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Harkat Jihadis shoot up American Center in Calcutta
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US forces pick up Taliban commander
  • US special forces raided a house and arrested four Afghans, including an associate of a Taliban commander, in eastern Khost province. US troops arrived in several helicopters at Zari Khil village in the early hours of the morning. After raiding a house, they arrested four people including Sirajuddin Din, a close associate of top Taliban commander Jalaluddin Haqqani who has been a target of the US-led bombing campaign. The US forces were investigating Haqqani's whereabouts.
    "There's some people want to have a talk with you, Sirajuddin."
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 01/22/2002 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

    Afghan civil servants get paid - at last
  • Afghanistan's civil servants were paid Tuesday for the first time in six months.
    Hey! We're gonna have groceries!
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 01/22/2002 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

    Johnny Jihad on his way to the USA
  • Two months after his capture in Afghanistan, John Walker Lindh began the journey back to the United States to face charges he conspired to kill his countrymen.
    We're sure he won't get what he deserves.
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 01/22/2002 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

    Home Front
    Judge schedules further proceedings on Ramsey Clark al-Qaeda meddle
  • A federal judge scheduled further proceedings on a motion aimed at moving the case against more than 100 suspected al Qaida terrorists held in Cuba forward, however he cautioned human-rights activists that he might not have the authority to make a formal ruling. U.S. District Judge A. Howard Matz ordered a hearing next month on the motion filed by Ramsey Clark-affiliated civil rights advocates to have some 110 prisoners captured in Afghanistan brought into a civilian court so that the charges against them may be formally presented. The motion filed over the holiday weekend placed Matz in a position to possibly decide the question of whether the al Qaida fighters being held under heavy security at Guantanamo Bay are prisoners of war under the protection of the Geneva Convention or criminal suspects whose rights are protected under the Constitution.
    Clark and fellow fifth columnists will do everything they can to monkey wrench the US actions.
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 01/22/2002 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

    Pak sez not involved in Calcutta attack
  • Pakistan condemned the attack on the American Centre in Kolkata and denied Indian Home Minister L K Advani's assertion that the attackers had links with Pakistan.
    It's doubtful they were involved in the planning and execution of the attack. It's pretty likely ISI was involved with setting up and financing the group behind it.
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 01/22/2002 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

    India's had it with madrassahs
  • More than 125 madrassas in the West Bengal-Bangladesh border area have been identified as 'schools of terror' by the state government. "We have recommended that these madrassas be closed down immediately," said a central intelligence agency officer. All the madrassas have been funded by trusts based in the Gulf countries. "These trusts actually fund Islamic terrorism around the world and at least one such trust in Saudi Arabia is known to have strong links with the Al Qaeda. This trust has sponsored a number of madrassas in Cooch Behar and Jalpaiguri. We have documented evidence on petrodollars routed through Bangladesh and Pakistan to build these madrassas. The names of some of these trusts figure in the lists (prepared by the US) of those funding Islamic terrorism," said the officer. He added that Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) has also been active through these madrassas.
    Things're getting tough all over for madrassahs. The stuff they're filling kids' head with is also not putting Saudi Arabia high on anybody's "most beloved" list. Think how different things would be if the Saudis had funded science and technology schools or teaching hospitals.
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 01/22/2002 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

    Terror Networks
    Hamas and al-Aqsa argue over whose gunny wounded 39 in Jerusalem
  • Thirty-nine people were wounded by a gunman who opened fire at West Jerusalem bus stops and a clothes store. Two Palestinian groups claimed credit for the attack. Hamas said in a leaflet that it had carried out the attack in revenge for the killing of four Hamas militants, by Israeli troops in Nablus. But masked militants using loudspeakers announced in Nablus that the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades was responsible for the attack. Police killed the gunman, who sprayed automatic fire from an M-16. Most of the injuries to bystanders were light, but authorities said six people were seriously injured, and police said one of them was in critical condition.
    Perhaps they could have a shoot-out to decide who the attempted murderer belonged to.
    and the winner gets the virgins. or is it white grapes?
    Posted by Mark 1/22/2002 9:05:37 PM
    It's curious that several recent murder sprees by Arab gunmen in Israel have used M-16's. Where do they come from, I wonder? Did they buy them on the open market, did the US ship them to the Palestinian Authority to equip their "police" while encouraging the Oslo "Peace Process", or did they come from some other source? And if the weapons came from the PA's arsenals, it is one more example of the latter's complicity in murder.
    Posted by Mike 1/22/2002 10:47:51 PM
    I've noticed that, too. My guess would be that the M16s come from the PA. I'll start keeping an eye on which equipment is used.
    Posted by Fred 1/23/2002 11:24:50 AM
    You're absolutely correct. See

    The PA M-16s came from IDF stores, said to be underwritten by US compensation. The "official" PA police weapons are supposed to be marked, I don't know how. Originally half the weapons were M-16s, half AK-47s, but in 1998 the PA standardized on the M-16 because ammo was cheaper.

