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Is Bakri Holding On To The Rope Of Allah Or Her Majesty's Coat Tails?
Jihad Unspun
UK's Shiekh Omar Bakri Mohammed is once again under fire; this time for holding a secret rally where he allegedly encouraged his followers to join Al-Qaida and for comments he has allegedly made in his Paltalk chat room that Britain has become a Dar ul-Harb or "land of war".

JUS first learned of the secret conference from sources close to Bakri some weeks ago. At that time, it was originally planned to be as a pubic press conference to announce the formation of Al-Qaida in Britain however is appears that Bakri took a more toned down approach. Holding a secret conference on January 8th under the guise of health conference titled Women's Dawah UK held at the Quakers Friends Meeting House in Central London, some 600 people attended and were shown special presentations including footage from September 11th attacks on the US. The Quakers who rented the group the facility and who are known their non-violence stance told Reuters they were outraged to learn of the event that took place.

While sources told JUS that many foreign press representatives attended, including the Washington Times, this proved to be false. Who did attend were two UPI reporters and a Times reporter under cover who taped the speeches by Bakri and other presenters and then went public with accusations of inciting violence.

Since the demise of his group Al-Muhajiroun "for the purposes of unity", Bakri has continued his nightly sermons in his Paltalk room which he has been conducting for some time. This chat room is now being monitored by Britian's anti-terrorism police and pressure is being put on the ISP who hosts Paltalk in the US to end this venue. As of last night, sources close to Bakri say he is now being hunted down by police however it is unlikely any action will be taken against him. While over 4000 Muslims are being held in UK prisons, most without charge and clerics such as Sheikh Abu Hamza Al-Masry and Sheik Faisal have been sentenced for merely reading the words of the Quran, Bakri has been left to operate openly.

Sheikh Faisal was accused of hate crimes for what the judge claimed was inciting Moslem youth to hate Jews and Christians, train in the use of arms, and establishing Islamic Shariah by any means necessary, including killing. Sheikh Faisal had this to say to the judge:
"I have been conveying to my fellow Moslems what Allah has revealed to us in the Holy Book, Qura'an. So if conveying the message of Allah to All mankind is a crime in your eyes, then it is clear to me that Allah, His messenger, and the Qura'an are on trial here."
Sheikh Faisal received a nine year sentence. Bakri on the other hand, took an entirely different position when the British government and Zionist organizations were putting heat on him and his followers. He announced over and over that he advocates no violence against the British government or its citizens. According to Omar Bakri, he and his followers are under a permanent covenant with the British government. According to this covenant, Omar Bakri and his followers will enjoy the convenience of living in the UK without being harassed by the British security force. In exchange for that, he and his followers will advocate no violence in the UK.

In Islam there is no compulsion nor compromises and there are specific rules that govern covenants which a "permanent" covenant fails to meet. Further Bakri had long been used by British authorities as a means of gaging the pulse of "radicle Islam" in the UK. While it appeared that Bakri may have finally dismissed his "permanent covenant with the UK, media reports this morning quoted Bakri backpedaling.

He has now denied calling for young British Muslims to take up arms and join al-Qaida in an interview with GMTV. "That's not true. Definitely I have very strong beliefs and maybe some controversial views."

He said he was giving examples of groups "not necessarily a call inciting people to take any actions". He also said "And the word weapon...ask any Muslims...it doesn't mean always fighting."

As of last night, the Times was reporting that there is investigation into accusations of fraud against Bakri who has been receiving social security benefits however this accusation could not be verified.

A father of seven, Bakri moved to the UK in 1985 after being deported from Saudi Arabia because of his membership of a banned group. He has enjoyed save haven in the UK every since. As long as Bakri continues to cooperate with the the UK's home office and flip flop on his position, it is unlikely there will be any serious outcome to any of these latest allegations.

May Allah hasten the release of the noble scholars who have stood their ground in the face of the enemy. Ameen.
Posted by: tipper || 01/20/2005 7:52:38 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under:

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Abu Kuteiba's document dump
"The FSB successfully retrieved personal archives of Abu Kuteiba, who financed terrorist activities on the Russian territory from abroad," announced head of FSB press service, Colonel Sergei Ignatchenko. He said that the archives contained financial reports pointing out to the itinerary of terrorist financing. "Including records of weapons purchasing, payments to terrorists, purchases of vehicles," Mr. Ignatchenko stated. "The archive also contains reports of couriers who delivered the money to terrorists."

Mr. Ignatchenko pointed out that, according to FSB data, regular terrorists did not earn a lot of money, and the accounts of detained terrorists confirm this fact. "Actual perpetrators of terrorist acts earn about $200 per act, maximum. Meanwhile, those who order and organize these acts receive large sums of money and transfer them on accounts in foreign banks," the head of FSB press service emphasized.

Abu Kuteiba Jammal, Saudi Arabia national, an Arab born in 1960, was killed by Russian spetsnaz on July 1, 2004 in the town of Malgobek in Ingushetia. The FSB established that Abu Kuteiba organized and led bandit groups on the territory of Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan and Kabardino-Balkaria. He was directly involved in the preparation of the terrorist assault on a series of locations in Ingushetia early on June 22. During the war in Yugoslavia, he fought on the side of Islamists. He was also an emissary of various foreign Islamic centers. Abu Kuteiba financed international terrorist leader Abu Al-Valid and his bandit groups. He first set foot on the Chechen soil in 1995 together with Khattab.

Abu Kuteiba personally led terrorist groups operating in the Vedeno and Nozhai-Yurt districts of Chechnya. He was a member of the Supreme Military Majalis-Shur (Council) and was responsible for propaganda support of terrorist actions. He also had the exclusive right to post on the Internet the information received from Arab mercenaries in Chechnya. Before the start of the counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya, he was a demolition instructor and participated in the attack on Dagestan in 1999.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 01/20/2005 2:36:34 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Al-Qaeda runs Caucasus organized crime
Al-Qa'idah representatives active on the territory of Chechnya and organizing acts of terrorism in neighbouring regions have set up a form of criminal business, receiving millions of dollars from sponsors abroad in foreign banks, Federal Security Service [FSB] public relations centre head Sergey Ignatenko said today.

Ignatenko said the bulk of funds and orders to plan acts of terrorism come from abroad and al-Qa'idah leaders active in Chechnya recruit people to carry these out for relatively small sums. "The evidence we have suggests that a maximum of 2,000 dollars is given to the family of dead terrorists in payment for carrying out acts of terrorism," he said.

