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Israel, Palestinians call truce
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Umm Al-Haiman homeowner 'fesses up...
The owner of the house in Umm Al-Haiman - the scene of a shootout between terrorists and security forces - identified as Mohammed S.A. told police during interrogation he belongs to the terrorist cell. He also gave State Security police detailed information about the structure of terrorist cells and how terrorists coordinate with each other. He added, he and another terrorist identified as Ahmed Motlaq were in charge of storing explosives. He added the terrorists are financed by a Saudi citizen, identified as Abu Zaid.
That's a pseudonym, of course. Everybody gets to be an Abu Somebody. Sounds like the Kuwaitis are being pretty ruthless with the truncheons. Good thing they're not being occupied by Iraq, or Human Riots Watch would be all over them.
A reliable source from the Al-Najat Society said in view of the terrorist activities in the country several persons are interested to learn more about Islam. The society has called upon donors to support the society with financial assistance to cope up with the increasing number of new 'students'.
"Those boyz need arms and ammunition, so dig deep, Brethren and Sistern!"

This article starring:
ABU ZAIDPeninsula Lions
AHMED MOTLAQPeninsula Lions
MOHAMED S.A.Peninsula Lions
Al-Najat Society
Posted by: Fred || 02/08/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Kuwaiti Bad Boyz wanted to use Good Humor trucks to boom
A Kuwaiti Interior Ministry official confirmed a report that militant suspects captured in recent police raids confessed to planning to use ice cream trucks packed with explosives to attack US military convoys traveling to Iraq. Some 40 terror suspects have been handed over to prosecutors since the beginning of Kuwait's unprecedented crackdown on Muslim militants last month, and more were being investigated by police. Members of a militant group told interrogators they wanted to park the ice cream and snack vans loaded with explosives next to highways and detonate them as US military convoys traveling to and from Iraq passed by, the Al-Watan daily reported on Friday.

On Sunday, most of the vans had disappeared from major highways and increased numbers of police cars were monitoring the roads. The snack vans, which also sell ice, are common on highways at this time of year when many Kuwaitis drive into the desert to camp. Suspects in custody include two women - the wife of the ringleader who allegedly helped him prepare explosives and the wife of one of five suspects who surrendered to police in Sulaibiyah Saturday. One woman captured Saturday, who was identified as a "non-Kuwaiti," was "hiding a machine-gun under her abaya," according to the official, referring to the black head-to-toe traditional cloak that some women in the country wear. The official said many of the suspects were led by a militant preacher named Amer Khlaif Al-Enezi, who was apprehended last month.

The five arrested Saturday, two Saudis and three Jordanians, were not tied to Al-Enezi's terror group, but were wanted for investigations about "many security-related suspicions,' the official said. In Amman, Jordanian government spokeswoman Asma Khader could not confirm any arrest of Jordanian nationals in Kuwait, but said if the reports were correct the men "are considered outlaws and should be tried in accordance with Kuwaiti law."
This article starring:
AMER KHLAIF AL ENEZIal-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
Posted by: Fred || 02/08/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Brings new meaning to the shop-worn name we had for them way back when I was a carpenter, ptomaine trucks.
Posted by: .com || 02/08/2005 0:18 Comments || Top||

#2  The Roach Coach?
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 02/08/2005 2:16 Comments || Top||

#3  new mr softee flavor--c4
Posted by: SON OF TOLUI || 02/08/2005 2:47 Comments || Top||

#4  I can remember(as a kid)seeing my Mom read that mag.
Posted by: Raptor || 02/08/2005 10:06 Comments || Top||

#5  I just want to say I love these magazine covers.

I can remember(as a kid)seeing my Mom read that mag.

My grandmother read them, until sometime in the Seventies when real life got juicier than the mags. I remember her disgust that "Now the Whole School Knows My Secret!" involved a high school girl who was afraid her classmates would discover that she played the mandolin, or balalaika, or something equally dorky.
Posted by: Angie Schultz || 02/08/2005 11:44 Comments || Top||

Kuwait: more hard boyz snagged
Police recently arrested two Kuwaitis during a raid on a camp in Amghara and seized from them a quantity of arms and ammunition, reports Al-Seyassah daily quoting a reliable security source. The same source said, one of the men is a retired Lieut-Colonel, ex-employee of Kuwait's Ministry of Defence and the other is a fugitive wanted by the State Security police.
They sound like important catches, better than just a couple cannon fodder...
The daily quoting another security source said police also arrested another Kuwaiti man in the same area for possessing arms and ammunition. It has been reported the man appeared nervous when police were checking his identification papers at a police checkpoint. Police searched the man's car and found the ordnance which was hidden in his vehicle.

Security forces also arrested a Kuwaiti man during a raid on one of the camps in Amghara and seized from him a handwritten letter said to have been addressed to an unidentified person outside the country, reports Al-Qabas daily. The letter says fugitive Khaled Al-Dosari, who is wanted in connection with the recent spate of shootouts between terrorists and security forces, and a group of men are planning to 'escape' from the country. The suspect has been referred to the Public Prosecution and investigations are continuing to ascertain if the letter was written by Dosari himself or by members of his cell. Meanwhile, the daily quoted two eyewitnesses as saying they saw Dosari driving a green French car in Salmiya, while some others reported seeing the man driving in Salwa.
This article starring:
KHALED AL DOSARIal-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
Posted by: Fred || 02/08/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Al-Haramain official calls for dialogue
The Saudi treasurer of a US-based charity who has been accused of funding terrorism, has written a letter to the US Congress calling for a dialogue between Saudi Arabia and Washington. A director of the Al-Haramain Foundation, Soliman al-Buthi was placed on the UN list of terrorism financiers and accused of having links to al-Qaida and Usama bin Ladin.

In his letter, al-Buthi warned against the perception in the US that Saudi charities were being used to fund terrorism. "The common United States practice of freezing charities and charitable organisation officials' bank accounts based upon 'secret evidence' only serves to reinforce the image the United States simply wants to end faith-based giving rather than truly rooting out the evils of terror finance," he said in the letter dated 2 February. Giving money to charity, known in Arabic as Zakat, is a tenet of Islam.
Without zakat, the holy men would be in penury...
Al-Haramain Foundation is one of six Islamic charities in the US that have been closed by authorities since the 11 September 2001 attacks. No charge has ever been brought against Buthi in a court of law. Senator George Allen responded to al-Buthi by saying that US policy in Saudi Arabia had so far been successful. "These conjoined efforts have proven to be successful. As you know, with the aid of US officials. Saudi law-enforcement agents have apprehended and/or killed a number of terrorists," Allen wrote in a letter. But Allen did not address any of the unproven and unpublicised accusations against the Saudi or his charitable work.
Dear Sir,

Thank you for your letter of the 16th inst.

George Allen
Al-Buthi said that he was pleased his letter had been read by senator. "I think it's good," he said referring to Allen's response. "For me I was happy for a member of congress just to read it." Describing himself as one of the "big critics" of groups such as al-Qaida, al-Buthi said he hoped the letter would be the start of a new exchange between the two countries. "The relations between the US and Saudi Arabia have been twisted in another direction," he said. "We would like to open a dialogue. We don't want to open a clash." Al-Buthi also questioned the rationale of the US government's pressure on Islamic charities, and argued that Washington would be in a better position to cut down on security concerns if there was coordination between the directors of such charities and US officials.
Washington would be in an even better position if al-Qaeda surrendered. That's not going to happen, either.

This article starring:
SOLIMAN AL BUTHIAl-Haramain Foundation
Posted by: Fred || 02/08/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under:

#1  [Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by: special dog gift TROLL || 02/08/2005 3:26 Comments || Top||

#2  *sniff*

That was beautiful, TROLL special dog gift, but you failed to tell the whole story...

It was a dark night, as nights go. Stormy, too, as there was a storm which had suddenly sprung up... at least where they were - it had been doing the storming thingy for quite awhile, but since it was moving, well, you get the idea. So, with the storm and all, Jenna invited her two new friends inside - they had already completed the original reason for the visit, comparing their dogs, um, anatomy, and had been happily chatting away for several minutes. But the storm thing, well now, that changed everything as it got Bill and Susan invited inside Jenna's lovely home - inside her defenses. The chill from the air conditioning didn't fully explain the chill Jenna felt as she closed the door behind them, but she shrugged it off as silly. Inviting them into the den, she asked them if they would like a drink, but both said "no, thanks." in voices that further chilled Jenna. Then Bill said, "Jenna, you're quite lovely... don't you agree, Susan?" Susan just smiled her special enigmatic smile - the one that told Bill all he needed to know - Jenna made Susan hot. So Bill began smiling, too - his looked more like a shark, however, and Jenna began to wonder if inviting these two total strangers into her house, having just met them at the Obedience Class that evening, had been such a good idea. Her fears were confirmed when Bill stepped up close to her, too close, and in the most evil voice sweet Jenna had ever heard said, "Strip - and take a four-point stance!" Terrified, Jenna quickly complied, blood racing. Then, confirming her worst fears, Bill growled, "Now bark, bitch! Susan, get the flea collar and Beggin' Strips, we're gonna see what Jenna learned in class!" In a rush, a hot flash, Jenna cried, "Yes! I was getting damned tired of being chilled, let's get this show on the road!"

