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Suicide Bomber Kills 21 in Crowd in Iraq
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Al Qaeda Militant Dies in Custody in Kuwait
If this does not illustrate the MSM bias, I do not know what does. Nowhere in the article there is even the slightest insinuation of the possibility that the scum might have died from torturing. Can you imagine the frenzy of accusations of torture if the SOB would have die in US custody?
A militant described by police as one of al Qaeda's top leaders in Kuwait has died in custody after being arrested in connection with a wave of violence in the Gulf state, officials said on Wednesday. Amer al-Enezi, arrested late last month, died overnight at a military hospital due to a "collapse in blood circulation," Lieutenant Colonel Adel al-Hashash of the Interior Ministry told the state news agency KUNA.
That'll happen when your heart stops beating
Enezi had been interrogated by police since his capture on January 31 after a gunbattle in which five militants and a policeman were killed, and was suspected of involvement in other deadly clashes between militants and security forces last month. Some security sources described him as the spiritual leader of al Qaeda in Kuwait.
Goody, a dead holy man
Security sources said Enezi's death would not halt the activities of sympathizers of Osama bin Laden in Kuwait, who are bent on destabilizing the staunch U.S. ally and key oil producer. "The death of Amer al-Enezi does not mean the eradication of terrorism in Kuwait," one security source said. "There are other leading suspects besides Amer al-Enezi. He was number one but there are other key militants being pursued." Analysts and diplomats say Kuwait, a tiny country of 2.5 million people, is better placed to stamp out militancy than neighboring Saudi Arabia where al Qaeda has launched massive attacks against Western and government targets.

Security sources said Enezi, a Kuwaiti, had confessed that militants were planning to attack U.S. military convoys and other American targets as well as Kuwaiti security forces in suicide bombings using booby-trapped vehicles. The sources told Reuters police were still interrogating about 15 suspected militants, including Enezi's wife. Police are still searching for two other key militants, they said.

Crown Prince Sheikh Saad al-Abdulla al-Sabah, whose government has vowed to eradicate the militants, has ordered the Interior Ministry to set up a special anti-terror unit. Kuwait has rounded up scores of suspected militants since the first clash in January. On Saturday, five people surrendered after police surrounded their hideout, but at least three were released later after investigations showed they had no link to the violence, security sources said.

Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah was quoted on Tuesday as saying the crackdown would continue and Kuwait was prepared for the worst. "The round with the terrorists is not over," Sheikh Sabah was quoted by al-Rai al-Aam daily as saying. Al-Watan quoted him as saying: "This matter will continue... what we see in the region may spread to other Gulf states."
This article starring:
AMER AL ENEZIPeninsula Lions
Crown Prince Sheikh Saad al-Abdulla al-Sabah
Lieutenant Colonel Adel al-Hashash
Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah
Posted by: TMH || 02/09/2005 9:13:39 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

Terror suspect dies in custody
THE leader of a cell that allegedly plotted to kidnap US soldiers and other Westerners in Kuwait has died overnight in custody, Kuwaiti security sources said. "Amer Khleif al-Enezi died last night," a source said. Kuwaiti daily al-Qabas reported on its website that Enezi died after suffering a heart attack.

The paper reported he had been questioned by prosecutors before suffering health problems that led doctors to check on him. Enezi was detained on January 31 with five of his supporters after a nine-hour firefight with security forces in which four gunmen were killed. Enezi was believed to be the leader of a cell of militants that allegedly plotted to kidnap US soldiers and other Westerners and film their executions, and carry out attacks on US military convoys heading for Iraq. Security forces have fought gunbattles with al-Qaeda-linked Islamist gunmen killing eight of them and capturing at least 14 others over the past month. Four police officers were also killed and 10 others wounded.
I'm assuming that his last hours were very painful. Heh.

This article starring:
Posted by: God Save The World || 02/09/2005 4:29:52 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  he had been questioned by prosecutors before suffering health problems

"Dammit, now look what you've done. And that was my favorite truncheon, mom gave it to me as a graduation present."
Posted by: Steve || 02/09/2005 8:28 Comments || Top||

#2  When they say the gloves come off, I guess they come off. Next!
Posted by: Fred || 02/09/2005 9:51 Comments || Top||

#3  couldn't of happened to a nicer guy.
Posted by: Jarhead || 02/09/2005 10:14 Comments || Top||

#4  Well sure, Fred, you know how sweet the feel of a #7 truncheon in your bare hand is.
Posted by: Steve White || 02/09/2005 10:40 Comments || Top||

#5  Sears Diehard - for quick starting terrorists in the cold winter months
Posted by: Frank G || 02/09/2005 10:52 Comments || Top||

#6  Geez, guys, you're gonna make The-Greek-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named think you're in favor of torture.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 02/09/2005 10:59 Comments || Top||

#7  I gave him up for Lent
Posted by: Frank G || 02/09/2005 11:11 Comments || Top||

#8  Who says we aren't, RC? Lol, Frank!
Posted by: BA || 02/09/2005 11:13 Comments || Top||

#9  Good riddance ... One is a good start, can the Kuwaiti's say "Next?"
Posted by: H8_UBL || 02/09/2005 15:32 Comments || Top||

Kuwait: Four soldiers interrogated
Four soldiers have been referred to the State Security for interrogation in connection with the recent terrorist incidents in Kuwait, says a highly placed military source. The source said Military Intelligence conducted some preliminary interrogations before referring them to State Security to verify their involvement in terrorist activities, adding "if their involvement is proved the Interior Ministry will handle the issue in a 'suitable way.' If it is found they had no connection with the terrorist incidents the case will be returned to Military intelligence." Indicating Military Intelligence is busy taking precautionary measures in view of the exceptional security circumstances in the country, he said "several soldiers were interrogated and released four days ago. Military Intelligence will continue to interrogate some more men to find out if they were involved in terrorism."
Posted by: Fred || 02/09/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

Kuwait: Fadli and Dosari urged to surrender. That'll work.
A reliable source said securitymen have urged fugitives Khalid Al-Dousari and Mohsen Al-Fadli to surrender promising to give them a fair trial. "Securitymen will capture the two terrorists dead or alive sooner or later.
I'd prefer dead, of course...
Picky, picky ...
"It will be better for them to surrender. In the same regard, security sources asked recently the two fugitives Khalid Al-Dousari and Mohsen Al-Fadli to put their selves in the hands of the security men, the source promised them of a just trial if they did so, he said sooner or later they will be in the hands of the security men, the sources said, they will be arrested dead or a life that is why it is better for them to surrender.
This article starring:
MOHSEN AL FADLIPeninsula Lions
Posted by: Fred || 02/09/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Both of thses guys need to go ... very, very evil people
Posted by: H8_UBL || 02/09/2005 15:34 Comments || Top||

Kuwait frees 5 arrested after raid on hideout
Two steps forward, one step back.
Police released five men detained in a raid west of the Kuwaiti capital after finding they were not linked to militants, one of the men said Tuesday. The men were arrested Saturday after a series of gunbattles over the past month in the emirate between security forces and militants that left four policemen and eight suspects dead. "They took us away on suspicion, but freed all of us after they found we were not involved in the recent incidents in Kuwait. Everything is clear for us," Khaled Adhan al-Shimmari told AFP by telephone from his home. The interior ministry had described the five as "wanted men" and said three were Jordanians and two Saudis. But Shimmari said all five men held Saudi citizenship.
There's probable cause.
The men, originally stateless Arabs, include three brothers, a relative and a neighbour. They were freed late Monday. Shimmari, a mosque preacher, ...
... more probable cause ...
... denied local press reports that they had resprayed a car used by militants to flee after a January 10 shooting which left two policemen and a militant dead. "This is totally baseless. Security men have also not seized any weapons from our houses. We respect law and order in this country,"  he said.
Just like all good jihadis everywhere!
The five men surrendered to security men without a fight after a large number of police backed by armoured vehicles and helicopters on Saturday raided two houses in Sulaibiya, 20 kilometers (12 miles) from the capital. Police fired gunshots and several smoke bombs before the men gave themselves up. There were no casualties. Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah said Monday he expected "terrorism will continue" in the emirate and warned it could spread to other Gulf states. 
Posted by: Steve White || 02/09/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

