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Benali flees Tunisia
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Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 01/15/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Happy Birthday/Daily Gam Shot

Phyllis Coates aka Lois Lane in "Superman and the Mole Men" aka Lois Lane in "Adventures of Superman (TV series)" aka Jean Evans, the Panther Girl in "Panther Girl of the Kongo" (age 84)

Gorb, a flying bicycle?

Verizon announces it's version of the IPhone.
Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 01/15/2011 2:19 Comments || Top||

#2  That's one unhappy looking kitty. I know how to make it a lot happier.

And it looks like Verizon's iPhone offering is of the 3G variety. :-)
Posted by: gorb || 01/15/2011 3:16 Comments || Top||

#3  Before the success of the Wright Brothers, witches were depicted flying on brooms with the corn end of the broom going first.

Amazing how the concept of aerodynamics has so completely penetrated the consciousness of people.
Posted by: no mo uro || 01/15/2011 7:47 Comments || Top||

#4  "Superman and the Mole Men". Never saw that one. Lemme guess: Paleos or Norks?
Posted by: Frank G || 01/15/2011 8:41 Comments || Top||

#5  Did a lot better than Batman and the Wart Men.
Posted by: Fred || 01/15/2011 10:58 Comments || Top||

8 Taliban killed by combined forces
Afghan and foreign forces killed eight suspected Taliban during an overnight operation in Narkh district of Wardak province, officials claimed Saturday. The combined force raided a compound in Etebarkhel village of Narkh district where several Taliban were hiding, Shahidullah Shahid, spokesman of Wardak governor, told AIP.
He said the occupants of the compound opened fire on the combined when asked to surrender peacefully, adding “The NATO and Afghan forces opened retaliatory fire, killing eight Taliban including a commander, Muhammad Gul.” The gubernatorial spokesman said Muhammad Gul had recently replaced Taliban commander Abdul Qadar who was killed during an operation two weeks ago. Taliban, however, confirmed that they lost six fighters in the clash. “A heavy clash took place in Wardak in which besides the killing of several Afghan and foreign troops, six Taliban were also martyred,” disclosed Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesman of Taliban, when contacted by Afghan Islamic Press.
Posted by: tipper || 01/15/2011 17:41 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [37 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Only two weeks on the job and his career has ended.
Posted by: Keystone || 01/15/2011 20:51 Comments || Top||

British Army Team Breaks IED Disposal Record
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 01/15/2011 03:45 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Yay team!
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/15/2011 23:43 Comments || Top||

Taxi drivers killed in Afghan explosion
[Iran Press TV] At least seven civilians have been killed in a roadside kaboom blast in Afghanistan's southern province of Zabul as the security situation continues to tank in the country.

A provincial official said the victims were taxi drivers, who had earlier been nabbed by cut-thoats.

"All the victims were drivers rounded up by Talibs Thursday afternoon from different vehicles on charge of serving government and NATO-led troops and sent them back by one car late Thursday night but the car ran over a mine leaving all seven dead," Xinhua quoted Mohammad Jan Rasoulyar, front man for the provincial governor as saying.
Posted by: Fred || 01/15/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Roadside Kaboom Nails 7 in Zabul
KABUL, Afghanistan - Terrorists Insurgents detonated a roadside bomb that killed seven civilians they had released only moments earlier following a brief detention on a highway in southern Afghanistan Friday, a local official said.

The seven, all taxi drivers, had been traveling on a road between the districts of Daichopan and Arghandab in the troubled province of Zabul when they were stopped by a group of terrorists insurgents, said Mohammad Jan Rasoolyar, spokesman for the provincial governor.

After being briefly detained, the men managed to negotiate their release. But as they drove away, the terrorists militants detonated a roadside bomb by remote control, killing all seven, Rasoolyar said.

The spokesman said that none of the seven worked for the authorities. The terrorists Taliban often target Afghan civilians who work for the government or with foreign military or civilian organizations.

