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US designates 'Daesh-Egypt', other ISIS affiliates as terrorist groups
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5 19:40 magpie [20] 
1 12:29 Frank G [23] 
1 07:52 Ulaigum Ebbineng7056 [21] 
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2 09:59 trailing wife [11] 
Page 2: WoT Background
6 22:58 Zhang Fei [24]
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1 00:10 newc [31]
1 14:08 Sock Puppet of Doom [23]
2 12:24 AlanC [16]
6 14:19 JohnQC [17]
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1 20:20 Injun Bucket8891 [15]
1 19:21 Frank G [16]
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9 22:47 3dc [20]
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2 19:28 charger [31]
1 12:18 Bobby [22]
Page 3: Non-WoT
11 19:47 Frank G [25]
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3 23:35 Fairbanks [21]
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5 18:50 NoMoreBS [19]
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7 21:22 Sock Puppet of Doom [18]
10 21:11 Michael Stokes [23]
16 15:13 newc [14]
Page 6: Politix
5 20:48 Injun Bucket8891 [24]
12 21:27 Sock Puppet of Doom [30]
7 10:34 JohnQC [17]
3 19:18 Frank G [26]
10 20:48 Omeger Gray6606 [18]
ISIS attack repulsed in North of Afghanistan, 9 militants killed, 13 wounded
[Khaama Press] A major attack by the forces of Evil affiliated with the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
of Iraq and Syria /ISIS) terrorist group was repulsed in northern Jawzjan province of Afghanistan, leaving several forces of Evil dead or maimed.

The 209th Shaheen Corps of the Afghan National Arnmy in thr North said a large group of ISIS forces of Evil launched a large scale attack in Darzad district but their attack was repulsed by the security forces.

The source further added that nine forces of Evil were killed and thirteen others were maimed after the Afghan forces responded to the forces of Evil attack.

According to Shaheen Corps, the attack was launched on security posts of the Afghan National defense and security forces but did not elaborate further if the Afghan forces suffered any casualty or not.

The anti-government armed bad boy and terrorist groups have not commented regarding the report so far.

Jawzjan is among the relatively volatile provinces in the North where the anti-government armed bad boy groups including the Taliban
...the Pashtun equivalent of men...
bully boyz are actively operating in some of its districts.

At least fourteen forces of Evil affiliated with the terror group were killed during the Arclight airstrikes conducted in this province earlier this month.

The 209th Shaheen Corps of the Afghan Military in the North said at least two foreign nationals hailing from Uzbekistan were also among those killed.

The Shaheen Corps further added that the airstrikes were carried out on ISIS hideouts in Sardara, Maktab Imam Bukhtari, Bibi Maryam, Aqsai, and Maimana Qeshlaq areas of Darzab.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/28/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Africa Horn
Fighter Jets Carry Out An Airstrike On Al Shabaab Base In Somalia
[RadioShabelle] Unknown fighters jets were reported to have carried out an Arclight airstrike against Al-Shabaab
... the personification of Somali state failure...
controlled town in Southern Somalia on Tuesday, sources said.

The warplanes fired a missile at a turban camp in Jilib district, the main Al-Shabaab stronghold in Middle Shabelle region, according to a resident who asked to remain anonymous.

The has been reports of casualties, but, the number was not confirmed yet. It’s not clear which country belongs to the jets conducted the air raid against Al-Shabaab.

The latest strikes took place days after Somali and U.S. special forces conducted a dronezap near Kismayo
...a port city in the southern Lower Juba province of Somalia, at the extreme southern end of the country (assuming Somalia can be called a country). It is the commercial capital of the autonomous Jubaland region...
city in Lower Jubba region which killed several bully boyz dead.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/28/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab (AQ)

#1  Ruritanian Air Force
Posted by: Frank G || 02/28/2018 12:29 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Egyptian army communique #12 agglomerates four days of effort

Egypt says 3 soldiers killed in Sinai fighting
Herewith two reports presented, dear Reader, so you can choose for yourself what to believe.
[IsraelTimes] Egypt’s military says three soldiers, including an officer, were killed while fighting jihadists in the Sinai Peninsula.

Military spokesman Col. Tamer al-Rifai says three other officers and four conscripts were wounded in the fighting on Tuesday, which killed 11 jihadists.

The troops were taking part in a countrywide offensive announced February 9. The army says it has destroyed hundreds of targets and killed dozens of fighters. The latest casualties bring the army’s total death toll to 10 since the operation began.