Kuwait firewalls jihadi sites
In a related development, a reliable source told Al-Watan the Cabinet has decided to include foreign sources of terrorism in its anti-terrorism campaign, adding "the Communications Ministry has launched a campaign to identify websites which promote terrorism in the Internet." "The Communications Ministry will prevent access to these websites by means of firewalls, which are similar to the ones used to block access to pornographic sites," he said. "Two websites owned by a Kuwaiti cleric whose name has been linked to the suspects have been included in the ministry's list."
Just another kind of porn...
Posted by: Fred || 02/09/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

Kuwait Bad Boyz had fully equipped boom lab
Suspected terrorist Ahmed Msamih has admitted he and his dead companion Nasser Khlaif were trained in the use of explosives and weapons in a camp for over six months under the supervision of Amer Khlaif Al-Enezi, a reliable source told Al-Qabas. The Public Prosecution is continuing with its investigations on terrorism, including the operations at Maidan Hawalli, Umm Al-Haiman, Jaber Al-Ali and Sabahiya," he added. Sources said during the interrogation of Ahmed Msamih the Public Prosecution found his cell owned a fully equipped laboratory in one of the suburbs of Kuwait, adding "the interrogators discovered Mohammed Ashiq and Al-Sayf, killed in the recent security operations, were trained to launch suicide attacks against installations of the Interior Ministry." The Public Prosecution also found the objectives of Khalid Al-Dousari and Mohsen Al-Fadli were far beyond launching terrorists acts and included plans to assassinate several senior officials of the Interior Ministry, sources added. According to sources Nasser Khlaif met Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi in Iraq who asked him to fight the US forces in Kuwait instead of coming to Iraq.
This article starring:
AHMED MSAMIHPeninsula Lions
AL SAIFPeninsula Lions
MOHAMED ASHIQPeninsula Lions
MOHSEN AL FADLIPeninsula Lions
NASER KHLAIFPeninsula Lions
Posted by: Fred || 02/09/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

Judge Clears British Soldier in Abuse Case
Posted by: Fred || 02/09/2005 6:09:03 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "A judge ... ordered jurors on Wednesday to acquit one of the suspects on a charge of pretending to kick a prisoner. ... Cooley is also charged with hoisting a detainee on a forklift and driving it, and with simulating a punch against another detainee, seen in a photograph. He has pleaded innocent to all charges."

Two of the three charges related to simulated acts? IIRC the prisoners were hooded in those photos so may not have even noticed. Poor effort abuse, if you ask me. The forklift thing at least showed some imagination.
Posted by: Bulldog || 02/09/2005 7:10 Comments || Top||

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Chechens break their own cease-fire
A policeman has been killed and four others have been wounded, ending several days of relative quiet since a rebel ceasefire in Chechnya, a source in the Moscow-backed government said.

The assailants attacked a checkpoint in the eastern region of Gudermes with guns and small grenade launchers late on Monday night, causing the first recorded casualties since separatist rebels announced a unilateral ceasefire last week.

Also, on Tuesday morning outside the capital, Grozny, three Russian bomb-disposal experts were wounded when an explosive device went off as they were trying to defuse it, the official said.

n a statement posted on the rebel website kazkavcenter.com, the separatists said they would observe a ceasefire until 22 February as a "sign of goodwill" - the first time they have halted hostilities in the more than five years of the guerrilla war.

The statement was signed by Chechen rebel leader Shamil Basayev, considered a hardliner who does not recognise the authority of Chechen leader Aslan Maskhadov and who has masterminded a series of attacks on Russian civilians.

In a newspaper interview published on Monday, Maskhadov urged Moscow to open peace talks in response to the rebel truce, but the Kremlin immediately rejected the initiative, saying it did not negotiate with "terrorists".

Basayev appeared on the website on Tuesday to vow unstinting resistance.

The fighter dug a knife into his artificial right leg several times in Kazkavcenter footage, dated Sunday, as he vowed that his followers would keep on fighting the Russians even after his death.

"I do not understand how the stronger side, and the Chechen side is the stronger side, can simply end a war," Basayev said.

"Our whole people have been held hostage for six years."
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/09/2005 12:23:26 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Azeris sentence 6 for al-Qaeda contacts
An Azeri court handed out sentences of between five and 15 years in jail to six men suspected of links to Osama bin Laden's Al-Qaeda network and accused of planning terror strikes in Azerbaijan, the sentencing judge in the case told AFP Tuesday. "This is a group of people who were incriminated with an attempt to organize a terrorist attack," Judge Azer Husseinov of the High Crimes Court said, adding that no details of the case would be released "to protect state interests." Azerbaijan's state security ministry (MTN), the successor agency to the KGB in the former Soviet republic, confirmed that it investigated the case but an MTN spokesman said he could give no details of what and when the suspects planned to attack. Azeri media reported that the men were suspected to be Wahhabis, followers of a radical brand of Islam, with links Al-Qaeda. One of the suspects' lawyers told AFP on condition of anonymity that the six men were arrested in August after allegedly photographing oil refineries and embassies in the Azeri capital Baku. "This is a falsified case without any proof," he said.
Their Mom collects pictures of refineries...
Human rights groups have accused the Azeri authorities of fabricating a number of terrorism cases since Azerbaijan joined the US-led coalition to fight terrorism. "They do this so that they can show the West that their special services are fighting international terrorism," said Leila Yunusova, head of the Azeri Peace and Democracy Institute. "We can't be sure that these people are actually guilty, it's very negative that the case was held behind closed doors," Yunusova said.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/09/2005 12:08:15 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Car Bomb Explodes in Madrid
A powerful car bomb exploded on Wednesday in Madrid after a telephone warning from a caller claiming to represent the armed Basque separatist group ETA. At least 10 people were injured. The blast came a week after Parliament overwhelmingly rejected a proposal from the Basque legislature to give the troubled region autonomy bordering on independence. The Interior Ministry said the bomb went off around 9:30 a.m. near Ifema, a convention center where King Juan Carlos was to attend the opening of an art show later in the day. Television footage showed smoke rising from the site, outside a building housing the French computer manufacturer Bull.
Posted by: Fred || 02/09/2005 6:09:42 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I've been meaning to comment on this for a while. The Madrid train bombings upped the terrorism stakes in Spain. It made ETA look like a bunch of woosies. Not real terrorists. So they were faced with either getting out the game or proving they were 'real' terrorists.
Posted by: phil_b || 02/09/2005 6:20 Comments || Top||

#2  hell if the israelis have to cave in the to arabs in the disputed terrorities why shouldn't the world be crapping in its pants over Spain occupying basque areas
Posted by: legolas || 02/09/2005 6:25 Comments || Top||

#3  Because they're not Joos.
Posted by: gromgorru || 02/09/2005 6:46 Comments || Top||

#4  ETA has always been fairly careful about not getting too many people killed. Their called in warnings are pretty good about getting in before the bombs go off and the areas are pretty clear when it goes boom.

Of course, IIRC, Spain's current government said that they had ETA under their thumb . . . but ETA is not stupid enough to go and get the King Killed.
Posted by: Jame Retief || 02/09/2005 6:52 Comments || Top||

#5  Television footage showed smoke rising from the site, outside a building housing the French computer manufacturer Bull.

