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Apologies in advance...
I've got a few changes to make, so I apologize in advance for screwing up paging. I should have it under control in an hour or two...
Posted by: Fred || 02/20/2005 7:08:39 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Uh oh. He's got the toolbox out again...
Posted by: Seafarious || 02/20/2005 19:59 Comments || Top||

#2  So... anyone hear ever read The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag?
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 02/20/2005 21:39 Comments || Top||

#3  Something in my dead brain cells recognizes that title.
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 02/20/2005 21:47 Comments || Top||

#4  There's suddenly a "page 3" option available... is it safe to use yet?
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 02/20/2005 22:26 Comments || Top||

#5  Not quite yet...
Posted by: Fred || 02/20/2005 22:38 Comments || Top||

#6  I seem to recall that as a Heinlein book . . . the plot escapes me, though . . .give a reminder?
Posted by: Jame Retief || 02/20/2005 23:46 Comments || Top||

#7  Is it soup yet?

Jame: It's a short story, with an ending scarier than many entire novels by Stephen King. You'll know what I mean when you see it.

Fred: is it safe to post to Page 2, at least, even if Nuggets From Pravda isn't all War On Terror?
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 02/20/2005 23:52 Comments || Top||

Kuwaitis Arrest Two Terror Suspects
Kuwaiti police Saturday arrested two men wanted for allegedly being connected to a terror group planning to attack Americans and Kuwaiti security forces, an Interior Ministry official said. The men surrendered peacefully in a Kuwait City suburb, the official said on condition of anonymity. He would not identify them except to say they were Kuwaitis. Since Jan. 10, four policemen and eight suspected terrorists have been killed in clashes around the country. A group of Muslim extremists is suspected of planning to attack American civilians living in Kuwait and members of the U.S. military stationed here or on their way to Iraq. Kuwait's state security apparatus also was a target, authorities said. The alleged ringleader of the group, Amer al-Enezi, died of a heart attack while in custody, authorities said.
Posted by: Fred || 02/20/2005 12:08:49 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Irish cops find Belfast bank money - in the restroom of their own club!
Some of the money stolen in December during a Northern Ireland bank heist worth $50 million was found in the restrooms of a Belfast country club run by police, Northern Ireland authorities said Saturday. Police said currency worth $95,000 was abandoned Friday in five packages and discovered after an anonymous tipster called the police-complaints authority in the British territory. In a statement, the Police Service of Northern Ireland said they suspected that whoever planted the money in the New Forge country club did so "in an effort to distract the police from investigating the Northern Bank robbery." A detective in Belfast, speaking to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity, said the money was unlikely to produce any leads in the hunt for the alleged Irish Republican Army gang responsible for the Dec. 20 heist - the biggest cash heist in history.

In the neighboring Republic of Ireland, more than 100 detectives spent a third day scouring piles of cash, financial records and computers seized in raids nationwide against suspected IRA money launderers. The swoops netted about $4.75 million in cash, most of which was found in the County Cork home of private banker Ted Cunningham. He walked free from a Cork police station Saturday after two days' interrogation, but police said they were preparing a file of evidence against him to send to state prosecutors, a process that could take weeks. A Republic of Ireland detective involved in the raids told the AP on condition of anonymity that police were close to confirming that at least one consignment of cash seized Wednesday night came from the raid on the Northern Bank.

Most of the cash worth $115,000 that was found in a house in the Douglas suburb of Cork City consisted of newly printed British bank notes bearing the Northern Bank's own design. They appeared to bear serial numbers matching those of stolen notes, he said. Such a confirmation would be the first public breakthrough for police since a well-organized gang took the families of two key Northern Bank employees hostage and forced them to clear out the bank's central vault. Since then, money-laundering authorities across Europe have been keeping an eye out for any large transactions involving British currency, particularly any bearing Northern Bank designs. About two-thirds of the money stolen was new Northern Bank notes.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/20/2005 12:47:33 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Hide in plain sight!
Posted by: BigEd || 02/20/2005 23:57 Comments || Top||

Caribbean-Latin America
Colombia's Army: Up to 80 Rebels Killed
Posted by: Fred || 02/20/2005 12:10:01 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  that's called "a good start"
Posted by: Frank G || 02/20/2005 13:39 Comments || Top||

#2  Chavez is a disaster for Venezuela, and a danger for Columbia, Guyana and the U.S.
A typical central/south american a-hole dictator, the likes of which the U.S. used to support, but has not for many a year.
Chavez is a buffoon who's weekly rants on tv may eventually show enough of him to his supporters for them to realize that he has nothing to offer them but bluster, bombast and threats.
In the meanwhile, press freedom is over, and even bloggers are living in fear.
Posted by: Glomosing Cramble5997 || 02/20/2005 16:31 Comments || Top||

