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Al-Shabaab and ISIS militants clash in Somalia
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6 22:57 trailing wife [26] 
2 20:06 Grunter [31] 
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2 14:39 trailing wife [17] 
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Page 2: WoT Background
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5 12:30 Super Hose [14]
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1 12:40 Super Hose [29]
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3 12:35 Super Hose [34]
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Page 3: Non-WoT
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2 19:21 Frank G [13]
7 16:23 Besoeker [13]
5 15:07 Bankok Billy [8]
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9 14:35 Cesare [23]
9 14:47 Glenmore [22]
7 18:33 Dino Clunk8012 [17]
4 14:59 Glenmore [23]
1 13:47 XYZ [10]
3 12:00 Super Hose [18]
10 20:44 lord garth [16]
Page 4: Opinion
4 15:10 AlanC [16]
1 00:19 Nero [11]
4 15:04 Glenmore [11]
3 13:21 NoMoreBS [18]
11 20:22 Angomose the Odorous6398 [21]
Page 5: Russia-Former Soviet Union
8 23:53 Skidmark [25]
3 18:16 JHH [15]
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3 13:25 Dale [11]
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Page 6: Politix
8 17:04 JohnQC [16]
5 12:25 Abu Uluque [34]
Good Morning

U.S. Govt. Made Duplicate Payments to Wuhan Lab in China, Potentially Losing Tens of Millions of Dollars
Tuesday March 14th, 2023

Dagestan journalists held pickets in support of Hajiyev
Somalia: At least 7 Al-Shabaab
members killed joint operation
Government continues campaign
to remove war debris in Shingal
Rockets target coalition forces
in eastern Syria; no casualties
Iran pardons over 82,000; nearly 23,000 from Amini protests
ISIS's GHOST gets around between Saladin and Kurdistan
Another BLM Scam

Posted by: Fred || 03/14/2023 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Bonnie is bonny!

OT: 336,000 seems to be the number of the day?
Posted by: Anomalous Sources || 03/14/2023 13:57 Comments || Top||

#2  ..apparently no winners on the Rantburg lotto.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 03/14/2023 15:29 Comments || Top||

#3  Bet she uses the same hair gel as Gavin Newsom.
Posted by: jpal || 03/14/2023 17:29 Comments || Top||

#4  #3 Bet she uses the same hair gel as Gavin Newsom.


I'll show myself out.
Posted by: badanov || 03/14/2023 17:49 Comments || Top||

#5  Pappy would approve, Bad
Posted by: Frank G || 03/14/2023 19:23 Comments || Top||

#6  Ick. I didn't need to know that was a thing.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/14/2023 22:57 Comments || Top||

Afghan Forces Arrest Man in Kabul with Magnetic IEDs
[KhaamaPress] A man was arrested in Kabul’s capital city of Afghanistan with six magnetic Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), according to the Ministry of National Defense on Monday.

The Ministry said that the apprehended capture was made possible based on the intelligence gathered by the 313 Central Corps of the defence ministry.

"A man was arrested along with six 6-ring stick mines and two rifles in the Dehamzang area of Kabul," the Ministry tweeted, adding that the suspect will be handed over to the relevant authorities after investigation.

The arrest came two days after an attack on Friday late evening in Kabul that killed three and maimed four members of the Taliban
...mindless ferocity in a turban...
, the Afghan Freedom Front, claimed in a news release.

you can observe a lot just by watching...
the Islamic Emirate confirmed the earth-shattering kaboom without causalities and said that only two people were maimed.

Recently, the attack has been increased on the Taliban interim government by Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....
Khorasan and other krazed killer groups in the country.

Within a week, three explosions occurred, one in Kabul, claiming three lives, one in Balkh’s governor’s office, which led to his death and another in Tebyan Cultural Centre, killing more than three and other 30 journalists.

Since the Taliban retook control of power in Afghanistan, security has been a significant challenge in front of them amid a humanitarian dire in the country.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/14/2023 01:36 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under: Taliban/IEA

#1  "For the fridge, to hang up my 12 year old's martyr picture."
Posted by: swksvolFF || 03/14/2023 15:08 Comments || Top||

#2  Jihad first really took off when Mohammed invented the six-ring-stick mine.
Posted by: Grunter || 03/14/2023 20:06 Comments || Top||

Daily Evacuation Brief March 14, 2023
[AfghanDigest] LAST 24 HOURS
  • Door-to-door searches continued in Kabul, specifically focused on the area around the Shahid and Salim Karvan intersection.