"It is a different matter that those issuing the orders and the leaders receive considerable sums, which never enter Chechnya but remain in foreign bank accounts, which each terrorist leader has," the FSB spokesman said. He pointed out that after the elimination of Khattab in 2002 the Saudi press wrote a great deal about his estate amounting to 40m dollars and his family were in litigation for a long time over this inheritance. "Our intelligence says similar sums went into accounts held by Abu Walid and Abu Khavs (who succeeded Khattab)," he said.

According to the special services, representatives of foreign extremist organizations began to appear on the territory of the former USSR in the 1990s. "It was at that time that we first began to observe the activity of extremist organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood and a number of others which are now brought together in al-Qa'idah. That was when a diffuse underground network appeared and in 1996-99 representatives of radical Muslim organizations set up a zone inside Chechnya where saboteurs and terrorists were trained and 16 camps to train experts in mines and explosives and snipers, as well as propaganda specialists.

"We are now up against a serious enemy, since the terrorists operate covertly and have a fairly diffuse network which has been established for a decade with well-organized funding from abroad, which is forcing us to restructure our work." Therefore "in our view, operations which we carry out must produce good results", Ignatenko said.

He named Abu Khavs, Abu Umar, Abu Barri - known as "the white Arab", Abdulla, Abu Zeys and Dzhabara, who is Abu Khavs's deputy, as active foreign terrorist leaders. Many foreign terrorists, not all from Middle East countries, have been killed in counter-terrorist operations but it is difficult to give a precise figure because "as a rule, most of the foreigners are not using documents so it is hard to identify them". He cited the example of foreigners killed taking part in the Beslan school siege whose country of origin has still not been identified.

According to the special services, it is foreign terrorists, mainly Arabs, who are protecting [Shamil] Basayev. Their intelligence says that "Basayev was abroad for a fairly long time but recently has been turning up in Chechnya from time to time and going abroad frequently".
Posted by: Dan Darling || 01/20/2005 2:35:24 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "Many foreign terrorists, not all from Middle East countries"

Posted by: gromgorru || 01/20/2005 8:05 Comments || Top||

Italy busts North African people smuggling ring
Italian police have arrested 14 people suspected of smuggling thousands of illegal immigrants from North Africa. The group is believed to be part of a trafficking ring operating in Egypt, Libya and the south of Italy. Police in the southern Italian town of Crotone said 29 warrants had been issued and arrests were continuing. An official said the men had organised at least 25 boat trips, smuggling around 3,000 people into Italy - many landing at the island of Lampedusa.

"The masterminds of the organisation, in Calabria and in Egypt, managed a steady inflow of migrants," the police said in a statement. The men arrested were mainly of Egyptian and Sudanese origin. A police official said they were investigating claims that some of those arrested had links with international terrorism. The BBC's David Willey in Rome says telephone taps appear to reveal that some of those arrested had spoken with known al-Qaeda operatives.

If the suspicions are confirmed, he says, it would mean that a major source of funding for the organisation has been uncovered. More than 10,000 illegal immigrants landed on the island of Lampedusa - between Sicily and Libya - last year. Many of them are believed to pay as much as $1,000 each for the chance to reach Europe. Eventually, the Italian government took drastic measures and returned the migrants to Libya in handcuffs on military aircraft. Italy and Libya now have a repatriation and border agreement to try and stop the entry of illegal immigrants.
Libya, the rogue country that came in from the cold.
Posted by: Seafarious || 01/20/2005 3:23:05 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Fifth Column
FBI monitors Islamic group
via JihadWatch.org
Secret memo suggests U.S. group could recruit terrorists

The FBI and the Pentagon are keeping a close eye on an Islamic missionary group with thousands of U.S. members. In a secret intelligence document obtained by NBC News, terrorism analysts say members of the evangelical movement are ideal recruits for terrorist organizations inside the United States.

On Dec. 13, in Queens, New York, members of a conservative Islamic missionary group known as Tablighi Jamaat brought sleeping bags to their mosque to spend the night discussing religion.

Now, NBC News has obtained a secret government memo which says U.S. anti-terror officials believe radical extremists have been infiltrating this otherwise peaceful Islamic movement and are using Tablighi's U.S. organization "as cover... to network with other extremists in the U.S."

"If al-Qaida needed a fresh set of bodies in order to pull an operation, one of the places that they would go to for that fresh set of bodies would be Tablighi Jamaat, whether it's in the United States or not," says former FBI agent Steve Denny, who has investigated members of Tablighi.

Tablighi preaches a return to fundamental Islamic values and has major mosques in at least 10 states, with as many as 50,000 U.S. members.

Recent pilgrimages in Bangladesh and Pakistan attracted millions. Experts say they were fertile ground for al-Qaida recruiters.

The memo, written in April by the Defense Intelligence Agency, claims some Tablighi members in the U.S. "have the capability to conduct a terrorist attack in the U.S.," though there's no evidence of planning.

The document also says seven Tablighi leaders in the U.S. are under investigation and claims a Tablighi official at a major Midwestern mosque "has associations with several al-Qaida supporters" and may be recruiting "converts for nefarious purposes."

The imam in Queens says the FBI questioned him. He insists that radicals who espouse violence aren't even allowed at his mosque "We stop them," says Imam Zia Hafez Paracha. "We don't even let them come."

"We don't have any numbers as to how successful al-Qaida or other militant groups have been, but they are present and they do see this as opportunity to recruit youth to their cause," says Vali Nasr, an Islamic expert and professor of Middle East politics at the Naval Postgraduate School.

Tablighi does not endorse terrorism, but investigators allege some known militants have Tablighi ties:

* So-called American Taliban John Walker Lindh was radicalized at a Tablighi-affiliated mosque in California.
* Iyman Faris, who plotted to destroy the Brooklyn Bridge, posed as a Tablighi missionary to get into the U.S.

The Pentagon denies spying on the group and says it merely analyzed intelligence collected by the FBI about possible threats posed by terrorists who "exploited this legitimate religious organization."
Posted by: ed || 01/20/2005 5:45:34 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Better late than never.
Posted by: gromgorru || 01/20/2005 8:12 Comments || Top||

#2  And Cabana Boy wanted to stop this.
Posted by: anonymous2u || 01/20/2005 10:30 Comments || Top||

#3  What I'm curious about, is that if some particular document is "secret", what's NBC doing with it?
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 01/20/2005 10:30 Comments || Top||

#4  Agreed, BaR. NBC's soooo last decade. Everyone knows if you're gonna leak, it should be to Brit Hume at Fox. They give better per diems and hotel accommodations.