And they lived happily ever after.

Gets ya right here, y'know? *wipes tear*
Posted by: .com || 02/08/2005 4:55 Comments || Top||

#3  Golly, .com, that English degree really comes in handy at times like this. ;-)
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/08/2005 7:09 Comments || Top||

#4  :) Just couldn't resist, heh. Be gentle with me, lol!
Posted by: .com || 02/08/2005 7:13 Comments || Top||

#5  LOL! Sounds just like circa '70s NatLamp.
Posted by: Shipman || 02/08/2005 7:37 Comments || Top||

#6  I think we a discussion on the eating characteristics of dog. I've tried it and frankly don't like it. Too 'heaty' as the Chinese say. Now Goanna (Iguana) is a different matter. Yes, it really is like chicken but with a nice chewy texture. All we have to do is cross dogs with Goannas and I think we could be on to something big in the Asian market.
Posted by: phil_b || 02/08/2005 7:39 Comments || Top||

#7  Golly, .com, that English degree really comes in handy at times like this. ;-)

Him and Garrison Keillor.

Phil_b, you leave dogs alone or I'm sending my pack out to find you. They have great noses, they don't give up easily and they are chillingly singleminded when it comes to food.

Plus, they demand to be let up on the sofa, they bark like fiends at the neighbors, they shed, they bring mud in the house and they are cute as the dickens. A few even have some fancy titles they picked up along the way.

Watch out! (heh)
Posted by: true nuff || 02/08/2005 7:46 Comments || Top||

#8  BF skinner may have known sh** about bringing up kids but conditioning works terrifically with Goannas. My Goannas go into a sexual frenzy if they just smell a dog within a 1000 meters. The dogs aren't crazy about it but an un-nammed cable channel is interested in buying the video. So bring it on.
Posted by: phil_b || 02/08/2005 7:57 Comments || Top||

#9  I take a day off and this place goes to the dogs....
Posted by: Steve || 02/08/2005 8:19 Comments || Top||

#10  Just wait 'til Mucky gets here! *lip quivers*
Posted by: Spot || 02/08/2005 8:34 Comments || Top||

#11  Oh, yea? I've got a goose that thinks one of my dogs is it's mate. Freaks the dog out. Go over to meatismurder and read about it.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 02/08/2005 12:15 Comments || Top||

#12  Guests entered her home with large gift bags, containing all the items Jenna had requested - pet food, kitty litter, animal toys and cleaning supplies.
While this may not sound like a 9-year-old's typical birthday wish list, it was exactly what Jenna wanted.
Taken from http://www.newszap.com/articles/2005/01/02/dm/sussex_county/dsn04.txt
For information on special dog gift for dog lovers or gift for your dog, you may go to this website.
Posted by: special dog gift || 02/08/2005 3:26 Comments || Top||

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Dagestani Islamist leader busted
The leader of an Islamist militant gang has been detained in the autonomous Russian republic of Dagestan, Interfax news agency said Monday. The Degestani department of Russia's Federal Security Service, also known as the FSB, the Stavropol Territorial Department and the Dagestani Interior Ministry detained Islam Batsiyev, the self-styled emir of Khasavyurt Jamaat, in the village of Kachaloi in Dagestan's Babayurt district on Sunday, the Dagestani FSB department told the news agency.
This article starring:
ISLAM BATSIYEVKhasavyurt Jamaat
Khasavyurt Jamaat
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/08/2005 12:34:18 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Basayev spreading command structure out across North Caucasus
No doubt the status of Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, and Karachaevo-Cherkessia is intimately tied to the issue of Chechen independence ...
The North Caucasus is being less and less controlled by Moscow. The Independent Gazette (Russian name «Nezavisimaya Gazeta») writes that Islamic organizations tied to Chechen underground structures and coordinated from one center are claiming the role of power structures in the region more and more persistently. The network of war councils (Jamaats), which has now spread all across the North Caucasus, started to form after the first Russian-Chechen war. Today most of such war councils are in Dagestan, Chechnya and Ingushetia. There are a little less of them in Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachaevo-Cherkessia, although their number in these republics is constantly increasing. This is why when Commander Shamil Basayev says that he moves freely across the North Caucasus, he is not being cunning, for he can find like-minded associates everywhere.

Large-scale «counterterrorist cleansings» do not have much effect in the fight against underground war councils, the newspaper says. The Independent Gazette also reminds about the recent events in Dagestani capital Makhachkala, in capital of Kabardino-Balkaria Nalchik and in the city of Nazran, Ingushetia. The newspaper reports that there is a war council headquartered in Stavropol Province, Southern Russia, as well. This is the Nogai War Council (AKA Nogai Battalion), which was formed during the first Russian-Chechen war on the order of Commander Basayev to control the prairie towns of Neftekumsk District of Stavropol Territory and neighboring Shelkovo District of Chechnya. However, the Nogai War Council has been operating not only in its home prairies lately. The Resistance Fighters have been carrying out combat raids to neighboring regions on a regular basis, just like their companions from other republics, the Independent Gazette («Nezavisimaya Gazeta») reported.
This article starring:
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/08/2005 12:36:52 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

40 hard boyz preparing to infiltrate Chechnya
A large group of foreign mercenaries are getting ready to penetrate into Chechnya soon, a representative of the regional headquarters for the anti-terrorist campaign in the North Caucasus told Interfax on Monday. "A surrendered militant told the police about 30-40 foreign mercenaries are planning to penetrate into Chechnya," he said.
Hmmmm. Mercenaries. Furrin mercenaries. Must be from Monaco, or mebbe Iceland. Y'know those Serene San Marinans are always looking to turn a buck...
The surrendered militant was a member of an illegal armed unit acting in the Vedeno district of Chechnya. "The surrendered militant said that ringleaders had captured money sent from an Arab country to the Chechen poor. We are working to find out how the money could get into the hands of bandits," he said.
If you turn over a couple of holy men and shake 'em a bit, I bet some spare change'll fall out.
Check the sofa after they take a nap ...
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/08/2005 12:32:10 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I'll bet they're really nice boys, prolly from the far flung Isles of Langerhan, just looking for a little excitement and led astray. Night basketball is sooo much cheaper and much more fulfilling.
Posted by: .com || 02/08/2005 1:37 Comments || Top||

#2  [Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by: interesting dog books TROLL || 02/08/2005 3:25 Comments || Top||

#3  The Mercs are probably from the peace loving, Nato member and soon to be EU bastion of democracy commonly known as the Turkish Empire, just ask the Kurds or the Armenians.
Posted by: Rightwing || 02/08/2005 8:32 Comments || Top||

#4  Jernigan said some of the classes were also reading the book "Because of Winn-Dixie," about a homeless dog.
"The kids love it," she said. "That is what I think motivated them that much." Those classes raised the most items, beating the classroom goal of 100 each.
Taken from http://www.ledger-enquirer.com/mld/ledgerenquirer/news/local/10733986.htm
looking for interesting dog books, go to http://www.dogbooks.mypetdogs.com
Posted by: interesting dog books || 02/08/2005 3:25 Comments || Top||

Shamil sez he's not dead
Kavkaz Center's editors received a video statement made by the Commander of Brigade of Martyrs (Shaheeds) "Riyadh as-Salihiin" ("Gardens for the Righteous") Abdallah Shamil Abu-Idris Basayev (Commander Basayev), where he states that Moscow's claims about his death or illness are all false.
"Lies! All lies! Why, I'm healthy as a horse!"
Chechen Commander says that he is in a perfect health condition and never had any problems with his kidneys, and that his leg is all right; he also confirmed that his units have temporarily suspended all offensive combat operations on the territories of Chechen Republic of Ichkeria (CRI) and Russia on the order issued by President Aslan Maskhadov. The Chechen Commander accuses the Russian side of lying and refutes the statement made by Russian propagandistic sources claiming that President Maskhadov issued an order on suspension of offensive operations allegedly because his relatives were captured. In his 4-minute-long video statement, recorded February 6, 2005, in one of the administrative districts of Chechnya, Commander Basayev (Abdallah Shamil) stated once again that the war will be continuing until the Russian troops leave the country and until the Chechen State becomes sovereign and independent.
I dunno. I've seen him look better. Is he sure he's not dead? Is there a "Basayev" GI Joe?

