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Radical Islamists Held As Umm Al-Haiman brains
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Radical Islamists Held As Umm Al-Haiman 'brains'
Police have arrested three radical islamists, believed to be the brains behind the Umm Al-Haiman terrorist attacks, reports Al-Qabas daily quoting a high-level security source.
"Hokay! Which of youse guys is the brains of the outfit?"
The three men are identified as BK, AK Al-Enezi and MS Al-Ajmi.
Oboy! Another Enezi for our collection! Kids! Collect the entire set!
Are they kinda like Pokémon cards, only with turbans?
The same source said M.S. Al-Ajmi - who had earlier been arrested and released some time before the shoot-out in Umm Al-Haiman - is an ex-policeman and has admitted to being the leader of the Umm Al-Haiman cell. He also told police he and Al-Enezi escaped in two stolen cars which were parked in front of Adan Hospital.
"Nyah, coppers! We had da getaway cars waitin'!"
"Drat! And we had them surrounded!"
The source added the parents of Fawaz Al-Otaibi - who was killed during the shoot-out in Maidan Hawalli - had earlier filed a missing persons report on their son and provided police with information about nine persons - Ahmad M., Mohammd S, Hamed A., Salah Sh., Mohammad A., Amer Kh., Bandar M., Kanaan and Mohammd Sh. - who maintained contacts with Fawaz. They also guided police to a tent in Subbiya where the victim and his friends held meetings.
Ahah! The old tent in the desert trick!
Sources believe the suspects might be using the tent to plan their strategies and to conduct military training. Former preacher of Malek Bin Auf Mosque in Jahra, identified as A Kh Al-Enezi and a prominent cleric Hamed A. allegedly visited the tent several times before the incident.
Well, shucks. That's never happened before. Has it?
Time to start a rumor about Kh and Hamed in a tent, alone ...
A brother of one of the fugitives told police on one occasion he followed his brother wherever he went and saw him meeting the preacher of the mosque who used a laptop computer inside his vehicle. The source also said 16 key suspects are in police custody and police have launched a manhunt for 35 others, whom the authorities have described as "very dangerous." Meanwhile, personnel from the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) have provided the State Security men with more than 100 fingerprints lifted from various sites. The police have handed over to the CID some of the suspects to match the fingerprints.
"Dose ain't our fingerprints, coppers! Dose fingerprints was planted!"
In other news Al-Anba daily said Kuwaiti security authorities had received warnings from their Saudi counterparts two months ago about the likelihood of terrorist attacks on Kuwaiti soil by Saudi elements. Saudi Interior Minister Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz was quoted by Saudi daily "Okaz" as saying the sources of terrorism in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are one.
Whoa! Who'da ever guessed that!
The same source quoting Prince Nayef added Saudi Arabia has not received any reports from Kuwait about the involvement of Saudi citizens in terrorist operations in Kuwait, however, he added the Saudi Interior Ministry expects to receive such reports soon.
... since they have the carcasses and all.
On the other hand, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Dr Adel Al-Falah described the recent bloody events in Kuwait as "frightening", reports Al-Anba daily.
"I'm very frightened! I hope none o' them fingerprints is mine!"
Al-Falah said the radicals who have been brainwashed by vested interests are tools in the hands of the enemies of Islam. Al-Falah admitted radicalism must be eradicated and the ministry is planning to prepare preachers and experts who can intimidate, rather than hold official dialogues with persons who embrace such unscrupulous and unsound ideas.
Have you considered shooting them on the spot?
Posted by: Fred || 01/25/2005 10:29:06 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [37 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Check the ammo belt in the pic. I think I found the missing link....
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 01/25/2005 9:33 Comments || Top||

#2  Radical Islamists....brains
Isn't that an oxymoron?
Posted by: GK || 01/25/2005 12:51 Comments || Top||

#3  May I borrow the mg? I need to do some house-cleaning - in Denver...
Posted by: Old Patriot || 01/25/2005 15:30 Comments || Top||

Holland will spend $520m to combat terror
The Dutch government said on Monday it would set aside more than $520 million to combat terrorism in coming years, citing threats to national security in the wake of attacks in Europe by extremists. The money will be used to boost by more than 10 percent the number of employees at the national Intelligence Service to more than 1,000, and add hundreds of staff at the National Police Service, Military Police and other intelligence services.
Posted by: Fred || 01/25/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Must be a joke, they set every terrorist on free food and then they will spent 520mln dolar to fight terrorism muahahahaaa jokers.
Posted by: Murat || 01/25/2005 9:54 Comments || Top||

Guantanamo tip tied to arrests of 22 in Germany
Information obtained through the interrogation of a Guantanamo Bay detainee led to a spectacular series of counterterrorism raids in Germany this month, in which more than 700 police swept through mosques, homes, and businesses in six cities and arrested 22 suspected militant extremists, according to a senior Defense Department official. The role of the Guantanamo interrogations in triggering the raids had not been previously reported. In Europe, the interrogations have been widely denounced as flagrant violations of international law, and many leaders have expressed concern over alleged abuses.

