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Nigerian troops given shoot to kill orders in Jos
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Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 01/19/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Happy Birthday/Daily Gam Shot

Dolly Parton aka Doralee Rhodes in "Nine to Five" aka Mona Stangley in "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" aka Truvy Jones in "Steel Magnolias" (age 65)

Who needs a tray to carry the drinks?

What big muscles you have!
Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 01/19/2011 0:30 Comments || Top||

Taliban Commander Arrested in Helmand Province
[Tolo News] A Taliban capo was jugged by Afghan forces in southern Helmand province, Afghan National Security said in a statement on Monday.

The commander named Mullah Abdullah who had moved to Helmand from Dehzak village of Dehrawood district of Uruzgan, was jugged in Helmand province, added the statement.

The Afghan National Directorate of Security in a statement said they have also jugged three bombing planners in western Farah province.

Provincial officials said the bombing planners worked for Mullah Abdul Qadir, a Taliban capo in Farah.

Afghan and foreign forces have recently increased their military operations in the country's volatile regions.

Militants usually use improvised bombs in Helmand province to target Afghan and foreign forces.
Posted by: Fred || 01/19/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Afghan Forces Kill 27 Militants in South
[Tolo News] A total of 27 beturbanned goons were killed and 10 others were hurt during a military operation in southern Helmand province, local military officials said in a statement on Tuesday.

Three Taliban capos were among the dead, senior military officials said.

The operation was launched in Greshk, Sangin, Musa Qala, Nad Ali and Garmser districts in Helmand two days ago, a statement by 215 National Army Corps said.

One Afghan soldier lost his life in a mine kaboom in the operation, the statement said.

Officials said the operation was part of Operation Omid which is going on since a while in different parts of the country mainly focused to hunt down turbans.

But the Taliban Spokesman, Qari Yosuf Ahmadi, claimed that the Taliban fighters have suffered no casualties in the offensive.

Volatile southern Helmand province, a key stronghold of the Taliban, has recently been the scene of deadly attacks carried out by Taliban turbans.
Posted by: Fred || 01/19/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Africa Horn
Opposition leader held in Sudan after uprising call
An influential opposition leader in Sudan has been arrested after calling for a Tunisian-style "popular uprising" to topple the long-standing regime of President Omar al-Bashir.

The call by veteran Islamist Hassan al-Turabi highlighted the precariousness of the Bashir government which is beset by a downward spiralling economy and the overwhelming vote by the south of the country to form a new independent nation.

Mr Turabi was the ideological force behind the Islamist coup that brought General Bashir to power in 1989. He has long envisaged the creation of a hardline Islamic state, but the two men fell out in a power struggle a decade later. They have also been divided by the conflict in Darfur which saw the President indicted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes. Mr Turabi has a strong support base in Darfur and links to one of the main rebel groups there, the Justice and Equality Movement.

There is mounting speculation in Sudan that Mr Bashir's days in power in Khartoum could be numbered.
That certainly would be nice. Even if his replacement were no better -- which is quite probable -- at least he wouldn't have decades of support networks already in place.
The support base of the ruling National Congress Party has been eroded by the economic woes of a country reeling from international sanctions and sharp increases in the cost of living.
Hence Mr. Turabi calling for 'revolution': a revolution that puts him in charge.
While some opposition figures in the north of Sudan have blamed Mr Bashir for the loss of the south -- which appears to have voted to separate in a referendum held last week -- it's the sharp rises in the cost of essentials such as bread and fuel that have led to street protests in Khartoum. Austerity measures in the face of foreign currency controls and sudden spikes in the cost of commodities have drawn student protests and demands for the resignation of officials.

The Tunisian president, Ben Ali, was forced into exile on Friday after three weeks of escalating street protests over government corruption, political cronyism, food prices and other social problems. Mr Turabi, who was arrested at night, had sought to tap into a similar vein of discontent in Sudan.
For his own benefit.
Rather than violent revolution on the streets of Khartoum it has been economic bungling that has tended to lead to regime change in Sudan.

With a host of recent setbacks for Mr Bashir, some observers believe the former general's grip on power may be fatally weakened.

"He already has the asterisk next to his name that he ruined the economy; now he has a second asterisk as the man who lost the south," said one Khartoum diplomat.
Posted by: Steve White || 01/19/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Again, as with Lebanon, very important unrest. Iraq may be the only stable nation in the middle east besides Israel.
Posted by: newc || 01/19/2011 2:22 Comments || Top||

#2  soon we will be able to say

"opposition leader... in North Sudan..."

that will be nice
Posted by: Lord Garth || 01/19/2011 5:37 Comments || Top||

Africa Subsaharan
Nigerian given shoot to kill orders in Jos
Nigeria's army says its soldiers have been given permission to shoot to kill to maintain order in the city of Jos.

"We are ordered to protect civilians and quell violence by any means necessary," military spokesman Capt Charles Ekeocha told the BBC.

Jos is a flashpoint of tension between Hausa Muslims and Berom Christians.
Which tells you all you need to know.
It sits on the faultline between Nigeria's north and south. A series of killings and bomb attacks over Christmas and New Year are thought to have resulted in more than 100 deaths so far in the central city.

