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Report: Turkey arrests alleged Reina nightclub attack planner
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6 10:12 Crusader [18] 
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3 11:26 Abu Uluque [17]
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20 militants killed in airstrikes in southern Uruzgan province
[Khaama] At least 20 Lions of Islam were killed in a series of Arclight airstrikes conducted in southern Uruzgan province of Afghanistan.

According to the local security officials, the Lions of Islam were targeted in the vicinity of Tarinkot city, the lovely provincial capital of Uruzgan.

Provincial governor’s front man Dost Mohammad Nayab confirmed that several Arclight airstrikes were carried out against the Lions of Islam in this province.

Nayab further added that the Lions of Islam were targeted in strikes conducted both by the Afghan forces and the foreign based in the country.

He said at least 20 Lions of Islam were killed during the Arclight airstrike conducted recently in Tarinkot.

According to Nayab, the Arclight airstrikes are being carried out as part of clearance operations against the Lions of Islam which were launched few days ago.

Nayab says at least 43 Lions of Islam have been killed or maimed since the operation was launched a few days ago.

The anti-government armed holy warrior groups including the Taliban bully boyz have not commented regarding the report so far.

Uruzgan is among the relatively volatile provinces in southern Afghanistan where the Taliban bully boyz and Lions of Islam belonging to the myrmidon groups are actively operating in its various districts.

According to the local officials, the Lions of Islam have intensified attacks in this province during the past six months and have conducted numerous attacks on government compounds and security posts.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/15/2017 00:18 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

Africa North
13 Egyptians kidnapped in Libya freed: army
[AlManar] Egypt’s army on Tuesday announced the release of 13 Egyptians kidnapped in eastern Libya, which has been plagued by chaos and security problems since 2011.

Army front man Colonel Tamer al-Rifai said in a statement the 13 "were kidnapped by an armed criminal group in the Ajdabiya region".

The statement said their liberation had been made possible by "coordination with the general command of the Libyan army", without elaborating.

The Libyan National Army is loyal to Marshal Khalifa Haftar
... served in the Libyan army under Muammar Qadaffy, and took part in the coup that brought Qadaffy to power in 1969. He became a prisoner of war in Chad in 1987. While held prisoner, he and his fellow officers formed a group hoping to overthrow Qadaffy. He was released around 1990 in a deal with the United States government and spent nearly two decades in the United States, gaining US citizenship. In 1993, while living in the United States, he was convicted in absentia of crimes against the Jamahiriya and sentenced to death. Haftar held a senior position in the anti-Qadaffy forces in the 2011 Libyan Civil War. In 2014 he was commander of the Libyan Army when the General National Congress (GNC) refused to give up power in accordance with its term of office. Haftar launched a campaign against the GNC and its Islamic fundamentalist allies. His campaign allowed elections to take place to replace the GNC, but then developed into a civil war. Guess you can't win them all...
, the strongman in eastern Libya and a rival of Fayez al-Sarraj, leader of the Tripoli
...a confusing city, one end of which is located in Lebanon and the other end of which is the capital of Libya. Its chief distinction is being mentioned in the Marine Hymn...
-based and internationally recognized national unity government.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/15/2017 06:20 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

7 Soddy soldiers die in Yemen border figthing
[al-Manar] At least seven Saudi soldiers have died on the southern border since late last week, according to an unusual series of official reports released.

In separate dispatches since last Thursday, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) has carried photographs of funerals for the “martyrs” it said had died “defending the southern borders.”

The most recent report, published late on Monday, named Mohammed al-Manjahi as the latest soldier to have been killed.

A Saudi-led coalition began a brutal aggression on Yemen in March 2015 to support its ally the fugitive President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi.

An earlier AFP tally of reports by the Saudi interior ministry and civil defence department found that at least 115 Saudi soldiers and alleged civilians had been killed on the southern border since coalition operations began. That total has now reached at least 122.

The Saudi interior ministry regularly gives details of casualties among its border guard troops but other military services normally do not.

Official media have previously reported on funerals for dead troops but the series of dispatches since last week is unusual.
Posted by: badanov || 02/15/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Houthis

3 die in suicide bomb attack in Radaa
ADEN: A suicide car bomb attack in a rebel-held Yemeni town on Tuesday killed three people, including a child, and wounded eight others, a provincial official said.

The attack targeted a sports and culture club in the Houthi-controlled town of Radaa, he said, in the central province of Baida where Al-Qaeda fighters are present.

