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UN offices attacked in Mogadishu
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2 00:00 Dr. William Rowan, Archbishop of Canterbury [11]
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1 00:00 Frank G [5]
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7 00:00 Mullah Richard [17]
13 00:00 DMFD [19]
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4 00:00 Anonymoose [23]
3 00:00 Tibor [13]
3 00:00 tu3031 [5]
8 00:00 Pappy [13]
12 00:00 trailing wife [13]
5 00:00 Barbara Skolaut [12]
6 00:00 Barbara Skolaut [9]
Afghan governor survives bomb attack
Yeesh! Busy day for terrorists! Fortunately for the most part they have been on the losing end of things.
The governor of an important and volatile southern province in Afghanistan escaped an apparent assassination attempt Monday after a bomb exploded by his vehicle convoy, officials said. The bomb, aimed at the convoy of Kandahar Gov. Asadullah Khalid, wounded three civilians, Khalid's office said in a statement. Khalid was not wounded.

The blast against Khalid's convoy follows a suicide bomb attack that killed the deputy governor of neighboring Helmand province late last month as he was praying inside a mosque in the provincial capital of Lashkar Gah.

Militants have often attacked governors and other officials affiliated with President Hamid Karzai's government in an attempt to weaken the government's command over the country. Khalid has survived previous assassination attempts.

Troops from NATO's International Security Assistance Force, meanwhile, killed an Afghan riding in a car that had driven too close to the soldiers in the western province of Farah, ISAF said in a statement. Troops gave the car's driver warning signals not to approach and fired a warning shot at the ground, ISAF said.

"ISAF troops continued on and were later informed by Afghan National Police that their warning shot had ricocheted and injured the car's driver and killed the passenger," the international military alliance said. ISAF said the shot fell within rules of engagement that help protect troops from suicide bombers.
Posted by: gorb || 02/11/2008 06:04 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Mullah accidently blows up self, sons
A LANDMINE blew up in the home of a religious cleric in southern Afghanistan, killing the mullah, two of his sons and two other men who had been preparing an attack, police said today. The cleric's wife was critically wounded in the blast in their compound in the southern province of Helmand late yesterday, and a daughter was hurt, provincial police chief General Mohammad Hussein Andiwal said.
That's prob'ly our fault.
Another workmans comp claim for Mutual of Kandahar ...
Mutual of Kandahar is people, you can count on when the going's ...er... rough.
The bodies of the mullah and his two sons, both under 15 years old, remained at the site of the blast, he said. Other people in the compound said two other men were killed but their bodies had been removed before police arrived, he said.
Those'd be those nice Arab guys...
The group was likely associated with the Taliban, he said.
No! Reeeeeeally?
The extremist militants are particular active in Helmand province, where they are said to be tied up with opium and heroin traffickers. Taliban suicide and roadside bombings are generally aimed at Afghan and international soldiers but kill more civilians.
The word you're looking for is "ineptitude."

This article starring:
Mohammad Hussein Andiwal
Posted by: tipper || 02/11/2008 02:41 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Been using a Palestinian instructions manual?
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 02/11/2008 3:17 Comments || Top||

#2  A lower level mullah studying for the IED 103 class, which would have qualified him on the Holy Landmine of Antioch.
Posted by: gorb || 02/11/2008 3:24 Comments || Top||

#3  Hmmmm. Does this qualify fo a triple Darwin award? Good job, Mr Mullah.
Posted by: GK || 02/11/2008 4:10 Comments || Top||

#4  Greater love hath no man than this, that he shall take his sons with him to paradise.

Apologies to the Apostle John.
Posted by: Bobby || 02/11/2008 6:00 Comments || Top||

#5  A good news story with a happy ending to start the day.
Posted by: phil_b || 02/11/2008 6:07 Comments || Top||

#6  Holy Bouncing Betty! Does this signal a long awaited trend?
Posted by: Besoeker || 02/11/2008 6:07 Comments || Top||

#7  Saving Time
Posted by: Icerigger || 02/11/2008 8:55 Comments || Top||

#8  All trouble starts with the Mullahs/Imans!!!!
Posted by: Paul || 02/11/2008 9:12 Comments || Top||

#9  now wait a minute. It was very wrong for this Mullah and his AQ friends to kill the under 15 sons, who are minors after all and whom their dad is responsible for.

damn, Im a liberal.
Posted by: liberalhawk || 02/11/2008 9:48 Comments || Top||

LH, I b'lieve you're one of those "moderate" liberals we keep looking for... ;)
Posted by: Seafarious || 02/11/2008 10:03 Comments || Top||

#11  Greater love hath no man than this, that he shall take his sons with him to paradise. Apologies to the Apostle John

Damn I miss everything when did John F. become an Apostle? :)
Posted by: Snaith Speaking for Boskone8005 || 02/11/2008 12:30 Comments || Top||

#12  I think GK is on to something. If the Darwin Award is for retards who kill themselves in unique and intertaining ways, thereby raising the IQ of the human race as a whole and providing the rest of us with entertainment in the process, there should be a separate and more prestigious award for killing not only yourself but other retards as well. The floor is open for naming the new award, but even in the absence of a formal name, I'd like to nominate the AQ-in- Iraq management for the as yet unnamed award. By p*ssing off the Sunnis, they managed to just about get everyone in their outfit killed off.
Posted by: Mercutio || 02/11/2008 12:40 Comments || Top||

#13  Appears cause of death was "tinkering"...

A militant mullah and two of his children were killed when a bomb he was making exploded prematurely at their Afghanistan home.Abdul Wasay was tinkering with the explosives at his home in Helmand province when they blew up, said a police spokesman. Wasay's wife and daughter were also seriously wounded.

Look soon for the new safety pamphlet from Mutual of Khandar, "So You're Going to Tinker With Explosives"...
Posted by: tu3031 || 02/11/2008 12:40 Comments || Top||

#14  I'm beginning to believe that all mullahs study under an one-eyed one who's also colorblind and missing a left hand. One has to ask one's self how effective a teacher he'd be if he's already lost a hand and an eye. Yeah, accidents happen, but they happen much more frequently when you're following someone who's already proven he's inept.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 02/11/2008 12:41 Comments || Top||

#15  Its getting damned lonely these days Sea. Unless of course one agrees with all them talk radio fellahs that McCain and his supporters are really liberals, which Im increasingly tempted to do ;)
Posted by: liberalhawk || 02/11/2008 12:47 Comments || Top||

#16  this calls for chocolate...

with special chocolate for LH, you're not alone. but you're right, we "small-l liberals who 'get it'" are few & far between these days.
Posted by: Querent || 02/11/2008 12:53 Comments || Top||

#17  And all the more treasured because of that, my dears.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/11/2008 13:12 Comments || Top||

#18  How about we put more defective initiators in the supply pipeline for AQ until the fight isn't about Pasthuns militants versus the Afghan government, but who's the unlucky sod who has to put the bomb together ( and get blown to bits).
Posted by: blackcat || 02/11/2008 13:14 Comments || Top||

#19  I'm more interested in the two "Others" hauled away before police got there.

No "Honest" reason for that,
plenty of "Dishonest" reasons, primarily to hide their ID.

Now my curiosity bump is humming madly, Hummmm.
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 02/11/2008 15:02 Comments || Top||

#20  there should be a separate and more prestigious award for killing not only yourself but other retards as well. The floor is open for naming the new award.

How about "Darwin Squared" (D2)
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 02/11/2008 17:00 Comments || Top||

#21  Damn I miss everything when did John F. become an Apostle?