Capt Ekeocha publicly warned community leaders that the military would fire on anybody burning homes, churches and mosques or carrying out lynchings and attacking civilians.

An election official was killed and his body set on fire by an angry mob - one of three people killed in a riot on Monday - as people tried to register to vote.

Jos has experienced repeated outbursts of bloodletting: In deadly riots along city interfaces and in carefully planned attacks on remote villages. The exact number killed this year alone is uncertain, with officials saying about 100 people died.

But a Christian group - the Stefanos Foundation - is questioning that. It has just published graphic photographs of what it says are more victims of violence. Their report shows scores of stiffened and charred corpses littering the ground in the aftermath of riots on 8 January.
Posted by: Steve White || 01/19/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [36 views] Top|| File under:

#1  ION PEOPLES DAILY FORUM > NIGERIAN MILITANTS [MEND Group] THREATEN NEW ATTACKS, agz Oil-Fuel Storage facilities + transport vehicles.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 01/19/2011 21:48 Comments || Top||

Mugger shot in gunfight with Rab
[Bangla Daily Star] An alleged mugger was shot in a 'shootout' between Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) and his gang early yesterday at Basila in the city's Mohammadpur area.

Mohammad Alal, 32, of Tajmahal Road was shot in his left leg and was admitted to National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedic Rehabilitation (Pongu Hospital).
National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedic Rehabilitation?? That's got to be a 1,000 bed hospital for B-desh. Is it next to the National Institute for Sudden Death and Acute Cirrhosis?
A gang of three muggers stopped plain-clothed members of Rab-2
Oh, bad news, Mahmoud, we stopped the wrong guys today...
in front of MD Motor Workshop at Basila when they were patrolling the area on a rickshaw around 1:10 am, police said.
A rickshaw? The RAB can't even afford good wheels? They should all be driving Escalades!
"Muggers opened fire on them, compelling the Rab members to retaliate," said Siraj Ud Dowla, sub-inspector (SI) of Mohammadpur Police Station.

Rab found Alal injured while his cohorts managed to flee, added the SI.
They're soon going to find Alal dead with one behind each ear while lying in a road next to a banana grove in some unnamed upazaila you could never find on a map. But perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself.
The law enforcers recovered a shotgun and a cleaver from his possession.

Alal is wanted in two cases filed with Mohammadpur Police Station, claimed Siraj Ud Dowla.
Posted by: Fred || 01/19/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The law enforcers recovered a shotgun and a cleaver from his possession.
Hard to believe "The Cleave" is a member of the opposition.
Posted by: Spike Glaising7606 || 01/19/2011 0:11 Comments || Top||

#2  I guess this is the kinder, gentler RAB that just kneecaps you instead of kills you. They seem to leave a lot of people alive these days, and they never did that in the old days. A shootout was certain death.
Posted by: gromky || 01/19/2011 4:13 Comments || Top||

#3  when they were patrolling the area on a rickshaw around 1:10 am, police said.

The "Rickshaw" they're refering to is a three wheeled Motor cycle/scooter.

NOT a human-Pulled one, those no longer exist except for tourists and Movie Makers.
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 01/19/2011 11:47 Comments || Top||

#4  The "Rickshaw" they're refering to is a three wheeled Motor cycle/scooter

The RAB equivalent of a Q-Ship.
Posted by: SteveS || 01/19/2011 12:47 Comments || Top||

#5  Or an F-150..
Posted by: tu3031 || 01/19/2011 13:19 Comments || Top||

#6  Drink up! :-D
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 01/19/2011 13:52 Comments || Top||

#7  hey now! A frosty cold one sounds good right now
Posted by: Frank G || 01/19/2011 14:38 Comments || Top||

#8  I imagine it's kinda hard to be undercover in an APC.

OTOH, if _I_ can see the guy's eyes glowing behind the sunglasses, the muggers should be able to too.
Posted by: Thing From Snowy Mountain || 01/19/2011 14:55 Comments || Top||

Caribbean-Latin America
More Mexican Mayhem
15 Die in Northern Mexico

Fifteen individuals were murdered in ongoing drug and gang violence which included a Procuraduria General de la Republica (PGR) (attorney general) shot to death in Tijuana, Baja California Sunday.
For a map, click here
  • Three individuals were shot to death and two others were wounded Monday night in Parral, Chihuahua. The victims were aboard a Mercury Grand Marquis when they were pursued by armed suspects aboard an SUV near the intersection of calles Independia and Constitucion. Juan Carlos García Ramírez, 32, Elvira Alarcón Huerta, 36, and an unidentified teenager died at the scene. Two others exited the vehicle and escaped harm.

  • Two unidentified individuals were shot to death and third was wounded in an assault in Juarez Monday. The shooting took place at a garage in the Francisco Villa colony near the corner of calles Secoya and Margaritas, where the victims were attacked as they sat in a parked SUV.

  • A delegate of the Procuraduria General de la Republica (PGR) was shot to death Sunday night in Tijuana, Baja California. Bulmaro Lopez Madero was found shot to death in his vehicle in front of his residence on calle De las Flores in the Tona colony. Investigators found 44 .223 caliber spent cartidge casings at the scene.

