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5 00:00 Chuck Simmins [13] 
6 00:00 Old Patriot [13] 
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1 00:00 Frank G [9] 
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2 00:00 SpecOp35 [18]
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8 00:00 Shieldwolf [16]
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9 00:00 JosephMendiola [15]
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8 00:00 Shipman [13]
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19 00:00 Pappy [17]
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Africa Horn
Top Somali Islamist surrenders in Kenya
We did this story four days ago ...
Yep. None of that "last drop of blood" shit for Dishtowel head...
NAIROBI A top leader in Somalia's now-vanquished Islamist movement was in the hands of authorities in neighbouring Kenya as more deadly clashes erupted on the streets of Mogadishu. Diplomatic sources said Monday that Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, head of the executive arm of the Supreme Islamic Council of Somalia, was in custody under the protection of Kenyan security forces at an upscale hotel in Nairobi.
Nuthin but the best for the Leaders of Jihad...
Told you he was the smartest of the bunch. He wasn't the one who declared jihad for "Greater Somalia," either.
"Sheikh Sharif is in Kenya," one diplomatic source told AFP on condition of anonymity. "He is in a secure place, according to the Kenyan authorities."
A senior Kenyan police official said Ahmed and three other Somalis had been detained early Sunday at a small border crossing point while two diplomatic sources confirmed Ahmed was in Kenyan custody.
A senior Kenyan police official said Ahmed and three other Somalis had been detained early Sunday at a small border crossing point while two diplomatic sources confirmed Ahmed was in Kenyan custody.
Was he dressed in a Burqa?
Ahmed is the most senior member of the Islamist movement, which took power in Mogadishu last June, to end his time on the run from the transitional Somali government and their Ethiopian allies who had pursued remnants to the Somali-Kenya border. A diplomatic source said the sheikh, one of the vanquished regime's moderates, could be a useful element in pulling fractious Somali factions together as part of efforts at national reconciliation."He is one of the people we think can promote dialogue," the source said.
Sounds like a plan. A bad one...
Deputy Somali deputy premier Hussein Aidid said Ahmed would be welcome back home as long as he turns his back on his old associates. "This is a government of reconciliation," he said. "We believe that that is the only way to restore peace in Somalia."
Ah, yes. Peace in Somalia...
The United States, which denied being involved in his capture or detention, has said it believes Ahmed could be a worthy interlocutor. US Ambassador to Kenya Michael Ranneberger, whose mandate includes Somalia, met with Ahmed in Nairobi last year after the Islamists seized Mogadishu from US-backed warlords to press moderation. Washington, which backed Ethiopia's intervention in Somalia and then launched an airstrike at suspected Al-Qaeda operatives there, has welcomed the change of regime as a chance to turn the page on a 16-year cycle of violence.
Oh, look. It's the ever popular "cycle of violence", which I think was invented in Somalia...
Meanwhile the International Martime Bureau voiced concerns that the ouster of the Islamists could herald a return to the seas of Somali pirates who helped shape the country's reputation for lawlessness. "Within days of their influence being removed there had been an attempted attack on an American bulk carrier in Somali waters, the first for a number of months," said an IMB report.
Yarrrrrr, we be back in business...
Posted by: tu3031 || 01/22/2007 11:07 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Nice work Kenyacoppers, or whichever agencies were or were not involved officially or unofficially in this routine border stop or sophisticated black ops event.

Hope the minibar has a packet of henna so he can keep his beard properly for the teevee cameras.
Posted by: Seafarious || 01/22/2007 11:49 Comments || Top||

#2  They should have just lynched him on the spot.
Posted by: DarthVader || 01/22/2007 12:31 Comments || Top||

#3  "I am saddam hussein, I am the president of iraq sheikh sharif sheikh shmed, head of the Executive Arm Of The Supreme Islamic Council of Somalia™, and I want to negotiate"
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 01/22/2007 13:05 Comments || Top||

#4  "He is in a secure place,"

The Nairobi room of Club Gitmo[tm]'s newest African franchise. Accommodations sponsored by the Kenyan Tourist Agency and underwritten by your tax dollars.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 01/22/2007 13:06 Comments || Top||

#5  I really don't care about these towel heads as long as they end up taking a dirt nap. WHat I want to know is what are we doing about the alledged attack on one of our merchantmen? Shouldn't the navy be out there pounding the sh!t out of the attackers with all sorts of ordnance to the point that there is only a hole in the water?
Posted by: USN, Ret. || 01/22/2007 14:04 Comments || Top||

#6  Can someone please hang him now?
Posted by: Old Patriot || 01/22/2007 15:00 Comments || Top||

Darfur rebels accuse govt of killing 17 civilians
Darfur rebels accused the Sudanese government on Sunday of bombing its areas for two days, killing at least 17 civilians, in an attempt to delay a conference of rebel leaders. A Sudanese army spokesman was not immediately available to comment. The government regularly denies bombing in Darfur which would be a violation of ceasefire agreements and UN Security Council resolutions. “The government on Saturday and Friday bombed our areas in Ein Sirro, and in Kurmuk,” said Khalil Ibrahim, leader of the Darfur rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM). Both areas are in North Darfur and controlled by the rebels. “Until now we have counted at least 17 civilians killed.” Rebel commander from the rival Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) Jar el-Neby also accused the government of bombing. “They bombed for about five hours (on Saturday),” he said. “I think they are trying to stop our commanders’ conference.” Rebel commanders want to hold a conference in Darfur to unite their positions ahead of peace talks. There are more than a dozen rebel factions. Rebels say they want guarantees the army will not attack or bomb their meeting. President Omar Hassan al-Bashir has agreed not to attack the rebels during their conference but the African Union has twice accused the government of bombing rebel positions. Experts estimate the four-year-old conflict in Darfur has killed 200,000 and driven around 2.5 million from their homes.
Posted by: Fred || 01/22/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Are Americans or Israelis helping the government? Otherwise, how could civilians be harmed?
Posted by: Jackal || 01/22/2007 7:45 Comments || Top||

Ethiopian chief army attacked in Somalia
(SomaliNet) The commander of the Ethiopian forces in central Somalia, Colonel Magow has escaped unharmed after unknown militiamen attacked him as he was driving through Dhuso-mareb city, 500km north of the capital Mogadishu. Reports say on Sunday.

Witnesses told Somalinet that unidentified gunmen threw two hand grenades at the colonel’s car but missed the target. One of the bombs defused while the other exploded. Bashir Abdulahi Nor, one of the security officials in Dhuso-mareb city, the provincial capital of Galgadud region in central Somalia said the attack was aimed to assassinate the colonel whose name was not mentioned. “The bomb went off as the Ethiopian commander was riding his small luxury car inside the city around 9:20 pm local time but the explosion has caused no casualty and the commander survived,” said Nor.

Soon after the incident, eleven people have been arrested for suspicion of the latest attack on the security forces and now they are being held at the police station for investigation. It is not yet known who was behind the attack on the Ethiopian army chief but this was an action of troublemakers who oppose the peace and stability in the country, said Nor.

