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1 al-Qaeda dead, 5 Soddy coppers wounded
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1 00:00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [31] 
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36 00:00 OldSpook [20]
6 00:00 gromky [5]
2 00:00 Jonathan [12]
11 00:00 BigEd [11]
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2 00:00 Sock Puppet of Doom [11]
1 00:00 trailing wife [19]
0 [12]
Yemen sends al-Qaeda suspect to Sudan
Yemeni security sources report Yemen has handed over to Sudan an al-Qaida suspect in line with a security agreement between the two countries. The Yemeni Rai News quoted an unidentified security source Saturday as saying the Sudanese suspect was arrested while trying to enter the country across an unspecified border. He said that officials received a request from Khartoum to arrest the suspect if he was in Yemeni territory, adding the unidentified suspect was allegedly planning to carry out terrorist acts in Sudan against official and foreign interests. Yemen said March 2 it arrested members of a terrorist cell affiliated with al-Qaida plotting to strike Western targets in the country.They were apprehended in Sanaa and the southern port city of Aden.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/13/2005 2:55:56 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

1 al-Qaeda dead, 5 Soddy coppers wounded
Saudi security forces shot and killed a suspected militant and captured another during a clash in Jeddah on Sunday, security sources and witnesses said. They said five policemen were wounded when the militant, identified as Saed al-Youbi, opened fire on security troops who raided his apartment in a neighbourhood in the northern part of the Red Sea city. A woman was also wounded in the exchange of fire. The incident came less than a week after the U.S. embassy in Saudi Arabia issued a warning of a heightened threat in Jeddah, where militants had attacked the U.S. consulate three months ago.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/13/2005 2:44:52 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "Saudi security forces shot dead one man and arrested three others in a raid on a suspected militant's flat in Jeddah on Sunday.."

..spill the beans or we're taking yous to Home Depot.
Posted by: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || 03/13/2005 10:16 Comments || Top||

French Gitmo detainees probed
Two French citizens released by U.S. authorities at Guantanamo Bay have been placed under official investigation in France, and a third ex-prisoner was released without charges, a judicial source said Saturday. Khaled ben Mustapha, 33, and Ridouane Khalid, 36, were placed under formal investigation for "criminal association with a terrorist enterprise" late on Friday, a prosecution source said. The measure is one step short of pressing charges.

A judge decided to release Khalid under judicial controls, while ben Mustapha remained in detention, the source said. A third detainee, Moustak Ali Patel, who arrived back from the U.S. naval base in Cuba with the other two men on Monday, was released without any charges on Wednesday. The three men, who were the last French prisoners to be held at Guantanamo Bay, were captured in 2001 or early 2002 after U.S.-led forces invaded Afghanistan to oust the Taliban government and its al Qaeda allies. They were taken to the U.S. military camp at Guantanamo as suspected Islamist militants.

Their release from Guantanamo followed a visit to France last month by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice -- a trip aimed at repairing ties between the two countries strained over the U.S-led Iraq war, which France strongly opposed. Four other French citizens, captured in 2001 and 2002 in Afghanistan by the U.S. military, were released from Guantanamo Bay and returned to France last July. They remain in detention in France despite several release requests by their lawyers.
This article starring:
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/13/2005 2:55:04 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  French Gitmo detainees probed

I thought this only happened with Alien Abductions.

(sorry, I couldn't help myself).
Posted by: Jim K || 03/13/2005 10:16 Comments || Top||

#2  Or Cartman.
Posted by: Bill || 03/13/2005 21:02 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Three more detainees released from Guantanamo
The US Department of Defense has transferred three more detainees from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to Afghanistan, the Maldives and Pakistan for their expected release, officials said on Saturday. The transfers took place after a special US military tribunal found the three no longer qualified for the status of "enemy combatant." "Because of operational and security considerations, no further details can be provided," the Pentagon said in a statement.
"We will say no more!"
The latest transfers brings the number of detainees moved from Guantanamo Bay to other countries to 214. About 540 other mopes detainees remain at the heavily guarded facility.
Posted by: Steve White || 03/13/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under:

Syria moves intel headquarters to Hizbullah sector in Beirut
Pro-democracy celebrations in Beirut may be premature.
Syria has moved its intelligence headquarters to a Beirut neighborhood controlled by Hizbullah. Lebanese opposition sources said the Syrian military moved office in Lebanon from the so-called Beaurivage to southern Beirut. The sources said the transfer was completed over the last week as part of an effort to lower the Syrian profile in Beirut and central Lebanon.

The sources said Syria maintains up to 50,000 intelligence agents — both Lebanese and Syrian — to ensure its control over its western neighbor. "The Syrians aren't going anywhere," an opposition source with connections in Lebanese intelligence said. "They are fusing with Hizbullah while pretending to pull out some troops from Lebanon."

The sources said the order to leave the Beaurivage was relayed by Gen. Rustom Ghazaleh, chief of Syrian intelligence in Lebanon. The operation was commanded by Ghazaleh's deputy, Gen. Mohammed Khalouf.

The Syrian move to the southern suburb of Beirut was part of heightened cooperation between Damascus and Hizbullah to maintain the Syrian military and intelligence presence in Lebanon. The Beaurivage continues to be under Syrian control, the sources said. But the building has been emptied of documents and equipment.

The Lebanese opposition, in an assertion confirmed by Western intelligence agencies, said Syria has been organizing a campaign to attack anti-regime elements. The opposition said Syrian intelligence plans to intimidate or assassinate anti-Syrian candidates for Lebanon's parliament in elections called for May 2005.
Standard operating procedure for the Syrian Ba'athists.
Another option raised by Lebanese and Western sources was that Syria would seek a Hizbullah provocation along the Israeli-Lebanese border over the next few weeks. The sources said Israel's military shared this assessment.
Posted by: Steve White || 03/13/2005 12:51:16 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Seems to me a "work accident" in the building is in order. And I'm sure they're working on lots of bombs there.... ;-)
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 03/13/2005 1:04 Comments || Top||

#2  Fishy!
Posted by: Shaing Elmoluper1664 || 03/13/2005 9:56 Comments || Top||

#3  They still don't believe Bush n=means what he says. Everybody gets one strike.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 03/13/2005 10:00 Comments || Top||

#4  This more visible Syrian cooperation with Hizbollah is risky for both. Hizbollah could doublecross Syria any day and visa versa.
Posted by: mhw || 03/13/2005 12:32 Comments || Top||

#5  Given the size of the Syrian military, 50,000 intelligence agents seems a bit over the top.

From Global Securtiy:
In 2002, the Syrian army has roughly 215,000 soldiers. The generall readiness and effectiveness of the Syrian Army is fairly low despite the generally good readiness of its special forces, roughly two armored divisions, one mechanized division and the Republican Guard division. Syria has a significant quantity of armor numbering some 4,700 tanks, though 1,200 are placed in static defensive positions and another 2,000 are T-55s and T-62s. Syria does however have some 1,700 T-72/72Ms. Virtually all of Syria armored reconnaissance vehicles (600 BRDM-2s and 125 BRDM-2 RKHs) are out-dated as is their 2,000 BMP-1s, though the 200-350 BMP-2s and BMP-3s are more modern.
Posted by: RWV || 03/13/2005 21:40 Comments || Top||

#6  Gotta sell a lot of eye charts to pay 50,000 intel agents.
Posted by: Seafarious || 03/13/2005 21:45 Comments || Top||

Hamas, Fatah fight over student council elections
Posted by: gromgorru || 03/13/2005 18:14 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  From the title, I was expecting this to be ScrappleFace, but no! Being unable to manage student council elections does not bode well for running an actual state.
Posted by: SteveS || 03/13/2005 18:38 Comments || Top||

#2  where's the "zero-tolerance"? LOL
Posted by: Frank G || 03/13/2005 19:03 Comments || Top||

#3  I could be wrong, but I don't think they've got this "democracy" thing down yet...
Posted by: Fred || 03/13/2005 21:02 Comments || Top||

#4  It would do the processed peas no harm if they manage to kill each other off. Might even do some good.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/13/2005 21:34 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Pakistan raids Waziristan village
Pakistani security forces mounted a search Sunday for suspected al Qaeda foreign fighters in a tribal region near the Afghan border, officials said.