  • Nine individuals were murdered in and around Monterrey, Nuevo Leon in the last 30 hours, according to the Mexican daily Milenio
    • Three brothers were shot to death in the Revolucion Proletaria colony. Heriberto, 34, Benito, 27, and Juan Cardoza Vázquez, 20, were aboard a compact car when armed suspects fired on the trio killing them

    • An unidentified man was found tortured and left for dead on the Monterrey-Monclova highway in El Carmen municipality (county).

    • In Moderna colony, five teenagers were shot to death outside a business by armed suspects riding aboard a pickup truck. Dead at the scene were Angel Mancillas Cruz, Raul Salazar Caballero, Jesus Gustavo Torres Elias, Sergio Aaron Cerda García and Luis Alberto Rojas Rocha. A sixth victim, Araceli Martinez Rodriguez, was wounded in the attack.
Posted by: badanov || 01/19/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Mexico captures founding member Zetas drug cartel
[Arab News] Mexico's federal police have jugged a founding member of the brutal Zetas narco mob, a man who controlled drug smuggling routes and the kidnapping of Central American migrants in southern Mexico, officials said Tuesday.

Flavio Mendez Santiago, 35, was jugged along with a bodyguard outside Oaxaca City. He was in charge of operations in the states of Oaxaca, Chiapas and Veracruz, said Federal police anti-drug chief Ramon Pequeno.

Pequeno said Mendez Santiago, known as "El Amarillo" or "The Yellow One," controlled the smuggling of Central and South American migrants and was in charged of moving them to the northern states of Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas, on the border with Texas.

The Zetas are suspected in the disappearance of more than 40 Central American migrants in Oaxaca last month. The travelers were last seen Dec. 16 near the city of Ixtepec along the sun-scorched transit route for thousands who ride northbound freight trains.

The gang is blamed for massacring 72 migrants in August in the northern state of Tamaulipas.

Mendez Santiago also controlled the main overland drug smuggling routes from Central America, Pequeno said.

Mendez Santiago, a former soldier, was recruited in 1993 by the Gulf cartel and years later served as bodyguard for then leader Osiel Cardenas Guillen.

The federal government had offered 15 million pesos, about $1.2 million, for information leading to his arrest.

Formed from a small group of elite soldiers based in Tamaulipas who deserted to work for the Gulf narco mob, the Zetas earned their notoriety for brutality by becoming the first to publicly display their beheaded rivals.

The Zetas began gaining independence from the Gulf cartel after Cardenas Guillen's extradition to the US in 2006 and finally split from their former bosses last year. They have since been fighting for control of northeast Mexico, the traditional home base of the Gulf cartel.

That fight raged on Tuesday.

Five mutilated bodies were dumped in the central plaza of the small town of Montemorelos southwest of the industrial city of Monterrey, according to front man for Nuevo Leon state Public Safety Department, which oversees police.

The severed head of one was left on top of a message threatening a rival gang, the front man said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly about the events. The text of the message was not revealed.

Seven other people were killed earlier Tuesday in the Monterrey area, including a suspected drug pusher who was rubbed out after opening fire on soldiers, the public safety front man said. Five others were killed during a shootout and another was found dead in an apparent cartel hit.
Posted by: Fred || 01/19/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Narcos

Home Front: WoT
Police arrest suspicious man taking photos at Miami Int'l Airport
MIAMI -- A man was arrested and turned over to federal authorities Tuesday after police said he was taking photos of "sensitive areas" inside and outside of a terminal at Miami International Airport.

According to the incident report from Miami-Dade County police, on Jan. 11th, 32-year-old Oluwole Aboyade was seen walking through the airport and taking pictures.

A sergeant stopped Aboyade in the Dolphin parking garage.

After further investigation, federal immigration authorities said Aboyade was in the country illegally and wanted for violating U.S. immigration law.
In the incident report, he wrote: "I explained to Mr. Aboyade that I was alarmed by his behavior and concerned for the safety of people and property in the area."

Police said Aboyade did not give them any information about what he was doing or why. In the incident report, the sergeant described his behavior as "evasive."

Police said there was no indication Aboyade had a plane ticket.

Shortly after the confrontation, the sergeant led Aboyade inside the terminal, where he was detained.

After further investigation, federal immigration authorities said Aboyade was in the country illegally and wanted for violating U.S. immigration law.

Because Miami International Airport is a public facility, anyone is allowed to take video and pictures inside.

An official from the Transportation Security Administration told Local 10 that if photography is stepping over the line into surveillance, TSA agents should alert police, which is what happened in Aboyade's case.

Aboyade is currently in custody at the Krome North Detention Center.
Posted by: || 01/19/2011 09:31 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  An official from the Transportation Security Administration told Local 10 that if photography is stepping over the line into surveillance, TSA agents should alert police, which is what happened in Aboyade's case.
One man's tourist photos is another's surveillance shots. And with TSA, there is no difference.
Posted by: USN, Ret. || 01/19/2011 14:36 Comments || Top||

#2  photographs Yeah.
I have a limited edition of Ansel Adams' Potraits of Airports. Worth a few benjamins, I can tell you.
Posted by: Richard Aubrey || 01/19/2011 16:43 Comments || Top||

#3  32-year-old Oluwole Aboyade
described his behavior as "evasive."
no indication Aboyade had a plane ticket.
in the country illegally

The last item is good enough for me, USN, Ret., even if the fellow didn't have an African-sounding name, and is of prime Sudden Jihad Syndrome age. Let's see who's on his speed dial, shall we?
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/19/2011 16:54 Comments || Top||

#4  Good Point TW, but what is to keep our good ol' TS and A from doing the same to Mr and Mrs Carnival Cruisegoers, fresh off the plane from Resume Speed Michigan and they want to snap a Kodak Moment to show all the good ol' boys and gurls back home what a big city looks like?
In that respect the TS and A thugs are equal opportunity d!ckweeds.
Posted by: USN,Ret || 01/19/2011 22:02 Comments || Top||

#5  What part of "Miami International Airport is a public facility, anyone is allowed to take video and pictures inside" did you miss?