Hmm. How appropriate, at so many levels. Still, if I was granted the wish of seeing the French vanish off the face of the planet, or ETA, I'd choose ETA: France's sins are those of omission, while ETA's are those of comission.
Posted by: Ptah || 02/09/2005 7:52 Comments || Top||

#6  Ptah - Whoa, I dunno. I follow your logic, but that's really a tough one... ;-)
Posted by: .com || 02/09/2005 7:55 Comments || Top||

#7  They had to of helped al-Queda on the Madrid Bombings. Now I'm sure al-Queda is helping them. They can harm the West and not even get blamed for it.
Posted by: plainslow || 02/09/2005 9:10 Comments || Top||

#8  Be it ETA or AQ setting off the bombs in Spain, the message to the gov't and the people of Spain is this: We're still here, so don't get out of line.
Posted by: Mark Z. || 02/09/2005 11:13 Comments || Top||

#9  Remember that France has part of the homeland, as well. This was also a message to France, where several ETA terrs have been arrested in the last year after being ignored for decades.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 02/09/2005 12:02 Comments || Top||

#10  Jame Retief

You are woefully informed. ETA tried to sink a ferry with 1400 persons on board, to fell the skyscrapper "Torre Espana" 5,000 persons on baoard, too destroy one of Madrid railways stations (several thousand potential victims). It was not moderation but bad luck (for them) and police action who prevented major massacres.
Posted by: JFM || 02/09/2005 14:05 Comments || Top||

French FM non-committal to blacklisting Hizbullah
Israel found no ally in France Monday in its efforts to get Hizbullah placed on the European Union's list of terror organizations, diplomatic officials said. Both Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom and Vice Prime Minister Shimon Peres warned visiting French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier in separate meetings about Hizbullah's attempts to thwart Israeli-Palestinian progress. "Just as Hizbullah destroyed Lebanon, it is also trying in any way possible, including the use of extremist Palestinian elements, to destroy Israel as a Jewish state," Peres said.

In recent weeks Israel has been intensively lobbying the EU countries to place Hizbullah on its blacklist, arguing that the organization is doing everything it can to undermine Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and carry out terror attacks in Israel in an attempt to thwart Israeli—Palestinian progress. Security officials in recent days have warned both of a Hizbullah attempt to assassinate Abbas and to carry out a major terrorist attack prior to Tuesday's summit in Sharm e-Sheikh. Shalom said that France supported UN Security Council resolution 1559 that called for militias in Lebanon to be dismantled, arguing that Hizbullah is one of those militias. One diplomatic source said that Barnier listened to the arguments, repeated France's traditional line that Hizbullah has a parliamentary faction inside Lebanon, and remained non-committal regarding a possible change in France's position on the issue.
This article starring:
European Union
Mahmoud Abbas
Michel Barnier
Shimon Peres
Silvan Shalom
Posted by: Fred || 02/09/2005 5:44:04 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The interesting thing, to me, isn't that France will continue to be assholes, but that if Hizbullah wants to hit Abbas - does that mean the Mad Mullahs believe he might actually be able to stabilize the situation? That they don't want stability is nothing new, but do they think Abbas can bring it about? Or are they just keeping the pot boiling - and would try to hit whomever was in Abbas's position, now that the ally icon Arafart is dead?

Anyone have observations on this?
Posted by: .com || 02/09/2005 6:31 Comments || Top||

#2  All of the above, I suspect.
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 02/09/2005 9:17 Comments || Top||

#3  Hizbullah has a parliamentary faction inside Lebanon only because Lebanon is a f*cking colony of Syria who lets Hizb stay there because they kill jooos.
Posted by: Spot || 02/09/2005 9:31 Comments || Top||

#4  Syria lets Hizb stay there cause Syria relies on Iran for support, and Hizb is the Iranian arm in the region.

And yes, I think dot com is right, the Iranians are trying to undermine Abbas cause they think theres a chance the peace process might succeed, at least in the short to medium run, and thats VERY bad news for them - it eases tensions between the US and arab states, it eases tensions between the US and Europe - the very tensions Iran was counting in its confrontation with the US.
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 02/09/2005 10:03 Comments || Top||

#5  Shalom said that France supported UN Security Council resolution 1559 that called for militias in Lebanon to be dismantled, arguing that Hizbullah is one of those militias.

Somehow, I'm fairly confident that had 1559 been something that even remotely referred to the "militias" in Lebanon as terrorist organizations, Phrance would have vigorously opposed it.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 02/09/2005 11:27 Comments || Top||

#6  Watching France's "diplomatic stance" (treating Hizbollah as a worthy partner in diplomatic circles) is kinda like watching a human eat dog food--what else can you conclude other than 1)they are completely desperate or 2)they will eat anything, even garbage.

This is one more area where we have NO COMMON GROUND with France. Terrorists do not deserve to sit at any table. Chew and swallow that gruel well, France-otherwise you might choke when you find there are human bones and pulp in that stew.
Posted by: Jules 187 || 02/09/2005 11:34 Comments || Top||

#7  It's not clear to me. France chooses to support Hizbullah and thus Syria (as the actual host in Lebanon) and Iran. Why this is in France's interest? I don't know. I can't see it. France will give lip service to changes in Lebanon but for some reason will not stand behind what seems to be it's own UNSC resolution. Why?

Depriving Hizbullah of a place to launch attacks from and also cause grief in the hopeful looking PA/Israel negations is a good thing. A calmer relationship between the PA and Israel is a good thing. (It might even be helpful in French domestic affairs) The not so hidden hands of Iran and now France is “not helpful” in the ongoing talks between the PA and Israel. France has to know that. I can't see how France supporting Hizbullah is a sane thing. We know Iran will do everything to disrupt what could be a watershed agreement that would cool down the tension in the ME quite a bit. What does France gain?
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 02/09/2005 14:26 Comments || Top||

#8  Chirac is big buddies with prominent Lebanese, such as Rafic Hariri. I think he's no longer PM, but has TV stations etc. Hariri was protected by/protected Syrians. Conclusion: French want Hizbullah around as the ultimate bargaining chip that can be discarded once Syrian military leaves Lebanon due to pressure from the Leb "street". French version of "stability" will remain in Levant.
Posted by: chicago mike || 02/09/2005 17:03 Comments || Top||

#9  Syria and Lebanon were French League of Nations Mandate countries, just as Iraq and Palestine (Trans Jordan + Israel) were England's. Like all of France's former colonies, La Belle France maintains a proprietary interest in all their doings.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/09/2005 18:43 Comments || Top||

France, U.S. agree to release three more French held at Gitmo
PARIS - The United States has agreed to hand over to France three French detainees at the US naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, judicial officials said Tuesday. The agreement was finalized just as US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was to arrive in Paris for a meeting with President Jacques Chirac, the officials said on condition of anonymity.
"We're done with them. Here." "Ewwww. Er, thanks, Condi."
The date of the hand-over of the three French detainees - Mustaq Ali "Pierre" Patel, Ridouane "Jaques" Khalid and Khaled Ben "Michael" Mustafa - has not been finalized yet, the officials said. "Things are headed in the right direction, and we are now discussing the details," said William Bourdon, an attorney for Ali Patel, who has both French and Indian nationality. Four French citizens who were detained in the US-led military campaign that toppled Afghanistan's Taleban regime in 2002 returned to France in August. They are being held as part of an investigation into suspected terror-related networks.
This article starring:
Posted by: Steve White || 02/09/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  To be returned in monogrammed bags, I presume?
Posted by: .com || 02/09/2005 7:29 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
MSM Cameraman Pleads Guilty to Trying to Sell Iran Restricted Camera Lenses
Conviction in bid to ship stolen camera equipment to Iran


February 8, 2005

A part-time cameraman who worked for NBC found out the hard way that "Akbar," the international broker he had met on eBay, wasn't really looking to ship stolen night-vision lenses to Iran.

Instead, the broker was a federal customs agent, and the cameraman, Erik Kyriacou, 24, of North Babylon, found himself in a Philadelphia courtroom Monday pleading guilty to four federal counts, including trying to export technology to an "axis of evil" country.

That old pseudonym "Akhbar" gets 'em every time {Snicker}

He faces up to 35 years in prison and a $1 million fine, though his attorney, Robert Welsh of Philadelphia, said Monday he expected Kyriacou to receive a far less severe sentence. He said the customs agent had lured Kyriacou into the idea of selling the lenses to Iran, and that "given the fact that, though this was not enough to constitute entrapment, it was very close."