  • A new round of violence over Taliban-sanctioned land redistribution initiatives has emerged in northern Faryab province as southern nomads attempt to claim Uzbek lands in northern Afghanistan. Videos have been circulating on social media showing the bloodied bodies of locals who resisted.

  • Leaked documents indicating cooperation between the Indian and Taliban governments on training Afghan diplomats have been circulating social media, leading to speculation that relations are warming despite a lack of official recognition of the Taliban government. In response to media attention, the Indian government reiterated that it does not recognize the Taliban government but will not discriminate against Afghans who wish to join the training course. Although the invitation was solely to attend a short-term online training program from Kabul, the program is sponsored by India’s foreign ministry and Taliban officials were intentionally included in the invitation list.

  • Following social media outcries in September 2022 over the forced marriage of Elaha Dilawarzai, the Taliban Supreme Court officially found Elaha’s “husband”, Taliban official Saeed Khosti, innocent of rape and forced marriage.

  • There have been multiple reports of several children being poisoned in Kabul and Rawalpindi in the last few days. Reportedly, children have ingested poisoned food that they have been given to share with their parents. Although the details of these reports remain unclear, parents should warn children about ingesting food received from strangers until more details emerge.

  • The Afghan consulate in Dubai is now run by a Taliban official after Taliban acting Foreign Minister Muttaqi replaced the Consul General who had been appointed under President Ghani and replaced him with Rahman Feda, one of his reported proteges. This transition would not have proceeded without the UAE’s consent, especially given reports that the republic-era consul general had good rapport with the UAE government.

Nangarhar: AfghanistanLiberation Movement’s (ALM) independent operational unit A-022 claims to have killed Taliban intelligence officer Mohammad Farooq Hammad (aka Leh Yubel and Salwal) in Nangarhar.
Panjshir: Resistance forces targeted Taliban camp in the Arzoo Valley of Panjshir, reportedly killing 5 and driving the remaining 10 Taliban into the mountains.

NEXT 24 HOURS: No impending threats have been received.
"It's quiet. TOO quiet"

Posted by: trailing wife || 03/14/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Taliban/IEA

Africa Horn
Al-Shabaab and ISIS militants clash in Somalia
[Garowe] Two rival al-Shabaab
...... the Islamic version of the old Somali warlord...
and ISIS bully boy groups have reportedly clashed in the Puntland
...a region in northeastern Somalia, centered on Garowe in the Nugaal province. Its leaders declared the territory an autonomous state in 1998. Puntland and the equally autonomous Somaliland seem to have avoided the clan rivalries and warlordism that have typified the rest of Somalia, which puts both places high on the list for Islamic subversion...
state of Somalia, an indication of brewing internal wrangles which could perhaps give a slight advantage to the Somali National Army [SNA] who have been fighting them viciously for the last several months.

Sunday's festivities took place in the Bari region where holy warriors fought for several hours as they pushed to expand their territories. al-Shabaab has a numerical advantage in the country and is said to be the most dangerous group.

The festivities started on Saturday and extended to Sunday and a better part of Monday morning, sources said. They fought around Dadamale and Qura'da in Ja'ayl within Bari region.

Both al-Shabaab and ISIS operate in the wider sub-region known as Balli Dhidin with Qandala district in Bari, particularly between Qandala and Bosaso, the main commercial capital of Puntland.

Ahmed Yusuf, the Qandala District Commissioner confirmed the festivities while noting that security forces have been monitoring the situation. Whenever these two groups clash over supremacy, the government gets time to reorganize and strategize on how to degrade them.

"The two holy warrior groups have coexisted in the area, but it seems they are fighting for territorial control," said Mr. Yusuf, referring to reports received from local dwellers of the mountainous areas who witnessed the fighting.

According to locals, the intense fighting may have left several holy warriors dead and others maimed but the exact number could not be ascertained. Loyalists of Abdulkadir Mumin split from al-Shabaab in 2015, declaring loyalty to Isis, then led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Mr Yusuf added: "The situation appears tense, but because of the area’s mountainous nature limits the flow of information. Somalia has been pursuing both groups for the last seven months with intensity with the US Africa Command, the African Union
...a union consisting of 53 African states, most run by dictators of one flavor or another. The only all-African state not in the AU is Morocco. Established in 2002, the AU is the successor to the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), which was even less successful...
Transition Mission in Somalia [ATMIS] and local militia giving support.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud declared full war against the holy warriors on all fronts and for the last seven months. But still, al-Shabaab controls large swathes of rural central and southern Somalia, leading to sustained operations against them across the country.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/14/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Somalia: At least 7 Al-Shabaab members killed joint operation
[ShabelleMedia] Somali army backed by Jubaland troops conducted a joint military operation in Lower Jubba days after President Hassan Sheikh visited the southern region.