The United States is holding 558 detainees at Guantanamo, and some have been imprisoned for as long as three years. Officials say that only a quarter of the detainees still regularly meet with interrogators, but they maintain that that core group still provides valuable intelligence. The German raids of Jan. 12 are the most extensive intelligence coup attributed to the operation. The sweep was the largest counterterrorism operation in recent months in Europe. In the series of raids, German police seized computers, cellphones, large sums of money, counterfeit identity documents, and literature espousing jihad, or holy war. German police and prosecutors also told reporters that portions of the suspected Al Qaeda-related network had been under surveillance by Bavarian authorities. They did not say how the alleged cell first came to their attention.
Na, we don't want to give credit to the evil Gitmo jailers.
Posted by: Captain America || 01/25/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Probably the result of interrogators using persistent persuasion, not using physical discomfort and other such gimmicks.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester || 01/25/2005 0:21 Comments || Top||

#2  Like parading goats through the interrogation cell wearing nothing but lipstick and lingerie.

Interrogator: "Ok Achmed, this can all be yours IF you spill the beans."

Posted by: 98zulu || 01/25/2005 0:27 Comments || Top||

#3  Information was devulged after evil interrogators offered a free romp at Neverland with Michael Jackson....Oooww
Posted by: Senator Barbara Boxer || 01/25/2005 7:35 Comments || Top||

#4  Probably the result of interrogators using persistent persuasion, not using physical discomfort and other such gimmicks.

Your anus is speaking again, Mike.

Unless you'd like to give some evidence for that bit of speculation.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 01/25/2005 8:23 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Foopie Said in U.S. Custody
A Tanzanian al-Qaida operative who was captured in Pakistan last year and is on the FBI list of most-wanted terrorists was handed over to U.S. officials and flown out of the country months ago, Pakistani security officials said Tuesday. Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani is wanted in connection with the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in east Africa that killed more than 200 people. He was arrested by Pakistani intelligence agents in July after a shootout in the eastern city of Gujrat. Since then, officials have refused to divulge the whereabouts of Ghailani, who had a $5 million bounty on his head. But on Tuesday, a senior security official confirmed on condition of anonymity that the suspect had left Pakistan months ago.
"He's leaving, on a jet plane, don't know when he'll be back again....."
However, the official would not say whether Ghailani had been shifted to the U.S. high security detention facility for terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. "We have no idea, and as a matter of fact we don't ask such questions," he said.
Either Bagram in Afghanistan, or the black hole known as Deigo Garcia.
Another security official, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, said Ghailani was handed over to the U.S. officials because he had committed a "heinous crime against them" in Africa. A U.S. Embassy spokesman said he had no information about Ghailani's whereabouts.
The CIA isn't about to tell the State Department
Ghailani, believed to be aged between 30 and 34, is one of the FBI's 22 most wanted terror suspects. He has been indicted in the Southern District of New York for his alleged role in the 1998 bombings in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. Twelve Americans were among the more than 200 people killed. At the time of his arrest, about 15 other people, including women and children, were also captured. It's unclear what has happened to them.
We're hoping it was very painful, whatever it was...
After Ghailani's capture, intelligence officials said that they found "valuable information," including plans for attacks against the United States and Britain, on a computer recovered from a house where Ghailani had been staying. Officials said that Ghailani was captured on a tip given to Pakistani officials by Mohammed Naeem Noor Khan, a Pakistani and alleged al-Qaida computer expert, who was arrested about two weeks before him in the eastern city of Lahore.

Pakistan has so far arrested more than 600 al-Qaida suspects from different parts of the country. They include al-Qaida No. 3 leader, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who was arrested in March 2003 during a raid in Rawalpindi, a garrison city near the capital, Islamabad. Almost all the foreign suspects, including Mohammed, were later handed over to U.S. officials. Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden and his top deputy Ayman al-Zawahri remain at large. They are still suspected to be hiding in the rugged border regions between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Posted by: tipper || 01/25/2005 8:48:32 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I can understand the CIA wanting him, but why the FBI? Is this part of the new Intelligence reorganization? Or simply reporter error...
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/25/2005 12:00 Comments || Top||

#2  I can understand the CIA wanting him, but why the FBI?

FBI holds the trademark rights to "Most Wanted", so they post the list and pay the reward. CIA handles overseas ops, after they suck his brains dry they'll hand him off to FBI and Justice to stand trial.
Posted by: Steve || 01/25/2005 12:46 Comments || Top||

#3  I'd rather he's fed slowly to the sharks. No trial necessary
Posted by: Frank G || 01/25/2005 13:07 Comments || Top||

#4  Trials aren't going to be possible for these folks as they are being interrogated without benefit of counsel. He's simply not going to return, in my opinion.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 01/25/2005 13:42 Comments || Top||

#5  Under Clinton, the FBI handled the investigations into the African embassy bombings...perhaps the relevance of the FBI is residual jurisdiction issues.
Posted by: mjh || 01/25/2005 13:44 Comments || Top||

#6  Probably leaned against the unsecured hatchway door half way to Deigo Garcia. "We have no idea, and as a matter of fact we don't ask such questions"
Posted by: Tom || 01/25/2005 13:45 Comments || Top||

#7  What is the law with respect to illegal combatants? I believe that they can be subject to summary trial and execution when caught, but if you hold them as prisoners and interrogate them, does that still hold? I have no problem with immediately executing every terrorist caught, but holding someone in Gitmo, say, for several years and then saying "you're an illegal combatant" bang, kind of bothers Me a little. Not a lot, but a little.
Posted by: jackal || 01/25/2005 14:07 Comments || Top||

#8  Don't get me wrong, but I always thought this guy had a future as a basketball player.

