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Ted Kennedy Calls for U.S. Withdrawal from Iraq
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Norwegian Somali jugged, charged with trying to buy red mercury
A Norwegian citizen of Somali background has been arrested in Britain and is now in a jail outside London. He is charged with allegedly having supplied radioactive materials to be used for terrorism. The 52-year-old man who became a Norwegian citizen in 1997, was arrested in London in September, after he according to the charges had supplied a kilo of the radioactive material red mercury, the newspaper VG writes. Red mercury is supposedly an ingridient in so-called "dirty bombs".

The jailed Somali/Norwegian has together with two other men been charged with conspiring to buy the red mercury with the aim to use it in a terrorist action, the newspaper writes. The three pleaded not guilty when they were brought before the Old Bailey court last Monday. According to VG the Norwegian Security police has been informed. The Norwegian Foreign Office has been informed, but does not want to comment. However, they say they are ready to offer consular assistance to the arrested man.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 01/28/2005 2:51:58 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  ...I wonder if hes the asshat whos been putten mercury in my tuna sammys?
Posted by: Charlie || 01/28/2005 5:17 Comments || Top||

#2  I love the journalism here...especially the part where they credulously report the existence of "red mercury" without bothering to check if it actually exists or not. Red mercury is mythical.
Posted by: gromky || 01/28/2005 6:06 Comments || Top||

#3  I used to drive an old red Mercury, it too was a dirty bomb.
Posted by: Duke Nukem || 01/28/2005 7:43 Comments || Top||

#4  I'd be interested in what AC, our regular RB contributor from Texas Tech, has to say about Red Mercury. After a quick excursion with GOOGLE I found an article on chemistry that claims Red Mercury does exist and gave several definitions. I also found an interesting interview with Sam Cohen acclaimed inventor of the neutron bomb. Cohen was asked, "Is red mercury a hoax?". Scroll about half way down the article to read why Cohen says, "The Atomic Energy Commission denies red mercury,....but they lie through their teeth. And they have to."
Google on, Neutron Bomb Sam Cohen, for other scary interviews.
Posted by: GK || 01/28/2005 9:04 Comments || Top||

#5  Norwegian red mercury = lutefisk
Posted by: Duke Nukem || 01/28/2005 12:57 Comments || Top||

#6  That site has everything except for directions for building a high quality Farraday Chappeau.
Posted by: Shipman || 01/28/2005 13:08 Comments || Top||

#7  >>#5

Plate Lutefisk=10,000 metric tonne red mercury.
Posted by: Charlie || 01/28/2005 22:13 Comments || Top||

All 4 Gitmo Brits were trained by al-Qaeda. Wotta surprise.
The four Britons who returned home free men from the US prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, had all been trained by the Al-Qaeda terror network, a newspaper said, citing allegations contained in US documents. The Sun said it had obtained US documents showing that Richard Belmar, 25, had confessed to having come face to face with Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden at a training camp in Kandahar, Afghanistan. Belmar also admitted that Al-Qaeda had taught him how to use assault weapons and carry out battlefield tactics. He had lived with Bin Laden and his aides as the terrorist leader fine-tuned his plans for the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States.

The other three who returned home with him -- Moazzem Begg, 36, Martin Mubanga, 31, and Feroz Abbasi, 25 -- also allegedly received weapons training, according to the documents published in The Sun. Though the four were released without charge after their return to Britain on Tuesday following up to three years in Guantanamo Bay, the Pentagon said the four individuals still pose a "significant threat."

But British police have said that statements and information gleaned by US and British intelligence interrogators at Cuba's Camp Delta are inadmissible in a British court. According to the documents published by The Sun, Abbasi is accused by the US government of going to Afghanistan on a Jihad mission to train to fight Americans and Jews. He was allegedly trained to carry out surveillance and ambushes and learned how to fire Kalashnakov's and rocket-propelled grenades, met top Al-Qaeda leaders, heard bin Laden speak and beat up a suspected spy who later identified him.

Begg, 36, was allegedly an enemy combatant and member of Al-Qaeda. He was alleged to have recruited others, provided money and support to Al-Qaeda training camps and received extensive military training, according to the US documents published by The Sun. His family claim it was a case of mistaken identity.

Mubanga, 32, was accused by the United States of being an Al-Qaeda member and fighting the coalition in Afghanistan after having received advanced military training. When he was arrested he was said to have been plotting to carry out surveillance of 33 Jewish organizations in New York. Mubanga denied all the allegations and retracted all statements made at his tribunal hearing. All four have denied they are linked to Al-Qaeda.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 01/28/2005 12:04:29 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Jesus..please someone throw the trash out...like into an active volcano!!
Posted by: Burn baby burn || 01/28/2005 5:48 Comments || Top||

#2  Gosh four men middle eastern looking men were caught in Afghnistan and admitted they were trained by Terrorists. I am surprised that we didn't turn them loose as soon as we found out they were Brits. I mean so many Americans are set free of their heads by terrorists as son as they find out their citizenship.
Posted by: Cyber Sarge || 01/28/2005 8:46 Comments || Top||

#3  They have a gps inplant in their left shoulder and have been programmed to assasinate their leader. Oh, wait that was a movie I think.
Posted by: Johnnie Bartlette || 01/28/2005 10:07 Comments || Top||

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
200 foreign fighters in Chechnya
There are about 200 foreign mercenaries fighting in illegal armed units in Chechnya, a source in the regional headquarters for the anti-terrorist campaign in the North Caucasus told Interfax with the reference to the secret services. "There are about 200 foreign mercenaries on the territory of the Chechen republic. There is information that they manage to cross the border from time to time," headquarters spokesman Maj. Gen. Ilya Shabalkin told Interfax on Thursday. Most of the foreign mercenaries come from the Middle East, he said. "Some of them come from Turkey, and there citizens of other states as well," Shabalkin said.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 01/28/2005 12:24:04 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The fact that foreigner islamic terrorists have been in Chechnya is old news. Russia assasinated one of the top foreigners, Ibn Al Khattab, a couple of years ago. The Russians also distributed a video called "Dogs of War" that showed Chechnyan atrocities (beheadings and tortures even more atrocious than the recent Iraqi murders). The foreigners are evil personified.

Bottom line: foreign Islamic terrorists are the root of all this evil...and have been for quite some time.
Posted by: Sneaper Sneasing9735 || 01/28/2005 16:07 Comments || Top||

North Korea bought a nuke
North Korea has bought a complete nuclear weapon from either Pakistan or a former Soviet Union state, a South Korean newspaper has reported. The newspaper Seoul Shinmun quoted an unnamed source as saying the United States was checking the intelligence. North Korea is believed to have at least one or two nuclear weapons. US Congressman Curt Weldon said after a visit to North Korea this month that its second ranked leader had told his delegation that it possessed nuclear weapons.

Pyongyang has previously declared that a nuclear reactor at Yongbyon, sealed under a 1994 agreement with the United States, has been restarted. Spent nuclear fuel from that reactor could be converted to weapons-grade material. North Korea has never officially declared that it possessed atomic weapons, speaking instead of its nuclear deterrent. US experts who visited the Yongbyon facility said spent plutonium previously stored there had been removed. North Korea is suspected of running a separate program based on uranium enrichment technology, assisted by a former top Pakistani nuclear scientist.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 01/28/2005 12:33:59 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Salt, anyone?
Posted by: Korora || 01/28/2005 0:40 Comments || Top||

#2  This is another take on a Reuters article posted yesterday. Both articles could be from the same source, I suppose, given what fine, industrious journalists are running around the world nowadays. The previous article said NKor had bought the thing so there would be no revealing explosion when they tested the technology to make sure it was functional. Its all much too complicated for my little mind to comprehend, I'm afraid.
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/28/2005 0:56 Comments || Top||

#3  No worries about N. Korea. It's the MSM making up stories. But of course. Pass the salt and pepper and I'll take my condiments straight up. It is faaaarrrr more important to turn our attention to Iran who may be, could be, possibly, perhaps working on nuclear weapons... according to our infallible CIA - oops - okay so no one's perfect.
Posted by: 2xstandard || 01/28/2005 1:32 Comments || Top||

#4  North Korea is believed to have at least one or two nuclear weapons.

