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-War on Police-
Illegal alien who gunned down two NYPD officers says kiIIing cops is his culture.
[Twitter with video]

… in the past year and police trace it back to the influx of illegals flooding New York City.

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Tren de Aragua: 2024-06-27 Illegal immigrant who allegedly shot 2 NYPD officers at 'point-blank range' indicted on 20 charges
Tren de Aragua: 2024-05-16 Cop-attacking migrants get off easy because Bragg, Biden and Dems support lawlessness
Tren de Aragua: 2024-04-03 Here's how homeowners can fight against squatter insanity
Posted by:3dc

#3  It may be in your culture Mr. Mata, but in our culture we execute cop killers.*

* offer not valid in New York.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2024-06-28 07:48  

#2  In his culture the other cops would come and kill his entire family.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-28 06:58  

#1  Well then. He should be released as a sign of respect for his culture. I mean,all cultures are equal.
Posted by: Rambler in Virginia   2024-06-28 06:37  
