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Turkey Nabs 2 Foreigners at Istanbul Airport over Nightclub Attack
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6 20:12 Barbara [25] 
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7 20:59 BigJim-Ca [26]
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5 16:27 Barbara [15]
5 14:24 Vast Right Wing Conspiracy [21]
9 12:25 swksvolFF [18]
9 17:34 swksvolFF [28]
10 15:46 gorb [16]
2 kops die in fighting in Parwan
At least two policemen were killed in a clash with gunmen in northern Parwan province on Monday afternoon, local officials said. In addition, another policeman was injured.

The clash took place in Charikar city, the capital of the province, Provincial Police Chief Mohammad Zaman Mamuzai said.

In the meantime, an eyewitness said that two policemen were killed in the clash and four others were injured.

But a source told TOLOnews that the clash happened between Afghan National Police members and public order police and that three policemen were killed and three others were injured. No further details have been released.
Posted by: badanov || 01/04/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Africa Horn
Ethiopia jails 20 Muslims accused of pursuing Sharia state
[Ynet] An Æthiopian court has sentenced 20 Moslems to prison after they were found guilty of trying to establish a state ruled by Sharia law and inciting violence.

They were charged under Æthiopia's controversial anti-terrorism law and convicted last month. All but one received prison terms of five and a half years. Two were journalists working for a Moslem radio station.

The state-affiliated Fana Broadcasting Corporate, citing the court ruling, said Tuesday that the 20 defendants also were found to be "participating in a movement to secure the release of another Moslem group that was under detention."

Moslems have long felt marginalized in Æthiopia and have carried out a number of protests since 2011. Some were met with force, and many protest leaders were enjugged
Yez got nuttin' on me, coppers! Nuttin'!
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/04/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Salafists

SNA, KDF troops engage Shaboobs in deadly gunfight
Heavy gunfight broke out between Kenyan defense forces (KDF), along with Somali National Army (SNA) and Al shabaab militants in Gedo region, south west of the country on Tuesday.

SNA and KDF forces have engaged with Al shabaab militants in a shoot out in the outskirts of Busar area, 40Km east of the border town of El Wak, leaving 1 soldier and 9 militants dead.

A senior SNA officer told Radio Shabelle the allied troops seized Busar from the Al shabaab militants during the offensive which began early on Tuesday. Al shabaab is yet to release its own statement concerning the Somali military claim.
Posted by: Steve White || 01/04/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab

Somali, AU forces retake settlement near Hudur city
Somali troops backed by African Union forces (AMISOM) have retaken control of a key village, located 30KM away from Hudur, the regional capital of Bakool province on Tuesday. The allied troops entered the area following brief clashes with Al shabaab militants. Sources said several soldiers and militants have been killed in the offensive in Moro-gabey village.

Somali military officers said they will keep up the attacks against Al shabaab, until they secure the recapture of the whole rural areas under the militants.
After which they'll leave and let the Shaboobs have the area once again, just like before...
Al shabaab pushed back from several towns and villages in Bakool region following offensives by joint troops from Somali National Army (SNA) and AU troops (AMISOM) in 2014-2015.
Posted by: Steve White || 01/04/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab

Africa North
Rada captures Libyan crime boss in Ain Zara
Rada, the Special Deterrence Force, reported that it has captured the leader of a kidnap gang last week and has freed two kidnap victims who had been held for 46 days.

Rada said that together with other security forces, it stormed a farm at dawn in Ain Zara after a stakeout. This came on the back of the arrest of one of the members of the kidnap gang in the Wadi Rabea area who had led security forces to the gang’s hideout.

At the hideout, Rada said they arrested a gang member who had been torturing the two victim in an effort to extort a ransom in exchange for their release out of their families.

The two hostages, heavy goods vehicle drivers from Gaser Khyar, were found with their hands chained to the wall. They reported that they had been tied up for the duration of their 46-day ordeal.

The kidnappers had demanded a ransom of LD 200,000 each in order to spare their lives. Rada said it was still pursuing the rest of the gang, whose names it published.

Rada also reported that it had freed another victim kidnapped from Airport road and taken to the Wirshifana area.
Posted by: badanov || 01/04/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Arms bound for Houthi rebels seized in Sanaa
Aden, Jeddah- The Yemeni Popular Resistance seized on Monday a truck loaded with thermal rockets and RPG missiles on their way from Aden to Houthi rebels in the capital Sana’a.

The seizure of the weapons led to a controversy, after the man who transferred them said he had an official permit to carry out his mission.

Ibrahim Al-Halimi, commander of the military area where the arms were confiscated, said the truck contained anti-armored thermal missiles, several RPGs in addition to mortar rockets. The commander asserted that the truck was transferred to a safe area, refusing to give any details about the identities of the driver and his assistant.

The office of Yemeni Interior Minister Major General Mohammed bin Abdullah al-Qawsi denied on Monday the ministry had issued a permit for the truck to cross the checkpoints without being searched.

The ministry formed an investigating committee to look into the case of the loaded truck and to examine whether it actually carried arms, the party that facilitated its exit from Aden, in addition to the party that sent it.

Monday’s truck operation shed the light on the issue of arms smuggling in Yemen, especially that it involved areas controlled by the legitimate government.

The Commander of the Fourth Military Region, Major General Fadel Hassan, told Asharq Al-Awsat on Monday that Iran was still violating international laws and meddling in Yemen’s sovereignty through its repeated attempts to smuggle arms.

Hassan added that the Yemeni army was coordinating with the Arab Coalition to trace any smuggling attempt before arms enter the country.

He said Iran was benefiting from some militia-controlled ports, including al-Hudaydah port to smuggle arms and transfer them to frontlines with an attempt to strengthen the rebels’ military powers.
Posted by: badanov || 01/04/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Houthis

31 die in fighting in Abyan and Shabwa
ADEN, Yemen: Sixteen Yemeni pro-government fighters were killed on Tuesday in separate clashes with Houthi and Al-Qaeda rebels in the south of the war-torn country, military sources and officials said.