The combined forces targeted al-Shabaab
...... the Islamic version of the old Somali warlord...
bases near the village of Mido which is 26-KM away from Afmadow District which is under Jubaland state control.

It has been confirmed that 7 al-Shabaab members, including a commander named Asad, were killed in the operation. The krazed killer group didn’t comment on the army claims.

Also, during the operation, 4 AK47 rifles, 1 BKM were recovered as the Commander of the 5th Brigade of the elite Danab force Arab Dheeg Ahmed told the local media on Monday.

The operation is part of the war against al-Shabaab in the Jubaland and other Federal States in Somalia, except Puntland
...a region in northeastern Somalia, centered on Garowe in the Nugaal province. Its leaders declared the territory an autonomous state in 1998. Puntland and the equally autonomous Somaliland seem to have avoided the clan rivalries and warlordism that have typified the rest of Somalia, which puts both places high on the list for Islamic subversion...
which has managed to contain the terrorist menace.

In recent months, the Somali national army [SNA] and local clan militias retook chunks of territory in Galmudug
...a semiautonomous region in central Somalia, bordering Puntland on the north. Galmudug is not trying to obtain international recognition as a separate nation, but rather considers itself autonomous within the larger Somali federalism, for what that's worth...
and Hirshabelle states in an operation backed by US air strikes.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/14/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab (AQ)

Saudi forces continue attacks on Saada border areas
[HODHODYEMENNEWS.NET] The Saudi army has continued on Sunday to target the border areas in Saada province, northern Yemen
...an area of the Arabian Peninsula sometimes mistaken for a country. It is populated by more antagonistic tribes and factions than you can keep track of...
, using various types of heavy and medium weapons, a security source told Yemen Press Agency.

This comes only hours after two people were maimed in the border district of Shada as a result of Saudi bombardment. The victims were brought to Razih Rural Hospital for treatment.

On Saturday, two non-combatants were killed and ten others were maimed as a result of the Saudi bombing of the Shada district.

Posted by: Fred || 03/14/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Saudi Arabia

#1  There was a report on Twitter that there was a cease fire signed and to go into effect shortly.
Posted by: Thing From Snowy Mountain || 03/14/2023 0:46 Comments || Top||

#2  Hudnas are easy. Sometimes they last long enough for the ink to dry on the document.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/14/2023 14:39 Comments || Top||

Marine forces brigade defects from Emirati side to Saudi forces
[HODHODYEMENNEWS.NET] A battalion of the 1st Marine Infantry Brigade announced its defection from the command of the Emirati forces, in the occupied Yemen
...an area of the Arabian Peninsula sometimes mistaken for a country. It is populated by more antagonistic tribes and factions than you can keep track of...
i archipelago of Socotra.

According to local sources, the "Coast Guards" battalion in Socotra, affiliated with the "First Marine Brigade", joined the so-called "Dera al-Watan" forces affiliated with the so-called "Saudi 808 Duty Forces" on the island, after the latter established a military base in the Mori area, near Hadibo Airport last month.

The sources pointed out that the commander of the "Coast Guard Battalion", demanded the leadership of the Saudi forces, during the past two days, to adopt the battalion’s button men within their ranks.

The sources pointed out that the battalion commander, "Mahfouz Ali Issa," announced his opposition to the UAE project on the island.

The battalion led by Mahfouz Issa had previously announced its defection from the Islah forces and joining the UAE forces in January 2020.

It is noteworthy that the Saudi forces have worked over the past days to attract dozens of Socotra sons and recruit them into the " Dera al-Watan" forces are being trained at its military base on the island.

Posted by: Fred || 03/14/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Saudi Arabia

Police claim killing two ‘masterminds’ of KPO raid
[Dawn] Police on Mon­day claimed to have killed two ’criminal masterminds’ of last month’s deadly att­ack on the Bloody Karachi
...formerly the capital of Pakistain, now merely its most important port and financial center. It is among the largest cities in the world, with a population of 18 million, most of whom hate each other and many of whom are armed and dangerous...
Police Office (KPO), while two other suspects affiliated with the outlawed Tehrik-e-Taliban
...Arabic for students...
Pakistain (TTP) were arrested after an ’encounter’ on the outskirts of the metropolis.