On-topic, I'd just reiterate what should be obvious, by now: Every Muslim is a resource, whether it be as an active jihadi or a support point for a jihadi. Those who appear to be the Mythical Moderate Muslims are merely untapped, as yet. Only the terminally optimistic among us will fail to grasp this, sooner or later.

Sorry, but all evidence leads to this conclusion. I wish it were not so. But I also wish I was better looking, younger, richer, and had a longer, uh, tongue, lol! I have a better chance of acquiring these improvements than those who don't agree with the conclusion.
Posted by: .com || 01/20/2005 10:43 Comments || Top||

Home Front: Politix
Bush takes second Oath of Office
AP) - George W. Bush swore the oath of office for a second term as president of the United States on Thursday, pledging to seek "freedom in all the world" as the surest path to peace in an era of terrorism across the globe. Bush raised one hand and placed the other on a family Bible as he vowed to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution in a 35-word pledge as old as the Republic.
Demonstrate and be damned...
Posted by: Steve from Relto || 01/20/2005 11:58:26 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  And when GWB said, "So help me God", Newdow's head exploded.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 01/20/2005 13:37 Comments || Top||

#2  YOU just made MY list, wiseguy! MY list! MINE! ME!
Posted by: Michael Newdow || 01/20/2005 13:41 Comments || Top||

#3  I didn't get to watch it, but I did read the text of the inaugural address.

America’s vital interests and our deepest beliefs are now one. From the day of our Founding, we have proclaimed that every man and woman on this earth has rights, and dignity, and matchless value, because they bear the image of the Maker of Heaven and earth. Across the generations we have proclaimed the imperative of self-government, because no one is fit to be a master, and no one deserves to be a slave. Advancing these ideals is the mission that created our Nation. It is the honorable achievement of our fathers. Now it is the urgent requirement of our nation’s security, and the calling of our time.

So it is the policy of the United States to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world. . . .

We will persistently clarify the choice before every ruler and every nation: The moral choice between oppression, which is always wrong, and freedom, which is eternally right. America will not pretend that jailed dissidents prefer their chains, or that women welcome humiliation and servitude, or that any human being aspires to live at the mercy of bullies. . . .

We go forward with complete confidence in the eventual triumph of freedom. Not because history runs on the wheels of inevitability; it is human choices that move events. Not because we consider ourselves a chosen nation; God moves and chooses as He wills. We have confidence because freedom is the permanent hope of mankind, the hunger in dark places, the longing of the soul. When our Founders declared a new order of the ages; when soldiers died in wave upon wave for a union based on liberty; when citizens marched in peaceful outrage under the banner “Freedom Now” — they were acting on an ancient hope that is meant to be fulfilled. History has an ebb and flow of justice, but history also has a visible direction, set by liberty and the Author of Liberty.

Ye Gods! Is this a serious speech, or what? He just served notice on every tyrant on the planet that we are coming for them.

This is the first time that an American president has committed the United States to side with democratic reformers worldwide. The end of the cold war has allowed us such parameters, but the American people also should be aware of the hard and necessary decisions entailed in such idealism that go way beyond the easy rhetoric of calling for change in Cuba, Syria, or Iran-distancing ourselves from the Saudi Royal Family, pressuring the Mubarak dynasty to hold real elections, hoping that a Pakistan can liberalize without becoming a theocracy, and navigating with Putin in matters of the former Soviet republics, all the while pressuring nuclear China, swaggering with cash and confidence, to allow its citizens real liberty. I wholeheartedly endorse the president's historic stance, but also accept that we live in an Orwellian world, where, for example, the liberal-talking Europeans are reactionary-doing realists who trade with anyone who pays and appease anyone who has arms-confident in their culture's ability always to package that abject realpolitik in the highest utopian rhetoric. But nonetheless the president has formally declared that we at least will be on the right side of history and thus we have to let his critics sort of their own moral calculus.

--Victor Davis Hanson

Posted by: Mike || 01/20/2005 15:00 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Iraqi-American pleads guilty in oil-for-food case
An Iraqi-American businessman pleaded guilty to acting and conspiring to act as an unregistered agent of the Iraqi government in relation to the UN oil-for-food programme, Attorney General John Ashcroft announced. Samir Vincent faced as many as 28 years in prison. He entered his plea in a New York court. Vincent is alleged to have been paid for his work - some three-to-five million dollars according to early estimates - on behalf of the Iraqi government in connection with the scandal-plagued UN programme. He "was able to reap profits totaling millions of dollars by reselling these five allocations of Iraqi oil to an oil company," Ashcroft said Tuesday of the naturalized US citizen. Ashcroft added: "Today we know that from the moment the Oil-for-Food program was introduced, (deposed Iraqi dictator) Saddam Hussein and his agents attempted to subvert it, working the system so that profits were diverted to fund a brutal regime rather than to feed the people of Iraq," Ashcroft said.
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Wow, Norman Rockwell's "Guilty of Solicitation". You don't see that one much.
Posted by: tu3031 || 01/20/2005 10:45 Comments || Top||

#2  LOL Tu! It was the 2nd part of his series the so called Four f**k Ups.
Posted by: Shipman || 01/20/2005 12:19 Comments || Top||

#3  KSFO via an article on World Net Daily links this guy to Jimmy Carter. Suprise, suprise, suprise! I would love to see that a$$hole linked to the oil for food scandal.
Posted by: Remoteman || 01/20/2005 12:49 Comments || Top||

Terror Networks & Islam
FBI Adds 10 Names to List in Boston Threat
Posted by: God Save The World || 01/20/2005 21:51 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [32 views] Top|| File under:

#1  This seems bigger than originally reported.
Posted by: John Q. Citizen || 01/20/2005 22:33 Comments || Top||

#2  good thing we have the borders secure against these intrusions

(/pissed off sarcasm)
Posted by: Frank G || 01/20/2005 22:33 Comments || Top||

#3  If Chinese cross the Rio Grande, do they still call them Rio Grande frogmen?
Posted by: John Q. Citizen || 01/20/2005 22:39 Comments || Top||

#4  ...."They're not wanted at this point in time for any crimes because there's no evidence at this point in time that they've committed any crimes,"....
Didn't the tipster yesterday that these individuals sneaked across the border? Isn't that a crime? Guess not.
Posted by: GK || 01/20/2005 23:07 Comments || Top||

Rantapalooza Update
We're good to go for Saturday at 1, worldwide toast at 2, special celebrity guest appearance guaranteed.