A security official said: “Houthi fighters opened fire on the car before it attacked the club, causing it to explode at the gate, leading to the deaths and injuries.”

A nearby school was also damaged, the source said.

Late last month, dozens of suspected Al-Qaeda militants, civilians and a US Navy Seal were killed in a US raid on a compound in the same province.

The United States considers Al-Qaeda’s Yemen-based franchise, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, to be the extremist group’s most dangerous.

AQAP and the Daesh jihadist group have exploited a power vacuum created by the conflict between the government and the Shiite rebels to expand their presence in Yemen.
Posted by: badanov || 02/15/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Arabia

ROK Warns Against Visiting Paris Migrant Suburbs After Tourist Coach Incident
[Breitbart] The Korean embassy has warned against visiting the migrant-dominated Paris region of Seine-Saint-Denis after thugs terrorised a coach of tourists.

A group of around forty South Korean tourists were ’slapped’, threatened, and robbed by five men who climbed aboard their coach as it was stuck in traffic near Bobigny, where anti-police riots were taking place.

The intruders first "slapped" some of the passengers, then proceeded to loot the vehicle, stealing "all valuables: blue cards, cash and even Eurostar train tickets" before finally attempting to set fire to the coach as they left the vehicle, Le Parisien reported on Tuesday.

According to the Korean embassy in Paris, the perpetrators shouted as they boarded the coach, and then threatened tourists with what is believed to have been a glass bottle, which they also used to "tap" the heads of passengers sitting towards the front of the vehicle.

The incident took place as the group of holidaymakers travelled from the Eiffel Tower to their hotel in Seine-Saint-Denis. Describing them as "panicked" when they finally arrived at the hotel, its manager said the tourist group refused to leave the hotel to report their ordeal to the police
Posted by: Besoeker || 02/15/2017 04:42 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Moslem Colonists

#1  they are south koreans, the biggest meatiest and muscly-est of asians

why didn't the bus rise up and go hap ki do on that pissant little gang of 5 armed with a mere bottle?
Posted by: anon1 || 02/15/2017 6:32 Comments || Top||

#2  Because then the French would have arrested THEM.
Posted by: Herb McCoy7309 || 02/15/2017 7:16 Comments || Top||

#3  South Korean men are supposed to all have studied martial arts as boys, preparatory for their military service, but that isn't true. Also, it occurs to me that sitting in tourist coach seats, which are not easy to get out of, intermingled with untrained women -- most Korean women do not train in the martial arts -- would handicap any of those prosperous, likely middle aged gentleman who'd had such training in their youth.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/15/2017 10:04 Comments || Top||

#4  migrant-dominated Paris region of Seine-Saint-Denis

These "migrants" wouldn't be of the usual-suspect variety, would they?

And if they were tourists, they well have been older.
Posted by: gorb || 02/15/2017 10:05 Comments || Top||

#5  the french economy would be so much worse off without those people claiming benefits in their colonies
Posted by: Bright Pebbles || 02/15/2017 10:11 Comments || Top||

#6  Has anyone blamed Israel for this yet?
Posted by: Crusader || 02/15/2017 10:12 Comments || Top||

The Grand Turk
Report: Turkey arrests alleged Reina nightclub attack planner
[Ynet] Turkish authorities have tossed in the clink
Yez got nuttin' on me, coppers! Nuttin'!
a man they believe is among the planners of the New Year's Reina nightclub massacre in Istanbul that killed 39 people, a news agency report said Tuesday.

The private Dogan news agency, citing officials from the prosecutors' office in Burdur, southern The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the only place on the face of the earth that misses the Ottoman Empire....
, identified the suspect only by his initials, A.S., and said he is a French citizen with an ethnic Turkish background. On him, authorities discovered a contract to rent an apartment that was used by Abdulkadir Masharipov, who carried out the nightclub attack, the agency said.
Update from Al Arabiya at 12:45 a.m. ET:
The man, a 22-year-old French citizen of Turkish descent, was caught in Istanbul, Anadolu said. A police official said he were tossed into the calaboose weeks ago and formally charged last week. His detention had not previously been made public.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/15/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Kashmir Korpse Kount
[AlManar] Three soldiers and four suspected holy warriors were killed in separate gunbattles in Indian-administered Kashmire on Tuesday, officials said, marking an uptick in violence in the restive region.

