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Explosion rocks West Texas oil refinery
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2 00:00 anymouse [24] 
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4 00:00 Jomosing Bluetooth8431 [21] 
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Car bomb kills 37 Afghan civilians
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - A suicide car bomber targeting a Canadian military convoy killed 37 civilians at a busy market in southern Afghanistan on Monday, officials said. At least 30 were wounded, said Interior Ministry spokesman Zemeri Bashary. Three Canadian soldiers were among the wounded, said Kandahar Gov. Asadullah Khalid.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the latest attack in Spin Boldak, a town in Kandahar province near the border with Pakistan. It was the second major attack in as many days in Kandahar province, the former stronghold of the hardline Taliban. The death toll from a suicide bombing outside Kandahar city on Sunday rose to more than 100, making it Afghanistan's deadliest bombing since the fall of the Taliban in 2001.

Though the Afghan-Pakistan border had been closed Monday because of elections in Pakistan, some of the wounded were taken to a hospital in Chaman, Pakistan just across the border for treatment.

"A white Toyota Corolla car rammed the second vehicle in the convoy as it passed through the bazaar," said Hakim, who witnessed the attack from his grocery store. "Then there was a huge explosion. It was dust. I do not know what happened to me."
Posted by: Glenmore || 02/18/2008 10:33 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  The taliban are making a lot of friends! I'm sure the local clans/tribes will be really enthused with their taliban buddies new explosives training demonstrations. /s
Posted by: Throger Thains8048 || 02/18/2008 12:23 Comments || Top||

Anti-Taliban commander killed in Afghanistan blast
(Xinhua) -- Pro-government militia commander Abdul Halim Jan, who is fighting Taliban insurgents in south Afghanistan, is among those killed in the suicide blast in Taliban birthplace Kandahar on Sunday, Kandahar governor Assadullah Khalid said. "Abdul Hakim Jan also died in the suicide bombing carried out by Taliban," Khalid, told media.

The deadliest bomb attack since the collapse of Taliban regime six years ago has killed at least 80 people and injured dozens of others so far, he said. The attack occurred when hundreds of people had gathered to watch dog fighting at a ground in Kandahar city.

Hakim Jan, who was leading a 400-strong pro-government militia in the restive southern province, was owner of one of the two dog-fighting competitions at the ground, according to local residents. Local residents said Hakim Jan was the target of the attack, but the Taliban insurgents have not made any comment on the killing the commander. Taliban insurgents during their six-year reign in 1996-2001 banned dog fighting along with other entertainment activities.
This article starring:
Abdul Hakim Jan
Assadullah Khalid
Posted by: Fred || 02/18/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Britain: Beheading plot ringleader Parviz Khan jailed for life
... or 14 years, or whatever a lenient judge figures is a good, round number.
Muslim fanatic Parviz Khan, who plotted to kidnap and kill a British Muslim soldier, has been jailed for life and told he will serve a minimum of 14 years. Khan, 37, of Alum Rock, Birmingham, admitted to planning to lure the soldier off the streets with the promise of drugs and film his beheading.

He also pleaded guilty at Leicester Crown Court via video link from prison to supplying equipment to terrorists in Pakistan and two counts of being in possession of a record or document likely to be of use to a terrorist.

Opening the case against Khan last week, prosecutor Nigel Rumfitt QC revealed Khan was recorded by a listening device at his home as he taught his five-year-old son how to carry out a beheading.
"My son, Sesame Street is the tool of Satan!"
Mr Rumfitt told the court Khan was at the hub of a terrorist cell based in Birmingham which had organised four shipments of equipment to terrorists based in Pakistan but operating against coalition forces in Afghanistan. Mr Rumfitt said of Khan: "He was enraged by the notion that there are Muslim soldiers in the British Army.

"As your Lordship knows, there are many soldiers from many countries who serve with our forces - some of them are Muslims from the Gambia in west Africa.

"Khan decided to kidnap such a soldier with the help of drug dealers operating in Birmingham. He would be taken to a lock-up garage and there he would be murdered by having his head cut off like a pig.

"This would be filmed - they would have the soldier's ID to prove who he was and the film would be released through Khan's terrorist network to cause panic and fear with the British armed forces and the wider public."

It also emerged last week, in proceedings which could not be reported until today, that Khan wanted to burn the soldier's body and parade his head on a stick.
Whoa. It's been 300 years since the last drawin' and quarterin'.
A security services probe installed in Khan's home recorded him in November 2006 telling co-defendant Basiru Gassma what he intended to do. Khan was heard to say: "We give the judgment... well then cut it off like you cut a pig, man

"Then you put it on a stick. Then we throw the body, burn it, send the video to the chacha (a reference to terrorist leaders in Pakistan).

"This is what they call you will terrorise them, they will go crazy. They will start searching... London, Birmingham, Newcastle, where are these people?"

Revealing that the soldier would be befriended before being kidnapped, Khan added: "All I say to you is set it up ... drug dealers they will go with him, one day, they do deal.

"Then the next time you'll take him Broad Street, wine and dine and girl and things. After that they don't get friendly."