Fadó is located at the corner of 7th and H at the edge of Chinatown just one block from the MCI Center and just down from the Convention Center. If you are taking the train we are at the Chinatown and Gallery Place Metro stop; use the Chinatowm exit.


The weathercritters are calling for snow but oh well. I'm drinking anyway. if you plan to drive in, I'd recommend parking in a garage to keep your car out of the weather.


See you Saturday. If you've already rsvp'd, great; I'd like to know you're coming if you haven't told me already.
Posted by: Seafarious@yahoo.com || 01/20/2005 2:34:36 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under:

#1  PS: OldSpook, JackAssFesitval, Mrs. Davis...pls send me an email. Thanx.
Posted by: Seafarious || 01/20/2005 14:40 Comments || Top||

#2  Live it up, Rantburgers! I'll be knocking one back in your honor in N'Awlins (taking my sweetie on our second honeymoon.....)
Posted by: Desert Blondie || 01/20/2005 14:48 Comments || Top||

#3  Wife and I are attending a formal post holiday soiree. Champagne is at the ready for worldwide toast. I fully intend on hijacking this and turning it into my personal Rantapalooza west.
Posted by: Rex Mundi || 01/20/2005 15:10 Comments || Top||

#4  Worldwide Toast at 2pm Eastern? That's 5 hours behind GMT... 9am in the UK. Excellent! Am at a Tsunami relief fundraising bash on Friday evening. It's possible I might still be imbibing then...
Posted by: Bulldog || 01/20/2005 15:45 Comments || Top||

#5  BD...I thought you are 5 hours ahead of us? Try lifting your pint at 7 pm instead...
Posted by: Seafarious || 01/20/2005 16:13 Comments || Top||

#6  Interestingly, Fado is the same place that NRO is having a get together tomorrow afternoon. Check out the Corner for info.
Posted by: Tibor || 01/20/2005 16:19 Comments || Top||

#7  or both. :)
Posted by: eLarson || 01/20/2005 16:19 Comments || Top||

#8  Oops, Sea. Yep! Have to get my head around this rotation thing.
Posted by: Bulldog || 01/20/2005 16:36 Comments || Top||

#9  Blondie, if y'all pass through Lafayette on the way, I'll buy y'all coffee.
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 01/20/2005 17:25 Comments || Top||

#10  Seafarious---I will teleconference in at 130 PM EST, thats 0930 Alaska time. Keep your cell on. Got some tinnies of Guinness on standby at 1000 AM (early drinking time for me, heh).

-Auckland Paul
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 01/20/2005 18:00 Comments || Top||

#11  Phil - We're flying in from Phoenix, so I'll just be passing overhead. And no rental car, either. Any recommendations?
Posted by: Desert Blondie || 01/20/2005 18:07 Comments || Top||

#12  CC's Coffee is sort-of Louisiana's home grown competitor to Starbuck's. As for restaurants, I'm not familiar with New Orleans any more these days.

(I ate in a nice hamburger place near Touro about ten years back, but I can't remember the name, and it might not be there... you can find decent places to eat just walking around, but just walking around carries a recommendation of a kevlar jacket with spectra-shield stab guards...)
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 01/20/2005 18:30 Comments || Top||

#13  Teleconference? Let me know how I can do that, I have an iChat camera ...
Posted by: Steve White || 01/20/2005 18:52 Comments || Top||

#14  New Orleans?

Don's Seafood Hut in Metairie.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 01/20/2005 20:26 Comments || Top||

#15  Sea - As you suggested, I'll call you before 1:30 to get another number since Paul is calling yours.

Wouldn't it be cool if lots of others could call in too?
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 01/20/2005 21:16 Comments || Top||

#16  special celebrity guest appearance guaranteed ... Aris ?

I'll raise a glass to you all at the stipulated time ;-)

good health .
Posted by: Ebbith Craviter4765 || 01/20/2005 21:24 Comments || Top||

#17  >>>>Ebbith Craviter4765 <<<<<
Posted by: MacNails || 01/20/2005 21:25 Comments || Top||

#18  2 PM EST?Won't that US-centric time for the toast engender more anti-US sentiment worldwide?Ahh...screw 'em...drink up!
Posted by: Me || 01/20/2005 21:57 Comments || Top||

#19  paypalling a round - enjoy! I'm jealous
Posted by: Frank G || 01/20/2005 22:04 Comments || Top||

#20  OK---Everyone---1900Z is the official Greenwich toast time GTT. Get out your time zone maps and synchronize watches. The National Institute for Standards and Time (NIST) website is HERE for those who want to be totally in synch with the Rantapalooza participants in the front lines bar.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 01/20/2005 22:14 Comments || Top||

#21  ok - $40 should buy Somebody a drink!
Posted by: Frank G || 01/20/2005 22:18 Comments || Top||

#22  I, unfortunately will have to be sober and dressed up at my eldest godson's first communion at 5PST . Damn...will have flask for afterwards LOL
Posted by: Frank G || 01/20/2005 22:20 Comments || Top||

#23  Don't worry, Frank. We will cover for you, and we won't let you down.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 01/20/2005 22:24 Comments || Top||

#24  Phil & Robert -- Thanks for the recommendations! I'll have to look them up!
Posted by: Desert Blondie || 01/20/2005 23:43 Comments || Top||

Palestinians to Deploy Police Along Border
Any time now...
The Palestinians will deploy hundreds of police officers along the Gaza-Israel frontier in coming days to prevent rocket fire and other attacks on Israeli towns, in the first act of security cooperation with Israel under Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, officials said Thursday. Abbas ordered the troop deployment after a meeting Wednesday night between Israeli and Palestinian generals, convened in a last-ditch effort to avert an Israeli military offensive in Gaza. The meeting signaled that Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon are succeeding to defuse their first crisis, though the situation remains highly volatile and renewed rocket fire by Palestinian militants could trigger major violence.

Only last week, Sharon had announced he was boycotting the Palestinian leadership to protest what Israel said was Abbas' lack of determination to rein in militants. Abbas has been holding talks with leaders of militant groups in Gaza since Tuesday, and his aides said he was edging closer to a truce deal with them. The militants say they are ready to halt attacks, provided Israel stops military operations — a promise Israel has refused to make.
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2005 9:52:12 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The object of this exercise may be to "prevent rocket fire and other attacks on Israeli towns", but the various terrorist groups like Islamic Jihad, Hamas, and the like still exist. That doesn't even take into effect whether the Paleo "police" could or would actually have an effect.