He confirmed that people in the city today took to the streets in protest of the last night’s attack on the Ethiopian commander. But other independent sources say that the rally was against the arrests made by the government forces in the city. The Ethiopian soldiers began searching house-to-house in Dhuso-mareb to find the attackers.
Posted by: Fred || 01/22/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Musta been one of Hek's boys, imported for the hit. Might as well have picked some ne'er-do-well from the slums of Dacca. Just about anybody in Mogadischu has enough combat experience to pull the pin on a gernade. Are the Somalis so bad off they have to import a hit man?
Posted by: Old Patriot || 01/22/2007 15:09 Comments || Top||

Tales From The Crossfire Gazette
An outlawed party activist was killed in an 'encounter' between his cohorts and Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) at Bondbil in Alamdanga upazila early yesterday.
Similar to the "encounter" the Saints had with da Bears..
The dead was identified as Delwar Hossain Dilu alias Dilu Master, 42, a cadre of outlawed Biplabi Communist Party who was wanted in four murder cases, sources said.
"Yeah, that's him. The hole between the eyes is new though......"
Rab sources said they cordoned off the area on information that a group of criminals were holding a secret meeting behind a petrol pump near Bondbil rail gate at about 5:00am.
How sad. Reduced to holding secret meetings in a 7-11 parking lot next to the gas pumps..
But sensing the presence of Rab members, the outlaws fired on them forcing the elite force to return fire.
"It's the RAB! Open fire or we're doomed!"
Delwar was killed on the spot during the shootout.
Rab recovered one shutter gun and two bullets from the spot.
Now cleaned and carefully returned to it's velvet-lined case waiting its next sortie
Posted by: Steve || 01/22/2007 09:39 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "Now cleaned and carefully returned to it's velvet-lined case waiting it's next sortie"


Thanks Steve
Posted by: Mullah Richard || 01/22/2007 10:37 Comments || Top||

#2  But sensing the presence of Rab members...

"I sense a disturbance in the Force."
Posted by: Rob Crawford || 01/22/2007 12:27 Comments || Top||

#3  As if a hundred thousand Purba Banglar commies and listed criminals suddenly screamed...and then, silence.
Posted by: Seafarious || 01/22/2007 12:29 Comments || Top||

#4  a group of criminals were holding a secret meeting behind a petrol pump

Heh, behind a petrol pump. That has Wyle E. Coyote written all over it. I bet it was Acme gas, too.
Posted by: SteveS || 01/22/2007 13:13 Comments || Top||

#5  ...a cadre of outlawed Biplabi Communist Party

Purba Banglar on vacation this week?
Posted by: tu3031 || 01/22/2007 14:20 Comments || Top||

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Large arms caches found in Chechnya
Surprise meter wasn't about to budge.
(RIA Novosti) - Police found two caches full of arms and ammunition in the Republic of Chechnya in Russia's troubled North Caucasus region, a source in the local law-enforcement bodies said Sunday.

Although the Kremlin has declared an end to the anti-terrorism campaign in Chechnya, sporadic fighting still occur in the North Caucasus republic, hampering efforts to revive the economy, create jobs and bring life in the republic to normal after a decade of warfare. "One cache was found three kilometers (1.86 miles) away from the village of Braguny in the Gudermes district [in eastern Chechnya] during a search operation," the source said. The cache contained an RPG-18 grenade launcher, eight mortar mines, two F-1 grenades and a large amount of explosives, the source said.

The other cache was found on the edge of the village of Vinogradnoye in the Grozny district in central Chechnya, the source said. The cache included an RPG-18 grenade launcher, a Kalashnikov assault rifle, rounds for grenade launchers and 120 cartridges of various calibers, the source said.
Posted by: Fred || 01/22/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Home Front: WoT
al Qaeda in Iraq Planned US Attacks
Mimicking the hijackers who executed the Sept. 11 attacks, insurgents reportedly tied to al Qaeda in Iraq considered using student visas to slip terrorists into the United States to orchestrate a new attack on American soil.

Lt. Gen. Michael D. Maples, head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, recently testified that documents captured by coalition forces during a raid of a safe house believed to house Iraqi members of al Qaeda six months ago "revealed [AQI] was planning terrorist operations in the U.S."

At the time, Maples offered little additional insight into the possible terror plot. ABC News, however, has learned new details of what remains a classified incident that has been dealt with at the highest levels of government.

Sources tell ABC News that the plot may have involved moving between 10 and 20 suspects believed to be affiliated with al Qaeda in Iraq into the United States with student visas -- the same method used by the 19 al Qaeda terrorists who struck American targets on Sept. 11.

U.S. officials now require universities to closely track foreign nationals who use student visas to study in the United States. University officials must report international students who fail to arrive on campus or miss class regularly.

In August, the FBI and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement alerted intelligence agencies and state and local law enforcement about 11 Egyptian students who had failed to report to their classes at Montana State University. The students were ultimately apprehended.

Still, despite the heightened precautions, some security analysts fear that skilled terrorists -- handpicked because of their clean records and because they are carefully trained -- could still slip through an academic setting.

The plot was discovered six months ago, roughly the same time that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, was killed by coalition forces. Sources tell ABC News that the suspects involved in the effort to launch the U.S. attack were closely associated with Zarqawi.

The plan also came only months after Ayman al-Zawahiri, al Qaeda's No. 2, had requested that Zarqawi attempt an attack inside the United States.

"This appears to be the first hard evidence al Qaeda in Iraq was trying to attack us here at home," said ABC News consultant Richard Clarke, former chief counterterrorism adviser on the U.S. National Security Council.

The plan was uncovered in its early stages, and sources say there is no indication that the suspects made it into the United States. Officials also emphasize that there is no evidence of an imminent attack.

The hunt for suspects continues, however, and some fear that al Qaeda recruits in Iraq could be easily redirected.

"Anyone willing to go to Iraq to fight American troops is probably willing to try to come to the United States," Clarke said.
Posted by: PlanetDan || 01/22/2007 16:47 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  FREEREPUBLIC > Iran getting ready for imminent mil action by USA. FORTRESS IRAQ-ME > Dubya will milpol contain Radical Iran's efforts to dominate Iraq + region. Moud must either tolerate it, or ATTACK VIA TERROR, new 9-11's/Amer Hiroshimas, including PC DECAPITATION = ASSASSINATION TERROR FIRST-STRIKES AT DUBYA + NPE-NCA. MOUD > HOPES afterwards THAT ANTI-AMER, PRO-ISOLATION, ANTI-SOVEREIGNTY-, and OWG AMERIKANS + MSM OF THE USSA = SSR/USR WILL DO THE REST. It t'aint enuff for any alleged "Mahdi/
Imam + Jesus in Spring" to have PYWAR + MIC behind their butt to enact so-called "miracles" as "proof" of alleged divine origin/intent.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 01/22/2007 19:37 Comments || Top||

#2  Wut ole Joe said.
Posted by: Brett || 01/22/2007 19:50 Comments || Top||

#3  Profiling!

CAIR to seethe and whine in 3, 2, 1...

Posted by: FOTSGreg || 01/22/2007 20:10 Comments || Top||

#4  "U.S. officials now require universities to closely track foreign nationals who use student visas to study in the United States."

Maybe nobody's watching...there should be screaming now about academic freedom. They aren't.
Obviously there is a threat of witholding Federal funds to which the ivy covered bastions have surrendered.
Posted by: Skidmark || 01/22/2007 22:06 Comments || Top||

Hafiz Saeed's brother in US immigration trouble
A controversial imam at a Massachusetts mosque, with his visa status already in question, has been given notice to leave his residence on the grounds of the Sharon mosque, headquarters of the Islamic Centre of New England. Imam Muhammad Masood is the brother of Hafiz Saeed, founder of the Pakistan-based Markaz Dawaatul Irshad and Jammatud Daawa.
How the hell did he get into the country?
Attorney George Garfinkle has said that the Pakistani cleric has been asked to leave “sometime soon”, though not by a specific date. “The government is leaning on them, and they’re trying to do the right thing legally,” Garfinkle told the newspaper Patriot Ledger. Garfinkle also confirmed that some former Islamic Centre board members have been called before a federal grand jury in Boston over the past month in connection with the investigation of Imam Masood’s alleged visa violations. He did not identify who was called. Board president Rashid Noor has declined comment about the grand jury appearances.