This article starring:
ASLAN MASKHADOVRiyadh as-Salihiin
Posted by: Fred || 02/08/2005 11:49:15 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  [Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by: about dog food TROLL || 02/08/2005 3:24 Comments || Top||

#2  You know, he has looked better! ... the old photo of him with the happy arabic script covered baseball hat talking on a little hand held radio is my personal favorite ... he's come a long way from that happy warm day ... and look, he's got alot to show for his personal effort and accomplishments since then ... (it's not everyday that one gets to plan the successful killing of a couple hundred school children, teachers and parents is it????) ... WOW ... look at the payoff the Chechen people have seen from all that hard work!!! ... they have a peaceful and prosperous multiethnic and multiconfessional nation that is respected and warmly embraced by it's neighbors and the world! ... it's all a real testiment to his wisdom and intelligence isn't it!? ... stay the course, eh? ... the "G.I. Basayev doll would be a talking one and it would say "I like my job!"
Posted by: ptk || 02/08/2005 12:24 Comments || Top||

#3  9.8
Damn, now that's superior cynicism.
Posted by: Shipman || 02/08/2005 16:02 Comments || Top||

#4  LAS VEGAS -- The commander of an Army Reserve detachment is begging friends back home to send food for Iraqi police dogs.
Taken from http://www.thebostonchannel.com/news/4050736/detail.html
If anyone need any reliable and accurate information about dog food, I would recommend http://www.dogfood.mypetdogs.com
Posted by: about dog food || 02/08/2005 3:24 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Prosecutors drop Bashir death sentence demand
INDONESIAN prosecutors have dropped plans to seek the death penalty for firebrand Islamic cleric Abu Bakar Bashir. Instead, they will seek a jail term for the alleged terrorist leader after several key witnesses failed to testify against him.

Defence lawyers said the case against their client was weak. Prosecutors asked judges today to sentence Bashir to just eight years on terrorism charges that can be punished with execution by firing squad. The charges included inciting the bombings of nightclubs on Bali in 2002 that killed 202 people, 88 of them Australians, and the 2003 attack on Jakarta's JW Marriott hotel, which killed 12.

Chief prosecutor Salman Maryadi told the South Jakarta District court that evidence clearly showed Bashir, 66, was guilty of offences that had led to the endangering or loss of lives. "The defendant is proven guilty of carrying out terror acts as stipulated in the law ... and proven guilty of causing the fires (in the Bali blasts) which caused the deaths," he told the makeshift courtroom in a south Jakarta auditorium packed with Bashir supporters.

Bashir, dressed in a grey jacket and white skull cap sat quietly as the prosecution's submission was read out. Scores of his supporters expressed outrage at Mr Salman's request to the five presiding judges. "Prosecutors are cruel," they yelled.

One of Bashir's lawyers, Wirawan Adnan, said the request had been a token gesture after a string of high-profile witnesses either did not show or refused to testify against the defendant. That has left prosecutors relying almost solely on the testimony of bespectacled Malaysian Mohammad Nasir Abbas, who became the most senior Jemaah Islamiah leader to roll over when he testified last December that he had been sworn into JI by Bashir.

"This is just something they have come up with to save face," Mr Adnan said. "They could not go on with the death penalty charges."

Officials say Bashir was the spiritual leader of the al-Qaeda-linked Jemaah Islamiah terror network blamed for a string of deadly terrorist attacks across South-East Asia. In September 2003, a court acquitted Bashir of several terrorism charges and said there was no evidence that he was the head of Jemaah Islamiah. Instead, he served 18 months for immigration violations and was re-arrested using anti-terror statutes as soon as he was released last April.

Bashir has repeatedly denied the charges against him and says he is being victimised because of western pressure and because he campaigns for strict Islamic law in Indonesia. Last week, he said Islamic militants who carried out bombings in Indonesia had been misguided. "I don't agree with the violent acts," he said.
This article starring:
ABU BAKAR BASHIRJemaah Islamiyah
Posted by: God Save The World || 02/08/2005 6:20:11 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

MNLF festivities up to 16 dead, more info
A Muslim rebellion entered its second day on the southern Philippines island of Jolo Tuesday as the toll rose to 16 dead, military officials said. Skirmishes were reported around the town of Panamao between several hundred followers of Nur Misuari, a politician and former separatist guerrilla leader, and Philippines security forces. Thirteen Marine soldiers died in one ambush in Patikul in southern Jolo on Monday after fighting erupted earlier in the day between soldiers and rebels, Lieutenant Colonel Buenaventura Pascual said.

Also on Monday another soldier was slain in fighting in Panamao while two Muslim soldiers, who were rebuilding a mosque as part of a civic project, were killed in an attack in Parang, Brigadier General Agustin Dema-ala said. Dema-ala, commander of an anti-terrorist task force based on Jolo, said there were reports of the rebels also suffering casualties.

The rebellion started when at least 400 Misuari supporters had attacked several Jolo military detachments at dawn Monday, armed with recoilless rifles and other assault weapons. Aside from the military outposts, security sources said the raiders also targeted government projects including bridges, roads, and clinics.

Military officials said they believed the Misuari faction had received help from the Abu Sayyaf, a Muslim kidnap gang based on Jolo that is on the US list of foreign terrorist organizations.

Misuari, who led a decades-old Muslim separatist rebellion in the south from the early 1970s, signed a peace pact with the government in 1996, and was later elected governor of a Muslim autonomous region in the area. But he and his followers launched a new rebellion in 2001 after the national government refused to endorse his re-election bid. The government crushed the uprising in Jolo and nearby Zamboanga city with the loss of more than 100 lives and Misuari fled to nearby Malaysia, where he was arrested and deported in early 2002. Misuari is now detained at a police camp south of Manila while on trial for rebellion.
This article starring:
NUR MISUARIMoro National Liberation Front
Abu Sayyaf
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/08/2005 12:48:48 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Abu Sayyaf warns MILF against separate peace deal
THE ABU Sayyaf warned the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) against pursuing peace talks with the government, as they vowed to press on with the fight to establish an independent Islamic state in Mindanao. "To our brothers in the MILF don't waive our nation's honor, dignity, and right even in exchange for the whole world," Abu Solaiman said in a statement he read over GMA Network's radio station dzBB. "No amount of development can pay for our homeland's illegal and immoral occupation or annexation," Solaiman, the group's spokesman, said.

Solaiman enjoined the remaining members of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) to continue the struggle against "enemies of Islam." "Continue the struggle until we attain either of the two -- victory or martyrdom," Solaiman said.
I'll take "martyrdom" for $500, Alex
Peace talks between the government and the MILF are set to resume in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia this February. Officials said the agenda includes the "ancestral domain" of the rebels.
They're going to bring up Saudi Arabia?
Solaiman said the "enemies of Islam" were out to sow division in the MILF, but he said this would work to the Abu Sayyaf's advantage. "They would only be successful in differentiating those within their ranks who prefer to sell their honor, dignity, and right for a measly sum from those noble and brave brothers like those in Sultan Kudarat and Maguindanao who chose to fight it out to protect Islam," he said. "The Mindanao equation has developed into a clearer picture, much to our advantage," he said. Solaiman said recent attacks on military installations in Sulu Island by Misuari supporters and Abu Sayyaf members were meant to protest the government's "treacherous ways" in dealing with the MILF.
Sounds like Abu Sayyaf is getting worried the MILF is going to sell them out.

This article starring:
ABU Sayyaf
Moro Islamic Liberation Front
Moro National Liberation Front
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/08/2005 12:50:35 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  “Continue the struggle until we attain either of the two -- victory or martyrdom,” Solaiman said.

Or legalized gay marriage. Whichever comes first.
Posted by: ed || 02/08/2005 9:49 Comments || Top||

Eight Philippines troops killed in armed Muslim attacks
MANILA: Eight soldiers were killed and 12 others wounded in the southern Philippines on Monday in simultaneous attacks by hundreds of armed followers of detained Muslim rebel leader Nur Misuari, officials said.
Gosh. We haven't heard anything from Nur or MNLF in ages.
Sporadic firefights broke out between security forces and several hundred Muslim gunmen around the towns of Panamao, Parang and Talipao on Jolo island at dawn and the gunbattles continued into the afternoon, they said. The gunmen ambushed a military truck near the town of Patikul in early afternoon, killing seven soldiers and wounding 12 others, said military spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Buenaventura Pascual. A soldier was also killed and two others wounded when Misuari allies attacked a military unit that was building a road near Parang in mid-morning, Pascual told reporters. "We are trying to contain the situation. Our priority is the safety of the civilians and to secure vital government installations in the area," said the Philippine Marines commander Major General Orlando Buenaventura.
This article starring:
NUR MISUARIMoro National Liberation Front
Posted by: Fred || 02/08/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  [Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by: dog training information TROLL || 02/08/2005 3:20 Comments || Top||

#2  Muslim militants with no winnable goal. Indepenence for Jolo come on guys. Can't negotiate with em though - they'd much prefer to die for an unclear goal. Yet their leaders continue to fester. Don't Misauri just kill him. Stop allowing these butchers to have a forum or recruitment drive. Take out the trash.
Posted by: Rightwing || 02/08/2005 12:39 Comments || Top||