Abbas has been holding talks with leaders of militant groups in Gaza since Tuesday, and his aides said he was edging closer to a truce deal with them.

This truce is the sign of a "leader" with no real authority or power.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 01/20/2005 10:51 Comments || Top||

#2  Static recon.
Posted by: .com || 01/20/2005 10:59 Comments || Top||

#3  Many of the Palestinian policemen receive a second paycheck from the terrorist gang that is their first allegience. This should be interesting: static recon, but also static target, no?
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/20/2005 11:39 Comments || Top||

#4  I assume Abbas figures if the police are on duty they can't fire rockets at the same time.
Posted by: Shipman || 01/20/2005 12:23 Comments || Top||

#5  I figure they're there to give the boys directions in case they get lost.
Posted by: tu3031 || 01/20/2005 17:36 Comments || Top||

#6  Someone has to make sure that bombers have the right away. Someone has to clear traffic so that rocket launchers can escape to the hinterland.
Posted by: jackal || 01/20/2005 20:45 Comments || Top||

#7  Today was the 2nd day in a row without Qassam or morter attacks across the Gaza line.
Posted by: mhw || 01/20/2005 20:51 Comments || Top||

Estonian "Stone Platoon" Leads the Way
Task Force 2nd Battalion, 12th Cavalry Regiment, Soldiers moved in on an anti-Iraqi insurgent in the Latifiyah area of north Babil on Jan. 18. They detained their target without a hitch. The operation ended with more than just the successful apprehension of a suspect, however.

Working off a tip gathered while on site, Task Force 2-12 Cavalry Soldiers, working with their attached Estonian light infantry platoon, Stone, found five weapons caches with a total roundup of more than two tons of raw explosives, dozens of artillery and mortar rounds, and an assortment of grenades, anti-personnel mines, armor-piercing ammunition and launchers.

Sgt. Samuel Jones, a Task Force signal systems support specialist who works as a radio operator with the Stone Platoon, recalled the events leading up to one of the bigger finds of the day; two tons of raw explosives. "We detained our main objective and were waiting, and then one of our sources came up and said there were caches on another guy's land further off our objective, he said. He had already been in jail for planting [vehicle-borne explosive devices], so we and Annihilator went to his land." "We just kept going, going, going, and when we got 300 meters off of his land we found these white sacks," he said. "So we started digging these white sacks out of the ground. And working about seven feet into the ground we pulled out 26 sacks."

The find, two tons of raw explosives, resulted in the first of three controlled detonations an explosive ordnance disposal team made on site that day. "It was like a nuclear bomb, to tell you the truth." He said, The ground actually went up and then it pushed up like mushroom cloud. I was sitting there thinking about if that was an improvised explosive device. There would be nothing left."

After finding the cache of explosives, the Task Force Soldiers decided to conduct a more thorough sweep of the area, consisting mostly of farmland. Capt. Andrus Meriloj, the Stone Platoon commander, explained how his troops found the buried caches using metal detectors. "When we found the first spot it was actually easy because there were signs that something was there," Meriloj said. "Then one squad was searching in one place, and two others in different places. That's how we found caches in the different places. It was just luck, and some experience we have gained here."

Jones, who has worked with all three rotations of Estonian Soldiers who have been attached to Task Force 2-12 during the past year, said he wasn't surprised to see the Estonian troops find caches on this farmland. It was their second time searching the property, and during their first search they had found a cache as well. "It's a tradition for Stone," Jones said. "Their first raid, they always hit the jackpot. After finding all that stuff [the first time], I knew this place was loaded." It was loaded with two more caches of explosives and another large cache of artillery rounds, armaments and ammunition.

Capt. Dave Perry, the Task Force 2-12 Cavalry assistant operations officer, said the Stone platoon's attitude probably helped contribute to the amount of munitions found during the search. "They are a first-rate organization by any standard," Perry said, "They're disciplined, they're brave and they are competent in what they do. They're very thorough searchers and they're good in a fight, so we've had a great experience working with the Estonians. They always achieve what they set out to accomplish."

On the second controlled detonation of the day, the explosive ordnance disposal team let Perry play trigger man on the remote detonation device. "That was fun," Perry said. "I haven't ever blown that much demo before. I worked with demolitions in the past, but have never blown a charge that size before, and it was good to know that I had something to do with the destruction of equipment that could be used against Army Soldiers."
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 01/20/2005 9:49:53 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Kudos to the Estonians - Thanks for the support.
Posted by: Rightwing || 01/20/2005 10:40 Comments || Top||

#2  Agreed, RW. I like this New Europe. Much better than the Old one ever was...

Chuck, thanks for posting this! My only complaint is that "stone" and "platoon" so close in proximity bring to mind an asshole - who got almost everything wrong except the drugs thingy. ;-)
Posted by: .com || 01/20/2005 10:55 Comments || Top||

#3  Way to go, Estonia! Terviseks!
Posted by: Jules 187 || 01/20/2005 13:57 Comments || Top||

Zarqawi Tape Vows Lengthy War in Iraq
DUBAI (Reuters) - An audio tape purportedly from al Qaeda ally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has urged militants to prepare for a lengthy holy war against U.S.-led forces in Iraq, saying victory could take months and years. The speaker, who identified himself as the Jordanian militant, said insurgents were crushing the morale of "tyrant" America and called on them to be patient in their street battles because God had promised victory.

The tape, posted on an Islamist Web site on Thursday, was not dated. The speaker mentioned Eid but it was not clear if he was referring to Eid al-Adha which started on Thursday or Eid al-Fitr which took place in November after U.S. and Iraqi forces launched an assault against insurgents in Falluja.

"The fruits of jihad (holy war) come after much patience and a lengthy stay in the battlefield ... which could last months and years," he said. "In the fight against the arrogant American tyrant who carries the flag of the cross, we find that despite its military might it is being crushed emotionally and morally.
"Our battle with the enemy is a battle of streets and towns and has many tactical, defensive and offensive methods. Fierce wars are not decided in days or weeks," he said, adding that U.S. forces had not achieved victory by entering Falluja.

Washington has put a $25 million price on Zarqawi's head. An audio tape purportedly from al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has backed Zarqawi as the network's leader in Iraq.

The speaker, addressing bin Laden, pledged to remain on the path of jihad. He said the assault on the Sunni Muslim city of Falluja had only strengthened the jihadists and exposed the "apostate" Iraqi government and "ugly face of the rejectionists (Shi'ites)" and their leader Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani.