However, Rasoolyar said he believed they were killed to intimidate civilians and show area residents not to use that road, which he said the terrorists Taliban use to plant roadside bombs against NATO forces and the Afghan army.

The volatile province of Zabul lies just north of Kandahar, a traditional Taliban stronghold which along with neighboring Helmand has been the focus of much of the fighting in recent months.
Posted by: Steve White || 01/15/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Africa Horn
Pirates capture dhow sailing from Dubai
[Emirates 24/7] An Indian dhow MSV Al-Musa sailing from Dubai to Salalah has been attacked by pirates off the coast of Oman. According to India's directorate of shipping, pirates have taken about 14 Indians hostage.

The incident occurred on Sunday when the dhow was sailing at about 50 miles off Oman and about 800 nautical miles from the Somali coast carrying food items.
Posted by: Fred || 01/15/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under: Pirates

#1  The glare from the laser is intense enough to make it impossible to aim weapons like AK47s or RPGs, but doesn’t have a permanent effect

Obviously a non-blinding, glare is bug vs a feature. Please purchase the retina melting upgrade.
Posted by: Besoeker || 01/15/2011 0:22 Comments || Top||

#2  Where is Sinbad?
Posted by: Water Modem || 01/15/2011 2:00 Comments || Top||

#3  Likely for use a a mother-ship.
Posted by: Pappy || 01/15/2011 14:54 Comments || Top||

Sudan tribes reach peace accord
[Arab News] The feuding tribes of Sudan's oil-rich Abyei district on the north-south border struck a peace deal on Thursday, after festivities at the weekend that left up to 38 people dead. Former US President Jimmy Carter
... the worst president ever...
meanwhile said the ongoing referendum in south Sudan has met international standard and called on the international community to waive Sudan's debt completely.

Leaders of the Dinka Ngok and Misseriya Arabs signed an accord in the South Kordofan state capital Kadugli that addressed the sensitive issues of migration, compensation for past violence and the spread of weapons in the disputed border district.

"This is a step forward. We agreed to work for peace," the paramount chief of the Dinka Ngok, Kuol Deng Kuol, said after two days of UN-facilitated talks.

Misseriya tribal chief Hamid Al-Ansari said: "This meeting has broken the tensions between the Dinka and the Misseriya. Now we are sitting together and eating together and we are no longer afraid of each other."

The Misseriya said they had lost 14 dead in festivities with the pro-southern Dinka during the past week. The Dinka said they had lost between 23 and 24 from Friday to Sunday in the latest fighting over the disputed district.

Abyei had been due to hold a plebiscite on its own future alongside this week's landmark southern independence referendum, but it has been indefinitely postponed in the face of deadlock between north and south over who should be eligible to take part.

The Misseriya, who migrate to Abyei each dry season to find water and pasture for their livestock, insist they should have the same right to vote as the pro-southern Dinka, who live there all year.

South Kordofan Deputy Gov. Abdul Aziz Al-Hilu witnessed the signing of Thursday's agreement. "The main point of this agreement is the freedom of movement, especially for the returnees who are going back to Abyei, the flow of goods and commerce and the freedom of the cattle herders, as well as the reduction of arms," he said.

He added that the future status of Abyei was the responsibility of the leadership of the SPLM and the National Congress Party of Sudanese President Omar Bashir which are due to meet in Kadugli on Sunday.

Carter called on the international community to forgive Sudan's $39 billion debt burden so that dividing it between the north and south won't become another issue to resolve after southern Sudan likely votes to become a new nation.
Posted by: Fred || 01/15/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Sudan

Africa North
Tunisian President Overthrown
Posted by: Frozen Al || 01/15/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  That was foreseeable. Now there is a power vacuum, maybe Islamists will fill it.
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 01/15/2011 2:11 Comments || Top||

#2  They'd certainly like to. Their bitch about Benali was that he didn't have any patience with that nonsense.
Posted by: Fred || 01/15/2011 9:40 Comments || Top||

#3  I've forgotten my geography. Is Tunisia located near any countries with a more or less hereditary dictatorship and a history of sponsoring terrorist acts?
Posted by: Thing From Snowy Mountain || 01/15/2011 16:20 Comments || Top||

2 hurt in Natore explosion
[Bangla Daily Star] Two people were maimed in an kaboom at an abandoned poultry farm at Chak Nazirpur village in Lalpur upazila yesterday afternoon.