Just keep it up and they will rapidly acquire several more.
Posted by: Zenster || 01/28/2005 2:24 Comments || Top||

#5  we better start thinking about the unthinkable, before the unthinkable happens.
Posted by: STRIKE || 01/28/2005 5:30 Comments || Top||

#6  Buy one and reverse engineer it with freelance Pakistani scientists. This is also the same path many say Bin Laden has been down.
Posted by: TomAnon || 01/28/2005 8:53 Comments || Top||

#7  North Korea has money?
Posted by: BH || 01/28/2005 10:10 Comments || Top||

#8  Coordinates, please.
Posted by: Duke Nukem || 01/28/2005 11:20 Comments || Top||

#9  Ohh, this should make the Chicoms feel all warm and fuzzy.
Posted by: anonymous2u || 01/28/2005 12:52 Comments || Top||

#10  warm and fuzzy ashen to be precise.
Posted by: Duke Nukem || 01/28/2005 12:55 Comments || Top||

#11  I'd figure that Pakistan would value keeping its own nuclear stockpile up and pointed at India more than a few extra bucks. Maybe they'd let a nuke go to NK as a swap for some long range missiles, but I thought the Pak missile programs was at least as good as North Korea's.
I'd also have figured that the Russians would make keeping track of where all the old warheads were one of their absolute top priorities: If NK can get one, so can the Chechens. It wouldn't be the first time Russians have been bribed, of course.
So who else would sell? Not the Brits, not the Israelis, not the Chinese; South Africa claims not to have any, and I have a feeling there'd be pride issues that'd discourage the French from selling any.
Color me dubious.
Posted by: James || 01/28/2005 14:26 Comments || Top||

#12  IOW, the Norkies want Dubya and America to attack them now, i.e. SAVE HILLARY, where "NO WMDS IN IRAQ" = "NO WMDS IN IRAN" = NO WMDS IN NORTH KOREA", ...etc. over and besides Iraq-style pre planned "people's war". Both Americans and the world community will become outraged at the failures of Dubya and America that they will demand REGULATION AND SUPER-REGULATION, BUREAUCRACY ABOVE MORE AND BIGGER BUREAUCRACY, and OWG, within America and outside of America, in the name of seeming proper righteous indignation! The Failed/Angry Left, aka "WIlfully and Unconditionally Support Your Local/Favorite Tyrant-MafiaCrat-Warlord-Profiteer-General-Slaver-Bandit Raider Army", subaka "Your Wife, Women, Cities. Towns, Lands, Monies, Homes, Food, and your pet dogs, even your very Life, belongs to us, and only us", the ones and bandits/predators NOT = ROBIN HOOD, WILL NOT ALLOW AMERICA TO NOT WAGE WAR(S) AROUND THE WORLD. There are no Leftists-Socialists or Commies for the time being in national politics, only [PC = DENIABLE]REGULATORS, BUREAUCRATS/GOVERNMENTISTS,
and WAR = NO WAR BUREAUCRATS! No matter his rhetoric, Ted Kennedy and other Dems is calling for the Dems to event become a de facto National Socialist Party, not a revampment or retranchement of the old pro-America Rightist Democrat Party of Jackson and Wilson thru LBJ! The anti-US Western Lefts protect Radical Islam whilst the Asian Lefts PC wipes them out, aka CLEANING UP LOOSE ENDS ala the 9-11 event, ergo the Clinton-led US Lefts is searching for any controversy to either cause Dubya to resign andor else lead to his PC assassination. an event(s) which would jeopardize the credibility and whole of the US GOP-Right. If Hillary is to be POTUS, and iff they stick to their 2020 maxima timeline, then America and its entire Washington establishment has to be nationally and geopol discredited and suborned NOW, as the Commies must prevent Western-style Capitalism and Democracy from taking root and becoming too strong to challenge.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 01/28/2005 22:17 Comments || Top||

#13  Did he breath even once during that tirade? Color me impressed.
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/28/2005 22:39 Comments || Top||

Down Under
Habib flies home to freedom
Irrevelant crap deleted.
Mr Habib's return came as an inside account has emerged of interrogation techniques used by guards at Guantanamo Bay, with a former US Army sergeant soon to publish a book detailing what he witnessed there. The account appears to support Mr Hopper's claims of interrogation techniques allegedly used against his client.

The guard, Erik Saar, 29, who served at the detention camp for six months until June 2003, said he witnessed about 20 interrogations and three months after his arrival at the base he started noticing "disturbing" practices.

According to Mr Saar, female contractors had used red ink to flick at a Saudi detainee, pretending it was menstrual blood. Guards had allegedly then prevented the man from washing.

Mr Habib was due to last night attend a private family feast hosted by his sister Sally at a Sydney home.

Posted by: tipper || 01/28/2005 1:18:32 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Talk to the hand, bitch.
Posted by: mojo || 01/28/2005 15:33 Comments || Top||

habib Re-united with family
MAMDOUH Habib has been reunited with his family after arriving back in Australia. "He has been reunited with his family," Attorney-General Philip Ruddock said. "His family were informed that he was arriving and as was his legal practitioner," he said. "We understand they've made arrangements to spend time with him at an undisclosed location of their choosing. "But he's not in custody, he's at liberty, and the exact whereabouts are really a matter for him and his family." The former Guantanamo Bay detainee arrived in Sydney about 4:00pm (AEDT) today, ending more than three years of detention in the US as a terror suspect. Mr Habib, released by the US from the base in Cuba without being charged, stepped off a private jet at Sydney Airport about half an hour after the aircraft — marked only with a US flag — had landed. Mr Habib, bearded, wearing a white T-shirt, long dark pants and carrying a blue shirt, emerged from the plane to be greeted on the tarmac. He then went to a small propeller aircraft, which took off for an unknown destination, witnesses said. Mr Habib was accompanied on landing by two men in suits.
Oh, no! Not men in suits!
After being reunited with his wife and four children, including a four-year-old daughter he is yet to meet, Mr Habib will be evaluated by a clinical psychiatrist so his lawyers can assess his mental state. The assessment is expected to take several days and is a precondition to his lawyers allowing him to give paid media interviews and earn his first income since he was arrested in Pakistan in October 2001. The Federal Government yesterday repeated its view that any payment Mr Habib received for his story could be confiscated under Proceeds of Crime legislation, despite no charges likely to be brought against him for the time he allegedly spent with al-Qaeda before and after the September 11 attacks. Mr Ruddock said the Government "certainly can't gag him" but was examining whether Mr Habib could profit from telling his story. "He's free to tell his story as he sees fit but we are looking at the issue of whether or not he can profit from that," he said. Asked if was interested in hearing Mr Habib's story, Mr Ruddock said he was more interested in hearing the truth and some of the allegations of abuse made by Mr Habib's lawyers. "I'm more interested, I might say, in the truth," he said. A New South Wales Police officer also confirmed Mr Habib would not fall under the spotlight of the state's counter-terrorism laws. He has at least one criminal matter outstanding, however, involving accused Sydney terrorist Bilal Khazal, whom Mr Habib alleges assaulted him in 1999.
Posted by: God Save The World || 01/28/2005 6:54:46 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I'd like this pic better if he had a big hole in his forehead and his brains blown all over the side of the Ghost Jet.
Posted by: tu3031 || 01/28/2005 16:02 Comments || Top||

Court bomb plot suspect to be extradited
Switzerland has agreed to a Spanish request for the extradition of suspected bomb plotter Mohammed Achraf. But Achraf has 30 days in which to lodge an appeal against the decision, the Swiss government said. Spain had earlier requested the extradition of Achraf, an Algerian national who has been held in custody in Switzerland since August. The Spanish authorities suspect him of involvement in plotting to carry out a bomb attack against the country's highest court in Madrid and other landmarks including the Real Madrid stadium in the capital. He has been held in Switzerland over alleged immigration offences, and had earlier sought political asylum in the country. The extradition decision was taken by the Federal Justice Office in Bern.
Posted by: Steve || 01/28/2005 10:20:15 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Home Front: WoT
Gitmo Soldier Details Sexual Tactics
Very icky, but not torture, in my opinion.

Female interrogators tried to break Muslim detainees at the U.S. prison camp in Guantanamo Bay by sexual touching, wearing a miniskirt and thong underwear and in one case smearing a Saudi man's face with fake menstrual blood, according to an insider's written account.

A draft manuscript obtained by The Associated Press is classified as secret pending a Pentagon review for a planned book that details ways the U.S. military used women as part of tougher physical and psychological interrogation tactics to get terror suspects to talk.

It's the most revealing account so far of interrogations at the secretive detention camp, where officials say they have halted some controversial techniques.

"I have really struggled with this because the detainees, their families and much of the world will think this is a religious war based on some of the techniques used, even though it is not the case," the author, former Army Sgt. Erik R. Saar, 29, told AP.