Entrapment? He put the things on EBay - They were stolen. MSM idiot cameraman should be shipped to Gitmo to be up close & personal with some more "Akhbars". This would be a good lesson.

Kyriacou was arrested last April after offering four Astroscope night-vision lenses for sale in a public auction on eBay, then privately negotiating an $8,000 sale price with the undercover agent, court records show. He shipped them to an address in Vienna, Austria, in January 2004, according to the court papers.

Aaah yes Vienna...Crossroads of many "Akhbars"

He had stolen them from NBC, where he worked as a news camerman, Welsh said.

STOLEN! Where is the Grand Theft charge?

The federal customs agent posing as broker told Kyriacou before he sold the lenses that they would be headed to Iran, and that there was no license to ship them there, the court documents say.

No license? If this had been for real those lenses could have been used against any possible action we might take. Send the twerp to Gitmo.

A spokesman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement said Monday that there had been "a large number of cases over the years" of representatives from Iran being caught trying to buy forbidden technologies, especially spare airplane parts.

"Their entire air force was manufactured in the United States before their revolution, and they need spare parts to keep it airborne," said the spokesman, Dean Boyd.

Are rubber bands an embargoed item to Iran? I hear they help keep airplanes flying...

It was an employee at Electrophysics, the Fairfield, N.J.-based company that manufactures the Astroscope lens, who first noticed that they were for sale on eBay, the public Internet auction site.


Because it is illegal to ship the high-tech lenses anywhere outside the United States, a representative of Electrophysics contacted the U.S. Department of Commerce, which began an investigation before passing it on to Immigration and Customs Enforcement, an investigative arm of the Department of Homeland Security.

Kyriacou pleaded guilty to two counts of violating the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, one count in interstate transportation of stolen property and one count of making a false statement. He is scheduled to be sentenced May 10.

As I said : Get 'em to fall for the "Akhbar" pseudonym. Works everytime. MSM cameramen probably not all that bright.

Maybe he'll be like the guy in the GEICO insurance ad. Fights with the meter maid, then gets sentenced to prison to meet a guy named, "WALLY"

Copyright © 2005, Newsday, Inc.

Posted by: BigEd || 02/09/2005 5:41:12 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

US to deport Hamas-linked fundraiser
A leading fundraiser for an Islamic charity with alleged links to the Palestinian resistance group Hamas is to be deported from the US. An immigration judge ruled on Tuesday that Abd al-Jabbar Hamdan, 44, should have known that his work for the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development provided support to the group. "Our laws prohibit aliens who are living here as our guests to use this country as a base to advocate terrorism or raise money for terrorist causes," said John Salter, Los Angeles chief counsel for the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The judge did not name the country where Hamdan would be deported to.
This article starring:
ABD AL JABAR HAMDANHoly Land Foundation for Relief and Development
Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development
Posted by: Fred || 02/09/2005 5:45:32 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Don't let the door hit ya in the...
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 02/09/2005 12:04 Comments || Top||

#2  Judicial rendition?
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 02/09/2005 12:06 Comments || Top||

#3  No, John Denver rendition:

All his shackles are locked
He's ready to go
He's standin’ here at his cell door
He doesn't even get to say goodbye
But the dawn is breakin’
It’s early morn
The white plane’s waitin’
He’s very forlorn
Already he's so lonesome
He could die

But he's leavin' on a white plane
Don't know if he'll e'r see land again
Oh Babe, he has to go.
Posted by: Tom || 02/09/2005 12:19 Comments || Top||

#4  Snif! Tom. I still love Mary even tho she's a commie.
Posted by: Shipman || 02/09/2005 15:50 Comments || Top||

UNRWA: Palestinians react to occupation
The outgoing commissioner general of UNRWA, Peter Hansen, has warned of picturing the Palestinians as evildoers and warned that "Israeli" democracy had its limits. Hansen, who is Danish, said that "terrorism" does not emanate from nothing and Palestinians only react to occupation that could take place in any country. He told a Danish newspaper that no one could say that the "Israeli Arabs" were enjoying full rights similar to the "Israeli Jews".

The commissioner, whose tenure was not renewed on the part of the UN secretary general Kofi Annan due to USA and Zionist pressures, said that democracy was only enjoyed by the Jewish people in "Israel". Hansen is to end his term in office by 13th March after nine years of leading the Agency.
This article starring:
Kofi Annan
Peter Hansen
Posted by: Fred || 02/09/2005 5:35:59 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Hansen, who is Danish, said that “terrorism” does not emanate from nothing

Some people deserve to die.
Posted by: gromgorru || 02/09/2005 6:50 Comments || Top||

#2  The guidelines for a legitimate insurgency against an occupation are outlined in the Geneva convention. I'm having ISP problems, so I cannot provide a link to the relevant post on my website, but they include the wearing of a distinctive insignia, have a chain of command that is obeyed by the grunts, confine their attacks to occupying forces, refrain from deliberate targeting of civilians, and observe all the useages and limitations of warfare as outlined in the conventions.

What is interesting is that nobody would really object to the actions of the Palestinians if Israel was NOT a signatory to the Conventions, but the reverse is regarded as totally unacceptable.
Posted by: Ptah || 02/09/2005 8:15 Comments || Top||

#3  What I meant actually is that, sometimes, it is necessary to kill people (e.g. Jihadists etc...). It may even prove necessary to crush Arab/Islamic culture.
But Hansen, and most members of the subculture that produced Hansen deserve to die.
Posted by: gromgorru || 02/09/2005 10:42 Comments || Top||

#4  sounds like replacing Hansen was a good idea
Posted by: Frank G || 02/09/2005 10:53 Comments || Top||

#5  This "occupation" whine is past its use-by date. Waaaaay past.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 02/09/2005 10:59 Comments || Top||

#6  Peter Hansen, has warned of picturing the Palestinians as evildoers and warned that “Israeli” democracy had its limits. Hansen, who is Danish, said that “terrorism” does not emanate from nothing and Palestinians only react to occupation that could take place in any country...

Much as Mr. Hansen would like to run away from reality, a disproportionate number of Palestinians DO support evildoing, as witnessed through their coddling and protection of suicide bombers and adoration of martyrs (Cult of Death Worshippers).

Europe is still shielding itself from its obvious anti-Jewish bias--it's basically saying that Israel has done something so heinous, so uncalled for, that they are asking for terrorism; he is also implying that Palestinians only resort to terrorism as retaliation for wrongs done to them-quite a stretch, if anyone cares to view the splatter of civilian body parts at bus stations and pizza parlors (which apparently must be the hangouts of Israeli policy makers.) Pyschological disorders in Europe are deep and disturbingly familiar.
Posted by: Jules 187 || 02/09/2005 11:27 Comments || Top||

#7  “War is the terrorism of the rich and powerful.
Terrorism is the war of the poor and powerless.”
—Peter Ustinov

Posted by: blurp || 02/09/2005 11:55 Comments || Top||

#8  Excuses are the crutches of morons.
Posted by: Jules 187 || 02/09/2005 12:15 Comments || Top||

#9  9.9 Jules.
Posted by: Shipman || 02/09/2005 15:52 Comments || Top||

#10  Wasn't this the same "gentleman" (and I use the word loosely) who turned a blind eye when ambulances were being used as terrorist taxicabs?

Posted by: Desert Blondie || 02/09/2005 17:40 Comments || Top||

Weekly Piracy Report - 1 to 7 February 2005
Busy week for the buccaneers:

07.02.2005 at 0400 LT at Buenaventura inner anchorage 3, Colombia. Two robbers boarded a bulk carrier at forecastle and broke padlocks on store rooms. Alert crew raised alarm and robbers jumped overboard and escaped empty handed. Master informed coast guard and a coast guard boat arrived promptly within nine minutes for investigation.