Imam Masood is expected to have a visa hearing within the next few months. He could be deported at that time. Imam Masood, his son, Hassan, and a Chelmsford imam were picked up by Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agents on November 15 as part of a multi-state sweep of 33 mostly Pakistani immigrants. Most of those in other states were charged with having fraudulent religious-worker visas. Imam Masood has led the Sharon mosque since 1998. He and his family have continued to live on the mosque property since his release on bail, but he hasn’t led prayer services or performed other duties since then.
Posted by: Fred || 01/22/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  buh-bye! Find out what dweeb issued this visa and fire them on the spot
Posted by: Frank G || 01/22/2007 8:05 Comments || Top||

Fire from Afghanistan kills Pakistani
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -- U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan mistakenly fired at a Pakistani border post and killed a soldier, Pakistan's military said Monday after lodging a protest over the death.
Oh. Gosh. Darn.
A U.S. military spokesman said four precision-guided bombs were dropped on four suspected militants who were firing rockets at a U.S. military outpost at Bermel in Afghanistan's Paktika province, near the Pakistani border.
Heh. That'll ruin your day
"I cannot confirm or deny loss or injury of Pakistani military," said Lt. Col. Paul Fitzpatrick, the spokesman. "This all happened inside Afghanistan." He also said the coalition was investigating.
"Sargeant , check on this Pakistani complaint, will you? Right after you finish washing my car."
"Yes, sir!"
But the Pakistani military said in a statement the post that was hit is located near Shawal, a mountainous area close to the Afghan border in Pakistan's North Waziristan tribal region.
Case closed..
Pakistan, a key U.S. ally, has a long border with Afghanistan that straddles rugged mountain regions and is not clearly demarcated in places. It is under growing pressure to help contain Taliban and al-Qaida militants suspected to operate from its soil.
Think of those four bombs as a hint
It's a little hard to think that 'four precision-guided bombs' could make a mistake like that ...
Pakistan strongly protested to the coalition authorities, asking them to investigate and take "necessary steps to ensure that such incidents are not repeated in future," its statement said.
Posted by: Steve || 01/22/2007 13:54 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Pakistan, a key U.S. ally...

It's good that's mentioned. If it wasn't, I might not have known...
Posted by: tu3031 || 01/22/2007 14:36 Comments || Top||

#2  To summarize: being in a feisty mood, the four Pakistani soldiers fired some of the rockets they had lying about at the Afghan border picket across the way. Unfortunately, there was an American soldier standing keeping the Afghani troops company, and he took umbrage (Silly American! There really is no reason to so overreact to such boyish exuberance). As everybody knows from watching American films, when American soldiers take umbrage, people and things end up broken.
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/22/2007 14:38 Comments || Top||

#3  Yep, when they take umbrage they tend to call down the clans.
Posted by: Shipman || 01/22/2007 18:08 Comments || Top||

#4  So was the dead Pakistani soldier a worker bee or supervising?
Posted by: ed || 01/22/2007 18:12 Comments || Top||

#5  And, many rumors of Paki troops "adjusting" the border to suit themselves. A click here, a couple there...
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 01/22/2007 18:33 Comments || Top||

1 dead as Hindus, Muslims clash in Bangalore
One person was killed and four were wounded on Sunday when police shot at clashing mobs of Hindus and Muslims in Bangalore, police and witnesses said. The clash occurred in the city centre after Hindu mobs went on a rampage, burning shops and vehicles owned by Muslims. A police officer said police had been forced to open fire to break up the clashes. He said one person was killed and four wounded. The violence occurred as activists moved through the city to join an RSS rally.

On Friday, thousands of Muslim demonstrators protesting against last month’s execution of Saddam Hussein in Iraq clashed with police and destroyed shops and cars in the city. More than 2,000 police officers patrolled the affected areas as mobs targeted Muslim shops and vehicles, forcing the closure of some businesses, witnesses said.
Posted by: Fred || 01/22/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  It's something to do on a Saturday night, I s'pose. But really -- protesting Saddam Hussein's execution now? When the last trump is blown, clearly Bangalore will be the place to be!
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/22/2007 7:10 Comments || Top||

#2  So did they use any of their famous Torpedos?
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 01/22/2007 9:23 Comments || Top||

#3  The violence occurred as activists moved through the city to join an RSS rally.

Web 2.0's really getting 'em fired up.
Posted by: Howard UK || 01/22/2007 10:27 Comments || Top||

#4  Wonderful. Anytime Hindus stand up for their rights and stomp Muzzies is a good day for the rest of us also. Pay really close attention Thailand.
Posted by: SpecOp35 || 01/22/2007 11:21 Comments || Top||

#5  LOL Howard.
Posted by: Shipman || 01/22/2007 18:09 Comments || Top||

50 clerics banned from Jhang
Fifty clerics from various schools of thought have been banned from entering Jhang until the 10th of Muharram. Sixteen clerics have been have been banned from delivering speeches and the activities of 25 are being observed. Police have set up 18 check posts at entrances to the city and 12 inside the city. Pakistan Army troops have also arrived to help the civil administration maintain law and order during the holy month. The district administration has announced the 95 members of the District Peace Committee including government officers, politicians and clerics, who will coordinate with the administration to maintain law and order. Jhang district has been declared sensitive during Muharram.
Posted by: Fred || 01/22/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  A headline that I'd like to see
50 clerics disappeared on their way to Jhang.
Posted by: gromgoru || 01/22/2007 5:07 Comments || Top||

Five Maoists killed in clash with Indian police
Police killed at least five Maoists in a central Indian state, a senior police officer said on Sunday. Three were killed in a gun battle with police late on Saturday in the forests of Timarpur in Bastar region, 520 km south of the state capital, Raipur, said police Inspector General for Bastar, RK Vij.

In a separate incident on Saturday, two rebels and a police constable were killed in Dantewada district of the same region, Vij said. Two female Maoists were arrested but dozens of their male colleagues escaped.

Chhattisgarh is one of the worst hit of the 13 Indian states affected by a Maoist revolt that began more than three decades ago to fight for the rights of India’s poor farmers and landless labourers. Thousands have been killed in the movement.
Posted by: Fred || 01/22/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Sorry about the cop. But Maoists are like Jihadis: they all deserve to die.
Posted by: Jackal || 01/22/2007 7:48 Comments || Top||

11 hurt in Nepal Maoists attacks
Eleven people including six policemen were hurt in separate incidents in Nepal involving the Maoists just days after the former rebels joined the political mainstream by entering parliament, officials said on Sunday.

The policemen were wounded when 200 Maoists, carrying batons and stones, attacked a police post on Saturday, at Patabhar, 350 km southwest of the capital, Kathmandu. “Three of the wounded policemen have been rushed to a nearby hospital with head injuries,” district official Shiva Nepal said. “The Maoists ransacked the post, threw out belongings and utensils of the policemen before leaving the area,” he added. Maoist leaders were not immediately available for comment.
Posted by: Fred || 01/22/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Three injured by bomb blast in Assam
At least three people were injured by a powerful bomb blast Sunday near a railway station in India’s insurgency-hit northeast state of Assam, police said. The blast took place near the parking lot of the main railway station in New Bongaigaon, about 210 kilometers west of Assam’s main city of Guwahati. “Three people were wounded in the explosion,” senior police official A Das told AFP by telephone.

On Saturday, three people, including a government official, were killed and 15 injured in two explosions and a shootout in eastern Assam, which has witnessed a spurt of attacks this month.

Authorities blamed the latest attacks on the outlawed United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA), which claims to be fighting for an independent homeland. A man claiming to be a ULFA commander told local newspapers by telephone that the outfit would attack government officials if New Delhi did not stop a military crackdown against it that began on January 8.
Posted by: Fred || 01/22/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

Hizbul guerrilla, young woman killed in Indian-administered Kashmir
(KUNA) -- A guerrilla of the Hizbul Mujahideen group and a young woman were killed in separate incidents in Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir Sunday. The bullet-riddled body of Hizbul guerrilla Zahoor Ahmad Shah was found near Srinagar, summer capital of the Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir today, news agency Press Trust of India reported.

