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Lebanon opposition demands "intifada for independence"
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10 00:00 Shipman [28]
6 00:00 Sock Puppet of Doom [17]
2 00:00 Sock Puppet of Doom [34]
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37 00:00 badanov [35]
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Page 4: Opinion
5 00:00 SteveS [19]
1 00:00 .com [17]
US to freeze assets of Kuwaiti man
WASHINGTON — The United States has moved to freeze assets of a Kuwaiti man suspected of raising money for an anti-American insurgency in Iraq and financing a 2002 bombing of a French tanker off the coast of Yemen. An executive order designated Muhsin Al Fadhli, a supporter of terrorism and instructed to freeze all assets he might have in the country.
This article starring:
MUHSIN AL FADHLIal-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
Posted by: Steve White || 02/19/2005 1:07:42 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

Home Front: WoT
"Mouthy" traveler detained, luggage blown up.
Get "snippy" with an airlines' ticket agent and you may never see your luggage again. That's the experience of Dr. Esha Khoshnu, a New Jersey psychopath psychiatrist traveling to San Diego to attend a conference.

While changing planes in Phoenix, Khoshnu got testy at a Mesa Airlines ticket counter, reports KGTV news, saying, "If I had a bomb, you wouldn't find it."
Ha.Ha.Ha. Doctor Khoshnu has clearly been living on a desert island or another planet for the last 30 years and has no idea that airport employees are not amused by bomb jokes.
The Transportation Security Administration described Khoshnu as acting "mouthy and snippy," according to KGTV.
Snippy? My poodle get like that sometimes. He is old and cranky and only a dog but even he has never claimed to have a bomb.
The bomb comment touched off a security scare and FBI officials were dispatched to question Khoshnu, who was subsequently detained long enough to miss her flight. Her suitcase, however, got past security and was loaded onto the America West jet.
Yikes! More sequentially challenged security, you lock the door BEFORE the horse gets out.
When Mesa Airlines Flight 6264 landed at Lindbergh Field in San Diego the pilot was instructed to taxi to a remote area of the airport where some 35 passengers were taken off the plane and escorted onto two buses, reports City News Service. "When we landed and quickly did a U-turn on the runway, I was like, 'They never do that.' Then, all the cars started coming and it was obvious that it was for our plane. That was the scary part," one passenger told KGTV.

City News Service reports members of the San Diego Fire Department's bomb squad searched the plane but found no explosives. Next, they removed Khoshnu's suitcase and inspected it in an open area on the grounds of the airport. Although they found nothing suspicious, authorities blew up the bag with an explosive charge and then doused it with water.
You see, doc, WE have bombs.
Khoshnu was eventually released and allowed to board a later flight to San Diego. KGTV reports the Assistant U.S. Attorney in Phoenix decided her actions did not merit charges.
I disagree, blowing up her undies wasn't enough. Any rational person should know that a comment like hers would cause a major disruption and divert security resources. She should be made to pay the costs incurred at the very least.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 02/19/2005 8:39:10 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I almost shit myself laughing. I guess SHE showed them who's boss!

Too bad she didn't end up taking a six month sabbatical at Guantanamo.
Posted by: Lone Ranger || 02/19/2005 9:24 Comments || Top||

#2  She's worth a google. Nothing lunatic, but I wonder what ethnicity Esha Khoshnu is, Persian or Indian?


A long time ago I got summoned to the commander's office. NCIS wanted to talk to me about an FBI report they had, that one of my tender charges had threatened to take over an international flight, reportedly declaring "I'm a Navy officer. If you can't run this ship right, I'll take it over." To fully imagine the scene on the 747, though, you'd need to know that he was Egyptian-born, about 5'6", and thoroughly inebriated. Now, I never blamed him for shoving the Belgian flight steward who had been molesting him, which is what brought out the co-pilot and the rest of the crew, but these international incidents are messy to clean up, and this was long before 2001.
Posted by: longtime lurker || 02/19/2005 9:38 Comments || Top||

#3  Who gives a damn what her ethnicity is? She's stupid, and they are just a bunch of little Hitlers showing off their great power to harrass civilians for whatever reason they choose. It is stupid, pointless, ineffective, un-American and should be stopped.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 02/19/2005 9:50 Comments || Top||

#4  Mrs Davis, at least in olden times, a white, clean-cut male could respond to an abusive flight crew and maybe get away with it, but not a short, swarthy Egyptian. "They" were little Hitlers then, too. You see, by the time I was notified, my charge had already spent a weekend in Atlanta city jail, appeared before a magistrate, and had his trial, where he pleaded nolo to a Federal misdemeanor. The judge happened to be a retired Navy captain who knew the conseauences of such a plea, and he told the prosecutor that he was sick of these types of cases being sent to him by D***a.