Saar didn't provide the manuscript or approach AP, but confirmed the authenticity of nine draft pages AP obtained. He requested his hometown remain private so he wouldn't be harassed. Saar, who is neither Muslim nor of Arab descent, worked as an Arabic translator at the U.S. camp in eastern Cuba from December 2002 to June 2003. At the time, it was under the command of Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller, who had a mandate to get better intelligence from prisoners, including alleged al-Qaida members caught in Afghanistan.

Saar said he witnessed about 20 interrogations and about three months after his arrival at the remote U.S. base he started noticing "disturbing" practices.

One female civilian contractor used a special outfit that included a miniskirt, thong underwear and a bra during late-night interrogations with prisoners, mostly Muslim men who consider it taboo to have close contact with women who aren't their wives.

Beginning in April 2003, "there hung a short skirt and thong underwear on the hook on the back of the door" of one interrogation team's office, he writes. "Later I learned that this outfit was used for interrogations by one of the female civilian contractors ... on a team which conducted interrogations in the middle of the night on Saudi men who were refusing to talk."

Some Guantanamo prisoners who have been released say they were tormented by "prostitutes."

In another case, Saar describes a female military interrogator questioning an uncooperative 21-year-old Saudi detainee who allegedly had taken flying lessons in Arizona before the Sept. 11 terror attacks. Suspected Sept. 11 hijacker Hani Hanjour received pilot instruction for three months in 1996 and in December 1997 at a flight school in Scottsdale, Ariz.

"His female interrogator decided that she needed to turn up the heat," Saar writes, saying she repeatedly asked the detainee who had sent him to Arizona, telling him he could "cooperate" or "have no hope whatsoever of ever leaving this place or talking to a lawyer.'"

The man closed his eyes and began to pray, Saar writes.

The female interrogator wanted to "break him," Saar adds, describing how she removed her uniform top to expose a tight-fitting T-shirt and began taunting the detainee, touching her breasts, rubbing them against the prisoner's back and commenting on his apparent erection.

The detainee looked up and spat in her face, the manuscript recounts.

The interrogator left the room to ask a Muslim linguist how she could break the prisoner's reliance on God. The linguist told her to tell the detainee that she was menstruating, touch him, then make sure to turn off the water in his cell so he couldn't wash.

Strict interpretation of Islamic law forbids physical contact with women other than a man's wife or family, and with any menstruating women, who are considered unclean.

"The concept was to make the detainee feel that after talking to her he was unclean and was unable to go before his God in prayer and gain strength," says the draft, stamped "Secret."

The interrogator used ink from a red pen to fool the detainee, Saar writes.

"She then started to place her hands in her pants as she walked behind the detainee," he says. "As she circled around him he could see that she was taking her hand out of her pants. When it became visible the detainee saw what appeared to be red blood on her hand. She said, 'Who sent you to Arizona?' He then glared at her with a piercing look of hatred.

"She then wiped the red ink on his face. He shouted at the top of his lungs, spat at her and lunged forward" - so fiercely that he broke loose from one ankle shackle.

"He began to cry like a baby," the draft says, noting the interrogator left saying, "Have a fun night in your cell without any water to clean yourself."

Events Saar describes resemble two previous reports of abusive female interrogation tactics, although it wasn't possible to independently verify his account.

In November, in response to an AP request, the military described an April 2003 incident in which a female interrogator took off her uniform top, exposed her brown T-shirt, ran her fingers through a detainee's hair and sat on his lap. That session was immediately ended by a supervisor and that interrogator received a written reprimand and additional training, the military said.

In another incident, the military reported that in early 2003 a different female interrogator "wiped dye from red magic marker on detainees' shirt after detainee spit (cq) on her," telling the detainee it was blood. She was verbally reprimanded, the military said.

Sexual tactics used by female interrogators have been criticized by the FBI, which complained in a letter obtained by AP last month that U.S. defense officials hadn't acted on complaints by FBI observers of "highly aggressive" interrogation techniques, including one in which a female interrogator grabbed a detainee's genitals.

About 20 percent of the guards at Guantanamo are women, said Lt. Col. James Marshall, a spokesman for U.S. Southern Command. He wouldn't say how many of the interrogators were female.

Marshall wouldn't address whether the U.S. military had a specific strategy to use women.

"U.S. forces treat all detainees and conduct all interrogations, wherever they may occur, humanely and consistent with U.S. legal obligations, and in particular with legal obligations prohibiting torture," Marshall said late Wednesday.

But some officials at the U.S. Southern Command have questioned the formation of an all-female team as one of Guantanamo's "Immediate Reaction Force" units that subdue troublesome male prisoners in their cells, according to a document classified as secret and obtained by AP.

In one incident, dated June 19, 2004, "The detainee appears to be genuinely traumatized by a female escort securing the detainee's leg irons," according to the document, a U.S. Southern Command summary of videotapes shot when the teams were used.

The summary warned that anyone outside Department of Defense channels should be prepared to address allegations that women were used intentionally with Muslim men.

At Guantanamo, Saar said, "Interrogators were given a lot of latitude under Miller," the commander who went from the prison in Cuba to overseeing prisons in Iraq, where the Abu Ghraib scandal shocked the world with pictures revealing sexual humiliation of naked prisoners.

Several female troops have been charged in the Abu Ghraib scandal.

Saar said he volunteered to go to Guantanamo because "I really believed in the mission," but then he became disillusioned during his six months at the prison.

After leaving the Army with more than four years service, Saar worked as a contractor briefly for the FBI.

The Department of Defense has censored parts of his draft, mainly blacking out people's names, said Saar, who hired Washington attorney Mark S. Zaid to represent him. Saar needed permission to publish because he signed a disclosure statement before going to Guantanamo. The book, which Saar titled "Inside the Wire," is due out this year with Penguin Press. Why was it necessary for him to write this book?
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/28/2005 1:25:28 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Article: Saar said he volunteered to go to Guantanamo because "I really believed in the mission," but then he became disillusioned during his six months at the prison. After leaving the Army with more than four years service, Saar worked as a contractor briefly for the FBI.

Disillusioned? I don't think so. The guy can't seem to stay put. My feeling is that he was trolling around for material to write a book. Unfortunately, these are the scum that slip through when you have to fill important slots without a national mobilization. (Not that I'm particularly fond of a universal draft, but I would have gone).
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 01/28/2005 9:42 Comments || Top||

#2  maybe we should just cut them up into pieces. The left didn't seem to be as bothered by that.
Posted by: 2b || 01/28/2005 9:55 Comments || Top||

#3  If true, it sounds like the folks down at gitmo have pulled out the infamous marv albert playbook and are going to work. Damn, you'd pay good money for this type of shit back in the states, um, or so I've heard.

Gotta love the islamo-nutty male complex - what a bunch of brain washed malcontents, menstrating women will send you to hell, bwhahaha......

"Why was it necessary for him to write this book?"

-money, money, money.

Posted by: Jarhead || 01/28/2005 10:25 Comments || Top||

#4  My reaction BFD.
The fruitbats and other will go nutty over this.

It's not abuse and it's not torture.
It's just using methods that might work with these islamo nut jobs.

Convince them they are going to hell unless they talk. It works for me.
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 01/28/2005 10:59 Comments || Top||

#5  Sounds like some kids grew up watching late-night Cinemax.
Posted by: eLarson || 01/28/2005 11:07 Comments || Top||

#6  Sounds like some kids grew up watching late-night Cinemax.
Posted by: eLarson || 01/28/2005 11:09 Comments || Top||

#7  Eeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! Yucky Infidel Girls!!!
Posted by: Achmed Mamoud Muhammad || 01/28/2005 11:30 Comments || Top||

#8  Have you seen some women in miniskirts and thong underwear? It really could be called cruel and unusual punishment. Of course, to be entirely objective, I would have to see the actual situation, repeatedly, to be certain.

As I've said before in other places, the FBI has turned in to a bunch of small female cats.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 01/28/2005 11:36 Comments || Top||

#9  Icky... but... ummm, creative. It certainly hits the devout Muslim right in the ol' vulnerabilities. The object of the interrogation game is to make 'em sing like a demented canary.
Now we have an idea about why some of the ones who were released from Guantanamo were telling wild tales about hookers, though.
Posted by: Sgt. Mom || 01/28/2005 12:27 Comments || Top||

#10  Might another reason that it might not have worked well is the women are to fugly? If you put a miniskirt and thong underwear on a dog it's still a dog.