Sindh Information Min­i­s­ter Sharjeel Inam Memon, flanked by bigwigs of the Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD), said that in order to eliminate the network behind the KPO attack, the CTD, federal intelligence agencies and other LEAs had established a joint special team, which successfully traced this network to the bordering area between Karachi and Hub, Balochistan
...the Pak province bordering Kandahar and Uruzgun provinces in Afghanistan and Sistan Baluchistan in Iran. Its native Baloch propulation is being displaced by Pashtuns and Punjabis and they aren't happy about it...
where they were hiding.

"This network had provided help, planning and reconnaissance to the KPO terrorists," said the minister.

The CTD and other security institutions received a tip-off on Sunday night that members of this network would enter Karachi from the "muddy roads" of Hub.

When four suspects riding two cycle of violences arrived at Mai Ghari area in Manghopir at around 3am on Monday, the CTD team already deployed there signalled them to stop. Instead of stopping, the suspects resorted to firing and in an ensuing shootout two bully boyz were rubbed out while two others surrendered themselves. A suicide jacket was recovered from them, which the BDS defused.

The killed bully boyz were identified as Aryadullah alias Hasan and Waheedullah alias Khalid alias Huzaifa.

"Both killed bully boyz were criminal masterminds of the KPO attack," claimed the minister. The held suspects were identified as Abdul Aziz alias Mohammad Ali and Mehran alias Meharban.

The killed forces of Evil were residents of Karachi’s Ahsanabad area while the held bully boyz were residents of the metropolis’s Gulshan-e-Hadeed and Shah Latif Town areas respectively. They had fled to Balochistan after the incident.

"The held suspects have revealed that they and their killed accomplices belonged to the banned TTP," said Mr Memon.

A week prior to the attack, the three jacket wallahs had come to Karachi by bus and stayed at the home of the killed krazed killer Waheed in Ahsanabad. Suicide jackets, arms and other weapons were brought to Karachi through a truck from Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa’s Tank area.

The information minister claimed that the killed and held bully boyz were coming to Karachi to carry out another terror act as he perceived that they did not achieve their objectives during the KPO raid.

Sharjeel Memon said that the CTD and intelligence institutions had jointly traced all major terror incidents in Sindh, particularly Karachi, though at times the provincial government faced adverse criticism.

Responding to a volley of questions, the minister disclosed that Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah had set up a committee to ascertain possible negligence of the police during the KPO attack.

He said it was not possible to check thousands of trucks and buses which came to Karachi from other parts of the country, adding that it was also the responsibility of other administrations, particularly the KP government, to keep an eye on such vehicles and krazed killers.

He claimed that the provincial government was planning to install scanners at entry/exit points of Sindh.

In an apparent reference to former PM Imran Khan
...aka The Great Khan, who ain't the brightest knife in the national drawer...
, Mr Memon accused him of providing "moral support" to the TTP krazed killers.

To a question, CTD official Raja Umar Khattab said that no Baloch bully boyz were among three killed attackers of the KPO. He said two of them were identified as residents of KP while the third one remained unidentified. His code name was ’Yasir’ but his identity could only be established through DNA testing. "Most probably, he was an Afghan," opined the CTD official.

The autopsy of both men was carried out at Dr Ruth Pfau Civil Hospital Karachi.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/14/2023 01:19 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Pak Taliban (TTP)

Two policemen martyred in attacks on census teams in KP
[Dawn] Two pol­i­cemen embraced martyrdom and four others sustained injuries in holy warrior attacks on census teams in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa’s sou­thern districts of Tank and Lakki Marwat while a holy warrior was rubbed out in a security forces operation in Dera Ismail Khan
... the Pearl of Pashtunistan ...
district on Monday.

A police van came under attack in the Kot-Azam area of Tank district while it was returning from a village, ac­c­ording to a spokesperson for district police. "Militants opened fire on the police van when it was returning from Manjhi village [after duty hours]. As a result, one poli­ceman embraced martyrdom and four others sustai­ned injuries," said police spo­kesman Syed Yaqoob Buk­hari, adding that the att­ackers fled after shooting.

The injured personnel were rushed to Tank district headquarters hospital from where they were referred to Dera Ismail Khan due to unavailability of required facilities, he said, add­ing that law enforcement agenc­ies’ personnel reached the site and launched a search ope­ration against the holy warriors.

The martyred policeman was identified as Khan Nawab, a recruit of Kohat pol­­ice training centre, belo­n­ging to district Swat. Fune­ral prayer for the martyred policeman was later offered at the District Police Office which was attended by officers of law enforcement agencies, police and others.

Same day in another holy warrior attack on a census team, a Frontier Reserve Police (FRP) police constable was martyred in Pirwala area of the Lakki Marwat district.