Forces supporting Yemen’s President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi, backed by a Saudi-led coalition, are fighting both the Houthi rebels who control parts of the country including the capital Sanaa and jihadists in the south.

Al-Qaeda fighters on Tuesday ambushed an army unit on its way to conduct an operation against a jihadist position east of the coastal town of Shaqra in the southern province of Abyan, security sources said.

Local officials said 11 soldiers and 15 Al-Qaeda fighters were killed in the attack.

Al-Qaeda fighters seized two military vehicles and weapons, security sources said.

Meanwhile, in the neighboring province of Shabwa, five pro-Hadi fighters including an officer were killed along with nine Houthi rebels near the town of Baihan, loyalist military sources said.

Baihan is held by the Shiite Houthis and their allies, supporters of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Al-Qaeda and the rival Daesh group have taken advantage of chaos in Yemen to reinforce their presence in the Arabian Peninsula country.

Yemen’s war has killed more than 7,000 people since March 2015, according to the United Nations.
Posted by: badanov || 01/04/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: Houthis

Yemeni Army, Popular Committees Confront Saudi Military Advance in Najran
[ENGLISH.ALMANAR.LB] A Yemeni source reported that the national army and the popular committees confronted a major Saudi advance towards al-Shabaka military site in Najran, inflicting heavy losses upon the KSA soldiers.

The sources added that two Saudi military vehicles were destroyed and that even the air force failed to enable the infantry troops to carry out a successful operation.

Al-Qaeda and ISIS hard boyz also supported the Saudi army in its attack, but they suffered grave losses as well, according to the same source.

The Yemeni forces also killed scores of the Saudi-led mercenaries after ambushing them in Boqa’a desert off Najran.

The Yemeni army and popular committees crushed dozens of the Saudi aggression troops while confronting their attack on al-Saq sites in Shabwa province.

...an area of the Arabian Peninsula sometimes mistaken for a country. It is populated by more antagonistic tribes and factions than you can keep track of. Except for a tiny handfull of Jews everthing there is very Islamic...
has been since March 26, 2015 under brutal aggression by Saudi-led coalition. Thousands have been martyred and injured in the attack, with the vast majority of them are civilians.

Riyadh launched the attack on Yemen in a bid to restore power to runaway ex-president Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi who is a close ally to Soddy Arabia
...a kingdom taking up the bulk of the Arabian peninsula. Its primary economic activity involves exporting oil and soaking Islamic rubes on the annual hajj pilgrimage. The country supports a large number of princes in whatcha might call princely splendor. When the oil runs out the rest of the world is going to kick sand in the Soddy national face...
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: Houthis

Britain migrant colonist briefs
Recorded Links Between Charities and Terrorists Treble, Reach All Time High
1 Jan 2017
[Breitbart] The Charity Commission for England and Wales, the government watchdog and regulator has reported a significant increase in the number of charities with suspected links to terrorist organisations. Speaking in an interview as he called for a new levy on

Iraqi refugee, 21, who tried to flee Britain to become an ISIS suicide bomber in Syria is jailed after his family called 999 to get him stopped
[DailyMail] Former Kurdish rebellion fighter Shivan Azeez Zangana (pictured), 21, fled his Sheffield home and bought a plane ticket to Sulaymaniyah

Britain's small ports and marinas are wide open to returning ISIS fighters because they are not policed, warns terror tsar
[DailyMail] David Anderson, the terror laws watchdog, said jihadists could attempt to sneak across the UK's porous border at hundreds of remote locations because of the absence of stringent checks. He expressed concerns that ‘foreign fighters’ returning from Syria and Iraq could breach the country’s security checks using small boats and planes.
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/04/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Moslem Colonists

Police raid Berlin homes linked to market attacker Anis Amri
[DeutscheWelle] German police raided a refugee home and a flat in Berlin on Tuesday in connection with its investigation into Anis Amri, the man suspected of killing 12 people in a deadly attack on a Berlin Christmas market last month.

Investigators searched a refugee home, where a 26-year-old Tunisian man they believe knew Amri is living. Police suspect the man had known Amri since at least 2015 and was in contact with him shortly before the day of the attack on December 19. The federal prosecutor's office said there is a "suspicion that the suspect knew of the attack plans and possibly helped Anis Amri."

Investigators also raided the apartment of Amri's former flatmate, who they also suspect was in contact with Amri and may have even been a possible accomplice in the attack.

The so-called "Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
" (IS) jihadist group has grabbed credit for the attack, in which Amri plowed a truck through a Christmas market in Berlin's Breitscheidplatz, killing 12 and injuring around 50 people. After a four-day long manhunt that stretched across Europe, Amri was rubbed out by Italian police in Milan on December 23.

The prosecutor's office said Tuesday's searches focused on gleaning new information into Amri's behavior before and after the attack.

It did not confirm whether the two suspects had been taken into custody, but said it plans to provide an update on the investigation on Wednesday.
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/04/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  Was anybody at home when they kicked in the doors? Or had they already returned to their third-world $hith0les?
Posted by: Bobby || 01/04/2017 10:45 Comments || Top||

Europe migrant colonist briefs
Security fears cost French hotels $675 mln in 2016

[Ynet] Fear of Islamist attacks kept foreign tourists away from Paris and the Riviera last year, costing French hoteliers an estimated 650 million euros ($675 million) in lost revenue, the head of hotel research firm MKG told Reuters on Tuesday.

Activity picked up slightly in the last quarter as hotels, notably in Paris, slashed prices during the year-end festivities and a stronger dollar brought back U.S. tourists.

Trade fairs such as Le Bourget air show, held every other year and next due in June, should help hotel room demand this year though a wait-and-see approach before the spring presidential elections could weigh on business.

"2017 can only be better than 2016 though we are unlikely to return to 2014's levels," MKG's Georges Panayotis said by phone.