#3  Ask three canine trainers, "What's the best dog training method?" and it's quite possible you'll get three different answers. You might also hear a bevy of buzzwords such as "purely positive" or "clicker training" sprinkled with terms borrowed from psychologists and behaviorists such as "operant conditioning."
Taken from http://www.theithacajournal.com/news/stories/20050126/lifestyle/1914772.html
Find out more about dog training information from this website.
Posted by: dog training information || 02/08/2005 3:20 Comments || Top||

Sri Lanka
LTTE smuggling in boom materials under the guise of tsunami relief
Port authorities found thousands of small steel balls hidden in water pots in a shipping container that consigned to the Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation, the army reported. Sri Lanka's Tamil Tiger rebels, who fought a two decade civil war against the government, are known for loading suicide bombs with metal balls to cause maximum damage. The rebels control a large area in the ethnic Tamil-majority north and have authorised the Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation to co-ordinate tsunami relief work there. The military website said the balls "could be used for production of bombs or explosives." The report said the pots, believed to have been shipped from Britain, are being held for investigation. A spokesman for the Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation said it would comment only after seeing the military's report.
This article starring:
Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/08/2005 1:16:11 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  It's that horrid little Tamil pseudo-soldier, again. I am so convinced the shipment does not contain steel balls for him.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/08/2005 19:46 Comments || Top||

#2  But his uniform certainly looks ferocious.
Posted by: Fred || 02/08/2005 20:22 Comments || Top||

#3  Yes, Fred, ferocious it is, but he got it on sale at Target, so that makes it a little less ominous...
Posted by: BigEd || 02/08/2005 20:40 Comments || Top||

#4  He's just a mannequin, like in that old Star Trek episode "The Corbomite Maneuver."
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 02/08/2005 20:56 Comments || Top||

Five Tigers killed in Sri Lanka ambush
A Tamil Tiger leader was killed together with four other rebels in eastern Sri Lanka on Monday in what appeared to be an internecine clash, government military officials said. E Kousalyan, the political wing leader of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in the eastern region, was ambushed as his convoy was travelling to the coastal district of Batticaloa, military and Tamil Tiger sources said. Four others, including two policemen escorting Kousalyan were seriously wounded in the ensuing gunbattle, the official said from Batticaloa, 300 kilometres east of Colombo.

Military officials said they suspected the attack was carried out by a breakaway faction of the Tamil Tigers led by former number two in the LTTE, V Muralitharan, better known as Karuna. However, the pro-rebel Tamilnet.com website said Tigers blamed the attack on, "paramilitary operatives working with the Sri Lankan armed forces".

"Mr Kousalyan is the most senior LTTE official to be killed after Colombo and Tigers signed a ceasefire in February 2002," the Tamilnet said. He was returning from the eastern village of Vanni after discussing plans for expanding Tsunami rehabiltation in the east, the website said.
This article starring:
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
Posted by: Fred || 02/08/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Quick, notify PETA!...
Posted by: mojo || 02/08/2005 11:43 Comments || Top||

#2  48 rule in effect.
Posted by: Ptah || 02/08/2005 12:09 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Followup: All 104 Aboard Afghan Jet Believed Dead
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 02/08/2005 21:05 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Newsday.com: Ind. Guardsman Charged With Iraq Murder
There's not much more in the way of details at the link.
EVANSVILLE, Ind. -- An Indiana National Guardsman who received a Purple Heart for wounds sustained in Iraq has been charged in the death of an Iraqi citizen, the Army said Tuesday. The Iraqi died at the same time Cpl. Dustin Berg, 21, was wounded, the military said. Berg also faces charges of false swearing and the wearing of an unauthorized award. A hearing was scheduled Thursday at Fort Knox, Ky., to determine whether the case will proceed to a court-martial. The Iraqi died in November 2003 near Nippur, south of Baghdad, said Gini Sinclair, a Fort Knox public affairs officer. She declined to release further details about the case.
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 02/08/2005 8:44:45 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Blinding Flash of the Obvious [BFO]. There are a number of these actions going on at the moment, getting little attention in the MSM except for the prison case which once the conviction started coming in sort of disappeared off the television. Why? Because it shows that the US military, unlike the vast majority of countries' military and UN General Assembly membership, actually does actively prosecute crimes committed by its personnel. We don't need no stinking international court to do our work or be hijacked into another anti-american circus. However, it would not serve the MSM and their loving transnationalists agenda to actually reveal that.
Posted by: Phique Spoluper4664 || 02/08/2005 21:59 Comments || Top||

#2  I suspect at some point cases like this will be turned into a LLL talking point, along with Eason Jordan's fantasies.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 02/08/2005 22:16 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
The Drought Breaks: A roundup of the past month's good news from Afghanistan.
by ARTHUR CHRENKOFF, Polish emigrant, lawyer, speech writer, Austrailian blogger extraordinaire. Can also be seen at his personal blog, along with his other Roundups (Iraq, Muslim World, Europe, etc -- just keep scrolling down, and look also in the right margin for links), and at Winds of Change, along with summaries and analyses of the situation in other areas around the world of interest to the members of this fascinating group blog. Go to the home page and just keep scrolling!
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/08/2005 1:49:31 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Training Troops to Fight Like Americans
February 8, 2005: Iraqi army and police forces are mow in charge of security in 12 of the country's 18 provinces. These forces currently have 136,000 trained and equipped personnel on duty, with another 3,500 completing their training this week. These forces belong to several different organizations. The Interior Ministry has 79,000 police and security personnel. These include regular police; special police commandoes (SWAT teams), plus public order and police mechanized battalions; border guard units; and VIP bodyguards ("dignitary-protection elements.") The Defense Ministry has 57,000 troops assigned to the Iraqi army, intervention forces (SWAT teams), National Guard, air force, navy and special operations (the Iraqi Special Operations Forces). These forces are organized into ninety battalions, or which 88 are operating, and two more are still in training, and will be in operation by the end of the month. The battalions tend to be smaller than American units, averaging 400-500 men each. There are some women in police units.

Desertion is still a problem, but it was always a problem in Iraq. Saddam's army was notorious for many, if not most, of the troops fleeing when the shooting started. This is being addressed by more careful selection and training of officers and NCOs. American trainers are not shy about appealing to Iraqi pride, and pointing out that Iraqis can perform as well as American troops if they have good leadership and training. Even though Saddam's Republican Guard got smashed every time they stood and fought, they were able to at least do that because they had better trained and equipped officers and troops. Iraqi officers and NCOs are getting more training than ever before, and it is beginning to pay off. The Iraqis also have the example of American officers and NCOs, and increasingly, Iraqi units that are trained and led, by Iraqis, but in the American style.

There's nothing mysterious about, "the American Style." This consists of intensive training for the troops by officers and NCOs who know what they are doing. Most importantly, the officers and NCOs take care of their troops. The Iraqi custom was for officers to consider themselves a class apart and treat the troops like dirt. That is discouraged now, and it is emphasized that this poor treatment was the major reason for the desertions, and Iraqi units coming apart in combat. It is emphasized the military competence has nothing to do with being Iraqi or American, and everything to do with training and leadership. It's not easy to change cultural customs, but as more Iraqis buy-in to leadership and training techniques that work, they create Iraqi units that serve as a models of effectiveness for other Iraqis.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Steve || 02/08/2005 11:06:59 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The quality of society's military derives from the nature of that society. Tribesman will fight like tribesman, and no amount of traning can change that.
Posted by: gromgorru || 02/08/2005 13:46 Comments || Top||

#2  Another aspect of armies that are very familiar with the US military: they realize that it would be suicide for them to ever fight the US. The "Bright Star" exercises with Egypt, for example, have convinced every officer and NCO in their ranks that this must be their very last option, behind even replacing their government, like the Turkish army. On the plus side, American tactics are the very best on the market, and they are learning them for free, making their army far more formidable than their neighbors, even those who are numerically superior. Once the Americans are gone, the Iraqis will be more than able to whup the Iranians in a land war, if needs be, for example.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 02/08/2005 13:51 Comments || Top||

#3  "American Style" means putting ideas to the test, improving designs when they are successful and scrapping them and trying something new when they aren't. It's a fearless and constant striving for excellence. Others often fail-not because of nationality, history, geography, money, etc-they fail because they are too arrogant to admit when an idea is wrong so they can never go back to the drawing board and start anew. The idea of failure for some is so devastating that carrying through on the illusion is far preferable to starting from scratch and working, sweating, scratching your way to success.

The great part of American culture is that any race, any gender, any religious belief, falls away as insignificant in the face of the American freedom to pursue excellence-in any field, including the fields of the military. Add to that a cultural loyalty to working together and a commitment to treating others well and you have the formula that leads to success.
Posted by: Jules 187 || 02/08/2005 14:33 Comments || Top||

#4  I'd say the foreign militaries I dealt with that I knew were obviously inferior was a direct result of their culture.
Posted by: Jarhead || 02/08/2005 14:48 Comments || Top||

#5  Iraqis can perform as well as American troops if they have good leadership and training.