The figures cannot be independently confirmed as press access is severely restricted.

11 'takfiris' killed in Egypt's Sinai in raids, foiled suicidal attack: Army

[AlAhram] Eleven "takfiris" were killed by the Egyptian army during ongoing Operation Sinai 2018 operations over the past four days, the armed forces said on Tuesday.

Army spokesman Tamer El-Refaie said in communiqué number 12 that "four extremely dangerous takfiris" were eliminated as the forces foiled a suicide attack by the terrorist elements, who were wearing explosive belts and military uniforms.

The Arabic word "takfiri" refers to extremist Sunni Muslims who accuse other Muslims of being infidels, often as a justification for using violence against them.

Seven others were killed by the armed forces following a shootout during a raid on a terrorist hideout in Al-Arish, with three AK-47 assault rifles and two improvised explosive devices (IEDs) seized.

According to the statement, a non-commissioned officer and two soldiers were killed in the combat operations. Seven army personnel, including an officer, were also injured.

Twenty targets and locations used by the terrorists for launching attacks were hit by the air force, which also struck 185 other targets, including hideouts and weapon stores, said the statement.

An underground cache of weapons was found by the armed forces, who also destroyed 375 other hideouts and trenches filled with explosives, narcotics and fuel. Eighteen cars and 71 unlicensed motorcycles were also destroyed.

Two 4x4 vehicles laden with explosives and ammunition were discovered as they attempted to cross into Egypt and were destroyed by the air force.

The army's border guards thwarted an attempt to smuggle 30 firearms and foil four illegal immigration attempts, arresting 419 infiltrators of different nationalities.

More than 1,750 kilograms of ready-to-sell narcotics were also seized after the armed forces discovered and destroyed 36 farms growing marijuana and opium poppies.

The army added that its military engineers detected and destroyed two tunnel openings measuring 1.5 by 2 metres wide and 15 meters deep, also detonating and neutralizing 27 explosive devices that were planted to target troops in the area.

The army said that 641 people suspected being of criminals were arrested, bringing the number of those arrested since the launch of the operation in the first week of February to 2,235 people.

The authorities have released 1,447 people following identity checks and confirmation that they were not involved in illegal activities.

The counter-terrorist operation, which was launched on 9 February, involves land, naval and air forces, as well as the police and border guards.

It targets "terrorist and criminal elements and organizations" in northern and central Sinai, as well as parts of the Nile Delta and the Western Desert, as announced by the military at the start of the operation.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/28/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis (IS)

#1  Is that from Asterix and Cleopatra?
Posted by: Whiskey Mike || 02/28/2018 8:39 Comments || Top||

#2  Probably, Whiskey Mike.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/28/2018 9:59 Comments || Top||

Europe migrant colonist briefs
Breitbart - immigration is now up to date.
Woman on Holiday in Spain Robbed While Being Raped by Moroccan
27 February
The police in the Spanish seaside town of Torrevieja have arrested a 27-year-old man of Moroccan descent and are seeking two other individuals following the rape and robbery of a 32-year-old Belgian woman.

Migrant ‘Ikea Murderer’ Explains Away Murder Motive Claiming ‘Sh*t Happens’
27 February
Eritrean failed asylum seeker turned murderer Abraham Ukbagabir claim in an interview that he wants to “forget” his killing of a 55-year-old woman and her 28-year-old son in an Ikea in 2015 and said, “shit happens”.

Austria’s Kurz Slams Merkel for Linking EU Funding to Migrant Quotas
25 February
Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has opposed German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s proposal to link European Union funding to migrant quotas, arguing for stronger borders instead of migrant redistribution.

Police Bust ‘Voodoo’ Migrant Sex Slave Ring Which Forced Women ‘To Eat Raw Chicken Hearts’
25 February
Police in Spain and the UK have made 12 arrests in an intercontinental prostitution ring where a criminal gang allegedly used “voodoo rituals” to force African women and girls into sex work.

Takeover: Migrants Found Their Own Political Party in Notorious Swedish No Go Zone
24 February
A self-described “stateless” Palestinian migrant has formed a new political party in the heavily migrant-populated Swedish city of Malmö.

Irish Govt ‘Paid Press’ to Promote Plan to Grow Population by One Million With Mass Migration
24 February
The Irish government has been slammed for paying journalists to write good news stories about Project Ireland 2040.