Mohammed JumpShot
Posted by: Captain America || 01/25/2005 15:12 Comments || Top||

#9  I dunno jackal, I actually kinda like that sequence. If they are subject to summary trial and execution due to their deeds, then it can "summarily" take place after they've been pink pantied into giving up all the information they have.
Posted by: Laurence of the Rats || 01/25/2005 15:19 Comments || Top||

#10  I think you will see this goon and Khalid Shaikh Mohammed sent to the states for trial. Like the Rat said, their still wearing the pink panties.
Posted by: tex || 01/25/2005 15:25 Comments || Top||

#11  th-th-th-th-that's all folks!
Posted by: legolas || 01/25/2005 15:41 Comments || Top||

#12  I can hear the radio conversation now...

Well sir, we had to ship them back to the US via the most secure and clandestine means due to threats on their lives from fellow terrorists. So to us, that meant put them on a submarine.

Yes Sir, we gave them the High Value Guest tour of the boat as directed - and thats where the problem was. There was a bit of an accident when we were at 800 ft depth doing 40 kts... the guests were inspecting the torpedo tubes and the Chief of the Boat started a firing drill, and well, sh*t just happened sir...
Posted by: OldSpook || 01/25/2005 16:56 Comments || Top||

#13  Spook, that is just screaming hilarious.
Posted by: Mike || 01/25/2005 17:01 Comments || Top||

#14  Foopie!
Posted by: Sharon in NYC || 01/25/2005 17:09 Comments || Top||

#15  "No.... YOU'RE schmoopie!"
Posted by: eLarson || 01/25/2005 18:30 Comments || Top||

#16  I can hear the radio conversation now...

Well sir, we had to ship them back to the US via the most secure and clandestine means due to threats on their lives from fellow terrorists. So to us, that meant put them on a submarine.

Yes Sir, we gave them the High Value Guest tour of the boat as directed - and thats where the problem was. There was a bit of an accident when we were at 800 ft depth doing 40 kts... the guests were inspecting the torpedo tubes and the Chief of the Boat started a firing drill, and well, sh*t just happened sir...
Posted by: OldSpook || 01/25/2005 16:56 Comments || Top||

#17  I can hear the radio conversation now...

Well sir, we had to ship them back to the US via the most secure and clandestine means due to threats on their lives from fellow terrorists. So to us, that meant put them on a submarine.

Yes Sir, we gave them the High Value Guest tour of the boat as directed - and thats where the problem was. There was a bit of an accident when we were at 800 ft depth doing 40 kts... the guests were inspecting the torpedo tubes and the Chief of the Boat started a firing drill, and well, sh*t just happened sir...
Posted by: OldSpook || 01/25/2005 16:56 Comments || Top||

Feds force plane to land in San Antonio
A group of suspected illegal immigrants was being questioned early today after federal officials forced their single-engine plane to land here. The Cessna carried at least four suspected illegal immigrants who were detained along with the craft's pilot by homeland security officials in connection with a possible smuggling operation, according to newspaper and broadcast reports. A police dispatcher said federal authorities forced the craft to land at Stinson Municipal Airport just before 10 p.m. Monday. "They brought a plane down. They are holding it," a San Antonio Police Department dispatcher, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told The Associated Press. "They asked us to assist them. The FBI is handling it now."
Be afraid, be very afraid
Representatives of the Homeland Security Department, FBI and Federal Aviation Administration did not return telephone calls early today from the AP. Online records of the Federal Aviation Administration show that the 20-year-old plane is co-owned by Afzal Hameed of Dover, Del. The other co-owner is listed as Alyce S. Taylor, but no address is given for her.
Afzal Hameed, according to San Antonio TV news report this morning, is of Syrian desent and runs a flight school.
The FAA records state that the plane's last three-year registration was filed in 1999, and that the agency received no response in 2002 after mailing new registration forms to Hameed.
Let's see, 2002-2003-2004-2005, that's a little overdue, ain't it? Don't suppose you checked up to see why he didn't register that plane, did you?
Early today, the small white Cessna 172P with maroon and gray trim sat unattended next to the airport's darkened terminal, located a few miles south of downtown San Antonio. Capt. Jeff Humphrey, San Antonio police special operations commander, told the San Antonio Express-News in today's editions that the five suspects were under investigation in connection with a smuggling operation involving Chinese nationals. The newspaper said the five had been flying south of San Antonio when they were intercepted and ordered to land. Federal agents and San Antonio police surrounded the plane after it landed. Federal authorities said the plane was flying in American airspace illegally and that those aboard the craft appeared to be Chinese, according to San Antonio television and radio station WOAI. The Express-News said federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials asked for backup from San Antonio police, who provided a Chinese linguist to translate for the two male and two female passengers. Last week the FBI, citing a tip, notified law enforcement officials to watch out for four Chinese nationals -- two men and two women -- described as possible terror suspects who may be headed to the Boston area.
Gee, we seem to have a match.
A man suspected of telling authorities about the Boston terror suspects was detained Monday by Mexican authorities in Mexicali, on the California border. Jose Ernesto Beltran Quinones was on an FBI list of 16 people sought for questioning about the alleged terror plot. FBI special agent Kiffa Shirley told the AP that Quinones was being questioned on behalf of the FBI.
If he's not "connected" with the Mexican cops, he's not having a good day.
FBI officials have said they haven't been able to corroborate the terror claim. A leading theory in the case is that a smuggler of illegal immigrants made up the plot to get revenge on the group, perhaps because members failed to pay.
Better safe that sorry, especially since we now have a Syrian flight school instructor with a unregistered light plane full of illegals.
Posted by: Steve || 01/25/2005 8:10:10 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  What airport did that "flight school" operate out of? Didn't anyone ever bother to check the registration on the plane?
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 01/25/2005 9:11 Comments || Top||