Basiru Gassama, 30, pleaded guilty at a previous hearing to a failure to disclose information about the plot. Mohammed Irfan, 31, and Hamid Elasmar, 44, both pleaded guilty to engaging in conduct with the intention of assisting in the commission of acts of terrorism - namely helping Khan to supply the equipment.

Zahoor Iqbal, 30, was found guilty by the jury at Leicester of the same charge. Amjad Mahmood, 32, was found not guilty of failing to inform the authorities about the plot.
Posted by: mrp || 02/18/2008 08:24 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Britain

#1  or maybe if he gets religion he could be released immediately.

oh, wait. he got religion already. wrong one, I guess.
Posted by: PlanetDan || 02/18/2008 9:53 Comments || Top||

#2  LOL Dan
Posted by: Frank G || 02/18/2008 10:09 Comments || Top||

#3  When he's to be released, release him to his God, If his God doesn't show up, keep him until his God does show up in person, that should end this crap for once and for all.

If he still wants "Martyrdom" stand him against a wall and shoot him, get really bad aimers so it takes a few tries, then behead him as per his wishes.
UPS the head to his Mosque.
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 02/18/2008 10:57 Comments || Top||

#4  I've got $50 that says he doesn't serve the whole 14 years. He probably won't even do seven.
Posted by: Jomosing Bluetooth8431 || 02/18/2008 17:38 Comments || Top||

Sixth man cleared in plot to kill British Muslim soldier
A sixth man charged over a plot to kidnap and behead a British Muslim soldier has been found not guilty. Amjab Mahmood, 32, was last week cleared by a jury at Leicester Crown Court of aiding terrorists. Amjab Mahmood has now also been cleared on a charge that he failed to report the beheading plot to policeHe has now also been cleared on a charge that he failed to report the beheading plot to police.

On Friday, Zahoor Iqbal, 30, of Perry Barr, Birmingham, became the fifth man to be convicted in the case. He was found guilty of one count of helping ringleader Parvis Khan - who has already admitted four charges linked to the kidnap plot and other offences - to supply equipment to people in Pakistan for terrorist activities.
As seen here.
Three other men have admitted other terrorism offences. Khan, 37, admitted at the start of the trial that he plotted to have drug dealers lure a British Muslim soldier from a nightclub, bundle him into a car and behead him in a garage. He also admitted supplying equipment to terrorists on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border and being in possession of two records or documents likely to be of use to a terrorist.

Hamid Elasmar, 44, of Edgbaston, and Mohammed Irfan, 31, of Ward End, both pleaded guilty before the trial to helping Khan send the shipments to the sub-continent. And Basiru Gassama, 30, of Hodge Hill, admitted knowing about Khan's kidnap plot but failing to tell the authorities.
Got all the way to the bottom of the article and didn't encounter a single Clive.

This article starring:
Amjab Mahmood
Basiru Gassama
Hamid Elasmar
Mohammed Irfan
Parvis Khan
Zahoor Iqbal
Posted by: ryuge || 02/18/2008 07:27 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Britain

Kosovo: Grenades in Serb city
Hand grenades were thrown at buildings of the European Union and United Nations on Sunday in the Kosovo Serb stronghold city of Mitrovica, after Kosovo declared independence with EU backing. One grenade exploded at the UN mission not causing any significant damage, said a Western source in the city. EU officials evacuated their building, which houses the team preparing a mission to supervise Kosovo's independence.
Posted by: Fred || 02/18/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Nades? A small price of freedom, after years of suffering Serbian brutality.

Those muzzie's owe the west, big time!
Posted by: Wheng and Tenille1721 || 02/18/2008 1:36 Comments || Top||

#2  Muzzies owing the west gratitude? Show me in the Koran where Mohammed commanded that in as plain language as Jesus did in the Parable of the Good Samaritan.

Oh, and the Samaritan was called good, because he IGNORED the class/race/religion boxes those in power DEMANDED that everyone be placed.
Posted by: Ptah || 02/18/2008 8:01 Comments || Top||

#3  Seems to be a couple of minor incidents but it's disturbing that Kosovo has shown up on the WOT Operations section. Let's hope it's not a trend but with the Kosovars declaring independence it doesn't look good. Some folks may enjoy seeing the Serbs and their Russian friends humiliated this way but I don't think it makes good sense to poke a bear just because you think you can get away with it. Nor do I think it makes good sense to get between the bear and the idiot who is doing the poking.
Posted by: Ebbang Uluque6305 || 02/18/2008 12:10 Comments || Top||

#4  Nah, I sort of like the idea of Muslim entity in Europe. Maybe it will finally be enough motivation to get "old" Europe to look at the Muzzie problem and get pro-active like the Danes are getting.
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 02/18/2008 13:27 Comments || Top||

#5  No-win situation here.

The KLA are smugglers and thugs. The Serbs are to be condemned for what they did.

But - Kosovo is the equivalent of, say, southern Florida being declared independent by ethnic Cubans, northern Florida by Quebecois, San Diego County by ethnic Mexicans, or Queens by Jamaicans, all due to their moving-in and becoming a significant population over the decades.

I highly doubt commenters like Whengie here would be so... accommodating.
Posted by: Pappy || 02/18/2008 13:47 Comments || Top||

#6  The KLA are smugglers and thugs. The Serbs are to be condemned for what they did.