The injured are Majnu, 28 and Rezaul Karim, 32, both natives of the village.

The accident happened around 5:45pm while the duo was making bombs, said Tariqul Islam, officer-in-charge (OC) of Lalpur Police Station.

Majnu was admitted to Cosmos Hospital at Gopalpur and was later shifted to Rajshahi as his condition deteriorated. The location where Rezaul was receiving treatment could not be known immediately.

Some small canisters were recovered from the spot, added the OC.
Posted by: Fred || 01/15/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Caribbean-Latin America
More Mexican Mayhem
12 Die in Northern Mexico

A total of 12 individuals were murdered in drug and gang related violence in northern Mexico including a Chihuahua police commander shot Thursday.
For a map, click here
  • Two individuals were shot to death at a Denny's restaurant in Chihuahua, Chihuahua Wednesday. Elias Coon and Alejadro Urueño Perez, 36, were shot by armed suspects using AK-47 assault rifles. Elias Coon is the son of a Delicias city councilman Alicia Coon.

  • An unidentified taco stand owner was shot to death in Juarez Wednesday. Armed suspects approached the Bunche Bunche taco stand near the intersection of avenidas Gomez Morin and Portico near the Plaza Sendero shopping mall and shot the owner after demanding money.

  • A Chihuahua police commander was shot to death in Chihuahua, Chihuahua early Friday morning. Comandante Marco Muñoz Rodriguez was driving his Ford Lobo pickup truck near the corner of calles La Juventud and Francisco Villa when he was attacked. Muñoz Rodriguez returned fire with his attackers for several meters before he lost control and overturned his vehicle. Several AK-47 and AR-15 spent shell casings were found at the scene

  • Three unidentified individuals were shot to death and three others were wounded at a workshop in Juarez Friday. Armed suspects entered the shop near the junction of calles Soneto 156 and Juana Romero in the Olivia Espinoza colony firing assault rifles at the occupants inside. Two victims died at the scene while a third died later at a public medical clinic.

  • Two unidentified individuals were shot and wounded in Juarez Friday. The victims were fired on as they were riding in a sedan, and then were pursued by their attackers after they abandoned their vehicle near the intersection of calles Miñaca and Oscar Flores in Acacias colony.

  • A man was shot several times in the head in Juarez Friday. Ernesto Ceniceros, 35, was shot in front of his home near the intersection of calles Oro and Hospital. The victim was last reported to be in a coma.

  • One unidentified man was shot to death a and another was wounded in a shooting in Juarez Friday. Armed suspects came to a residence near the corner of calles Popocatepetl and Tecamatzin in the Real colony and started shooting.

  • Two unidentified teenagers were shot an wounded in an apparent armed robbery attempt in Hermosillo, Sonora Thursday. An armed suspect attempted to rob the victim near a store near the intersection of calles San José de Moradillas and Adelina Saenz in the Las Minitas colony. Both victims are expected to survive their wounds.

  • Two unidentified men were found shot to death near Puerto Penasco, Sonora Thursday. The victims were found on Kilometer 10 of the Puerto Peñasco-Caborca highway aboard their Toyota pickup truck.

  • Two men were shot to death in Tijuana Thursday night. Rafael Adeli Chaidez, 24, and José Ramon Lopez Dominguez, 24. were shot in Las Torres colony by armed suspects using AK-47 assault rifles. A total of 26 spent shell casings were found at the scene of the crime.