He said two senior non-Iraqi members of Al Qaeda Organization of Holy War in Iraq, identified as Omar Hadeed and Abu Hareth Mohammed Jassem al-Isawi, died in Falluja after they helped kill U.S. troops like "moles and flies."

The U.S. military had said that some of Zarqawi's associates were killed or captured in raids on Falluja, which U.S. and Iraqi officials said was a haven for Zarqawi's group. Guerrillas trying to topple Iraq's U.S.-backed interim government have launched a series of attacks in the runup to Jan. 30 parliamentary elections. Zarqawi's group has claimed some of the bloodiest suicide attacks and hostage beheadings.
Posted by: Steve || 01/20/2005 9:45:38 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Afghanistan/South Asia
Afghan warlord escapes bomber
Afghan warlord General Abdul Rashid Dostum has escaped an apparent attempt on his life, reports say. He was unhurt when a suicide bomber blew himself up outside a mosque in northern Afghanistan where the general had been praying, his aides say. A number of others were wounded in the blast in Shebergan early on Thursday. It is unclear who staged the attack.
Anybody want to take a guess? Bueller?
General Dostum is a controversial figure who ran for president last year and helped oust the Taleban in 2001. Thursday's early morning bombing came as General Dostum chatted with well-wishers after prayers at the mosque to mark the Muslim festival of Eid. Aides say the suicide bomber detonated explosives strapped to his body when security guards prevented him from approaching his target. "When the bodyguards stopped him from getting any closer, he blew himself up," one security guard told the Associated Press. Two bodyguards took the force of the explosion, but a number of bystanders are also reported to have been wounded, some seriously. Some reports say General Dostum's brother received minor injuries.

The head of a local television station which says it filmed the event told the AFP news agency that the identity of the suicide bomber was still unknown. "General Dostum is safe and sound," Mohammed Yusuf Rawanyar said. General Dostum is a controversial figure with a substantial private army, which is now being reluctantly disarmed and demobilised. A veteran of the war against Soviet troops, he was also part of the force which ousted the Taleban under American command in 2001. Observers say he has displayed an uncanny ability to switch sides and stay on the right side of those in power during his career. The BBC's Paul Anderson says the Taleban have plenty to hold against the warlord - although it is not clear if they had any role in Thursday's attack. The ethnic Uzbek commander is also locked in a bitter rivalry with another northern warlord, Atta Mohammad.
Posted by: Steve || 01/20/2005 9:01:01 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Well it looks like Eid has officially started.
Posted by: tu3031 || 01/20/2005 10:13 Comments || Top||

#2  Lol, tu! Perfect take, lol!
Posted by: .com || 01/20/2005 10:24 Comments || Top||

#3  In this case, I'm rooting for the bomber. There are about six guys in Afghanistan that ought to have accidents, serious accidents, and that would make the place a much better place to live.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 01/20/2005 12:24 Comments || Top||

#4  Dostum in a mosque is about as atonishing as Joey Tribiani in a public library.
Posted by: JFM || 01/20/2005 13:07 Comments || Top||

Tales from the Bangladesh Police Log
Seven arrested by RAB, firearms recovered
Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) arrested seven persons and recovered four firearms in separate drives from Savar, Jessore and Khulna on Tuesday night, RAB sources said, reports BSS. In Savar, a team of RAB-4 arrested Osman Gani, a notorious terrorist of the area, and took him to Rustam Brickfield in Bhakurta union of the upazila to retrieve illegal firearms.
"You're gonna kill me, ain't ya?"
"Not today, the crossfire review board is still meeting"

According to RAB, Gani's accomplices opened fire on them when they reached near the brick-field. The elite force returned the fire. During the crossfire, Gani sustained bullet injuries.
"Ouch, I thought you said you weren't gonna shoot me?"
"No, I said we wouldn't kill you. You're still breathing ain't ya?"
Being informed, police reached the spot and sent the arrestee to Savar hospital. They also recovered one revolver loaded with two bullets and 10 bottles of contraband phensidyl from the scene. RAB also arrested three of Gani's associates from the brick filed. They are: Toyeb Ali, Yunus Ali and Bappi. The elite force recovered one SBBL gun, one shooter gun, a number of lethal weapons from Gani's possession. Gani confessed that he was involved in the sensational Mukta murder in November last.
In Jessore, a team of RAB-6 arrested notorious smuggler and dreaded terrorist Liakat from Benapole of the district when another team arrested Mohammad Babul, an extortionist, from Rupsha bus stand in Khulna and recovered Taka 1,400 toll money from his possession. They also arrested notorious criminal Mohammad Asaduzzamn alias Hai from Sharsha in Jessore and recovered a local made gun from his possession.

Two suspected members of 'woman suicide squad' sent to jail
Two suspected members of a suicide squad consisting wives of nine outlaws were sent to Khulna District Jail on Tuesday. They are Rashida Begum,30, wife of outlaw Lengra Nazrul and Rina Begum,26, wife of outlaw Jinnat Shaikh. They were arrested from a house at Sonadanga Residential Area on Sunday night.
The nine-member suicide squad was formed recently to avenge killing of top leaders of the outlawed Purbo Banglar Communist Party (PBCP). They were arrested along with Janajuddha city operation commander Didarul Islam Palash alias Shyamal. He was killed in a 'crossfire' behind the truck terminal during a drive launched to recover arms on Monday.
The Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Sonadange Police Station prayed to the Chief Metropolitan Police (CMM) for granting seven days' remand for their questioning. Meanwhile, Didarul's wife is still being grilled by police officers for more information on the women's suicide squad. Her name was not revealed by police on a plea of investigation.
"We can say no more"
Quoting Rina and Rashida, a senior Khulna Metropolitan Police (KMP) officer told that the suicide squad were assigned to carry on destructive activities in the city and the entire district.

Rab seizes arms from Shibir cadre's house-Hands him over to police
Notorious Islami Chhatra Shibir cadre Akhtar Hamid, who was arrested by Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) in Dhaka on Monday, has been handed over to Maheshkhali police after the Rab seized firearms from his village home. The elite force arrested Hamid, 38, accused in as many as 29 criminal cases, at Kakrail in the capital and brought him to Chittagong for interrogation. Following his confessional statement, the Rab men raided his village home at Keruntali in Maheshkhali and seized five guns, 10 rifle bullets, six cartridges and two daggers.
But no crossfire. Damm
A Rab-7 press release yesterday said he was handed over to Maheshkhali Police Station. They filed a case against him under the Arms Act, Rab sources said.
Hamid, son of former UP Chairman Abdul Mabud of Hoakong, is known in Cox's Bazar as a godfather of criminals. He was involved in various crimes including murder, extortion and abduction, police said. Sources at Cox's Bazar said Hamid possessed at least four AK47 rifles. He was arrested on several occasions in the past but freed on bail. His brother Enam is now in jail after police arrested him with firearms recently.