Failed presidential candidate Kerry became an Apostle when Jesus gave him a magic hat. Records are unclear but it appears to have been about the time they went upriver together into Cambodia to search for Marlon Brando.
Posted by: SteveS || 02/11/2008 17:37 Comments || Top||

#22  LOL Steve.
Posted by: lotp || 02/11/2008 20:14 Comments || Top||

#23  "Pa, What do T.N.T. spell?"
Posted by: bruce || 02/11/2008 20:19 Comments || Top||

#24  #3, 12 & 20. How about the 'HMS Beagle Award' for cleansing the gene pool of more than one strain or generation of doofuses.
Posted by: GK || 02/11/2008 21:22 Comments || Top||

#25  I guess God wasn't willing your mullahness.
Posted by: Broadhead6 || 02/11/2008 21:37 Comments || Top||

#26  You mean the shallah was out?
Posted by: Fred || 02/11/2008 21:43 Comments || Top||

#27  ROFL, Fred.

It took me a minute.... :-D
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 02/11/2008 21:46 Comments || Top||

Africa Horn
UN offices attacked in Mogadishu
(SomaliNet) The UN compound in Somalia's capital of Mogadishu has come under grenade attack but no one was injured, a UN official told AFP. Attackers hurled three grenades Friday evening, two of which landed inside the compound housing UN agencies in Mogadishu, said the official, who asked not to be named.

"I was not at the compound at the time but security members told me that the office was attacked by unknown individuals with hand grenades and I was told that two of the grenades landed inside the compound and no one was hurt," said the official, who asked not to be named.
Posted by: Steve White || 02/11/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Pack up the files, sell the furniture, we're outta here.
Posted by: wxjames || 02/11/2008 11:08 Comments || Top||

#2  It's all Bush's fault.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 02/11/2008 19:42 Comments || Top||

12,000 ’terrified’ people flee Darfur for Chad
GENEVA - Up to 12,000 refugees have arrived in Chad since the most recent Sudanese air strikes in West Darfur, and thousands more may be on their way, the UN refugee agency said Sunday.

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees said it was scrambling to rush aid to Darfuris who are fleeing in the aftermath of the Sudanese military’s bombing Friday of the West Darfur towns of Sirba, Sileia and Abu Suruj. About half of the refugees are in the Chad border city of Koruk and are feeling terrified,’ UNHCR spokeswoman Helene Caux said.
And the other half?
The city is in a very volatile area and there are a lot of armed men there,’ Caux told The Associated Press. Their villages (in Sudan) have been looted and burned, they are telling the UNHCR team. And they say their villages are encircled by militias.’

Most of the refugees so far are men, she said. But the arrivals are telling UNHCR that thousands of women and children are on their way’ to Chad, she said.

So far, UNHCR officials have been unable to reach all the refugees around Koruk. An equal amount of Darfuris have gathered in the nearby Chad town of Figeira. UNHCR is hoping to move the refugees to different camps the agency runs in Chad, Caux said.

UN officials say the worsening situation in Darfur has been exacerbated by a recent rebel attack on the capital of neighboring Chad. Caux said that refugees are reporting that their villages were attacked by men on horses and camels, a description similar to those provided of earlier incidents involving the janjaweed.
We've been calling this one. The Sudanese leaders are whipping up Darfur and making war on Chad, both through their proxies, so that the Euros can't put their planned peacekeeping force Darfur as part of their planned mission to help the African Union UNAMID mandate. Sudanese Arabs absolutely don't want the Euros there, and they know that by whipping up the area, killing a bunch of innocents, and in general causing trouble that the Euros will back down. Expect that announcement in a few days.
Posted by: Steve White || 02/11/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  yah but - for France to admit it can be pushed around in Chad by Sudan, is a loss of face that could impact their influence across L'Afrique Francophone. I think they will be reluctant not to at least push the rebels out of Chad.

In this, as in other matters, the French are NOT stereotypical Europeans, simply because they continue to aspire to great power status.
Posted by: liberalhawk || 02/11/2008 9:42 Comments || Top||

#2  pretty bad when you flee somewhere going too Chad
Posted by: sinse || 02/11/2008 12:57 Comments || Top||

Caribbean-Latin America
Wanted Colombian guerrillas among eight held
Three guerrillas of the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) wanted by Washington have been arrested along with their five collaborators, Spain's EFE news agency reported Sunday. The rebels were involved in the FARC's supply, logistic and finance networks, the police said, following their arrest Saturday. They smuggled weapons for the insurgent group from Venezuelan territory.

Luz Mery Gutierrez Vergara, Ana Isabel Peña Arevalo and Camilo Rueda Gil would be extradited to the US soon, the police said. The leader of the network, Nancy Conde Rubio, had been arrested Feb 2 in Cucuta city near the northeastern border with Venezuela. The US authorities have also sought her extradition.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Interpol assisted the Colombian police in the operation launched simultaneously in Bogota, central Villavicencio and southwestern Palmira cities Friday to capture the rebels. The FARC, which mainly finances its operations by drug smuggling, has been fighting successive Colombian governments for more than a decade to establish a leftist regime.
Posted by: Fred || 02/11/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

German Nationals Get Training in Terror Camps
German news magazine Der Spiegel reported in its edition on Monday, Feb. 11, that officials for Germany's federal criminal police (BKA) believe the four men in their twenties are being trained to conduct terror attacks in Germany.

At the end of last year, 20-year-old Eric B., a German convert to Islam, and 23-year-old Houssain al-M., a stateless man of Lebanese origin, headed to Pakistan via Dubai and Iran, according to the report. Both men are thought to belong to a group called Islamic Jihad Union (IJU) in the southwestern state of Saarland, which had planned a major terror attack in Germany in the fall of 2007. German officials prevented that attack and arrested three terror suspects in September.

Two more men have disappeared from Germany and are likely to have joined terror camps, the report stated. A 25-year-old man named Salih S. from the central state of Hesse vanished after leaving behind a letter to his family, saying that he would join the jihad. A 28-year-old man called Cüney C. from Bavaria cleared out his apartment and headed for Pakistan, where German officials apparently lost track of him. According to e-mails he sent, he is planning to join the jihad with his entire family.

According to the Spiegel report, German law enforcement officials are therefore trying to prevent the four Islamists from returning to Germany and putting their training into practice.

German police union officials meanwhile accused lawmakers of neglecting the country's security interests, saying that more control tools were needed. "Those who don't close these gaps right now will bear the responsibility for possible attacks," Konrad Freiberg, the police union's president, told Hanover's Neue Presse newspaper over the weekend.
Posted by: ryuge || 02/11/2008 06:36 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Europe

#1  Sorry for crossing out Spiegel. That should have been in italics, obviously.
Posted by: ryuge || 02/11/2008 6:43 Comments || Top||

#2  Why lie with the term "German Nationals", "Ummah Colonists" is far more accurate. These people aren't German, they are traitors.
Posted by: Bright Pebbles || 02/11/2008 7:16 Comments || Top||

#3  'German nationals' is important to note. It means these guys will pass more easily throughout Europe and it reminds us that screening for Muslim names at the airport isn't going to stop jihad attacks.
Posted by: lotp || 02/11/2008 8:42 Comments || Top||

#4  This just ain't gonna end well.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 02/11/2008 8:45 Comments || Top||

#5  Who said the Germans wouldn't fight anymore?
Posted by: Grunter || 02/11/2008 11:00 Comments || Top||

#6  20-year-old Eric B., a German convert to Islam

Master Race and Master Religion.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/11/2008 13:09 Comments || Top||

#7  German Nationals Get Training in Terror Camps

Master Race and Meets Master Religion.

off topic a bit..

a fairly high number of the Taxi drivers in the Bay Area are Paleos.

Of course I secretly pick their brains for tid bits of Intel bla bla...

Turns out in the last few years, several of the Paleos cab drivers that I surreptitiously interviewed had vacationed in Venezuela. bfd ...eh?
Posted by: RD || 02/11/2008 18:20 Comments || Top||

In Terror Case, Spain Detects Tie to Pakistan
Highly perceptive, those investigators!