Bulgaria to extradite Dutch terror suspect to Netherlands

[Ynet] A Bulgarian court has ordered a Dutch terror suspect who was arrested on a Bulgarian-Turkey border crossing to be extradited to the Netherlands. Police arrested Helena Soontjens as she crossed into Bulgaria on Dec. 21 at the Kapitan Andreevo checkpoint at the border with Turkey. She was detained on a European arrest warrant issued by Dutch authorities. On Tuesday, the 33-year-old Dutch national made no statement before the district court in the southern town of Haskovo.

Bulgaria's state-run news agency BTA said she was investigated in the Netherlands for terrorism after a letter she wrote and left in her room said that she was on her way to Syria to join the Islamic State group.

Migrants protest conditions at 2 asylum centers in Italy
This is the same protest where the rioters set part of the center on fire, according to the Daily Mail, below.
[Ynet] Italian police early Tuesday quelled a protest by occupants of a migrant center near Venice that left fearful workers at the center barricaded inside offices. Carabinieri paramilitary police in Chioggia, about 70 kilometers (45 miles) east of the Cona migrant center, said the protest ended peacefully after a few hours. Some migrants told Italian television they were protesting the alleged delay in medical assistance Monday for an ill 25-year-old woman from Ivory Coast. She died shortly after an ambulance arrived. The Italian news agency ANSA quoted Venice Prosecutor Lucia D'Alessandro as saying an autopsy indicated a pulmonary blood clot caused the woman's death.
From Breitbart:
Matteo Salvini: Europe ‘Soft’, Islam is Incompatible with Our Values
3 Jan 2017
“If you want to live in peace, you have to prepare for war” Lega Nord leader Matteo Salvini has said, stating that Europe must rethink its migration policies following the terror attack at a Christmas market in Berlin.

More Asylum Requests in Germany than Rest of EU Combined, Bundestag VP Says Germany’s Migrant Crisis Is ‘Not Over’
3 Jan 2017
Germany received more asylum requests in 2016 than the rest of the European Union (EU) combined. In response to the report, the Bundestag vice-president warned Germany’s migrant crisis was not over.

‘Next Pope’ Says Trump Could Be Like ‘Best President’ Reagan
3 Jan 2017
The Archbishop of Vienna, who is tipped to be the next Pope, has implied the election of Donald Trump is a good thing as Ronald Reagan turned out to be “certainly one of the best presidents the U.S. ever had”.

Young Migrants Wreak New Year’s Eve Havoc in Bavarian City
3 Jan 2017
While much of Germany was at relative peace on New Year’s Eve
...peace being defined as migrant crimes ignored and unrecorded, or prevented by overwhelming and expensive police presence...
the Bavarian city of Augsburg was not, as migrants carried out random acts of violence and sexual assault. Police in Augsburg say that migrants were responsible for several incidents

Sex Attacks Plague Austria’s New Year’s Eve Celebrations
3 Jan 2017
Emergency services were inundated Saturday night across Austria as multiple reports of sex assaults have emerged and many were committed by young men described as having a foreign appearance.

‘Insecurity’ Drives Soaring Number of Belgians to Apply for Gun Licenses
3 Jan 2017
The number of Belgians applying for firearms permits has skyrocketed, with applications in one major province more than doubling in just five years, according to the authorities.
More from Breitbart:
France Claims ‘No Incident’ After 1,000 Cars Torched on New Year’s Eve
3 Jan 2017
French authorities have been accused of a cover-up after claiming New Year’s Eve “went off without any major incident” despite more than 1,000 cars being torched in arson attacks.

Revealed: 1,000-Man Mob Attack Police, Set Germany’s Oldest Church Alight on New Year’s Eve
3 Jan 2017
At New Year’s Eve celebrations in Dortmund, a mob of more than 1,000 men chanted ‘Allahu Akhbar’, launched fireworks at police and set fire to an historic church.

Migrants Setting Blood, Faeces ‘Traps’ for Prison Staff
2 Jan 2017
Language classes and the recruiting of ‘Islam scientists’ are among measures announced by North Rhine-Westphalia’s (NRW) justice ministry to combat the rising number of ‘disgust attacks’ in prisons by Maghreb migrants.
From the Daily Mail:
Italian refugee centre set ablaze and 25 staff barricaded inside a building after the death of a young Ivory Coast woman at cramped base designed for 15 migrants which holds 1,500
Migrants barricaded camp staff members inside a reception and set part of their camp on fire in the Cona, Italy in a protest over living conditions. Photo shows the Cona camp near Venice.
This is the same protest that "ended peacefully after a few hours", according to Ynet, above.
'I was so afraid. I thought today was the end': Footage shows terrified children among 112 migrants rescued from an overcrowded rubber dinghy in rough sea off the Libyan coast
The rescue crew on board a former fishing trawler intercepted the migrants on board a highly overcrowded rubber dingy as it attempted to cross the Mediterranean from Libya.

Germany to fast-track deportation of failed asylum seekers after Tunisian, 24, killed 12 people at a Berlin Christmas market despite having no right to stay in the country
Interior minister Thomas de Maizière (pictured) said the government needs 'more powers' to get failed asylum seekers on planes more quickly
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/04/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Moslem Colonists

Germany charges man with role in ISIS executions in Syria
[EN.ZAMANALWSL.NET] Germany's chief prosecutor has charged a 28-year-old German citizen with murder, belonging to a terrorist group and committing war crimes for his role in the execution of six detainees by ISIS militants in Syria in 2015.

The man, identified as Harry S. in court documents, has been in custody since returning to Germany in July 2015, shortly after prosecutors said he took part in the executions in the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra.

A spokeswoman for the Federal Prosecutor's Office in Karlsruhe said Tuesday the man had traveled to Syria in early April 2015 to join ISIS.

"In mid-June 2015 members of Islamic State (ISIS) publicly shot dead six detainees at the market place in the Syrian city of Palmyra," the statement said. "The accused, who was armed with a pistol, personally took one of the detainees to the execution spot and prevented the others from escaping."

Last year the man was sentenced to three years in jail after being found guilty by a regional court of belonging to a foreign terrorist organization and breaching laws on weapons of war.