Could you or I get away with it? I got the random shoe-search tag, but when I leaned against the table to remove my shoe, he snapped at me to stand up. Then he snapped at me to remove my shoes so he could swab them. So I leaned on the table. We repeated this dance a few times, before I told him I wasn't going through with this nonsense, produced my orders and military ID, and told him to get his supervisor. "He's right behind you," I was told. And so the supervisor was. He looked at me with the hangdog eyes of one who is trapped in crappy system he has no option but to enforce, produced his retired military ID and showed it to me. "Sir," he said very quietly, "I was sixteen years in AWACS. Just do it."
Posted by: longtime lurker || 02/19/2005 10:13 Comments || Top||

#5  authorities blew up the bag with an explosive charge and then doused it with water

And? Another wannabe has her stash of Victoria Secret undies destroyed. She just has to restock and the stress wil be over. There is a new catalog out, you know...
Posted by: BigEd || 02/19/2005 12:50 Comments || Top||

#6  Welcome to America, biotch.
Posted by: Ebbavith Flineck2775 || 02/19/2005 13:42 Comments || Top||

#7  ROTFLMAO -- I had to click the link just to be sure it wasn't ScrappleFace.
Posted by: Tom || 02/19/2005 13:47 Comments || Top||

#8  #2, LL, I clicked on the link you provided.
Two things struck me as funny. 1)On my browser she appears to be looking through bars. 2) Her bio says ....She has extensive training/experience in crisis intervention,.... Given this report how effective do you think she is at intervening and managing a crisis? LOL
Posted by: GK || 02/19/2005 14:00 Comments || Top||

#9  Hmmm, interest in psychopharmacology. Maybe she'd been doing some first hand research.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 02/19/2005 14:05 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Australia warns of possible Aceh attacks
Not much specific:
Australia's foreign minister said Saturday that terrorists could be planning to attack foreign aid workers in Indonesia's tsunami-ravaged Aceh province. "New information (has been) received by the government concerning possible terrorist planning for attacks against foreigners involved in relief efforts in Aceh or other areas of northern Sumatra," Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer said in a statement. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade on Saturday revised its travel advice for Indonesia, warning that Australians could endanger themselves by traveling to northern Sumatra island, where Aceh is located.
Posted by: Seafarious || 02/19/2005 1:51:14 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under:

Syrian workers' tents torched
Assailants torched dozens of tents Friday belonging to Syrian workers in northern Lebanon, in the latest attack after the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri blamed by many on Syria. "Three cars of armed elements attacked a Syrian camp in Minyeh, near the main northern port city of Tripoli, this afternoon," a police officer said. "They burned about 40 tents, with all the belongings of the workers, before fleeing the area," he said, adding that there were no casualties.

On Thursday, gunmen opened fire on a truckload of Syrian workers in eastern Lebanon before beating them up and stealing their money. Authorities detained four people after the incident. Groups of Syrian workers have also come under attack in Hariri's home city of Sidon.
Posted by: Fred || 02/19/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The festivities begin.
Posted by: gromgorru || 02/19/2005 2:35 Comments || Top||

#2  maybe they'll call in the palestineans to keep the warring parties apart--there's some kind of precendent to this right?
Posted by: SON OF TOLUI || 02/19/2005 4:17 Comments || Top||

#3  Armed Elements?
Keep your valences to yourself!
Posted by: Mister Sodium || 02/19/2005 8:15 Comments || Top||

#4  Nice picture - though I think an extra-large bowl of "movie-butter" popcorn would be good, too. :-D
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 02/19/2005 11:13 Comments || Top||

#5  # 4 a better picture was that of the coffin
containing the Prime Minister, Rafik Hariri
being tossed around, handed from one person to another, in a football game manner along the streets as the funeral was going on!!!