Longish article at link, but there may be some nuggets there. Please share if you find one!
Posted by: gorb || 02/11/2008 06:02 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Europe

#1  Jihad capital is Pakistan sponsored by Saudis!!!!
Posted by: Paul || 02/11/2008 9:10 Comments || Top||


D *** NG IT, how can we "win the War" that officially no one is fighting or waging!
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 02/11/2008 19:29 Comments || Top||

#3  Let me be clairvoyant for a minute. The next terror plot will also have ties to Pakistan. More anti-terrorist predictions can be found at my 1-900 number. Only $3.99/minute.
Posted by: ed || 02/11/2008 19:39 Comments || Top||

Mansewer Dadullah is Deadullah or Aliveullah - Unauthorized Officials
QUETTA, Pakistan — Pakistani security forces critically wounded a top figure in the Taliban militia fighting U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, one of six militants captured after a clash near the border Monday, the army said.
We've got at least two other versions of this going, both under Afghanistan and Pakistain, but this adds a bit more detail, along with another pound of mud.
Mansoor Dadullah, brother of slain Taliban military commander Mullah Dadullah, and the five others were challenged by security forces as they crossed from Afghanistan into Pakistan's southwestern province of Baluchistan. They refused to stop and opened fire, said army spokesman Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas. "Security personnel returned fire. As a result, all of them sustained injuries and all of them were captured," Abbas said. "Dadullah was arrested alive but he is critically wounded."
"There's a difference between being dead and mostly dead. When they're dead, all you can do is go through their pockets looking for change."
Earlier, a senior military official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to journalists, said Dadullah died of his wounds while being flown to a hospital with the other injured men.
"[Gasp! Wheeze! Gag!] Roseburrrrrr..."
Two Pakistani intelligence officials, who declined to be named for the same reason, gave a different account of Dadullah's capture, saying he was nabbed during a raid on a religious seminary in a neighboring district. It was not immediately possible to reconcile the differing accounts.
That's because at least one and possibly both of the stories are complete and intentional lies. I'd guess the madrassah story to be the more likely, though whether it was a raid or not is another question entirely. It's just as likely, and maybe moreso, that there was a shootout between two Koran study groups and the cops were called to haul away the bodies.
Dadullah's capture comes amid growing Western pressure on Pakistan to crack down on Islamic militants launching attacks inside Afghanistan but increasingly destabilizing Pakistan itself.
Picked right up on that, didn't they? And Mullah Mansour happens to be on Mullah Omar's pooplist, rendering him expendable. So it's likely he's gonna heroically die of his injuries.
In Afghanistan, officials reacted cautiously. Spokesmen at Afghanistan's Interior and Defense ministries said they had no immediate comment.
"Piss off. We got nuttin' to say."
Lt. Col. David Accetta, the top U.S. military spokesman in Afghanistan, said he could not confirm the report.
"Mullah Who'djasay?"
Dadullah rose in the militia's ranks as an important commander in southern Afghanistan after his brother was killed during a military operation in Afghanistan's Helmand province in May.
We know he's titzup. They showed the meat in that one.
Abbas, the army spokesman, said Dadullah was captured near Gaddal, a border village in Qila Saifullah district in Baluchistan. Two Pakistani intelligence officials, however, gave the location as Gwal Ismailzai village, in neighboring Zhob district. They said five militants, not six, were captured and wounded, some critically.

One of the officials identified those captured with Dadullah on Monday as Haji Lala, Khudai Dad, Khaliq Dad and Abdur Razzak. He said the injured suspects were whisked away by an army helicopter from Zhob airport to an unknown destination.

In July 2007, another prominent militant, Abdullah Mehsud, died in Zhob, apparently after he was cornered by Pakistani security forces. Mehsud was a Taliban veteran of Guantanamo Bay who began fighting Pakistani security forces after his release from the U.S. prison for terror suspects in 2004.

In March 2007, two months before Mullah Dadullah was killed in Helmand, Mullah Obaidullah Akhund, one of the two top deputies of Taliban supreme leader Omar, was arrested in Quetta — where Afghan officials claim Omar is hiding.

In December 2006, another top Omar lieutenant, Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Osmani, died in a NATO airstrike in Helmand, near the Pakistan border.
This article starring:
Athar Abbas
David Accetta
Mike Mullen
Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 02/11/2008 09:58 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  It may just be a case of incomplete early reports, but does anyone else have the feeling he was captured more or less intact and subsequently and tragically slipped on a bar of soap?
Posted by: Cravish Hatfield3414 || 02/11/2008 16:55 Comments || Top||

#2  Or just enough disinformation to keep turbans tightening trying to figure out how to respond?
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 02/11/2008 17:05 Comments || Top||

Suicide blast kills ten including Pakistan vote candidate: police
A suicide bomber killed at least ten people, including an election candidate, and wounded 13 others in Pakistan's tribal region of North Waziristan, tribal police said Monday.
Hey! How's that hudna thing going?
The attacker rammed a car laden with explosives into the candidate's convoy as it headed to a rally ahead of general elections due in a week's time, police officials said on condition of anonymity. "Ten people were killed, including election candidate Nisar Ali and an administration official, while 13 others were wounded in the attack on their convoy," one official said. "The suicide attacker drove his bomb-filled car into the candidate," the official added.

It was not clear which party the candidate was linked to. Candidates must, by law, stand as independents in Pakistan's semi-autonomous tribal areas bordering Afghanistan, but are often affiliated to political groupings. Police said there was no claim of responsibility for the bombing in the village of Aidak, near the major town of Mir Ali, but it has fuelled fears for security of Pakistan's February 18 elections.

A suicide bombing at an election rally held by a small nationalist opposition party in the northwestern town of Charsadda on Saturday killed at least 25 people. More than 80 people have died in suicide and other attacks this year in a wave of violence following the assassination of opposition leader Benazir Bhutto at an election rally on December 27. Bhutto's killing has been blamed on an Al-Qaeda-linked militant commander based in the tribal region of South Waziristan, which borders the area where Monday's suicide attack took place.
But they've signed a ceasefire, so it couldn't have been them.

This article starring:
Nisar Ali
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 02/11/2008 08:58 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  Dupe, I guess the other one was in the waiting tank when I posted this one, my bad.
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 02/11/2008 9:30 Comments || Top||

Top Taliban commander (Mulla Mansour Dadullah) captured in S.W. Pakistan
Pakistani security forces arrested a top Taliban commander near the Afghan border on Monday, the Pakistani government confirmed. Interior Ministry spokesman Javed Iqbal Cheema said Mulla Mansour Dadullah and five others were arrested when security officials raided a house in Zhob district in Baluchistan, about 420 kilometers southwest of Islamabad.

Dadullah took control of Taliban forces in turbulent Helmand province in southern Afghanistan after his brother, Mullah Dadullah, was killed by British forces in May last year.

Cheema confirmed that Dadullah was injured in the operation and has been hospitalized. Earlier reports had said that Dadullah had died while being flown to a hospital.
This article starring:
Javed Iqbal Cheema
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 02/11/2008 08:53 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  Death to all Dadullahs!
Posted by: Captain Lewis || 02/11/2008 9:34 Comments || Top||

#2  Hasnt been a good 12 months for the Dadullah family, huh.

Several interesting things, among which is that apparently the Taliban ops in Helmand/Kandahar have been run out of Quetta, not NWFP. IIRC folks here have said that for a while, but this adds confirmation.
Posted by: liberalhawk || 02/11/2008 9:36 Comments || Top||

#3  After nearly seven years of operations and continuous drone observation, methinks that the (rugged, impenetrable, mysterious, unbreachable, take your pick of adjectives) Afghan/Pakland border ain't got quite as many hidey holes as it used to.

Bet the extremely frigid weather is slowing the Tangos down, as well.
Posted by: Seafarious || 02/11/2008 9:56 Comments || Top||

#4  LH - I think the Taliban operate out of Quetta, and that's where Mullah Omar and all his major chiefs are holed up. Their primary interest is southern Afghanistan and the opium trade (financing). I think most of the Al-Qaida operations are based out of the Chitral or Peshawar region of the NWFP, and are aimed more at Kabul and the US forces there. There may (and probably are) lines of communication between Omar and Zawahiri, and they probably do coordinate activities between their respective groups, but neither "controls" the other or their activities.