Escorting the government staff on census duty in the rural area, FRP constable Diljan was seriously maimed when two armed miscreants opened fire on him and escaped, the police said.

Shortly after the shooting, a police contingent, headed by DPO Mohammad Ishfaq Khan, reached the scene and launched a search operation in the area. A rescue 1122 team also rushed to the site and shifted the body to Government City Hospital. The martyred cop’s funeral was held at the District Headquarters Complex in Tajazai.

A member of the outlawed Tehrik-e-Taliban
...Arabic for students...
Pakistain (TTP) wanted to security agencies in more than a dozen cases of murder and holy warrior activities was shot full of holes in a joint operation in Dera Ismail Khan, police said.

The D.I. Khan police said Abdul Rasheed alias Rashidi was killed in a joint intelligence-based operation carried out by police and security forces in Rohri area of Tehsil Kulachi on Monday.

some men learn by reading. A few learn by observation. The rest have to pee on the electric fence for themselves...
according to a statement issued by the ISPR, snuffies opened fire on a police party employed on census security duty in general area of Raghzai in Tank district. "Resultantly, one policeman, having fought gallantly, embraced shahadat. On receipt of the information, security forces immediately cordoned the area, blocking all possible escape routes. Fleeing snuffies were intercepted in general area Gara Guldad, Tehsil Kulachi, Dera Ismail Khan District. After intense exchange of fire, terrorist commander Abdul Rasheed alias Rasheedi, was killed," the ISPR said.

The killed terrorist was wanted by police for his involvement in numerous terrorist activities against security forces as well as killing of innocent civilians. Locals of the area appreciated the operation and security forces’ commitment to eliminate the menace of terrorism, it added.
Khaama Press adds the following with regard to the census team and Frontier Reserve Police attacks:
The banned militant group Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has claimed responsibility for the attacks.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/14/2023 01:14 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under: Pak Taliban (TTP)

NIA raids six locations in Kashmir

The National Investigation Agency on Tuesday carried out searches at several locations in the Kashmir
...a disputed territory lying between India and Pakistain. After partition, the Paks grabbed half of it and call it Azad (Free) Kashmir. The remainder they refer to as "Indian Occupied Kashmir". They have fought four wars with India over it, the score currently 4-0 in New Delhi's favor. After 72 years of this nonsense, India cut the Gordian knot in 2019, removing the area's special status, breaking off Ladakh as a separate state, and allowing people from other areas to settle (or in the case of the Pandits, to resettle) there....
Valley in a case related to holy warrior conspiracy.

Quoting an official, news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) reported that the NIA raids were underway at 6 locations in the Kashmir Valley.

He said the case was filed last year alleging criminal conspiracy for carrying out holy warrior and subversive activities hatched by the cadres and OGW (Over Ground Worker)
Over ground workers (OGWs) are people who help militants, or terrorists, with logistical support, cash, shelter, and other infrastructure with which armed groups and insurgency movements such as Hizbul Mujaheddin and Jaish-e-Muhammad in Jammu and Kashmir can operate....
s of various proscribed organizations and their affiliates and off-shoots, operating under various pseudo names, at the behest of their Pak handlers.

The officials said the suspects are involved in carrying out attacks by using cyber-space in J&K, targeting of minorities, security personnel and spreading communal disharmony.

"Initial searches carried out last year had led to seizure of digital devices which were analysed forensically. Current searches are based on those leads," he said.

Searches were underway at different locations in Srinagar, Kulgam, Pulwama, Anantnag and Shopian.

Posted by: trailing wife || 03/14/2023 01:03 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistain Proxies

SIU attaches of Anantnag resident for alleged terror activities

The State Investigation Unit (SIU) of Jammu and Kashmir
...a disputed territory lying between India and Pakistain. After partition, the Paks grabbed half of it and call it Azad (Free) Kashmir. The remainder they refer to as "Indian Occupied Kashmir". They have fought four wars with India over it, the score currently 4-0 in New Delhi's favor. After 72 years of this nonsense, India cut the Gordian knot in 2019, removing the area's special status, breaking off Ladakh as a separate state, and allowing people from other areas to settle (or in the case of the Pandits, to resettle) there....
Police on Monday attached the house of a person for his alleged involvement in terror activities in south Kashmir's Anantnag district.

"The Investigation Unit attached house of one Mohammad Ishaq Malik son of Mohammad Saifullah Malik, resident of Dhanwetehpora Kokernag, under section 25 of UA(P)A, for his allegedly involvement in Death Eater activities", said an SIU spokesperson in a statement , as reported by GNS.