The soldiers died during a shootout with holy warriors that broke out at Hajin in Bandipora district, army front man Rajesh Kalia told AFP, adding that five other soldiers were maimed.

A police official said a civilian also sustained injuries in the cross-firing which erupted after the government forces cordoned off an area following a tip-off about the presence of bully boys.

"A search party was suddenly fired upon by the holy warriors as it zeroed in on a residential area," a police superintendent told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity
... for fear of being murdered...
as he was not authorized to talk to the press.

One bully boy, whose identity was not yet known, was also killed in the operation, he added.

In the second deadly clash Tuesday, three holy warriors were killed while a soldier received bullet wounds during a shootout in Kupwara district, army front man Colonel Manish confirmed to AFP.

"Police and army laid a siege... after intelligence inputs about the presence of bully boys," he said.

"The holy warriors fired upon the search party, injuring an army trooper, and in the retaliatory firing three holy warriors were killed."

Tuesday’s deadly violence came days after four bully boys, two soldiers and two non-combatants were killed in a flare-up in southern Kashmire.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/15/2017 06:20 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistain Proxies

4 die in Kashmir fighting
Three Indian soldiers and a suspected militant were killed in a gunbattle in held Kashmir Tuesday after an army patrol came under fire in the north of the territory, officials said.

“Three soldiers were killed during a gunfight with militants that broke out at Hajin in Bandipora district,” army spokesman Rajesh Kalia told AFP, adding that five other soldiers were injured.

A police official said a civilian also sustained injuries in the cross-firing which erupted after the government forces cordoned off an area following a tip-off about the presence of militants.

“A search party was suddenly fired upon by the militants as it zeroed in on a residential area,” a police superintendent told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity as he was not authorised to talk to the press.

He added that nine soldiers were injured in the initial attack and were immediately shifted to army hospital.

“Three among them later succumbed to their injuries,” he added.

One suspected militant, whose identity was not yet known, was also killed in the operation, he added.

Tuesday's deadly violence came days after four militants, two soldiers and two civilians were killed in a flare-up in southern Kashmir.
Posted by: badanov || 02/15/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistain Proxies

Mosul Offensive News

24 ISIS operatives die trying to sneak into Mosul

Nineveh (IraqiNews.com) A Counter-Terrorism Officer announced on Tuesday, that 24 members of the Islamic State, including two elite leaders, were killed, after sneaking into eastern Mosul.

Major Ali Mohsen said in a press statement, “Security forces killed 24 members of the Islamic State, including two senior leaders, after sneaking into al-Maliyah area, in eastern Mosul.”

“The security forces emphasized the importance of reporting any suspicious movements in the area, to prevent the sneaking of the Islamic State’s members into the liberated areas,” Mohsen added.
Posted by: badanov || 02/15/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Anbar Antics

Soldier dies in checkpoint attack near Ramadi

Anbar (IraqiNews.com) A security source in Anbar Operations Command revealed on Tuesday, that a soldier was killed, while three others were wounded in an armed attack on a checkpoint in Km 35 area, west of Ramadi.

The source said, “Members of the Islamic State attacked a checkpoint in the Km 35 area on the international road, west of Ramadi, killing one soldier and wounding three others.”

“The wounded were transferred to a nearby hospital, while security troops conducted an extensive operation to search for the perpetrators of the arrack, who managed to escape toward the western desert,” the source added.

The source also declared that dozens of terrorist attacks were launched by the Islamic State, on military checkpoints and headquarters on the international road and the liberated western areas, from the open desert areas.

Security forces seize 400 bombs in Husaiba area

Anbar (IraqiNews.com) A source in Anbar Operations Command revealed, that security forces discovered a cache of weapons containing 400 improvised explosive devices, east of Ramadi, Alsumaria News reported on Tuesday.

The source said, “Army forces discovered a cache of weapons containing 400 improvised explosive devices in Husaiba area (23 east of Ramadi).”

“Security sources detonated the cache, without inflicting any human losses,” the source added on condition of anonymity.

Noteworthy, Husaiba area was liberated from the Islamic State’s control more than a year ago, while military engineering brigades are continue searching and cleansing the area, in preparation for the return of displaced people.
Posted by: badanov || 02/15/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Baghdad Bomb and Bullet Bulletin

Car bomb detonates in al-Bayaa region

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) A booby-trapped car blast left a yet indefinite number of casualties in western Baghdad on Tuesday, reports said in breaking news quoting the Interior Ministry.