Pakistani Migrants Arrested For Rape of Young Italian Boy At Railway Station
24 February
Two Pakistani migrants were arrested in the Italian city of Brindisi this week after being accused of raping a boy who was waiting for a train at the city’s railway station.

Sweden: Emergency Calls in Foreign Languages up 34 Per Cent in 2017
24 February
The number of emergency calls to police and ambulances by people speaking foreign languages dramatically rose in 2017 by 34 per cent with Arabic and Somali being the most common.

Migrant Convicted of Sexually Abusing 10-Year-Old Received Asylum Status Despite Known Criminal History
24 February
A 37-year-old Palestinian migrant, who was just convicted of sexually abusing a 10-year-old girl, was given asylum status despite a criminal record stretching back to when he first entered Germany in 2014.

Swiss Islamic Council Justifies Female Genital Mutilation
24 February
The Islamic Central Council of Switzerland (IZRS) has defended the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM), claiming that Islamic law justifies the practice.

Syrian Migrant Thanks ‘Mama Merkel’ for Being Able to Practice Polygamy on Benefits
23 February
A 32-year-old Syrian man appeared on German media this week thanking German Chancellor Angela Merkel for allowing him to reunite with his other wife and children despite polygamy being illegal in Germany.

Syrian Medical Student Was Training 7-year-old Boy as Islamic State Fighter
22 February
A 30-year-old Syrian medical student living in Germany and currently on trial for a plot targetting a Berlin synagogue has been accused of trying to train his girlfriend’s seven-year-old son as a jihadi soldier.

Foreigners Account For 80 Per Cent of Inmates in French-Speaking Swiss Prisons
22 February
Foreigners now account for 80 per cent of prison inmates in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, according to Franz Walter, director of prisons in Bellechasse.

Italian Town ‘Taken Over’ By Nigerian Migrant Gangs
22 February
The largely abandoned former seaside resort town of Castel Volturno north of Naples has been taken over by Nigerian gangs who run drug and prostitution rings.

Lampedusa Tightens Migrant Controls After Failed Experiment in Open Borders
21 February
After trouncing the incumbent Lampedusa mayor in elections this past summer, Salvatore Martello immediately began fulfilling campaign promises to get a grip on uncontrolled immigration and has now brought the population of the island’s welcome center down to a manageable 100.

Medical Report Claims ‘Child’ Migrant Who Killed 15-Year-Old Is Likely an Adult
21 February
A new medical report has claimed that the Afghan asylum seeker who stabbed 15-year-old Mia in the German town of Kandel late last year is not underage, but likely at least 20-years-old.

EU Border Chief Warns More Migrants Will Reach Europe Via Spain
20 February
The head of the European Union’s border agency says the number of migrants trying to reach Europe through the Mediterranean will remain high this year, with more expected to arrive through Spain.

Network of Nigerian Pimps Trafficked Prostitutes Amongst Asylum Seekers to Save Money
20 February
A total of 14 suspects have been indicted on people trafficking charges including several Nigerian migrants who brought women into France as asylum seekers where they would later become prostitutes.

Somali Father Arranged for Daughter to Have Genitals Mutilated to Stop Her ‘Feeling Sexy’
20 February
A Somali heritage Uber driver allowed his seven-year-old daughter to be subjected to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) because he said it stops “women feeling sexy all the time”, a court has heard.

French Children Taught Migration Is a Human Right, ‘We’re All Africans’
20 February
France is safe and prosperous only thanks to a ‘lifetime of open borders’, while mass migration is a “universal right”, according to literature being handed out in French classrooms.

Activists Against Migrant Violence Towards Women Protest at Berlin Film Festival
20 February
Activists from the anti-migrant violence women’s movement 120dB stormed a panel on harassment and violence against women in the film and television industry at the Berlinale film festival holding a banner reading, “the voice of forgotten women.”

Asylum Seeker on the Run After Attacking Several People with an Axe
6 January
A 29-year-old Moroccan asylum seeker, formerly living at an asylum home in the German town of Rees, is on the run after robbing several residents of the town and attacking them with an axe.

Mourners, Pro-Diversity Activists Clash at Vigil of Child Murdered by Asylum Seeker
5 January
Mourners and a pro-diversity group rioted in the town of Kandel this week during a vigil dedicated to the 15-year-old girl who was stabbed to death by an Afghan asylum seeker.