The accused, the statement read, is involved in case FIR number 103/2022 under section 307 IPC, 7/27 Arms Act 18, 20, 23, 38 UAP Act of Police Station Kokernag and is presently lodged in District Jail Anantnag.

"SIU went to the specific location under a posse of coppers and pasted the notice on the house in the presence of Local Sarpanches, Panches and Chowkidars. According to the notice, the owner of the house have been restrained to 'transfer, lease out, dispose off, change its nature or deal with the said property in any manner without the permission of designated authority", read the statement further.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/14/2023 01:01 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under:

Raid on house in Srinagar in connection with Kerala ISIS module case

The National Investigation Agency on Monday said that it conducted search in a house in Srinagar in connection with ISIS Kerala Module case.

The agency conducted search at Uzair Azhar Bhat’s house in Karfali Mohalla, Srinagar.

"Seized digital devices are being examined and further investigations are in progress, " the NIA said in a statement.

It said that Bhat was one of the common contacts between Deepthi and Obaid, who who is suspected to have been part of the conspiracy.

The agency said that in 2021, the National Investigation Agency had started investigations into Mohammed Ameen @ Abu Yahya r/o Kadannamanna, Distt. Mallapuram (Kerala), who had been running various ISIS propaganda channels on different social media platforms, such as Telegram, Hoop and Instagram.

" Through these channels, he was propagating violent mostly peaceful Jihadi ideologies of ISIS and was radicalizing and recruiting new members to this ISIS module. He and his associates had even identified certain individuals for assassinations. They had also made plans to undertake Hijrah to Jammu & Kashmir
...a disputed territory lying between India and Pakistain. After partition, the Paks grabbed half of it and call it Azad (Free) Kashmir. The remainder they refer to as "Indian Occupied Kashmir". They have fought four wars with India over it, the score currently 4-0 in New Delhi's favor. After 72 years of this nonsense, India cut the Gordian knot in 2019, removing the area's special status, breaking off Ladakh as a separate state, and allowing people from other areas to settle (or in the case of the Pandits, to resettle) there....
for engaging in terrorist acts and had raised funds from various sources for this trip, " it said.

"During the probe, it was found that Mohammad Ameen was in touch with Deepthi Marla of Kerala, a converted Moslem, married to Anas Abdul Rahiman of Mangalore. In 2015, she had gone to Dubai to pursue studies where she met Mizha Siddeeque and both women developed an inclination towards ISIS. In 2019, they tried to do Hijrah to Khorasan and reached Tehran, Iran. After reaching Tehran, their contact with ISIS operatives based in Khorasan could not be established, " it claimed.

The statement said that they both returned to India, and Deepthi got in touch with Ameen, Obaid Hamid Matta, Madesh Shankar @ Abdullah and others and made plans to undertake Hijrah to ISIS administered territory. "In January 2020, she went to Srinagar in January 2020 to meet Obaid to plan the Hijrah and stayed in Srinagar for one week, " it said.

Posted by: trailing wife || 03/14/2023 00:59 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

ISIS claims responsibility for killing officer in Iraqi Army
[NPASyria] Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....
(ISIS) claimed on Sunday responsibility for arresting and killing an officer in the Iraqi Army after investigating him, and posted photos for the killing that took place east of the Iraqi city of Kirkuk.

ISIS-run Amaq news agency said, in a statement, that ISIS gunnies could arrest the officer and "slaughter" him after he was investigated near Tuz Khurmatu, east of Kirkuk.

The ISIS posted photos, showing three gunnies carrying ISIS flags, and one of them killing the officer.

On March 7, ISIS grabbed credit for two separate attacks against the Iraqi Army.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/14/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Man seriously wounded in car explosion in north; terror motive suspected
[IsraelTimes] Shin Bet involved in investigation of blast at Megiddo Junction; father says victim, Shareef ad-Din, 21, was on way home from work

A man from the northern Arab village of Salem was seriously maimed after a kaboom occurred near his car at a junction in northern Israel, which authorities suspected could be a possible terror incident.

According to police and medics, the earth-shattering kaboom occurred at around 6 a.m. on the Route 65 highway at the Megiddo Junction, close to the prison of the same name.

The 21-year-old, later named as Shareef ad-Din, was taken by the Magen David Adom ambulance service to the Emek Medical Center in Afula for treatment, before being transferred to Haifa’s Rambam Hospital. He was listed at death's door, suffering from shrapnel to his entire body, including his head, medical officials said.