#2  The C172 has 4 seats, so with one pilot and 4 passengers, it was pretty crowded. Probably 1 pax in the rear baggage space.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 01/25/2005 9:38 Comments || Top||

#3  This is very curious. A Hameed Afzal is actually trying to sell a 1979 Cessna T210 in Texas(see http://www.aircraftdealer.com/
1979_Cessna_T210/2004.htm) and is actually a Pakistani Doctor who has done research on "Heavy Metals" found in some drinking water in Pakistan: see http://www.pakmedinet.com/view.php?id=6014 . Those heavy metals(Ni, Pb, Cu, Cd, Zn AND Cr) are the same types found at sites such as the department of Defense and energy with radioactive C's. See http://www.serdp.org/research/CU/CU-1084.pdf
Posted by: Juck Glert4487 || 01/25/2005 14:11 Comments || Top||

#4  DHS now says that they were "just" illegals. link to news story

I still wonder why someone would pay $40K-100K to get smuggled in. That seems awfully high. What does a coyote typically charge?
Posted by: jackal || 01/25/2005 14:12 Comments || Top||

#5  Cleanup on ailse 3
Posted by: badanov || 01/25/2005 14:13 Comments || Top||

#6  " What does a coyote typically charge"

Depends on if your Chinese or Mexican, jackal
Posted by: tex || 01/25/2005 14:16 Comments || Top||

#7  $1,500.00 to $5,000.00 from Mexico.
If the plot developed somewhere else, and being flown, in would be much more expensive.
Posted by: tex || 01/25/2005 14:23 Comments || Top||

#8  I never watch TV news so I missed this. It concerns me since I live in San Antonio. I hope it is actually a false alarm as Homeland Security says now.
Posted by: leaddog2 || 01/25/2005 17:14 Comments || Top||

US will deport Pakistani suspected of terror links
A Pakistani national suspected of having links to terrorists after a police officer saw him videotaping Charlotte's skyscrapers in July will soon be returning to his homeland. Federal authorities have apparently not uncovered any ties to terrorist activities. But Kamran Akhtar was scheduled to be sentenced on Monday in this North Carolina city on charges that he failed to leave the US, possessed false identification cards and made false statements to investigators.

Defence Attorney George N Miller told The Charlotte Observer newspaper he thought Akhtar would be sentenced to the maximum punishment — six months in prison. Akhtar already has spent six months in jail and will likely be turned over immediately to immigration authorities for deportation. Miller says he expects Akhtar will get credit for the six months he's already served and then be sent to Pakistan as quickly as possible.
Posted by: Fred || 01/25/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Bye bye, Kamran! When you're in Pakistan, think back every day about how nice life here was.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester || 01/25/2005 0:23 Comments || Top||

#2  Torture the guy first, then deport him. If he really is a terrorist, he'll know that he can expect the same or worse if he tries his shit again. If he's not a terrorist, then he'll know what terrorists can expect in the event they are caught. In either case, he should tell his friends.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 01/25/2005 16:06 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
US to back crackdown on Philippine Muslim separatists
The United States will back President Gloria Arroyo in the fight against breakaway Muslim militant groups threatening fragile peace talks in the southern Philippines, its envoy to Manila said on Monday. US ambassador Francis Ricciardone said negotiations between the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the government were being made difficult by many groups claiming to be legitimate separatist rebels. While the ongoing peace negotiations brokered by Malaysia to end the MILF's 28-year insurgency were welcome, Ricciardone said Washington would provide military support against those continuing to carry out attacks.

He said 70 US military personnel were training troops in the southern Philippines in intelligence gathering, leading to the arrest or killing of "25 identified, known, no-doubt-about it terrorist leaders" last year. Development assistance would also continue in the mostly poverty-stricken southern Mindanao island and in Muslim areas, he said. "Our concern is not merely to get a piece of paper ... a peace accord. What we want to see is a peace (agreement) that will be durable and that will permit development to go ahead," Ricciardone told foreign correspondents.
Posted by: Fred || 01/25/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Saudi Held as Terror Suspect Cleared in the Philippine
Philippine police yesterday cleared a Saudi national, who was earlier arrested in Zamboanga City on suspicion of being a terrorist, officials said. Airport police and immigration agents arrested Mohammad Abdullah Sughayer at the Zamboanga City International Airport when he arrived from Manila on Jan. 17, after his name was included in the government's watch list, said Supt. Ibar Padao, chief of the Aviation Security Group.