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Russian Forces Kill Holed-Up Militants Terrorists Snuffies
Now they're just holed:
Security forces on Sunday stormed an apartment building in southern Russia where a small group of suspected Islamic militants had barricaded themselves, killing all the rebels, police said. A heavy firefight broke out early Sunday morning and security forces then entered the apartment building, said an officer in the Interior Ministry department in Nalchik, the capital of Kabardino-Balkariya, where the day-old standoff came to an end. He said it was not yet known how many militants had been in the apartment. The alleged militants had been holed up inside a second-floor apartment in the latest in a series of confrontations between law-enforcement authorities and alleged extremists in the volatile North Caucasus region, which includes Chechnya.
"Alleged" are they? If Al-Socialist Press cannot bring itself to tell the non-Orwellian truth, that these are Islamic terrorists, they could at least acknowledge that people who barricade themselves in an apartment and shoot it out with security forces are definitely pretty militant.
Last month, security forces killed seven alleged Islamic extremists in the same city in a two-day battle with members of the so-called Yarmuk group.
More "alleged" and "so-called."
A duty officer at the southern district office of the Interior Ministry said Saturday that at least three suspects were inside the apartment. He said the suspects were believed to be lightly armed, and discussions aimed at their surrender had been conducted Saturday. Russia's NTV television reported, however, that the suspects were refusing to negotiate. Yarmuk is a radical Islamic group affiliated with Chechen baby-killer warlord Shamil Basayev. It was blamed in a December attack on an office belonging to the Federal Drug Control in Nalchik, when raiders killed four of the agency's employees, looted its arsenal and set the office ablaze.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 02/20/2005 5:05:09 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  EEEK!
Forgot the link:
Las Vegas Sun-AP
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 02/20/2005 5:22 Comments || Top||

#2  Search for a Russian produced video called "Dogs of War"...this video was given to Russian conscript troops destined for Chechnya in order to give them some understanding of their alleged, so-called enemy (tongue firmly in cheek)

The video shows Chechen and Arab terrorist-produced kidnapping-videos where multiple victims plead for their lives, ask for someone to save them, and are then savagely murdered. (And you thought Daniel Pearl and Nicholas Berg were the first ones? This is not new to those animals.)

This video proves that Russians have been dealing with those monsters for a long time now. I have a copy, but I can't give it out (can't tell you why or I would have to kill you ;)

Suffice it to say that this video would interest the uninitiated and certainly make others realize that Islamo-fascists are a plague on the earth and must be dealt with accordingly.
Posted by: Angash Slalet3997 || 02/20/2005 10:43 Comments || Top||

Bad guys hole up at apartment block in Nalchik. Again.
Russian police have laid siege to an apartment block in the country's turbulent south, saying militants fighting for the independence of Chechnya are holed up inside, Russian media report. Police were talking with the militants in the centre of the Caucasus city of Nalchik in the Kabardino-Balkariya region, about 150km west of Chechnya, Interfax news agency said on Saturday. "We are talking about members of illegal armed formations which took part in different terror acts and military actions on the territory of Chechnya," Interfax quoted Kabardino-Balkariya Prosecutor General Yuri Ketov as saying.

Itar-Tass news agency said the house was surrounded by about 100 police and armoured vehicles. "We are not talking about storming the apartment block," the agency quoted an Interior Ministry official as saying. In earlier raids yesterday, police detained three suspects and seized guns, grenades and "extremist literature", an Interior Ministry spokeswoman said. In late January, police stormed another apartment block in Nalchik and killed seven suspected militants inside. Nalchik lies in the foothills of Mount Elbrus, Europe's highest mountain, and the rugged terrain provides a wealth of hiding places within a few hours' drive from Chechnya, where Russian troops have been fighting rebels for a decade.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/20/2005 12:22:34 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Turchayev bio
Yunadi Turchayev, so-called "emir of Grozny" and the right hand of separatist leaders Shamil Basayev and Aslan Maskhadov, who was eliminated yesterday, planned to perpetrate a terror act in Grozny on February 23, the regional operational HQ for the antiterrorist operation in the North Caucasus informed RIA Novosti on Saturday. "Not long ago Turchayev came from abroad, where he had been instructed and funded to carry out a series of major terror acts in Chechnya and other regions of Russia. He planned to perpetrate a terror act in Grozny on February 23," a source in the HQ was quoted as saying.

Turchayev, 33 years old, was eliminated by a patrol of the Chechen Interior Ministry on February 18. The terrorist commanded the so-called Islamic regiment and coordinated actions of terrorists in Grozny and the republic's central part, RIA Novosti's interlocutor said. Also, Turchayev was involved in the arrangement of the attack on Grozny on August 19, 2004, the Chechen Interior Ministry told RIA Novosti. According to preliminary information, the eliminated militant was involved in a number of terror acts, including that of June 7, 2002, when his armed group blew up a ZIL-131 truck on the Grozny-Baky motorway, killing two and injuring three men. Beside, Turchayev was one of the organizers of a terror act in Grozny on September 20, 2002, when police officers were injured in a car explosion.