Using their crappy Moon Cult against them is fine by be. I don't see that violating any major human rights protocol.

TGA could let us know it this is Ok. He has after all been on the wrong end of real torture IRC.
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 01/28/2005 12:47 Comments || Top||

#11  Send me, send me....I could use a good interrogator lickin'
Posted by: Duke Nukem || 01/28/2005 12:59 Comments || Top||

#12  Madam interrogator...faster, harder please...
Posted by: Duke Nukem || 01/28/2005 13:04 Comments || Top||

#13  The media left is going to have a field day on this one and Bill O Reilly and Rantburgers like myself will support any way to get these Wads to talk. Same ole shit, different day.
Posted by: tex || 01/28/2005 13:41 Comments || Top||

#14  These are glamorized (sexed up) stories that play on all the prejudices and stereotypes put forth on TV. Yes Muslim men consider sub human and not even close to their equal. But few of them are threatened by big boobs and a mini skirt. Also I sincerely doubt that four men who grew up in Britain hadn’t see at least one booby, miniskirt, or touched an infidel female. I got the impression from the review that this soldier was retelling stories and never personally witnessed the mini-skirt interview or the menstrual blood (ink) “torture” episodes. I bet the talk on the ‘Arab Street’ is that if some infidel woman with big boobs and a mini skirt they would be too preoccupied with the erection and not much else. If this crap was really true all we would have to do is airdrop stained female underwear over the insurgents and they would flee in horror. Anyone want guess if that tactic would work?
Posted by: Cyber Sarge || 01/28/2005 13:42 Comments || Top||

#15  How can this guy say it's not a religious war, when he describes how the detainees are acting in captivity? (The praying, having to be clean before God.....) Just because you don't think you're fighting against an infidel, that doesn't mean they don't feel that way.

Somehow I don't think they would show us any sensitivity to our religious beliefs (or lack thereof for some of us) if we were captured.

If they freak out this much over being around chicks, maybe we should send more of 'em? Old, ugly, cute, it doesn't matter if you've been locked in a madrassa all day for years....
Posted by: Desert Blondie || 01/28/2005 13:53 Comments || Top||

#16  I suspect this is the classic honey trap - get 'em to talk by offering incentives like hookers. None of these guys are fazed by prostitutes - Muslim men are some of horniest people around. For Muslims, using infidel hookers isn't particularly unusual - it's only haram to mess around with Muslim women. The 9/11 hijackers spent a fair amount of time around Florida's fleshpots, including strip clubs. I wouldn't be surprised if, in addition to lap dances, they paid for extra services.
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 01/28/2005 13:53 Comments || Top||

#17  My point is that if the honey trap - which was used by both sides against the opposition's personnel (for blackmail purposes) during the Cold War - was acceptable, using it against captured terrorists doesn't exactly worry me.
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 01/28/2005 13:58 Comments || Top||

#18  DB: If they freak out this much over being around chicks, maybe we should send more of 'em? Old, ugly, cute, it doesn't matter if you've been locked in a madrassa all day for years....

They're not freaking out - this is just a front that serves 3 purposes: (1) get monetary compensation, (2) remove another interrogation tool from our arsenal, (3) obtain sympathy for the Islamist cause, (4) divert attention from the fact that they are terrorists.
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 01/28/2005 14:00 Comments || Top||

#19  ZF - All valid points, and ones that I hadn't considered.
But I still think that the fact a mere woman has power over them is something very unsettling to these nuts, and something that we should exploit. They are used to having women be subservient and only good for one thing. To have a woman have that much control over them has got to be extremely disconcerting. Otherwise, why would they be making such a big deal over it?
Posted by: Desert Blondie || 01/28/2005 14:20 Comments || Top||

#20  DB: Otherwise, why would they be making such a big deal over it?

Re-read the four points I outlined above. The other likelihood is this - they don't have anything else to complain about. Some of them had pre-existing medical conditions fixed. Many gained weight from the improved diet. My feeling is that these are the only things that are true, so they are twisting these events into some kind of strange psychodrama.
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 01/28/2005 15:21 Comments || Top||

#21  BFD is right. A lot of people pay good money for that kind of treatment in Hollywood!
Posted by: Sgt.D.T. || 01/28/2005 16:32 Comments || Top||

#22  I'm still of the opinion that dead Jihadi's be ground up and fed to pigs. I don't think you get to go to paradise if you're turned into pig dung. Make the prisoners watch the progress and keep the pigs near them. Make them listen to the sound of dead Jihadi's being turned into gruel.
Posted by: Silentbrick || 01/28/2005 18:00 Comments || Top||

#23  Will this book have photographs?
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 01/28/2005 18:05 Comments || Top||

#24  Just keep Madonna's coffee-table book alongside.
Posted by: Pappy || 01/28/2005 18:53 Comments || Top||

#25  goddamit ima haten there no pichures.
Posted by: muck4doo || 01/28/2005 20:13 Comments || Top||

#26  *IF* this guys claims are true -- and I haven't heard any confirmation of it -- then this confirms a few jihadi whines.

It's still not torture, or even "abuse". It's putting pressure on them, in a way they're particularly susceptible.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 01/28/2005 22:19 Comments || Top||

#27  So when is Captain Kirk going to be relieved of command and prosocuted for using tribbles to interrogate Klingons?
Posted by: SC88 || 01/28/2005 22:25 Comments || Top||

Interrogators shouldn't use stupid gimmicks. People who use stupid gimmicks in any line of work will usually look stupid when the gimmicks are exposed.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester || 01/28/2005 23:44 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
5 rebels believed killed in military air strikes
Five Islamic militants, including at least an Indonesian suspected member of the al-Qaida-linked Jemaah Islamiyah, were believed killed in a military air strike on their hideout in a southern marshland, officials said Friday. Maj. Gen. Raul Relano, commander of the 6th Infantry Division, said a military intelligence report showed that the unidentified Indonesian was killed along with four local militants after the bombing runs on Thursday on their hideout in Maguindanao province's Butilan Marsh, 900 kilometers southeast of Manila. "The intelligence report said five were dead and three were wounded," said Relano. "The hazy report from our (intelligence) assets in the area said that one foreigner was among those dead."

He said the foreigner is presumably one of several Indonesian Jemaah Islamiyah members hiding in the area with leaders of the local Abu Sayyaf group and a renegade commander of the separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). Army spokesman Col. Franklin del Prado said when the attack took place Thursday, among those believed to be in the area were Abu Sayyaf chief Khadaffy Janjalani and at least three Indonesian Jemaah Islamiyah members, including Dulmatin, who allegedly played a key role in the Bali bombings. The US has included Abu Sayyaf - notorious for kidnappings and beheadings - on a list of terrorist groups, and has offered a US$5 million (euro3.8 million) reward for information leading to the capture of its top leaders, including Janjalani. Sidney Jones, an expert on Indonesian radical Islamic organizations for the International Crisis Group, earlier this month cited reports that Dulmatin and Umar Patek, another alleged Bali bomber, were among the chief targets of an air strike by the military in the same area on Nov. 18. Relano said a video of Thursday's operation showed the militants fleeing along the river on the marsh as their huts were hit by 250-pound bombs and rocket fire. (AP)
No confirmed kills yet, stay tuned
Posted by: Steve || 01/28/2005 12:01:54 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Would recommend lending the RPAF a few MOABs, though it might make ID'ing a bit more difficult
Posted by: H8_UBL || 01/28/2005 15:41 Comments || Top||

#2  Too many Accordion Ladies lately; not enough Fat Ladies. My ululator is rusting away...
Posted by: Seafarious || 01/28/2005 15:47 Comments || Top||

#3  keep it lubed - may I suggest the O-Club?
Posted by: Frank G || 01/28/2005 16:18 Comments || Top||

Update of Filippino festivities
Air Force helicopters and bomber planes fired rockets and dropped bombs Thursday on houses in a southern marshland where Indonesian and Philippine Muslim extremist leaders were believed to be hiding, officials said. The targets included the chief of the extremist Abu Sayyaf group and at least three Indonesian members of Jemaah Islamiya, a regional terrorist group that bombed nightclubs on Indonesia's Bali Island in 2002, officials said. Col. Domingo Tutaan Jr., chief of staff of the Zamboanga-based Southern Command, said the attack on Butilan Marsh in Datu Piang town also targeted Muslim rebels that raided an Army detachment in Mamasapano.

