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-Lurid Crime Tales-
Illegal migrant suffocated Syracuse woman, 21, he'd known since childhood on her birthday

[NYPOST] A migrant from Ecuador who entered the US illegally is accused of suffocating a 21-year-old Syracuse woman on her birthday and then burying her body in a shallow grave in an upstate New York park, authorities said.

Jhon Moises Chacaguasay-Ilbis, 21, is charged with killing Joselyn Jhoana Toaquiza, a fellow Ecuadorian, after arranging to meet the victim for her birthday at his Airbnb in Syracuse on June 18, the Post-Standard reported.The pair, who are believed to have attended elementary school together in Ecuador, were captured on surveillance cameras entering the rental property just before 4:30 pm., cops said.

Just hours later, Chacaguasay-Ilbis allegedly re-emerged with a limp Toaquiza draped across his back — with her arms and legs wrapped around him — before carrying her body to a park opposite the Airbnb.

He allegedly buried her in the shallow grave and then hightailed it on a Greyhound bus back to his residence in Rockland County’s Spring Valley, according to cops.

Toaquiza’s remains weren’t discovered until Saturday after her family reported her missing.

The accused killer was slapped with second-degree murder and concealment of a human corpse charges after eventually turning himself in to cops late Tuesday.

He was arraigned Thursday in Syracuse City Court, where he claimed, via a Spanish interpreter, that he had zero recollection of the alleged slaying because he was too drunk.

Chacaguasay-Ilbis was picked up by US Border Patrol agents in January 2023 after illegally crossing the border in El Paso, Texas, a Homeland Security source told The Post.

Because there wasn’t enough space to hold him, he was released into the US with a tracking device.

The victim’s relatives said she had immigrated to the US last year. It wasn’t immediately clear, though, what the young woman’s immigration status was.
Posted by:Fred