There's also this little thing called 'judgment'. Maybe you've heard of it. It means evaluating whether or not something looks wrong or not, using common sense and training. While you might not agree (that's called "pre-judging", by the way), some TSA folks do have some of both.

Inthat respect the TS and A thugs are equal opportunity d!ckweeds.

And unfortunately they're in other places as well...
Posted by: Pappy || 01/19/2011 22:12 Comments || Top||

Teen detained in Kuwait sues US over no-fly list
ALEXANDRIA, Virginia -- Attorneys for a Virginia teenager have filed a federal lawsuit, claiming he was detained and tortured in Kuwait after being arbitrarily placed on the United States' no-fly list.

Lawyers for Gulet Mohamed, 19, argued in their lawsuit filed in US District Court in Alexandria that he was a nice boy placing Mohamed on the no-fly list without due process violates his constitutional rights.

A judge immediately scheduled a hearing on Mohamed's case for Tuesday afternoon.
Let me guess: a Clinton or Carter appointee, and the whole watch list system is about to be declared unconstitutional.
"The United States is depriving Mr. Mohamed of perhaps the most basic prerogative of American citizenship: the right to reside within the United States," wrote Nadhira F. Al-Khalili and Gadeir Abbas with the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which is representing Mohamed and has complained on behalf of other Muslim Americans in similar circumstances.

Mohamed was born in Somalia but is a naturalized US citizen who immigrated at age 3 and most recently lived in the Alexandria area. In March of 2009, Mohamed travelled to Yemen and Somalia, where he still has family, to learn Arabic.
Sure, he couldn't find anywhere in all of northern Virginia to learn Arabic...
What? And miss those two sparkling jewels in the crown of Islamic civilization, Yemen and Somalia?
He stayed in those countries for just a few months and settled in Kuwait in August 2009, where he lived with an uncle.
Just picking up the local culture, and maybe a wife or two...
In December, when he applied for a routine visa extension, he was arrested by plainclothes agents and claims he was beaten and tortured. Interrogators whipped his feet and threatened run electrical current through his genitals, Mohamed says.
Perhaps he was just sniffing around the local wimmin, or perhaps he was a little too forward in his beliefs about jihad...
The interrogators wanted to know about his time in Yemen and asked numerous questions about radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, an American who is hiding in Yemen and is believed to be a top al-Qaida recruiter.
Wotta coincidence...
Mohamed denies that he any contact with terrorists.
"No, no, certainly not!"
Mohamed says he was twice questioned by FBI agents, who told him that he would remain in Kuwaiti detention indefinitely if he continued to insist on having his lawyer present for questioning.
The Kuwaitis just don't respect Miranda warnings the way we do...
Mohamed alleges that his detention in Kuwait is entirely at the behest of the US government.
Makes for a nice story kid, but you have any proof of that? No?
In fact, he claims the Kuwaiti government tried to deport Mohamed Monday, but US officials would not let him on the plane because he is on the no-fly list.
He could have gone to Pakistain...
CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper said Tuesday Mohamed "is just sitting in detention because they wouldn't let him get on the plane."

The Department of Justice said in a statement that it would not comment on the specific allegations in the lawsuit, but defended the way it adds people to the no-fly list.

"As a general matter, the process used to add anyone to the consolidated terrorist watchlist involves multiple layers of interagency vetting," the statement said. "At the same time, the federal government has well-established redress procedures in place for those seeking relief from adverse effects that may be related to watchlist screening. Today's watchlisting process serves our overall counterterrorism efforts while preserving the civil liberties of all Americans."
Until a screwy judge overturns it all.
Posted by: Steve White || 01/19/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Do not fly means just that.
He could walk or swim.
Posted by: Water Modem || 01/19/2011 0:17 Comments || Top||

#2  I wonder if he is going to sue Kuwaitis for alleged torture.
Do you wanna bet?
Posted by: vendaval || 01/19/2011 0:27 Comments || Top||

#3  If we had a CIA worth anything we'd be spreading the rumor that the kid is a Shi'a sympathizer.
Posted by: Steve White || 01/19/2011 0:46 Comments || Top||

#4  If he really wanted to come he'd fly to Canada or Mexico and rent a car.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 01/19/2011 7:22 Comments || Top||

#5  I think, maybe, he is on the assassination list. I think everyone is pissed off because he did not go back to Yemen.
Posted by: tipper || 01/19/2011 9:24 Comments || Top||

#6  The Washington Examiner adds:

Lawyers with the Council on American-Islamic Relations filed the complaint Tuesday in federal court in Alexandria. The lawsuit names Attorney General Eric Holder, FBI Director Robert Mueller and Terrorist Screening Center Director Timothy Healy as defendants.