Lt. Gen. Alberto Braganza had ordered the attack on learning that the rebels, headed by Commander Wahib Kalil Tundok, were staying in the area. Tutaan said two bomber planes dropped several 250-pound bombs; two attack helicopters fired rockets at six houses, mostly on stilts, where the extremist leaders were believed to have taken refuge. "We had six targets, and they were all hit in the bombing runs," Tutaan said.

He said casualties were likely, but that he was still waiting for a bomb damage assessment and the report of ground troops to verify the number. Army spokesman Col. Franklin del Prado said Abu Sayyaf chief Khadaffy Janjalani and at least three Indonesian Jemaah Islamiya members, including Dulmatin, who allegedly played a key role in the Bali bombings, were believed to be hiding in the area. Tutaan said the marshland was difficult for ground forces to penetrate, so the military had deployed five helicopters to airlift troops there. A naval blockade has also been erected to prevent the militants from escaping, he added.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 01/28/2005 12:25:52 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

More on the MILF commander who hosted the terrorist summit
Colonel Domingo Tutaan, military Southern Command (SouthCom) chief of staff, told reporters in Manila that also part of the meeting was renegade MILF commander Commander Wahib Kalil Tondok. However both officials could not confirm if there were any casualties in the attack, which targeted houses in a marshy area on the outskirts of Datu Piang and Saudi Ampatuan towns. Tondok's group was known to have raided an Army detachment in Linantangan town last January 9, leaving seven soldiers and 15 MILF fighters dead. The MILF leadership has disowned the attack, which came amid efforts to restart peace talks between the government and the rebel group. The MILF also refused to surrender Tondok's group despite an ultimatum from the military.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 01/28/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  That is a hell of a knife!
Posted by: Raptor || 01/28/2005 9:02 Comments || Top||

Bashir walks out of court in protest
Radical Muslim cleric Abu Bakar Bashir walked out of his terrorism trial in Indonesia yesterday to protest the reading of a witness interrogation identifying him as the leader of a group linked with al Qaeda. The 66-year old cleric is accused of heading the Jemaah Islamiah group, blamed for a string of bombings, including the 2002 Bali nightclub blasts that killed 202 people. Various governments have said the group is linked to al Qaeda. About one hour into the court session, Bashir, wearing a white shirt and Muslim skullcap, joined his lawyer in a walkout to protest against the reading without the witness present.
"I'm making like a banana and getting the heck outta here."
"If the defence lawyer walks out, I'm not willing to be investigated in this trial without a lawyer," Bashir said before calmly leaving the court.
The man knows how to make an exit...
His lawyer, Mohammad Asegaf, told the court: "With all due respect to this court, we are withdrawing ourselves from this trial". Bashir, who has been jailed during the trial, and his lawyer sat in a nearby room in the court complex while the trial continued. They returned later for the end of the session. The police report read by the prosecutor was of a witness who said that Bashir had taken over the leadership of Jemaah Islamiah after the death of its founder. At last week's session, Ali Imron, serving a life sentence for his role in the Bali blasts testified Bashir had nothing to do with that attack in the latest in a series of setbacks to the prosecution's case against the cleric.

This month, a former interpreter for US President George W Bush testified that Washington had pressed Indonesia to secretly detain and hand over the cleric before the Bali bombings. Bashir's defence lawyers had called the witness, Frederick Burns, to bolster their contention that Bashir's trial is politically motivated and the charges against him are a result of US pressure. A previous effort after the Bali bombings to convict him of leading Jemaah Islamiah failed. The cleric did, however, serve 18 months for immigration violations and was re-arrested using anti-terror statutes in April. The new trial began in October. If found guilty, Bashir could be sentenced to death. Some security experts see Jemaah Islamiah as al Qaeda's Southeast Asian wing.
Interestingly enough, so do most of its members ...
As well as a majority of Rantburg readers!
Posted by: Dan Darling || 01/28/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Stick his lawyer in the slam too. Contempt of Court should do...
Posted by: mojo || 01/28/2005 15:38 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Balochistan Railway Track Blown Up 3rd Time in a Week
Amid an escalating campaign of tribal violence in troubled southwestern Pakistan, a key railway track was ripped apart by a blast for the third time in a week yesterday, officials said. The attack in Balochistan province, which borders Afghanistan and Iran, came a day after the military announced plans to set up a new garrison to protect the country's largest gas field. In yesterday's attack, a blast ripped apart the mainline near Mushkaf, about 85 kilometers west of the provincial capital Quetta, senior railway official Ghulam Rasool told reporters. "The track was damaged by explosives planted by saboteurs," Rasool said. Two trains to Quetta were delayed for a few hours before engineers could repair the main line, which links Balochistan with the southern port city of Karachi, he said.
Posted by: Seafarious || 01/28/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  quit buying North Korean rail track!
Posted by: Frank G || 01/28/2005 15:32 Comments || Top||

#2  Bring on the gandy dancers!
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 01/28/2005 17:26 Comments || Top||

#3  Balochistan seems like it has all the characteristics necessary to be a test site for the neutron bomb. Perhaps Mr. Kahn could be sent there to supervise the victims test.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 01/28/2005 17:52 Comments || Top||

Tales From The Crossfire Gazette
Extremist leader killed in Natore crossfire shootoutA regional leader of an extremist group was killed in a shootout between police and his accomplices at Khirpota village in Singra upazila on Friday. Police nabbed Entaj alias Enta (38), regional commander of Purba Banglar Communist Party (Lal Pataka) from Baioni village in Singra upazila Wednesday night.
"You're coming with us, Entaj!"
"Ah crap, you're gonna kill me, ain't ya?"
Acting on his statement, police along with Entaj went to Khirpota on Thursday night to arrest the other members of his group. As soon as police reached near the dark deserted pond of Rawshan member, the cohorts of Entaj opened fires, forcing the law enforcers to fire back.
"Look out, it's The Cohorts Of Entaj! Let em have it!"
Entaj was caught in the crossfire encounter as he tried to escape from police capture. He was rushed to Singra Health Complex where doctors declared him dead, police said. Two police constables, Miladunnabi and Aminul Islam, were also injured in the armed encounter. A pipe gun and 12 rounds of bullet were recovered from the scene

"Killer Kasem" killed in Krossfire
BSS, Rajshahi:The regional commander of the outlawed Purba Banglar Communist Party (Red Flag) was killed in crossfire between the extremists and police at Sadhanpur under Puthiya upazila of the district in the early hours of on Friday.
The criminal was identified as Abul Kasem alias 'Killer Kasem', 40, son of late Shahar Ali of Senpara village under Baghmara upazila. Kasem, also a top-listed terror, was an accused in 11 criminal cases, including seven sensational murders, police said.
Acting on a tip-off, a police team picked up Abul Kasem from Baghmara area on Thursday morning. Following his confession, police were taking him to a remote village under Puthiya to arrest his accomplices and recover firearms.
Gee, how many times have we heard that one?
As they reached Sadhanpur, some of his accomplices opened fire on the police team who also returned fire. Abul Kasem was killed on the spot in the encounter by the extremists while he tried to escape from the police custody, police said.
I think this is the Standard Crossfire Report form, they just fill in the name, date and abandoned building location.
Police recovered an Indian pistol along with two rounds of live bullets and 12 spent cartridges from the spot. The body was sent to hospital for autopsy.
"What's the cause of death, Doc?"
"Multiple gunshot wounds, about 12 of them"

RAB members arrested four miscreants
CHITTAGONG, Jan 28:—RAB members arrested four miscreants including a listed criminal and recovered six firearms, including a US-made M-16 rifle, in separate drives in different places of the district during the past 24 hours ending at 4 pm today, reports BSS. The firearms also include five country-made single-barrel guns, 15 bullets, a magazine of M-16 rifle and a machete, a press release of the RAB said today.
Acting on a tipoff, a team of Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) in cooperation with Fatikchhari police raided Shahnagar area under the upzilla and picked up Mohammad Shahin, an accused in three murder cases, at about 4.30 pm yesterday.
Following Shahin's confession, the RAB squad recovered three arms, including a US-made M-16 rifle, two single-barrel guns from Sikder Bari of Babu Nagar and Manik Shah Bari areas of Shahnagar.
And he's still breathing? Must be getting soft.
Two separate cases were filed with Fatikchhari police in this connection.
In another drive, RAB men in a predawn raid arrested three miscreants—Abu Siddique, Abu Hasan and Fazal Karim—from Chanua under Banshkhali upazila and seized three country-made single- barrel guns, six bullets and a knife from them.
Posted by: Steve || 01/28/2005 2:05:15 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Bangladeshi cops sure hate those commies.
Posted by: tu3031 || 01/28/2005 15:38 Comments || Top||

#2  five country-made single-barrel guns

bad news indeed, this implies they maybe producing home-made miniguns.
Posted by: Shipman || 01/28/2005 15:54 Comments || Top||

#3  country-made single- barrel guns
I think these would be what we used to call "zip-guns", homemade from a piece of pipe with a spring to strike the primer. They make a big deal in the press any time they find a real gun. These homemade guns may also be what they sometimes refer to as "shutter guns".
Posted by: Steve || 01/28/2005 16:10 Comments || Top||

#4  Single barrel guns are Shotguns and smooth bore long guns. The shutter gun is still up for grabs.
The pipe guns are more like "zip" guns.