Khulna police hunt for suicide squad women
Khulna Metropolitan Police (KMP) started special drive to nab members of women suicide squad from Tuesday night. We have already sent photos of nine women outlaws of Purbo Banglar Communist Party (PBCP) Janajuddho faction to all the police stations of Khulna division, a senior KMP official said. Besides, two women outlaws of Rupsha upazila and two of Batiaghata upazila are being closely watched suspecting their secret connection with Janajuddho leaders.
Members of law enforcing agencies, journalists, some business tycoons of Khulna and political leaders are targets of the women suicide squad, police said quoting two arrested women outlaws Rashida and Rina.Hearing on the prayer for their seven-day remand will be held today.
Women outlaws belonging to the newly formed suicide squad work on monthly salary drawn from the top Janajuddho leaders whose source of money is toll collection, KMP sources said.
Posted by: Steve || 01/20/2005 8:26:19 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Women outlaws belonging to the newly formed suicide squad work on monthly salary drawn from the top Janajuddho leaders whose source of money is toll collection, KMP sources said.

I wonder if they do 401K deductions or long term disability?
Posted by: tu3031 || 01/20/2005 11:38 Comments || Top||

Taliban issues message from Omar
TALIBAN guerrillas have issued a statement purportedly from leader Mullah Omar in which he dismissed reports that members of his radical Islamic movement were willing to lay down arms. The message was faxed to reporters by Taliban spokesman Abdul Latif Hakimi and was aimed to mark the start of the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha.

The message attributed to Omar said holy war was the only way to ensure the rights of Muslims and that talk of dialogue with the US-backed Government of President Hamid Karzai was false. "We want to make it clear to the aggressor forces and their puppet (Karzai) Government that the Taliban are not ready for any dialogue while there is even a single aggressor soldier in the country," the message said.

The governor of the south-eastern Afghan province of Paktia said this week that hundreds of Taliban fighters could abandon their insurgency as a result of talks under way between local commanders and the government via tribal intermediaries. Assadullah Wafa declined to identify those he said were willing to stop fighting, but said the group he was in contact with consisted of both senior and ordinary Taliban members. The report came after US ambassador to Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad last month pledged an amnesty to rank and file guerrillas if they were to lay down their arms, but ruled out compromise with hardline leaders guilty of major crimes. On Sunday, US forces freed 81 suspected Taliban fighters from military jails across Afghanistan in an apparent bid to encourage the peace initiative.
Posted by: tipper || 01/20/2005 8:36:43 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Lay down our arms?
My eye!!!
Posted by: Mullah O || 01/20/2005 10:16 Comments || Top||

Saddam's cousin 'paid for revolt' from Leeds
A COUSIN of Saddam Hussein who had been living in exile in Leeds until a year ago has been arrested by Iraqi authorities and accused of bankrolling the insurgency with up to $35 million (£18.8 million) stolen from Iraq's coffers. Izzedin Mohammed Hassan al-Majid, Saddam's second cousin, was arrested in Fallujah last month while allegedly working to unite guerrilla organisations fighting the Iraqi interim Government and the US-led military coalition. Mr al-Majid, 44, "was involved in the process of uniting the terror groups Ansar al-Sunna, Muhammads Army and the Islamic Resistance Army", Thair al-Naqib, a spokesman for Iyad Allawi, the Iraqi interim Prime Minister, said.

The former Republican Guard officer, who fled Iraq with Saddam's son-in-law, had $35 million in his bank account and in the accounts of family members, Mr al-Naqib said. "Additional questioning has determined that Majid also controlled as much as a third of the former regime assets missing from the Iraqi Government," the spokesman said. "We believe that Majid, through front companies he controlled in the Middle East and Europe, controlled anywhere from $2 billion to $7 billion of money stolen by the former regime to fund the current terrorist operations."

Mr al-Majid had been living in Bramhope, north of Leeds, but neighbours said that he had not been seen there for almost a year. He lived in a £300,000, three-bedroom bungalow with his second wife, Intisar, and their four children. Last night she denied that her husband had any involvement in the funding of terrorism. Speaking to The Times from her home in Lebanon, she said that all the allegations had been fabricated. "My husband has set up his own political party (the Iraqi National Rescue Party), which the Americans and the British know all about," she said. Friends in the Iraqi community in Leeds also voiced amazement at the allegations. Ashad Ishmail, a former Iraqi Ambassador to Spain, said that Mr al-Majid had been a fierce critic of Saddam. "He had a wife and four children killed by Saddam and I don't understand why he would want to support the former regime," he said. Mr al-Majid fled Iraq in 1995 for Jordan with his brother-in-law, Hussein Kamel, Saddam's son-in-law, and their families.
"Lies! All lies! That $35 million was planted!"
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2005 10:26:58 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Hey, Dummycrats, al-Majid is "a uniter not a divider."
Posted by: Captain America || 01/20/2005 9:49 Comments || Top||

#2  “We believe that Majid, through front companies he controlled in the Middle East and Europe, controlled anywhere from $2 billion to $7 billion of money stolen by the former regime to fund the current terrorist operations.”