The blast rocked a so-called Senai (industrial) neighborhood in al-Bayaa region west of Baghdad, the ministry’s Baghdad Operations was quoted as saying in a statement.

No exact count of casualties has been given yet.

Violence surged in Iraq with the emergence of Islamic State militants who took over large areas of the country in 2014. Baghdad has been witnessing almost daily bombings targeting civilians and security personnel.

Nobody has claimed responsibility yet for the bombing, but IS militants have said they had been responsible for several bloody explosions and attacks that hit the capital in the past months, bringing the governorate municipal and security officials under critics’ fire.

The United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) said violence in the country left nearly 382 dead, including security members, and 908 injured during January. Baghdad was the most affected province with 128 deaths and 444 injuries, according to the organization.

Observers believe Islamic State have begun to escalate attacks outside the city of Mosul, where the group has been losing ground and personnel since October, so as to relieve pressure by government forces on that front and to divert attention from group losses.

While losing Mosul could be the severest blow to the group’s existence in Iraq, some observers argue that attacks outside the province prove that the extremist group can still pose a security threat for all cities.

Security forces detain 3 in Tarmiyah District

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) The Ministry of Defense’s War Media Cell announced on Tuesday, that security forces arrested three terrorists, who were planning to attack civilians and security units in Tarmiyah District, in northern Baghdad.

The Cell said in a press statement, “Military intelligence Directorate arrested three terrorists,” pointing out that, “These terrorists were planning to attack innocent civilians and security units in Tarmiyah District, in northern the capital, Baghdad.”

Earlier today, Baghdad Operations Command announced that a terrorist attack hit al-Baya’ area, southwest of Baghdad.
Posted by: badanov || 02/15/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under:

ISIL leadership targeted in air strike, Baghdadi fate unclear
The Iraqi Air Force carried out a strike on a house where Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was thought to be meeting other commanders, the Iraqi military said on Feb. 13, without making clear whether he had been hit.

In a statement, it said Iraqi F-16s had targeted the house in western Iraq on Feb. 11. It published the names of 13 ISIL commanders it said had been killed in the air strike, but the list did not include Baghdadi. Three other ISIL positions in western Iraq were targeted in the same wave of air strikes, killing 64 fighters, the statement added.

The military said Baghdadi moved last week in a convoy from Raqqa, in Syria, to the region of al-Qaim, on the Iraqi side of the border, to discuss with commanders “the collapse happening in Mosul and to choose a successor for him.”

Baghdadi, an Iraqi whose real name is Ibrahim al-Samarrai and who proclaimed a “caliphate” straddling Iraq and Syria in June 2014, has been reported wounded several times in the past. His last known public message goes back to November last year, when he called on ISIL fighters to defend Mosul, their last major urban stronghold in Iraq.

Baghdadi’s health is unknown, but the Pentagon said six weeks ago that he was still alive and leading ISIL as it tries to defend the remnants of its crumbling “caliphate.”
Pray for sepsis...
Posted by: Steve White || 02/15/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Five charged with West Bank drive-by shooting
[IsraelTimes] IDF also arrests two suspected of carrying out a separate attack that maimed one person.

The Israeli army said Monday that an indictment has been filed in military court against five Paleostinian residents of the settlement of Yabed, west of Jenin, suspected of firing at a nearby army post in a drive-by shooting on December 30, 2016.

Security forces seized the vehicle used to carry out the attack, and the suspects gave up the weapon used in the attack, the army said

...back at the revival hall, the SWAT team had finally arrived...
the IDF also jugged
Drop the gat, Rocky, or you're a dead 'un!
two suspects involved in an earlier shooting near the West Bank settlement of Nili, the army said.

Paleostinian gunnies had shot up passing vehicles lightly injuring one Israeli on December 19, 2016.

The injured man, said to be in his 20s, received medical treatment on the scene for wounds to his face from glass shards, sustained when the gunfire shattered the window on the driver’s side. He was later transferred to a hospital.

The firearm and vehicle used to carry out the terror attack were seized by security forces during the investigation.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/15/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

Syrian Army Eliminates ISIL, Nusra Terrorists in Several Areas across Country
[AlManar] Syrian Army and Armed Forces units continued targeting turbans from ISIS and al-Nusra
...formally Jabhat an-Nusrah li-Ahli al-Sham (Support Front for the People of the Levant), also known as al-Qaeda in the Levant. They aim to establish a pan-Arab caliphate. Not the same one as the Islamic State, though .. ...
Front in several areas across the country, thwarting a number of terrorist attacks in Daraa city.