Police also recovered a bullet-riddled body of a young lady Khalida Akhter in Baramulla district of Jammu and Kashmir today, the news agency said. Khalida Akhter was abducted by unidentified guerrillas early Sunday and later killed, the news agency said.
Posted by: Fred || 01/22/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Details emerge of gunmen, posing as soldiers, attacking U.S. troops
KARBALA, Iraq - Chilling details emerged Sunday of gunmen posing as American and Iraqi soldiers in an ambush on U.S. troops in Karbala a day earlier that killed five Americans and wounded three.

On Saturday, a civil affairs team of American soldiers sat with local leaders in Karbala's provincial headquarters to discuss security for Ashoura, a Shiite commemoration of the massacre of the revered Imam Hussein that began Sunday. Outside, danger was approaching. A convoy of seven white GMC Suburbans sped toward the building, breezing through checkpoints, with the men wearing American and Iraqi military uniforms and flashing American ID cards, Iraqi officials said. The force stopped at the police directorate in Karbala and took weapons but gave no reason, said police spokesman Capt. Muthana Ahmed in Babel province.

A call was made to the provincial headquarters to inform them an American convoy was on its way, said the governor of Karbala, Akeel al-Khazaali. But the Americans stationed inside the building, which acts as a coordination center for Iraqi officials, Iraqi security forces and U.S. forces, had not been informed, Iraqi officials said.

As the U.S. soldiers and the Iraqis scrambled to figure out if the men were Americans or an illegally armed group, the convoy arrived and the gunmen tried to break in. The gunmen launched grenades, mortars and small arms fire, according to a U.S. military statement. The U.S. military said Sunday it was still not clear if the gunmen were Sunni or Shiite militia. Abu Abdullah, a commander in Karbala of the Mahdi Army, the militia led by firebrand Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, on Sunday denied involvement in the attack.

After 15 minutes of fighting, the gunmen fled towards Hilla, the capital of Babel, a mixed Sunni-Shiite province, Ahmed said.

Babel police were notified as the convoy sped toward their capital city, and Iraqi police commandos gave chase. The police commandos discovered the vehicles and found three dead men inside, a wounded man and five others, Ahmed said. He said they all spoke English. Iraqi police took the men back to the police station and American forces retrieved them by dawn. Also inside the vehicles, Iraqi police found a bag filled with American military uniforms. They also found flak vests, American weapons and American ID cards that had allowed the gunmen to maneuver through the city, Ahmed said.

The U.S. military did not reveal details Sunday, but acknowledged the gunmen posed as American and Iraqi soldiers using U.S. and Iraqi military uniforms, GMC Suburbans and American and Iraqi identification.

Continued on Page 49
Posted by: KBK || 01/22/2007 21:03 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

U.S. Kills Over 100 Qaeda Terrorists in Iraq
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The U.S. military said on Monday over 100 rebels were killed and 57 captured in a 10-day operation against al Qaeda-linked insurgents northeast of Baghdad.

In an unusually detailed video news conference broadcast to journalists in Baghdad from Diyala province, Colonel David Sutherland said Iraqi troops had fought well in the operation and were improving their capabilities every day.
Q & A with Rapporteurs™
He said 25 weapons caches, including around 1,200 Katyusha rockets, had been found during operations dating back to November in the area around a remote village called Turki.
Video: Pentagon Channel
Posted by: the twelfth Imami || 01/22/2007 16:37 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Diyala province is also a stronghold of Sadr's men. It was ignored for the first years after the Liberation because it was so quiet. The fighting in Turki was for actual camps, not the single houses that we're now dealing with in Al Anbar.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 01/22/2007 18:30 Comments || Top||

#2  Is that a rocket in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?
Posted by: Raj || 01/22/2007 20:21 Comments || Top||

#3  Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Posted by: Anonymoose || 01/22/2007 20:37 Comments || Top||

Sunnis hit the jackpot; 90 Shiites dead
At least 90 people were dead and about 180 wounded in bombings targeting Shiite areas in and around Baghdad Monday, police and officials said.

A bomb followed by a mortar attack struck a market in a predominantly Shiite town north of Baghdad on Monday, killing at least 12 people and wounding nearly 30, police said. The bomb exploded at 5 p.m. near the main market in Khalis, 50 miles north of Baghdad, and a mortar shell struck the same area about five minutes later, according to the information bureau for the volatile Diyala province. It said 12 civilians were killed and 29 were wounded.

At least 78 people were killed and more than 150 wounded earlier Monday after two nearly simultaneous bombs struck a predominantly Shiite commercial area in central Baghdad in the deadliest attack in two months, officials said.

Monday's first blast, a parked car bomb, tore through stalls of vendors peddling DVDs and secondhand clothes shortly after noon in the Bab al-Sharqi market between Tayaran and Tahrir squares one of the busiest parts of Baghdad. Seconds later, a suicide car bomber drove into the crowd. Police estimated that each car was loaded with nearly 220 pounds of explosives.

Deputy Health Minister Hakim al-Zamili said at least 78 people were killed and 156 were wounded.

The explosions left body parts strewn on the bloodstained pavement as black smoke rose into the sky. Police sealed off the area and ambulances rushed to the scene. Survivors were taken to nearby al-Kindi Hospital where emergency personnel worked feverishly over the bloodied and badly wounded. Bodies covered in blue and white cloth littered the outdoor courtyard at the hospital. Family members and friends were at the side of the dead, screaming in grief and crying out oaths.
Posted by: Hupoluting Phuger5831 || 01/22/2007 10:44 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Behold the religion of peace.
Posted by: wxjames || 01/22/2007 11:58 Comments || Top||

#2  Dang...poor old allan. I am sure he is confused. All those followers killing each other in his name.

allan's snackbar!!
Posted by: anymouse || 01/22/2007 13:10 Comments || Top||

#3  A severe drain on virgins' stocks.
Posted by: gromgoru || 01/22/2007 23:42 Comments || Top||

Gunmen Impersonating Americans Kill 5
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 01/22/2007 06:39 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  My guess is that this attack in Karbala was a Shiite militia operation, in retaliation for the arrests recently of a number of Shia militia leaders. I expect more like it. The militias need to take actions to retain their credibility. In other words, 'Deeds, not Words' - pay no attention to what Mookie says about holy months or going to the mattresses or anything else; his boys need to spill blood to stay credible in the 'hood.
Posted by: Glenmore || 01/22/2007 7:08 Comments || Top||

#2  I neglected to include - an Iranian Special Forces backed/operated Shiite militia operation.
Posted by: Glenmore || 01/22/2007 7:13 Comments || Top||

#3  Gunmen Impersonating Americans Kill 5

No reason why we can't [and do] ride and dress up as Tater Tots or Badr Boyz on our snatch ops either.

Here's hoping that most of the future Tater targets, and Badr Bulls Eyes die right after we squeeze them dry, and that all their 'body guards' do a rosebud thingy trying to protect them..

Unavenged so far in the main, Iran has kidnapped and killed far to many of our people [one is too many].