Police said officers were at the scene investigating the circumstances of the blast, which initially remained unclear. The highway was closed off in both directions in the area, and remained shut until around 3:30 p.m.

The bomb was thought to have been planted on the side of the road. Footage from the scene showed the vehicle, a road maintenance pickup truck, damaged by shrapnel.

The Shin Bet security agency was involved in the investigation, indicating that authorities suspected the earth-shattering kaboom could have been terror-related.

A spokesperson for the Shin Bet did not provide further details about the suspicions and investigation.

Recent months have seen a number of bombing attacks by Paleostinians.

In November, an East Jerusalem Paleostinian with Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....
ties set off two bombs at two entrances to Jerusalem, killing two and wounding more than 20 others.

On Friday morning, a Paleostinian tried to break into a settlement farm in the West Bank with several improvised bombs, before being rubbed out. And on Friday night, a Paleostinian suspect was detained for allegedly planting a bomb on a bus in a West Bank settlement a night earlier.

Car bombings, however, are also a hallmark of criminal gangs in Israel, in both the Jewish and Arab communities.

Arab communities in Israel have seen a surge in violence in recent years, driven mainly, but not exclusively, by organized crime. Arab Israelis say police have failed to crack down on powerful criminal organizations and for years largely ignored the violence, which includes family feuds, mafia pie fights, and attacks on women.

The victim in Monday’s explosion did not appear to have any relation to criminal activity.

Speaking to the Ynet news site, ad-Din’s father, Taha ad-Din, said his son was on his way home from a night shift at work when the blast occurred.

"My son was on his way home, he works at night and studies during the day. He is studying to be a civil engineer and works on roads in the Tel Aviv area," Taha ad-Din said.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/14/2023 00:55 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under:

130th Russian-Turkish joint patrol launched in Syria’s Kobani
[NPASyria] Russian Military Police (MP) conducted on Monday a joint patrol with the Ottoman Turkish forces in the western countryside of Kobani, northern Syria.

This is the 130th joint patrol between the two forces in the region since the signing of the Russian-Ottoman Turkish ceasefire agreement in northeast Syria.

In October 2019, following the so-called Ottoman Turkish military operation "Peace Spring" in areas of northeast Syria which resulted in the occupation of Tel Abyad, north of Raqqa, and Sere Kaniye (Ras al-Ain) north of Hasakah, the Ottoman Turkish president signed two ceasefire agreements, one with Russia and the other with the US.

The ceasefire agreements stipulating halt of all hostilities there and the withdrawal of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) 30 kilometers in depth away from the Ottoman Turkish border in addition to conducting joint patrols with Russia in order to monitor the implementation of the agreements.

The patrol, which consisted of eight Russian and Ottoman Turkish military vehicles accompanied by two Russian helicopters, set off from the village of Ashma, 20 km west of Kobani.

The patrol passed the villages of Charqli Fouqani, Qeran, Dikmadash, Khorkhoy, Boban and Gul Bey, reaching to Tel Shair, four kilometers west of Kobani.

After that, the patrol passed the villages of Sosan, Qola, Qara Qoy Tahtani, Pinder, Meshko, Jibna and Chareqli Fouqani returning against to Ashma where the Ottoman Turkish armored vehicles crossed to The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...just another cheapjack Moslem dictatorship, brought to you by the Moslem Brüderbund...
while the Russian ones returned to the Russian base close to the village of Sirrin south of Kobani.

On March 6, the Russian and Ottoman Turkish forces conducted the 129th joint patrol in the eastern countryside of Kobani.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/14/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

Turkish border guards shoot civilian in western Idlib, locals protest Turkish guard nastiness, Al Nusra closes crossing
[NPASyria] An old man was maimed on Monday after being shot by Ottoman Turkish border guards while he was working in his farmland near the village of Kherbet Eljoz in the western countryside of Idlib, west Syria.

A local source told North Press, "Ottoman Turkish border guards targeted with two gunshots 65-year-old Mustafa Fizo while he was in his tractor working in his field, which is located near the village of Kherbet Eljoz."

The source added that residents of the village rushed the old man into a medical center in the village, "but his injury was severe so he was taken to al-Shifa’ Hospital in Idlib city."

A medical source at the hospital said that "the injured needs blood transfer and surgical intervention."

On Saturday, a young man was tortured to death and seven others sustained injuries of varying degrees of severity after being assaulted by Ottoman Turkish border guards who captured them while they were trying to cross the border into The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the occupiers of Greek Asia Minor...