06.02.2005 at 1936 UTC in posn: 01:21.6S-116:58.3E, Balikpapan anchorage, Indonesia. Robbers boarded a tanker during STS operations. Police on board opened fire at robbers but they managed to cut ropes of two liferafts and throw them overboard. They jumped overboard and escaped in their boat taking liferafts. Police searched the area but could not apprehend robbers.

03.02.2005 at 1530 UTC in posn: 19:43N - 119:20E, off Luzon strait, South China Sea. A craft doing 20 kts approached a bulk carrier underway at stbd side. D/O raised alarm and took evasive manoeuvres. Crew switched on deck lights, directed searchlights and activated fire hoses. Attempt was aborted and craft moved away.

03.02.2005 at 1530 UTC in posn: 03:12S - 116:21E, Kota Baru anchorage, Indonesia. Six robbers armed with knives boarded a bulk carrier. They hit a duty A/B on his head and tied him up. D/O sent a cadet to look for A/B but robbers held a knife at his throat and tied him up. Robbers opened forward locker and tried to steal ship's stores. D/O raised alarm and crew mustered. Robbers stole ships equipment and escaped in an unlit boat. Master called port control but received no response.

02.02.2005 at 0245 LT in posn: 01:16N - 104:10E, Singapore straits. Ten masked pirates armed with guns and long knives boarded a chemical tanker underway. They tried to break bridge window glass but did not succeed and escaped empty handed. Master raised alarm, sounded ship's whistle and reported to VTIS Singapore. Marine police came and searched the area.

02.02.2005 at 0130 LT at Chittagong anchorage, Bangladesh. Seven robbers armed with long knives boarded a chemical tanker. They stole ship's stores and escaped in an unlit boat.

02.02.2005 at 0350 LT at Kandla anchorage, India. Two robbers armed with long knives boarded a bulk carrier at forecastle. D/O raised alarm and crew mustered. Robbers jumped overboard and escaped in an unlit boat with ship's equipment. Authorities informed.

01.02.2005 at 0030 LT at Tan Thuan port off Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Two robbers boarded a bulk carrier at berth during discharging operations. They broke into storeroom and tried to steal ship's stores. Alert crew raised alarm and robbers escaped empty handed.
Posted by: Pappy || 02/09/2005 12:40:59 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Is it just me or do these guys get away an awful lot? Unscathed?

We need to hear more about these pirates getting what all pirates deserve . . . a short drop with a sudden stop. Are people going about unarmed on the high seas these days?
Posted by: Jame Retief || 02/09/2005 6:49 Comments || Top||

#2  I enjoy and always read the weekly Piracy Report.
Posted by: phil_b || 02/09/2005 7:03 Comments || Top||

#3  Ever worked in ocean shipping? The ship owners Do. Not. Spend. Money. They'd rather be robbed than spend money on security.
Posted by: gromky || 02/09/2005 8:17 Comments || Top||

#4  03.02.2005 at 1530 UTC in posn: 19:43N - 119:20E, off Luzon strait, South China Sea. A craft doing 20 kts approached a bulk carrier underway at stbd side. D/O raised alarm and took evasive manoeuvres. Crew switched on deck lights, directed searchlights and activated fire hoses.

"Repel Boarders -- Starboard!"
Posted by: Mike || 02/09/2005 8:35 Comments || Top||

#5  Mr. Ambassador:
The only problem with the crew using weapons is that they have to make sure they win. If you don't shoot them, they will rob the ship, but not kill the crew. If you do shoot at them and they win...
Posted by: jackal || 02/09/2005 8:52 Comments || Top||

#6  SEA TRANSPORT: Pirates Attacks Plummet

February 9, 2005: Incidents of piracy, which has been a growing problem over the past few years, fell sharply (by about a third) in 2004. There were 445 attacks on merchant ships in 2003, but only 325 last year. The dramatic drop came from more energetic policing in the Philippines, Vietnam, Bangladesh, India, the Caribbean, the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Meanwhile, attacks were up in the Malacca Straits, Nigeria, Balikpapan, Malaysia, the Singapore Straits, South China Sea and Haiti.

More at Strategy Page. I just hope it doesn't plummet so far that the Weekly Piracy Report is discontinued.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 02/09/2005 9:21 Comments || Top||

#7  jackal--Are you saying it's better to put yourself at the mercy of the pirates and hope they're "only" there to steal rather than defend yourself and risk violence?
Posted by: Dar || 02/09/2005 9:42 Comments || Top||

#8  Are you saying it's better to put yourself at the mercy of the pirates and hope they're "only" there to steal rather than defend yourself and risk violence?

In most of these cases, they are just thieves. Hell, the ship owners don't even pay attention to maintenance for the ship and the crews are not much better off than serfs. Many ships, even huge bulk carriers just disappear at sea with no one knowing why they sunk. The owners just collect the insurance money and buy another rusting hulk.
It's like working the night shift in a Stop & Rob store where the owners don't let you carry a gun, don't have a safe or a video camera. Somebody comes in to stick the place up, you just say "Take the damm money, it ain't mine."
Posted by: Steve || 02/09/2005 11:06 Comments || Top||

#9  Add this little twist to it: generally each ship is chartered as its own corporation. Meaning, if the ship is lost, collides with another ship, the crew stages a mutiny because they haven't been paid in six months, etc., the damage is limited.

I could tell stories about ships with hulls in places less than a quarter-inch thick, ships sailing on "Iron Mike" because the entire crew was dead drunk, ships renamed and re-flagged half a dozen times in a year. Maritime shipping is a strange world.
Posted by: Pappy || 02/09/2005 13:00 Comments || Top||

#10  Well, gents, I'd rather not rely on the mercy of criminals, but then it's a world I'm not terribly familiar with. Perhaps I shouldn't equate self- or home-defense with the piracy scenarios, but being helpless and passive when confronted just isn't in my nature. Fortunately most of these pirates seem more than ready to run when confronted.
Posted by: Dar || 02/09/2005 14:03 Comments || Top||

#11  Couldn't the crew at least be afforded SwissTex Army knives?
Posted by: Shipman || 02/09/2005 15:54 Comments || Top||

#12  Dar, remember the case of the pizza guy who defended himself with a gun and was fired. That's essentially what it is on a grander scale. Imagine if he had tried to defend himself without a gun. He might well have ended up dead.

If the owners were willing to provide some actual weaponry (say, some AK-47s), or even allowing the crews to arm themselves, then fighting might be a good choice. But, if you have perhaps one pistol, is it worth even trying to fight them that way? Now, if the pirates tended to kill everyone, whether they defended themselves or not, then, sure, the crew would fight with everything they had in hand-to-hand combat if necessary so that at least some of them might survive.

Oh, and it's not really like home defense. Steve's analogy is closer; they don't have any stake in the cargo or ship.
Posted by: jackal || 02/09/2005 16:00 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
50 dead in MNLF violence
Nearly 50 soldiers and Muslim militants have been killed in the southwestern Philippines, the army says, as fighting escalated after an ambush by rebels demanding the transfer of a detained separatist leader.

The military sent fresh troops to Jolo island to reinforce about 3,000 soldiers battling hundreds of rebels from Abu Sayyaf, a small group linked to al Qaeda, and renegade members of the Moro National Liberation Front.

The government signed a peace deal with the MNLF in 1996 and is due to restart talks in March with the 11,000-member Moro Islamic Liberation Front, which broke from the MNLF in 1978.

Abu Sayyaf was best known for kidnapping foreigners and Filipinos for ransom until it killed at least 100 people with a bomb on a passenger ferry in February 2004.

"I have ordered air strikes to punish these renegades," said Lieutenant-General Alberto Braganza, the military commander for the southern Philippines. "We are pursuing less than 500 armed men that are holding out in the mountains."

The military said 17 soldiers and about 30 rebels had been killed. But local officials said as many as 40 soldiers may have died since Monday.