You got to love a good crossfire™
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 01/28/2005 16:25 Comments || Top||

Iraqis close to capturing al-Zarqawi?
Authorities have captured three lieutenants of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and are close to arresting the terror mastermind himself, Iraq's deputy prime minister said Friday. Deputy Prime Minister Barham Saleh told reporters that al-Zarqawi's military adviser, an Iraqi named Anad Mohammed Qais, 31, had been arrested. Earlier Friday, another Iraqi official said two other al-Zarqawi aides had been nabbed, including his chief of operations for Baghdad. Asked if authorities were close to arresting al-Zarqawi himself, Saleh replied: "We are getting close to finishing off al-Zarqawi and we will get rid of him."
Posted by: Steve || 01/28/2005 11:50:31 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under:

#1  It would be best for them and US if they did. What a coup!

And a surge of confidence.

--we will get rid of him."--

Uh,oh, HRW/UN/Amnesty and "the world" won't like that!
Posted by: anonymous2u || 01/28/2005 12:09 Comments || Top||

#2  I have no empathy or sympathy. I hope it is slow and painful.
Posted by: anymouse || 01/28/2005 12:14 Comments || Top||

#3  OT:

I've got video/audio of an F-16 taking out 48 of Z-Man's hard boyz atempting to ambush Marines in Fallujah compliments of someone working at the USAF museum in Fairborn/Dayton, Ohio. Any RB'er interested in reviewing same email me. Put F-16 in the subject line header.
Posted by: Mark Z. || 01/28/2005 12:33 Comments || Top||

#4  Far too much speculation. Let me know when it actually happens, otherwise...
Posted by: Duke Nukem || 01/28/2005 13:05 Comments || Top||

#5  Asked if authorities were close to arresting al-Zarqawi himself, Saleh replied: "We are getting close to finishing off al-Zarqawi and we will get rid of him."

If this means kill instead of capture, GOOD.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 01/28/2005 14:35 Comments || Top||

#6  String him up a lampost, basket of shoes underneath, $100 a whack.
Posted by: anonymous2u || 01/28/2005 14:49 Comments || Top||

#7  What do you think?

Hmmm, I think a Nine-Iron will do Sir.

I think so too. Now watch this shot.
Posted by: JackAssFestival || 01/28/2005 16:00 Comments || Top||

#8  Capture would be wonderful. His beheading death would be splendid.
Posted by: John Q. Citizen || 01/28/2005 16:01 Comments || Top||

#9  That's awfully nice of the Iraqis to get rid of him. Land fill space is at such a premium.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 01/28/2005 18:21 Comments || Top||

#10  Drown him in a tub of pig's blood; then see that it gets out on the internet! A simple beheading doesn't top his atrocities. Auction his balls afterward; I'd start the bid at $100!
Posted by: smn || 01/28/2005 19:53 Comments || Top||

#11  I want to see him on Al-Jizz and Iraqi TV, begging like a pussy for his life. Blindfold him and put him in an orange jumpsuit and show it when he wets and defecates himself. Fucking cowardly POS
Posted by: Frank G || 01/28/2005 20:00 Comments || Top||

#12  I am sure that the Iraqis will deal with him swift and sure. He needs to be publically humiliated before he is dispatched. That will get the others going nuts and not thinking (easier targets), or they will think twice about being a jihadi soldier.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 01/28/2005 22:35 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Pakistan Arrests 17 Taliban Suspects
Pakistani police arrested 17 Afghans suspected of being Taliban militants, including a former Kabul police chief and a provincial governor, police said on Friday. The men were arrested in overnight raids in the southwestern Pakistani city of Quetta, provincial police chief Chaudhry Mohammad Yaqoob told Reuters. "Seventeen have been arrested, all Afghans," he said. "They have been staying without legal documents. Some of them held important positions in the previous regime in Afghanistan. One was a governor and another the police chief of Kabul," Yaqoob said, while declining to identify the men.

A senior police official said the suspects included Mullah Sher Dil, governor of the southern province of Helmand under the Taliban, and Mullah Ibrahim, a former police chief in the capital. He identified two others as Mufti Rehmatullah and Mullah Abdur Razzak but said he did not know their ranks. "We are interrogating them and hope to arrest more people," he said, speaking on condition of anonymity. The arrests did not appear connected to a recent spate of anti-government violence in Baluchistan province, which involved local separatists rather than Islamic militants. Taliban spokesman Abdul Latif Hakimi denied that any Taliban figures had been arrested, saying: "Those arrested have nothing to do with the Taliban. No Taliban commanders or officials are present in Pakistan."
Posted by: Steve || 01/28/2005 11:31:31 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  hasnt someone here been saying for awhile that Quetta is where the Taliban have been hanging out?
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 01/28/2005 12:37 Comments || Top||

#2  Only since late 2001...
Posted by: Fred || 01/28/2005 13:08 Comments || Top||

#3  Nice pic. Taliban fashion show?
Posted by: tu3031 || 01/28/2005 19:53 Comments || Top||

#4  yep - Summer lines
Posted by: Frank G || 01/28/2005 19:58 Comments || Top||

IRAQ: The Secret War
January 28, 2005: For the last month, the population of Fallujah has been allowed back into their city. The government has a division (eight battalions) of troops and police in Fallujah, along with a regiment of American marines. Nearly 200,000 civilians are back in Fallujah. Anti-government fighters have been almost completely removed from the town. The marines went house to house, looking for hostile fighters, and stockpiles of weapons, three times. Some 500 weapons caches were found and removed. For over two months, there have been no mortar or rocket attacks on American camps around Fallujah, there used to be 3-5 a week. Fallujah is in eastern Iraq's Anbar province, and that area is still violent, with many of the anti-government gangs moving to Samara and Mosul.

There are still, by some counts, 70-80 anti-government attacks a day throughout Iraq. Most are in Anbar province, and most are concentrated in a few areas (Samara, Mosul and parts of Baghdad.) Most of these attacks are minor (a few shots, or an RPG, fired), and result in no casualties. The only ones that make the news are usually car bombs and incidents where American troops are killed. Another area where the reporting is spotty is when terrorist leaders, or key technicians, are captured. Several car bomb builders have been captured in the past month, but the announcement of the capture was often delayed. This indicates that the military and police forces involved are trying to use information of the captures to play some mind games with the terrorists still out there. For the usual reasons, not much information is released about the new Iraqi intelligence forces. But these people have been in action, and have accounted for an improvement in the quality of recent arrests made by American troops and Iraqi police. The anti-government and terrorist gangs are under increasingly more effective attack. This is a war you don't see, as both sides have good reason to keep their operations secret. One not-so-secret part of the war is the role of the Sunni Arab media. The newspapers, radio and television broadcasts are still very pro-terrorist, although these killers are rarely called that. The Sunni Arab media describes them as "insurgents" and "resistance fighters." The European media likes to pick up on this as well, which helps recruiting terrorists among the millions of Sunni Moslems living in Europe.

