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Caribbean-Latin America
Arizona Teen and Mother Kidnapped in Cartel-Controlled Area of Mexico
[Breitbart] The Federal Bureau of Investigation is asking for help in locating an Arizona teenage female and her mother who are believed to have been kidnapped while traveling in northern Mexico. The kidnapping is believed to have occurred along a stretch of highway where the Cartel Del Noreste faction of Los Zetas has abducted dozens of innocent victims who have never been heard from again.

U.S. authorities are working with their Mexican counterparts to locate 17-year-old Jessica Garcia Rojo and her mother 56-year-old Juana Marcela Rojo who went missing shortly after crossing from Laredo, Texas into Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, information provided to Breitbart Texas by the FBI revealed. Garcia Rojo was born in Phoenix, Arizona. She and her mother have family ties to Nuevo Laredo and Monterrey.

The women are believed to have been traveling to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, in a white Dodge Caravan with New Mexico license plates, when they went missing shortly before 9 p.m. on May 15. Relatives reported them missing on May 28.
Two weeks later? At that point, why bother.
As Breitbart Texas reported, the Cartel Del Noreste faction of Los Zetas controls the area between Nuevo Laredo and Monterrey. That hyperviolent criminal organization has been responsible for hundreds of forced disappearances in recent years. In addition to the kidnappings, the CDN-Los Zetas routinely set up highway checkpoints where they extort travelers and kidnap those who are unable to pay.

The ongoing violence and number of kidnappings led officials to call the highway connecting Monterrey and Nuevo Laredo the “Highway of Death.” In 2023, Mexican Senator, a state congressman, Waldo Fernandez called for government officials to put aside political differences and work to ensure public safety in the region, Breitbart Texas reported.

Despite Fernandez’s efforts, Mexican authorities have done little to stop the reign of terror that the CDN-Los Zetas and other cartels have spread through northern Mexico.
Cartel Del Noreste: 2023-11-11 Mexican Government Does Nothing as Gulf Cartel Sets Fire to Border Town
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Posted by:Skidmark

#8  expecting mordida

What is the point of being in a position of power or holding political office if you can't get your beak wet?
Posted by: SteveS   2024-06-28 20:15  

#7  We used to do Baja/San Felipe trips twice a year. Loved it and good times. When the Army started up checkpoints (on the way down) looking for documents on quads and trailers and searching vehicles - expecting mordida - we quit.
Posted by: Frank G   2024-06-28 17:52  

#6  Awe we lost one anchor baby/dreammer. Don't worry we have millions more.
Posted by: Regular+joe   2024-06-28 16:06  

#5  Remember Rambo Last Blood being panned because of an unrealistic depiction of violence and kidnapping in Northern Mexico?
Posted by: swksvolFF   2024-06-28 12:47  

#4  Guerrero: "Come for the crime. Kidnapping coming 2H2024."
Posted by: M. Murcek   2024-06-28 11:08  

#3  Thanks, Skid. Here's a relevant snip from that page:
Do Not Travel To:

Colima state due to crime and kidnapping.
Guerrero state due to crime.
Michoacan state due to crime and kidnapping.
Sinaloa state due to crime and kidnapping
Tamaulipas state due to crime and kidnapping.
Zacatecas state due to crime and kidnapping.

Must be something in the wording of "do not travel" that people don't understand.
Posted by: Gromble+Dribble4342   2024-06-28 11:04  

#2  U.S. State Department Travel Advisories

Serving others in their need.
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-28 10:38  

The ongoing violence and number of kidnappings led officials to call the highway connecting Monterrey and Nuevo Laredo the “Highway of Death.”

I thought of looking up pre-existing pronouncements from the US State Dept advising US citizens to stay the hell out of that area, but I'll leave that to someone else.
Posted by: Gromble+Dribble4342   2024-06-28 10:00  