"Moreover, he was involved in a murder of Magomed-Said Vakhayev, Deputy Head of the Urus-Martan Interior Department, on November 17, 2002. On December 3, 2002 Turchayev's gang killed Head of the Criminal Police of the Urus-Martan Interior Department Khalkayev," the source in the regional department reported. Turchayev's gang was reported to have attacked the car of head of the Kulary village administration Ibragimov in September 2003, killing two men. According to the HQ, the group also carried out a raid to Ingushetia in June 2004 and a sally in Grozny on August 21, 2004. "Turchayev's group members recruited young men into illegal armed formations. By Maskhadov's instructions Arab mercenary Abu-Omar funded this activity," the HQ source was quoted as saying.
This article starring:
ABU OMARChechnya
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/20/2005 12:21:16 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Southeast Asia
JI trying to unite Filippino rebels
Monday's terrorist attacks in Makati, Davao and General Santos cities have thrust the Jemaah Islamiah into the limelight again.

The country's security authorities strongly suspect that the near-simultaneous bombings were orchestrated by the JI, using its links with such terrorist groups as the Abu Sayyaf and Balik Islam.

As an integral part of the al-Qaeda network in Southeast Asia, the Jemaah Islamiah is believed to be trying to bring other rebel groups in Mindanao under its sphere of influence.

The JI has long been suspected of having forged an alliance with the Abu Sayyaf, the most active terror group operating in the country.

There are reports that it has brought into its fold Balik Islam members and is trying to forge a pact with Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) guerrillas who remain loyal to Nur Misuari.

With the exception of the New People's Army, JI has now access to all rebel forces operating in Mindanao and has given them technical and even financial support.

JI is one of the most active terrorist organizations operating in Southeast Asia and has been blamed for several bombings in the past.

The group, founded in the late seventies in Indonesia, has a long-term goal of establishing a Pan-Islamic state in the region.

JI's network covers Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines and possibly Thailand.

It established its roots in the Philippines in the mid-nineties by forging an alliance with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, which has fighting for an independent Islamic state in Mindanao.

Through the years the MILF has provided JI operatives safe haven and a place where they could train their members in guerrilla warfare and explosives handling.

JI has also helped train MILF fighters in bomb making and has even provided technical and financial assistance to MILF missions.

With the MILF deep in peace talks with the Philippine government, the JI has been forced to expand its network in Mindanao.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/20/2005 12:24:08 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Cops closing in on Makati boomers
Police are closing in on two of the three suspects in the Valentine's Day bombing in Makati City that killed four people and wounded 103 others.

The Philippine National Police chief, Director General Edgar B. Aglipay, said after a meeting Saturday with the Southern Police District director, Chief Supt. Wilfredo Garcia, in Camp Crame that the arrest of the suspects is imminent.

Aglipay said the PNP knows the suspects' identities and whereabouts. He would not give further details, for fear of compromising the manhunt.

"We have to get more evidence and look deeper into the incident. We want to make sure we are arresting the right people," he said in an interview.

Information on the suspects was provided by a man who turned himself in after his conscience troubled him.

Earlier, the Metro Manila police chief, Director Avelino I. Razon Jr., said the witness, who was identified only as Francisco, is very credible and knew about past operations of the group that carried out the attack.

Razon would not give details on the three suspects except to say that they "are not foreigners."

The Department of National Defense declined comment on speculations that the bomb used in the Makati bombing might have come from the military.

Defense Secretary Avelino Cruz asked for patience, saying it is better for everybody to wait for the result of the police investigation instead of indulging in wild guesses.

"We should not speculate. Let us give the police more leeway to gather enough evidence and complete their investigation," Cruz told reporters.

He said the Armed Forces has no plans to do an inventory on its supplies and will wait for the results of the police investigation.

Traces of TNT and the plastic explosive C-4 were found at the scene of the bombing near the intersection of Ayala Avenue and EDSA.

Cruz said the explosives, like TNT, could come from many sources, not only the military, and that if investigators can find the serial number of the bomb used in Makati it can easily be traced from its source.

He said action would be taken if the results of the investigation showed that the bomb or its components came from the military.

Garcia had linked the Makati bombing to the discovery of bomb components in Parañaque City, 10 hours before the blast.

He said four dynamite sticks, C-4 and blasting caps were found Monday morning in front of Triumph Co., on East Service Road in Barangay Martin de Porres.

The explosives were in a plastic bag left by two men on a motorcycle.

"The explosives in Parañaque were intended for another bombing, but we were able to prevent it. Had the suspects managed to detonate the explosives, it would have caused a much bigger blast than that in Makati," Garcia said.

The three bombings have been claimed by the Abu Sayyaf, an armed Muslim militant group engaged in bombings and kidnappings in Mindanao. It is on the US State Department's blacklist of "foreign terrorist organizations."

The group firebombed a passenger ferry on Manila Bay nearly a year ago, killing more than 100 people in the deadliest terrorist attack in the country.