  • Three individuals were shot and wounded in Torreon, Coahuila in three separate firearm attacks Thursday.
    • Alfredo Saucedo Guillen, 23, was changing a tire on his pickup truck in Eduardo Guerra colony when he was fired on and wounded.

    • Ricardo Javier Carrillo Heredia, 28, was shot while going to a grocery store in the Alamedas colony.

    • Javier Guerra Morales, 17, was shot and wounded in ejido Aguanaval, Matamoros municipality. The victim said armed suspects riding aboard a Chevrolet Suburban fired the shots which wounded him.
Posted by: badanov || 01/15/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under:

Third Mexican mayor slain in a week
[Iran Press TV] The mayor of an indigenous community in southern Oaxaca state of Mexico has been rubbed out, the third killing of a mayor in a week.

The mayor of the small central Mexico town of Temoac was shot to death Monday, and the body of a northern mayor was found riddled with bullets Friday.

Oaxaca state prosecutor Manuel de Jesus Lopez said on Thursday that Luis Jimenez Mata, who only took up his post in Santiago Amoltepec at the start of year, was rubbed out as he arrived at his offices in nearby Oaxaca City, capital of Oaxaca state.

The motive of the killing remained unclear and fourteen people were called in for questioning, but none had been nabbed, the official said.

The largely Indian town of Santiago Amoltepec has been locked in a decade-long land dispute with a neighboring town that has resulted in about a dozen deaths, AP reported.

In 2010, fourteen Mexican mayors were killed. Most of the murders have taken place in the volatile north, near the US border. The region has been grappling with brutal narco gangs and organized crime in recent years.
Posted by: Fred || 01/15/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under: Narcos

Nork agent gets 10-years for assassination plot against defector
SEOUL -- A Seoul court Friday sentenced a North Korean spy to a 10-year jail term for attempted assassination of a high-profile North Korean defector who had turned into a heavy critic of his home country and its top leader.

The defendant, identified only by his last name Lee,
That'll narrow it down...
This Mr. Lee is a head shorter than everyone else.
was arrested last August on charges of plotting to kill Hwang Jang-yop, former secretary of the North's ruling Workers' Party who formulated the juche (self-reliance) principle, the backbone ideology of the communist regime. Investigators said the defendant had entered the South disguised as a North Korean defector.

Hwang died from heart failure at the age of 87, two months after Lee and his accomplices were arrested.

The Seoul Central District Court said Lee's admission of guilt and evidence are convincing enough to convict him for violation of the National Security Law. It said the sentence was determined with consideration to the fact that Lee was born in North Korea and was acting on Pyongyang's order.

Hwang defected to South Korea in 1997 and had received repeated death threats for criticizing his former boss, Kim Jong-il. He was kept under round-the-clock protective surveillance.

In July last year, two other agents were also sentenced to 10 years by a local court on the same charges of attempting to assassinate Hwang.
Posted by: Steve White || 01/15/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The defendant, identified only by his last name Lee,

Dang! I had my money on a Kim or a Park.
Posted by: SteveS || 01/15/2011 2:01 Comments || Top||

Taliban torch 16 tankers in Dera Murad Jamali
* Taliban spokesman claims responsibility for attack

* Says attack in retaliation to US drone attacks in Waziristan

QUETTA: Unidentified gunmen in Dera Murad Jamali set ablaze 16 vehicles carrying fuel supplies for the US and NATO troops stationed in Afghanistan on Saturday.

Taliban spokesman Azam Tariq claimed the responsibility for the assault, which involved eight gunmen, and left a NATO tanker driver wounded. Police, however, refused to speculate on who was behind the attack.

Reportedly, the oil tankers, parked at a petrol pump, some nine kilometres away from Dera Murad Jamali of Naseerabad district, waiting for daybreak, had to leave for Chaman at 4am to enter Afghanistan.

Eyewitnesses said the attackers, riding in a car, shot bullets at the tankers, of which some 16 vehicles caught fire. An official source added that two more tankers parked a distance away were undamaged.