An estimated 820 people have left Germany to fight alongside militants in Syria and other war zones in the Middle East.
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

The Grand Turk
Turkey Nabs 2 Foreigners at Istanbul Airport over Nightclub Attack
[ENGLISH.ALMANAR.LB] Turkish authorities on Tuesday detained two foreign nationals at Istanbul’s main airport over suspected links to a nightclub attack claimed by ISIS ’jihadists’ that killed 39, Dogan news agency said.

The pair were detained on entering Ataturk International Airport and have been taken to Istanbul police headquarters for questioning, it added.

The government said Monday that eight people were tossed into the calaboose but the number then increased to 14 after new detentions in the Anatolian city of Konya.

The main suspect, who remains on the lam, was staying in a rented flat in Konya before moving to Istanbul to carry out the attack, press reports said.

He has not been named but is reportedly from Central Asia.

The airport detentions bring the total number of arrests over the attack to 16.

Kyrgyzstan rules out nightclub shooting suspect

[BBC] The passport image circulated on social media shows a similar-looking man to the suspect, but the head of the Kyrgyz security services told the BBC that the passport holder was not involved.

Rakhat Sulaimanov said the man had been questioned by both their agents and Turkish security and that he had nothing to do with the attack.

The Kyrgyz authorities say they were not contacted by their Turkish counterparts about the possible connection. Tairbek Sarpashev from the Kyrgyz state registration service, said they only started to investigate the man in question after seeing the media reports.

Turkish media have said the man police are investigating is from Central Asia and had rented a flat in the central city of Konya with a woman believed to be his wife and two children, who have been detained.
The Daily Mail adds:
The highly trained killer's weapon was loaded with armour-piercing bullets, creating the maximum number of casualties in the crowded Reina nightclub on New Year's Eve, according to Turkish security sources widely reported in local media.

He used flares to light up his targets before unleashing a hail of bullets known for their tendency to ricochet as well as penetrate barriers, creating horrific carnage in a short amount of time, the sources said.

Eyewitnesses said the killer carried out the operation calmly and precisely, keeping his ground and picking off his victims in a systematic manner.

His magazines had been bound together to allow him to reload rapidly, and when both were empty, he dropped them on the floor. Six were used in total, the Vatan newspaper said.

Eyewitnesses also reported that the killer used flash bombs to illuminate and disorient his targets.

A bartender who survived the attack, quoted by Hurriyet, said: 'The terrorist threw something that lit up every time he finished his magazine. It happened at least three times.'

In another sign of the murderer's professionalism, he reportedly dropped the flash bombs behind him so that he would be able to see his victims clearly without being blinded by the light, according to the Sozcu newspaper.

When police released pictures of the suspect, his neighbours in Konya called a police hotline and identified him, leading investigators to the family home, police added.

Private Dogan news agency said airports and border crossings were put on high alert and that anyone resembling the wanted gunman was being stopped and questioned by police.
From Al Ahram:
Hurriyet's well-connected columnist Abdulkadir Selvi said an IS strike was also planned in Ankara on New Year's eve but that it had been prevented after eight IS suspects were arrested in the capital.

Together with a unexpected jump in inflation, anxiety over the attack pushed the Turkish lira to a new historic low of 3.6 to the US dollar.
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

2 terror suspects detained in Batagaram
Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) Hazara region arrested two wanted terrorists with the help of security agencies, according to sources within the CTD.

According to CTD officials, Muhammad Nawaz alias Abrash and Azizullah alias Hazaza are members of Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan, a banned militant outfit.

Both men are said to have received militant training in Kunar area in Afghanistan, CTD officials said.

Nawaz and Azizullah were involved in a number of terrorism incidents in the past and were also found plotting an attack in the Batagaram region at the time of their arrest, according to CTD officials.

CTD officials said the two men revealed major terrorism plots in Batagaram district during their initial interrogation.

A video clip of District Police Officer Batagaram was also recovered from the men's posession, according to CTD officials.

The suspects have been shifted to an undisclosed location for further investigation.

Posted by: badanov || 01/04/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

Anbar Antics

1 dead in ISIS suicide attack in Ramadi

Anbar (IraqiNews.com) One soldier was killed and a civilian was wounded when an Islamic State suicide bomber blew himself up near a security checkpoint west of Ramadi, Anbar.

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Interior, Saad Maan, said in a statement that the attack targeted a checkpoint at the “7th Kilometer” area.

Islamic State militants, maintaining control over some towns west of Anbar, have waged occasional attacks on civilians and security in the province, and Iraqi and US-led fighter jets respond with airstrikes on the extremist group’s hideouts at that area.

IS is apparently escalating its attacks at other areas outside Mosul, its last major stronghold in Iraq where it has been losing influence and ground since government and popular forces launched a campaign to retake the city last October. Observers believe attacks outside Mosul are designed to lessen security forces pressure there ad divert attention from defeats IS has been sustaining at the city.

The bombing in Anbar comes after a bloody Monday which saw similar attacks that killed dozens of civilians and security personnel in Baghdad and Salahuddin.

The United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) said Monday violence in Iraq left 19000 casualties in 2016, but said the count excludes deaths in Anbar during three months of that year.
Posted by: badanov || 01/04/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Mosul Offensive News
Iraqi Forces Advance in Eastern Mosul

[ENGLISH.ALMANAR.LB] The Iraqi troops liberated on Tuesday Ma’ared area and a shopping mall on the eastern coast of Mosul city from ISIL terrorist group. The advance was reported in a statement which added that the Iraqi forces raised the national flags over the area’s buildings.

Iraqi forces storm 3 districts in eastern Mosul

Nineveh (IraqiNews.com) Iraqi Federal Police forces killed at least 50 Islamic State militants in eastern Mosul on Tuesday as operations continue to recapture the extremist group’s last stronghold in Iraq.

A statement by the police service said the militants were killed as the forces stormed the districts of al-Mithaq and al-Shaimaa.

Earlier, Iraqi army forces stormed on the “Industrial district”, also in eastern Mosul.

A statement by the Defense Ministry’s War Medi Cell said the army’s elite Counter-Terrorism Forces are currently engaged in violent fights with IS militants in the district, saying that the area could be fully recaptured within hours.