    Ironic, isn't it, that nobody ever complains about "American-supplied guns and American-trained police" killing Israelis .... hmmm. (Even this liberal thinks that's a daft double standard!)

    Posted by lakefxdan 1/23/2002 11:54:35 AM
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 01/22/2002 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

    Harkat Jihadis shoot up American Center in Calcutta
  • Four policemen were killed when gunmen sprayed the American Center on one of Kolkata's main thoroughfares. A criminal with links to Pakistani intelligence has said his outfit was responsible for the shooting and has threatened more attacks. Officials in Calcutta received a telephone call from Aftab Ansari, alias Farhan Malik, who is based in Dubai and linked to the Harkat-ul-Jihad Islami, a Pakistan-based Islamic group fighting in Jammu and Kashmir.
    The Kashmir-based snuffies have to show they're still in business and of course America's the enemy. It's real hard on the poor cops who were killed, but it's a pretty ineffective attack overall. It's also significant that Ansari's main line of business is as a criminal. Like seeks like.
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 01/22/2002 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under:

    Suspect in massacre is massacred
  • The suspect in the massacre of 11 persons, including eight children, at a village in Poonch district was himself later slain by terrorists. The body of Mohammed Nazir, cut up into eight parts, was found near Behra Kund, the village where Sunday night’s massacre had been led by him. He himself is said to have been slain by terrorists on Monday night.
    Ow. Glad that's not my family.
    Terrorists? Or vendettists?
    Posted by John "Akatsukami" Braue 1/22/2002 5:23:41 PM

    Harkat-ul-Mujahideen killed the ex-Special Police Officer accused of killing 11 people over a family feud in Mendhar on Sunday night. The mutilated body was found on Tuesday morning in the fields near Salwa village, the site of massacre.
    Perhaps they were robinhooding. Or maybe nobody liked him at all.
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 01/22/2002 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

    India claims Ansari-Omar Sheikh-Mohammad Atta link
  • India's CBI has informed FBI that the ransom money taken by Dubai underworld don Aftab Ansari to release a Kolkata shoe baron was used to finance Mohammed Atta. CBI Director P C Sharma told visiting FBI Chief Robert S Mueller that Ansari, who claimed responsibility for Tuesday's attack, had taken a ransom of 37.5 million rupees to free Parthapratim Roy Burman through hawala channels to Dubai. Out of this amount, Omar Sheikh, one of the three militants released by India for the safety of hostages on board the hijacked Indian Airlines plane in Kandahar, had sent $100,000 to Atta through telegraphic transfer. Sheikh, a British national, was an important leader of Harkat-ul-Jehadi Islamia.
    If true, that would seem to establish some more dirty ISI links that Pakland might like to explain. It's also a link between the Kashmiri networks and al-Qaeda, which should move them - and especially Harkat-ul-Jihadi Islamia - up the US interest list. India has an ax to grind with Pak, of course, but things sure seem to at least point to Kashmir.
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 01/22/2002 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

    Three snuffies depart gene pool in Jammu
  • Three snuffies, including two from Jaish-e-Mohammed, and a civilian were killed in separate incidents in Jammu. The two Jaish gunnies were bumped off in Doda district, and the unidentified gunny was killed in Banihal tehsil. The civilian was Mohammad Fazal, who was killed following his refusal to work as a porter for the Bad Guys.
    4,976 to go...
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 01/22/2002 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

    Paks close down Harkat ul Mujahideen
  • Pakistani police sealed the Islamabad office of Harkat-ul-Mujahideen. Harkat was not part of the five militant groups banned by President Pervez Musharraf recently but was declared a terrorist organisation by the United States last October for its alleged links with Al-Qaeda. Hizbul Mujahideen, which was considered to be a Kashmiri militant group headed by Saeed Salahuddin, has so far escaped the crackdown.
    Shucks. Now they're gonna have to get jobs. And who wants to hire someone whose last resume entry is "Crazed killer"?
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 01/22/2002 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