Naseerabad Deputy Commissioner Abdul Fateh Khajak claimed that the gunmen, who were four in number, had come from Dera Allah Yar. He confirmed that 16 tankers were destroyed in the strike at time between 2:30am and 3:00am. He said the convoy had three security guards, but they all ran away.
Posted by: tipper || 01/15/2011 17:46 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Four guys in car destroyed 16 tankers and the three (3) guards ran away? Sounds like a lax scene, or we dont give a flying beturbanned f*k because there are other routes in for fuel, etc?
Posted by: Rhodesiafever || 01/15/2011 20:50 Comments || Top||

#2  More like the organized-crime road-toll hadn't been paid.
Posted by: Pappy || 01/15/2011 23:59 Comments || Top||

Four nabbed for killing ANP activists
[Pak Daily Times] The law enforcement agencies (LEAs) on Thursday nabbed four myrmidons in a search operation at Pehalwan Goth to maintain peace in Gulistan-e-Jauhar.

According to sources, the search operation was initiated after the murder of three activists of Awami National Party (ANP) - Khayal Wazeer, Saleem Khan and Shahid Ghani at Pehalwan Goth on Wednesday.

They said ANP had nominated its rivalry Pukhtoons' criminal group led by Muddasir Chief for the said killings and a search operation was kicked off to maintain peace in the area. They said that heavy contingents of Rangers and police, led by DIG East Commander Shaukat along with SP Gulshan Town Naeem Sheikh and SP Shah Faisal Town Dr Farooq, had cordoned of the said area at around 2pm and started a search operation. SP Naeem Sheikh while talking to this scribe claimed to have jugged Pir Nizamuddin, Qurban, Kamran and Saleem during the search operation and recovered two Kalashnikovs, two TT pistols and some 100 rounds from their possession.
Posted by: Fred || 01/15/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

Mortars fired from Afghanistan kill 8 in N Waziristan
[Pak Daily Times] Mortars allegedly fired from Afghanistan killed eight people in North Wazoo on Thursday, officials said. Two intelligence officials said the mortars hit a house in Tity Mada Khel village in the North Wazoo tribal area and killed eight people, including five men and three women. According to two other officials, 11 people were maimed in the attack. It was not immediately clear who fired the mortars.
Posted by: Fred || 01/15/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Pakistan

#1  Given that the fire was accurate, and that the effective range of the US 81mm mortar is 5,935 m, I'm thinking we did it, depending on how far the village was from the border.

Posted by: Anonymoose || 01/15/2011 9:25 Comments || Top||

#2  What's wrong with your peoples? We focus on a bizzare range for a small bore mortar and ignore....

Tity Mada Khel

WTF? I mean WTF?

Posted by: Zombie Hillary Lover || 01/15/2011 9:47 Comments || Top||

Seven killed in NW Pakistan violence
At least seven people have been killed in violence in the restive regions of the northwestern Pak province of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.
... formerly NWFP, still Terrorism Central...

Pak police foiled a kaboom in the town of Kohat early Friday in the country's northwest by killing a bomber who was carrying explosives and hand grenades near a passport office, a Press TV correspondent reported, quoting local officials.

...back at the ranch...
hard boyz in the town of Hangu in the same province assailed the residence of a female police officer and murdered six people in the house.

In a separate incidence, hard boyz also destroyed a gas pipeline in the Sui district in Balochistan province on Friday, disrupting the gas supply to parts of the province.

The attack came a day after hard boyz blasted a main gas pipeline in Jafar Abad area of Balochistan in the country's east.

Militants in Pakistain have staged several attacks in major cities across the country as well as smaller areas over the past years.

The Mighty Pak Army has launched several operations in the northwest in a bid to flush out pro-Talibs from its tribal areas.

Militants have been blamed for the deaths of thousands of people in the nationwide attacks in recent years.
Posted by: Fred || 01/15/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Anti-Pope rallies held in Pakistan
[Iran Press TV] Thousands of demonstrators in Pakistain have gathered in major cities to protest Pope Benedict XVI's remarks about the country's blasphemy law.