I'm really getting tired of the crap with Pakistan. This is the same kind of situation that caused the US so much grief in Vietnam - a nearby, supposedly "neutral" or "allied" country where terrorists could rest and resupply next door, with little ability of US forces to openly attack them there. Pakistan needs to be swatted like a anopholis mosquito, and the so-called "tribal areas" dealt such a blow they'll run for the hills every time they see a cloud that looks like it might possibly be a contrail. With the Pashtuns, you're either feared or treated with contempt. It's much better to be feared than treated with contempt, expecially if you're a military force.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 02/11/2008 13:18 Comments || Top||

Senior Taliban Figure Killed in Pakistan (Mansoor Dadullah)
QUETTA, Pakistan (AP) — Pakistani security forces killed a top figure in the Taliban militia fighting U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan and captured four other militants Monday, a military official said.

Mansoor Dadullah, brother of slain Taliban military commander Mullah Dadullah, was among five militants caught after a shootout near a seminary in southwestern Baluchistan province around 10 a.m., a local intelligence official told The Associated Press. A senior military official said Dadullah died of his wounds while being flown to a hospital with the other four injured men.

Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to journalists. Pakistani army and government spokesmen could not immediately be reached for comment.

Dadullah rose in the militia's ranks as an important commander in southern Afghanistan after his brother was killed during a military operation in Afghanistan's Helmand province in May. Mullah Dadullah was the highest-ranking Taliban commander killed since the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001. But in late December, Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid announced that Dadullah had been dismissed from the movement for "disobeying orders" and conducting activities "against the Taliban's rules and regulations."

On Monday, Mujahid said Dadullah was still part of the Taliban movement, but that he was no longer an operational commander in southern Afghanistan. Mujahid said he had no comment on Dadullah's reported capture and death.

Dadullah told the AP in a phone interview in January that he remained a Taliban commander and had asked the militia's supreme leader Mullah Omar to dispel "rumors" of his dismissal. He also claimed that he had met with al-Qaida's No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahri a few months ago but had never met with Osama bin Laden. He said Taliban and al-Qaida fighters in Helmand were fighting alongside each other and sharing tactics.

The operation was carried out in the Gwal Ismailzai village, 150 miles northeast of the Baluchistan capital, Quetta, by a joint force of police, anti-terrorism forces and army commandos.

Dadullah is the latest in a series of high-ranking Taliban militants to have been killed or captured either side of the border in the past year or so.
This article starring:
Mansoor Dadullah
Posted by: Chenter Unimp7361 || 02/11/2008 06:44 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Top Afghan militant 'captured'
A leading Afghan Taleban fighter has been captured after a shootout with security forces in south-west Pakistan, police say.

They say Mansoor Dadullah was injured in the incident in Balochistan province - earlier reports said he had died.
Posted by: Albemarle Cleaque8456 || 02/11/2008 7:48 Comments || Top||

#2  Maybe he was captured, and he died tomorrow. After being interviewed. I was just reading about some atomic particle experiment that some Russians say could distort 'time'.
Posted by: Glenmore || 02/11/2008 8:03 Comments || Top||

#3  You gotta keep him alive long enough for the brain sucking machine to do its job. With mugs like this, it's extra hard, because there is so little to work with.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 02/11/2008 8:25 Comments || Top||

#4  Now the Pakistanis claim he is alive but wounded....why do I have a sinking feeling he will escape.
Posted by: Chenter Unimp7361 || 02/11/2008 8:26 Comments || Top||

(Budda-bomp bomp bomp)
Another one bites the dust
(Bomp bomp bomp)
Another one bites the dust
And another one down and another one down
Another one bites the dust
I'm gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust!
Posted by: Mike || 02/11/2008 8:27 Comments || Top||

#6  Report I heard said his brother was killed and he was captured, wounded in the leg. If the Paks went to this much trouble, I doubt it was to play cztch and release, but who knows now that there are more players involved. Somehow, I suspect there are advisers involved.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 02/11/2008 8:36 Comments || Top||

#7  Do you see what i see that anyone that falls out mith Mullah Omar can be eliminated.Anyone in line with him are in line with the ISI/Perv!!!!
Posted by: Paul || 02/11/2008 9:03 Comments || Top||

#8  Interesting insight, Paul, that Omar may have used us to eliminate a competitor.
Posted by: lotp || 02/11/2008 9:19 Comments || Top||

#9  QUETTA, Pakistan (AFP) — Pakistani forces captured and wounded a top Taliban commander Monday, while Islamabad's ambassador to Afghanistan was feared abducted in a troubled tribal border region, officials said.

The senior Taliban commander, Mullah Mansoor Dadullah, and at least five other rebels were seized in Pakistan's southwestern Baluchistan province, bordering Afghanistan, officials said.

Dadullah, the brother of the Islamist militia's slain military chief in Afghanistan, had been in charge of operations against NATO and US-led troops in the southern Afghan province of Helmand.

"He is in the custody of the security agencies along with five accomplices. They are all injured," chief Pakistani military spokesman Major General Athar Abbas told AFP. "They were intercepted and chased by security forces at a Frontier Constabulary post near the Afghan border."

A military statement said Dadullah and his men were "trying to enter Pakistan" across the border. Baluchistan police chief Saud Gohar said Dadullah was hiding in a house in the village of Gowal Ismail Zai and wounded after he "resisted when our men launched an operation" early on Monday morning. One of the Taliban commander's guards was killed, he said.

In Kabul, Afghan defence ministry spokesman General Mohammad Zahir Azimi welcomed the news of Dadullah's capture but would not comment further.

A senior Afghan official suggested the capture was linked to a dispute between Dadullah and the Taliban's central command.

Pakistan on Saturday dismissed an unnamed senior US official's assertion that Taliban leader Mullah Omar and Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden were operating from regions along the Afghan border.

In the latest incident to rock the border region, the Pakistani envoy to Kabul, Tariq Azizuddin, went missing with his driver in the tribal district of Khyber on Monday, officials said. The Pakistani embassy in Kabul said it last had contact with the ambassador at around 11:30 am (0630 GMT) and was trying to find out what had happened.

"We know that he was coming from (the northwestern Pakistani city of) Peshawar to Kabul and we lost contact with him. We are trying our best to find out what happened," spokesman Naheem Khan told AFP. State television, quoting the foreign office, said he was feared abducted.

The chief administrative official in Khyber, Rasool Khan Wazir, said security forces had seen the envoy's car driven at speed through a checkpost with "local people sitting in the front seat". The main road between Pakistan and Afghanistan was closed for search operations, television channels said.
Posted by: Steve || 02/11/2008 12:30 Comments || Top||

#10  Pakistani envoy to Kabul, Tariq Azizuddin, went missing with his driver in the tribal district of Khyber

Oh dear.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/11/2008 12:46 Comments || Top||

#11  Pakistani envoy to Kabul, Tariq Azizuddin, went missing with his driver in the tribal district of Khyber

There would be a golf club joke in there somewhere, if it wasn't so damned serious.
Posted by: Seafarious || 02/11/2008 12:51 Comments || Top||

#12  Isn't there one in Kabul, Seafarious, surreptitiously maintained since the last time Kabul was civilized?
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/11/2008 13:14 Comments || Top||

Senior Taliban figure killed in Pakistan
Pakistani security forces killed a top figure in the Taliban militia fighting U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan and captured four other militants Monday, a military official said.

Mansoor Dadullah, brother of slain Taliban military commander Mullah Dadullah, was among five militants caught after a shootout near a seminary in southwestern Baluchistan province around 10 a.m., a local intelligence official told The Associated Press.

A senior military official said Dadullah died of his wounds while being flown to a hospital with the other four injured men.
Now he's Deadullah!
Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to journalists. Pakistani army and government spokesmen could not immediately be reached for comment.