An Abu Sayyaf spokesman earlier said the Valentine's Day bombings were to avenge an offensive against Muslim rebels in Jolo.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/20/2005 12:25:04 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Thai bombmaker escapes police dragnet
Thai police narrowly missed catching the suspected maker of the first car bomb to explode in a year-long separatist uprising in the Muslim-majority far south, a senior police official said on Saturday.

The 36-year-old Muslim man ran off when police raided his house on Friday afternoon, but the makings of bombs were found there and in an adjacent house, Lieutenant-General Tani Twidsi told Reuters.

Four sticks of C4 plastic explosive were found in one house, and four bags of urea fertiliser, the main ingredient in the car bomb which killed six people and wounded a dozen in nearby Sungai Kolok on Thursday, were found in the other, he said.

A younger brother, later taken for questioning by the army along with his mother, said the explosives and fertiliser belonged to his older brother, said Tani, the deputy commander of police in the south.

"We've been keeping a close eye on him for more than a week" because he was a former communist who had a reputation as a bomb maker, he said.

On Friday, police arrested a man near Sungai Kolok in a stolen car heading for the nearby Malaysian border and said he was also a suspect in the bombing.

here have been different theories about which group might have ordered the latest bombing, the worst since the violence began in the provinces of Pattan, Yala and Narathiwat.

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who has refused to consider separatist calls while promising aid and development to those shunning the rebel movement, said it was planted by relatives of hunted militant leaders.

General Sonthi Boonyakarin, a top army commander in the region, said the Barisan Revolusi Nasional, or National Revolution Front, a group fighting the government, was responsible.

But the governor of Narathiwat province said he was not so sure there was no foreign involvement.

The attack on Sungai Kolok, a Narathiwat border town that draws tourists with its bars and brothels, worried neighbouring Malaysia and Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak said southern Thailand was dangerous and Malaysians should not go there.

"We are certainly worried about the latest development," the national Bernama news agency quoted him as saying.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/20/2005 12:12:07 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Everywhere there is Muslims, there is trouble. Thai authorities were facing 5 hits a day, last week. Its time to beat down these mutts, and do some cross-border work in the Malaysian pig-pen.
Posted by: IToldYouSo || 02/20/2005 4:24 Comments || Top||

Jolo fighting continues with 3 Filippinos killed, 1 wounded
Three soldiers were killed and one wounded in a clash yesterday with suspected members of the al-Qaeda-linked Abu Sayyaf group in the strife-torn Philippine island of Jolo, a military task force commander said. The clash comes just days after about 2,000 soldiers overran the headquarters of Muslim rebel leader Habier Malik in Panamao town in Jolo following some 10 days of fighting which claimed the lives of 25 soldiers and some 70 to 100 of Malik's men.

Troops were securing a road in Indanan town in the southern island when they encountered the members of the Abu Sayyaf, a feared Muslim kidnapping and bombing gang, said Brigadier General Agustin Dema-ala. The Abu Sayyaf suffered an undetermined number of casualties, he said. Dema-ala said the clash came as the military was re-positioning some of its forces from Panamao town, Malik's stronghold, to other parts of Jolo island where the Abu Sayyaf are based.

Malik, a respected religious leader and loyal follower of jailed Muslim rebel and politician Nur Misuari, mounted attacks on military outposts in Jolo on Feb. 6. He was backed by members of Misuari's old guerrilla group, the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) but Abu Sayyaf fighters also took part in some of the fighting, the military has said. Dema-ala said Malik did not want to be linked to the Abu Sayyaf who are known mainly for kidnapping for ransom and bomb attacks, but some of Malik's men had "dual personalities," easily switching their affiliation with the Abu Sayyaf, Dema-ala said.

An Abu Sayyaf spokesman said his group was responsible for a series of bombing attacks in Manila and the southern cities of General Santos and Davao on Feb. 14 that claimed about 10 lives and left about 100 injured in retaliation for the military attack on Malik's MNLF forces. Dema-ala said two battalions of Marines had been left in Panamao to deal with Malik's forces but that the other troops were being sent to go after the Abu Sayyaf, who are largely based in Indanan. "Our offensive against them continues. We really plan to finish them off," the general said.
This article starring:
Brigadier General Agustin Dema-ala
HABIER MALIKMoro National Liberation Front
Abu Sayyaf
Moro National Liberation Front
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/20/2005 12:07:03 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Terror Networks & Islam
Qaeda's Zawahri Says West Must End Attacks on Islam
DUBAI (Reuters) - Al Qaeda's deputy leader said in a videotape broadcast on Sunday that governments could not stop al Qaeda attacks and that the security of the West depended on respect for Islam and an end to aggression against Muslims.
respect must be earned, not demanded

Ayman al-Zawahri said in the tape aired by satellite channel Al Jazeera that the "new crusader campaign" -- al Qaeda's term for the U.S.-led "war on terrorism" -- would end in defeat.
didn't the last crusades end the dark ages and produce the renaissance? I don't see this being appreciably different. Maybe the arab world will finally come out of the dark ages.