The demonstrators in Bloody Karachi, Lahore and Rawalpindi rolled their eyes, jumped up and down, and hollered poorly rhymed slogans real loud against the recent statements made by the Pope in which he asked the death penalty to be scraped for those who insult Islamic sanctities.

"Pope Benedict's statement is an attack on the hearts of Mohammedans," read one placard carried by protesters.

In his annual address to diplomats, the Pope said the blasphemy law could be used as a pretext for acts of injustice and violence against religious minorities.

"I once more encourage the leaders of that country to take the necessary steps to abrogate that law, all the more so because it is clear that it serves as a pretext for acts of violence against religious minorities," the Pope said on Monday.

The infamous However...
his words have been slammed as interference in Pakistain's domestic affairs.

A senior leader of the Jamiat-e-Ulema-e-Islam (JUI) said the Pope is highly respected as a Christian-leader but he must refrain from interfering in the religious affairs of others.

Paks went ahead with strikes and rallies despite officials saying that the government has no intention of amending the controversial law.

Experts say the strike had more to do with politics than religion.

Demonstrators have warned that any move seeking to alter the existing blasphemy law would unleash a wave of nationwide protests.

The developments come at a time when the Islamabad government is trying to tackle the growing militancy and economic crisis in the country.
Posted by: Fred || 01/15/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Jamaat-e-Islami

#1  Well, now that they've broached the topic, lets ask them how they feel about the death penalty for Islamists who preach the "religion" of the pedophile false prophet (bees piss upon him)?

Funny how one sided theer world is. Nothing a dusting with Strontium 90 over the region wouldn't cure over 150 years.
Posted by: OldSpook || 01/15/2011 0:46 Comments || Top||

#2  the Pope is highly respected as a Christian-leader
Only in the same respect as Christianity and Judaism are respected by Islamists, which is to say NOT AT ALL. If the Pope flew into Karachi to visit any Christian institution there, his life would be measured in minutes. Taqiyya at work.
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 01/15/2011 2:07 Comments || Top||

#3  So why are the Pakis singing The Battle of the Boyne?
Posted by: Anonymoose || 01/15/2011 9:30 Comments || Top||

#4  Forget Afghanistan and Iraq this country is more evil than both combined.I have more hope for Iran/Yemen than this country.

Failed state alongside Somalia and Zimbawe!
Posted by: Paul D || 01/15/2011 9:37 Comments || Top||

#5  God damn man the Paks are Prods? Who knew?
Your insight is a game changer.
Posted by: Zombie Hillary Lover || 01/15/2011 9:52 Comments || Top||

#6  Time to fire up the Crusaders again.
Posted by: Hellfish || 01/15/2011 10:33 Comments || Top||

Train blasts: Hindu radical gets 14-day judicial remand
[Arab News] Radical Hindu activist Swami Aseemanand, in jug for his alleged involvement in the 2007 Samjhauta Express blasts, was Thursday sent to 14-day judicial remand by a National Investigation Agency (NIA) court here.

Aseemanand, who was presented before the court amid tight security, will be lodged in Ambala jail, around 35 km from here.

The proceedings were held in-camera and no media person was allowed to enter the courtroom while Aseemanand was presented before the judge.

The NIA special judge had sent Aseemanand to 10-day police remand on Jan 3.

Besides, NIA has also filed a petition before the court to get the statements of Aseemanand recorded before a magistrate, under Code of Criminal Procedure Section 164. Court will take up this petition Jan 15.

"NIA did not appeal for further remand of Aseemanand. They told the judge that Aseemanand was ready to record his statements before the judicial magistrate. My client is fully cooperating with the investigation officers," Aseemanand's lawyer Manveer Singh Rathi told news hounds.

Aseemanand, a member of the right-wing Hindu group Abhinav Bharat, was brought here from Hyderabad on warrant Dec 23. He is also an accused in the 2007 Makkah Masjid blast in Hyderabad in which 14 people were killed.