    Pak cops pick up crazed killer
  • Faisalabad police arrested Riaz Basra. Basra, the bodyguard of Sipah-i-Sahaba founder Haq Nawaz Jhangvi, established a militant group in the name of the Lashkar-i-Jhangvi after the assassination of Nawaz. Lahore police arrested Basra after his conviction of murdering Iranian counsel Aqai Sadiq Ganji, and he was accused in the murder of Tehrik-i-Jaferia leader Syed Sikandar Shah. However, he managed to escape from police in May, 1994. After escape, he reportedly enrolled many hardliners in the Lashkar. Hundreds of rival sect leaders and activists were allegedly gunned down by the group from 1996 to 1998 under his command. Law enforcement agencies said Basra settled in Afghanistan after Pakistan's takeover by the army in 1999 and Lashkar-i-Jhangvi curtailed its activities. However, he returned to Pakistan after the US attack in October.
    Sounds like a good candidate for an "unfortunate accident," given the present climate in Pakland. There will be many people who yawn indignantly. "Disappeared, never to be seen again, did he? Terrible. Tsk tsk. More tea, m'dear?"
    Yo, dude, if we're suggesting that people concerned with habeas corpus are "fifth columnists," and certain other people should meet with "unfortunate accidents," where are we going with this line of thinking? Isn't targeted assassination and disdain for the rule of law how terrorism begins? Are we really ready for a United States where there's a knock on the door from the "authorities" and somebody's never heard from again? (I'd assume someone with opinions as strong as yours has a lot to gain from the rule of law.) The info on your site is great reading, but I'm not into death squads.
    Posted by Kristin 1/23/2002 12:29:28 AM
    Surely you're not confusing Ramsey Clark with someone who actually cares about habeas corpus? Clarks is utterly and consistenly anti-American. His suit is frivolous and the least of his concerns is the poor, beleaguered professional killers at Guantanamo.

    An yes, I do think that the occasional "unfortunate accident" here or there in the world can be a good thing, at least for those of us not involved in the "accidents." Once terrorism has begun it has to be fought without mercy. We don't have the "knock on the door" in the US because we're a nation of balanced laws. Too much "law and order" gives a society where the knock can come. Too little - as in vast stretches of Pakistan - gives a society in which a thug can have his own private army and bump off "hundreds of rival sect leaders and activists." If you were an official in the Pak interior ministry and you had this guy, knowing that an open arrest would result in riots, killing and assassinations; and you knew of a stretch of bad road or a helicopter that was on its last legs, and enough friends to lend "plausible deniability," what would you do? Which course would save more lives?
    Posted by Fred 1/23/2002 10:03:46 AM
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 01/22/2002 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

    Indonesian cops to question cleric about al-Qaeda links
  • Indonesian police said they would question Abu Bakar Bashir, a militant Muslim cleric who is suspected by Malaysia of involvement in international terrorism. Malaysian authorities believe Bashir is the ringleader of the Malaysian Mujahidin Group, with links to al-Qaida. Bashir, who often travels to Malaysia, heads the Indonesian Mujahidin Council, a recently formed group that is campaigning for an Islamic state in Indonesia. Bashir's lawyer denied his client had any connections to al-Qaida.
    Oooh. Interlocking directorates. How very modern.
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 01/22/2002 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

    The Alliance
    Yemen to shut down madrassah
  • The Yemeni government has shut down a religious study center and plans to deport about 80 students and teachers who were arrested for overstaying their visas. Dar Al-Hadith was founded several years ago by a fundamentalist cleric named Abul Hassan and the student body averages about 100 students at a time.
    Go somewhere else. And study engineering. And dump the guns.
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 01/22/2002 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

    Military to quit veil policy in Arabia
  • In a reversal of policy, the U.S. military has decided to no longer require its female troops to wear a traditional "abayah" veil in Saudi Arabia to avoid offending Muslim sensitivities. Central Command officials refused to immediately confirm or deny any change, which would come only days after a report that Saudi leaders might be considering asking the U.S. military to leave the country. A reversal of the policy would also follow a recent warning by the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee who said the U.S. Air Force might need to end operations at Prince Sultan Air Base, given the restrictions on its personnel.
    As long as we have girls with guns in Guantanamo guarding the snuffies, it doesn't make much sense to have them running around wearing sacks in Arabia.
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 01/22/2002 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

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    Two weeks of WOT
    Tue 2002-01-22
      Harkat Jihadis shoot up American Center in Calcutta
    Mon 2002-01-21
      Israel takes over Tulkarem
    Sun 2002-01-20
      Sri Lanka and Tamil Tigers to begin peace talks
    Sat 2002-01-19
      Malaysian cops nab seven more al-Qaeda gunnies
    Fri 2002-01-18
      Bosnia turns over six Algerian gunnies to U.S.
    Thu 2002-01-17
      Five al-Qaeda caught wearing women's clothes in Pakistan
    Wed 2002-01-16
      PLO arrests head of PFLP...
    Tue 2002-01-15
      Pak gunnies to go underground
    Mon 2002-01-14
      Over 500 arrested in Punjab
    Sun 2002-01-13
      Musharraf bans key militant groups
    Sat 2002-01-12
      We are ready for war: Indian general
    Fri 2002-01-11
      Singapore springs two sympathizers, keeps 13 live ones
    Thu 2002-01-10
      US blocks phony Islamic "charities"
    Wed 2002-01-09
      Ceasefire has ceased: Hamas gunnies hit Israeli army post
    Tue 2002-01-08
      Kandahar hospital stand-off: And then there were six

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