The Arabic television channel said the tape, which was not dated, was new. That was not immediately possible to verify. It did not mention recent events such as last month's elections in Iraq.
'course not. too many arabs actually like the idea of elections. al-z wouldn't win too many over by spewing vile against that.

Osama bin Laden's right hand man, who was wearing a white turban and seated with a machinegun next to him, said his comments came three years after the first prisoners were taken from Afghanistan to the U.S. Naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
and 3 1/2 years after Sept 11.

"If you Western nations believe that these carton governments will protect you from our responses then you are deluded. Your real security lies in cooperating with the Muslim nation on the basis of respect and ending aggression," said the bearded and bespectacled Zawahri in the broadcast excerpts.
sounds desperate. if this was their position all along, explain Sept 11.

"Your new crusader campaign will end, God willing, in defeat as did those that preceded it but after the deaths of tens of thousands, the destruction of your economy and exposing you in the pages of history," he added.
Allah hasn't been all that "willing" to help him out, recently. don't know if he's noticed.


In Washington, a U.S. intelligence source said it was too early to make a determination on the tape's authenticity, adding: "We will certainly be looking very closely at it."

The Egyptian militant said U.S. calls for democracy in the Middle East were a farce after allegations of abuse of prisoners in Iraq, Afghanistan and in Guantanamo Bay, which holds hundreds of suspects detained during the 2001 U.S.-led war to oust al Qaeda and the ruling Taliban from Afghanistan and in other operations.
it pales in comparison to what we COULD do. or what arab despots do, regularly. Anyway, even the victims of the abuse would rather have gone through that than have been beheaded on tape. go on. ask 'em.

"It has been three years since the first group of Muslim prisoners were sent to Guantanamo prison ... One may ask why all this interest in Guantanamo when our countries are filled with a thousand Guantanamos under U.S. observation," he said.

"It is because it exposes the truth of reform and democracy that America claims it aims to spread in our countries.

"The reform which emerges from U.S. prisons like Bagram, Kandahar, Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, and from the launch of cluster bombs and rockets and the appointment of the likes of (Afghanistan's President Hamid) Karzai and (Iraqi interim Prime Minister Iyad) Allawi," he said.

Zawahri and bin Laden, believed to be hiding in the border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan, have eluded capture since the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, carried out by al Qaeda.

The last videotape from Zawahri was aired in November, warning that al Qaeda would continue to attack the United States until Washington changed its policies toward the Muslim world.
we will. over his dead body.
Posted by: PlanetDan || 02/20/2005 7:58:21 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "But we're not F*&king DONE A-hole!"
Posted by: Frank G || 02/20/2005 21:06 Comments || Top||

#2  Z-man doesn't have a whole lot left to say, does he?
Posted by: Matt || 02/20/2005 21:55 Comments || Top||

#3  How come no words from OBL? He didn't have anything to say after the vote, either.
Posted by: anonymous2u || 02/20/2005 22:25 Comments || Top||

#4  Please note: "...Your new crusader campaign will end, God willing, in defeat as did those that preceded it but after the deaths of tens of thousands..." This is a critically important statement, because it says that this guy doesn't have the slightest clue who he's dealing with, here. Some years ago, I talked with some technically (electronics) educated Lebanese Arabs. They let slip that they believed that *most* of the US defense budget was spent on weapons for Israel. They had seen the Israeli military in operation and were utterly amazed and distraught by its size and power, which could *only* exist if they had a vast amount of wealth to buy it--and that if America would just stop funding Israel, then they would be on an equal footing with the Arabs who live around them. Now, despite my best efforts to convince them that any monies sent from the US are the tiniest of fractions of the money we spend on defense, they would not, could not change their beliefs. The alternative, that the Israelis were leaps and bounds ahead of them, was unacceptable. Now, concerning this luser, I would hazard to guess that, having cut off about 3" of the tip of the end of one of Cthulu's tentacles, he thinks that he is well on the way to slaughtering the destroyer of worlds. I would propose that he is in for some seriously rude awakenings. He really has no grasp that when the US involves itself in a real war, killing ten thousand of the enemy is nothing, even a hundred thousand, or hundreds of thousands. In a real knock down and drag out, the US would be prepared for the death of millions, and would come back for more, as we have done in the past. This twerp really has no clue, no clue at all.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 02/20/2005 22:53 Comments || Top||

#5  Even with Afghanistan and Iraq right in front of his nose. And we're talking smackdowns. None of the 'Nam Era Russian stalemate blah blah blah. Wham! Next. If only we had such Presidents every time...
Posted by: .com || 02/20/2005 23:03 Comments || Top||

Fantastic Fallujah Footage
HT Don Sensing at One Hand Clapping, which is for sale.

Somebody had entirely too much time on his hands aftere this battle.

My last link doesn't show up in the title and it's short, so here it is in clear
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 02/20/2005 2:57:59 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Awesome - killer production! Thx, Mrs D!