But it's easier if your Dad fought in Korea, your Cousin in Vietnam your greatgranddad in Belleau Wood. JarHead knows. A lot is handed down generation by generation. Why are the Finns so damn good and the Iraqis so bad? Why are the Japaneese so much more efficient in war than the Chinee? (zf for the last 400 years). It's culture.
Posted by: Shipman || 02/08/2005 16:19 Comments || Top||

#6  A biography on T. E. Lawrence I read a decade or so ago contained a list of rules (written by Lawrence himself) in the index that all British officers under Lawrence's command had to learn by heart when dealing with Arabs. The most pertinent one for today is that when the officer has discussed with the Arab a plan of action, it was up to the officer to remind the Arab of the plan at every opportunity when the plan was being disregarded. Remind, remind, cajole. We agreed on this before and now you want to change?
Posted by: chicago mike || 02/08/2005 18:32 Comments || Top||

#7  Training Troops to Fight Like Americans

Then have General Mattis as commencement speaker!
Posted by: BigEd || 02/08/2005 19:22 Comments || Top||

Israel, Palestinians call truce
ISRAELI and Palestinian leaders proclaimed a formal end to more than four years of bloodshed at a summit in Egypt today.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said he agreed with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to stop all violence. Mr Sharon declared an end to military action at the meeting in Sharm el-Sheikh, which was seen as a step back towards peace talks.

"We have agreed with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to cease all acts of violence against Israelis and Palestinians wherever they are," said Mr Abbas at the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.

"The calm which will prevail in our lands starting from today is the beginning of a new era."

Mr Sharon said: "For the first time in a long time there is hope in our region for a better future for us and our grandchildren."

It was the highest-level meeting between the sides since a Palestinian uprising blew up in 2000 after peace talks collapsed.

The two sides did not sign a formal ceasefire agreement and Israel emphasised it was dealing only with Mr Abbas's Palestinian Authority and not the militants behind attacks.

The host, President Hosni Mubarak, and Jordan's King Abdullah added their weight to a summit that could prepare the ground for the revival of a US-backed "road map" towards a Palestinian state beside a secure Israel.

The US has emphasised its new commitment to pursuing peace after the death of iconic leader Yasser Arafat, who was seen by Washington and Israel as an obstacle.

"Optimism is certainly justified at the moment as far as the Middle East is concerned," US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told Italian state television after a brief visit to the region on which she met Mr Abbas and Mr Sharon.

"...I saw that these leaders have understood that it is time to move ahead," she said.

However, Islamic militant factions have so far agreed only to a conditional ceasefire, while neither side shows signs of budging on key obstacles like borders, and whether Palestinian refugees get a "right to return" to land in what is now Israel.

Israeli and Palestinian flags flew side by side in the sunshine at the Red Sea resort. Hundreds of Egyptian police, some with sniffer dogs, were deployed to ensure security.

Violence broke out in September 2000 after the collapse of talks for a Palestinian state on land captured by Israel in the 1967 war. Some 3350 Palestinians and 970 Israelis have been killed.

But despite today's announcements, doubt remains over the vital agreement of militant groups behind suicide bombings, rocket and shooting attacks, though they have gone along with a de facto truce.

"There is no sense now in talking about a truce," Hassan Youssef of Hamas told Al Jazeera television. "We have not seen any serious pressures on the Israeli side to take measures on the ground to prove its seriousness."

The factions have said Israel's promise to free 900 out of 8000 Palestinian prisoners, to pull back troops and end assassinations are not enough.

Although Mr Abbas wants to co-opt the militants, rather than use force to rein them in, Israeli officials said they wanted the groups dismantled and suggested that even continued rocket building by the groups would be a ceasefire violation.

Mr Abbas, then Mr Arafat's prime minister, met Mr Sharon in 2003 at the summit that gave birth to the road map. But the peace plan soon foundered amid violence.

Israel says it is ready to coordinate with Mr Abbas on its plan to withdraw settlers from occupied Gaza and part of the West Bank this year if violence stops and Palestinians rein in militants, as they are meant to under the road map.

Palestinians fear Israel aims to cement its hold on the West Bank, and demand the Jewish state abide by a road map commitment to freeze settlement growth and also stop building a barrier inside the West Bank. Israel says it stops suicide bombings.

More potential pitfalls for peacemaking lie ahead.

Mr Abbas holds strongly to the Palestinian line that a state must include all the West Bank, including Arab East Jerusalem, and Gaza, and that refugees and their millions of descendants should have the right to return to lands in what is now Israel.

Those demands remain deal-breakers for Israel, which wants to keep major West Bank settlement blocs, sees East Jerusalem as part of its own "indivisible capital" and categorically rules out the possibility of refugees returning to the Jewish state.
Posted by: tipper || 02/08/2005 11:03:16 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Mr Abbas holds strongly to the Palestinian line that a state must include all the West Bank, including Arab East Jerusalem, and Gaza, and that refugees and their millions of descendants should have the right to return to lands in what is now Israel.

In other words, Abbas is open about his plan to peacefully bargain Israel's existence away. If Sharon agrees to Palestinian right of return to lands in what is now Israel, the Jew-hating, "Zionist entity"-hating Palestinians will have made Israel -- just using the common tools of majority rule in a democracy -- Judenfrei within the year.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/08/2005 12:55 Comments || Top||

#2  Not to worry trailing wife. This cease fire is going to end just like all the previous ones, and all the future ones --- until the the general problem of ROP solved.
Posted by: gromgorru || 02/08/2005 13:12 Comments || Top||

#3  With all this hope and peace and love and goodwill a-floating around, Sharon needs to play the game. Abbas cannot deliver. But since everyone is on this goodwill kick, the US will throw money away on the Paleos PA on their promise of an agreement. The US should insist on some milestones before we give money away. Just like dealing with a client with a bad credit history.

Back to the peace overtures by Abbas. Nothing will happen because Hamas and Hizb'Allah will not let it happen. They are radical Islamists and they are nutcakes. They do not think rationally, so they will never let Israel exist.

So what to do? Israel needs to
1. Quietly complete the wall,
2. Abandon undefendable settlements in Gaza and the West Bank,
3. Quietly set up devastating counterbattery fire to take out terrorists that set up missile attacks on Israel.
4. Go through the motions of negotiation and talking nice in the 1 in a million chance that Abbas can deliver.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 02/08/2005 15:11 Comments || Top||

#4  All these media outlets talking about a formal end to fighting, bloodshed, etc. need to remember that this "truce" hasn't changed any basic positions, nor has it changed the reality on the ground. The Paleos want something that Israel cannot give them, if it wants to ensure its own security, and Hamas, IJ, and the rest of the terror-peddlers haven't gone away.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 02/08/2005 15:24 Comments || Top||

#5  Agreed, AP, B-rama. Abbas can't and won't dismantle the various terror factions. And because they continue to exist, they will never allow the paleos to accept a reasonable negotiated offer. After all, the Clinton/Barak/Arafat deal was better than anything Sharon will ever accept, and the paleos still think that deal didn't go far enough.

My fear is that the only strategy Abbas use to walk away from this is if he makes what Israel deems to be unreasonable demands, i.e., unlimited "right of return," all of Jerusalem as the capital, etc. That would make Israel the bad guy, again. There's already pressure on him to make these demands.

It's probably not a matter of if this thing will fall apart, it's a matter of when.

So: build the wall, play the PR game (negotiate, make a big deal of making painful concessions, etc), gather intelligence about which paleos are doing what, shore up defenses, and wait.
Posted by: PlanetDan || 02/08/2005 16:09 Comments || Top||

#6  My fear is that the only strategy Abbas use to walk away from this is if he makes what Israel deems to be unreasonable demands, i.e., unlimited "right of return," all of Jerusalem as the capital, etc. That would make Israel the bad guy, again.

I don't know about that; whereas before the media could skew the story the way they saw fit and rest assured that little if any challenge would be made against it, such is no longer the case.

The media's monopoly on the megaphone is no more.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 02/08/2005 21:46 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Nepal Necropsies Numerated
Nepali troops backed by helicopters have attacked Maoist camps in the jungles in the west of the country, as part of a new offensive against the rebels launched after the king seized power a week ago. Dozens of Maoists have been killed in the strikes on training camps and shelters near the western city of Nepalgunj, newspapers reported on Tuesday, but the army said it was still waiting for details. A senior military officer in Nepalgunj told Reuters by telephone troops were returning to the city after Monday's operation, but he did not yet have casualty figures. The army said at least three Maoists had been killed in other clashes and a soldier had been killed defusing a land mine the same day. The rebels have not commented on the latest clashes.

King Gyanendra sacked the government, suspended civil rights and seized power in what some analysts said was a move to give free rein to the army against the rebels to end a nine-year rebellion to topple the monarchy and set up a communist state. More than 11,000 people have been killed -- almost a third of that number since late 2003 when the last round of peace talks collapsed. Late on Monday, domestic and international lines began working again for the first time in a week. As phone links were restored with other parts of the country, residents said the country remained largely peaceful but people remained apprehensive. "At least 40 activists have been arrested from this area that we know of," said Tanka Khanal apprehensively , a resident of the town of Biratnagar. "Some people are going to India to escape trouble."