Two Pakistani soldiers were accidentally wounded when a hand grenade carried by one of them exploded during the raid, officials said. But there was no exchange of fire with suspected militants in Mana village in North Waziristan, about 180 miles southwest of the capital Islamabad.

Military spokesman Major-General Shaukat Sultan Sultan said ten men had been detained for questioning. The operation ended Sunday afternoon.

The search was launched on intelligence reports that foreign militants were hiding in the village. Officials said there was no sign that any senior al Qaeda leader was present there.

"There will be more such operations to flush out militants from the region," Mehmood Shah, security chief of the tribal belt, told Reuters.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/13/2005 12:53:46 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Gunmen arrested over murder of tribal leader
Two gunmen have been arrested in northwestern Pakistan for the murder of a pro-government tribal elder suspected of informing on Al-Qaeda-linked militants, police said. Mehsud tribal elder Rasool Khan was shot Saturday in the Tank district of South Waziristan, a semi-autonomous region bordering Afghanistan Afghanistan where Pakistani forces are hunting militants. The detainees, identified as Ehsan Ullah and Saeed Alam, told investigators they shot Khan because he had been providing information to authorities about Al-Qaeda linked militants, local police official Javed Chughtai said on Sunday. Members of the dominant Mehsud tribe last week agreed to sell their heavy weapons under a government buy-back drive as part of an effort to keep arms out of the hands of militants.
This article starring:
Mehsud tribal elder Rasool Khan
local police official Javed Chughtai
Posted by: Dan Darling || 03/13/2005 2:45:48 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Toe tags for two in Handwara
In the village of Handwara, two suspected militants were killed in a gunfight with Indian soldiers on Saturday, police said. Handwara is about 90 kilometres north of Srinagar. About a dozen militant groups have been fighting since 1989 for Kashmir's independence or its merger with Pakistan. More than 66,000 people, mostly civilians, have been killed in the conflict.
Posted by: Fred || 03/13/2005 12:37:05 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Kashmiris stone govt building
Hundreds of protesters stoned government buildings and fought street battles with police on Saturday, alleging that soldiers beat up villagers during a raid to find militants in Indian-controlled Kashmir, officials and villagers said. Protesters poured into the streets of Kangan, a small town about 40 kilometres northeast of Srinagar, hurling bricks and stones at government buildings and burning tires. The protest came hours after soldiers raided nearby Choon village, allegedly abusing civilians in their search for militants fighting for Kashmir's independence from India or its merger with Pakistan. "They (soldiers) beat up people and tortured them. Twelve people were injured and two are in serious condition," Muhammad Arshad, a local resident, told AP by telephone.

Arshad said villagers carried the injured to Kangan, shouting anti-India slogans and throwing stones at police, who used bamboo truncheons to beat them back. The villagers demanded punishment for the soldiers. A police officer, speaking on condition of anonymity, said a few protesters were injured in the clash, but declined to comment on the villagers' allegations.
Posted by: Fred || 03/13/2005 12:35:54 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Paleos bust up storm Gaza parliamentary building
Thousands of unemployed Palestinians stormed the parliamentary building in Gaza yesterday, making faces smashing windows and rolling their eyes clashing with police, witnesses said. About 2,500 unemployed Palestinians but we repeat ourselves, who had previously worked in Israel, arrived at the building early yesterday carrying signs and demanding work. They threw stones at the building, breaking windows.
It must suck to be a Paleo.
Posted by: Steve White || 03/13/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Where's the popcorn graphic?
Posted by: Sheik Abu Bin Ali Al-Yahood || 03/13/2005 3:27 Comments || Top||

#2  Forget graphic, just stick a bag it into microwave and enjoy. Or are you saying without it it won't be so tasty?