I have this funny feeling that this would (should) scare the living shit out of anyone who's stupid enough to wear a Kick Me sign. The wrong end of an M1A2? Right, yewbetcha... you can only make that mistake once. Next!

I have to admit, I like the connotations of Sparta that these pieces, getting a good close-up view of our military, invoke in me. Hell, I don't know why I said it that way. I am happy and proud to say that I like the... Yeah, that's closer to home. These people just rock.
Posted by: .com || 02/20/2005 16:17 Comments || Top||

#2  Excellent sound track as well.
Posted by: whitecollar redneck || 02/20/2005 17:41 Comments || Top||

#3  The first bitorrent seed puked an error the second one worked. It's a a very nice MM presentation if you have broadband download it.
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 02/20/2005 19:06 Comments || Top||

#4  Or if they had the good sense to offer the DL without forcing a Bit Torrent client to get it.

I have it on an FTP, but I won't post it openly on RB. If anyone wants access without the Bit Torrent Bullshit, which did not DL any faster than a straight DL, BTW, we can prolly hook up via someone I trust who's willing to pass along the FTP login info. Post a request on this thread and we'll see if some middleman will handle it for me.
Posted by: .com || 02/20/2005 19:22 Comments || Top||

#5  If you don't know, some of these guys got to Germany today -- 20th.. RedSix6 did.

Also, if you haven't read all his writings about the Battle of Fallujah -- well, get a cold one, and settle back. These guys are incredible -- from the sleeping on their tanks the night before, to their finds of weapons.

Also -- RedSix got a REAL Siver Star!
Posted by: Sherry || 02/20/2005 19:24 Comments || Top||

#6  I'll seed it for the next day or 2.
Posted by: JerseyMike || 02/20/2005 19:40 Comments || Top||

#7  Bittorerent is SLOWER. it's supposed to be that way by spreading the load. There is no server except for the seed. I have downloaded my last 2 copies of Mandrake Linux that way (multi CD.) If you want to wait you can get them via FTP or HTML download that is weeks after the release to Mandrake Club members like. Bitorrent is a cheap way to distribue files by sharing bandwidth. It's not the faster or best.

I am a sponger anyway. I don't open any ports in my firewwall to allow anyone to get data from.
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 02/20/2005 20:15 Comments || Top||

The Ambulance Bomb
Posted by: legolas || 02/20/2005 09:21 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Hama rules, indeed. See "Fallujah"
Posted by: Frank G || 02/20/2005 10:22 Comments || Top||

#2  "The walls will be bare but for a banner with the words 'Allah is Great' opposite a video camera whose tripod legs are protected with a drop cloth. On a table will be a single knife. And then they will know. Then they will see."

Not even then will they see: There is a 56 yr old Italian pro-Jihadi newswoman who will be slughtered by her champions in a few days...
Posted by: Glereper Craviter7929 || 02/20/2005 11:52 Comments || Top||

More on the failed Saudi suicide bomber
"Please, please," the young Saudi appeals in a whisper, "don't turn me over to the Americans."

His face is charred and blistered. His head and arms are enveloped in gauze. Each word seems to beget pain. His haunted eyes dart about, his only noticeable movements. He is here to repent, under the stern guidance of an Iraqi intelligence agent. The setting is an anonymous office in the heavily barricaded Iraqi Interior Ministry.

So what does he think now of "Sheik" Osama bin Laden, the interrogator asks? "He kills Muslims," the Saudi murmurs, his lips barely moving.

And Abu Musab Zarqawi? "If they are all like this," he says of the Jordanian militant, "I want to take revenge on all of them."

Continued on Page 49
This article starring:
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/20/2005 12:10:57 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under:

#1  ..Skin moisturizer...good stocking stuffer!!
Posted by: Xmas || 02/20/2005 0:50 Comments || Top||

#2  Just shoot him. He has no useful information. His life is a drain on the resources of Iraq. Then sew him iuto a pigs carcas and bury him with his ass towards Mecca.
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 02/20/2005 1:59 Comments || Top||

#3  Nice testimony for the fine and relevant education, values, and use of the great gift of oil wealth by the Saudis. Which, by the way, boys and girls, is still going on in a Madarassa or mosque near you. The world's oil wealth has produced a whole generation or two of dead enders that are broken and cannot be fixed. They will keep doing this until the Saudis are stopped.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 02/20/2005 3:33 Comments || Top||

#4  that U.S. officials once dismissed as being waged by no more than 5,000 "dead-enders."

The a**hole writer does a three card monty by slipping in a reference to indigenous Iraqis, dead-enders, as one for anyone, in this case a Saudi. News twister, better than Koolaid.
Posted by: Elmeager Glimp3393 || 02/20/2005 12:10 Comments || Top||

Ashura attacks kill 55
Eight suicide bombers struck in quick succession Saturday in a wave of attacks that killed 55 people as Iraqi Shiites marched and lashed themselves with chains in ritual mourning of the 7th century death of a leader of their Muslim sect. Ninety-one people have been killed in violence in the past two days.