"We want peace," said Uday Shreshtha in Nepalgunj. "We hope whatever the king has done will take us on the path to peace. People are scared of Maoists, soldiers and the police." 
Posted by: Steve White || 02/08/2005 9:51:50 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Iraqi Police Say Arrest Man Suspected of Beheadings
An Iraqi wanted by police for alleged involvement in the beheadings of people working with U.S.-led forces in Mosul has been arrested by police in the town of Tikrit, police said Tuesday. They said Khaled Zakiyah was captured while visiting relatives in Tikrit, 110 miles north of Baghdad.
"Hi, Mom! I'm home!"
"Stick 'em up!"
Dozens of Iraqi soldiers, police and contractors have been killed in Mosul over the last few months, many by beheading. In a statement, the Iraqi government said another suspected insurgent, Basher Mutar al-Tikriti, had been captured in Sharqat, northern Iraq, on Jan. 13. A government statement said Tikriti was a relative of Saddam Hussein and was suspected of supporting and sheltering members of Saddam's regime, including Saddam's son Qusay, after the U.S.-led invasion. It said Tikriti was also suspected of financing insurgents and providing them with weapons.
This article starring:
KHALED ZAKIYAHIraqi Insurgency
Posted by: Steve || 02/08/2005 9:27:37 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  hope his detainment is informationally productive, short in time, and extremely painful. Make him whimper and cry like a little girl on Iraqi TV, then kill him
Posted by: Frank G || 02/08/2005 10:20 Comments || Top||

#2  Frank, Iraq is a rule-of-law democracy now. So...Make him whimper and cry like a little girl on Iraqi TV, let him be convicted by a jury as the result of a proper trial... then kill him
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/08/2005 11:15 Comments || Top||

#3  I stand corrected
Posted by: Frank G || 02/08/2005 11:21 Comments || Top||

#4  How about they just whack the entire al-Tikriti tribe first? Plenty of time for civilization once the barbarians are dead.
Posted by: mojo || 02/08/2005 11:46 Comments || Top||

#5  OK, the court is now in session, "send the quilty bastard in".
Posted by: GK || 02/08/2005 11:50 Comments || Top||

#6  "...was captured while visiting relatives in Tikrit..."

See, this is why I never visit my relatives.
Posted by: Matt || 02/08/2005 12:12 Comments || Top||

#7  The main point is that the Iraqi authorities have him and they will deal with him, per their customs. Our job is to make sure that there are no New Yawk Lawyuhs advising the Iraqi government. And Ramsey Clark is not welcome there, either.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 02/08/2005 13:10 Comments || Top||

#8  What are the chances that he's totally innocent, but such a pain in the ass that his relatives dropped a dime on him because they just couldn't bear the thought of having to put up with him visiting for a month?
Posted by: Captain Pedantic || 02/08/2005 14:48 Comments || Top||

#9  What are the chances that he's totally innocent, but such a pain in the ass that his relatives dropped a dime on him because they just couldn't bear the thought of having to put up with him visiting for a month?
Posted by: Captain Pedantic || 02/08/2005 14:48 Comments || Top||

#10  So that's why you're not supposed to hit "Submit" twice...
Posted by: Captain Pedantic || 02/08/2005 14:48 Comments || Top||

#11  What are the chances that he's totally innocent, but such a pain in the ass that his relatives dropped a dime on him because they just couldn't bear the thought of having to put up with him visiting for a month?

I don't know.
But while we're extracting death as slowly and painfully as possible from Mr.Tikriti, lets put Ramsey Clarke through the same drill except much more slowly and much more painfully!!

Posted by: Snaick Thruth8432 || 02/08/2005 16:12 Comments || Top||

#12  I wonder how the Iraqis will handle their big backlog of jailed murderers and bombers, including Saddam and his generals. Will there be a series of trials followed by one big mass execution? How about a mass trial followed by executions spread out over time climaxing with a sprung trap for Saddam? Some how I don't see a lot of life or time served sentences being handed out.
Posted by: Billy Hank || 02/08/2005 20:04 Comments || Top||

#13  The guy should get as good as he gave
Posted by: H8_UBL || 02/08/2005 20:10 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Tales From The Crossfire Gazette
Purba Banglar Communist Party leader killed in gunfight with police
KUSHTIA, Feb 7:—A regional leader of the outlawed Purba Banglar Communist Party (Janojudha) was killed in a gunfight between his accomplices and police at Pakcola bridge at Arla village under Daulatpur police station of Kushtia in the early hours of today, reports BSS. The leader Shaheen Mollah, 25, son of Ator Ali of Shehala village was arrested by police from his house on Monday evening, police said today.
"Evening, Shaheen, beautiful night, ain't it? You're coming with us."
They said on the basis of his confessional statement, they took him to Arla village to recover arms late last night.
Gee, I wonder what's going to happen next?
As soon as they reached the Pakcola brige area, his accomplices opened fire on police in a bid to snatch him. Police replied to the fire triggering the gunfight. Shaheen Mollah was hit by bullets from his accomplices killing him on the spot.
"Ouch, ouch, ya got me! Rosebud......"
Two police constable Najibul Ahsan and Abul Hossain were wounded during the encounter. They were admitted to hospital. One revolver and two bullets were recovered from the spot. Police said the fugitive Shaheen was wanted in a number of cases including five murders. The body of Shaheen Mollah was sent to Kushtia general hospital for autopsy.

Clash leaves 40 hurt
HABIGANJ, Feb 6 : At least 40 people, including women, were injured in a clash between two groups of people at Ramnagar village in Sadar upazila on Saturday, repots UNB. Police said there was longstanding rivalry between Surat Ali and Afsor Ali of the village over cultivating fish in Ghatia Beel (water body) and a clash ensued between their supporters over the issue on Thursday leaving five people injured.
"Get your grubby hands off my bass!"
Later, as a sequel to the incident, both the groups equipped with lethal weapons went to the beel and locked in the fierce clash on Saturday morning leaving 40 people injured, eight seriously.
"Fish Fight!!"
On information police rushed to the spot and brought the situation under control.

Mystery shrouds bomb blast at Nilphamari jatra
Nilphamari:The bomb blast at a jatra in remote Vabonchur village in Golmunda union in Jaldhaka upazila is still shrouded with mystery with some local people claiming that Islamist militants were behind the incident.
When things go boom, that'd be my first guess.
Police could neither arrest any of the culprits nor the victims, 12 days after the incident. Some viewers claimed earlier that some unidentified bearded persons hurled two bombs on the stage at about 2 am on January 27 when a female artiste was performing a dance.
Let's see, female "artiste" dancing seductivly, mysterious unidentified bearded persons, 2 am, explosives, yup, sounds like the turban set to me.
The performer-- Chhaya Rani-- was seriously injured. She sustained burn injury on different parts of her body, they claimed. Police visited the spot four days after the incident, but by that time, all evidences were removed. Police could not collect any splinter or any other evidence, police said. They filed a case under the Explosives Act on February 1 but could not trace her out. Some locals claimed that she is under treatment at a Rangpur hospital, others say she is hiding to evade arrest or interrogation.
Or worried about bearded men trying to finish the job
Talking to this correspondent, some people claimed that the militants had gone there in a microbus but others refuted the claim, saying the road leading to the inaccessible area is not fit for such a vehicle to ply. Chairman of Golmunda Union Parishad Mominur Rahman told Nilphamari Police Superintendent Abdullah-al-Mamun Chowdhury and newsmen that the function was not a 'Jatra' but a session of folklore song. He said he had informed Jaldhaka Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) immediately after the incident. When contacted, the Nilphamari SP rejected the claim that the attackers had gone there in a microbus because the area is inaccessible. He declined to say anything when asked whether it was an act by Islamist militants. The matter is being investigated, he said.
This article starring:
Purba Banglar Communist Party
Posted by: Steve || 02/08/2005 8:44:26 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Zarqawi's father-in-law was the An Najaf boomer
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's father-in-law carried out a suicide bombing in the Shia holy city of Najaf that killed a leading Iraqi cleric, according to two senior Kurdish intelligence officials.
"Oh Luuuu-ccy, I got some good news and some bad news for you ..."
"Waaaahhhhhh ...."
The attack in August 2003 killed more than 85 people, including Ayatollah Muhammad Bakr al-Hakim, who led Iraq's largest Shia political party. The bombing was carried out with an explosives-laden ambulance driven by Yassin Jarad, the father of al-Zarqawi's second wife, the Kurdish officials said.

Jarad had slipped into Iraq several weeks before the bombing from the Jordanian town of Zarqa, where al-Zarqawi was born, said the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. At least a dozen other suicide bombers from al-Zarqawi's hometown have infiltrated Iraq over the past 18 months, the officials said.