Deir Ezzor
SANA news hound said Monday that the army eliminated all members of an ISIS terrorist group and destroyed their weapons’ depot and a car equipped with heavy cannon near Ghassan Abboud roundabout in Deir Ezzor city.

...back at the Hubba Hubba Club, Big Shirley was still trying to snatch Nunzio bald-headed. She was already halfway there...
local sources said that the ISIS terrorist organization liquidated the leader of their operation in al-Maqaber (graveyards) area due to the failure of the operation and the big losses inflicted upon the terrorist organization.

Army units thwarted al-Nusra terrorists’ attacks on a number of residential neighborhoods in Daraa city, inflicting heavy losses upon them in personnel and equipment.

An army unit thwarted an infiltration attempt by a terrorist group affiliated to al-Nusra from the direction of al-Yarmouk School towards al-Manshia neighborhood in Daraa city.

SANA’s news hound in Daraa said that all the members of the terrorist group were killed or injured in the festivities, adding that the infiltration attempts of al-Nusra were accompanied by the terrorists’ targeting of the residential neighborhoods in the city with rocket shells and weaponized gas cylinders, which caused material damage to properties.

Earlier, a military source told SANA that the army units foiled al-Nusra terrorists’ attack on al-Manshiyeh, Hamida al-Taher, Bosra square, al-Moassaseh axes in the city of Daraa.

The source added that the army units inflicted heavy losses upon the terrorist organization in personnel and equipment.

...back at the Hubba Hubba Club, Big Shirley was still trying to snatch Nunzio bald-headed. She was already halfway there...
the terrorist organizations acknowledged on their social media pages the killing of 11 terrorists, including 4 al-Nusra turbans . The turbans killed are Abu Raiyan al-Muhajer from Jordan and Mosa Awad al-Shahadeh, Mohammad Abdel-Ghani Ostah and the nicknamed terrorist Abu Mohammad in addition to turbans Khaled Ahmad Nassar from Paleostine, Ibrahim Nidal al-Masri, Ahmad Mohammad Salman Abazaid, Ahmad Khayam al-Mahamid, Mahmoud Amjad issa al-Mahamid, Basel Nayef Suleiman al-Doroubi and Ahmad al-Qaddah.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/15/2017 06:20 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under:

Syrian Army Controls Hayyan Gas factory, Jahar station & Number of Hills in Homs
[AlManar] Syrian Army units established full control over Hayyan gas factory in the eastern countryside of Homs province after targeting ISIS terrorist organization.

A military source told SANA Tuesday that the army units in cooperation with the supporting forces carried out, during the past few hours, a wide-scale military operation and established full control over Haiyan gas field after eliminating the latest gatherings of ISIS terrorists.

The source added that the army engineering personnel are working to dismantle the mines and IED planted inside the factory by ISIS terrorists.

...back at the alley, Bugs Moroni was holding Slats from behind while his brother Greasy Thumb was pounding his face into paste ...
SANA news hound in Homs said that the army units in cooperation with the supporting forces have broaden their control over the western countryside of Palmyra city after the army units established full control over Jahar area, located to the west of Hayyan Factory as the army eliminated the latest gatherings of ISIS terrorists.

The source added that the army units inflicted heavy losses upon the ISIS gunnies in personnel and equipment, while the army pursued gunnies who fled away towards al-Abar (the wells) area.

The army units continued military operation to the east of Hayyan Factory and established full control over all the hills surrounding it, according to SANA news hound.

In the northern countryside of the province, the source added that an army unit in cooperation with the popular defense groups destroyed a tank for al-Nusra
...formally Jabhat an-Nusrah li-Ahli al-Sham (Support Front for the People of the Levant), also known as al-Qaeda in the Levant. They aim to establish a pan-Arab caliphate. Not the same one as the Islamic State, though .. ...
Front on al-Ghanto-al-Halmouz roundabout in the southeastern direction of Jabourin village, north of Homs city.

An army unit carried out an accurate operation targeting a car belonging to gunnies of Jaish al-Fatah who attempted to attack a military post to the southeast of al-Hamamiat village in Hama countryside, according to SANA news hound.