Poland and Hungary Unite Against Eurocrats: ‘We Don’t Want to Live in an Empire’
4 January
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of Hungary and Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki of Poland have predicted a “year of great battles” with the EU establishment at a summit in Budapest.

Somalian Asylum Seeker Broke into Hospital to Rape Woman Giving Birth
4 January
A 38-year-old Somali man has been arrested after attempting to rape a 43-year-old pregnant woman in a hospital in Rome after he was able to sneak into the facility and dress up like a member of staff. The incident occurred at the Sant’Eugenio

Migrants Protest Living Conditions in Italian Mountain Welcome Center
4 January
Dozens of African asylum-seekers took to the streets this week to protest the conditions in their Italian welcome center, including t

Terror Motive Investigated In Ireland Refugee Knife Rampage
4 January
The migrant who went on a deadly knife and iron bar rampage in Ireland yesterday was an Egyptian asylum seeker who called himself Mohamed.

German Government: Rise in Violent Crime Is Linked to Mass Migration
4 January
A study conducted by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs has found a direct correlation between the mass influx of migrants during the migrant crisis and the rising level of violent crime in Germany.

French Car Burning Continues to Rise as Experts Insist the Acts of Arson Are ‘Playful’, Not Political
3 January
Car burnings have become a tradition across France over New Year’s with the latest figures showing an increase in arson, But some experts claim the motive behind the attacks is simple boredom.

Hungary: ‘The Left-Liberal World Has Had Its Day’
3 January
The left-wing, pro-mass migration world has had its day as it is impossible to talk about reality “with pointless political correctness that leads nowhere”, according to Hungary’s government spokesman.

Spate of New Year’s Eve Sex Attacks in Berlin and Cologne
2 January
There has been a spate of sexual assaults on New Year’s Eve in Berlin and Cologne, Germany.

‘Cowardly and Criminal Lynching of Police’: France NYE Mob Attack on Female Officer Caught on Video
2 January
New Year’s Eve celebrations in France led to national outcry after footage of a female police officer being savagely attacked surfaced, among reports that over 1,000 cars were burned overnight and 510 arrests took place.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/28/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Moslem Colonists

Iraqi Troops Report Islamic State ‘Re-emergence’ Where Kurdish Peshmerga Removed
[Breitbart] In an interview with Bas News, Ahmed Askari, a member of the Kurdish-held Kirkuk Provincial Council, dismissed as false the Iraqi military’s allegation of an ISIS re-emergence in northern Iraq, a region primarily controlled by the autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG).

a woman is only as old as she admits...
Kurdistan 24 reports:

Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
(IS) turbans on Saturday launched an attack on an oil field in Kirkuk Province, killing at least two coppers. A security source from Kirkuk said a group of IS forces of Evil attacked the Khabaza oil field in the disputed province, killing at least two coppers and wounding another one.The security source added that police reinforcements were sent to the site of the attack but did not reveal whether any of the oil wells were also targeted by the Lion of Islam group.

Relations between Baghdad and the KRG deteriorated since the Kurds approved an independence referendum in September Iraq 2017, prompting military festivities between the two sides.

Aided by Baghdad-sanctioned Shiite militias affiliated with Iran, the Iraqi military seized Kirkuk last October from the KRG’s Peshmerga forces.

"Since the military takeover of Kirkuk and other disputed territories by Iraqi forces and Hashd al-Shaabi militias, the security situation in the region has tanked," notes Kurdistan 24.

Kurds remain the majority portion of the population of Kirkuk,
... a thick stew of Arabs, Turkmen, Kurds, and probably Antarcticans, all of them mutually hostile most of the time...
also home to Arabs, Turkmen, and Christians.

U.S. and Iraqi officials cautioned that ISIS remains a threat soon after Baghdad declared victory over the terrorist group in December, acknowledging that pockets of the jihadists remained in the country.

In late January, NBC News learned from Hisham al-Hashimi, an adviser to Baghdad in its fight against ISIS, that "while the number of active fighters on the battlefield is probably in the range of 1,000 to 1,500, the actual number of ISIS-loyalists in Iraq and Syria is closer to 10,000."

In its latest World Wide Threat Assessment, the U.S. intelligence community noted:

Over the next year, we expect that ISIS is likely to focus on regrouping in Iraq and Syria, enhancing its global presence, championing its cause, planning international attacks, and encouraging its members and sympathizers to attack in their home countries. ISIS’s claim of having a functioning caliphate that governs populations is all but thwarted.