Details of the Najaf bombing emerged in recent weeks during interrogations of three top al-Zarqawi associates captured by Iraqi and U.S. forces, the officials said. The involvement of a close al-Zarqawi relative in a major suicide attack highlights the difficulties of capturing Iraq's most wanted man. "This shows how stupid loyal the people surrounding al-Zarqawi are to him," said one of the officials. "They are clearly willing to die for him."

But the level of detail being provided to interrogators by al-Zarqawi's operatives suggests Iraqi and U.S. officials are closing in on the militant and unraveling some of his security procedures. "We are getting close to finishing off al-Zarqawi and we will get rid of him," Iraq's deputy prime minister, Barham Saleh, told a Jan. 27 news conference in Baghdad.

One of al-Zarqawi's top lieutenants, Abu Omar al-Kurdi, who was captured in a Jan. 15 raid in Baghdad, has provided detailed information about his boss' movements, hiding places and communication methods, the intelligence officials said. Two other aides arrested in January also have been providing information: Anad Mohammed Qais, a top military adviser, and Salah Suleiman Loheibi, head of al-Zarqawi's Baghdad operations.

In September or October, the Kurdish officials said, al-Zarqawi smuggled his second wife and their children from Jordan to Iraq, apparently fearing Jordanian authorities might arrest them. He also was worried about retaliation from Iraqi Shias -- especially the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq, the group once led by al-Hakim -- in case his father-in-law's role in the bombing became public.

Al-Zarqawi's first wife and her children were already safely hidden in Iraq, according to the officials, who noted that the movement of family members demonstrates the sophisticated level of security and logistical preparations put in place by al-Zarqawi. "He is not just making security arrangements for himself, but also for his wives and children," said one of the officials. "To me, this shows how comfortable and confident he is that he won't be captured."
So we pinch a wife or two. That'll shake him to his roots.
The officials speculated that al-Zarqawi moves around alone much of the time and keeps his two wives and children in separate hideouts. The officials said those safe houses are most likely around the northern city of Mosul or in Anbar province, a vast region that borders Jordan, Syria and Saudi Arabia. Anbar also includes the cities of Fallujah and Ramadi. "I don't think that his family members are on the run with him," one official said.

Several months after the attack, al-Zarqawi circulated an audiotape in which he praised the assassination. "God has honored us by killing al-Hakim, who was devious and treacherous and an enemy of true Muslims," al-Zarqawi said. "Let the world know that, with God's assistance, we are going to kill the heretics' imams and wipe them all out."

After al-Hakim's killing, his younger brother, Abdulaziz, assumed control of the Supreme Council. Abdulaziz al-Hakim led the main slate of Shia candidates in last week's parliamentary election.

One of the Kurdish officials said the bomb that killed the ayatollah was built by al-Kurdi, "the most lethal" of al-Zarqawi's lieutenants. The official noted that, after al-Kurdi's capture, al-Zarqawi likely changed his hideouts and communication procedures. "He is taking new precautions," the official said. "He knows that his security has been compromised."
This article starring:
ABU OMAR AL KURDIal-Qaeda in Iraq
YASIN JARADal-Qaeda in Iraq
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/08/2005 12:55:09 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Helluva way to deal with in-laws you can't stand.
Posted by: Desert Blondie || 02/08/2005 11:55 Comments || Top||

US building forts on the Iraqi border with Syria
The line of trucks and cars waiting to approach this Iraqi- and U.S.-manned checkpoint on the border with Syria stretches for dozens of miles. Drivers are forced to wait days before they're allowed to pass into Iraq. And many are turned back. Most of them are men of fighting age.

A force of about 500 Iraqis patrols this area of the border. Overseen by U.S. Marines, the Iraqis call themselves the "Desert Wolves." Many are former soldiers from Saddam Hussein's regime and most are recruited from Tikrit (Saddam's hometown), Samarra and Baghdad.

They were trained in Jordan to take over for a border police force that was largely disbanded because of corruption. Acting on the orders from the interim Iraqi government, Marines stripped many of the former guards of their weapons and vehicles.

Securing these borders is a priority of Task Force NAHA, based at Camp Korean Village near the town of ar Rutbah. And at the remote Al Walid border crossing, just over two dozen Marines work with the Iraqis, overseeing their inspection of cars and trucks.

The U.S. military is also supervising a complex of 32 forts being built along the borders with Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Syria. The Marines move the Iraqis into them as quickly as possible, because in the past the forts have been looted and destroyed before they could be manned.

U.S. officials say the number of foreign fighters they've detained has decreased in this area. But while the order to turn back men at the al Walid checkpoint may be having some effect, military officials admit they still see evidence the Syrian-Iraqi border is being infiltrated elsewhere.

Flyovers suggest desert berms have been breached and there is evidence of "rat lines," where foreign fighters may be making their way into the country.

At one outpost in the so-called "Triangle," where Iraq's border meets Syria and Jordan, 50 Iraqis are manning a fort, still under construction. It sits so close to the border, Syrian soldiers are clearly visible, and come out to watch, as a convoy of Marines heads to the fort to check on the progress of the Iraqis. When the Marines arrive, the Iraqi commander asks for kerosene (for heating) and drinking water.

U.S. military officials admit supplying these outposts will be difficult and they're working with the Iraqi government to speed up deliveries. Logistics will continue to be a problem as more of the forts are built and manned.

Still, Capt. Abbas, the commander of this unit of Desert Wolves, says his men feel good about the job they're doing. He says they believe much of the violence in Iraq is being inflicted by foreigners. In the future, he hopes to keep those outsiders from making their way into the country undetected.

The Marines hope the border patrol forces will eventually number more than 1,200.

"But this is a start," said Marine Capt. Chris Curtin. "They understand and have demonstrated a desire to make a difference out here."

And when the Iraqis become more competent at their jobs, Curtin says that will not only protect U.S. forces fighting insurgents elsewhere in the country but will stabilize all of Iraq.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/08/2005 12:56:57 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Of course if you're building facilities like this, you need to put in place all the associated infrastructure - roads, bridging, communications equipment, depots, etc. You know, exactly the same things you'd need to have for forward assembly areas , sort of like those we had in Kuwait just before we rolled into Iraq. And if they are in place, the amount of build up time before crossing the LD drops to hours rather than weeks.
Posted by: Phique Spoluper4664 || 02/08/2005 9:20 Comments || Top||

#2  Heh he he h eh heh . . . nobody aronund here is thinking ahead . . . no, not US!
Posted by: Jame Retief || 02/08/2005 11:18 Comments || Top||

#3  Should have been done a year ago. Kind of like closing the barn door after the horses got out.
Posted by: Bill || 02/08/2005 11:46 Comments || Top||

#4  The article itself is three weeks old. We've been working on it, as have the Iraqis, for a while now.

DOD December 2004

DOD September 2004

USMC August 2004
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 02/08/2005 12:17 Comments || Top||

#5  Should have been done a year ago. Kind of like closing the barn door after the horses got out.

The next time we need someone to run a similar operation like Iraq, we'll be sure to call you. Send your C.V. to the Pentagon 'K?
Posted by: Pappy || 02/08/2005 13:54 Comments || Top||

Journalist in Iraq to Be Released
Posted by: ed || 02/08/2005 05:27 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Giuliana Sgrena, a 56-year-old reporter for the communist daily Il Manifesto

The Italian government has been a very high profile member of the Coalition of the Willing. A thousand thanks. However, they have their fair share of LLL as we do. Thought there was something 'odd' about this news story when it appeared. This explains it.
Posted by: Phique Spoluper4664 || 02/08/2005 9:10 Comments || Top||

Al-Qaeda claims credit for Iraqi suicide bombings
Suicide bombers killed 27 people in attacks in two Iraqi cities on Monday in the worst violence since the country's historic election eight days ago. Al Qaeda's wing in Iraq, led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, claimed responsibility for both blasts and vowed further attacks on "apostates and their masters," an apparent reference to U.S.-led forces and the Iraqis who work with them. U.S. forces stormed a house in Baghdad to free Egyptian telecommunications engineers kidnapped in Iraq, the head of their Egyptian parent company told Egyptian television. "Two were released when U.S. forces barged into where they were being held in Baghdad and the other two escaped on their own ... The Americans caught one of the kidnappers," said Naguib Sawiris, chairman of Orascom Telecom. Sawiris said the four Egyptians were safe and the company had contacted their families to inform them that they were free. A U.S. military spokesman said he was unable to immediately confirm the report, but the military were making checks.

As the counting of votes continued following the Jan. 30 polls, a Kurdish coalition moved into second place, pushing a bloc led by interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi into third. A Shi'ite alliance is still well in the lead.

At least 15 civilians were killed and 17 wounded when a suicide car bomb exploded outside the main police headquarters in the town of Baquba, northeast of Baghdad. Police said the bomber tried to ram his car into the police station but was blocked by a concrete barrier and detonated his explosives near civilians instead.