The developments come as the government forces, backed by a US-led aerial cover, entered Thursday a second phase of operations that launched in October to retake Iraq’s second largest city which fell to IS in 2014.

Iraqi commanders said Sunday they recaptured 60 percent of the city’s eastern section. IS still maintains hideouts in the west close to its strongholds in Syria, but Iraqi generals and allied militia leaders say the group has become isolated from Syria and Iraq.

Security officials estimate the number of remaining IS combatants by 6000. But those are fighting against at least 100.000 government and militia soldiers.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said Saturday the battle for Mosul was entering a “decisive” stage, and predicted in December that the operations could realize final victory within two months.
Liberating Mosul, IS last outstanding stronghold in Iraq, could deal a final fatal blow to group’s influence in the country.

Airstrikes destroy ISIS billets in eastern Mosul

Nineveh (IraqiNews.com) Iraqi fighter jets destroyed Islamic State warfare utilities in eastern Mosul on Tuesday as operations continue to retake the city from the extremist group.

Abdul-Amr Yarallah, commander of Operation We Are Coming Nineveh, said in a statement that airstrikes destroyed IS’s so-called hisbah (Islamic vigilantism) office on the road between eastern Mosul and Tal Afar town in the west. The strikes also destroyed booby-trapping workshops, arms storehouses, an IS-run oil station and booby-trapped cars in nearly five districts in the eastern section, according to the military official.

Earlier on Tuesday, army and police forces stormed three districts and claimed to have killed 50 IS militants.

The developments come as the government forces, backed by a US-led aerial cover, entered Thursday a second phase of operations that launched in October to retake Iraq’s second largest city which fell to IS in 2014.

Iraqi commanders said Sunday they recaptured 60 percent of the city’s eastern section. IS still maintains hideouts in the west close to its strongholds in Syria, but Iraqi generals and allied militia leaders say the group has become isolated from Syria and Iraq.

Security officials estimate the number of remaining IS combatants by 6000. But those are fighting against at least 100.000 government and militia soldiers.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said Saturday the battle for Mosul was entering a “decisive” stage, and predicted in December that the operations could realize final victory within two months.

Liberating Mosul, IS last outstanding stronghold in Iraq, could deal a final fatal blow to group’s influence in the country.

The situation in the city forced nearly 150.000 civilians to flee to refugee camps, according to the government.

Iraqi forces destroy ISIS HQ near Mosul

Nineveh (IraqiNews.com) Federal Police chief, Raed Shaker Jawdat announced on Tuesday, that the Rapid Intervention Forces managed to destruct the headquarters of Jund al-Khilafa (Soldiers of Caliphate), in addition to destroying explosives factory and drones headquarters, in eastern Mosul.

Jawdat said in a press statement, “Federal Police’s Rapid Intervention Forces managed, at noon today, to destruct the Islamic State’s headquarters of the so-called Jund al-Khilafa of Wilayat Ninewa.”

“Security forces also destroyed an explosives factory and drones headquarters belonging to the Islamic State in al-Mithaq neighborhood, in eastern Mosul,” Jawdat added.

The second phase of the battle to retake Mosul was launched in December 29, 2016, where security forces resumed their joint military operations in all axes, and liberated many villages and areas in the eastern side of Mosul.

Iraqi spec ops capture commercial areas of Mosul

Nineveh (IraqiNews.com) Media officials with the Ministry of Defense announced on Tuesday liberating the area of exhibitions and the commercial complex in the eastern side of Mosul.

The officials said in a statement, “Forces from the Counter-Terrorism Service managed to liberate the area of exhibitions and the commercial complex, south of Ta’mim neighborhood, in the eastern side of Mosul.”

“The security forces raised Iraqi flag over the buildings of these areas,” the statement added.

Earlier today, media officials with the Ministry of Defense announced liberating the Industrial area, “Mercedes” company and the flour mill in al-Karama neighborhood, in eastern Mosul.

ISIS media official,2 others have a Very Bad Day

Nineveh (IraqiNews.com) A local source in Nineveh Province revealed that the so called media committee’s official of the Islamic state was killed, along with two of his aides, in clashes in al-Karama neighborhood, east of Mosul, Alsumaria News reported on Tuesday.

The source said, “The media committee’s official of the Islamic State was killed in clashes with security forces in al-Karama neighborhood, east of Mosul, along with two of his aides.”

“The Islamic State pushed dozens of his media members in the direct clashes with security forces, in order to prepare pictorial reports for Amaq Agency, the key media arm of the extremist group,” the source added on condition of anonymity.

Earlier today, media officials with the Ministry of Defense announced liberating the Industrial area, Mercedes Company and the flour mill in al-Karama neighborhood, in eastern Mosul.

Special ops units captures Mithaq

Nineveh (IraqiNews.com) Media officials with the Ministry of Defense announced on Tuesday, that Rapid Intervention Forces liberated al-Mithaq neighborhood in the eastern side of Mosul, and raised Iraqi flag over its buildings.

The officials said in a statement, “Rapid Intervention Forces managed, at noon today, to liberate al-Mithaq neighborhood in the eastern side of the city of Mosul.”

“Rapid Intervention Forces inflicted heavy human and material losses on the Islamic State, as well as raising Iraqi flag over the buildings of the neighborhood,” the statement added.

The second phase of the battle to retake Mosul was launched in December 29, 2016, where security forces resumed their joint military operations in all axes, and liberated many villages and areas in the eastern side of Mosul.
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  Iraq doesn't announce their own casualties.

Posted by: lord garth || 01/04/2017 8:13 Comments || Top||

#2  Garth - if you want to keep up with the latest rumors and unfiltered press releases from the fight against ISIS in Mosul or Syria - this website is good - isis.liveuamap.com - maps the info as well.
Posted by: Tennessee || 01/04/2017 10:10 Comments || Top||

2 border police hit, injured by Palestinian bikers in West Bank
[IsraelTimes] Officers in light-to-moderate condition after riders try to ram through a temporary roadblock north of Jenin.