Is that tradition for that country to pay respect's that way?

Posted by: Andrea || 02/19/2005 18:51 Comments || Top||

Iraqi Highway Patrol
The Iraqi Highway Patrol graduated 49 recruits from the interim Highway Patrol Academy in Al Mehaweel Feb. 6.
The officers completed a three-week training course combining components of police ethics and policing in a democratic society with the operational skills needed by the IHP in preparation for their mission to secure the nation's highways. A strong emphasis was given to firearms training and vehicle mounted patrolling.
Tasked with providing law enforcement and security along Iraq's highways and major roadways, the IHP will also respond to incidents involving anti-Iraqi forces, foreign terrorists, car bombs and attacks on convoys. Currently, there are approximately 600 highway patrol officers on the force, which is slated to reach 6,300 officers in July 2006.
The next IHP course, scheduled for mid-February, will include a train-the-trainers block of instruction in which Iraqis will be trained as instructors. These instructors will then conduct future training courses for the IHP.
"You 49 graduates represent one more step toward our goal of securing Iraq's roads for the people of Iraq," said Major General Ali, IHP commissioner.
Broderick Crawford lives.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 02/19/2005 6:19:21 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under:

Posted by: gromky || 02/19/2005 20:10 Comments || Top||

#2  Lol, gromky! Okay, I got one that's just a leetle more Arab for ya...
Posted by: .com || 02/19/2005 20:28 Comments || Top||

#3  # 2 .com- I LOVE the marking's and what a nice ride...where did you find such a posting?

Andrea Jackson
Posted by: Andrea || 02/19/2005 20:56 Comments || Top||

#4  I think that one came from BakerMedia... Uneven collection, heh.

The good stuff, of course, is branded and the photoshopping is so good you hate to change the name, even if it makes no sense. Try
Worth 1000 and SomethingAwful - they have themed "competitions". There's always fark, of course - but the little contests have lost much of their original lustre - and quality.
Posted by: .com || 02/19/2005 21:37 Comments || Top||

#5  Here's a typical somethingawful entry for a contest for the latest experimental aircraft... I've got the feeling this will be a one-off test program...
Posted by: .com || 02/19/2005 21:52 Comments || Top||

Israel halts razing of militants' homes
Posted by: Fred || 02/19/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  A mistake, but fortunately, not an irreversible one.
Posted by: gromgorru || 02/19/2005 2:40 Comments || Top||

#2  keep the homes--turn them into schuls
Posted by: SON OF TOLUI || 02/19/2005 4:08 Comments || Top||

#3  Does this mean I should sell my Caterpillar stock?
Posted by: Raj || 02/19/2005 12:19 Comments || Top||

Twenty killed in Iraq as insurgents target Shiite mosques during Ashoura
Suicide bombings of two Shiite mosques in Baghdad killed at least 17 people on Friday as thousands of Iraq's newly empowered majority sect marked Ashoura, the main event in their religious calendar. Separately, a rocket landed near a police station and close to a mosque in a Shiite district of northwestern Baghdad, killing three people and wounding five in a shop, police said. Hours later a suicide bomber killed two policemen and a member of the Iraqi National Guard in Baghdad, a police official said.

In the first suicide attack, a man wearing an explosives- packed vest merged into a crowd near a mosque in the Doura area of southwestern Baghdad and blew himself up, survivors said. The blast killed 15 people and wounded 33, Yarmouk hospital said. Soon afterwards, an explosion shook a second Shiite mosque in western Baghdad, the U.S. military and police sources said. Police said two suicide bombers had approached a crowd outside the mosque. They were spotted by police, who shot them, but one still blew himself up, killing at least two people. Iraq's national security adviser, Mowaffaq al-Rubaie, told CNN he believed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian militant who is Al-Qaeda's leader in Iraq, was behind the attacks.
Posted by: Fred || 02/19/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Gimme that old time religion...
Posted by: mojo || 02/19/2005 1:24 Comments || Top||

#2  Mojo---when I see them doing the bleeding scalp wound thing to kids it gives me the creeps.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 02/19/2005 1:44 Comments || Top||