The news hound said that as a result of the operation, the car was destroyed with 3 gunnies on board, while a RPG launcher, an automatic rifle, Terrestrial Trunked Radio (Tetra) device and an ID card of a Turkish officer.

To the east of Salamiyeh city in the eastern countryside of Hama, the news hound added that the army air force destroyed a bulldozer that ISIS gunnies were using in setting up fortifications in Abu Hbilat village.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/15/2017 06:20 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

Syrian Army captures parts of Homs, Hama
[al-Manar] Syrian Army units established full control over Hayyan gas factory in the eastern countryside of Homs province after targeting ISIL terrorist organization.

A military source told SANA Tuesday that the army units in cooperation with the supporting forces carried out, during the past few hours, a wide-scale military operation and established full control over Haiyan gas field after eliminating the latest gatherings of ISIL terrorists.

The source added that the army engineering personnel are working to dismantle the mines and IED planted inside the factory by ISIL terrorists.

Meanwhile, SANA reporter in Homs said that the army units in cooperation with the supporting forces have broaden their control over the western countryside of Palmyra city after the army units established full control over Jahar area, located
to the west of Hayyan Factory as the army eliminated the latest gatherings of ISIL terrorists.

The source added that the army units inflicted heavy losses upon the ISIL terrorists in personnel and equipment, while the army pursued terrorists who fled away towards al-Abar (the wells) area.

The army units continued military operation to the east of Hayyan Factory and established full control over all the hills surrounding it, according to SANA reporter.

In the northern countryside of the province, the source added that an army unit in cooperation with the popular defense groups destroyed a tank for al-Nusra Front on al-Ghanto-al-Halmouz roundabout in the southeastern direction of Jabourin village, north of Homs city.


An army unit carried out an accurate operation targeting a car belonging to terrorists of Jaish al-Fatah who attempted to attack a military post to the southeast of al-Hamamiat village in Hama countryside, according to SANA reporter.

The reporter said that as a result of the operation, the car was destroyed with 3 terrorists on board, while a RPG launcher, an automatic rifle, Terrestrial Trunked Radio (Tetra) device and an ID card of a Turkish officer.

To the east of Salamiyeh city in the eastern countryside of Hama, the reporter added that the army air force destroyed a bulldozer that ISIL terrorists were using in setting up fortifications in Abu Hbilat village.
Posted by: badanov || 02/15/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

ISIS counterattacks in al-Bab
Aleppo – Clashes broke out on Tuesday between Islamic State’s (ISIS) militants and Syrian regime’s army forcers south of al-Bab city in northern Syria.

ISIS militant fighters recaptured the town of Abu Jabbar in southwestern al-Bab. This comes just a few days after the group lost the town to the Syrian Army.

“ISIS attacked the regime troops in Abu Jabbar with mortar fire and car bombs, killing and wounding dozens,” local media activist Mahmoud al-Mansour told ARA News.

“ISIS took over the town after heavy clashes, pushing the Syrian regime’s forces towards Aleppo,” the source reported.

A Syrian military source also confirmed the withdrawal.

Islamic State’s militants have been under a huge pressure in al-Bab city and its environs, with the Turkish Army and rebels hitting the area from the north, and the Syrian Army advancing from the south.

“ISIS started regrouping and fortifying its positions in al-Bab in a bid to avoid its loss since the city is one of the group’s last key strongholds in northern Syria,” rebel spokesman Salih al-Zein told ARA News.

On Sunday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that ISIS fighters started to withdraw from al-Bab city.

On Saturday, Turkey’s military forces and allied Syrian rebels entered the city of al-Bab for the first time after months of clashes with ISIS. The Turkish-led forces entered al-Bab from the northwest, seizing control of several neighbourhoods. This while the Syrian regime’s troops continued to push towards the city from the south, cutting off a main ISIS supply route.

However, Islamic State’s (ISIS) fighters still hold control of major parts of the city, and the group started to fight back in order to keep its positions in al-Bab.

Turkey and its rebel allies have been bogged down in al-Bab for almost three months, taking significant casualties. ISIS constructed a warren of tunnels and an extensive trench line in anticipation of the fighting.

On August 24, the Turkish military and allied rebel factions launched Operation Euphrates Shield. As part of the operation, Turkey’s military and its allies took over Jarablus city in August.

In early January, the Russia Air Force conducted several airstrikes near al-Bab, targeting Islamic State’s tactical units and fighting positions. The Russian air raids destroyed key ISIS strongholds, killing and wounding dozens of ISIS militants.