Two Border Police officers were maimed early Tuesday evening in the northern West Bank, when several cycle of violences attempted to ram through a temporary roadblock set up by security forces.

A female officer was said to be in light-to-moderate condition, while a male officer suffered light injuries. They were treated by Magen David Adom medics and helicopters were dispatched to take them to hospital.

The temporary roadblock had been set up north of the town of Jenin, and just south of the Gilboa Crossing between the northern West Bank and Israel.

A police spokesperson said officers had flagged down four cycle of violences as they approached the roadblock. The four then attempted to swerve to bypass the checkpoint, with three succeeding and one -- carrying two riders -- hitting the officers.

The two riders were also hurt in the crash. A police spokeswoman said the two, also in their twenties, were apparently in moderate-to-serious condition. They were being taken to a hospital in the nearby Israeli town of Afula.

On Friday security forces shot and maimed a Paleostinian woman at the Qalandiya checkpoint in the West Bank as she tried to carry out a stabbing attack, police said.

IDF arrests 34 Palestinians in overnight West Bank raids

[IsraelTimes] Weapons, ammunition and cash uncovered in refugee camps; Hamas, always the voice of sweet reason, activists detained.

Israel’s security forces placed in durance vile
Drop the heater, Studs, or you're hist'try!
34 Paleostinian terror suspects early Tuesday, including 12 people described by the IDF as Hamas activists.

The joint operation between Israel Defense Forces, Shin Bet Security Agency and Border Police uncovered weapons, ammunition and large sums of money.

According to Paleostinian media reports, 10 people were arrested in the West Bank refugee camp of Balata in Nablus, nine in Beit Fajjar south of Bethlehem, five in Ramallah, four in Qalqilya, one in Jenin, north of Nablus, and five near Hebron.

An M-16-style gun and ammunition were uncovered in Balata. In Qalqilya thousands of shekels were discovered, which police suspect were intended to be used for terror activities.

In addition to the 12 suspected Hamas activists, the other 24 people arrested are suspected of involvement with terror activities, rioting and violence.
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/04/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Syria rebel forces continue to gain more yardage near Raqqa
[ARA News] Raqqa – The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on Wednesday made new gains in the fight for Raqqa, pushing further to the Islamic State’s (ISIS) de facto capital.

Backed by US-led coalition’s airstrikes, SDF troops were able to expel ISIS from four villages and some seven farms in the western countryside of Raqqa.

“Subsequent to clashes with ISIS militants, our forces today secured the villages of Erbo, Dehlan, Arir and Henhud, beside seven surrounding farms, west of Raqqa,” an SDF spokesman told ARA News.

The official stressed the role of the coalition’s air cover in facilitating their progress on the ground.

At least 22 ISIS fighters were killed in the clashes, whereas the SDF confirmed the death of six of their soldiers and the injury and several others.

“Today’s progress was a step further in the fight for Raqqa, in the battle to destroy the ISIS’ alleged caliphate,” the SDF spokesman said.

On Sunday, the SDF reported the liberation of 110 villages in the western countryside of Raqqa Governorate since the launch of the second phase of the battle for Raqqa last month.

“Our forces have so far liberated 110 villages in western Raqqa since the launch of the second phase of Euphrates Wrath Operation on December 10,” the SDF leadership said in a statement.

The US-backed forces also reported the death of 277 ISIS jihadists in three weeks of military operations.

“We have also taken 13 ISIS terrorists as captives during the recent clashes,” an SDF officer told ARA News, adding that one ISIS fighter surrendered to the SDF along with his family after deserting the Islamic State in Raqqa.

Supported by an air cover from the US-led coalition, the SDF has so far captured more than 1500 km² in western Raqqa within the second phase of the Euphrates Wrath Operation, that started on December 10. During the first phase of Euphrates Wrath, that was launched on November 6, the SDF captured roughly 560 km² of land in northern Raqqa.

The SDF launched the second phase of the Euphrates Wrath Operation with the objective of securing Raqqa’s western countryside and Tabqa Dam, which bridges the Euphrates River. The long-term objective of Euphrates Wrath is the elimination of the Islamic State in its de facto capital, Raqqa city.
Posted by: badanov || 01/04/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

YPG-led forces take 3 villages from ISIS near Raqqa
[EN.ZAMANALWSL.NET] Kurdish-led Syria Democratic Forces on Tuesday pressed new advances in the northern countryside of Raqqa city, taking three villages from ISIS after fierce fighting, the U.S. backed group said.

The coalition of Kurdish and Arab fighters took villages of al-Dahlan, Arir and Hanhood north and west of al-Raqqa city, the de facto capital of the myrmidon group's self-declared caliphate.

The new advance will push SDF further to encircle Raqqa city as the northern and western countryside is almost taken from ISIS.

The YPG-led forces have been on the offensive in Raqqa province since early November, advancing with the aid of U.S.-led Arclight airstrikes. The operation is aimed at encircling and eventually retaking Raqqa.

The city is home to nearly 200,000 mostly Sunni Arabs and an estimated 5,000 ISIS fighters.

SDF fighters, with the support of U.S., French and British special forces, have driven ISIS from dozens of villages and farms in recent days and are now about 5 kilometers (3 miles) from the Euphrates dam.

The capture of the dam, which controls the flow of water to parts of Syria and neighboring Iraq, would deal a major blow to the myrmidon group, which has held the facility for more than two years. Behind the dam lies Lake Assad, which at 640 square kilometers (247 square miles), is Syria's largest reservoir.
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Syrian capital goes thirsty as offensive causes water crisis
Have we mentioned that war is hell? Thank goodness they are going thirsty in winter, instead of the blazing Syrian summer.
[EN.ZAMANALWSL.NET] Residents of Damascus are scrambling for clean water after the government attacked rebels holding the city's main source in a nearby valley, leading to an accidental outage that has stretched on for nearly two weeks.

The cut-off is a major challenge to the government's effort throughout the nearly 6-year-old civil war to keep the capital as insulated as possible from the effects of the conflict tearing apart much of the country.