The lawsuit says he went abroad in March 2009 to study Arabic and see family living abroad.

He went to Yemen and Somalia, then Kuwait, where he had been living with an uncle since August 2009. He had renewed his visitor's visa there twice before, the suit says.

If he's 19 now, he was 17 when he left... in March of that year. The timing is queer: in the middle of the second semester of (probably) his junior year of high school. Surely it's more normal to wait until after he graduated from high school in the U.S. to do additional language studies abroad. And, had it been an exchange student thing it would have been bang on the semester at the end of January, then he would have been sent home by the end of the summer to finish up his high school program.

I don't think I want him back, either.
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/19/2011 9:57 Comments || Top||

#7  Truthfully, the no-fly list is very screwed up. All sorts of government agencies can submit to it, but nobody is responsible for it, and it is next to impossible to error check or correct it. Note that it is different from the Selectee List and the Terrorist Watchlist.

It is and has been used to deport US citizens while effectively stripping them of their citizenship, without hearing or recourse. While no doubt some of them richly deserve it, doing sneaky "end-arounds" of a log jammed an inefficient process evades the real problem, which is the process.

And when creating these, they didn't even bother to amend the Privacy Act of 1974, which forbids the government to compile secret databases on U.S. citizens. So technically there are major legal conflicts.

On the plus side, apparently some mad bomber was named Theodore Kennedy, so guess who got on the list half a dozen times? Likewise, retired senior US military officers and at least on US Marine serving in Dubai have been blocked from reentry.

Fortunately, the Pentagon does not give a crap what the TSA thinks.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 01/19/2011 10:14 Comments || Top||

Report: Pakistani spy agency rushed Mullah Omar to hospital
48 hour rule applies.
Posted by: tipper || 01/19/2011 00:47 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I do not know if this report is correct but let me makes an observation that Mullah Omar is 51. At 51, a man does occasionally need to go to hospital.

Posted by: Bernardz || 01/19/2011 7:41 Comments || Top||

#2  Is the Taliban sure 'they' did not insert a tracking device in the one-eyed leader?
Posted by: airandee || 01/19/2011 7:46 Comments || Top||

#3  Report says he had a heart attack. I'd be stressed too if predator drones were constantly overhead looking for me.
Posted by: Frozen Al || 01/19/2011 11:28 Comments || Top||

#4  Funny they seem to be able to find him when they want to.

If it's true, of course . . . .
Posted by: gorb || 01/19/2011 12:36 Comments || Top||

#5  How many of the Quetta Shura are in ISI safehouses?
Posted by: Paul D || 01/19/2011 15:30 Comments || Top||

#6  Pakistan supported Taliban-al-Qaeda under its "Pakistan in Depth" foreign policy. And they certainly support their allies in Pakistan, who lost government status. And why not? After the Clinton gang lobbed 98 cruise missiles at a Taliban/al-Qaeda genocide camp, bin Laden wasn't able to RSVP his invitation to attend Jamaat-i-Islami's annual convention of Peshawar, in 1998. But JI leaders - Qazi Hussein Ahmad and Khurshid Ahmad - still got paid State Dept fees, for DC consultation in 2001. And to this day, State pays JI's US front, consultation fees on "Islamic Affairs." Southern Afghanistan should have been glazed when the al-Qaeda connection to 9-11 was establishe. I wonder why that didn't happen? Hint: "islam is peace." You spend lives wisely, when you cheapen enemy lives. I value the life of a jihadis as lower than that of a dying cockroach. At least you could feed a cockroach to your pet tarantula.
Posted by: Albert Slinesing7956 || 01/19/2011 17:09 Comments || Top||

#7  "How many of the Quetta Shura are in ISI safehouses?"

Most All of them, I'd guess, Paul.
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 01/19/2011 18:01 Comments || Top||

#8  Nice, informed rant, Albert Slinesing7956. A thought has come to me recently, though: do our donations get us (or enable us to obtain, not exactly the same thing) contact lists from these organizations? Only it feels to me unlikely that we have gotten as many spies in the many camps that we've been hitting with our UAVs this past year or so... I admit I don't have the background to know what we can do in the way of spies, so perhaps my question is totally off. An occurring thought, not a reasoned or knowledgeable one.
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/19/2011 19:03 Comments || Top||

#9  MULLAH OMAR alleged "Heart Attack"...



All in the Family = Blood.

And here little ole' Madonna Fan me at Penn State was receiving ANTHRAX ENVELOPES, ETC. IN PRE-9-11 "TEST RUN".
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 01/19/2011 20:06 Comments || Top||

Rocket attack kills three soldiers in North Waziristan
[Pak Daily Times] Three soldiers were killed and three others were maimed in a rocket attack by hard boyz on Tuesday, security officials said.

The rocket attack took place at a security forces camp in Razmak in North Wazoo tribal district bordering Afghanistan.

"At least three soldiers were killed and three others were maimed in a rocket attack," a security bigshot said. "This is the work of Taliban," he added.

Another security official in Miranshah confirmed the incident and said that three soldiers were killed and three others were maimed in the attack.

