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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
The number of victims of terrorist attacks in Dagestan has reached 22
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[KavkazUzel] Derbent resident Saidulla Badaev, wounded during a militant attack on a local synagogue, has died, sources reported today. The total number of victims of the attack increased to 22.

As reported by the "Caucasian Knot", on June 23, on the Day of the Holy Trinity, which is one of the main Christian holidays, militants attacked synagogues and an Orthodox church in Derbent and Makhachkala. As a result of the attacks, 21 people died and 46 were injured. On June 26, doctors called the condition of six people injured in the militant attack serious.

During the attack on the synagogue, militants wounded local resident Saidulla Badaev, who lived in the Karyer microdistrict, Dagestan Online reported today.

Badaev died from his wound; he was 66 years old, the Mash Gor telegram channel reported today.

This brings the number of victims of terrorist attacks in Dagestan to 22.

Let us remind you that the attacks by militants in Derbent and Makhachkala were  the first armed incidents  in Dagestan in more than a year. The attack by militants on churches and synagogues interrupted a 13-month calm in the republic. At the same time, a number of incidents involving attacks on religious figures and places of worship occurred earlier in Dagestan.

Veterans of the special services interviewed by the "Caucasian Knot" said that the attacks by militants in Dagestan  were a failure of the security forces, who did not pay due attention to preventive work. On June 23, the American Institute for the Study of War stated that  the  Vilayat Caucasus cell, a division of the Islamic State, was behind the attacks.
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Posted by:badanov