In the past year, American troops have killed or captured some 15,000 hostile Iraqis (nearly all Sunni Arab) and foreign fighters. A network of recruiters, stretching into nearby Arab countries and Sunni Arab communities in Europe, has been uncovered. This has led to arrests of recruiters and terrorists in those areas. Most Iraqis (the Shia Arab and Kurds) see the violence in Iraq as an attempt by Sunni Arabs to prevent the loss of control of Iraq by Sunni Arabs.
Posted by: Steve || 01/28/2005 9:43:19 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The US has learned, with devastating effect, how to perform the "honey pot" as both strategy and tactic. Tens of thousands of boyz from around the world, those individuals "most likely to succeed in murder and mayhem", have been drawn to disaster first at the country level, in both Afghanistan and Iraq; and then concentrated further, in Fallujah. A truly threatening force, the size of several armies, spread out in every country on the globe has been brought together, concentrated, then exterminated. How brilliant! There was no sane alternative to fighting them that wouldn't have cost far more in lives and expense. In addition, we have stripped dozens of countries of potential villains of all stripes. Sucked out their poison, and in the process, derailed the potential for xenophobia and ethnic cleansing against the truly innocent and harmless by those nations' majorities. How can this not be good?
Posted by: Anonymoose || 01/28/2005 10:19 Comments || Top||

#2  A truly threatening force, the size of several armies, spread out in every country on the globe has been brought together, concentrated, then exterminated.

well said. I've often wondered if we didn't provide the bus tickets for them to get there.
Posted by: 2b || 01/28/2005 10:28 Comments || Top||

#3  The byproduct of the war is that the terrorist network is being rolled up as they step up their recruit and finance activities.
Posted by: Duke Nukem || 01/28/2005 11:32 Comments || Top||

#4  50 years from now...when you and I are dead and gone ...historians will look at what US and British troops are doing in Iraq as a turning point in history. The point where the Islamo-fascism was met head-on and defeated.
Posted by: anymouse || 01/28/2005 12:18 Comments || Top||

#5  Still have to deal with that whole SA happy fun religion.
Posted by: Lucky || 01/28/2005 14:38 Comments || Top||

#6  :: waving hi to Lucky ::
Posted by: Seafarious || 01/28/2005 14:59 Comments || Top||

#7  Lucky, read the post, Wahhabism in US: A Report from Feedom House down on Page 2.

The introduction alone should prove disturbing reading for Prince Bandar. Once we've got Iraq on the road to democracy, the Sauds may find themselves in the crosshairs. Or they may have a Shia led revolt in their eastern (oil rich) provinces. But the Saud family is going to wish their name was Ewing shortly.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 01/28/2005 18:28 Comments || Top||

#8  Ananymoose....You and Me, we think Alike! Give an irresistable invitation to play...THEN STAMP THEM OUT!
Posted by: Janos Hunyadi || 01/28/2005 19:36 Comments || Top||

Al-Zarqawi Associates Arrested in Iraq
Authorities in Iraq have arrested two close associates of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, including the chief of the terror mastermind's Baghdad operation, the government said Friday, two days ahead of historic elections that extremists have vowed to subvert. Qassim Dawoud, a top security adviser, told reporters that the arrests of the al-Zarqawi lieutenants occurred in mid-January but gave few details. Dawoud said one of the men, Salah Suleiman al-Loheibi, headed al-Zarqawi's Baghdad operation and had met with the Jordanian-born terror leader more than 40 times over three months.

The other was identified as Ali Hamad Yassin al-Issawi. Al-Zarqawi heads al-Qaida's affiliate in Iraq, which like other militant groups has threatened to kill anyone who takes part in Sunday's election. It repeated those warnings in a new Web message Friday, telling Iraqis they could get hit by shelling or other attacks if they approach polling stations, which it called "the centers of atheism and of vice." "We have warned you, so don't blame us. You have only yourselves to blame," it said. On Thursday, the group posted a video on the Internet showing the murder of a candidate from Prime Minister Ayad Allawi's party. The tape included a warning to Allawi personally: "You traitor, wait for the angel of death." Friday's announcement brings to three the number of purported al-Zarqawi lieutenants arrested this month. The announcement appeared aimed at bolstering public confidence in security forces in advance of Sunday's election.
Posted by: Steve || 01/28/2005 9:40:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  With the number of 'associates' starting to turn up in Coalition hands, it appears the average Iraqi has decided what his/her future is going to be, and is making the contribution by indentifying the scum to end the life of this insurgency.
Posted by: Whutch Jeth6119 || 01/28/2005 10:18 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
282 Killed in 2004, New "Crossfire" Record!
Two hundred and eighty-two people were killed by law enforcers across the country in the last year that surpassed all the previous records, according to the reports published in the newspapers and compiled by human rights organisations. Though the authorities argued in favour of the killings of the people, mostly suspected criminals, for giving a sigh of relief in public life, both national and international rights groups criticised the extra-judicial killing that was only 56 in 2003, according to report of Odhikar, a human rights coalition.

During their anticrime drive, the regular police force, the two special forces of Detective Branch — Cheetah and Cobra — and the Rapid Action Battalion, and other law enforcers killed the people. Of them, 155 people were killed by the police from January 25, 2004 to January 25, 2005, and 93 by RAB since the elite force came into being in April 14, 2004. Cheetah and Cobra killed 10 others and the Bangladesh Rifles and Ansars killed the rest 24. Of the total, 166 people were killed in the custody of law enforcing agencies. Ninety of them were killed in the police custody, 56 in the RAB, seven in the Cheetah and Cobra, and the rest 13 in the custody of other law enforcing agencies. There was no scope for the suspected criminals to prove whether they were innocent or not as almost all the incidents were said to be the crossfire by the law enforcers. The reports showed that some 219 people were killed in 'crossfire' and shootouts by the police and RAB.
That's it? Looks more like it's running three or four a day. Maybe they take long vacations?
Of them, 83 were the victims of RAB's 'crossfire', 10 fell prey to Cheetah and Cobra. In addition, the police killed 113 persons and other law enforcing agencies 13 persons. The violation of human rights started from January 2004 with the killing of one person in crossfire by the police and two others by other law enforcing agencies. Another person was victim of common phenomenon 'crossfire' of the police in February. Four more people were killed in crossfire by the police and another by other law enforcing agencies in March. Two persons each were killed by the police in April and in May. Six more persons were also killed by other law enforcing agencies in May. In June, one each was killed in crossfire by RAB and the police, and two others by other law enforcing agencies.

RAB killed three persons in crossfire and the police two others in July. RAB killed four persons and the police killed five persons in August apart from another by other law enforcing agencies. With four months of experience under its belt, RAB stepped up its 'crossfire' spree. In September, the elite force alone killed 16 persons in their well-rehearsed 'crossfire' phenomenon. One more person was killed by Cheetah and three others in police 'crossfire' in the same month. Ten persons were killed in 'crossfire' by RAB in October. Cheetah and Cobra tallied three persons together and the police killed 15 others. RAB reached the pinnacle of its killing record in November with killing of 19 persons in 'crossfire'. Besides, the police killed 15 persons, and Cheetah and Cobra with other law enforcing agencies killed one person each. December also saw 17 killings in RAB 'crossfire' when the police toppled RAB's count with the killing of 25 individuals and Cheetah and Cobra killed two others. Under the banner of law enforcement, 13 persons were reportedly killed in RAB 'crossfire', and 27 others in police 'crossfire' till January 25 this year. Cheetah and Cobra also killed three persons till Tuesday.
They also set a new record for the use of the word "crossfire" in one story! Let's hear it for Bangladesh!
Posted by: Steve || 01/28/2005 9:07:47 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Salah al-Din Brigades pledge not to target election
Three days ahead of the controversial vote, a leading Iraqi resistance group vowed not to target polling stations or attack innocent Iraqis, saying the real battle is against the occupiers.
"Yeah! Watch out Marines...we're coming for ya! Yeeeaarggh!"
In a statement, a copy of which obtained by IslamOnline.net, the Salah Al-Dine Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Front for Resistance, said they would not be dragged into a battle against their own people.
"Cos we're all about the democracy, man. Power to the people and all that."
The group pledged to avoid targeting polling stations or being involved in getting killed by the Iraqi National Guard spilling the blood of innocent civilians. "We are keen not to harm the lives of all Iraqis regardless of their sects and races -- that is an order for the armed wing of the group to follow," said the two-page statement. "We should not be dragged into side battles which do not affect the true struggle with the enemy occupiers," it added. In its statement, the Iraqi resistance group dismissed the elections as a purely American demand that would help resolve the Iraqi dilemma. "It is meant to legitimize the occupation and turn it into a fact on the ground," it added.
"So go ahead, vote already. We'll be over there in the men's room, um...cleaning our...er, guns."
The Islamic Front for Resistance warned that the National Assembly would be used to rubberstamp all security and economic agreements with the occupation forces.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 01/28/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Afghanistan/South Asia
Pakistani troops trade fire with hard boyz
Pakistani soldiers on Thursday traded fire with suspected al-Qaeda-linked militants in a restive tribal region near the Afghan border, officials said. The shootout took place in Asman Manza, some 30 kilometers (18 miles) north of South Waziristan's main town of Wana, a military official who requested anonymity said. South Waziristan, some 370 kilometers southwest of Islamabad, was the scene of several pitched battles between troops and militants last year. The latest exchange of fire continued for about 30 minutes late Thursday in mountainous snow-covered Asman Manza, the official said but gave no details of casualties.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 01/28/2005 12:15:02 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