The violence erupted when hundreds of rebels ambushed a convoy of soldiers in Patikul town on Monday. They also staged attacks in three other areas of Jolo in Sulu province.

"We have information that the supporters of former chairman Nur Misuari wanted the transfer of his detention to Sulu," Braganza said in a radio interview on Tuesday. "They are trying to pressure the government to give in to their demands."

Misuari, a political science professor at a state university, organised the MNLF in 1968 to wage war for a Muslim state in the south of the mainly Roman Catholic country.

Two months after the 1996 peace deal, Misuari was elected regional governor of an autonomous area for Muslim communities that was carved from existing provinces in the south.

Before his term ended in 2001, he took up arms again when it became clear the government would not support his re-election.

Misuari tried to escape to the Malaysian state of Sabah on Borneo island but was arrested and deported to the Philippines in January 2002. He is detained at a police camp south of Manila as he stands trial on rebellion charges.

Braganza said Misuari's MNLF followers had merged with about 400 members of Abu Sayyaf.

Abu Solaiman, a leader of the Abu Sayyaf, called on the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) to abandon its peace talks with the government and renew its fight for a Muslim state.

"To our brothers in the MILF, don't waive our nation's honour, dignity and right," Solaiman said in a radio interview on Tuesday. "No amount of development can pay for our homeland's illegal and immoral occupation or annexation."

He also urged the remnants of the MNLF to continue the struggle against the "enemies of Islam".

Most MNLF rebels turned to rice, corn and seaweed farming after the peace deal brokered by Indonesia. Many of its leaders were elected as governors, mayors and regional legislators.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/09/2005 12:14:06 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

18 Hezbollah arrested in Iraq
Iraq's Interior Minister Falah al-Naquib said 18 members of the Iran-backed Lebanese Shiite Muslim group Hezbollah have been detained in Iraq, Arab newspapers reported. The minister, who was speaking at an anti-terrorism conference in Saudi Arabia, also pointed the finger of blame at Iran for most of Iraq's problems. "Eighteen Lebanese from Hezbollah have been detained in Iraq on charges of terrorism," Naquib told the Saudi newspaper al-Hayat on the sidelines of the conference, which ended on Tuesday in the Saudi capital Riyadh.

He said Iraq's "biggest problem" was Iran and "its Iraqi followers," while asserting that "the problem with Syria could be resolved with dialogue." Regional allies Syria and Iran -- the two main supporters of the Lebanese movement Hezbollah, which pursues an anti-Israeli guerrilla campaign -- have been repeatedly accused of backing insurgents in Iraq. Naquib confirmed the detention of Hezollah members in Iraq in remarks to the Saudi-owned Asharq al-Awsat daily. But he told al-Hayat that most of those detained on charges of terrorism in Iraq were Sudanese and Egyptian nationals. Naquib said he held talks in Riyadh with Saudi authorities on the issue of a number of "detainees who do not carry identity papers and who are claiming to be Saudi." He said the Iraqi government was due to present to Saudi authorities a list of the detainees to confirm their identities "and probably hand them over."
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/09/2005 5:44:23 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Hezbollah? Shoot them.
Posted by: Dave || 02/09/2005 18:59 Comments || Top||

#2  Make them disappear into that good night, spooks. We need the info and the earth needs their blood.
Posted by: badanov || 02/09/2005 19:12 Comments || Top||

#3  Kill these guys. And make doubly sure it's a painful death.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 02/09/2005 20:40 Comments || Top||

work accident
Story on Xinhuanet was titled: Hamas member killed in premature bombing. I prefer to call it was it is.
A member of Al Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, was killed Wednesday in a premature bomb explosion in the central Gaza Strip, Palestinian medics said. Hassan al-Allami, 31, was killed as he was preparing a roadside bomb near an Israeli army checkpoint, witnesses said. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon declared a mutual ceasefire at the Sharm el-Sheikhsummit on Tuesday. But Hamas and Islamic Jihad (Holy War) said they were not part of it.

Let the premature ___ jokes begin
This article starring:
Posted by: Spot || 02/09/2005 12:19:58 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  We need a picture of Wyle E. Coyote after one of his bombs has blown up in his face.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 02/09/2005 15:00 Comments || Top||

#2  so just because he was unsuccessful, does that mean the ceasefire is still in effect? Does this count as an attempted attack by hamas? Doesn't Israel now have the legitimacy to return go after hamas? If not that, shouldn't Abbas do something more than appease hamas?

so many questions. . .
Posted by: PlanetDan || 02/09/2005 17:13 Comments || Top||

#3  PlanetDan, unfortunately, the prevailing view for many seems to be that political parties with military "wings" (translation-suicide civilian murderers like Hamas) are just swell as bargaining partners in the Peace Plan. Let's see where that takes the world.
Posted by: Jules 187 || 02/09/2005 17:26 Comments || Top||

#4  Well, it appears that not much progress is being made by the Paleos in putting the clamps on terrorist activity...
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 02/09/2005 20:44 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Tales From The Crossfire Gazette
One held for planting bomb in grocery
A youth was caught while dropping three homemade bombs at a grocery in Pallabi last night. Police said the grocer Rezaul caught Rafiqul Islam, 20, as he tried to flee after dropping the bombs packed in a paper-made bag at his store on Kalshi Road at about 9:30pm. Informed by Rezaul, police arrived at the scene, and took the bombs and Raniqul to Pallabi Police Station. "The bombs stuffed in tin cans were wrapped in red and yellow sticking tape," said Sub-Inspector Nasir of Pallabi Police Station.
Damm kids today
JIC to quiz Bangla Bhai operative
The Jagarata Muslim Janata Bangladesh (JMJB) operative, who had admitted his party's involvement with several bomb attacks across the country, was taken on a seven-day remand yesterday. Gabtali police the same day sent Shafiqullah to the Joint Interrogation Cell (JIC) in the capital. Shafiqullah had been quizzed twice by the JIC.
"You gonna talk, Shafi, or do ya want to go "recover" some explosives tonight?"
He was arrested with explosives and bomb making materials at another JMJB cadre Joynal's house on January 16. He stands accused in two cases filed in connection with bomb attacks on jatra (folk play) shows in two villages of Bogra. The blasts killed two and injured at least 70. Yesterday's remand was granted under Explosives Substance Act.
Meanwhile, a top official of the district police told The Daily Star that the local police do not have enough manpower and expertise to investigate the case properly. Criminal Investigation Department (CID) should deal with the case, he added.

3 outlaw leaders killed in 'crossfire'
Three leaders of Purbo Banglar Communist Party (M-L Lal Pataka) were killed in 'crossfire' between police and the outlawed party cadres at Jugipara union of Bagmara early yesterday. Of the dead, Rajshahi Regional PBCP Commander Abdur Razzak alias LG killer Razzak, 43, hailed from Santipur, District Commander Abdur Rashid Khan alias Chapati Rashid, 25, from Baroihati, and Idrish Ali alias Pistol Idrish, 44, from Beerkutsa of Bagmara.
LG killer and Pistol, sounds like a couple of rappers.
With these three, the number of deaths in shootouts involving Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) and police since June last year rose to 221.
A busy bunch of boys.