Dadullah rose in the militia's ranks as an important commander in southern Afghanistan after his brother was killed during a military operation in Afghanistan's Helmand province in May. Mullah Dadullah was the highest-ranking Taliban commander killed since the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.

But in late December, Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid announced that Dadullah had been dismissed from the movement for "disobeying orders" and conducting activities "against the Taliban's rules and regulations."

On Monday, Mujahid said Dadullah was still part of the Taliban movement, but that he was no longer an operational commander in southern Afghanistan. Mujahid said he had no comment on Dadullah's reported capture and death.

Dadullah told the AP in a phone interview in January that he remained a Taliban commander and had asked the militia's supreme leader Mullah Omar to dispel "rumors" of his dismissal.
Oh, nevermind.
He also claimed that he had met with al-Qaida's No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahri a few months ago but had never met with Osama bin Laden. He said Taliban and al-Qaida fighters in Helmand were fighting alongside each other and sharing tactics.
Whatever tactic got them killed, I hope they had time to share it with everyone.
The operation was carried out in the Gwal Ismailzai village, 150 miles northeast of the Baluchistan capital, Quetta, by a joint force of police, anti-terrorism forces and army commandos.

Afghan and Western officials say that Pakistan's border regions are a staging point for cross-border attacks on U.S., NATO and Afghan forces inside eastern and southern Afghanistan.

Dadullah is the latest in a series of high-ranking Taliban militants to have been killed or captured either side of the border in the past year or so.

Pakistan concedes Taliban militants are active on its soil but has denied Omar and other militia leader use Pakistan as a base of operations.
Nudge nudge, wink wink!
Posted by: gorb || 02/11/2008 05:53 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  Bin Laden is dead Al-Zawahari is an agent of the FSB/KGB!!!!

Read Livchenko's book called Allegations that explains Russian involvement with terrorism worldwide!!!
Posted by: Paul || 02/11/2008 9:17 Comments || Top||

'Suicide bomber' arrested in Khyber Agency
Khasadars (tribal policemen) arrested a ‘suicide bomber’ in the Shahkas area of Jamrud tehsil in Khyber Agency on Sunday and recovered an explosive jacket, wires and fuses from his possession, sources said. The bomber, identified as Muhammad Ibrahim, 20, is an Afghan national, they added. Khasadars handed him over to the police that took him to Peshawar where, according to sources, his two friends were awaiting him at Firdaus Cinema.
Posted by: Fred || 02/11/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Police seize weapons cache
Police said they had seized a large cache of weapons including bomb detonators, rocket launchers and shells, from the Chamkani area of Peshawar on Sunday. In a raid at about 1pm, police seized 82 mortar shells, four artillery shells, five rocket launchers, 18 fuses and five detonators hidden in fields, Chamkani Police Station Duty Officer Azmat Khan told Daily Times. No one had been arrested so far, he added.
If nobody's arrested it doesn't violate the hudna.
A rocket was fired on the Hayatabad area at around 12.10am on Saturday, but no casualties were reported. The rocket landed at a house in Phase-VII of the locality.
Posted by: Fred || 02/11/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Top separatist killed in IHK
Indian forces killed a top commander of the largest Kashmiri separatist group in a gunbattle in the restive Himalayan region, police said on Sunday.

Farooq Ahmed Dar, the financial chief of rebel group Hizbul Mujahedeen, was one of two men killed in the battle on Saturday in Indian-held Kashmir (IHK), said Hemant Lohia, a senior police officer. “His killing is a big blow to the militants,” Lohia said. Hizbul Mujahedeen, which is believed to have been tied to dozens of bombings and violent attacks in a deadly campaign against Indian rule in the region, had no immediate response to the reported death. It was not possible to contact the group for confirmation of the report. The fighting began late on Saturday after police and soldiers cordoned off Noorpora, a village about 45 kilometres south of Srinagar, Lohia said, adding that no soldiers were injured or killed in the fighting.
Posted by: Fred || 02/11/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Harkatul Mujahideen

Troops arrest 31 'militants' in Swat
Security forces have arrested at least 31 suspected militants during the ongoing military operation in Kabal tehsil of the troubled Swat district on Sunday, sources told Daily Times. Security forces also recovered arms, including five hand grenades, two kalashnikovs, one kalakov, one repeater, two pistols, seven shotguns and 359 rounds. The sources added that the security forces set fire to the houses of two militant commanders. Meanwhile, a statement from the Media Information Centre here confirmed the troops had arrested 26 ‘miscreants’.
Posted by: Fred || 02/11/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: TNSM

Arrests blow the lid off Lashkar networks
A still unidentified Jammu and Kashmir-based Lashkar-e-Taiba commander and a complex network of Islamists recruited from across north and west India, worked together to execute two of the most high-profile terror strikes since 2005. Resources for both the Indian Institute of Science and Rampur attacks, investigators believe, were provided by the Lashkar’s long-serving Pulwama-based commander, so far known only by codenames ‘Sadaaq’ and ‘Aatif.’

Described by those who have met him as a Pakistani who speaks Urdu with a Karachi accent, ‘Sadaaq’ took charge of the Lashkar’s south Kashmir operations in early 2005. Sabahuddin’s links with ‘Sadaaq,’ the investigators say, date back to 2001, when the Lashkar operative was recruited by Mohammad Zubair, an Uttar Pradesh-based cleric.

Zubair, operating under the codename ‘Salaar,’ was among the organisation’s key assets in northern India. A year later, Sabahuddin dropped out of Aligarh Muslim University and left for Pakistan.

For the next three years, Sabahuddin trained in Lashkar-run training camps under the tutelage of a commander codenamed ‘Muzammil,’—the man believed to have overall charge of the organisation’s offensive operations outside Jammu and Kashmir. He returned to India in mid-2005, travelling through Nepal with a Pakistani passport. Posing as medical student, he rented a house in Bangalore.

Tasked with planning attacks in the city, Sabahuddin was drawn by the publicity surrounding the IISc’s 2005 convention. Observing that the institute had almost no security cover, he decided a single terrorist would be able to shoot at delegates. ‘Sadaaq’ then despatched ‘Hamza’—who Sabahuddin had seen working in ‘Muzammil’s’ office—to execute the strike.

Zubair was killed in mid-2006 by the Jammu and Kashmir Police, near the Line of Control in Handwara. His deputies, however, dispersed, and investigators were unable to locate much of the network. By the end of the year, it regrouped under Sabahuddin’s command reporting to a Pakistan—based Lashkar-e-Taiba handler its members knew by the codename ‘Yusuf.’

Sabahuddin drew on his Bangalore experience to execute the Rampur attack. His deputy, Mohammad Sharif, collected the assault rifles used in the attack from a Lashkar sympathiser’s home in Pulwama. He then ferried them, assembled inside his luggage, to unsuspecting relatives’ homes in Kunda and Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh.

When ‘Sadaaq’ was informed that the weapons were in place, he sent Pakistani operatives Imran Boota and Farooq Azam to execute the attack. Using the aliases, Amar Singh and Ajay Malhotra, both travelled to Rampur by train and bus from Jammu and Kashmir, arriving just hours before the attack. Both men carried legitimate Pakistan passports, to facilitate their escape through Nepal.

Interestingly, Sabahuddin and Sharif told the investigators that the operation almost had to be aborted after the group lost its way to the CRPF camp in the darkness. While the attack was scheduled to begin at 10:00 p.m. on December 31, 2007, it eventually commenced at 2:00 a.m. on January 1, 2008—an error that ironically facilitated the attack, since even the few guards present had fallen asleep.

Police sources say that the group started planning a series of attacks in Mumbai—including a possible strike on the stock exchange—when they were arrested. Fahim Ahmad Ansari, a Mumbai resident who held a Pakistan passport issued under the pseudonym Hammad Hassan, was to act as the local conduit, much as Sabahuddin did in Bangalore.

Sunday’s arrests have demonstrated that the Lashkar’s global infrastructure in Pakistan remains intact, despite claims that President Pervez Musharraf’s regime is working to curtail its operations.