Police intelligence chief Ismael Rafanan said the Saudi was not a member of the Al-Qaeda terror network. "He is not a member of the Al-Qaeda and he is not a terrorist," Rafanan told reporters in Manila. He said the Saudi was only invited for questioning a week after agents interrogated him on suspicion that he was an Al-Qaeda operative. Sughayer, who claimed to be a businessman, was initially interrogated in Zamboanga City, but flown back to Manila on Jan. 18 where he was further investigated. A local newspaper Sunstar Zamboanga yesterday ran a story about Sughayer and linked him to the Al-Qaeda network. It said the man, described in the report as a wealthy businessman, traveled to Zamboanga to link up or help finance the terror activities of a local militant group Abu Sayyaf.
Posted by: Fred || 01/25/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Blair hints at security handover
BRITISH Prime Minister Tony Blair hinted that US and British forces could begin handing over their security operations in large swathes of Iraq to local security forces after this month's elections there, in an interview published today.
Mr Blair said US and British forces would set "timelines" with the new Iraqi government for a handover of control to Iraqi forces, at least in peaceful parts of their country.

"There are areas where we would be able to hand over to those Iraqi forces. Remember, 14 out of the 18 provinces in Iraq are relatively peaceful and stable", the Prime Minister told the Financial Times newspaper.

Mr Blair did not give any firm dates for a British pullout, but said London and Washington would have a better idea of when to withdraw their troops after the landmark vote on Sunday.

"Both ourselves and the Iraqis want us to leave as soon as possible. The question is what is 'as soon as possible'. And the answer to that is: when the Iraqi forces have the capability to do the job."

Analysts have pointed to Mr Blair and his war ally US President George W. Bush's desire to find an exit strategy for their soldiers.

With 150,000 troops on the ground, US forces are at their highest level in Iraq since they overthrew Saddam Hussein's regime in Baghdad in April 2003.

Like Mr Blair, Mr Bush has refused to lay out a clear timetable for withdrawal, saying it will be "as quickly as possible".
Posted by: tipper || 01/25/2005 10:39:43 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I read this as I am up for election and this war is unpopular in the UK.
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 01/25/2005 23:27 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Tales From The Bangladesh Police Blotter
College student lynched in city
A student of Jagannath University College, apparently in deep emotional distress over his failure to go abroad, was beaten to death by an angry mob after he stabbed a neighbour at Shyampur on the Eid day. The dead was identified as Monir Hossain, a student of Management of Jagannath University College and son of Habibur Rahman, a resident of 1336/2, East Jurain under Shyampur police station.
According to police, Monir went to Jigirullah Mosque at East Jurain at around 7am on the Eid day and stabbed an old man named Yunus. The angry musallis of the mosque overpowered Monir and beat him up mercilessly. At that time the victim's elder brother was present at the mosque and tried to prevent them from beating his brother. Seriously injured in the mob beating, Monir was sent to the Emergency Department of Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) where he succumbed to his injuries.
It is learnt that Monir had got upset after having failed to go abroad for higher study.
Couldn't get into a good Saudi or Pak maddrass?
The day before Eid-ul-Azha he had a blazing row with his family members and smashed the home TV set and other articles at his resident. The locals of East Jurain took out a procession in the neighbourhood demanding arrest of the persons responsible for the killing of Monir. Mir Abdul Karim, maternal uncle of Monir filed a murder case with Shyampur police station but no arrest was made in this connection.

Bus passenger beaten to death in Khulna
Jan 24: A young passenger travelling in a Khulna—bound bus from Dhaka was lynched allegedly by his co-passengers and others on Khulna-Jessore highway at Patherbazar area of the city last night after he was found carrying an illegal arms. The dead was identified as Pabitra, 26, inhabitant of Tootpara area of the city.
Police said, the on-duty policemen halted the Khulna-bound bus of Ananda paribahan on Khulna-Jessore highway at Patherbazar to conduct searches to see if any bus passenger was carrying any contraband items or illegal arms. Bus passenger Pabitra pointed the revolver at police havilder Abdul Hakim when the cop came to search him and his bag inside the bus.
"What ya got in da bag?"
"Nothing but this here piece, copper! Stick em up!"

Sources said, Pabitra was immediately overpowered by the policemen aided by some passengers. According to police, the other travellers took him for a dacoit and gave him severe beating after snatching him from their custody. The law enforcers rescued seriously injured Pabitra from the wrath of the public and got him admitted to Khulna Medical College Hospital. He died soon after his hospitalisation, said police officer of KMP. There was no bullet inside the revolver which was seized by the police. Two cases have been filed suo moto by the police with Khanjahan Ali police station.