Detective Branch of police on Monday afternoon arrested them at Ektara Bazar in Bagmara. Following information obtained from the arrestees, a team led by assistant superintendent of police (Puthia circle) took them to Boalipara olive orchard.
Ah yes, the old deserted orchard at 4:00am trick
As police reached the olive orchard at around 4:00am, accomplices of the three opened fire on them. Police returned fire starting a half-an-hour-long shootout. At one stage, the three while trying to flee the scene got shot.
Fancy that
Police took them to Bagmara Health Complex, where the doctors declared them dead.
"They're dead, Jim"
Police recovered an Indian pistol, one local gun, two bullets and two cartridges from the scene of the shooting. They could not show any criminal records against them, but said the three while under interrogation had confessed to hatching a plan to kill politicians, businessmen and people 'responsible for eliminating the outlaws from Bagmara'.
"Honest, they confessed. And they got accidently shot trying to escape, really!"
Sub Inspector Omar Faruk of Bagmara Police Station had filed a murder case in this connection against 22 unknown people.
Meanwhile, family members of the dead claimed that the three were not involved with PBCP and police killed them cold-bloodedly. Talking to the local journalists, they also said that the three were not arrested at Ektara Bazar, rather in different areas of Atrai upazila in Naogaon. Abdur Razzak was arrested at Batila Bazar while Idrish at Katila Bazar, and Abdur Rashid at Ibrahimnagar. They were later taken to Boalipara olive orchard and shot dead, alleged the family members.
Well, we know that part is true
Locals told the journalists that they heard only three gunshots.
Three outlaws, three shots, three stiffs, sounds like a half hour gun battle between the cops and a outlaw gang to me.
In April last year, Abdur Rashid was kidnapped and tortured by Bangla Bhai's men. He was arrested in December last year but was released later.
Bid to snatch criminal from cops foiled
Police and local people yesterday foiled a bid to snatch notorious criminal Idul from the custody of two jail guards at Shyamoli, where they had taken him for an x-ray. In what appears to be a carefully devised plot to free Idul, who is accused among other crimes of killing two policemen at Motijheel last year, his accomplices opened fire on the unarmed jail guards in front of Shyamoli X-ray and Pathological Laboratory on Road No 1. Constable Ashraf Ali Sheikh, 45, of Dhaka Central Jail received two bullets in his head and right chest.
The attackers, numbering four, then took Idul on board a microbus and attempted to make off. But, braving gunshots, locals and a police patrol team on duty nearby chased and stopped the bus. They caught Idul, but the assailants managed to flee.
Wonder of wonders, he didn't get caught in a "Crossfire"
A Daily Star investigation found indications that, apart from Idul's associates, jail officials and staff of Orthopaedic Hospital might have been involved in the escape plot.
Ah, I love a good plot with my morning coffee
The prison guards brought Idul to the laboratory to take x-ray by a CNG-run autorickshaw, which is quite unusual, considering the notoriety of the arrestee. At the hospital, a doctor said their x-ray unit was out of order and referred them to the private diagnostic centre.
But the Daily Star investigation found that the x-ray machine at the hospital does work and the hospital authorities refer patients to diagnostic centres outside only when a digital x-ray is needed. Shyamoli X-ray and Pathological Laboratory does not have any digital x-ray machine either.
"It seems to me that some dishonest jail officials and even some doctors and staff at the Orthopaedic Hospital are involved in the diabolical plot," said a top official of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP), seeking anonymity. "We will investigate how and why such a notorious criminal was sent to Orthopaedic Hospital by an autorickshaw escorted by only two unarmed guards, and how he was referred to such a diagnostic centre. After investigation, we will report the findings to the higher authorities," said DMP Deputy Commissioner (West Division) Mazharul Hoque.
I'd say it sounds like a setup to me......did you just say "unarmed guards"? WTF, over?
A three-member committee comprising Dhaka Central Jail doctor, jailer and deputy jailer has been formed to investigate the incident.
That would be the doctor who sent him out for a x-ray, the jailer who assigned unarmed guards, and the deputy jailer who gave them a autorickshaw instead of a car? Yeah, they'll get to the bottom of it.

This article starring:
SHAFIQULLAHJagarata Muslim Janata Bangladesh
Jagarata Muslim Janata Bangladesh
Purbo Banglar Communist Party
Posted by: Steve || 02/09/2005 8:48:04 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Re: Idul. It has to be an authorized crossfire.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 02/09/2005 11:50 Comments || Top||

#2  LG killer and Pistol, sounds like a couple of rappers.

Don't be dissin' my homeys, yo...
Posted by: Snoop Dog || 02/09/2005 12:49 Comments || Top||

#3  Word!
Posted by: Steve || 02/09/2005 12:59 Comments || Top||

#4  look for the Spinner rims on the Autorickshaws
Posted by: Frank G || 02/09/2005 13:02 Comments || Top||

#5  Diabolical plots, prison escapes and Crossfire™ it's getting more everyday.
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 02/09/2005 13:21 Comments || Top||

Israel reopens Erez crossing
Israel reopened the Erez crossing between Israel and Gaza on Wednesday as one of several gestures meant to ease the lives of Palestinians following the Israeli-Palestinian summit held in Sharm el-Sheikh. Palestinian workers will be able to cross into Israel starting Thursday, the radio said.

The gestures were approved Tuesday night by Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz. Several of the planned gestures were slated to take effect on Wednesday, and others will be implemented in the coming days. Some 1,000 Palestinian workers from the Gaza Strip will be allowed to enter Israel and work, after no such permits were granted in the past several months. Several hundred businesspeople from the Gaza Strip and the West Bank will also be granted entry permits to Israel. Several hundred Gaza Strip Palestinians will be allowed to work at the Erez Industrial Zone in northern Gaza, and 400 Palestinians who work for international relief agencies will be allowed to travel freely between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
Posted by: Fred || 02/09/2005 5:58:53 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Occupation forces tighten siege of Nablus
Zionist occupation forces today tightened the siege laid to Nablus city at the pretext of receiving hot warnings on intention of Palestinian commandos to launch anti-Zionist raids emanating from that West Bank city. The soldiers closed all roadblocks surrounding the city and walked in patrols on all roads to those barriers, blocking all Palestinian cars from approaching. Zionist sources claimed that 50 warnings were received on planned commando raids from Nablus city alone. Hundreds of citizens were banned from getting out of the city that turned into a big prison and military barracks. Meanwhile, the commander of the Zionist prisons authority also tightened security measures in all occupation jails in anticipation of any "disturbances" on the eve of the Sharm Al-Sheikh summit in Egypt.
Posted by: Fred || 02/09/2005 5:41:56 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Zionist entity embarks on turning Qalandia barrier into border terminal
Palestinian sources said that the Zionist occupation troops embarked on leveling Palestinian land lots to the west of the Qalandia military roadblock to the north of occupied Jerusalem for the purpose of constructing military liaison posts as a prelude to turn that barrier into an international transit point. The sources pointed out that the Zionist troopers manning the barrier continued denying the Jerusalemite vehicle drivers and passengers an entry into Ramallah under the rubric that they are Jerusalemite residents. In the same context, the Zionist authorities established new passage tracks for vehicles at Sha'afat military barricade to the north of the holy city in a bid to change that roadblock into another transit point leading to the city's northern environs.

In the meantime, the Zionist invasion troops have banned the anti-fence committee coordinator Sa'eed Yaqeen, resident of the holy city, from traveling to Jordan through Al-Karama border terminal located on the Palestinian-Jordanian borders. Yaqeen said that the troops held him for nine hours and interrogated him before forcing him back to Jericho at the pretext of being involved in anti-fence activities.
Posted by: Fred || 02/09/2005 5:39:47 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Only 5 "Zionist" references.
Posted by: .com || 02/09/2005 6:39 Comments || Top||

#2  In this snippet. In the actual article, I counted eleven.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 02/09/2005 11:42 Comments || Top||

Zionist authorities reopen Mintar crossing before Palestinian trucks
Zionist occupation authorities reopened the Mintar crossing in the Gaza Strip on the eve of the Sharm Al-Sheikh summit and during the visit of American secretary of state Condoleezza Rice's visit to "Israel". The crossing was closed on 31st January and was reopened only one day before the summit grouping PA chief Mahmoud Abbas, Zionist premier Ariel Sharon, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and Jordanian monarch King Abdullah II.