ISIS core has started‐and probably will maintain‐a robust insurgency in Iraq and Syria as part of a long-term strategy to ultimately enable the reemergence of its so-called caliphate. This activity will challenge local CT [counterterrorism] efforts against the group and threaten US interests in the region. ISIS almost certainly will continue to give priority to transnational terrorist attacks.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/28/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  That's not such a bad thing. The Shiite militias claim that air and arty support from Uncle Sam had nothing to do with their victory over ISIS. Once the US completes its withdrawal, they'll be able to see if the Iraqi Air Force and Army artillery can pick up the slack.
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 02/28/2018 0:06 Comments || Top||

#2  Can we have the surprise meter?
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 02/28/2018 0:54 Comments || Top||

#3  The surrounding states were told that the Kurds Are their only stable link. They are spread too thin to handle this.
Posted by: newc || 02/28/2018 1:29 Comments || Top||

#4  Sort of like Obean removing American troops from Iraq. How'd that work out?
Posted by: Procopius2k || 02/28/2018 10:51 Comments || Top||

#5  Shiite militias, unprofessional at best and bandit mobs at the worst, have trouble doing COIN in Sunni tribal region.
*Wow* Who would predict that? (/s)
Posted by: magpie || 02/28/2018 19:40 Comments || Top||

Two children killed in landmine explosion, west of Anbar
Anbar (IraqiNews.com) Two children were killed as a landmine went kaboom! in west of Anbar, a security source from the province was quoted saying on Tuesday.

"Two children were killed as a landmine went off in Kubeisa city, west of Anbar," the source told Alghad Press.

The landmine, according to the source, was old one
...could be ISIS, could be Al Qaeda in Iraq, could be left over from Saddam Hussein’s defenses against either of the two Bush invasions...
and it went kaboom! as the children were near to it. "Security troops started combing the region in search for other landmines.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/28/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Islamic State provincial commander and mufti arrested in Mosul
djinn-infested Mosul
... the home of a particularly ferocious and hairy djinn...
(IraqiNews.com) Iraqi police jugged
Please don't kill me!
, Tuesday two Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
leaders at the south of Nineveh province’s city of Mosul, a police front man was quoted saying as security continues to hunt for remnant krazed killers.

Mohammed al-Jubouri, front man of the Nineveh police command, was quoted by DPA saying that Islamic State’s "governor of Qayyara" ( a town south of Mosul), Idris (Abu Maryam) al-Kayed, and the group’s regional mufti, Salem (Abu Aesha) al-Luhaibi, were both arrested by the forces upon receiving intelligence information about their presence at an abandoned house.

He said the information was that the pair fled Mosul with fake IDs towards a village in Qayyara.

They had both been behind several beheadings of Iraqi civilians and security members.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/28/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Baghdad Bomb & Bullet Bulletin: 4 good guys shot down, 2 unknowns knifed, 3 kaboomed

Four Sunni fighters killed, injured in Baghdad shooting

Baghdad (Iraqinews.com) – Four Sunni fighters were killed and injured Tuesday after unknown gunmen opened fire at them in northern Baghdad, a security source was quoted as saying.

Speaking to Baghdad Today news website, the source said, “Four fighters of the Sunni Sahwa (awakening) movement were in a car when unidentified gunmen opened fire at them before fleeing the scene.”

“One Sahwa fighter was killed and three others were seriously injured in the shooting,” the source added.

Meanwhile, another security source noted that two people were found dead earlier in the day in southern Baghdad.

“The two are believed to be stabbed to death,” according to the source.

Sahwa fighters have been opposing the violence approach adopted by Islamic State militants in Iraq. to in Iraq’s vast western province of Anbar.

Three people wounded in bomb blast, south of Baghdad

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) Three people were wounded in a bomb explosion in south of Baghdad, a security source was quoted saying on Tuesday.

“A bomb placed on the side of the road in Arab Jabour region in al-Doura, south of Baghdad, exploded in the evening, leaving three people wounded,” the source told Baghdad Today.

“Security troops arrived at the accident spot, while ambulances transferred the wounded to hospital for treatment,” the source, who preferred anonymity, added.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/28/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Two IS members killed in confrontations with Iraqi troops in Kirkuk
Kirkuk (IraqiNews.com) Two Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
members were killed during confrontations with the pro-government troops on Monday evening, west of Kirkuk,
... a thick stew of Arabs, Turkmen, Kurds, and probably Antarcticans, all of them mutually hostile most of the time...
a security source said.