The truth is that you Americans have let the MSM lead you by the nose and also done the dirty job for the Germans.
Posted by: JFM || 02/18/2008 15:02 Comments || Top||

#7  The KLA are smugglers and thugs. The Serbs are to be condemned for what they did.

Really? Did you knopw that unlike in Irak there were no mass graves found? Also you should remember what the Serbs suffrered during the Ottoman occupation, what they suffered, during German occupation (the brutality of the Muslim Hanschar division sickened even the SS), and the silent ethnic cleansing who took place in the immediate aftermath to Tito's death (Serb owned buildings ha=d a curious tendency to catch fire, Serb owned cattle to die and Serbian women to be raped).

The truth is that you Americans have let the MSM lead you by the nose and also done the dirty job for the Germans.
Posted by: JFM || 02/18/2008 15:04 Comments || Top||

#8  Gee, you left out the atrocities of the 13th-17th centuries.

I don't see anyone in the right here. Ain't no saints at all, baby.

Like I said, JFM. A no-win situation.
Posted by: Pappy || 02/18/2008 15:50 Comments || Top||

Arrests on 7th night of unrest across Denmark
Angry youths who have been setting fires in immigrant neighborhoods across Denmark for seven consecutive nights should expect no sympathy from society, Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Sunday. "I think it will be the opposite, that a lot of people will turn their backs on them," the prime minister said in interview with Denmark's TV2 news channel.

It was the first time he had commented publicly on the weeklong youth violence that has kept police and firefighters busy in cities across Denmark.

It's not clear what triggered the unrest but some observers say youths from Denmark's immigrant communities were protesting against perceived police harassment, and suggested Wednesday's reprinting of a cartoon lampooning the Prophet Muhammad may have aggravated the situation. Fogh Rasmussen rejected any notion that society was to blame for the unrest. "We must make clear that the youths are responsible for this — and their parents," he said.
Roger Kimball offers some commentary on 'youts' and why they haven't been named or identified in the Y'urp-peon press.
Posted by: Fred || 02/18/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Global Jihad

#1  why they haven't been named or identified in the Y'urp-peon press.

Actually, they have, at least in articles I've read from belgian, swiss and french sources. Like I told, even though I didn't search much, it's in the english language online press that the origins are missing (only mention was in the GoV & Brussels Journals, both tricard here).
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 02/18/2008 3:41 Comments || Top||

#2  "Tricard" = pooplisted, this was but a minor morning self-indulgence in french.
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 02/18/2008 3:42 Comments || Top||

#3  So 4 or 5 days ago, the Danish Gov't was doing a bluster about "Zero Tolerance". Yeah. Right.
Posted by: Thrulet Dark Lord of the Algonquins1536 || 02/18/2008 19:43 Comments || Top||

Six Hizbut Tehrir men arrested in Karachi
Brigade police arrested six members of Hizbut Tehrir, a defunct religious organisation, while they were pasting posters near Shahra-e-Qaideen on Sunday, reported Geo News.

According to the channel, the police arrested Ghulam Ali, Rizwan Ali, Abdul Samad, Talha, Shirafat Ali and Muhammad Sajid, and recovered a large number of posters from their possession. According to the police, the posters read: “Change cannot come with the present democracy and the enforcement of Caliphate is essential for bringing about a change”. Police are conducting raids to arrest their associates.
Posted by: Fred || 02/18/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Hizb-ut-Tahrir

Two Red Cross workers freed
Two Red Cross employees kidnapped two weeks ago in Pakistan have been freed without a ransom being paid, the organisation said on Saturday. The two International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) staff members were on a routine logistical mission in an ICRC-marked vehicle to Torkham, a border town between Pakistan and Afghanistan, when an unidentified group seized them on February 2.
Posted by: Fred || 02/18/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Two officials escape blasts in Swat
Two police officials escaped remote-controlled bomb blasts in Swat district here on Sunday, sources said. Police deputy superintendents (DSPs) of Kabal and Matta tehsils escaped two remote-controlled bomb blasts at the time they were inspecting the Bara Bandai area regarding security arrangements for the elections.

Also on Sunday, the security forces targeted suspected militant hideouts in the upper parts of Matta and Tilgram, but no casualties were reported.

Barring women: Also, political party leaders have decided to bar women from casting their votes during elections today (Monday). A meeting held at the office of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) here agreed that the women would not participate in the poll process in the NA-29 Swat-I and PF-80, PF-82, PF-83. The participants also agreed that no candidate would visit the polling stations in the district and would not set up camps outside the polling stations, given the prevailing law and order in the district.

20 suspects held: Moreover, the troops arrested 20 suspected militants during a search operation in Kabal and also dynamited the house of a militant commander Fazlur Rehman and the medical store of another commander Akbar Hussain.
Posted by: Fred || 02/18/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: TNSM

Blast toll reaches 47: Polls postponed in Parachinar
The Election Commission (EC) on Sunday announced that it had postponed the February polls in NA-37 Parachinar.

Around 47 people were killed and more than 150 wounded when a suicide bomber on Saturday rammed his explosives-laden car into the election office of an independent candidate in Parachinar.