#3  more graduates of the wahabbi education system--i always said that if these people had thick lips-big kinky hair-black skin-and a bone through their noses-they would be re-colonized with a joyless abandon by the civilized races bringing the moral benefits of a superior way of life--they are the equivalent of a pack of banchees on the savannah
Posted by: SON OF TOLUI || 02/19/2005 4:03 Comments || Top||

#4  My surprise meter pegged last night when Dan Blather actually called these bombers TERRORISTS, not insurgents. I wonder what changed over at CBS.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 02/19/2005 8:50 Comments || Top||

#5  It's so funny to remember how everyone freaked out that the US might fire on mosques during this war, and yet the arabs have no problem blowing them up to kill each other. That tells me they don't really consider them sacred after all.
Posted by: Silentbrick || 02/19/2005 10:33 Comments || Top||

#6  It's so funny to remember how everyone freaked out that the US might fire on mosques during this war, and yet the arabs have no problem blowing them up to kill each other.

Naahh, to the types that were all up in arms over the possibility of mosque damage due to U.S. fire, the Arabs are beyond reproach; it's only the U.S. that is worth criticizing.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 02/19/2005 15:25 Comments || Top||

#7  If I'm a muslim, MY Mosque is sacred and holy. You're mosque is a latrine.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 02/19/2005 16:36 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Explosion kills one in Quetta, injures five
A boy of 14 was killed and at least five others were injured in an explosion near a barber's shop on Friday morning. Conflicting reports appeared about the explosion. IG Chaudhry Yaqub and DIG Pervez Rafi Bhatti said it was a gas explosion and police had found no evidence of a rocket. However, witnesses said they saw a rocket hit the building in Duraniabad, where two rooms of house collapsed and shops were badly damaged. Witness Nazar Muhammad said he saw a rocket hit the shop. The boy was killed and at least five were injured, though some reports said seven people had been hurt.
Posted by: Fred || 02/19/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

#1  See daily Balochistan news leads here,

Some American-Balochis want to end the Punjabi occupation,
Posted by: IToldYouSo || 02/19/2005 3:43 Comments || Top||

'Sipah-e-Islam' claims killing journalists
A group calling itself Sipah-e-Islam (Soldiers of Islam) has claimed responsibility for the killing of two tribal journalists in South Waziristan on February 7. "We accept responsibility for the killing of two journalists in South Waziristan last week," said a message faxed to a newspaper's office in Peshawar on Thursday and obtained by Daily Times on Friday. "Some journalists are working for Christians while disguising themselves as mediamen. They are used as tools in the negative propaganda of Christians against the Muslim mujahideen," read the faxed statement signed by the group's spokesman, Ahmed Farooqi.
Well, there you have it: them damn Christians are trying to subvert all of Waziristan.

This article starring:
Posted by: Fred || 02/19/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I really think many moslem males just never really get beyond the dress-up stage.
Posted by: Shipman || 02/19/2005 13:04 Comments || Top||

Nuggest from the Urdu Press
Two warriors pledge war
Columnist Nazeer Naji wrote in Jang that a TV debate between ex-ISI chief General (Retd) Hameed Gul and Indian Major (Retd) Bharat Verma was commented upon in the Urdu press. Most of the commentators condemned India in the light of Verma's hawkishness. But the fact was that the two men who had no feeling for the welfare of the masses in South Asia were talking in military terms and parted throwing challenges of another war. Both presumed to speak on behalf of their nations, which was not true because the entire South Asia wanted peace and was not in the habit of talking in military terms. In Pakistan more and more leaders were talking in extreme terms, which was not a good thing.

Musharraf losing trust
Columnist Nazeer Naji wrote in Jang that General Musharraf came with a dilkash (attractive) agenda for the people of Pakistan saying the country would be the Quaid's Pakistan. After he was accepted by the people he also steered Pakistan out of grave trouble after 9/11 through very clever policy. But to implement his agenda the party he formed was from the very party that had stood to lose from his coming to power. The result was that today Musharraf was keen to call himself a devout Muslim rather than a follower of the Quaid-e-Azam and Ataturk. He talked of going inside the Kaaba, but trust had evaporated from his politics. With India the normalisation process had become a victim of lack of trust; America seemed less trusting of him now and he had shown lack of trust in the party he brought up by firing two PML prime ministers. The religious parties whom he brought to their present strength were now arrayed against him and large areas of Pakistan had become turbulent under his rule.