Speaking to Alghad Press, the source said, "festivities occurred in al-Najatiya village, where al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces) are deployed. Two IS members were killed."

The festivities, according to the source, who preferred anonymity, "broke out as PMFs noticed IS turbans who were trying to sneak into the village, taking advantage of the bad weather conditions."

Earlier on Monday, a security source said turbans fired a missile in al-Musalla region in Kirkuk, which was followed by shootout with the troops of the Counter-Terrorism Service.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/28/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Jordan foils IS plot to attack Israeli businessmen, US embassy
[IsraelTimes] Local media says targets of failed 17-member terror cell also included a church, a French institute and a private TV channel

A terror cell affiliated with the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
jihadist group planned to attack Israeli businessmen, the US embassy in Jordan and other Western and Jordanian targets in Amman, the country’s daily Al Rai newspaper revealed on Tuesday.

Jordan’s security forces uncovered the plot last November and nabbed
Keep yer hands where we can see 'em, if yez please!
17 members of the terror cell before they were able to carry out the attacks, the report said.

It said the targets chosen by the murderous Moslems also included the French Institute of Jordan, the private Ro’ya TV channel, a nightclub, tunnels belonging to the country’s Phosphate Company, and a church.

The Israeli businessmen who were slated to be attacked had repeatedly visited a local clothing factory, the report added.

The terror cell, it said, was divided into three groups. The first group’s mission was to preview the targets, the second was to provide technical support and carry out minor attacks, and the third would carry out major attacks and suicide kabooms.

The main suspect was said to have been inspired by Mahmoud al Masharfeh, who carried out a suicide kaboom that killed five Jordanian intelligence officers north of Amman in 2016. Al Masharfeh, too, belonged to Islamic State.

The main suspect, whose identity was not released, planned to carry out a similar attack against a Jordanian intelligence office with automatic rifles and pistols he managed to obtain.

He reportedly first had the idea of forming a terror cell in 2016. His goal was to undermine Jordan’s national security and pave the way for the Islamic State terror group to gain a foothold in the kingdom, the report said.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/28/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Shots fired at army position north of Jerusalem
[IsraelTimes] No injuries in incident outside al-Bireh; troops searching the area for perpetrators

Shots were fired Tuesday night at an IDF position in the central West Bank, causing neither injury nor damage, the army said.

The military said soldiers found a number of shells near the army post outside al-Bireh, north of Jerusalem.

"Troops are searching the area," the army said.

Paleostinian groups have called for festivities with Israeli forces to protest the US administration’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and relocate the US embassy to the city.

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman said Tuesday that Israel’s security forces thwarted between 20 and 30 terror attacks in the West Bank each week over the past few months.

The Israeli army said Sunday it would impose a closure on the West Bank for the duration of Purim, between Tuesday night and Saturday night, as is standard practice during festivals and holidays.

The move follows a review of the security situation and is dependent on government approval.

Liberman: Security forces foil 20-30 terror attacks each week

[IsraelTimes] Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman said Tuesday that Israel’s security forces thwarted between 20 and 30 terror attacks in the West Bank each week over the past few months.

“In the Central Command, and especially in the area of Hebron
...Hamas Central in the West Bank...
’s old city, a large-scale operation to thwart [attacks] has been undertaken in recent months — between 20 and 30 each week — in response to an increasing effort by terrorist forces,” Liberman said during a tour of Hebron.

“The vast majority of terror attacks we have succeeded in severing, thanks to high-quality intelligence, an intelligent troop deployment and advanced technologies,” he said.

The ever-volatile West Bank city where the defense minister made his remarks is home to over 200,000 Palestinians and a few hundred Jewish settlers, as well as the Tomb of the Patriarchs pilgrimage site, according to tradition the burial place of several biblical patriarchs and matriarchs.

The restive Hebron has been the site of numerous attacks against Israeli troops and civilians in recent years, and is also the hometown of many terrorists who carried out attacks elsewhere in the West Bank and Israel.