EC Secretary Kanwar Dilshad told Geo television channel that the general elections had been delayed after the provincial government requested the centre to do so in view of the volatile security situation that had gripped the area after Saturday’s blast. Earlier, authorities clamped a curfew in Parachinar, and called in troops. Senior local administration official Fida Mohammad Khan told AFP that the situation in the town was tense and security extremely tight. “We have imposed restrictions on movement of people in sensitive areas of the town,” he said.

Paramilitary soldiers took up positions in the town to control violence. Agency Headquarters Hospital Casualty Medical Officer Dr Farhad Ali told APP that most of the injured were in critical condition.

A resident of Parachinar, Khalil Shah, told AFP that gunfire was continuing in the town after Saturday’s blast. Supporters of the candidate whose election office was attacked burned down several shops and damaged some government buildings on Saturday, a security official said.
Posted by: Fred || 02/18/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda

PML-N candidate among 9 killed in violence
Around nine people were killed and 36 injured in violence in various areas of the country on the eve of the general elections. In Lahore, a Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) candidate from PP-154 and his two guards were killed and six others injured when some armed men attacked them outside the candidate’s election office, hospital sources told Daily Times. Jinnah Hospital Medical Superintendent Zahid Pervez confirmed the death of PML-N candidate Chaudhry Asif Ashraf.

Also, a thirty-year-old man was killed and eight others injured when some unidentified armed men riding on motorcycles opened fire at the election office of PML-N candidate Hamza Shahbaz. Also, aerial firing was reported outside the election office of PML-Quaid candidate Hamayun Akhtar Khan. No casualties were reported. In Narowal, 12 people were injured as the supporters of a PML-Quaid and an independent candidate clashed in NA-116.

FC men: Separately, four Frontier Corps (FC) personnel were killed in an explosion in the Pir Koh gas field in the volatile Dera Bugti district when a remote-controlled bomb hit their vehicle. A pickup carrying seven troops hit a land mine, triggering an explosion that killed four soldiers at the scene, AP quoted local police chief Najmuddin Tareen as saying. The troops were on election duty.

Sarbaz Baluch, a spokesman from a group calling itself the Baluch Republican Army, said it was a remote-controlled bomb that targeted the troops. He also claimed responsibility for the blast, giving a higher death toll of eight, according to AFP. “One vehicle was blown up with a remote-controlled bomb, killing eight soldiers and injuring more than 15 others,” the spokesman claimed.

Quetta: In Quetta, ten people were injured in two separate incidents of hand grenade attacks on the election office of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement and a polling station, App reported. MQM candidate Abdul Ghani, five workers, and four policemen were among the injured.

Also on Sunday, two armed motorcyclists gunned down a sub-inspector of the Criminal Investigation Department in Quetta, according to eyewitnesses. Two masked teenagers fired at policeman Shahid on Brewery Road and managed to escape, according to eyewitnesses. Separately, unidentified miscreants blew up a railway track in Quetta, leading to a suspension of rail services in the city. Two feet of the track near the degree college in Sarayab were destroyed in a hand grenade attack while another two feet of the rail track were damaged in Kali Zehri, according to Online. The Chalatan Express was stranded in Quetta while the Jaffar Express had to stop in Kolpur.

Meanwhile, rockets were fired on three electricity pylons in Kohlu district of Balochistan, which suspended the supply of power to the Mahawand locality. Dawn News channel reported that around 20 attacks or blasts were reported from various areas of Balochistan. The Balochistan Liberation Army has accepted the responsibility for the attacks, the channel reported.
Posted by: Fred || 02/18/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

Policeman kills electoral officer, injures two in Thatta
A policeman, escorting the electoral staff in a bus, shot an assistant presiding officer dead and injured two others following a quarrel with them in the limits of Makli Police Station on Sunday, officials said. Abbas Arain killed Pir Bux with his kalashnikov rifle and injured Ali Nawaz Bharani and Ghulam Rasool Jhokhio, they said. Meanwhile, dozens of teachers blocked the National Highway to protest the incident and demanded deployment of army for their security. District Police Officer Dawood Junejo has announced Rs 300,000 for the heirs of the deceased and Rs 50,000 each for the injured.
Posted by: Fred || 02/18/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

Lieutenant of Special Groups Leader Hasnawi Captured
BAGHDAD – Soldiers with Multi-National Division – Baghdad captured a top lieutenant of Arkan Hasnawi, a Special Groups leader, during an operation in northern Baghdad Feb. 17. Paratroopers with Company C, 2nd Battalion, 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, MND-B, detained the individual at approximately 1 p.m. after receiving a tip on his whereabouts.

The suspect is allegedly a key ringleader in Hasnawi’s criminal network, said Maj. Cameron Weathers, the intelligence officer for the 2nd BCT. He is accused of explosively formed projectile and multiple mortar attacks against Iraqi and U.S. Security Forces, as well as the kidnapping and murder of Iraqi civilians.

A day earlier, elements of the Iraqi National Police and the 2nd BCT, 82nd Abn. Div., seized a large cache with multiple rocket and mortars associated with Specials Groups. “Northern Baghdad is an area that Special Groups criminals have wanted to dominate for some time, and it is pretty clear that this is the foreign influenced Special Groups,” said Lt. Col. David Oclander, brigade executive officer. “These captures will have a disrupting affect on their operations.