Protests sparked in NW Syria against Turkish border guards’ practices

[NPASyria] On Monday, sources from Bab al-Hawa border crossing with The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...just another cheapjack Moslem dictatorship, brought to you by the Moslem Brüderbund...
north of Idlib, northwest Syria, said residents and activist muppets arrived at the crossing to denounce the practices of Ottoman Turkish border guards against Syrians.

The sources told North Press that the protest followed the killing of the 17-year-old Abdurrazaq Ahmad al-Qastal from the village of Samra in the eastern countryside of Hama Governorate, central Syria, and the wounding of seven others on March 11 by the Ottoman Turkish border guards while they were trying to cross to Turkey from north of Idlib.

The protesters demanded that al-Qastal body is handed to his family since relative authorities have not handed the body to the family yet under the pretext of investigation to hide traces of torture the body sustains, according to the sources.

The same sources added that Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, formerly al-Nusra, before that it was called something else
...al-Qaeda's Syrian affiliate, from which sprang the Islamic State...
(HTS, formerly al-Nusra
...formally Jabhat an-Nusrah li-Ahli al-Sham (Support Front for the People of the Levant), also known as al-Qaeda in the Levant. They aim to establish a pan-Arab caliphate. Not the same one as the Islamic State, though .. ...
Front) has mobilized its security apparatus and closed the crossing since 10:00 am.

On Sunday, activist muppets in the city of Afrin, northwest Syria, called for organizing a protest to denounce the killing and torturing practiced by the Ottoman Turkish border guard against Syrians trying to cross the border into Turkey.

The source added that the protest will take place on Monday at Newroz Roundabout in the city center of Afrin where the participants will demand the Ottoman Turkish border guards, who are responsible for crimes against Syrians, are held accountable.

Ottoman Turkish authorities continue to tighten the screw on the Syrians who try to illegally cross to Turkey by snipping and ongoing torturing, according to reports.

Syrians, while crossing the border, are attacked and shot at by the Ottoman Turkish border guards.

The Monitoring and Documentation Department of North Press has counted the killing of 16 individuals and the wounding of 46 others including a child and three women since early 2023.

Most of those who want to access Turkey resort to illegal and dangerous smuggling routes in light of unavailable safe ones to either reunite with their families or secure jobs to provide for their families amid the dire economic conditions the country is witnessing.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/14/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

Rockets target coalition forces in eastern Syria; no casualties
[Rudaw] Two rockets targeted forces of the US-led coalition in Syria’s eastern Deir ez-Zor province on Monday, resulting in no casualties or material damages, according to a statement from the force.

"Two 107mm rockets targeted Coalition Forces east of Deir Ezzor, Syria, today at approximately 9pm local time in Syria," read a statement from the coalition’s Combined Special Operations Joint Task Force — Levant (SOJTF-Levant).

Hundreds of US troops stationed in eastern Syria have fought alongside the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) against the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....
(ISIS) terror group.

"Attacks of this kind place Coalition Forces, Partner Forces, and the civilian populace at risk and undermines the hard-earned stability and security of Syria and the region," SOJTF-Levant spokesperson Jonathan Ferrer said.

Attacks on US forces in Syria are often attributed to Iran-backed militias and factions, but have never been claimed.

On February 14, the US Central Command (CENTCOM) said they had shot down an Iranian drone that was surveying a base of the coalition in northeast Syria.

Tit-for-tat attacks between the US and Iran
...The nation is noted for spontaneously taking over other countries' embassies, maintaining whorehouses run by clergymen, involvement in international drug trafficking, and financing sock puppet militias to extend the regime's influence...
playing out in Iraq and Syria have simmered down over the past year. In August, US forces launched Arclight airstrike
s targeting facilities used by Iranian-backed militias in Deir ez-Zor in an attack it said was in retaliation to an attack on a US base.
Shafaq News selects key facts differently:
An American site, "Green Village," located in northeastern Syria was hit by a rocket attack on Monday.

According to a statement from US forces, "On March 13 at 8:23 pm local time in Syria, two rockets fell near coalition forces in the Green Village at the support site for the mission in northeastern Syria."

The statement indicated that no US or coalition forces were killed or injured, and there was no damage to the infrastructure or equipment of the coalition.

The statement also confirmed that "US forces found rocket debris at the point of impact" and that "US forces in northeastern Syria are investigating this incident, and there are no claims of responsibility at this time."

Colonel Joe Buccino, spokesperson for US Central Command, said that "rocket attacks of this kind put coalition forces and civilian populations at risk, and undermine the stability and security that have been hard-won in Syria and the region."
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/14/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran Proxies

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