In the northern city of Mosul, 12 people were killed and four wounded when the other suicide bomber blew himself up among a crowd of police officers in a hospital compound. A large crater was blown in the road and at least five cars were destroyed. Most, if not all, the victims were thought to be police officers waiting to collect their salaries. "A lion in the martyrs' brigades of al Qaeda Organization for Holy War in Iraq attacked a gathering of apostates seeking to return to the apostate police force in Mosul near the hospital," al Qaeda's Iraqi unit said in a statement posted on a militant Web site. "The martyr was wearing an explosives belt and blew himself up after he entered the crowd." A separate mortar attack on the city hall building in Mosul killed one person and wounded three.

The Islamist militant group Army of Ansar al-Sunna said it shot dead an Iraqi translator working for U.S. forces and posted a video of the killing on the Internet. The video showed the hostage appealing to other translators not to deal with U.S. forces before he was blindfolded and shot in the head.

An Iraqi group which claims it is holding an Italian journalist abducted in Baghdad on Friday said it would release her soon because she was not a spy, a statement on an Islamist Web site said. The Islamist militant group had threatened to kill Giuliana Sgrena, a journalist with communist Rome newspaper Il Manifesto, if Italy did not withdraw its 3,000 troops from Iraq. "Since it has become absolutely clear that the Italian prisoner is not involved in espionage for the infidels in Iraq, and in response to the call from the Muslim Clerics Association, we in the Jihad Organization will release the Italian prisoner in the coming days," the statement dated Monday said. It was not possible to verify the statement. The Muslim Clerics Association, a group of Iraqi clerics seen as influential among insurgents, had called for her release.

More than a week after their first multi-party election in 50 years, Iraqis are still awaiting the final result, although partial figures showed a coalition of Iraq's main two Kurdish parties has moved into second place in counting so far. The leading Shi'ite alliance has around 2.3 million votes, the Kurds have 1.1 million and Allawi's bloc has around 620,000. Officials stressed the results did not necessarily give a clear picture of the final distribution of votes. They also revealed gunmen had looted polling stations in northern Iraq during the election, tampering with ballot boxes and preventing thousands of people from voting.

One of the key figures in the Shi'ite alliance which is leading the poll rejected calls for U.S.-led troops to leave Iraq immediately. "If the multinational forces left now, Iraq could face a bloodbath. I believe this 100 percent," Ibrahim Jaafari, head of the Dawa Party and a leading contender to be Iraq's next prime minister, told Reuters.
This article starring:
Army of Ansar al-Sunna
Jihad Organization
Muslim Clerics Association
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/08/2005 12:11:19 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Afghanistan/South Asia
Pakistan arrests 4 suspected suicide bombers
Pakistani police arrested four Sunni Muslim militants suspected of planning suicide attacks on Shi'ite processions during the Islamic month of Muharram that starts later this week, police said on Tuesday. Police found around 17 kg of explosives and other material used for bomb making during an overnight raid on a hideout in a poor neighbourhood in the volatile southern port city of Karachi, they said.
And happy holidays to you, too...
One of the militants, Mohammed Asghar, belonged to the outlawed Sunni Muslim group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Gul Hameed Soomo, an additional inspector general of police, told Reuters.
Wow. That's never happened before. Has it?
The other three -- Mohsin Khan, Saeed Omar and Mohammed Zahid -- belonged to the Harkat-ul Mujahideen al-Almi group, he said.
Not that there's a whit of difference between the two...
The two groups have been involved in several high-profile attacks since Pakistan joined the U.S.-led war on terror after al Qaeda's strikes against the United States on Sept. 11, 2001. "The four arrested men are part of a terror cell which wanted to carry out suicide assaults on Shi'ite Muslims during Muharram," Soomo said. Police were still hunting the leader of the gang and two of his followers, Soomo said.
This article starring:
MOHAMED ASGHARLashkar-e-Jhangvi
MOHAMED ZAHIDHarkat-ul Mujahideen al-Almi
MOHSIN KHANHarkat-ul Mujahideen al-Almi
SAID OMARHarkat-ul Mujahideen al-Almi
Harkat-ul Mujahideen al-Almi
Posted by: ed || 02/08/2005 06:20 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Journalists killed in Pakistani tribal ambush
Two Pakistani journalists have been killed and another injured after gunmen opened fire on their car in the tribal region near the Afghan border. A fourth journalist, working for al-Jazeera television, who was also in the car, escaped injuries. They were returning to the town of Wana, in the South Waziristan region, after covering a meeting of tribal elders, when their car was ambushed.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/08/2005 12:18:26 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Wonder if Eason Jordan has naything to say about this?
Posted by: Mike || 02/08/2005 5:40 Comments || Top||

#2  Nothing to add.Just sad.
Posted by: Indre || 02/08/2005 5:54 Comments || Top||

#3  It is very sad that journalists have to die on their duty. But I think they know what are they risking.
Posted by: Mareks Gulbis || 02/08/2005 6:00 Comments || Top||

#4  Welcome Indre and Mareks. I assume you are in Scott's class. You have joined this site when most people in the US are still sleeping, but activity will increase in a few hours. I hope you will take some time to read previous days posts or search on opics that interest you. Some of the posts and comments are funny, infuriating, and profane, but they are always informative. Please feel free to add any news and opinion you find interesting.

Here is a link with some more information about the journalists: Two Journalists Killed in Pakistan
Posted by: ed || 02/08/2005 6:16 Comments || Top||

Africa: North
2 GSPC killed in Gherzoual
Algerian anti-terrorist units killed two Islamic militants as a military offensive moved through a rebel stronghold east of the capital Algiers, state radio said today. The rebels were killed yesterday in a mountainous region of Boumerdes, near the village Gherzoual, some 60 km (40 miles) east of Algiers, the radio said. The attack came two days after security forces dismantled a GSPC bomb-making unit and killed four of its members in the Boumerdes province, according to newspaper reports.
This article starring:
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/08/2005 12:19:54 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Afghanistan/South Asia
Baitullah Mehsud and 35 others get government amnesty
Militant leader Baituallah Mehsud signed a "peace deal" with the government here on Monday as he laid down his arms in a carefully orchestrated ceremony. The ceremony was held in an open field surrounded by Taliban militants shouting "Death to America" and "Allah-o-Akbar" (God is great) as Baitullah, a 30-year-old Taliban commander in South Waziristan, signed the agreement. AP reported that 35 of his supporters were also part of the deal. Also present were a handful of army soldiers keeping an eye on proceedings from a distance through binoculars.

Baitullah said the Taliban did not want to fight Pakistan. "We understand fighting against Pakistani security forces did not help the Taliban at all," said Baitullah, who kept his face covered to avoid being photographed, even after TV crews and press photographers were told to switch off their cameras. "Pakistan has also realised that fighting tribal people is weakening its ability. Pakistan's enemy are India, the Northern Alliance and Russia."

He vowed to abide by the peace deal. "This agreement will last unless the government violates it." Under the agreement, Baitullah cannot shelter or support foreign militants, nor can he attack government installations. If Baitullah or his supporters violate the agreement, the government will take action against him.
This article starring:
Posted by: Fred || 02/08/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "What are we gonna do now, EllTee?"

"Yeah, what are we gonna do?"

Baituallah just sighed.
Posted by: mojo || 02/08/2005 16:37 Comments || Top||

2 journalists killed in ambush, one injured
WANA: Two journalists were killed and one was seriously injured when unidentified men ambushed their vehicle on Monday evening. The journalists were returning from the peace deal between tribal militant Baitullah Mehsud and the government at Sararogha in South Waziristan Agency. When their vehicle approached Civil Hospital, several men started firing at them. Amir Nawab Khan, an APTN cameraman, and Allah Noor Wazir, a correspondent of The Nation and Nawa-e-Waqt were killed instantly. Anwar Shakir, a correspondent of Urdu daily Islam, was shot in the abdomen and was taken to the Agency Headquarters Hospital. He is in stable condition. Two other journalists including Zardad Khan of Al Jazeera television were unharmed in the ambush.
This article starring:
Posted by: Fred || 02/08/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Geez, I didn't know we had American troops in South Waziristan.

Oh, wait.... ;-p
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 02/08/2005 20:03 Comments || Top||

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Tue 2005-02-08
  Israel, Palestinians call truce
Mon 2005-02-07
  Fatah calls for ceasefire
Sun 2005-02-06
  Algeria takes out GSPC bombmaking unit
Sat 2005-02-05
  Kuwait hunts key suspects after surge of violence
Fri 2005-02-04
  Iraqi citizens ice 5 terrs
Thu 2005-02-03
  Maskhadov orders ceasefire
Wed 2005-02-02
  4 al-Qaeda members killed in Kuwait
Tue 2005-02-01
  Zarqawi sez he'll keep fighting
Mon 2005-01-31
  Kuwaiti Islamists form first political party
Sun 2005-01-30
  Iraq Votes
Sat 2005-01-29
  Fazl Khalil resigns
Fri 2005-01-28
  Ted Kennedy Calls for U.S. Withdrawal from Iraq
Thu 2005-01-27
  Renewed Darfur Fighting Kills 105
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