“It is very important to note that these successes have originated as a result of Iraqi civilian tips,” Oclander said. “The vast majority of the locals want to take ownership of their future by eliminating those who refuse to comply with the ongoing cease fire.”
Posted by: Glenmore || 02/18/2008 07:09 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: IRGC

IA Soldiers' quick action prevents suicide attack
The alert action of Iraqi Army Soldiers prevented a suicide bomber from reaching her intended target in the Rusafa District at approximately 10 a.m. Feb. 17. As a result of their quick reaction the only death resulting from the aborted attack was that of the female suicide bomber. Two Iraqi citizens were injured in the blast.

The attempted attack took place when a woman, who appeared to be a beggar, was noticed having a bulky protrusion around her mid-section, said Iraqi Col. Fahdel, 2nd Battalion, 1st Brigade, 11th Iraqi Army Division. Alert Iraqi Army soldiers quickly realized her intent and ordered her to raise her hands, said Fahdel. At that time, she raised one of her hands but had an object with wires attached concealed in her other hand. Sensing the potential danger, the Soldiers fired three rounds. The woman staggered back to a nearby shop, where the blast detonated.

It is unknown whether she detonated the blast herself or if it was detonated by another source. The Soldiers’ quick action prevented the potential loss of a large number of civilian lives.
Posted by: Fred || 02/18/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Iraq

#1  Police brutality...
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 02/18/2008 3:30 Comments || Top||

#2  Yup, exactly the right kind of "Brutality" In exactly the right place.

Congrats Troopies. Shalom
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 02/18/2008 10:49 Comments || Top||

#3  Any word as to her mental capacity? ie : another Downs Syndrome individual?
Posted by: USN,Ret. || 02/18/2008 13:21 Comments || Top||

#4  It appears that quite a few Iraqi Army soldiers have become very professional in a very short time. Of course, being at war constantly does weed out any riff-raff.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 02/18/2008 14:31 Comments || Top||

Coalition forces targets weapons facilitation networks; two killed, 12 detained
Coalition forces killed two terrorists and detained 12 suspects Saturday and today during operations to disrupt al-Qaeda networks operating in central Iraq.

In continued efforts to disrupt terrorist safe havens northeast of Samarra near the Hamrin Mountains, Coalition forces conducted an operation Saturday targeting an alleged al-Qaeda in Iraq leader for the network operating in the Albu Awad village. As they arrived at the target location, two men were observed fleeing the area and were directed to stop. Both men continued to maneuver in opposite directions and Coalition forces followed one, engaging and killing him. The other individual was found hiding with a pistol, ready to fire at the ground force. Perceiving hostile intent from the armed suspect, Coalition forces engaged, killing him.

In Baghdad today, Coalition forces captured an alleged senior level car-bomb facilitator for al-Qaeda in Iraq networks throughout Baghdad and north to Tikrit. Reports indicate the suspected terrorist was a former leader for the AQI network in Karkh, and was involved in the abduction of an Iraqi intelligence officer last spring. The suspect is believed to be a direct associate of AQI senior leaders throughout Baghdad and the surrounding terrorist networks. In addition to the wanted individual, Coalition forces detained one suspect on site without incident.

In the western region of the city, Coalition forces detained three suspected terrorists to include an alleged weapons facilitator who specializes in transporting improvised explosive device and car-bomb supplies in northern Iraq. Reports indicate the individual is associated with another suspected car-bomb facilitator, who was detained by Coalition forces Feb. 15 (see MNF-I press release A080215a, "Coalition targets suicide bombing cell, IED network; three killed, 10 detained," dated Feb. 15, 2008).

An additional seven suspects were detained during operations in Baqouba and southwest of Samarra targeting associates of the AQI suicide network operating in the region, and an associate of the AQI leader for the Jazirah area. "Iraqi and Coalition forces are on the offensive against al-Qaeda in Iraq," said Maj. Winfield Danielson, MNF-I spokesman. "We're finding the places they hide and disrupting the supply of weapons they use for vicious attacks against innocent Iraqis."
Posted by: Fred || 02/18/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Iraq

PCHR sez: We don't know either

They're sooooo confused...
PCHR and Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights call for an investigation into the explosion that destroyed a house in El-Bureij refugee camp, resulting in the death of 8 people, including 5 children, and injury of dozens. The Centre calls for publicizing the results of the investigation.