I'm sure that I'm not the only one who reckons that Iran and their proxies are going to try and snatch more of our people, US service personal and civilians in the near future.
Posted by: RD || 01/22/2007 8:19 Comments || Top||

#4  There has historically been only one way to eliminate terrorism,exemplified by julius caesars pacification o the gauls, and we should follow it now.the city of byala should be surrounded and quarantined, all inhabitants removed thru checkpoints until only the terrorists remain. then the terrorists uprooted and killed block by block, house by house.take no chances with dug in terrorists, flatten every suspicious dwelling.this murderous raid must be avenged promptly as a lesson. the deaths from this process will be far fewer in the long run.this must be the highest priority task in that area.
Posted by: j morrissey || 01/22/2007 9:33 Comments || Top||

#5  "julius caesars pacification o the gauls"

Or the Syrians pacification of Hama (home of Sunni fundamentalists) in 1982.
Posted by: Glenmore || 01/22/2007 9:57 Comments || Top||

#6  all inhabitants removed thru checkpoints until only the terrorists remain. then the terrorists uprooted and killed block by block, house by house.take no chances with dug in terrorists, flatten every suspicious dwelling.this murderous raid must be avenged promptly as a lesson. the deaths from this process will be far fewer in the long run.

Sounds like what was done in Fallujah II. It worked, it's the right solution, but do we still have the gumption to face the inevitable media firestorm? Maybe once we leave the Iraqis will handle things that way.
Posted by: KBK || 01/22/2007 10:12 Comments || Top||

#7  Any of these monkeys caught in possession of a US uniform is dead on the spot, sans trial, right? Please tell me we're not gonna put up with this crap.
Posted by: mojo || 01/22/2007 10:20 Comments || Top||

#8  The area security was turned over to Iraqis. They waved this convoy right thru with no checks or inspections at checkpoints. Is it total corruption or abject inbred stupidity ? Think our guys are safe if they are embedded with these incompetents ?
Posted by: SpecOp35 || 01/22/2007 11:28 Comments || Top||

#9  The more I read this story the less it sounds like a average Haji move. Flash bang gernades, poper US uniforms, proper badges papers, spoke english.

I think Iranian Quads boys. the Mehdi couldn't pull this off in a wet dream of Sadr's. The english part is what really tilted the scale in this direction for me, Mehdi boys have nill use for english but Iran has been training for war with US (english required) for 30+yrs.

Odd part being the Iraqi forces didn't engage the assailents and none of their forces were engaged by the assailents. That smells bad and I hope we are thumping hard on them Iraqi forces that were on site.

CNN had in there article I read earlier that one of the Iraqi's said they thought it was "american on american combat didn't want to get stuck in middle". My thought was is that something that even happens often?
Posted by: C-Low || 01/22/2007 11:55 Comments || Top||

#10  Anyone want to bet how our helicopter was downed? How about a brand new Iranian equivalent of a Stinger missile, fresh out of the box from China, and operated by Iranian Special Forces attached to a Mehdi Army group?

Iran senses we're on our heels, domestically, and is pressing the proxy war forward. We (the people) refuse to recognize what's happening.
Posted by: Glenmore || 01/22/2007 13:42 Comments || Top||

#11  they thought it was "american on american combat didn't want to get stuck in middle"

A little window into how they think. It's going to be a long road to hoe.
Posted by: gorb || 01/22/2007 14:34 Comments || Top||

#12  Is it possible that some of the attackers might actually be Americans or Canadians? There has been plenty of time for the terrs to recruit moonbats and send them to Iran or Pakistan for training, depending on whether the perps are AQ or Shia. Adam Gadahn is probably not the only traitor. Visit any campus and you will find dozens of potential recruits. Most of them are useless for anything other than delivering pizza but, given the numbers available and the zeal of the hate-America cult, a few might be found for this kind of operation.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 01/22/2007 19:03 Comments || Top||

#13  ".....drove up in black sport utility vehicles commonly used by foreign dignitaries - an apparent attempt to impersonate Americans."

I wonder if some State Department status-monkey might have set the stage for this by taking offense at standard security checks, and browbeating the Iraqis into ignoring them in the future.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 01/22/2007 22:17 Comments || Top||

IED Kills Two Children, Two Iraqi Soldiers
YUSUFIYAH, Iraq — Four people were killed and seven others wounded from an improvised explosive device detonation south of Yusufiyah, Iraq Jan. 19.

While out on a combat patrol soldiers of the 4th Battalion, 4th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division and the 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) observed a group of local nationals gathered near a bridge just south of Yusufiyah, a town approximately 10 miles southwest of Baghdad.
It would appear the locals were unaware of the IED.

Iraqi troops went to talk to the local nationals while the U.S. Soldiers provided security. While searching the local nationals, an IED detonated on the northwest side of the bridge, killing four and injuring seven. Of the four killed, two were Iraqi children, ages one and five; and two were 4th Iraqi Army troops. Among the wounded, five were local nationals and two were Iraqi Army soldiers.

After the incident a local ambulance arrived to the scene to evacuate the wounded. While in route to the hospital, the ambulance struck an IED, resulting in a flat tire. There were no injuries or fatalities from the IED strike on the ambulance. The injured were eventually evacuated and received medical treatment.
Posted by: Bobby || 01/22/2007 06:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Link

Sometimes it pays to check your work!
Posted by: Bobby || 01/22/2007 6:06 Comments || Top||

#2  While in route to the hospital, the ambulance struck an IED, resulting in a flat tire.

Apprentice bombmaker avoids red/green wire problems, but resulting explosion more of a fizzle.
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/22/2007 7:14 Comments || Top||

#3  I am sure allan is happy now. Two innocent children...dead.

allan's snackbar!!
Posted by: anymouse || 01/22/2007 13:13 Comments || Top||

Citizen Report Leads to Car Bomb
KIRKUK, Iraq – A vehicle-borne improvised explosive device was safely neutralized after being reported to local Iraqi police hours after a separate VBIED struck a police station in Iraq’s northern city of Kirkuk, Jan. 17.

A bystander notified police after witnessing a suspicious driver abandoning the parked car. Iraqi police investigated the scene and notified coalition forces from the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, operating in Kirkuk. An explosive ordnance team was sent to the site and conducted a controlled detonation with no casualties.

Local tips have prevented at least two VBIED attacks within the past three days. “Civic action is a key to preventing the violence,” said Maj. Patrick Campbell, civil affairs officer, 3rd IBCT, 25th ID. “The citizens are beginning to realize they have a role in security and are also demonstrating an increasing level of trust in the police.”
Posted by: Bobby || 01/22/2007 05:55 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Iraqis Bag 36 in Fallujah
CAMP FALLUJAH, Iraq – Iraqi Army Soldiers, Iraqi Police and Marines completed Operation Arbead II in Fallujah Jan. 18. The operation to detain members of a murder and intimidation cell within the Mualimeen, Ardaloos and Risalah-Jubayl Districts was led by Iraqi forces with support from the Marines of Regimental Combat Team 5.

During the operation, Soldiers of the 1st Iraqi Army Division’s 2nd Brigade, members of the Fallujah Police Department and Marines from RCT-5 detained 36 individuals suspected of coordinating insurgent attacks against Iraqi Security Forces or Coalition Forces. Five of the detainees have been positively identified as persons of special interest according to intelligence reports.

“This operation was a necessity in order to eliminate a threat to the Iraqi citizens of these districts,” said Lt. Col. Daniel T. Thoele, Military Transition Team advisor to 2nd Brigade. “The combined operation was a success and it demonstrates that Iraqi Security Forces are eager in continuing these operations to ensure that their communities are safe and secure.”

“It was less than two years ago when there were about three thousand Marines stationed inside Fallujah,” said Coalition Forces spokesperson 1st Lt. Barry L. Edwards. “But now, with the Iraqi Army as capable as they are and the growing number of police taking responsibility for security in the city, there are only a hundred or so Marines here serving as advisors.”