The crossing poses as the main outlet for commercial traffic for the Gaza Strip and its closure further worsens the economic hardships of the Gazan population. Hundreds of Palestinian trucks loaded with vegetables, fruits and flowers parked in a long queue waiting their turn to cross the terminal. A spokesperson for the Zionist army said that the crossing was opened after concluding new security measures with the Palestinian side. "Israel" last week re-opened the Rafah terminal with Egypt after closing it since December following a Palestinian commando raid that killed five Zionists.
Posted by: Fred || 02/09/2005 5:37:11 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Only 5 "Zionist" references, but they did put Israel in quotes and called their terrorists "commandos", so I guess that makes up some of the slack.
Posted by: .com || 02/09/2005 6:42 Comments || Top||

500 Palestinian prisoners in Beer Sheba go on hunger strike in protest over summit
About 500 Palestinians serving high prison terms in the Zionist Beer Sheba jail today went on hunger strike to protest the convening of the Sharm Al-Sheikh summit without releasing them. The prisoners told the prison authority they would not eat the three meals for today out of protest that no agreement was made over their release before that summit. The commander of the Zionist prisons authority has ordered all warders and special units to be on the alert in anticipation of possible riots on the backdrop of that summit.

For their part, a group of Jewish rabbis called today for prayers in 300 synagogues for the failure of that summit. The rabbis were against the Sharon disengagement plan that stipulated the withdrawal from the Strip and parts of the West Bank.
Posted by: Fred || 02/09/2005 5:35:13 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Beer Sheba. Lovely name.
Posted by: jackal || 02/09/2005 8:58 Comments || Top||

#2  Barbeque time! Who wants burgers?!?
Posted by: badanov || 02/09/2005 9:00 Comments || Top||

#3  heh. Beer is actually Hebrew for well (source of water) Sheva is an oath. The well where we took an oath.

Beer in Hebrew is bira, IIRC.
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 02/09/2005 9:56 Comments || Top||

#4  badanov, You know the standard fair for celebating these strikes is BBQ Pork, Pork Chops, or better yet a nice juicy sucking pig. Yummm...!
Posted by: CrazyFool || 02/09/2005 10:04 Comments || Top||

#5  The prisoners told the prison authority they would not eat the three meals for today out of protest that no agreement was made over their release before that summit.

One day? Oh, I'm impressed...
Posted by: tu3031 || 02/09/2005 10:22 Comments || Top||

#6  Okie, anyway, I am expressig my support for the hunnger strike by ordering a Kosher char broiled burger and some wine.
Posted by: badanov || 02/09/2005 11:52 Comments || Top||

Official kidnapped, journalist slain
AN Iraqi official has been kidnapped and a journalist for a pan-Arab television station was killed in insurgent attacks that also saw four Iraqi policemen killed.

The four police were killed and two others were wounded when a roadside bomb blew up near their convoy in the restive Sunni Muslim city of Samarra, north of Baghdad.
Insurgents have been waging a bloody campaign against the country's security apparatus, killing more than 35 people in suicide attacks over the past two days.

Abdel Hussein Khazaal, a correspondent with US-funded pan-Arab television station Al-Hurra was killed by unknown attackers in the southern city of Basra.

The victim, aged in his 40s, was also a member of the Shiite political party Dawa.

In other violence, the oil ministry's representative to the interior ministry Colonel Riad Allawi was kidnapped in Baghdad, officials said.

The US army said its troops killed an insurgent near Balad, north of the capital, as he was planting a bomb Tuesday.

In the north of the country, a gas pipeline linking the oil hub of Kirkuk to the Baiji refinery was damaged by a rocket attack, a source at the North Oil Company said.

On Monday, insurgents had launched a similar attack in the same area, blowing up a pipeline conveying crude from Kirkuk to Baiji refinery, which is key to much of Baghdad's power supply.

According to the Iraqi government, attacks on the country's oil infrastructure have cost Iraq seven to eight billion dollars in exports since the March 2003 US-led invasion.
Posted by: God Save The World || 02/09/2005 4:15:54 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  How long do you give the Sunnis before you throw up your hands, start laying razorwire and minefields to seal it off, and tell them they can veto the constitution to their heart's content - Iraq is now partitioned and they're the odd man out - FOAD?

Coming soon, if they manage to trash what the Shi'a and Kurds have waited so long for and braved death to embrace, methinks.
Posted by: .com || 02/09/2005 7:12 Comments || Top||

#2  Me too!
Posted by: phil_b || 02/09/2005 7:15 Comments || Top||

#3  Me three?
Posted by: Sobiesky || 02/09/2005 7:21 Comments || Top||

#4  Lol - it's damned dangerous to post in front of really smart smartasses, lol! ;-)
Posted by: .com || 02/09/2005 7:26 Comments || Top||

#5  But I thought it was the US army that was killing all the journalists...
Posted by: jackal || 02/09/2005 8:53 Comments || Top||

#6  "Yeah, yeah, when did our guys get into roadside bombs?"

-- Eason Jordan
Posted by: BA || 02/09/2005 11:11 Comments || Top||

ABC News: Suicide Bomber Kills 21 in Crowd in Iraq
A suicide bomber blew himself up in the middle of a crowd of army recruits Tuesday, killing 21 other people in the deadliest attack in Baghdad since last week's election and highlighting a recent shift by insurgents to use human bombs instead of cars. Insurgents are strapping explosives on the bodies of volunteers to penetrate the network of blast walls, checkpoints and other security measures designed to block vehicle bombs. Several such attackers tried to disrupt voting in Baghdad on election day but were unable to get into polling stations. On Monday, a suicide bomber walked into a crowd of Iraqi policemen in the northern city of Mosul and detonated explosives, killing 12 of them. Iraqi authorities initially said the Baghdad recruiting center was attacked by mortar fire, but witnesses reported only a single explosion and the U.S. military said the blast was caused by a suicide bomber on foot.

Attacks have steadily risen since the Jan. 30 elections, when a massive U.S. and Iraqi security operation prevented insurgents from disrupting the vote. Those measures, including a ban on most private vehicles, closing the borders and an extended curfew, were relaxed soon afterward. An Internet statement posted Tuesday in the name of an al-Qaida affiliate led by Jordanian terror mastermind Abu Musab al-Zarqawi claimed responsibility for the attack on the recruiting center. "This is the beginning of the escalation we promised you," the statement said. Its source could not be verified.

Insurgents in recent months have stepped up their offensive against Iraq's police and security forces, which are less well-trained, well-armed and well-protected than American and other multinational troops, at a time when U.S. military planners are trying to shift more of the security burden onto the Iraqis. Three Iraqi policemen were killed Tuesday in clashes in the western Baghdad neighborhood of Ghazaliya, one of the most dangerous districts of the capital and the scene of numerous gunbattles and assassinations over the past six months.
The article goes on to describe the general situation, the election, etc... and then springs this bit in the last page:
Also Tuesday, a militant group claimed in an Internet statement that it had executed a female Italian journalist abducted in Baghdad for spying on "holy fighters." There was no way to verify the authenticity of the claim, which offered no proof that Giuliana Sgrena, a 56-year-old reporter, was dead or had been held by the group. She was kidnapped Friday in Baghdad.
This is the gal they said they were going to release yesterday.
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 02/09/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [37 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Unleash Kurds and the few remaining Arab seculars in Iraq, and the entire terrorist infrastructure would collapse. However, since common sense conflicts with State Department' inclusivist treatment of Islamofascists, that can't happen.
Posted by: IToldYouSo || 02/09/2005 2:50 Comments || Top||

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Wed 2005-02-09
  Suicide Bomber Kills 21 in Crowd in Iraq
Tue 2005-02-08
  Israel, Palestinians call truce
Mon 2005-02-07
  Fatah calls for ceasefire
Sun 2005-02-06
  Algeria takes out GSPC bombmaking unit
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  Kuwait hunts key suspects after surge of violence
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  Maskhadov orders ceasefire
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  4 al-Qaeda members killed in Kuwait
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  Zarqawi sez he'll keep fighting
Mon 2005-01-31
  Kuwaiti Islamists form first political party
Sun 2005-01-30
  Iraq Votes
Sat 2005-01-29
  Fazl Khalil resigns
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  Ted Kennedy Calls for U.S. Withdrawal from Iraq
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