In December, the authorities in Singapore arrested four locals who were recruited to train with the Lashkar in Pakistan, while an Indian was arrested in Qatar last year on similar charges.
Posted by: Fred || 02/11/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Lashkar e-Taiba

#1  All terrorist "roads" lead to Phakestan - from India, Afghanistan, Britain, Norway, Germany, the US, some in Africa and South America. Seems that should be a good enough reason to dismember this rat's nest, once and for all. Things will continue to be "interesting" until it's done. Bangladesh needs to "disappear" at the same time. Nothing says these "nations" need to continue to exist, especially when they make clandestine war on others.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 02/11/2008 13:35 Comments || Top||

Six militants involved in attacks on IISc, CRPF camp held in Uttar Pradesh
Six Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorists, who were involved in the terror attacks on the CRPF Group Centre in Rampur and the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, were arrested in Rampur and here late on Saturday night and early hours of Sunday by the Special Task Force (STF) of the Uttar Pradesh Police.

While eight persons, including seven CRPF personnel, were killed in the January 1 Rampur attack, one scientist died and few others injured in the Bangalore attack on December 29, 2005 during a seminar in the J.N. Tata auditorium.

Fahim Ahmed Ansari alias Abu Zaraar alias Saquib, Mohammad Sharif alias Mohammad Anwar and Jang Bahadur alias Baba were arrested in Rampur around 12.15 a.m. on Sunday and Mohammad Sabahuddin alias Abu Qasim alias Sameer Singh, Amar Singh alias Abu Jaar and Abu Osama alias Aavesh, were detained at the Charbagh Railway Station tempo stand here around 6.30 a.m.

Uttar Pradesh Director-General of Police Vikram Singh said Pakistan nationals Amar Singh alias Abu Zaar and Abu Osama, who played a major role in the Rampur and Bangalore attacks, planned terror strikes at Churchgate in Mumbai, the Bombay Stock Exchange and the Army convoys in Rampur and Bareilly.

Mr. Singh said the Bangalore and Mumbai police were informed about the arrests and a joint interrogation would be held soon. He, however, denied that the militants planned to target VVIPs.

Initial interrogation showed that before the Rampur attack, the ultras were given training in intelligence gathering and handling explosives for about a month by Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).

Reconnaissance was done by Jang Bahadur alias Baba. Mohammad Sharif, Mohammad Sabahuddin and Abu Saama killed the seven CRPF personnel sitting around a fireplace and hurled grenades, while Abu Zaar provided the cover fire.

Of the three arrested here, Mohammad Sabahuddin revealed his links to the Bangalore attack.

A one-time resident of Madhubani district in Bihar, he was trained by the ISI and LeT in Pakistan before settling down in Patna.

In 2004, he met Lashkar commander Abdul Aziz, who asked him to take a room on rent in Bangalore and inform the LeT chief.

He enrolled himself as a student in a college in Bangalore and rented a one-room house near the college. Acting on instructions, he went to Kathmandu and came back with Hamza, who led the attack on the IISc on the second day of the convention.
Posted by: Fred || 02/11/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: Lashkar e-Taiba

Special Groups Report: Another 'Commander' Grabbed
The date changes but the story stays the same.
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition Forces, with assistance from the Iraqi Police, captured a suspected Special Groups commander and detained one other suspect early Monday during operations in the Hillah area, south of Baghdad.

The targeted individual was reportedly in charge of Special Groups criminal elements in Wasit, Babil and Najaf provinces. He was allegedly involved in the coordination of Special Groups weapon shipments, and the planning of attacks against Iraqi Security Forces and Coalition Forces. Reports also indicate he was an associate of several other senior-level criminal element leaders involved in attacks on Iraqi Security Forces and Coalition Forces.

Intelligence led ground forces to the target area where they captured the wanted individual and the other suspected criminal without incident.

The Iraqi Police facilitated the operation by directing local Iraqi citizens away from the target area during the assault. Additionally, they conducted a follow-on investigation of the target area after the mission concluded.
I wonder if they found any 'diaries', or computer data bases, or such.
“Iraqi Police and Coalition Forces remain steadfast in our commitment to pursue criminal elements that are not honoring al-Sayyid Muqtada al-Sadr’s ceasefire pledge,” said Lt. Michael Street, MNF-I spokesperson. “Those who commit indiscriminate acts of violence will not be tolerated.”
Posted by: Glenmore || 02/11/2008 07:57 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Good question. These kind of captures seem to have a wonderful cascade affect.
Posted by: Icerigger || 02/11/2008 8:30 Comments || Top||

#2  Decoding the language used, this was an Iranian funded Shia bigwig.
Posted by: Creans Gonque9062 || 02/11/2008 8:39 Comments || Top||

Iraqi Security Forces detain suspect believed to be associated with recent suicide bombings
Iraqi Security Forces supported by Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers arrested a suspect at the Rashid Hospital in eastern Baghdad for his alleged involvement in terrorist activities Feb. 10. The suspect is being detained for further questioning for his suspected links to al-Qaeda in Iraq and recent suicide bombings. Iraqi Soldiers arrested the Iraqi man based on information linking him to a crime against the Iraqi people. No U.S. or Iraqi forces were injured.
Posted by: Fred || 02/11/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Iraq

#1  Not too long ago, these guys would never have been turned. Looks like these kind of guys are starting to get rototilled nowadays.
Posted by: gorb || 02/11/2008 3:27 Comments || Top||

#2  According to the Times, he is the acting head of the hospital, a psychiatric hospital not a medical one. His predecessor was killed by gunmen on motorbikes in mid-December. link
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/11/2008 22:36 Comments || Top||

Suspected suicide bomb facilitator arrested in Doura
Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers arrested a suspected suicide bomb facilitator during a raid in the Rashid District of the Iraqi capital Feb. 9. Numerous tips led Soldiers from Company C, 2nd Battalion, 4th Infantry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division, Multi-National Division to detain the alleged extremist.

He was found with five Iraqi women in a home in Doura. One of the women is suspected of being a possible suicide bomber-in-training. The man was taken to a Coalition Detention Facility for questioning. Two of the women were also detained for further questioning. At this time, there is no indication this event is linked to the Feb. 1 bombings in crowded Baghdad markets.
Posted by: Fred || 02/11/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Iraq

#1  A male in the company of unaccompanied non-relatives? How Islamic.
Posted by: gorb || 02/11/2008 3:28 Comments || Top||

#2  Was He an Ex-Careers advisor who hated repeat business?
Posted by: Bright Pebbles || 02/11/2008 19:36 Comments || Top||

#3  Of course the fifth woman was a bomber-in-training. He was 1 over his bag limit unless be became a prophet. Then the sky and 6 year olds are the limit.
Posted by: ed || 02/11/2008 19:49 Comments || Top||

#4  He was 1 over his bag limit

ooOOooh, Punny
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 02/11/2008 20:55 Comments || Top||

Coalition forces disrupt al-Qaeda in Iraq, six suspected terrorists detained
Coalition forces detained six suspected terrorists today during operations to disrupt al-Qaeda networks operating in central and northern Iraq.

In Tarmiyah, Coalition forces captured an alleged associate of a senior leader for the northern belt al-Qaeda in Iraq network. The network is responsible for car bombing and improvised explosive device attacks in the area, as well as terrorist operations involving extortion, intimidation, weapons trafficking and the facilitation of foreign terrorists. The suspect is reportedly responsible for procuring and facilitating safe houses for senior AQI leadership.

Information from previous operations led Coalition forces to an alleged terrorist meeting location and safe haven east of Samarra while targeting associates of an AQI leader in the region. Two suspected terrorists were detained on site without incident.