There were no reports of civilians or Coalition Forces injured or killed as a result of the operation.
Posted by: Bobby || 01/22/2007 05:52 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Good, thank you, more, more, more.
Posted by: wxjames || 01/22/2007 7:29 Comments || Top||

Shiite Militias Order Palestinians To Leave Iraq Immediately
Palestinians living in Iraq have been warned that they will be killed by Shiite militias unless they leave the country immediately. Iraqi police say the immigrants, who are mostly Sunnis, are the target of a backlash by hardline Shiites, including members of the Mehdi Army led by the cleric Moqtada Al Sadr.

More than 600 Palestinians are believed to have died at the hands of Shiite militias since the war began in 2003, including at least 300 from the Baladiat area of Baghdad. Many were tortured with electric drills before they died.

Now Shiite militias are stepping up their campaign to drive out Iraq's 20,000 remaining Palestinians -half the estimated 40,000 living in the country at the start of the war, all of whom were welcomed by Saddam Hussain and provided with housing, money and free education. Hundreds of Iraqis were forced to leave their homes to make way for the migrants, many of whom joined the ruling Baath party.

Shaikh Mahmoud Al Hassani, a spokesman for the Mehdi Army, said the Palestinians had brought their suffering on themselves. He said Shiites believed they were in league with Sunni extremists and Al Qaida. "We are sure that all the Palestinians in Iraq are involved in killing the Shiite people and they have to pay the price now," he said. "They lived off our blood under Saddam. We were hungry with no food and they were comfortable with full bellies. They should leave now, or they will have to pay."
Paleos have been kicked out of all the best countries, haven't they?
Kareem Zakia, 61, said his son, Yeha Ahmad, was kidnapped and killed in the Karada area of Baghdad two weeks ago. "The kidnappers called me and told me that they had taken my son because he came from Palestine and all the Palestinians support the Sunni terrorists. I found my son's body the next day with many holes in his belly made by a drill."

He ordered his two other sons to leave with his wife and two daughters, but neighbouring Jordan refused to allow them to cross the border - as it has with many Palestinians trying to flee Iraq.

Ahmad Mahmoud, 26, a Palestinian in Baladiat, said he had paid a ransom of nearly £3,000 (Dh21,740) to free his brother, Murad Mahmoud, 38. The kidnappers in Sadr City told him where to collect his brother, but he arrived to find he had been killed. "We found him dead with signs of torture on his body," Ahmad said. "They called us the next day and said, 'We killed your brother because all the Palestinians in Iraq love Saddam Hussain and this is what will happen to you and all your families'."

Captain Sary Farhan, a police spokesman, said people had been arrested for the killings but later released. "All these criminals belong to Shiite militias and were released a few days after. They have strong backing in the government," he said. Police report Iranian weapons have been taken from arrested militia members.

The Iraqi interior ministry says 7,700 police officers have been sacked for suspected membership of death squads. Of those, 665 are in jail awaiting trial.
Note to Israel:
Posted by: Anonymoose || 01/22/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  would be a shame if the Shia terrorists killed the Paleo Baathist-enablers before the Shia terrorists were constrained by the Surge
Posted by: mhw || 01/22/2007 0:03 Comments || Top||

#2  Ima have a real conflicter here.

/Channeling Mucky chanelling Lucky
Posted by: Shipman || 01/22/2007 1:40 Comments || Top||

#3  It appears that the Shi'a hardboyz agree with the Iraq Surrender Gaggle that dealing with the Palestinian issue is one of the keys to resolving the difficulties in Iraq. They just have their own take on it.
Posted by: Verlaine || 01/22/2007 2:29 Comments || Top||

#4  As long as they're not coming here.
Posted by: gromgoru || 01/22/2007 4:55 Comments || Top||

#5  I'm with Shipman. I have a hard time caring.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 01/22/2007 5:35 Comments || Top||

#6  Shiite Militias Order Palestinians To Leave Iraq Immediately

What, again? The first time the hateful darlings were ordered out was as soon as the dust started settling in 2003. Masses of them ended up camping out in a sports stadium for a while, trying to find a country to accept them. Saddam Hussein kept them as pets.
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/22/2007 5:55 Comments || Top||

#7  Don't they usually burrough into the ground under garbage dumps ? Or was that rats ?
Posted by: wxjames || 01/22/2007 7:33 Comments || Top||

#8  I'm sure as hell not found of them but I don't support this behavior and I don't find it funny. Let's not become the barbarians we despise.
Posted by: Jim || 01/22/2007 8:48 Comments || Top||

#9  This is probably the wrong blog if you're looking for even handed morality, or anything other than contempt toward Paleos.
Posted by: Mike N. || 01/22/2007 9:23 Comments || Top||

#10  Shaikh Mahmoud Al Hassani, a spokesman for the Mehdi Army, said the Palestinians had brought their suffering on themselves.

See? No matter our cultural differences it is always possible to find some point of agreement.
Posted by: Excalibur || 01/22/2007 9:37 Comments || Top||

"I'm sure as hell not found of them but I don't support this behavior and I don't find it funny. Let's not become the barbarians we despise."

You could always sponsor them, and have them stay at your house. What did you say...I didn't hear that.
Posted by: Chuck Darwin || 01/22/2007 10:27 Comments || Top||

#12  Hell and damnation! My digital give-a-shit-o-meter is emitting copious amounts of purple smoke. I suppose the display running downscale so fast as to be unreadable has SOMETHING to do with it.

I will not attempt use of my trusty backup analog device: might whip downscale low so fast the needle will bend, snap off, and rattle around inside the case.

/hell no, I don't give a shit.
Posted by: Ptah || 01/22/2007 11:53 Comments || Top||

#13  OK. No sympathy for the Paleos but how about if we suggest that Tater ought to leave town as well?
Posted by: Ebbang Uluque6305 || 01/22/2007 14:48 Comments || Top||

#14  I 2nd EU6305's motion! Now for the vote!
Posted by: BA || 01/22/2007 17:01 Comments || Top||

#15  Actually, I would like to see the Paleos join the Sunni death squads, and then they and the Tater Tots fight it out for the right to rule the dope and hooker concessions in the slums of Baghdad. Considering that is a large portion of the funding for both sides right now.
Posted by: Shieldwolf || 01/22/2007 18:08 Comments || Top||

3,200 new US troops arrive in Baghdad
About 3,200 new US troops have arrived in Baghdad as part of the new security plan announced by US President George W Bush to stabilise the Iraqi capital, the military said on Sunday. The 2nd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division will be deployed in and around the city of Baghdad, the military said. “The effort represents the first of several planned troop movements that will assist Iraqi security forces in reducing violence and protecting Iraqi citizens,” it said. The brigade will be fully operational within Baghdad on or about February 1, the military added.

“Their mission will be to assist Iraqi security forces to clear, control and retain key areas of the capital in order to reduce violence and to set the conditions for a transition to full Iraqi control of security in the city,” the military said.