The NIA is questioning Aseemanand about his role in the Samjhauta Express blasts Feb 18, 2007, at Diwana village near the industrial town of Panipat, 160 km from here, in Haryana.

The blasts, which killed 68 people, took place in two bogies of the Samjhauta Express, a peace train between India and Pakistain. A majority of the 68 victims were Pak nationals.

The train was going from Delhi to Attari, the last station on the Indian side. The passengers were to board the Samjhauta Express train to Lahore city in Pakistain the next day (Feb. 19).

Aseemanand was jugged by the Central Bureau of Investigation on Nov. 19 last year from Haridwar in Uttarakhand for his alleged role in the Makkah Masjid blast.
Posted by: Fred || 01/15/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Detainees don police uniforms in Iraq jailbreak
The 12 [terror] suspects were awaiting trial when they obtained the police uniforms and walked out of the small, temporary detention center in one of Saddam Hussein's former palaces before dawn in the southern port city of Basra, said three Iraqi security officials. Iraqi authorities immediately set up checkpoints on two major northbound highways to stop cars, asking all police to display their official ID cards as they urgently tried to track down the suspects.
Where did they get the uniforms?
Posted by: gorb || 01/15/2011 01:01 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

13 al-Qaeda members escape from detention center in Basra
BASRA: A total of 13 members of al-Qaeda armed group managed on Friday to escape from a detention center in Basra despite the tough security measures, according to a lawmaker from the National Alliance.
'Tough security measures'. Is that like the Soddies saying they've 'surrounded' the perps?
"Thirteen terrorists managed to escape on Friday (Jan. 14) from a special detention center at the Presidential Palaces Compound in Basra," MP Hussein Taleb al-Mansouri told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

"The detainees had confessed to implementing several terrorist operations," he added, noting that they managed to escape despite tough security measures, calling for starting an investigation in this regard.
Posted by: Steve White || 01/15/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Who's in the News
4Govt of Pakistan
1Govt of Sudan
1Govt of Iran
1Palestinian Authority
1al-Qaeda in North Africa
1al-Qaeda in Pakistan

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A multi-volume chronology and reference guide set detailing three years of the Mexican Drug War between 2010 and 2012.

Rantburg.com and borderlandbeat.com correspondent and author Chris Covert presents his first non-fiction work detailing the drug and gang related violence in Mexico.

Chris gives us Mexican press dispatches of drug and gang war violence over three years, presented in a multi volume set intended to chronicle the death, violence and mayhem which has dominated Mexico for six years.
Click here for more information

Meet the Mods
In no particular order...
Steve White
Bright Pebbles
trailing wife
Frank G

Two weeks of WOT
Sat 2011-01-15
  Benali flees Tunisia
Fri 2011-01-14
  Sudan nationhood vote confirmed valid
Thu 2011-01-13
  Drone Attack Kills 3, Maybe 4 in Pakistan
Wed 2011-01-12
  Hezbollah Topples Lebanese Government
Tue 2011-01-11
  Spain's ETA in permanent ceasefire
Mon 2011-01-10
  Yemeni Court Sentences 13 Somalis for Piracy
Sun 2011-01-09
  14 headless bodies found in Acapulco
Sat 2011-01-08
  AZ Dem Rep Gabrielle Giffords Shot
Fri 2011-01-07
  Church bombing foiled in north Iraq
Thu 2011-01-06
  Moqtada Sadr back in Iraq
Wed 2011-01-05
  Lahore, Islamabad on red alert after Taseer assassination
Tue 2011-01-04
  Punjab governor Salman Taseer assassinated in Islamabad
Mon 2011-01-03
  Osama's top aide Nasir al-Wahishi killed in drone strike
Sun 2011-01-02
  Clashes follow Egypt church bombing
Sat 2011-01-01
  Islamic New Years Greetings to Copts in Egypt, 21 dead

Better than the average link...

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