Many analysts ascribe this to the constant friction between Palestinians and Israeli troops, which does not take place inside other Palestinian cities; Hebron is the only one in which Israeli settlers also live and thus requires a constant military presence.
Israel won. Get over it.
During his tour of the security arrangements in the city, Liberman was also shown the results of a joint army-police raid from earlier that morning in which Israeli troops seized a Kalashnikov assault rifle, two handguns, ammunition and other military gear.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/28/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

Rantburg Exclusive: SDF Afrin Battle Field Combat Report 2/27/2018, U.S. General Votel, Selah Moslim

Syrian Defense Forces Statement: Despite the UN Security Council Resolution 2401, which obligates all parties to stop hostilities, the Turkish state continues to violate international resolutions and targets our people in Afrin with various types of weapons and air raids, which expose our people to systematic annihilation, therefore, our force forces are obliged to defend himself and repel the Turkish attacks. the following is the outcome of repelling Turkish attacks:

1‐ Sharrah: our forces engaged with the Turkish invasion army and its terrorist factions (Daesh/Al-Nusra) in the vicinity of Omera village and the surrounding hills. The engagements resulted in clearing the hills of the terrorists and the liberation of the village causing heavy casualties within the ranks of the invaders.

Since the early hours of this morning, the Turkish occupation army and terrorist factions have shelled indiscriminately the Omera village and the surrounding hills, where the shelling is still ongoing until writing this report.

2‐ Mabatah: yesterday, our forces engaged with the Turkish invasion army and its terrorist factions in the vicinity of Gawrika village. According to our fighters from the battlefield, 4 members of the enemy were killed.

3‐ Shiyeh (Shaikh Hadid): the villages of Sinarah and Anqalah were targets for the Turkish attacks since three days, where the attacks lasted until last night. Our forces could end the attacks and retaliate enemy last night at 11 pm. It is worth noting that these attacks were accompanied by Turkish airstrikes and artillery shelling.

During last night’s clashes, 7 Turkish soldiers were killed. It is worth mentioning that the preliminary statistics for the enemy losses are 40 dead and 55 wounded, in addition to the destruction of 4 military vehicles and 2 tanks.

4‐ Jinderes: the Turkish invasion army and its terrorist factions are shelling the downtown of Jinderes and Yalanquz village. The initial death result of the shelling is 2 civilians martyred and 3 wounded, where the shelling is still ongoing until writing this report.

Also Jinderes town was a target for the Turkish hovercrafts since last night.

In Hekij village, our forces destroyed 2 bulldozers for the Turkish army.

5‐ Raju: Women’s Protection Units engaged with the Turkish invasion army and its terrorist factions in Mesiki village. The engagements let to the destruction of 2 military vehicles and killing everybody inside.

6‐ Sherawa: the Turkish invasion army and its terrorist factions shelled indiscriminately Jalamah village, where many shells landed on the populated areas.


There are several videos coming out each day of the YPG striking Erdogan's military vehicles or troop areas, I only select one each day.

Syrian Kurdish leader Selah Moslim arrested by the Czech authorities was released today by a Czech court:

Tools of a Turkish assassin's trade as they track Kurds such as Selah Moslim in Europe:

General Votel of the U.S. Military testifies on Capital Hill in support of the SDF/YPG/YPJ regarding Turkey's aggression.

Posted by: Ulaigum Ebbineng7056 || 02/28/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

#1  YPG/YPJ taking out Turk armor at Jandaris.

Posted by: Ulaigum Ebbineng7056 || 02/28/2018 7:52 Comments || Top||

UN links North Korea to Syria's chemical weapons programme
NYTimes source
[StraitsTimes] North Korea has been shipping supplies to the Syrian government that could be used in the production of chemical weapons, United Nations experts contend.

The evidence of a North Korean connection comes as the United States and other countries have accused the Syrian government of using chemical weapons on civilians, including recent attacks on civilians in the Damascus suburb of eastern Ghouta using what appears to have been chlorine gas.

The supplies from North Korea include acid-resistant tiles, valves and thermometers, according to a report by UN investigators. North Korean missile technicians have also been spotted working at known chemical weapons and missile facilities inside Syria, according to the report, which was written by a panel of experts who looked at North Korea's compliance with UN sanctions.

The report highlights the potential danger posed by any such trade between Syria and North Korea, which could allow Syria to maintain its chemical weapons while also providing North Korea with cash for its nuclear and missile programmes.

The possible chemical weapons components were part of at least 40 previously unreported shipments by North Korea to Syria between 2012 and 2017 of prohibited ballistic missile parts and materials that could be used for both military and civilian purposes, according to the report, which has not been publicly released but which was reviewed by The New York Times.