Quran insulted 17 times in Jhang
Daily Nawa-e-Waqt reported that some criminal threw pages of the Holy Quran in the gutter of Muhalla Sultanwalah in Jhang. The citizens of the city collected it, cleaned it, and preserved it. There was anger in the city and the local leaders said that this was the 17th incident in the city where religious and jihadi parties are strongly represented.

Musharraf should go home!
Ex-army chief Aslam Beg was quoted by Nawa-e-Waqt as saying that the only solution to the country's problems was that Musharraf should be courageous enough to go home. He said action in Balochistan would have the same results as actions in the past. Behind Wana operation and Balochistan there was an international conspiracy. Jabal as-Saraj had become a spying outpost for the US, Israel and India. India had dared build Baglihar Dam because of Pakistan's weakness. Pakistan should stop being flexible and take tough action. If the World Bank could not decide Baglihar issue justly the mujahideen would blow it up.

Eleven things must be done
Writing in Jang, Dr Mubashir Hassan stated that the government must do 11 things. It should hold fair and free elections. It should allow supremacy of parliament by stopping interference from the establishment. Make the local governments efficient. Free the country from the loot of multinationals and refuse to obey the directions of the IMF and the World Bank. Start public sector projects to give employment to people. Fill up the gap between the rich and the poor. Industrial workers should be given freedom to strike under ILO rules and given guarantee of employment. Put an end to feudalism. Increase productivity of agrarian sector and its welfare. Ensure housing, health, education and employment to the masses; and an independent foreign policy.

Where are the intellectuals?
Columnist Irfan Siddiqi wrote in Nawa-e-Waqt that America had become naked in Iraq after it finally accepted that there were no weapons of mass destruction there. Where were the Pakistani intellectuals who gave us lessons of hikmat (wisdom) while rubbing their foreheads in science and technology? Today the pens of these intellectuals had gone dry and their tongues had been stiffened by glue.

'Ghaibi haath' and Ijazul Haq
Quoted in Khabrain, religion minister Ijazul Haq said that his father General Zia's death in a plane crash in Bahawalpur in 1988 was still a mystery. Many inquiries and commissions had been asked to investigate the incident but there was always a hidden hand (ghaibi haath) that came and stopped them from going forward.

Bhutto wanted Maulana Noorani punished
Writing in Nawa-e-Waqt, MM Hassan stated that when he was in the dreaded force called FSF he was called on the phone by prime minister Bhutto who said that Maulana Shah Ahmad Noorani had abused him, his wife and his daughter in a speech and therefore as an FSF officer he must teach him a lesson. When Hassan called on him to ask what action was required he flew into a rage and said that he didn't want him killed but wanted that a few bones in his body should be broken. Hassan pleaded that such an action would bring bad name to Bhutto, at which Bhutto lost his temper and said that he had formed the FSF at great expense and it should do what was required. Hassan in the end simply sent a message to Noorani to get him to speak moderately. The columnist drew the conclusion that if, like Bhutto, you separate religion from politics you only get despotism.

Inside Punjab schools
Columnist Asghar Nadeem Syed wrote in Jang that chief minister Punjab was keen to educate the masses in the province but his bureaucracy was exploiting the lady teachers in the countryside, at times seeking sexual satisfaction from them on the pain of a transfer the ladies could not afford. In some schools food is to be served to the children on orders from the chief minister. In such schools another practice had cropped up. Lady teachers began the day by preparing to cook for the children. No class was taken but elaborate preparations were made for the lunch. Somehow the mothers of the children also arrived in the schools and supervised the purchase of vegetables and the cooking of meat which was invariably below par. No one taught the children who were often busy climbing the nearby trees.

Why is the lover Hindu?
Sarerahe stated in Nawa-e-Waqt that a journalist who went to Chandigarh in Indian Punjab together with a delegation was taken aback by a film titled Veer Zara which was shown to Pakistanis in a cinema. In this film a man Veer is Hindu who falls in love with a Muslim girl Zara from Lahore. The journalist asked the hosts why did such films feature a Hindu lover and a Muslim beloved? He asked them to reverse the roles in the future.