“Soldiers from the 82nd come to us ready to engage in a wide variety of operations, in support of the Iraqi Baghdad Security Plan,” the statement quoted Lieutenant General Ray Odierno, commander of multi-national corps, Iraq as saying. “The brigade adds operational flexibility that will assist in securing the population.” “We are continuing to assist the government of Iraq in building a stronger, more self-reliant Iraq,” Odierno said, adding “securing the population of Baghdad is an imperative in achieving that end.”
Posted by: Fred || 01/22/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under:

Israeli Jew charged in terror plan
Asaf Ben-David, an Israeli Jew, is facing charges of conspiring to carry out a terror attack with a wanted Palestinian militant — his brother.
Rest at link.
Posted by: ed || 01/22/2007 15:23 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  AP finally discovers the word "terrorist." And no wonder ...
Posted by: doc || 01/22/2007 16:27 Comments || Top||

#2  Muslim Palestinian moved to Israel for work, converted to Judaism and married an Orthodox Jewish girl. Fifteen years later he resumes contact with his terrorist brother, joins his family to mourn the death of said terrorist some months later, and reverts to Islam. Jewish wife has cut off all contact with his family following his arrest, and no doubt has gone to a rabbi to the husband be forced to give her a divorce on the grounds of his evil actions... like the wife of that Naturai Kartei idiot who kissed Ahmadenijad at the "What Holocaust?" conference. Asaf Ben-David was once again a Muslim by the time of his arrest, which critical fact the AP editor shoved waaaay down to the bottom of the article.
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/22/2007 16:49 Comments || Top||

#3  The story reads like a Mexican telenovela.
Posted by: ed || 01/22/2007 18:07 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Philippine military gets ready for reprisal attacks
MILITARY intelligence agents went on high alert yesterday to thwart revenge attacks by Muslim extremists after the government confirmed the death of the leader of the Abu Sayyaf group. Security forces were monitoring urban centers, especially in southern Mindanao, where members of the Abu Sayyaf and the Jemaah Islamiyah network are known to operate, a military spokesman said. “Intelligence [are] monitoring to prevent any retaliatory attacks,” Lt. Col. Bartolome Bacarro said over dzBB radio.

The warning came a day after the military announced that DNA tests carried out by US investigators confirmed that a body recovered in December in Jolo was that of Abu Sayyaf leader Khadaffy Janjalani. But President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo ordered the military to be vigilant and deal the terrorists the “final blow”—even as the United States praised the Philippines for Janjalani’s death.

“Perpetual vigilance is indeed the price of freedom, and we must never let our guard down,” Mrs. Arroyo said. “We must continue to destroy the spawning grounds of terror by a combined strategy of grassroots vigilance, economic development, interfaith solidarity and international cooperation,” she said.

“The death of Khaddafy Janjalani is an important and positive step forward in the ultimate goal of eliminating the ruthless and dangerous Abu Sayyaf group, and in destroying its links with international terrorist groups such as the Jemaah Islamiyah, the US embassy in Manila said in a statement. “The US will continue to work with partners in the Philippines’ military, law enforcement, and national and local governments to bring terrorists to justice and to build peace and prosperity in Mindanao and throughout the Philippines,” the embassy said.

Armed Forces Chief Hermogenes Esperon described the confirmation of Janjalani’s death as “hitting the jackpot,” and that was because it ended speculations that the body that the military had dug up in Jolo last month was not that of Southeast Asia’s most wanted man.

Janjalani, also known as the Emir, became the overall leader of the Al Qaida-linked group when his brother, Abubakar Abdurajak Janjalani, was killed by police in 1998. The elder Janjalani founded the Abu Sayyaf in the early 1990s to fight for an independent Islamic state in Mindanao. At one time, he allegedly received financing from Osama bin Laden’s Al-Qaida network.

Under the younger Janjalani’s leadership, the Abu Sayyaf adopted terror tactics, specializing in kidnappings for ransom and bombings. Together with another top Abu Sayyaf leader, Abu Solaiman, Janjalani masterminded the kidnapping deaths of two US citizens in 2001 and the firebombing of a ferry on Manila Bay that left over 100 dead.

The military said it killed Solaiman last week, creating a “leadership vacuum,” Bacarro said. “They have a leadership vacuum now and are disorganized. We will take the advantage by keeping up the tempo and continuing the operations against them,” he said. He said it would take some time for the scattered Abu Sayyaf members to regroup under one command, but conceded desperate militants could stage random attacks.

More than 5,000 troops are scouring the dense jungles of Jolo for remnants of the Abu Sayyaf, who are also believed to be protecting wanted Jemaah Islamiyah bomb experts Dulmatin and Umar Patek, wanted for the October 2002 bombings in Bali. The Abu Sayyaf and Jemaah Islamiyah are both on the US watch list of foreign terrorist organizations. US forces are providing intelligence backup to their Filipino counterparts in Jolo.
Posted by: Fred || 01/22/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  “We must continue to destroy the spawning grounds of terror by a combined strategy of grassroots vigilance, economic development, interfaith solidarity and international cooperation”

At least in the south. GMA won't anger the Philippine Left by going after the ones in the north.
Posted by: Pappy || 01/22/2007 0:31 Comments || Top||

#2  Nope, nope, the North are too good at killing their enemy and besides half the Senate is NPA.
Posted by: 49 Pan || 01/22/2007 8:50 Comments || Top||

Six MNLF Fighters Captured in Clash in S. Philippines
Followers of detained Muslim leader Nur Misuari ambushed a military convoy, wounding seven soldiers battling Abu Sayyaf militants in the southern Philippines, a regional army spokesman said yesterday. Six of the attackers, who are members of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), had been captured by soldiers after a firefight that left one rebel dead, said Maj. Eugene Batara. The soldiers, onboard three trucks, were on their way to replace troops pursuing the Abu Sayyaf when the rebels ambushed them yesterday in the village of Langpas Saldang in Parang town, he said. “The captured rebels are undergoing interrogation,” Batara said.

Other reports said the rebels ambushed the convoy to avenge the death of 10 gunmen in a clash with Marines in the village of Timpook, Patikul town, on Thursday. Officials said the rebels were earlier thought to be Abu Sayyaf militants, but were later confirmed to be MNLF fighters. Three soldiers were also slain in the fighting. Officials claimed the fighting broke out after soldiers caught up with a band of Abu Sayyaf gunmen in the village. Batara said they were checking the reports with the Philippine Marines.

More troops had been sent to the troubled island to help flush out Abu Sayyaf and Jemaah Islamiyah militants. Security officials previously said that as many as six Indonesian militants are hiding in Jolo, including Dulmatin and Umar Patek, both key suspects in the 2002 Bali bombings that killed 202 mostly foreigners. Jolo Island is also a stronghold of the MNLF, which signed a peace accord with Manila in September 1996.

Some of them have been integrated into the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine National Police. Some have reportedly joined either the Abu Sayyaf or the larger separatist group, Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), but a substantial number have returned to the hills under the MNLF banner faction of Nur Misuari. Fighting had previously erupted between security and MNLF forces that left dozens of soldiers and dead the past years.
Posted by: Fred || 01/22/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Sri Lanka
At least 40 killed as army routs LTTE stronghold
COLOMBO — Sri Lankan soldiers killed dozens of Tamil Tiger rebels, many of whom were fleeing after troops captured several main rebel bases in the volatile east, the military said. Army troops killed at least 18 Tamil Tigers in fighting as they tried to flee into rebel-held jungle in eastern Batticaloa district on Sunday morning, said military spokesman Brig. Prasad Samarasinghe. Troops also found the bodies of 22 rebels, victims of an army assault on Saturday on several rebel bases in Kathiraveli and Vaharai, also in Batticaloa, he said.

There was no immediate comment from the rebels, as phone calls went unanswered.
"We can't come to the telephone right now as we're fleeing for our lives. Press '1' to leave a message for the Supreme Command. Press '2' to be connected to our donation hot-line ..."
Posted by: Steve White || 01/22/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

LTTE attacks food ship off Jaffna coast
"Sea Tigers", the naval wing of the LTTE, on Sunday attacked the Sri Lankan food ship "City of Liverpool" off the Point Pedro harbour in the northern district of Jaffna. The hull of the ship was damaged in the 45-minute confrontation between the LTTE and the Sri Lankan Navy's Fast Attack Craft (FACs) which had rushed to its rescue, said Com DKP Dassanayake, the Sri Lankan Naval Spokesman. "Water began to seep into the ship and the vessel is now being towed to the nearby Kankesanthurai harbour," he told Hindustan Times.