Kamel's false defection was apparently a two-fer. This guy used to get reported, more or less, as simply the other guy Kamel defected with and not much other information. Hussein had deep plans. Lots of (publicly) unanswered questions out there.
Posted by: Rawsnacks || 01/20/2005 10:25 Comments || Top||

#3  He lived in a £300,000, three-bedroom bungalow in Bramhope, north of Leeds .. Not the ideal place I would move to , but I do have local knowledge of the area , unlike him . His estate agent ripped his eyes out ..
Posted by: Ebbith Craviter4765 || 01/20/2005 21:14 Comments || Top||

#4  He lived in a £300,000, three-bedroom bungalow with his second wife, Intisar, and their four children

Shouda got the lifestyle tips from Suha
Posted by: Frank G || 01/20/2005 21:18 Comments || Top||

#5  agreed :p
Posted by: MacNails || 01/20/2005 21:20 Comments || Top||

5 Car Bombs Rock Baghdad Before Elections
Insurgents unleashed a wave of five car bombings across the capital Wednesday, killing about a dozen people, despite stepped-up U.S. and Iraqi measures to protect this month's elections. North of Baghdad, insurgents killed a British security officer and kidnapped a Japanese engineer, officials said. Gunmen fired on the Baghdad office of a major Kurdish party and two senior officials escaped assassination in separate attacks in the north. The U.S. military put the death toll from the day's Baghdad bombings at 26, saying the number was based on initial reports at the scene. Iraqi officials gave a lower toll _ 12 people killed in the bombings and one at the Kurdish office. Sunni Muslim insurgents have threatened to disrupt the elections, and the five car bombings _ four within a span of 90 minutes _ underscored the grave threat facing Iraqis at this watershed in their history. U.S. and Iraqi forces have stepped up raids and arrests in Baghdad, Mosul and other troublespots as the elections approach.
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  In the past one car bomb could kill up to 70+. The fact that 5 car bombs went off and only a dozen people were killed is a huge improvement in security I think.
Posted by: Charles || 01/20/2005 9:13 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Two injured in Chaman blast
Two men were seriously injured when a bomb exploded in the Vashmandi area of Chaman district in Balochistan on Wednesday, ARY news channel reported. The bomb, planted in a donkey-cart, went off in the evening. Two men identified as Yar Muhammad and Abdul Wahab were injured and are being treated in hospital. An unidentified man claimed responsibility for the blast on behalf of the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA). He said there would be "consequences" in Islamabad and Rawalpindi if there were army action in Balochistan.
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Troops-militants standoff continues in Sui
Though the security situation in Sui is normalising the security forces in and around the gas field and Baloch militants in Dera Bugti continue to take positions, reports say. A large number of Rangers and Frontier Constabulary personnel had been deployed in the Sui gas field. There were several check posts of the paramilitary forces enroute to Sui and Dera Bugti from Kashmore. The paramilitary forces had been deployed at the main pipeline going to Punjab. Unofficial reports said about 10,000 paramilitary personnel were stationed in and around Sui area besides the Defence Security Guards (DSG). The paramilitary forces were backed by around 5,000 regular troops present at Kashmore and Sui. The regular troops were on standby and would act in emergency situation, reports added. Two gunship helicopters, tanks and other heavy calibre guns could be seen in Kashmore-Sui border area.
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Scientist Farooq's detention extended
The Federal Review Board has extended the detention of Dr Farooq, a high-ranking official of Kahuta Research Laboratories (KRL), for another 90 days in the nuclear proliferation case. Court sources told Daily Times the three-member board of two judges of the Supreme Court and a high court judge met under Article 10(4) of the Constitution and extended the detention. Dr Farooq was taken into state custody along with other nuclear scientists on the charges of nuclear proliferation on November 23, 2003. The government initially detained the scientists for 60 days but the Federal Review Board thrice extended their detention for three spells of 90 days each. Later all the scientists were released except Dr Farooq. Justice Hamid Ali Mirza of the Supreme Court chaired the board while Justice Falak Sher of the Supreme Court and Justice Sabeehuddin of Sindh High Court were its members.
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Indian Maoists spread fear as ceasefire collapses
Dozens of government officials and politicians have fled Maoist strongholds in southern India, fearing renewed rebel attacks after the collapse of peace talks and a seven-month ceasefire, officials said. Rebels from the Peoples War Group (PWG), which has been locked in a low-intensity insurgency for more than three decades for the rights of peasants and landless labourers, called off talks with the Andhra Pradesh government this week.

The collapse of talks came after nine rebels were killed in clashes with the police at the weekend. Rebels say that was a violation of a seven-month-old ceasefire, although the government says it was only conducting normal police operations. Rebels retaliated by killing two civilians, a local politician and a policeman, and setting fire to a railway station and three buses over the last three days, officials said. The latest spurt in violence has spread panic among politicians and officials in the Maoist strongholds of Warangal, Mahboobnagar and Prakasham, officials said. "I am caught between the devil and the deep sea," said official G. Pashyappa in Warangal. "If I support the rebels the police pick me up. If I support the police the rebels threaten my family."
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Dead militants declared foreigners
Two suspected militants killed in a bomb explosion in the Makeen area of South Waziristan Agency on Monday night were declared foreigners following confirmation from local tribesmen and intelligence agencies. A military statement on Wednesday said the intelligence agencies and local tribesmen 'confirmed' that the two terrorists were 'foreign nationals.' "The foreign terrorists were killed while attempting to plant a mine aimed at killing Ibrahim Khan, Makeen peace committee senior vice-president," the statement said. "Their bodies were shifted to Peshawar to ascertain their nationalities and various other details," the statement continued. Two anti-personnel mines, eight hand-grenades, two small machine-guns and 235 rounds were recovered from their custody, the statement added.
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  'Cause foreign grease spots are different.
Posted by: ed || 01/20/2005 6:40 Comments || Top||

Bugti's son and grandson booked
Nawab Akbar Bugti's son Jamil Akbar Bugti, grandson Barhamdad Bugti and 33 tribesmen from Sui and Dera Bugti have been named in the First Information Report (FIR) accusing them of firing at security personnel at the PPL installations in Sui, Geo TV reported on Wednesday. The TV channel said that the suspects were still at large.
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

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Thu 2005-01-20
  Senate Panel Gives Rice Confirmation Nod
Wed 2005-01-19
  Kuwait detains 25 militants
Tue 2005-01-18
  Eight Indicted on Terror Charges in Spain
Mon 2005-01-17
  Algeria signs deal to end Berber conflict
Sun 2005-01-16
  Jersey Family of Four Murdered
Sat 2005-01-15
  Agha Ziauddin laid to rest in Gilgit: 240 arrested, 24 injured
Fri 2005-01-14
  Graner guilty
Thu 2005-01-13
  Iran warns IAEA not to spy on military sites
Wed 2005-01-12
  Zahhar: Abbas has no authorization to end resistance
Tue 2005-01-11
  Abbas Extends Hand of Peace to Israel. Really.
Mon 2005-01-10
  Sudanese Celebrate Peace Treaty Signing
Sun 2005-01-09
  Paleos vote
Sat 2005-01-08
  Commander of Salafi Forces in Fallujah Killed
Fri 2005-01-07
  Abbas Calls for Peace Talks With Israel
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  Kerry Trashes Bush in Baghdad

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