At approximately 20:50 on Friday, 15 February, a huge explosion rocked El-Bureij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip. The explosion occurred in the house of Ayman Atallah Ahmad Fayed (41), an activist in Al-Quds Battalions, the armed wing of Islamic Jihad. The explosion destroyed the ground-floor concrete house completely, killing the activist, his wife Marwa Azzam Fayed (39), and three of his children: Basma (12), Ali (17), and Ayyoub (5). A fourth son, Adam (15) was seriously injured. In addition, three of Fayed’s neighbors were killed: Zakaria Nabil El-Kefafi (17) who was in Fayed’s house at the time, Talal Salah Sa’id Abu El-Oun (16), and Atallah Samir Mohammad Ismail (24). Approximately 60 people were injured, including 23 women and 20 children. Among the injured are 14 people suffering serious injuries. The explosion destroyed 6 nearby houses completely, and caused extensive destruction in 10 other houses. Dozens of houses suffered damages.
"Oooooyyyyy!" sez Mutual of Gaza...
Over the past three days, PCHR and Al-Mezan have conducted a preliminary investigation in this tragedy. The Center’s fieldworkers and lawyer gathered field information and eyewitness testimonies from the scene of the tragedy. The preliminary findings point to the following:
It was Friday. It was cold in Gaza. We were working the day watch out of the Mysterious Explosions Divivsion...
- There is no evidence to confirm that the explosion was caused by rocket or aerial bombardment by Israeli occupation forces (IOF), as mentioned in some media outlets. It is more likely that it was an internal explosion the circumstances of which are unclear as of yet. Eyewitnesses confirmed seeing smoke and fire issue from Fayed’s house seconds before the explosion. According to similar incidents in the past, this indicates that it may have been an internal explosion.

- The cause of the explosion is not clear. It is unknown if it was triggered by a mistake if the preparation and/or storage of a large explosive device; or if IOF are involving through planting a booby-trapped explosive device inside the house.
Wily Jooooos or Dumb Ass Palis? Sounds like they're too embarrassed to make the call...
- PCHR holds documentation of previous incidents in both directions:

IOF have been involved in several assassinations of Palestinian activists using booby-trapped explosive devices that caused casualties and destruction on a large scale. Furthermore, the Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak stated recently that his forces are engaged in secret operations in the Gaza Strip without specifying the nature of these operations.
So it could still be da Jooooos...
Internal explosions have occurred in residential houses in heavily-populated houses due to errors in the manufacture or storage of explosives, which killed a large number of civilians and destroyed several houses.
...or maybe it's not da Joooooos.
In light of these developments, PCHR and Al-Mezan:

Reiterate the call for a thorough investigation into the explosion, and for publishing the results of this investigation.
So whaddya think, Mahmoud? "Mysterious" explosion or "ambiguous" explosion?
Affirm that the biggest losers in this tragedy are the Palestinian civilians who were killed, injured, terrorized, and suffered the destruction of their property.
Does anyone have their violin handy?
Regardless of the cause of this explosion, both organizations point to the danger of storage of explosives in residential areas by Palestinian resistance groups, which threatens the lives of Palestinian civilians in violation of human rights and International Humanitarian Law. This erroneous practice must stop! And its threat becomes more serious in of the continuous IOF threats.
So call PCHR for this informative pamphlet, "So You're Going to Store Homemade Rockets In Your Garage Before You Shoot Them at Joooos". You'll be glad you did...
Posted by: tu3031 || 02/18/2008 08:27 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  I know it's not in the Paleo DNA, nor is it possible to be "manly" without explosives in your house or frequent gunsex, so these "accidents" won't end soon
Posted by: Frank G || 02/18/2008 9:41 Comments || Top||

#2  Keeping in mind that Allan helps those who can't help themselves.
Posted by: Seafarious || 02/18/2008 9:41 Comments || Top||

#3  when it's an "own goal" like this, do they get 72 Vegans?
Posted by: Frank G || 02/18/2008 9:51 Comments || Top||

#4  Ahmed: "I'm only gonna show you this one time so pay attention!"
Ali: I am paying atrtention. You said connect the green wire with the red wire like ths."
Ahmed: "NOOOO< I said connect the"--BOOM!
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 02/18/2008 10:31 Comments || Top||

#5  Old Curse "Confusion to your Enemies".
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 02/18/2008 10:44 Comments || Top||

#6  So, just guessing here, that due to the unknown explosion caused by the late Scoutmaster Ahmad his injured son Adam is not going to be getting his Pipe Bomb Merit Badge anytime soon?
Posted by: USN,Ret. || 02/18/2008 13:28 Comments || Top||

Posted by: JosephMendiola || 02/18/2008 22:34 Comments || Top||

Soldier seriously wounded in Gaza
An IDF soldier was seriously wounded Sunday during in exchanges of fire during an ongoing operation in the southern Gaza Strip. The soldier, a member of the IDF's elite General Staff Reconnaissance Unit (Sayeret Matkal) was evacuated by helicopter to Soroka Hospital in Beersheba.

Troops backed by aircraft and tanks clashed with Palestinian operatives firing mortars and machine guns near Gaza's defunct international airport Sunday, killing three gunmen and a civilian, health officials said. Fifteen people, including several gunmen, were wounded in the fighting, which erupted at about 1 a.m. Sunday after undercover troops took over several homes near the airport in southern Gaza. Tanks and bulldozers moved in to back the troops, and IAF aircraft struck twice, Hamas said. In one air strike, three gunmen were killed, including two from Hamas and one from the Popular Resistance Committees, said Health Ministry official Dr. Moawiya Hassanain. A civilian was also killed in the clashes, Hassanain said.

The IDF said the operation was aimed at terrorists who regularly fire rockets and mortars at southern Israel. It said one of the air strikes was aimed at operatives approaching soldiers. As part of the army raid, bulldozers were razing farmlands in an effort to deny rocket squads cover, and the army was carrying out arrest sweeps of men under 45, Hamas security and residents said. According to Hamas, at least 25 men were arrested.