"City of Liverpool" was offloading 1,500 tonnes of flour at Point Pedro when the Sri Lankan navy saw a cluster of 20 LTTE boats heading for the harbour. The food ship was asked to quit the harbour immediately, and naval craft engaged the attackers about 3 nautical miles off the harbour. While this was on, about five LTTE boats, including some suicide craft laden with explosives, cut loose and headed for the merchant vessel which was by then in the open sea. The naval escort personnel on board the merchant vessel kept firing at the attackers in an effort to keep them at bay. But one of the suicide boats exploded very near the vessel, damaging its hull and causing a leak. Com Dassanayake denied that the vessel was on fire.
Posted by: Fred || 01/22/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Sounds horrible, but I'd have liked to watched that fight, a foretaste of a bizzare form of warfare that the USN might see. (soon)
Posted by: Shipman || 01/22/2007 1:44 Comments || Top||

#2  Wasn't this a scene in Waterworld?
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 01/22/2007 21:17 Comments || Top||

#3  Now that's funny Chuck.
Posted by: Skidmark || 01/22/2007 22:58 Comments || Top||

Iran to launch 3-day military manoeuvres
Iran plans three days of military manoeuvres, including short-range missile tests, beginning Sunday – its first since the UN Security Council imposed sanctions against it in late December, state-run television said. “The elite Revolutionary Guards plans to begin a three-day missile manoeuvre on Sunday near Garmsar city,” said the broadcast. The city is located in northern Iran on the edge of Kavir desert, about 100 kilometres southeast of Tehran.

“Zalzal and Fajr-5 missiles will be test fired in the war game,” the television quoted an unnamed commander of the guards, as saying. Both are considered short-range missiles. “The manoeuvre is aimed at evaluating defensive and fighting capabilities of the missiles,” the commander was quoted as saying. Iran conducted a total of three large-scale military exercises last year as tensions with the West and the United States rose. In November, for example, it test-fired dozens of missiles, including the Shahab-3 that can reach Israel, in military manoeuvres that it said were aimed at putting a stop to the role of world powers in the Persian Gulf.

Sunday’s manoeuvres are to be the first such by Iran since the UNSC imposed limited sanctions on the country on December 23, banning selling materials and technology that could be used in Iran’s nuclear and missile programmes and freezing assets abroad of 10 Iranian prominent companies and individuals. The latest Iranian manoeuvres also come just days after the United States announced it would deploy a second aircraft carrier to the Gulf, the USS Stennis. That appeared to have alarmed some in Iran’s hard-line leadership. A prominent member of a powerful cleric-run body this week warned that the United States plans to attack Iran in the coming months, possibly by striking its nuclear facilities.
Posted by: Fred || 01/22/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Maybe that cleric is a clairvoyant.
Posted by: Mike N. || 01/22/2007 0:06 Comments || Top||

#2  What say we help 'em out by providing some incoming targets?
Posted by: Cleting Omolumble1160 || 01/22/2007 2:11 Comments || Top||

#3  Let's not provide them with any incoming targets. Stealth and surprise are the keys in modern military conflicts and I vote that we give Iran and the mad mullahs a bit of "shock & awe"(TM) via stealth and surprise.

Posted by: FOTSGreg || 01/22/2007 10:12 Comments || Top||

#4  I think the US should have a series of exercises as well. Things designed to get the Iranians out of bed and on red alert. Then stand down. Then do it again. Wear them out with false-alarms.

This allows us to study their defense behaviors. With the price of oil what it is this will hurt. Also it helps wear down their morale and equipment. And it makes it more likely that after crying wolf a few dozen times they'll be less prepared when/if an actual attack happens.
Posted by: rjschwarz || 01/22/2007 12:08 Comments || Top||

#5  Although they may fire a few missiles the real reason for military manuvers may well be to prepare troops to defend the nutcase President in case the nutcase clerical types try to seize power (defending the President means killing lots of people by the way). Having the manuvers so close to Tehran would make it more observable to the President's minions.
Posted by: mhw || 01/22/2007 12:46 Comments || Top||

#6  I have a feeling we may being doing more than exercises. The Stennis did a turn and burn in San Diego Friday picking up an air wing and leaving in a hurry for the gulf. Their orders were "full speed" with "no stops" as reported. Also the USS Ronald Reagan has been given notice to to be ready to leave within a couple of weeks. Reports say the Reagan is now going to Asain waters. Hmmm. We'll see.

Posted by: Intrinsicpilot || 01/22/2007 12:49 Comments || Top||

#7  Where is the the major plane crash scheduled in the manoeuvres?
Posted by: tu3031 || 01/22/2007 12:59 Comments || Top||

#8  TU3031---They are scrounging up parts from the hanger queens to make one fly. These things take time. Be patient, good sir.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 01/22/2007 16:25 Comments || Top||

Home Front: Culture Wars
Irshad Manjji on CNN (Jan 16 2007)
The CNN interviewerr was reasonably tough on the silence of feminists regarding oppression of women in the muslim world (he was also verbose and self indulgent but did delightfully suggest a make out session with Irshad.

My favorite Canadian Lesbian Muslim heretic (Irshad) made a big deal of advertising the Secular Islam summit (will be in March in St Pete, FL).
Posted by: mhw || 01/22/2007 16:55 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Putting flowers on the gun/rifle tubes of US soldiers while NOT putting same on Amer's enemies.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 01/22/2007 19:18 Comments || Top||

Taliban to open 'jihad schools'3,200 new US troops arrive in BaghdadNo strong successor to slain al-Qaeda-linked leaderHafiz Saeed's brother in US immigration troubleEthiopian chief army attacked in SomaliaLTTE attacks food ship off Jaffna coastIran to launch 3-day military manoeuvresJKLF rejects Kashmir proposals
Posted by: Fred || 01/22/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Mr. Stewart has good taste in reading material.
Posted by: Seafarious || 01/22/2007 0:09 Comments || Top||

#2  Why that's Betty Page on the back. Jimmy has a real treat in store for him.
Posted by: mhw || 01/22/2007 0:36 Comments || Top||

#3  Hi, it is really nice resource. I think, i'll see this site again.
That's nice. Next time leave out the spam.
Posted by: clasicalia || 01/22/2007 6:40 Comments || Top||

#4  dont bother
Posted by: MacNails || 01/22/2007 6:51 Comments || Top||

#5  They should be reading the Rantburg Defender-Scimitar and Times-Picayune.
Posted by: Ebbang Uluque6305 || 01/22/2007 12:02 Comments || Top||

#6  Hey! It looks like Jimmy's reading the print edition of Rantburg to the lovely Ms Arthur!

Looks good. Nice job (and nice job to Jean's parents, too.)
Posted by: JDB || 01/22/2007 12:06 Comments || Top||

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In no particular order...
Steve White
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Two weeks of WOT
Mon 2007-01-22
  3,200 new US troops arrive in Baghdad
Sun 2007-01-21
  Two South Africans accused of Al-Qaeda links
Sat 2007-01-20
  Shootout near presidential palace in Mog
Fri 2007-01-19
  Tater aide arrested in Baghdad
Thu 2007-01-18
  Mullah Hanif sez Mullah Omar lives in Quetta
Wed 2007-01-17
  Halutz quits
Tue 2007-01-16
  Yemen kills al-Qaeda fugitive
Mon 2007-01-15
  Barzan and al-Bandar hanged; Barzan's head pops off
Sun 2007-01-14
  Somalia: Lawmakers impose martial law
Sat 2007-01-13
  Last Somali Islamist base falls
Fri 2007-01-12
  Two US aircraft carrier groups plus Patriot missile bn planned for ME
Thu 2007-01-11
  US Warships picking up Al-Q hardboyz at sea
Wed 2007-01-10
  Troop Surge Already Under Way
Tue 2007-01-09
  Major battle on Haifa street in Baghdad
Mon 2007-01-08
  US Gunship Hits Al-Qaeda In Somalia

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