Taliban are engaged in a campaign of violence against the country's security forces, claiming many attacks in Dire Revenge™ for US drone strikes on the rugged Tribal Areas bordering Afghanistan.

The military carried out an offensive last year in parts of South Wazoo targeting the headquarters of the country's main Taliban faction, following an increase in hard boyz kabooms in late 2009. Around 4,000 people have died in suicide and kabooms across the country since government forces launched an attack against Death Eaters in a mosque in Islamabad in 2007. The bombings have been blamed on terror networks linked to the Taliban and al Qaeda.
Posted by: Fred || 01/19/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Pakistan

Taliban kill 4 alleged robbers in Hangu
[Pak Daily Times] The banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistain (TTP) on Tuesday killed four members of an alleged 'dacoit group' in Sarkadana area of Hangu district, official sources said. The official sources told Daily Times that the TTP had left a letter with the four bodies, claiming the responsibility of the killings and warned the local prayer leaders and people against attending the funeral prayers of the dear departed. Police quoted the TTP as saying that they killed the men because they worked for kidnappers in the district. Later on, police took the corpses in its control and shifted them to a hospital for an appointment with Dr. Quincy. The dead were identified as Anwar, Ghazi, Farooq and Sharabi.
Posted by: Fred || 01/19/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Rangers search Karachi homes
[Pak Daily Times] Around a thousand security personnel on Tuesday went house-to-house rounding up dozens of men in Orangi Town as part of a crackdown on soaring violence in the scenic provincial capital.

Rangers personnel nabbed over 300 persons and seized a large cache of weapons during the search operation.

According to reports, the search operation was initiated on tip-offs provided by men who had earlier been jugged, who revealed that some myrmidons involved in the recent murders were hiding in these areas.

Reacting on the said information, heavy contingents of rangers, commandos and police cordoned off different vicinities of Orangi Town, including Fakir Colony, Omer Baloch Muhalla, Pareshan Chowk, Hazara Colony and Farid Colony, at around 3am and started a door-to-door search at 5:30am. Resultantly, rangers nabbed over 300 people during its search operation. These nabbed people were initially gathered at an open place and later shifted to Qazi's guesthouse an undisclosed location for interrogation. Sources said the search operation continued for eight hours and ended at 12:45pm.

Two helicopters provided aerial support to the Rangers during their eight-hour.

The sources said the Rangers had identified some 45 criminals, who were transported to an unidentified place for interrogation.

Following the recent spree of murders in the city, which claimed over 37 lives, the Sindh government decided to launch a selective operation in some 120 localities to maintain peace in the city before the local elections, sources said, adding that this search operation, which was aimed at arresting myrmidons who were hiding in these areas with the intention to flare up murders, was part of the said decision.

Residents of the localities staged a protest after the search operation, alleging that the security personnel had nabbed innocent people without any reason. The locals criticised the rangers for not engaging female personnel in the operation.

When contacted, officials dispelled the impression that the rangers had not engaged female personnel for the operation, saying that female law enforcers were also involved in the door-to-door operation.

The officials refused to provide the exact number of arrests made, but confirmed that the rangers had made several arrests and recovered weapons.
Posted by: Fred || 01/19/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

Iraqi police targeted by suicide bomber, 15 killed
A suicide bomber driving an ambulance killed up to 15 people and wounded more than 50 in an attack on Wednesday on an Iraqi police training center in volatile Diyala province, officials said.

Suspected Sunni insurgents and Shi'ite militia have stepped up attacks in recent months on Iraqi policemen and soldiers, seeking to undermine faith in the security forces before a full U.S. military withdrawal by the end of this year.

Samira al-Shibli, a spokeswoman for the provincial governor said 15 people were killed and 52 wounded in the blast in the city of Baquba, 65 km (40 miles) northeast of Baghdad.

Police sources in Baquba put the death toll at 14, and 64 wounded. Ali Hussein, general manager of Diyala health department, said only five were killed, and 74 wounded.

One police source said there were two attackers. One of them shot dead three security guards at the gates of the training center, opening the way for a second assailant to drive the ambulance in.

The blast caused part of the three-storey building, where offices for different departments of Iraqi police and security are located, to collapse, said Lieutenant Colonel Hisham al-Tamimi, head of the counter-terrorism department in Diyala.
Posted by: tipper || 01/19/2011 09:04 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

One fugitive, 4 wanted men captured in Basra
BASRA / Aswat al-Iraq: Policemen arrested Tuesday one of the fugitives from the Presidential Palaces jail and four wanted men in separate areas in Basra, a security source said.

“Police forces waged crackdown operations in separate areas of Basra, where one of the fugitives from the Presidential Palaces jail was arrested, in addition to four wanted men,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

A total of 13 al-Qaeda prisoners managed to escape from the Presidential Palaces jail in Basra last Friday (Jan. 14) despite tough security measures.

Basra is 590 km south of Baghdad.
Posted by: Steve White || 01/19/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "Wanted man in Basra,
Wanted man in old Wazoo
Wanted in Karachi
For shootin' up the zoo..."
Posted by: mojo || 01/19/2011 16:23 Comments || Top||

Tikrit attack's toll reaches 54 dead, 137 wounded
SALAH AL-DIN / Aswat al-Iraq: The death toll of the suicide bombing in Tikrit reached 54 dead and 137 wounded, a police source said on Tuesday.