Neither the report's authors nor members of the UN Security Council who have seen it would comment, and neither would the US mission to the international agency.

It is unclear when, or even whether, the report will be released.
Posted by: Frank G || 02/28/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Commies

Terror Networks
US designates 'Daesh-Egypt', other ISIS affiliates as terrorist groups
[AlAhram] The US Department of State designated on Wednesday "ISIS-Egypt" as a terrorist group as part of new designations of ISIS groups and individuals in several countries, saying it will continue to target ISIS and "deny it access to the US financial system."

The designation also included 40 ISIS leaders and groups in Tunisia, Somalia, Nigeria, Bangladesh and the Philippines.

"These designations are part of a larger comprehensive plan to defeat [ISIS] in coordination with the 75-member global coalition to defeat the group," a statement said.

The ISIS-Egypt group has grabbed credit for terrorist attacks in Egypt's Wahat region, the Nile Delta and Upper Egypt.

ISIS-Egypt most recently claimed an attack by a gunman on a Coptic church in Helwan, south of Cairo, which killed nine people in December.

In April 2014, the US designated the North Sinai-based ISIS affiliate Ansar Beit al-Maqdis as a terrorist organization.

In January, the US State Department placed on its terror list two other Egyptian terrorist groups, Hasm and Lewaa al-Thawra
...The Revolution Brigade, which along with Hasm (Decisiveness or Determination) is one of the fighting arms of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, established to fight back against the overthrow of President Morsi...
, which Egyptian authorities have linked to the Moslem Brüderbund organization.

Manila Hails US Move to Blacklist Local IS-Linked Groups

[AnNahar] The Philippines hailed on Wednesday Washington's decision to blacklist two local pro-Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
groups, including one which occupied the southern city of Marawi last year, triggering a months-long battle.

The US State Department and the Department of Treasury designated the Maute group and the Dawlatul Islamiyah Waliyatul Masrik as "terrorist organizations" on Tuesday, blocking US-based assets belonging to them or their supporters and barring Americans from dealing with them.

"The (move) is an affirmation of what Philippine authorities already know -- that the Maute Group and the Dawlah-Islamiya are terrorist groups that need to be dealt with decisively using the full force of the law," a statement by the defence ministry in Manila said.

"They will be denied access to the US financial system and will face sanctions as may be deemed appropriate, making it more difficult for them to conduct their activities in the Philippines and abroad."

Militants from the Maute group were routed from Marawi last October after a five-month battle sparked by its bid to establish an IS caliphate in the largely Catholic country's southern Mindanao region.

The US, a long-time defence ally, helped Philippine forces with intelligence input, including reconnaissance flights, during the fighting which claimed more than 1,100 lives and reduced large parts of the city to rubble.

However the Philippine military warned last week that remaining members of the group have recruited about 200 button men to mount another attempt.

The Dawlatul Islamiyah, or Dawlah-Islamiya as designated by the Philippine defence ministry, is a smaller faction also based in Mindanao.

"We are profoundly committed to preventing ISIS from gaining (a) foothold in the Philippines and in Southeast Asia, and we should continue working together on this objective," Philippine Foreign Undersecretary Ernesto Abella told news hounds, using an acronym for IS.

Brigadier-General Bienvenido Datuin, front man for the Philippine military, said the US move would boost local counter-terrorism efforts.

"(A) specific advantage... is the checking of money trail, financial sources, logistics lines and conduits of terror groups in foreign countries that may have connections with local violent myrmidons," he said.

Other armed Philippine groups that have made the US terror blacklist in previous years include the New People's Army, waging a decades-old Maoist armed rebellion, and the Abu Sayyaf
...also known as al-Harakat al-Islamiyya, an Islamist terror group based in Jolo, Basilan and Zamboanga. Since its inception in the early 1990s, the group has carried out bombings, kidnappings, murders, head choppings, and extortion in their uniquely Islamic attempt to set up an independent Moslem province in the Philippines. Abu Sayyaf forces probably number less than 300 cadres. The group is closely allied with remnants of Indonesia's Jemaah Islamiya and has loose ties with MILF and MNLF who sometimes provide cannon fodder...
, which linked up with the Maute button men in Marawi last year.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/28/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

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Two weeks of WOT
Wed 2018-02-28
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Mon 2018-02-26
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