"I have stopped cleaning the house, washing dishes or clothes. We no longer take showers," said Mona Maqssoud, a 50-year-old resident of Damascus. She said residents have relied on water tankers that come by occasionally and give 20 liters (5 gallons) of water to each house, but that hasn't been enough.

"We begged the drivers (to return) to our neighborhood, but they refused."

The cut-off, since Dec. 22, is the longest Damascus has seen, say residents, who are accustomed to intermittent outages.

The opposition has long controlled Wadi Barada, the valley northwest of Damascus through which the river of the same name flows to the capital. The Barada River and its source, the Ain al-Fijeh spring, supply 70 percent of the water for Damascus and its environs.

The government and the opposition had previously had an understanding to keep water services running. But that modus vivendi ended when forces of Hereditary President-for-Life Bashir Pencilneck al-Assad
Light of the Alawites...
and his allies Hezbollah attacked the valley, home to some 100,000 people.

The two sides blame each other for the cut-off.

An activist-run media collective in the Barada Valley said government and Russian aircraft had bombed the Ain el-Fijeh water processing facility, puncturing its fuel depots and contaminating the water stream. The collective said the plant's electrical control systems had been destroyed as well. Images showed the roof of the facility collapsed into its main water basin. An activist with the group, Abu Mohammed al-Bardawi, said it would take at least two months to get the facilities working again.

Damascus officials said they were forced to shut off the water after opposition forces poured gasoline into the river. The government denied attacking the water processing facility, saying it would not set out to harm its own population. Still, it would not be the first time it strikes its own facilities: government strikes hit pumping stations in the northern city of Aleppo in April, September, and November.
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

Turkish Military Says 18 ISIL Militants Killed in Clashes in Syria
[ENGLISH.ALMANAR.LB] The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the only place on the face of the earth that misses the Ottoman Empire....
’s military said on Tuesday that 18 of ISIS bully boyz had been killed and 37 maimed in festivities and artillery fire on Monday.

In a round-up of its operations over the past 24 hours, the army said its warplanes destroyed four ISIS targets and Russian aircraft hit forces of Evil in Dayr Kak, 8 km (5 miles) southwest of the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
-controlled town of al-Bab.
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Nusra Front Terrorist Leaders among 25 Dead in Syria Air Strike
[ENGLISH.ALMANAR.LB] An air strike in Syria on Tuesday killed at least 25 members of Nusra Front including senior figures, a monitor said. Unidentified aircraft "hit a major base of Fateh al-Sham
...formerly al-Nusra, the current false nose and mustache of al-Qaeda in the Levant...
near to the town of Sarmada" in the northwestern province of Idlib, the UK-based Syrian opposing Observatory told AFP.
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: al-Nusra

Terror Networks
FBI Program Results in Arrest, Execution of Islamic State Computer Experts
[NYT - Obama regime pat on the back piece] An FBI program is making it possible for U.S. military drones to apprehend and kill computer specialists, including social media experts, hackers, recruiters, and propagandists working for the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL).

As a result of the FBI joining forces with the U.S. military, the U.S. government has killed nearly a dozen Islamic State-linked computer experts and apprehended nearly 100, reports The New York Times (NYT), citing former and current U.S. officials.

In explaining how the FBI program works, the Times reports that the agency uses its ability to sift through the information of thousands of ISIS sympathizers on social media and pinpoint individuals who have been inspired to carry out terrorist attacks.
The FBI does that? Not NSA?
The agency then shares its findings with the U.S. military, a move that has reportedly resulted in the death and apprehension of many jihadists.
'Shares with' whom? Military liaison at FBI Main used to consist of one of old duffer. Perhaps the section has expanded. I suspect this effort takes another routing.
In the last two years, the FBI effort has yielded the arrests of an estimated 100 people affiliated with an ISIS cell of computer specialists, identified as "the Legion."

U.S. and allied forces have also killed nearly a dozen of the most important members of the Legion, including its leader, influential ISIS hacker and recruiter Junaid Hussain.
...also cleverly known as "Abu Hussain", the young former Birmingham, Englander was briefly the proud husband of middle aged, former punk rocker Sally Jones. He was killed at age 21 by a drone in Raqqa in August 2015.
NYT describes members of the cell as "English-speaking computer specialists who had given a far-reaching megaphone to Islamic State propaganda and exhorted online followers to carry out attacks in the West."

Meanwhile, the newspaper identifies the program as a "secretive campaign that has largely silenced a powerful voice that led to a surge of counterterrorism activity across the United States in 2015 as young men and women came under the influence of its propaganda."

Despite the campaign’s successes in taking out and arresting ISIS social media experts one by one, the U.S. military, in addition to intelligence and law enforcement officials, conceded that ISIS still maintains a sophisticated social media arm capable of inspiring deadly attacks like those that took place in San Bernardino, CA, and in Orlando, FL.

The ISIS social media arm "remains a potent foe suspected of maintaining clandestine cells in Europe," reports NYT.

Nevertheless, U.S. officials "point to the coordinated effort against the Legion as evidence of the success the United States has had in reducing the Islamic State’s ability to direct, enable or inspire attacks against the West."

The threat posed by the Legion had been initially considered a problem for law enforcement, rather than the military.
Gently worded, but standard Bureau 'rice bowl' thinking.
Posted by: Besoeker || 01/04/2017 08:14 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Sometimes the program works, sometimes the cows are milked a bit too long.
Posted by: Besoeker || 01/04/2017 8:22 Comments || Top||

#2  Well, there were those Chechen Tsarnaev brothers who slipped through the tightening FBI dragnet. The Feebs are working to remedy this.
Posted by: JohnQC || 01/04/2017 10:48 Comments || Top||

#3  Now perhaps they can get Customs and Immigration on board.
Posted by: Pappy || 01/04/2017 11:00 Comments || Top||

#4  the Times reports that the agency uses its ability to sift through the information of thousands of ISIS sympathizers on social media and pinpoint individuals who have been inspired to carry out terrorist attacks.