3 Bangla Bhai men lynched on Eid day
Jan 24: Three activists of Jagrata Muslim Janata (JMJ) were lynched and an Awami League leader was killed in bomb attack at Koalipara village under Sreepur union of Bagmara upazila of the district on Saturday night.
Earlier on Saturday Mokbul Hossain Mridha, Chairman of Sreepur union parishad and Local Awami League leader and six others were injured in bomb attack at about 8-30 pm reportedly by a group of JMJ activists. The victims were returning home after visiting relatives at village Koalipara.
The activists of Bangla Bhai's party JMJ also fired shots at Mokbul Hossain which missed him. Mokbul raised alarm and started fleeing.
"Feet, don't fail me now!"
The JMJ terrorists chased him. He received bullet injuries in his legs. Hearing his cry and sound of gunshots and bombs, the devotees at a local mosque called the people of the village over microphone to resist the terrorists. Hearing the announcement over the microphone, the villagers came out of their houses with sticks and other weapons and chased the terrorists. During chase and counter- chase, the terrorists hurled bombs at the villagers when Mahbubur Rahman (30), an Awami League leader of the same village was wounded fatally in the bomb attack. He died on way to hospital.
The villagers managed to catch three of the terrorists and lynched them. Other terrorists managed to flee. After lynching the terrorists, the villagers took them to Khaira marsh, some 200 yards from the village and dumped the dead bodies beside the swamp. They were identified as Abdur Rahman(20), son of Arshadur Rahman of village Konabari under Bagmara upazila, Zahedul Islam (18), son of Abdul Malek of village Adamdighi of Bogra and Ibrahim (20), son of Mohammad Ali of village Tegachi of Bagmara. Villagers complained, even after informing the local thana repeatedly, no police came to the spot till late in the morning. Police recovered the bodies from the spot and sent those to Rajshahi Medical College Hospital for autopsy.

Five killed in 'crossfire'
Five people including two outlaws and a top terror, were killed in crossfire with police since Friday last. Of the two outlaws, one belonged to Purba Banglar Communist Party (Lalpataka) and another to Biplobi Communist Party (BCP). Two snatchers were killed and a cop was injured in crossfire at Shyampur in the city on the night of January 21. The injured cop was identified as Sub-Inspector (SI) Abul Kashem.
According to police, the shootout took place at around 11pm on January 21 at Kuderbazar of Muradpur under Shyampur police station. Solaiman boarded a taxi cab from Jatrabari while four others also boarded the same cab. As the cab reached Shanir Akhra the snatchers who boarded the cab as passengers snatched nine thousand taka from the passenger after hitting him with rod. As he cried out for help the patrol police of Demra Thana followed the taxi cab. Police stopped the car at Kuderbazar of Muradpur under Shyampur police station. Sensing danger the criminals jumped out of the cab and tried to flee after firing upon the police. The police fired back and two snatchers were hit by bullets and died on the spot. A sub inspector was also injured during the shootout. But the rest of the criminals managed to flee from the scene. Police recovered two. 22 bore revolvers and two rounds of bullet from the spot, police sources said. The injured passenger was rushed to the Emergency Department of Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) for treatment. The dead bodies of the snatchers were sent to Mitford Hospital for autopsy. Solaiman filed a case with Demra police station and SI Abul Kashem filed another case with Shyampur police station in this connection.

Our Chittagong Correspondent adds; Mohammed Kala Meah alias Cola, one of the top terrorists of Chittagong was killed in crossfire with police last night at Rangunia.
Police said, they learnt that notorious top terror Mohammad Kala Meah alias Cola was staying at his village home at Joynagar under Rangunia upazila in the district. Cola, accused in several cases including abduction, dacoity and terrorism was arrested by Rangunia thana police from his village home at Joynagar under Rangunia upazila in the district at around 1 pm yesterday. The police team took him to Rajar Hat Police outpost. Police interrogated Kala Meah at the outpost. Cola confessed that he received taka two lakh 20 thousand as ransom from two abducted victims last year. He also confessed that he stored one AK 22, one DBBL, one Shutter Gun and bullets of different firearms at Dhong Nala village under Chandraghona.
"You're gonna kill me now, aren't you?'
According to the statement of Cola, a police team led by the Additional SP Jahangir Hossain Matabber started for the Dhong Nala village under Chandraghona along with Cola to recover the firearms. A gang of miscreants numbering 20/25 attacked the police to snatch Cola from custody when the team was crossing the Shukh Bilash area at Podua under Rangunia at around 10 pm last night. The miscreants fired at least 40 rounds of bullet to snatch the criminal. The police also fired back. The arrested criminal received bullet injuries during the encounter.
"Ouch, ouch....Rosebud........"
Cola died on the spot. The RAB team recovered 22 rounds of bullet from the spot.

Our Staff Correspondent from Rajshahi adds; Shafiqul Islam(38), an accused in criminal cases and leader of Purba Banglar Communist Party(PBCP), Lalpataka, was killed in crossfire with police at Lalpara Sluice gate area in the early hours of Saturday. Police said, Shafiqul Islam, son of Harun Shah of Naidighi village under Atrai thana was wanted in six murder cases. He was also an accused in Advocate Sobhan murder case. Police further informed that Shafiqul was the regional leader of PBCP and a member of "PBCP killer group." The people at Atrai areas took out a procession on Sunday noon hailing the death of PBCP leader Shafiqul.