Astrologers complain of quacks!
Sarerahe in Nawa-e-Waqt noted that many astrologers of Lahore had complained formally that the government should ban fake pirs and fakirs who told people their fortune because they were quacks and were giving the astrologers a bad name. Sarerahe said that astrologers seemed to be complaining against their own community because astrology and palmistry fell in the same category.

Bollywood actors as sacrificial animals
Sarerahe wrote in Nawa-e-Waqt that the Bakra Mandi (market for sacrificial animals for Eid) was featuring a new hard sell. Goats and cows meant for sacrifice were named after Bollywood actors and actresses. A goat was named Aishwarya Rai and sold at a high price while another one with a Lollywood name Saima was sold at a little less. The male goats were named Shahrukh Khan and Shan and so on. The column mentioned that already the sacrificed animals were supposed to enter Paradise as human being.

Fraud through printed 'bakra'
According to Khabrain, a group of thieves in Rawalpindi took to the shocking practice of imprinting the word Muhammad PBUH on the hide of sacrificial goats with a chemical and then showed it to innocent citizens for a fee. The gang earned thousands of rupees for three days before they were found out. The gang confessed that their chemical shop was not earning much so they thought of the bakra miracle.

Karachi city council against Aga Khan foundation
As reported in Nawa-e-Waqt, City Council Karachi resolved in a session that Aga Khan Foundation be stopped from censoring the textbooks in Sindh, Balochistan and Punjab. The following were the specific complaints. The new textbooks contained the message that Raja Dahir was a harmless man and that the two-nation doctrine was a source of hatred. Instead of Hazrat Ayesha there was now a simple story. Instead of Allama Iqbal there was now an account of a village woman. In place of Fatah Makka there was a Walk to Ziarat, in place of Baba Farid, there was a lesson titled City said Village said, instead of Islam ka Pehla Teer there was an essay on the Customs Officer, Instead of Hazrat Khadija there was morning walk, instead of Rehem Dili (merciful heart) there was an essay on Gwadar Port, and Instead of Syed Ahmad Shaheed there were sex education lessons (sifli).
Posted by: Fred || 02/19/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I like the 11 things to be done....and voila! U-friggin-Topia.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 02/19/2005 1:37 Comments || Top||

#2  But he left out the part about the Puppies, the Bunnies, and the Duckies With Little Sailor Hats.
Posted by: Seafarious || 02/19/2005 2:10 Comments || Top||

#3  Hmmmm..... it's getting towards the end of the month and the ghosts are Christmas Presents are showing up in the mailbox. Perhaps I'll whip up bakra miracle. I'll use a gator for dramatic effect.
Posted by: Shipman || 02/19/2005 8:00 Comments || Top||

#4  He also forgot to ask for a pony. Maybe he was too busy "rubbing his forehead in science and technology".
Posted by: Spot || 02/19/2005 9:06 Comments || Top||

#5  Astrologers complain of quacks!

When an astrologer thinks you're a quack, you might want to rethink your career choice.
Posted by: tu3031 || 02/19/2005 10:24 Comments || Top||

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Meet the Mods
In no particular order...
Steve White
Bright Pebbles
trailing wife
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Two weeks of WOT
Sat 2005-02-19
  Lebanon opposition demands "intifada for independence"
Fri 2005-02-18
  Syria replaces intelligence chief
Thu 2005-02-17
  Iran and Syria Form United Front
Wed 2005-02-16
  Plane fires missile near Iranian Busheir plant
Tue 2005-02-15
  U.S. Withdraws Ambassador From Syria
Mon 2005-02-14
  Hariri boomed in Beirut
Sun 2005-02-13
  Algerian Islamic Party Supports Amnesty to End Rebel Violence
Sat 2005-02-12
  Car Bomb Kills 17 Outside Iraqi Hospital
Fri 2005-02-11
  Iraqis seize 16 trucks filled with Iranian weapons
Thu 2005-02-10
  North Korea acknowledges it has nuclear weapons
Wed 2005-02-09
  Suicide Bomber Kills 21 in Crowd in Iraq
Tue 2005-02-08
  Israel, Palestinians call truce
Mon 2005-02-07
  Fatah calls for ceasefire
Sun 2005-02-06
  Algeria takes out GSPC bombmaking unit
Sat 2005-02-05
  Kuwait hunts key suspects after surge of violence

Better than the average link...

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