"A suicide bomber wearing a vest packed with explosives and ball bearings attacked Iraqi police recruits on Tuesday in central Tikrit, killing 54 and injuring 137," the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

"The attack took place outside a police recruiting center in Tikrit where Iraqi men were lining up hoping to get a job," he added.

The attack was the bloodiest in Iraq since Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki won support in December for his reappointment, ending a nine-month stalemate that followed a March election.

A police source in the main hospital of the city, said it was overwhelmed. Mosques broadcast appeals for residents to donate blood.

"The hospital theater now is full of dead and wounded young people," the source noted.

Tikrit, the capital of Salah al-Din, is 175 km north of Baghdad.
Posted by: Steve White || 01/19/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Tikrit is also Saddam's home town, but I suspect the Iraqi news left out that little detail on purpose.
Posted by: Bobby || 01/19/2011 5:55 Comments || Top||

#2  Or they figured that most of their readers already know that about Tikrit.
Posted by: American Delight || 01/19/2011 6:50 Comments || Top||

#3  and shiite leaders everywhere strongly condemn the atrocity. don't they?
Posted by: Albert Slinesing7956 || 01/19/2011 16:56 Comments || Top||

Al-Qassam Brigades say fighter killed in mission
[Ma'an] A statement from Hamas, always the voice of sweet reason,' Al-Qassam Brigades said Tuesday that one of the movement's fighters was killed in a mission in Khan Younis. The statement gave no indication as to the nature of the mission, but identified the man as Zaher Ahmad Jarghun, 23.
Posted by: Fred || 01/19/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  Ah. Another work accident jihad mission...
Posted by: tu3031 || 01/19/2011 9:38 Comments || Top||

Teen killed as Israeli tanks raid Gaza
GAZA CITY, Palestinian Territories — A Palestinian teenager was killed and two other people were wounded on Tuesday as Israeli tanks carried out an operation in northern Gaza, a medical official said.

Hamas emergency services spokesman Adham Abu Selmiya named the victim as 17-year-old Amjad al-Zaanein, saying he died after being hit by Israeli tank fire near the northern town of Jabaliya. One of the two wounded men, who were hit by shrapnel, was said to be in critical condition, he added.

The casualties occurred as Israeli troops mounted an incursion into the northern Gaza Strip, witnesses and members of the Hamas-run security forces said. The tanks, which pushed about 400 metres (yards) into the coastal enclave at around 9:00 am (0700 GMT), were accompanied by a Rachel Corrie memorial bulldozer and were still there by mid-afternoon, they said.

The Israeli army said the incident began when Palestinians detonated an explosive device targetting an army patrol along the border without causing casualties.

“A short while after the incident, soldiers identified two militants handling the device trigger system and consequently opened fire on them. A hit was confirmed,” a military spokeswoman told AFP.

She could not immediately confirm if Israeli forces had crossed the border.
Posted by: Steve White || 01/19/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  She could not immediately confirm if Israeli forces had crossed the border.

Seems obvious to me, no they didn't cross the Border, only the Tank's shell(Bullet)did.
Hey Abu's been hit,
Quick Grab his laser
rangefinder and take Pictures of the EVIL JUICE KILLING AN UNARMED CIVILIAN.
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 01/19/2011 12:14 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Six Thai soldiers killed, six wounded in attack on army camp
Terrorists Suspected separatist militants attacked an army task force unit in Narathiwat province on Wednesday night, killing six soldiers and injuring six more only days after Thailand's Prime Minister discussed the ending the emergency decree in more areas in the deep south.

The attack was is one of the most brazen attacks by the terrorists separatists in a long time.

The terrorists militants stormed through the front gate - the only entry into the army camp - and started shooting, catching the soldiers off guard.
Posted by: ryuge || 01/19/2011 12:08 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

Schools Shut in Beirut amid Fears of Violence following Street Gatherings
[An Nahar] Schools shut down in several Beirut neighborhoods Tuesday for fear of violence following early morning street gatherings by Opposition supporters.

The gatherings came a day after Special Tribunal for Leb Prosecutor Daniel Bellemare announced he has submitted a confidential indictment into the liquidation of former PM Rafik Hariri.

A security source told Naharnet the gatherings -- which took place in the predominantly Hizbullah and AMAL neighborhoods of Basta, Nweiri, Beshara Khoury, Zoqaq Blat, Salim Salam, Tayyouneh and Ouzai -- began disbanding around 8:00am.

Lebanese troops sent reinforcements and were seen patrolling the streets.

AMAL MP Ali Khreiss said reports about street gatherings are not true.

"There is no decision to take street action despite the size of the conspiracy," he told the Voice of Leb radio station.

"The gatherings this morning may signal preparations to mobilize in relation to the indictments handed down," a security official said.

Education Minister Hassan Mneimneh issued a statement at mid-morning urging parents to bring their children back to school and saying that classes would resume normally.

He said the situation in Beirut had "returned to normal" by late morning and that "tomorrow will be a normal school day."

News Agency that Dare Not be Named news hounds saw at least four gatherings of up to 30 people each, dressed in black and carrying hand-held radios. One gathering was about 400 meters from the Grand Serail, the seat of government in downtown Beirut, and security officials closed the roads leading to the building.