"Then we 'unfriend' them."
Posted by: Skidmark || 01/04/2017 14:43 Comments || Top||

#5  hmmm yes well the number of civilians killed within the US as a result of Islamist terror stands at close to 70. Can anyone take comfort in these numbers?
Posted by: Rex Mundi || 01/04/2017 20:04 Comments || Top||

#6  "Can anyone take comfort in these numbers?"

I'd say Leftists, Rex, but that's probably not true.

70's not nearly enough to satisfy them.
Posted by: Barbara || 01/04/2017 20:12 Comments || Top||

The Beatings Will Continue: Iraqi Edition

Residents escape western Mosul by any means

(Reuters) They wait for nightfall before attempting the perilous escape across bombed-out bridges and front lines between Islamic State militants and Iraqi forces.

Some cross the Tigris River by boat, after the U.S.-led coalition bombed the five bridges connecting the city’s two halves to restrict Islamic State movements. Others scale what remains of the bridges using a rope.

Most of the 116,000 civilians who have fled Mosul since Iraqi forces launched their campaign to recapture Islamic State’s biggest stronghold came from the eastern half of the city, where government troops have gradually gained ground.

But as the biggest battle in Iraq since 2003 enters its 12th week, a growing number of people are escaping from the besieged west bank of the Tigris, a half of the city that is still fully under the militants’ control.

“Only the lucky ones get out,” said Jamal, who crossed the river using a rope to climb over the remnants of one bridge and is now at a camp for civilians displaced from Mosul with his wife and three children.

“If they opened a route for a quarter of an hour, not a single person would remain on the western side.”

Although there is no fighting yet in the west, food is scarcer than ever since government-backed Shi’ite militias advanced through desert terrain southwest of Mosul in November, sealing Islamic State’s only access route to the city.

Civilians who fled the west in recent days said the militants had announced they would soon distribute food and break the siege in an attempt to placate their increasingly desperate subjects and convince them to stay.

In the run-up to the campaign, aid agencies were preparing for a mass exodus from Mosul. So far most of the city’s residents — numbering as many as 1.5 million — either have chosen to stay or have been unable to escape.

That has worked in Islamic State’s favor, slowing the progress of Iraqi forces seeking to avoid civilian casualties.

Twenty year old Abu Mohsen, whose was ferried across the Tigris by his friend, a fisherman, said when the operation began, most people in the west had planned to wait it out. But as advances slowed last month, their calculations were changing.

“When the operations stopped people said the army will not reach us. They said it will take a year or two,” he said.

Iraqi forces renewed their push to retake the city last week, making progress in several eastern districts.

Until recently, the militants punished anyone caught fleeing their self-styled caliphate with execution, but recent arrivals at the camp said the sheer volume of people trying to escape had forced them to lessen the penalty.

“They would have to execute the whole of Mosul, so they started to flog people and send them back home instead,” said 22 year old Abu Abd, who crossed the river three days ago when Islamic State militants were distracted.

Some of the bridges can still be crossed on foot, but Islamic State forbids passage to those they suspect of fleeing to the government side, especially those with women and children.

Most of the boats crossing the Tigris are controlled by Islamic State. Those who make it across the river must then find a way through the frontline between the militants and Iraqi forces, who are fighting street to street.

“When we saw the army it was as though we were dreaming. We couldn’t believe our own eyes,” said Abu Abdullah, who fled from the 17 Tomuz neighbourhood in the west.

The camp is safer, but brings a new kind of hardship. The displaced are not allowed out for security reasons and have no work. For some, it proves too much. Camp workers and displaced people said a displaced man had cut his own throat in a bathroom cubicle on Sunday.

ISIS imposes $600 toll to escape Hawija

Kirkuk (IraqiNews.com) Islamic State militants have begun to impose a US$600 dollar toll on civilians eager to leave the group-held towns south of Kirkuk, Kurdish-owned Rudaw agency reported, quoting military and civilian sources.

Hiwa Anwar, a colonel at the Kurdish army forces, Peshmerga, told the agency that hundreds of civilians escaping IS-controlled region on a daily basis have told the forces that no one was spared the payment.

Amira Hassan, one resident of the village of l-Ramla at the town of Hawija, an IS stronghold, said the group only tolerates those who pay upon their departure. “We are a seven-persons family, and we had paid US$4.200 so as to be able to get out,” said Hassan, who added they had to trudge through bumpy, mine-riddled roads on their way out from the province.

IS have been in control over the southern Kirkuk regions of Hawija, al-Zab and al-Riyadh since 2014, when the group emerged to proclaim the establishment of a so-called “Islamic Caliphate” at various Iraqi cities.

IS’s hardline, bloody governance, coupled with minimal subsistence and ongoing battles between the group and Iraqi government forces, have forced hundreds of thousands to flee regions occupied by the group to refugee camps, with the numbers of refugees standing at at least 150.000, according to a latest count by the government.
Posted by: badanov || 01/04/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

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Two weeks of WOT
Wed 2017-01-04
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Tue 2017-01-03
  U.S.-led airstrikes kill 4 Fateh al-Sham commanders in Idlib
Mon 2017-01-02
  Islamic State Claims Istanbul Nightclub Terrorist Attack
Sun 2017-01-01
  Top wanted Boko Haram commander arrested at Borno LG Chairman’s house
Sat 2016-12-31
  BREAKING: 'Many injured' in Istanbul nightclub attack
Fri 2016-12-30
  Drone Strike Kills Local Qaida Chief in Yemen
Thu 2016-12-29
  Jordan sentences 5 Islamic State members to death
Wed 2016-12-28
  Yemeni (Saleh) army commander defects
Tue 2016-12-27
  Top Taliban leader leading Kunduz battle killed in Ghazni ambush
Mon 2016-12-26
  Phoenix cops arrest alleged ‘jihadist’ plotting midnight Mass attack: ‘Get down with this ISIS s-t’
Sun 2016-12-25
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Fri 2016-12-23
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Thu 2016-12-22
  ISIS issues order for arrest of its missing finance minister
Wed 2016-12-21
  Syrian Army enters east Aleppo neighborhoods for first time in 4 years

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