggest that would not be the case.

Most who understand and practice realpolitik would take up the offer, if extended. It would be a G7 or G8, or whatever, of Action States -- but not the absurd G199 of the UN.

Sorry we don't agree. Sorry if I give you heartburn - that's just an unintended bonus, since you continue to deny the obvious and set the RB standard for hard-headed-ness! So SUE ME. IN CAPITAL LETTERS! You're a good sport and I know you've make an even better ally in this worthy cause - you just have to get over the DEAD UN. It sucks like an F5, bro!

Grins & Best Regs! ;-)
Posted by: .com || 03/15/2004 22:55 Comments || Top||

Georgia President Puts Military on Alert
Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili put the military on alert Sunday, giving the restive Adzharia province one day to bow to his government's control after denying his motorcade entry. But the president pledged to rein in the unruly Black Sea region without bloodshed.
How 'bout without riling the Russian bear?
Speaking on Georgian television, Saakashvili issued a one-day ultimatum to Adzharian leader Aslan Abashidze to accept the central government's authority and start disarming his paramilitary forces. He said that air, land and sea routes to Adzharia would be closed and the government would also move to freeze foreign bank accounts belonging to Adzharian officials. "I'm ready for any dialogue, but these people consider a dialogue a sign of weakness and try resorting to blackmail," Saakashvili said.
S.O.P., Caucasus!
Despite the purported closure of airspace, Abashidze arrived by plane in the Adzharian capital Batumi from Moscow early Monday morning, the Interfax news agency reported. Earlier, Abashidze claimed that Saakashvili had threatened in a phone conversation to shoot down his plane if he tried to return to Adzharia. Saakashvili, who spent most of the day in the neighboring region of Poti conferring with security officials, put the military at the highest level of preparedness. "Our military forces are prepared for everything, but today we haven't taken one step toward using them," Saakashvili said. "This problem must be resolved most peacefully."
When your military can clean out the Pantisi Gorge we'll think you're serious.
Russia, which has dismayed Georgia by expressing support for Abashidze, strongly warned Saakashvili against using force. "In the event of a crisis, all responsibility would lie with the Georgian leadership," Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Yakovenko said.
"Don't make us mad. You won't like us when we're mad!"
Saakashvili told Russia to stay out of the conflict, saying "not one Russian tank should move from the base's territory. This is not their country, this is our country and any such move would lead to disaster and tragedy."
For you, certainly.
Posted by: Steve White || 03/15/2004 11:56:09 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

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