For the second year running, insurgent attacks shattered the commemoration of Ashoura, the holiest day of the Shiite religious calendar, but the violence produced a significantly smaller death toll than the 181 killed in twin bombings in Baghdad and the holy city of Karbala a year ago. The dead this year included a U.S. soldier who was killed in Baghdad when American troops responded to calls for assistance from Iraqi forces unable to cope with a slew of attacks.

With majority Shiites poised to take control of the country for the first time in modern Iraqi history, the interim government and Shiite politicians vowed the bloodshed would not cause the nation to spiral into civil war. The suicide bombings were attempts "to create a religious war within Iraq. Iraqis will not allow this to happen, Iraqis will stand united as Iraqis foremost, and Iraq will not fall into sectarian war," Mouwaffaq al-Rubaie, the national security adviser for the interim government, told The Associated Press.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/20/2005 12:18:44 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

Why can't the Sunnis and/or their leaders STOP this carnage of other muslims (Shittes) comitted in name of their own SUNNI doctrines?

Posted by: abdul || 02/20/2005 12:10 Comments || Top||

#2  Because allah likes those who kill in his name.
Posted by: Shipman || 02/20/2005 13:13 Comments || Top||

#3  the Sunnis REALLY better watch out for this civil war they're trying to start. I don't think "Iraqi Sunni" will be a much-used phrase in the future
Posted by: Frank G || 02/20/2005 13:24 Comments || Top||

#4  Wouldn't be much of civil war if the Kurds and Shiites really got down to business - which of course is SOP in the ME.
Posted by: Rex Mundi || 02/20/2005 14:14 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Taliban sez it's that Brutal Afghan WinterTM that's slowing down attacks
The brutal harsh Afghan winter has limited Taliban attacks against government and foreign troops and the militants are regrouping to resume their raids after the end of cold spell, a Taliban spokesman said on Saturday.
"Yeah! Youse guys're gonna get it!"
Abdul Latif Hakimi also dismissed reports of Taliban defections to President Hamid Karzai's government, more than three years after U.S.-led forces ended their rule in late 2001.
"Lies! All lies!"
Hakimi telephoned Reuters
"Hello? Is this Reuters?... This is Mullah Hakimi... H-A-K-I-M-I... Yeah. I'm from the Taliban... T-A-L-I-B-A-N... Okay. I'll wait..."
to say that elusive Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar had ordered that attacks be stepped up once the snow thawed in the mountains, which usually happens in April. "I spoke to Amir Ul Mominin (Commander of the Faithful) Omar on the phone today and he said the attacks will restart, and will have to, after the completion of winter," Hakimi said.
"That's 'cuz we gotta stop those elections..."
"The Taliban have enough forces now and we are regrouping to increase the number of fighters and attacks following the winter throughout Afghanistan." Hakimi said he was speaking from a snow-covered mountaintop in the restive southern province of Zabul. Zabul was one of the main Taliban bastions during their rule until late 2001 and has been a key base for their guerrilla activities since then. Like many other Afghan provinces, Zabul been badly hit by an especially harsh winter that has killed hundreds nationwide. The militants are still seen as a threat to more complex parliamentary polls due later this year.
I tend to doubt it, since Afghans have now taken to hunting down and killing Bad Guys who screw with them...
Hakimi said the winter had hampered operations. "Villages have been cut by snow. There is lack of wheat and firewood. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for us to operate properly."
Y'don't think that might have something to do with Taliban control of those backwoods areas, do you? First you bump off the aid workers in the summertime, and you make sure all the farmers spend their time praying or growing opium for the Talitreasury, and then you wonder why there aren't any groceries in the wintertime? Brilliant.
On Monday, U.S. ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad said some "senior" Taliban members had taken up a government amnesty offer but he and the government refused to give details. Wednesday's Washington Post quoted a Western official as saying they included the Taliban's former U.N. envoy, Abdul Hakim Mujahid, two former deputy ministers, Arsullah Rahmani and Rahmatullah Wahidyar, and a former charge d'affaires at the Afghan embassy in Saudi Arabia named Fawzi. It said 22 low-level Taliban members had agreed to lay down their arms. None are known as senior figures in the Taliban guerrilla campaign and Hakimi dismissed talk of defections. "Karzai and Americans have been speaking about these so-called negotiations for the past 16 months," he said. "Has any Taliban changed sides? No. If the Taliban are in contact with the government, why then are their names not revealed? This is not true; it is psychological warfare aimed at creating rift among the Taliban."
This article starring:
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/20/2005 12:13:51 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under:

#1  damn--they're still calling omar-the commander of the faithful-when he's more like an army of one
Posted by: SON OF TOLUI || 02/20/2005 5:23 Comments || Top||

#2  In a separate development, Taliban asked the UN when global warming would reach Afghanistan.
Posted by: phil_b || 02/20/2005 6:09 Comments || Top||

#3  Hakimi has it all backwords. Doesn't he read our papers? Its our military that can't fight in that weather.
Posted by: BrerRabbit || 02/20/2005 7:19 Comments || Top||

#4  My heart goes out to those poor thugs, unable to conduct murderous attacks as they freeze and starve in the Afghan winter because they want to retake power and repress everyone . . .