Meanwhile, an alleged leader of outlawed Biplobi Communist Party (BCP) was killed in a shootout between his and police near Balarampur accomplices village in Sadar upazila on Friday. The deceased was identified as Aynal Hossain Mondal, the local leader of the BCP and son of Sattar alias Shata Mondal of Balarampur. Police said Aynal was arrested by Kushtia Islami University thana police with the cooperation of Pabna police from Mahishbathan village in Bhangura thana of Pabna district on Wednesday morning. On the basis of his statement, police along with Aynal proceeded towards Balarampur in search of hidden arms and ammunition.
Hidden arms, early morning search, looks bad for Aynal
"As the police party reached Balampur village, the of Aynal opened fire accomplices on the law-enforcers in a bid to snatch him at about 3:30 am today, prompting police to return the fire," said a member of the police party. Aynal was caught in "crossfire" and died on the spot.
I think that statement is loaded as a macro.
Posted by: Steve || 01/25/2005 9:06:44 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [32 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Eid was so...er, "festive" in Bangla this year.
Posted by: Seafarious || 01/25/2005 10:04 Comments || Top||

#2  According to police, the other travellers took him for a dacoit and gave him severe beating after snatching him from their custody.

Interesting variation on "shot while trying to escape".
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 01/25/2005 10:24 Comments || Top||

#3  [Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by: nostradamus TROLL || 01/25/2005 10:57 Comments || Top||

#4  Instant Karma got them. What can you say about "crossfire?"
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 01/25/2005 17:41 Comments || Top||

#5  So steve, who care ... is your wife from bangladesh?
Posted by: nostradamus || 01/25/2005 10:57 Comments || Top||

al-Qaida Official Admits to U.N. Assault
What the hell is an "al-Qaida official"?
An al-Qaida lieutenant in custody in Iraq has confessed to masterminding most of the car bombings in Baghdad, including the bloody 2003 assault on the U.N. headquarters in the capital, authorities said Monday. Sami Mohammed Ali Said al-Jaaf, also known as Abu Omar al-Kurdi, ``confessed to building approximately 75 percent of the car bombs used in attacks in Baghdad'' since the Iraq war began, according to the interim Iraqi prime minister's spokesman, Thaer al-Naqib.
Take him out in the middle of a field, pop a stick of dynamite down his shorts, light the fuse and leave...
A government statement said Al-Jaaf was taken into custody Jan. 15 and was responsible for 32 car bombings, including the bombing of the U.N. headquarters that killed the top U.N. envoy in Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello, and 21 other people. The suspect, a top lieutenant of al-Qaida's Iraq leader, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, also built the car bomb used to attack a shrine in the Shiite holy city of Najaf that killed more than 85 people, including Ayatollah Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim, in August 2003, the statement said. It said he also assembled the car bomb used in May to assassinate Izzadine Saleem, then president of the Iraqi Governing Council.
Busy boy.
Two other militants linked to al-Zarqawi's terror group also have been arrested. They included the chief of al-Zarqawi's propaganda operations and one of the group's weapons suppliers, the government statement said. The government offered no evidence to support its claims, and the announcement followed a series of car bombings, kidnappings and assassinations of Iraqi security personnel, all of which have lowered public morale as the nation prepares for elections next weekend. Since June 28, when the interim Iraqi government took power, there have been 202 car bombings across Iraq, including 70 in the Baghdad area, according to an Associated Press tally. The attacks have killed 1,061 people and injured 2,753.
Most of whom are Iraqis, someething the press doesn't often point out.
Al-Zarqawi has been trying to incite Sunni Arabs against the Shiite majority, playing on Sunni fears that the elections will spell the end of their privileged position in Iraq.
Posted by: Steve White || 01/25/2005 12:13:20 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I'll give that murderous bastard credit for at least recognizing the UN would run immediately and start complaining about the US not providing adequate security for those corrupt scummy NGO leeches.
Posted by: JerseyMike || 01/25/2005 8:25 Comments || Top||

#2  Well, his punishment pretty much writes itself, doesn't it?

Have a seat, Sami. Buckle up...
Posted by: mojo || 01/25/2005 15:00 Comments || Top||

#3  More here
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/25/2005 19:32 Comments || Top||

Illegal Gaza Buildings Are Removed
And they didn't even use a Rachel Corrie Memorial D-9 Dozer!
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) - Palestinian Authority workers began demolishing illegal buildings next to Gaza City early Tuesday, signaling that new Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas intends to enforce laws that have been long ignored. Police commander Moussa Allaian said hundreds of structures would be torn down in Gaza City and the northern part of the coastal strip. Dozens of shops, cafes and kiosks have sprung up along the Mediterranean beach in recent years.
"Ugh! Icky! Free enterprise! Tear it down!"
You know what they can sell that waterfront property for? That's a lot of money there...
More than 200 heavily armed Palestinian police in uniform lined the street to protect the workers, but there was no violence and no resistance. A large crowd watched as two bulldozers leveled the structures. The first to go were small, flimsy kiosks built of wood, with red tile roofs. Police helped a cafe owner remove furniture as a bulldozer waited nearby. Allaian said Abbas gave the order for the after-midnight operation. ``The president gave strict instructions to remove all buildings built illegally on government land,'' he said. ``We are a new era now. We must respect the law for once,'' Allaian said. There was no Israeli involvement, he said, and the operation was not near Israel or any Israeli settlements.
Posted by: Steve White || 01/25/2005 12:09:56 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Is Barbara Streisand building a new beachfront villa in Gaza?
Posted by: Mike || 01/25/2005 13:37 Comments || Top||