Further north, Coalition forces detained three additional suspects, during an operation southeast of Tall Afar targeting an AQI senior leader directly connected to Abu Ayyub al-Masri, the overall AQI senior leader. "Each time we execute operations like these, we learn more, leading to another target," said Maj. Winfield Danielson, MNF-I spokesman. "Iraqi and Coalition forces are systematically dismantling al-Qaeda in Iraq, diminishing their ability to attack innocent Iraqis."
Posted by: Fred || 02/11/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Iraq

Bombings, gunmen kill 42 in Iraq
The deadliest bombing on Sunday was near Balad, 50 miles north of Baghdad, against a checkpoint manned jointly by Iraqi police and members of an awakening group.

The U.S. military said a car bomb exploded near an Iraqi checkpoint in a market in Balad, killing at least 23 civilians and wounding 25. U.S. and Iraqi forces had secured the area and the wounded had been evacuated to hospitals, according to a statement.

The explosion came hours after suspected al-Qaida-linked insurgents stormed two villages near the Syrian border but were repelled by U.S.-allied fighters and Iraqi security forces in clashes that left at least 22 people dead.

Sheik Fawaz al-Jarba, the head of the Mosul anti-al-Qaida group, and other officials said the 22 killed included 10 militants and six members of the so-called awakening group in the area, as well as four women and two children. The U.S. military in northern Iraq confirmed an attack on compound housing its Sunni allies against al-Qaida in Iraq near Sinjar, about 60 miles west of Mosul, saying five U.S.-allied fighters were killed, five wounded and 10 insurgents were killed.

Insurgents also attacked a group of civilians elsewhere in the northern Ninevah province on Sunday, killing two men and one child and wounding two other men, two women and two infants, according to the military.

Iraqi police also said four civilians were killed Sunday when a tanker truck laden with explosives blew up near an Iraqi army checkpoint on Mosul's southern outskirts.
Posted by: ed || 02/11/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  the battle has shifted decisively to the north. Balad seems to be the central point of moving the clear, hold, build strat - makes sense to move gradually, and not thrust into Mosul.
Posted by: liberalhawk || 02/11/2008 9:38 Comments || Top||

#2  Mosul is a balancing act for several reasons, including the ethnic/tribal balance (Saddam's imposition of sunni arabs in a Kurdish/Turkomen city) and the oil.
Posted by: lotp || 02/11/2008 9:46 Comments || Top||

Haniyeh goes into hiding from Israeli "assassination"
Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh has gone into hiding for fear Israel might try to assassinate him over the ongoing Qassam fire emanating from the Gaza Strip, the London-based al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper reported Monday. According to the report, only a handful of bodyguards have knowledge of Haniyeh's whereabouts and movements. Palestinian sources told Ynet that Hanieyh is known for frequently changing locations and accommodations even in times of calm. The sources further revealed that other prominent Hamas and Islamic Jihad operatives have begun taking extra precautions, for fear Israel will try to target them.

Media sources in Gaza reported that Israel may try to target Hamas' Mahmoud al-Zahar and Said Siam in the near future, since both are considered to be directly responsible for the ongoing Qassam fire on Israel's south.
This article starring:
SAID SIAMIslamic Jihad
Islamic Jihad
Posted by: ryuge || 02/11/2008 07:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under: Islamic Jihad

#1  Look at it this way, Izzy. It'll cut down on that collective punishment™ thingy you guys are always whining about.
Step up and take one for the team...
Posted by: tu3031 || 02/11/2008 10:31 Comments || Top||

#2  stop hunting for him and just level the whole place...

Nuke it from orbit... it's the only way to be sure.
Posted by: Abu do you love || 02/11/2008 21:28 Comments || Top||

#3  His publicity hounding ego will not permit him to stay hidden long.
Posted by: 3dc || 02/11/2008 21:44 Comments || Top||

IAF shoots target in Gaza Strip; Palestinians: Ground troops kill gunman
Israeli Air Force craft fired and hit a target in the Gaza Strip Sunday overnight, Israel Radio reported. The condition of the target - a group of armed Palestinians - was unknown, the IDF spokesperson said. Earlier, Palestinian sources reported that a gunman was killed in a fire exchange with IDF ground troops.
Posted by: Fred || 02/11/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  i suspect the condition of the target is not what it was.
Posted by: liberalhawk || 02/11/2008 9:45 Comments || Top||

#2  About goddam time. Kill the bastards.
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 02/11/2008 20:13 Comments || Top||

'Israel pardons 32 Fatah gunmen'
Israel has informed the Palestinian Authority that it will stop pursuing 32 Fatah gunmen in the West Bank, a PA security official said Sunday.

The official said the decision to pardon the gunmen belonging to Fatah's armed wing, the Aksa Martyrs Brigades, came after a three-month "trial period" during which they had refrained from carrying out attacks on Israel. "The names of the gunmen have been completely removed from Israel's list of wanted Palestinians," the official said. "From now on, the gunmen will be allowed to move around freely and without fear of being targeted by Israel."

Over the past three months, the gunmen stayed in PA security installations after surrendering their weapons and signing a pledge to refrain from terror activities. The move was part of a deal reached between the PA and Israel under the auspices of the US.

According to the PA official, the "trial period" for another 178 Fatah gunmen has been extended for another three months, during which the gunmen will be required to stay in PA security installations before they receive a final pardon from Israel.

During the second "trial period," none of the gunmen will be targeted by Israel. Among them is Zakariya Zubeidi, commander of the Aksa Martyrs Brigades in Jenin, who, according to sources in the city, continues to carry a pistol for "self-defense."

One of the gunmen who received a final pardon from Israel is Muhammad Shehadeh, commander of the Aksa Martyrs Brigades in Tulkarm. He said that he had abided by the US-brokered agreement and had stayed inside a PA security facility for the past three months.

Meanwhile, Israel returned the bodies of two Hamas terrorists who carried out the suicide bombing in Dimona last week to Hebron on Sunday afternoon, Israel Radio reported. Monday's attack killed Lubov Razdolskaya, 73, and wounded 40 others.
Posted by: Fred || 02/11/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: al-Aqsa Martyrs

#1  Israel anounces it will leave pants around ankles, straight razor taped to its dick...
Posted by: M. Murcek || 02/11/2008 0:16 Comments || Top||

#2  Disturbing graphic, Murcek, no matter how you tape the straight razor. :-)
Posted by: gorb || 02/11/2008 3:35 Comments || Top||

#3  "now go kill the Hamas boys"
Posted by: liberalhawk || 02/11/2008 9:44 Comments || Top||

#4  Essentially.

It's another wedge to try to drive Fatah and Hamas apart. Piss off the Gaza thugs 'cause they're geting beat upon, while the Fatah thugs get a pass.

Much easier trying to think up 'clever' imagery, tho.
Posted by: Pappy || 02/11/2008 12:36 Comments || Top||

Hamas court halts distribution of major daily in Gaza
GAZA CITY - A Hamas court has banned the distribution in the Islamist-run Gaza Strip of the Al-Ayyam newspaper, considered close to the rival Palestinian Authority, officials from the daily told AFP on Sunday. “Today I received a letter from a Hamas court, which said that the court decided to ban distribution and publication as of February 10,” said Sami al-Qishawi, director of the paper’s Gaza office.

Al-Ayyam, which is sent to the Gaza Strip every day after being published in the West Bank political capital of Ramallah, is considered close to the Palestinian Authority headed by president Mahmud Abbas, who leads Hamas’s secular rival Fatah.

Qishawi said the daily only received the copy of the ruling on Sunday afternoon and planned to proceed with distribution as usual on Monday despite the order. “We plan to work normally and will see if Hamas moves to confiscate” the newspaper, he said.

No comment on the ruling was immediately available from Hamas.

The editor of the daily, Abdelnasser Annajar, said the decision ”proves that Hamas refuses to accept others and that they continue to prevent the freedom of the press, just like we have warned.” He told AFP that the court ruling apparently came in response to a complaint by several Hamas members of parliament after the daily published a cartoon that they said portrayed them in an unflattering light.