Lebanese security officials confirmed the gatherings, which appeared to be a show of force in the hours after a long-awaited indictment was released Monday evening in the death of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

The indictment was sealed and its contents will likely not become public for weeks. But the court is widely expected to accuse members of Hizbullah of being involved in the killing, something the Shiite hard boy group has insisted it will not accept.

Ghaleb Abu Zeinab, a member of Hizbullah's political bureau, said he is not aware of such gatherings.

"I cannot comment," he said.

The indictment, confirmed by the international court's headquarters in The Hague, is the latest turn in a deepening political crisis in Leb, where Hizbullah toppled the government last week in a dispute over the tribunal.

Hizbullah fiercely denies any role in the killing and says the tribunal, jointly funded by U.N. member states and Leb, is a conspiracy by Israel and the United States.
Posted by: Fred || 01/19/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Hezbollah

Soldiers deployed in tense Lebanese capital
[Pak Daily Times] Soldiers deployed in Beirut on Tuesday as tension soared following indictments issued in the murder of ex-premier Rafiq Hariri and as diplomatic efforts mounted to defuse the crisis.

A security official said dozens of ungunnies gathered in several neighbourhoods of west Beirut early on Tuesday, scaring residents and prompting panicked parents to pull their children from classes.

"The gatherings may signal preparations to mobilise in relation to the indictments handed down," a security official told AFP on condition of anonymity.

The men had gathered in areas "where (Shia parties) Hezbullies and Amal have a presence" and dispersed after about an hour, he said. A heavy army presence could be seen by midday in the neighbourhoods where the gatherings took place. "We have taken measures to reassure citizens," an army front man told AFP.

Fears of sectarian violence have mounted in Leb after the prosecutor of the UN-backed Special Tribunal for Leb (STL) submitted an indictment on Monday that will reportedly implicate the powerful Shia Hezbullies in the 2005 murder of Hariri.

Court registrar Herman von Hebel said the case may go to trial by September regardless of whether any arrests had been made. A long-running dispute between rival parties in Leb over the STL last week prompted Hezbullies and its allies to walk out of the unity government of Western-backed Saad Hariri, son of the slain leader.

On Tuesday, Turkey's Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem bin Jaber al-Thani met with President Michel Suleiman on the crisis. They did not make any statements after the meeting.

The two were also meeting parliament speaker Nabih Knobby Berri
... the Hizbullah sock puppet ...
and caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri.

Both leaders arrived from Damascus where they had held talks with Syrian officials on the crisis.

Leb was also the centre of talks in Ankara late Monday between Davutoglu and his Iranian counterpart, Ali Akbar Salehi.

Diplomatic efforts are focused on reviving a failed Syrian-Saudi bid to find a compromise on the STL between Hariri's camp and the rival Hezbullies.

Leb's army commander Jean Kahwaji, who has raised concerns of a security breakdown, was also in Syria on Tuesday for talks with President Bashar "Pencilneck" al-Assad
... hereditary dictator of Syria ...
. Hezbullies chief Hassan Nasrallah, who has accused the STL of being under US-Israeli control, has repeatedly warned that his party would not sit idle should any of its members be implicated in the Hariri murder.

Berri, a staunch ally of Hezbullies, issued a veiled warning on Tuesday saying that a new phase had begun after the submission of Bellemare's indictments.
Posted by: Fred || 01/19/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Hezbollah

#1  Nasrallah was supposed to speak yesterday. Media reports from Lebanon are disjointed at best.
How is flash point number 1 rank below the rest of the crap in the media?

So, Naz comes out of the bunker and makes a speech and demonstrations ara abound - same time as the Tunesian revolt, the Jordanian protests, the strange silence in Cairo, the nervous Lybian dictator, the strange ditching of subject Nigeria.

Need more focus on Lebanon right now. Very, very, important.
Posted by: newc || 01/19/2011 2:19 Comments || Top||

#2  I heard a blip about Lebanon on the radio last week, other than that nothing from the professional journo-entertainers.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 01/19/2011 11:56 Comments || Top||

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Two weeks of WOT
Wed 2011-01-19
  Nigerian troops given shoot to kill orders in Jos
Tue 2011-01-18
  Al-Turabi arrested in Khartoum
Mon 2011-01-17
  Prosecutor submits Hariri assassination indictment
Sun 2011-01-16
  Yemen Government Loses, Regains Control of Habilain
Sat 2011-01-15
  Benali flees Tunisia
Fri 2011-01-14
  Sudan nationhood vote confirmed valid
Thu 2011-01-13
  Drone Attack Kills 3, Maybe 4 in Pakistan
Wed 2011-01-12
  Hezbollah Topples Lebanese Government
Tue 2011-01-11
  Spain's ETA in permanent ceasefire
Mon 2011-01-10
  Yemeni Court Sentences 13 Somalis for Piracy
Sun 2011-01-09
  14 headless bodies found in Acapulco
Sat 2011-01-08
  AZ Dem Rep Gabrielle Giffords Shot
Fri 2011-01-07
  Church bombing foiled in north Iraq
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  Lahore, Islamabad on red alert after Taseer assassination

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