Car bomb targets Allawi's party office
A car bomb has exploded in western Baghdad, near the party headquarters of the interim prime minister, killing at least five people, including four police officers, and injuring 15, officials say. Smoke was seen rising on Monday near the Green Zone compound where the interim Iraqi government of Prime Minister Iyad Allawi and the US embassy are. Allawi was not in the area at the time of the blast, officials in the prime minister's office said. US and Iraqi troops sealed off the area and helicopters buzzed overhead. Ambulances were also seen rushing to the site. Iraqi journalist Ziyad al-Samarrai told Aljazeera that the car bomber attempted to enter the headquarters of the Iraqi National Accord (al-Wifaq) party headed by Allawi, but he was stopped at an Iraqi police checkpoint. The bomber detonated his vehicle at the checkpoint as he could not pass through them, he added.
Posted by: Fred || 01/25/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Afghanistan/South Asia
Police hit list recovered from Akram Lahori
Officials of the Karachi Central Prison (KCP) recovered a hit list of police officials from the chief of the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Akram Lahori, in the last week of December. The list contained names of police officials involved in an operation against hardcore elements of extremist religious parties. Tasadduq Husain gave the list in a letter to Akram Lahori when the latter was lodged in Kot Lakhpat jail in Lahore. Sources said Karachi Central Prison officials recovered the letter during a search of Akram Lahori's luggage after he was shifted to the KCP from Kot Lakhpat jail in December. The Superintendent of KCP, Amanullah Khan Niazi, promptly informed high officials of the Sindh home department, Inspector-General Police Sindh Syed Kamal Shah and sensitive agencies of the matter.
Makin' a list and checkin' it twice... Y'know, the coppers might want to take that personally.
They were muttering something about a 'cross-fire' ...
Posted by: Fred || 01/25/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Mehbooba Mufti escapes attempt on life
Mehbooba Mufti, ruling People's Democratic Party (PDP) president and daughter of Held Kashmir Chief Minister Mufti Muhammad Sayeed, escaped an attempt on her life on Monday as militants hurled a grenade at her motorcade at Pandch on the outskirts of Srinagar city. The grenade, tossed by militants at the motorcade of Mehbooba, a member of parliament who is touring parts of Srinagar district to woo the voters for the ensuing civic bodies elections, missed the target and exploded on the road injuring one person. Later, Ms Mufti told PTI that she heard an explosion but was not sure whether it was a grenade blast or a big cracker burst as part of Eid celebrations. The PDP president, however, continued her canvassing in the city areas, they added.
Posted by: Fred || 01/25/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

50 nationalists arrested
HYDERABAD: Sindhi nationalists went on strike in the province on Monday, protesting against possible military action in Balochistan and the rape of a woman doctor in Sui. The Jeay Sindh Qaumi Mahaz and Sindh Taraqqi Pasand Party claimed more than 50 of their activists had been arrested, mostly in Larkana and Mirpurkhas. They were charged with disturbing traffic and forcing shopkeepers to pull their shutters down. Sukkur police reportedly arrested 35 activists trying to start a rally at the Sindh High Court Sukkur Treasury. Police baton charged the protestors, injuring some of them. Seventeen activists were arrested at Arrow Chowk. Traffic was disrupted for about half an hour at Military Road when a mob threw stones at cars.
Posted by: Fred || 01/25/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

3rd suspect in Kazakh envoy's murder caught
Police have arrested a third suspect in the murder of a Kazakh diplomat at his house in Sector F-6/4 on Wednesday. Ahsan Saddiq, a superintendent of police for investigation, said the third suspect, Muhammad Hussain, was from Kazakhstan and was arrested in the NWFP. He said police had arrested two Chinese suspects, Hassan and Muhammad Ibrahim, in Islamabad earlier. He said police were also on the trail of a fourth suspect and would arrest him soon.
Posted by: Fred || 01/25/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

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Meet the Mods
In no particular order...
Steve White
Bright Pebbles
trailing wife
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Two weeks of WOT
Tue 2005-01-25
  Radical Islamists Held As Umm Al-Haiman brains
Mon 2005-01-24
  More Bad Boyz arrested in Kuwait
Sun 2005-01-23
  Germany to Deport Hundreds of Islamists
Sat 2005-01-22
  Palestinian forces patrol northern Gaza
Fri 2005-01-21
  70 arrested for Gilgit attacks
Thu 2005-01-20
  Senate Panel Gives Rice Confirmation Nod
Wed 2005-01-19
  Kuwait detains 25 militants
Tue 2005-01-18
  Eight Indicted on Terror Charges in Spain
Mon 2005-01-17
  Algeria signs deal to end Berber conflict
Sun 2005-01-16
  Jersey Family of Four Murdered
Sat 2005-01-15
  Agha Ziauddin laid to rest in Gilgit: 240 arrested, 24 injured
Fri 2005-01-14
  Graner guilty
Thu 2005-01-13
  Iran warns IAEA not to spy on military sites
Wed 2005-01-12
  Zahhar: Abbas has no authorization to end resistance
Tue 2005-01-11
  Abbas Extends Hand of Peace to Israel. Really.

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