Nuggets from the Urdu press
Al Zawahiri in Pakistan?
According to daily Insaf, Aiman al Zawahiri the mastermind of Al Qaeda and number two after Osama bin Laden could be located in Pakistan, either in Sindh or Balochistan in the protection of some sardar. Other members of Al Qaeda who have made their way into Pakistan have come down from North Waziristan and have been hiding in Dera Ghazi Khan and Dera Ismail Khan. These members of Al Qaeda are as follows: Ali bin Muhammad Askar (Sudan), Matlab al Sabah (Saudi) Basir Tankati (Egypt), Muhammad Aziz (Kuwait), Muhammad Saleh bin Musa (Yemen), Muhammad Aniq al Basit (Egypt), Abu Talha (Egypt), Abdul Sabhan Asiri (Saudi), Abdul Ali bin Hisham (Saudi), Abu Salman Musa (Syria), Abdur Rehman Didan (Yemen), Muhammad Abdul Basit (Egypt), and Ahmad Abdul Alim Jafari (Egypt). The paper quoted Arab sources.

Altaf Hussain and MMA
According to daily Insaf MQM chief Altaf Hussain spoke on the phone to an audience at the Lahore Press Club and said he was not ghaddar (traitor) and that if the MMA wanted to agitate against Musharraf it should first leave the government in Balochistan and the NWFP. He kept pronouncing MMA as mamma (breast). Daily Nawa-e-Waqt reported Altaf Hussain as saying that 60 percent of the government was military. He said generals became feudal landlords after retirement. He said in 1965 India did not attack but Pak army did and was defeated. At Kargil it suffered another defeat and was too scared to collect its own dead bodies.

Bangladesh hates India
Writing in Khabrain, Kuldip Nayar said that anti-India feeling was high in Bangladesh and it started when founder Sheikh Mujib was still in power. When he talked to him Mujib said that Bangladeshis were grateful but the anti-India feeling was being created by spiteful rumours. In Bangladesh most people thought that rice was being smuggled to Calcutta. Later BNP of Khaleda Zia decided to join up with Jamaat Islami in order to gain street power. Now there is violence in the name of religion and religion is used to make people anti-Hindu and anti-India. One person who has written a book on why the Hindus were running away was now under threat from terrorists who had returned from Afghanistan and were spearheading the BNP's new policy.

'We want to destroy Aga Khan Foundation'
According to Nawa-e-Waqt the men who destroyed the Aga Khan Service Centre in Chitral were caught. They turned out to be members of the banned Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (earlier reported as members of Harkatul Mujahideen whose leader Fazlur Rehman Khaleel had just been released from prison). The two arrested terrorists said they wanted to end the work of Aga Khan Foundation in Chitral. Photos of Osama bin Laden and Afghan Jihad were found in their custody.

Where charity ends up
Daily Jang reported that charity funds disbursed for calamity stricken areas usually went into the wrong pockets. After the 1973 floods, Swedish matches, cooking oil and blankets were sold in the market. Similarly calamity funds after floods in Mekran were disbursed to local government supporters and voters of the government in Mekran. After the tsunami, charity funds going to the area will see new luxury houses coming up in countries from Indonesia to Somalia.

No friendship with Hindus and Jews
Former teacher of journalism Mr AR Khalid stated in Nawa-e-Waqt that in Islam the only enlightenment and roshan khayali was the way Allah had shown under which there was no good in befriending Jews and Hindus. No other madadgar (helper) and raziq (giver of food) was to be accepted save Allah. And the world would have to be considered a temporary abode.
Posted by: Paul Moloney || 01/28/2005 12:08:09 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Pssssst...Hey.
Wanna buy some...Swedish matches?
Posted by: tu3031 || 01/28/2005 9:37 Comments || Top||

#2  That graphic is just glorious!
Posted by: Mike || 01/28/2005 12:28 Comments || Top||

Zarqawi releases latest snuff film showing execution of Allawi's secretary
A militant videotape appeared on an Islamist Web site on Thursday, apparently showing the killing of a man described as the secretary of Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi. The tape, described as issued by a group led by al Qaeda ally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, shows Salem Jaafar al-Kanani speaking to the camera before he is shot several times while lying on the ground. Text in the video said the Al Qaeda Organisation of Holy War in Iraq was "implementing the ruling of God" against Kanani. "I advise all Iraqis, especially young people, not to back or cooperate with the occupying enemy," Kanani says before he is shot, adding that he had worked as an election organiser in Allawi's Iraqi National Accord party.
"I'm Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, and I approved this message."
Posted by: Dan Darling || 01/28/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  This is the man Teddy Kennedy syas is just trying to win the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 01/28/2005 7:31 Comments || Top||

#2  "I am Ted Kennedy and I approved this message"
Posted by: Duke Nukem || 01/28/2005 8:01 Comments || Top||

#3  The tape, described as issued by a group led by al Qaeda ally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi

Once again, Zarqawi wasn't actually present for an execution. I find it interesting he's missing all the fun.
Posted by: 2b || 01/28/2005 8:59 Comments || Top||

#4  Iran or dead .
Will be suprised if he is in custody . They would have wheeled him out by now .
Posted by: MacNails || 01/28/2005 10:40 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Toe tag for provincial Taliban commander
[I]n Helmand, Afghan army and police units killed the commander of Taliban forces in the province and captured the deputy commander, a spokesman for the provincial governor's office said today. Mohammad Wali Alizai said the Taliban commander, Mullah Mohammadullah was killed in a fire-fight in the Musa Qala district of Helmand on Wednesday, while his deputy Mullah Ghaffar was wounded and handed over to US forces. A US military spokesman could not confirm the report. Taliban officials were running for the Pak border not immediately available for comment. Alizai said Mohammadullah and Ghaffar were wanted for several attacks on US and Afghan forces in the region. One policeman was killed and a senior police official and two others were wounded in the fighting, he said.
Posted by: Seafarious || 01/28/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

6 Afghan soldiers killed in internal clash in Helmand
Six soldiers from Afghanistan's new national army were killed and six others wounded in an internal clash today, the highest number of casualties the force has suffered in a single day since it was formed three years ago. A defence ministry spokesman said it was not clear if the clash inside a military base in the restive southern province of Helmand was the result of a dispute among the troops or due to ''friendly fire''.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 01/28/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Ansar al-Sunnah sez it'll kill Iraqis before, during, and after the elections
An Islamist group linked to Al-Qaeda warned on Thursday it would attack Iraqis involved in the general election even after voting was over. "We have warned you not to go to the centres of this sordid comedy, called voting bureaus ... we renew our warning. They will be the targets of the mujahedeen (Islamist fighters)," Ansar al-Sunna, which claimed responsibility for a deadly attack on a US base last December, said in a website statement:

It was not possible to authenticate the statement which was signed Command of the Army of Ansar al-Sunna, and which was described as a "last warning". "Voters should know that even if they do not take part in the poll (but attend the voting stations) they will not escape the hands of the mujahedeen, including after the elections," said the statement. The same group has previously warned Iraqis against taking part in Sunday's election for an interim National Assembly, saying that the voting centres would be targets for attack. The group issued what it called "a final warning to heads of polling stations in Mosul ... to resign immediately". "If you escape before the elections, you will be hunted down after the polls," it said, naming seven such officials.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 01/28/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under:

#1  ..wot a sweet sentiment...and from such an imaginative bunch!!
Posted by: I have a Fatwa in my bum || 01/28/2005 5:53 Comments || Top||

#2  "We're just trying to win your hearts and minds. Just ask Teddy Kennedy."
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 01/28/2005 7:32 Comments || Top||

#3  Question:

If the elections don't make a difference to these thugs, why are they speaking out about it?


Because it does make a difference to these thugs.

Posted by: Duke Nukem || 01/28/2005 8:04 Comments || Top||

#4  Those folks don't care what the reason or where, just want to keep the fire burning. And, Teddy (hic) Kennedy, I suppose running out on the Iraqi's who are actually turn things around, is the way to appease Ansar al Sunnah and AMZ.
Posted by: H8_UBL || 01/28/2005 15:38 Comments || Top||

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Wed 2005-01-19
  Kuwait detains 25 militants
Tue 2005-01-18
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Sun 2005-01-16
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