The cartoon’s author, Paha Bokhari, shrugged off the complaints about his drawing. “They considered that I drew them as monkeys. I didn’t draw them as monkeys. If they see themselves as monkeys, that’s their problem,” he told AFP.
Posted by: Steve White || 02/11/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  now if they could just halt Doonesbury
Posted by: Frank G || 02/11/2008 6:40 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Five Thai border police injured in ambush
Five border patrol policemen were injured in an ambush by terrorists insurgents in here Monday afternoon. The five policemen were patrolling a road in Tambon Thanto of Yala's Thanto district when they were ambushed at 3:15 pm.
Posted by: ryuge || 02/11/2008 05:54 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Thai Insurgency

East Timor leader in critical condition
OK, time for me to expand my sphere of attention. Can anyone provide a quick description of what this sttupid rebellion is all about? Are the "rebels" Christians or Lutherans? Is East Timor to Indonesia as Taiwan is to China?
Wikipedia entry here. And the BBC's overview is succinct and informative. Quick summary: East Timor is heavily Roman Catholic, got independence in 2002 despite militias that wanted them to be part of Indonesia. Poor country, large oil/natural gas deposits just off the coast.
Rebel soldiers shot and critically wounded East Timor's president and opened fire on the prime minister Monday in a failed coup attempt in the recently independent nation. A top rebel leader was killed during one of the attacks.

President Jose Ramos-Horta, a Nobel Peace laureate, was injured in the stomach. He was flown to a hospital in Australia in an induced coma, breathing through a ventilator, a spokesman for the company that airlifted him out of East Timor said. Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao escaped an attack on his motorcade unhurt.

Army spokesman Maj. Domingos da Camara said rebel leader Alfredo Reinado and one of his men were killed in the attack on the home of Ramos-Horta, while one of the president's guards also died. "I consider this incident a coup attempt against the state by Reinado and it failed," Gusmao said. He called it a well-planned operation intended to "paralyze the government and create instability."
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: gorb || 02/11/2008 05:38 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

Sri Lanka
'Border' clashes kill 46 in Lanka
Forty Tamil Tigers and six soldiers have been killed in a series of battles along the “border” that separates state from rebel-held territory in northern Sri Lanka, the military said on Sunday. “There was a series of clashes in Mannar which killed 11 terrorists and two soldiers, while confrontations in Vavuniya killed 19 terrorists and three soldiers also died,” a military spokesman said, asking not to be named in line with policy. Seven Tiger rebels and a soldier were killed in the northern Jaffna peninsula, while another three rebels were killed in the northern district of Polonnaruwa, he added.

Buoyed by battlefield victories in the east, where it has captured swathes of rebel-held terrain, the government is now seeking to overrun the rebels’ northern stronghold and has vowed to defeat the separatist Tigers militarily. But the Tigers continue to mount deadly suicide attacks and roadside bombings, including in the capital Colombo, and analysts say neither side is winning.

Meanwhile, tourist arrivals are down and so is the stock market, which has fallen around 3 percent so far this year after sliding nearly 7 percent in 2007, with some businesses shelving investment plans.

Army chief: Sri Lanka’s army chief again vowed to defeat Tamil separatists but refused to set a deadline for the end of the decades-old conflict, saying the rebels remain a potent force, a report said Sunday. Army general Sarath Fonseka said in an interview with the Lakbima weekly newspaper that a military campaign to capture the rebel-held Wanni region in the north begun in March last year was moving according to plan.

He however refused to give a timeframe for defeating the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), who have fought for more than three decades to establish an independent homeland for minority Tamils in the Sinhalese-majority island. “They are an organised force with a lot of experience. They have thousands of fighters. I don’t conduct the war looking at deadlines and timeframes,” Fonseka said in the interview published Sunday. “Can a war that has been going on for more than 25 years be completed by March? But, what I say is - give us a chance.”

Fonseka said the military had killed 5,000 Tiger rebels last year, without mentioning the total losses for security forces. However, he said 4,000 government soldiers had been wounded in the last two years, with half of them choosing to return to the battlefield.
Posted by: Fred || 02/11/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Good Morning..
Posted by: Fred || 02/11/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Mods, could you pull that article about the US Army Reserve Doc into today. I'd like to see Old Patriot's thoughts to my comments.
Posted by: Helmuth, Speaking for Spusoling6019 || 02/11/2008 0:03 Comments || Top||

#2  AoS note: ummm, no.

We're not going to carry over an article so as to allow a spat between two readers to continue. Feel free to contact OP via e-mail.
Posted by: Steve White || 02/11/2008 0:10 Comments || Top||

#3  Well then how about the one where TW is reaming marc a new one?
Posted by: gorb || 02/11/2008 3:29 Comments || Top||

#4  Mansoor Daullah has been killed in a raid in Pakistan....and I think the article I posted about his getting the fat lady treatment....has been lost here somewhere.
Posted by: Chenter Unimp7361 || 02/11/2008 7:00 Comments || Top||

#5  gorb, I invited him to email me to continue the conversation. Should anything interesting develop, I promise to share with the group. My best hope, as always, is a new and useful contributor.

Helmuth, Speaking for Spusoling6019, thank you and your lady wife for all you've done and are doing. I imagine Old Patriot got called away to tend to that toddler he and his wife took in. There's a link to his website over in the right margin.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/11/2008 8:23 Comments || Top||

#6  Shouldn't that be "Marion Davies and the Upper Rosebud"?   ;-)
Posted by: Elmamble Speaking for Boskone1869 || 02/11/2008 9:06 Comments || Top||

#7  Islamic hero shacked up with five women, at least one ready to blow Isn't blowing un-Islamic? Oh wait, I see what you meant...
Posted by: Unique Battle || 02/11/2008 9:30 Comments || Top||

#8  gorb, thanks for that tip about TW and marc. I went to the archives and it seems there was quite a discussion taking place here late last night.

marc, don't be discouraged just because I called you a moron. Be discouraged for something important like the fact that Hamas won't give peace a chance.

But, on the real topic here, it seems that Marion Davies had a very pretty face. Visit Hearst Castle if you ever get a chance. It really is interesting.
Posted by: Ebbang Uluque6305 || 02/11/2008 11:58 Comments || Top||

#9  Actually, TW, you can usually reach me by clicking on my handle. I don't try to hide. As for last evening, I just took a night off from all the islamist BS to spend some time with my wife. THEN I got called off to take care of our toddler! 8^)>
Posted by: Old Patriot || 02/11/2008 12:28 Comments || Top||

#10  I couldn't remember, Old Patriot. Besides, I like reading your website, and I suspect Helmuth, Speaking for Spusoling6019 will too, once you resolve his anger over what you said about medics yesterday. How is the lad doing, by the way?

Very well said, Ebbang Uluque6305!
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/11/2008 12:43 Comments || Top||

#11  Yeah, hopefully marc's ego will survive the pre-screening interview. :-)
Posted by: gorb || 02/11/2008 16:54 Comments || Top||

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Two weeks of WOT
Mon 2008-02-11
  UN offices attacked in Mogadishu
Sun 2008-02-10
  UK Oil Rig Evacuated After Bomb Alert
Sat 2008-02-09
  Sudan planes, militia attack Darfur towns-witnesses
Fri 2008-02-08
  Israel may target Hamas heads
Thu 2008-02-07
  WMD Documents Found in NYC Apartment of Iraq Translator
Wed 2008-02-06
  Baitullah declares hudna
Tue 2008-02-05
  Nine dead as Israel strikes Gaza after suicide kaboom
Mon 2008-02-04
  Woman killed, one critically hurt in Dimona suicide attack
Sun 2008-02-03
  Baitullah offers conditional talks
Sat 2008-02-02
  British bishop gets police protection after Islamist death threats
Fri 2008-02-01
  Yemen: Al-Qaeda fighting rebels 'at government's request'
Thu 2008-01-31
  Abu Laith al-Libi titzup?
Wed 2008-01-30
  18 Orakzai tribes form Lashkar against Taliban
Tue 2008-01-29
  Egypt starts to rebuild Gaza border fences
Mon 2008-01-28
  9 killed, dozens injured during Hezbollah-led riots in Leb

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