Anyone want to contribute a few cents to their cause? Think about it: For less than a dollar a day you could be the proud sponsor of a terrorizing thug! You could directly contribute to their attempt to retake the country and place it under their repressive thumb!
Posted by: The Doctor || 02/20/2005 21:03 Comments || Top||

#5  What dipstick reporters haven't figured out is that the elements presented a big problem for expeditionary forces before the age of machines, when outsiders and locals were moving things around with exactly the same mules, donkeys and horses. The Soviets never had a problem with the "brutal" Afghan winter, any more than they had a problem with the brutal Russian winter - their issue was that they decided to fight just about all of Afghanistan at the same time. We only wanted al Qaeda and the Taliban, and most Afghans were glad to be rid of them. (Of course, there was the implicit threat that we would kill every last Afghan in return for the deaths on 9/11 - that may have made Afghans somewhat cooperative in turning in some of their co-religionists).
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 02/20/2005 22:29 Comments || Top||

Abu Haidar jugged in Baquba
Iraqi security forces on Saturday arrested the alleged commander of an insurgent cell close to Al Qaeda frontman in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, police said. "Early this morning Iraqi security forces assisted by US forces raided the house of Haidar Abu al-Buwari in western Baquba," said a police spokesman for Diyala province, whose capital is Baquba. "He is one of the mujahideen princes who works with Zarqawi in the position of cell leader," he said. Police found rocket-propelled grenades, grenades, drugs, computers and a photocopier in the house, he added.

Iraqi security forces also arrested a former high-ranking officer under Saddam Hussein allegedly involved in the insurgency in the northern city of Mosul, said a government statement. "Harbi Abd al-Khudaier Hamudi, 50, also known as Abu Nur, was arrested on February 12," it said.
This article starring:
ABU NURIraqi Insurgency
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/20/2005 12:02:14 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Afghanistan/South Asia
Three 'terrorists' killed in revenge
An Afghan has avenged the killing of his brother by gunning down three suspected Uzbek terrorists on February 17 in North Waziristan Agency, a senior official said on Saturday. The body of an Afghan national identified by his killers as Wasayel Shah was found on main Miranshah-Bannu Road near Mir Ali town on February 14. A message was also found with the body reading that Shah was spying on "mujahideen" for the United States.

"The Thursday killing of three foreigners in the Kurram Kot area was a revenge by the brother of Wasayel Shah," the official told Daily Times requesting not to be named. There were conflicting reports from the region after the mysterious killing of the three foreigners. One of the reports said that a group of men had opened fire at the foreigners while the second report said the Afghan, who escaped arrest after sheltering in a village, gunned down the three Uzbeks on his own. "It was Wasayel Shah's brother who killed the three foreigners," the official said.
Posted by: tipper || 02/20/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Make sense to me. No one else was going to get "justice."
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 02/20/2005 1:33 Comments || Top||

#2  sounds like a good prospect for the company--sign him up
Posted by: SON OF TOLUI || 02/20/2005 5:26 Comments || Top||

#3  Frontier Justice,on the march.
Posted by: raptor || 02/20/2005 7:20 Comments || Top||

#4  Hot dang . . . can we import him? I know of a little more justice that just needs doin'.
Posted by: Jame Retief || 02/20/2005 8:03 Comments || Top||

#5  "I'm looking for the man who shot my pa! ...Um, I mean, 'bro'!"
Posted by: Dar || 02/20/2005 14:10 Comments || Top||

27 held in Quetta
In Quetta on Saturday, police arrested at least 27 Sunnis suspected of planning attacks on Shia religious processions. DIG Rafi Pervez Bhatti said the arrested men belonged to two banned extremist groups, both of which were planning assaults. JUI-F leader Maulvi Noor Muhammad said a student had been shot and injured in a police raid on a seminary.
Gee. Golly. I'm so sorry to hear that.

This article starring:
MAULVI NUR MUHAMADJamaat-e-Ulema-Islam Fazl
Posted by: Fred || 02/20/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

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Sun 2005-02-20
  Bakri talks of No 10 suicide attacks
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  Lebanon opposition demands "intifada for independence"
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Mon 2005-02-14
  Hariri boomed in Beirut
Sun 2005-02-13
  Algerian Islamic Party Supports Amnesty to End Rebel Violence
Sat 2005-02-12
  Car Bomb Kills 17 Outside Iraqi Hospital
Fri 2005-02-11
  Iraqis seize 16 trucks filled with Iranian weapons
Thu 2005-02-10
  North Korea acknowledges it has nuclear weapons
Wed 2005-02-09
  Suicide Bomber Kills 21 in Crowd in Iraq
Tue 2005-02-08
  Israel, Palestinians call truce
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