On 4 January, Erdogan had also said that the Turkey-backed offensive of the Euphrates Shield Operation to take Syria’s al-Bab city from ISIS should conclude soon.

In mid-January, the Syrian regime has also joined the battle for al-Bab city. Analysts believe that the regime is increasingly alarmed by the Turkish advance towards al-Bab, considering it a direct threat to eastern Aleppo, which was recently retaken.
Posted by: badanov || 02/15/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Terror Networks
The Beatings Will Continue: Iraqi Edition

ISIS destroys 15 residences of former kops

Nineveh (IraqiNews.com) A source in the Joint Operations Command revealed on Tuesday, that the self-proclaimed Islamic State group detonated the houses of 15 former policemen, west of Mosul, as well as arresting ten civilians on charges of collaboration with security forces.

Colonel Khodier Saleh said in a press statement, “The Islamic State group blew up 15 houses belonging to former police officers in Badush village, west of Mosul.”

“The group also arrested 10 civilians in the village, on charges of collaboration with security forces,” Saleh added.

ISIS Button Man tells his story

[AAWSAT] Mosul – Despite his young age, Mohammed Ahmed of Ibrahim Khalil village in Mosul was one of ISIS’ most dangerous snipers.

Shortly after ISIS took over Mosul city in June 2014, Ahmed, 14, joined the terrorist organization and began his training on all types of weapons. His skills developed rapidly until he became one of the most skilled and dangerous members.

Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper toured the southeastern villages and cities of Mosul where it met Ahmed who was arrested along with his father and uncle. After several attempts, the Iraqi army allowed the newspaper to speak to the boy before being transferred with other ISIS militants to the headquarters for interrogation.

Mohammed began telling the story of when ISIS first took control over Mosul and how his father gathered the weapons of the police in their village and handed them over to ISIS militants as a gift. He described the relations his family had with the organization as strong, which later contributed in making them in charge of their town and other nearby towns.

Ahmed said he was fascinated by the way the militants dressed and the weapons they carried, and after encouragement from his father he joined ISIS.

He was then sent to Raqqa, Syria, for training and was assigned to the children’s camp where thousands were receiving their training.

He explained the detailed drills they received which included physical training and intensive educational courses. They would wake up at four in the morning and finish late in the afternoon.

Ahmed said that they were taught the organization’s ideologies as well as military and physical training on how to use all kinds of weapons, make bombs and execute attacks – as well as training on assassination, torture, and how to engage in combats.

“We used to try killing and execution on detainees arrested by ISIS and armed men who disobeyed the organization’s laws,” he added.

According to Ahmed, he was trained for six months in “Farouq” Camp on snipping and killing and most trainers were Arabs and foreigners. He graduated from the camp among ISIS’ “top” snipers.

He admitted that he participated in battles in Iraq and Syria, but his most prominent battles where in Iraq. He supervised several checkpoints and executions.

“I pledged my allegiance to ISIS and was involved with it,” he acknowledged.

Due to the decline in its adult members, ISIS resorted to enrolling children labelled as “Scouts of the Caliphate” to perform terrorist operations.

Citizens in liberated areas reported that ISIS resorted to luring teenagers and children with money, guns, and cars. The organization assured the young members that they would live luxuriously among members.

Shortly after their enrollment, ISIS leaders would tell the young recruits they have to fight on the frontlines or else they will be executed for disobeying the orders.

Since 2014, the terrorist organization opened dozens of training camps for young members between ages of 5 and 17. The most important two camps are “Farouq” and “Scouts of the Caliphate“.

Some of the children in the camps joined willingly, while others were enrolled by their parents for $200, and some were kidnapped when ISIS took control over cities in Anbar and Saladin.

Informed sources reported that there are about 4500 children in ISIS camps, 2000 from Nineveh.

Alaa Khalid, Iraqi soldier, told Asharq Al-Awsat that the army captured Ahmed along with four others while their displaced families were moving from one of the Namroud area villages.

Khalid said that villagers told the security forces about Ahmed and he was arrested after further investigations.

Residents in Mosul liberated areas said that ISIS used their children for spying as well. They would report back to their commanders about citizens and their movements.

The terrorist organization brainwashed the children into believing that Abu Baker al-Baghdadi, ISIS “caliph”, was their father.
Posted by: badanov || 02/15/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

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