Separately, a Hamas operative died of wounds sustained in an IAF air strike last week. Earlier Sunday, IDF troops arrested 16 terror suspects in the West Bank. They were taken to security forces for questioning. In a Nablus building where one of the suspects was hiding the soldiers found makeshift weapons and ammunition.
Posted by: Fred || 02/18/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  The Silver Platter
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 02/18/2008 2:29 Comments || Top||

Projectile hits Egyptian building at Gaza border
A shell or rocket hit the Egyptian side of the crossing point with Gaza on Sunday, knocking down a wall at an Egyptian government administrative building, security sources said. There were no injuries.

The Rafah crossing is where tens of thousands of Palestinians broke through into Egypt last month to seek relief from the blockade imposed by Israel. Egypt has since resealed the border but it has been holding talks with the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, which controls Gaza, on how the border might reopen.

The security sources said that at the time the projectile landed on Sunday Israeli forces were carrying out a military operation in the Palestinian side of the town.
Posted by: Fred || 02/18/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  Probably some Hamas idiot fired their RPG the wrong way.
Posted by: gorb || 02/18/2008 3:00 Comments || Top||

#2  They have a gift for making friends.
Posted by: bigjim-ky || 02/18/2008 7:32 Comments || Top||

#3  Hoping to blame Israel for that?
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 02/18/2008 10:26 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Bali bomber found in shallow grave
THE terrorist who built the bombs used in the 2002 Bali atrocity is believed to have been killed in the Philippines.

The body of a man thought to be Indonesian bomb expert Dulmatin, one of those behind the Bali bombings, was recovered from a shallow grave in the island of Tawi-tawi, said Major General Ben Dolorfino.

He is believed to have built the devices used in the 2002 Bali atrocity, in which 202 people were killed including 88 Australians.

"As of now, we are conducting DNA test to confirm if it is really his body," said Maj-Gen Dolorfino.

An informant had led them to the grave.

"Based on the description of the informant, (Dulmatin) suffered gunshots in the head, chest and right foot," Maj-Gen Dolorfino said.

The US Government has offered a US$10 million ($10.8m) bounty for Dulmatin, who has been hiding out in the southern Philippines with local militants for most of the past five years.

Dulmatin was reported to have been wounded in a clash with government troops in the south on January 31.

Dulmatin, who like many Indonesians goes by one name, has eluded the Philippine military and their US advisers for years, although security forces found his wife in 2006 and their children the following year in a rebel hideout in the Philippine south.

They have since been deported to Indonesia.

Dulmatin, a leading member of Jemaah Islamiah, was believed to have fled to the southern Philippines in 2003 with Umar Patek, another JI member, after both were implicated in the Bali blasts.

Both Dulmatin and Patek had been working with members of Abu Sayyaf, a Philippine group responsible for the bombing of a ferry close to Manila in 2004 that killed more than 100 people in the Philippines' worst militant attack.

Foreign Islamic militants have a history of helping to train militant Muslims in the southern Philippines, a largely Catholic country, in bomb-making techniques.
Posted by: tipper || 02/18/2008 20:52 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  hopefully discovered by feral pigs?
Posted by: Frank G || 02/18/2008 21:33 Comments || Top||

#2  Ahhh...too bad, too sad. unfortunately two cockroaches will likely pop up to replace him.
Posted by: anymouse || 02/18/2008 23:11 Comments || Top||

Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka claims 20 rebels killed
Sri Lankan forces killed at least 20 Tamil Tiger guerrillas in clashes in the north of the island at the weekend, defence officials said Sunday.

Government forces backed by war planes attacked Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) along the front lines in the north on Saturday, an official said. He said the air force had made attacks at targets inside rebel-held territory over the weekend, but details of casualties were not immediately known.

There was no immediate comment from the Tigers who are leading a drawn out campaign for independence. The latest defence ministry figures show that at least 1,268 rebels have been killed by security forces this year. The military has placed its own losses during the same period at 70 soldiers and police killed. Both sides are known to offer wildly different casualty claims that cannot be independently verified as journalists and human rights workers are barred from frontline and rebel-held areas.
Posted by: Fred || 02/18/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Two wounded in Beirut shootout amid rising tensions
Two people were wounded in a shootout in a Muslim neighborhood of Beirut on Sunday, police and hospital officials said. The state-run National News Agency reported a shootout between a group of Palestinians and Lebanese, adding that army troops intervened to restore order. It gave no further details on the cause of the clash but said the gunmen fled to an unknown location.
Posted by: Fred || 02/18/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: PFLP-GC

#1  Popcorn time?
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 02/18/2008 2:29 Comments || Top||

Iran's MPs demand severance of ties with Denmark over cartoon
Iranian parliamentarians on Sunday demanded the government sever ties with Denmark over the renewed publication of a controversial cartoon depicting the Prophet Mohammed wearing a bomb shaped like a turban.

A letter sent by 16 of 290 MPs called on President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to sever both political and economic ties with Copenhagen due to 'renewed insults by the Danish press against Islam,' IRNA news agency reported.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry has already summoned the Danish ambassador to Tehran and condemned the move. It called on the Danish government to confront 'such renewed insults' which were contrary to both humanitarian and democratic norms, Fars news agency reported.

A Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad-Ali Hosseini on Sunday accused the Danish government of 'not doing enough to confront such moves', but declined to say what diplomatic measures the government would take.

Leading Danish newspapers reprinted the cartoon last Wednesday, a day after police said they had thwarted an alleged plot to kill the cartoonist, Dane Kurt Westergaard. The cartoons sparked violent protests in 2006. But unlike 2006, there have been no demonstrations so far outside the Danish embassy in Tehran which was then attacked by angry Iranian Islamists.
Posted by: Fred || 02/18/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

#1  Does that include muslims leaving Denmark?
Posted by: gorb || 02/18/2008 3:01 Comments || Top||

#2  It called on the Danish government to confront 'such renewed insults' which were contrary to both humanitarian and democratic norms

Um, it's a silly-ass cartoon. I think Denmark can do without the 1% of their trade that comes from Iran anyway.
Posted by: bigjim-ky || 02/18/2008 7:34 Comments || Top||

#3  Oh no. The Danes will have to buy California pistachios instead of Iranian ones.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 02/18/2008 8:58 Comments || Top||

#4  Yep, 16 out of 290; a resounding 5.5 %
better do as they wish.
Posted by: USN,Ret. || 02/18/2008 13:30 Comments || Top||

Good Morning
Posted by: Fred || 02/18/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Is she the Good Witch of the South? I get them confused.
Posted by: Excalibur || 02/18/2008 7:24 Comments || Top||

Posted by: Fred || 02/18/2008 8:14 Comments || Top||

#3  Good Witch of the East, Excaliber.
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 02/18/2008 10:51 Comments || Top||

#4  As I recall...

The wicked witch of the East was the one who Dorothy dropped a house on. Glenda was the witch of the south. The wicked witch of the West was 'liquidated'. The witch of the north was not in the movie (but in the book... I don't recall the details...)

(In our world the east is running for the DNC nomination, the west was elected to Speaker...)
Posted by: CrazyFool || 02/18/2008 11:23 Comments || Top||

#5  What is the Witch of the South good at?
Posted by: gorb || 02/18/2008 14:26 Comments || Top||

#6  Glinda was good at explaining things. She told Dorothy how to get home using the silver shoes (not ruby slippers, as in the movie). She also used the winged monkeys to get the Lion, Scarecrow, and Tin Woodman back to where they wanted to go, and then released the winged monkeys from the requirement that they serve the owner of the golden cap.
Posted by: mom || 02/18/2008 16:07 Comments || Top||

#7  I'll get you my pretties, and your little blog too.
Posted by: dedit dedit deduhduh || 02/18/2008 17:38 Comments || Top||

#8  In 1964, the American Quarterly published Henry M. Littlefield's "The Wizard of Oz: Parable on Populism." Littlefield described all sorts of hidden meanings and allusions to Gilded Age society in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: the wicked Witch of the East represented eastern industrialists and bankers who controlled the people (the Munchkins); the Scarecrow was the wise but naive western farmer; the Tin Woodman stood for the dehumanized industrial worker; the Cowardly Lion was William Jennings Bryan, Populist presidential candidate in 1896; the Yellow Brick Road, with all its dangers, was the gold standard; Dorothy's silver slippers (Judy Garland's were ruby red, but Baum originally made them silver) represented the Populists' solution to the nation's economic woes ("the free and unlimited coinage of silver"); Emerald City was Washington, D.C.; the Wizard, "a little bumbling old man, hiding behind a facade of paper mache and noise, . . . able to be everything to everybody," was any of the Gilded Age presidents.(1)

The most extensive treatment of the Littlefield thesis is an article by Hugh Rockoff in the Journal of Political Economy. Rockoff, who saw in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz "a sophisticated commentary on the political and economic debates of the Populist Era," discovered a surprising number of new analogies. The Deadly Poppy Field, where the Cowardly Lion fell asleep and could not move forward, was the anti-imperialism that threatened to make Bryan forget the main issue of silver (note the Oriental connotation of poppies and opium). Once in the Emerald Palace, Dorothy had to pass through seven halls and climb three flights of stairs; seven and three make seventy-three, which stands for the Crime of '73, the congressional act that eliminated the coinage of silver and that proved to all Populists the collusion between congress and bankers. The Wicked Witch of the East was Grover Cleveland; of the West, William McKinley. The enslavement of the yellow Winkies was "a not very well disguised reference to McKinley's decision to deny immediate independence to the Philippines" after the Spanish-American War. The Wizard himself was Mark Hanna, McKinley's campaign manager, although Rockoff noted that "this is one of the few points at which the allegory does not work straightforwardly."

More here. Though I think the Wizard was Alan Greenspan.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 02/18/2008 18:37 Comments || Top||

#9  that's without mentioning Pink Floyd's Dark side of the Moon simulcast synching...spooky :-)
Posted by: Frank G || 02/18/2008 19:07 Comments || Top||

#10  Margaret Hamilton asked why the movie used ruby slippers instead of silver shoes. She gad read all the books as a child. She was told that ruby looked better in Technicolor.
Posted by: Eric Jablow || 02/18/2008 21:40 Comments || Top||

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