Try it, try it!
In the house, with a mouse,
On a boat, with a goat,
In a box, with a fox....
Posted by: Sobiesky || 03/13/2005 3:53 Comments || Top||

#3  You will like it
Here or there,
You'll like green popcorn
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/13/2005 17:31 Comments || Top||

#4  let em eat green eggs and ham!
Posted by: Frank G || 03/13/2005 17:52 Comments || Top||

#5  Frank, LOL!

"Many mumbling moonbats are making midnight mischief in the moonlight"

Can you believe that I discovered Dr. Seuss at the age of 33, when looking for children books for my baby daughter?

I asked myself: "Is this a reflection of the culture you want to become a part of?"

Posted by: Sobiesky || 03/13/2005 18:27 Comments || Top||

#6  Mr. Wife was about the same age, Sobiesky. Something about being destined to become an engineer or something seems to militate against reading this kind of silliness when young (and yes, I do realize the good doctor was not available in your childhood language when you were still a child), which means that you get to enjoy it for the first time along with your child. Trailing Daughter was read Dr. Seuss's ABCs while being driven all around middle Europe, and Mr. Wife and a university friend (and his old study partner) can still recite bits of it from memory -- although said friend still hasn't had children of her own to reinforce it. ;-D
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/13/2005 19:09 Comments || Top||

#7  I asked myself: "Is this a reflection of the culture you want to become a part of?"

You've always been an American, glad you made it official.
Posted by: Shipman || 03/13/2005 19:48 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Seven killed in Maoist raid on police station
HYDERABAD — At least seven people including four policemen were killed in a raid on Friday night by Maoists on a police station in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, a senior official said yesterday. The Guntur district Superintendent of Police J. Goyal said that a group of about 40 armed Naxalites attacked Chilkaluripeta police station with bombs.
Must not have gone too well.
Posted by: Steve White || 03/13/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Chilkaluripeta? Ain't that where Winfield Scott defeated the Mexicans? Eh, never mind.
Posted by: Rex Rufus || 03/13/2005 0:46 Comments || Top||

#2  Easy mistake to make, you're thinking of TylerCanoe.
Posted by: Shipman || 03/13/2005 12:42 Comments || Top||

#3  or Chia Peta - which is the County seat
Posted by: Frank G || 03/13/2005 15:18 Comments || Top||

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Meet the Mods
In no particular order...
Steve White
Bright Pebbles
trailing wife
Frank G

Two weeks of WOT
Sun 2005-03-13
  1 al-Qaeda dead, 5 Soddy coppers wounded
Sat 2005-03-12
  Last Syrian troops leave Lebanon
Fri 2005-03-11
  Al-Moayad guilty
Thu 2005-03-10
  Local Elder of Islam to succeed Maskhadov
Wed 2005-03-09
  Nasrallah warns U.S. to stop interfering in Lebanon
Tue 2005-03-08
  Toe tag for Aslan
Mon 2005-03-07
  Operations stepped up in Samarra to find Zarqawi
Sun 2005-03-06
  Hizbollah Throws Weight Behind Syria in Lebanon
Sat 2005-03-05
  Syria loyalists shoot up Beirut Christian sector
Fri 2005-03-04
  Pro-Syria Groups in Lebanon Press for Unity Govt
Thu 2005-03-03
  Lebanon Opposition Demands Total Syrian Withdrawal
Wed 2005-03-02
  France moving commando support ship to Med
Tue 2005-03-01
  Protesters Back on Beirut Streets; U.S. Offers Support
Mon 2005-02-28
  Lebanese Government Resigns
Sun 2005-02-27
  Sabawi Ibrahim Hasan busted!

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